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ALL MERCHANDISE ADVERTISED IN THE THE WEATHER IS GUARANTEED Fair to-day; unsettled tn-morro«*, fflBUNE probably rain; not much ehange in température; southerly winds ====Jj^to Last~the Tri*th: News.Editorials.Advertisements Full K^[>ort «n I'm;' 11. LXXX No. 27,000 (Oopjrrtfht, 10Î0, fot W*w Tot* Tribune Inc.) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1920-80 ^ÄgES-PARI1 1 AND * * * Ï?TVT? ÍTVTW In Mnnhaftan. Ifc-oofclyn TF,\ CENTS SPOUTS ri'iJ VaEJ-L! I >~ and The Bronx Is 300 Russians Killed Harvard Or Hurt in Collision Idle Mines Cost Six New LloydGeorge Months' Coal Profits Evidence Over TOKIO, Oct. 23..Special dis- ;U. S. Victor patches from Harbin, Manchuria, Calls Miners From The, Tribune's European Bureau Copyright, 1920. New York Tribuns Inc. ProsperityDepends yesterday reported three hundred Oct. Spurslnquiry LONDON, 23..The cost casualties m 31-14 killed"%nd injured in Into to Great Britain of this week's Centre, a collision of trains on Parley the Chinese */ idleness in the mines Into _ is almost as on Eastern near the Harbin, Cox Railway, great as the for six Building Ken¬ j profits months See Lighter The victims, the were 40,000 reports add, BrighterOutlook forCom- from the increase in the price of League, Says; Smash Russians. To Be Resumed tucky Eleven De¬ promise Discerned as coal to the consumers. The Hearings and miners have lost in wages a sum Instead of fense of Opponents VLADIVOSTOK, Oct. 22.. Result of Conference Thursday, five times as largo as the in¬ Nov. to to Score Karly in Ganie Messages received here reporting crease 4, Investigate Scheduled for To-day they would receive for a the train wreck on the Chines« week, under the scale which Charges of Extortion Willing Compromise they Attack Eastern Railway near Harbin are demanding. - Crimson's the number of killed at one Strike Tells Crowd of 13,000 at place Sympathetic Should the strike end imme¬ Labor Delegate Cox Declares Tide Is Comes Back Strong hundred. Action Is diately it would be another week Madison Square Garden Postponed before the mines could be put into Accuses Leaders Turning Toward Him That He full operation again. Whatever Would Accept Poor Judgment Slain Woman Threat of Union Control the developments of the next few Win Illinois Reservation* penalties. Smith Asked to Extend At the conclusion of his strenu¬ Helpful days are this strike will and Waning by Radicals Most Omi¬ prove ous day of campaigning in this Strength the costliest that England has Almirall Jury Power ; Beat Southerners Is Identified nous Note in the Crisis had in city late last night Governor Cox Asserts He Would Help eight years and it will be School Jobs Involved 300,000 said: many months before By the country "It's been a great I've Consult Senator By Grantland Rice Bv Husband By Arthur S. Draper can recover the losses it has suf¬ in the Lockwood fight. Oct. From The Tribune's Developments joint the enjoyed it. It's been a hard CAMBRIDGE, Mass., 23..In the European Rur'au fered. legislative committee's investigation of Democrats, Admitting fight. of -'' ¦':" football fans, Har-. (Copyright, 1020, New york Tribuno Inc.) That will make more to .jence the alleged building material trust came Senator Has Are victory Promises Demand kf/ eleven conquered Cen- Staten Island Murder Vic-) LONDON, Oct. 23,-Loaders of the State, sweet. I want to be frank and «rd's powerful Miners' so rapidly yesterday that the next ses¬ tion of Ky., this af- tim Was Mrs. Federation have accepted an in¬ to Name J. H. tell that I to be After Election' College, Danville, Jennie vitation from Premier sion of the committee has been pushed Fighting you expect elected. by a score of 31 to 14. Lloyd George to Slain The lines of the Senatorial oli¬ Mandate on Iftnoon, Kussel, of Jersey City, meet representatives of the government forward from November 4 to next Lewis for Governor Ratification Almost submerged by the massed Ex-Major are ______. Mother of 2 to-morrow morning in a conference to Thursday. garchy crumbling. of New England, 400 Ken- Children This action was taken in the of Before the humanity seek a basis for settlement light By Carter Field "You will recall that the fa- greatest audience b? tvekiaos» grouped in one pitifully small of the Gave new evidence end startling disclosures strike. Desperate made to SamueKA. Berger, Assistant CHICAGO, Oct. 23..Illinois, whose 'rious Hindenburg line collapsed thousands which he has faced dur- ¿aster, at least enjoyed the drama Week Disappeared Ago This first renewal of Attorney General^ by many witnesses electoral vote in 1892 put Grover Cleve¬ in October. October is a ing his strenuous campaign, Gov- tbs thrill of seeing their lighter negotiations whom he had in his pro¬ ind since moro than miners secretly grilled land back in the White is so ob¬ month for ernor James M. Cox, delivered his Eicbine come from behind at the start, 1,000,000 walked Battle for Life office at 51 Chambers Street all during House, pitious the Democrats. Often Left Asserts out last Sunday has the the viously and I some message on the of Nations ico» two touchdowns against Har- Home, brightened day. One of these witnesses ¡3 overwhelmingly Republican told of my Republican League outlook, for the Premier's known to be a of the this year that in a over the at vsrd's heavy defense and thereby take Man, Who Twice Asked invitation is Skinned Knuckles walking delegate trip state, friends that it was dangerous to Madison Square Garden last accepted as indicating his Show Building Trades Council, headed by all the way from "Egypt" to Chi¬ t're lead until the closing moment of Police to Find Her willingness Robert P. Brindcll. His admissions up have a Presidential candidate win night. Help to compromise, where before the gov¬ F. M. Scanland, with cago, I did not meet a single Democrat -.. second quarter. But as the third Youngs- respect to extortion operations of in September. Now the tide has In different speeches in his swing ernment had stood firm against the N. certain labor leaders are declared who hoped to have the twenty-nine under way a combination The woman town, Y., Assail¬ by the East he had teriod got young who was found miners' demands. Fought Mr. Berger to be so important that the electoral votes of the state in the Cox turned. The turn began two through discusseû t.i Harvard's power. Centre's bad gen¬ to a the various of strangled death in deep thicket The railwaymen, when informed that ants; Body Was Battered committee thought it best not to delay. and Roosevelt column. weeks ago, I am confident, and phases the league, a" eralship and an unending scries of in the woods at West Brighton, S. On tho heels of this announcement has he interpreted its the miners and the government were came the details of the Harding's majority in Illinois may gathered strength ever since. significance and aga;nst the Kentuckians sent was last as letter sent to penalties I.,, Friday, identified night arranging for peace negotiations, im¬ Hidden in Governor Smith Chairman Lock- reach 300,000, and will almost certainly This is October, ahd we will win necessity. In hi:j speech last night ( ri ms on safely through this hard¬ Mrs. Jennie Virginia Woods by Kussel, twenty-four years mediately decided to postpone in¬ wood requesting the appointment of be in excess of 200,000. I met one Re¬ in November." he combined them all, putting forth est test they have known this year old, of 439 York Street, Jersey City. definitely their sympathetic strike, Attorney General Charles B. Newton publican, Len Small, nominee for Gov¬ his best effort, though handicapped md one of the most spectacular bat- The identification was Believed Slain in as special prosecutor to conduct made by the which was to tic up every railroad in Washing¬ any ernor, who said there would be 1,800,- by a huskiness of its ever fought in the Stadium. criminal proceedings arising out of the voice, caused by woman's husband, Michael Kussel, who the country to-morrow night. The ton; Police He Was Senator 000 votes cast, of which would :hè That first half was one of the dra- Say inquiry. Lockvvood asks the Harding strain of the lar,t few days. accompanied Captain Van Wagner, c^' transport workers, who also had Killed Governor to enlarge the powers of the get 1,200,000. He said this to illustrate France Seeks More natic spots in football history. Here the Staten Island Detective Three Days Ago Almirall than in any other campaign Bureau, to planned a strike to aid the miners, are extraordinary grand jury so his own confidence of election, since it W83 a little college, v^ith less than 300 the at West where as to include within its jurisdiction speech, the Democratic candidate morgue Brighton, expected to delay action pending the From Th> Tribune's Wa.thtitaton Bureau the present He is generally admitted that no state can¬ itadents, advancing from an obscure the body had lain all day. outcome of investigation. says Protection in emphasized the business and eco- the negotiations. WASHINGTON, Oct. 23..Washing¬ that the selection of an entirely new didate will run up anywhere near Har¬ Kentucky town to fñco the best Crim¬ a .lomical considerations of the Kussel, who ¡s truck driver, says The conferences looking toward a ton police were with the panel would entail a loss of valuable ding.