Sharing the Journey

Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation 2017-2018 Annual Report 1 Foundation Leadership

Board of Trustees Bob Clark Staff Clary Powell Pickering Pat Shore Clark Outreach Coordinator Alfred Adams, Chair Carolyn Ward, Ph.D. Heather Cotton Adam Roades Jack Betts, Vice Chair JoAnn Davis Chief Executive Officer Craig Lancaster, Treasurer Program Manager, Kids in Parks Dan Donahue Willa Mays Rebecca Reeve, Secretary Jaime Roscoe Harvey Durham Chief Development Officer Paul Bonesteel Rich Embrey Foundation & Corporate Peter Givens Joe Epley Brandon Altemose Relations Officer Billie Brandon Howell Program Assistant, Kids in Parks Broaddus Fitzpatrick Allison Royal Jim McDowell Brian Gulden Jordan Calaway Graphic Design & Outreach John Mitchell Chuck Higgins Donor Services Coordinator Coordinator, Kids in Parks Jim Newlin Sean Higgins Ashley Edwards Jason Urroz Jerry Starnes Michael Hobbs Finance Director Program Director, Kids in Parks Cynthia Tessien David Holt Brad Wilson Raymond Hornak Richard Emmett Program Director, Jennifer Zuckerman Olson Huff Blue Ridge Parkway Blue Ridge Music Center Cecil Jackson Foundation offices Board of Advisors George Kegley Mandy Gee 717 S. Marshall St., Suite 105B, Becky Anderson Bob Lassiter Annual Giving Officer Winston Salem, NC 27101 Jim Barber Phil Noblitt Marianne Kovatch Anne Barnes Bob Shepherd Associate Director, 322 Gashes Creek Road Lou Bissette Gary Stewart Blue Ridge Music Center Asheville, NC 28803 Philip Blumenthal Kent Tarbutton Rita Larkin Greg Brown Anne Whisnant (866) 308-2773 Communications Director Hobie Cawood Richard “Stick” Williams

2 Cover photo: Sam Knob Trail, milepost 420 The Spirit of Collaboration A Strong Community

he Blue Ridge Parkway is many things to ach year brings diverse challenges and fresh many people. It’s a portal to the cultural opportunities to the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Theritage and living traditions of the southern Emost visited national park unit. And each Appalachian mountain region, it’s a place to year, you rise to the challenges and embrace the discover thousands of native plant and animal opportunities to make it a better place for us species, it’s a beautifully today, and for those who will designed scenic drive along discover its wonders in the ridges and valleys, and it’s a future. gateway to many communities As you flip through these across its 469-mile route. pages that chronicle another The careful stewardship and successful year, you may protection of these resources, be hundreds of miles away and the experiences this from the Parkway, or you park offers, is a dynamic and might be able to see it from complex operation. The Blue your window. But it is not Ridge Parkway Foundation’s geography that defines our 20-year legacy of support has community. Our mutual love become an integral part of Blue Ridge Parkway Superintendent J.D. Lee with of the Parkway creates what Foundation CEO Carolyn Ward the work required to care for we have always called our and protect the Blue Ridge Community of Stewards, those Parkway. who have the best interests of the Parkway at heart. Over the past year, my first on the Blue Ridge Within this report, you’ll see some of the faces Parkway, I have seen the passion and dedication of of our community, including one inspiring girl the Foundation’s Community of Stewards on many who is advancing environmental preservation occasions. Thank you for being a community that efforts thanks to a jump start from the Kids in Parks cares so deeply for the Parkway. program. We’ve also highlighted Willard Gayheart, This annual report outlines many of the ways who has entertained visitors with music and tales you have cooperated with and supported the at the Blue Ridge Music Center for 12 years. You’ll National Park Service mission in 2017-2018. This meet the historian who is bringing stories of the work is meeting many current Parkway needs and Cone family to life through her research for new protecting resources for future generations. exhibits at Moses H. Cone Memorial Park. The National Park Service has just entered its Though your picture may not be on these pages, second century of service, and I am confident you’re behind every accomplishment too. Whether that, with your support and a growing community you have entrusted us with a financial donation, of stewards committed to innovation and volunteered for a hands-on project, celebrated collaboration, the park we all love has a very bright at fundraising events, or purchased a Blue Ridge future ahead. Parkway license plate, we thank you for being a steadfast steward of the Parkway. - J.D. Lee, Superintendent of the Blue Ridge Parkway - Carolyn Ward, Chief Executive Officer

Our Mission The Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation is the primary fundraising partner for the Parkway, providing support for initiatives along the 469-mile route, including natural resource protection, historical and cultural preservation, visitor amenities, and education and outreach. 3 Protecting Natural Resources

he Blue Ridge Parkway’s uninterrupted nature Tcorridor helps protect a diverse range of flora and fauna, including rare and endangered plant and animal species and globally imperiled natural habitats. It is one of the most DAMERON VICKI BY PHOTOGRAPH biodiverse landscapes in the national park system. Together we are taking steps, large and small, to protect the Parkway’s unique natural treasures.

Stopping Poachers Waterrock Knob Vision Plan The best way to put an end to National Park Service staff, nonprofits, poaching is to catch the culprits and neighbors came together to create before they leave with rare the Waterrock Knob Regional Vision specimens from Blue Ridge Plan, which will help guide the future Parkway land. Thanks to you and of 5,329 acres near milepost 451 that The Community Foundation are slated to become part of the Blue x of Western North Carolina, law la Ridge Parkway. The plan identifies key Ga enforcement rangers now have themes for how to address challenges new tools to watch over vulnerable populations such as galax and evaluate opportunities with and ginseng. This new network of “force multipliers” captures conservation as the highest priority for images of activity at sensitive sites and alerts rangers in this pristine landscape. The plan was real time that the plants are under threat, allowing them to created with support from the Pigeon respond quickly. “At the end of the day, preventing the loss is River Fund and Blue Ridge National the real win for the project,” says Chief Ranger Neal Labrie. Heritage Area.

4 Wildlife Cameras Through your generosity, the Blue Ridge Parkway purchased 24 motion-activated cameras for the ongoing Parkway Wild project, which allows park scientists to monitor wildlife in remote locations. Among the citizen scientists placing and monitoring cameras this year are students completing service learning projects at Springhouse Community School in Floyd, Virginia. Parkway staff worked with instructors during the summer to integrate the trail camera project into the school’s curriculum. As a result, the students are learning about ecology, cartography, navigation, and orienteering by setting out and monitoring a trail camera along the Parkway. A white-tailed fawn photographed with a remote camera

Rare Sight: Among one of the most exciting finds to date is an elusive eastern spotted skunk (Spilogale putorius). About the size of a large squirrel, spotted skunks are believed to be declining throughout their ranging area. They live primarily in Western North Carolina and Virginia, however their secretive nature makes them extremely hard to detect. This photo was captured near Pine Spur Overlook in Virginia and is believed to be a new find for this species in Franklin County.

Counting camera remote species seen the impact 30 volunteers 85 sites 35 since 2009 5 Preserving History & Culture

he Blue Ridge Parkway is a journey through time that connects us to Tmeaningful stories of people, places, and traditions that still influence and excite people. Efforts to preserve these touchstones take many forms, from saving historic structures to digging in archives to DUNCAN MIKE BY PHOTOGRAPHS paint a sharper picture of the past. Our goal is to keep these cultural ties strong so that our past remains part of who we are today.

Blue Ridge Music Center This year, thousands of music lovers came to clap along to performances by local and national acts, learn flatfoot dancing, explore the Roots of American Music Museum, and even jam during the Midday Mountain Music sessions at the Blue Ridge Music Center, milepost 213. Your support for programming is fulfilling the Music Center’s mission to preserve Nicky Sanders of the the cultural heritage of the mountains and serve as a Steep Canyon Rangers gateway to the area’s rich musical offerings.

Counting concerts midday attendees concerts, events the impact 47 & events 168 programs 41k & Midday Mtn. Music

6 Creating a map to Cone history In most families, mementos and heirlooms are handed down through the generations. But in the case of the prominent Cone family, many of the treasured and everyday items of their lives can be found in far- flung museum

r collections and e et secure archives. re St Carrie Thanks to your Holding History: support, intern Carrie Streeter is Moses and Bertha Cone’s travel trunks creating a treasure map to these are stored in the Parkway’s archives. pieces of history. The Interpretive Resources for Moses H. Cone Memorial Park is a much-needed from the Blowing Rock Historical occasions was the opportunity to guide for telling the family’s story Society to the Museum of Jewish enjoy a meal and reminisce with and creating enhanced exhibits Civilization in Connecticut Bertha Cone’s grandnieces, who at Flat Top Manor and across the and many other archives. The summered at the estate. They sat at grounds. process has involved combing a dining table from Flat Top Manor “It’s a great privilege to get to through documents, transcribing set with Bertha’s monogrammed spend time learning about this correspondences, and even using linens and fine silver. “I really family and the vast network they to locate census treasure those moments,” she says. represent,” says Streeter, who is a records. “It’s easy to get lost in the The Foundation is closing in on a Ph.D. candidate at the University details of the research and the three-year goal to raise more than of California San Diego and paper of it all,” Streeter says. $3 million to address crucial repairs earned her master’s degree at But there are also instances when at Moses H. Cone Memorial Park. To Appalachian State University. she is reminded of the real people learn more, visit The research has taken her and the lives they led. One of those remakehistory

Humpback Rocks Farm The historic log buildings at Humpback Rocks Farm, milepost 6, in Virginia will stand to tell the tales of early mountaineers thanks to your support for repairs. National Park Service staff and volunteers received instruction from the Historic Preservation Training Center to replace rotted wood and restack stones to fix the circa-1890s structures. 7 Enhancing Visitor Experiences

ore than 16 million people from around the Mglobe traveled the Blue Ridge Parkway in 2017, making it the country’s most visited national park unit. They came for an unparalleled outdoor experience that allowed them to enjoy every aspect of the journey, from the magnificent overlooks to the basic necessities such as restrooms. Yet the Blue Ridge Parkway’s annual budget allows for just $1 per visitor to meet these expectations. That means we must invest in the facilities and amenities that ensure travelers return to the mountains and provide support for the economies in surrounding communities.

Sharp Top Shelter After a complete transformation, Sharp Top Shelter is a more enjoyable spot to wait out passing storms at the summit of its namesake peak. With your financial support, crews scrubbed away and painted over years of graffiti, reset windows, sills, and door frames, replaced the roof, and painted the clapboard siding on the building constructed in 1858 at Peaks of Otter, milepost 86, in Virginia.

8 Renew the Views The designers of the Blue Ridge Parkway created 216 overlooks to offer astonishing views of rippling mountain peaks and verdant valleys. Over time, vegetation obscured many of the original vistas. This spring, the National Park Service’s Arborist Incident Response (AIR) team removed obstructions at overlooks from milepost 420 to 435 in North Carolina. Thanks to your generosity, many of the views on the southern end of the Parkway are long-range vistas again. The 10-day clearing schedule was planned with careful From the Top: Roof work begins at Bluffs consideration of wildlife habitat, like that of the Northern flying squirrel. The felled trees will create habitat for birds and other Doughton Park animals. As the wood decomposes, it will aid new plant growth by With your gifts, repairs are returning important nutrients to soil. underway at Bluffs Restaurant In spring 2019, the AIR team will begin clearing more overlooks. at Doughton Park, milepost 241, in North Carolina. Known for its fried chicken and ham biscuits, the former coffee shop, which opened in 1949, is getting a new roof before work begins on the interior. Support from the N.C. General Assembly and Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) has also been critical. In 2017, the state appropriated $350,000 toward building repairs. ARC Before provided a $300,000 grant to purchase new restaurant equipment and furniture. In spring and summer 2019, these grants will be put to work to further the repairs needed to welcome a new operator.

After 9 Education & Outreach

he first lesson the Blue Ridge Parkway often Tteaches us is that nature is fascinating. Then we move on to the deeper lessons we can learn from our hikes, observing wildlife, introducing new people to the outdoors, and the wonders of this unique landscape. To reach a greater understanding of how amazing this park truly is, there must be opportunities for education and paths for new generations to find their way to this knowledge. That’s why it is important to continuously engage visitors with this enriching place. A newly installed panel at Craggy Gardens Visitor Center highlights hidden wildlife

New exhibits at Craggy Gardens Thanks to you, engaging new interpretive panels highlight the many intriguing aspects of the high-elevation environment of the Great Craggy Mountains, a subrange of the . The displays illustrate the harsh weather and growing conditions above 5,000 feet, plants and birds that survive here, hidden wildlife, and th o more. Now visitors get a better picture of what can be found at this M us popular spot and what needs protection. hem Polyp Learning about Moths Blue Ridge Parkway During National Moth Week in

July, interpretive rangers with Outdoor Guide the National Park Service set up You may not wear a ranger hat, educational stations and offered but you helped thousands of identification activities to teach visitors find their way on the visitors about these important Parkway this year. Your support insects. Your gifts provided printed 100,000 copies of the more than 200 visitors with new Outdoor Guide, a free publication knowledge of moths’ impact on featuring trail maps, safety the environment and humans information, bear encounter impact on their habitats. guidance, and more.

10 Kids in Parks’ educational into a nationally recognized park Kids in Parks brochures and incentives, such as advocate, and she’s not alone. Before Audrey Elliot discovered a nature journal, backpack, and More than 450,000 kids have Kids in Parks, she had little interest trail stickers, motivated Audrey to participated in the program since in spending time outdoors. But in visit 13 additional TRACK Trails. its inception in 2008 for a total of 2015, she and her parents came And this young adventurer one million adventures. across a TRACK Trail, and learned went even further; she is now a We are proud to report the that she could earn prizes for Junior Ranger at nearly 70 state program is cultivating an completing fun adventures. and national park sites and the energized generation of stewards “The Kids in Parks program gave youngest Buddy Bison Student that understands the value and us that extra nudge to get Audrey Ambassador for the National appeal of public lands and can outside and more willing to visit Park Trust. advocate for protecting our parks’ other parks,” says her father, Kids in Parks served as a natural, historical, and cultural Michael. catalyst for Audrey’s evolution resources today and in the future.

Counting TRACK trails in Parkway adventures the impact 170 Trails 47 communities 1M completed 11 Thank You, Volunteers!

e are so grateful for our volunteers, who are amplifying the Foundation’s impact Won the Blue Ridge Parkway. The number of Volunteer Corps members and their hours of service continue to grow. They are lending their expertise, time, and hard work to a wide range of projects from research to campground clean-ups and more. It’s amazing what can be accomplished with a strong

group of helping hands. LANCASTER CRAIG BY PHOTOGRAPH Hello!: J.D. Lee talks with Foundation volunteers.

Cheers to Teamwork!: Staff with Twin Leaf Brewery in Asheville cleared and organized a storage room for the Blue Ridge Parkway curatorial department and built five massive shelves.

Project Parkway: More than 200 volunteers made an impact during the first Parkway-wide volunteer day. Assisted by National Park Service staff, they spruced up all eight campgrounds in preparation for spring.

12 Midday Music’s Founder Seven days a week, spring through fall, musicians gather to pick and play and tell the stories of mountain music at the Blue Ridge Music Center. They volunteer their time and talents to entertain and educate visitors for the pure love of the music. Among them is Willard Gayheart, one of the founders and longest participant in these free midday music sessions. He and the late Bobby Patterson kicked off the program 12 years ago. “Bobby and I went out there one day and it kind of took off,” says Gayheart, who claims playing the guitar for visitors is keeping him young at 86. From that small start, the sessions grew and now take place daily on the breezeway. This year, 44 musicians volunteered more than 2,000 In addition to being a musician, Willard Gayheart is an artist who works hours of their time, including Gayheart, who in pencil. His drawings of Appalachian life, pictured behind him, are on plays twice a week for nearly four hours permanent display in the small theater at the Music Center. with his son-in-law, Scott Freeman. One of Gayheart’s favorite aspects of the Denmark, Netherlands, Australia, Switzerland, and gig is meeting visitors from around the globe. This New Zealand. “People from other countries hear the summer alone he recalls talking with people from music for the first time, and they are just awed.”

Painting at Price: Trustee Jim McDowell and friends have taken the lead on repainting the buildings at Julian Price Campground. Above right: Trustee Craig Lancaster, Charlie Sullivan (National Park Service), Hanes Boren, McDowell, and Tracy Brown 13 Celebrations

20th Anniversary Party 1 To celebrate two decades of protecting the Blue Ridge Parkway and honor extraordinary people who make up our Community of Stewards, the Foundation hosted a celebration on November 9, 2017, at Lioncrest at Biltmore in Asheville, North Carolina. During the evening, seven individuals, groups, and companies were recognized with awards for championing our mission. In honor of the Foundation’s work to save hemlock trees on the Parkway, each guest received a hemlock seedling to plant in their yard as a thank you for taking part in the festivities.

2 3 4

5 6 Special thanks

Host Committee: Alfred & Beth Adams Lou & Sara Bissette Paul & Wyndy Bonesteel Olson & Marylyn Huff Chase & Clary Pickering

Presenting Sponsor:

1 Beth Lastinger, Gary & Theresa 3 Clary & Chase Pickering with 5 Sara & Lou Bissette Landwirth, and Lane Lastinger Foundation CEO Carolyn Ward 6 LuAnn Fitzpatrick, Thomas Montgomery, 2 Alison & Turner Norris, and 4 Marylyn Huff, Martha Campbell, and Sabra Kelly, and Broaddus Fitzpatrick Marissa Jamison Maggie Ray

PHOTOGRAPHS BY RACHAEL MCINTOSH PHOTOGRAPHY 14 The Denim Ball Mother Nature parted the rain clouds just in time for the third annual Denim Ball on August 3, 2018, at Chetola Resort at Blowing Rock, North Carolina. More than 230 guests attended to celebrate the remaking of history at Moses H. Cone Memorial Park. The event raised more than $115,000 for repairs and improvements at the country estate thanks to an outpouring of support from individuals, sponsors, local businesses, and the community.

1 2

3 4

Special thanks

Denim Ball Committee: Chetola Resort at Blowing Billie Brandon Howell, Rock, Modern Automotive, Deborah McDowell, Lauren Mountainaire Inn & Log McDowell, Karen Robertson, Cabins, The Rosemyr Deatra Sellers, and Emily Corporation, Blowing Rock Stallings Historical Society, The Blowing Rock Attraction, Boone 5 Sponsors: Blowing Rock Rent All, Excalibur Direct Tourism & Development Marketing, Footsloggers, and Authority, Cone Health, Mast General Store

1 Chris & Catherine Boss, 4 Jonathan & Ever Owen Alfred & Beth Adams, and Jeni 5 Seated: Cindy Matthews, & West Fowler Agnes Harvin, Pat Shore Clark, 2 Carolyn Ward, Willa Mays, and Jo Hennelly. Standing: and Tracy Brown Tom Matthews, George Harvin, 3 Linda & Larry Jerome and Jim & Joyce Zellner


f you live in North Carolina, purchasing a gold and green Blue Ridge Parkway Ispecialty plate for your car or motorcycle is one way to proudly display your commitment to the scenic route. For each new or renewed specialty plate fee, $20 is dedicated to the Foundation to protect and enhance the scenic route and $10 supports the North Carolina Wildflower program. The entire specialty plate fee of $30 is tax deductible. Board of Trustees For an additional fee, you can personalize Chair Alfred Adams your plate, like the tags featured here. We combined his love for love seeing how creative plate holders can Wake Forest and the be with just four characters. Blue Ridge Parkway on To get your own plate, request it at your his personalized plate. N.C. Tag office or visit His dog, Pards, approves!

BRPF = Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation

When Waterrock Knob (WRK) is where you work A fly-fisherman’s plate

A fan of Asheville, N.C. Show how you FEEL about the Parkway A fan of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail

16 Ways to Give

our gifts are always appreciated! The Blue Ridge YParkway Foundation will work with you to achieve the giving plan that suits your goals. Popular options include:

Monthly Giving A recurring automatic payment charged to your credit card or bank account provides sustaining support for the Parkway.

Honorarium or Memorial Gift A tribute gift is a thoughtful way to recognize those in your life who value the Parkway, or to commemorate a milestone such as a birthday, wedding, anniversary, or retirement. (See the list of 2017-2018 honors & memorials on page 26.)

Workplace Giving COMPETITION PHOTOGRAPHY MOUNTAIN APPALACHIAN ROLLAND/ JOHN BY PHOTOGRAPH Employees of businesses that participate in EarthShare’s Parkway. Workplace Giving, the Combined Bequests Stock & Appreciated Assets Federal Bequests are one of the easiest Gifts of stock or other appreciated Campaign, ways to ensure the future of the assets are an effective way to and the Parkway. If you already have support the Parkway. If you N.C. State a will, a simple codicil can be own stocks, securities, or other Employees added to include the Foundation property that has appreciated Combined Campaign can choose in your estate plans. Individuals since acquisition, you may to designate their contributions to who choose to leave a lasting face capital gains taxes if you the Foundation. legacy by specifying a gift for the sell. Donating that asset to the Foundation in their will or trust Foundation avoids the tax, and Employer Matches become members of The André you can receive a charitable Ask your human resources Michaux Society. (For a list of deduction for the full market representative if your company members, see page 26.) value of your gift. offers a matching gift program All contributions to the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation are tax-deductible as allowed by to boost your impact on the law. The Foundation’s tax identification number is 31-1512730. 17 Financials

2017 2016 2017 2016


Contributions $1,493,847 $1,327,372 Program Services $2,130,864 $1,366,022

Grants $1,212,936 $217,500 General and Administrative $68,775 $65,352

In Kind $58,073 $51,702 Fundraising $276,310 $197,892

North Carolina Specialty Plate $524,700 $534,480 Total Expenses $2,475,949 $1,629,266 Net Gains (Losses) Investments $185,266 $62,397

Endowment Income $2,663 $7,418 Change in Net Assets $1,246,901 $804,851

Investment Income, net $2,295 $1,015 Net Assets at Beginning of Year $3,424,817 $2,619,966

Other $243,070 $232,233 Net Assets at End of Year $4,671,718 $3,424,817 Total Support & Revenue $3,722,850 $2,434,117

Support & Revenue $3,722,850

Investments $187,661 Grants, Corporations & Foundations Events & Programs $1,255,286 $292,198 5% 34% 8%

14% Specialty License Place $524,700 18% 21%

Bequests & Individuals Endowments $685,454 $777,551

18 Thank you, Community of Stewards! The Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation is thankful for the individuals, businesses, and foundations who contribute to the safekeeping of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Donors who contributed $100 or more between January 1, 2017, and December 31, 2017, are acknowledged on the following pages. They form a Community of Stewards that is truly committed to preserving and protecting the scenic route today and forever.

FOUNDATIONS BUSINESSES Crosland Horton Hotel Deep Creek Photography Hotel Floyd AmazonSmile 100 West Union Delaware North-Peaks of Otter Hound Ears Lodge & Club Anonymous Trust Accenture Lodge IBM Corporation Beaver Family Foundation Alchemy Center for Healing Diamond Brand Outdoors Indera Mills Benevity/American Endowment Therapies Discovery Place Innovation Brewing Foundation Allegra Doncaster Outlet Jan Todd Photography Blowing Rock Community Aloft Asheville Downtown Eastern National Corporation Jonathan Burton Photography Foundation Archetype Brewing Ecusta Brewing Co. Kilwin’s Chocolates Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC Art of Oil Elevation 3333 Last Straw Foundation Barefoot Farm Emerging Technologies Lenny Boy Brewing Company Blumenthal Foundation Barringer Construction Ensemble Stage Linville Caverns Cemala Foundation Basil’s Market Fresh Pasta & Deli Eurosport Asheville Lost Province Brewing Company Community Foundation of BBQ, Burgers and Brews Fairway Cafe at Boone Golf Club Mast General Store Western North Carolina Bhramari Brewing Co. Floyd Country Store Meadowbrook Inn Dominion Foundation Biltmore Company Footsloggers Mellow Mushroom ExxonMobil Foundation Bistro Roca Antlers Bar Foreign Translations Monkee’s of Blowing Rock Foundation for Roanoke Valley Blowing Rock Chamber of Fox Croft Wine Mountainaire Inn & Log Cabins Gardiner Charitable Fund Commerce Galax Smokehouse Mysterium Escape Adventure General Electric Foundation Blowing Rock Cigar Shop Gideon Ridge Inn Mystery Hill George T. Baker Foundation Blue Ghost Brewing Ginger’s Revenge New Belgium Brewing GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Boojum Brewery Glade Valley B&B Noble Cider Kulynych Family Foundation I Boondocks Brewing Glass Lady One World Brewing Kulynych Family Foundation II Boone Golf Club Oyster House Brewing Company Morningstar Foundation Booneshine Brewing Company Grandfather Vineyard & Winery Patagonia Pigeon River Fund Capital Genealogy Great Outdoor Provision Co. Piedmont Opera Reynolds American Foundation Carriage House Inn Green Man Brewery Pitney Bowes Storey Family Charitable Gift Fund Casa Rustica Restaurant Green Park Inn Proper Surtman Foundation Catawba Valley Brewing Gregory Alan’s Publix Super Markets United Way of the Greater Chetola Resort at Blowing Rock Hawksnest Rachael McIntosh Photography Triangle Clemens Welding & Machine Shop High Country Yoga Ray’s Weather United Way of Asheville CoBo Sushi Bistro & Bar High Gravity Adventures Red Onion Cafe Wells Fargo Community Support Cone Health Highland Brewing Riverstone Organic Farm Campaign Coyote Kitchen Hi-Wire Brewing Roots Restaurant William S. Barnickel Foundation Creek Bottom Brewing 19 Rustic Ceasar & Bettie Cone Schaefer Center for the William & Judy Crowell Performing Arts Ronnie & Sarah Davis Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Skip & Shannon Davis Sky Retreat Jean Dobson Southern Highland Craft Guild James Doughton Stick Boy Bread Company Bob Drennan Sunset Tee’s and Hattery Susan & Harvey Durham The Alleman Law Firm Steve & Andy Edwards The Gamekeeper Restaurant Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Erlandson and Bar Karl Folkens & Nell Courtney The Inn at Ragged Garden William Fort The Law Offices of Timothy D. William & Hughlene Frank Welborn Sabrina Gibson The Mint Museum James Harris The Rug Company “For my family, driving up the mountain George & Agnes Harvin Thirsty Monk Chris & Debbie Herbert Traditions Pottery from Wilkes County to Bluffs Restaurant was Carolyn & Tim Hilton Triad City Beat a monthly trip. Guests and relatives would Dana Jaunzemis Tweetsie Railroad Jim & Ginger Kelly Twin Leaf Brewing always join us for fried chicken, grits, cobbler, Timothy Larson Velo Girl Rides Edgar & Nan Lawton Vidalia Restaurant and the real deal ham biscuits. Ms. Ellen Smith Donald & Sandra Leslie Village Cafe would always have a high chair for my teddy Les & Catherine Love Wicked Weed Gary & Sherri Loveland Winston-Salem Journal bear, Boo Boo. I give to the Blue Ridge Parkway Elizabeth Lovett Grover Wise Man Brewing Foundation so this very important stop along Jim & Deborah McDowell W.L.A. Trucking Buddy & Monica McSwain Wooden Robot Brewery ‘America’s Favorite Journey’ will be saved.” Robert & Cama Merritt Arnold & Rosemary Nelson COMMUNITY - Julie Hettiger, donor Ken Nelson & Julie Hettiger Jim Newlin & Silvie Granatelli PARTNERS Kenneth & Patricia Nicks 88.5 WFDD-Public Radio for the David & Cheryl Oliver Piedmont Billie Brandon Howell Mitch Earle Larry Pearce The Arts Council of Winston- North Carolina BRPF License John & Pam Farthing Greg & Mary Ann Poole Salem & Forsyth County Plate Owners B. Kelly & Meredith Graves Christopher Puin ArtsGreensboro Lee & Linda Minor David & Ann Raper Asheville BMW Riders Gifts of $10,000-$24,999 Chuck & Dini Pickering Robby & Kim Ray Blowing Rock Historical Society Anonymous (2) James Stephens & Ann Berry Chip Register Blowing Rock Tourism Jo Hennelly Ralph Womble & Ashley Edwards John & Maria Rich Development Authority Pat Mauldin Bruce & Luci Wright Charles & Billie Rogers Blue Ridge National Heritage Area Marcus Simpson & Marilyn Walter & Sally Rugaber Hickory Women’s Club Westphal Gifts of $1,000-$2,499 Shannon Russing National Council for the Fred & Alice Stanback Alfred & Beth Adams Margaret Salisbury Traditional Arts Dale Allison Alex & Michelle Schenker National Endowment for the Arts Gifts of $5,000-$9,999 Bernard & Holly Arghiere Pat Shore Clark State of N.C. Dept. of Commerce Anonymous Millie Barbee Bruce Smith United Methodist Women Aubrey Arrington Art & Susan Barber Leonard Smith, Jr. Blue Ridge District Harrold Carson Peter & Jean Anne Barnes George & Michelle Snead Virginia Folklife Program Catherine Chiles & Pieter Joost Chris & Amy Blazejowski Jerry & Genie Starnes Virginia Tourism Corporation Van Wattum Georgia Bonesteel Thomas Statnick Visit Floyd Janet Cone Hanes & Lida Boren Gary & Lisa Stewart Visit Winston-Salem EarthShare NC Rick & Amy Boucher Bob & Janet Stout Visit Wytheville Mark File Dan & Linda Brown Brian & Mimi Sturgell WBRF: Classic Country 98.1 Laurie Orgass Palmer, Hailey, Lucy, & Abby Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Sykes, Jr. Yadkin Arts Council Rick Reinert Brown Kent & Shelley Tarbutton Pamela Vinson W. Edward & Cheryl Brown Tim Thomas INDIVIDUAL GIVING David & Cindy Bruce Pam & Tim Vines Gifts of $2,500-$4,999 Beverly & David Brunson Edward Walker Gifts of $25,000 + Anonymous Brian Carlton & Elizabeth Bill & Judy Watson Anonymous Jack & Martha Betts Sumpter Rod & Bliss Watson Kristen Cone & Tim Snead Brian Blake Trey & Scarlett Chanter Dr. Eric Wilsnack The Estate of Catherine Frampton Mike & Clarkie Brown Hudnall & Claire Christopher Tom & Candy Wood The Estate of Sarah Kinnear Julia Carpenter John & Gina Cocklereece Paul & Marilyn Woodall

20 Gifts of $500-$999 Will & Debbie Anderson Ann Albence Pat Andrews Norman & Linda Aldridge Wilson & Jonlyn Angley Ross Allen Anonymous (6) Connie Amburn David & Paula Applegate Chip & Judy Anderson Richard & Elizabeth Aronson Becky & Ed Anderson Marjorie & Jane Asher Anonymous (3) Lynwood & Peggy Autry Anthony & Jane Arnold John & Martha Babinski Robert & Dianne Baker Alan Bailey Anne & Norris Barnes William Bailey Beth Bartholomew & Susan Carol Baird Hurrell Rodgers & Bess Baird James Beach William Baird Howard & Gail Benensohn Pamela Baker Cort & Lindsey Bennett Addison & Patricia Ball Paul & Wyndy Bonesteel Kyle Ball Bryan Brothers “To this day, the Blue Ridge Parkway remains Jenny & Clay Ballantine Richard Carmichael Allan Barbee Patricia Carter the single most positive impact to the Wain Barber Christopher & Ellie Cartner economies in the High Country, thus raising the Fred & Susan Barbour Ken & Christine Castelloe Frank Barcalow Gail & G.W. Catron standard of living for many of our citizens. James Barefield Hobie & Addie-Lou Cawood My wife and I elected to contribute to the Blue Donald & Ashley Barnes Kerr & Tori Collins Kate Barrett Brian & Kathy Crutchfield Ridge Parkway Foundation in the hopes that Jerry Barringer JoAnn Davis the Parkway would continue to thrive with Sibylle Barron James & Martha Dayvault Dennis & Betty Barry Robert & Nancy DeHart marked improvements leading to an increase Laura Barry Dan & Kay Donahue in annual visitors.” Jay Basham Steve & Janet Edwards Sam Bass Mr. & Mrs. William D. Elliot Joe & Diane Bastian Miles & Millicent Elmore - Charles Sellers, Mayor of Blowing Rock, N.C. & Erick & Heather Batchelor Richard Embrey Proprietor of the Blowing Rock Attraction John & Donna Batzel Hans & June Ertl Michael & Grace Baucom Ian Firth Jim & Pat Bayer Woody Fox, Jr. John & Josephine Beall Georgianna Francis A.J. & Barbara McClure Tom & Barb Zimmerman Anne-Corinne Beaver Patrick Frye Rob Mendel Steve & Nancy Zuk Trip & Carol Beaver Gene Gluchowski Dyke & Deborah Messinger Joseph & Wendy Bell Larry Griswold John & Angelia Miller Gifts of $100-$499 Norm & Sara Bell Borden & Ann Hanes Ruth Moeller William Abbuehl & Rose Levering Nancy & Ty Bell David & Susan Hart Janet Montgomery Sanders & Jeanne Abrahams Susan Bellamy Kathryn Heath & Tom Webb Drew & Lee Ann Naylor James Adams David & Phyllis Benbow Mike & Ana Hubert Jonathan & Ever Owens Kerri Adams Joseph Benbow George Jamesson Carol Pettit Michael Adams Amy Bennison Mike & Norma Jenson David & Nancy Poythress Ricky & Sharon Adkins Sheila Benton James Jones Scott Ramsey Laura Adrian Alex & Anne Bernhardt Pam & Fred Kahl Liz & Tom Redding John & Annie Ager Jim Berrier Philip & Louise Kinken Barbara Reynolds Daniel & Kathryn Ahlport Kim & Pete Berry Danny & Jacqueline Kirkland David & Karen Robertson John & Nancy Aiello Wayne Bersch Susan Kirkland Fon & Mac Rogers John & Lucy Aldridge Cynthia Billings Warren Kniskern Jim Ruff Brian Alexander Robert & Sally Billington Gary & Theresa Landwirth Jack Russell & Lee Chichester Welborn & Patty Alexander Jennifer & David Billstrom Bob & Jane Lassiter Michael Sartisky Kevin & Diane Allen Roy & Carolyn Bishop Jane Ledbetter Witold & Shirley Siwanowicz Madeline Allen Lou & Sara Bissette Stan & Jennifer Lee Walt & Sharon Smoski Sharon Allen Earl & JoAnn Black LeRoy & Brenda Leiker Gary & Lee Anne Stiffler Woodard Allen Myra Blackburn William & Susan Leonard Barry Sullivan Dr. & Mrs. Roy L. Alson Candace Blanco Gardelle & Nan Lewis Greg Tarbutton Chase & Holly Ambler Dan & Patty Blanton Ray Lockwood Thomas White Zak Ammar Frank Blondino Howard Colby & Penny Longhurst Mary Page Whitley Larry & Cristina Ammons Vilder & Jann Boggs Beth Lotspeich Brad & Carole Wilson Brent & Jill Andersen Gertrude Bohner David Lynch Ken & Debbie Wilson Bob Anderson Cindy Boling Vann & Alice Matthews Larry Wilson Ed & Teena Anderson Robert Bolton, Jr. 21 Patricia Bond H. Craig & Jacqueline Casey Shelley Crisp & Myles Standish Elizabeth Doyle Daniel & Pamela Bowden William & Patricia Cater Jim & Elaine Crowell Frank Driscoll Boykin Heavy Duty Parts Campbell Cawood Brad & Jane Crumpler Ellie Drumm Blair Bradford Gwynne Chadwick Edwin Cummer Gary & Barbara Duerk Don & Mary Brady John & Ann Chalk Martin & Ginger Curry Jim & Clara Duggins Martha Brame Katie Chappell Ron & Patti Curtis Finley Dula Leesa Brandon Roger & Martha Charles M. Rupert Cutler & Brenda Gregory & Gwendolyn Duncan Joe & Betty Brantley R. Leslie Charnock McDaniel Dan & Scotti Dunlop Dave & Dianne Brendle Boyce & Laura Cheek Jaana Cutson & Paul Rothenberg S. Bryan & Carol Anne Durham Bill Brideson Priscilla Cherry Alene Dale Harry Durity Susan Briggs Billy & Jennifer Chick Maureen Darcey Sally & Lyle Easter Cynthia Bringle Vincent & Jane Childress JD Darden John Eberhardt, III Forest Britt Bob Clark Gerald Davies Emily Eby Doug & Nancy Brittelle Chuck & Julie Clark Cathy & Terry Davis Bryan & Terry Edwards Don Broecker James Clark H.L. Davis Frank & C.J. Edwards Susan Brokaw William & Lynn Clark Mebane Davis Marvin Edwards Ann & Phillip Brookner Laura Clarke Ron & Evalynn Davis Matt & Lora Eggleston Brenda Brooks B. Sheila Clendenning Tim & Karen Deal Rebecca Elderkin Heather Brooks Dale & Brenda Cline Jim & Sandra Dean Robert Elgan James Brooks Gerald & Ruby Clontz Brian DeCann & Pamela Edward Emery Lincoln Brower & Linda Fink Charles Coble McCarrick Richard Emmett Greg & Laura Brown William Coble Cheryl Delagrange Nathan & Jane English Jonathan Brown Jerry & Evelyn Cochrane Bucky & Nancy Dennis Frederic Eno Georgina Bruce Michael & Karen Cogburn Jim Dennis Joe & Dorcas Epley Mark & Linda Bryan Victoria Colebank Anne Denton Bob & Becky Ernst David & Miriam Bryant Gay Coleman Leigh & Jennie Derby Charles & Isabel Ernst Judith Buchanan James Coleman Monique DeRuggiero Herman Eure & Kelli Sapp Luke & Emily Bukoski Bob & Barbara Collier Teresa Devane Chuck Evans Stephen Bumgarner Dave & Linda Combs James & Betty Dewar Edward & Michelle Evans Thomas Bunn Betty & Benjamin Cone, Jr. Christine Dexter Richard & Glenda Evans Janice Burns Robert & Sally Cone Bill & Penny Dickason Gary & Nancy Everhardt Richard & Brooke Burr Tom & Rene Cone Cynthia Dillon Mark & LaVonda Everhart Jim & Patty Butler Wayne & Loretta Cooper Frank & Donna DiMario Anne Farmer Donald & Teresa Caine Mike & Amy Copley Marsha Dixon Fields Carver Farrar Jon & Laura Calbert Heather Cotton Ginger Dixon Dean & Shirley Fasolt Lowell & Iris Caldwell Jim & Teresa Covington William Dixon Elizabeth Fenwick Gill & Martha Campbell Linda & Gary Cox Greg & Cheryl Dominguez Lisa & Timothy Ferguson Lance & Linda Campbell Valerie Cox Ron Donson Conway Ficklen Wendle Capps William & Clara Cox Virginia Dooley Margo Fischer John & Peggy Carlson Ann Coxe Victor Dostrow George & Sandy Fisher Stephanie Carlson Joe & Rena Creech Don Doty Chas Fitzgerald & Jackson Mary Jane Carmichael James & Nancy Creel Gayle Doughton Hammack Bill & Judy Carson Paul Crellin William O. Dover Broaddus & LuAnn Fitzpatrick Nancy Fleming Elizabeth Fluck Beth & Randy Fluharty Tom & Carla Fogle Mac & Margaret Foster Jerry Fox Phil Francis & Becky Nichols Mary Fredericksen Don & Linda Frey Lawrence & Lynn Friedman Darlene Fuller Erwin Fuller & Nancy Scott Fuller Marsha Fuller Scott & Monica Fuller Nancy Furnas Gregory & Amelia Gach Peter & Arlis Galloway Walter Gammons Mrs. Roger Gant, Jr. Terry Ellen Garber PHOTOGRAPH BY CRAIG LANCASTER CRAIG BY PHOTOGRAPH Darrell & Sammie Garner A view of Looking Glass Rock, milepost 417, in North Carolina John & Janet Garrett

22 William & Mary Garrison Rena Henderson Greg & Janet Gaskins Teresa Henderson Walter & Shelly Gassner Becky Hendrix Chris & Julie Gawle Linda Henley Joseph & Karen Gdaniec Roger & Kate Henry Jane Gehring Sandra Henson Charles David Gelly Miriam & Tom Herin David & Helen Gelly David & Denise Hering John Gerding Laura Herndon Bill & Joellyn Gibbons Lucrecia Herr Bill & Linda Giles Barry & Cynthia Hersh Thomas & Susan Gizinski Robert Hess Elliott & Pamela Glass Bette Hester Camille Glazebrook Staley Hester, Jr. Jennie Glock Dennis & Kathi Hill W. Clarence & Nelda Goings Jim & Leslie Hill Darrell & Debbie Gooden Dennis Hillier Maryellen & Robert Goodlatte Gloria & Kerry Hilton Larry & Annette Goodwin Mary Hinkle Al & Jeannette Gore Mary Ann Hinshelwood Mike & Cathy Grady Michael Hobbs “The Blue Ridge Music Center’s programs Scott Grady Sam & Linda Hobson Dan & Judith Ann Graham Richard Hodgin provide visitors from other regions and other Kenneth & Arlinda Graham Mark & Marge Hoecker nations a great opportunity to experience Maurie Gray Billie Hoelzer Jim & Janet Green Marie Hoepfl a style of music from our past (and present Wendy Green Sam & Kate Holbrooks in this area of the country) that they may Judy Greene Don Holland Wes Greene Scott Montgomery & Pam otherwise never know about. And it is a great Myron Greer Hollifield way for the National Park Service to meet one Leslie Grubb Phyllis Holmgren John & Dorothy Grubbs Crawford Honeycutt of its purposes — to preserve our history and Gary & Debra Guardia Teresa Horan culture.” Luz Maria & Alfredo Gutierrez Morgan & Jack Horner Robert Hablutzel Judy & Robert Hovis - Aubrey Arrington, Blue Ridge Music Center supporter Carolyn Hackney Tom & Lindi Howe Ted & Joyce Hagaman Bobbye Howell James & Sandy Hall Paul & Susan Hubbard Judith & John Hall Marvin Huddleston Randy & Cathey Johnson Viswanatha Kichili Richard Hall Tramm & Sarah Hudson Maxine Johnson Lynn Killette David & Angela Hamilton Catherine Huettemann Charles & Ellen Johnson Christiana Killian Neal & Jewel Hamlett David Huff Charles & Linda Johnson Britt & Sue Kimel Donna & David Hammett Olson & Marylyn Huff Gary & Sandy Johnson Cathy King Rush Hamrick, Jr. Melanie Huggins Kelly & Sue Johnson Charles King Jim & Katherine Hansen Dale Hull Larry & Hallie Johnson Michelle King Joseph & Allyson Harden John & Karen Humphrey Murrell & Kathy Johnson Ed Kinnier Ray & Judith Hardy Michael & Paula Hunt Patricia Johnson Dave & Gail Kinser John & Kathy Harp Jeff Hunter Sarah Johnson Lewis Kirchner Allison Harrell Charles Hupfer, Jr. James & Theresa Johnston Jacob & Angela Kirkman Ann & Todd Harrington Karen Hyden Douglas Joines Marydanielle Kitts Nancy Harris & Richard Pardue Richard Ikenberry Peter Jonas John Klayman John & Peggy Harwell Joe & Gayle Intag Anne Jones Carol & Alan Klein Lee & Nancy Harwood Doris Isaacs Robert E. & Sharon Jane Jones Wayne & Jane Kniskern James Haselton Scott & Mary Lee Ishler Joan Jordan Jeff Knutson Bill & Ann Hass David & Thorunn Ivey Janet Jorgenson Andrew Kocha Keefe & Betty Hayes George & Laura Ivey Eve Juliano Thomas Kopilak Sandra Hayes Robert & Elizabeth Iwaoka Peter & Elyse Jung Barb Kotts Michael Heaney Robert Jackson Patti Jupiter Ingrid Kraus Edward Hedgpeth, Jr. Mary Jacobi Gerhard & Karin Kalmus Lynne Kuhmerker Kevin & Jennifer Hefner Bill Jacobs & Susan Posey Rick & Le’ Kane Jimmie & Patricia Kyser Harry & Eunice Heilig T Cooper James Edwin Kearney Larry Lacina Grant Hellyer & Carl Gibbons David & Susan Jamison James & Alice Keighton James & Adele Lambiase Jim & Zelda Hendershot Dr. & Mrs. William H. Jarrett, II Jim Keisler Charles & Laura Lampley Anita Henderson Bob & Elaine Jeffcoat Diane Kent Craig & Jessica Lancaster Juliana Henderson Peggy Jessee M.A. Kessinger James Laney 23 Vicky Langley David Lyles Dave McKee Susan Mitchum John Langston Frederick & Lynne Mabry Edward & Rebecca McKee Thomas Montgomery Thomas Lankford Malcolm MacDonald Ward & Liz McKeithen Ann Moore Amy Lanou Charles & Kimberly Maner Anne McKenzie Sheri Moretz Robert Lansing John Marcaccio Phil McKinney Joe & Kay Morgan Carl Larson Rick & Cecelia Marks Greg McKnight Monica & Dan Morgan Lane & Beth Lastinger Carey Marsh Sarah & Frank McLane Mike Moritz John & Jean Lathram Charles & Vicki Martin Jean McLaughlin Glenn & Judy Morris Jay Lathrop Debbie Martin Al & Anna McLean David & Maureen Moses Herbert & Lynn Lawton Fred Martin John & Connie McLendon Mike Moyer Barbara Lazar Jim & Mary Allen Martin Janett McMillan Bill & Linde Mullis James & Linda Lehman Mr. and Mrs. John D. Martin Richard McNeel Lillian Murray Andrew Lehr Rick & Cathy Martin Randy & Kris McNeill Barbara Murrish Mark & Page Lemel Sidney Martin, Jr. Roger & Joyce McNeil Bill & Priscilla Myers Donald Lendle Jack & Barbara Mathews Elbert & Julene McPhaul David Myers David & Susan Lennox Diane Matthews Betsy McRee Henry & Janet Myers John & Imogene Leupold Courtney & Bo Mauzy Glenn & Sharon Mease Lynn Nash & Katie DeJarnette Monica & Bob Leverett Betsy May Gregory & Deborah Mecomber Keith Naumann Charles & Annette Levin Wendy May Scott & Faye Medley N.C. Emergency Management David Lewis Stokes & Sissy Mayfield Paul & Madge Megliola Association Dr. & Mrs. Van Lewis Willa Mays Paul Meis Darin & Jennifer Needham Roy & Ann Lewis Del McAdams, Jr. Ralph Melbourne Gary & Denise Nestor Larry Liddle Melanie McCall Missouri Botanical Garden Peter & Judith Nevins David & Renee Lieberman Ed & Beverley McCauley Research Department Margaret Newbold John & Kathy Lindsay Andy & Donna McClure Edward & Marilyn Merritt Peter Newsome Don & Becky Lister Margaret & Mark McColl Jerry & Sandra Meyer George & Stephanie Newstedt Jud & Deborah Little Tim & Tracy McCracken Tamara Michael Jane & Larry Nichols Prescott & Maria Little Michele McCubbins John & Susan Mickey Jeffrey Nichols Gary Lively Charles & Shirley Anne Elwood & Margaret Miles Mary Nichols Norm & Julie Lizarralde McCullough Jenny Miller Susan Nichols Jack & Barbara Lockhart Glenda McDaniel Keith Miller James & Melanie Nitka Nan & Bill Loftin McDowell Tech Community Pat & Harold Miller John Northey Joseph Logan College Health Science Dept. Gary & Wayburn Mills Joanne Nowak Matt & Lale Lovell Ryan & Lauren McDowell Philip Miner Charlotte & Miguel Nunez-Wolfe Kirk & Sarah Ludwig Marian McElrath Bell James & Donna Minton Tom O’Brien & Kadie Dean Lee & Mike Lumpkin James & Nancy McFadden Carol Ann Mitchell & Carrie Susan Oetting Quinn Lundquist Paul & Loy McGill Lenburg Larry & Pamela Olsen Rich & Traci Lundy Nancy McGraw Donna Mitchell Sandra & Mark O’Neil Anita Lupo Joan McGregor John & Meredith Mitchell Ron Oppenheim Byron & Marion O’Quinn Melissa Orr Chet & Sharon Osborn Virginia Osborne Eric & Diane Overcash Robert Pace Dan & Anne Page, Jr. Thomas Palmer Jim & Karen Palmieri John Papovich Chris Parker John & Lynette Parker Derek Parks Bill & Teri Parr Maria Paschal Linda & Mark Pasche Richard Patino Landis & L. Ellen Patrick Dick & Jeanne Patterson David Patton Robert Paulick Mary Ruth Payne Paula Payne Lowell & Sally Pearlman Wayne Pelley Peaks of Otter, milepost 86, near Bedford, Virginia Rick & Anna Pender

24 Ronald Pendred Daniel & Donna Ruttan Edward & Sara Penn Patrick Ryan & Chuck Lockwood Pamela Penner CJ Sadosky C.B. Penninger, Jr. Heather Sandifer Chris & Kristin Pernicano Mr. & Mrs. W.P. Sandridge, Jr. Bill & Pam Perreault Dr. R. Balfour & Mrs. Emily Sartor Monica & Chip Perry Lynn Saul Richard & Clem Peterson Gary & Cynthia Schafer Alexander Pfeifer Nancy Scheaffer Ann Claire Phillips Ralph Schiefferle & Elizabeth Jim & Susan Phillips Perkins Ruth Phillips Justin & Mary Schleibaum Bill & Julia Phipps Ernest Schoenfeld Judith Phoenix Steve & Eva Scholfield Chase & Clary Pickering Robin Schonewetter Holly & Lou Pierce James Schreiber Jessica Pistole Mark Schuler David Pitser Robert & Rebecca Schwartz "In the many years that we have been visiting Dan Pittillo Edward Scott Rod & Judy Poole Jim & Barbara Scott the Blue Ridge Parkway and experiencing Woody & Bobbi Poor William & Virginia Scott its amazing diversity of plants, animals, James & Anne Pope William & Anne Seaman Wes & Anne Pope Ted & Anne Seawell scenic vistas, cultural heritage, and history, Carl & Mary Porter Rick & Pam Sebastian we have never failed to find something new Jack & Becky Porterfield Joe & Frances Sechler Tamara Potter Jim & Ellen Seigler and fascinating to explore. Every trip down Robert & Meridith Powell H. Charles & Deatra Sellers the Parkway is a new adventure. It is truly Teresa Powell & Ernest B. Herr Midge Seltzer Karen & David Prafka Bob & Brenda Shepherd a national heritage more than worth our Leslie & Janet Pratt Edward Sheppard continued support." Harris Prevost Rusty & Janet Sherrill Michelle Prysby & John Woodell Thomas Shessler Mike & Gail Quinn Randy Shields -Marilyn Westphal & Mark Simpson, donors Leon & Sara Ramseur John Shore Katie & Andy Randolph Rick Shrier Michael Rankin Judith Shubert Sam & Missy Rankin Sandra Sibley St. Anthony’s Hospital Pharmacy Don Stringfellow Rebecca Reeve Gil Simmons Department John & Sandra Studer Rachael Renar Mark & Julie Simmons Emily & Andy Stallings Paul & Joan Stuhr Douglas & Linda Reymore Sam & Julia Simmons Mark & Theresa Stallworth Margaret Stumb Mike & Ann Rhyne Cary Simms Mark Stanley Shirley Sturdivant Roy Rice, Jr. Tom & Anita Simpson Michael Stanley Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Sturges Rhonda & Kirk Rich Art & Beth Singleton William & Sallie Stark Darla Sturgill Alexis Richards Christina Skeeters State Employees’ Credit Union Mr. & Mrs. James Sturgill, II Brian & Erica Richardson Kelly & Linda Skillett Cardholder Services Steven Suchecki & Jane Ames Gordon Richardson Therese Sloane Diane Staton John & Tami Summerour Bob Richert Connie Smart Anthony & Diane Stavola Thomas Sveda Pangshua & Joshua Riley Mike & Shari Smiley Martha Stearns Judie Swain Martha Rimmer C. D. Smith Sandy Steele Nancy Swann Frank Robards Donald & Barbara Smith Joanne Stegall Brent Swick Wayne & Teresa Robbins Ritchie & Joyce Smith John & Mary Steindl Nancy Swonger Sylvia Robertson Sherwood & Eve Smith Katherine Stern John Symanski & Paula Dewalt Peter Rolfe Thomas Smith, Jr. Richard & Debra Stevens Symanski Paula Roller Diane Smock & Brad Wyche Wyatt & Kim Stevens Sam Tallman & Mike Zuravel Vera Rooker Eva Snapp Adam Stewart Jim & Linda Tanko Bill & Sandy Roork Linda Snow Christine & Robert Stewart Jim & Cantey Tanner John & Jill Rose Gail & Nelson Sobel Mary Stewart Cullie & Sylvia Tarleton Walter Rose, Jr. Anna Sobol Michele & J.W. Stinnett Steve & Sally Tatum Dennis & Sarah Ross Linda Solomon Lora Stocker Les & Julie Taylor Richard Rothman Sebastian & Nancy Sommer Sandra Stockwell Randy & Carolyn Taylor BJ & Ned Rowe South Whitehall Township John & Charlotte Stone Robert & Debra Taylor Elke Ruggaber Justin Spahr Ray Stone Stephen & Cheryl Taylor Scott & Lisa Rumley Timothy Spira & Lisa Wagner Thomas & Yvonne Stone Betty Teem-Gill Mary Rush Dennis Springer Tom & Ellen Stover C. Thomas Charles Rust Chris & Hope Squires Charles & Mary Lois Strickland Claudia Thomas 25 Rick & Judy Thomas Gregory Warren Tom & Cindy Wilson Rodney & Debra Clark Susan Thomas Carolyn Wax Anthony Winston Calvin & Gail Clayton Arlene Edwards Thompson Ann Weaver Sharon Winters George & Sandy Fisher Kris & Rebekah Thompson Dr. & Mrs. Edgar Weaver, Jr. Sylvia Wiseman Mark & Marge Hoecker Kevin Thomson Richard Weaver Jane Wolfe Hana Karpisek Harold & Kaye Threatt Robert & Diane Weaver Warren Womble Karl & Edwina Kleeman Stephen Tillotson Leslie Webb & Michael Jordan Bob & Mary Wood Tom & Darlene Knight Roger & Virginia Tooker Judith Weger Roberta Wood Jack & Barbara Lockhart Jim & Pat Toole David Wehner James Woodel Greg & Vickie Madison Kate Trimble Jeff Weigl Kim Woodley Greg McKnight Elaine & Raymond Trull Peter & Ann Weigl Jon Woods Arnold & Rosemary Nelson Jeff & Kim Tucker Felix & Elois Weinhold Steve & Mary Bruce Woody Linda & Mark Pasche Vicki Troutman & Mary Tucker Neal & Bonnie Weinreb Jeannie Workman Howard Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Tuffnell Dan & Arlene Wells John Worley Bernadette Scott Richard & Susan Tumbleston Dewey Wells Billy & Vicki Worsham Miriam Sexton Annette Turner Ronald & Sara Wenda Jeffrey Wright Gary & Lisa Stewart Brian & Katina Turner Eric & Virginia Wheeler Ray Yang Les & Julie Taylor Steve & Lisa Turner Don Whicker Maryjo Yates Tim Thomas Carl & Loraine Tyrie Lou & Bethany Whitehurst Herbert Young Jim & Pat Toole Elizabeth Underwood J. David & Donna Whitener James Young & Carol Marchel Vicki Troutman & Mary Tucker Juli Underwood Bill Whitford Al & Barbara Yurkshat Bill & Judy Watson Peter & Elizabeth Unger Robert & Mary Page Whitley Alan Yuspeh Cliff Watts Betty & Lewis Upchurch Dwight & Julia Ann Whitney Michael Zagorac Valeria Watts Jason Urroz & Jenny Ung Urroz Bob & Judy Wicker Frances & Emilio Zeller Pam Westrick Alden Valentine & Susan Davis Carol Wilcox Suzanne Ziemke Martha & Albert Yount Claudia Van Essen Jerry & Lee Wiles Martin & Bernice Zigovsky Teresa Vanduyn Pam Willard Tom & Elizabeth Vasiliauskas Steve Willard Honors Wayne & Lee Harper Vason Clyde Williams The André Michaux Those honored are listed in Marcia Vaughan Dan & Jan Williams bold italics. Donors are listed Michael & Fran Vavrek James & Victoria Williams Society below. (Gifts from October 20, Ross & Susan Verbrugge John Williams Individuals who choose to leave 2017-October 1, 2018) Rudy & Karen Vietmeier Richard Williams a lasting legacy by specifying a Alexa Viets Bill & Pat Williamson gift to the Foundation in their will Allene Adams Fred & Charlotte Voreh Danny & Wanda Willis or trust become members of this James Adams Kirk Wagner Patricia Wilmot special group. Timberly Adams Bobby & Cherie Wakefield David & Mary Wilson Melissa Benton Chris Walker Greg & Bonnie Wilson Neal & Patrice Auspitz Ellen Frazier & Mac Amos Rusty & Diane Walker J.D. & Janie Wilson William Barr Meredith Britt Terri Waller Jim & Elaine Wilson Ed Blair Justin & Carrie Andrews Suzanne Walton Laurence Wilson Connie Boylan Pat Andrews Carolyn & Alan Ward Mike & Tanya Wilson Chip Callaway G. Dewitt & Delane Armstrong Ronnie & Sarah Davis Tom & Janet Bachmann Mary Tucker & Vicki Troutman Charles & Ann Baker Rachel Deal Donald “Big Don” Bantz Cameron Bantz Grace Baucom Michael Baucom Carol Bauguess David Bauguess The bears Dennis Hillier Giovanni Belamiza Bruce Cockcroft Joseph & Wendy Bell Joan Todd T. Lee Berry Marshall Berry Hank Bethea Mary Tucker & Vicki Troutman Jack Betts Jack Russell & Lee Chichester

26 Nick Biersdorf Kevin Ellis Beth Sager Laura Ellis Bethany Biersdorf Richard Emmett Katherine Billman Mary Tucker & Vicki Troutman Mary Tucker & Vicki Troutman Gary Everhardt Patricia Bolton James & Nancy Creel Gene Gluchowski Cynthia T. Ewing Cynthia & Carl Bridenstine Jack Ewing Katherine Darden Michael Faurote Lawrence Brody Jennifer Faurote William & Lynn Clark Libba Feichter Marshall & Tyler Brothers Bob & Jayne Appleyard Bryan Brothers Paul Jackson Fitzgerald BRPF Staff Chas Fitzgerald Becky & Ed Anderson Broaddus Fitzpatrick Michelle & Darin Burton Vince & Mary Basile Vicki Troutman Jim & Ashby Hopkins Boyd Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Jean Fitzsimmons Margaret Campbell Steve & Katheryn Harlan

Tim Campbell Matt Ford SERVICE PARK NATIONAL OF COURTESY Mary Tucker & Vicki Troutman Mike & Shari Smiley Mary Ann Campbell Mr. & Mrs. H. Douglas Forsyth, Jr. “My dad and uncle worked on the Parkway for Lesley Brown Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Sykes, Jr. Era Carey Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Freeman five years and it was a wonderful time period. Daryl Kirk William Freeman They loved the value of being outside on the Molly Carrison Ms. Sammie Friday Joy Ross John Tutwiler Parkway and working, and what it did for Julie Cashman Connie, Alan & Beckett Fruchan Mary Townsend Neal & Bonnie Weinreb the surrounding areas and the people. That’s Hobie Cawood Krissy Fulton why we created the endowment. We’d like our Campbell Cawood Gene Gluchowski Cecil & Pickering Families JoAnne Gessell family to remember them and remember that James Stickney, IV Cheryl Brannan they helped create this park, because it’s a gift William & Lynn Clark Robert & Laura Geyer Charles & Isabel Ernst Robert & Diane Weaver to all of us.” Rodney & Debra Clark God Regina Paige Michael Jordan & Leslie Webb - Doris Asbury Luening, who along with her husband, Kenneth Coffey Sonya Golini David, established The James Erwin Asbury and Mary Tucker & Vicki Troutman Charles & Laura Kirksey Nesbitte Samuel Asbury Memorial Fund Tim Snead & Kristen Cone Burl & Linda Greer George & Michelle Snead Myron Greer John & Ann Dancy Mary Jean Grose Mary Tucker & Vicki Troutman LeElaine Comer Robert & Sarah Hunter Earl Kuutti Elizabeth Davant Ginnie Belle Grove Bob & Jayne Appleyard Rebecca Pool Joe Davant Joanna Easter Andrew E. Hutchison Cameron Larson Evalynn Davis Hunter & Parker Grove Dixon & Ann Freeland Michael Larson Ron & Evalynn Davis Joanna Easter Elinore Imboden Bob Lassiter Anne Denton Jackie Hall Matt & Lauren Imboden Ann Mills Lassiter James & Dawn Brannon David Bauguess Mike & Joyce Imboden Mr. & Mrs. Dan Lee John DeWitte Carolyn Hammett Matt Imboden Patricia Carter Lana DeWitte Donna & David Hammett Judy & David Jenkins Beattie Logan Bob Downey Tom & Paula Harbin Linda Perkins Karin Johnson Sarah Downey Lisa McLaughlin Geralyn Jones Isabella & Elizabeth Marko Bill & Carolyn Durham Nelson Harris Michelle Greenleaf David & Ariadne Marko Susan & Harvey Durham Kiwanis Club of Roanoke Marc & Frances Jones Louise Marks David Durham Harry Heilig Donald & Ashley Barnes Rick & Cecelia Marks Susan & Harvey Durham Eunice Heilig Patricia Keefe James Mattox Dr. Harvey R. Durham Richard Hodgin Linda & Duncan Rose Nancy Mattox S. Bryan & Carol Anne Durham Elizabeth Kluttz George Kegley Matt Mattox S. Bryan & Carol Anne Durham Rosemary Hollingsworth John Crosland III James & Nancy Mattox Susan & Harvey Durham Susan Bellamy Kelly Kincannon Charlotte Maxwell Susan & Harvey Durham Geoff & Lee Hulse Ann Weaver Rebecca Elderkin Laura Anne Vick Anonymous John & Betty Knox Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mays Virginia Easter Tom & Vicki Hunt Nancy Stetz Alexis Richards Joanna Easter Bob & Jean Alsup 27 Jim McDowell David Paschal Sebastian Sommer Adam & Hillary Warren Ryan & Lauren McDowell Maria Paschal M. Josef Sommer Vicki Troutman & Mary Tucker Lauren McDowell Rod Poole Jack Souther Jamie A. Watkins Barringer Construction Kelsey Poole Lori & Bob Souther Joyce Webb John McGowan Dr. Janice Pope Kevin Spencer Fleming & Barbara Weaver Margaret & Mark McColl Joan McGregor Andrea Spencer John & Patti Kay Dorothy McKee Adam Roades Megan Stakalosa Bethney June Webb Robert Jackson Mike Roades Michael Larson Jane Opliger June McNeil Jim Roberts Steve & Edie Stokes Dewey Wells Rick & Carole Brown Ellen Braswell Donald & Ashley Barnes Jim & Janie Phillips Tom Metz NPS Ranger Chuck Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Harold Storey Will, Hazel, Luke & Emory Elizabeth Metz Fuchs Anonymous Rena Henderson William & Mary Garrison Charles Miller Michael, Cindy & Castle Ryan Don & Doris Stovall Terry & Donna Wise Steven Mayer Ann & Phillip Brookner David Bauguess John & Kelly Merritt Chuck Miller The Sams Family C.L. “Curly” Stumb Mark & Cindy Youngblood Leonard Rubinowitz Mary Stewart Margaret Stumb Del McAdams, Jr. Jan Miller Mary Schleibaum Betty Sutton Chase Alan Yurkshat Anthony Verrecchio Peggy Lenhart Richard & Debby Thomas Al & Barbara Yurkshat Keith Miller Barbara M. Scott Cynthia Tessien Nora Zambon Rhys Miller Anne McKenzie Richard & Glenda Evans Sarah Zambon Tim Miller William & Susan Seelman Glenn & Judy Morris Dr. Susan Jackson Mills Kenny Seelman Bob & Kay Timberlake Margaret Martin Ann Sexton David & Meg Hinson Dr. Patricia Mitchell Miriam Sexton Vicki Troutman & Mary Tucker Memorials Those memorialized are listed in Michele Obenchain Russell Sherrill III Bob & Jayne Appleyard bold. Donors are listed below. Pat & Molly Morgan Marcia Roberts Leslie Grubb (Gifts from October 20, Rusty & Diane Walker Janet Sherrill Tamara Michael 2017-October 1, 2018) Mother Earth Kathleen Simms President Trump Margretta Hurwitz Cary Simms Deb Austin Charles Orser Martha & Andy Simpson Tybee John G. Adkins Robin Ely Stephen & Victoria Faw Roger & Virginia Tooker Ricky & Sharon Adkins Jack W. Osborne Dan & Susan Smith Tom and Karen Upton Vascal Harold Aiken Rick & Amy Boucher Skip Rackmill Brianna Posch Georgina Bruce Liz O’Shea Rob & Ann Smith Emily Vail Christeena Joy Anderson Annie O’Shea Mary Tucker & Vicki Troutman Hagan Barrett PLLC Ed Anderson Our Veterans Jo Ann Smith, Pat White, Bella & Thomas & Rosanne von Reyn William Apple Art & Susan Barber Smokey Laura Barry David & Donna Huckabee Amy Cole Bill Barksdale Carol Ann Mitchell & Carrie Lenburg David E. Barwick Joe & Virginia Dulaney, Sr. John P. Bassett Sr. William Bassett Henry & Colleen Baxter Ed & Sherree Menius Laura Beheler Kathy Spencer Jack & Eleanor Benbow David & Phyllis Benbow Berkeley Patricia King James “Bill” Blalock Roy & Cathy Clark Bee Blanchett Carolyn Ward Ira Bolick Charles Miller Patrick Borlik and his “Country Rides” Bryan Borlik Robert L. Boulay Paul Boulay Van & Marjorie Brinegar Blue Ridge Parkway, milepost 385, near Asheville, North Carolina The Estate of Marjorie Brinegar

28 Marianne Broecker Bob Cone Don Broecker Alan & Sally Cone Jim & Marguerite Brown Betty Shipp Cook William & Clara Cox Peggy Carter Kirby Brown Elbert A. Cook Juliana Henderson Dan McLawhorn Dylan Charles Bruns James F. Cooper, Sr. Lou & Andrea Bruns Debra Cooper Sharon Buck Maureen Cote Dudley Buck, Jr. Ken & Peggy Brady George & Emma Bumgarner William Marshall Courtney, Sr. Gerald & Ruby Clontz Anonymous Harold & Lucille Bumgarner Steve Covington Brenda Moore Alyssa & Kyle Bowker Gail W. Bunn Robin Schuster Thomas Bunn David & Donna Stephens Jerry Burns Michael J. Crosby Janice Burns Paul Vernon Clair Greear of Catawba Brewing Company presents Mandy Gee Thomas Edgar Burns Margaret Becton Crumpler with a donation for the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation Asheville Racquet Club John & Lynette Parker John & Lynn Burns Michael Danckert Patrick & Carol Carmichael Marjorie Danckert “Giving back to our local communities is Jeffrey Eischeid Richard Barry Davis Evelyn & Dick Ellis Asheville-Buncombe Technical an important part of the Catawba Brewing Eve Frist Community College mission statement. As a company, we value Jessica Hendrix Pamela Baker Margaret Layden N.C. Emergency Management outdoor activities and the natural beauty of Melanie Wiener Association Western North Carolina, and the Blue Ridge Susan Schiltz Robert L. Davis Bennett Thrasher Gerald & Brenda Peedin Parkway Foundation is a nonprofit that’s Isaac Cahill Thomas Dixon particularly near and dear to us.” Rudy & Cyndy LoMonaco William Dixon Roy Campbell, Jr. Ed Doerr - Brian Ivey, Marketing Director of Catawba Brewing Co. Frances Campbell Gerhard & Karin Kalmus Ruth Candler Lovett David Dorsett Elizabeth Lovett Grover David Guseman Louise Metcalf Canipe Claude Thomas Doughton, Jr. Martha Canipe Gayle Doughton Paul A. Fields Virginia Gilligan Loveland Tim Cantrell Paul Doyle Jane Wolfe Gary & Sherri Loveland Town of Waynesville Elizabeth Doyle Tom Fields Preston M. Greene Kevin Daniel Carlson Henry & Gewn Dunn Robert Stickley Edward Greene Stephanie Carlson Ann Dunn Dr. Daniel W. Fort Ted Greene Marie Bivins Carpenter Betty Easter William Fort Jayne Greene Gelene Scarborough W. Gray Parks Lynn C. Fox Molly Lane Hall Donald L. Carter Caroline Elliot Mary Katherine Battles Robert Lansing Peggy Carter JoAnn Davis Patrick Craig Mildred Hamelink Dianne M. Catullo Kathryn Erlandson Highland Park Community Brian DeCann & Pamela Richard Catullo Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Erlandson Chorus McCarrick Maggie Cecil Carol Ernst William Isele Chuck “Porsche Pete” Association of Co-owners of Joanna Berry Anna Mary Jordan-Stone Hammersmith Chetola Lake POA William & Lynn Clark Andrew McCampbell Blue Ridge Boxster Summit 2018 Ann Chapman Todd Benjamin Evans Simplee Team Jim & Teresa Covington Anonymous Michele & J.W. Stinnett Laura Van Malden Douglas Flint Chris Clements Olga Evans David Freeman James & Beulah Harris Teresa Horan Deborah Dinger Nathan, Judy, and Rod Poole James Harris Harold & Elizabeth Clendenning Una C. Evans Friday Pam Hathcock B. Sheila Clendenning Gary Evans Roger & Martha Charles Michele Hathcock Tommy & Ray Clontz Charles J. “Charlie” Fant William Arthur Fries John Heller Gerald & Ruby Clontz Erika Fant Sylvia Wiseman Janet Montgomery Starr Coble Zelda Brooks Ferguson Babe & Billy Fuller Landon Roberts Henry William Coble Alton & Freida Thornton Marsha Fuller Jenny & Clay Ballantine Spencer Collins Erwin Fersch John Furnas Susan Cohen Ronnie & Sarah Davis Al Hofmann Nancy Furnas Field Coxe Eleanor Redway Condon Dr. Conway H. Ficklen Maggie Gamble Roger & Kate Henry Anonymous Pat Shore Clark Crosland Jocelyn Reese 29 Sam Knob Trail, milepost 420

Donald Herman, M.D. Lisa Marceau Margaret H. Lee Imo Jean Miller James & Madeline Lloyd Gaye Price Anne Brady Hair Gallery21 Juana Rea Hester Ron Rumberger & Kathy Smith Ann Corbett Elton Moore, Jr. James & Madeline Lloyd Carol Westmoreland Mrs. William H. Fox, Jr. Ann Moore Lawrence L. Hester, Jr. Samuel Thomas Jones Bill Lipscomb William “Frank” Morgan Bette Hester David Bailey Adam Leon Janet Hahn Faye Hettiger Roberts T. Leroy Speer Sue Leon Hugh “Humo” Morton Ken Nelson & Julie Hettiger State Employees’ Credit Union Bobby Livingstone Arthur James Nina Holland Cardholder Services Dennis Gentry Robert Murrish Don Holland Kenneth Kaufman Edward J. Mabry Barbara Murrish William O. Hooper Roger & Joyce McNeil Linda Duncan Bob Myers Richard Hooper R. Keaton Marie J. Mabry W. Clarence & Nelda Goings Hilda C. Howard Peter & Kelly Rucker Barbara Simmons Charles Naeser Mary Brown Bud Kilby Cheryl Marshbanks Nancy Naeser Ruth Ann Huff Jim Caudill Julee Rose Tena Collins Nanney Jimmie & Patricia Kyser Eddy M. Killette Mary Ronnie & Sarah Davis Betty Ann Hughey Lynn Killette Gordon Richardson Sherron Nash Dwight & Julia Ann Whitney Horace P. Kirk Hazel Mathis Carey Marsh Irene Hughey Daryl & Dorothy Kirk Sara Carter Matt & Carey McKinney Kathy Spencer Zelda Brooks Knight Ferguson JC & Pat Mathis Dr. Robert L. Nichols Paul Hull William O. Dover JC & Karen Mathis Mary Nichols Deborah Bishop Wayne Kniskern Cameron McCormick Dwight & Lou Nichols Newton Hylton Warren Kniskern Jack & Barbara Matthews Nan Van Hoy Fred & Daphne Berge Pete Kulynych Mr. A. William McDonald Howard & Wave Olson Harold Jaus Kulynych Family Foundation II J. Tracy & Barbara Wilkerson David & Phyllis Benbow Victoria Jaus Vera Lachmann Dick McKnight Don Osborne Frank & Kay Joffrion Charles Miller Greg McKnight Virginia Osborne Diane Barham Montreal Langston Marguerite B. McLawhorn Oren Benjamin “Benny” Owens James Daniel Johnson Lovelda Harper The Family of Elbert Cook Jonathan & Ever Owens Stephen Long Marianne Larson Toni Thomas Luke & Julia Staley Barbara & Rick Wurster Carl Larson Enzo McMillan Jean Page Ronald “Ronnie” Wayne Jones Timothy Larson Janett McMillan Dick & Jeanne Patterson Mike & Leanne Brendle Bill & Blanche Lawless Jacob Spencer Medford Doris H. Parker James & Karin Dickson Sue Leon Ronnie & Sarah Davis Martha Walker Karen Feezor Kenneth “Peanut” Lawson Walt & Jo Metz Elizabeth Shelby Parker Kathie Goodman Austin Hester Tom Metz John & Lynette Parker Randy & Janet Leonard Burton Lee Baxter Miller Parkway & Skyline Drive Builders Bobby & Janet Lutz Granger MacFarlane John Shearer Industrial Fabricators of Virginia

30 Bobby Patterson Helen Robinson John P. Stratton Windy Williams W. Clarence & Nelda Goings Marjorie & Jane Asher James & Alice Keighton Sam Williams Dr. George Payne II John & Joan Rucker Alvin Sturdivant, Jr. Anthony Winston Paula Payne Peter & Kelly Rucker Shirley Sturdivant Rick & Lou Ann Andrews Dr. Richard Perzley Rudy Scott Sutelan Susie McHugh Joel Kann Catherine Mauro David & May Scott Sutelan Bill & Linda Myers Pete Peterson Robert Rumley Joan Sutton Hall Jo Rose Delta Peterson Scott & Lisa Rumley Felix & Elois Weinhold Linda & Mike Shinner Eric Phillips James Edward Rush Tyson Swain J.S. Walker Associates Marjorie & Jane Asher Mary Rush Judie Swain Don & Marilyn Wagner and Kandace Pierce Nancy Ryan Hugh Tackett Cheryl Haws Maurie Gray Dan & Linda Brown John & Martha Babinski Kung Wang Dr. William Ross Pitser Sadie William Delbert Teem Jerri Weaver David Pitser Lee & Nancy Romig Betty Teem-Gill YMCA Men’s Racquetball League Robert Poe Harold Landis Satterwhite, Jr. Betty A. & John C. Thompson Lois Winston Mary Frank Poe Cindy Boling Angie & Paul McDonald Anthony Winston Stephen Poe H. Charles Sellers, Jr. Roy Thompson Robert Winters Mary Frank Poe Rumple Memorial Presbyterian Arlene Edwards Thompson Roger Winters Ken Purdy Church Dr. & Mrs. C.R. Titus Elizabeth Wood Patrick Purdy Harry A. Shannon, Jr. John & Beth Titus Ivan Wood Rachel Quadt Skip & Shannon Davis Mary Jane Todd Libby Louise Davis Wood Robert & Jonna Quadt Nelson Simpson Laurayne Karr Bob & Mary Wood Sarah Ruth Ray Nelson Harris Eric Underwood Nancy P. Woods Richard Ray Corrine Faw Sink Juli Underwood Jon Woods Lee James Reynolds David Sink Glynda Valentine Ada Worley Barbara Reynolds Joseph T. Sloane Julia Smith Scott Montgomery & Pam Mary Richardson Therese Sloane Leila Veasey Hollifield Gordon Richardson Butch Smith Roy & Cathy Clark Heather Sandifer Charles Eugene Roberts Kathy Spencer Hubert & Dot Weir Bland Worley, Sr. Carolyn Bass Charles Richard Smith Perry & Nancy Weir Scott Montgomery & Pam Harald Heymann Dwayne Smith Richard Whisnant Hollifield Paulette Pauley John Speas W. Clarence & Nelda Goings Heather Sandifer Shannon Tate Clifford Phillips Bobby Donalthan Whiteside John Michael Young UNC-Chapel Hill Dept. of Elizabeth Jennings Stahl Kaye Gaffney Russell & Tina Hampsey Operative Dentistry Anne Farmer John & Martha Gibbs Frank & Elizabeth Robertson Robert O. Stephens W. A. Wightman, Jr. David & Karen Robertson Elyn Dortch Mr. & Mrs. James Wightman 31 Wildflowers at Price Lake, milepost 297, near Blowing Rock, North Carolina Photo by Andy Massengill