25 JANUARY 2007



ABSTRACT The Open Golf Championship returns to Carnoustie in 2007. This report considers the traffic and parking arrangements that will be necessary to allow access to the course and to the town.


1.1 It is recommended that the Infrastructure Services Committee:-

(1) Note and agree the traffic and parking arrangements which are being made in preparation for the Open Golf Championship in 2007 and note also that the detailed arrangements will be the subject of ongoing discussions with all the relevant parties.

(2) Agree to the promotion of Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders to effect tidal flow operations on the C62 Balmachie Road, A930 Carlogie Road, and one way flow operations in Ferrier Street, Kinloch Street, Links Avenue, reduced speed limits and any other orders required throughout the period as detailed in the report.

(3) Agree that all measures be taken to promote, encourage and support the enhancement of public transport facilities for the period of the Open.


2.1 The Open Golf Championship returns to Carnoustie in July 2007 after successfully hosting the event in 1999. It is extremely important that the Angus area gains the maximum advantage from this event in terms of tourism, economic development, publicity etc. This report, however, deals only with the traffic and parking arrangements for the event which are the subject of ongoing discussions between the Head of Roads, Chief Constable, Royal and Ancient Golf Club, Links Management Committee, Head of Planning and Transport, public transport operators and rail operators etc. In the region of 150,000 to 170,000 visitors are expected to attend the event which will take place over the week from 15 to 22 July 2007 and it is vitally important that the traffic and parking arrangements operate as smoothly as possible.


3 DETAIL (Plans showing the proposed arrangements will be placed in the Members’ lounge and will be available for consultation at the committee meeting).

3.1 Traffic Arrangements

3.1.1 Since the Open Golf Championship was last held at Carnoustie in 1999 the A92 between Dundee and has now been up-graded to dual carriageway with a number of grade-separated junctions. This will assist greatly in dealing with all the various traffic flows such as golf, commuter and general local traffic.

3.1.2 In 1999 an alternative diversion route to the A92 was required for commuter traffic, however as a result of the new dual carriageway this will not be required in 2007. In the event of an emergency the designated signed emergency diversion route for the A92 will be used.

3.1.3 In order to ensure the safety of all Police personnel on duty as well as the public a 40mph speed limit will be required between Ethiebeaton and Salmonds Muir junctions. In addition a 30mph speed limit will also be required from the junction to the East of . The majority of vehicular traffic travelling to and from Carnoustie will use this section of the A92.

3.1.4 The A930 Carlogie Road, Balmachie Road and Upper Victoria will form the main links into Carnoustie. Upper Victoria will remain two-way at all times, and Balmachie Road and Carlogie Road from Road to the Westhaven Road will require to be one way from the A92 towards Carnoustie in the 7am to 2pm situation. From 2pm until 9pm Balmachie Road and Carlogie Road as stated above will be one- way northwards. Panbride Road/Westhaven Road will act as the alternative.

3.1.5 The main traffic flows will be Thursday to Sunday but the system will start operation on the Monday, as flows are still high and this will allow a practice run. On Saturday and Sunday there will be no base commuter flow which will help at Claypotts junction and Greendykes roundabout in Dundee, although the Open traffic flow will be in the opposite direction to the peak hour commuter flow.

3.1.6 All traffic will be encouraged to approach Carnoustie via the A92 with traffic from the north being signposted down the A92 coastal route through Montrose and Arbroath.

3.1.7 Locally, it will be necessary to make Ferrier Street one-way southwards, Taymouth Street one way westwards, Links Avenue one-way northwards and Kinloch Street one way westwards from Ferrier Street to Camus Street. A temporary traffic regulation order will be required to impose all the one-way systems. This is similar to the arrangements which are used for all the golf tournaments held at Carnoustie.

3.2 Parking

3.2.1 The main public parking areas will be on an area of farmland to the north of Newton Road (8,500 spaces), with access from Balmachie Road and Carlogie Road. An area 3

at Barry Buddon (4,800 spaces) will be reserved for special ticket holders (issued by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club (R&A)), with access through the MOD land. There will also be parking (1,000 spaces) reserved for competitors, caddies, disabled badge holders and special ticket holders off Links Parade which will be accessed from Carlogie Road, Church Street and Station Road.

3.2.2 Residents in the centre of Carnoustie will only be allowed to park on-street overnight in some of the streets. Extensive coning of the central area of Carnoustie and approach roads will be essential. Similar to 1999 alternative residents’ parking will be provided at 4 locations (Ballister Park, Carnoustie House Grounds, Kinloch Primary School and Thomas Street) to provide parking for those residents who reside on an affected route.

3.3 Park and Ride

3.3.1 A park and ride system will operate from the main public car park to the north of Newton Road. Buses will pick up at two points for Public (West) Balmachie and Public (East) Carlogie and run via Newton Road, Carlogie Road, Church Street, High Street, Dundee Street, Ferrier Street, Kinloch Street (Pick-up and drop-off point), Camus Street, West Path, Balmachie Road and Newton Road. The parking fee at the car park will include the park and ride bus, although some visitors may choose to walk and this in turn will allow them to take in the facilities within Carnoustie.

3.4 Coaches

3.4.1 Coaches will be directed to follow the A92 and then proceed down the C1 Upper Victoria road to the A930 and on to Pitskelly Park where there is space for approximately 200 coaches.

3.5 Existing Bus Services

3.5.1 These will require to use the A930 Dundee Street, High Street, Church Street, Arbroath Road, Westhaven Road and A930 to Muirdrum in the 7am to 2pm situation. Southbound would be as normal. From 2pm to 9pm northbound buses would be as normal but southbound buses would require to leave the A930 and follow Westhaven Road and Arbroath Road.

3.6 Taxis

3.6.1 A section of Links Avenue will be set aside for taxis.

3.7 Trains

3.7.1 Discussions are ongoing with First Scot Rail, Virgin and GNER in order to maximise the use of trains. The main station will be used and combined rail travel/golf entry tickets will be available.


3.8 Signing

3.8.1 Extensive signing will also be required and this will be arranged by the Automobile Association (AA) in consultation with the Head of Roads and Chief Constable and paid for by the R&A.

3.9 Servicing of the Site

3.9.1 Servicing of the site will be carried out at defined times, normally overnight.

3.10 Statutory Undertakers

3.10.1 All the Statutory Undertakers have been given preliminary notice of the event and this will be regularly followed up.

3.11 Emergency Services

3.11.1 The Chief Constable is making the necessary arrangements for cover by the Emergency Services.

3.12 Shuttle Buses

3.12.1 Additional shuttle buses will be provided from and to Dundee and will use the A930, dropping off and picking up on the A930 at Dundee Street.

3.13 Competitors and Caddies

3.13.1 Competitors and caddies from the south will be directed via the Scott-Fyffe roundabout, Strips of Craigie Road, A930 low road, Ferrier Street and into Links Parade. From the north the route will be via Easthaven Road, Arbroath Road, Long Row, Norrie’s Road and Tayside Street.

3.14 Access for TV and Press

3.14.1 Access will be via Station Road, Barry and Station Road, Carnoustie using both level crossings to access south of the railway line. Vehicles will be on site before the start of the competition and leave after the finish.

3.15 Caravans

3.15.1 No information has been received as yet as to whether or not a site will be used by the Caravan Club.

3.16 Heli-Pad


3.16.1 A heli-pad will be established on farmland adjacent to the C61 to the east of Carnoustie. Access to the course from the heli-pad will be taken via Arbroath Road, Long Row, Norrie’s Road, Tayside Street and Links Parade.

3.17 Hospitality Vehicles

3.17.1 Hospitality vehicles will be able to pick-up and drop-off at the west end of Kinloch Street and, if necessary, park at Pitskelly Park.

3.18 Publicity

3.18.1 It is essential that the proposed arrangements are publicised as fully as possible. This will take place through the TV, Press, Internet, Libraries, Public meetings, Supermarkets, Access Offices, Police Offices etc.

3.19 Cycling

3.19.1 The Sustrans National Cycle Route 1 will require to be closed between the Burnside Golf Course starter’s box and Station Road, Barry. This is in the interest of public safety to allow site traffic to set up the TV/media and contractors’ site compounds. An alternative cycle route will be signed.

3.19.2 Cycle parking facilities will be provided near the course for those who wish to cycle to the event.


4.1 From the Roads Division’s point of view considerable staff time is required in discussing the arrangements and preparing the necessary plans. However all such costs will be contained within the 2007/08 Roads Revenue Budget.

4.2 The R&A will arrange the provision of the car parks, park and ride buses and traffic signing with all costs met by the R&A.


5.1 There are no human rights implications arising from the proposals in this report.


6.1 The Chief Executive, Director of Corporate Services, Head of Finance, Head of Law and Administration, Head of Planning and Chief Constable were consulted in the preparation of this report.


7.1 The main, traffic and parking proposals for the Open Golf have now been agreed. Nevertheless a great deal of detailed work still requires to be done and these matters 6

will be the subject of ongoing discussions with all relevant parties, to ensure that the traffic and parking arrangements operate as smoothly as possible.



No background papers, as defined by Section 50D of the Local Government () Act 1973 (other than any containing confidential or exempt information) were relied on to any material extent in preparing the above Report.

Roads/BAC/PP 3 January 2007 REPORTS/carn.open2007