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Dr. Phil. Dewi Chandraningrum, S.Pd., M.Ed.





Sinta Dwi Sugiharti


Accepted by the Board of Examiner School of Teacher and Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta On February 2021

The Board of Examiners: 1. Dewi Candra, ( )

(First Examiner)




Prof. Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno, M.Hum.


NIDN. 0028046501


Herewith, I surely that there is no plagiarism in this Research Paper. As far as I know, in the literary work which have been raised to obtained bachelor degrees of university. Nor there are obtain masterpieces with have been written or published by others, except those in which the writing are referred manuscript and mentioned in the literary review and references. If it is proven that there are some untrue statements in this testimony. I will hold fully responsible.

Surakarta, 10 Februari 2021

The Researcher

Sinta Dwi Sugiharti A320150113




Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa salah satu novel karya James Dashner dengan judul The Death Cure yang diterbitkan pada tanggal 11 Oktober 2011 di Amerika Serikat. Novel ini mengisahkan sekelompok remaja yang menjadi target sebuah organisasi besar bernama WICKED. Thomas beserta teman-temannya saling berusaha mempertahankan diri agar tidak ditangkap oleh organisasi WICKED. Dimana orang-orang yang dianggap kebal terhadap virus, darah mereka akan diambil dan dijadikan obat. Topik pada skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui lebih dalam mengenai arti dari sebuah persahabatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori psikoanalitik dimana membahas karakter individu. Penilitian ini menggunakan sumber data dokumen tertulis dan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggali mengenai indikator dari persahabatan, persahabatan yang tergambar pada novel, dan alasan pengarang menyampaikan persahabatan dalam novel. Kata Kunci: psikoanalitik, karakter, inidvidu, persahabatan

Abstract This study is aimed to analyzing one of a novel by James Dashner entitled The Death Cure published in October, 11th, 2011 in United Stated of America. The novel tells about a group of teenager that targeted an organization of science named WICKED Thomas and his friends each keep safe together of them, so that not arrested of WICKED in their research to find a pandemic of Flare virus. People that not infected the virus, then their blood would be take and process it to be a cure of Flare virus. This research topic is aimed to know depth about the meaning of friendship. This research is used a psychoanalytic theory that examine the character of individual. The research is used a data source named written data and used a qualitative method. This research is examined the indicator of friendship, how the friendship is depicted in the novel, and the reason‟s author addressed the friendship in the novel. Keywords: psychoanalytic, character, individual, friendship

1. INTRODUCTION Literature is a work of works of fiction that is the outcome of construction design by additional natural emotion that is able to expose the skill of beauty are both based aspects of language as well as aspects of meaning (Fananie, 2000). Novel is one kind of literary work that formed in printed book or e-book. Novel is a prose essay that tells an extraordinary event happened in someone life called the characters. That in the novel has conflict, controversy or disagreement through to the other characters or event tells in the novel, and in the end of the novel. According to H.B. Jassin, novel is a prose essay that tells an extraordinary event, conflict that makes their destiny.


Sigmund Freud stated that the life of the soul has three levels of consciousness, namely conscious, pre-conscious, and unconscious. This topography or awareness map is used to describe the element of awareness in every event such as thinking and fantasizing. Until the 1920s, the theory of psychological conflict only involved the three elements of consciousness. Psychoanalysis is considered as one of the revolutionary movements in the field of psychology, starting from a method of healing mental illness sufferers, to transforming into a new conception of human beings. The main hypothesis of a psychoanalysis that the human behavior is largely determined by unconscious motives. The id, ego, and superego are three of the psychic apparatus defined in Sigmund Freud‟s model of mental structure. According to the model of the soul, the id is an uncoordinated set of instinctive trends, the ego is part, realistically organized and the superego plays a critical and moral role, that work together to create complex human behavior. According to Robert Lindell a literature called novel was born in England entitled Pamella published in 1740. Novel Pamella is a dairy note from a house-assistant and then formed in fiction prose as knows nowadays. While, according to Sami, novel is a way to link a concentration of live and a discipline live center. Novel is a fiction works that shows a deeper and serve gently of humanity aspects. Thematic characteristic that seems in authentic value by Goldmann is a totality implicit that shown in a novel, based on the explanation or definition of novel, Goldmann formed novel such as psychology novel (romantic) and pedagogical novel. Novel is a unique literature work this work consisted of several aspects to be called as a novel. First, an intrinsic element of novel consists of theme, plot, setting, characterization, point of view, and moral value. Second is an extrinsic element as attitude, firm belief, and the point of view of the author that influenced the literary work. Friendship is often to find in the society. It is a relation between two persons or more who supported each other and completed each other caused a similar destiny. An expert in social psychology, Kurth, S (2009, p. 215), said that lovely friendship with beloved friendship is two things different. Lovely friendship is a close or intimate personal relationship involving each individual as a whole. While beloved friendship is an early stage relationship that will develop into a friendly relationship because of the sense of comfort and security experienced by two or more people. According to Baron (p. 14), friendship is a relationship which makes two people who spend time together, interact in various situations, not involving others in the relationships and give each other emotional support.


According to Craighead & Nemeroff (2004, p. 381), friendship is the important relationship in all culture and long alive that has characteristics as such: (1) dyadic relation; (2) affection and attention elements that respond each other; (3) voluntary; (4) egalitarian; (5) as friend in doing a gather activity. Friendship has a function as follows: provide a source of support and chance to individual to disclosure and chumminess. Friendship development is divided into: friendship as handy and playmate, friendship as mutual trust and assistance, friendship as intimacy and loyalty (Damon in Dariyo, 2004, p. 128-130). In general, friend pointed to a close friend who trust worthy, who relate well, and who forgive each other. According to Ridwan (1998, p. 134) that friendship should be understood as a figure present to be trust worthy in dept comprehensive and can forgive each other especially associate closely among friends. A speculative fiction novelist from America called James Dashner was born in Novermber 26th, 1972. His three novel that get achievements are the best young adult fiction in Whitney, 13th Reality: 2008, then ALA best fiction for adult, : 2011, and Young reader‟s choice awards, The Maze Runner: 2012. The Death Cure is a novel series written by James Dashner, it is the third novel series, the first novel series is The Maze Runner 2009, the second is The Scorch Trial 2010, and the third is The Death Cure 2011, next is The Kill Order 2012, it is in narrative order and the last is The Fever Code in 2016, it is in narrative order. The Death Cure novel series published in October 11th, 2011 by Delacorte press, this novel contains about 325 pages and available in printed book: hardcover, paper-book, audio book, and e-book. Those third book are made into film, that directed by with the same title between novel and the film. The Maze Runner film released in 2014, by TGS Entertainment, released in 2015, by TGS Entertainment, and The Death Cure released in 2018, by Oddball Entertainment. Maze Runner: The Death Cure takes the setting story after Teresa been traitorous by join with an organization called WICKED. It is a young adult, science fiction, and dystopian genre. Thomas, Newt, and Frypan are the last member of Gladers who immune to flare virus that harm the world population. Thomas and Galders group that left execute the mission to find the flare virus cure and to safe their friend, Minho, who will be a specimen subject by WICKED. In order to safe their friends, Thomas and the Gladers must enter „The Last City’, it is a maze controlled by WICKED that it may change to be the most dangerous and furious labyrinth. Friendship is very interest to discussed, this term such always alive in human being from kids to getting old, people need friend and its relation called friendship. Therefore, this paper 3 would like to find out about friendship that every single human is feel it in their society, by knows the indicators of friendship, how the friendship depicted in the novel: The Death Cure, and the authors‟ reason addressed friendship in the novel. This research presents entitled Friendship depicted in James Dashner‟ novel The Death Cure (2011): A Psychoanalytic approach.

2. METHOD Psychoanalytic approach used in this research to analyzed the topic of friendship in the novel The Death Cure by James Dashner (2011). A qualitative study that used reading article and watching The Maze Runner: The Death Cure Novel to be analyzed the research study. The data analysis takes some parts in analyzing the topic. First, the researcher read the novel for many times to make sure understand about the story, then analyzed the characters, the plot and setting then classifying the data based on the objective of the study. The researcher is collected the data based on the theory found and drawing conclusion of the result through the data analysis. The type of data is a written document. There are two types of data of this study namely the primary and the secondary, the primary data is the movie itself entitled The Death Cure, that released in 11th October, 2011 in United States by the publisher is Delacorte press. The secondary data come from books: e-book and printed book, articles, journals, and many websites that related with the novel, and the movie with the same title, then the theory which are used in this study.

3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Findings The indicators that show the friendship in the novel are treacherous, giving support, affection, intimacy, argumentation, accepting, and memories. Betrayal is a form of breaking, destroying, or violating a contract of presumption, agreement, cooperation, trust, or belief, which creates moral and psychological conflict in relationship between individuals, organizations, or among them. Teresa is a scientist, previously she was a gladers same as Thomas, in the middle of a way, she thinks that she have to break the pandemic of Flare virus then Teresa move to join with WICKED and stay I the last city to make a research of Flare virus cure. Even she know that, Thomas and the others be disappointed to her, because the WICKED takes many people to arrested and take

4 them to be the specimen creature then take their blood plasma to make more serum of Flare virus. Friendship is know each other and have a good communication, people is not always in a good condition, people merely in bad condition and it need motivation or support to make them be better. Brenda knows Thomas and Minho are in a bad day that many gladers are arrested WICKED and death. Brenda gives her words to them as “Let bygones be bygones….it wasn’t your fault.” Means that in every single problem people could be accept and forget it, take the past problem teach for the better future so we are not get fault anymore. Defining a social support as behavior that communicates caring, validities self-esteem, feelings, and other people‟s behavior, or facilitate adaptive solutions to problems through the provision of information, assistance, or the resources (Curtrona, 1996). Affection can be happened between two people or more and it causes of social interaction among people. Psychoanalytically, affection is an attitude that arises due to external factors that occur as a result of experiences with other people, it can be said that affection is formed due to the interaction between individuals. Thomas and Newt that disguise as the security of the laboratory takes Minho while chase away of several securities. When Thomas feels bad, he gets cough, and spitting, and meet Brenda, immediately Brenda take care of him to take the next plan that they had made. It prove that the affection among friends are high while the one is get bad or sick then help one another. Intimacy according to Sternberg is a sense of affection, mutual support, sharing, and communicating in relationship. Passion that defined as passion or desire for physical things at a high level in a relationship, especially those related to sex. It appropriate to the novel that depicted an intimacy in psychic between Brenda and Thomas as “she gave him smile and took his hand” a little psychic contact is indicated as an intimacy between people. The feeling that the linked and feel each other shows that among them have a close relation. Proved that Brenda has a bad feeling through them same as Thomas feels. An argumentation is a form of rhetoric that seeks to influence the attitudes and opinions of others, so that people believe and ultimately act according to what the writer or speaker wants (Keraf, 1997, p. 116). Thomas attempts to make his friends be calm in confront the problem, that planning the plans should be completed, not even only flowing as in the word of “nothing about this was black and white”. Thomas argue, he should go with Brenda, because both of them can take care of themselves of any situation and condition, then when in worst situation happened, one or both of them can slip away from the WICKED.


Acceptance is a thing or condition that is acceptable. The WICKED interested to examining and manufacturing the serum from Minho‟s blood. Thomas attempts to accept Minho„s going at that time and insist to Brenda that he is with Newt who has ever 2 years together, and make Brenda is a little calm. The acceptance is usually refers to cases where a person experiences a situation or condition without trying to change, protest, or get out of it. It appropriate to Thomas, that he is accepted the condition of Minho and Newt who are arrested the WICKED without any protest. In psychology, memory is defined as the process of storing information from what is captures by the human sense, namely in the form of image of sight, smell, hearing, and what is felt, all of which will be perceived and stored in the brain. Thomas is always remembered the incident of his friends. Thomas is very love his friends who fight to stop the WICKED action, then he can see Minho‟s eye in Frypan, even though Minho is still alive and save from a targeted of WICKED. Character that shows friendship in the novel is clearly analyzed. There are two characters represents friendship in this novel, namely: Charitable Character, and Supporting Character. Mental, moral, and ethical qualities that can make a person look different from others. Character can be interpreted as having character and personality. The first one is a charitable character that has a gentle, friendly and loving character among humans and the other creature in the society. Character is often closely related to someone‟s behavior. If someone has good behavior, it is likely that person has good character too. Thomas feels bad, he gets cough, and spitting, and meet Brenda, immediately Brenda take care of him to take the next plan that they had made. It is discussed the character of Brenda is charity who is take care of her friend. Support is the provision of encouragement, motivation, enthusiasm or advice whose is in a situation where decisions are needed (Chaplin, 2006). It is show in the quotation of the novel in the finding part that in the worst time that would be happen, Brenda attempts to build Thomas‟s enthusiasm fight for get back the gladers from the WICKED. Event happens very clear to explain the situation, the event of friendship found in this novel divided into one event named under-pressure condition. Person in a depressed or in under-pressure condition generally experiences feelings of sadness, anxiety or emptiness; they also tend to feel trapped in a state of hopelessness, helplessness, rejection, or feeling of worthlessness.


In the style there a term named diction, there are two finding that is discussed in diction, namely: statement of saying as a friend, Thomas and Brenda are prepared themselves to get inside of the city of the WICKED exist. Brenda says the sweet things to Thomas that anything happened out there, they are friend that should be gathers until the end, means that Brenda wants to say that she loves Thomas, as stated in the quotation of “But I want you to know that you are my friends…” [TDC, 2011, p. 134]. Then, the second style is memory. In psychology memory is said to be the process of storing information from what is captured by the human senses. Things in the form of image from sight, smell, hearing, and what is felt will be perceived and stored in the brain. Memory is temporary or permanent. Thomas never meets Newt and his other friends who dead. The memories in each people, makes Thomas is always remember the incident of his friends then he can see Minho‟s eye in Frypan, even though Minho is still alive and save from a targeted of wicked. James got his degree of accountant from Brigham Young University. He is typing in his father‟s type machine when he is 10 years old. James is already write some novel of Young-adult as the genre of his novel about adventure, fiction-science. In this novel, the author describes the friendship as a treatment of believe, support and have a good collaboration each other to reach the desire together. Although, in friendship has a bad prejudice as shows by Teresa who traitorous to the gladers included of Thomas, Minho, Brenda, and Newt. Friendship should be based on the reliance, affecting and supporting each other. Then, help one another needed even she/ he is ever break the relation to others that so called as an accepting, a term that build the friendship. 3.2 Discussion Psychoanalytic theory focuses more on the unconscious because of stimulating desires. The idea in psychoanalysis is that have the goal of protecting ourselves from the desires that associated with thought and pleasure, and achieve the goal by keeping those ideas out of consciousness, keeping deep inside the unconscious. Human development in psychoanalytic is a very accurate thing of the psychosocial and psychosexual development process, from birth to adulthood. In Freud‟s theory, every single human being must go through a series of developmental stages in the process of becoming an adult. An expert in social psychology, Kurth, S (2009, p. 215), said that lovely friendship with beloved friendship is two things different. Lovely friendship is a close or intimate personal relationship involving each individual as a whole. According to Craighead & Nemeroff (2004, p. 381), friendship is the important relationship in all culture and long alive 7 that has characteristics as such: (1) dyadic relation or communication; it process of two ways communication between one person and one or two others by face to face. Okada (2010, p. 90-92) stated a friendship relation in teens especially, that on the teen demanded to have a depth friendship relation, signed by increasing the intimacy among friends and they can share each story or tell their problem individually (Takuma, et.all, 1989). In the novel The Death Cure, Thomas and Galders group that left execute the mission to find the flare virus cure and to safe their friend, Minho, who will be a specimen subject by WICKED. In order to safe their friends, Thomas and the Gladers must enter „The Last City‟, Friendship is very interest to discussed, this term such always alive in human being from kids to getting old, people need friend and its relation called friendship.

4. CONCLUSION The research of novel James Dahsner‟s The Death Cure: 2011, the researcher sum up that friendship is a treatment of believe, support and have a good collaboration each other to reach the desire together. It should be based on the reliance, affecting and supporting each other. Then, help one another needed even she/ he is ever break the relation to others that so called as an accepting, a term that build the friendship that cooperative and mutually supportive behavior between two or more social entities, in this sense, the term of friendship describes a relationship that involves knowledge, appreciation, affection, and feeling. Directed by some characters in the novel of Thomas, Brenda, Minho, Newt and Teresa who are fight to kill the Flare virus. Thomas is loose Teresa that joins to Janson in the last city to be a scientist in finding the formula to kill the Flare virus. Thomas and friends are fight to keep each other from the WICKED, an organization that formulated the serum of Flare virus from human plasma blood. This research finds seven indicators that reflected friendship in novel James Dashner‟s The Death Cure: 2011, namely: treacherous, giving support, affection, intimacy, argumentation, acceptance, and memories. Thomas, Minho and the Gladersare people who cannot infected to the flare viruses, so the WICKED, an organization of health are fight to get the cure. This current research is also finds the depiction of friendship in the novel through characters namely: charitable character and supporting character, through event named under- pressure condition, and through style of diction of statement of saying as a friend, and remembering. Friend pointed to a close friend who trust worthy, who relate well, and who forgive each other. A cooperative and mutually supportive behavior between two or more social 8 entities, in this sense, the term of friendship describes a relationship that involves knowledge, appreciation, affection, and feeling.


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