1999 PRESIDENT SIR THOMAS MACPHERSON (Oxford) VICE-PRESIDENTS K.S. DUNCAN, O.B.E. (Oxford) Dr. R.K.I. KENNEDY (Cambridge) D.G. STEEL (Oxford) J.P. FORD, C.B.E. (Cambridge) CHAIRMAN H.R.H. STINSON, LL.D Hon (Cambridge) COMMITTEE Team Managers Dr. D.W. Roberts (Cambridge) U.S. Matches Dr. Andrew Hodge (Cambridge) 020-7727 1929 M.S. Steed (Cambridge) Schools Matches (h) 020-7260-2240 (w)
[email protected] Bridget H.R. Wheeler (Cambridge) Simon Hall (Cambridge/Oxford) Varsity Match 020 8659 8048 (h), 020-7601-4417 (w) R. Paige (Oxford).Internet and email
[email protected] Clare Ridgley Past President OUAC Matt Weaver (Oxford) 020 7263 5976 (h), 020- S. Burman-Roy Past President CUAC 7227 2162(w)
[email protected] A. Ireland President OUAC Dr. Joanna Cripps (Cambridge) 0117-9266411(w) Rebecca Wright President CUAC
[email protected] Elizabeth Goodwin Women’s Captain OUAC T. Richards Men’s Captain CUAC Achilles Trust Alison Lister Hon. Secretary OUAC Trustees: D.G. Steel (Oxford), H.R.H. Stinson Rachael Hedley Hon. Secretary CUAC (Cambridge), A.E. Calvert-Smith (Cambridge), Air Commodore J.G. De'Ath, M.B.E. Dr. C.J.R. Thorne (Cambridge) Hon. Treasurer, OUAC Clerk to the Trust: Dr. Christopher Thorne (Cam- C.L. Pratt Hon. Treasurer, CUAC bridge), St Catharine’s College, Cambridge D.S. Gardiner Achilles Rep, CUAC
[email protected] Victoria Goodwin Achilles Ball Investment adviser: J.E.B. Bevan (Cambridge) Hon. Treasurer and Membership Secretary Peter Crawshaw (Oxford), 18 Ringley Park Av., Reigate, Surrey RH2 7EU.