the time with her dau~ht,erat Scott,. John Anker, of Dulixth, was in town ville. She is now the giiest of hor 5on L part of the week. s. J. ~orneliu~returned last; woeh

B. A. Jones is assist very seriously burned by gasoline icr. ~cN~tt,ot Merr

A little son arrived last evening at r. sud Mrs, Robt. Little Are being used mom and more by the Notice the me~icineadvertise people of this locality, bacuuse oP the )f 0, E. Fritz and watch for his circu- Church in the evening, ~ro~ptrolief which follows their. we. ars. W,N. Straube, co~~isio~erUP No f~~ii~should be wit~o~xt the&. Wil~oa~of d, was in town lio Works, re~eive~word on We I 1 day, for th jay of last week, that his fathex e Ilnees. ward ~tr~~be,WRS dead at his ha yette, Xnd, 13s left here ou

was seven a lot work. i 1 4 iir s~owi~~of €lolidgy Goods embodie

His widow and arr, med~cal$tude~t in


The new law for the imrnsd md justice of the peace. istrstion of births and requi tiflc~tesof births to be filed by phgsi- cisus will go into effect, in MiGt~i~~~~~ on January I, 1906. It i that the people of tho S a~pxvecia~ethe value of th !ontinrxe her reside~cshere for the and a~ci~ratsret:ords thu for, and aid, as far HS 3bccaw

* 3867, which is sapsr-

fect and u~s~ti~~~ctoryresults, Mlaoy births failed to be recorded and the n visiting her SOKI, HG I.. particulars re~isteredfor those births that were placed upon record were fre~ue~tiyi~~orr~~t. The law of 1905, ughly e~forc~~,ought to se- uar corn ple t e reg ist ra- tion of births, and the f~ctsi_u re~~rd

the sal out, 1 I .*

Xvcr Johnson Safety A~ton~~~ic

interests in ttie Seci!rity Gate paten' rights to 0. 13;. Jenes, except in. thc Canadian p~te~t,s~in whipl! s$i\ holds interests. At the regular meetjug ol tba 67:ts:

ap., Jas. ~'er~uso erney; Coad.,, J jan ~ore~te~sand tiheir husbands, ar ins onj~yabletime i egular meeting of thf sday eveoiap. Spec rand represe~tativo,W. d novel form and those who ur Deposiror Made Trou Fnian’s Awful Distre TATTOOER HID r the Cashier. Kidney Troubles. England six years ago and visited , merchant, of Par says: “Driving about brought kidney trou- one of the Arundel family seven hun- posited. He offered no explanation ot bles on me, and I his sudden desire to withdraw hi? suffered 20 years ’funds, and after vain argument with with sharp, cramp- lowed at the trunk and capable of ing pains ?n the back and urinary disor- eir poor, m ders. I often had to get up a dozen times at night to urinate. The tellcr assured him etention set in, and was o~li~~dto use be the reason the proper time. When it becomes a ’s ~i~neyPills. The urine soon cli~atedthis ~e~orialof the old Tis

fore lie could siJeali

Story Pub. C0.3 thickness, branching a few feet above est worliing clock in ~ngIand. This the ground and for~ii~ga large and timepiece was erected about 1320 and is withcut doubt the work of so~e monastic c~oc~~iial~er.It is the only GBO now known that is wound up over


ous govern~ents. All, however, bring and call my own. Do you know, Ag- bury, but also for the reason that un. daily orders from every laud on the nes, in my time I have been famous? der‘ the spreading branches of the and Proof. globe, for Pillsbury’s Vitos, the all- ” Facts I achieved fame both by pen and parent tree Thomas Mayhew, known sword. I have never told you much of to fame as Gov. Mayhew, must have An ounce of fact is worth a ton of my life; but iByou read the history of been carried to his baptism over three theory and it is evidence founded on the Civil War You will find that my hundred years ago.---Boston Tran- Cacts that backs up every box of able, but in practice men pay willing ~y~cli~n~is becomir~~ so common name was not without ~romin~ncescript. Dodd’s Kidney Pills. The evidence of that after a~vhilea ~entlemanwill be ow I could not-th homage to the cap and bells, provided afraid to whip his wife. not compelled people who know what they do. Mrs. they surmount a pretty face and are ’ May Tabcr; highly esteemed resident jangled in a tiny hand.--Lady’ 31 Wulett, says: torial. “I know Bodd’s Ki raluable medicine because I have Memory of a Miss. used them. I took seven boxes and ~idney Smith once said: they cured me of a severe attack of emo~when idney Trouble. They relieved me from the first close, and when I had whici finished the last box I hail no pail lasted us forty years, and we believ and my Kidneys are now acting prop it will be one of the last things NI erly.” think oP when we die. odd’s Kidney Pills ar8 now recog nized all over the world as the Cable Tolls to Japan. edy science has eve. -_. It costs $1.76 a word to send a rnes

Bright’s Disease, and all disorder: xising from any form of I~idneyUis as the people will have the war newa ?ase, in co~nectio~with their ~or~iii~disf.

kept busy day and ni

A scientist who has liste~@dto uritil recently provided at every sta voice of a house~ythrough the micro. tjon a small box in an Out-Qf-the-wa~ phone says that it sounds much like :orner for passengers to deposit theii the neighing of! a horse, * ~Vewould .iclrets in. As a natural result of this not care to listen to baby through system, only one ticket in ten was de the microphone, but he would prob- e to-~~~ht.A few ste 3osited in the box; the rest fluttered ably sound Iike the tru~p~tin~sof a ibout at will a11 over the station. Thc distr@ssed el~pliantwith half a ton ~uthoritit~noted this, and cha of stomach ache a~oar~.~~~~~nea~olis ,he small inaccessible box for a large Journal, me in a p~o~inent~osition. The $rising sequel was that ~nsteadof ohe hinese View of Law. in woman turued to IOOli upto \he face ten, only o ne in a hundred tickets an ~ranciscoChina~an, of her companion. found its way into the new box. The the sententiousness of his kind, after it deposit the In his eyes she thou~litshe read the easier was to the tickets e experience of A~nerican law, more careless were the passen~ersin Ired: ‘iCll~~ieselaw, first- disposing of them. lcillee man, China, head 2ff; no lietchee him, somebody kiead 28, mebbee cousin head off!. English A man, who was conv~ctedin one of -two hours~from now;! the New Jersey courts of highway rob- law, second-class; him lietchee man, bery, was sentenced to thirteen years’ e head off. ~elican penal serv~tude. “May it please the law, no good; too m~ich~esluplerne court,” said he, “I would call your at- 2ourt.” tention to the fact that tlii~teenyears of gives me a feeling vague uneasi~ess 1yiased lo portlon of tlie ear, There is only one waydis. ta akin to terror. Could you make the *urcdeaf~e~S nod that frc by c~osti~utl~i~nlrcmedfcs ~e~fne~~is c~~~~Iby an i~nnIncd~~ndltlon of ttd us any machinery to hoist it up with. himself* nucous lining cP thc ~~iista~~lniiTube. ~V~enthls joy, and fo~~edher ubo is ~nfla~nedyou hnvo ~ru~ii~lfn~sound or hi- onsequently every day I must carry In conclusion it may be Law Takes Hdd of ScboQlboy, terfcct hcn~fn~slid rvhcn it ie entirely closed Deaf- hand- the WhoIe Six allOnS up these 217- that sailor, a captain in the ~ercan. less IS the resuit, arid nrilcsa till! ~ri~ni~~~atlon‘can t)o im~a*steps. That’s hard on the heart,” tile service, once came to of ~ashin~tonhas decided t~atthe e,” a~reedthe visitor. law against cl~st~irbin~a public school sed tllcir 1 “It would be so easy to rig=upa rope a~p~iesto sc~~oo~bo~sas well as to J, C~~~~~ SS GO., ~~;~~o* TukcSold by ~1~~1’~~~~n~i~ ~ru~~~st~.f5c.I”ill6 for .~~n~~i~~t~~~

rero~mschfiol. 1

so harillv won. “I have been a liabitual

or~ar~ea~e~Iy to a~va~cingin the dusli. I-fe vould have cIasp~~spoke. “‘No, dear,” she added h~sti~y; bcr in his ar~s,but she waved him “it‘s my turn to pfty the f anot~~rclever and well linown tattoo. ijacli. would beat niost rai~~cllyjust after I

------^------Y”U. ,.,”,, Press. *.v*d* 1 re~~~n-wasnot far to seek, Throwing times my pulse wouX high as 1 137 beats to the ~inute. My 1 were grea many new railroads that it is next and at la her p~rsuadedme to begin the Postum Food Coffee. L o right liere-now,” to impossible to keep track of them all. When they are all completed “I gave up the old coffee entirely Texas will not fall far short of hav- these little Japes and Annies and and absolutely, and made Posturn my A charming widow is a well-educat- ~A~VI~~~ME~YGO., Detroit, Mi Marys, but these big I~annahs and Sole table beverage. This was six Put up in mots1 boxes only. 25 doses, z? ~ ing 50 per cent more main track ’or sale at druggists. i than Illinois, which was the stetq Dorothys and Rgath i of greatest mileage until recently, gestion, inactive liver and rickety when the iron horse took a fresh spurt tho boundless areas of the Lone my complexion has become clear and State.--St. Louis Repub natural. The improvement set, in very soon after I made the change, Then ah just as soon as the coffee poison had time to work out of my system. x snd wept. William Travers Jerome of New --- Horl; is not the only man who won at “My husband has also been greatly benefited by-the use of Postum, and Sure to Meet Them. the recent election without having any s Mrs, Stubb-I would like to meet party nomination. In Massachusetts we find that a simple breakfast with Postum’ls as satisfying aud more :om@ of acquaintances to-day who my John, B. Moran, ran for district strengthening than the old heavier ivithout going to the trouble of visit- meal we used to have with the other o., Battle Creek, Mic There’s a reason, :ept your lzospitality, nlr. Gord~~~’ and after a glance at Lord Ralles that mi; a challcn~i~g“I’ll do as 1 pleam” Gra~eful Moth

“When our baby boy was three onths old he had the milk crust very his head, so that all the hair t, and it itched so bad he ratch until the blood rzn. 1 got a calm of Cuticura Soap and a box vas not yet privileged to control her of Cuticura Ointment, I applied the ion up SO, that he had to lx helped CuLicura and put I Santa Fe wortli looking at, but Mr. head, and before the box it was en~r~lycured, his hair ve to know , so I took some

he old Sant

Jut he said he would be all right as on the fund, and will go to India to soon as he beca~eaccii~tomed to the ~are~edair, quite. pooh-i~~~~~i~gmy held at Bareills ~~i~gestionthat he taiw No. 2 back t


ing the madbed. t to enjoy the nio~nligli~and your edita at ion^ by y~~r~~l~?’,I qu~stion- --

chair, “That is---I hri~tianScience.


ith about ~00,000adherents. Aceord- ,to Mrs, Eddy, its founder, the urch is making tre~endousstrides qou use ~oney?”

taiiis a nu~~erof editoria~ para- graphs which prove that its editor The guard interrupted by telling her was a far-seeing person, since most Theological School for ’China. .$ wasn’t perm~ttedto speak to the have come true. he Northern and Southern Presby- :onvicts while out of bounds, and so graphs in the Reg. terian churches in the Unitcd States Ke had to ride on. All Miss Cullell ister reads as follows: was able to do was to t “‘We have heard a strange story ittle bunch of flowers she had gat‘aered about a salt-lick at Charters Creek in the mouiztains, It was l~te~aliycast- inters who have visited the lick ing pearls before swine, for the Pellow Culien, 1- l&ve t~~ou~htabout thost not seem particularly pleased, pictures since then, and have con

In another issue w Don’t lie awake nights tress Miss Cullen very much :far the Twto one your sleepless mess is cauused by a, torpid Motor Cars for Persians. son, and found that the heart tonic; an engine that runs by ste ,liver. A. ~QW~~~8’~~~~~~ The Russian government ha had be~e~~edhim ~oizsiderably. anent with Celery ‘King, leaving him, went to the dini looked at her. It is c~i~io~~~that I fell 1 tmalce your nights room, where the rest of the part; .hanl~fulat the time tJmt Drute was ~er~still at dinn~r, to ask that thc per in ~lz~la~elp~ia.” lot holding up a train Miss Cullen valid have a strong cup was on. It is always the une~pected and a~t~~~~elive~ingmy re per is, of course, the natural gas dhat liappens, If I could have loolied wl~ichhas had SO much to do with the irito the future, vhat a stran~evaria- ~evelop~~ntof certain parts of the ngb% ‘I should have ull~n9ss~c~ety we~e ever country. The editor mi~hthave uch ~ur~lierthan he did with his ~r~dictionof the ~istance-annihiiat. thanks to Miss Cullen, *andby the $end ing power of steam aiid yet hav 31 that time 1 began to understand fqr within the trutl~.-~outl~’sComq \yjhat love really meant to a chap, and paiiion, coi~eto liill each - to the saloon, where the Gther for it. For a fairly sensible, sat down to poker, which On Dutch Waters. was ~~ard-headed~~11~~ it pretty hail just ie~rne~,and liked. They ilic ‘‘1 can think of no more repos~fu’ quick work, I acl~~o~~edge;but Ie‘t not *ask ine to taloc a hand, for whiel ~i~~iday,”says a writer, “than to stex on board of one of those barge:

wouldn~ttrust on the tail~oar~ GP a loco mot^^^, EOT 1 s~ou1~put him ilown as defecti~eb sn’t a sure cure, this offer would and in int~llec~

iving Without Wate eve men cou

out drinl~in~for ~onth~and years. “‘I have heard that ~rinl~i~~watei ’iVabator’8Coliegiato I);dionmy. hrgont ofonrabridp is what hardens the arteries and pro menh Regular cnd Thin Papr ditionr. 1110 pages and diices old age. I have heard that thc 1ioO illuatrationq. thing to do is to eat juicy fruits, lilu W rho Free, oranges and leinsns and limes he thirst that way, and a fnie destroying in the sys e that brings senility on ‘2 used to think it was i~possibl~ for nian to live without water. If ani rnals can do it, though, why cadi ~~e?’,~Chica~oChronicle.

it later proved to have considerable e events of that night, if A lady was one day teacliing ning, trivial as it seenis colored girl how to spell, says an ex first joined the party, 9 change. She used a~pictorial prime] had given orders for 97 to be kicked in which each word was accompaniet ir bet wee^ the main string and theii b’y an illustration. special, so as not to deprive the oc cupants of 218 of tlze view ‘from theix observation saloon and balcony plats iorm. Mr. Cullen came to me now ress,” perhaps even too rapid, and asked me to.reverse the arrange- ment and make niy car her. Lord Ralles must havc Phis is the ern of $1.00 wheat I: was giving orders for kpply for in~ormationto $31 aiid kicking in when N migration, Ottawa, Canada, or to authorize and thus did not see the greeting oj nndfan Government Agent--MI. V. McInnes, ivenue Theatre Block, Detroit. Miohig ~~ede~icCullen and his family. When A. Laurier. Sault Ste. Marie. MIchiLllan. Path doesn’t disapprove, I will gladly ac ter, unt was iu Tyre on busineii:

lard did business in Ar.

o~noll~~,who is very ill, if and all enterta~n~ent Mars~allSunday.

I oter tr~nsactedbusiness ir lor each insert


leasant caller in town Friday,

t-1 here on n

avis, grocer, Sulphur ~prings,Teu,

business callers in Elbton last Wet of ~untin~ir artsell and d~ughter,Mi2 Cass City callers one da

arker, of Purdy’s ~rossi~~

I Cletus, were business transactor? i are ~i~di~~ Last. Scntl for frm sample, ;vou~~~liavq mare Miss Lydia Woolhouse left than a fair share of the aches and pain& short time ago to work in The, that afflict humanity: they milst %eep minded Institute at Lapeer, up,” must attend to duties in s~it0of constantly aching backtj, or hsadaches, Miss Grace M~Ta~ga~t,accornpanie dizzy spells, bzaring down pains; they by-Miss Mary ~ellen~orf,visited he must stay? over, when to ~toopmepas parental home in ~~eridanover Sur tortnre. lhey must walk an2 bend nnd work with racking pains and many aches day. from kidney ills. ~~idDeysctiude more .Geo. Parker and little daugt suffering than any other organ of the lma, spent ~ha~~s~ivingat Sag body. Keep the kidneys well and health is easily ~aiutain~d,ilead of a remedy as the guests of her sister, Mr! For kidneys only that helps n Jos. Kinds, ~~turni~ghome Nonday, the kidneys, 1 IIorse nad Beef Mrs. (jeo, Lane ol Rivers, M ich,, says ; ou~~to~are all making irnprore- afraid to tell that ments of various kinds on their build- md family, and re~ainedout there Kidney Pills cured me of rheumatism s visiting other friend! and kidney complaint after the way 1 -_____ had betan laid up and doctor in^ for three EST TO MOTHERS ~housandaof liktls ones die every yen )t croup. Most of them could have bee: 3aved by a few doses of Foley’s Hone# md Tar, and eyery family with childre; hould keep it in the house. It contain 30 opiates iind is eufe and sure, &In weeks at n ~ time Dizziness both~re~~ ved near La- 2eorge M. Picket, San Francisco, Calif ae H great deal, coming ou dl of ti smd- #rites: “My baby had a dan~~~ousattncl ien, when things ~e~ms~lto whirl ao, T if croup and we thought she would chok io death, but om dose of Boley’s Hone: iud Tar relieved her at once after othe I ~xnedie~had failed, ~Veare never , ninute without it in the house.” Sole

~~anks~i~~n~day is past.

1 I

5, $I to $3 a doz, ....

ollin~on~who prea~hedin thc

rs. Will eld don, of ass )ral of his ~at~er OER TINE CARP).

Traina ran on Ceritrrtl Stanidard Time,

irne. 3ro.

22 9 46 1 20

I roped LL Bucces

1s merned to mounted to tw

asiou, the ~r0~%0~sto be for the “The story of the tortwe of Revo0, 1). tist Oburch, of ly in interest you. BS, beoause of per6iate~t cough. reaultiag from the

I nud the doctors could not helx, me. I tters, 1 unhesit~tin~lyrecom~end vied Foley’s Kidney Ciire, and-tbe very entirely cUred FY qpugh, and 6~edme ~m to ail, and don’t intsn~in the fu- rat dose gave me relief and Ic am now from COnSllmPt~On. A grand for re to be withsiit them in the house. diseased conditions of Throat and I;ungs, ley are certainly a wo~der~ulme~icine, have c~iredsuch a bad cii~sas mine,” lld u, ’Y ee with 87 on

uths of Florence, who

iiich the game is played to-day. To tote from the rules of that date: “The dresses of the players must be I light and convenient as possible, be- ,use the less i~ped~nle~tthey oEer the Ire easily the men can move and the ore agile will be their limbs.” When calico was play^^ in costuiiie ie players ass~~bledat the house of

ie appointed day each of these would ..* ivite all the men on his side to a feast. I fter this the players started for the L ?ld, with the standar~bearers anti I

The general number of players was 27 n each side, though the number might 3 more or less. The game was played open square, around which was a r or railing, en, at the sound of the ~ru~pets,! I game was ordered to begin, all d persons who had no right sent off the field and could come inside the railing.

aeks. the players ha& Lalren their laces, the c4pallio,”so called beca~ise e carried the palla, or ball, dressed in

) ~o~tumemade of the colors of the wo sides, threw the ball against a mar-

y the,sid~that

orious ones carried the, ba~~erand

to ~olit~nessand dig dl strict, and the old boo in the si~te~nthcen-


ieni rough or i~~line~‘to reLaliate if they have been injured by



s views have been presented to ecouse a1 1 carnevt and though given free utterance in its coiu

Pa elic II ’1’c nl R . AT ONCE TO

use a milk tube to dra having been paid out to lawyers, ex- Out of 204 paroles from the Ionia pert accountants and engineers, who formatory in the last six years have been preparing data and statis- tisna ~~l~owin convicts have broken faith. tics for more than two years. octors in Baraga There are three suits, the tax their patient, and which was heard in the United States se, a hurried call court at Grand Rapids and which has was sent to Chicago for two distin- guished specialists. They deci~edthat an operation was necessary and Mr. Nester was hurried to Chicago on a special train, all the tracks b CK cleared for a recor~t-breal~ingrun. involved and so many intervening no- wife and sister-in-law accomp~nied tions are being carried from one court him and they reached Chi~a~oSatur- to another that it may be years be- day night. l’h formed by) Drs. James H, Hirsch that Mr. Nester of the ~fty-ninthcongress on Monday uarrel between the tru called to, the matter and he is being deal re~arl~ably Mr. Nesternk of ~uluth,and Geo. cretary of the Y. M. showing the failure of the efforts of 1s I?., mation on the Roor and Bay City resulted in los sin^ the rooms Count Witte to bring the ~ele~raphers’ iesRoll of thecall house showed of 264repr a few weeks ago ancl pospects are of the attorneys engaged in strilce to and end, the Russian Situa- Detroit, His mother, widow of hope is entertained for the big steel cases for the state are being tion becomes more alarming than ever. ent. Speal~e~Cannon trust barge Madeira, with her crew of paid at the race of $50 a day and their 12 is~reportedthat a general strike Of nomination for sneake traveling expenses. Thcs far the a:. burn (Ia.) and &?r. Williams (MisL) gage of $8,000, ‘* I nine men. It is about conceded that all branches of indu~tryhas already The “Sl~gg~$s’’? Trial, the boat foundered off Two arbors lowances for legal fees have been as was nom~natedon behalf of begun and that the railways Fay be R jury to try the de~endantsin the ity by Mr. Henry (Tex,), Notliing more has been heard of the ~xpectedto stop runnin ‘~~ilhooley case,^' Reps, Benby, of ~~ichi~an~ fi-3 men comprising the crew of the ment. The situat~onat S plated on the sixty- WVDW George Herbert, which sank ia Cronstadt is enveloped in deep’ mYS- the seventy-seve~th~alendar day slnce North Carolin Lalie Superior. If the crews of these tery and reports are steadily coming the trial was opened. The cost of the two boats perish~d, the number of in from various sources df ths spread up to dead would be 25. There is still no of the disaffection among the troops $40,03 and Mr. Williams 125. In accepting the news of the big steel steamer Ange. at all points and the ang~rof the pea- enced ~osition,Mr. Cannon said: “I thank terms. Evi line, which has not been heard from ple in general at the threat of the gov- and at least three you for the honor you lmve conferred sinc left Ashland before the ern~entto mobilize another half mil- sL~~edin the prese upon me, ~articula~lyas P may be able stor ere is still a strong possi- lion ~ossacl~sfor ~eneralservice. of the state and de~en~e.The state to consider your action as an indorse- ~os~uitoesdo not spread yellow bilit she is sheltered some- That the premier has changed hi8 alone expects to exa~nine40 witnesses. ment of my services as speaker of the fever in winter time, according to the where, but fear that she is lost is attitude in dealing with the threaten- The attorneys for the defense do not last con~ress,We are here as repre- growing. Many more vessels are still after s~ntativ~sof the people. This house paid Pull stca~~priccs wit due, but some of them are very W. Thompson an The cow tract@for good gr y amoug a fieet sheltered at is the only place where the voice of active at present and sonic ~hitefishPoint. Tho ~nancialloss is with the ofchinery the people may directlywithout ex-in- rnillcers could. be Chris lWV prices, Very Pcw have observed that when a man ous proportions, the Ing to nearly $51,000. ‘J.’hose or~~~i~~ar steel trust ,alone losing nearly o died pres Therefore our respons~“ dcr as a rule and prices ruled ste~dy $1,- last April. bility being more direct, is the great- with last weclr. 5~0,000on its six wrecl~edboats, the army and navy, as well as a~on~ The.*sJory of suf~erin~and death eY the city workers and the peasants. This be index to the bus~n~s SeY- may never be fully told, The fury of report has ~~ia~ec~tho~ewho have ~rof~~~ioi~~l*~slu~~er~~”~vai~able for the storm, the cold weather, and all is s in enough to show that the hardy men lic bills had beerr p~~~~din the basl~etpub- ussfa has started up in one of the who perished must have su~ere told agony in their desperate str OLI the ~1~1~9s SIC ~efor~11 owoci~, ble appetite for trouble. ~~~sen~ea~uresof le~islation affect~n~ with the raging elements, It is the general ~overn~~eiit. than Rrobable that the eleven lives they ~on~e~se~to ~ns~~Ct~r Lavin that half There were a few strange faces on r~~ortedlost are not more than The whole iiumber of men e~ploy~d they had slu~~~~~~rlstro~.A few the floor o€ the sei~~tewhen Vice-Presi- the number who went to death-in a at public work in the cities and vil- days later 13arry ~ewman,b~isiuess dent ~air~anl~~called that body to- brave battle against the storm. 368; The daily wage agent of the ~~rri~~~and Wagon gother at noon. Death had taken away orders her managers around. Four more wrecks, a stranding and 1.50 to $2, the average that the Poles are a1 ~or~~ers’union No. 4; Char~es~asey~ Sen~,tor~ Bate, of ‘Fenneszee, and Platt, more missing vessels, are the latest being $1.65. The highest wage for s agent, and George Miller were QE Con~ecticLit’There -rere no changes returns from the big storm which ernment’s watchfulness and that the arrested, and they also are alleged to Final decision between the rival swept Lakes Superior and Buron the ~L~ongtho senate ofiicials. claimants to be the first lady in have confesse~their connection with Cli~plainEdward Everett Hale made forepart of last week. The storm has the affair. Later there were arrested New York’s 400 may be delayed until zreated general havoc in the steel trust the o~~~iiin~prayer. He referred briefly King Edward visits Manhattan. George Meller, at that time president lo the munth since the senate had fleet, having wrecked or disabled ten bances were reported from several oP the union; John Helden, Frank been in ses~ionand to the work before trust boats. The wrecl~ingof the steel look was re~ortedgood, in 138 fair, points today and ~arsawdispatches Novalr and Charles De~~~ch,of the ex- Petersburg now has a ‘ trust steamer Coralin and barge Maia, and in but seven poor, The outlook say that strong bodies of troops are ecutive board of the local. Edward snd to cap the climax, the stranding was reported better than 1904 in 264 still held in the city””;u anticipation 3f the fleet’s craclr freighter, localities, while 136 reported no of another outbreak of rioting and dis- Elgo.Sheep--She:p and lambs to becoming the universal language. iam E. Corey, are reported. order. Several mutinies of troops are One hundred and sixty-ei upward and opencd kind clo also nounced that the senate and 20 ta 30 cents higher have been sacrificed, over 70 sident Palma has ”been were a wcelr ago. A few e A. contemporary speaks of scale. president of Cuba, together with every tn transact busjness. wreclced and a loss of nearly $7,000,- Only vague reports have been re- grades brought 3s high as 000 has been sustained in’ three big other nominee on the oder rate ticket they were cnoice, ;!.TI(1 not 1x1 ___I_ caived of the peasant uprising, These down to the proviiic~alcouncilors. storms on the great lakes this seasmi. The P (To.’s new ste represent the movement as steadily That this is the most disastrous sea- The political la it at ion which be at Menominee will be in operation spreading in the Volga and central six months ago with the national con- mittee from the house son in the history of shipping on the Februar an- provinces. Reports have also been re- lakes is beyond doubt. Vessels of all uary ceived of minor anti-Jewish demons~a- vention of the liberal party, and which types, from the mighty modern steel 1. hks dwind~e~since the withdrawal of Platt, of ~OnncCtic~~t,were read, after The salt wells at the Sagina tions on the south, but these cannot freighters to the, ancient wooden be verified in the present stdte of corn- Gen. Jose Miguel Gomez, the presi- steamers, have glass works, which will cost more than’ dential cand~da~e~amed by that con- $lO~,OOO coiiiplete, are expec mu~ication, ’ lakes by t%e vention, ended ~ri~a~ that was so quiet ancl u Shot Native Officer. Dying Murderesc. e Chicago woman who In solitary con~ne~nent’in a cell in were lost is as follows: East Cambridge, Mass., jail since No- 00 of her money into the Are, [ra Owen ...... 18 ...... then sued her husband for sup Frank Nye ...... 1 all nominations as a protest against ~ataafa 9 alleged injL~~~i~e~by the government stopped him and ordered him to light must have regarded her own ...... and the people in conduc~ingthe pri- the lamps on the ~vel~icle,wher~u~i~n as tainte~, Scow Herbert ...... Madeira ...... maries, left a clear .field €or the ~cndleto~shot him dead, and con- ; calves, $207. George Penman erates. tinued on his way, but returned later ime heavy, $4 9sra Norway has the flrst Queen ~aud ...... The only liberals who will have and obt~inedtha body, which he de- 0861bu~~~er~~ hctL\r>r $4 85@95(ixl on record. Now why can’t King Al, in the new con~ress,which opens in livered to the police, claiming that he fonso go Norway one by corn ers, has become cz nervous wreck, April, will be hold-overs, had found the man dead on the road, out a ~hich,coupled with a recent develop- The soldiers accompany in^ him con- ment of heart failure has ca~isedthe Eighteen Killed. Toledo, O., of Joe Ivan by George jail oficials and the prison*doctor, Ed- Hclo. 13010 came all the way from ward Utley, to give up all hope for her An expIosion ~ridaynight i “‘I wonder,,’ remarked Smith, ‘“if J. S. Fay ...... 1 the old country to get his man. No, 1 at ~iamondyille, yo.^ resulted Olive Jeanette 7 recovery and to l~ooli:for her death at in the death of men. The explosion I was a social *function,’ ...... ~holesalers who ~ou~htturkeys any moment. Mri. ~obinsonhas not 18 ith some thin^ to eat, at ~innedosa...... ;. .... 9 weeks ago on ~ontra~tfor delivery at been outside of her room since her was caused by a “wi~dyshot.” The re€reshments were not Schooner Mary ...... 6 mine o~cersin Diamond~illesay that ...... 2 all who were in the mine were killed. eulogized as ‘delicious?’ ” ...... 2 ~uthill...... 1 ...... 1 s in Detroit for 11 ...... 5 ow an increase in ...... 2 uildings over the ...... 2 certainly full of eIectricity, od ...... 4 overboarc~...... 215 tQ-0 days, shooting d by acci~ent...... 16 triedThe to w~~n~ny ~nt~r,wh:, is v~olently insane, Total ...... 168 ~ulation.

o~yictat the Ion! __I_^ I convicted in cir- wi~li intent to on because of was that Co~ksideration has bee it is c~rtai~also that sh

but will do so ~ormallywhen he gets ready. We has resi~edfrom the com- n~itteeon €oreign a€lairs in favor of vigi llzn t lo okou l en by; has resi~edfrom the chair. intoPlans the toiletmade ro ~om~n’svi~ilance. Re~-olverbullets instantl~followed. ~)att~redabout the storming~party un- were found dead together of carbolic has States entered an order advancin~Mrs. McCready, of Kansas City, Mo,. acid gas poisoning. 0 A 15-year-old the ~~r~umentin the 28 cases before Congressman Patrick Murppy, of Kan- daughter was unconscious, but revived. the court involving tho application of sas City, the best-dressed ~e~b~ro€ si~~tracl~edca tho Michigan ad valorem tax cases to Felix O’NeilI formerly sheriff of the Missouri delegation in congress, Denver co~nty,~Denve~.,Col., has been go-Cash q~otation~:No, the railroads of this state and set the wore to ~as~in~~ona Missouri home- h~arin~for ~ebruary nest. be~ueathe~$32,000 by a man named Dr. Ernest J. Meiere, a con€eder~~e Oxford has two beaneries employ in^ I9 spun, all wool, spun and woven by that Garrity, at one time a vagrant, whom I army surgeon and consular over sixty women and girls ten months Nearly every Aeld of potatoes around WOmiXl. O’Neill has befriende~~ Nanton has averaged 200 bushels to A new kind of “‘grip’’ has been dis- appointee in 1886, is dead at Cripple in the year. The average wages this J. Geer and wife, of Minneapolis, c, Col,, at the age of. 75. At hia year are 60 to 90 cents a day. Other the acre this year, and on many fields covered in London. It is of the neu- plan to walk around the world, start- years as high as $1 a day has been 400 bushels have been raised. At the ralgia type. Attacks of neuralgic head- ing without money and making what rate of 50 cents a aches an$ facial pains are now enor- paid. The wages are less this year they can en tour. Geer once pushe President Lincoln. on account of the quality of the beans, mously prevalent. A London street wheelbarrow around the globe. specialist says he believes we are in St. Joseph, noted as a famous gretna A calamity howler in London, wrn een. has made a new record this for a repetiti.on of the h neuralgias of the sixtie ing under the pseudonym of “Sea ason, with a total of 1,447 marriage Star,” a bool~-entitled“The Collapse of ledo, through an interpreter. Miss Love ANB WQNDlURtAN licenses issued by County Clerk Min. lowed the outbreaks of influenza of 2.50~Evenings?: 15 1849-60, after which, so far as he has the Old ~orld,”“sees the finish’, of met Herr Postma in Amsterdam last Colo and John:m. ers. By the close of the year of 1905 it race. The author declares ti year, and has accepted him, but is un- LyurcuM--Prices 15-%-3~-59-760, is predicted that at least 1,550~coupI~~ been able to retrace it, the disease and Sat. Hearts of Gold. In Houghtoli. Walters is a student in pursued the same cycle, finishing with start between Germany and able to get her tongue around the will wed in St. Joseph, surpassing the tain and will be participated Dutch language, although she speaks former banner season of 1889, with a the Eiouahton Mining school, but re- an epidemic of neuralgia headache. He the powers, with the result fuses to give the name of his pa expects something of th for French, German, that the black and yellow races will fluently. 01 tell where they live. a year or two to come, domina~ethe earth. The new compulsory ~duc~tionlaw For some unaccou son William S. Mc is doing good work, Deputy Superin- Roy C. ~cCurdy,aged OYe ence, Ia., has confessed to the murder laughing stock of his neighbors when Dodo” was ~er~ormedby 60 of his wife and five children at his he purchased SO acres of sandy land on tendent of Public Instruction French ennsylvanfa railroad at Har- in the ~~ttsburgpenitentiary. says. It is estimated that there has Pa., shot Mrs. Mary Chard, farm house, near there, last week, He Jonesville road, Today he owns 800 odo” was a convict not long in. said his wife’s demand for money made acres and this year cut 200 tons of ha?, been an increase of 10 Per cent in through the neck, and then down on the program as No. turned the weapon on himself with him desperate. He first lrnoclced down husked 13,000 346,”The other characters were known each of his six victims and then round had a by their numbers. stabbed them with a butcher knife. from the sand tried to exca- “King Dodo” had been tampered with, The jolies! were prison made and fhe Fqanlr Hawk Stepp, a 16-year-old Charles Douglas, a farmer, his wife above the eye hon~ein Dalton township, while the committee for imperial defense, in or- audience un~erstoodarid enjoyed, The Kentucky boy, sentenced to life impris- hcad, Clnrenc stump wae partially out of the ground der to promote universal military train- leader of the orchestra was Walter onment from Harlan county for killing find held by two other workmen with a ing in England, He is “sore” because hia cousin, stepped off the train alone rope, The rope broke, dropping the rankfort and asked a bystander 400-pound slump upon him. His back the way to the Penitentiar~.Tom Ward. the ice with terrific force in a fall. His was brolreh and he wag doubled up like a jack-knife. He wa was found as1 out by the coroner, ”ATE GUIDE


Friend’s Lost sightseeing in New Yorlr and found tlIp” said the Smith alumna themselves on Fifth avenue. The old vho had just returned from a trip ladies had heard of all the public au- the last of my tomobiles that take visitors on sight- ears ago, one of the girls seeing trips through the park vas bemoaning the loss of her Smith accosted a young man in an ,in, which she said had disappeared bile coat about to climb into a large while she was in Italy the preceding ~uminer. She said she would get an- motx car standing at the entrance. enough cows so that the They e~pressedtheir desire to make ply can be kept up summ the trip through the park and proceed- ‘“Now, you linow the Smith pin is a ter. The farmer that has ed to climb into ths machine. The cows and produces a lar young man. looked somewhat suqiris- I very odd design, which can never be mistal~en,and when I was in Switzer- of milk in the sum nd a month ago I was surprised to none in the winter, see a maid at our hotel wear in^ a build up a profitabl Smith pin. I questioned her and. she be able to produce bu said her sweetheart had found it in Naples when he was there on a vis$ and had given it to her. She readily market. There will ~onsentedto taking it off, and on tho back I found the name of my friend- you know every pin has its owner’s name on the bacli. I offered her a dol- Iar for it and she thought that was a ities, on account of the temperature with a chuckle, “Is that so. Well, being so high that all germs he is a very nice young man,” s great plenty, for she said she didn’t think the pin very pre~ty* with great rapidity. The far wishes to build up such a trade provide for as large a quantity of in the winter as in the summe

for summer and winter. This, how- ever, can be clone only when the buyer and seller are willing td act fairly. The producer must not try to sell his butter elsewhere in the winter, be- ce in Washington has cause he can get a little more for it; arshall Field, Jr., who shot him- 1 been overrun with applications for nor must the buyer try to buy e16e- with an automatic pistol in his patents applying to aerial navigation, where in the summer, because he can Few if any of them are admissible. e at Chicago, Nov. 22, died at Mrs. Francis ~urton~ar~ison, who ter of the late Charles A. Crocker of get his butter at a lower price. Some cy hospital in that city five days Here is the latest effort of the kind farmers that have built up this kind met death in an a~itomo~ileacci~en~ San E’rancibco, and i invented by John Mason Jones, a New near New Pork Nov. 25, was a daugh- 000 from her father. of a trade, instead of making a uni- r. Field was 37 year9 old and the Yorlier. The fact that Col. 6. E. Crecy, t of the two children of ~~rshall the attorney who secured funds from 1 the ~overn~entto build the Holland ITALY TO submarine boats, has taken an interest -- P his invention, + and that practical Continental Trade Condition Lia Sy~boisof That Religion O~JECTLESSON. ANTS BELIEVERS IN neers have indorsed its prob I During Excavations. P , entitles it to attention. resident ~oosevelthas authorized Italian cleverness in ~~c~ineryis Newly discovered evidence that the It consists of improvement^ in the German Eniperor Urge one of the ~ontinental-trade coadi- Christia~religion was known in the True Christians. issuance of the following state- ptaa of propellers now in use, more ment: “The pr announces the lions which, it is pointe~out, Ameri- city of Pompeii before its destruction especially adapted for aerial navlga- ecently the ~erman can e~terpris~someti~e~ f~rgets by the eruption of Vesuvius in the re in the recruits of the appointment of t J. Hagerman of Roswell, N. M,, as governor of New ~uropeanmanu~acturers year 79 runs counter to the accepted ~arrisonin. iz mann~rto inspire the who have been in the field longer theories of the archaeologists, Of ecn once an soldiers with the spirit which swayed ~exico,to take effect at the expira. than ~emse1,ves* and have some oppor- course the proof may be, disputed as ~~o~~veli’sIronsides. ~~c~rdingto tiOn Of GOV. OterO’S time, Jan. 22, 1906. tunities superior to those of the Yan- not being concfusive. But the terra ~~olialan~eigerof Berlin he said : 1 bitter factional o for some time kee. The Italian ability to copy ma- cotta lamp of common Roman pattern u see before you an altar; on it j the president chinery made in other countries is bearing the symbols of Chri Id the cross, the symbol of all remarl~able. The Italians are whicb had been unearthed Christians. As such you havs taken ct a man who is with either of alive to the fact that they mi the oath of allegiance to the colors, only supply their own home markets and I hope and require that you will Hagerman was be mindful of this pledge. & I stand d to the presi- here a memorable episode rises before sier foundations. en the Kaiser Leopold I America, The greatest thing for ded over the supreme Italian trade this year has been the able in the idea that followers of the command of his army to the famous f success of the pair of Italian ma- Christian faith existed in Pompeii. nd gave him. the mar- * chines in a series of motor car races. re‘ its destruction e prince seized the En Milan and the country round there ad reached Rome. Terry next went to his hotel, sa lding it aloft, cried:, are about a dozen factories capable of The Christian had if an hour in the smo1;ing room, ‘This shall be our generalissimo!’ 1 ing in method, declares W. Burton in competing in the manufacture of au- ed a foothold there and dined with a friend, and retired at 11. require and expect si ilar senti~entshis address to the sta~ordshire tomobiles, paper bags, wrappings, lowed to conti~uehis from you. I desir~pious and gallant tery chSses~is maiy probl~msare- there that present tools, engravin~sand ~ngi*avingma- ha~me~for some time, hen he was with an airship. ~therguests over ~real~fast,and after soldiers in my army, not mockers.” chines, electrical and other ~achines brought back a captive to the imperial writ~n~some letters called on a book- to us every day in our uch is the basis of th that really disappear, are and .their- parts, and of many ca~italand sentenced to death in the ntor describes it. seller to ask how his pamp~let,“The LEADS HIS PARTY IN SE articles. It is these and all of year 65 the Christians had plainly be- ~ha~owof the ~mpire”-a publicati~n It claims the advantage of being an them clearly? a~mmercial or- cays other stro~~estEuropean come numerous enou~hto be regard- ganider of a bu petitors that will exhibit in M ed as a dan~erousinfluence in the lems always facing e~posit~onnext year. The American state. In fact, five years earlier Nero economical production consul there advises Uncle Sam had laid the burning of Rome to the send his best goods thithe~,lest Christians, whom he after~ardcruef- re~olverbefore tho ser~eant,remark- and, second, the dispo the marliet, A ~~~~nti~ctrainingp in falling~~o do so he lose murh Susiness ly persecuted. positive proof, and presti~e. what more presumption etz last night.” Then, producin~a so far as it to the solutio does history o in the ~wenty PRESENT UNITED ‘3T years following Paul’s arrival in Italy you read that you will understand the ~irectvalue of business. the Christian doctrine should have solved only Rome on a much traveled

~eparatedfrom the i~olten.mass some unct~onof diplo is not to make war but to mal~epeace and secure its ration of calcium can be a~~o~~ 1,Iis~edtliro~igh steam, If the intro. d~ictio~of steam is made durin~Pull ~o~de~up with such small change as vant can be more usefully e~ployed tered leaning on the arms of two at- red heat small graphite crystals are ~~ndantsand was half lifted into the than in the ~re~ervatio~of good neigh^ borhood betw~en the nations. The ~o~~edin the res~~ltin~ crust of lime; witncss chair. Weakness and senility if the steam is i~troducedduring low raphite is formed, but a number of microscopical crystals are ~epartment of Agriculture has de. formed, the properties of which are tected the fraud of coloring butter confidence. It has b entirely identical with those of nat- with coal-tar dye at or in the vici amonds. These diamonds ’pos- of ~hiladelphia*For myself, I high ~cfractive power and re strengthen the belief that ag~ressivenessof any one ‘dangerous- some day the chemist may produce gems of suficient size and perfection the task of assigning the Democrats to compete with the natural stone. a brave fight against the manufacture and sale of arti~ci~lbutter; now let% -- How She Came. Tne first flre engines used in be war^ of Dirt She had just arrived from a journey. land were worked by hand, adding any foreign matter to the prod- and Ying Hsing-wen, are doing well On the seat by her and on the one in - New Yorlr skyscrapers from the deck at West Point. They are handicapped front had been two nice-looking men ainmaking In India, by their lack of a thorough knowledge with whom she would not have object- A rainmaker in India has an rtppar- ~glish~espec~allythe technical ed to conversing from s’heer wearj- atus consisting of a rocket capable of terms used in matl~ematicsand other ness, But they had somehow failed to rising to the height of a mile, contain- branches-and that accounts for their avail tliemselves oP their op ing a reservoir of ether. In its de- low standing in purely English stud- to talk with a pretty girl. scent it opens a parachute, which ies. But their conduct has been ex- “Did you come by easy stages?’’ in- cellent, They are diligent in their quired a friend. in all other matters their dmirable. They have the ---

round trip, to all stations in Ontaric

the half trot."

This e~oeptiondoes not apply to To , ~ontr0alor to any points nortl ke ~nt0~~0,to which points sin

at Santa Ulai expects to ma~ea visit to the litt



cola ~ountyoo~venes in Caro Prida avenin~of this week. Cass City 01 peots to be reprosented-not alone b

to his practice.

Advertisemo~tswlll be inserted under thlF leading at the rate of one-half cent u%rword foor ,ach insert~on:no c~~r~eless than 10c. )aratio~ which may cont~in opiate^ vhich caii8~conatipat~on, a ~~nditio

I ,...A

d, ~~l~e~~i~~,Itching and Prot