Issued Tuesday Thursday Saturday he ourier azette T Entered as Second Class MallC Mattel -G Established January, 1846. Kv The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Saturday, January 28, 1939 THREE CENTS A COPY V olum e 9 4 ...... Number 12. The Courier-Gazette Boston Hair Show Major Hughes Coming [EDITORIAL] I r ______THREF. TIMES A-WEF.K NEW FLUORESCENT LIGHTING ON TO PARIS Editor ' Local Beauticians Attended Salvation Army Revival “The Black Cat” WM. O FULLER A correspondent who makes use of that time-honored Associate Editor Device Which Was Being Held For World’s the Great Stylists’ Con­ Meetings Will Begin the signature "Subscriber," and who. despite the positiveness of FRANK A WIN8LOW vention This Week Coming Tuesday hLs opinions, has never seen fit to appear in print over his own Subscriptions 43 00 per year payable name and address, takes Issue sharply with thLs paper, on the 111 advance; slngl“ copies three cen's. Fair To Be Demonstrated Here As previously announced. Major Advertising rates based upon clrcula The annual Boston Hair Show is matter of the Spanish situation, and seeks to engage us in a tlon and very reasonable. history and Rockland hairdressers Joseph Hughes will arrive in Rock­ protracted debate—which will not be forthcoming. We will, NEWSPAPER HISTORY and beauticians, a majority of whom however, restate the position which we have upheld ever since The Rockland Gazette was estab- The world moves fast in the de­ 7, lie will speak before the Parent land next Tuesday to conduct a 'Ishrd 111 1846 tn 1874 the Courier was attended the big convention, are series of revival meetings at the tlie Spanish war became sufficiently developed to reveal its real established and conMlldated with the velopment of lighting facilities, and Teacher Association in the High back in their shops once more with nature. Oazette in 1882 The Free Press was School auditorium. Salvation Army. 477 Main street. e-'ahllshed in 1855 and in 1801 changed Rockland on'the week of Feb. 6 Is to renewed zest for their destiny of Tlie defenders of the Republic may be Communists; we are Its>e to the Tribune. These papers At the completion of this demon­ Major Hughes is a veteran Army consolidated March 17. 1897 be treated to a remarkable demon­ making our attractive women folk not gainsaying that; and we are certainly not defending Com­ stration groups of Interested listen­ warrior of over 45 years' service. In munism. We are simply choosing the lesser of two evils when stration of it when C. M Snyder, ers will step across the way to the even more attractive. 1894 he received his officer's Com- All industries and professions ever we favor an established Government over a national rebellion ••• chief illuminating engineer for the Melvin school building where they ••• America needs a government * progress and improve, but this busi­ which ceased to be national in scope when it drew beneath its By The Roving Reporter Oeneral Electric Company ln New will be shown the working model of L ♦ of cons: ant progress along lib- ness of the beauticians leads all barriers the hordes which could be mustered by Italy, Ger­ ♦ era! lines. ♦ a model class room, with miniature England, is to tell several organiza­ others in its amazing development many and other Fascist countries. ♦ — Franklin D Roosevelt ♦ desks, fixtures and lights. At the ••• ••• tions about Fluorescent lighting. The Courier-Gazette makes no pretence of understanding One <>f the happiest recollections noon hour on that day Mr. Snyder and rise to popular favor. From every corner of the country cornea the merits of the rebellion, but the steady progress of Franco's of the old political days when they The device has been held in check will address the Rotary Club ln forces shows the absurdity of “Subscriber's” claim that the nominated candidates in conven­ for demonstration at the World's Camden and on the following dav. word of advancement, both in vol­ Knox Lodge I O OF. Monday ume and in the science of hair dress­ number of Russians and “other non-Spaniards" for exceeds tions, ks that cherished by every­ Fair, and will be shown in Rockland Feb 8 he will be guest speaker at night, will have a reheasal of the ing and beauty aids. This city is no the number of Italians and Oermans on the side of the body who attended the famous Ban­ for the first time. Ihe meeting of the Rockland Lions Initiatory degree. There will be a exception and from the convention "under dogs," as we call the Loyalists. gor convention which nominated This distinguished speaker will Club. light lunch following the meeting local artists have brought home new Is "Subscriber'' a former resident of Spain? Has he rela­ the late William T Cobb of Rock­ come here through the efforts of R. His subject on these occasions will ideas and methods, styles and treat­ tives there? Undoubtedly not, but how does he become pos­ land for governor Tlie Cobb Club B. MacFarland, an Eastern Division be "New Light Sources and Their ments. sessed of his alleged knowledge of the situation unless he has ran an excursion from this city on lighting engineer, who was ln the Application to Modern Store Among those in attendence were: the steamer Penohscot, which had city yesterday. Lighting.” been a close student of the Fascist propaganda publications? Special Low A1 Plourd. Mrs. Mary W. Wynne, on board about 700 enthusiastic Prefacing his address with a brief The co-operation of Supt George How does he like the tenor of yesterday s despatches telling Winter Weekly Rates Miss Margaret Nutt, Mrs. Agnes how Gen Franco thanked the Italians for making possible the supporters of tlie Rockland candi­ history of lighting. Mr Snyder will J. Cumming and President R. S. McAuliffe. Mrs. Vesper Orover, Miss capture of Barcelona? How does he like the Italian mob cry; date. together with the Rockland N ow In Effect discuss all phases of school lighting 8herman of the Parent Teacher As­ Helen Oldls and Mrs. Frances 3. and Camden bands. There was and the sources and development sociation did much to make It pos­ "On to Parks”? Can it be possible that "Subscriber" does not at Bicknell. Mr. Plourd took lessons of much excitement when the large of lamps in the past few years. The sible to hear this distinguished sense the significance of a rebel victory in Spain? That it the well known “Charles” of New delegation landed in Bangor on the HOTEL automatic control of artificial llgtv, speaker. simply increases the power and the confidence of the dictator as sunlight increases or decreases, York. nations whom we may some day have to fight. Is “Subscriber" eve of tlie convention, and Gov Cobb told me many times after­ THORNDIKE will be demonstrated. Members of the Mission Circle more interested in the Fascist nations than he is America? Mr. Snyder will address the Knox He unfortunately leaves that inference. ward. how the sight of that long Eor Information will meet In the Unlversallst vestry mission from General Evangeline column marching from the steam­ County Schoolmasters' Club at the Wednesday afternoon for sewing, Call At Desk New Hotel Rockland. Monday night, Sacrifice Sale Booth, and since that time has seen boat wharf to the Bangor House 11-12 followed by supper. service in England and Scotland, gave him his first real courage to Feb 6. at 6 30 Tuesday night, Feb My Stork Must Be Sold At Your CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Own Price— as well as America. In 1917 he went believe that he would win. And win SEWING MACHINES to France with the American dough So South Dakota has restored the death penalty for con­ he did with more than 600 votes on HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS boys as one of the Salvation Army victs of capital crimes. If the sentiment has been changing the first ballot. 150 L A D IE S ' D R E S S E S (usedi contingent appointed to do relief C a li A t rapidly in that direction one does not have far to seek for the 91-A TILLSON AVE. work on the battlefields. explanation. It is found in the tremendous spread of crime, George Higgins of Camden adds 12’ It His appointments in the United and the small value which the criminal places upon the lives to the recent discussion by saying States have included such import­ and properties of law abiding citizens. Capital punishment that Old Town ks surrounded by Benefit Bridge ant centers as Cambridge and Wor­ would be favored by nobody if the extremity of the situation water cester. Mass., Manchester, Conn., did not demand it. and Akron and East Liverpool. Ohio. O------O------0 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3 D A N N Y P A T T His record of nearly a half century Those who sat up until 10 o'clock of work among the poor and dis­ PULLING EVERY STRING Wednesday night to hear the broad­ cast of the dark-complexioned fistic Lowell Thomas' Protege tressed of the world has brought If Maine, or the Second District, at least does riot get the THORNDIKE HOTEL him close to their problems and duel were considerably disgusted at PIANIST AND ACCORDIONIST things to which it is entitled, it will manifestly not be the fault the brevity of the bout. But not so P L A Y IN G S T A R T S A T 8.00 O ’C L O C K the problems of the world. of Representative Clyde H. Smith who is exerting himself night t He is well qualified as an evan­ much disgusted as those plungers and day to secure the distribution of federal funds for worthy Prizes of Extraordinary Value Will Be Displayed Playing Nightly at the gelist. being a gifted speaker, and who got drawn Into a short-end projects. He now seeks to have the War Department establish bet a Bible student who knows and a military air base at Norridgewock, and at the same time At Mansfield-Buttner Co. Windows understands and has written several BLUE ROOM, HOTEL ROCKLAND wants the Navy Department to establish a naval base at works on the Holy Scriptures. CHAIRMEN. MRS. DONALD PERRY A MISS HELEN BURNS Belfast. Just why Belfast is selected Instead of Rockland Despite the wailing cry , "The Services will be held every eve­ Personally Appeared on Town Hall Broadcast as a naval base is not quite clear, but probably Mr. Smith has world is going to the dogs," now and ning in the Army hall beginning 12’ 14 some excellent and substantial reason Maine fits so promi­ then streaks of virtue crop out of next Tuesday, and continuing nently into the National Defense needs, that Uncle Sam humanity. That residents of this through Sunday. Feb. 5. The time should not hesitate about doing something before an enemy city and neighboring territory are of the services is 7 30. An invitation springs Into being to rub our ears. fairly decent has been made notice­ is extended to everyone to attend able by the number of replies to these meetings. You're always "Ks" Biblical query. At any rate, welcome at the Army! a general working knowledge of the WHY THE DELAY? Bible Is apparent which presupposes A Federal Leader Wc read in the daily papers that Americans ran a fiery distinct moral leanings. Among the gauntlet to reach a haven on the ships near Bar­ correct solutions to the “cake" prob­ celona. But why were they permitted to remain in that be­ lem not previously reported, was Bad Weather, Strikes, Fail­ sieged territory so long when everybody knew that the fall of that of Bessie Reever. NOW OPEN! ures, Etc., Do Not Affect the SpanLsh metropolis was inevitable. It was rather fool­ Walter Morse hardy or criminal Take your choice. Member when you used to slide down Masonic street hill? Perhaps Under the caption "Our Leader" it was much steeper then for a good The Federal Record, an insurance CANNED APPLE JUICE getaway when the hill was at its best, took you well down to Union Better flavored apple juice, in the can. has been achieved street. No no traffic officer! Sleighs by removing all air from the juice and pasteurizing at a tem­ crossed at their risk, and as the risk perature of 155 degrees Fahrenheit. The containers are filled was considerable, conveyances gave full so that no air Is present, eliminating chance of mold the street a wide berth. Long growth. Experiments have been conducted at the New York strings of “sharpshooters" darted State Agricultural Experiment Station in Oeneva. N Y and. by. "frame" sleds went last. They according to the American Chemical Society, we shall have the had to. or be knocked galley-west, M obiloil Mobilgas tang of the Baldwin, McIntosh. Greening, Northern Spy. Ben j The upholstered, side-seated, "bob" Davis, etc. in its native strength. was of course, king of the situation. Dart—whizz—and yon were hauling T publication, has the following to sell Insurance. When chains of 'em up again! SOCONY say about a former Rockland man banks fail and textile mills close who has climbed high in the insur­ and conditions in general look black, The total length of all tracks op­ SOCONYVACUUM ance world: the Insurance salesman would have erated by the railways, includingg "When it costs approximately $1 05 a good reason for not producing. main tracks, yard tracks and sid­ ings, amounted to 414,572 miles at to plant, care for and harvest a bar­ But when these conditions do exist / I the end of 1937. Of this total mile­ ren of potatoes and the market for and an agency continues to produce age. about 95 percent was operated them drops to 30 cents a barrel, it and show an increase in premium by the Class 1 railways; that is. by would appear almost Impossible to income year after year, there must those companies whose individual Mobilubrication be a reason. operating revenues amount tc a mil­ “Bad weather, poor crops, low lion dollars or more annually. prices, strikes and shut-downs, bank failures and general depressions One of those rare animals known Thomaston’s Most Modem Service Station have never checked the flow of as a 29 hand in cribbage was held LOVELY energy, smothered the Initiative or by Don Leach last night. And now lessened the enthusiasm of Vice of course, his twin brother Harold COMPLETELY EQUIPPED TO RENDER President W. W. Morse. His love must hold one. TO LOOK AT for his work and his determination to succeed have carried him through Howell Cullman, news broadcast­ year after year as a Federal leader.” er for the Herald-Traveler enters upon his 12th year Feb 7. We all YOUR FAVORITE POEM agree that he’s the best newsman IT’S NEW on the air. let's some of us write Socony’s Friendly Service If I had my life to live ataln I would have made a rule to read some and tell him so. poetry and listen to some music at I least once a week The loss of these tastes is a loss of happiness —Charles A Glorious Permanent Wave Darwin One year ago: Charles E. Hav­ I ener acquired the bottling works PAY US A VISIT - FAVORS FOR ALL with the new Side Sweep hair do. WHAT THE THRUSH SAID established in 1876 by his grand­ O thou whose face hath felt the Win ter's wind. father and namesake —James Cag­ Whose eye has seen the snow-clouds ney, and other movie Free Consultation by Al, with hung ln mist. And the black elm tops m ong the stars enjoyed those Rockland lob­ freezing stars. sters—Norman Barbour and Elmer or without appointment. Tc thee the Spring will be a harvest­ time. Gray of Rockland assisted in rescu­ O thou, whose only book has been the light ing 16 members of the crew of the WHITTEN & HOFFSES Of supreme darkness which thou fed- tugboat Plymouth rammed and dest on Night after night when Phoebus was sunk in Cape Cod Canal—The Al’s Hairdressing Salon away. To thee the Spring shall be a triple President's birthday ball was at­ TELEPHONE 8053 morn tended by about 400—Charles A. TEL. 82G ROCKLAND 286 MAIN ST. O fret not after knowledge—I have none. Spear. 70, died at West Meadows- And yet my song comes native with the warmth Mrs. Ellis Copeland, 80, died ln O fret not after knowledge—I have Thomaston —Col Basil H. Stinson MAIN & G1LLCREST STREETS THOMASTON none. And yet the Evening listens. He who was appointed by National Com­ saddens At thought of Idleness cannot be idle. mander Doherty as a member of the An<* asleel4Walte who thlnks hlnvsclt; special American Legion commit- ’ —John Keats | tee on Constitution and Bylaws. Every-Other-Da P age T w o Rockland Courier-Gazette, Saturday, January 28, 1939 L Cuecinello, lg ...... 0 seriously and several communitiet The Courier-Gazette Basketball Battles Rod And Gun ! are planning to form clubs to prf THREF.-TIMES-A-WF.EK At The High School KNOX SPEED LEAGUE Totals ...... 10 8 28 mote the sport in their locality Rockland High School won three Thomaston High Girls (23) Prize For Largest Tuna— It is believed that ample boats a As the branch cannot bear fruit! straight games from Thomaston G F. Pts. An Albino Partridge — equipment will be available wh High School last night in Com­ of Itself, except ye abide in Me. Johnson. If .... 4 4 12 the giants start running again. (By The Pupils) Camden Y. M. C. A. Takes Early Lead—-Hobbs munity Building. In the first, be­ Eerie Screams John 15: 4. Wallace, rf .... 4 3 11 Club trophies will be awarded tween the J.V.'s. Rockland was on Bell, sc ...... 0 0 0 Maine is out to promote its vast tile Bailey Island and Maine Tui High Individual top 33 to 14. showing good m aterial, Tire Freshman Period 4 meet ...... 0 0 0 schools of tuna fish as a recrea­ Clubs. The Bailey Island organiz Got A Slow Start ! Sophomores Period 7 in a spelling for future varsity squads. Tillson c 0 0 te tional attraction and Gov. Barrows tion. recently formed, has seve Rockland High girls, winning j CJark ' , „ (> ! bee at assembly next Tuesday. Par­ Thursday at Star Alley.-. Rockland Tram Standing 0 O'gave the campaign a boost, this hundred members who claim th| over Thomaston High 28 to 23, rg ' „ But Deer Hunting Season ents and friends are invited. Camden won the extra point. Thc Week ending Jan. 27 • 0. week. He announced that he would they have the best fishing in t played excellent ball as a uni•, | MUchcl, j ...... 0 Had the Second Largest score: W. L. PF 0 0 personally award a fine trophy to state in nearby waters. making it difficult to pick an indi- ' Agnes Johnson is secretary to Camden Y. M. C. A . 3 2 2423 the angler who takes the largest Kill On Record Camden Y. M. C. A. (31 vidual star. Thompson. Gray and Fish and game experts ate mu Principal Blaisdell this week. Star Alleys, 2 3 2434 Total ...... 8 23 tuna on rod and reel in Maine 1 2 3 4 5 Total Black went out on fouls, and their interested in a white partridge Community Alleys. 0 0 waters next summer and issued a Hunters killed 19.363 Maine deer Pierson, 95 92 110 90 102—483 substitutes clicked instantly. The Referee. Wotton Office boys this week were Individual Records • • • « warning that he would make a ruffled grouse brought down froi last fall for the second largest total N. Magee. 105 78 88 95 97—463 Thomaston girls were in the contest George Staples. Russell Smith. Le­ Individual single. JDandeneau, Lincoln 49. Rockport 7 strong attempt to win it himself. Aroostook County by Warden S' on the records of the Department Grover, 103 103 90 86 96—483 every minute. Fran Johnson. Wal­ pervisor Levi pow. The bird is roy Stickney, Sumner Waldron, (Star). 127. Lincoln 26, Rockport 16 Maynard. 113 104 94 97 85—49: lace and Tillson outstanding. typical albino with pink eyes, abo of Inland Fisheries and Game. The Perley Bartlett. John Munsey, | Individual total. Hobbs. (Star) 510 Last night both Rockport High Boyntcn. n ic3 85 92 119—497 Thomaston High boys were de­ two thirds of its plumage being pu: figures carefully compiled by in- j ames Thomas and Charles Nys- Team single. Star Alleys, 541. teanu lost to Lincoln Academy, the feated by Rockland High 43 to 24 white. A search of existing recon spectlon stations and wardens and trom. Team total. Star Alleys, 2434. 514 485 467 460 499 2425 Thomazton's passing attack in the * t0 16' and the 49 to 7; j fails to reveal where a simili The Individual Standings released today by Commissioner Star Alleys (2) first half Was perfect, especially in The Rockpcrt girls played one of I grouse has been taken. The birt Stobie exceeded the big 1937 kill by , The Kippy Karnival Ball, which Strings P F Ave. their best games of the season with 1 2 3 4 5 Total the second quarter, when they were 1 a hen, was normal in all respec an even 200 and nearly reached the takes place Feb. 17 in charge of Hobbs. Star, 510 102 the score at the end of the first half McKinney. 83 111 80 100 92—465 closely trailing Rockland 19 to 16 but coloring. Felice Perry, promises to be very 510 99 1 1935 record of 19,726 C. Carr. 98 88 102 83 97—468' But something happened to then- 10-9 in Rockport's favor. In the last • • • • With the figures came a sugges-[ delightful with the University of Johnson. Star. 496 99 1 E. Johnson. 100 103 87 97 109—493 attack in the third quarter to the half the home team seemed to be Folks up around Sangerville wa tion from Stobie that a uniform Maine Band of 14 pieces, a gills' Dandeneau. Star, 494 98 4 Hobbs. 100 108 105 81 116—510 end of the game, and Rockland had somewhat overpowered by height of are all excited about a strange an Maynard. Y M C A . 493 98 3 Statewide one month season might vocal trio, winch has sung over Dandeneau. 89 89 91 98 127—494 everything its own way. Thomas­ the visiting forwards mal that is roaming the nearbfl 489 97 4 be advisable to insure permanent WLBZ. and a dance team which ton scored no points in the third Tire boys' game was a fast and j woods and fields. Eerie scream I preservation of the States deer. A have danced in . Of Grover, Y M C A . 483 97.3 furious battle with Lincoln in the 470 499 405 459 541 2434 period. Overlooks and Simpson The award to be known as Gov. and howls that echo through th I continuation of a steady 10 year in­ course there will be favors galore, McKinney. Star 476 95 1 played a good offensive game, and lcad a'“ the wa5' Barrows Trophy will be made at the night are most disturbing. Sightef crease in the kill in all of the one-! and dancing from 9 until 1 o'clock. R. Vcse. K Low. and the little big C. Carr. star. 468 93 3 Lincoln Sawyer's defensive work was no­ i end of the reason and the Maine once by a warden the animal a, month counties with this situa­ goalie. D. Mazzeo — R. Cowan, man­ N. Magee. Y M C A 463 92 3 G F. P ts ., « • • » ticeable. Development Commission has been pears to be much larger than tion reversed in many of the slx The general decorating commit- ager. For Rockland, every man was an Clune, rf ...... 3 1 7 1 big shepard dog and has a very lon| week areas was shown. Stobie pre- tee for Kippy Karnival is getting The Star Alleys pulled out a grand ° ! delegated to keep the records. Individual star, the passing attack j Miller. If 0 0 Folks along the coast are begin- bushy tail Some believe that dieted that "if the State Legisla- under way. They have definitely finish in the last string of their New song books. "Sing, are being I mRtch wlth the y Bowling and offensive and defensive playing : Hildebrandt, c 12 1 25 | ning to take this tuna business a 'a:8J coyote while others clair ture sees fit to enforce a uniform decided on a nautical party with enjoyed in Chorus Music Thursday ( Rve ^ ursd>y at the star AUeys to of the team malting it outstanding Weegs. rg 3 1 7 Is a great timber wolf that hs one month season the danger of de- red. white and blue predominating Coach Matheson tried cut sev- Glidden rg 1 0 mornings Incidentally the cover, up {he plnfan Halstead, lg ...... 1 0 2 aved over from Canada At aid pletion of our deer will soon be A boat is to be constructed in the 0 are orange, with black lettering Dandeneau. recent conquerer of cral new combinations, each one Cowan, rf ...... 0 — — — , eliminated.” gymnasium by Mr. Chick's manual working equally well. His team has Hatch, r f ...... 4 0 a posse of hunters with rcveral cl Arico in the first of a 20-string 16 4 26 J He believes that the big kill re training classes. Anchors, life pre­ shown much Improvement In the ! Fiye. rf ...... 0 0 the best hounds around are goin ______= ______Period 4 Explorer's Club held its match. finally started hitting them Camden C.C.C. suited from more hunters in the servers and fishing nets are in great last two games. — 20) • the creature. Its tracks mea woods and more deer in the south- demand. Anyone possessing these second meeting last week with May- to chalk up a single of 127 and give 23 49 G F Pts. nard. Green as presiding officer the Star Alleys at least a moral vlc- Rockland High Boys (40> . lire four inches long and about th ( em counties. Better protection articles and willing to lend them McGray. r f ...... 0 0 0 1 F Pts Rockport same width. through law enforcement and recent please notify Inez Bowley. Evelyn The report of the last meeting was tory in the pay-off string, Rogers. If »> 1 5 ‘ 1 G F Pts mild winters is considered another Bartlett, or Mrs. Matheson. . read by Doris Gatti and the roll was The Camden Y gathered the edge Wbaugh. If 5 j 1 Gorham, c 0 1 l | 0 0 Andrews, if ... C 1 William F Field of Gardiner Important factor in the increase. I • • • • called by Irving McConchie. Mr m points, taking the first string by Huntley, If Ducheney. rg ..... 0 3 3 11 Cavanaugh, If 1 3 Bucks outnumbered does 11,720 to Next Thursday there will be a spe- and Evere? Spear were fined [ 44 pins, the third by two, and the Chisholm, rf Romaniak. lg .. 0 1 Cates, rf 0 2 D. Hysuong, c 0 1 7331 with 4C5 others reported and cial assembly in which Betty Camp- dne cent for not ^ n g adle t0 8ive fourth by one Points are aecided by Kuchun. rf ...... 5 1 Nicholas, c .... 0 Burns, rg ...... 0 10 Pond the other day his glasses fe, not designated. In 1937 bucks led bell bell, an actress imDersonatorimpersonator, from a * Iection from memory that hadn't, strings and not by total to avoid the Dubouy. rg ...... 0 0 0 1 Duff, c 2 Caln, rg off as he peered into a hole, by a smaller margin qf 10.968 to the Pitt F. Parker Entertainment ^>een ®iven ')efore Eor the enter- pcssibillty of any tie games. — — — few seconds later they caught ol tainment Ruth Goldberg gave The Star Alleys gathered in all Heal c 0 Turner If 8.032 with 163 not designated. Bureau in Boston, will present a 14 6 20 the hook as they were on their waj very interesting talk on Stephen the records for the first night with Billings, rg 1 Washington, Penobscot and Aroos­ program. Reieree Smith. to bottom. If he had taken a 15 Foster from the Readers' Digest. Dandeneau taking the high single Hanley, rg ..... 0 took led in order in the northern e e • • pound salmon he wouldn't ha'i counties with York, Cumberland A play entitled “A Sunday Call'' with 127 Roy Hobbs the high indi­ McConchie. lg 1 Second quarterly exams have been Battery E 24Qth i38( been half as happy Waldo out front in the southern. taken this week and will be fol- was presented with Richard S vidual total with 510. the Star Alleys Chaples. lg 0 0 Brown and Mary Gerrish as leading team single and total being best with _ — t Damari.cotta Grammar girls. The G F. Pis. Most hunters were reported in Han- lowed by report cards next week, Two years ago a bag limit of threi characters—Mary Gerrish. 541 and 2434. Totals 15 10 40 i Rockport girls having won 14 con- Freeman, rf ...... 4 0 8 cock and Washington. Highest . • • • game fish per day became effectiv After a faltering start Frank Mc­ Thomaston High Boys (24) 1 secutive games, beating Camden Withee, if . 3 o 6 average on bucks was recorded in The Home Economics Club met I team Ihurstav night at Camden 23 at Sebago Lake, this making it- ill) Kinney got going to the extent that ! Pts Ames, c ...... 8 0 16 Aroostook. Penobscot. Franklin and Friday morning and was presided The 3rd period Explorer's Club F. gil to transport more than thr- a ballot cast at the end of the match Overlock. If I to 7. met their Waterloo on this o o i Day. c ...... 0 •0 0 Somerset counties. over by Vice President Grace Tuttle. J held its meeting last Friday in room 0 8 ilsli lrom the lake at one time, by his time re-elected him playing Simpson, rf 1 9 1 casion. losing to Damariscotta 19 to Huntley, rg ...... 1 0 2 The kill in the one month coun- After the business meeting, Mrs 14. and elected these officers: Mal- movement is on foot to have tl ties and the increase in each over Helen Carlson, formerly a mission- colm Ingraham. Keeper of the As- manager at least to start the next Suomudia. rf 0 0 16. It was a hard blow to have their Halstead, rg-...... 0 0 ° i excellent record broken, but they Chase, lg ...... 3 0 C bag limit remain the same but 1837 Is as follows: York. 1020 to ary in China, spoke very interest- trolabe; Lucille Connon. Keeper of match. Staples, rf ...... 0 • increase the transportaton lim 770. Waldo. 494 to 417; Sagadahoc, ingly on "Situations in China To- the Ephemeris and Edwin Tyler. Among the missing at the Alleys Miller, c ... 1 1 played a close and exciting game all through. 19 x 0 33 to six so that non-residents ca 121 to 87; Knox. 203 to 153; Lincoln day.” Plans for the January out- Keeper of tlie Watch: Skipper of ■ last evening were Arico. Larrabee. Overlock, lg 0 0 akc more than one day's catr( Waldoboro (29) 385 to 307; Cumberland, 790 to 645. ing were made—Barbara Murray. Crew I. Louise Harden. former good bowlers that have gone H. Sawyer, rg 1 1 hem? vith them Androscoggin, 191 to 156 and Ken- • • • • • • • » into at least temporary rei irement Sawyer, rg 0 1 Battery E. 240th C A C . defeated I O F. Pts. • • • • nebec, 449 to 447. If you had a Stradivarius would Tickets arc out for "Spring Rumor has it that there will be no the Camden C.CC. team Monday j Benner, rf . ... 4 0 8 Perry Greene. Maine's champioi In the six-weeks counties de- you ride it, play it. or wear it? F^ver," the Junior Class play, to b? iteam representing the Community Totals ...... 10 4 24 Webber, If ...... 4 0 8 guide and wcodchopper is gctii: creases were shown in four of the Which United States president presented February 15 and 16 The o{ Rockland. One official Referee. Wotton. - won over Waldoboro 28 to 29. The ■ Hiintlpy. c 3 o ready t, make the rounds of l! eight, the 1938 and 1937 totals be- lived to be 90 years old? Junior Class is progressing favor- slated Wednesday that the Pc->t Rockland High Girls i28i • lineups: French rg ... 3 1 sitows nr nine cities. Perry wt ing Aroostook 1944 to 2119; Frank- Where is the only place in the ably in spite of the difficulties to O®cc team would represent the i O Pt- Battery E, 246th (36) 1 Sukeforth. rg 0 0 0 has won considerable fame wit! lin, 994 to 1193; Somerset, 1653 to United States where the boundaries ; arrange rehearsals for the class Rockland Community Club. We un- ’ Barlow. If 4 111 G Pts I Achorn. l g ...... 0 0 0 iris axe believes that that weapol 1964 and Piscataquis 1098 to 1573. of four States meets? pjay -spring Fever, due to the ex- derstand that such a team would be Thompson, rf 6 16 Withee, rf . 1C 21 is much more valuable to a gui,’e ii Slight increases were shown in the What is the world s most valuable amination schedule composed of Rackliff, Perry, Dr Norton, sc, rf 0 1 Ames, If .... 1 4 14 1 29 ti e woods than a gun. Incldentel others as follows: Hancock. 1678 to oil painting and where is it lo- Soule. Chatto and McPhee. A good Rackliff, sc 0 9 McLain. If he has just published a compreh' 1461: Penobscot. 3291 to 3152; Wash- cated? The beginners shorthand class tcam for any Ieague' Where ar in interesting and colorful 'FILL' takes the cows. booklets on wheat and corn. Those 1933 Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe, 1935 Chevrolet Standard Coach 1933 Chevrolet Standard Sedan, 1935 Chevrolet DcLuxo Coach, re­ New Dealism deserving special mention arc Ron- small mileage. A1 condition good condition, light and enappy. reconditioned and In perfect con­ painted, rcoondltioned DeLuxo The Government shoots one cow. aid Berry. Alfred Storer. Bernice YOUR BIN WITH throughout, heater, etc. dition as to paint, tire.-, etc. equipment; heater, defroster, etc. milks the otiier and pour.- the milk Stanley. Alice Rogers. Margaret tiown the aewer ! Economy. Kenneth Mignault. Betty —Author Unknown Holmes, Betty Wilson, Robert Jones, 1333 Plymouth Si dan going ------, Melzinc McCaslin, Christine New- D & H ANTHRACITE through shop, will be available In Always an assortment of Used b u y Get Comforting Relief from hal1' ArIfnc Wcko'tt. Earle Howard. Order enough D&H Anthra­ a few days. Trutk-. ’a Ten to l ’a Ton. [Clara Hallowell, and Pauline Hav- cite to last the remainder of the M ,LLI0Hs lener. Some particularly good pos- heating season. We will make ters were done by Jason Thurston. buying '"L Billie Tait, Ronald Packard, and deliveries most convenient to popular' V o ,okeo ,n SEA VIEW GARAGE, INC. HEAD COLDS Barbara Cashier. you. Just phone your order— Chevrolet he QJ. BO TW IS i But some rick VapoRub up 68S MAIN 3T. ROCKLAND TEL. 1250 each nostril and sniff Well ba-x. then, we’ll worry about your ’'odea:,T«o'e Thc hockey team, coached by Mr. NEXT, melt a rpconful of Vaj. R -b In a coal supply. ‘° ' ' d ‘ar .attherlghlP^1' PEASLEE A ROSS BARKER S GARAGE CARROLL GARAGE bowl of boiling water; breathe In tlio Topping, went to Hebron, Jan. 20. Vinalhaven Unle>n Thomaston medicated vapors fo r several minutes. and lost to a much superior team T in s loosens phlegm and fu rther clears * reliable merchan’ d#ol„ the air-passages. Thc following day the team played M. B. & C. O. , US£D^a3 L AT BEDTIME, rub VapoRub on throat, Camden High at Community Park, 3 you; , ot’ b’ ?h chest, and back so Its long-continued ma»niO’n d o u b le action can re­ and threw a score of 12 to 3. Tire >iw>-— . SEE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR lieve the misery of goals were made by thc following: 4 Doe to h» 9 che„rolet the cold while you PERRY bu»ine“ ' Y , -ooblO fl*' sleep. M. Johnson, 5 goals; W. Buckmin­ tut rr—then you'll CHEVROLET DEALERS’ LISTINGS know why VapoRub ster, 3; C. Kalloch, 2; K. Glover, 1; 519 MAIN STREET, ROCKLAND Is a sundby In 3 out R. Karl. 1; these boys were ably as­ of 5 homes. VOS sisted by R Horeyseck D Fisher Every-Other-Day Rockland Courier-Gazette, Saturday, January 28, 1939 Page Three At The State Capitol The Maine Hermit are urged to be present as a plan iaat for expanding the Comrades pro­ — . — gram to include those who have COMMUNITY THEATRE GUILD Important Measures Make A Transcript Reporter Visits 1*1 graduated will be proposed. llll • • • • Presents Appearance — Plans For Allie Clough Who Says 1111 wit •• JANUARY • a UH llll "Christ and the 'Great Adven­ MOM. m a wa*. m*. *8* $At Old Age Assistance He’s a “Hater” M U RCH ES ture,' ” will be the subject of th« 1 1 3 4 s 4 7 sermon at the First Baptist Church Maine legislators. concluding If coaches, or managers of har­ service: Dr. Lowe's class in the 10 11 IS 13 14 Sunday at 10.30. The choir will sing. s HIGH PRESSURE HOMER’’ their fourth week and adjourning assed sports teams are seeking an SERMONETTE church at the same hour. Kinder­ 10 10 SO SI There will be a chance for men, IS u 17 [until Tuesday, prepared to discuss garten for small children meets in CONGREGATIONAL VESTRY opportunity to gain surcease from, women, boys and girls to study the t t S3 S4 ss S4 S7 SS j with their constituents dur- Spiritual Farming the vestry at 10.45 for the benefit of troubled minds, we would suggest Word of God in a going church 30 31 » N N '» ' ing the weekend the recom­ parents who wish to attend the a visit with a Maine Hermit at Cape The President of thc United school which meets at noon. The WED.-THURS., FEB. 1-2 mended biennial State bud- States recently said concerning morning service. [ get and that part of Gov. Barrows' Neddick. It's an accessible place. ! • * • « Intermediate C. E. Society, with Os­ 8.00 o'clock is the hermitage of Albion L. the unsettled state of affairs, mond Palmer as leader, will meet at budget message advocating cities "Love" is the subject of the lesson- TALK OF THE TOWN Clough, up beyond York, and the [ all over this world that nothing 1 o'clock. "Why Can't You Sing?" A D M IS S IO N : 15c, 35c i and towns assume one-quarter of sermon that will be read in all only noise comes from thc rivetersj would contribute so much to thc will be the topic of the Endeavorer'.s ••coming Events cast their 1 old age assistance costs. peace of the world as a revival Churches of Christ, Scientist, on SHADOWS BEFORE” SPONSORED BY THE ROUNDS MOTHERS’ CLASS that are at work down the road a j nspiratlon Hour which will open a: The budget, recommending ap- of religion. Well! No one will Jan. 29. The Golden Text is: "How Jan. 30—President's Birthday Ball at | propriations totaling $22,921,980 for spell where a new bridge is being j 6 o'clock and will be led by Mrs. Mac­ Community Building quarrel with thc President over excellent is thy loving kindness, O Jan. 31 — Waldoboro — Two one act 12-13 erected. Donald. The people's evening serv­ ; departments and institutions the God! therefore the children of men p la y a oy Baptist Ladles' Circle In We never knew this modern that statement, and’the surest ice will open at 7.15 with a prni-•» dark's hall next two fiscal years and proposing put their trust under the shadow of F'eb 1-2—"High Pressure Homer at Thoreau existed until Fred Cosgrove way to bring about such a re­ service, assisted by organ, piano an I Congregational vestry. a new financial setup for assistance, vival is to feel conscious that we thy wings." IPs. 36:7). The cita­ Peb. 2 —Waldoboro— Parent-Teacher. Mrs. Charles W. Sheldon fell at turned off Route 1-A and stopped in choir. The final Jewish question will was submitted to the lawmakers need Ood. are willing to confess tions from the Bible include the fol- Ass'n meeting at High School building I her home on Masonic street yester­ Fire In Cushing front of the ramshackle building be answered at this service when Mr. Feb 3—Rubinstein Club guest night earlier this week. our sins, individual, national and I lowing passages: "Beloved, let us at Unlversallst vestry. day. dislocating one of her shoulders. where the 74-year-old recluse lives. MacDonald will complete his sertnc v Peb 3—Benefit party at New Thorn- The House, as the result of action international, and live together love one another; for love is of God; She was removed to Knox Hospital. Herbert L. Smith Store, There's something intriguing about on “Where Is the Jew Going, and dike Hotel. by Republican leadership in that as human beings. Brothers, re­ ' Hnd every one that loveth is born of Peb. 12—Lincoln's Birthday. House and Barn Razed— a hermit, especially one who has Why?" The happy prayer and Peb. 14—Valentine Day. branch to ascertain the possible gardless of race or creed, in our God. And we have known and be­ Feb 14-16—Kippy Karnival by Rock­ American Legion Auxiliary sew­ effects of Barrows’ suggestion tried to capitalize on his reputation praise meeting will be held Tues­ land High School. Loss $25,000 humanity; and as sons of God lieved the love that Ood hath to us. ing circle will meet Monday after­ as a woman-hater. day evening at 7.15. Feb 15-16—Junior Class play "Spring passed orders seeking to obtain from spiritually, through His grace. God is love; and he that dwelle’h Fever" at High School auditorium noon at 1.30 at Legion hall There In the first major firft a more la6tln« Passion the time comes to plant, he must Young People's Vesper service at 5 Volieyballers. Not much Is known zero weather faced Rockland citizens cued from the flaming barn were ‘ gainfully employed ' to provide old “ he had limiud his discussion to Miss Faith Shesong who directed his painting and music. break up the fallow ground and o'clock, and Christian Endeavor at when they dug out from beneath all that could be salvaged, though age assistance funds. of the strength of either team ,i? the Gay Nineties Jubilesta, returned As we stepped out of a shiny new sow. This spiritual rule Hosea 6 o'clock. Praise service and ser­ their reinforced bed-coverings this there were plenty of volunteers, the Motor Vehicle Owners they have not played in competition yesterday to her home in Portland. Olds, accompanied by an attractive made plain. If we would, In this mon at 7.15 the topic being "Borrow­ morning. The lineup seemed to be: blaze starting at 6 oclock. She handled the entertainment in The legislators were scheduled to young matron attired in a blue en­ world, reap mercy, we must sow ing From Tomorrow. " Thc music | wlth other a ^ ia ffo n s this year Rising temperature today, snow and Thomaston firemen aided in the an exceedingly business like man­ receive on their return next week a semble with a short kidskin coat, righteousness. will include a selection by thc young The Augusta team has always had swizzle tomorrow, and colder again rescue and prevented extensive dam- ner, and made many friends here. bill requiring motor vehicle owners v.e were surprised at the cordiality We can, all of us, if we care to, people's choir and a vocal solo by I a real capable sextet on the cour, tomorrow night. Forty below in one age when the home of Mrs. Fred responsible for personal Injuries to of the hermit's reception, for we do something to bring about Ronald Lord, Jr. Prayer meeting I antj wi,h p rank Farrington as thc.i New England town this morning The question which will be dis­ Porsblom was ignited by sparks others to provide satisfactory flnan- had been told he was averse to talk­ such a revival. It is too large Tuesday evening at 7.30. The Abbie I capUm leader Cam, en u Today is exactly 10 hours long. cussed tomorrow night at the First from the Smith fire. A henhouse clal settlement before being issued an order for even the President in ing for publication. He didn't Sanderson Guild meets with Miss for a hard afternoon. "Chick" May Baptist Christian Endeavor will be: on the Porsblom place was d e -1 registrations by the secretary’ of of the United States. We can know then, of course, that we were Oladys Gray Thursday evening. nurd* team on the other hand There will be a children's matinee “Why Can't You Sing?" Miss Helen i stroyed Mr. Smith lost several 1 state. break up the fallow ground. In a newspaperman. When we ap­ greet at the game but has potential •Tuesday afternoon at Park Theatre MacDonald will be the leader. This I tons of hay and 15 cords of pre- The measure, similar to one de­ our own spiritual garden, and prised him of our occupation he did Services tomorrow at Pratt Me­ qualities which experience will help with "Ooing Places ' featured. service starts at 6 p. m. and all young pared wood in the barn. feated two years ago. was prepared sow righteousness and we shall not live up to his reputation as a morial M. E. Church will include: to develop. Maynard's Auburn team people are invited. I ______lor introduction by Rep. James H reap mercy, with charity to all The funeral services of Mrs. John dodger of publicity. 10.30, morning worship, music held the State championship seven Sunshine Society meets Monday Thorne (R). Madison. men.—William A Holman W. Burns will be held at her late Indeed, he seemed to open up quartet. "Forever With the Lord.” Attractions at the Strand The­ in the Central Maine rooms for Thorne termed his bill a "safety consecutive years, with such former residence on North Main street, this perceptibly, remarking: “I like to Ocunod, and “I Hear Thy Voice. atre next week are: Sunday. Mon­ work. measure' and one he said would stars as Rev. J. Charles MacDonald afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. J. W. day. Tuesday, ''Paris Honeymoon," talk for the newspapers. I know At St. Peter’s Church (Episcopal) Lang; sermon, "Thc Minister an J of Rockland playing on one of th" give victims of personal Injuries "re­ they're likely to print a certain His Message." Acts 10:29—"I ask Hyssong of Rockport officiating. with Bing Crosby, Franciska Gaal; The barge Whitehead has been Rev. E. O. Kenyon, rector, the serv- curlier champion teams. Mr. Cowen course." therefore for what intent ye have Thc interment will be In Rockville. Wednesday and Thursday, "Topper discharging coal at the lime com­ amount of ‘hot air," but I can’t ex- ices for tomorrow will be appropr:- cl Rockland former Bangor "Y" ace . “At , , 4present." Thorne said a I pset all the cream. I've got to take ate for the fourth Sunday after sent for me.” At 9.30. Friendly Takes a Trip" with Constance Ben­ pany's coal tower this week. may see service on Saturday as hi ■ mc.onst may injurei or kill a per- L y share °f skimmed Epiphany; Matins at 7.10, Hob­ Men's Bible Class; 12. Baraca Class Miss Helen Burns and Mrs. Don­ nett and Roland Young; Friday and old physical director. Bert Bach­ son. and ,h« onl>' alternative is sus- He had rightly taken umbrage Communlon at 7 30. church school ald Perry are chairmen of the big Saturday. "Trade Winds" with Interior decorators have been in­ and Sunday school; 6.30 Epworth man. will play at least one game for pension of his license by the secre-, ovcr some vandalism by boys in the League, leader Winfield Chatto; 7.30 benefit bridge party to be given Feb and Joan Bennett. creasing the attractiveness of thc at 9.30. Holy Eucharist and sermon Camden. Bachman, and Maynard 3 at Thorndike Hotel. Playing tary of state until financial *»««- neighborhood who had torn down at 10.30, confirmation instruction for evening worship with young people s Chisholm store at The Brook ment is made will play together in an exhibition starts at 8 o'clock. The prizes, Knox County Grange lecturers some of his signs and had coated j unjOrs at 5 p. m., Vespers at 7 p. m. chorus and address by pastor. "The game to help teach new player., Highways and Bridges amazing in value will be displayed who attended the State lecturers' Harry F. Smith, formerly of this the door of his "ark" with thick « » • • Hypocrite" Job 27:8 "For what is some of the technique of thc game in Mansfield-Buttner Co. windows. city, and past master of Rockland, The legislature had a bill propos- green paint. After eight years' j the hope of the hypocrite, though he conference in Augusta this week, Morning worship at the Univer­ Thc match starts at 3 and will be Lodge. FAM., Is listed as a member ing an $8900,COO bond issue which residence in that sylvan cranny he hath gained, when God Takcth away were Miss Crockett of North Haven. salist Church at 10.45. Dr. Lowe will five games. The public is invited All former Comrades of the Way 1 of the Bath Iron Works special de- would bring to $11,400,000 the felt grieved at such treatment, but J his soul. Tuesday at 7.30 p. in. k ,There is no charge. Camden's preb- Lillian Rackliff of South Thomas­ preach on "The Gods We Make and are expected to attend the regular amount available the next six fiscal his tale of woe soon subsided and thc mid-week service, discussion ton, Evelyn Brown of Hope, Doris I gree team. the One True God.' The church able starting lineup will be: Red­ meeting of that order on Sunday ; years for building state highways he took ps into his combined kit­ theme. "The Meaning of Faith." Overlock of Washington, Henry H. school will meet in the vestry at man. Fitzgerald. Dailey, Wadswortn evening in the vestry of the Con- j An invitation has been extended and bridges. The measure was pre- chen and living room, where pots Payson of Rockland, and a delegate noon; Mrs. Glover's class at her W. Heal. Bachman. Maynard. Church: the meeting j to members of Ruth Mayhew Tent pared by Senator Francis H ., were boiling at a great rate on the The young people will have charge j Cowan, and Eddie Bartlett, from Owl's Head Grange. Buffc residence following the morning will begin at 6. with a supper. Plans lunch was served at the Blaine Man­ to meet at the home of Mrs. Lizzie Friend LOCATION <• and Shoe Store, M. E. Wolton A Son. Crie Hardware Co., M. 15. pensate Mrs. Viola C. Penney, Au­ axters six weeks ago, and it hurt my sing­ <• After February 1 we will be derson ^nd ^Maricm "Sibber?* tSthAof High School dramatics, so plan on burn for $4,000 because of a B ing. I've really got a good voice <• A C. O. Perry, Stiller Crane, Burpee Furniture Co., Roekland located Washington. tlie dates Peb. 1-2. FINEST Furl Co.. J. A. Jameson. Main Slreet Filling Station. Fireproof UPSTAIRS Cotta-Stephenson—At Wolfboro. N. H "groundless indictment for murder 1 when my throat's clear." ♦i- Dec. 31. by Rev. J P. Hedlng. Fred Garage. Sea View Garage. A. P. Blaisdell, Standard Oil Co., Coca- o v rr th e logged against her, and later nol We were told of his early child­ Cotta, formerly of Camden and Flor­ Public beano. G A R . hall Mon­ MID-TOWN CAFE ence Stephenson of Island Falls. pressed for lack of evidence." Mrs. hood in Manchester. N. H.. back ill Cola Bottling Co., Central Maine Power Co., Roekland Garage Co.. De Vcber-Parkcr—At Portsmouth. N. day night; door prize, regular and I t Penney was held in the investiga-l j thc 60 s. We learned of his love for The Courier-Gazette, John Bird Co., Sayward's Aulo Service, H . May 29. Herbert De Veber of New­ specials. i2*it CONFIDENTIAL buryport. Mass., and Pauline Parker of tion of tlie unsolved killing of her hunting and fishing, of his skill with Arthur Lamb, SL Clair A Allen, II. II. Crie A Co. North Windham 11-12 LOAN CO. husband at his Auburn gasoline a rifle in hitting mpvlng targets, but ■ station last summer. Thc measure I lie always came back to thc women. 11-12 DIED Pendleton—At Camden. Jail 26. Miss 9 was introduced by Rep. John G "Here's a self-portrait of myself Elizabeth F Pendleton, aged 80 years. ; Funeral Saturday at 2 o'clock from , Marshall, Auburn. eating Christmas dinner." said Allie Good funeral home. Interment In j Tlie paintings showed the kitchen Mountain cemetery. ♦ ,teach—At Thomaston. Jan. 26. John I Dr. R. L. Stratton spoke yesterday stove and other objects in the crowd­ Trcscott Leach, of Port Clyde, aged 75 I | E. A. STROUT REALTY AGENCY, INC. years. 10 months. 12 days. Funeral ! at thc Rotary Club, giving an in- . N o w O n l y ed little room, and there on the din­ Saturday at 2 o'clock fom the baptist i teresting talk on the mechanics.. ner table were pictures of a row of rhanplchapel Port ClvrieClyde. Rurlal In South LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE BURPEE’S Parish cemetery. metals and minerals of dentistry.' ten women—his pet “hates." Never­ Horatio C. Cowan, Dr. Crosby F .' 1 0 c theless. we left the hermitage con­ FRED A. DEAN, Camden, Maine IN MKMORIAM Ambulance Service French, and Lloyd E. Daniels were i At Your Independent Grocers vinced more than ever there Is no MORTICIANS In loving memory of husband and TELEPHONE 418 appointed on the committee for i Finest quality State inspected hatred in Clcugh's hart for anyone. father Benjamin H. Lincoln, Washing­ • » Corn. Stock up now while this ton. Me., who died Jan. 27, 1936. sponsirlng Boy Scout wo:a. Harold ! That's the way it ought to be for a Ambulance Service A sudden change In a moment fell extra low price Is in effect. STROUT SELLS REAL ESTATE He had no time to say farewell. RUSSELL Ogden of Melrose Mass., was a Save Baxter's Finest Labels for mail who has passed the biblical He was always true, unselfish and kind, Buyers irom all over the world. Free open listing. TELS. $90 AND 781-1 Few In this world bis equal you d find. FUNERAL HOME visiting Rotarian. Mayor Vcazit. valuable Premiums. I span’, and that's why the "Ark" A beautiful life that came to an end 8 CLAREMONT ST. TEL. 662 Herbert W. De Veber, and Bert II. C. BAXTER A BRO. might be a haven for harassed ath­ FARMS, HOMES. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES He died as he lived, everyone's friend. Brunswick, Maine 2"&4’&8’&12“ 381-365 MAIN ST, ROCKLAND ROCKLAND. ME. Bachman of Washington. D C were letic coaches—Oeorge C Carens in Mtb, Nellie Lincoln; his daughters. 08-tf 9S15 iiB-tr Marguerite and Cleruldlne Lincoln m i ll gu ests I th • no.rion Transcript Louise C Ames. Every-OtKer-Day - Page Four Rockland Courier-Gazette, Saturday, January 28, 1939

REFERRED TO SCHOOL “We want to all kind of keep to­ Old man Coffee’s eyes showed an ' gether, here, as we move into this,” inward smile. “That last seemed , Rockport Man Feels His Girls Were Horse Dunn said casually. “I don’t WALDOBORO kind of forced in," he said. Neglected—An Answer Wanted think there's going to be any trou­ Gil Baker now lounged in, taking ■ ble of any kind. Still—I wish Bob his time. The sheriff was impatient ‘ MRS LOUISE MILLER Rockport, Jan. 25. Flagg had got here. There aren’t at his heels. Correspondent 1 n so many of us as there has been Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 “Baker, where were you Mon- ; « « « J5 some years." day?” he demanded. Upon reading your column "At The sheriff pulled up and stepped Gil Baker, young and hawk-faced, Tel. 27 ! the High School." I discovered a | 8 9 to the sidewalk. Now that he was glanced at Horse Dunn and rolled , ’ long paragraph devoted to the bril- on his own ground again there was 1 his quid of tobacco over his tongue. > Mrs. Ervin PInkham and son i ijant playing of Rockland's Junior | IO 1II 11 13 14 a perceptible hardening and stiffen­ "Rode a scope of ground, last Mon­ ing of the man; he did not look like 1 Wayne were guests Thursday of High School basketball team. A j day.” he offered. Ifc 17 16 II 19 20 the same peace officer who had so “Mostly where?" ' Mrs. Lila Lovejoy. [ reader might draw the conclusion ; 15 politely suggested, at daybreak, that Baker watched the sheriff narrow­ Mahlon Turner of Washington was from the item that only five men I w ; n 2.3 24 V'heeler submit to trial in a peace­ ly. "Mostly Slinkard's Hole.” a business visitor in town Friday. | played; those from Rockland. 11 able way. "Anybody with you?” The meeting of the Bridge Club Comment on the girls’ game was ! “Court won’t open yet for a little “Part of the time." 15 2b 27 bit,” he said. “You, Wheeler, park The sheriff caught at this. "Doug­ which was to have been held Thurs- conspicuous by its absence. How | yourself around here close. You're las was with you only part of the day night was postponed. Mrs ! about a good word for the Rockport lucky not to be in the lock-up, by time, huh?” William Flint will entertain the club girls’ playing, considering it was! 2b God! You. Dunn, I'll speak to you Gil Baker studied him. snake­ . „ u their twelfth consecutive victory? next week. 33 35 <« Thaw inside. I’ve got a couple of ques­ eyed. "All the time.” he cha. j “d William Jameson, a student at Rockport 19 30 31 32 34 tions I figure to ask." his answer. Man. Central Institute, arrived W brought from most men was long “AU right.” Horse Dunn said. “You just said ’part of the 3b 37 36 I 39 TH E STORY in com in. ' “Come on. folks.” time’!" home Friday for the weekend “People in this country is going 1 “The rest of you stay outside,” i "My mistake.” said Baker. Andrew Currie is confined to his ROCKPORT HO 41 42 43 CHAPTER I—Billy Wheeler, wealthy to the dogs.” Coffee complained. Sheriff Amos said. "You're the one The young sheriff jerked open the ZS ZN zs zs home by illness. zx xx z\ zx iw ; vouiig cattleman, arrives at the 94 ranch, I aim to talk to, Dunn.” door. “Val Douglas! Come in summoned by his friend Horse Dunn, its “Take you. Your old father had a Mrs. Francis Reed and Miss Grace elderly and quick-tempered owner, be­ pair of eyes that could find out the Horse Dunn looked up and down here!" I LIDA G. CHAMPNEY 44 45 4b 47 cause ol a mysterious murder Billy is Simmons visited Wednesday In I in love with Dunn's niece Marian, whom devil through the smoke of hell. the street, noting how the groups of Val Douglas was suddenly motion- Correspondent he has not seen (or two years. She had But you—you ain't got any eyes. I booted loungers had grown. Hardly leisurely, in order not to joggle the Rockland. A A A A rejected his suit and is still aloof Dunn s ZX ZX ZX x>. 46 49 ranch is surrounded by enemies, includ­ not only got to do your thinking for a doorway in that street was empty cigarette he was making. He stood Charles Howard of Augusta is at ing Link Bender. Pinto Halliday and you. I also got to see for you and now. Wheeler saw Dunn run a quick on spread legs, and across the cig­ his home here. Tel. 2229 Sam Caldwell, whom he has defeated in I50 51 his efforts to build a cattle kingdom. hear for you and ride for you. I’ll glance along the second story win­ arette as he licked it shut he looked Mr. and Mrs. John Miller are Dunn directs his cow hands. Val Doug­ give you just a sample." dows across the street. Dunn turned at tne others with an innocent grav­ Miss Marion Weidman will be ] las. Tulare Callahan and others to search , to his car. relaxed, casual. spending a few days in Boston. lor the killer's horse, lie explains to An ironic amusement faintly al­ ity. hostess Tuesday to the G. W. Bridge ■ Billy that the morning before he had tered Old Man Coffee's gaunt face “Marian, take this here car “Douglas,” Sheriff Amos demand­ Lester Black. Gilbert Crowell and HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL (Cont.) VERTICAL (Cont.) come upon bloodstained ground £t Short Edwin Mank are spending a vaca­ Club. This week the Club met for , 1-Damage 40- A dance 13- Greek goddess of Creek and found the trail of a shod and “Answer me one question.” he around the corner, and park it; then ed. "where was you riding last Mon­ unshod horse. The shod horse's rider said now. "What weapon killed Lon wait there, until someone brings day?” tion in Florida. 1 play at the home of Mrs. Mary > 5 -T h e gang of a boat 41- A street vender discord had been killed. The body had disap­ i word." “I reckon 1 was in Nine-Mile Val­ tw a in 43- Scrutinize 14- Expires peared and no one was reported missing. Magoon?” Mrs. Elwood York of Damariscotta , Whitman. 8- Fish eggs 44- Small pastry 16-Numbers (abbr.) Link Bender had arrived at the scene Billy Wheeler looked at Coffee Marian glanced once, questioning- ley,” Douglas said. 1 Mills has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Miss Mary Veazie entertained the 9 - A fo w l and read the signs the way he had. Dunn “How far is that from Slinkard’s 4 6 -T id in g s 18-Roiglock reveals that because of a financial crisis sidelong, and for a moment he hes­ ly. at her uncle, then once more, al­ Roland Walter. |G.GE. Club Thursday night at 11- Stake in cards 48- The sheltered side 20-Evening (Poet.) the ranch may be in Jeopardy: his itated. “Lon Magoon,” he said, most despairingly, at Billy Wheeler. Hole?” 12- M illtary assistant 4 9 - Look 22-Part of the body(pl.) enem ies mav make trouble since Sheriff "About 15 mile.” Mrs. Hilda Somes was hostess bridge at her home. Following play, Walt Amos is friendly with them. He "was killed by a shotgun. Is that Then the car lumbered away in the 1 5 -T a v e rn EO -Existed 24-Aeriform substance; savs he has asked Old Man Coffee, the what you wanted to know?" dust as she obeyed. "And you and Baker covered both Wednesday night at a miscellaneous ; refreshments were served 17-Decorate 51-Paradise 2 6 - U tte r country's best trailer, to join them. "Part. What else?” Horse Dunn turned with a curious Nine • Mile Valley and Slinkard’s shower given in honor of Miss Irma ! Charles Erickson is at home from ! 19-Portuguese coin 27- No more than CHAPTER n —Dunn and Billy meet "It was fired from in front of him mildness to the sheriff. “I don’t fig­ Hole in one day?” Fickett of Rockland. Other guests Port Williams to spend a few days 21-Diving water-bird 2 9 - Licks up Amos. Link Bender, his son "the Kid" a little to his right-hand side, by a ure tq give any answers. Amos, that Val Douglas was suddenly motion­ 23- Perched VERTICAL 30- A constellation and Cavuse Cayetano. an Indian trailer, were Mrs. Elizabeth Oilbert, Miss with his family. 2 4 - Donate 31- Bird home at Short Creek. Bender has found the j I wouldn't just as leave my outfit less. He had started to light up, man on a horse.” Jane Crouse. Osgood Oilbert. John The Copper Club met Thursday 2 5 - Serfa slain man's horse, but the saddle is “What else?” i would hear.” and now his hands stopped with the 33- High card (pi.) missing Almost supernaturally, cattle , Good. Miss Florence Johnson. Wal­ I at the home of Mrs. Maynard Ingra- | 27- Foundations 2 -V a s e w ith a foot 34- Be allowed attracted to the scene by the blood­ "The shell was home-loaded. And The Old Man ol the 94 stood match half way to his cigarette. '3-Sm all particle stained ground, stamp out all the traces. ter Anderson and Clarence Upham, : ham for an all-day session. The 28- Hardened in feeling 3 5 - W a lk Dunn is angered when Amos tells him that’s all I know, yet.” square-planted—smiling a little, al­ Without moving his head he glanced 29- Shrunken 4- W a n ts 37- Conaumed not to leave the county. Following an Old Man Coffee was regarding most bland; but the confidence of a at Dunn, then at Gil Baker, who all of Rockland, and Mr. and Mrs. | delectable dinner featured an at- ! 32-Set of workers (pi.) 5- M ap 3 8 - Ta u t argument. Bender draws his gun. but Dunn wounds him In the arm. Back at Wheeler with a peculiar fixed ex­ lifelong dominance was in the easy tried to signal him something by the Joseph Tait. tractively decorated cake, honoring 36- Greek god of war o -C h ec k 41- lndependent the ranch Old Man Coffee arrives, with pression. "Son,” he said at last, set of his enormous shoulders, so narrowing of an eye. The match Mrs Edna Waning district depu- i the birthday anniversary of Mrs 37- Combining form. 7-Terminate 42- Long grass stem a pack of hounds Bill notices Marian is O utside 10- Length measure cold to Dunn Coffee goes In search of “I back down; I'm free to admit I that he seemed then bigger than the went out, unguarded. ty grand matron of Damariscotta. , Marie Bisbee She also received a 45-A beverage the dead man's saddle. Dunn tells Billy had you wrong. You’re further town, bigger than the range. The 94 wagon boss relaxed. “Me 39-Said to a cat 11- Soon 4 7 -T in y that Marian is incensed at him (or try­ assisted by Miss Celia Feyler as gift from the Club members, ing to settle disputes by bloodshed. He along the tAil than most of ’em. The sheriff hesitated; he knew and Gil split off. about three miles (Answer To Previous Puzzle) reveals that the ranch is really hers You got the shotgun right, at least. from the home corrals." he said. grand marshal. Mrs. Sace Weston as Baptist Church: J W. Hyssong. since she inherited it from his brother: what he was up against. Abruptly also that he recently sold his own ranch I suppose you seen that one shot he burst out, “I decide these things "Yet," said the sheriff, "you nev­ grand chaplain, and Mrs. Isabel pastor. Services Sunday: Worship, in Arizona and that his partner. Bob pellet bogged into the seam of the here!” er told your boss where you’d been, Labe as grand organist, installed at 11 a. m„ sermon subject. "The Lermond’s Reply Flagg. Is en route with the money. leather on Lon Magoon'* saddle The mild mask fell away. "Then or why you changed your plans!" these officers for Wlwuma Chapter, Faith of Jephthah;" church school CHAPTER III — Billy accompanies M alian on a ride to Short Creek. "Kid" horn?” give your orders to people you can Douglas struck a fresh match, q E S Wednesday night: Worthy at 12; Christian Endeavor at 6p.m . With “Subscriber’s” Letter Bender, now a deputy, rides up. They "Yes; I saw it.” "I’m wagon boss." he said shortly, j boss," Dunn snarled at him. Matron. Althea Winchenbach; wor­ leader. Frederick Quimby. Tills have an argument, and by a trick Bend­ “That little pellet is pretty well , “When Dunn says count cows, we As Text He Analyzes er tries to shoot him. Billy saves him­ Walt Amos sized up the situation, thy patron. Willis Crowell; associate self by plunging against Bender's pony. hid. I guess nobody saw it but you , then stood for a moment with a count cows. But nobody tells me , will be a consecration meeting matron. Sarah Stafford; associate Gospel service at 7 o'clock with ser­ Seme of Various Isms CHAPTER IV—Coffee returns to the and me. But the rest of your dope’s blank face. Then—the young sheriff where to ride—they ask me where j ranch with the saddle and reveals that wrong. For one thing — Magoon grinned, not sheepishly, and not irri­ to ride." patron. Capt. Ralph Pollard; con­ mon by the pastor, subject "Great Thomaston. Jan. 23 Cayuse Cavetano is on the trail for Sher­ wasn’t killed by no man on a tably, but with the interested hu­ The sheriff stared at him; then ductress Lila Banchard; associate Beginnings." iff Amos. The saddle belonged to Lon Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— Magoon. a small-time cattle thief who. horse!” mor of a man who plays his own he grinned, whole-heartedly, with­ conductress. Millwee Pollard; secre­ The Baptist Christian Endeavor according to range law. deserved such “How do you know that?” out pretense. “We'U go over to a fate. Billy learns he is to be arrested game against another's. tary. Ida Stahl; treasurer. Rena program Sunday at 6 o’clock will No one has done more than Marx for assaulting "Kid" Bender. , “How did you know the shell was "Oh, all right, Dunn,” he said; “I Judge Shafer's office now,” he said. Crowell; chaplain. Sace Weston; consist of: Hymn. "Our Christian to make plain, toy their analysis t 1 home-loaded’” don't set any great store on that "But take my advice. Talk over i “Because the charge was weak. point. I haven’t got any of my fel­ your story—and try to get together I organist. Isabel Labe: Adah. Fannie Song”, reading of the pledge. Scrip- the true meaning and tendency of The sign showed the horses was lers with me—I don't need ’em; but on it!" Brocks, Ruth, Verna Schofield, ture verses, song, “Since Jesus Came social phenomena. No one. there- j C H A P T E R V | close together when the shot was maybe you need some. Bring 'em Esther, Lila Lovejoy; Martha. Mie. , into My Heart." song. "My Sav- fore has done more for the emanci­ fired. If the charge hadn’t been on!” (To Be Continued! Herbert Schwartz: Electa. Isabel jour's Love” announcements, offer- why is President Roosevelt, backed The sheriff came alone, without weak that pellet of lead would have pation of the working-class, for the In effect. Horse Dunn had backed Kaler; watder Olive,Crowell; sen- mg. prayer, hymn. "Where He by Congress, expending such vast show of force. Wheeler's surrender plowed a whole lot deeper than it Sheriff Walt Amos down; but Horse emancipation of humanity."—Ga­ he outwardly took as a matter of TENANT'S HARBOR tinel. Garland Day. Leads Me." message. "Our Church did." admitted afterward that it was here, briel Deville from the Preface to sums i billions i on building up the course; though a close observer Newcastle Gram Co played host »« ' and our Lives." testimony, hymn. j Old Man Coffee nodded approval. in the backdown, that the young Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Davidson of his ’The F.ople's Marx." Army. Navy and air-fleet? Dots might have detected a certain “A good catch," he said. “But I 202 guests Thursday night when a -You Mu t open the Door." benedic­ sheriff had first commanded his re­ Somerville, Mass., were ■ recent Karl Marx was born of Jewish he fear invasion by England. France, pleased relief. think you got it wrong. If the charge spect. He grunted an assent. “Billy committee from Meenahga Grange tion. It was nearly six in the morning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clijton Mar­ parentage in Treues. Prussia, in Russia? had been fired from close like you Wheeler. Coffee—come on." served a chicken supper in Grange j Miss Hilda Wall has returned to as they rolled down the dusty ruts shall in Rockland. Mr Davidson 1818 end enjoyed the best educa­ say, the killer could have rammed The others moved forward, but hal’. Mrs. Richard Gerry was chair- her duties at Knox Hospital after No. He according to his own toward the first test of strength the long shotgun barrel plumb he waved them back; and Dunn, was on a business trip. tional atlvan ages that Europe could since the killing at Short Creek. man of the supper committee, assist- !»an enforced vacation of two weeks word, is arming against the three against Magoon — there wouldn't with Wheeler and Coffee, followed Mrs. Charles Holbrook who has offer, s.tidying at Jena. Bonn and Three cars drove to Inspiration, for ed by Mrs. Josephine Sockoloski. due to illness. Fascist nations—Japan. have been no shot in the saddle Amos into the little old adobe that been ill at the home of her daugh­ Berlin A* a result of the revolu- Billy Wheeler had reserved certain and Italy. Not only to keep them horn. It was distance slowed tfiat held the sheriff’s office. ter. Mrs. David Brown in Somer- I MUdred ttuswald, Mrs. James Brown of Camden has be- tiona- movement of 1848-9. he was , out 0{ mJs country but a]s0 from privileges of free action; and the pellet. Lon Magoon was shot by a “Dunn,” said Sheriff Amos, “you ■ Hoffses. Mrs. Nettie Winchenbach gun ice cutting operations on tli<> sheriff returned to Inspiration alone ville. is improving. expelled from Prussia and refused | getting ft foothold were the first man found out there’d and Milton Creamer. Lily Pond. in his own car, as he had come. A a reft ;e in France been a killing at Short Crick. That and Canada. second car was driven by Horse Church Notes : The Lions Club met at Stahl's ) Mrs. Ardelle Dean has employ ,. was Tuesday—three days ago. Right H- settled in London and for Russia today is not a Communist Dunn, who took with him Gil Baker, The pastor will begin Sunday a Tavern Wednesday night and ment at the home of Mr» Gzctg'’ &off you sent Tulare Callahan here, eight years was employed by Horace Steve Hurley, and Tulare Callahan: launched a Washington's Birthday j Mixer in Camden country. It is a Socialist Demo- to wire Old Man Coffee, clear series of sermons for the morning Greely as London correspondent of and—what seemed more important services, on "Basic Principles of ball project for Feb. 22. A silver Rev j w Hyssong h of' ~ ltim cratic Republic, as to political —Marian Dunn, between Val Doug­ around at McTarnahan. Dunn, why the New York Tribune. j democracy very' similar to our own •*did you send for Old Man Coffee?" Christian Life." The theme for the prize of $10 is to be awarded. The tfijs afternoon at the funeral terv- Marx was a great admirer of las and her huge uncle in the front prcceeas will be put to use immedi- j fOr Mrs. Mabel O. Burns in government, having recently adopt­ seat. The Old Man of the 94 was “I sent for Old Man Coffee," said first sermon will be “Regeneration. Abraham Lincoln and corresponded Dunn, “to find out who was making Following the worship service, the a*e'y> re-decora ting the publicity Rockland. ed a new constitution, extending possessed by a vague persistent with him. Karl Marx was no more the franchise to all its people and hope that somewhere, some time, free on my range. To tell you the Bible School will meet for Informal' si$ns at entrances to the town j ’ _ , _ . social committee, Priscilla Storer, in the United States. Canada. Eng­ Killed by No Man on a Horse!” 1 surprised. Instantly Wheeler knew * Dr and Mrs Samuel Cates of Rockport boys who served in the mon. and as any had need they re­ “I’ve seen the day.” Old Man Cof­ William Fitzgerald, and Mary land and many other countries. , . two things. First, that one of the East Vassalboro were recent guests Spanish war. Although work has ceived from the common store­ fee said, “two, three years ago, third man, from up on the fiat _ Esancy’s. Miller. President Taft was a friend, as Is when the 94 bunkhouse never held ground above the cut!” J „ < Tryouts for the One-Act Play are practically just started on the pro­ house." In 1848 Marx and Engels Senator Borah. Senator Lundeen, less than 12 or 15 hands. And in "Seems like." Wheeler objected. field «la” es-m ust have seen Cof-| Several members of the local ject, it is reported that nearly half wrote “The Communist Manifests," fee pick the saddle up. And second, 1 Grange visited Silver Lake Grange soon to be held. President Roosevelt. Rev. John roundup times I’ve seen better than “ the trail of the third man should The standing of the Merit Shield the required money has been sub­ the International Declaration of Haines Holmes. Rev Henry Felton 50 riders follow the 94 wagons. But have showed up. somewhere about.” what was equally important th a t;of night when the scribed, with several more contribu­ the sheriff must have succeeded m ' . . „ . . tv. Contest is: Room 3. 650 points; room Independence of Labor. Marx was Huso of North Haven. Rev. O. K. I guess those days are gone.” “Maybe; - if it had ,,, been read . prop- , tracing out the dead man's horse- officers were lnfilalled by tions promised. a Communist, Bellamy was a com­ Coffee suggested that Horse Dunn 4, 450 points; room 5. 675 points; Gifford of Cambridge and Brock­ had identified it as belonging and Mrs. Cony Webber. George W. Higgins, past com­ was getting old. “It’s hard for us room 6 525 points; room 8. 400 munist, for he wrote the formula: ton, Mass.—practically all the scien- sign. But—there's one man mixed to the little cow thief, Magoon. j The Parent-Teacher Association old fellows to bend to new ways of into this that knows too much about mander of Freeman-Herrick Camp “From each according to his ability, , tists, art ls‘ writers, engineers, and “Why” the sheriff demanded, was entertained Thursday night at points. handling cows—or men. But Horse trails to have left one himself—every of Camden, has in his possession a to each acoording to his deeds." I Dunn might Just as well get ready to if he’d been there.” They fell si­ “haven’t you turned that saddle in [ Week's Mills. design of the proposed tablet, which If Fascism is only “a bugaboo.” I (Continued on Page Five) to the authorities—to me?” Invented Boxing Glove* realize he has to. He's forced his lent, while the hard-working engine Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Small of Au­ The invention of boxing glove* is is of a very attractive appearance, way for a long time; but comes a “Oh,” said Horse Dunn with false threw the rack of the road behind gusta made a visit recently at the ascribed to John () Broughton, and he is rendering valuable assist­ time when he can’t force it no them in big spasms and gouts of innocence, “did you want that sad­ dle?” home o(.Mrs Ralph Esancy. England's famous prize fighter, who ance in this worthy cause. All con­ FLORIDA ' more.” dust; and far ahead presently Midyear examinations were held also developed the icientific art of "And that,” Wheeler said, “is The sheriff hesitated, unexpected­ tributions should be handed to Mrs. showed the faint disturbance on the this week at Erskine Academy. boxing. what we’ve got to save him from. plain which was Inspiration. ly at a fading of the trail. For a Emma Torrey. M IAM I’S Fur God knows he’ll never bow his moment he had undoubtedly be­ East Kennebec Pomona was h06t Inspiration consisted principally Polo in Seventh Centary If the required amount of money head! It’s up to you, more'n any­ of a main street, backed by a few lieved he had trapped Horse; but Tuesday to Kennebec Pomona in Ideal Resort Hotel this hope was now trampled out Polo was played by Chinese em­ is raised, and the tablet becomes a body.” score houses, some of them neatly Winslow. State Master Ardine perors as early as the Seventh cen­ reality, it would, undoubtedly be Convenient to all point* of Interest—Modern in every way. "Don’t count on me.” painted, with a tree or two; many by doubts. "One more question,” said the Richardson was present. tury A. D. Women are recorded to placed at or near the junction of An enjoyable view from our spaciou* ground-floor porches, i That was Old Man Coffee’s atti­ simply unpainted shacks. South China Orange meets Feb. 4 have taken to the game, but used which surround the hotel. Many room* with private balconies. tude. Because of his uncommon To a stranger the town would not sheriff. "I want to know where Union street, and Russell avenue, all your riders were, last Monday— for a day session. donkeys instead of horses. sixth sense in handling a trail and have seemed so full of people as making a great addition to the re­ because of his widely heard-of luck Tulare Callahan’s report perhaps the day of the killing.” cent improvements in that locality. HOTEL “Val Douglas and Gil Baker were Booklet June to in making shrewd deductions, Old suggested. But Billy Wheeler at The help of all citizens is urged. Man Coffee had been called in on once recognized a dozen or more on Yellow Medicine Flats; Steve on October many a mystery killing in the inter­ Hurley and Tulare Callahan were cars which would not ordinarily SEAPLANE SERVICE Knowledge Is what you learn from Application Hotel mountain country. But though he have been there, and about an equal riding Slinkard’s Hole. That’s all GRALYNN the riders I've got right now.” others; wisdom is what you teach Maselyn worked hard without cost to any­ number of dozing cow ponies. And Fare $2.50 each way Corner Second Street one, he stubbornly avoided an offi­ - a s the 94 cars pulled up in front.: , „ th‘n« m°ra.” « id the sher-, (Round Trip rate discontinued) yourself. Stamford of the little frame building that 1 questioned Hurley and Cal- H. H. Mase and tfirst Avenue cial responsibility. "I got nothing LEAVE DAILY Del. Co. to do with it." That was the Coffee krxi.oH lahan when they were in town; but Manager Moderate Rates noticed a small inconspicuous stir in * 1 StU1 gOt t0 talk t0 Baker and D°Ug’ ROCKLAND VINAL HAVEN NORTH HAVEN MODERN WOMEN N. Y. theme song on a murder case. 8.00 A. M. 8.15 A. M. 8.25 A. M. Dining Room Service Unsurpassed las. Stay here a minute.” N««d No*Sii8«»rtjlnthlypain dueto But now he added, “Something’s doorways, a too casual moving to­ 3.00 P. M. 3.15 P. M. 3.25 P.M. wrong. When I first looked at this gether of spur-heeled loungers at At the door he turned and met ^ h T ^ X n 7& °H ^ eflec,,v.; case I thought it was open and shut. two or three places along the street. Horse Dunn’s eye squarely. "I don't AIRWAYS, INC. reliable and give Qalck Relief, bold by — mind telling you this,” he said. allHriiggigUforover50ycara. Alarof But something’s the matter with Billy Wheeler caught H o r s e NEXT TO PUBLIC LANDING this case. Somebody knows some­ Dunn's signal as he slid his roadster "This case is nearly washed up. I TEL. ROCKLAND 338. NIGHT TEL. THOMASTON 86 figure to pick up the killer within 60 thing they’re not telling me.” to a stop. He stepped down from ROCKLAND, MAINE the wheel and walked forward to l hours.” ™He went out, •jerking the 3Stf ’ TMI PIAHOND Billy Wheeler waited, but the in- 1 door shut belnnd_ hinrn_ k(ormation which silence would have D u h Every-Otber-Day Rockland Courier-Gazette, Saturday, January 28,1939 Page Five

NORTH HAVEN original Gluyus Williams illustra- ' one or two of Hie Kings ol France Lermond’s Reply VINAL HAVEN Supper And Song tions. are here. They go back to the 10th Income Tax Returns Pythian Installation * • * • century (Continued from Page Four) o - ■ o Gloria Temple, Pythian Sisters £ £ £ ft Play Their Part In G anders’ So people don't read the classics How To Compile Them held installation Wednesday with a MRS OSCAR C. LANE Latest Victory At Vinal any more? The new Random House many clergymen are outspok. goodly number present. The cere­ Correspondent edition of the Complete Greek friends and admirers of Russia ai monies were beautifully carried out | Haven Drama in two volumes has sold the wonderful progress she h INCOME TAX IN A NUTSHELL with P. C. Susie Wooster as install- The Bridge Eight met Wednesday just under five thousand sets in four Under the leadership of the ol' made in rebuilding from the rui ing officer, assisted by P. C. Elda ] «>ight for a chicken supper at months, with college text adoptions , , who broke the winter’s match left by the armies of the eountc WHO? Every single person or Ames as grand senior and P. C. Lill- Kents restaurant after which cards Oocse who broke the winters ma just beginning to swell the total EfUtor Th' sunk under the heavy natures has been- organized and Spain lies just in front of my pro­ WHAT? Fcur percent normal MRS. MAURICE JONES tender and memorable novel of pio- | Pauper, was playing She closes Correspondent wifi make a tour of important posed piazza. tax on the amout of net income derson left Monday for St. Peters-| Rur./lre °( the opposition, neer life in Iowa. In sweeping pages | long article with. "It was a heart French cities, so tay.s an article "On the left stretch the Camden in excess of the personal exemp­ Thursday morning was the cold burg, Fla. j The O®04* captured total and depicting the years between 1854 enlng experience indeed, to find th from Parts It Is composed of 500 Hills. 25 miles way. It Is the wild­ tion. credit for dependent*, earn- est thus far. The mercury regls Mrs Sada Robbins has returned sln8le Ktrin« honors, and under his and 1865. she unfolds a beautiful whole population enjoying theatre manuscripts, some of them of his- est and loveliest wave-washed place ed-lncome credit, and credit, tered five below zero. from Fairhaven, Mass., where she dr'vlng P ^ e the Oanders did not love story against the colorful K and cultural opportunities of sucl . . . , .. torical significance, containing slg- I ever saw Tenants Harbor (my and Interest on obligations of Mrs. Alice Gooch. Mrs. Blanche was guest of her niece Mrs. Ruth I®8* a single string the Skippers background of the eternal struggle diversity." coming in at the rear 86 pins adrift...... ____ , natures such as those ol Henry IV. land lies outside of the entrance) the United States and obligations Johnson of Long Cove and Mrs. Hathaway. of the pioneer with the elements, a Read Margaret I. Lamont's in Anne of . Louise XIII and if a diminutive port with a real of instrumentalities of the Ethel Anderson of Massachusetts Mrs. Donald Webster entertained After the game Skipper Hall was 1 struggie Jnade dramatic by birth 1 teresttng article on "Servicin' XIV. Bossuet. Colbert. La Pompa­ custom house which doesn't pre­ United States. Surtax on sur­ were recent callers on Mft. Jesse a group of friends at supper Frl- beard remark along these lines, I an(j death, raging blizzards. and mother and child. ' "Many articles tax net income in excess of $4,000 ■ day in honor of the birthday an-1 I*11’1 lhat *'e are ih a slump, be- I an the stirring day-to-day emer- dour, Voltaire, Newton. Forlan, vent It from being merely a little Williams. Beaumarchais. Marie Antoinette. many chapters of a book, could b* nlversary of her sister Miss Emily j caUie our team totals have been fair gencies which the first settlers ' old fashioned fishing hamlet, prim­ Mrs. Robert McOee has been con­ Napoleon and Chateaubriand. itive and quaint, unlike anything I WTltten about the Central Instltut' fined to her home for a week with Winslow. Miss Winslow was the “ d ln cases 8°°d but it's Just faced and conquered. of mother and child in the suburb- INCOME TAX DON'TS recipient of many gifts. )tbat the Ganders are riding the Autographs of a later date are know of. I am as happy and dirty ■ a severe cold. Wickford Point." John P M ar-; also included, such as those of Jean as a clam and enjoy every moment of Leningrad. Its various researcl DONT prepare your return Henning Johnson and Victor Floyd Robertson recently visited' cre8t of a uave and nothing seems buildings, study 'and classroom to be big enough to stop 'em." quands new novel his second seri- Jaures Richard Wagner. Leon of my waking hours." without first studying the in­ Blomberg have employment cutting his father who is a patient at Knox buildings, clinics, hospitals, covet “If," and here Gene became an ous novel, the first being "The Late Gambetta. Louis Pasteur Alexander Every Harborlte will know at structions accompanying the ice in Thomaston. Hospital. acres of ground. It has M0 stu­ • • * • Iffy the Dopester, “if Sanborn O«orge Apley." which won the Pulit- j Dumas (pere et fils). Sarah Bem- once that this Is a description of form. "Sandy" Morrison has returned dents now. and plans to have 100P I Orlmes and Scotty would just re- Pnze for 1938 ln fiction, is booked hardt Raymond Poincare-in fact, the Back Shore on Hart's Neck, and DON'T procra tinate. Early l home from Athol, Mass., where he Ron Lewiston Journal Three are 32 full professors, who ! turn to normal, and If the Ooose for publication on Mar 15 (Little, i most of the writers, artists, musl- how many happy hours were spent assembling of data permits n has been employed. "There is nothing to indicate that clans, actors and statemen of the are lipads of special department- would stop getting those 300 totals, Brown & Co.). The new novel n( is a member of the Knox County son and Sherwood Williams, rciiel ‘j cord loads delivered anywhere fro Medical Association, the Maine single with 126. tinue for another week. menu: Executive committee. George The primary school is closed for and Pred Kenniston. Birthday , . , ... i »»___ i Rockland to Belfast. Write or call Next week's matches; Jan. 31 Baptist Church. Rev. W. F. Brown h Thomas. J. Crosby Hobbs. J. ten days due to an epidemic of cakes had been made for Rev. Mr. hign totals. :02 each. Maurice leON c a lla h a n . 9 Luce s t . Rockiant Medical Association and the Ameri­ Shcpherd h ai high single of 119 or Lincolnville Rt 2. 10’ li can Medical Association. Since Chets vs. Eds, Ftb. 2, Georges vs minister. Rev. Dunean Rogers of Hugh Montgomery. H. S. Corthell. chicken pox. Turner and Mr. Waltz. Singers as- HAY. 15 tons for sale CHAS COUGH' The Lions' four man team de- 'Lni? 139* Rankin’s ” Teh "siis-M coming to this community Dr. Cur­ Virges. Northport will be the guest speaker A. S Prince, T. J. French, and E The beano part} at the Willing sembled about the piano for old 11*11 feated Jonn Pird's four men for FEMALE "Peke' puppy for sale, tis has made many friends who wish ----- ■ - ...... ;at 11 oclock Sunday in exchange Hamilton Hall These men. together Worker hall Tuesday night was a time favorites, with Mrs. Chester beauty, silver gray: also T»y Poms at the home of Miss Gertrude Han- with the pastor. Two anthems by l'ie elected officers will guide great success. j wyllie at the piano. Ice cream and four points. 53 pins on the total. MRS GOLDIE MCAULIFFE city. Tel, him every success. 960 R 11*13, • • • • ley Wednesday night with 19 mem- ■ the double mixed quartet. At the course of the Chamber of Com­ cake were served by Mrs. Mattie George Sleeper had high total of 305. and Boo ?ulen had high single, DRY hard wood per foot, fitted. *1 25, Mrs. Karl Stetson entertained at bers besides the two leaders present. 7 o'clock vespers a trip to the Phil- merce for its first year. The Re- Water Turns to W ine Kalioch. Misses Phyllis Pern-. Vir- Sawed. $1 IS. long. 81.05. M. B. 8c C O, a supper-bridge party Thursday- Miss Lucinda Rich county agent ippines will be enjoyed by mean« taii Merchants Committee will con- Parents are the explanation of the ginia Wyllie, Elizabeth Oxton and 109. PERRY Tel 487 1-tl HARD coal for sale, also lumpy Po- night to compliment Mrs. Ronald gave demonstrations of table-set- of colored slides Young Peoples slst William Kelley. H. 3. Cor- modern miracles which take place Mrs Chester Wyllie. Arrangements Glendenning s i4i—Heal. 244; cahontus soft coal: dry fitted harf Messer. The guest of honor re­ ting for the girls, and one of class- vested choir will present an anthem ’hell. Edward Prescott, William annually in the region of Halle. Ger- had becn made by Mrj. ppa. I Shepherd. 300; Rogers. 280 McLoon and Junk wood. J. B. PAULSEN. Thom' many, in that water there has the . , . . . ______„ as ton. Tel. 62. 1-tl ceived a shower of dainty gifts. ing beans for the boys. Tests on,Church school at 9.45 and Young Packard and Oscar Chapman 262; Williams. 302—1388. habit of turning to wine. As St. and Mrs Isa TeagU€ ReV' 41 Mrs. Almon Day of Rockland re­ the demonstrations were then giv- Peoples Forum at 6 o'clock. Mid- President Williams, will appoint a Martin, whose day is celebrated Mr Turner's birthda> ^Iversaiy Armours <11—Flagg. 263; C * ceived the prize for top score. Mrs en. and the winners of the tests are week devotional service in chaggi- membership committee of five in there, is credited with being able Jan. 26. Brown, 281; O. Brown. 287; Ryder, , WANTED Lawrence Leach also of Rockland, to receive ribbons. Games were en- of deacon Hopkins Thursday night 'he near future to take full charge to change water to wine, children The morning sermon topic Sun- 246. Jackson. 302—1379. second, and Miss Clara Spear third. jojed. and refreshments were served at 7.30. ‘o! new memberships and collection fill jars with water and command day at the Congregational Church USED upright pii. lanos. If you hav, Other guests were Mrs. Warren by Gertrude Hanley and Doris Vinal Mrs. Frank J Wiley will enter-' of the dues. Plans for a Chamber him to perform the miracle. The wiU pe "Practical Christianity . The Lions (4i—Sleeper. 305; Alle.l. j an Idle piano. *>1 Tei. 708. Liberal allow, peasants of the region are fortu- sm „n„„ neo. too iio j , arcc In trade or exchange MAINI reyler, Mrs. Russell Davis, Mrs. The next meeting will be Feb. 1 at tain the Monday Club. Mrs. Laura of Commerce banquet and ladies evening service will be at 7 o'clock. 302. Beaulieu. 2b9, Soule. 298—1164 m usic co 11-1I nately not above practicing an in- , ... „ , , , „ , „ , Bowdoin Grafton. Mrs. Robert the home of Miss Hysom. The Ritterbush will be hostess. night to be held in March were nocent fraud. They secretly refill °®Officers cers re-electedre:elected inln the DorcasDorcls 1 John Blrd -««•. 272; GIRL or woman wanted lor genera housework Must be experienced and Libby, Mrs Henry Montgomery. committee on games for this meet- Mrs. Charles Beckett has closed made. George H. Thomas Henry the jars witii wine and let the chil- Circle of Kings Daughters were Snow, 281. Mason, 293; Gardner, a rapable rook Good working condl« Miss Gladys Doherty, and Mrs. ing consists of Christine Hysom and her house on upper Mechanic street Baldwin and George Dyer are the dren discover that the saint has an- President. Mrs. Alice Watts; vice 265—1111. tlons. generous pay. Write HOUSE, HOLDER” care Courier-Gazette 11-li George Phillips of Rockland. Marilyn Goodwin, a new m ember., and is in Boston where her husband nien wbo sce tbat ls a tuc swered their prayers. president, Mrs. E. Belle W alker;’ SMALI house with garage wante Church Night will be observed and that for refreshments, Donald is a hospital patient. | cessful affair ------! secretory. Mrs. Nettie Jameson and STAR ALLEYS two to six acres land, near Rocklan| Thomaston or Camden. Write P at the Congregational vestry Wed­ Reilly and Winfred Willhuns At the Methodist parsonage Wed- William Grant of Portland was Many Places Have Spanish Names treasurer. Miss M. Grace Walker Box 612. Rockland 10*11 nesday at 7 30. A business meeting At the meeting of the Baptist Ju- nesday night. Raymond B Pinkham recent gue-t of Mr. and Mrs Robert; The American Language says: The Circle extended a vote of The Rockland candlepin snipers PATIENTS wanted at Rest Havenj nior Choir Thursday night Miss of Union, son of Mrs. Charles W R Smith. -According to Harold W. Bentley, no lhanlu> t0 Mrs &neit Dolham and bowed tc Bath Wednesday night, the j eva ames 105 Limerock st., Tel 1293 with brief reports of the activities less than 2,000 American cities and , , _ ,,, _ . . . . Beverly Kirkpatrick read a paper Pinkham of Montville and Mrs Frances Rankin of the State Shipyard City quintet being 74 p.ns WOHT hlnd ^ rttb,f ml„ of the church will be held, follow­ towns have Spanish ____names_ and thou- Mrs. Emerson W. Perkins for knit- ing which there is to be a program based on Mrs Javiland's book Catherine E. Brown daughter ol Welfare Department at Augusta is sands more are borne by rivers, ‘ting childrens mittens for distribu- to the good. Jewett opened the ball cd no power unit. H » ------“Hymns Old and New ' Arrange- ’ Albert M. Gay ot Augusta were mar- spending the weekend at the home with a 130-string, and later repeated Thomaston urder the direction of Mrs. Don­ mountains, valleys and other geo- non by the circle, ANGORA rabbit wool wanted at go ald George. Refreshments will be ments were made tor the Junior ried. the single ring service being of ber parents at Lincolnville Beach. graphical entities. He says that Mrs. Edna M. Wiley was initiated the feat. He had high total. Plant prices: market guaranteed. We wll start you In productlo’' ANGORA, served by a committee from the Choir party to be held at the vestry used by Rev. W P. Holman. They Mr. and Mrs. William E Reed. there are more than 400 cities and Wednesday at the meeting ot E. A. being only 10 pins behind. The score: HOME KNITTING COMPANY CO-OP Saturday night. were attended by Mrs. Everett Pres- leave today for a motor trip to the towns of Spanish name in Califor- g tan-ett Auxiliary 8.U.V. Guests Bath—Jewett 563. Oliver 481, Small ERATIVE 34 First Avenue. Auburn Me Friendly Club, with Miss Nellie ______10* lj • • • • j cctt of Union and Ross Howes of South. After a fortnight s visit in nia alone. They are numerous all were present from the Auxiliary to 460. Frater 476. Plant 553, total 2533. Gardiner chairman, assisted by Mrs. over the rest of the trans-Mississippi WANTED at once—Two men or wo Sanford B. Comery and Mrs. Fos­ In the Churches Camden. Mr. and Mrs Pinkham New York they will go to Bessemer, Anderson Camp. S.U.V of Rockland. Rockland—Rackliff 482. Williams men. age 20-30 Good pay Apply region and, curiously enough, are WHITMAN, evenings, 8 to 9. 17 Sufloll ter Files. St. Bernard s Catholic Church will make their home in Gardiner j Alabama to visit their son They even rather common in the East.” Mrs. Edward Ross has been ill. 525. Black 450 Gardner 512 Mitchell St.. Rockland 10*li Rockland, mass at 8 and 10.45 a Dr. Arthur A. Hauck, president of exPcct to return the latter part ot Friends remembered Mrs. Ansel 490. total 2459 LOGGING Contractors Wanted — I Mrs. Franz Simmons and Mrs. you own logging equipment, and can Kate Gould were all-day guests m. the University of Maine, was guest j April. Oysters One Foot Long M. Hilt, ill with rheumatic fever, « for contracts on down timber, wnti STATE TIMBER SALVAGE ADVISOR) Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Luther St. John's Church. 9.30 a. m. Holy speaker at the annual meeting of Elizabeth F. Pendleton. 80.' O ysters a foot in length, patriarch­ with a sunshine box Tuesday. al lobsters six feet long and crabs a Legal Notices AGENCY. Room 16. B & M R R Sta Clark and Mr. and Mrs Aaron Eucharist. 5 p. m. Evensong. the First Congregational Church 3 '*fc 'or,8 resident of this town , Leona Jones is ill. non. Concord. N H. 10-11 Baptist Church. Bible School r.t held Wednesday night. At the , c'*fd Thursday at her home on Elm toot long and six inches across were • • • • STATE OF MAINE Clark. CITY OF ROCKIAND 9.45. morning worship at 11. the business meeting these officers were !-trcet. Rev William E. Berger will commonplace when the white man High School Notes Mis. William Grafton returned discovered America, says the Amer­ NOTICE subject. “Why Men Reject Christ.' elected: Clerk Hayden Wright, officiate at the funeral services to (By Madeleine Haskell) Hearing will be held at the City Hall : MISCELLANEOUS Thursday from Boston where she ican Wildlife institute. The mas­ The subject of the evening service treasurer. Ml:s M. Louisa Codmar.; 1>e belcl today at 2 0 clock at the 1 Harrison Cc. LvethLj-em 01of tnethe ataicState '1,1 thp lherfxth Clty day oi Qf Rockland, February on A Monday. D 193t> has been attending the Hairdres­ sive crabs, found in the waters of a'. 7 is ‘ Millions Now Living arc deacon for five years. Joseph A Good funeral home. Burial will j Virginia, were so large that one of Department of Education was! at, seven-thirty o'clock in the after- if you Uke to draw, sketch or patm sers' Trade Show at Hotel Statler. ., , . . ___t , , , -r, j , ___,! ___ , noon by the municipal officers for the —Write for Talent Test (No Fee). Givi Dead.” The music will consist of Brewster; new member of the **•' *n Mountain cemetery them furnished a meal for four men. speaker Thursday to the Vocational approving of malt liquor application age ajid occupation Write "F. 8..' Williams-Brazier Auxiliary met the anthem, "From Egypt's Bon- standing committee. Mrs. Alice K " — ■ - ■ Guidance class. cf Raynold H Tibbetts and Edward W care The Courier-Gazette Friday at the home of the president, Hall at 276 Main Street I BPF.NCER cor-eta and surgical sup dage Come” 'Field*, and “The French. The Student Council presented an All persons may appear to show can e. ports Call MRS LOUISE BROWN. Mrs. Esther Cobb. It was voted to J If any they may have, why such appli­ Achorn St . Rockland. Tri 224-W 10*11 Great and Holy City 1 Hamilton The Lend-A-Hand Club will meet assembly program Friday in French cation should not be approved by the uonate $25 to the Nurse Association STRAND SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY with the exception ot the Scripture municipal officers MEN of 30. 40. 50! Want Vim. Vigor Gray), with incidental solo by A l-, Monday night with Mrs. Clarence Dated at said Rockland, this twenty for rundown body? Try Ostrex Tablet to help defray the expenses of tu­ fred Strout. and “A Sentence' Taylor A covered dish supper will reading. Features were: Scripture sixth day of January. A D 1939 1 of raw oyster stimulants and genera berculin tests for school children. reading by Phyllis Perry; “Noel” Attest: E. R KEENE______body builders If not delighted will (Selden). I be served at 7 o'clock. Each mem- PARIS HONEYMOON’ City Clerk results of first package, maker refund' Friday concluded the series of by the senior French class; a selec­ 12-8-15 Its price Reg 81 Special now. 89c Federated Church Sunday School b-r is a ked to take a gueit. Call, write C H MOOR * CO l*i: dental clinics sponsored by Wil­ Lt 9.45. morning worship at 11 News has been received of the: tion from Shakespeare in which LADIES—Reliable nair goods at Rock, liams-Brazier Post A. L. for the the subject "The Passionate Quest.” marriage of Fred Cotta of Wolf- Annette Haskell and Sisko Lehto NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE land Hair Store, 24 Elm St. Mall order WHEREAS Gilbert S Auld of St. solicited H C. RHODES. Tel. 519-J. school children and held under the The anthem to be sung is “The boro. N. H.. formerly of Camden and appeared, introduced by V.rginia George In the County of Knox and ______1-tl direction of Dr P. R. Greenleaf and Lord is Gracious' 'Adams). The Florence Stephenson, daughter ot Wyllie; French song.: by all the State of Maine, by his mortgage deed SKATES sharpened while you wa't dated July 16th. 1923. and recorded In CRIE HARDWARE CO., 408 Main St Town Nurse. Mrs. William T. Flint. subject cf the evening service at Mr. and Mrs. T. A Stephenson of French classes; a French poem by Knox County Registry of De, ds. Book Rockland 147-t 195. page 442 convoyed to Lydia A Mrs. H. H. Newbcrt entertained 7 is “The Story of Jonah." Epwortn Island Fall;. which took place in Virginia Wyllie. Sylvester of' said St George the follow- WATCHMAKER—Repairing watene at bridge Friday afternoon her I League meets at 6. Wolfboro. Dec. 31. at the home of The food sale held recently by Ine described real estate situated In clocks, antiques all kinds. Call an said St. George and described as fol­ deliver. S. ARTHUR MACOMBER. guests being Mrs. Mae Reed and ' ______the Rev. J. P Heding who read the the senior class was a financial suc­ lows: Amesbury St , Rockland, Tel. 958-J Mrs. Clara Payson of Rockland and j A certain lot or parcel of land to­ 1-1 Attraction at Watts Hall, M011- single ring ceremony Mrs. Cotta cess. * gether with tne buildings thereon situ- 1 Mrs. F. F Williams of this town.' day Jan 30: On stage. "Little and • is a graduate cf I F.H S. ela s of The High School is participating ated In St. George and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning on the north Prizes were awarded Mrs. Payson Mac" singing favorites from Bris- | 28 and of Wilfred Academy of ( in the Infantile Paralysis ' March side of the town road leading from ’EGGS AND CHICKS and Mrs. Williams. tol; on the screen. "Smith Bellow 1 Beauty Culture. Mr. Cotta is a, I ot Dimes ’ campaign by selling tut- Tenants Harbor Meeting House toward • • • • Georges River at a spruce tree at In "Rawhide."—adv. 12 It graduate of Camden High School! j tons. Sisko Lehto is in charge. southeast corner bound of laud for­ The supper and entertainment merly owned by Luther Meservev; The honor roll for the ;econd thence northwesterly by said road six CLEMENTS CHICKS sponsored by the Baptist Ladies’ quarter has been announced: AU rods to a stake and stones at land for­ merly owned by John Murphy; thenre Ciicle Wednesday night was well As, Annette Haskell, 3isko Lehto. north 14 cast by said Murphy s land 7 intended. Mrs. Ralph S. Kcyis. AT THE PARK MONDAY-TUESDAY I Gertrude Lampinen. Virginia Star-1 to .^uke,»n „ 17 rotls and 4 links to the aforesaid Orff. Miss Gladys Doherty and Mis- below Bs, Virginia Wjllie. Milored Spruce trec ancj piace Of beginning. Barbara Batchelder formed the : Jackson, Margaret Nutter, Charles containing 43 square rods, more or less. Also another lot of land bound supper committee, "Aunt Jerushy's ' Stimpson Jr., Vernal Wallace, Marie ed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a Album'. under the direction of Miss post at the northwest corner bound of I j Marr. Kathryn Maxey, Glcnlcc land formerly owned by Mark G Wall 1 Frances Shaw, was exceptionally , French, Lowell Moody Jr., Char- and at the southwest corner bound of land formerly owned Wv Seth O. Wall; 1 well presented and greatly enjoyed. | lottee Moore. Evelyn Smith. thence north 14 east by land formerly CLEMFNTS Chicks give excep­ Mlrs Shaw herself in the role of owned by John Murphy 8 rods and cer- j tionally profitable results Unusual tain links to stake and stones at a I Reds and Clem-Cross Pullets. Our Aunt Jerushv, commented on the I stone wall; thence south 69'2 east! ‘four farm rr-operative" Insures along said stone wall 6 rods and 5 links better quality for less money. Cata­ portraits as they were shown. Those Andrew Rekila’s to stake and stones at said Murphy's log free Write CLEMENTS appearing in the pictures were: land; thence south 15 west bv said BROTHERS FARMS, Rt 33. Winter New Shoe Repairing Shop Murphy's iRnd 9 reds and 16 links to port. Me 11-52 Miss A. Mabel Fernald. William J. a stake and stones at other land for­ merly owned by Mark G. Wall; thence White. Mrs. William J. White. Miss is at 293 Main St. north 6 0 '/ west by land of Mark G R I. RED chicks for sale, of gooc Leah Tillson. Mrs. William Ncwbert. Over Lan b’s, C lean ers Wall 6 rods and 5 links to the place of quality. 10c each J J Warren stock iieglnnlng Containing 54 square rods, E. B MacFARLAND. Union. 10* John B Paulsen. Mrs. Philip New- 13Stf jmore or le s. being the same premises bert. Mrs Douglas Vinal. Mrs. John | Lydia A. Sylvester bought of Alice « Wheeler. ■ ecorded Knox Registry' of B. Paulsen. Mrs. Robert Mitchell. Deeds. Bool: 194. page 124; and Legislative Notices Alfred M. Strout. Norman Overlook WHEREAS the said mortgage was as­ ELECTRICAL i signed by the said Lydia A Sylvester ! STATE OF MAINE 1 to Olive Sheerer, late of said St. George ! r i.o, Miss Harriette Tillson. Mrs. Wil­ !I ! deceased, by written assignment dated I p,Th\ •"nifhur hearing li liam Vinal. Edward Newcombe. John August 1. 1928. and recorded Knox ; SERVICE ’ County Registry of Deeds, Book 173 Its rooms at the State House, In Au Singer. Joan Vinal, Miss Marie I ; page 359;_ and | gusta. on Clark. Howard Miller, Charles Star- Doorbells,______Convenience______Outlets,______WHEREAS______the „ .v condition w.of said! THURSDAY, FEE. 2, 1939, 1.30 P. M. liirhts anH Small Annlianrea I mortgage has been broken.— S. P 78—An Act Regulating Place lett. Mrs. Ralph S. Keyes. Alton b ig h ts ana small Appliances ? I Now THEREFORE, by reason of the and Time of Taking Salmon, Shad an Foster, Mrs. Charles Singer. Mrs. Installed and serviced | , bi?_?ch of the condition thereof. I, , Alcwives In Certain Wuters; Penalty I William E. Sheerer. In my capacity of s P 19 An Act Relative to Weekr Ftederick W. Jordan. Mrs. Irving Promptly Executor of the Estate of the said Olive Close Tim" for Salmon. Shad, Alewlve Condon. Ralph Carroll. Mrs. Albert Bing Crciby and Shirley Ross supply the wine of comedy—and tong, Sheerer, do hereby claim foreclosure end Bd. s.—S. P. 119 Resolve Deslgnstln tio—in thch new picture together, “Paris Honeymoon." Paramount will of said mortgage The Governor Barrows Rearing Sta Condon. Follcwing the showing of W. W. STRONG IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have here­ tlon —L. D 49 H. P 138 Resolve Relat pc .ent the gay musical romance. Four of the season's big hit tunes, unto set my hand this ninth day of Ing to Sm elt Fishing in Georges Rlvei the pictures the characters paraded written by the master tunesmithx, Robin and Ranger, will be heard. They 48 GRACE ST., ROCKLAND January A D 1939, —I. D 09 H H. 257 Resolve R elating t TEI,. 19 W WILLIAM E l-JIBKRER the Taking of Shellfish Within Ih p lo u g h the audience A pail- of wiiniei's— Dick I’uwitll and Anita laiuiae win tin* big rati 1 :ne "You'ie a Sweet Little Headache,” “ 1 Have f iCs'' " I'he Fiillu> Hid Bxeeutoi as nfiiresuld ^ i ’.iuse-We-Llke-It 4-U Club m«-t Limits of tne,Towti of t-almouth nut each oilier—in “Going Places," delightful new musical comedy.—udv llills" and a novelty called " lnubalai."— adv. 0 3-12 12 1 Every-Other-Day Rockland Courier-Gazette, Saturday, January 28, I 939 Page Seven

Crowned By Mayor New Stars In Charge , A Trip To Panama ...... This And That Celia Crowley Winner At Golden Rod Chapter Heads As Described Twenty-five Jubilesta — “Gay Nine- Away For New Year, RE A L M OF Years After Opening of OCl ETY ties” Show Clara Curtis, Matron the Canal Tlie “Gay Nineties Jubilesta" was Installation of Golden Rod Chap­ USIC (By Robert Newell Sisson) Announcement is being made of a_ pleasing success Thursday night ter O.ES. was held last night M (Eighth Installment) ! the marriage last May of Herbert night at Community building, in Masonic Temple, with impressive | Ay Gladys St. Clair lleistud Much time can be spent in tell­ DeVeter of Newburyport, M ass, popular teacher at Rockland High spite of the fact that sickness kept ceremonies. The installing officer; ing of the objects of trade as well Paderewski, who devoted his mu- pedals, and is a rough copy of a School, and Miss Pauline Parker of many from performing in the pro­ was Bertha Borgerson. retiring ; By K. S. F. as the tricks of trade so unique to sical genius and his fortune to win harpsichord once belonging to J. S. ! North Windham. The couple will gram. worthy matron, assisted by Allen ( tlie shopkeepers of Panama who are independence for his native Poland, Bach. It was built in 1938 by Claude 1 reside in the Silsby apartments on George Sleeper, master of cere­ Borgerson. retiring worthy patron; ( Now Washington is asking for ? is ready again to forsake his piano Chiasson and Nicholas Bessarabofi awa>s aware that the tourists have I Summer street. monies, led the audience in a com­ Frances Morse chaplain. Katherine I grand and large stadium to be erec­ to play the great organ of politics, in their workshop. but a short stay here and must munity sing, the old time songs Tlie concert in the Gardner Mu­ therefore buy quickly. But it will Richard Thomas of University of Veazie. marshal. Ushers were offi­ ted there. “Tis the only logical site so comes the story from Morges ringing out with zest. The Staples for such contests as the Army-Navy Switzerland where the aged master seum holds special interest, in that suffice to mention three of the most During the continued illness of Maine is spending a few days’ va­ cers of Aurora Lodge Wilbur Fogg. games,” said Representative Ran­ makes his home. As the shadows Reginald Boardman, formerly of our society reporter, Mrs. Leola cation at his home on Chestnut sisters. Jennie and Betty, always Lloyd Daniels. Leslie Somers. Law­ typical shops the Japanese 7 'i to dolph of Virginia. of Nazi Germany spread over his Islesboro. was the pianist. Appear­ Noyes, friends are asked to phone street. topnotch performers, gained ap­ rence Perry. Leland Drinkwater and 15c stores, the Indian Gift Shops plause on their acrobatic and tap » » • • beloved homeland, Paderewski has ing twice on the program he off­ and the native fruit stands. their contributions directly to Roy Danielson. Officers installed ered: (1) First Movement from Mrs. H. B. Fales entertained h e r' dance novelty. The Merry Widow If you want an excellent sauce placed himself at the disposition of Because of the use of the 2‘a-cent tills office. Tel. 770. Sonata in F minor. Op. 57, Beetho­ church group Thursday afternoon j waltz featured old fashioned cos- were: for your fish, try this: One-half the Warsaw government. Though piece, which is about half the size his years number 78. he has signi­ ven; (2) Nocturne, Op. 48. No. 1, and Besides Mrs. Fales, members are | tumes. other dresses of the same Worthy Matron. Clara Curtis; cup cream sauce, add one-half cup of our dime, the price of common fied a burning desire to help fight Valse in D flat. Op. 64. No. 1, by Robert P. Russell and bride (Bar­ Mrs. John I. Snow, Mrs. Cleveland | period being worn by models of the worthy Patron, Harold Wliitehill; hot thick cream, three tablespoons trinkets is a five-rent piece and German designs on the Ukraine, a Chopin; Feux d'artlfice by Debussey. bara Jordan) have returned from Sleeper, Mrs. William Spear. Mrs. sterner sex, Wilbur Senter, Vernard associate matron. Bessie Church; grated Parmesan cheese, one egg one of these thin coins or twice that With Mr. Boardman appeared Ed­ their honeymoon trip which was william Graves, Mrs. Harriet Frost. Barnes and Blake Annis. A comedy associate patron. Jesse Bradstreet; yolk, salt, cayenne, dash celery salt, territory which includes his birth­ amount. So these stores are simi­ place of Korolowka. Paderewski mond Boucher, bass, who had as mainly spent in Boston and Can­ Mrs A J. Bird and (Mrs. H. B. Bird. skit was done by Dan Noonan and secretary, Clara Watts; treasurer, dash onion salt; mix, heat and stir lar to our five and ten-cent stores has always called himself “first a his accompanist. Leo Litwin. ton, Maine. Kay Turner, followed by a duet by Nellie Dow; conductress, Doris Jor­ in egg just before serving. Makes but strangely enough, they are op­ patriot, then a musician." • • 0 • Mrs. Ella Newman has been Byrnice Havener and Kenneth Post. dan; associate conductress. Leona cod fish as good as halibut. erated by Japanese for the most « • • • Despite his bitter fight with Glancing again at tlie Museum of Mrs. John H McLoon entertained spending the week in Boston. The style show of modern after­ Wliitehill; chaplain. Golden Munro; part. As both our own and Pana­ Polish politicians, cutting short his Fine Arts program. I note what in­ Wednesday her contract club. Prizes noon dresses, sporting togs and eve­ marshal. Vivian Kimball; organist. "Which is the quickest way to the manian money are in popular use career as premier of Poland, Pad­ teresting offerings are made for the were won by Mrs. Seymour Cameron Mrs. Horatio Cowan. Mrs. Carl ning gowns was excellent, with Alice Alta Dimick; Adah, Katherine hospital?" here it Is well to have some both as erewski has made the statement Boston people. For example, on and Mrs. Earl Gowell. F. Snow and Mrs. Claude U. Bishop. Hapworth. Celia Crowley. Glenna j , Veazie; Ruth. Emma Bradstreet; Lounger—"Poke me in the back It might be difficult to purchase that he is again ready to give his Jan. 8. there was a program of Mrs. H. P. Blodgett, Mrs. E. Stewart Rankin. Charlotte Ladd, Virginia Esther. Flora Savage; Martha, Let- with that umbrella again and you'll some of these articles with half a life and his fortune for his native Gregorian and Polyphinlc Music, Mrs. H. G. Philbrook (Beth Ful­ Orbeton, Mrs. Cleveland Sleeper Snow, Phyllis Hanson, Margaret tie Cross; Electa. Orace Flanders; find yourself there in no time." buffalo nickel. land. With this renewed interest Schola Cantorluni of the Church of ler) patient in a Bangor hospital, and Mrs. D. H. Fuller attended Sleeper. Victoria Anastasio, Doro­ warder. Hilma Storer, and sentinel. • • • 0 In the Indian gift shops, operated in politics has come a renewal of St. John the Evangelist, of Boston, is reported to be making a most Thursday in Augusta a meeting of thy Sherman. Clemice Preston and Alfred Briggs. Mrs. Marianne Bul­ The guitar, which is traceable with Everett Titcomb. director; on by grayhaired, black faced natives satisfactory gain, and will soon be the League of Women Voters. Betty Vafiades the models. lard was soloist for the ceremonies. back to 1700 B. C, is one of the old-time physical vigor. And of India, we can find almost any today he lives a comparatively Jan. 22. a Recorder Consort by Roy, able to return to the Philbrook A gentleman who turned out to As the Worthy Matron was escort­ world's oldest musical instruments. • • 0 0 strenuous life. He practices his Lamsom. Jr.. director; and on Feb. j ,yP* °f gift includine «*n’ed wood Farm in Shelburne, N. H. Miss Nathalie A. Jones has been be Isaac Dorfman had a little ed to her station. Gladys Grant and and jade, silk shawls and perfumes. music, superintends his greenhouses 5, a program of Lute Music* by transferred from the Dept. of In­ trouble balancing himself on an old Ruth Hoch sang “Star of the East” ' The belief that everyone can live It is next to impossible to gain an Shakespeare Society will meet and his chicken farm, entertains Suzanne Bloch, lutanist. ternal Revenue in Washington, D. fashioned bicycle, but George ! and the new officers formed an arch on the Government without work- exit after once setting foot within Monday night at the home of Miss hundreds of friends, plays bridge • • • • C to the Boston, Mass., department Sleeper proved quite adept at rid­ of roses, making a striking picture., ing for it is becoming so prevalent enc of these e'tabliiiiments with­ Alice Erskine with Mrs. Comins as late into the evening. His 80-ycar- HYMNS ARE THE WOMEN S SONGS with offices on Federal street. Miss ing. Tlie roses were given to the Worthy | that wc suppose the only way to out making a purchase. If you ask leader. old sister, Madame Antoinette Wil- Hymns are the Women's Songs Jones, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Matron. Each star point was pre- prove it can't be done is to give it a They sir.g them best Tlie climax of the evening was konska. directs the 15 servants who to see silks the counter is littered A. C. Jones, had been in Washing­ sented with the floral emblem of her trial. Millions are trying it already." When a sick child is fretful Wollaston Weeks and Clifford when Miss Celia Crowley was keep order in the large house. His And needs rest. with their best as if by magic, and ton, D. C., since 1937. office, with appropriate verse. Mrs ! » • • • Waltz of Damariscotta were busi­ crowned queen of the Jubilesta by head gardener, Etienne Dolejal, is Or keeping time to washing if the price is too high they will Borgerson was given roses by Mrs Americans are not the kind of Or a broom. ness visitors in the city Wednesday. Mayor E. R. Veazie. VF.W. mem­ the brother of one of Poland's most lower It at each step you take to­ Mrs. Percy Spurting entertained Curtis, and Mr. and Mrs. Borgerson people wT.o can live in happiness Filling with quiet song bers in uniform escorted Miss Crow- prominent politicians, and Is one of An empty room. ward the door. Their Initial price ME.T. Club Thursday night. Bridge ' )ey to the stage where a garland were presented past matron and while millions of others starve to A circle supper will be served the world's most highly medalled Hymns are the women's songs. ' is always sufficiently high to war­ past matron jewels by Milton M. death or are doomed to a life of Wednesday at the Universalist was followed by a luncheon. Pres- of flowers was placed on her head. gardeners. Paderewski arises early, Seeing outdoors rant a profit after they have low­ ent were Mrs. Lillias Sprague, Mrs. Griffin. poverty. Fishing trips and spend­ Only through windows Church. Housekeepers are Mrs. C. General dancing was enjoyed to in plenty season before 8 o'clock As they do their chores. ered It until you acquiesce at the Pauline Hutchinson. Mrs. Meriel The program was interspersed ing millions for "fancy work" all J. Bow ley, Mrs. E. W. Peaslee. Mrs. the music of Otis Dean and his breakfast, spends his mornings very threshold. Every available inch Shute. Mrs Pauline Brewster. Mrs. with selections by the orchestra, a over the country are not enough But feeling heaven near them H. J. Weisman, Mrs. Earle Mac- Rhythm Boys. strolling his spacious estate, prac­ And the Lord of space in these shops is crammed solo by Sophocles Constantine, and to tatUfJr real people. It goes with A loving presence Williams. Miss Ada Perry. Mrs. E. Beth Seavey, Mrs Mildred Manning i Miss Faith Shesong was given a tices music from noon to 3, then By the Ironing board with gifts from all parts of the and Mrs. Elaine Rackliff j good hand when introduced by Mr. trumpet solo by Dudley Harvie. with the sports but not the thinkers L. Hewett. Mrs. Ralph Loring, Mrs comes lunch followed by an hour -B y Elizabeth coatsworth in Ladies world, and they are a delight to the violin obligato by Al. Marsh. Home Journal A. H. Robinson. Mrs A C. Rogers. ------i Sleeper, for her excellent work in reading newspapers in French, souvenir-seeking tourists. A reception immediately followed, LeBaron Cooke wrote: Mrs. Karl O'Brien, Mrs. D. H. Far- Thursday Club met with Mrs. A. directing the show, for the Huntley - Polish and German. Doctor's orders John McCormack, famous Irish' ^ v lt stands have no front P. Haines, prizes being won by Mrs ! Hill Post, of V.F.W. with Millie Thomas and Caroline "Who writes another poem rand, Mrs. Oliver Holmes. Mrs. C. compel him to take a nap until tenor, is making his farewells to , ai? tbey are open Practically the en- Doris Damon, Mrs. George Davis. Stewart on the committee. To a star must be a fool; A. Christoffersen, Mrs Charles T. five when he again returns to the thc concert world. He has already tire day and nl’?ht Here one may Mrs. Bernice Havener and Mrs This one pricks my very heart. Smalley, Mrs. B. E. Flanders. Mrs. FRIENDSHIP piano to practice another three done so in London, singing at Al-, the cook, refreshing juices of Walter Ladd S. OSGOOD ANDROS Pass me my pen—exceptions rule Levi Flint. Miss Pearl Borgerson. hours. At 8 o'clock dinner is bert Hall on Nov. 27. and also ting- a '’1Pat variety of tropical fruits, Work is in progress at the Scott served, always composed of Polish ing a broadcast (his first broadcast1 A ' er^ un*(lu(' drink among the nn- (A Tribute) "The Chinese are busy with a Miss Marion Barnes of J. J. Mrs. Elizabeth Barton will be carter boat shop, several men hav- from London, by-thc-way) in a pro- ^ ve® *s ®n ice-cold preparation of His classmates in tlie Class of war on 2.000.009 rats (not Japs). dishes. Bridge follows, of discussion Newberry Co., who has been resid­ chairman of a beano party to be jng employment. Mr. Carterf has gram devoted to memories of the masi'-cd rolled oats, in a semi-liquid 1897. Bowdoin College, his college-i They talk of importing 100 Siam- with friends from Geneva. Lausanne ing at 19 Court street, has returned held Monday night at G.A.R. hall, contracts for the building of six or with house guests who drop in year. 1903. That was the year, so ' L’r,n The papaya, a inellon-like for the benefit of Edwin Libby R e-, boats. tnates. and his friends, have learned ! ese cats. A special agent will be to St. George. from nearly every country of the we arc told, when he made his first frult' and ,hp mango. looking much lief Corps State fund. I Mrs. Carrie Morse and son Roger belatedly but with regret the news sent to Siam to purchase the cats. ’ like our peach, are typical of tlie Wawenock Club was entertained world. Every Sunday friends and public appearance in Dublin, and j of Thomaston spent a day recently of the death of Stephen Osgood An­ during the program lie counteracted | fruits found in these open- Wednesday by Mrs. Evelyn Snow of dros. formerly of Rockland, which I “The Merchant of Yonkers," au- neighbors are bidden to a reception. Mrs. Eliza Plummer daughters with Mrs. Nancy Rogers the sadness of his singing with air ftands No visitor need suffer Thomaston. Quotations were from took place last month. j thor Thornton Wilder, lias been A huge table, laden with wine and Elizabeth and Martha were week- Allison Wotton and son Dwight Polish cake, is placed in the center amusing stories of those far-off the woe‘ of tJle lleal because of the Robert Burns, in observance of his end guests in Brunswick at the I harvested their ice last week. 25 He was born in Gardiner Maine, elected to the American Academy of the living room. Paderewski oays. John McCormack—a singer ^acg a coc' refreshing drink birthday anniversary, on a paper home of Mr. and Mrs.Villard Elwall I men being employed Jan 22, 1876. and from the fact of A ;s and Letters. He has a new makes it a point to exchange at with magic in his voice. We can Between these many and varied “Calais to Dover" was given by Mrs. that he was born during the Cen- play almost ready, but said it was ------1 The Parent-Teacher Association least a few words with everyone ill afford to say good-bye to him » i Rtorcs s*t iile native women and Snow. Current events and question Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S Water­ tennial Year he was known as "bad luck" to talk about it too soon. held a social and card party Thurs- present. • • « « j children holding boards upon which box was followed by refreshments, man of North Haven were in this “Tenny" in his boyhood, but as 0 0 0 0 day night at Winchenpaw hall. • • • • Like taking a bus man's holiday. are Pinned the lottery tickets which served by the hostess. A social and city Thursday on their way to New- Mrs. Helen R. Simmons and “Steve” in college. His father, the “You a liontamer—a little chap And speaking of Paderewski—this Moriz Rosenthal celebrated his 76tii enrich the people on the Isthmus by picnic dinner will feature next York. daughter Geneva recently passed a late B. Randall Andros, was mana­ like you? is what he rays when he neglects birthday by going to hear Josef H of-1 more lhan *6° 000 ' W Wf* k week's meeting at the home of Mrs. day with her daughter Alta Coates ger of the Thorndike Hotel for a “My size is the secret of my suc­ practice: mann as soloist with the New York Crouched close to tlie building they Hattie Keating. Mechanic street. Arthur H. French, of the New in Thomaston. number of years, and then retired. cess. The lions are simply waiting “If I miss practice one day. I no­ Philharmonic Symphony. lock tm only when there is the pros­ , Thorndike Hotel is on a trip to Pythian Sisters of Thomaston At the time of his death, in 1905, for me to grow a little bigger * • • • pect of a sale. The grand drawing A shower honoring Mrs. Lucien | Philadelphia. • • • • tice it; if two days, the critics no­ have invited the local lodge to visit he was residing at the corner of Tlie rush and noise of New York for this lottery occurs on Sunday W Dean was given at her home on They say the surest signs that tice it; if three days, the public their Temple Feb. 3. Supper will be James and North Main streets in is four times worse than that in morning at one of the city's Camden street Wednesday night notices it." Chapin Class will be entertained served and candidates initiated Rockland. America is recovering is the way in Chicago, so says Galliano Ma.'ini, beautiful "plazas cr parks and the Those present were Mrs. Henrietta Good advice served in subtle Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Commissioner Frank P. Washburn He fitted for college in the Gar- j which the daily and weekly papers tenor of the Metropolitan, who is a proceed:, are used in the financing Moulaison. Mrs Lois Fernald, Mrs. fashion, is it not? John Smith Lowe. of Augusta and Granville Brow, diner High School, and graduated arc ah blorsoming into poetry. newcomer here this season. Mr. of a very worthy charitable organi- Artinese Mills, Mrs. Isabelle Anas- 9 0 9 9 foreman of Burnham, Morrill can­ from there in 1893. entering Bow­ Masini declines to go out in the zntion. A friend of mine, recently in Bos­ tasic. Miss Mildred Moody and Miss WEST WASHINGTON ning factory motored last Saturday doin that fall. He was a member Senator-elect Clyde M. Reed of ton, brought back two delightful daytime without an escort. (To be Continuedi Dorothy Thomas. to Boston where Mr. Brow broad­ of tlie Psi Upsilon Fraternity in Col­ Kansas says he is going to be free programs she heard In that city Tauna Anderson and Marlon Hib­ casted over WAAB in the interest lege, the society of which most I and independent and work and Mrs. Corwin H. Olds was hostess —one at the Museum of Fine Arts, bert both of Washington were mar­ of the canning industry. Rockland boys of that generation make his own decisions. If he is Wednesday afternoon to Women's the other at The Isabella Stewart ried last Saturday by Rev. E. C The Farm Bureau met recently who went to Bowdoin were mem- j a good, honest thinker and has a Association of Congregational Gardner Museum. The former was Sampson in Jefferson. at the home of Susan Wotton for bers. Among them may be m en-! logical brain I thall not fear for Church, with 50 members and guests composed of songs from the 15th to Mrs. Mildred Johnston and son 1 an all-day session. Mrs. Wotton honed E. B Burpee, '87. M. A. Rice. I his decisions. present. Rev. Walter S. Rounds of 0 0 0 0 the 18th century aud were presen­ Earline cf Damariscotta recently 89. S. T. Kimball. '90. J. P. Cllley, praiwimB in im r and Mrs. Gertrude Oliver were on Lewiston, guest speaker, held tlie ted by a soprano, Isabel French, visited Mrs. Lizzie Wellman. the dinner committee. This was a Jr. and F. J. Simonton. Jr., both of Just think of ft—in 1911 Col. Buf- I ** JIMMY McHUGH, A.S.C.A.P. attention of his listeners with an with harpsichord accompaniment bv Mr and Mrs. Walter Withee, Har­ Joint meeting and County Agent '91. T S Lazell 92 F W Glover fal° Jones vLslt*d Afrlca and caP' interesting discussion. "Tliis Man Claude Jean Chiasson. I wish space riet Wellman, Mr. and Mrs. Edson Ralph C. Wentworth and Capt. Mel­ and Dr. W M Spear, both of 94 turcd a rhlnoceres. a giraffe, a lion. ------A Truant From The Classics ------Hitler.” The hostess was assisted in permitted showing the entire pro­ Wellman visited Kendrick Light vin La wry were present. Mr. Went­ W. W. Spear. '98, and J. F. Knight. ! a zebra 8 wart hog anrt many olher serving tea by Diligent Dames. gram and the notes—they are co By Daniel I. McNamara Sunday in Waterville where lie is a worth discus'cd the outlook for •00. Hi -college roommates were Mr ^finals, using only a common lasso intensely interesting. For example, patient at the Sisters Hospital. farm family living this year. Officers Glover. W. W. Spear, and M r, roPe Now iVs a very dWerent Another Thriller by Dashiel, one song was “Lully (Bye,” anony-1 Miss Alberta Swett. Miss Doris elected were: Chairman. Susan Wot­ Knight. He is remembered by his story to get the wild life. popular songs, is a truant from Hammet. author of the "Thin Man.'' 9 9 9 0 mous English (circa 1400), of which ' the classics. He has been writing Lundy of Waterville, Miss Mildred ton; secretary. Gertrude Oliver Don't mis'- "The Golden Horse­ college classmates as a social leader the notes say: "The Lully Bye is many of the nation's popular song Turner of Gardiner, and Miss Geor­ clothing leader. Ruth Prior; Icons The Tartars, several centuries hits for twenty years, melodies such shoe"-----famed hero. Continental and as one of the most brilliant men an extraordinarily beautiful Christ­ gia Hibbert of Augusta were at their leader. Edna Packard; home man­ ago. often ate books in an attempt as. “I Can’t Give You Anything But Operative No. 7 does it again! Be­ in the class, hk particular interests mas Carol, which tells the story cf Love. Baby," “On the Sunny Side homes here last weekend. agement, Carrie MacFat'land. Miss to acquire knowledge. gins in the.Green Magazine witlih in college being History and Eco­ • • • « the Nativity in Latin verse inter­ of the Street." "Hlnkey Dinkey Par- Mrs. Mae Hibbert who is at the Esther Dunham home demonstra­ lez-Vous,” “My Own." “You’re a the Jan. 29 Boston Sunday Adver­ nomics. Try this two egg sponge cake and spersed with the 'English words home of Mrs. Crystal Hager in tion agent, presented an outline Sweetheart ' and hundreds of others tiser. 12 It Tlie first year after leaving col­ see how good it is: Two eggs, one 'Lully and 'bye'. It was discovered for New York revues and Holly­ Union as practical nurse, passed for the year's work. lege Mr. Andres taught in the De­ cup sugar, one cup sifted flour, one in the Processional Ritual of the wood films. But in the studio of his last weekend here. Hollywood home he loves best to troit University School. Detroit, I teaspoon baking powder, one-half Nuns of St. Mary's Convent in Eng­ Attraction at Playhouse Monday, play the grand opera music he first SUN.-MON.-TUES. More than 66.000.000 dwellings in teaspoon salt, one teaspoon vanllli land by Arnold Dol.netsch, whose learned as an office boy in the cn. 30: On stage, “Liffle and Mac" J he was a private tutor. In 1900 own special manuscript acccm- j Boston Opera House. the United States are heated by and one-half cup boiling water. It’S Bing’s Best! singing favorites from Bristol; on he entered the Michigan Celiool of Mix in regular way. panlment is here used.” Also this I Jimmy rubbed elbows with the anthracite. screen. Smith Bcllew in •Rawhide" musically great during his three A honeymoon for throe in Mines, Houghton. Michigan . to of "Ah! For My Peaceful Prime, ’ i —adv. 12 It years at the opera house. A versa­ study mining engineering, and “If Mussolini insists on having writen by Mary Stuart, Queen ol tile pianist, he often accompanied gay Pare*...with 4 Crosby Cruises arranged, steamship tick­ graduated from there as a mining a share in a canal, it might be ar­ Scots (1542-1587)—"Mary Stuart, them at rehearsals, envisioned a ^uno* to make it porfoctl ets to all parts of the world. M. F. engineer in 1903. After that he was career as a concert plainst. But ranged that he be cut into the coming to the Scotch throne after he let: all this behind, even a Lovejoy,, 140 Talbot avenue, Tel. engaged in mining in the southwest, Florida ship canal”—From the 1060-J, Rockland. 16-S-tf her brilliant and happy childhood scholarship at the New England was connected with the faculty of Boston Transcript. ir. France, sought refuge from the Conservatory of Music, when he the University of Illinois, at Ur­ 9 0 0 9 plunged into popular music as a Comique bleak, austere atmosphere and the short cut to fame and fortune. Jimmy McHugh, A.S.C.A.P. bana. for a number of years, con­ Immigration Official: “I'm sorry, political intrigues of the court, in Born in Boston, July 10, 1893. Monday and Tuesday THEATRE ducted a correspondence school In but we made a mistake and got the study of music. Tills particular Jimmy, eldest cf five, inherited his Club, and with Dorothy Fields, DICK POWELL, ANITA LOUISE petroleum engineering for a while, your hair as dark instead of blond.' inothcr’c musical talent. A younger daughter of the veteran stage star song, written in collaboration with broiher, Larry, now a Bay State Lew Fields, he produced the popu­ RONALD REAGAN CAMDEN, ME. and for the past few years had been Modem girl: “Oh. that's O. K. her lutanist, David Rlzzlo, tells ot legislator, started out as a clarinet lar song hit, "1 Can’t Give You Any­ ALLEN JENKINS engaged in various business enter- j Will J’ou a^ r it or her carefree early years, and of her player for Fddy Duchln. Jimmy thing But Love, Baby,” outstanding WALTER CATLETT SUNDAY AND MONDAY song of the Broadway revue. Lew prises in Chicago. longing to be free from the dark left tue classic atmosphere of the HAROLD BUBER JANUARY 29-30 Approximately 1.030 nurses still opera to become a song pluggcr Leslie's “Blackbirds." Since graduation from Bowdoin worry of her new life." Then Hollywood called. For al­ draw pensions in England because and professional pianist, first in his contacts with his classmates The harpsichord used in this con- j Boston. th°n in New York’s Tin Pan most a decade now the erstwhile ■pAWS . CRAWFORD | and collegemates have been few. their health was ruined by active ; Affcy. opera house office boy has been MARC2ARZT cert has two keyboards and six An early associate of his song- under contract to write music for but when notified of class reunions service in the World War. SULLAV&N 0 0 0 0 ' writing career was Al Dubin, a the films. Lily Pons. Deanna Dur­ UONtVfAOOH I, bin, Bobby Breen. Alice Faye, Joan ROBERT MELYTW I he usually responded with great Rules governing the size and Philadelphia youth who like the YOUNG DOUGLAS affection and indicated his regrets ycang Bostonian, had come to Tin Crawford, have sung his creations. ’•eight of baseballs were made in Pan Alley to augment the early McHugh spends most of his time IfAY IAINTER at not being able to be with his class Town Of St. George Children's Matinee Tuesday ’.872 and are still the same. auceessea of his home town. To­ in Hollywood, but occasionally visitS on these occasions. gether they wrote “Hinkey-Dinkey the East, usually flying to and fro. 4.00 o'clock Music Is both his profession and w mho you* a ' Classmate Parloy-Vous." "My Dream of the Teacher: "Do you know what be- Books Close Big Parade” and other post war his hobby—popular music his pro­ TODAY i ccmes of boys who run away from fession. classic music his hobby. GENE AUTRY in successes. Both were elected to NOW PLAYING school every afternoon to play ball?" membership in the American So­ Puccini is his favorite composer. “DUKE OF WEST POINT" “WESTERN JAMBOREE March Of Time TENANT’S HARBOR February 10 He treasures an autographed pic­ Small truant: “Some of 'em get ciety of Composers, Authors and LOl'IS HAYWARD Publishers. ture of the Italian composer, a . JOAN FONTAINE Featuring Virgil C. Morse and Mrs. Doroth” into t'.ii big leagues.” Please Be Prompt with McHugh became both a publish­ memento of the premiere of Puc­ Polkey were united in marriage Jsn. 0 0 0 0 cini's “La Figlia d’Or" in Jimmy’s Paym ent o f Taxes ing house executive charged with 26 by William E. Sheerer, J. P. “Slow down before you become the responsibility of important youthful days at the Boston Opera “German Refugees” phonograph recordings, and an in­ House. Another prized possession a stAtistlc" is a traffic signal In JOSEPH T. SIMMONS is a piano owned by the late George TEL. 409 See (he Per*edition of (lie Jews ('olleiLx creasingly successful composer. For PARK BUY NOT ADVERTISE L\ .6me Kentucky lawns. Most people | five years he wrote the song hits Gershwin Which has a place of Rockland Tel 893 12-13 Till; COURIER-GAZETTE stop to think out its meaning. ; of the annual shows of the Cotton honor in his Hollywood bome-. Page Eight Rockland Courier-Gazette, Saturday, January 28, 1939 Every-Other-Day

Ing a week with her parents, Mr. '+++++*♦+++♦++♦♦♦++♦+++•! for the new Deer Isle bridge. The', and Mrs, L. Dennison. A MAID CALLED MILLS 1 THE LYRIC MUSE A Summer Trip unsurpassed view obtained coming Rough seas have formed our out­ over Oaterptllar Hill should not go Told Belatedly But In Very unmentloned as this is another' door picture today. ««».«. -r. i ■« o i -w ti n n grand attraction In Maine scenery. I GUARDIANS Misses Ruth, Kathleen, and Emily Whom You W ill Take T j Your Heart When She Talks Interesting Manner By We came home by the way of Corbett attended the recent Senior About Household Matters Mrs. Andrews Epworth League social. Bucksport, lingering to look back Purcell Corbett and Miss Lorraine | Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— at the handsome picturesque O F O U R BROADCAST BY MARJORIE MILLS bridge. W hat a picture it makes! I Dennison motored Sunday to Roque (Monday. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday at 1 30 p. m. over Stations I t A trip of much pleasure was taken Bluffs. WNAC. Boston: WTAG. Worcester; WCSH, Portland; WTIC. Hartford; Another delightful trip full of Maine j Publication Limited to Brief during the summer. We left Rock­ Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Webber have WfCC Bridgeport; WEAN, Providence; and WLBZ, Bangor). + beauty spots was ended. COAST Poems port early one morning and in Lin­ returned from New York for two Mrs. John H. Andrews of Original Composition Rockport, Jan. 24. week's vacation. Are you be- terestlng. Cream of green pea soup 1 By Subscribers coln got our first view of Mt. Newell Bean and Purcell Corbett ginning to gel topped with whipped cream and a ^ ++++4,++++++++++++.>+++++ Katahdln. Route 16 led us down will start trucking wood next week back your ap- faint sprinkling of grated cheese What our lightkeepers APPRECIATION by Bowers Mountain to Musquash He's With Franco j and coast guarsdmeu to East Machias. petite for ele- over the top. then set under the |For The Courier-Gazette 1 Lake, where we stopped at a nice gant and "mali- broiler flame for a second, ire doing to protect Neil Corbett, Purcell Corbett and How thankful I can be camp site. From Topsfield we fol­ ‘Subscriber” Rubs Ears of Miss Lorraine Dennison recently at­ cions fare after Gustave's masterpiece in the way On every morn I see lowed Route 1 down through Waite coastwise shipping by I feel no chronic ache day and by night. The tended the annual Grans'* meeting t h e holidays? of dessert Is named Egg Nog Maison. W hen from my sleep I wake to Peter Dana's Point where we j Sympathizers With the The Christmas In your Individual dessert dish day's news from many hi Lubec. Now when from bed I rise visited an Indian Reservation. The, “Under Dogs’* b i l l s paid up. goes a layer of cake, then a layer I can take exercise place looked clean and neat and lonely outposts along And work with body, brain Maine's waterfront. Petit Manan the house dust- ol egg nog Ice cream, one of pista- Without a tinge of pain. everyone appeared to be happy. We! Rockland. Jan. 26 e d a n d g a r - chio and topping that raspberry saw only one house where bttskets | Editor of The Courier-Gazette Mrs. J. H. Freeman and children Time was in years gone by 'I have returned to Jonesboro after nlshed, the bud- sherb.rt. Circle the whole with I rose up with a algh were sold. On each recurring day I was greatly surprised to read of spending the holidays at the island, get emerging from its state of fresh fruit sections and top with At pain with me alway. As we neared Princeton (Indian your sympathy for the Spanish "Re­ A party was given Jan. 16 in emaciation, maybe you'd like to Melba sauce Even a modified ver- Town) we found Indians residing The memory of past pain public." this despite the fact that CAPTAIN WHO SAILED AWAY • Only one thing occurred which has honor of Myrtle Sawyer's birthday- think about a party. Or perhaps sion of this would probably dazzle Increases present gain. on each side of the roadway. Helps me appreciate you admit it is Communistic. You |For The Courier-Gazette| changed our life at the "Nubble.' by her sister Mrs. Lockhart.. The you'd like to regale the family with the bridge club. Or If you have a Mv present healthful state. At Eastport we visited Passama at i base your sympathy on two points: Each night for forty years and more —we lest our companion of 14 years guests were Mr. and Mrs. M J. Foss, some especially good recipes we've clever lady carrying on in the kit- Allison M Watts quoddy Indian Reservation I've hung the lantern there. Jamaica. Vt. 1 The fact that the “Rebels" are Well trimmed against your safe return, Sambo Tonkus Coleman. Sambo James Freeman. Arthur J Alley and been saving till somewhat festive chen serve Stork Club Crepes a at Pleasant Point. The location was Encompassed by my prayer. r k Tonkus died Sept 29 and left a void Mr and Mrs. William Lockhart, food again lured you. Matson, a new version of Crepes PEGGY beautiful, being on high elevation, jaided 1116 Italians and Ger- So long the years that stretch between Refreshments included a beautiful- At the Wellesley. Country Club Suzette. They do have to be made | For The Courier-Oazette | wlth a wonderful view of the sea nuna a*id that Franco Is a "baby- My grieving heart seeks rest: that I guess will never be filled. He He only, knows the fate of ships was a man'-- cat but condescended to ly decorated cake, coffee, two kinds L*n anc* "Mllls.v Latham have and served at once. She's Just as sweet as she can be which looked like a mirror that Uller." In storms too fierce to breast Is Peggy. lovely day. Each Reservation is I You ought to know that the Corn- like women too, occasionally He of ice cream and candy Later a been regaling people with the most Don't worry we haven't gone per­ She rolls her dark brown eyes at me But last night, dear. I walked with you was always with the one on watch fo rm s telling beard made its ap- oelectable winter fruit salad, manently "elegant." Tomorrow Does Peggy. noted Jor its fine church. We saw munlsts, disbelieving in God. think Across uncharted sea; She's ever meek and never bold With fe:tered pinions loosed you came and ate is manv meals at night as oearance and the fun really began Grapes, celery, almonds and pine- we ll be back on budgets but every- she istold, a large Indian cemetery, having are not bound by His Com- To keep a Uy.t with me he durlug thf day when the forfeits had to be paid. aPP* »irk in the salad bowl and It's one wants to splurge now and then. To meshe s worth far more than gold stmple crosses as markers. Our mandment "Thou shalt not lie.” My Peggy Sauce Diable a la Statler Though on your weather-beaten brow were hJfi delight and he al- Asst. Supt. Thomas Sampson in­ dickied up with glaced clierries. next stopping place was Quoddy Therefore they stoop to any false- Were scars of storm-lashed years. The Try it on the bridge club and with 1 small bottle Sauce Escofller She really Is our little pet Village. bood to fool others. The number Twas Heaven drifting deep at last ways go; his share. spected this station Jan. 10. Dear Peggy. To compensate my tears the salad serve those butter crust Provencale (6 oz.) I loved her when at first we met Here we were greatly Impressed Russians and other non-Span- We did not realize how much we annual supplies were landed at the Wee Peggy. rolls that are slashed into sections, 2 ounces A-l Sauce O. futile phantasm of night) waited on him and how many extra same time. My llf.le dog with patient eyes by the magnificent buildings. We lards on the side of the 'under- Dl pelled by ocean's roar; and dripping with butter when 1 ounce Worcestershire Sauce Where such a wealth of love light Ilea, never dreamed there were so many dogs" far exceeds the number of A challenge to the yearning years steps we took for him or how much Second Asst, and Mrs Foss have She looks so sad and Is so wise baked. Or serve hot rolls topped 1 texspoon prepared mustard Our Peggy We drove over the new dam— a Italians and Germans aiding Gen- To bear my cross once more , company a cat can be until he was- returned after spending three weeks 4 ounces cream Rose B Hupper So I dream on of ships long lost gone. He died Just before we left with friends and relatives in North with rum butter icing. Restaura­ T enants Harbor I wonderful piece of work; one would era' Franco. It Is an open secret On crests loo wild to ride teurs across the country voted them Salt and pepper HKHV j have o see all this to believe it is that llu‘ Russian Ambassador to Or battered hulks upon some strand for our vacation: was only sick five Sullivan and Bangor. the year's most popular hot bread. •3 tup melted butter (scant) CLING TO JEDI'S l so grand. Lubec is an attractive Spain is directing the Loyalist gov- Forsaken by the tide days, and was out every day. He Stars pillagers of sea not much We ve also had up our sleeves for Mtx all ingredients together I For The Courier-Gazette! ' town located on a high bluff over- ernment; that Its Army Is staffed I ask save by God's grace I went down over the steps to the •Coasting" To find my dream's fulfillment soon weeks, thanks to Louis of the Stat­ thoroughly. When your friends seem leaving you looking Campobello Island. There by Bolsheviks, and munitioned by Close-locked i l l night's embrace boat house the afternoon before he An officer on board a battleship To climb the hill alone. ler dining room, the secret for that Butter-Flake Rolls You will find a perfect Helper— j are excellent hotels but no over- them; that the scum of the United |Inspired by the lantern which hangs died. He was a much photographed was drilling hl» men: “I want every Diable ierved there 2 cups compressed yeast cakes Perhaps not ever known. j night camps, so we went on to States. Oermany. Italy and Czecho­ beaten* iSSs? in Faimluth Jto™ide. cat and people came from all over man to lie on his back, put his legs most delicious mustard sauce lor cup sugar But He Is always with you— i Machias to pass the night. slovakia—the International Bri­ overlooking Casco Bai l New England to see him nyone In the air, and move them as if he Waiting at jx>ur side A K meat or fish we ve ever run across. l 'i cups buttermilk Just a thought of Him. remember. I Our quarters there were near a gades—are the backbone of the Rockland having been here once never failed were riding a bicycle.” he explained It's quite hot and biting but a little 1 teaspoon salt And He will be your guide. depot and trains kept waking us Spanish "Republican" Army. to ask "How is that big Cat?" "Now begin!” on ham. lobster, even steak or 2 cup butter or shortening Cling to Jesus In trouble. all night. This was a sightly town Did you know Mr Editor, tliat Cape Nrddiek He has been written up in four or After a short effort, one of the Cling to Him tn distress; roast beef is delicious beyond words 4 'i cups flour Praise Him for His precious promise. filled with hustling Saturday night there have been "18.985 casualties in Dear members of the staff, pa­ five papers and "Cheerio" read a let­ men stopped. “Why have you In fact, instead of scanning the ’s teaspoon soda "I will not leave you comfortless". shoppers and theatre goers. The 2.091 air raids by Lei list airplanes trons of The Courier-Gazette and ter of his over the air in one of ’topped. Cassidy." asked the officer. menu now we Just say "What are Melted butter "I will not leave you comfortless next day we went to Jonesport by on 373 Spanish towns of no military Guardians of Our Coast:—I did not his morning broadcasts He weighed If you plaze. Sor." was the reply. you serving that we could have Crumble yeast cakes into a bowl I will come to you;" I the sea. This community was way consequence behind the Nationalist realize it had been so long since a little over 22 pounds in his prime. Oi'm coasting.” These are His very words, we know; Sauce Diable with?" And when and add the sugar. Pour the warm. And they are always true. beyond our expectations lor beauty. lines. That Nationalist aviation I had written to the paper until I Less than a month before he died Delora E Morrill Shad Roe arrives . . that's some- not hot. buttermilk over them and Rockport It is built around a large area mak has confined itself strictly to went home for vacation and some of Benjamin Thomas of Nashua. N. H MATINICl'S ROCK LIGHT (For The Courier-Gazette| thing. If you haven't all the im- let stand 10 minutes. Add salt and R R R R ing out into the water, has many i the bombardment of true mili­ my friends asked why I was not was over to the light and took three BOOKS Twenty mile- from the mainland ported sauces and mustards try a butter or shortening which has little harbors and is thickly settled. tary objectives; that these bom­ writing any more. I told them that fine photographs of him and sent (For The Courier-Gazette I There la situated a clump of rocks. home version with tho e you have, been softened. Sift flour, then mea- W ars Island which Ls also thickly bardments have been carried out 1 had written so often and so much them to us after he died. We have Known to every fisherman around. n._, in King Winter blows his Icy breath As a place where loneliness docks We had sweetbreads en brochette sure and resift with soda, ncdi m Oer |and an(j sea again; settled stretches out in front of j under the orders of the general staff I was afraid people were tired of one framed and will frame the ©th­ with mushrooms the other day and until very smooth. Bru-h the top with lalry fingers paints On this lonely little l»le Upon our window pane. ' Jonesport. adding much to the out-1 and not by foreign Intervention; reading of our small doings I had ers later. Yes. Sambo has left an A lighthouse station stands. this Sauce Diable and a mixed green with butter. Place bowl over warm, | look. and that the Leftists have deliber­ not realized two years had passed empty place at The Nubble, Where sometimes waves lash very high When summer's sun beats hotly down As If at God's commands salad and thought it a perfect lu n -! not hot. water. When very light We seek a shady nook We rolled on to Ellsworth, then ately placed civilians near military since I had written; silence was not Mr. Thomas took some fine pic- cheon. Did you read about the /ab o u t 35 minutes) turn out with- But were sent by winter's cold and down to Sargentville where we objectives in pursuance of a pre­ because I did not have things to hires of the Nubble and sent us one Two towers reach into the sky. storm Although not both tn use. Stork Club in Elsa Maxwell's ar- out stirring onto floured cloth, To the fireside and a book. viewed the pier construction work | arranged plan to use the victims as write about, guess it was because of the Light taken in the moonlight. They stand like lonely sentinels Where the birds delight to roost tide in this month's Ladies Home With floured, covered rolling pin. material for propoganda." (The It is a grand picture He sent us What friends Indeed do good books I had so much and have been so Journal and would you like to know toll out as thin as possible. Brush prove Church World. Portland. M e. Jan. two for Christinas. One was of the Or foggy days and snowy days. busy that I just didn't The fog horn sounds its blast about one or tw o of their special- dough very lightly with flour. Place w°"n ym^?c*of"he‘printed page 20. 1939) We spent Christmas in Massa- Light with a beautiful cloud study. To warn the boats that are hidden from view ties? That curried chicken we're flat on the dough a cookie sheet or Takes us on Fancy's nights, I know you will give the same chusetts this year—part of it with and the other an indoor picture of To be careful when they pass always raving about is one of the ls.rge flat pan. Cut along edge of Wc may sail the seas wheneer we will. I publicity to this defense of 65 r; of friends in Arlington and part with our kitchen window showing Posie'^ We may climb the mountains high. The Storehouse and the Covered Way most popular dishes only they of pan in strips 2 in. wide. Cut Wc mu,' even soar among the clouds the Spanish people, who, your issue my mother ana sister in East Bos- I yellow petunia and African violets Have stood there very long. serve it with Just a ring of fluffy I strips into squares. Brush with Where none but God Is nigh. Through snow and wind and water of January 10. tells us, live in con­ ton. We had a wonderful time. It is a fine indoor picture and Posie They have weathered many storms. rice, hard boiled eggs and chutney | melted butter. Pile up 7 squares, We may travel afar within strange tentment in Nationalist Spain. I Lester Coles took Mr. and Mrs. Ern-4 treasures It. lands The medrlcks and sea parrots on the side. I Place cut edges down in buttered With their peoples and customs odd would like to hear your answer to est L. Cooper, at whose heme we Well , the scrub brush is busy Come In scores to build their nests, Another favorite at the Stork Club nuiffin pan Repeat till all cups Wy may reach the heights, and sound Ir. every crack and crevice the depths It. too. Subscriber were staying. Mrs. Marion Wilkins. again and the first sign of spring One can see their eggs at rest. is red snapper with egg plant You are filled Brush top with butter j W ith a book for our m agic rod. Mrs Coleman and I on numerous has come. I have a lot of outside Nellie M Ervlne The lighthouse tender. Ilex. could use sea bass of sole, Just and set in warm place. When very ; T enants Harbor Authority in every sphere has rides both in daytime and in tire painting to do so have to start the And the Hibiscus, too. broil the eggplant, mix it with light (about lOminutesi bake at 400 , value, not because It makes up our indoor work early this year. Are always welcome visitors evening so we could see the lights To the light station and its crew chopped mu hrooms. shallots and degrees F 20 minutes. Rolls re- ! Early-rising is the best remedy mind for us. but because it helps Later I will write touching the We had a fine ride to Shirley and Tc the keepers and their families. seasonings, saute the fish and add quire no butter when eaten. for insomnia. U) to make up our mind. called on William Wilkins and on high lights of events in the past The Rock" Is a lonesome place. It to the casserole with plenty of Winter Fiuit Salad year as they touched our lives. For But the friendly gleam of the light­ the way stopped at Concord to see house butter and buttered crumbs, then (from Wellesley Country Club) 2 cups finely diced celery the present we—Mrs. Coleman and Has brightened many a fisherman s the old battleground where "The face. brown. Gustave Re.vnaud the chef 1 pound Malaga grapes pound blanched almonds I—wish each and every one reading Hilda Thompson Shot Heard Round the World” was has a trick with pea soup that's in- 1 pound Tokay grapes 1 cup cooked mayonnaise blended this happy days throughout the Damariscotta WHERE YOU CAN BUY fired. The grand old trees have a diced year. lot to tell if they could. I was very 1 cup glace cherries • • • • WEST ROCKPORT interested in the grave of the Brit­ 1 cup cooked mayonaise blended ish Soldiers . We went to the studio Portland Head Miss Emily Counce is confined to with THE COURIER-GAZETTE of WEEI to see "Uncle Elmer" and Not many days before January is the house by illness. Her mother. Good old-fashioned H cup heavy cream, whipped members of his Song Circle and re­ a thing of the past—so far so good Mrs William Counce. while able to Serve in lettuce cups and garnish Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday At Noon ceived a bag of candy some friends A great winter in shore; we surely be about is not fully recovered from with watercress or a chunk of can- had sent, also a pretty Christmas know it has been "a snorter" on the recent illness. BAKED BEANS i died pineapple. Serves 12. IN ROCKLAND cup cake which Mrs. Alice Cahoon ocean. Mrs. Emelyn Bridges of Camden Crepes Maison of Manchester. Conn., had sent to Mrs. R T. Sterling attended the was recent guest of Mrs R. J. Heald (Y o u know-Like M other used to cook) 1 cup sifted flour Naum & Adam*, 222 South Main St. the Circle. They were good too. Herbert Hurme, son of John annual Winter Garden Party at ’j teaspoon salt Chisholm’*, 438 Main St. Eastland Hotel Friday night of last Hurme celebrated his 12th birthday After visiting them, we went with 3 eggs, well beaten Huston-Tuttle Book Store, 404 Main St. Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Whitcomb week. last Saturday at the home of his lliglil from this Casserole 1 cup milk 272 Main St. of Somerville. Mass., to their home. Arthur Harlow of South Portland father. His guests were Harold Tol- 2 tablespoons melted shortening A. H. Robinson’s, had cup of coffee and piece of pie 1 was guest Monday evening of Rob man of Rockport, Walter Andrews. Cream puff custard Jack Green’s, 246 Main St. and visited until noon when they bert Sterling Jr. Charles Heald and Henry Kontio, 1-3 cup sugar Isaac B. Simmons’, 724 Main St. took us to the home of my sister Clement Stoddard was a recent Jr. of this village. Herbert's Mix and sift flour and salt. Com­ Carver’s Book Store, 304 Main St. Mrs. A C. Grant. We enjoyed see­ visitor at R. T. Sterling's. sister, Eila was assisted in serving bine eggs and milk and stir in 288 Main St. by Mrs. Kontio. Games were played Steamer ■ Charles Tibbetts’, ing them again after nearly four Clyde Grant of Cape Elizabeth oulckly. Stir In shortening. Fry Rankin Block years and had a lot to talk over. Coast Guard Station and family and prizes awarded. Skating was FREE on hot, greased griddle, making C. M. Havener, The next morning we went to and their guest Mrs. Earl Kinney also enjoyed by the boys three-inch pancakes. Fill each with George W. Hemenway, lOLimerock St. Arlington where the Coles. Wilkins of St. George called Tuesday eve­ Miss Bernice Nutt and Keith the cream puff custard and roll Kennedy’s, 548 Main St. and Coopers were all set for a good ning on F. O. Hilt and family. Crockett attended the basketball as for jelly roll Place in shallow 1. J. Gray’s, 6 Broad St. game at Gorham last weekend. time with the Coleman's. We had Miss Elizabeth Sterling of Peak’s pan. sprinkle with sugar, and place P. L. Havener’s, 468 Main St. The Tuesday Club enjoyed a our third Turkey dinner since ar­ Island was overnight guest Tuesday under broiler until lightly browned. 17 Willow St. rival in Massachusetts and then re­ of R. T. Sterling and family. chicken dinner Wednesday at the Serve at once Yield: 6 portions. Jake Smalley, ceived an ice cream cake with Mrs. S, G. Robinson of St. George home of Mrs. Perley Merrifield and Economy’s, 9 Park St. MENU “Merry Christmas to Gene and a visitor at the home of F. O. Hilt Mrs. Elmer Merrifield. Members W. E. Graves, Maverick Square Posie” written on the top with red 1and family, is still on the sick list, spent the afternoon sewing, em­ B re a k fa s t Orange juice and pineapple juice colored whipped cream. It had She has received many letters and broidering etc. A round-robin let­ IN NEIGHBORING TOWNS Com Kix three flavors and was grand. After cards from her St. George neigh­ ter was also written to a member Orilled Deerfoot Sausages and S. W. Hastings, Camden dinner we had presents and Posie bors and from friends in Rockland who is spending the winter in Chi­ Scrambled Eggs A . J. D onaldson, Thom aston received a lovely green watering can Waldoboro. Redstone, N. H., Somer cago and who was the donor of the A SI.50 Steamer FREE La Touralne Coffee W aldoboro to water her house plants. Was she ville. Mass., and Peak's Island. They tasty plum pudding served at din­ Mrs. E. M. Ludwig, Sunday Dinner tickled! She waters the plants two have been a wonderful help and she ner. They also turned their thoughts Cogan Drug Store, W arren icitli Krery t'amprole at thi» Roast Beef with * or three times a day now just to appreciates being remembered. She to Florida as the snow came drift­ W. E. Carroll, Rockport ’Sauce Diable a la Statler use the can. says “Thanks a lot" but at present ing down and made mention of the Special Heduced Price Franconia Potatoes A. B. Vipal, Vinal Haven During the evening the group of she is unable to answer. She is member who Is sojourning there Saturday night can be SATURDAY Mashed Squash Harold Fossett, U nion 26 played games sang, and had a j grateful to the Sterling family for for the winter. NIGHT once again for this electric Broccoli Hollandaise Flora Baum, South Thomaston grand time. Roger gave several their kindness, also the Grant casserole w ill produce those delicious ""Butter Flake Rolls dandy accordion solos and played family. home baked beans that makes every A. B. Borgerson, O w l’s Head P O R T CLYDE 'Crepes Maison for us to sing while Less Coles man look forward to bean night. Mr*. Bert A ndrew s, West Rockport La Touralne Coffee played the piano. It was a grand Little River "Prayer and Our Labor” will be , Rockville Though it's worth its weight in gold Supper L H. Ewell, Christmas. Greetings, comrade coastmen! the message topic in the Baptist just to cook this New England deli­ 95c down •Winter Fruit Salad H. A. Barrows, G len Cove A visit was made to Mrs. Rudolph Sunday, the day this was penned chapel Sunday at 2 o’clock. Miss cacy it w ill also bake biscuits, cakes, $1 monthly Cheese Bisquits Atlantic Sissa at the Lying In Hospital was tinged with lonesomeness at Helen Anthony will sing a solo and i cooks soups and stews or any cas­ C. W. Stockbridge, O. & C. Potato Stix where Dec. 19 a son was born. They this outpost; with duties suspended the hymn "Leave It There” will be - serole dish. D. J. Noyes, Stonington Chocolate Cake have called him Robert. He looks the quiet atmosphere is doubly no sung by the choir. Bible School will , Ernest Rawley, Tenant’s Harbor La Touraine Coffee Just like his Daddy. Mr. and Mrs. ticeable. meet at 3 p. m. Miss Lucy Breen X7 Save $ 2 .0 5 •Recipes given. Alfred Kenney, St. George Albert Staples oi Boothbay Harbor Neil Corbett has been working on will give the lesson story at the Mr*. Enid L. Monaghan, Port Clyde will remember Mrs. Sissa as Edith the fish wharf. Christian Endeavor service at 6 Mrs. Carrie A. Geyer, South Cushing Nickerson, who went to Boon Island L. E. Gardner is confined to his p. m. The evening service will be ' WE BUY with us when we entered the service bed with pneumonia. } in the Church on the Ridge. Thurs- ! Mrs. Lillian Stevens, Pleasant Point She later visited us a number of Mrs William W. Corbett is vislt- day is prayer meeting night. The CENTRAMAAINE O L D G O L D Fred Ludwig, W ashington POWE^COMPAMY AND SILVER ing her mother Mrs. Ruth Johnson choir will rehearse Tuesday night at Bath times while we were still at Boon. Clarence E. Daniel* Shaw Book Store, When we entered the service Edith at Roque Bluffs. Mrs. Fred Seavey’s. The Ladies' Try one out this week end-—no obligation! JEWELER Brown & Sprowl, Appleton was seven. Miss Lorraine Dennison who has Circle will meet Wednesday after- 370 MAIN ST. ROCKLAND Last year was a good year to us. employment in Lewiston, Is spend- noon with Mrs. Hopkins.