Issued Tuesday Thursday Saturday he ourier azette T Entered as Second Class MallC Mattel -G Established January, 1846. Kv The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Saturday, January 28, 1939 THREE CENTS A COPY V olum e 9 4 ...................Number 12. The Courier-Gazette Boston Hair Show Major Hughes Coming [EDITORIAL] I r _______ THREF. TIMES A-WEF.K NEW FLUORESCENT LIGHTING ON TO PARIS Editor ' Local Beauticians Attended Salvation Army Revival “The Black Cat” WM. O FULLER A correspondent who makes use of that time-honored Associate Editor Device Which Was Being Held For World’s the Great Stylists’ Con­ Meetings Will Begin the signature "Subscriber," and who. despite the positiveness of FRANK A WIN8LOW vention This Week Coming Tuesday hLs opinions, has never seen fit to appear in print over his own Subscriptions 43 00 per year payable name and address, takes Issue sharply with thLs paper, on the 111 advance; slngl“ copies three cen's. Fair To Be Demonstrated Here As previously announced. Major Advertising rates based upon clrcula The annual Boston Hair Show is matter of the Spanish situation, and seeks to engage us in a tlon and very reasonable. history and Rockland hairdressers Joseph Hughes will arrive in Rock­ protracted debate—which will not be forthcoming. We will, NEWSPAPER HISTORY and beauticians, a majority of whom however, restate the position which we have upheld ever since The Rockland Gazette was estab- The world moves fast in the de­ 7, lie will speak before the Parent land next Tuesday to conduct a 'Ishrd 111 1846 tn 1874 the Courier was attended the big convention, are series of revival meetings at the tlie Spanish war became sufficiently developed to reveal its real established and conMlldated with the velopment of lighting facilities, and Teacher Association in the High back in their shops once more with nature. Oazette in 1882 The Free Press was School auditorium. Salvation Army. 477 Main street. e-'ahllshed in 1855 and in 1801 changed Rockland on'the week of Feb. 6 Is to renewed zest for their destiny of Tlie defenders of the Republic may be Communists; we are Its i.an>e to the Tribune. These papers At the completion of this demon­ Major Hughes is a veteran Army consolidated March 17. 1897 be treated to a remarkable demon­ making our attractive women folk not gainsaying that; and we are certainly not defending Com­ stration groups of Interested listen­ warrior of over 45 years' service. In munism. We are simply choosing the lesser of two evils when stration of it when C. M Snyder, ers will step across the way to the even more attractive. 1894 he received his officer's Com- All industries and professions ever we favor an established Government over a national rebellion ••• chief illuminating engineer for the Melvin school building where they ••• America needs a government * progress and improve, but this busi­ which ceased to be national in scope when it drew beneath its By The Roving Reporter Oeneral Electric Company ln New will be shown the working model of L ♦ of cons: ant progress along lib- ness of the beauticians leads all barriers the hordes which could be mustered by Italy, Ger­ ♦ era! lines. ♦ a model class room, with miniature England, is to tell several organiza­ others in its amazing development many and other Fascist countries. ♦ — Franklin D Roosevelt ♦ desks, fixtures and lights. At the ••• ••• tions about Fluorescent lighting. The Courier-Gazette makes no pretence of understanding One <>f the happiest recollections noon hour on that day Mr. Snyder and rise to popular favor. From every corner of the country cornea the merits of the rebellion, but the steady progress of Franco's of the old political days when they The device has been held in check will address the Rotary Club ln forces shows the absurdity of “Subscriber's” claim that the nominated candidates in conven­ for demonstration at the World's Camden and on the following dav. word of advancement, both in vol­ Knox Lodge I O OF. Monday ume and in the science of hair dress­ number of Russians and “other non-Spaniards" for exceeds tions, ks that cherished by every­ Fair, and will be shown in Rockland Feb 8 he will be guest speaker at night, will have a reheasal of the ing and beauty aids. This city is no the number of Italians and Oermans on the side of the body who attended the famous Ban­ for the first time. Ihe meeting of the Rockland Lions Initiatory degree. There will be a exception and from the convention "under dogs," as we call the Loyalists. gor convention which nominated This distinguished speaker will Club. light lunch following the meeting local artists have brought home new Is "Subscriber'' a former resident of Spain? Has he rela­ the late William T Cobb of Rock­ come here through the efforts of R. His subject on these occasions will ideas and methods, styles and treat­ tives there? Undoubtedly not, but how does he become pos­ land for governor Tlie Cobb Club B. MacFarland, an Eastern Division be "New Light Sources and Their ments. sessed of his alleged knowledge of the situation unless he has ran an excursion from this city on lighting engineer, who was ln the Application to Modern Store Among those in attendence were: the steamer Penohscot, which had city yesterday. Lighting.” been a close student of the Fascist propaganda publications? Special Low A1 Plourd. Mrs. Mary W. Wynne, on board about 700 enthusiastic Prefacing his address with a brief The co-operation of Supt George How does he like the tenor of yesterday s despatches telling Winter Weekly Rates Miss Margaret Nutt, Mrs. Agnes how Gen Franco thanked the Italians for making possible the supporters of tlie Rockland candi­ history of lighting. Mr Snyder will J. Cumming and President R. S. McAuliffe. Mrs. Vesper Orover, Miss capture of Barcelona? How does he like the Italian mob cry; date. together with the Rockland N ow In Effect discuss all phases of school lighting 8herman of the Parent Teacher As­ Helen Oldls and Mrs. Frances 3. and Camden bands. There was and the sources and development sociation did much to make It pos­ "On to Parks”? Can it be possible that "Subscriber" does not at Bicknell. Mr. Plourd took lessons of much excitement when the large of lamps in the past few years. The sible to hear this distinguished sense the significance of a rebel victory in Spain? That it the well known “Charles” of New delegation landed in Bangor on the HOTEL automatic control of artificial llgtv, speaker. simply increases the power and the confidence of the dictator as sunlight increases or decreases, York. nations whom we may some day have to fight. Is “Subscriber" eve of tlie convention, and Gov Cobb told me many times after­ THORNDIKE will be demonstrated. Members of the Mission Circle more interested in the Fascist nations than he is America? Mr. Snyder will address the Knox He unfortunately leaves that inference. ward. how the sight of that long Eor Information will meet In the Unlversallst vestry mission from General Evangeline column marching from the steam­ County Schoolmasters' Club at the Wednesday afternoon for sewing, Call At Desk New Hotel Rockland. Monday night, Sacrifice Sale Booth, and since that time has seen boat wharf to the Bangor House 11-12 followed by supper. service in England and Scotland, gave him his first real courage to Feb 6. at 6 30 Tuesday night, Feb My Stork Must Be Sold At Your CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Own Price— as well as America. In 1917 he went believe that he would win. And win SEWING MACHINES to France with the American dough So South Dakota has restored the death penalty for con­ he did with more than 600 votes on HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS boys as one of the Salvation Army victs of capital crimes. If the sentiment has been changing the first ballot. 150 L A D IE S ' D R E S S E S (usedi contingent appointed to do relief C a li A t rapidly in that direction one does not have far to seek for the 91-A TILLSON AVE. work on the battlefields. explanation. It is found in the tremendous spread of crime, George Higgins of Camden adds 12’ It His appointments in the United and the small value which the criminal places upon the lives to the recent discussion by saying States have included such import­ and properties of law abiding citizens. Capital punishment that Old Town ks surrounded by Benefit Bridge ant centers as Cambridge and Wor­ would be favored by nobody if the extremity of the situation water cester. Mass., Manchester, Conn., did not demand it. and Akron and East Liverpool. Ohio. O---------- O---------- 0 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3 D A N N Y P A T T His record of nearly a half century Those who sat up until 10 o'clock of work among the poor and dis­ PULLING EVERY STRING Wednesday night to hear the broad­ cast of the dark-complexioned fistic Lowell Thomas' Protege tressed of the world has brought If Maine, or the Second District, at least does riot get the THORNDIKE HOTEL him close to their problems and duel were considerably disgusted at PIANIST AND ACCORDIONIST things to which it is entitled, it will manifestly not be the fault the brevity of the bout. But not so P L A Y IN G S T A R T S A T 8.00 O ’C L O C K the problems of the world.
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