OMB No 1 545-0052 Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4947(aXl) Nonexempt Charitable Trust Treated as a Private Foundation 2011 Departmentiof the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Note The foundation may be able to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements For calendar year 2011. or tax year beainnina . 2011 . and ending Name of foundation A Employer identification number Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc. 57-0748914 Number and street (or P O box number if mail is not delivered to street address) Room/suite B Telephone number (see the instructions) 7115 Leesbur g Pike 1 304 (703) 524-5620 City or town State ZIP code Falls Church VA 22043 C If exemption application is pending, check here 01 F1 Check all that apply Initial return Initial Return of a former public charity G D 1 Foreign organizations, check here 0 Final return Amended return Address change Name change 2 Foreign organizations meeting the 85% test, check q here and attach computation H Check type of organization U Section 501 (c)(3) exempt private foundation Section 4947(a )( 1) nonexem pt charitable trust n Other taxable p rivate foundation E If private foundation status was terminated Fair market value of all assets at end of year J Accounting method Cash X Accrual under section 507(b)(1)(A), check here (from Part Il, column (c), line 16) [] Other (specify) _ _ - - F If the foundation is in a 60-month termination $ 4,385,559. (Part column (d) must be on cash basis) under section 507(b)(1)(B), check here n Part Analysis of Revenue and I (a) Revenue and (b) Net investment (c) Adjusted net (d) Disbursements Expenses (The total of amounts in expenses per boo ks income income for charitable columns (b), (c), and (d) may not neces- purposes sarily equal the amounts in column (a) (cash basis only) (see Instructions) ) 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, etc, received (att sch) 4,010,500. 2 Ck if foundn is req Sch B 0- 1-1 the not to att 3 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 4 Dividends and interest from securities 5a Gross rents b Net rental income or (loss) L-1 V R 6a Net gain /(loss) from sale of assets not on line 10 1 r% F- G^11 E b Gross sales price for all V assets on line 6a E 7 Capital gain net income (from Part IV, line 2) G^C7 LIMI! N 8 Net short-term capital gain U 9 Income modifications CsJ` less wt t { `' E 10a Gelrossowa and V V alns OGD 1 b Less Cost of goods sold c Gross profit/(loss) (aft sch) 11 Other income (attach schedule)

12 Total. Add lines 1 through 11 4, 010, 500. 13 Compensation of officers, directors, trustees, etc 222 , 363 . 14 Other employee salaries and wages 177, 689. 15 Pension plans, employee benefits 100,547. A 16a Legal fees (attach schedule) D b Accounting fees (attach sch) L-1 6b Stmt 5, 950. 0. 0. 0. Other prof (attach N c fees sch) 0 1 17 Interest P 5 E T 18 Taxes (attach scheduleXsee instrs) See Line 18 Stmt 31, 248 . R R A 19 Depreciation (attach T T sch) and depletion L-19 Stmt 4,723. v 20 Occupancy 35,855. GN E 21 Travel, conferences, and meetings 106, 811. A E 22 Printing and publications 8, 333. N D p 23 Other expenses (attach schedule)

NE See Line 23 Stmt 267, 195. s 24 Total operatin g and administrative S expenses. Add lines 13 through 23 960, 714. 0. 0. 0. 25 Contributions, gifts, grants paid 4, 280, 527. 4,287,854. 26 Total expenses and disbursements. Add lines 24 and 25 5, 241, 241. 0. 0. 4,287,854. 27 Subtract line 26 from line 12: a Excess of revenue over expenses and disbursements -1,230,741. b Net investment income (if negative, enter -0) 0. C Adjusted net income (if negative, enter 0-) 0. 1 BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. TEEA0301 12/02/11 Form 990-PF (2011) Form 990-PF (2011) Mustard Seed Foundation. Inc. 57-0748914 Paae2 Attached schedules and amounts in the description Beginning of year End of year Part II Bal ance Sh eets column should be for end-of year amounts only (See i nstructions) (a) Book Value (b) Book Value (c) Fair Market Value 1 Cash - non-interest-bearing 117, 627. 117, 627. 2 Savings and temporary cash investments 229. 229. 229. 3 Accounts receivable 0-______9,952. Less allowance for doubtful accounts - ______9, 952. 9, 952. 4 Pledges receivable 11-_ 4 , 250, 0_00 . Less allowance for doubtful accounts 4, 250, 000. 250, ------5,750,000. 4, 000. 5 Grants receivable 6 Receivables due from officers, directors, trustees, and other disqualified persons (attach schedule) (see instructions) 7 Other notes and loans receivable (attach sch) Less allowance for doubtful accounts S ------S 8 Inventories for sale or use E 9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges T S 10a Investments - U S and state government obligations (attach schedule) b Investments - corporate stock (attach schedule) c Investments - corporate bonds (attach schedule) 11 Investments - land, buildings, and equipment basis Less accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) ------12 Investments - mortgage loans 13 Investments - other (attach schedule) 14 Land, buildings, and equipment basis 11-_ _ _ _ - 4 4 ,87 .2. Less accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) L-14 Stmt 3 7 ,121 . 10, 645. 7,751. 7, 751. 15 Other assets (describe ------16 Total assets (to be completed Cy -all filers - see the instructions Also, see page 1, item I) 5, 760, 874. 4, 385, 559. 4, 385, 559. L 17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 142, 396. 15, 197. AI 18 Grants payable 21, 375. 4, 000. B 19 Deferred revenue LI 20 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, & other disqualified persons 21 Mortgages and other notes payable (attach schedule) T 22 Other liabilities (describe 0 ) E S 23 Total liabilities (add lines 17 through 22) 163, 771. 19,197. Foundations that follow SFAS 117, check here U and complete lines 24 through 26 and lines 30 and 31. N F 24 Unrestricted 5, 597, 103. 4, 366, 362. E U T N 25 Temporarily restricted D 26 Permanently restricted BP. S B Foundations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here F1 S A and complete lines 27 through 31. E L T A 27 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds S N 28 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, building, and equipment fund O E 29 Retained earnings, accumulated income, endowment, or other funds R S 30 Total net assets or fund balances (see instructions) 5, 597, 103. 4,366,362. 31 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances (see instructions) 5, 760, 874. 4,385,559. Part III Analysis of Chanaes in Net Assets or Fund Balances

1 Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year - Part II, column (a), line 30 (must agree with end-of-year figure reported on prior year's return) 1 5, 597, 103. 2 Enter amount from Part I, line 27a 2 -1,230,741. 3 Other increases not included in line 2 (itemize) ------4 Add lines 1, 2, and 3 1 41 4, 366, 362. 5 Decreases not included in line 2 (itemize) ------6 Total net assets or fund balances at end of year (line 4 minus line 5) - Part II, column (b), line 30 4,366,362. BAA TEEA0302 07/14/11 Form 990-PF (2011) Form 990-PF (2011) Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc. 57-0748914 Page 3 :,P,rt^lVt*1 Capital Ga ins and Losses for Tax on Investment Income (a) List and describe the kind(s) of property sold (e g , real estate, (b) How acquired (C) Date acquired (d) Date sold 2-story brick warehouse, or common stock, 200 shares MLC Company) P - Purchase (month, day, year) (month, day, year) D - Donation la, b c d e (e) Gross sales price (f) Depreciation allowed (g) Cost or other basis (h) Gain or (loss) (or allowable) plus expense of sale (e) plus (f) minus (g) a b c d e Complete only for assets showing gain in column (h) and owned by the foundation on 12/31/69 (I) Gains (Column (h) (i) Fair Market Value (j) Adjusted basis (k) Excess of column (i) gain minus column (k), but not less as of 12/31/69 as of 12/31/69 over column 0), if any than -0-) or Losses (from column (h)) a b c d e _ If gain, also enter in Part I, line 7 2 Capital gain net income or (net capital loss) If (loss), enter line -0- in Part I, 7 J 2 3 Net short-term capital gain or (loss) as defined in sections 1222(5) and (6) If gain, also enter in Part I, line 8, column (c) (see instructions) If (loss), enter -0- in Part I, line 8 3 JarAt V I Qualification Under Section 4940(e) for Reduced Tax on Net Investment Income (For optional use by domestic private foundations subject to the section 4940(a) tax on net investment income )

If section 4940(d)(2) applies, leave this part blank

Was the foundation liable for the section 4942 tax on the distributable amount of any year in the base period' Yes X] No If 'Yes,' the foundation does not qualify under section 4940 (e) Do not complete this part 1 Enter the a p pro p riate amount in each column for each year , see the instructions before making any entries (a) (b) (c) (d) Base period years Adjusted qualifying distributions Net value of Distribution ratio Calendar year (or tax year nonchantable - use assets (column (b) divided by column (c)) beginning in) 2010 4, 613, 666. 1, 043, 446. 4.421567 2009 4, 795, 655. 715, 674. 6.700893 2008 4,572 ,980. 493,865 . 9.259575 2007 8,522,471. 996,325. 8.553907 2006 7,951,066. 3,270,739. 2.430969

2 Total of line 1, column (d) 2 31.366911 3 Average distribution ratio for the 5-year base period - divide the total on line 2 by 5, or by the number of years the foundation has been in existence if less than 5 years 3 6.273382

4 Enter the net value of noncharitable-use assets for 2011 from Part X, line 5 4 219,505.

5 Multiply line 4 by line 3 5 1,377,039.

6 Enter 11% of net investment income (1 % of Part I, line 27b) 6 0.

7 Add lines 5 and 6 7 1, 377, 039.

8 Enter qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 8 4,287,854. If line 8 is equal to or greater than line 7, check the box in Part VI, line 1 b, and complete that part using a 11% tax rate See the Part VI instructions BAA Form 990-PF (2011)

TEEA0303 07/14/11 Form 990-PF (2011) Mustard Seed Foundation , Inc. 57- 0748914 Page 4 Part VI I Excise Tax Based on Investment Income (Section 4940(a), 4940(b), 4940(e), or 4948 - see i nstructions) 1 a Exempt operating foundations described in section 4940(d)(2), check here [] and enter 'N/A' on line 1 Date of ruling or determination letter (attach copy of letter if necessary - see instrs) b Domestic foundations that meet the section 4940(e) requirements in Part V, 1 0. check here 1` E and enter 11% of Part I, line 27b c All other domestic foundations enter 2% of line 27b Exempt foreign organizations enter 4% of Part I, line 12, column (b) _ 2 Tax under section 511 (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) 2 0. 3 Add lines 1 and 2 3 0. 4 Subtitle A (income) tax (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) 4 0. 5 Tax based on investment income . Subtract line 4 from line 3 If zero or less, enter -0- 5 0. 6 Credits/Payments a 2011 estimated tax pmts and 2010 overpayment credited to 2011 6a b Exempt foreign organizations - tax withheld at source 6b c Tax paid with application for extension of time to file (Form 8868) 6c 0. d Backup withholding erroneously withheld 6d 7 Total credits and payments Add lines 6a through 6d 7 0. 8 Enter any penalty for underpayment of estimated tax Check here if Form 2220 is attached 8 9 Tax due. If the total of lines 5 and 8 is more than line 7, enter amount owed ► 9 0. 10 Overpayment If line 7 is more than the total of lines 5 and 8, enter the amount overpaid 10 0. 11 Enter the amount of line 10 to be Credited to 2012 estimated tax I Refunded 11 Part VII-A Statements Reciardina Activities

1 a During the tax year, did the foundation attempt to influence any national, state, or local legislation or did it Yes No participate or intervene in any political campaign? la X b Did it spend more than $100 during the year (either directly or indirectly) for political purposes (see the instructions for definition)? lb X If the answer is 'Yes' to la or 1b, attach a detailed description of the activities and copies of any materials published or distributed by the foundation in connection with the activities c Did the foundation file Form 1120-POL for this year? 1c X d Enter the amount (if any) of tax on political expenditures (section 4955) imposed during the year (1) On the foundation $ (2) On foundation managers P. $ e Enter the reimbursement (if any) paid by the foundation during the year for political expenditure tax imposed on foundation managers $ 2 Has the foundation engaged in any activities that have not previously been reported to the IRS? 21 IX If 'Yes,' attach a detailed description of the activities

3 Has the foundation made any changes, not previously reported to the IRS, in its governing instrument, articles of incorporation, or bylaws, or other similar instruments? If 'Yes,' attach a conformed copy of the changes 3 X 4a Did the foundation have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year? 4a X b If 'Yes,' has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? 4b 5 Was there a liquidation, termination, dissolution, or substantial contraction during the year? 5 X If 'Yes,' attach the statement required by General Instruction T 6 Are the requirements of section 508(e) (relating to sections 4941 through 4945) satisfied either • By language in the governing instrument, or

• By state legislation that effectively amends the governing instrument so that no mandatory directions that conflict with the state law remain in the governing instrument? 6 X 7 Did the foundation have at least $5,000 in assets at any time during the year' If 'Yes,' complete Part 1l, column (c), and PartXV 7 X 8a Enter the states to which the foundation reports or with which it is registered (see instructions) VA - Virginia b If the answer is 'Yes' to line 7, has the foundation furnished a copy of Form 990-PF to the Attorney General (or designate) of each state as required by General Instruction G7 If 'No, 'attach explanation 8b X 9 Is the foundation claiming status as a private operating foundation within the meaning of section 4942(1)(3) or 49420)(5) for calendar year 2011 or the taxable year beginning in 2011 (see instructions for Part XIV)7 If 'Yes,' complete Part XIV 91 IX 10 Did any persons become substantial contributors during the tax year? If 'Yes,' attach a schedule listing their names -I -„I./....-.-...- BAA Form 990-PF (2011)

TEEA0304 07/14/11 Form 990-PF (2011) Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc. 57-0748914 Page 5 Part VII-A Statements Regardin g Activities ( continued) 11 At any time during the year, did the foundation, directly or indirectly , own a controlled entity within the meaning of section 512 (b)(13)" If 'Yes', attach schedule (see instructions) 11 X

12 Did the foundation make a distribution to a donor advised fund over which the foundation or a disqualified person had advisory privileges? If 'Yes,' attach statement (see instructions) 12 X 13 Did the foundation comply with the public inspection requirements for its annual returns and exemption application? 13 X Website address *,www. ms f do . orQ - _ _ _ _ ------14 The books are in care of ► The O rganization ______Telephone no ► (703 )524-524- 5 620 Located at ► _7115_ _ _ _Lees_ _ _burq_ Pike, _ # 304 Falls _ Church VA ZIP + 4 ► _22043______15 Section 4947 (a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form- -990- - PF in lieu of Form 1041- - Check- here IT and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year -115 Yes N o 16 At any time during calendar year 2011, did the foundation have an interest in or a signature or other authority over a bank , securities, or other financial account in a foreign country? 16 X See the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22 1 If 'Yes,' enter the name of the foreign country ► Part VII-B Statements Regardin g Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Req uired File Form 4720 if any item is checked in the 'Yes' column , unless an exception applies. Yes No 1 a During the year did the foundation (either directly or indirectly) (1) Engage in the sale or exchange , or leasing of property with a disqualified person? Yes No

(2) Borrow money from , lend money to, or otherwise extend credit to (or accept it from) a disqualified person? Yes X No (3) Furnish goods , services, or facilities to (or accept them from) a disqualified person? Yes X No (4) Pay compensation to, or pay or reimburse the expenses of, a disqualified person? X Yes No (5) Transfer any income or assets to a disqualified person (or make any of either available for the benefit or use of a disq ualified person)? Yes No

(6) Agree to pay money or property to a government official? (Exception . Check 'No' if the foundation agreed to make a grant to or to employ the official for a period after termination of governmen t service, i f termina t ing wi th in 90 d ays ) 11 Yes N o b If any answer is 'Yes' to la(1)-(6), did any of the acts fail to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53 4941 (d)-3 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see instructions)? 1 b X Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here c Did the foundation engage in a prior year in any of the acts described in 1a, other than excepted acts, - that were not corrected before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2011 " 1 c X

2 Taxes on failure to distribute income (section 4942) (does not apply for years the foundation was a private operating foundation defined in section 49420 )(3) or 4942(1)(5))

a At the end of tax year 2011, did the foundation have any undistributed income (lines 6d and 6e, Part XIII ) for tax year (s) beginning before 2011 7 [] Yes No If 'Yes,' list the years ► 20 , 20 , 20 , 20-- b Are there any years listed in 2a for which the foundation is not applying the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) (relating to incorrect valuation of assets) to the year's undistributed income? (If applying section 4942 (a)(2) to - all years listed, answer ' No' and attach statement - see instructions) 2b c If the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) are being applied to any of the years listed in 2a, list the years here 20 20 20 20

3a Did the foundation hold more than a 2% direct or indirect interest in any business enterprise a t any time d uring the year ? Yes X No b If 'Yes ,' did it have excess business holdings in 2011 as a result of (1) any purchase by the foundation or disqualified persons after May 26, 1969 , (2) the lapse of the 5-year period (or longer period approved by the Commissioner under section 4943 (c)(7)) to dispose of holdings acquired by gift or bequest, or (3) the lapse of the 10-, 15-, or 20 -year first phase holding period? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to determine if the foundation had excess business holdings in 2011) 3b

4a Did the foundation invest during the year any amount in a manner that would jeopardize its charitable purposes? 4a X

b Did the foundation make any investment in a prior year (but after December 31, 1969) that could jeopardize its charitable purpose that had not been removed from jeopardy before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2011" 4b X BAA Form 990-PF (2011)

TEEA0305 07114/11 Form 990-PF (2011) Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc. 57-0748914 Page 6 Part VII- 13 Statements Reg ardin g Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Req uired continued 5a During the year did the foundation pay or incur any amount to (1) Carry on propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence legislation (section 4945(e))7 Yes E] No (2) Influence the outcome of any specific public election (see section 4955), or to carry on, directly or indirectly, any voter registration drive? Yes X No (3) Provide a grant to an individual for travel, study, or other similar purposes? X Yes No (4) Provide a grant to an organization other than a charitable, etc, organization described in sect ion 509 (a)( 1 ), (2), or (3), or sec t ion 4940 (d)(2) ' (see instruc tions) Yes No (5) Provide for any purpose other than religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or ed ucationa l purposes, or for the preven tion of crue lty to c hi ld ren or anima l s ? Yes No b If any answer is 'Yes' to 5a(1)-(5), did any of the transactions fail to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53 4945 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see instructions)? 5b X Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here

c If the answer is 'Yes' to question 5a(4), does the foundation claim exemption from the tax because it maintained expenditure responsibility for the grant ? Yes No If 'Yes,' attach the statement required by Regulations section 53 4945-5(d)

6a Did the foundation, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract ? []Yes No b Did the foundation, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? 6b X If 'Yes' to 6b, file Form 8870 7a At any time during the tax year, was the foundation a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? Yes No b If 'Yes,' did the foundation receive any proceeds or have any net income attributable to the transaction? 7b Part VIII Information About Officers , Directors , Trustees , Foundation Managers , Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors 1 List all officers. directors . trustees. foundation manaaers and their compensation (see instructions)- (b) Title, and average (c) Compensation (d) Contributions to (e) Expense account, hours (a) Name and address per week (If not paid, enter -0-) employee benefit other allowances devoted to position plans and deferred com p ensation Eric D . Hornberger ______7115 Leesburg Pike, Suite 304 Exec Director Falls Church VA 22043 40.00 120,248. 8,412. 0. Lonni Jackson ------7115 Leesburg Pike, Suite 304 Exec Director Falls Church VA 22043 40.00 102,115. 27,433. 0. Dennis Bakke ------7115 Leesburg Pike, Suite 304 Co-Chair Falls Church VA 22014-3 1.00 0. 0. 0. See Information about Officers, Directors, Trustees, Etc

0. 0. 0. 2 Comnensation of five hinhest-paid emnlnveec (other than thnce included on line 1- cap inctrurtinncl If nnne enter'NANF' (a) Name and address of each employee (b) Title, and average (c) Compensation (d) Contributions to (e) Expense account, paid more than $50,000 hours per week employee benefit other allowances devoted to position plans and deferred com pensation Brian B. Bakke ------7115 Leesburg Pike, Suite 304 Reg Dir. Falls Church VA 22043 40.00 78,761. 22,271. 0. Scott Bakke ------7115 Leesburg Pike, Suite 304 Dir of IT Falls Church VA 22043 40.00 66,540. 20,288 . 0. 0 ------

0 ------


Total number of other employees paid over $50,000 0.1 4 DMM TEEA0306 12105/11 r orm yyo-Pr (zu I i Form 990-PF (2011) Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc. 57-0748914 Page 7 Part VIII Information About Officers , Directors , Trustees , Foundation Managers , Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors (continued) 3 Five highest- paid inde pendent contractors for professional services (see instructions). If none, enter ' NONE.' (a) Name and address of each person paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation None

Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for professional services 0.1 None Part IX-A Summary of Direct Charitable Activities

List the foundation 's four largest direct charitable activities during the tax year Include relevant statistical information such as the number of organizations and other beneficiaries served, conferences convened, research papers produced, etc Expenses 1 N/A ------. 2 ------

3 ------

4 ------

Part IX-B Summary of Program -Related Investments (see instructions)

Describe the two largest program-related investments made by the foundation during the tax year on lines 1 and 2 Amount 1 None ------. 2 ------

All other program-related investments See instructions 3 ------

Total . Add lines 1 through 3 None BAA Form 990-PF (2011)

TEEA0307 09/01/11 Form 990-PF (2011) Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc. 57-0748914 Page 8 ,'X Minimum Investment Return (All domestic foundations must complete this part. Foreign foundations, 'see instructions.)

1 Fair market value of assets not used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc, purposes -'w a Average monthly fair market value of securities 1 a 0. b Average of monthly cash balances 1 b 215,097. c Fair market value of all other assets (see instructions) 1 c 7,751. d Total (add lines 1a, b, and c) 1 d 222,848. e Reduction claimed for blockage or other factors reported on lines 1a and lc (attach detailed explanation) I 1 e 2 Acquisition indebtedness applicable to line 1 assets 2 3 Subtract line 2 from line Id 3 222,848. 4 Cash deemed held for charitable activities Enter 1-1/2% of line 3 (for greater amount, see instructions) 4 3, 343. 5 Net value of noncharitable- use assets. Subtract line 4 from line 3 Enter here and on Part V, line 4 5 219,505. 6 Minimum investment return . Enter 5% of line 5 6 10, 975. PWXI Distributable Amount (see instructions) (Section 4942(1)(3) and (j)(5) private operating foundations and certain forei g n org anizations check here ► and do not com p lete this art. 1 Minimum investment return from Part X, line 6 1 10, 975. 2a Tax on investment income for 2011 from Part VI, line 5 2a 0. `R - b Income tax for 2011 (This does not include the tax from Part VI) 2b c Add lines 2a and 2b 2c 0. 3 Distributable amount before adjustments Subtract line 2c from line 1 3 10, 975. 4 Recoveries of amounts treated as qualifying distributions 4 5 Add lines 3 and 4 5 10,975. 6 Deduction from distributable amount (see instructions) 6 7 Distributable amount as adjusted Subtract line 6 from line 5 Enter here and on Part XIII, line 1 7 10,975. ^Part_ (^XII Qualifying Distributions (see instructions)

1 Amounts paid (including administrative expenses) to accomplish charitable, etc, purposes a Expenses, contributions, gifts, etc - total from Part I, column (d), line 26 1 a 4,287,854. b Program-related investments - total from Part IX-13 1 b 0. 2 Amounts paid to acquire assets used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc, purposes 2 3 Amounts set aside for specific charitable projects that satisfy the a Suitability test (prior IRS approval required) 3a b Cash distribution test (attach the required schedule) 3b 4 Qualifying distributions . Add lines la through 3b Enter here and on Part V, line 8, and Part XIII, line 4 4 4,287,854. 5 Foundations that qualify under section 4940(e) for the reduced rate of tax on net investment income Enter 1 % of Part I, line 27b (see instructions) 5 0. 6 Adjusted qualifying distributions . Subtract line 5 from line 4 6 4,287, 854. Note. The amount on line 6 will be used in Part V, column (b), in subsequent years when calculating whether the foundation qualifies for the section 4940(e) reduction of tax in those years BAA Form 990-PF (2011)

TEEA0308 12/05/11 Form 990-PF (2011) Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc. 57-0748914 Page 9 Part XIII Undistributed Income (see instructions)

(a) (b) (c) (d) Corpus Years prior to 2010 2010 2011

1 Distributable amount for 2011 from Part XI, line 7 10,975. 2 Undistributed income, if any, as of the end of 2011 a Enter amount for 2010 only 0. b Total for prior years 20_, 20 _, 20 _ 3 Excess distributions carryover, if any, to 2011 a From 2006 0. bFrom2007 8,473,413. c From 2008 4,547, 968. dFrom2009 4,767,948. e From 2010 4,561, 494. f Total of lines 3a throug h e 22, 350, 823. 4 Qualifying distributions for 2011 from Part XII, line 4 ► $ 4,287,854. a Applied to 2010, but not more than line 2a b Applied to undistributed income of prior years (Election required - see instructions)

c Treated as distributions out of corpus (Election required - see instructions) d Applied to 2011 distributable amount 10,975. e Remaining amount distributed out of corpus 4,276,879. 5 Excess distributions carryover applied to 2011 (If an amount appears in column (d), the same amount must be shown In column (a) )

6 Enter the net total of each column as indicated below: a Corpus Add lines 3f, 4c, and 4e Subtract line 5 26, 627,702. b Prior years' undistributed income Subtract line 4b from line 2b 0. c Enter the amount of prior years' undistribut- ed income for which a notice of deficiency has been issued, or on which the section 4942(a) tax has been previously assessed

d Subtract line 6c from line 6b Taxable amount - see instructions 0. e Undistributed income for 2010 Subtract line 4a from line 2a Taxable amount - see instructions 0.

f Undistributed income for 2011 Subtract lines 4d and 5 from line 1 This amount must be distributed in 2012 0. 7 Amounts treated as distributions out of corpus to satisfy requirements imposed by section 170(b)(1)(F) or 4942(g)(3) (see instructions)

8 Excess distributions carryover from 2006 not applied on line 5 or line 7 (see instructions) 0. 9 Excess distributions carryover to 2012. Subtract lines 7 and 8 from line 6a 26, 627, 702. 10 Analysis of line 9 a Excess from 2007 8,473,413. b Excess from 2008 4,547, 968. c Excess from 2009 4,767, 948. d Excess from 2010 4,561,494. e Excess from 2011 4, 276, 879. BAA Form 990-PF (2011)

TEEA0309 07114/11 Form 990-PF (2011) Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc. 57-0748914 Page 10 Part XIV Private O peratin g Foundations (see instructions and Part VII-A, q uestion 9) N/A 1 a If the foundation has received a ruling or determination letter that it is a private operating foundation, and the ruling Js effective for 2011, enter the date of the ruling -1 b Check box to indicate whether the foundation is a private operating foundation described in section X 4942)(3) or -1 4942 )(5) 2a Enter the lesser of the adjusted net Tax year Prior 3 years income from Part I or the minimum investment return from Part X for (a) 2011 (b) 2010 (c) 2009 d 2008 a Total each year listed b 85% of line 2a c Qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 for each year listed d Amounts included in line 2c not used directly for active conduct of exempt activities e Qualifying distributions made directly for active conduct of exempt activities Subtract line 2d from line 2c 3 Complete 3a, b, or c for the alternative test relied upon a 'Assets' alternative test - enter (1) Value of all assets (2) Value of assets qualifying under section 49420)(3)(B)(i) b 'Endowment' alternative test - enter 2/3 of minimum investment return shown in Part X, line 6 for each year listed c 'Support' alternative test - enter (1) Total support other than gross investment income (interest, dividends, rents, payments on securities loans (section 512(a)(5)), or royalties)

(2) Support from general public and 5 or more exempt organizations as provided in section 4942(j)(3)(B)(m) (3) Largest amount of support from an exempt organization (4) Gross investment income Part XV Supplementary Information (Complete this part only if the organization had $5 ,000 or more in assets at any time during the year - see instructions.) 1 Information Regarding Foundation Managers: a List any managers of the foundation who have contributed more than 2% of the total contributions received by the foundation before the close of any tax year (but only if they have contributed more than $5,000) (See section 507(d)(2) ) Dennis Bakke

b List any managers of the foundation who own 10% or more of the stock of a corporation (or an equally large portion of the ownership of a partnership or other entity) of which the foundation has a 10% or greater interest N/A

2 Information Regarding Contribution , Grant, Gift, Loan , Scholarship , etc, Programs: Check here ► F] if the foundation only makes contributions to preselected charitable organizations and does not accept unsolicited requests for funds If the foundation makes gifts, grants, etc, (see instructions) to individuals or organizations under other conditions, complete items 2a, b, c, and d a The name, address, and telephone number of the person to whom applications should be addressed Eric Hornberger 7115 Leesburg Pike, Suite 304 Falls Church VA 22043 (703) 524-5620 b The form in which applications should be submitted and information and materials they should include See Attached Grant Application Guidelines.

c Any submission deadlines N/A

d Any restrictions or limitations on awards, such as by geographical areas, charitable fields, kinds of institutions, or other factors See Attached Grant Application Guidelines.

BAA TEEAo31o 07/14/11 Form 990-PF (2011) Form 990-PF (2011) Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc. 57-0748914 Page 11 Part X, Supplementary Information (continued) 3 Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment If recipient is an individual, Recipient show any relationship to Foundation status of Purpose of grant or any foundation manager or con tri but ion Amount Name and address (home or business) substantial contributor recipient a Paid during the year See Attached Schedule See attached N/A Various VA 22043 Various 4,280,527.

Total 3a 4,280,527. b Approved for future payment

Total I- 3 bl BAA TEEA0501 07/14/11 Form 990-PF (2011) Form 990-PF (2011) Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc. 57-0748914 Page 12 Part XVI-A Analysis of Income - Producing Activities

Entei gross amounts unless otherwise indicated Unrelated business income Excluded by section 512, 513, or 514 (e) (a) (b) (C) (d) Related or exempt Business Amount Exclu- Amount function income code Sion (See instructions) 1 rogram service revenue code a h c d e f Fees and contracts from government agencies 2 Membership dues and assessments 3 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 4 Dividends and interest from securities 5 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate a Debt-financed property h Not debt-financed property 6 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property 7 Other investment income 8 Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory 9 Net income or (loss) from special events 10 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory 11 Other revenue a t

e 12 Subtotal Add columns (b),, (d), and (e) Total . Add line 12, columns (b), (d), and (e) 13 (See worksheet in line 13 instructions to verify calculations ) Part XVI-B Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes

BAA TEEA0502 07/14/11 Form 990-PF (2011) Form 990-PF (2011) Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc. 57-0748914 Page 13 Part XVII Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable Exempt Organizations Yes No 1 Did the organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501 (c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations? a Transfers from the reporting foundation to a noncharitable exempt organization of (1) Cash a (1) X (2) Other assets 1 a (2) X b Other transactions (1) Sales of assets to a noncharitable exempt organization 1 b (1) X (2) Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt organization 1 b (2) X (3) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets 1 b (3) X (4) Reimbursement arrangements 1 b (4) X (5) Loans or loan guarantees 1 b (5) X (6) Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations 1 b (6) X c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees 1 C X

d If the answer to any of the above is 'Yes,' complete the following schedule Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the goods, other assets, or services given by the reporting foundation If the foundation received less than fair market value in any transaction or sharing arrangement, show in column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services received (a) Line no (b) Amount Involved (c) Name of noncharltable exempt organization (d) Description of transfers, transactions, and sharing arrangements

2a Is the foundation directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax - exempt organizations described in section 501 (c) of the Code (other than section 501 (c)(3)) or in section 527' F]Yes XX No b If 'Yes .' complete the followlnn schedule (a) Name of organization (b) Type of organization (c) Description of relationship

Under penalties o ury, I declare that I have examined th i s return, ' - ' correct , and plete Declaration of preparer (other than ta xpayer) Sign Here nature icer or trustee Date Printlrype prepare ' name Preparer's signature

Paid Jonathan L Nichols, CPA Mnathan L Preparer Firm's name ► HUEY & ASSOCIATES PC Use Only Firm'saddress 7101 WISCONSIN BETHESDA BAA Schedule B OMB No 1545-0047 (Form 990 , $90-EZ, or 990-PF) Schedule of Contributors

Department of the Treasury Attach to Form 990 , Form 990 - EZ, or Form 990-PF 2011 Internal Revenue Service Name of the organization Employer identification number Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc. 57-0748914 Organization type (check one) Filers of: Section: Form 990 or 990-EZ 501(c)( ) (enter number) organization 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust not treated as a private foundation 527 political organization

Form 990-PF X 501 (c)(3) exempt private foundation 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust treated as a private foundation 501 (c)(3) taxable private foundation

Check if your organization is covered by the General Rule or a Special Rule Note . Only a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization can check boxes for both the General Rule and a Special Rule See instructions

General Rule For an organization filing Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF that received, during the year, $5,000 or more (in money or property) from any one contributor (Complete Parts I and II )

Special Rules For a section 501(c)(3) organization filing Form 990 or 990-EZ that met the 33-1/3% support test of the regulations under sections 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi), and received from any one contributor, during the year, a contribution of the greater of (1) $5,000 or (2) 2% of the amount on (I) Form 990, Part VIII, line 1h or (ii) Form 990-EZ, line 1 Complete Parts I and II For a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization filing Form 990 or 990-EZ that received from any one contributor, during the year, total contributions of more than $1,000 for use exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes, or the prevention of cruelty to children or animals Complete Parts I, II, and III For a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization filing Form 990 or 990-EZ that received from any one contributor, during the year, contributions for use exclusively for religious, charitable, etc, purposes, but these contributions did not total to more than $1,000 If this box is checked, enter here the total contributions that were received during the year for an exclusively religious, charitable, etc, purpose Do not complete any of the parts unless the General Rule applies to this organization because it received nonexclusively religious, charitable, etc, contributions of $5,000 or more during the year I- $

Caution : An organization that is not covered by the General Rule and/or the Special Rules does not file Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) but it must answer 'No' on Part IV, line 2, of its Form 990, or check the box on line H of its Form 990-EZ or on Part I, line 2, of its Form 990-PF, to certify that it does not meet the filing requirements of Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) BAA For Pa perwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990, Schedule B (Form 990 , 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2011) 990EZ, or 990-PF.

TEEA0701 01/16/12 Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2011) Page 1 of 1 of Part 1 Name of organization Employer identification number Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc. 57-0748914

part I Contributors (see instructions) Use duplicate copies of Part I if additional space is needed

(a) (b) (c) (d) Number Name, address , and ZIP + 4 Total Type of contribution contributions

Dennis Bakke Person X ------Payroll 7115 Leesburg Pike,-Suite 304------$- -- 4,000 ,000_ Noncash

Falls Church VA 22043 i s ao ) ------noncash contribution (a) (b) (c) (d) Number Name, address , and ZIP + 4 Total Type of contribution contributions

2 Mark Miller Person X Payroll 350 Mt_ Jupiter -Drive SW ------$- -__--10,10, 000. Noncash (Complete Part II if there Issaquah ------WA- 98027---_- is anoncashcontribution )

(a) (b) (c) (d) Number Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Total Type of contribution contributions

Person ------Payroll $ Noncash (Complete Part II if there

_ - - is a noncash contribution ) ------(a) (b) (d) Number Name, address , and ZIP + 4 Type of contribution

Person Payroll Noncash (Complete Part II if there _ Is a noncash contribution ) ------(a) (b) (c) (d) Number Name, address , and ZIP + 4 Total Type of contribution contributions

Person ------Payroll $ Noncash (Complete Part II if there _ is a noncash contribution ) ------(a) (b) (c) (d) Number Name , address, and ZIP + 4 Total Type of contribution contributions

Person ------Payroll $ Noncash (Complete Part II if there is anoncashcontribution )

BAA TEE,0702 08/30/11 Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2011) OMB No 1545-0172 Form 4562 Depreciation and Amortization (Including Information on Listed Property) 201 1 Department of the Treasury Attachment Internal Revenue Service (99) ► See se parate instructions . ► Attach to y our tax return . Sequence No 179 Name (s) shown on return Identifying number Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc. 57-0748914 Business or activity to which this form relates Form 990-PF p a g e 1 Part I Election To Expense Certain Property Under Section 179 Note : If you have any listed property, complete Part V before you complete Part 1 Maximum amount (see instructions) 1 2 Total cost of section 179 property placed in service (see instructions) 2 3 Threshold cost of section 179 property before reduction in limitation (see instructions) 3 4 Reduction in limitation Subtract line 3 from line 2 If zero or less, enter -0- 4 5 Dollar limitation for tax year Subtract line 4 from line 1 If zero or less, enter -0- If married filing separately, see instructions 5 6 (a) Description of property (b) Cost (business use only) (C) Elected cost

7 Listed property Enter the amount from line 29 7 8 Total elected cost of section 179 property Add amounts in column (c), lines 6 and 7 8 9 Tentative deduction Enter the smaller of line 5 or line 8 9 10 Carryover of disallowed deduction from line 13 of your 2010 Form 4562 10 11 Business income limitation Enter the smaller of business income (not less than zero) or line 5 (see instrs) 11 12 Section 179 expense deduction Add lines 9 and 10, but do not enter more than line 11 12 13 Carryover of disallowed deduction to 2012 Add lines 9 and 10, less line 12 ► 13 Note : Do not use Part II or Part Ill below for listed property Instead, use Part V Part II S pecial De p reciation Allowance and Other De p reciation (Do not include listed property (See instructions 14 Special depreciation allowance for qualified property (other than listed property) placed in service during the tax year (see instructions) 14 15 Property subject to section 168(f)(1) election 15 16 Other depreciation (includin g ACRS) 16 Part III MACRS Depreciation (Do not include listed property) (See Instructions ) Section A 17 MACRS deductions for assets placed in service in tax years beginning before 2011 17 4,390. 18 If you are electing to group any assets placed in service during the tax year into one or more general asset accounts, check here ► Section B - Assets Placed in Service Durina 2011 Tax Year Ucinn the General Denreriatinn Svctem

(a) (b) Month and (C) Bas is for deprec iat ion (d) (e) (f] (g) Depreciation Classification of property year placed ( business/investment use Recovery per iod Convention Method deduction in service only - see instructions) 19a 3 -year property b5-year property 1,829. 5. 0 y rs MQ 200 DB 91. c 7-ear p roperty d 10-year property e 15-year property f 20 ear p ro perty 25 ear p ro perty 25 yrs S/L h Residential rental 27.5 rs MM S/L property 27.5 rs MM S/L i Nonresidential real 39 rs MM S/L property MM S/L Section C - Assets Placed in Service Durinn 2017 Tax Year ticinn the Alternative Denreriafinn Cvcfam 20a Class life S/L b 12-ear 12 yrs S/L c40-year 40 yrs MM S/L rare iv summa (See instructions ) 21 Listed property Enter amount from line 28 21 242. 22 Total Add amounts from line 12, lines 14 through 17, lines 19 and 20 in column (g), and line 21 Enter here and on the appropriate lines of your return Partnerships and S corporations - see instructions 22 4,723. 23 For assets shown above and placed in service during the current year, enter the portion of the basis attributable to section 263A costs 23 BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see separate instructions . FDIZ0812 05/20111 Form 4562 (2011) Form 4562 (2011) Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc. 57-0748914 Page 2 Part V Listed Property (Include automobiles, certain other vehicles, certain computers, and property used for entertainment, recreation, or amusement ) Note : For any vehicle for which you are using the standard mileage rate or deducting lease expense, complete only 24a, 24b, columns (a) through (c) of Section A, all of Section B, and Section C if applicable Section A - Depreciation and Other Information (Caution : See the instructions for limits for passenger automobiles ) 24a Do you have evidence to support the business/investment use claimed X Yes 11 No 1 24b If 'Yes,' is the evidence written? X Yes No (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (9) (h) (i) Type of property (list Date placed Business/ Basis for depreciation Elected investment Cost or Recovery Method/ Depreciation vehicles first) in service other basis (business/investment period Convention deduction section 179 use use only) cost percentage r 25 Special depreciation allowance for qualified listed property placed in service during the tax year and used more than 50% Ina q ualified business use (see instructions) __ 25

27 Property used 50% or less in a qualified business use

28 Add amounts in column (h), lines 25 through 27 Enter here and on line 21, page 1 28 242. 29 Add amounts in column (I), line 26 Enter here and on line 7, page 1 129 Section B - Information on Use of Vehicles Complete this section for vehicles used by a sole proprietor, partner, or other 'more than 5% owner,' or related person If you provided vehicles to your employees, first answer the questions in Section C to see if you meet an exception to completing this section for those vehicles (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 30 Total business/investment miles driven during the year (do not include Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2 Vehicle 3 Vehicle 4 Vehicle 5 Vehicle 6 commuting miles) 31 Total commuting miles driven during the year 32 Total other personal (noncommuting) miles driven 33 Total miles driven during the year Add lines 30 through 32 Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 34 Was the vehicle available for personal use during off-duty hours' 35 Was the vehicle used primarily by a more than 5% owner or related person? 36 Is another vehicle available for personal use? - T_ :::::F :T- T_ T7 Section C - Questions for Employers Who Provide Vehicles for Use by Their Employees Answer these questions to determine if you meet an exception to completing Section B for vehicles used by employees who are not more than 5% owners or related persons (see instructions) Yes No 37 Do you maintain a written policy statement that prohibits all personal use of vehicles, including commuting, by your employees?

38 Do you maintain a written policy statement that prohibits personal use of vehicles, except commuting, by your employees? See the instructions for vehicles used by corporate officers, directors, or 1 % or more owners 39 Do you treat all use of vehicles by employees as personal use?

40 Do you provide more than five vehicles to your employees, obtain information from your employees about the use of the vehicles, and retain the information received? 41 Do you meet the requirements concerning qualified automobile demonstration use? (See Instructions ) Note : If your ans wer to 37, 38, 39, 40, or 41 is 'Yes,' do not complete Section B for the covered vehicles Part VI I Amortization (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Description of costs Date amortization Amortizable Code Amortization Amortization begins amount section period or for this year percentage 42 Amortization of costs that beg ins during your 2011 tax year (see instructions)

43 Amortization of costs that began before your 2011 tax year 43 44 Total . Add amounts in column (f). See the instructions for where to report 44 FDIZ0812 05/20/11 Form 4562 (2011) Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc. 57-0748914

Form 990-PF, Page 1, Part I, Line 18 Line 18 Stmt

Taxes Rev/Exp Book Net Inv Inc Add Net Inc Charity Disb Payroll Taxes 30,015. Property Tax 1,233.

Total 31,248.

Form 990-PF, Page 1, Part I, Line 23 Line 23 Stmt

Other expenses Rev/Ex p Book Net Inv Inc Adj Net Inc Charity Disb Grant Program Expenses 2 07,370. Staff Development 15,808. Bank Fees 13,399. Insurance 1,578. Postage/mailing 1,393. Computer Main/services 21,086. Equipment Lease 1,813. Office expenses 4,748.

Total 267, 195.

Form 990-PF, Page 6, Part VIII, Line 1 Information about Officers, Directors , Trustees, Etc.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Name and address Title, and Compensation Contributions Expense average hours (If not paid , to employee account, other per week enter -0-) benefit plans allowances devoted to and deferred position compensation

Person Business Eileen Bakke 7115 Leesburg Pike, Suite 304 Co-Chair Falls Church VA 22043 1.00 0. 0. 0. Person X Business Elizabeth Bakke 7115 Leesburg Pike, Suite 304 Director Falls Church VA 22014-3 1.00 0. 0. 0. Person X Business Lowell Bakke 7115 Leesburg Pike, Suite 304 Director Falls Church VA 22043 1.00 0. 0. 0. Person X Business Margaret BAkke 7115 Leesburg Pike, Suite 304 Director Falls Church VA 22043 1.00 0. 0. 0. Person X Business L- Ray Bakke 7115 Leesburg Pike, Suite 304 Director Falls Church VA 22043 1.00 0. 0. 0. Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc 57-0748914 2

Form 990-PF, Page 6, Part VIII, Line 1 Continued Information about Officers , Directors , Trustees, Etc.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Name and address Title, and Compensation Contributions Expense average hours (If not paid, to employee account, other per week enter -0-) benefit plans allowances devoted to and deferred position compensation

Person FX Business 0 Woody Bakke 7115 Leesburg Pike , Suite 304 Director Falls Church VA 22043 1.00 0. 0. 0. Person X Business Cathy Harvey 7115 Leesburg Pike , Suite 304 Director Falls Church VA 22043 0.00 0. 0. 0. Person X Business W. Brantley Harvey 7115 Leesburg Pike , Suite 304 Director Falls Church VA 22043 0.00 0. 0. 0. Person X Business ^- Warren Harvey 7115 Leesburg Pike, Suite 304 Director Falls Church VA 22043 0.00 0. 0 0. Person [11-Business Carolyn March 7115 Leesburg Pike, Suite 304 Ili rcntnr Falls Church VA 22043 0. 0 0. Person X Business Jill Nauta 7115 Leesburg Pike, Suite 304 Director Falls Church VA 22043 0.00 0. 0. 0. Person X Business L- Margaret Thompson 7115 Leesburg Pike , Suite 304 Director Falls Church VA 22043 0.00 0. 0 0. Person X Business

Tota I

0. 0. 0.

Form 990-PF, Page 1, Part I Line 16b - Accounting Fees

Name of Type of Service Amount Net Adjusted Disbursements Provider Provided Paid Investment Net for Charitable Per Books Income Income Purposes

Huey & Associates , P tax consultation 2, 315. 0. 0. 0. Paychex, Inc. payroll services 3,635. 0. 0. 0. Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc 57-0748914 3

Form 990-PF, Page 1, Part I Continued Line 16b - Accounting Fees

Name of Type of Service Amount Net Adjusted Disbursements Provider Provided Paid Investment Net for Charitable Per Books Income Income Purposes

Total 5, 950. 0. 0. 0.

Form 990-PF, Line 19 Allocated Depreciation

Description Date Cost or Prior Yr. Mthd Life Current Net Adjustec Acquire Basis Depr Depr Invest Net Income Income

Powerbook G4 01/02/05 3900 3900 200DB 5.00 0 2 file cabinets 06/24/05 1730 1728 200DB 7.00 1 Apple iBook Notebook 01/30/06 1000 1000 200DB 5.00 0 Apple Mac Pro Desktop 09/06/06 2950 2632 200DB 5.00 318 Apple Mac Pro Desktop 09/30/06 2900 2599 200DB 5.00 301 Talkswitch Phone System 02/23/07 2763 2008 200DB 7.00 242 Konica Minolta copier 12/12/07 11130 8846 200DB 5.00 1218 Office furnishings 12/18/07 6010 3899 200DB 7.00 603 Computer 06/30/08 5475 3897 20ODB 5.00 631 Apple MacBook 15.4" LT 12/30/11 1829 200DB 5.00 91 Apple Macbook Notebook 01/15/09 1785 1142 200DB 5.00 257 HP PX3005X Printer 09/01/09 1076 559 200DB 5.00 207 '10 Apple Macbook Note 09/16/10 1164 111 200DB 5.00 421 '10 Apple Macbook Note 11/01/10 1160 77 200DB 5.00 433


Form 990-PF, Page 2, Part II, Line 14 L-14 Stmt

(a) (b) (c) Line 14b - Description of Cost/Other Accumulated Book Value Land , Buildings , and Equipment Basis Depreciation

Furniture & Fixtures 7,740. 6,231. 1,509. Office Equipment 37,132. 30,890. 6,242.

Total 44,872 . 37,121. 7,751. Mustard Seed Foundation, Inc. 57-0748914 4

Supporting Statement of:

Form 990-PF, pl/Line 23(a)-4

Description Amount

Travel insurance 787. Insurance, general 791.

Total 1,578.

Supporting Statement of:

Form 990-PF,pll/Line 3a, Amount-1

Description Amount

Grants listing attached 4,295,260. Less: Grants returned -14,733.

Total 4,280,527. 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Active and Alive Christian Mission 11/17/2011 $2,000.00 Match church support $4,000 for a church planting in Lagos, NIGERIA Jos - Nigeria. Option of additional award $2,000 match new church support Africa Outreach Ministries 10/23/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for Church leaders training Johannesburg,

African Christian Care Trust 4/21/2011 $3,500.00 Match church contribution $3,500 for a Pastors and Abuja, NIGERIA Church leaders training

African Christian Care Trust Organisation 6/9/2011 $2,000 00 Match church support $4,000 for a Church planting Abuja, NIGERIA at Abuja Central Business District. Option of additional second year award $2,000 (1:2) match new church only.

African Christian Care Trust Organization 11/17/2011 $1,500 00 Match church support $3,000 for an outreach Abuja, NIGERIA targeting street kids in Abuja. Option of additional award $1,500 match the church 1.3

Believers In Jesus Christ Ministry International 7/19/2011 $4,500 00 Match mother church contribution $4,500 for a Nairobi, KENYA planting in Kayole Nairobi Option of additional second and third year award $2,500 match new church 2:1 and $1,500 match new church.

Break Thru Harvest Church 8/17/2011 $2,000.00 Matching church contribution $2,000 (1.2) for a Pietermaritzburg, SOUTH AFRICA youth outreach through establishment of an internet cafe

Bulanga Worship Outreach Church 12/30/2011 $3,500 00 Match church support $3,500 for a church based Kampala, revolving loan fund

Eglise Francophone Ceca 20 Bunia 8/22/2011 $3,000 00 Match church contribution for a three day free Bunia, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO medical camp outreach.

Calvary African Ministries 11/23/2011 $3,000 00 Match church contribution $3,000 for church planting Kigali, RWANDA at Kinombe- Kigali Option of additional second and third year award $2,000 (1 1) and $1,000 (1 2) matching new church only

Charite Chretienne Pour Personnes en Detresse 6/1 /2011 $2,000.00 Match church support $3,000 (1.1.5) for a church plant at Adlidogorme suburb in Lome. Option of additional second year award $2,000 (1 2) Match new church only.

Children of God Fellowship Center SHG 5/4/2011 $3,500.00 Match church contribution $3,500 for a church based Kisumu, KENYA revolving loan fund.

Christian Covenant Church 4/26/2011 $3,000 00 Match church contribution $3,000 for a church Lilongwe, leaders training

Christian Mission Fellowship - Sinza 11 /12/2011 $2,000.00 Match church support $4,000 for a church-based Dares Salaam, TANZANIA economic empowerment Option of a second year award $2,000 (1.2) Christian Rural Evangelical Foundation Ministries 5/2/2011 $4,000.00 Match church contribution $4,000 for a church UGANDA leaders training program.

Methodist Church of SA Somerset West Society 11 /8/2011 $10,000 00 Match church support $10,000 to establish Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA counselling centre for outreach Option of a second year award $5,000 matching church support 1 3.

Crossroads Church 3/3/2011 $4,000.00 Matching church support $4,000 for church planting Blantyre, MALAWI in Blantyre. Option of a second year award $3000 (1:2) and a third year award $1,500 (1:5).

1 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Crusaders For Christ Ministries 9/27/2011 $3,000 00 Match mother church support $4,000 (1.1).Option of Nairobi, KENYA a second year award $3,000 match new church 1:1, and a third year award $2,000 match new church 1.2.

Emmaus Christian Mission 12/21/2011 $3,000 00 Match church support $3000 for a church planting Kigali, RWANDA project in Bukavu. Option of additional award $1500 match new church only (1.4)

Fountain of Hope Mercy SHG 1/5/2011 $3,000.00 Matching church support $3,000 for a revolving loan Nairobi, KENYA fund among people living with HIV.

Global Gospel Ministries 9/28/2011 $2,000.00 Match church support $4,000 (1.1) for an outreach Nairobi, KENYA through provision of water Option of additional second year award $2,000 (1:2).

God's Preparatory Ministry Inc. 1/20/2011 $2,000 00 Three-year grant ($4,500, $3,000, $2,000) matching Lagos, NIGERIA church support (1:1, 1:1, 1:2 daughter) for new church plant in Orile-igamu, Lagos

God's Preparatory Ministry Inc. 7/15/2011 $2,000.00 Match church support $4,000 (1 2 mother) for a Lagos, NIGERIA church plant in Victoria Island - Lagos Option of additional awards of $2,000 and $1,000 (1 1 daughter and 1.3 daughter)

Grace Church 6/2/2011 $2,500 00 Match church support $2,500 for a church based Kampala, UGANDA revolving loan fund.

Hands of Christ Church 6/2/2011 $1,000.00 Match church support $2,000 (1.2) for a Kampala, UGANDA church-based revolving loan fund program. Option of additional award of $1,000 (1 3)

Hope of Glory Church 10/23/2011 $2,000.00 Match church support $2,000 for a church based Kampala, UGANDA revolving loan fund.Option of an additional $2,000 in the second year

Immanuel Deaf Youth Project 3/21/2011 $2,000.00 Match church support for an outreach project to Nairobi, KENYA reach deaf youth for Christ

Integrity for Excellence Ministries 4/26/2011 $5,000.00 Match church support for a city wide church leaders Nairobi, KENYA consultation summit

Jehovah EI-Shaddai Ministries 7/15/2011 $2,000 00 Match church support (2:1) for a church leaders' Nairobi, KENYA training and equipping program

Jesus Centered Church 12/15/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support $3,000 for ministry leaders Kampala, UGANDA discipleship program

Jesus Centred Church 4/26/2011 $2,500.00 Match church support up to $2,500 for a church Nairobi, KENYA based revolving loan fund. Option of an additional award of $1,000

Perfection Church and Ministry-Kajele 9/24/2011 $2,000 00 Match church contribution $2,000 (1.2) for a church Mbale, UGANDA based revolving loan fund Kayole Friends Church 6/2/2011 $2,500.00 Match church support $2,000 to establish a Nairobi, KENYA church-based revolving loan fund Option of an additional award $2,500.

Kibera Interdenominational Fellowship 11 /19/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for a church leaders training Nairobi, KENYA Liberty Family Chapel 1/30/2011 $4,000.00 Matching church support $4,000 for an outreach to Accra, GHANA secondary schools in Accra Option of an additional award $2,000 matching church support 1 2.

2 201 1 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Liberty Family Chapel 4/6/2011 $2,500.00 Match church support $4,000 (1:1) for empowerment Accra, GHANA of poorer church members through a revolving loan fund for beads making business Option of a second year award $2,500 match church support (12).

Liberty Family Chapel 6/19/2011 $2,000 00 Match church support $2,000 for a church based Accra, GHANA revolving loan fund.Option of an additional award $3,000.

Liberty Family Chapel 12/21/2011 $4,000 00 Match church support $4,000 for a soccer outreach Accra, GHANA event Liberty Victory Centre 5/26/2011 $4,000.00 Match church support $4,000 for a church based Accra, GHANA economic empowerment project.Option of additional second year award $2,000 (1.2)

Life Transformation Limited 7/8/2011 $1,50000 Match church contribution $1,500 for church Lusaka, ZAMBIA planting.

Ligpunt 12/30/2011 $5,000.00 Match church support $5,000 for a practical church Pretoria, 0157, SOUTH AFRICA based apprentice training program Option of a second year award $5,000 matching church support 1:3.

Mission Shalom International 4/21/2011 $5,000.00 Match church for a christian school expansion. Dakar, SENEGAL

Mission Shalom International 9/26/2011 $4,000 00 Match church support $4,000 for church planting in Dakar, SENEGAL M'bour. Option of additional award $2,000 matching the new church 1.2.

Monte Vista Presbyterian Church 11/4/2011 $12,000.00 Match church support up to $12,000 for "The Vine" Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA church plant in Burgandy Estates Option of an additional award of $6,000 matching church plant

Oasis of Shekinah Centre 11 /25/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for a soccer outreach Nairobi, KENYA tournament

Pentecostal Outreach Centre 3/1/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support $4,000 for a church revolving Nairobi, KENYA loan project Option of additional second year award $3,000

Pentecostal Outreach Center 4/21/2011 $3,000 00 Match church contribution $3,000 for an Easter Nairobi, KENYA weekend outreach tournament.

Pentecostal Outreach Centre 7/19/2011 $2,000.00 Match church contribution for a couples retreat Nairobi, KENYA program

Pentecostal Outreach Centre 12/21/2011 $3,500 00 Match church support $3,500 for a free medical Nairobi, KENYA outreach camp

Rehema Daycare & Orphans Center 3/1 /2011 $2,000 00 Match church support up to $3,500 to establish a Nairobi, KENYA church-based revolving loan fund. Option of additional year award of $2,000

Skills For Living Ministries 11/23/2011 $4,000 00 Match church support $4,000 for a church planting Siaya, KENYA project in Kisumu Option of additional award $3,000 and $2,000 (1.3 daughter and 1.2 daughter)

St John's Parish Wynberg 3/30/2011 $4,000 00 Match church support 1 2 for $6,000 to plant a Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA daughter church at the Sweet Home Farm in Cape Town. Option of an additional award $4,000 matching the new church 21. Streams of Life Church 1/21/2011 $1,500.00 Match church support 1:3 for $3,000 to plant a Kampala, UGANDA daughter church in Juba -Sudan. Option of additional award of $1,500 match the new church only 2:1

3 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary The Love Trust 12/2/2011 $8,000.00 Match church support 1,3 for $8,000 to establish an Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA evangelistic outreach using a church-based preschool. Option of two additional awards ($6,000, $4,000) matching church (1 -5, 1 10)

This Is Your Time Ministry 2/8/2011 $2,000.00 Match church support $3,000 for a church-based Nairobi, KENYA revolving loan fund Option of an additional $2,000 in the second year match church support 1 2.

Tumaini Community Church 8/20/2011 $2,000 00 Match church contribution $2,000 for a church based Mombasa, KENYA revolving loan fund Option of a second year award $2,000.

Uniting Care and Welfare Foundation,UCWF 5/5/2011 $2,500.00 Match church contribution $2500 for a church based Nairobi, KENYA revolving loan fund. Option of a second year award $2,500 (1.2) Uniting Care and Welfare Foundation,UCWF 6/6/2011 $2,000 00 Match church support $3,500 (1.1) for a program to Nairobi, KENYA financially empower former muslims Option of additional second year award $2,000 (1.1)

Uniting Care and Welfare Foundation,UCWF 12/21/2011 $4,000 00 Three-year grant ($2,000, $3,000, $4,000) match Nairobi, KENYA church contribution (1.1.5, 1.1, 1.1) for a revolving loan fund initiative

Stowarzyszenie Aktywnych Spoleczno Kulturalnie 10/18/2011 $4,000 00 Match church support up to $8,000 for children' s Abba outreach programs Option of additional award Warsaw, POLAND ($4,000) matching church support 1.3

Evangelical Christian Church Almaz in Podil area 10/3/2011 $2,500.00 Match church support for $5,000 to establish local Kiev, Bible school with mentoring program. Option of additional award ($4,000) matching church support (1.3)

Apostolska cirkev na Slovensku zbor v Poprade 3/1 /2011 $10,000.00 Match churches support for planting a new Gypsy Poprad, church in Krompachy up to $10,000 Optional two year awards up to $7,500 and $5,000 matching daugther church support at 1 1 and 12.

CHIESA COPTA EVANGELICA DI MILANO ITALIA 1/7/2011 $30,000 00 Match church support for $30,000 for an arabic Milan, church plant. Option of two additional awards ($20,000, $10,000) matching church plant (1.2, 1 5).

Associazione Intercambio Italia 9/7/2011 $2,000.00 Match church support for the establishment of a Roma, ITALY youth center

Bratska jednota baptistov cirkevny zbor Palisady 8/12/2011 $6,000 00 Match church support up to $12,000 to develope Bratislava, SLOVAKIA youth community ministry to reach teenegers in Bratislava. Optional for additional awards of $9,000 $6,000 matching local church support

Baptist International Mision Agency 6/22/2011 $10,000 00 Match church support up to $10,000 to plant new Flowery Branch, GA church planting in October district. Option of two additional awards ($7,500, $5,000) matching church support (1:2, 1:3).

Baptist International Mission Agency 11/10/2011 $8,400 00 Outreach project Flowery Branch, GA

Baptist International Mission Agency Inc. 11/10/2011 $7,000.00 Outreach project Flowery Branch, GA

Rigas Misiones Baptistu Draudze 8/1/2011 $8,000.00 Match church support for $ 8,000 to create youth Riga, sport and music oureach programs Option of two additional awards up to ($6,000, $4,000) matching church support (1.2, 1.3).

4 201 1 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Rigas baptistu Seminara draudze 12/27/2011 $6,000.00 Match church support for $6,000 to start youth Riga, LATVIA music outreach programs. Option of additional award ($4,000) matching church support at 1.2 ratio.

Comunidad Cristiana la Vina Ciudad Condal 8/22/2011 $5,000.00 Match church support for $12,000 to enable Martin Barcelona, and and Margarita Jasper work part-time as pastors of new church Option of two additional awards ($7,000, $5,000) matching church support.

Barcelona Ciutat Nova 6/8/2011 $20,000.00 Match church support up to $20,000 to establish a Barcelona, SPAIN new church plant in Barcelona. Option of two additional awards ($15,000, $10,000).

Bergenskirken 3/3/2011 $20,000.00 Match church support ($20,000) for a new church in Bergen, NORWAY the city center. Option of two additional awards ($10,000, $5,000) matching church plant (1.3, 1.8)

Bergenskirken 3/3/2011 $12,00000 Match church support ($12,000) for a new church in Bergen, NORWAY the Knarvik/Meland Community. Option of two additional awards $8,000, $4,000) matching church plant.

Betanijas baptistu draudze 9/9/2011 $6,000.00 Match church support up to $8,000 for development Riga, LATVIA of outreach programs for children and teens, with optional two year awards up to $6,000 and $4,000 matching church support 1:2, 1:3.

Bible Mission International, Inc 8/8/2011 $6,000 00 Outreach project Wichita, KS

Hristianski Centar Prelom 1/26/2011 $10,000.00 Match church support up to $10,000 to develope Sofia, support programs for single parents and families in crises. Optional two year awards up to $7,500 and $5,000 matching church support (1.1.5 and 1 3)

Cirkev bratrska 12/28/2011 $8,000.00 Match church support for $8,000 to start Royal Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC Rangers children outreach ministry Option of additional awards ($5,000) matching church support at 1:2 ratio

Cirkev bratrska 12/28/2011 $6,000 00 Match church support for $6,000 to start a youth Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC outreach ministry. Option of two additional awards up to $4,000 and $2,000 matching church support at 1:2, and 1:5 ratio.

Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Spolecznych 11/1/2011 $10,000.00 Match church support for $10,000 to establish a new Odpowiedzialni student fellowhip at campus. Option of two additional Warsaw, POLAND awards ($8,000, $6,000) matching church (1.1.5) (1.1.5 doughter).

Centrum bez hranic o p s 12/12/2011 $7,000.00 Match church support for $7,000 for developing Trebic, CZECH REPUBLIC youth outreach programs Option of two additional awards ($5,000, $3,000), matching church support (1.2, 1.4)

Bureau aide implantation d'eglises ASBL 7/25/2011 $2,945 00 Three-year grant ($7,000, $5,000, $3,500) matching Vilvoorde, church support (1 1, 1.3, 1.6) to run a cultural center in Brussels

Spolocenstvo krestanov Christiana 2/1/2011 $8,000.00 Match church support for $10,000 to develope Bratislava, SLOVAKIA child-care daily program in the city of Bratislava, Slovakia. Option of two additional awards ($8,000 and $5,000) matching church support 201 1 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Krestanske zdruzenie Slovo Zivota 6/21/2011 $5,000.00 Match church support up to $10,000 for developing Bratislava - Modra, SLOVAKIA children puppet ministry and outreaches Optional award up to $5,000 matching church support

CHIESA CRISTIANA EVANGELICA 1/14/2011 $7,000.00 Match church support for $10,000 to help a church Rome, ITALY hire a bi-vocational pastor Option of two additional awards ($7,000, $4,000) matching church support (1:2, 1.4).

Zendingsgemeente Oase voor Nieuw West 6/9/2011 $14,000 00 Match church support for $14,000 for a plant of Amsterdam, multicultural church called "Oasis." Option of an additional award of $7,000 matching the new congregation.

Chrzescijanski Kosciol Reformacyjny Kosciol 8/18/2011 $9,500 00 Match church support for $9,500 for youth outreach Lokalny w Warszawie through prevention programs and hip-hop music Warsaw, POLAND Option of two additional awards up to ($6,000, $3,000) matching church support (1.2, 1,5)

FeG Kirche fur Potsdam 9/20/2011 $7,000.00 Match church support for $10,000 to establish a new Potsdam, church Option of two addditional awards ($7,000 and $4,000).

Misioni COG 12/12/2011 $5,000.00 Match church support for $5,000 to help with Tirana, ALBANIA development of local church Bible school Additional two optional awards ($4,000, $3,000) matching church support

Church of the Ascension, Parochial Church 7/7/2011 $12,000.00 Match church support to hire a youth worker to Council, Balham Hill expand outreach in community London, UNITED KINGDOM

Jugendkirche Choy Althengstett 1/5/2011 $10,000.00 Match church support for the expansion of youth Althengstett, GERMANY program Community Church Harlesdon 12/9/2011 $5,000 00 Match church support up to $16,000 for an London, UNITED KINGDOM evangelistic outreach to refugee youth. Option of two additional awards ($8,000, $5,000) matching church support

Kobenhavns Frimenighed 7/11/2011 $15,00000 Match church support up to $20,000 to establish a Karlslunde, DENMARK daughter church Option of two additional awards ($15,000 and $10,000) matching daughter church.

Cross Pointe Church 3/22/2011 $6,000.00 Match church support up to $10,000 for a new Austin, TX church plant in Kiev, Ukraine Optional award of $6,000 (1:2)

Elimforsamlingen i Stockholm 4/1/2011 $5,600 00 Match church support for $11,000 to establish an Stockholm, SWEDEN outreach with street youth in central Stockholm Option of second year grant (also $11,000) matching partner churches 1.2 Eglise Protestante Evangelique de Telegraphe 3/10/2011 $2,500 00 Match church support up to $5,000 to start a literacy Paris, program for Muslim women in Paris. Optional second year grant of an additional $2,500 to match church support 1.2.

Faith Covenant Church 1/11/2011 $7,500.00 Match church support up to $10,000 to establish a Lexington, KY new rehab program for women Optional for additional amount of $7,500 and $5,000 matching church support

6 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Eglise Foi Esperance et Amour 3/24/2011 $5,000 00 Match church support for $10,000 to enable a Paris, FRANCE pastoral intern to disciple new believers in Paris Option of an additional award of $5,000 matching church support 1.2.

Athens Greek Evangelical Church 7/1 /2011 $10,000 00 Match church support (new congregation only) 2:1 Athens, for a new church plant in the Exarcheia neighborhood. Option of two additional awards ($9,000, $5,000) matching new congregation (1.2, 1.8).

First Greek Evangelical Church 12/31/2011 $4,000.00 Match church support (new congregation only) 2.1 Athens, GREECE for a new church plant in the Exarcheia neighborhood. Option of two additional awards ($9,000, $5,000) matching new congregation (1.2, 1.8).

France Mission 2/9/2011 $4,000.00 Three-year grant ($8,000, $6,000, $4,000) matching Paris, FRANCE church support (1.1, 11 new, 1.2 new) to start a church of cell groups outside of Paris

Freie Chnstengemeinde 12/12/2011 $5,500.00 Match church support for $5,500 for developing all Vienna, AUSTRIA year teen outreach programs. Option of two additional awards ($4,000, $3,000) mathing church support (1 •2, 1.3)

Gazdagreti Reformatus Egyhazkozseg 8/18/2011 $5,000.00 Match church support for $5,000 for a new minister Budapest, HUNGARY to develop counseling and mentoring programs. Option of two additional awards up to (3,000) matching church support (12).

The General Council of the Assemblies of God 11 /23/2011 $7,500 00 Outreach project Springfield, MO

Iglesia Evangelica de la gracia en Barcelona 4/20/2011 $2,500 00 Match church support for an outreach consiting of Barcelona, SPAIN public music events and conferences

Helier Chapel 7/6/2011 $6,000 00 Match church support for a church re-plant in the Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM Helier neighborhood of Birmingham. Option of one additional award ($6,000) matching church support.

International Christian Fellowship Praha o s 12/28/2011 $8,000.00 Match church support $8,000 for developing teen Prague - Ricany, CZECH REPUBLIC outreach programs Otpion of additional award of $4,000 matching church support at 1.3.

ICF St. Gallen 3/3/2011 $10,000.00 Match church support ($10,000) for spontanious new St. Gallen, SWAZILAND church plant Option of two additional awards ($7,500, $5,000) matching church support (1,2, 1 4)

Jesus Centre 2/15/2011 $7,500 00 Match church support for a new church plant in the Copenhagen, DENMARK city center.

FeG Kreuzberg i Gr 4/29/2011 $15,00000 Match church support for $20,000 to establish a new Berlin, GERMANY church reaching the arts community Option of two additional awards ($15,000, $10,000) matching church plant (1.1, 1.3)

LOGOS 10/5/2011 $1,014 00 Match church support to start a Christian mediical Koncycenskoe, UKRAINE clinic within an Orthodox parish in Ukraine

LOGOS 11/28/2011 $81250 Match church support to start a Christian mediical Koncycenskoe, UKRAINE clinic within an Orthodox parish in Ukraine

7 201 1 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Su mm a ry Teljes Evangelium Kereszteny Kozosseg 9/12/2011 $6,500.00 Match local chruch support up to $6,500 to develop Mahanaim Gyulekezet ministry to prisoners and their families. Option of two Budapest, HUNGARY additional awards up to ($4,500, $3,000) (1.2, 1.3). Mission of Compassion 10/24/2011 $12,000.00 Match church support up to $12,000 (1:2) for a new Tulsa, OK church plant. Mission Salvation Foundation 9/23/2011 $5,000 00 Match church support up to $5,000 for seminars of Sofia, BULGARIA Workable principles of God in personal finances and counseling programs Oprional award of up to $2,500 at 1,3 ratio.

Sbor Jednoty bratske v Liberci 5/16/2011 $7,500.00 Match church support up to $10,000 to develop Liberec, CZECH REPUBLIC youth outreach programs in Liberec, Czech Republic Optional awards up to $7,500 (1.1.5) and $4,000 (1:3).

Rita Zvaigzne Kristiga Draudze 6/20/2011 $6,500 00 Match church support up to $6,500 for formation of Riga, LATVIA youth choir and music band outreach program. Option two additional awards ($4,500, $2,500) matching church support (1:2, 1,4)

Igreja Batista do Morumbi 4/1 /2011 $8,000 00 Match church support (parent church) up to $10,000 Sao Paulo, BRAZIL to establish a daughter church in San Lorenzo, Rome. Option of two additional awards ($8,000, $4,000) matching the daughter church (1.1, 1:5).

ICONE DE LA MERE DE DIEU DE KAZAN 10/27/2011 $5,000.00 Match church support to create Christian Common Marseille, FRANCE Heritage Center to encourage Christian pilgrimages for Orthodox and Catholics in France

Eglise Protestante Baptiste de Noisy-le-Grand 6/8/2011 $1,300.00 Three-year grant ($2,600, $2,000, $1,300) matching Noisy-le-Grand, FRANCE church support (1 .1, 1.1 5, 1.3) to start an outreach ministry in a suburb of Paris

Stichting Vrienden van de Noorderkerk to 6/7/2011 $5,000 00 Match church support up to $5,000 for the hiring of Amsterdam an apprentice to work with a senior church planting Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS pastor Option of an additional award up to $2,500 ora international 2/15/2011 $15,000.00 Match mother church support for $15,000 to Bern, SWITZERLAND establish a new church in the Friedrichshain neighborhood of Berlin Option of one additional award ($7,500) matching the daughter church (1.2).

Kosciol Zielonoswiatkowy zbor w Koscierzynie 9/15/2011 $4,000 00 Match church support up to $5,000 to establish Koscierzyna, POLAND mission learning program. Option of additional award ($4,000) matching church support

Zbor na Zaciszu w Warszawie 6/20/2011 $9,000.00 Match church support up to $12,000 for a new Warsaw, POLAND church in Zacisze district of Warsaw. Optional awards of $9,000 and $6,000 (1 1 5 and 1.3 new church support)

Prison Fellowship International Europe 8/30/2011 $4,000 00 Match church support up to $6,000 for prison Vevey, SWITZERLAND reconciliation ministry Optional award up to $4,000 matching church support 1.2.

Eglise Protestante Evangelique d'Ozoir La Fernere 2/15/2011 $5,000 00 Three-year grant ($15,000, $10,000, $5,000) Ozoir-la-Ferriere, FRANCE matching church support (1:1, 1.3, 17) to hire a youth pastor in a suburb of Paris

Shoqata Klsha Rreze Drite Tirane 11/2/2011 $9,000 00 Match church support for $9,000 to plant a new Tirane, ALBANIA church at Airfield district. Option of two additional awards ($6,000, $3,000) matching church support (1.2), (1.3 daugther) 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Religiina Gromada Prymyrennya 5/25/2011 $9,000 00 Match church support up to $12,000 for a new Kiev, UKRAINE church plant in Academic part of Kiev. Optional two year awards up to $9,000 and $6,000 (1:1.5 and 1.3) matching ratios

Jozsefvarosi Reformatus Egyhazkozseg 10/3/2011 $7,000.00 Match church support up to $10,500 for new church Budapest, HUNGARY plant in Budapest Option of two additional awards ($7,000 and $5,000) matching new church support (1.1, 1:3)

Riverside International Church 9/2/2011 $3,000 00 Match mother church support for $8,000 to establish Cascais, PORTUGAL a Portuguese-speaking congregation Option of two additional awards ($5,000 $3,000) matching daughter church

ROMA CITY CHURCH 5/20/2011 $4,500 00 Match church support for two street evangelism Rome, ITALY outreach initiatives

ROOI Center Sodeystvie 3/23/2011 $6,000 00 Match church support up to $8,500 developing youth Moscow, RUSSIA club outreach programs in Moscow Optional for additional awards of $6,000 and $3,000 matching church support (1:2, 1:5).

ROOI Center Sodeystvie 3/23/2011 $8,000.00 Match church support up to $12,000 for youth Moscow, RUSSIA outreach through English language programs in Moscow Optional awards of $8,000 (1:1.5) and $6,000 (1:2).

CHIESA CRISTIANA 9/20/2011 $8,500 00 Match church support for $8,500 to plant daughter EVANGELICA FONTE DI VITA ETERNA church in Ostia (Port of Rome) Option of an Ostia Lido, ITALY additional award of $4,500 to match daughter church

St Ann's Church, South Tottenham 11/23/2011 $5,000.00 Match church support for $7,000 to hire a youth London, UNITED KINGDOM worker. Option of two additional awards ($5,000, $3,000) matching church support (1.2, 1.4)

St. Paul's Shadwell 9/2/2011 $15,000 00 Match church support up to $15,000 for replant at London, UNITED KINGDOM "All Hallows Bow" Anglican Church. Optional additional award in year two of up to $10,000 matching All Hallows Bow congregation

St. Paul's Shadwell 9/2/2011 $15,000 00 Match church support up to $15,000 for a replant in London, UNITED KINGDOM St, Peter's Bethnal Green. Option of an additional award of up to $10,000 matching St Peter's Bethnal Green congregation

ASBL Le Harve 2/9/2011 $1,650.00 Three-year grant ($12,000, $9,000, $6,000) Brussels, BELGIUM matching church support (11 all and 2:1 Laken, 1:1 Laken, 1.2 Laken) to start a community/welcome center in the Marolles neighborhood

The Well 4/29/2011 $6,400 00 Three-year grant ($16,000, $12,000, $8,000) Brussels, BELGIUM matching church support to start a ministry to Muslims in Brussels

Tooting Junction Baptist Church 7/6/2011 $5,000 00 Match church support for an evangelistic Summer London, UNITED KINGDOM Sports Festival

Local religious organization Church of the 6/23/2011 $10,000.00 Match church support ($10,000) to establish Christians of Evangelical Faith Fakel Spaseniya outreach and rehab programs for drug and alcohol Moscow, RUSSIA addicts Option pf two additional awards ($7,500, $5,000) matching church support (1.1, 1.3)

9 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Local religious organization Church of the 8/2/2011 $8,800.00 Match church support for $8,800 to start outreach Christians of Evangelical Faith Fakel Spaseniya programs for young couples and families. Option of Moscow, RUSSIA an additional award ($5,000) matching church support (1:2). Ukrainian Center for Christian Cooperation 9/22/2011 $6,000.00 Match church support for $8,000 to establish youth Kiev, UKRAINE club programs and outreaches Option of additional awards ($6,000 and $4,000) matching church support (1.2, 1.3)

Vienna Christian Center 12/28/2011 $15,000 00 Match church support of $15,000 to establish Vienna, AUSTRIA Christian outreach preschool ministry, focusing on music and arts Option of additional award of $8,000 matching church support 1.3 ratio

Vineyard Dresden eV 4/19/2011 $15,000.00 Match church support for $15,000 for a church plant Dresden, GERMANY out of a children's daycare center Option of an additional award of $7,500 matching daughter church only.

Vintage Community Church 6/8/2011 $15,000.00 Match church support for $15,000 to hire a pastor. Bristol, UNITED KINGDOM Option of two additional awards ($10,000, $5,000) matching church support.

Way to Life church 9/9/2011 $3,000 00 Match church support up to $4,000 for youth Kiev, UKRAINE outreach programs. Optional two year awards up to $3,000 and $2,000 at matching ratios (1.1 5 and 1:3).

WE-GO Mission Coalition 6/8/2011 $10,000 00 Match church support for $10,000 to plant a new Van Buren, ARKANSAS church Option of two additional awards ($7,500, $5,000) matching church support (1 2, 1.3).

Zion Christian Church 8/22/2011 $5,000 00 Match church support up to $8,000 to develop Veliko Turnovo, BULGARIA children' s oureach programs Option of two aditional awards ($5,000 and $3,000) matching church support (1 2, 1:4).

Stowarzyszenie aktywni dla Stegien 9/15/2011 $4,000.00 Match church support for $8,000 for youth Warsaw, POLAND community outreaches in Warsaw - Stegny Optional for additional awards of $6,000 and $4,000 matching church support.

Hristianska Carkva Sion Sofia 4/27/2011 $6,000.00 Match church support up to $8,000 to plant a new Sofia, BULGARIA Gypsy church in Moderno Predgorie. Optional awards of $6,000 and $4,000 (1.2, 1.1 5 daughter church)

Diocese Do Recife 12/12/2011 $7,500.00 Match church support 1 1 for $15,000 to establish a Rio de Jainero, BRAZIL new church in the Itaipu area of Rio Option of an additional award of $7,500 matching daughter church support 1.3

Igreja Presbiteriana Betania 11/10/2011 $20,000.00 Match mother church 1.1 up to $20,000 for the cost Niteroi, BRAZIL of planting a new church in the Vargem Grande neighborhood of Rio. Optional additional second year of funding up to $10,000 matched by daughter church (1.5)

10 201 1 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Iglesia Cristiana Confraternidad Unicentro 5/23/2011 $18,000.00 Match mother church support (1.2) up to $18,000 to Bogota, plant a daughter church among professional class in the capital Optional second year award of $12,000 matching the giving of the daughter church on a 1:5 ratio

Iglesia Confraternidad Cristiana de Boston 8/15/2011 $3,200.00 Match church support to start a new cell group Medellin, COLOMBIA church in the Alfonso Lopez neighborhood

Associaca Evangelica Assistencial 6/15/2011 $5,000 00 Match church support 1:2 up to $7,000 to create a Campinas, BRAZIL children's ministry in a Campinas favella (slum). Optional second year funding up to $5,000 matching 1:4

Iglesia Cruzada Cristiana 9/7/2011 $10,000.00 Match mother church support to start a new church Bogota, COLOMBIA among students in the city's univesity district Optional additional award of $5,000 matching local church support 1.3.

Christian and Missionary Alliance 12/30/2011 $13,000.00 Match mother church support (1:2) up to $13,000 to Colorado Springs, CO plant a new church among elites through marriage retreats in Nordelta Optional additional year of funding matching daughter church support (1.5) up to $6,500

Iglesia Cruzada Cristiana 8/4/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support up to $5,000 (1.2) to plant a Medellin, COLOMBIA daughter church in the Calasanz area of Medellin Optional second year award of up to $3,000 matching daughter church giving 1 3 Optional third year award of up to $1,500 matching daughter church 1.5. Alliance Development Fund, Inc 10/26/2011 $5,000 00 Match church support for up to $11,000 to establish Santiago, a daughter church among educated professionals/elites in Santiago, Chile. Option of an additional award of up to $5,000 matching church support on 1:4 ratio.

Seminano Evagelico de Lima 5/23/2011 $1,200.00 Match church support for an outreach in Area 39 of Lima, Lima's shantytown district

Primeira Igreja Presbiteriana de Santos 12/29/2011 $15,000.00 Match church support to plant a daughter church in Sao Paulo, BRAZIL the Jardim Alvinopolis District. Optional additional year of $10,000 matched by daughter church giving 1:7

Free Methodist Church of NA 11/17/2011 $17,000.00 Match Bogota church giving 2:1 to ceate a Christian Indianapolis, IN school for abandonded girls Igreja Plena - Plano Para Evangelizacao Das 7/25/2011 $5,500 00 The Board decided to hold this grant for the staff. Nacoes Em Icarai The staff subsequently decided to match mother and Niteroi, BRAZIL daughter church support to plant a daughter church in the Campo Grande district of Rio Optional additional year funding up to $3,500 matching daughter church giving only

11 201 1 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Iglesia Evangelica C.A Genesaret 6/14/2011 $2,500 00 Match combined giving of Guatemala City churches Guatemala City, GUATEMALA up to $5,000 to support to a Guatemalan missionary serving long term among Muslims in India Optional second year award of up to $2,500 matching church support 12.

Iglesia Cristiana Confraternidad Colina Campestre 2/9/2011 $5,000.00 Match church support to create an outreach among Bogota, COLOMBIA professional men Optional second year of up to $5,000 at 1.4 ratio

The Christian and Missionary Alliance 2/10/2011 $5,000.00 Match church support for the expansion of Elgin, IL evangelistic arts ministry among professional class International Teams Latin America 5/4/2011 $3,500.00 Match church giving for the cost of a discipleship Elgin, IL and ESL course in for a Latino missionary family from

International Teams Latin America 6/20/2011 $2,000 00 Match church support to send a church member to Elgin, IL Kenya as a long term missionary Iglesia Evangelica Congregacional 1/31/2011 $4,000.00 Match church support for the costs of anti-drug Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA evangelistic seminars in local public schools

Servicios Sociales Cristianos Kairos 12/21/2011 $2,250.00 Match church support to expand an evangelistic Guatemala City, GUATEMALA health clinic in the Pretapas district of the Capital

Kyrios International Ministries 8/18/2011 $4,000.00 Match daughter church support up to $6,400 to Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA establish a young church in the Tigre neighborhood of the Capital. Option for additional year matching daughter church support up to $4,000 on 1.2 ratio

Kyrios International Ministries 11/30/2011 $3,500 00 Match church support to establish a music school to Oaklahoma City, OK reach out to professional adults in the capital

Iglesia Cristiana Vida 10/31/2011 $5,000 00 Match the costs of a pastor's wives conference in Guatemala City, GUATEMALA Guatemala City

Mision Apostolica y Profetica Maranatha 1/5/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support to create a neighborhood Guatemala City, GUATEMALA Youth Festival

Mision Apostolica y Profetica Maranatha 9/26/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support to create an alternative Guatemala City, GUATEMALA educational outreach for street youth

Missao Servos 1/31/2011 $5,000.00 Match church support for up to $10,000 to expand an Sao Paulo, BRAZIL evangelistic preschool outreach in the Hot Hole favella of Sao Paulo Option of an additional award of up to $5,000 matching church support on 1.4 ratio

Primera Igreja Batista De Neves 3/10/2011 $6,000.00 Match church support for an expansion of a youth Sao Gongalo, BRAZIL sports outreach in a Rio suburb New Life Christian Foundation 2/7/2011 $5,000.00 Match church support to create an evangelistic Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA gym/spa outreach among professional women in the Flores neighborhood of the city.

Palm Missionary Ministries 7/27/2011 $8,000 00 Match mother church support to plant a daughter Coral Gables, FL church in the San Geronimo area of the Magdalena Contreras disctrict of the Capital. Iglesia Comunidad Cristiana El Redd de El Poblado 10/24/2011 $5,500.00 Match mother church support 1.1 to plant in the Medellin, COLOMBIA Sabaneta neighborhood of Medellin, up to $5,500. Additional optional year of support matching daughter church giving 1:1 up to $3,500

12 201 1 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Su mm a ry Igreja Presbiteriana De Pontezinha 5/31/2011 $10,000.00 Match daughter church support up to $10,000 on 1.7 Pontezinha-Cabo, BRAZIL ratio, to establish a new church in the Jaqueira and Aflitos neighborhoods of Recife

Confraternidad Carcelaria de Colombia 3/23/2011 $3,000 00 Match church support to start an evangelistic soccer Medellin, COLOMBIA ministry among local youth in the Robledo neighborhood of Medellin Asociacion Confraternidad Carcelaria De Antioquia 5/10/2011 $12,000.00 Match church support to plant a daughter church in Medelliin, COLOMBIA the Aguacatala neighborhood through a martial arts outreach

Asociacion Union de las Asambleas de Dios 7/7/2011 $4,000 00 Match daughter church support to expand a new Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA outreach among artists in the Palermo District

Red Viva Del Peru 6/20/2011 $5,000.00 Match church support for cooperative discipleship Lima, PERU ministry among five churches in the Manchay shanty town district of Lima

Red Viva del Peru 6/21/2011 $1,400 00 Match church giving to create a family outreach Lima, PERU ministry in the San Juan de Lurigancho District.

Iglesia Cruzada Cristiana 5/4/2011 $4,000 00 Match church support for the cost of planting a Medellin, COLOMBIA daughter church in the Flores district of Medellin

Iglesia Cristiana Confraternidad de la Victoria 12/28/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support 12 for $4,000 establish a Bogota, COLOMBIA daughter church in the Usme district Option of two additional awards ($3,000, $2,000) matching mother /daughter 1:3 and new church plant 1.1.

Travel in Mission s a.c 3/10/2011 $2,400 00 Match church support to create a couseling ministry Lima, PERU in local public schools

180 Staten Island 12/31/2011 $15,000 00 Match church support for the cost of planting a Staten Island, NY daughter church within NYU district Additional optional year of support up to $7,500 matched by giving of the daughter church 1.6.

Alhambra Seventh Day Adventist 8/16/2011 $2,000 00 Match church support to expand an outreach Alhambra, CA ministry among youth and their parents

Ambassador Presbyterian Church 12/29/2011 $20,000 00 Hire an associate pastor of outreach and discipleshp Apex, NC Arabic Alliance Fellowship Church 7/25/2011 $4,500 00 Match new church giving for a hospitality outreach Detroit, MI among Muslims living in the Warrendale neighborhood of Detroit and East Dearborn

Astoria Community Church 9/19/2011 $20,000 00 Match mother church to plant a daughter Spanish Long Island City, NY speaking church in Astoria, Queens. Optional additional second year award of up to $10,000 matching daughter church 1:2.

Chatham Fields Lutheran Church 5/17/2011 $6,000.00 Match church support to start a youth outreach Chicago, IL ministry in the Chatham neighborhood of South Side

Chicago First Church of the Nazarene 12/28/2011 $8,500.00 Three-year grant ($20,000, $15,000, $5,000) Chicago, IL matching church support (1.1, 1.2, 1.4) to establish an evangelistic after-school outreach on the West side

Christ Our Shepherd Church 11/30/2011 $5,000.00 Match church support to expand an outreach , DC ministry among Capital Hill youth Optional second year up to $10,000. Optional third year of funding up to $5,000.

13 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Christ the King Church 6/14/2011 $10,000 00 Match church support for a summer day camp for Bronx, NY youth in the Bronx

Christian Direction 1/11/2011 $10,000 00 Ten-year grant ($10,000 per year) matching province Montreal, CANADA church support for the salary and costs of the overseers of the Christian Animator's program in Montreal in the expansion of this ministry.

Churchill Meadows Christian Church 7/25/2011 $12,000.00 Match mother church support up to $12,000 (1.4) to Mississauga, CANADA plant daughter church among immigrants in Portuguese Village neighborhood of Toronto. Optional second year award of up to $9,000 matching the giving of mother and daughter church on 1.6 ratio Optional third year award up to $6,000 City Grace Church 6/20/2011 $7,500 00 Match mother church support (1:2) to plant a new New York, NY church in the Nolita neighborhood of Manhattan

Citylights Church 8/16/2011 $10,000 00 Match daughter church support (1.3) to plant a new Long Beach, CA daughter church among Vietnamese immigrants in Orange County

Clarity 9/8/2011 $3,300 00 Match church support to ceate a children's outreach Santa Monica, CA event in a Santa Monica public school

Living Water Community Church 12/20/2011 $10,000 00 Match church support to establish a campus Ann Arbor, MI outreach at U of Michigan among visiting scholars from China

El Encino Covenant Church 4/21/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support to create a new discsipleship Downie, CA course for emerging leaders of the church

Emmanuel Reformed Church 5/23/2011 $15,000 00 Match mother church support (1.3) to plant a Paramount, CA daughter Spanish speaking church in the Paramount and Compton area of South Central Los Angeles Epiphany Fellowship 5/23/2011 $10,000 00 Match church support up to $10,000 (1.2) to plant a Philadelphia, PA daughter church in Camden, NJ Optional additional award in year two of up to $7,500 on 1.6 ratio

Faith Community of St Sabina 6/16/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for the cost of a summer Chicago, IL discipleship project for youth in Auburn/Gresham on Chicago's South Side

Fountain of Life Covenant Church 8/16/2011 $7,000 00 Match church support up to $15,000 to expand a Long Beach, CA youth outreach ministry in Long Beach. Option of additional matching award (1.3) for up to $7,000.

Grace and Peace Community Church 12/28/2011 $6,000 00 Match church support to create an after school Philadelphia, PA tutoring ministry in South Philadelphia

Grace Christian Fellowship 8/16/2011 $5,000.00 Match church support for a mentoring program for Cerritos, CA young professionals

Grace Fellowship Community Church 9/26/2011 $15,000 00 Match church support to expand holistic community San Francisco, CA outreach in the Mission District

Grace 5/5/2011 $20,000.00 Match mother church support 1:3 to plant a daughter New York, NY church in Hell's Kitchen in Manhattan

In the Light Ministries Philadelphia 4/12/2011 $10,750 00 Match church support to expand an arts ministry in Philadelphia, PA the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia In the Light Ministries Philadelphia 5/17/2011 $1,850.00 Match church support to expand an arts ministry in Philadelphia, PA the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

14 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Infinity New York Church 9/26/2011 $10,000 00 Match mother church support 1 1 up to $10,000 to Bronx, NY plant a daughter church in the Parkchester neighborhood of the Bronx. Additional optional year award of up to $5,000 matched by the daughter church 11.

614 Thorncliffe Park 12/28/2011 $12,000.00 Challenge match of local church support to expand Toronto, CANADA Muslim outreach in Toronto. Additional optional second year award of $7,000 matched 1.1 Additional optional third year award of $4,000 matched 1.1 by Jesus Network church giving only.

Kairos West LA 4/21/2011 $10,000.00 Three-year $60,000 grant ($30,000, $20,000, Culver City, CA $10000) matching church support (1:1 mother church only, 50% on a 1:2 from mother and 1.3 from daughter; and 1 to 8 from daughter church only) for the costs to plant a new church in West LA

Kehilath HaDerekh - Congregation of the Way 10/3/2011 $9,000.00 Match church support for up to $18,000 to plant a New York, NY Messianic congregation in midtown Manhattan. Optional additional matching award of up to $9,000

King's Church 10/3/2011 $2,500 00 Match church support for a children's fall camp for Long Beach, CA kids from the Long Beach area of LA

La Villita Community Church 6/29/2011 $5,000.00 Match church support for the costs of a summer Chicago, IL youth mentonng program in Little Village

LaSalle Street Church 11 /30/2011 $5,000.00 Match church support to restart Young Life program Chicago, IL in the Near North neighborhood. Optional additional second year award of up to $2,500

Liberty Church 10/3/2011 $15,000 00 Match mother church giving to plant daughter church New York, NY in the Union Square neighborhood Optional additional year of funding matching daughter church up to $10,000 (1.1).

Light and Life Christian Fellowship 11/30/2011 $7,500 00 Match church support to create a theater based Long Beach, CA outreach for youth

Light for the Nations Community (AG) 3/2/2011 $5,700.00 Match church support to create a youth outreach Montabello, CA ministry

Lincoln Memorial Congregational 5/23/2011 $10,000.00 Match church spport for a new summer camp for Los Angeles, CA Latino and African American youth in South Central Los Angeles

Long Beach Christian Reformed Church 10/31 /2011 $8,000.00 Match church support to help a family in crisis with Long Beach, CA housing and living expenses

Los Altos Grace Brethren Church 12/19/2011 $10,000.00 Match church support for the costs of Mike Jentes Long Beach, CA coaching of new church plant pastors in Long Beach. Mission Aviation Training Academy 4/26/2011 $8,750.00 Match church support to equip MATA Cesna with Arlington, WA Garmin GNS-430 GPS unit and provide fuel for trips for campers to and from Alaska.

New Haven Ministries 8/2/2011 $2,500 00 Match church support to hold a collaborative outdoor Richmond Hill, NY summer evangelism event

15 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Newsong LA 1/11/2011 $1,000.00 Match church support for money for individualized Culver City, CA evangelism efforts by church members

Northwest Community Church 5/31/2011 $2,500 00 Match church support to help five first time travelers Chicago, IL to go on a short term mission trip to Puerto Rico Queens Herald Church C&MA 12/28/2011 $6,000.00 Match church support to expand a basketball Fresh Meadows, NY outreach among youth in Queens

Sar Shalom Ministries 6/15/2011 $10,000.00 Match church support for a summer youth surfing Brooklyn, NY outreach on Brighton Beach - Coney Island. Sunrise Christian Community 1/11/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for a special outreach at Alhambra, CA public celebration of Chinese New Year

The Hollywood Church 8/17/2011 $6,000 00 Three-year grant ($24,000, $12,000, $6,000) Los Angeles, CA matching church support (11, 1:2 and 1.4) for the costs of planting a new church in Hollywood, CA

The House Evangelical Covenant Church 6/15/2011 $5,000 00 Match church support for a summer Hip Hop street Chicago, IL outreach in North Lawndale neighborhood

Tierra Nueva Ministries 7/21/2011 $15,000.00 Match Bethany Covenant Church for 1 5 1 to establish the Faith House Women's Shelter and Recovery Program

Urban Impact 12/29/2011 $24,432.00 Match church support to establish The Urban Arts Seattle, WA Center for youth in the Seattle area

Wintel Ministries International Church 1/11/2011 $1,303 63 Match church support to establish a daughter church Bronx, NY in the Fish Ave. area of the Bronx

Wintel Ministries International Church 3/8/2011 $2,131.70 Match church support to establish a daughter church Bronx, NY in the Fish Ave area of the Bronx

Wintel Ministries International Church 5/4/2011 $1,635 62 Match church support to establish a daughter church Bronx, NY in the Fish Ave. area of the Bronx

Wintel Ministries International Church 7/5/2011 $2,834.48 Match church support to establish a daughter church Bronx, NY in the Fish Ave. area of the Bronx Young Life - Eastern Division 11/30/2011 $87,000.00 Camp scholarships Colorado Springs, CO

Celebrate Life Baptist Church 12/30/2011 $10,000 00 Match church support up to $15,000 to establish an Hong Kong, CHINA outreach ministry to dyslexic children and their families in the Tseung Kwan 0 community of Hong Kong. Optional second grant of up to $10,000 matching church support 1:2.

China Harvest 10/24/2011 $5,000.00 Discipleship project Wichita, KS

Kirisuto Seisho Gakuen - Michael Oh 11/28/2011 $9,000.00 Three-year grant ($19,000, $15,000, $9,000) Nagoya-shi, matching church support (1.1, 1.1.5, 1:2 daughter) to plant a new church in Nagoya

Christian Gospel Church of Love Sheung Shui 1/24/2011 $7,000 00 Three-year grant ($13,000, $10,000, $7,000) Church matching church support (1.1, 1.2, 1.4) to enable Hong Kong, CHINA Lam Chun Wo to serve as a full-time pastor in Hong Kong

Christian Gospel Church of Love Ltd 2/14/2011 $5,000 00 Three-year grant ($10,000, $7,000, $5,000) Hong Kong SAR, CHINA matching church (1:1, 1.2, 1.4) to start a basketball outreach ministry in Hong Kong

16 201 1 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Christian Mission Center of Grace 8/30/2011 $8,000 00 Match church support up to $10,000 to establish a Hong Kong, CHINA Chinese opera outreach among youth in the West New Territories area Consider optional follow-on grants of $8,000 and $5,000 to match church support (11.5 and 1 ,2).

Shu)Good Samaritan Church 6/14/2011 $9,500.00 Match church support up to $9,500 to establish an Inagawa , JAPAN evangelistic youth drama team for event outreach in metro Osaka and the Tohoku tsunami affected area. Optional follow-on grant for up to $6,000 to match church support 1.2

INTERNATIONAL CROSSROAD ASSOCIATION 3/24/2011 $9,000 00 Discipleship project LIMITED Hong Kong, CHINA International Crossroad Association Limited 5/5/2011 $3,000.00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA

International Crossroad Association Limited 5/31/2011 $2,200.00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA

International Crossroad Association Limited 5/31/2011 $6,500.00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA

International Crossroad Association Limited 6/14/2011 $2,500.00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA

International Crossroad Association Limited 7/26/2011 $2,000.00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA

International Crossroad Association Limited 7/26/2011 $7,000 00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA

International Crossroad Association Limited 8/30/2011 $4,000.00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA

International Crossroad Association Limited 8/31/2011 $2,512 00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA International Crossroad Association Limited 8/31/2011 $5,000.00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA

International Crossroad Association Limited 10/21/2011 $6,000.00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA International Crossroad Association Limited 11 /15/2011 $5,000.00 Empowerment project Hong Kong, CHINA International Crossroad Association Limited 11/29/2011 $5,000.00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA International Crossroad Association Limited 12/20/2011 $6,000 00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA

International Crossroad Association Limited 12/21/2011 $6,500 00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA International Crossroad Association Limited 12/30/2011 $5,000.00 Discipleship project Hong Kong, CHINA

International Crossroad Association Ltd. 1/18/2011 $4,500.00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA

International Crossroad Association Limited 1/24/2011 $3,000.00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA

17 201 1 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary International Crossroad Association Limited 2/24/2011 $1,500 00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA International Crossroad Association Limited 2/24/2011 $2,500.00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA International Crossroad Association Limited 2/24/2011 $4,500 00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA Kingdom Seekers 4/5/2011 $16,800 00 Match church support for up to $16,800 for pastor's Tokyo, JAPAN salary for a new church plant in the Roppongi area of downtown Tokyo. Optional second year grant of up to $10,000 to match church support 1 3

Little Ones' International Fellowship 8/30/2011 $15,000.00 Match church support (12) for up to $20,000 to plant Tokyo, JAPAN a church in the Nihanbashi neighborhood Option of two additional awards ($15,000, $10,000) matching church support (1.1, 1.2).

Jesus Lifehouse International Church CEO 2/18/2011 $25,000 00 Match church support up to $25,000 to enable Plummer Rodney Yoshito Masuki to minister among young adults in Goodyear, AZ Osaka as the first Japanese staff member of a new church plant Consider optional additional grant of up to $15,000 (1 3).

Sunshine Recovery Association Limited 4/22/2011 $5,000.00 Outreach project Hong Kong, CHINA

Wan Fang Baptist Church 5/10/2011 $4,000.00 Three-year grant ($11,000, $7,000, $4,000) Taipei, matching local church support (21, 1:1, 1.2) to start an after-school outreach program in the Wan Fang community of Taipei

ElKeneesa ElEngeelya Ain Shams 12/13/2011 $5,000.00 Match the church contribution up to $5,000 with a Cairo, EGYPT possible second year grant of $3,000 to match 1.2 to establish evangelizm outreach campaign envisioning church planting in each targeted area.

ElKeneesa Elrasoulya Ezbet Nakhla 11/1/2011 $2,500 00 Match the church contribution up to $2,500 to Samalut, EGYPT establish an outreach pre-school ministry to reach-out the children and their families.

Alexandria Youth Committee 6/14/2011 $4,000 00 match church support up to $5,000 one year, with Alexandria, EGYPT the option of $4,000 for the second year and up to $3,000 in the third year 1.3

Alexandria Youth Committee 12/16/2011 $5,000 00 Match the church contribution up to $5,000 to Alexandria, EGYPT establish an evangelism and drama team to reach out the nominal Christian families in the church neighborhood

Alexandria Youth Committee 12/16/2011 $4,000 00 Match the church contribution up to $4,000 with Alexandria, EGYPT optional second year up to $3,000 11 to establish training leader besides discipling pre-married couples and newly married couples

The Armenian Evangelical Community/Bethel 5/17/2011 $3,000.00 Match the church support (1:2) up to $3,000 to Church establish an outreach training center for church Aleppo, SYRIA leaders in Aleppo.

18 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Christ The Rock Community Church 8/31/2011 $10,000 00 Match US church support (up to $13,000) to expand Menasha, WI a Muslim/Christian dialog program as outreach among the Saharawi refugee community living on the Algerian border with Western Sahara Consider optional second year grant matching grant of up to $10,00 0. Kaneesat Itihad al-Massehe al-Ingeeliah al-Mafraq 11 /29/2011 $5,000.00 Match the church contribution 1.1 up to $5,000 to Mafraq, JORDAN establish a youth training to reach-out the nominal youth EI-Zaitoon Evangelical Church 10/31/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support up to $3,000 to establish a Cairo, EGYPT pre-school outreach ministry in the EI-Zaitoon community of Cairo

Elam Ministries, Inc 2/10/2011 $1,960 00 Outreach project Surrey, UNITED KINGDOM

ElKeneesa ElEngelya Masr ElGedida 10/31/2011 $5,000.00 Match the church support 1:1 up to $5,000 to EGYPT establish a preschool outreach ministry. El-Keeneesa El-Engeelya, Gad EI-Sid 10/31/2011 $1,750.00 Two-year grant ($5,000, $1,750) matching church EI-Minya, EGYPT support to establish a computer center as outreach to youth in EI-Minya

Elkeneesa Elkhamseeneya lelengelyeen 3/3/2011 $3,500 00 Social outreach ministry among teens in Giza suburb elwataneyeen belhawamdia Giza, EGYPT

Lagnet EI-Kheir Altabeaa (for) lylkeneesa 11/1/2011 $3,000.00 Match the church support up to $3,000 to establish a EI-Engeelya Kafr El-Elew (Kafr EI-Elw Evangelical discipleship and training minisrty to equip the church Church) leaders in Kfr EI-Elw neighborhood in Cairo. Cairo, EGYPT

ElKeneesa ElEngelya Maadi 10/31/2011 $2,500 00 Match church support up to $5,000 to begin an Cairo, EGYPT outreach ministry to families with disabled children, with a possible follow-up grant up to $2,500 match the church support 1.2.

Senodes ElNeel ElEngeely - Mashyakhet Elqaheira 6/7/2011 $4,000.00 Match church support $4,000 to establish a ElEngeely -Khedmet ElMarg discipleship and training program in Marg, Cairo. Cairo, EGYPT Option of a second year award $3,000, matching 11

Mercy Trust 6/16/2011 $2,000 00 Match church support up to $2,000 to establish a Islamabad, PAKISTAN revolving loan fund to help poor Christians in the Maskeen Musharaf and Allama Igbal "slum" Colonies of Islamabad Optional second year grant of up to an additional $3,000 matching church suppport.

Ministries of the Holy Spirit 12/7/2011 $22,000 00 Match church support (2:1) for up to $22,000 to plant Karachi, PAKISTAN a church among the Sikh community in the Emirates of Sharjah and Ajman. Optional additional awards of up to $15,000 and $10,000 matching daughter church support only (2:1 and 1.1) respectively

The Mother Foundation 2/14/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support 21 to establish a revolving Sangla Hill, Nankana Sahib, PAKISTAN loan fund to assist poor Christian Women in the Sangla Hill district near Faisalabad

Nasr City Evangelical Church 11/11/2011 $4,000 00 Match church contribution of $3,600 in the first year Cairo, EGYPT with a possible second year grant of $4,000 both matching church contribution 1.1 for revolving loan fund in Cairo, Fayoum, Sohag.

19 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Church of Nazareen 11/11/2011 $5,000 00 Match the church support up to $5,000 1:1 to Irbid, JORDAN establish a cultural and a sport's club to reach out the Irbid university youth

Pentecostal Outreach Centre 7/6/2011 $2,000 00 Match church support for an evangelistic effort to Nairobi, KENYA win people to Christ in Darfur EI-Keneesa ElRasouliya Shousha 5/17/2011 $4,500.00 Match the church support up to $4,500 to establish Minya, EGYPT an outreach sports club to reach-out the nominal Christian youth and families.

SOLID Citizen Community Board 8/30/2011 $3,000 00 Match local church support for up to $3,000 to Faisalabad, PAKISTAN establish a revolving loan fund among an independent church network of ten churches in and around the Faisalabad area Optional second year award of up to additional $2,000 to match local church support 1.2. Keneeset Elanba antonyous and Elanba Paula 10/31/2011 $3,500.00 Match the church support to $4,600 to establish an Mansoura, EGYPT outreach computer center and handmade workshop for youth and pre-teens. Option of an additional award of $3,500

El Talbeya Evangelical Church 2/24/2011 $5,000.00 Match church support up to $5,000 to establish a Giza, EGYPT biblical teaching and discipleship training to Sunday School teachers A possible Second year grant up to $2,500 matching the church support.

Tanzeem-e-Nau-Jawana 5/2/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support 3*1 to provide good Faisalabad, PAKISTAN governance and civic activism training for Christian youth living in the slums of Faisalabad

Big Life Ministries 3/17/2011 $12,000 00 Match church support (21) to enable Emre and SPAIN Gulsen Karaali to plant a church in the city of Izmit Optional second award of up to $10,000 to match local church support (2.1)

United Christian Church of Dubai 1/18/2011 $12,000.00 Match church support for up to $15,000 to enable Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Nisin and Joanna to serve as campus ministers through FOCUS, an umbrella organization for IFES working on university campuses in the United Arab Emirates. Option of additional awards of $12,000 and $8,000. The Coptic Catholic Diocese-EI-Minya 6/7/2011 $4,000.00 Match the church support up to $4,000 with a EI-Minya, EGYPT possible second year up to $2,000 to establish a discipleship center for training and counseling for the street girls.

Abundant Life Ministries 1/7/2011 $4,000.00 Match church support for $4,000 to establish a Mumbai, INDIA tutorial centre in Bandra, Mumbai. Option of two additional grants ($3,000, $2,000) matching church support (11 5, 1 3)

Advent 4/13/2011 $3,000 00 Match church support for $3,000 to start a balwadi Bhopal, INDIA and adult literacy centre in the Anand Nagar slums of Bhopal Option of two additional awards ($2,100, $1,500) matching church support (1.2, 1 3)

All India Praise Ministries Trust 2/8/2011 $1,50000 Match church support for $5,000 to reach-out to New Delhi, INDIA youth through a vocational training center in the Sangam Vihar community of New Delhi Option of second year funding for up to $1,500.

20 201 1 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary All India Praise Ministries Trust 4/24/2011 $4,000.00 Match church support for $4,000 to plant a church in New Delhi, INDIA Satya Vihar, Delhi. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1 2, 1.2 daughter)

All India Praise Ministries Trust 5/10/2011 $5,000 00 Match church support for $5,000 to establish an New Delhi, INDIA outreach centre using non-formal school teaching computers and English language in Rohini, Delhi Option of two additional awards ($4,000, $2,000) matching church support (1:1 5, 1.4)

All India Praise Ministries Trust 8/17/2011 $2,000 00 Match church support for $3,000 to establish a non New Delhi, INDIA formal school (balwadi) in the slum area of Mandhana, Kanpur. Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,000) matching church support (1:1.5, 1 3)

All India Praise Ministries Trust 9/30/2011 $3,000 00 Match church support for $4,000 to plant a church in New Delhi, INDIA Nawgaon, Srinagar, Kashmir Option of two additional awards ($3,000, $2,000) matching church support (1 :1 5, 1,1 daughter)

All India Praise Ministries Trust 11/29/2011 $1,800.00 Match church support for $2,800 to establish and run New Delhi, INDIA a balwadi and tutoring centre at Rajokari, Noida. Option of two additional awards ($1,800, $1,000) matching church support (1:1 5, 1.4)

Ambassadors Service Society 8/23/2011 $2,500 00 Match church support for $3,500 to reach out to Kharagpur, INDIA youths by setting up a computer centre at Badarpur, Fandabad, Delhi. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,000) matching church support (1:1.5, 1-25)

Bangladesh Baptist Church Fellowship 8/26/2011 $1,500.00 Three-year grant ($2,500, $2,000, $1,500) matching Dhaka, BANGLADESH church support (1 1, 1.1 5, 1.3) to establish a multi-faceted outreach ministries in Tongi Station Road, Dhaka

Bethel Gospel Fellowship 10/27/2011 $4,000.00 Match church support for $4,000 to start a New Delhi, INDIA vocational computer training centre in Badarpur village, New Delhi. Option of one additional award for $2,000 matching church support

Bethesda Mission 11/10/2011 $4,000 00 Match church support for $4,000 to reach out to the Bangalore, INDIA women in Banaswadi slums of Bangalore by starting a cancer detection and treatment program

Calvary Ashram Seva Sangh 6/13/2011 $2,000.00 Match church support (1:1) for upto $3,000 to run a New Delhi, INDIA pre-school in Ludhiana city. Optional additional awards of up to $2,000 and $1,000 matching church support (1 2, 1:4)

Calvary church Thalapathpitiya 7/6/2011 $3,500 00 Match church support for $3,500 to establish a Colombo, SRI LANKA church in Hokandara, Colombo. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1.2, 1:2 daughter)

Pioneer Shiksha Evam Samaj Kalyan Samiti 5/11 /2011 $4,000 00 Match church support for $4,000 to plant a church in New Delhi, INDIA Dhanoli, Agra. Option of two additional awards ($3,000, $2,000) matching church support (1.1 daughter, 1.2 daughter)

21 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary CEEFI Supply Centre Trust 7/6/2011 $2,700.00 Match church support up to $3,700 to establish an New Delhi, INDIA evangelism and church planting ministry in Sikenderpur, Agra. Optional additional awards of up to $2,700 and $1,700 matching church support (11 5, 1.2 daughter)

CEEFI Supply Centre Trust 11/28/2011 $1,000 00 Match church support for $3,500 to plant a church in New Delhi, INDIA K K Nagar, Sikandra, Agra Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,000) matching daughter church support (1.1, 1 3)

CEEFI Supply Centre Trust 12/10/2011 $3,500 00 Match church support for $3,500 to plant a daughter New Delhi, INDIA church in Aruwa area of Agra. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1:2, 1:2 daughter)

CEEFI Supply Centre Trust 12/12/2011 $2,500 00 Match church support for $3,500 to plant a church in New Delhi, INDIA Nagla Menhdi, Agra. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1:1.5, 1.1 daughter)

Church of Nazarene 12/21/2011 $2,000.00 Match church support for $2,500 to establish and run Amritsar, INDIA a pre-school and adult literacy program in Dingra Colony, Amritsar. Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,000) matching church support (1:1.5, 1:4)

Concern 7/6/2011 $1,70000 Match church support to establish a non-formal New Delhi, INDIA school and tutoring centre in Shiv colony, Faridabad, Greater Delhi. Optional awards of $1,700 and $1,300 (1.1, 1.3).

Deepa Educational and social trust 8/1/2011 $3,500.00 Match church support for $3,500 to plant a church in Chennai, INDIA Virugambakkam, Chennai. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1:2, 1.2 daughter)

Deepa Educational and social trust 8/28/2011 $4,000.00 Match church support for $4,000 to plant a new Chennai, INDIA church in Mandaveli, Chennai. Option of two additional awards ($3,000, $2,000) matching church support (1 1 daughter, 1:3 daughter)

Emmanuel Public Charitable Trust 12/22/2011 $3,000 00 Match church support for $4,000 to establish a Gorakhpur, INDIA discipleship training centre in Patna, Bihar. Option of one additional award of $3,000 macthing church support 1:1.5

Fruitful Ministries 1/6/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for $3,000 to establish a day Thane, INDIA care centre in the slum colony of Yerwada, Pune. Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,000) matching church support (11 5, 1.4)

Fruitful Ministries 2/15/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for $3,000 to establish a Thane, INDIA Balwadi in Indira Nagar, Thane Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,000) matching church support (1.1.5, 1:3)

Fruitful Ministries 3/16/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for $3,000 to start a balwadi in Thane, INDIA Sawarkar Nagar, Thane, Greater Mumbai. Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,000) matching church support (1 1.5, 1.3)

22 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Fruitful Ministries 4/2/2011 $2,500 00 Match church support for $2,500 to start a balwadi in Thane, INDIA Garware, Nashik Option of two additional awards ($1,400, $1,000) matching church support (12, 1.3)

Fruitful Ministries 5/22/2011 $3,500.00 Match church support for $3,500 to run a preschool Thane, INDIA in Amritsar, Punjab. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1.1 5, 1.3)

Fruitful Ministries 6/19/2011 $2,500.00 Match church support up to $3,500 for an outreach Thane, INDIA ministry among police officers in Mumbai and Thane, Metro Mumbai. Optional awards of $2,500 and $1,500 (1.1 5, 1.3)

Fruitful Ministries 7/6/2011 $2,400 00 Match church support to start a balwadi and adult Thane, INDIA literacy centre in Shivneri slums in Mumbai Optional additional awards of $2,400 and $1,500 matching church support (1.1.5, 1.3)

Fruitful Ministries 9/30/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support (1.1 mother) for $3,000 to Thane, INDIA plant a church in Quail Nagar, Lattur Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,000) matching local church support (1.1 daughter, 1.2 daughter)

Fruitful Ministries 11/28/2011 $4,000 00 Match church support for $4,000 to plant a new Thane, INDIA church in the slums of Marathi, Hindi speaking people in Kalva, Mumbai. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,000) matching church support (1:3, 1.4 daughter)

Fruitful Ministries 12/12/2011 $1,000.00 Match church support for $3,000 to plant a church in Thane, INDIA Majiwada, Thane, Greater Mumbai through regular evangelism. Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,000) matching daughter church support (21, 1.2)

Gods Endtime Harvest Christian Centre 1/6/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for $3,000 to plant a church at Colombo, SRI LANKA Homagama, Colombo Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,500) matching church support (1 •2, 1 2 daughter)

Gods Endtime Harvest Christian Centre 11/29/2011 $2,000.00 Match church support $3,000 to plant a church in Colombo, SRI LANKA Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,000) matching church support (11 5, 1:2 daughter)

Golgotha Baptist Church 12/26/2011 $2,500.00 Match church support for $3,500 to establish a Dhaka, BANGLADESH discipleship training centre in Dhaka, Bangladesh Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (11, 1:2)

Harvest International Ministries 4/11/2011 $1,500 00 Three-year grant ($2,800, $2,000, $1,500) matching Bangalore, INDIA church support (11, 1.1, 1:2) to start a church-based family outreach program

Harvest Now 11/28/2011 $3,500.00 Match church support for $3,500 to plant a new Varanasi, INDIA church in Sarnath, Varanasi Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1.1.5, 1 2 daughter)

23 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Healing waters 9/19/2011 $3,500.00 Match church support for $3,500 to establish a Kandy, SRI LANKA training and outreach program to reachout to Muslims in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Option of one additional awards for $1,500 matching church support 1 2

Himalaya Range Society 6/13/2011 $2,000.00 Match church support (1.1) up to $3,000 to open a Mohali, INDIA youth centre in Chandigarh for reaching the youths of the city Optional additional awards of up to $2,000 and $1,000 matching church support (1:1, 1.2)

Church of the Nazarene 12/12/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for $4,000 to establish an Dhaka, BANGLADESH outreach ministry through a christian school in Uttara, Dhaka. Option of two additional awards ($3,000, $1,500) matching church support Homes Bible Fellowship Welfare Society 9/3/2011 $3,500.00 Match church support for $3,500 to plant a church in Agra, INDIA Moti Mahal, Agra. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1:1 5, 1:2 daughter)

Homes Bible Fellowship Welfare Society 10/27/2011 $3,500.00 Match church support for $3,500 to plant a new Agra, INDIA church at Mohanpura, Agra Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (11 daughter, 1.2 daughter)

Human Skill Development Association 4/2/2011 $3,400.00 Match church support for $3,400 to plant a church in Noida, INDIA Indira Puram, Ghaziabad, Greater Delhi Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $2,000) matching church support (1.1 daughter, 1:2 daughter)

Indian Pentecostal Church of God 6/13/2011 $3,000.00 Three-year grant of ($6,000, $5,000, $3,000) Kumbanadu, Kerala matching church support (1 1; 1.1;1.2) to develop a Kannada church planting outreach ministry in the Legged suburbs

Indian Christian Mission 10/27/2011 $4,000.00 Match church support for $4,000 to plant a church in New Delhi, ND Deep Vihar, Delhi. Option of two additional awards ($3,000, $2,000) matching church support (1.2, 1 2 daughter)

Isa e Jamat Bangladesh 12/22/2011 $2,500.00 Match church support for $3,500 to establish Jamats Dhaka, BANGLADESH (Cell churches) in Palloby area of Mirpur, Dhaka. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1 2, 1.1 daughter jamats)

Jagriti a pioneering society 8/17/2011 $2,500.00 Match church support for $3,500 to run a non-formal New Delhi, INDIA school in Uttam Nagar, West Delhi. Option of two additional awards ($2,500 $1,500) matching church support (1 -2, 1.4)

Jesus Mission 8/1/2011 $3,500.00 Match church support for $3,500 to plant a church in Agra, INDIA Snharipuram, Visakhapatnam Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1.1 5, 1.2 daughter)

Jesus Mission 8/17/2011 $3,500 00 Match church support for $3,500 to plant a church in Agra, INDIA Balap Nagar, Secunderabad Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1.1 5, 1:2 daughter)

24 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Jesus Mission 8/26/2011 $3,500 00 Match church support for $3,500 to plant a church in Agra, INDIA Yenamalakuduru, Vijayawada Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1.1 daughter, 1.3 daughter)

Jesus Mission 8/26/2011 $3,500 00 Match church support for $3,500 to plant a church in Agra, INDIA Mantola, Agra. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1.1.5, 1.2 daughter)

Jesus Mission 11/28/2011 $2,200.00 Match church support for $3,500 to plant a church in Agra, INDIA Dhaurav, Agra Option of two additional awards ($2,200, $1,200) matching church support (2:1 daughter, 1:2 daughter) Jesus Mission 12/23/2011 $3,500 00 Match church support for $3,500 to establish a Agra, INDIA non-formal education program for rag picker children in Jaipur Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1 2, 1.4)

Jesus Mission 12/23/2011 $3,500 00 Match church support for $3,500 to establish a Agra, INDIA church in ECIL, Hyderabad. Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,500) matching church support (1:1 5, 1:2 daughter)

Karuna Welfare 12/21/2011 $4,000 00 Match church support for $6,000 to start an outreach Thane, INDIA ministry among Muslims in Mumbai. Option of two additional awards (4,000, $3,000) matching church support (1.2, 1.3)

Lanka Hope shalom ministry 12/23/2011 $1,000.00 Match church support for $3,000 to establish a Colombo, SRI LANKA church in Demotagoda, Colombo. Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,000) matching daughter church support (1 1, 1:2)

Love India Evangelistic Trust 12/26/2011 $3,000 00 Match church support for $4,000 to conduct Agra, INDIA outreach among students and educated professionals in Chennai. Option of two additional awards ($3,000, $2,000) matching church support (1.1 5, 1:3)

Maharashtra Baptist Society 4/24/2011 $3,500.00 Match church support for $3,500 to start a balwadi Mumbai, INDIA and adult literacy centre in Bidhyavihar area of Ludhiana. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1.1.5, 1.3)

Maharashtra Baptist Society 9/30/2011 $1,750 00 Match church support for $2,500 to start an Mumbai, INDIA educational centre (balwadi) for street children in Goregaon, Mumbai. Option of two additional awards ($1,750, $1,000) matching church support (1.2, 1:3)

Maharashtra Baptist Society 10/27/2011 $3,200.00 Match church support for $3,200 to conduct Mumbai, INDIA evangelism and plant a church in Ashok Nagar, Chembur, Mumbai. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1 1.5, 1.2 daughter)

Maharashtra Baptist Society 11 /29/2011 $1,800.00 Match church support for $2,800 to establish a Mumbai, INDIA balwadi and adult literacy centre. Option of two additional awards ($1,800, $1,000) matching church support (1:1 5, 1.3)

25 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Am ount Su mma ry New Life Fellowship Association 8/1 /2011 $4,500 00 Match church support for $4,500 to plant a church in Mumbai, INDIA Dharavi, Mumbai Option of two additional awards ($3,000, $2,000) matching church support (1:1 daughter, 1.2 daughter)

New Life Fellowship Association 12/12/2011 $2,500.00 Match church support for $3,500 to establish a Mumbai, INDIA discipleship training centre. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $2,000) matching church support (1.2, 1 3)

The New Life Fellowship Trust 8/26/2011 $4,000 00 Match church support for $4,000 to plant a Bangalore, INDIA malayalam church in Mangalore city. Option of two additional awards ($3,0000, $2,000) matching church support (1 2, 1.3 daughter)

The New Life Fellowship Trust 9/19/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for $3,000 to start a students Bangalore, INDIA fellowship church at Cochin University, Kochi. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1.2, 1:2 daughter)

The New Life Fellowship Trust 12/12/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for $4,000 to establish a Hindi Bangalore, INDIA church in United Theological College Campus, Bangalore. Option of two additional awards ($3,000, $2,000) matching church support (1:2, 1.2 daughter)

New Life Trust 10/27/2011 $3,500.00 Match church support for $3,500 to plant a church in Agra, INDIA Shulkaganj, Kanpur city. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1.2, 1 2 daughter)

Nirman 2/24/2011 $3,500.00 Match church support for $3,500 to establish a Koraput, INDIA daughter church in Shipra Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (2:1 daughter, 1:2 daughter)

Nirman 1/6/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for $3,000 to plant a church in Sunabeda, INDIA Palda, Indore Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1:1, 1.2 daughter)

One Way Church Bangladesh Trust 9/19/2011 $3,500 00 Match church support for $3,500 to start a pre Jhenaidah, BANGLADESH school and adult literacy centre in Jhenaidah, Bangladesh Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1.2, 1 4)

Operation Agape 11/29/2011 $1,000.00 Match church support for $3,000 to establish a new Ludhiana, INDIA church plant in Lanka, Varanasi Option of an additional scecond year award of $2,000 matching the daughter church support 1.2 and a third year grant of $1,000 matching the daughter church support 1:1 Fruitful Ministries 2/17/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for $3,000 to start an outreach Bhopal, INDIA ministry among Muslims in Imlipura, Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh. Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,000) matching churh support (1.1 5, 1.1 daughter)

Pioneer Shiksha Evam Samar Kalyan Samiti 4/11 /2011 $2,500.00 Match church support for up to $3,500 to plant a Bhopal, INDIA church in Nayapura, Bhopal. Optional awards of $2,500 and $1,500 matching church support (1.1, 1:3).

26 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Pioneer Shiksha Evam Samar Kalyan Samiti 8/17/2011 $2,500 00 Match church support for $3,500 to plant a church in Bhopal, INDIA Sarvadharam, Damkheda, Bhopal. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1.2, 1.2 daughter)

Pioneer Shiksha Evam Samar Kalyan Samiti 9/30/2011 $2,000 00 Match church support for $3,000 to plant a church in Bhopal, INDIA Barkheda, Bhopal. Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,000) matching church support (1.1.5, 1:2 daughter)

Pioneer Shiksha Evam Samaj Kalyan Samiti 11/28/2011 $2,500.00 Match church support for $3,500 to plant a church in Bhopal, INDIA Bharat Nagar, Bhopal. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (11 daughter, 1:2 daughter)

Pioneer Shiksha Evam Samar Kalyan Samiti 12/10/2011 $3,350 00 Match church support for $3,350 to plant a church in Bhopal, INDIA Awadhpuri, area of Bhopal. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (12, 1.2 daughter)

Sahaara Charitable Society 9/30/2011 $5,000 00 Match church support for $5,000 to start an outreach Mumbai, INDIA ministry among prisoners of Taloja prison, Mumbai. Option of two additional awards ($4,000, $3,000) matching church support (1.2, 1.3)

Samaria Mission 11 /28/2011 $2,500.00 Match church support for $3,500 to establish a Chennai, INDIA church in Sholinganellore (IT Hub), Chennai. Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1.2, 1.2 daughter)

Sampurn Development India 12/10/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for $3,000 to plant a new Varanasi, INDIA church in Sirsa community of Allahabad through a day care centre and evagelism. Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,000) matching church support (1.2, 1.3 daughter)

Shiloh Evangelistic Mission 9/19/2011 $4,500.00 Match church support for $4,500 to plant a church in Chennai, INDIA Kanathur, Chennai Option of two additional awards ($3,500, $2,500) matching church support (11 daughter, 1:2 daughter)

Society share and care 12/12/2011 $1,00000 Match church support for $2,500 to reach out to the Kolkata, INDIA hand pull rickshaw wallas in Bowbazar, Kolkata Option of two additional awards ($1,500, $1,000) matching church support.

Society Share & Care 12/12/2011 $1,00000 Match church support for $3,000 to establish a Kolkata, INDIA pre-school (balwadi) in Metro Birshibpur, Howrah, greater Kolkata Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,000) matching church support

Society Share & Care 12/12/2011 $1,000 00 Match church support for $2,500 to establish a Kolkata, INDIA church in Neogi Para, Chapatala area, North Kolkata Option of two additional awards ($1,500, $1,000) matching daughter church support (1 -1, 1.2)

Thakurpukur Society for help enligtenment 7/6/2011 $2,000.00 Match church support up to $3,000 (1.1) to establish development a church in Taratala, Kolkata. Optional two year Kolkata, INDIA awards up to $2,000 and $1,000 (1 1 daughter, 1 3 daughter).

27 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary The Guide Minjur 12/21/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for $4,000 to start a revolving Chennai, INDIA loan fund for church members. Option of two additional awards ($3,000, $2,000) matching church support. The Holy Kingdom Educational Society 8/17/2011 $1,500.00 Match church support up to $2,500 (11) to run a day Gurgaon, INDIA care and preparatory school ministry in Gurgaon Optional additional awards of up to $1,500 and $1,000 matching church support (1 2, 1.3) The Holy Kingdom Educational Society 11/28/2011 $1,000 00 Match church support for $2,300 to conduct Gurgaon, INDIA outreach and church planting ministry at Mold Bandh village, Badarpur, New Delhi. Option of two additional awards ($1,500, $1,000) matching daughter church support (21, 1 2)

The New Hope Mission 12/21/2011 $2,000.00 Match church support for $3,000 to establish a Shillong, INDIA discipleship training program in Guwahati, Assam. Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,000) matching church support (1:2, 1:4)

Transformation Charitable Action 11/28/2011 $3,500.00 Match church support for $3,500 to plant a new Cuttack, INDIA church in Santrapur, Bhubaneswar through evangelistic activities Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,500) matching church support (11 daughter, 1.2 daughter)

Tribal Informational Teaching and Uplifment 12/10/2011 $3,500 00 Match church support for $3,500 to start a church Ganjam, INDIA through evangelism in Udayan Polly area of Kolkota Option of two additional awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1.1 daughter, 1.2 daughter)

Helping Hands of Jesus Ministries Trust 12/26/2011 $1,40000 Match church support for $2,800 to plant a church in Delhi, INDIA Khanjarpur, IIT Roorkee Option of two additional awards ($2,000, $1,400) matching church support (2.1, 1.2)

Victoryus Ministry 12/10/2011 $3,500 00 Match church support for $3,500 to establish a Day Khurda, INDIA Care Centre in Saliasahi community of Bhubaneswar Option of two additionl awards ($2,500, $1,500) matching church support (1.2, 1.4)

Zion Gospel Church Society 8/17/2011 $2,000 00 Match church support for $3,000 to establish a New Delhi, INDIA music school outreach at Gijohar, Noida, Greater Delhi Option of two additional awards of ($2,000, $1,000) matching church support (1.1.5, 1.3)

Blessed Hope Baptist Church of Dasma Inc 2/28/2011 $1,000.00 Match support of China church 1.1 for just one year Dasmarinas City, PHILIPPINES to send Jesalvas as missionaries back to China up to $1,000.

Church Assembly of Jesus Christ in Cavite 7/11/2011 $2,000 00 Outreach project Cavite, PHILIPPINES

Conservative Baptist Association of the Philippi nes 10/2/2011 $2,000 00 Three-year grant ($4,400, $2,500, $2,000) matching Pasig City, PHILIPPINES church support (1:1, 11, 1.2) to establish an outreach to the Muslim community GBI Taman Mahkota 2/11/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for catering business Metro Jakarta, INDONESIA outreach initiative for housewives and their families. Option of second year grant.

28 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary GBI Taman Mahkota 6/25/2011 $5,000 00 Match church support 1.1 for $5,000 to establish a Metro Jakarta, INDONESIA medical clinic to provide affordable health treatment as outreach

GBI Taman Mahkota 8/19/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support of $3,000 to establish a Metro Jakarta, INDONESIA revolving loan fund for microbusinesses of church members

GBI Taman Mahkota 11/25/2011 $1,700.00 Match church support 1:1 for $1,800 to establish a Metro Jakarta, INDONESIA Study Tutorial Center for outreach to students and their families Option of an additional award of $1,700 matching church support 1:1.

CAMACOP INC - DCAGC MISSION 11/14/2011 $5,500 00 Match church support 11 for $5,500 in establishing Davao City, PHILIPPINES a Student Center for as an outreach strategy to students of schools in the community

Destiny Ministries International Inc 5/31/2011 $4,000 00 Match church support 1:1 for $4,000 to establish a Laguna, PHILIPPINES new church in Prek Leap community Option of an additional award of $3,000 matching mother and daughter church 1.2.

Gereja Protestan Presbiteri Indonesia 10/2/2011 $2,300 00 Match church support 1.1 for $2,700 for outreach Bali, INDONESIA through Balinese dance classes Option of an additional award of $2,300 matching church 1.1.

Gereja Penyebaran Injil Haleluya 10/2/2011 $4,000.00 Match church support 11 for $4,000 to establish a Medan City, INDONESIA revolving loan fund for start up capital of church members' microbusinesses Optional 2nd year award of $1,500 matching church support 1.1.5

Gereja Nazarene 3/9/2011 $2,500.00 Match church support 1:1.5 for a one year grant of Denpasar City, INDONESIA $2,500 for empowerment of members through micro-business.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth High Priest and King The 11/25/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support 1.2 for $3,000 for outreach to Church of the Living God Inc poor in the community by providing rent-to-own Cebu City, PHILIPPINES tri-bikes business

Better Life Resource and Advancement Center 6/25/2011 $4,000 00 Match church support 1.1 with $4,000 to establish a Antipolo City, PHILIPPINES capacity building support system for Filipino Muslim students enrolled in public schools. Optional 2nd year award of $3,000 matching church support 1.2.

Kairos Christian Family Church Inc 11/14/2011 $1,500 00 Match church support for up to $2,500 to plant a Metro Cebu, PHILIPPINES church. Option of an additional award of $1,500 matching additional church support.

Malabon Community Church Inc. 11/14/2011 $4,000.00 Match sending church support 1.1 5 for $4,000 to Metro Manila, PHILIPPINES send Pastor Joey Torres with family to pastor a community of Filipino Christians in Toronto, Canada

Nazarene Oikos 3/31/2011 $1,800.00 Three-year grant ($5,000, $2,700, $1,800) matching Bangkok, church support (2:1, 1.1, 1 2) to reach out the community through child-care ministry

OMS International, Inc. 5/31 /2011 $2,800 00 Match church support 1.1 to establish a loan fund to Malang City, INDONESIA support cattle raising by church members

Philippine Christian Alliance Ministries, Inc. 10/2/2011 $2,000 00 Match church support 1.1 for $2,000 to establish a General Santos, PHILIPPINES revolving loan fund through Bayanihan Banking Program to help empower 17 women members to start their own small livelihood.

29 201 1 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Redeemer Gathering of Praise Inc 10/2/2011 $2,000 00 Match church support 1.1 for $3,000 to establish a Cebu City, PHILIPPINES new church through a Day Care Center. Option of an additional award of $2,000 matching church 1.1.

Gereja Kristen Kemah Daud 11/14/2011 $4,000.00 Match church support 11 for $4,000 to help 8 church Medan, INDONESIA members with a loan fund to set up a cooperative for hygienic water business

SD Kenanga 6/25/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support to establish a catfish farming Medan, INDONESIA cooperative by church members as outreach strategy to non-believers in the community

Gereja Penyebaran Injil Jemaat Syalom 5/15/2011 $6,000.00 Match church support to provide additional loan fund Medan City, INDONESIA to empower members in their chicken farm business

Gereja Penyebaran Injil Jemaat Syalom 6/25/2011 $4,000.00 Match church support of $4,000 (1.1) to establish a Medan City, INDONESIA loan fund to help church members start a cloth weaving business

Gereja Protestan Presbiteri Indonesia 7/21/2011 $3,000 00 Match church support 11 for $3,000 to empower Denpasar City, INDONESIA church members through tofu livelihood GBI Ecclesia Tangerang 5/13/2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for up to $5,000 to expand a Tangerang City, INDONESIA school outreach ministry to poor Buddhist children in Tangerang City of metro Jakarta Optional second year matching grant of up to $3,000. Jesus The Great Shepherd Fellowship 7/21/2011 $5,000 00 Match church support ($5,000) to send Mary Ann Marawi City, PHILIPPINES Bernal as cross-cultural missionary to Muslims in Kabardino-Balkaria Republic of North Caucasus Russia Option of two additional awards ($4,000 & $3,000) matching church support (1.1, 1.2)

The Saviour Reigns Gospel Church 11/25/2011 $5,000 00 Match church support 1.1 for $5,000 to establish a Manila, PHILIPPINES Youth Center as outreach to out of school youths, students and their families Optional second year award of $2,500 matching church support 1:1

TK Cahaya Pengharapan Abadi 5/15/2011 $6,000 00 Match church support 1.1 up to $6,000 to establish a Medan, INDONESIA loan fund to help some members start their own micro businesses

Torch Ministry International 4/5/2011 $6,000.00 Match church support 1.1 up to $6,000 to establish a Quezon City, PHILIPPINES Learning Center in Hledan, Yangon. Optional award of $4,000 matching church support 1.1.

Touch Life Church Thailand (Sampat Chiwit Church) 11/25/2011 $1,500 00 Three-year grant ($3,500, $2,500, $1,500) to match Bangkok, THAILAND church support (1:1, 1.1, 1.1 daughter) to launch a wholistic ministry to the Chawala community of Bangkok

Unified Vision Christian Community Inc 2/19/2011 $3,000 00 Match church support 1:1 at $3000 for the expansion Quezon City, PHILIPPINES of youth center outreach by offering Alternative Learning System program to out-of-school youths Optional additional award of $2300 on second year matching church support 1.2.

Valiant Fellowship Inc 10/2/2011 $2,000 00 Three-year grant ($3,500, $3,000, $2,000) matching Valenzuela, PHILIPPINES church support (11 -1, 1:1, 1:2) to start a student center outreach to university students in metro Manila

30 201 1 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Yayasan Relada Kasih 7/21 /2011 $3,000.00 Match church support for $3,000 to establish Jakarta, INDONESIA revolving loans for members' direct selling business

Yayasan Relada Kasih 8/19/2011 $4,000.00 Match church support 1:1 5 of up to $4,000 to reach Jakarta, INDONESIA out Moslems in the community for Christ through a sewing skills training program, with a second year optional award of $3,000 matching church support 1.1

Yayasan Relada Kasih 11/25/2011 $4,000 00 Match church support to $6,000 to establish a Jakarta, INDONESIA revolving loan fund. Option of an additional award of $4,000 matching church support ACTS 1.8 Ministries 4/21/2011 $2,150.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Bend, OR

ACTS 1.8 Ministries 12/31/2011 $2,600.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Bend, OR

African Enterprise 12/29/2011 $60000 Board/Staff Matching Gift Monrovia, CA

Ambassador Presbyterian Church 12/29/2011 $6,500.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Apex, NC

Asian Access 12/31/2011 $50000 Board/Staff Matching Gift San Dimas, CA

Camden Town Church 12/20/2011 $930 00 Board/Staff Matching Gift London, UNITED KINGDOM

Campus Crusade for Christ 3/24/2011 $500.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Orlando, FL Campus Crusade for Christ 12/29/2011 $1,275.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Orlando, FL Care Company 12/19/2011 $2,240.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Washington, DC

Christ Community Church 3/22/2011 $2,100.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Titusville, FL

Christ Our Shepherd Church 12/31/2011 $2,000 00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Washington, DC Christian Direction 8/11 /2011 $300 00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Brooklyn, NY

Christian Fellowship Church 12/29/2011 $5,000.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Ashburn, VA

City Well 9/14/2011 $150.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Durham, NC Converge Worldwide 12/29/2011 $500 00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Arlington Heights, IL

Emmaus Ministries 7/27/2011 $500.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Chicago, IL Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding 12/7/2011 $1,200 00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Tempe, AZ

Filter Pure 8/31/2011 $450.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Prescott Valley, AZ

31 201 1 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary International Arts Movement 8/11/2011 $500 00 Board/Staff Matching Gift New York, NY

International Justice Mission 10/3/2011 $500 00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Washington, DC InterVarsity Christian Fellowship 12/19/2011 $300.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Madison, WI Kwun Tong Swatow Baptist Church 12/9/2011 $5,000.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Hong Kong, CHINA

LOGOI 7/25/2011 $500.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Miami, FL

LOGOI 12/31/2011 $1,600 00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Miami, FL M.E.A.N.S.M. E. A. 8/31/2011 $500.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Bartlett, IL

Maharashtra Baptist Society 12/20/2011 $350 00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Mumbai, INDIA

Mission Aviation Training Academy 8/11/2011 $300 00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Arlington, WA

Mission to the World 8/11/2011 $300 00 Board/Staff Matching Gift , GA

Mission to the World 11/16/2011 $300.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Atlanta, GA

Mission to the World 12/19/2011 $500.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Atlanta, GA

Missouri Baptist University 12/29/2011 $5,000.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift St Louis, MO

The Navigators 7/27/2011 $1,000 00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Colorado Springs, CO

Navigators 8/11/2011 $600.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Colorado Springs, CO New Life Fellowship Association 12/20/2011 $635.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Mumbai, INDIA

New Tribes Mission 11/16/2011 $300 00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Sanford, FL

Red Rocks Young Lives 12/29/2011 $1,500.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Crownpoint, NM Reformed University Fellowship 11/30/2011 $100.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Lawrenceville, GA

Restoration Anglican Church 12/31/2011 $3,900 00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Arlington, VA

Rivendell School 7/11/2011 $400.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Arlington, VA

Rivendell School 12/29/2011 $2,500 00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Arlington, VA

Shire School 12/29/2011 $1,000 00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Arlington, VA

32 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary SIM USA 8/31/2011 $1,200 00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Charlotte, NC The Falls Church 7/18/2011 $1,200.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Falls Church, VA

World Harvest Mission 4/21 /2011 $800.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Jenkintown, PA

World Harvest Mission 9/14/2011 $1,000.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Jenkintown, PA

World Harvest Mission 12/19/2011 $600 00 Board/Staff Matching Gift Jenkintown, PA

Young Life 12/9/2011 $366.00 Board/Staff Matching Gift West Ryde, AUSTRALIA

Africa Nazarene University 3/9/2011 $5,980 00 Theology of Work grant Nairobi, KENYA Bresee Institute for Metro Ministries 4/25/2011 $2,779.20 Theology of Work grant Nairobi, KENYA Asian Theological Seminary 4/6/2011 $2,056.00 Theology of Work grant Manila , PHILIPPINES

Ukranian Envagelical Theological Seminary 5/10/2011 $4,770.00 Theology of Work grant Seattle, WA

New Life Community Church - Lakeview 5/18/2011 $2,250 00 Theology of Work grant Seattle, WA

Bakke Graduate University 5/18/2011 $4,175.00 Theology of Work grant Seattle, WA

Ukranian Envagelical Theological Seminary 9/1 /2011 $1,682 10 Theology of Work grant Seattle, WA

Biblical Graduate School of Theology 10/5/2011 $2,300.00 Theology of Work grant Seattle, WA

Korea Theological Seminary 12/12/2011 $2,444.00 Theology of Work grant Seattle, WA

Ukranian Evangelical Theological Seminary 12/20/2011 $5,635 00 Theology of Work grant Seattle, WA

Bakke Graduate University 12/31/2011 $1,652 90 Theology of Work grant Seattle, WA

Bakke Graduate University 12/31/2011 $1,500.00 Theology of Work grant Seattle, WA

Bresee Institute for Metro Ministries 6/2/2011 $1,000 00 Theology of Work grant Kansas City, KS Society for the Promotion of Education and 6/2/2011 $2,300 00 Theology of Work grant Awareness Kansas City, KS

Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Colombiana 7/8/2011 $2,000 00 Theology of Work grant Kansas City, KS

Bresee Institute for Metro Ministries 7/8/2011 $3,000.00 Theology of Work grant Kansas City, KS

33 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Society for the Promotion of Education and 7/19/2011 $1,700 00 Theology of Work grant Awareness Kansas City, KS

Bresee Institute for Metro Ministries 7/19/2011 $2,000.00 Theology of Work grant Kansas City, KS

Hindustan Bible Institute & College 8/26/2011 $1,500 00 Theology of Work grant Kansas City, KS Gilgal Gospel Mission 8/26/2011 $2,450.00 Theology of Work grant Kansas City, KS

Bresee Institute for Metro Ministries 9/26/2011 $4,300.00 Theology of Work grant Kansas City, KS

Bresee Institute for Metro Ministries 10/20/2011 $2,050 00 Theology of Work grant Kansas City, KS

Bresee Institute for Metro Ministries 12/30/2011 $3,400.00 Theology of Work grant Kansas City, KS

Bresee Institute for Metro Ministries 12/30/2011 $500.00 Theology of Work grant Kansas City, KS

Bresee Institute for Metro Ministries 12/31/2011 $2,400.00 Theology of Work grant Kansas City, KS

CHAKAM SCHOOL OF THE BIBLE INC 12/30/2011 $14,750.00 Theology of Work grant Prince Albert, CANADA

Fullstature Missions International 5/4/2011 $4,000 00 Theology of Work grant Accra, GHANA

Bresee Institute for Metro Ministries 4/25/2011 $4,900.00 Theology of Work grant PHILIPPINES

Ebenezer Bible College & Seminary 5/3/2011 $2,700.00 Theology of Work grant PHILIPPINES

Evangelical School of Theology 2/15/2011 $7,200.00 Theology of Work grant Nairobi, KENYA

Evangelical School of Theology 5/3/2011 $11,830.00 Theology of Work grant Nairobi, KENYA

Evangelical School of Theology 7/8/2011 $7,000.00 Theology of Work grant Nairobi, KENYA

Evangelicals in Development Association 5/3/2011 $3,120 00 Theology of Work grant Accra, GHANA

Evangelicals in Development Association 7/8/2011 $3,100.00 Theology of Work grant Accra, GHANA

Faith Evangelical Seminary 2/3/2011 $6,013.00 Theology of Work grant Tacoma, WA

Family and Children Faith Coalition 8/1/2011 $1,775 00 Theology of Work grant Miami, FL

Ghana Evangelical Missions Association 9/22/2011 $4,000 00 Theology of Work grant Accra, GHANA

Go Ye Africa 5/3/2011 $6,600.00 Theology of Work grant Nairobi, KENYA

Bakke Graduate University 7/8/2011 $1,500 00 Theology of Work grant Accra, GHANA

34 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Good News Theological College & Seminary 12/12/2011 $2,800.00 Theology of Work grant Accra, GHANA Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary 5/25/2011 $17,150.00 Theology of Work grant South Hamilton, MA Christ's Ambassadors 1/26/2011 $3,208.00 Theology of Work grant Kabwe, ZAMBIA

Christ's Ambassadors 11/29/2011 $2,000 00 Theology of Work grant Kabwe, ZAMBIA

Eben-Ezer Ministry International 9/22/2011 $7,500 00 Theology of Work grant Uvira, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO

Bakke Graduate University 12/31/2011 $1,500 00 Theology of Work grant

Jovita Baptist Church 1/4/2011 $3,000 00 Theology of Work grant Edgewood, WA

Jovita Baptist Church 1/4/2011 $1,050.00 Theology of Work grant Edgewood, WA Jovita Baptist Church 5/3/2011 $3,000.00 Theology of Work grant Edgewood, WA Keimyung University 8/1 /2011 $7,140.00 Theology of Work grant Daegu, SOUTH KOREA The Kingdom Citizens' Pavilion 5/4/2011 $1,625.00 Theology of Work grant Jos, NIGERIA

The Kingdom Citizens' Pavilion 6/2/2011 $2,660.00 Theology of Work grant Jos, NIGERIA The Kingdom Citizens Pavilion 12/12/2011 $2,496 00 Theology of Work grant Jos, NIGERIA

LCC International University 5/3/2011 $6,965 68 Theology of Work grant Klaipedda, LITHUANIA Bakke Graduate University 5/3/2011 $1,294 32 Theology of Work grant Klaipedda, LITHUANIA

LCC International University 10/5/2011 $3,500.00 Theology of Work grant Klaipedda, LITHUANIA

LCC International University 12/19/2011 $6,240 00 Theology of Work grant Klaipedda, LITHUANIA Mission Shalom International 2/16/2011 $4,050.00 Theology of Work grant Dakar, SENEGAL

Mission Shalom International 4/7/2011 $1,500 00 Theology of Work grant Dakar, SENEGAL

Mission Shalom International 8/26/2011 $5,950 00 Theology of Work grant Dakar, SENEGAL

Nairobi International School of Theology 7/19/2011 $5,375 00 Theology of Work grant Nairobi, KENYA

Nazarene Theological Seminary 5/3/2011 $1,350 00 Theology of Work grant Kansas City, MO Nazarene Theological Seminary 12/31/2011 $4,950 00 Theology of Work grant Kansas City, MO

35 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Su mm a ry New Era Evangelism and Development Programme 5/24/2011 $3,185 00 Theology of Work grant Kissy, SIERRA LEONE

New Era Evangelism and Development Program 12/31/2011 $3,815 00 Theology of Work grant Kissy, SIERRA LEONE

Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary 4/7/2011 $4,400 00 Theology of Work grant Ogbomoso, NIGERIA

Northwest Baptist Seminary 8/31/2011 $1,276.00 Theology of Work grant Langley, CANADA

Northwest Baptist Seminary 12/20/2011 $2,638 00 Theology of Work grant Langley, CANADA

Payne Theolological Seminary 12/20/2011 $16,890 00 Theology of Work grant Wilberforce, OH

Peace Bible College 6/6/2011 $4,000.00 Theology of Work grant Accra, GHANA

Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation 5/24/2011 $6,750 00 Theology of Work grant Pittsburgh, PA Regent College Foundation 3/9/2011 $7,600.00 Theology of Work grant Seattle, WA

Regent College Foundation 12/30/2011 $2,400.00 Theology of Work grant Seattle, WA

Regent College Foundation 12/31/2011 $2,500 00 Theology of Work grant Seattle, WA

Run Mission Assemblies 3/9/2011 $2,000.00 Theology of Work grant Accra, GHANA St Pauls University 10/27/2011 $3,154.00 Theology of Work grant Liumuru, KENYA Youth Bible Center 6/14/2011 $4,200.00 Theology of Work grant Accra, GHANA

Tech Mission 11/22/2011 $12,180.00 Theology of Work grant Boston, MA

Urbanus 5/3/2011 $12,139 00 Theology of Work grant Montreal, CANADA

Urbanus 10/4/2011 $12,861 00 Theology of Work grant Montreal, CANADA

West Indies Theological College 12/30/2011 $780.00 Theology of Work grant Upper Santa Cruz, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO

World Christian Nursing Foundation 10/4/2011 $5,049.00 Theology of Work grant Gardena, CA

Youth With a Mission Guyana Limited 12/12/2011 $3,000.00 Theology of Work grant

Faculte de Theologie Evangelique de Bangui 12/19/2011 $1,000 00 Theological Education scholarships Bangui, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC ESBTAO 12/22/2011 $5,050.00 Theological Education scholarships Lome, TOGO

Church Army in E Africa Carlile College 12/22/2011 $4,948.00 Theological Education scholarships Nairobi, KENYA

36 201 1 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Faculte de Theologie Evangelique de ('Alliance 12/20/2011 $17,900 00 Theological Education scholarships Chretienne Abidjan , COTE D'IVOIRE

Daystar University 1/28/2011 $6 , 000 00 MS scholarships Nairobi, KENYA

EECMY- EGST 12/20/2011 $2,806 00 Theological Education scholarships Addis Ababa ,

Evangelical Theological College 12/22/2011 $5,963 00 Theological Education scholarships Addis Ababa , ETHIOPIA

Centre Universitaire de Missiologie 12/21/2011 $1 , 750 00 Theological Education scholarships Kinshasa , DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO

Africa International University 12/23/2011 $15 , 000.00 Theological Education scholarships Nairobi, KENYA Nairobi International School of Theology 12/22/2011 $10,700.00 Theological Education scholarships Nairobi, KENYA

Stellenbosch University 12/19/2011 $21 , 500.00 Theological Education scholarships Stellenbosch , SOUTH AFRICA West Africa Theological Seminary 12/21 /2011 $6,400.00 Theological Education scholarships Lagos , NIGERIA

Svetilnik Foundation 12/21/2011 $6 , 920 00 Theological Education scholarships Sofia, BULGARIA

DCU International 12/28/2011 $8 , 850 00 Theological Education scholarships Sacramento, CA

Unia Ewangelikalna 12/19/2011 $10,950 00 Theological Education scholarships Wroclaw, POLAND

Visoko Evandjeosko Teolosko Uciliste u Osijeku 12/19/2011 $10,500.00 Theological Education scholarships Osijek , CROATIA

Zdruzenie evanjelikalnych cirkvi SR 12/20 /2011 $3,100.00 Theological Education scholarships Banska Bystrica , SLOVAKIA

Instituto Biblico Betel Brasileiro 12/14/2011 $6 , 532.00 Theological Education scholarships Sao Paulo, BRAZIL Fundacion Universitaria Seminano Biblico de 12/14/2011 $5,000 . 00 Theological Education scholarships Colombia Medellin, COLOMBIA

Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Argentina 12/ 14/2011 $1,573 00 Theological Education scholarships Buenos Aires , ARGENTINA Asociacion Cultural de Educacion y Comunicacion 12/14/2011 $3 , 060.00 Theological Education scholarships Cristiana Guatemala City, GUATEMALA Seminario Evagelico de Lima 12/14/2011 $6 , 145.00 Theological Education scholarships Lima, PERU Jovens da Verdade SC 12/14/2011 $8,085.00 Theological Education scholarships Aruja , BRAZIL

Seminario Teologico Escola de Pastores 12/14/2011 $2 , 237.00 Theological Education scholarships Rio de Janiero , BRAZIL

37 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Centro de Treinamento Seminario Servo Cristo 12/14/2011 $4,879.00 Theological Education scholarships Sao Paulo, BRAZIL

FLEREC 12/14/2011 $2,000.00 Theological Education scholarships Quito,

Associacao Crista Evangelica Sul Americana 12/14/2011 $8,152.00 Theological Education scholarships Londrina, BRAZIL

Kirisuto Seisho Gakuen - Michael Oh 12/20/2011 $26,054.00 Theological Education scholarships Nagoya-shi, JAPAN

Arab Baptist Theology Seminary (ABTS) 12/21/2011 $13,000 00 Theological Education scholarships Mansourieh, Maten, LEBANON Bethlehem Bible Co 12/20/2011 $3,250.00 Theological Education scholarships Jerusalem, ISRAEL

Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo 12/21/2011 $13,250 00 Theological Education scholarships Cairo, EGYPT

Near East School of Theology 12/20/2011 $5,529.00 Theological Education scholarships Beirut, LEBANON

College of Christian Theology Bangladesh 12/21/2011 $6,855 00 Theological Education scholarships Dhaka, BANGLADESH

South Asia Institute for Advanced Christian Studi es 12/29/2011 $10,533.00 Theological Education scholarships (SAIACS) Bangalore, INDIA

Union Biblical Seminary 12/21/2011 $5,849.00 Theological Education scholarships Pune, INDIA

Lembaga Pelayanan Visi Indonesia (LPVI) 12/29/2011 $24,000 00 Theological Education scholarships Yogyakarta, INDONESIA

In Jesus' Name Ministries 12/31/2011 $3,128.00 Theological Education scholarships Bristol, VA

Myanmar Baptist Convention 12/31/2011 $7,552 00 Theological Education scholarships Yangon, MYANMAR

Bakke Graduate University 1/18/2011 $67,080.50 BGU scholarships Seattle, WA

Bakke Graduate University 3/2/2011 $22,115.00 BGU scholarships Seattle, WA

Bakke Graduate University 3/16/2011 $52,038.00 BGU scholarships Seattle, WA

Bakke Graduate University 4/20/2011 $25,674 25 BGU scholarships Seattle, WA

Bakke Graduate University 5/4/2011 $52,575.00 BGU scholarships Seattle, WA Bakke Graduate University 6/14/2011 $16,100.00 BGU scholarships Seattle, WA

Bakke Graduate University 7/25/2011 $12,004 50 BGU scholarships Seattle, WA

Bakke Graduate University 8/18/2011 $52,412.75 BGU scholarships Seattle, WA

38 201 1 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Abbie Tippie 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Washington, DC

Abbie Tipple 9/1/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Washington, DC

Notre Dame 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

South Bend, IN

Notre Dame 9/1/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

South Bend, IN

Alex McDonald 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Plano, TX

Allison Ruark 9/1 /2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Baltimore, MD

Pui Kuen Amos Tai 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Somerville, MA

Pui Kuen Amos Tai 9/19/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Somerville, MA

Andrew Tong 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Hoboken, NJ

Andrew Tong 9/1 /2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Hoboken, NJ

Andrew Tuch 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Cambridge, MA

Angela Wu 1/25/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Morganville, NJ

Angela Wu 10/3/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Morganville, NJ

Anna Jane Kloeden 9/12/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship


Barakatullo Ashurov 9/7/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship


Daniel Blake Roeber 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Highland Park, NJ

39 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Daniel Blake Roeber 9/19/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Highland Park, NJ

Brad M. LaBriola 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Los Angeles, CA

Brad M. LaBriola 9/22/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Los Angeles, CA

Bradley Smith 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Pennington, NJ

Bradley Smith 9/1 /2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Pennington, NJ The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania 9/14/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Philadelphia, PA

Brittany Pheiffer 9/1 /2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

New York, NY

Caleb D. Spencer 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Oswego, IL

Carolyn Barnes 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Chicago, IL

Carolyn Barnes 9/19/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Chicago, IL

College of William and Mary 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship Williamsburg, VA

Bradley Parks 9/1 /2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship Williamsburg, VA

Daniel Cheely 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Narberth, PA

Daniel Cheely 9/1 /2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Narberth, PA

Danny V. Colombara 9/14/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Seattle, WA

Derek Ham 9/1 /2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Cambridge, MA

Derek T Kan 9/19/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Stanford, CA

40 201 1 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Eleanor McGlinchey 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Berkeley, CA

Elizabeth Segran 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Berkeley, CA

Elizabeth Tubergen 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Sunnyside, NY Elizabeth Tubergen 10/5/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Sunnyside, NY

Gabriel Renfro 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Los Angeles, CA

Gabriel Renfro 11/30/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Los Angeles, CA Grace Hou 9/1 /2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Boston, MA

Hannah Fakhouri 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Berkeley, CA

Heidi Boutros 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

New Haven, CT James Huguley 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Cambridge, MA

James Huguley 9/19/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Cambridge, MA

Jane Hong 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Culver City, CA

Jane Hong 9/1 /2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Culver City, CA

Jee-Yeon K. Lehmann 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Ann Arbor, MI

Jeffrey Morris 1/11/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

New Haven, CT

Jeffrey Morris 9/1 /2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

New Haven, CT

41 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Jennifer Mills 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Chicago, IL

Jessica Lowe 7/18/2011 $16 , 000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Princeton, NJ Joe Yi Joey Fung 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Los Angeles, CA Jonathan Scally 9/1/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Albany, NY

Joseph Bingold 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Stanford, CA

Joshua White 1/6/2011 $8 , 000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Washington, DC

Joshua White 9/1 /2011 $8 , 000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Washington, DC

Julia Guez 1 /6/2011 $8 , 000 00 Harveyy Fellows scholarship

Houston, TX

Julia Guez 9/19/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Houston, TX Justin Denholm 1/11/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Brunswich , Victoria AUSTRALIA

Justin Denholm 9/2/2011 $8 , 000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Brunswich , Victoria AUSTRALIA

Kate Brennan 1/11/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Brooklyn, NY Kenneth Chong 1/27/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Princeton, NJ

Kenneth Chong 9/19/2011 $8,000 . 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Princeton, NJ

Kevin Vallier 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Tucson, AZ Li Zhang 9/ 1 /2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Glenside, PA

42 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Lisa Wilde 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Bath, PA

Lisa Wilde 9/19/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Bath, PA

Marcos Steuernagel 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Astoria, NY

Marcos Steuernagel 9/1/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Astoria, NY

Mark Gundersen 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Cambridge, MA Mary Mazza 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Boulder City, NV

Mary Carol Mazza 9/19/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Boulder City, NV

Regents of the University of 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Minneapolis, MN

Michael Lee 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

St Louis, MO Michael Lee 9/19/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

St. Louis, MO

Melinda O'Brien 9/1/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Santa Monica, CA Myrna Perez 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

El Cajon, CA Myrna Perez 9/1 /2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

El Cajon, CA

Naomi R. Haynes 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

La Jolla, CA Nicholas Pearce 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Chicago, IL

Nicholas Pearce 9/19/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Chicago, IL

43 201 1 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Orestes P. Hastings 9/1/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

El Cerrito, CA

Oyebola Olabisi 9/1 /2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Somerville, MA

Paul Yoo 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Cambridge, MA

Peter Kingston 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Los Altos, CA

Rutendo Kashambwa 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Cambridge, MA

Rutendo Kashambwa 9/8/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Cambridge, MA

Samuel David Perli 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Cambridge, MA

Samuel David Perli 12/29/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Cambridge, MA

Sarah Awad 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

La Canada, CA Sehmus Ziya Meral 9/12/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship


Soojin Oh 9/1 /2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Belmont, MA Stephen Chen 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

El Cerrito, CA Stephen Chen 9/1 /2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

El Cerrito, CA

T. Dupree Scovell 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Playa Del Rey, CA

Tak Bun Denvid Lau 9/1 /2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Cambridge, MA

Thera Crane 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Oakland, CA

44 2011 Grant Payments

Organization Pay Date Amount Summary Thomas Ward 1/6/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Fullerton, CA

Thomas Ward 9/1/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Fullerton, CA

Valenia Zasiedatielieva 9/14/2011 $8,000 00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Los Angeles, CA

Wendy W Liu 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Brookline, MA

Yinxing Liu 1/6/2011 $8,000.00 Harvey Fellows scholarship

Dubuque, IA

Grand Total $4,295,260.13


7115 Leesburg Pike, Suite 304 Falls Church , VA 22043 USA


The Mustard Seed Foundation is a Christian family foundation established in 1983 under the leadership of Dennis W. Bakke and Eileen Harvey Bakke. The Foundation was created as an expression of their desire to be faithful stewards of the financial resources entrusted to them, to bring together the Christian members of their extended families into common ministry, and to advance the Kingdom of God. The Foundation provides grants to churches and Christian organizations worldwide that are engaged in Christian ministries including outreach (evangelism), discipleship, and economic empowerment. The Foundation welcomes grant applications from churches representing Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant traditions. All persons receiving Mustard Seed grants must proclaim faith in Christ, affirm the basic tenets of orthodox Christianity, and desire to serve and witness in Christ's name.

In addition, the Foundation offers scholarships through different programs. The scholarship application forms and processes are different than the grant application guidelines. Please see our website for details on our scholarship programs . This form cannot be used to apply for a scholarship. APPLICATION AND GRANT-MAKING PROCESS

Please consider our granting categories and priorities before submitting an application. In order to make a formal grant request to the Foundation, the applicant must submit a complete grant application using the format stipulated in this document. The applicant will be contacted if additional information is required. Most complete applications are reviewed within three months of receipt, and applicants are typically notified only after the review process is complete. Any grant application requesting funding for more than one year should also be accompanied by project budgets for each year funding is requested.


Most of the projects we fund fit within one of the three granting categories below.

Outreach: Sharing the gospel of Christ among all peoples Grants in this category are awarded to projects whose purpose is sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. These efforts are focused on winning non-Christians to Christ and introducing them to the basic tenets of faith. Of particular interest are projects that establish new churches or new ministries among non-believers.

Empowerment : Building up the resources of the Church one person at a time Mustard Seed Foundation defines empowerment as giving decision-making power to the poor. Grants in this category seek to give hope and dignity to disadvantaged believers through income generation. Revolving loan funds created for and run by church members to start small businesses are examples of typical empowerment projects. We do not typically fund skills training initiatives.

Discipleship : Enabling Christians to be better ambassadors for Christ Grants in this category support projects that aim to educate Christians to better engage in ministry. We seek to support projects that help Christians become more mature believers and prepare for ministry. Discipleship grants are usually smaller than those awarded in other granting areas. Conferences or retreat activities are typically not given a high priority. GRANTING PRIORITIES

Grant requests submitted to the Foundation are viewed in light of the following priorities by which grant decisions are made. All prospective grant applicants are strongly urged to pay close attention to these priorities when deciding whether to submit an application.

Small and Startup As our name implies, the Mustard Seed Foundation provides seed funding for startup projects. We give priority to projects that are grassroots or plan to become locally managed and sustained. We do not provide ongoing support for projects that were started more than three years ago.

Individuals in Community We seek to partner with local congregations that identify, equip, and support their members who are called to specific areas of ministry in the church, the marketplace, and the world. The projects we support are typically started through the vision, calling, and gifting of individuals who are then supported by their local church. We believe it is a fundamental responsibility of every local congregation to nurture, encourage, and support the visions of their members that are God-given and kingdom-oriented.

Dynamic We look for creative initiatives that offer innovative approaches to local church-based ministries. We desire to support dynamic projects that show the love of Jesus in word and action. Therefore, we typically do not to fund individuals who are serving in administrative roles, or projects for debt relief, land or building purchases.

Local Church Accountability and Financial Support We recognize the Church as God's primary representative in the world. We also believe the local congregation of believers is His primary representative within a particular geographic area. Therefore, we consider local church accountability and financial support primary indicators of the priority, integrity, and sustainability of a particular project. A church must be willing to invest financially in a project for Mustard Seed to consider funding that project. We do not consider in-kind contributions alone as local church financial support. Projects initiated by parachurch organizations or denominational bodies will only be considered if there is clear evidence of financial support from a local church or multiple congregations.

Partnership Mustard Seed seeks to help launch projects as a minority partner, providing funds over a limited time period and in a way that encourages self-sufficiency and reliance on the local church. Therefore, we will typically only fund up to 50 percent of the total cost of a project in any given year.

Urban The Foundation has a strong interest in the unique challenges faced by the urban church. As the world rapidly urbanizes, we believe large cities are particularly strategic. We seek to encourage the establishment of new ministry in the largest urban centers worldwide. Approximately 80 percent of all grants we award support projects in major urban centers. MUSTARD SEED FOUNDATION GRANT APPLICATION COVER FORM

We are eager to learn about your local community and your proposed project. Guidelines for the narrative and budget portions of your proposal are provided on the next page. Emailed submissions are highly encouraged, but they may also require the faxing or mailing of required attachments. Please note that most unsuccessful grant applications are rejected because they fail to meet our stated granting priorities (e.g. local church financial investment) or lack sufficient documentation in order for us to consider awarding a grant.


Applicant's Name:


Church Name:

Church Address:

Phone: Fax:


Purpose of project:

Total amount requested in U.S . dollars:

Total duration of project: When did/will the project start:

How did you become aware of MSF (please be specific:

My signature below confirms that my application is truthful and authentic. My signature also confirms that any potential funds awarded by the Mustard Seed Foundation will NOT be used for any political activities but will be used solely for the purposes stated on this application that are in fact charitable and religious in nature:

Signature: Date: Send to: Mustard Seed Foundation 7115 Leesburg Pike, Suite 304 Falls Church , VA 22043 USA [email protected]

Please note that the grant application is incomplete without Sections A, B, C, D & E.


Submit on separate pages, of NO MORE THAN ONE PAGE EACH, a narrative response to each of the following topics concerning your project. The proposal MUST be in this format and in English to be considered.

1. Applicant ' s Personal Faith Statement The person who is administering or supervising the project should write this. Describe what you believe to be the essentials of your Christian faith. Personal testimony and doctrinal statements are appropriate secondary responses but may not take the place of a faith statement of what you believe. Do not submit a signed copy of the organization's faith statement in place of this more personal expression of your own beliefs. If you are proposing funds for an individual's salary, please include that individual's personal statement of faith as well.

2. Background Information Please tell us briefly about you and your organization. Tell us the history and purpose of the organization, its typical activities, and current programs. Describe your neighborhood, community, or city to help us understand your local context We want to be able to envision where you work in addition to the environment, issues, and opportunities presented in your city. Assume we have a general understanding of your country, but that we do not know your neighborhood.

3. Project Summary/Purpose of the Grant Please tell us what you want to do and why you want to do it. How does your proposed project relate to the needs described in your background information? Tell us how you hope to implement the project and include the following details: people targeted, project goals, duration of project, specific means of achieving project goals, evaluation process, and the plan for sustainability. Tell us how you specifically plan to utilize the funds for which you are asking. Remember to use a narrative format rather than submitting a list of activities.

4. Local Church Involvement Explain how your church is participating in the project. How much is the church contributing financially and how is it providing leadership and accountability to the project7 How else is the church contributing9 If your organization is not a church, we will look for strong financial support from your church and/or other churches in the community where the project is located. MSF values the project's accountability to a local church and believes that the church's financial involvement increases accountability and sustainability. If this is a multi-church effort, give the name and location of each church as well as the type and amount of support each church is contributing to the project


5. Church Budget Provide a detailed budget for the current fiscal year including: (a) income provided by each source, and (b) general expense categories. It is acceptable to provide a general list of income and expenses as the overall church budget. The church budget should indicate where funds for the project are allocated.

6. Project Budget Provide a one page budget for the project which includes: (a) sources and amount of income for the project and (b) general expenses and amounts for each category. Please specify if these funds are currently available or are still being raised. Indicate how much you are requesting from Mustard Seed Foundation and the specific uses to which MSF funds will be applied. Please indicate how much income is coming (or is expected to come) directly from your church. If this is a multi-church project, please include name, location, and funds given by each church. If you are requesting a multi-year grant, please provide project budgets for each year funding is requested.

E. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS • Names of church's governing board members (Elders/Deacons, Church Council, etc.) • Copy of official/legal documentation evidencing your tax-exempt and/or charitable, religious nature • The organization's statement of faith and mission statement • Final (preferably audited) end of year financial statement from previous fiscal year