Shedd Park: The track around the shall be the homerun mark. Balls over and landing beyond the track are homeruns. Balls hit to the warning track will be recorded as outs only as long as the fielder has at least one foot completely on the track (therefore in play) when making the . A that strikes a tree or other object adjacent to the homerun marker will be considered a homerun if in the judgement of the umpire the ball would have cleared the homerun marker had it not struck the tree or object. Balls hit to the outfield that land and roll past the fielders and continues past the track will remain in play unless the ball becomes lost in the wooded area or is otherwise hazardous to pursue (such as on the cement structure in right). In this event, the ball with be ruled dead and all runners will be placed where they would have reached base without the field issue in the umpires judgement.

The of play boundary shall extend as an imaginary line from both benches to an intersecting point with the homerun marks and in the opposite direction leading to the backstop. To the umpire, a fixed point outside of the playing area adjacent to the outfield may be chosen by the umpires to help clarify the out of play boundary, such as a selected tree, post or other object.

Hadley Field The stone wall around the outfield shall be the homerun mark. Balls hit over this wall will be considered homeruns. Flyballs hit to the wall and caught will be recorded as outs only as long as the fielder remains in the field of play. The wall is considered in the field of play. A batted ball that strikes a tree or other object adjacent to the homerun marker will be considered a homerun if in the judgement of the umpire the ball would have cleared the homerun marker had it not struck the tree or object. Likewise, balls hit completely through the opening in the wall (centerfield) will be ruled dead and runners will be placed where they would have reached base without the field issue interference in the umpire's judgement. The right field out of play boundary will be the stone wall with the exception of the bench area. This area will include the fenced in bench area and a 45-degree area from the front corner fence posts to the stone wall and backstop respectively. The left field out of play area will be the small hill that runs the distance from the bench area to the homerun wall with the exception of the bench area. This area shall likewise include a 45-degree area from each front corner post to the existing fence backstop and hill respectively. Balls caught in the air to this hill boundary shall be recorded as an out only if the fielder has at least one foot on the level ground area before the hill.

Greater Lowell Vocational: The homerun marker shall vary. In right field, the marker shall start with the chain link fence along the right field line and extend to the limit of the fence. Beyond the fence the marker will be the front edge of the wooded area and will continue to the tennis courts in centerfield. The stone monument will be the homerun marker in left field. Any ball hit beyond this marker will be considered a homerun. OTB GROUND RULES

The fence surrounding the tennis courts will be the homerun marker for centerfield. A batted ball that strikes a tree or other object adjacent to the homerun marker will be considered a homerun if in the judgement of the umpire the ball would have cleared the homerun marker had it not struck the tree or object. Balls hit to the outfield (right, center or left) that land before the homerun markers but roll past the markers will be considered in play unless it becomes lost in the wooded area or is otherwise hazardous to pursue (such as the asphalt parking lot in left). In this event, the ball will be ruled dead and all runners will be placed where they would have reached base without the field issue interference in the umpire's judgement. The right field out of play boundary shall extend as an imaginary line from the face of the to the backstop and chain link fence respectively. The left field boundary shall extend as an imaginary line from the face of the dugout to the backstop and intersecting with the homerun marker. The stands shall be considered out of play. The face of both dugouts shall be considered in play. To assist the umpire, a fixed point outside of the playing area adjacent to the outfield may be chosen by the umpires to help clarify the out of play boundary, such as a selected tree, post or other object.

Gage Field: The homerun markers shall vary. Balls hit to right field that are not hit over the fence shall be considered in play with the following exceptions. Balls that are hit and become lodged behind the portable bathroom will be ruled dead and a ground rule will be awarded. Balls hit into the soccer field playing area will be ruled dead when a soccer game is ongoing and all runners will be placed where they would have reached base without the field issue interference in the umpire's judgement. Balls hit beyond the chain link fence in left, center and right field shall be considered a homerun. The left field marker shall be the top edge of the hill to the left of the school. Balls hit beyond this marker in the air will be considered homeruns. Balls hit to left field that land before and then roll past this marker beyond the sight of the umpire will be ruled dead and a ground rule will be awarded. Balls that hit the school in the air will be considered homeruns, however balls that land before and then roll to the school will remain in play. The out of play boundaries shall extend as an imaginary line from the face of the chain link bench areas to the backstop and homerun markers respectively. The face of the chain link bench areas will remain in play. To assist the umpire, a fixed point outside of the playing area in the outfield may be chosen by the umpires to help clarify the out of play boundary, such as a selected tree, post or other object.