Tift CUmN UMMMUI. iUNTM KKFIIUUA. rviLuw■ V.ITH ornciAi pmH or the county Robert Nmlth A- Co., Aiitninef it____ OS4 4*|Ssr»tsl l» tioiX.ataiul. I s Imstlnu, «• 4 t • OS» tjssra, 1km sounka, .. *• * 0 im« •*te*»«,**# jr**4*»4 ...... t (• Os*MSSrlrf wiluaife, tSr< * a»ail. r- ,.,T--ll 4* Clinton iw.<(u«jlftiti>)uab, hi a.a(U,...... 91 4* on* Miluniisof. fear *n 4 paya*...... IS M H»lf .n.i*h,m ------,— *a S a * astsUMi. us# ?mai , ...... 41 « s On# tuluM, an* jraav,...... V.M..|| if littammianU, M aver 4 ll»T» rar V. at, VOLUME XIII. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER IH, 1868 . NUMBER 17. lio4.nl aiiittlNSPSU pa> ti l*, ta all .ata, la a4 venae.

Lui FRiTmcii.->TW Dtirwl Taxan —Fiarr Natioiai Baas or St. ■an awm be waa iu the army in 1884 and even pro ­ GROCERIES. GROCERIES. REAL ESTATE. fktCUstn]|rptlUcaa iUUa that John C. Lake, Utely luo well JoMRi-lt la asserted orer and orer again cured a furlough to oume home and vote the Nlsklr luptrfai THE WAIl ||I:i m«, l.tn\ A *0**, j known in this village for hi* rascality m democratic ticket ia false, lie was not in ICUJIOB." erg ftsfeMkaa In (liaise Oeaaif. rr. jmNfti is diiboncitjr, irrivvd in thnt dty on the 9tb who hare obtained their information fh*n tbe army at that time, but entitled in 1861 E mot , in cbir|t of to officer, he having been aurh reck I area • peak era aa Trvvellick, and kediioe RepnXl tcaa:—1 understand that a snd wsa soon disc barged on account of ill NOT A FAILURE! Beal Estate Brokers, arrested up*m cun|diuit of t nl—ia in the •penal effort b to be made by tbe demo- health. He re enlists* 1 ia 1864 , (a demo* LOCAL aucb reck lees journal# aa the La Croaee rr jokks . rich. employ of Tilronn, hilsbee A Ca,of Drmut'rtu end other* of that ilk, who have crate to dtfrat Mr. Perrin rad Mr. Hoyt, ^ ,u neW kooW „ »„ a„ tbi.) .ml mm — ftimUClN *ECTlMiH. who alleges that on the fifteenth of June l-rt'dM oLyect being to get tbe through Grant ’. ram|»igo, until ^.io teken W* «br t -f »W a larr qtiai.tif) af trSalas An*. no reputation to lone, and therefore publish iav IVrtif a la furrhsaa voull 4s sail last, be waa induct J to aell Lake, on credit, tbe meet glaring falsehoods in regard to the printing, whi<*h is under the aobtful of the in(| M0t go New York aty, where be Greenbacks Taken at Pari Ut flra a* a rail Wr * to Jrnlge «r PrutMU %nd tbe < ircait Lourt «r„ . mmxmm I tint* ducUrged on mcuu .I of n lot of furniture, spring*, et&, to the value principal policy of tbe Republican party. A ti » i r u c t (i r T I t I fi M of IMwU VI, upon bu represea taUons that be Coonuiuioot-r A* they ctetnot m-corapli.h p.^ braltb, .nd returned borne wait tune But one by one, aa the campaign progresses, HALL00I EVERYBODY I f» worth 81,000 or 11,500, and waa pueeeaeed and ioog before tbe campaign cheer, much matter of very grave inquiry whether such not fote at all for I'rseidrnt in 1864 . f>r aunS fn*aa any part ••( Ik* Waal Yaars , •* f»#f wnrw m ik* t tiintoairn ltil«*a, rroton oof PCULlCA^lii BALLY• of $100 in caah, and the extent of hie lie* of tbe ground now aaeumed by tbe copper ­ aid should be afforded, unless it be clearly Neither did be urge bis friend# to vote for MYOva valuator# In | *r to* film U, f«* Hr* lit lew, Itoodi, bib tie* mould not exored 810 , all of which proved th*t tbeM men An either di*boae»t. )|*CMIm. Dill, bra bml p.»r h, »ltb ever , V *t ’f»jfv*. ou t < on*r«' 1o drawn atit iwolidia ai»S 4t*» head press and speakers will be eutirely CROTCRY k PRO I NON STORE 49 *f Will to Bom**-- m~i*m i* *•*••• r*n. be now better** to be folse Of course it incapable, or uubitbful to tb. conatitution „„«• be waa in tbe a nay .nd the doctor* tflkt «kkk f*o4 **ti ir jurwn ’ abandoned. Nothing ia more common for /Nl '1* 1.9.99 A CA H It 11 It’S of their country. Tbi. no oo# belie?.., uryml biin to go to California or pin* •o 4 *•**»'*- No*** ** lk* 4«r.-WI^« waa foUc, and Lake knew it to be ao at the democrats to aaecrt, than that the national -or AU tto**# u##ti*f* *r* to to too*4 *t 1H *• •* *• time ; for we don't know of a single iimUuc * bonds pay no taxes, or very little, in pro* however loudly it may be uwrtrd. I b.ve on tbe ae. .bore, S*, therefore, made am- REAL ESTATE AGENCY, tto 4^m ts4vot *4 in which be told the truth. He it noton portion to capital invested. We give below beeo ^quainted with Mr. Hoyt from tbe p|. preparation, for bi. f.imly, and it wm ▼irrnn. Of*™ » M n i>. c. Hurd , J. ficattergood & Co. IT. JOB ft 4, BIC II. K1L1Y. *rHori «>u*ly dishonest, and should be aent to a statement of taxes paid by tbe First Na­ flrat day be entered Clinton county till tbe generally known throughout tbe neighbor HKMO%U rk«r4N feto * «* ** Jackaon by all mean*. The examination tional Hank of this village, for the fiscal present time—a period of thirteen year*, when and where be wm going. “Tbe First Door North of the Hunk. 1 f you vast yo»jf MIX. to-*« U#ton*»-to*fliW and I have yet to learn of tbe Brat act that ' „iber man'# wife ’’ i. at borne attending to oEKENB' «H ihwwiM Xbb*4 -Nw«>. fori » waa poatfamed. )ear ending June 50, 1867 , and compare 1 Ioiinu «tnd Lot Hold, llAlrUl V« *»‘#W* fetot- -to. ***, *#vt JR tbe same with the tax paid by five citiaens would lia.pi.brv him for • faithful diacb.rge her own buainem. .be having returned from Fuf • tub I *U 1 giT* la •i(likn|« ON THU mi os norm OTID. Tifi Hrv* h* M.tM Kinctaa. Tka r*iurw| it» M*io» of the duties of any office williln our gift. OLIVK a'n'.B**, b*U M<*»4*), *r» »#ry m#aor« Tto n 4nu« of St. Johns during tbe same year, via.: a visit to New York instead of eloping nug»r%. FWwr. CUTI.KK S CARKIEB. ra TII * Victim LIRE, M)y«r fe-to^LO** » Maala claim imk 4%—4 ra*)antl*«, srtoirto. *rto- >MI|k M UIKI* Tss «t 4*o«* p*!4 L* 1 Tnann ...... $ lit M My acquaintance with Mr. Perrin has been Hilt*, when I sat heard from, was at Coun ­ 14 i i If jruu !ur« ». jr ftAflf ft. l>*nnl*i**«n too**#, <*H • I y*otprd »4>4 toyby 1i 'vf—i— 'rai*iHi . aia .nwmly•ttrroulv a»Ufto* I J. Tk. 4mi * furl, 1M ti 4#|Miifi ftibl dffiBUtioi |«*»4 otiilfidur ' for a more limited period, but whoehallasy C.'llei •, Battar, f*M' 11t ll.KY. J**#C affco.l-h«^, OtA • ••Mtikmmk vvM«U eim Urgi^jf»Ar#nj iftfiurraMi rw—ii. mmu4 U. r»»MkU<4* of 1 filffftlfti Kft % P ft Ufi* aasa*sas*vsasaeaasas#aa L ^ 1 cil Bluffs pursuing hi# legitimate busmens — W ATEIlTIlWft, i U WilfM) Tk. l^urroAK pari, ka*« Tss*, DuS. HICAL EHTATE 4*4 S'*#"' I «*- CtoOfm** H--too*i, Oct. T. flaK «H8tf fii4 Fillif» fftiM 497*1 ti,.t be will n..t make .a eirMlent Judge of tr,,c|ing bl, braltb. Ilo never wm . * 1- To Mono, WAR PATH r««1»Mly k«U tker .«■ m fti utgaUn are 4l9®4i•••eeaeeeaeeeeeesessseeeeu )M 99 Ia MiUiSto, fit out, l*1I uu Cuilrr 4 l *rrt* r DAM. AS E#» fe-to-wfeto**-* ivt. • *kMkpt ik« r*4*0*4 ■.).!<< j i4 4#> r»*4nil #r Probate V I understand that one of the ob Stiariio, ataroS, LXUAft"*. l-tirari • C Uatfra* JnArpendtnl democrat ; never vote«l that ticket, and U«iikul, Cllrttbi, t u*«n*l* r of lloii** ma l ’ nU Ia Hi. Jwha*, fur aal* toy URiklll'ftH, M« M••••»* ft kuU Oft. 1 T v>l hi • # a *•**#•#* ••ee#e#eaeeeesee • • § • #eee#*s \, • 99 i 4 jectione urged by democrats against Mr F«Wt I OTillftj AftMMI Ah »Hmu*. <*• *- It ia really amusing te read tbe com This sum amounts to a fraction over three t!,* r * ii n drfmt in Maim*on Mon«lay. It ia rifHtal etark of the banfe-£60,000. We tb.t they b.«r .temlily denied tbe esi.t- riendarow. .lory wm tlr»t Mtftnl by . runr- I rr oyn, fg«l ««4 UN#- (iv, (‘«!f lWi«»l.k»tt*s CM. If. now asserted that tke increased Republican now copy from tbe tax roll in tbe County Choice Farming Lands DmU*i 4*4 f A« mm I14* X' |4«rti H#A•• I, (M. it ent r of such an >rgani/Ation. Such a charge mg .lem.vr«t Ovid, wbirh .rcuunt. for it ! ftaaftft. ftssim-i-i ftr4»**-b^u 4e. On js _ majorities sere * not um ipetUd ; wh11« . Treasurer** office for the same year, tbe In < *ntr#n, Onti i, Hto 1 oeaaaaa, Kiiufi, Ingl *m ar.4 4 vHtt b« i* 4* ta peasee# r**( C^se ss4 mure | ,|u i« l(t*t ikma vaaki sau ika ritnarr. 1______#. a^ .__ _i&i.__ .# a. ■ «___, 7 .l.* _ ___ should come fri*m si *me other quarter, An first ap|wvnng in tbe Independent. And the Wijfia CuUAtUa* t'jr «kl« ty Cullrt Cankr, the fact is that three weeks ago the copper names of five citiaens m at. Johns, tbe ai . , tL . . . , ... - Viinkut) .\otioiiN, etc. New iloods and Good Goods. »u*s la *fih*«*s :K*»» »«*n*d* *Mn#f rtf other charge is that he is a spiritualist. To sutlior of the article in the Kurt sucii, A rl*otc« trac of vtU » wa • Fusm »iJ a* ■art u bead* boasted that they would greatly re value of tbeir property aa put on the .. si#-it rtft rr.,1 t*«, plmsd t.. in . . « »ofi tbw w» .n.wrr tb.t Mr.T«Mk,lWr ~*~titt ‘n II it InilliriiM iknl PINK LAND, ia Iks aritWftavftrai. pr*ews» u m law«(| (lucf the ItipuSlM sn majority brluw that of county and town tax paid nominee for Kepresentative, ia a greater spir­ ft«*ar ItJfir. Duot aim Cor.tttv, l« r «*.# If. Mr. M.IIM. V1..M r»rw«'Mw Iw( yrar. Mid eve. went •> fvr m to offer , by rath, .nd tbe Intern .1 Kcvenue Ui UOUUIS DIMS of Otis, VpfaiaWr 14. 1MM fTTI.KK 4 ( Al.HIMt ■fiismammtMtni or%*»* I** 4* Ohambarlaln’a majority would not each, aa taken from the Collector's book: itualist than be. To vote against Mr. Hoyt TTisnkFal f«-r pas hY< rv an.I h<>p*njr ^»v atl#n- AT LOW PKUTX «r4 * Wllk Irranttf Vf kikll k»o ia a virtual notice that we shall do likewise Iwvfi to KuriiMai, tM Utr toailnff.to mertl a litoral »lir« . r as* i I M IM a* ha*r tw 15, 4i #W> OD to all recruits from the democratic party. nsme of a neat K*^ ‘publican seven column rtaaan# iav »l<*-4 aoH prv«* Uf** p«rrrl'a^rig #l*a- Republicans hare earned every Congret- 4 wa*i*. Will aiaff eiiSj W plaaa* au4 »uit ru«i mar* < 1(1.AT Jotn HU a...... liss s? n ti m paper rei'ently s(arte«i at Centerville, the ( PAtrtss.—Then are m»w twenty three ma i,*rtt v mtp. I W 9MM...... DU U3 is U m This has not been our course heretofore and I* C. HURD. sio«»al DisUict by over Si is count v seat of Tuscola county. It evinces pnuper* iu lb- * l.nt.M county Pmic HuMf. eery luvnly. rigaincd lb. thrr* Ib.t Jt» IIS «* ‘‘*** 1 b'ipe that we shall lw slow to adopt such w. I.A4K1.U A ( o^ »w PI i *i'lrral e enterpriserntcronse and hasLav our !*est W. REDUCTION IN PRICES ftr.v* Ro^nWurk on ibe Aim. .nd were earned by tbe .Icm.Ni.cy l..t yew. »■ Kmu . :::::: m;* in ** a suicidal policy now. Mr. Oibtxins wss * i<*hes for succw 1*4 4 I a 44 IV AT II. JAC01I*N« formerly a detw««rrat, but w hat Republican Mnple R.gt.bi StMc r..*d i. pr»gr«»».ng rlcrte.1 every Scn»t«r .nd wven riglitb. i.f Tatar...... ftv.sm rn»|TT8 atS4 |ue m 1 ever voted against him on that account ? Tmc StfWMftlflta IBTEDDS to 4jiend the W* taX# frest pi rs Is aasausclAf to fto# |>u kjilc Kit |i lh> tlm* to f*23 64. time from October 15th until March Ut in sa 4 )utl reeri.oi a full 4tuck of rapidly. ______Mr. Kllia was ooce a dsmn lectures st tbe Philadel- Iwcmtssiwu.—-Buiirowa on the l>. A M. Spring and Sommrr Clothing, Chanilirrlaiti of 22,(Aft>. In l*d 57 , the Re Paine. Perrin llicks and tbe other eentle P^b*)^ ^ Clreenhush ever thought of bis | hia I>ent*l (%ollege, and uixm the clinics of I'ltOVIHIONH, IV nrmrding to the Milwaukee Irs/foi, publican majority wsa 11,fill. This year it turn .Ih.vv *^r tb.t Z .u» ^w. wU. ..««! -a C4. j «bv IV.H.,,,.... MM E-lul. Tto- AI40, * Urf# *(« k of ia mrraai aft with great rapidity. 1*01 tic, FLOIJH, iv 22,1X0—a gam of over 10,UU0. If tbs Cops ..f #19,wo. *• urari to tbrm for the pur j weSow wttb oScr I hb.ll ^Mwcrate I* ^ i» not 4-4‘iif*' Fu"taifiling Goods, ... ■ i ^ intervening r what Ihfif kre r»si;v 1 shrewdly art a trap, baited it with the cry I I It I M, emit)ty for 1888 , is §9 T-< 55. T»*e t«*ta! •* worth. Not vne of the gentlemen above DRYGOODS h V a% 11«« ", Dmirv A .,rw.,^prr m on. of n#nm, wJ|| ^ ^ fof wfcM be k jndi of - Right H our Law,'' 44 Kqual Taxation, Kf oixruo To Tan:n. — Y,»u will see men amount of tbe fitate tax is fit 13. * 4# 84 . the best articles to chan glass, bead an advertisement with A Man found And o 4)*r nriw #« too niimrmMi to m#ttton, mnry of vidually worth the sum of 819,990--tbe a# Dow. w.th tu BL* 4ted Bo«dh..kUr,^" •*« ■ llrarf. .4- .A W.r witb M.tioi. , for tkv pur All G#*4«. Sol 4 Ckfflp for Ct«.||. • ' kX Is »• ftrrrr tor** toroUfUl brfor* 1*4 p«UK is DxworaATtc Nouihxe ftom Suxatos .— : —Tbs Shiawassee County Fair will be tLto 4*ril«tfl »*#4-r# s*M*i value of the whole of them. We have Mr. Van Sickle was caught, and will now p^e of attracting attention ; but the true roMt: ONR.t'OMi: alli *»At the democratic Senatorial Co4ivcntion held at Owoaao oo tbe 2Jd, 24th and 24tb taken much pains to get an estimate of tbe support Seymour and Blair; and whatdtm- W*X ki a !?ert!*e is to l»e plain, as follows ; | .»rat will think tb.t h» »h«M.I«l b* r# putoktstf «.*•-«n ##• for this district, held at learning ftatur- , mat. rt*d mine of the property of theae enterpns . , j . * l, li * U** J, W. fVdsiid • llntuor Dortof. I*t)t ui> WtoicA la vary skot — and eaaglau is sll raayaou Very r^pMHUHr, day last. I>r U. W. Topping, of Ik Witt, —Tobacco leaves buried around the roots because be once belonged to the Republican p An ciiinilnntlon of our Hto«*k mg and four banded citiiena —and no one in Urge bottles, and for sale by S. S.. Ran- 1*4 aoirlol I ed • H. J UIIHN was Dorn mated fur State Senator. of fruit trees are ssmI to be a good prevent ­ will quest too the estimate of tbe aggregate parly ? Mr. Reed, ton, is a Republican, j w. W. la /.eli.k a co. ft' s'. l #r U> ll I' .foiU* 4i ative of injury by ants but every democrat will vote for bun now, M J* 4Sa . Mm9 m IS« i if H* .1 k r * Xl v 1, tses. A cvidewt .—While Hough's nwbinitHUi value of their property at Oo Pcimoiakt affection* are tbe scourge of —Mr. John R Hale has recovered tbe Mr. Iloyt rame to ua in tbe darkest hours |>ITTX A K VI III , show was in this village on Tuesday, a man this auin - the actual value of their pn>j»eriy New kngland ; but with the u»e of White DENTISTRY. f ollows, (*oo 4s, f'lotbs, etc •4 S cow stolen from his farm near this village of tbe war, not when tbe struggle was over, pj,^ r^mipkund n,.-*t of the suffenn cvmnected with it, whension« re in Michigan ! opponents are not mad# glad by his defeat. sale be all druggists eff tbe centre udl fatting on htsba“ Cm ! r * . ... .* ia 11,000. Tbcv receive annuallv over a. rxAkL this (vitinectioti we might state that tbe * • ; the dollar of tbeir entire capital or worth. mnn. II* jr-** •» K, eiitoorjt #t*te*»»*r, to f#t\ t#r (h# *oun 4 1 * 900,000. i##4to of )ounc *• *4 tK*ir i»4 Ts orurytoody, sst st S iff’.-# thsl »ul *1- or ALL KIN l»te. company did not perform here, aa a*!ier Tbe Hank pays over three cents on the dol ­ Rftet stir a * Rally at Nxwrou's H all . l #t«r*l. Cunks #«,ur.:jr, Mmu , U, i«e! 1‘rvjcur* I>r ti ft l orlu 1 rtoUr# —A morning cotemporary has unkindly Used, owing to tbe fact that their tent ft as lar more than tbe citixenr The above ee —The lion. Jacob Ferns, of Grand Itspids. »•**. I-cl rr )«mn|r4 t«u.*?.;#r *7 C >rtl**4 »iti Il.l.t *Tir \TI.I» MOKk A*so hrulm tn bunted up Weiister • definition of the word I unnu H(*l, -if?-! 1* )m#u . Kineti (Wn 9>y il#e severe storm which pre­ timate applies to all our citiaens, as well as dedvered a musiDg Republican speech at !•> }<-** • 4* |ii*i j #n4«•*?..; toy nn'urr vit| <■ K*m- *• I^rm«»crat.t, Webstar savs: “ I►onurcraf , •f |-o*» *(»f »»f nuu 4 *h# #«( (Min**. «*#*<• ir» Do# Skino, la^imrrrv, TwrrdN, vailed on that day to the gentlemen namrei, lie it is a fart, Newton's Hall on Tuesday evening He 'NS *»4 k.fwl tik v 4 Utut.l# «|lfe * 1, ft. *# knt* III n. Mot who adheres to a guvernment by is- kwl Is 1*»* hsr. Mto* V4« * ti44 fii«n4t S Xi*4 | ft# 8 >1 A - *T~ s — which •Kigbt to be understood, and w wvl1 took up the several issues now before the r• tor l*| M d*te-ht#v V# J |«l tel. t **4 I riannr*, rtc. (niisraiuu DiufanTtn *T Fin* —A tbe people, or tavors the extenai »n of the I** T*» «uto. *1 leoti r«f4*n-#. t« r#t. irr urouutd understood by tbe rnekm against tbe na ­ people and handleil them id a masterly and 4.** Itof, I li« rwttf* I*s*i «*f tort 'I)!»•'•». vtokr* *44 t**< to r'v»f««rv*Kl* un i 4or*M« * Frorur* C%*f SinM prutr»«t*n# tto# iso****** CriCIM. 09 fsfite. or a third of its null value and personal that there were only two questions involved to*v*rs. though •liSTM-nr n»* a fofffv l h#ffs#4f, i* *-w# *r 4 lp#4* of ur'lftrtol l*Hti * ftrwn Smith and Tillitsou, of iMroit, was I f.*nd of Saddle Rock Oysters to know that property at about half its value, and more in the campaign — ipeonstruce *om and the fi- *■ »*4#r >*♦ «k» * «to<«i |.*r to* v 4vr'.te r»w h '!telr****-| ** >.*r 4 mU0 rati »i^> j ^ MMBtsn tSSKdk *" ■— TAIL! >lt I.M; overrun i»y fire during tlie late dry weather, there are ifA snrh moIlu«k« in existence I* • I».t n-4 4te« *s CWtkrr, I 'bi.l I, 1*4 * •# to frequcntly Isas than that. Auy one can naoces. Tbs former is steadly progress ,7 K#W ••iRr*fn« l, U'r’r IM t nrp'n of O W destroying the entire cranberry crop, which Tbs famous Saddle Ruck Ikm !* bsvr J8 k n 4 * o-i ftour* *s> 4to# 4*>d - Mfthr, f ftiafc ska* Th# ttel Am V. -t, -itonHItel * IL# |*r. !«•* r* *# #• ? foe. , verify our statement in regard to the tax »ng under the wholesome acta <>f ( cmgreas, 1»P V1i Xtettotnu't ui*** to:«r#>—. Mtto# « V*»omWiYf prtimieed t*» He a large snd profitable one. ' ULt 1 ng since. So the New Y*#rk S*is says. I Ml ’.to* I# fl« Iki to p*. *U« 4M ^teKxlJ; ttolfl *-4 . •> 4 1 tp|f »r *»* tl*4 4f »*Utn— *f tor | ns (j..,* t*04 tot ua It.f.tfTK -to* r’t|4#*n rtf te* ,l hl** 4*1 # »■ ( I to** to* the Bank pays, by calling u|*on Mr. Walker, until eight of tbe eleven seceded States are |*.t* r •!.. »vtf.# mirirvi of «f>f ««•*#hmf *7!«■■*• lutto** « f#s rrf frt*ra « 11 kt * W»li, *1 a I tin.. *, Ur f. ill 1 ►••vl) t* att*f »4 to fto# vafltl The hmm ta these gentlemen )• quite heavy, —The Itbara J •nmni states that the dis ­ fully restored to their place in the I nma, *- r# *» ## t'sMnt. 4».# #apr*wte»t h#r v U’hi#*#*# t* 1 •t^«oTTt#fte, ai . 1 n.., nil *\* ru-*t •««# au#. 4*4 toe tbe C**Lier, who will with pleasure answer • *• ** »to*»# Mb« r» 4>**4 to*# ■ .■ >#<».»*>*#-* to F*»of T. !.. Hrktnctfl*, **t r^Mfrar .i C .II#i» of rr«*>*#i#i*(* j— v d * Mitblr.f in to.* her, aucb *# as the crop last year proved a!tn«jst so cn trict that has the l*e%t country scb«M»l h«>twe !;*♦ l — « R) 4*rt.t. *» <1 *!«• M % Sekrt* J* «t to. to**.k tto« |to-*«%| Sv*«^p» n\ vr+tio . •* I to*4* W#»4 . «| -.«#v r#r*.f tom. any question on the subject to entirely *atis- while tbe other three are waiting for more ftsklttff viett** nnd H#t in fJr4tiot county —a magnificent new frame Im4 «»f •• i*ki>j 7*1 h#r. i*>i 1ite riCrr* pm**! 4 f4iln *k 4 •« l i* ri»4-4 irrt taUtail* i# f fie%* H*n •**< firs failure. factory. The Slate tax on the National favorable terms of a*imission in tbe event ^ •** U** 'MS •»( "k A o(«- ,«*4 to. 4 ll#«* us ilk^t *-»• r»* \ lj H* ra# • f . j » *f. -4 In Xs. •• Mlhir*| if 4 tT.lSIf J, Uuriu* ni«, UiiMiug that would do credit to any ordi- f r»*r!i V 4*iit< h* r tovifth*# fo>c* ;tor r# m, «4.# »*>♦ tout i* fssnj of tin l#r. * ;*to • I- fa. M*tor*ctnf afteTlhr# tb# 4ft'wS-. Our Cmabsct cats fie or the Party —Tb« Iluki li p*;iMt rtrr; »ii —Af^tl *1 S*ypHR*r • vtoctu*. Ilv . •Lowk I K#r *i«k to* l.k»t b 1*1 r* ’lr*l, * u* »tov-i, ir.f.•#«*#*! ua la u k##f tb# Is s #ty> *o**r-n#**•*» '•! to trtolif* (4 titeh X«f lto* Ulil iv* ruf1 li* • iti emr If ###ti .•«.*, **4 if tto#) will toil pernwSsce — A boy, residing in Hratiot cukio Ij, shot <4rvk#. • ts fftot ito#) anil b# r***iI ss k*s 4j»i FURNITURE. aamv viadwtire and beftish spirit that Dr ft Af ftrt-fr—i f ->f Pdffrft »* *to# fellow pounded the boy with a club until the national debt Lae steadily decreased. NE^T ADVERTI8EM TS. 4aabed ike blueiag «m ike M. F. < Lurch m for installments, which, with tbe dclin Sr*lbfoY. 4(<#>. WlllHi *■ I tli|*k y*( 4f tori *1 | t# he was covered with blond and seriously to IvrA Ui U. tU dWVMAl'J 4T44M ft*, I) OMflIOff Til i: < II I.AI'F HT tbw viHage a few moatha ihmv 1 beraose «*f quern y of some that has not pai l the in- Tl«a entire debt caused by the democratic Vent • » r»r# < hat • i|i4b*r,i|i i*.r. iiu# Ik# #yra uf «•(*!. !«• tto# I ffrffflto lCtrau * 4#nti*i injured The man who did the pounding • .oft *f 11. i ■#» * f a* «.,* Ti4m» rtf mi#y, H* «to* *#«4 S W*Ul 9 •«** k ** tbe *<*i«*i of a frw of its member* against stall meat due in April but sii»-^e paid in.l war, amounted to fid, 2b7 ,73 I.S29 in 1^68 , < «ht# a4 (a«lte «u4 *U»t* *7 UMliifAn, i* ****** fti*r*ts tony cullr4 puruiiu*! to« tto# #nt«A* r*|U*>l of ttoiny Ui- Dr w i|, <4 ft#* V #k rn. *rii «*4 tbe whisky traffic The same spirit c* tu wsa fined 110. make* tbe revenue of tbe State from tbe tince which time tbe IlrpuMican party has fattekUt ***** H *11 r**«|##4 *f (!#•«*( Hl#r*4Mr*. I* this acsUos of country, stol'.t o«r tal of piuuf »lte* vr» * f o*i l toon**)* tf Nil*?, vt»:#k *o4 mi 4 «4 • * ** Y*tea7*1 too* r#f l ! |*r*l4*4417 t* r*#*r in r»tr meaced the rv bell ion ami mow fires the Banka alone 8 .VL000 for the year 186 jah I over fiflU*.*>,000,SirsailUSY HDO oron# ^#v*004 nu-rtorquortcr olr.f lk, •»!! to# ^tor u« tto# to-**-# of !*•LmutU fc»(te li#.*»Ss _ ___J’ " ’ J* * . 1* »«•! |W»». | htrt-" A Fast Y ocm Mas .—This is a fast age. GOOD FURNITURE of the entire debt laesnle isi* fnf i^Um# »*»• i##dn *f *»i4 * tto# Yr >( J Taft. *f th*«m4 ftbeuid aucb a party he su«t*ined 1 i* I*# tor *1 fttxfll of II I* Ih. Mr*, W *1 who live a life of recklessness and disaipa kino, on old rvoidvot tf G... L*-bM.,>, left, #167 t000.U»per nnnoni. Tbec ^r f etm tto# *OUffv>#f |**w is Itfi* 444417, tstto# ity of Tto# p*mnstolM •#»»«if*l#n *#•!'# print-4 l*Mkf Ikjku* ri>uB<7 %,ror 4 Kff to. »to# pr*»#V' *-to of -ft*?" r* #* 1* S*4 Sr* rtofl # tllutfra'lteia It 4*v to# IheoriATM' " E*THC4f4*w ’—The dem tfon. Almoai every city, lown and village ua for parts unknown taking with him a - S •#< ri»l l*#| ** Att tfi to* *«tlto«ri4* tto* «•#»#*! W • it Inf 4 «|Wr, tto# lippj »4 ltniU* 4. > St SUa*# bead eight hour league bobby of * equal Ux •totpo I* tto* rv.urtte-* *f (rtffian I'lUUot, Foln# tr ] ei ito* toook tfom *« th* viiUgrv *f St Mm, *i TUItftKim oerncy held a rnwrUag at I’nion Halt, Maple in the country ha* it# share of these char Mrs Quick, a young grass widow. Mr. Per I -Mi to* |l*Ug* tto**f rr* 4»t l* r«*4 to# tat of t* Isrro# at ion, M was thoroughly sifted and scattered rut) in . Mm r. imt w-tr Rapid*, so riaiurday evening last, at which • arters Many of tbru have Ism nursed kins is a married man and has basely de *> A*» t*> M-t »* 'to# tf*U» 1U* of 4 rwiriod (** «*.i.r*«»rr- «« to tbe winds by a plain and convincing ar UHti# «T l«*• Hvi#m «t, FURMTI copperhead-ieager candidate fur Represent while not a few are tbe source of much whose only reonnmendstion was a slight Tbe government now collect* frun the aa V«»ri€ ft: w tomtot «i»*n that s m~* tng *r tto* —»r— 4 ft 4*r u.#4 «*f IX# to ** 4tip •*! W 4 #rt* SH, IK II*# CteUU- alive in this distneL, 44 spoke hie piece n 00 1 anxiety and prayerful watching by fond claim to good looks. This Mrs. Q. had txmal bonds a direct tax of five per oent. »jr «o •»»-r. -i tranquil feelings of hie audience. A eukie comes our painful duty to record the caae Wivtll fff*|*rifql)v tr.for* Hi* *14 ru«ton **r# 4*4 Ito* with a keener edge will have to be die- of a pr-• iteo ite vitirav I—. « puKil# itewr»iI# t**t H# h*# of* n**tl * F(imitnr* Hv>r- Whatever indirect tax is l«nU <* **«jr. I* tto# rtin#T/ uftll Ill'll of patched among tbe • unwashed M in onler who, during bis brief rvaidenoe here has led of a friend, kicdly took her home and cared lbc#€ ci^^t to the General Gov 4* t»wf(’«r4 *1 Ito# r*t# O# l** pr# r#*t p*r i4hu*. *• to create som e enthustasm among their dry a decidedly faatfast and rackreckless lees life, resulting for brrher as a sinter.stater. I______* &_ —- *-» s k. (k, uNkq in tto# ft*>rM(*« uf an act i#*11»i#m * a* **< |* eminent is proportionally balance-1 by tbe •ut k*4 IS# cr«**t«#* ai C’lflloH. Inch**), K*l* n **4 IIOISKHOLD H RMTIRE, finally in his apprehension and arrest on — A boras belonging U* Welle Aldrich, tax collecte^l of tbe bondholders. Tbe dero * 1*4*4 u» )4hI#« tl*#«# t mill •* mi* til me la>m« T*»to* Ut** 4*, lufwuk CtosifK #tt., tU wtoirto vttl »*#) to *14 I* I|«* (* 44MRi1 * rni S 141)1(44 !#«>*» Ito* thi tAocto of tor 4o'ui *1 Friday last, charged with attempting to rob while being driren by Mrs. Al incb. took ucfm|jc party, ia proposing to lery one or tillif- ui Inst*, i* Im.M en*bt#. to tto# rt'i A L*T)«4*as. PcasonxL. —Messrs. L. G. N. Randolph, t* 1 Lftio*. (oo *m ." a»prv>#«4 M«rrto II. I^A Prices l to#*f*f 11» * Vi 44«4v tlstllsr Fsiato- Mr. Robert Martin, boot and shoe dealer in rnci>t»t«MMtkin{(MMi owing to oMtf tbe | (wo;)rr ^ th# of all 4414* 44 I l« SI. J 4*9444S. Jacob Brown, A. T esc bout and 0. H Mua W*ti#w«*. ito* lit* 4(i of (till. *i#r, 14* the Gibbs House block, of 8275 . It appears reins being caught, rendering it 1? 7n rtlAftftt.fft I* rn. nuymrrmw gar, have go ae tn New York to purchase property according to its value, will, of that Mr. M. sleeps in tbe rear of the it-wv Mrs. A. was unable to manage him. He c#i C'orrtNN course, compel the American bondholders l’ |«K###f») firm thot tll-rS *111 b# • 4;.rUi *l l%*4 their foil aad winter goods. and thnt Hailey, who remained with him g#r» H'M’ir'Ij k * Hind. *u 4 tr* 4# I* 'rite em tort down Main street at full speed and in to pay a tax of one per cent, upon, say I Dt I?#i4 *4 in# L*et*# H***# i* tto* #ut*e* ai m. * 4(U, *1 |t# rm etoetpre lH*to tto* rt-ifuft —Hon. Randolph Strickland waa taken the p rev Mo# tight, abstracted the shove . .__ . . _ J*huo, M.( :.u**. ••* n.» x. L»> *f i# ti’ti*#. A l» IS*. turning up VI ihiam street ururturned tut ft] S00.(00,090 of public securities These f*r tto# eurp** *f #«un# ito#-u*i •# 9## tto ?.****4 4<4. IRA X NOORCR. nick very suddenly at Coruaaa on Saturday w v- l**4 («> *• raite.1 } % ■Ov*r(*l lol o* vto* 4* OoUl 4ra.44.tff a Mti, *ius# it. ism amount from his pants picket and concealed buggy, throwing Mrs. A. and aa o,• self in the morning, he missed the money Tbe horse was thrown down at the time the tors of the real and personal property of the ^ \.K ‘ •f* 4 • tff ***' received by h»a wife In this and at once aroused Bailey of taking R. He a *4 a u«#i#*ii*4. «*to4ll| *all thf | buggy was overturned, which circus**!anew, enuntrr: ind. tbrrrfirr, in collecling one tn* #•*# a to i*S 7 . kyor 4#t4twik*H/Tr#4t«#i wdili of tb# 9*7. rilUp 04 S*tonlay ni-ht, .u-m-.D.n, brr tbra pro4uced fb# Mounli that J * ' .. _ ^„___ ^ _ ml 4** 4«ui*fr ^ . •/».>#r )o. SPRING STYLES probably saved tbe lives of the women. prr rent. Ut nnnoally upon flftran bun k r» a h w i ft rmrr, Tui*e« cierk. A PotiUre Homed y for *11 •aa#4444, • h Iiwf -Ur |>p-l*«I •' °*»«v RmI uktet it| «>olvonly “" IBin fun ”* and*nJ 1would Te Ploaso «We Brs. — Hon. Jacob Ferris spoke to the Kepub drej million, tf dotUrt worth of bond, Mr. 8. returned hocae on Monday, and ai have returned it before leaving the store ! ROHATL OKHKR —State of Michigan kinds of Humors, lira ns of Ovid last Tuesday. For the unfe the? would tfw> collect the rame rate tf Uu * c*te*lff t»f «'U*to*. 4- At 1 *4*n4 *t tto# Frtrto*'# though still confined to his house, ia gradu I few ftfea —11 etoftss m# i 1 —* -- kral t.A ^ |gg pyrHftlf UR«E (KKIVALI However, it was sack an apparent and vocable condition of the weather the meet­ , . .__ __ ,1.4 # C*>«r»P Inf tto# (»v .hIt of i HoUm, hml 1#« *1 tto# tVl*i# tceefhfft. Scurvy, Ssit-ffheem. Csrbun ally lion upon ameteen tun#* that am tint I *a)r#, »• ito* #Ul*s« 9s. Jotoa*. *s M*»*4*jr,i. tto* 7 "> de. ml ... clear cam of in faded robbery, that Mr M rtgto )m- ■ " Buffs. Ulcers and ell■abetinate abetinat ing waa a decided sue cum. Mr. Ferns' ex­ other property. I. their hrat. to collect ^^."'^7 Affections af the Skin, Is fisanan story mused his arrest, and be was held to bail UftTaea* —The charge male ia the lest candor aad dispassionate way of one dollar uf tax frum tbs boodbolder, they rit.to*i*. is ito# *4*tt*r *f tto#*>«*«••< j-wfUB. a***n, j or CHrunic Rheumatism, Files, Cl GRKtT ITTK If TION! in the aam of §3U0 for examiaatioa. Pre ed the imdepemdsmt, thnt Porter K bead ling bis subvert has helped our would collect a Ux uf nineteen dollars fomi o« r** 4i*r s*4 i)in« tto# t*titto*s of Him It ftnsk, J1'•♦••••• ■nd •lira vt. r. nmme. eiou* to this time, young Bailey had been — n-ra- -r -L-e k,*|i «f prap^ty Perrin, leq , Is the aetbor of the snide ia very much, la theeveniag of that day Mr the holders of other ■>* »™Lra.,gS|*». ,yra*ra ,4i | Syej>* 4.44< |V*te Ua## tniwteVkc# to tto# l*)l* ' Hot detected ia eewral petty thefts, but on ac­ ■■ ______t- *#il r*rai 41 Affections aetqmstiftg in the Dsranpsnunt Hoyt held forth ia Good Templars' Hail to knit. to#) *st*y 1* —ut #*•*»» r of the Dfpestive Orpans ; vil., Biliuus tto# I)*# r*rfi4 * tore *S 4 rftft44 to lent week'a Kart bucas %m relation to Mr. count of his good name and respectable con ThisTh* wouldwoo in iaelodeincirat. tbstn. rarmeraformers snd.no meen.n Tto* 4**y*>#> M t# «>v4rtv* 4. Tto*t M***Uy.W-euy.,te ttoeftlito (it»» 4o#( |M*lt Of h utterly take. He a full house Mr. H. bandies tbe finance ici uf the otMiotiy who, like tbe badbold- (kt-tot 4»r,«i ii' toe i* tto* *n#riM*«»ltinx **. to# ciffr Comftlstftlt, foeueaUis, and Nervous Af­ nocuous, the matter was hashed up. We ^ . 4 *4 for tto# to*4n»C mi **i 4 tetlUo«,4»4 tto*I litto# toru • *1 fections Headache. Lanpuoe. and Degree- Spring Milliner? Ooodt I n word in it. question equal if not superior to aay man era, sow pay no dirert Ux, aave that upf«n u* u mu 4 a~mm4 , *11 uplain. era, t.cn af Spirits, Lots af Appetite, Cuaftti- ia our State. He should be employed to 4*14 *44*4#. *r# r#*iuarfwI t* »w-*r at • tif *a toane * teff ftet of * editorially aad was written by the their Tha speaker thorough I t of ta#* ww »l ito# ftr«4MU palhMi. ef this paper Furthermore, we are canvass every school district ia the ooauty, mnlyaral the W.w Y.wk Deraorratir N. Juki**.* ra.4*4 r —dti# o*i* — If 44f Youni Ifftann* fttoWr y tlSiAs, HierotT oft me Gax*r Bcfrmir— mi tto* lifts -«te*l#4t tft* 4‘rlr*J r»t* fwffvin4 trig llftftotii to substantiate and do hereby re­ ns he is just the maa tn deal with the La­ theta I Convention, which was ruled by sorb k* rm*»s*d And it u r-dht orirrM. Tto*t *4 tor u I p#wp*rv4 a# Dr i w. fnf.ANH.hmr, Rev. B. W Blanchard, of Grand Kapnla, _ I* Ut* itefraffffc in*. r*«te<4 It •»< I I #••*!#. >A 11. • •lu|4ua and bor Cnioa sophistries. Keep Hoyt moving ; *»4 *44 Ito** #*nftte#*4 #«H fteft ernmomm ts I or#*, B9H4WS404 iterate every syllable it contained, the has received the agency of tkie county, few red bandevl rebels as Beauregard, Wade r#ft4>srf W «*M fwittfovff*, hi flt«44f * MM of €i unpowder. 4 ittr hi. forte Mid fljpjrra nra on.n.werakl. .ml U, batrW Forrv-t, whora Itol* write 4* to* fffhlxlrj mi fhe Chmimm X**tiw j *«**UI*t H*«*«»*# trmm tH» Iftwtet: toil Is IMS S H-4tHti, f tto! feelings id the capper heeds to the f#r ^nr.t#4 **4 rtrrtiUlri Is «ld *hi4« «f the sale of a work entitled the M History cf i4#4Msi fHr*4 eto* ws* fft* r*|#tor*t *4 u s ptofU I "S-*to*r WHto S fell II** rvf *0 *(to*f HvMhOk. Oar (toil rw Ml *«4 I'kn^rmm'e 11* 1*, ft*t aad it ia forte aad figurra, in dskmd, tbs highest soi Ut ma wss the destruetMia of the , JgJJ"f«t as T**# 4f# ••tote##4 4M«H • rft*. a*4 *r# *gtor*4 to ito* asftwithstnadrag. By way ed ex the Great Republic,” coaahierrd from a Ck** Mfrttol'i I* Ito* lr#*i *«#*( of towsiors. Mf Vatoftl* wftto I too USM mm Ito*t «to## VI r* tteh4. #4# , pie of this oounty wish. c. u 'M. SirKEfO. Ivfts# *f ftr.H*»# ho trikloto w *ol 4 *« * ftiffto# Uttoto i. however, we would state thatwe Christina stand-puist, by Jease I. Peek, li. Cnioa. His speech throughout wss srgu f#rat»4 *. Imn-wikSt If*ft#vt#rf**nf4, «1Mi w*r» U*to u* 4*4 aluf-HMi n#4#u (A .i is 4* *tofk 4 soft wtoAsH toe# wet# H tto* profto Uf) | ’ •tot* #*M Bi*)te4h#T tto >1 I **» 4-4 wme- did aal with Be he l> It mrtntas over TOO rwyal octave pagsu, men (stive and able, and was .repeatedly p«* t X# 4*# »tial1*r )-4tratoM 4>.m*i.i ts thte fewsvsi ass Rmauow in Naw Yeas — B. ratauBt u i.vor, tto# emrj l**i r*w 4* 4y tor all Hi* 4# ml NO rooit TliAOB Or- Ih 4 Of ito# 44*4* applauded D and Is a booh of rare merit, ae die author This is the title of a work aow ia press by t* ** tto* UtiVtiY * a - w i* a#»i*h a#* a a At #H«ap pVa i tool ai furaisto ttoe given the subject hie carafel study. J. B Barr A Cn., Hartford, Conn. It m —lFr* iffc ffij^hs ut **r*# 4», n .)*» Vtot* rVrwi ft*tl>o ilrci— Now Turk Mdkid u pwmooorwe M vies n r ntai.rftG written by Mathew Hale Smith, a writer of (N* USAy 99 Y m#» * ft*44* n*4 M*«tetrsi# o*4 auwxlrsat. it la ito etatomeato, eoaveaieat In acknowl edged ability aad known aa a cor Kdiisr /Ly mhhcmn:—The cuee of D R Wh-i •!»* er)fia.l*»r ir#d I* \#«r III Best Teas at a Low Figure. form aad erne, and published with It of the Bouton aad Ne Dilts, s» appears ia the BcrraLtcAft of fiept arm ft** euatiu t« tto* r**#* *r ait xt* 4* G«54#*i mtf». fe# tto* 4p*<* ef ttofrtv a# fnetf L** ” y — ueanl to boohs lltb, should be oorrseted, oft more properly Ckilsa M««v «, n'Hm* ft*#*#, ft*?*# **4 Are*. li* out** i**a4. so4 ta Ui*ft*ft#f p**ttoula*f#. tb* P*r ttooi to# VARIANT ALL TEAS %*>! Uh*t Hie pro* me Cte4|4*«*.« ' *• «|'*i m, for (tor ooa»*ro o * s*4 *os4#rftol sore* ah-rti It mi- lent uppovtaaity for coilaet- a#o»f«l* fUfo*#*. Twain#*, 9p*t to»^*miF I *tt toossi ito# ftoaily aad erhool li Iwg material, aad his peculiar talent for nar mads. The article ta the Ind ep endent ed cfol AfWY. te,. ifus«r#4 to l*rf# 4**»*4*»i to r« «»4 h*\ oo i«t#4 it A*4 *11 < 4*«*#** ed Ito# to)*, ft* 17* • I4. 4«*fra>« wtfl ratioa h allowed Ha widest sco pe la describ ­ Sept. M I have not been able U e** y but rw pat #*«H Ok«n*f*«ft*r# •* | R«H)#n« **4 oft*, CTfatea ••#•«•#, eartto mi tto *#4 to*4 le wstt for rnmem to to* om 4*. la rlOtoHr Wra4, W #*#*••#••*# fH**A* tto* 4 » *r m WO (M Jwdgv, M|Mt ing High Life sad Law Lafo ia Hew York the known veracity of that skset is a suf Slim* 4. ■■arty *ff*H# tto* too) ft*#wy fftoo. mov #ory *#■*** «mm mi thaw if they PAINTS IN COLORS. #Sf#u more pt«4i44*ra In fto •s*- ‘*i»*o*l TW work will bo fokl by .ok This will ha one of the most intensely tn floeat guaranty that aothtag appears in lie j *w g t iAll^ tr*ot*4 wMk. — s*4 tto*f * *## ror*4t ly to tenths had ahhar the bam columns hat tha trmik. Tear rorrsspondsnt f ^ 9 «M ri^fototor* vtoo t *f • <*# mm*m < mtf, ol do Mlw4| low te resting works ever pubtteked ia the Cows tv.te, »tl*rv «W „i4«h»r.* M.«*ra«i »i# * 11**1 they esms. Be a ear- htftevw l*ilte to W ■ Jraonrrat .rtf (bora lutir B«U4#r, f44(f4«l4r, #1#., h» o*-* *f t.A ffDIftfl#, mm ton mm mom Ototk, 44 j ISrarj lootbte. §S ; bolf try aad dwiM ha read hy everybody It _ I- t* ftoh SMfU#C fe# tto* 4*]# of w • VMS to «i*U, %lw., Tl»*( o» to*« • #n to thefidfew- eo. 44. hevsa saa pari of the report and die- I u ferny* *** w 4* *)i km4* mi osrto r*t*Mi i*(oUrv okto* IN ftU tveftf *#r*ra ##4 fe* «to. will ha told hy sahacriptisa only, aad *o«Wl*f ymenm ito 4* itoUr *o* nafo^ •ftou s *#v ■genu are wanted la every nvunty and Ftai r Window A Door Frames I t ra, Ar. msswemss ssuai shsma wmV town tn cavtvees for it. Far Ml [am ,, ui»r* •raw, uddrwm the pahlfofoav«| J. B rate a Mm at rat Fm'mt.-W* • m*#if#u#oSs t* ejpjKSiaaig- A Cn , 18 Aeylsm fit, Hartford, 0 _ ' . .. .; ______riaTinr *r w WriW ••* I f*#o*r4*4 to «•tm to* *or4*4 N* rftto tor to W aariy. The aatkarauthor ufor the artiriusrtieW laia the fa- Nhu * >■■** *40*«ferfl«*#4. vetoooto A f)i*fli*4, Y.myrmm Af*aA. si tkiaka ho wra ...lira ,b. 4^^^------S«L nw-ooLin sorxnc wwr, •H Jftw : »h# Mill to to* f *M to# m to#*#, osi »to# Fair uf the Gratiot allied to the Bn- Am4 /Ir sol* if og /town Is Hedkrim. ruorv ■hrrih to* f«*4 toy ito# -ftowr Vo| auy l*M jrarty j bmm th* wrnm pmn tf Ik. Nw ZS\Z afftififffoBlIl!! (a^f toy upriwj m stomr. fen for he C. IM JfO.V dt CO., rnprlriara A ACATWMIli A COC —J •—W*m Tto otterarawt *tot — — —■-ST a a mar 9 ua. f.BBmuq.ai. Jetoos ft If Lfous. Ms>ikin. tfe mIMA v *

TfltHHI sn r Hu Clittit SrpuHitM A ____ ■U roil ffilnt< lh*+% VW *r *,. full) the following paptr oo the aubj Those of our leafirti vbfkirt i^tzzr ‘—'i -aa « ^ ^ In He|* ►•F SucAiAAMf St,Ufmla U U from the pvn of friend* at the South, Will btptunmd to Ihtd CainItw*nan* •# UU (ag hwn li Oaaatia ftUIII Supt Plain *, of Washtenaw county —C n s. Lima m* a A*p« WA —-HeAelnW are Why eottu pm b koSkHT WITH, ► *M* >•».KlllTO*. that the bttUi»f|| of Dalut M Ml I hoi par­ tragedy occurred at Poplar 4 mre abb n*»t only rtnon of war. but feiaa of large capericace, amt whose common adise of Democracy Hm Ijmi postponed un ric^ ric. Corner. ree thioha the country will reacted on last Tuesday afternoon, in a brother. Frank Boykio, anti l>avid Wmsctt. %ke1r ^ EKPIBLIC4N MllSiTMM* are defied, and are wholly ponerhas. A rniiud if (irant and Collax are OacUd. lonely spot in tha drnae forest leading and a time to every iU rfproeutiUvt oxo of theNorth, nod the held at Fenton llall, In the City of Flint, on «»*•», < i A Nashville Itajlroad, some ten miles south fplar*w, are4 heregar«Terv.vaHlng disease in Itl tu»is. U apoears lhat an iiklaatrioaa fierotm, the hours <*f uildiii^ht he f*»r the sotamon «» ljurn. Wilburn was escorting the >oung lag of children to the school room. These their on ii tineijuivocAl language The Mo- liuu u( i4Rc*r» fur Ibo catuin^ jwr, m ful- ugc in number.. «n«l w*r. **in« rriafoecad „y|K « hin*w AmlwHuwiM* h.er • pent |aam«d iVitlMk awl Mflii AS 44 Charcoal lady home fWun church at the time of Boy things are ao perfectly evkicnf that no #«• Ktarleral Tic* el. biUg. • ^ _[from other rountica, and the VnW»n men I capacity ibr < Immpagnc j John,” a umnc given him because he had bile kr*it*ttr % one of the leatling re la* I or- > *rre tailing Ink'll. I kit fighting ©one* 1 trebly. kin's insulting remarks, and on reaching traturn can make tin in plalaflrT Krgfial 1 j 4 il a ttLfce a t koMWKl.h — Maxitan tr*»ops are slktotmg isle) pria l>e« n engagtd, to tome extent, in boming the lady's house, Boykin waiteii until Wil- ( inappropriate are schools in JoMX irtr gan*. npcAha of the bright pmapect l»ef.»re (k« O. L. iMukllhf Fifing waa hear.! it fawubyig all day i*«f ~| mi l Oi IHIKLT/ Vtr*-f*r* —4+nt -Oast KUaStia k*lrv oners a» fut as capture* 1 cliarcoal, nrcnpiUI, with his flttuily, a little burn came out. when he opened a rapid Are , undaumrw*f They are Hi every rHathmHii- U. UUkLt^ W. iLlAAMA them aa follows : 14 If we are auccneful in r»>MiaCwksssfy*-IHtrM+rm lurul I'htf A. Mum*. Tuesday. A colored uuu aummuevd him — hr KfiotMm, just devl, ws« the invrut | lug liouae on a piece uf laod owned by Chas. Nf»4it 4«i him from his pistol. N«*ne of the *hi*t* profitable , if not ptwitively usurious In in. CAitUr T tiOKHAM the approaching c«*ntc»t we ahall regain all •o*W a^Mers-C*5ET*. PCX • self for Orant in Columlii* oiunty, and mss of n j tjlf ,tthnsoopt I .SukHdh. The family of 44 Charcoal John” tv by no* il cnarto* , taken to the a-.**!* In open «!ay and literal __Alaska Inaiana rt cedfly boarded a trad I consisted of Li* wifi-, an infant child, and a took effi-ct, but }i4*ykln from that time kept tj4C very oa t«fW of the ease it cmNK*t beoth* v. unn urBMAktv that we have lost in the 4 bat Cause.' We e saw •ft J ia lltallfa. himselfconcealed until TueailaVt the day ktiif hamM i O*. 1*. CosC«r< A. K Kiimor* . Ca. K rtud the civil officers to arrest any one fur vinjf |1%S ju,t a! Bunnyaide. aged Et tant acs ua in lances as a thnlty and worthy IIENKY P. BALDWIN, of W»y#«. C!«F« i A L>ma , Ca. F, *Uqrt. J. CV Mutates, Ca. ki11iii£ a “ nigger." I'lie Circuit Ju lg«-and _The Prince W ales* vounerwt was . family, and ha*! maii^yccd to save a few hun . brother,, Jeff^ Wilburn, not a regular officer,^ decidedly to this conc lusion Such certain- iron rule which baa been irnpmrd np*n us, a. m r. a YtioJe i Po fTrifA f, Hfliial < a- all ‘»«ber l nmn men have 'itiai-d to serve the w airanTamJt^l ant The 1 ^ W‘0 lbe ^rtul1 ^‘UJf K, 4Afl B. C lUa.UK. MoHbAN RATES, of Tra\trse. and, turning that ir*»n into t»randa of fire, 4 . , *» . .to Ail fr»r t hi-Ir lives Bcvcts I C4*h»r« d men —Prussia close* its Dost offl< «« Buiidavs eomfort*. latterlutler met fV*ykinIV»ykln on Tuesdaylucsday, , and arreatniarreated sc-aaon. To me it is perfectly dfW, Mg....* IV, M | ,„.n niur4rrml i* U,(.,eU. cunt,. ‘n.^TlTk. uTtbu^J. ' Y.*.rr.U, uK«in« ..nr i.Wr.nt, pm -' U,m *" lK~t * av 'Jf** l,or,n lf 1 * l 1“J* *' * "r , w«*U of luullect , invol.iog in tbe enul and flagrant wrongs on our bleeding ^0^ ^tiortirT OetMThi •pc'celica were male by a**ine of tlic officers “»■*»*'«* *» te rrturn.-f Iruni tlr (W*. ( _Mor«vwU moo | lk« Hu. | in , of el»Me4 blo.^1, Ck .hull broken lum if rr* ,u ,U‘^n u* tb* tc* t,brf,. f „ , URN. IWIOIIT MAY. ofk#l#iii#ioo. oountry. Once more t4i the breach then •ion,! l ..mention. Senator* B lirrler »n4 «i.« ehililran .1 . 1 in am) tbe hraia noring from It. Th, frl|(bt ! JP*** r,M» *• **• him Irfur* » nMffMtratc | “ From the flret of M», to the fourth of i wm tbit Mimij flu I ** l,‘* lb*gnueut, an ** f *s nulla however, rescued Ftor r of tha •*•»•■ ' *UVa, yet «»#* iaoi\ Barber, who were tioiimt of an attempted —Tin mines have l*een iliseovertNl In Sum ful wound had cvldentlv !*en made with | WM by hi» July ] muted al*out sixty schools. Loriug OEN. BENJ l>. PRITCUAHD.W Allegan. dr.IS' I be fl.mins«eia,Ttion *>y -f ninf was assassination at the hands of the re I iris will t ion of .... '4 tk. mu pirns I , ■“ ‘.,un “K \\ iiburn • absceoce,*, aauand j tla^w|j|l# period tberthey were generalgenerally If well atlend- la AdAilur Ucrml, have init county, Oobfids. 1 an axe. A poet pMi taki-n of lo at least iOO veterans of the recover. The rebel *|x. akert ami press adI r — The gra*whi>p|M-m bid fair to mitsanie | man s cars Lad4 1^0 l.u»o Off. ...4 hi. U«,, fu«ter was done in the matter un 1 aud th< re ^ctiwity and life in tbe • JKN. WM 111'Mi'llKEY, of lauwrr our flag the grand old Confederate flag — til late in the afternoon, when the four vise the murder of Cnion men, especially if efurjthmg iu Nehfaaka. was r«*atcd with stagnant Miam I, an unre schoolroom. On ilia daily register tbere Public InrtncU.,, region nt and invltcre. was only here and there a note of ahaenee ; OliAMKI. HOSFORi*, •( E»f>o. were ma«le by Col. I). II. Jerome, Capt. Lit­ Far MmWi al Up But* Bo«n! ol KJaaUor, the thunderbolt cgainat Uie wind. Let us rabefc we •» enlU»«*»Uo k* war .« tbe, itcd h prufUiolilI RovtniaMt. About sixty yartls fmm the father vu ter aged twelve years, and a young man. a showing conclusively that intervat in tba DANIEL K. BROWN, of Genesee. tle, Cnpt. W. A. Ix'wis, Gen. O. L Spaul­ relative named ('lav Jelks, left the church icbrN»l was a« yet unalsated. Then bright then rall> once more around the of %r oi i» I were iu lbflt. limy pul»;u:l) aionaiuea' —Another revr»» tit ionary outbreak is an another horn hie spectacle. Hera lay the ding and Capt. J Hamilton, after the sump that the Northern LerooiraU w ill hdp them |,r,»>wtrd in Spam devil bodies of the uiotlar and her infant . ami started home, John Ihiykin riding in a and smiling faces greeted you —Vigor on tbe ( aairaMlaMal Ticket. ilvu , which we have ftillownl «o ofien'to f\.r Commrrm StS IHArvi, this time, and that the war wit! principally JL^hc ChiiJ<** Kuibimy sailed for Kng- chili). Her akall had also been broken, ami1 buggy with hia mother ami sister. All the part of the teachers, and activity oo tba tu »u» linuei ha%l U*cn partaken 4»f, thank­ others were mounted. They had gone but ItANIHiLCll HTKIOKLAND, of Clinton glory and to victory. 1a ^ua piaul our b© in the N«>rlh Blair's h«tter has done ou |j4C there was a fearful gash in her throat, prob tide of the pupils were visible—all teemed ing the latiiea in appropriate terms for their a short distance when, on looking back. •tanilard Hi the mid Hr of Vhe del A, and let much to product- this oonditkin ot things,1 - -GaribaMi has gooe to Napltw to attend •ably 1.1 M fromf * a blowS . I flat Iintended M A ASk #1 I to ffkMMOsover biM to he awake sod in earnest. Scarcely a BrfNkllr«M (•«■!? Ticket. ’ kind iittiiitioa and rharacteriatW hospitali­ !b.>r were lemf |»umue4 try Jr* ; comul.iut wm to be te.nl from toy oirarter • a* Ju«l|« al l n*Ul« at once more raise the war cry —* lie who and the ign^raut. deluded creator** fad a Congn aa of Democrats head. Thu bead of the child waa also brok* ty In the evening the aohlier.* re asaeui- confident that the OemocraU will help them —The leading lecturers have reduced pri-1 en, and both were coveretl with blood, \\ iiburn and several others, ctmsDtiug of J j0 r, gard to the msoagcioeut of the school. r* >HTER K PERRIN. doubts is damned ; be who dallies is a das ­ Ge«>tg«‘ Stovall, John Stiivalt, Ham lletfle- Fa* Hh^nf. bletl at the Util, nearly all the vacaut space out, ami that ttie rebellion will yet au< vemor Claytoo has puhlishetl a proela ^-TU' Tanaera oi Keooaka, Wia^ number ghastly, if that were p«j**ih!e. This was the I •cine wa* wonderfullr ensnged Of tbe of which was tilled by citneaa of the city, 4*1 wh«»ui hail Uvn summoned by Wilburn BaCWit, programme f The New Orleans massacre, matiun warning the Democracy to dratal, iK/ee bundred. little tlaughler, cffily five years of agi 1. rthe thirty schools visited during the hot season, JtHIN M KASToN# when an intensely iBUinaliAg an 1 auccinct ami after exhaust mg all peaceful imisi be —Tbe Proteatant Bishop of Montreal died lay atiim d«sd : het right shoulder literally to assist in the arrest of Fran a Boykin but ooe third were then in attemlaoc* which Fa* Tiwibiii. the horrors of Southern prison j**n*,and the When the pursuing party rude up Tohu history of the regiment was read by C«pt. will suppress the reUHion at ail hazards. on the lftth10th inat ,. In bisUia flAtk«N>tA year.vear. ]cnncltft manfn»n» itsita pi *< • at»d a frightful gaah m . .. _ had been previously. Take for example, iosiah upton attempt to tpread disease and death among Boy kin sprang faun the buggy and confront For I* fl^'t «4 IVi’li, Iawis . which waa list*ne twrape tbe cluteh- 7* *should arrest his brother. By U4—4#im* had 3, the ot tier 27 - equal to #k>. arc nothing compared with tin* 44 iron rule this time both parties had iliacnounted and ANTHONY COOK. and fmiucntly applauded vocifer»»usly. siSiie t>n»c taking n *arvsy of the pro|Msnl «s of tin* murlerci of her pareuts and Schools that had numiiered from 33 to 4o, F«« iVrult Court CasKiakarr, awaiting us, in the event of a copperhead- 1 The llor%c*ti»i 4! Fall at Niagara has re st(K»d with pistols drawn, rtwdy for the fight. The address of (Jen O. L. Spaulding, route for the Ih-indt A Milwaukee lUilmad sidir. were found with 7 ; none had more than SY I.YENTER HOYT. rebel vict4*ry The election of it rant aud on tH«* ea*t side cf Gran<1 from the pri««»n ageressive movement in attempting to shoot ual number. Capt l#ewia, was an al»lo pn»ducU*>n, j ^qard at Jacki n, ou Wednesday evening aged mol pro|>erty to the tune of $30ti,00^. distoverii* were mwle, a mcwwuger was de- 1 Far Oataerva. h spstched to this » ity. and amvid a little I* Jeff Wilburn. Witte pistol priwenU*! iu 44 Hut this is not all—nor ie it even its OAKir.h until. preferable to 44 rebel brands of tiro' and an —The tndian* in AHtona say they are which v» • listened to with the most pro last, took to the woods aud made good thur fore thn-t' o'clock, proceeded to the office of Wilburn s face and in the act of »hooting, w<*r*t feature. With tbi* decrease in •!- CHARLES SESSION*. other reliel war. tired of war. and are now suing for peace several shots, fire*I simultaneously or in ! found attention, and elicited round* of ap csca|»c. — A t>ov,tc« year* of age, named Swab, tbe Hu|>erintend« ‘nt of Police, where he had tendance, fhete wa* a like wiog extra* ! faun killed another U#y ageu*rtr1 Detroit A Milwaukee lUilroad, wiu fatally Dillon and (’or»*n»-r Dick Mmre were iiiuus* is maiding — there one I* lopped down, fast STEPHEN PEARL The re|x»rt of the second gun «»f the cam the Detroit Tnb»**'» report of the pr *;rwl injured, on Wednesday, l»y a hand tar run j on M uni iy. dead within a few fa-t of the buggy in —One of the descendants of Martin Lu­ distrly ilispstrlit «ftrr fTuiai into tl.e *.«U. T,;r «r*n,..«rMer.l.;n Hoth The teach* r is ih-pre rnwnd — her life and vigor ••iltn. Jipaal'hng sawl ti*at w b«*ti tW r» g* auo, Adcgsa A Grain! lUpiils lUilroa«l, W urtemburg. ,,______»».. » * . w. . . .1 ,____ 1 _ 1 / _... -id#-* 1 the mhDt of the general m* lee JOB IV HICK ELS the glwl tidings of a glork.ua Bepublirau | ]Bm,t was r|»shsn«fod they agrse m Min vw Hat 1 Iph St n »ggy broke are nbated, and i*f courve, the intereet *he faiin 4lleg.ni to Graiiii Ka|>kl» lisa Ik *ii let, the iittl sister of John Boykin pressed her once felt in her school are iu the same ratio victi>ry. Maine held her election for Hfstr every vear on the anniversary c*f awne recently atta< kc-d hy an i lephant and u**ar- and they were compelled f<» start f»n W)t way aii »ng the C4iinlMiUnts t*» the »|iut Bl BtHHAC t ABU 4.010. ami the work is to be pushed rapidly for ­ * 4nd employ a guide. It* mn* reaching the ltasemd. It it useless to cotnplsm , f**r in portant event for a eocial reoninn It ly killed. where her brother fell; raring naught for The political status of the country is the officer* iru) Mem tiers of Congrats on M«»o* ward. soeie* of I be f*»n*l tragciiy, they several tbe very nature i»f the case, it cannot lie m. Mile or iijjloriott* P»rt tl.ev , „Tl«; Tr»ur*o 1U; — It ia reported that Italy hi* requested the deadly missiles that filled the nir. she unerrring financial barometer which indi ­ ilsy, burying Pillsbury, I^numtic candi ­ if states that on the withdrawal of the French tro»*ji# Irom times became lost in the dinw v-«id, sod it otherwise. Besides, the best of summer .lUriacted m\well U.4Vthtir •LoufJi*rU mcas ritixi ns. lie•**[ al | F.i.U, 7of ----|Mt~ werk -okn Mr* To I ** 1 tenderly raised hi* bead nod uttered a sis cates tbe n.i aau re of tbe weal t>r woe of the date for Governor, urnlrr s majority c*ti« well their narts as eitiaena. Me al- j ^ *... ___ Rome. *** with tbe utunsit difficulty they finally |»r*xltice* a depressing effect. This is plain ­ . . . V, / .4 u, r i ^ -i.-.-L «4i Peninsula, was tatally injureil by being -Helen Eckert, a little lfl years old reached their destination. Detective Dllloo ter'a %ad and mournful plaint over hi* life­ ly visible In the minister and his congrega ­ nation. As the Democracy stagger* under mated at F9.00H. At tbe Ktate election in ludvd to ti* Ui c , vf * c;4 ^L,t anti t; irnt-il si-veral limes around less form. caught maiden rt*iding in Kfuiton, Pa, weight only found the Relv of the murdered eharcoal- tion. If ever tbere it » Is k of activity, sod Maioe in I'toi, tbe Republican majority was were hoi!) unprepared Ming for 1 ii|n*n the runner ting rest t»f a threshing machine. The ftcene where the fight took place wa* the herculean blows of the Republicans in people wrn* una4ccu* YO jH»unds burner inclosed in a rail fieri which had if ever there is a drowsiness, it ts at tin* us. and that w<- a* a — Mrs. llc-ydlufT. wife of the Muir hotel a narrow country nuul, t*x rather lane, soil political oonteets, the prion of gold reels and 15,4?fl—showing an increase of 6,3*4 in the toti)rt«- l this art and 1 uLatioo of the teacher, No um of the Republic till It •wept the last _On and after this date all 7AO n**tee the) kept up the fight until tbe pistoi* of market ao palpably and in so abort a apace jority at tbe State election in Maine in IHdfl armed reliel troiu American soil. L was 1 ally, two of hit ril* were severe*!, one fog most. I*c forwarded ilinci to the U. fi. Tr«%s- | Three |N-%| radm-t H mH| Sf a Vlfl. matter bow tuoreasful the school maj have badly mangled, and his intestines torn fait Enee tSMMlIlrr. taith were exhausted. tieen up to thi* period, a decrease in num of time ? The answer auggesta itself to ev» was XT.isXi. bb l Hence ti* Dere<*<'recy wiil shown that rmr cirllieation did not unfit us ( ur> at Washington for redemption. I wo iiR-n. named Bob Ncott and Dan and mangled. lie leaves a young wife. The list of CAiualtK* footed up one killed, b**rs will lie sore to be followed by a eor • fur soldiers, that a man with a balance at the I — F*mr men (reported \ wore griretl to Hunter, have Duly bec«’nie noii>ri<»u* in try intelligent man at once —!>em >cratic claim a Democratic gain in the late elec­ —- While M«wes B Corey, of J comj>rebend — K.s rvlwla John C. Brevkenridgc and J. tributed to the teacher. It wiU be forgot ­ stone alsoit 12 feet upon him. ( rushing him chromcleii thrir departure from the city— survivors, except the two unhurt Bojkin j the great extent the wax assumed. The M. Mas >d are* in Toronto, Usns^is. ami Jeff ten tliat two-third* of her pupils have bren government U>nds up as soon aa the result for the Republican ticket on account of the so terribly that although taken out alive, for the city • gooil —but mwaxilly expected brothers, were arreste«l on tbe next morn first year of the war proved liarreo of vicfo- Davit ia in London, England withdrawn from school for home work ; was known in tba Ewoptaa markets. If a suppression ot tbe Fenian invaamn in Cana­ he lived only al«out an hour. that * 4- would hear of th4-m a^am s'sin in ing.es Moimw, Iowa. •trrets be true. It is r«*pnrt<*d tbat tksv o'clock and hunn-J to the ground, fltticr t e i » • v ------l%71 the parties wiil lie legally dealt with. The done i* to while away the time To tbe will the effect he when Grant anti Colfax cratic ticket on Monday, so that a chd - had B*nch til learn, and we b*ari»ed mw k — A U *y five yews iA age died in New were caught at Louuuaus , Mo ., in an *t {Viyk n f.srty are all rebel*, and the politi from the t- imitating his tuto r * habit of drinking old •ammsriiv dealt with. Tugotbef with one it prtapering f The answer is the Taxes and debt alike will disappear as peace parties in the State idcctiun of IWM with orw of the affair. fore partI of tthe *©ae(»n It went ou first rate, came to liaro that I'ron.lence hel|ie-l tb«»e , e-Hy the of an tnceo.Jiarr A |>arty Moori»on whisky. teHee Oakley, of title city Um werchung but latterly it has run down, tbu tear her and pms)ienty coma in, as coma they will that of is tbe only fair one to be mails. who bellied U»em#el#e» M »e roer. were that wiil countenance rehellum and then — Mount Vesuvius is again becoming un ­ up by a vigilance o mmittee. in that vicini Trarhtn1 Dulles. evui to have lost her interest in it.” What if Republic an principles triumph iu Novacu The majority in Maine for Lincoln in 1864 calle.1 foiand tbe |>e..ple imdom M. The »U*ke han.U with rebel* o»er tbe yraee. of easy, and the inhabitant* of the vinnity ty, until hfe wa* extinct. If thi* story he A feeling aomettmes arises in the minds tide of r«-Ul inraaionwa* atavml, and ndled their dead neiitbbor*, will not he^tate to else oould have been expected f No repu­ bar. Tbe green lack mode of pay i nr the was 21,612; and Grant's will exceed it in hivi* caught tbe infection. correct, the lynched men have certainly met of teachers tbat they are not receiving wage* t.ack on ilaelf. ao«i the tear cloawl with tig , coruuiit arwin or an# tHber «t b«^un to — At Ailrian, on tbe 13th. a uian named tliim are not called upon to use their best can understand the V?»•*-*-» v#r —l-w arrested lor deserting _ her.t Uw,” and hence should have______recollected taints and energies in conducting their through the month* of July and August. of pretending to pay a n<»«e faring interest J’uhlir •rntiinoiit i# »c*in.t tb# rrrnlutic«* 1 ,h,.w fi^ih it# (trvngth, #»bil# tiw s*.Kith Brown, together with one Htewel!, went to —• *• R*»l*ertk, ex-Pitw Jen? of Liberia, that they might be ^^udgtsl without law.’ And hence no one who regards reputation the bouee occupied by the wife of Jcdiony schools If soch thoughts have ever occur by giving another tearing no interest at all. ry —|'intifi* ‘**f m4 ‘nmnm 4~r—tr-itntf Prm h.l p(4crf tfo- crimes______44 There should, therefore, be no schools The Pendleton plan of paying the debt is son's show The house is located a short let u* sak you to banish them at oooe. during these midsummer month*. Nothing •ectioos were strangers to recti other, and —Gen. Look tea* defeated and captured j lor which teo tt. Huutlsy and Oakfey were Thtj arc unworthy any one who conscien ­ undentood by tha pcopia to bs naked repu­ of these States, where nearly every person (Ustaiice north of Adrian city Brown and can be more unprofiuble in every aspect it ref|Uired four yea** of civil war to cMbe a largs psfty A Indian* in Idaho, and no hurried into t Urnity it «tni they haii tiouslytiouslv aspiresaapirce to liecoincIjccxh the teai'lur ■•! diation, which they contemplate with lodig can rrs 1 and write, •*> comprehend tbe them in tbeir right minds again. During 63 Htewel! drove up to the borne and were go further trouble* are expected in that repregion. •nd relation in which they may be viewed, ing in. hut were met at the d«*>r —not by broken into * More in Pittsfield, Pike ooua I youth. Gold does not represent all there i* nation and acorn Tbe acta of ('ongreat volcanic nature of tbal piatf »rm that they much was gained. Gettyshurgh was fought, —The trial of Whalen, stcused *A the twaide*. being in some respects, positively the lady they went to are, but I y the hire ty, in this State, murdered the watchman,' „f compensation. As a teacher y4>u have a and thenceforth tbe contest was on South- murder of D'Arcy .Mrftee, entnmenred at blown np the safe, and secured the contt-nt*. ifijuriona A* already affirmed, they are a providing for tha issue of bonds which pre •tamp it urxler an avalanche of popular t»and After some talk, rather improper for higher duty tuan to work for wages afoot'. ern soil. P'witioas gamsd were never again Ottawa, Ontario on Tuesday wceh. Tbev immediately stru k for \li«*oeri, and waste of time—a waste of money —a waste •erred us a nation, provide that all stocka, wrath. IfanocnMry iu Vermont aud Maine Suniiav, Brown pulled a revoivt r and com When you have taken the charge of a school loa% and the rebe!ii«»n staggered under re —Tbe Central Pacific Railway prnpooc* foul just croasi'd luc Mimitsippi. near Lou- y«>u arc morally bound to bring into full of labor, and a waste of intellect. Tbe em­ ie deed, 'foul, i>kaj >, and burle*! out of sight metre#) shooting at liookcr. r to escape, and he was arrested and to them. When hsyiog and harvesting and Tnesrlsy wr#k, t»y large mnforitte. tn tnir two© n them It has recently bean de ­ word anil action foug after you have House of A mem hi y d ended that tbe minor struck tbe blow, and suddenly efocintfod on adjoining fanut. In tbe foremiuu ot that Huuilay evening last. Monday lad, they tuok passage on the An- j jAasaed away. The work of a teacher i*one to meet this necessity, without depriving cided by Judge Neiaon, of tha Supreme the- whole land by cutting loose (ruin At­ da? an altercation arise bet worn Mr*. Flem­ —A hay camp near Fort Wallace. Kansas, such as are thus obliged to leave school 4.1 ity report waa in order The report eaid dy 6nd were coming up the river 0f x\tt Iu<»t serious that man is called upon Court, that 44 the power to tax was an orig lanta and was marching to the sea. Strik­ ming and James Way, a boy aged 1* yearn, was attarked hy Iruliao* on M4ioday. two BetweenIJ Claritnvilie' ' “ " ‘ ‘ andJ Ixuiiuana‘ ‘ ; tt»ey“ " tn perform. Hi* position is such that neg ­ iteir just ngbu. And this can be 000e, and that members holding seats wbo are not ing Savannah in the rear and opening com ­ ought to be done. ioal one, and con Id not he conferred in which there vu a**ns perennial violence men kith-d, reveral wounded, and s large managed fo rob three pmsrugcn*, which re lect sad delinquencies on the part ot others munication with our fleet*, he turned north 44 If a district decides to bsve three months reaidente of tbe counties they represent, and used. In tbt* evening there was a school ntimlwT of fe^riee and mules driven off. suited in Iket/ capture by the passenger*. will not excuse him Clout d >mg his whole by Congress upon the States." Judge to take Richmond in tbe rear. Meanwhile summer arbool. commence tn April Thu free persona of color, are, under cbe State meeting, at which Jsmrs ami hia father. -—The New York theatres are preparing On arriving at Louisiana they were turned duty. So long as you suetein the relation Nelson ia a aimon pure (not repudiationi Giuxt was biding hie time at the capital (A wet and the mud te this month are, in do John Way .{and Ifo»bert Flemming, agt»l 31 great attract)'ui*. One spectacular delight over to the authorities, who put them tn of teacher to a school, nothing should he ('onerttutioo, ineligible. It was adopted by tbe Confederacy, and at the critical mo ­ Democrat, and holds that excessive taxation year*, were present. Tbere, high word# i* to be produced at a cost of $lfll‘,ftftO, a irons. At this time a number of men came permitted to lessen tbe deep Interest that is leapect, so detrimental to the progress of a a vide ol W to 23, tbe negroes not being ment, seising bis opportunity with tbe school a* the hot suns of Julj and August. would entirely destroy the credit of tbe r. | parsed between Robert anti tbe Ways and pantomime at #73.060, an opera at #*>0,000. *n !i mi Bike cgffift RMk fo IteMfe necessar) to insure soeoeea. Your salary When It Is decided to bare four or flve permitted to take part in tbe decision The nitan of a great commander, be leveled then tbe Ways learned tbat lloturrt's father —A company of Hoys in Bine wa* assault­ na, aud tbe prisoners were turned over to may te insufficient ami your patron* un government, and render tbe txmda them works, eurpnsr -1 fo-c months, let the time te divided ftito two latest intelligence ie that all offices in the cufeom on the rebel had gone to procure a warrant for young ed with stone*. I wick bats, etc M while march them Th© partj and prisoners cro ssed grateful. Three are sad misfortunes, hut selves almost as worthless aa ConfedermU and compelled a general surrender and sub- | Way • arrest f*r tbe | terms, and 4'omosencr the first surly enough for tbe aaeanlt upw Kooert's mg tlwougte the streets of New Haven on over to IMinoiv and that was the last tbat not snffleient cause for you to relax in the State now filled by negroes are to be declar ­ so a* to end by the fourth of July, sad com ­ rag* are to-day. Tbe Democratic hobby of jngntiod everywhere to the old flag. mother in the forenoon. After the meeting Wednesday evening, and several Injured. has teen he »rd of them it is generally les*t your best efforts in tehalfor theschool. ed vacant, and supplied by tbe appointment mence the second about tbe last of Almost# repudiation, tha revolutionary Inna of its 44 It was in 1862 that Michigan was calk'd | tUwed, Robert started to meet his father, a* —Tbe pierring of the tunnel through Mt. supposed that those who took charge of the The children intrusted to your care must upon for five regimeot*, nod the Governor j he w'1 be wa* length will te 12,0LM> metres, of which 6.- hut little dtiuht. we think, tbat the men the cupidity of school officers or ite per- menacing attitude of the rebels aud the grnmional Dwtrict. Thin wa* a time when tbat they wotiUI attack him. A* go forward with renewed activity and real. sult ia sending negroes to Congress from the 466 have been executed. were hung. 44 Thr way of the transgressor Terseness of parent*. wholesale murder of Union mm carried oo m> hnnatien were given, yrt within thirty young Flemming paaacd Way's bouse, he —Tbe flultan of Turkey ha* permitted M hard.' ~ Hn res­ is no reason in it, no right and 00 otllity in On tbe firm nf July, Ii37, Iks pwbftc debt —-An employe to a Uincinoati rolling mill and a disposition to labor for success are rebels Marred our prisoners with tbe delib Atlanta Wtien Hberman•rmen 6»r the sea, teihling pited, ha* swam been respited by the Gov ­ it f trust this Convention Will spunk out was •**,060 ,3* 1.K». On the 4th of March, killed a fellow workman, on Frhlay, with a tbe proper testa Our flute ia provided crate intention of rendering them incapable the 4th and 23d were Vi:t at Atlanta to take ernor, and this time tbe respite H for an in ­ 00 the subject that a much a reded reform —The Boston Few says: 44 We are aiming red hot bar of Iron, which he ran entirety with s school system well adapted tn secure 1*61, it was *5,000,000 Thus in a time of rare of Rood. In the spring of 1666, no definite period may te efegtod 1 » of bearing arms era they exchanged th our blows at the parent nf confusion and through hie virtltah body. a literal education to all, and tcat Otto# k##t w##k. never bed twee before, for one of their starv sent home and muetered out of service. ny no Wednenfay night, in which he said and wagoo, two men anil a boy. shade tree iu a neighbor's yard. Ue had none but competent nod earnest persooe to —Two colored S##Ator* in tt# rK„ impudenen nf tbe copperheads ia mouthing Gen. bpsuhling, in oonciuahjn. paid a high ed skeletons. They proposed to give us a for tome time shown evidence# ot insanity. enter your schools ns l#^Ml#tan> tm o# M1M1 ifafl 4* retrenchment and reform*' ie truly tribute to the gallant dead of the mkMBf — District Attorney Courteoay declares i In exchange lor a splendid an) r, all parts of the country • —Augusta Baker, of Chicago, a paaneo b# i—I up AW I# ttwr •##!#. sob lima. Compare tbeir profe ssions of ten ­ who fell few tbeir devoted eon itry.n flolieilor Hinckley an overhearing ignore raise of war and humanity are —The Massachusetts Republican Onven mu#, and says that irwprmnible nuieance ger fawn Montana, recent ty frM overboard —A Btuab## o( Monbafa der solicitude with tbeir financial nwgg* CutLoasn. -A coUmpormry gives the follow- n«d to txAiatomg #ad t ■h even on their own statement Felicitous and patriotic remarks were tun, on the 6th inat, nominated Hon Wm. bee no right to interfere in Ite WM against near New Y’ork and was drew nud. with meet whenever a grab from Uncle Ana's ( laflin lor acclamatioo, for Govermwof that • 10,000 In drafts, sad n cheek far $50,000 lug vWiluBwi adrios m methere, wbfeh is as in w«#t«r# North Cnrolia#. of the race. We bad tbe right to leave our ado hy Gen. Cel E 0 Uommiaaftoocr Rollins. flute. The no minatio n ia eqmnlcut fo iu gold ou his pureou The body was not wtel irlsylte to this iatttute as any other: Tee —'Tfc#1#to#« W##M#ftna di#p#trb«# OOf money stent could In made by them under who we v sailed out hy the audi —The lioodoo Ttwut ha* a bitter article ainch cars rennet ha taken te kttie children men ia their bands and doomed proper election. it i# rwnllx MMfal th#t tW# «HK b# • any pretext, and draw your own inference, A vote of thanks wa* tendered to on tbe American treaty with China, in during thrir ssroud summre It is said to he S»plrmb#r ####iof) of Coorr###. for them ; and war peter oe ertmpf ^ j- The Mobile /?«*•**/, peatery the Dett -Mrs. CL T. Psek, af Rotterdam, flefeea fee most trrine thus in fk you wbo own property and pay taxes which il ttergws tha f'hmere Gavarnmeit —A###tar Morgan and H#|»r###nUliT> use nek to rAy th* pri#. I Geo. hpankiing few tbeir errata, say* that a rebel soldier Can talk with with bad faith ts arete Great Britain, and ucUdy cvuuty, Pa., awnmUlud suicide at hare tea, ami at team, a Northern Democrat upon pohUoal sub- Sc bench hare gone to Washington to qm kfiwMm abater n*se thsre nus a te the Indies of Flint few hints that war may follow it existing treat ter residence by hanging last M

■nonunon. | »o«maa bwcotokt MEDICAL. medical . MEDICAL. AA #A A MEDICAL. Marainu i^i au b. w.____ f Fanaui *•• 4t •■■•». C** Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, Ayer's IsnspsriUs, Maui *w»«, in E »fS______1 «m. ulfe iMpillat m* vi — f>»*. h. uituarN lar all ikt nriMri «f m Uiailvt 1 M tCKl BlliLIOt S POW UK U. MeithaniM. Erfklat. FOR PURIFYING THE tLOOD. MTAt 1.9114 A « MA1MIM, Tao'sg (b4 BNMaraE 4 if Anumii iiiOuimiutu at Law, aa4 • rtiUm Per Lap* Bv mu Bffktiw Mm itMvitMlIjr mnutrrM the P e. / w. I ttlitfH Tbr repaint fern the* —Itoat a—4Wta# —>*9*. 4 4** TtoMOT I I'haxwy, ml Jakaa Ubia —aty MtAifiB. try rtnjM; a* a lalkifib, »*ur «m aay • »«r Uf«r«m n»ed from M* rur—, many uf whmh a— mi a truly mar a «.iM»a«w. a. A arariBiiB. Dnh’^nirn, unit '*1 •‘ivi.Od Mile a-r. «n •' 11 e- uitry au4 v«Uw «h tract er In* * let at# <— of Htwa fata, where ». C. 4 T A Ml AltT * M. M, i—HQ* I lh* eyatea ni —ii nUnrly p*ra up to «— pk—a. ha«* M vhan jfaa'rt fid p»i n !&E3r2^^#.SPn I yudded to thla < ompound olar.t i-atrumoue rtctu— I*t» Pat•«. Oili a« Fnrmiri, «4ne 4 a afttabw typo, oad aflrrt— which ar* •I m allM! «B4 tM ait4 far Burr » « teat, kaot that it mum IIm'It it* iglib>ri and fnetida. an* of the Boat nondeffal 4iar»»veri— Mr «ba rhiAi • child atU Uim, i». aa. mm, 4 a and all know that «hat t! lunvar |I doaaalasjrr (hal a wvrry sdli.aMil la the t*unity . that th* puUrr 4m UNw Mi play aad Mill* iu mm|< |«im m lliu UuMia Mmum |, Mar t wUBf, lit. Other*. It never balls through any (null «»» i»« (t<« t uf il« «»n|«u* ufawletaUnua It la aot a«wd to h* inhiraiad here that it • la an** • a—a a k iW mmmIIi u urn, •aaiapauiAtf aa4 Dym«. i^aagHljr 4mb« 14 At mm* UH om W» have, and . a|>rn>*a4 itwlirn w*jim. 44vp uMMi»l aa4 Hub' aii«U uf letuisir* >.n(ea 4rM«» Iw N M latort , h aim, W*ak IU ■ L. A . I AM|I tLI L H. W BOOFUtD’i GERMAN BITTERS, u» alt nets ami is« 44uaa U 4L • >b>ab « ; mm •*$ \ whirlaompIwtouyr t «« n the dad* nil *4h*v damv* tho «lia k of entaaldmg or fatal 4—. without eirto* , faiikiAJ a mi* At bbibb . UA* at Iu ralbaot, vb qattkae nul M4 or nay frlshvhui in.#, they a»9 to ' an - in taedtetn* , ,»4I Iit alt *r*l» him mtArh gratiA*ntlnvi in* a *o*prrl«a« of it* pr«orinr Again, It are—a lo breed Y aiktr Mrvat, w«ut «4 tUaUu Anaiw, 9* Johm*, l««al Kurt*. taken with aafet, by any body Tluir »Ofnr ium I|||I *.h »t they rwnrtvr he wnstuiw a a|*| rokalAan of all who iiiheintn theoughooi the Udy, oad then, on a* —* fa*at Mh4um . All u*AU pttHwyU} at|i>4»4 W. , ^ 9mmvb >. Iftnya, 1 |((i»rr\«« then, evrf fr* *h ai»4 ruak<» thear ever j.M-aa \\t I. »tr I i h«-i* II, U fci Lilli..us Potvdef* are a abia a. iss.ua. mpdiy devntop into ua* or «|. NA bo« lh* hand ef God. pNINtu* Aitb fewl'U. ifMat «B Maplt aWMBAi M4» Hull**. an — fr .ru their urn m any <|uant«ty. TU mImm -ft by d*n< tug Umte if* »*«H AROMATIC BITTERS Cknnar, llna». I hry u|Muniy * h» I4««<4 an I atimulste it miu Positive Cure for Liver Complaint I I kease f*e Is Mmke th* oec —iutial use of the Neisefi. At MMK «1U) bill . I paapljf rnpiaUf In- ___ B ___ _ id •ad Mral. teaRing mi tb»*« PIKKU ti:(.ri4HIJ. ot»«. Hoofland ’s German Tonic. 1 heaithy «>lb*n - rraauve the oUtnutiuM of the atua* •4LU ss a pet «. i.te**, *•!*» — hie fMIlfHt HUt J. H. tcl.MI* H. «»i ^ .. Inr4. ' adb, U/wrU. liver, And »th* 1 uinM »t the body rwato f* In lb nwt aggravated f>na. and an on media l* cor It l* a u.iatake to *u| pom that au l*-ug a* aw *eupt|.•1*7 napaA 4 all Cntlna, I mg their Irregular a lt»a b* bmllk. «•» i by eofTtn lug, rv»iA-r uf nil Or hum ra appear, the— must he no mtr the following ««rtn|,.a4nte. »h*L th*a 1*110 I.n»i)eal kr ItKiDAt IIL th* duration of Ufa |t t* * t«aam err«»r, al—, that MP%ii kt I rBILAI>Kl.riUA, FA ,MilTrrr_^-• Oo m* lot. Tsl’timu »ui »■ t«i Ann. A» here- (»aWM A*A«., rapidly mn : m rofuia is atrtetiy hritditary. It (vet, indeed, descend tobu*. the wUiiikrr willt----- MBltur— -.- t* •Bpldf ______Ikr MmI |’«MiJir>. > AT />g%dp»to •** /«d. /%$■'. -a. I. 4ls>gn-«p. L *•/»*', CONMTI I* AT I ON! , fit— parrot to child, but it I* al— ♦>>gendered in pec* I'm iiii Keiae, I^TTWUBM amp Thaateh aia CHILLS AND FEVER 4rutal «»fh at a but fru>r Itreltt yean onurbR -TO and //Ul . if.*) ibuUM *1 taken ad«TNtr1| *•** * —» uf pure teheod. l/o a living, in dig — lluw. ti al —A cornt^»o»MUii uf th* hiMiylviMA Th* nut im, m JohuA, Midi. o. k 1 «*••!», M. Tba Oral Kenediei for ill DiHeaMa to aiinulnt# tli wu and tmiun it* healthy tun# kll/llllU. air, luwnttoua habit*, ui.rWenimewa, and the taper— mg (knalc Eiarrlnra, « ftawtera Marbua and ntloii A vU.UJk HKI\, IiKhWMM.m, | vi. ea ge-n./ali), pnsluoe it. Vi-aily rust itutmio, lummrrmt tak— thr f»4l**wu.f view of the claft# >yuifirft A. A. MAUMOi r, n. Un J08IAB C ABF ENTER, K«r /.rcer t «* NdiN 1 *11 ( )(• l/llUli* u,pt«-m*. //./. IIKAH I bt'KN, PALPITATION, • he i* not f< rtiftrd by the Boat naodant and yodirtou* llMMorATSK l «T»uu«i. l>* i Ui»tan ^»a»«y. •t ms mu U**4a4 U* .v 1 // **!■*• A A'Madirr, or i»r«« A«>1< And a in '4 wonderful car* and prevento* of esrr, are joculiaily lenlde to it. Yet tho rob —d, al— of itnrn r wRL shah Jim MtMiralific I*n in* f H^vu. «iU pr^meU, rv^u-' w ^ ktoaii •#«i Milnai (Wi an.I /.«> . «i / r«ri, they should I* oho*, tugld blood rwella the V.in* wllh an npporently ttCMi Ymin." Although ths holding of mils, tbnimr mi iMU* atnr Ihi bt 4tottt MnfB. )u4u *>o»Jy tokm I >i * ,i to. >n«t the di*cn*r«j I'’i*vcr niifl A uiio ! *i hu to runt titairty, are often (oaunuaaied, and on the Oharg— »*.4#n»Uw •*" ' ‘ 1 , , „ . LIVER, 8T0MACH, OR *• tton uf t. «it/vr tbr y*' rugt»u«*a a ul< h u«uae Id. —1 lo it# • t ieseque let— Indeed, no tin — or uoiditee n Ckurk Kttn ii i‘*MuWr*d by ®*ny moralists l>ynf#e|HUa, C'Aru&k Colon h aa4 M—pmm-v lacTMtt. Commission Merchant, K«*r /#g*«aferg jWirbi to,* one m4!4 A-ae !• gene- (We ad* law all w ho are tr«*ublcd with l hi* fearful —a defand on ivmmu.it * from It, n«>r feel Inactidkl* to tally reoalrc.1 . aislsdv to alwwyw k—|* th* Powd# r* < n Laud ready for th« aoi4>rtMn< « of an «• (f*-» tun! ie needy ’. lo hr harUlv Up to thr standard of |»urw rkm Ma« to w. IM,AMU> ha. lately openai a llonp K«» An—mat** m. , rnnw/ /•* yi'iUian uj lh• Aewrf, Untnediate use ) In V. laFhoog t htrt, it•*»,** f ry,|y*Ul ; foV frtlrT, LIVER COMPLAINT. k Mi iy at the h—4 of 1 u»tai» A**i»***% Ait 444 A 44(1 DIGESTIVE ORGANS. tnoaity, ,thy> ouAbt not to ta P1**** 111 ^ Patm in (A/ #•*/#, /(•'• I «nd L««e#, • 1 >ey should le >f. • ller* »». a f» • important particular* :-• Salt A‘4som, .feold //#*>(, Aeoge —rm, .tore An re *«d m loom Mk A.. «Ur« *h« meaulartio — lb* truly 44 ** 444 • 44* UtlUottalv t.iken, a* i..|Ull.-«i, !•• . I. iige the 4l«—d nr* Av#« .nd other eruptive or visible fweme of the fan*** ce’WftUff mik M I*>ttsrtoa and I hoofer* orir'-rair* ft‘ale«it Ajuva lt«*»r 9kirX ' ______lit —They are the Great Hfoelft. hr, all HliHous Af- ASTHMATIC AFFECTION*. BLEEDING FILER uAm uaad 1 bl A4HIH€*TOM MTMftlKT, • ■ ■ il..n .•( ib# *r»T#m With such #hai ige thuse <<>n»| total • feef i onu*«d primarily by thr *i.T«>futou* inlm.tooa. the ft*a* Htt i nn®|m l~‘ ‘ h’WrvJ to *ny* ‘ Tha> in* j, q. rarii Hsui, dim pi oar. I — Th« y are the cnly kn* wn remedy that will .tire a* r * an i s, Is so t-ffii n-r.t as |u k ti.dispenelhle. And in pur th**§*»§ Slid /Ar.ynoi/ Van* • eg >h—------ihuuid Liver toon plaint. | (he l— i*on< .«i*d Uim* aa In f>gaprpe«ei, kefey, qM:ry ha* murw Ihftti utacw loan rum*! whether aa4 all cuw •! (oSMSlhua at La*. Kaat k—aia Awaat.and • - ^ ) YOkk t ITV Hoofland ’s German Bitters »*.,».! i.flur l.nolaT t H a U, e« »aei «• Ham alia Maw TURK h-ITi. uk n in in: g* Arm fr* ,ae | a pf t || &d. Ihry *re the only known r*rncty that will ur* //#*» ( Inmmu, PtU, I j+irjmy, re—/g.e*. and othef al- Umob thing* v «« right, ftn4 pgrhftps n>tw <*re t;.*i JfT. »«.. -u, r»« of a d —ath — rr*- I - , 1'oitltJp.tMfe fnlion* of the man alar *nd tier* one »v*tema the lei* of tkt intotligwnt of tka ir»*« n i*rw$>ami (•«*lK«*rtil I>t*lilllt V* u tonrrf anciiAR. i’vlhvluiA A»f IWUr, n M* And r*c*t*e kla weekly l*rt«w t Jarrmt ef Kr«i4nre Kor *«f4>"i*u*a a taigr iar should In Ithn » •! 4th.—Tic f*owd< ra ar. mtb r »ugh in th,*ir «‘p« ration • er«.kJi.i s, through it* | onf*u g |ow«t, r«—ovreth* ! yrdb «* the desired »mi< by ayn*|alhy. cni.se of th<- diantde r Hbd podum astonishing cures. to tall ua TWa ftra wry few cknMiWi »h«. «k. % ar»4 Ot« —in. the mmi <» mylrtr Pr»rr t umat p«k> Is llMimlnfUapw )akoa (or. m they are men*, i that «*(.« pu l«gt> ad! U all that the mipfi’y «f tliom n^ard thr Tltatekur M 4 •‘•boat of morals,' aallf tan —d An todn of Kiuli, Aa a |»t«a»a Put, take uto >>r two y%V i lo j r mote | a*tug them aiiT requit. lo effect a rate. 1 he —rsapfuiim root «.i ta« tropes d«* • out by Natii ^ — ------oahe4 in the t*tilled OtaU-* . dig rot OKI and rellev* the slomruh. achieve the— i*^ 11 i» noli d l y the ritint* uW »AMIU. JAXIMfi, ■ arkaaad I lark a ■toklnf a r. Hh IT.*y in a auldard pleasant yrt tin m#«i ef- but on thr ^ratrary took up»*n it •• • m«ons of M^^ktbWFe.m-n Aa aera*K>Mi do — atunulnlea th. it ma* h and tow feel u a) oat hart ir knoau. . bllird With It, Of dill greater pewrf. Mu fadetift Ik this UK MOST EFFECTIVE KKMKD1 1aiiuami r«» twiNioi *1 Law. a»4J^tirtw u» SM^*nt| |«»r M l*rloa* C‘»trra*lil. tntod, and entln ly ! *1* into h—ithy ah a, rr*t*ir*a the sppettti and Mtntoa ' */. sod y> m(rwateiic uitvaragonce, tolly, dtataffttioff, 4od ChanAwry. .ad to al fcM-u Af*nh •»*» I 4 , , •dnutsrt •/ say 1 lf hh They ar* th* •hrwpret and beet iu«l*. inert lin-ntr-i ii------Hat Chftroh Kairm, in fthich i«a*cll*n af debte, M.l4»efV«uaua*, eb Alie Hwy Markm# Plate* «o4 l aria. fumial>e4 free. «n»’— th* *yr»t—i. |i«w ■« II In cdV a gP*Msgv Mate .«.a | unt, a* they »at> to sent by nailtoany tarlof the gl .be cmr* nl iHumms mrm cured by it, though a Wmg t»me»#vo MT ItVlk CORD. OP9 j ak r* im. — rwv«ja baifwe t r*Wa ( who #•« I* * f.. i n . * • ■ ' r*hl»tor Uuilon l^utt OK* M*» 4' I Pills make (Trrutora. ent uuung o ttlf st.. Inf. rmatfe.r. *dc , //Nort-ri,, (4 r* n loT I «rt uf the world fri« of charge, and >—uj / in gewevul, nre cm liLtnU, 40 that if ttoor ar*» «vil, thorn? moat nmds TRY TIIRM. —- HOOFLAND’S GERMAN TONIC, I avitiTii <.Rnt ua th* dtgtotkf* appnralu* Thar,- an* Hedd »yV aflart T>rugeci«t>, or hy niall on arpluatuai to hrvrd and ultitnat. ly cured by the Invigorating and pa nfytng .the* of oar A*h»*rami -ia . E4—lelta— aad i; 1, i itt H, K—abJtahed, May 1st, I Mu. Iirat -eto — reference* ( anmefuue cn*r* where a {.nrywits ia required, whbh (*. r#. ( LAVK A ( G., G.r*ta! Ag#nta. to wvtl also arr not only h*4d to ta ArtoMki a 1 Law anm J a *Tmb w( gwm ah— —qatrwd. we ..snnut enumerate here, but »ugg*»l themM’lte* to New llsven. Conn uft« u d* p n.i> nt on the aor urn uiat mw* of e ttrai*e t»mic)ota, but toil! in IkaEfdw* a *|>ort*a «*! ------1 am—aManMMH— Is s wtathtwalli.il of all Lb* !agr*d>ea!a of lh* H.t*. r% ‘ M«rrhd), and where the« trine* of thi* Pi.l are kn* »tt. Pry4 ’it I tmU /•rf fit* •a* matter* in the l.l.md, have their remedy atao In this gambling. aw by Matoto law. llut With Lh* pan —t quality of Awnto < mi Mum, OraiwN*. IheLuMtr no longer d4*uld what the* un|.|o), ah«-n in f fe' li u*e K'»r t.tret i 'opfeiali, torpidtf), inftnmioa- I.rlffia* tromallr Hlllrra 4a, making ooa of th* auwt pi—r,i and agre. *> to ... 4 a purgnu — n w*ia«. tiuu, iIm«. etc, (/a used by rankling p*.ianaatn thr M<- d, « Lurch fain immorally depend upon lh«*n for a I—AreI «n»a_ „preoate.1 rtmtlt I on KAientiti ptindb**, ah« LUMBE % ra—srlim over offered to th* puUlc. *»r untMuit*tn.g!) re* —irmrnd the fe*a**r*aiu a. at rVa)'«l Aflmty u atari ve4 1^®*** sss i .■leajra'wsttcaas tounljf. M‘ Ligau , , T___ .. Tboa* preferring a Medhdne free Do — Alcoholic at This niedu 11,« r«ot(«r— h—1th and vigor a here no ape- £PZZEZ?fmlZ A^UiftRnUr. «ond< rfu! cur*, and all wh# mUtrnn, will tm* j cldc Ac— can hr lotingulshed. Iu 1—tovativa power hi allhii i JOH.A i«n—w. lirab-bogu,., . Rtnf-(___m ----ak#u,-- l-Iflim, M"^k a*.. wwd...... H tt'gmtl* i it — \l * »** f I VI I t I l' I muHUuv I’t t loral, U mty, l’i* . ST' eaf, .Seq.'eu, grid felled With .Vcrwvi Jffrefesrwai OT Mi FSM4 to 4 ******* i w , . f •,! t* Tl». ti,» lor lllsruarN of liar llirual 11 sad l.uiig*, I.v*, ar* aon.arM luma 7 irat c \ j ^ ,.4 . it.. ■* Hoofland ’s German Bitters. » /—c«, — who ar* truutded withany other of thu— tic' csto>r*4 .ft OU, * «4« Cv.oia, ut India iak Albion, sam Ia ma I aii|li». ( talda, \% hooping mptoma* fwsaknsaa M«sy after takingtt which toaide# baftf tndklAbto ommmm ba ( , \i.->v i KIU, ba«ftTI’ ' at th* abw%. Unitary, »-•- dwuf -uoU* wf Hun* 4 hru * M IM’IMCTI RINb COUP IN V, («u|k. Hrouehllla tailiiAiu, aad « on* for <#>•«▼•< /ArhuVs, have wnttra a* d the youthful vary unr*4tfp«>f two-* ta.eysnt with that proltftc life they thought had de- (brkliisi atw furbtddaM to ba caaiorm. • toe, too suy thing won so widely and *0 deeply u|s>n IIUI I A ttll kllMlN, hrteJ oa tha ad* an<« of age. Others, a ho— fountains world, anda it n n<( aMnniM Uiat tluae* th'1|(!rf mhi #,4ht. Thou- n.u »tf «hn 4*y it. tk«*ir the CisflciM* of aiankind, a* this 1 acellent r»vru :y f. r 1 mtj should to **•»«*- heart* thsakirg 1*M OkltHif* f*>* hit e(K>rt* m Artoaaev* it L*a **rd iuli.»i«ws to Manufacturer* an t deal*?* iu pulmoa*r) c«anp:aitita. 1 hruugh a l««ng aeries of y —ra, t*» it fur aa nbvi< us change. make a© pretnonn** - r -e . . . - iaha^tuntoi. ■ noiy, Men »mu urn. and AWitif n» to of the rsc— of m« n it has rte< a higher The Laal Sueeett. whal pan tod that ‘ tl- tmwna juatitww tL* nnd *u,g thi. g,rr^u. t uave>*m.ag -nd to th# * mmm HOOFLAND’S GERMAN TONIC aud togtoi oa ia« *a ewtta—t—w, i*illo fe* at fetter * |t w M n» -fry lor dfMU. hAid OK** tgmi I lfNlrUi »f all Hetardlea, Stl/eaarsi to I'mput. i INta* to >*.0. hetato^AI— kteuwn Its unifetrai rhanudrf an l |n/acr Iu cure the Ineuraa.v A(—U- «*h hv »•>* ^ should k wood var*wu< aJtevtUA— *4 'be lung* m< 1 ULr—L to *a m J« U Ijpp’fl A|ur I'flflpr, J (Mdfbd to ikto • ay ^aii loH to <■ mtiv . u m manner a* u. rvadnr u acr,j.toti# u known —a vadfahle pr—e few *gatn« V Hiefn Wh*le idKnr * Hut the apoatto Paul,—be livnd w> long I t|fc4 tXmm9t+ ui nU —**• whwrr lbs patient ha* Maw* Rsnh.onitUton A tVi.u * v, t si noon LUMBER, I or I ever aadA , IfetermliteMt Fever, gyi etwvra n*.vr . nltfled is miller l>>rtna «f h—n ti that the y—r; arid by the am *f MMi the same a—fttalaal * irtu—...... it...... can !w...... r gt * m f* r I .. r.'nsunijti' n se th. Invr.Ato Euisan* I’tane, Liv»s*ai» tosvkvanrtR, M— avartet) of — us— ourh — Indfe Mud Indeed mil (lie aff««ii »• vvtali ta wr we— not t© de> rril that tr*«i turns e-yan 1 danger —* ifle tami ef the thiv** ’ and lung*. A* v f rv>- (irlgga ’ Aroiaiulir Htllrm. tote, * .dating and Lile li.suraiue Ag —to »!**• Nervou* Debility, ' ifewii agau**< *ud-t«ti attek. et * re*m G ahouxl to arise from raalarleua, mar* If l^chnrrb<«h»*«. *r '.ii wa«e»*o»b*» 'i»'. WILL r,J.D YorSi ‘KL> OF ua,..u,.to unt al S I SI 4 in to* ^ Hoorw, tatvli. \% llbdtaBft Iruinrs O have tie fa fed ions ke| d on hand in every f»ru*iy, and iftdae>l a* all «r* sea«ll< ifeatearns. 1H u. W uifonu.J Th«f (hralwis «»« «H» * x,.\\ t.iKF. MSI. rtouept Mtentom g'*ru to the of wlilch 1*. that tbs m—et un — sul^ivt to eol'iv and /II ah aid he Take* rrvfc—mg to *VMm 7* ‘ wTf1 Aa ita i an.« impllea, It ftra fare, and 4—a wet tall aai I provided with thfe antidote for th.m Containing neither Arataac, feu turn*, Rmmuth, Zrat. dittnrwnt amts lhat «dwpl©y «ai h mean* to m- \ ntreaglh, a Muddy c«mi i» »u.n. —.4 ad Smu Ui to Judge *l«fc«(a’ Olltae, M Johan, llfeh- the talkfWlac dt —aees Although *e tiled CiaiMefeisa fe thought Uvurs le, IMPROVED a a ervi.a I tl i/» «• ■ ••••*•» n«r any other tn twral or p—antK us eulotoaoe whatever, nl —ii ah th* church t—aaurT can of Coarse giv# .^ueUtuti—e rs.ecvrd from Ltnue iw iiity^ •till ft—I numler* of tosrs Where the dieaem a*, m* . tt n»w*ia injur — any patient. The number and isapor- !n s—nT nl —nsoas Im lid4r pvnrUr* Will . Taken ea retiring to lad, they Will produc e V* Ifl 111 * t —, llriM'U «•! **, € «*r»il€'r*, HAIR restorer ceil led. h«v* Inn conplrtely and the pattev.l tan — of it* rwr— tn the a#w* distrfefta, a— ittsr'dJy to* Ut SOMpCUrftl I U1T WW A^VwdNt^ Mtop. tmpmn .Mr—p«S —d #—ff •» M* rid id A n*wt iv Oqtaftttpation Flaltilfsoe, Inward Pi lea, 1 re* (. red ta ar>und hewlth hy the Cnvsev Pactoaai* Mo rr* one of them ©nlightmi ui N.n*me* TvnfeK. Ls-na — Owa*eyuaseta. Real tadta to. Fulnooo of Blood to tha Hoad. Acidity toad account, and w* UUwve wab ut a ynt Jfel m the : ;******* engaeee, and can— ibw *w#m?»g tan /#—- I — fe ia it* mastary over the dmn tkevr brow. bam. Diagaal for Pood. Pulnssa • W hr 11 nothing . um wuM re w b th«m, under the (nun or Wotnhl in tha Stomach. in etotiaate ami a her* ether mnedfe* had wholly JAM.* IM M« TltK LikUlJY ANI» MoMT COMKLKTh LABG* SkrhlaK. Balldcrs, NcacU, Ac., they eato44s aad dtaapp —r ■ fetes, etc . *Wt ' ^ ^ 1 Boor Enictstlona, Sink- Aiaprri end PmiAt .^eiloi find #r—t prrdi'iwt ' FAVORITE LATitKY IN THK I N1TEI» MTAThA w*li bo I remit.) ait. a —I to, on tai—sltatena*. * Vnerrlimatad pmutii either r—edent la er t—veHwg lklr*lt aad lllwaakce Railroad, inn or PI utter inn at tha Pit (rum it. tae over 4 0)1— Miuiew a atom. It ha—, *iral*ol of tha Stomach, Pwlmminjr of tbr».uirt» mi—maib hiraltfe—, wUl to protected by tall* h— just be— npletod al 4N4ai ia always relieved and often wholly ruled ing the I'urt dally. With the New aad Kowerfal Vi per cable Ijjq 15 JQ*F13LB01( 1VCTUE, DET10IT. MICH CNrWUty, Meahlg|p tha Hand, Humad or Dificult U , ,w ra . W a" . - 4« n aaavis vr. jGinv, (lit M. by tt. For Ziecr I mm plat uim, anmng from torpidity ef the HNStklSf, Pluttoring at tha Hrmrt, #r«arlii/ii U pActbllf run4 (y taking the Cnrasv Choklkf or H ff.-nting ftenaatiors whan air dressing tarer, U m an emrllmt remedy, atjn.u.mtjr.g the Lire otdttdrdv for the laaanto ’ ur* of rrmit ri.aie a «toi t# ! l*» : •—nil aa I taeqrn at 4< 1 H ** I>rln»H" ia net M Mllw sukrr. la a Lying Poature. Dimnaaa of Vtoion, tata healthy aetivify, Law sou Oaa»< saT R**i* —• K*rU.u —* ottonU Oi Dotft or ar aha Wfow tha Right, b> g«f*erally ate it* vtrtu*« known that it la unnec —• Krepo —d by Dr J. C. Am M Co, Kractaee. and —itad**se.sou ► «4c, Griggs ’ Aromatic Bitters, given to the * s*minat —n and olUewsfcl *d siapulmt aery ta pwbiuh the rertitant — uf them here, or do non An*.ytn«l ('heantta, I/ rrL, Ma— . and add all rowad Dull Pain in tha Hand. Dei- than aceurr the public that it* quail lie* are fully main* 1 uuc to Im— hetoto, pv\*. ui tug al* a—ta to war unim*, Bleary of Paraciratton, Yel­ in uneBod'le the world Mail At 11 uWfeJ^d llaven And It U mom to-jod » v the p» prwi ra they may k amirianuu, a. ing —ad and ruing* property, «od- tow nans tolned, Price ft 1.00 Per Battle. low nans of tha ftkin and l*rrper>d by .1 C. AYER M Co , 1/well, M*#» ir,4 AC^OMJMUtaAl lUh-At§4S r M . fee Ht ^ft*. atae to m-rl the targ.iy itomoaeng tamnad ter toug oft *ento nl Ui m*a jwjrtng tnk.a, o 4m*US| Ail k*td« of B r • ft, Pain in will qoicklv rettore Crty H«ir ud UmJfeieg nmr), A< ithca to I toe ’a R-U, v . M 1 *■ ..*•« »i 1 l tl'iv m v ■ :. r • .umvi .t. KAKRAND, HUXLEY M CO, Detrrai. be HI4a• Bach.Cheat, to iti natural color and beauty. ? ly Grtarn Aftbi far Huh Mixer* At n Pf M„tav Grand Mareu T|lfi Cj|0|CE»T AND PUKh2fT TONIC L Untoa Anaw, M Johna, Mu a. j K ARRAN D, all hi. Y ft CV, Xntroit. b u d d a n Gfitd u A garni* tar Michigan. feeing B asal. a sTSKtu— * event. . . .ahai of Heat Hi.rning And produce luxuriant growth. It U Ever enjoyed by MuEeting Humanity O MIXED At • «» A- M . few Iwwvit. h.mimw s « wik, * . .Monldlag* Maelc lo Order, perfectly harmlcs#, tod it preferred Ladle*, Tahe Particular Native. ACCOMMODATION At vb A M , for Itotroit I ^It. LINE IHITk MAIL At t 14 K. M., for Itotrmt la thla —mb—atton ia Tear— »*d the ledwlanf Arvonaaia asm t vi »*ilui M at Law, R—ieitara to over every other preparation by At 4 14 K. M , few I »etroit 1 Laughing Kraftoe, Krowwirg drain Murn Bngland,and 1 hna—rv aHatas* real wfelc aad bounty cinfra ___ . j KKIKR AND AM K (IRK THE SEAL VELPEAU FEMALE PILLS. Mold Aau—a, and wbewevcv thu —kfaaMaa h— be- agrafe, c rdykiln. t Ubt— county, Misblgaa.“* * ----- aw-It to J tm —— -q-- mill aftbi fatly care 1 nulain\ those who have a fine head of hair, rWARRAMTED KHK* H j C nrm t Metre It ha* neea high aboe* the fe—ta— twpec- Utter ia Circuit Court ( oua —*-i tav U»e cranty a, Cta«ir ne Ne^—a* lwwMty. rpHE«K P1LLM, (Art — sail light Tralaa. ______I »s f "/ K • u>! *1 I Hfeota to-day aoftt»'>wledg*d b) th* people rverywtrre, at well at thote who wuh to rrttorc tgtloM of th* p—fnelor in the —ua«u•«!. H ‘ ta John*, Michigan, at stall to wul to )t—cat an ■away year* ago ia where it ha* been used . Ti l larrl i id —(A craft, and wife attend to ah j iu:i/ia 111* 1: mi:dic ini : M4 «p—i tb* 4 ompanv ’a Kerry to —er on l tot rod Kiv- Plaalag and II —r IBrraaltaft ! imparted to the Hair make it dcwrable er a (ut the relief ev. Co —fortabk llotol aknwe Itopoi at On* —t lUv— t Nt— nar I P—c« In ymrmm___ € Ml I Kor ti* »|so!) and certain cure <4 fever end Ague, TKITINOlUlft. DEHIUTV, * i hi 11 Kevtr, tat>>i«»n* Kavre, in 4m t ml draeemr erveing for old and young. of femata imgw* Wr, the uBdrrMgwrd. r—t ling in the dty of 1* — c it, IIOV4 AfltU AMMM I A CION, I tarn tea. aad allot Knu Ai'urau, Ta. ln a—mu —* —* new aad rwlmfa# U—i- Resulting from an:,ny Cause whatswwr; Trunk lUulwar* for all r—aka Bast M k higna Ceatral mrUl \r Heport* ul to* HOWARD AaaOLlAllUN Ikon * — tail notice at low prv**a FiU>H7HATIOB OP______THE RTHTFM, DEPOT, 19H OKEE^WH'H n Tm X. T. for their erimtaal oad Muhigaa tamthera RnUronds a* being —perww to any aaedkni perpnrat —a* ever of* ladnoad by Ravers labor, _____ .H«*4MrI ( omliittittmu treed to the pwbJta, do take rr—t f.leneur* in mating —Srut by meal in mm el letter envelop —, ft— ed FBjCEONEDoUj/iR emplcymo wt la ita AT MILVa CEEK W*h th* Milwoak — aad Ml cfesrgv. Addn — J. fehlLLEN HOVUIITUI, UuW. •Rip#, nporurt, Fever*, air. Of the age Why, torauae II do — that which ta other pravttae «f abortion, r»tt!. OTwttta mm hwtw do * to —* oad MHm«ah— that v« k«r« Introduced —Id Ito. I* Gnu* ’ ArvmoU. Ritters ikb aur families, and have thorough y total ufd Ais.uii 1 . 5i>, J N ote Ninth street, Kftfendsl* Thsrs Is so medferine estant equal ta th—e remedies 1 tn«l.<,n« ever ku d >n« It auahea radical rnr«* ( it 1* are ta* of»r* I fa# tar ail printa Y«I aad North- K y HTI1L l*r —ideal, A too* sad vtgnv fe imported to tbs • foo —* rted bv th* leal men of the fetate i it k* re** rq- thru medicm*. qualities, aad we —a mam «vnAl— fey Kton. ni _ . , 1 .1, L KALD1, M<>r the i—t time is America. rerryawiead them a* —prvww la th* vanooa after* the - - \] ' • e• r» rygl h | mended by the Medlrol a>»4 Legal lY**tassi m, it sen* j I rapidly at home: it Uv— upon tt* evru menu , 11 1* or ; They bate been kept ia comparative "ta nnty, few which they are reeummended. to any amble whnl MTIild Bkl.ANIt A KOMI fllTWON, Mt Johns March g, IfeM 41 If the etorrterh d gecss raoacngvr* few Of—I Weotoi* hu nt ga ua thr Ce—- 4VTtciasa v* aV L* • carl It 'iKtuei in 1 hAinef J, Dr—I t* fxirtfeed. the . 1 ttaerraftdof raefty art• tki/kened by dare .• f deep, *- •erase tent lout priori pi—, ami Has wtiheld 'Lem THOMAS NELL, hupenat—taw I II— 1m W hogyecr M C. M.eh deney ; <»n areouat of ,t* woadorful »u v itrm lb haler, tau , Jew slier, Jefteraon Av—we, Coavcyaaorv'a Lfewanr, fe prepared ta maftv ball new Ufa ta o ihrir veins, —* 1.0* la a n.»—ara I ear of the I—l alterative t—1 medico. * can pto I Flight Esertioa, Pal pi tat 10a of the Heart, H*» (ire M—ga^, ^ jilrwrev, WHOOPING COL'GHi Retw—a IketrwM aad fhimfn matron d tides aad go • tmrrmrt atotrmta mi life —nt j ros jRM«WMVy aad ardor ut am > «cthf*»i h . dau*. Trv it and be runv|need, try it and to gurtd 1 tones, ftr.* and will effect a cure when all other D L M lh—14. Attorney, draw lice da, Mo Ogages. I— l^traefe, Chattel •Mt •RrvaMsa imaa, and give health ml l.apptns — W* woold call your attention ta Dr. L— oard ’a Keter Wolleawebrt. Drug#—I. C Tl«*U|»lie-aca I meant hare failed, and, altlto gh a p Mtiil 10 y u Mnl vs( | Tralaa Ware Itovrmt tar (Ttkaga aa fellows, ng * Freak G MailA. Crm wf M M Baulk A (• Caar of Writing ! am thing hurtful to tbs <*oas(it«tiua. lies R C«r«U, T r—ton, Oft<» oa th* —ath asd* c4 fetal. HifeL totweer. th* A e^ecaMc for toraal lafl—eii ra of lh* *y* , Ita apple- t>> married Indie* aad young girls wh* .«%** DAY MAIL at 4 45 A M nuTtn-e —s — mi the l*obisc ft, a uos ef the ey e. 1‘eruvanM rpthoim* I 1 K Rath tome, Rom hsCair Re An. It to s (toil —uKfehed tart that tally uo* half of the They will, la a tbort time, bring on the >•« »n*aiy E> ENINO KXKMKM at 4 to K. M. Mtntee and I sued a > im Uwnann' a— / m» Ifeca ( tamata Mtioo fe awr ~ cored by ite fe—, inneiuidjr. J ry »t. tw*4 by ail ; NIOUT I.H'klAf* at • S4 I* M Hea N W hr. fe. a w ruin, v a ranaia, * » isisww. prpwiatfeva are *e»- Wm Jeihn fenn , Ifeugrvs, • a Kl**, wv now etaigftem te the pukite a* th* koto Mom ta the *ny*r u e* ’• drugguu*. ger ea*e, whose* —* ax. | ut—a by a* quick a* periud with regularity The a bee* Traia* make coaaertioa* nt 1’hasm few mutnt a Hiiimn, cf goid health , or, Cartioa — Marrlod Udie# ehwwid aur uke k*b*rt "* ii—. Hardware I>— lev. Arr* ‘*>«eis *r 1 .« ««>» h i* ta 1 niacikt . I pea mode or sold ia ihi# 1* entry They are taaikie to OM thetr ova r« ■ M p—cn • never feel 1% iy J M. Ea XMLY. m John*. Milwauh— aad M. Kaul, M Usa, h*w Or’.—n*. . * bnn- •luratde, and adspte*! to all kind* uf petunonehtp. Rank maf! M They are lj, JLtoil them when the— la any reason to heliere ibrin- ha. North Finite, aad mi* ymmto " «ofe Northwe— and R (VOrady. Amerv—n Lspeess. Itounty, frrmtu aad Real K4a I* Agents gnij, «Wv'- ,1 c>f *J (ft m Kurwll, Aldera —r. cth M art. 7;meeyaacera aad Moa*y Lnsm. ft rf! .1 ipwrtataadentaf.nt.l. talt* uf m : /Ml aai cuile—O, r»u- Wfm •itrvadyr*t»rfrr * aerrv»r,vem a,. and.• 1 haveI so appetite •litre pregnent, for they will be ewre ta prolues Death wa— Tk—iA TWhet* aad Hierk* tar Itoggag* r-od '•< era aad ali d , ettarw them in the ktgh- 1111: 4.KI.AT « tl m: COE S COUGH BALSAM I ktauand a44he Bnnt A Ft iy Dtp— to •<. p How R C Marker. ec-May««. U.K, ... ^ ...... Z TONIC, la aapa Malty These Pills are entirely —ft, under all rireum- Ms aftango of aa— or bar—#* b—ww— ItovraM Kanraad. Mhelev A fe. E'k«l—1# lmagcvi wnMU tk.«<«. w,n w ,n.mp«:j juY A B<»X AND UK CUNVIN'CED. itanrr*, being romjuer 1 rntireiy of a 11 tat*nee# • W Haiti, M (' k K (HR—, I III MA> MlHJkllt V. ad ChMopa, oathia route fek IT ^s | g __ ___ a - m* m ^ . W ^ a ft* tu the r* gr tab e king 1 tn. H E SA NO ENT. Oea Muyr:, ( bumgo H W Newberrv, Kmj , ef l—rr— 4 Newtai —• Buiu' *i°w. Mjr. ' Just /'aMilto, 14 O N—4rd K« n.pf fkvv At* trail. Th— Lanto. “Lob . Lorn tor I >e* fee, WEAK AMD DELICATE CHILDREN OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES K»eh hoi boa the e« •’ >f ;»»< for the ritv ef w. E. Mi lk. Amt (tow Suy I, Itotnit ___Ifeft flAMory. Mi.yeha^ MiA. — I loias IJ p# na Krire*: Jos to 1. 44 neats , two tot —M A tailurr am Itac Nature, Trrsimrul C. MUEEHT. l‘o — Agent. Detroit aad mnlto Par 1* stamped on the bo*. «itb the w» ed* " I r* ‘le %A 41 HKIIH.fl: A kl I Dl.(, cofite tog — ft a*. Seat fr— ul p—©toe. sad msa- Am Mads Mumg by then— of either of the— remedies and Rmferai Lor* of ftranr.*. VS iiali nsv. or rep—aafet- Mark,** in I rearH, to r ranierfeit ehi>b »* a Ar—aervv, HuuitroM *»a Eoveaiaa I veitr. fti r>‘ rafttAded If they do mm give pertort aauflertam I ksvr he, a a41 and not a aragls instance ef it* fai.u— w CEBIT CENTRAL EOTTK EAST. (.MAdlsKN, Thei mm — every nosa sf MARA MM I'M, wutarat Lft* —, induced by Hail-Abuar . ln«uiuniory hnn— u»u», turn. W* hare, tn car ;«sss—40a. any Quantaty of mi*>i*awen »r, and all per* o* will to d J: with tS^^Mib^SZml'wSr^iSm <*r«rr»l Sg —(a tall , lfc|eka.y, Nervous Ututy, and Impfiavau to Ci. to th* te^rtr'.c, fat Spare » • Ltdiea sen obtain * b «, o »fe l fr» * * Ossly OMf (luuiffr mi f ftfs! cheat r~r-*»-r end fe— U rwi At* tartaa* is nrU cam pise aad fall paitfeoinra to agent a of sat s b* Th or It vrIU to ohoarved, L l LV hK 14' hl-ta M D.f Autoac ml the '* urren Rook,'* KMININT PHYSICIANS laoarMBcr A Real INtalr tgeal. matter* oalf Mr W al bridge will defend to all *wtmi- Add — ______of note sad of snrh Handing lhal U«ev must i ^c’ of me cunow*. hr m«’i< ♦ >uga • t •» * • e betwt— Itagrmt sad N. Y City, m ael c— waeve hta aerW— may to defered Mr Mrl- (ft RHTERN 1*1 RLilli 1 NO CO^ the wet 14*, I a liana lure, c—Ly prwt— from hfeown ripmriKv Ural the who have it* IHi their prsdire. and given It the pre- VM H. MACOMRK.R, Oea. Asmt, AlUay, N Y Great Western Railway I Vamae— boar*, al lh* oCRre ef Wailrtdge M Acid —, awful (on*sqann* l—vr ErlrwH Rally tastaai. by which every safte—r. as matter what ftw I lOVN I’lKIODK Al BfROPft! InvnriiRM ’ to. 01 %or(lr Aiimti " I’ltDlix/liiiiK Co., L (ftwadsy* es—pled, 1 tar Lead —. Kart*, Tcreate, N —ga ­ CARRIAGES. SS Hoa 0«o. W. Wood wul cuiidiiMC may to, may cure Linmrl! < b—i «y, pnreteiy rs Palis, ftnflaW, knr hast at. flfdeaa barw. Rur Img-lom, itt Philadelphia, ^ INDIANAPOUR, IND . and ralLaqjf. I Hire Life. I C kh 14 ILL tHO\ k A It does not Dry up a Cough, Ham, Altoay. New York. ^4—toa^FlM adeiphis. Re­ R«ndJi tuliiul aftXDc? AND UiOLh.OiM. Asftn qf . Orgamscei ia 1**4. aad the o ld —t In America. ^ ) Are emaieying amn aad w<—, *f efts raster and toad mlrr Ml aa |Mr ealafe [*, lo say aft: rem, bat He*r! Bear! See Here! /yiadrfrlra, Marrh IA \WI sa the r—ift wf Ma mat*, «a fws y mags starape. % ability, to roavnsk f a their aew and vwianfti* pab* IRREOlLAkmES! TON KAMftENOEER (apllal aad ftarplas ...... |I,7gg ,(Nig by ait Imeamg (he pubifehera Ainu, Dr C'felverweii,• . It—feuna htj arwacsd leal agent* —a realm *1 Rad1 HodUixloeaeanQ * — ^ Oe—inn Vftttava *' Mamnge uiuta," price 24 coats. Add —the Kub- NTKN IT. WMi Aad lh*a rauU ftAlrrphvc InaMnfeflirr € min puny. teal a. asePil pRtatoft . (if iy* Ciiunu nf St. Jukmi t n«ver taita while th<>w«aad* who have hssa leaf PmitHni lire iMoMrantr t •«, BKWt qf /Vaaqliean llfeh.y impuctont Ve both wi«a morrud oe single, ra A half bottle has ear. end I CftftlflM Fran lav. Joseph H. Kennard. D. D„ trv, fur |l ruu « mid iMiMlieint***, I Rtataaaadmm. I Rfe then—of Kl—f PhjddMo rndorw and Ire it! in thr WnHd. PfAB< ALL KIND. Of » fataly ha­ vfliatwterw clve twatlmsaap af Its efllrac y l-StahliKtod In IKS5 hy our of U—VDrrKKV'D PMOM. . , , „ _ _ lt sa hand. OM Orders qy maAl traly, CIlHlMH Alflltlf, I, Joltlla. onr Most Kmiurnt PhyRiciaas, aad SBOVEMTEEi’k Pi A.%ore. ^M* r*k '*ry P—aptly, B- D. FEN DALI. And tt.mm all dirwctien* we receive tiding* ef rsr— per­ ______-life Je formed now ured thronghont North aad F D C OOKER. Dir. New ToeM C. t. MATCH. (Asa’l way. Mew York, l)y,|>rp.l, I South Amorira, with norr plowing Tt is care to car* wiy, N«w Y#rk. IRST NATIONAL BANK Heart burn ! rrenlli than any other Medicine la * ’n« fleas rUl rate rart»*s of direaNcd Liver, Blood or Wm Blaoksmith ’s Coal, •T NT. JOHNS. C M JAlKMONsa ^ntiir .Smrr* • ”** • <•«* •» •«•«<»»* <* Mill, ludigrrtti —, I’ooMr r—oa, CAPITA I*, ftflo.ooo, Is sa ef snrh bottle Ilrndnohea ■__ ^ __«__- sntl .. .1 seaIFImml ••« M nrwa — f t ^at, M«aSv—m #rume «ad ill bg wuh half a heHls. They regelate the Hystem aad put ft iMflRM mm mm Balmvm. Ti PliKAHE CALL all (ho functions of the tod) IV (Fet MadMtal T« It is Perfectly Harmless I in n healthy condition. DR.S fr>w re PwW*i VM* * WowA —l. huy* . ■nor. to Dr. Jrel.e M#»ffat aad Dr V. R yjUT MANKrT. • Sg ft • gg ft • #g g g PAINT*. ftllA 4*1. Aftta* ta e tar. m to the teH that HP I. ciaYB m** u.hmkn ..I/ (1*3 _ . Qiasa B—M.** Me. D, Ml the WTVf. IIKHLKY It Ooras by AuiNtiog Nature iL JaMas, Apedtl, RR. JiJr 1 Iff 1 te the tTaitod Te w —ri Rev away la (Re spatom. Nca.'.p | IYIKI ABR HOAR dsalse ia (Re t'afead Rtatss aelfe tl sf toe, will to fewad all the M< RD ONE DOLLAR FKR ROTTI.E ^■SjarF—e 2mS* C O rUMICO .Fn, tar trusti— sa Maa and Wraaoa, tReta Kbyoel wr l A CkMee Iwirtaist *f Emta • If Fuaesteam sad tenff HksgffBi of swsry hind with [tt at the LIYEBT * BOABDINO STABLE. Mt fK of fit n fSimi» im ha has _ sinsclj m for Young Men. Atao, bin through the Al •pared to plea—the— whs tew* wkR One sofy. sasumly mmtoftote wffl Vg r*mXS2 lastsBTAt ity %od Fftirr. * Mtaw eamleasa A Dr J. RI •A an—ago te nay part ef tha (Mir 1? ffi.Mto •bomb r . Rnrr a bbo. BBilTOi. Bowes f A mart Fa te > O eta— Add —, taft paid. IM Ik MR !•* If. Ns • Dtvttasa strewt. New Teeh

—•* RRil III ■ — flir Clinton itrpiiblUan THI SUCCESS

At tt« Uto aattMl school m onr A AIM 19 U. D. 13 004 10 of th« districts in tU touuly, i mMitm to 104*3.4,1' MAD* 13.16 two iMUro per tcLolnr by tax for ibe , ftmur* ikt i* u claii*4 t« W 4s« at tt.« 1st* 7 ssd A 4*t* uf (Kto Mlt*. In * |w1n 4|o 1 m4 In In M. Un sue tiobste The » bote »yb|#ct may be high rizoii! Ma 4. A A 1. IA U. I of leu UiUrul u4 f.rty Kgkl 4oUar* »n4 fifty coata, S fall 4aarri)S>mi of | 14. 13. 16 ssd 11 I praaented in ibe aimpie quvulion : M W bn as4 also aa oUa*n»rv foo of i«*aty 4oH«rt la *44tUo« of ashl las4a ss4 stay ba mi us appAmaims si lots I ssd I For 80 Dsysi lltrst io, sipao ly silpiSlol a*r la mIJ mortpapo. Is af Iba County tkeairv lot X ought to educate tbij chiUlren V* The ci moo oay O k *u 1*1 H# lakes to fwwriuM tlio Mru. k of W tba Hia to lor Tasaa af UM, a* Thul la unt#r la the 4«a«r4 aeDSidoaa l bt ».ur 1st X a, as4 as tmm w pan»4ittfi at lav ar m *^uitjr si tba Tat Hsiao Is UWsbm boat, vtU ba sag af a a % Ml 17 iicniiftU on one band, on tt»« occaaion refVr aiiih >.<-•• -»nr ( »fr>V «*• wv b%vu tsunily , Mnim bars ii •utiil«-«l uf k*4 la rassaar lha 4abl aa» ta tba rteb» af rrlos gl oii ptomrtbad by v H af as g lots A 6, • asd IX iwfaiu iniw lac Iba fall Irak, Jlm1 liana Awitfpwu* rarr4 l.y asi4 watps asy |«H Ikiavauf, Swllaa S __ to Iba rutbl of purrbaaa af tbas S Huta Nf ae U4o « red to, n»fttfiuU*«l that it um lining Rivet lltiiufnctuic^i lber«f *r«- bar* by m*a«. that «U4 soit««f* vtlt ba fbra R kda It ssd 14 si tbia aAaa, pru>t ta tba aa k s v g lota A 7. », 9, 10, U. 9 xu>miM» ‘° oWukwu "* “* I Isatstiu* t# Niesrlt Uun 4 by N*la <•» tba sortfafsl P'SMk , of ao mu«b WX II CM Ml KKT, Audit* r OasarsI • M l4araof aa vU* ha xiiikal %m aai»ly tba osasi»t 4se« • • i 11. 1&. 16, I it I ao I it j asd aaid attarsav fcay Uwlkv an*h tba Sueta ta4 as- a a s of a v | lot 11 09 1 rt 2 Ml pnl them to pay their luonev for the eiiuca Assssl Tax Hales. lot 14 Mi | 09 | a>» Ipl w* «i« | r'|Mrwi <• aall avsry daoanyflWrt at NO MORE MONOPOLIES! vu««a Jt *m k vblrh m)# will ba eufc4* attbaavWr a % of « • % tion of the cbitdien of other po»j)lf, am! on aa uf M«k*' Kali, in Iba villas* «»f Hi Jubsa, Cllslao AUlilTOft OgHXHAl.il OKFICE I a v % wsllrw 3 II Laaaisa, Mus., July I, Itts. i lots 9 asd 10 um tiiNc|r ttaaila Mlivr flal«4 j flGustf,S Mb lilfss. («l4 h«ll ba»».f Iba pi**t bf bobinq a a k of s v b 1 Jacob Brown A Co. Uri U OU HKWl f'll II af asab af tbabrllovii*#tba b.lWvn*# Saarntuosdaaanbad trwtatmeta ”kV' T ; . y 1- 11. If, IA 17. U, I the other, that it was the duty of the pub­ It arr, t Mllury, tluM kr*, AlXuait, , tXa CiiiiUI Court lor «u4 nousljr,) a** H*i' 4r4*|, tba 114 or pareala of Lts4, wiustrd is tba County of Chs* * * ;.? .5," It *k. I re | 1 re s re lic to pay nil the eapenae, or, ill other Jortrlr) , a . . \ uffu*!. A |) IV*. .'I 1' M.4 aaii d«) lamS dmsquani far unpaid T.«- for ba yasra man 91 W M f,, Tl.a ur* u.*»« n> l*a n)4 are 4««vtla>i Is *u4 wttpe U> 7 30 Wit* 3 ssd 4 1 ot 1 •» | Of le ir i!mr »rjr nlWr e-.noaru a- lie cvna ikrf.ad kalov. aa vlii t- auQrtarI to tti tba tataa, .A _ u rt II 40 1* fl 9 I Ou I Ao worth, that the property of the community a* s/..a*v* OG-kllf mu r1 19 (.) !># lb* iti Uaii )»4 «a#tnstAt< - n*4»; tba«»ar M*«*lk «lt (0) redo; thasta vast ll.irtrm WX IK M Ml It LY. Auditor Omtarsl. n w * of a v % rt I UO s 1 uf m n vf uaiiWfl Gu.nu«r i o*iy«. «u<) i4 4 «t »i»# ^.u<*i«-c * * 1w* for lU 1 aaU on* lbu4 I IS y > rw4* ta the pkaca of baeiamne, U* 1 sue. • S °f* • k Vi X uo Nu. I. w «f Orsttviak I 30 S IJ 72 I 00 4 10 principle that ought to regulate the action S*e is Clinton cvutitt an t ittuta of Mkrhlfac.~lJata4 • l| uf B S X rt 1 72 « *kaU r k )( v| wt a.iiri fhnf og .i U- vitialwvi iu anjr atbrr tr*> r i n p i h> .M Taw it A Hortb of )Unf* 2 W vat Dry Lloods, of school dietricta in this matter could la* Hi .!*4n*a. M«r Ii \fm ' n v | of 10 9 rt X 20 lot No. 3 I 14 fl 92 re ire 4 10 3^ M AHY LOXIbH (tr*nsarlf Mm lie i,]i Umrtfugaa s a s Nf a s « Uu 6 Ju w yi «»f w ft t.f If I. well settled. The tuaxim that bet wecu ImMiiiUm iryptae ikttul chart*. Htiriiani a Hvoiv. Atl*?« f* r St ntc«|n. Hi J 1 ■ b uf a a s 00 11 33 :. loaa s itri) 44 I Tba abota nk U brrabjr |**at|wM4 unlit Iba Vth day l« W»*f rt X 34 ft ti ls of w a»*4 * ire ix 1 ot a 94 two extreme* lie* truth/’ is, perhapa^aa up h*tk« .tiMitlxd/ iiitfia *>4U aosfl t«> «|tii|« la run tum o1 Ncpiaisbmt nasi, at tba huh * i*k( a<«4 bour a* aUoa | v H of n w % uu i; 31 *n Ilia tain t#f out- | flu « v ra r * m i.tt >u<4 b»k* . VC, gus-s »tua •*«>») loiifii**. !*•!«■ I A us g, lvl, a v % uf s v Y rt 3 Ju W.I No. 1 n of ll«s • plkwbie in this case as hi any oilier. It eitol* •* o *m tr* tlmn if U>ufbl al «aj U* uh or >•* land boundad s v U tHY UlKlkU T b O R A j n a* 4 of • v b uo X SI I r.rit at., *u«l w vf I Our Commissions to Agents society ilepi iidf upon the right trainingund j 4r«lfA*'«4 — f*a*a4 bit. I. l*d. 0 v ^ of 0*4 rt 3 re NV h»| st , ire ix 1 00 1 04 k* Alt V UlKlkU.(UrTMit) Mary Meat,. Morp«a* T >fu 7 Vartb of Man** t Waai • * % of a v 4 rt 1 *» #u(| 1 M. Icaa |12 fi j thorough education of ita individual mem­ Ku**l th<*Hp %i?svury -tber • at *4 iU kloi Tl»a abora aala i« b*v*by pat|uar4 unlll tbc Ibi. M f of ft Ite X3 ti A II 1 00 t» A7 a S of n * % •a* IJ Or. ll. w off s astl » 2 02 re 1 00 4 10 l«r*« f«>f tki< o4H tv f«a(r«t PS. J. liit*. N. p|. U; )v.* v of a w 4 * CLINTON CIM'NTY TRk^ABCbKhk * OFFICE, • In •.Hjiiun t«* ai« c\ nr c mu* tu yi# .«t rr |uu4s u< M tHY l.oNI hit ifnimrriy Mary lluoi „ MuCiarn. Ut 14 blaab M 2 IX H 1 00 9 72 91 1 0* the interest of every nictuU r of society to w -j yjt a H uf 0 w 4 St J*. ll *S. A Ilf .at 13, I M l Clothingf i hr us* ''hu ait r. Vl'.laf* of rtt Jiihr.o Tv vs T North of Itatif* 2 W »t. N .tiru la harub) rtvao, »hsI tba o»Jo of I^sd.ln contribute according to hie ability to the ! IT- wt/i #i l it m 4, Y»iiur u* I BAT. • y of s ar 4 % 4 0J IA 0V I M* 3* b*^l .1 Ihr Courtly ] rmuurrr ’a k»ft v. .r» flt J„bna. ! I lui. / ••I i;u« ii ei.ut fivul*. 1 * t o «»4 Gold mud* rp lit.lari. ai»4 rr-*r l a*i*. Ha* i oonui ll. i of 1 *-#4* l«*r Ciiniau I wuniy, Mub*aa*., 4aV • \ <>f a a f b * 1 ** •I 11 of 1 <4»>(» i i.vtk ui mri# uYI<* s a. u . ar-d MtUiue i-»i*c, Ut»< *u». I tkenl .1 flhlrt 30 >«rd> rvarr, >tb, lws is L«i«r U of u. tn,*^** an |a|, )J4c 0 v Y of n a Y 9 1 SI X 1 e> X M. lr | 3 1(4) XI UO X Ki rt .3 16 M t of 0 r k 2 4) X 11 XI 1 ao 4 42 fr«.m -iuy iv in, (buflity* ub ’H tt»r o«mr donor more than ctmi|wiuiiil intefest in the • *»r bluArbaat Ah«e'lii/. *•■#►! <|(i*lilt, Mid • ld« aUtob a. **tgAaa vu 4u!v a**..Nad * t mi4 <*#••**«* OU* . s a A 1*1 21 uo t 10 re • • »♦ •hull l-Skk brae • 11 • 1 • •-#*( .»f ,/y to law Iredlvs ire Comm 1 v««g.tut lUU Ia Tui * M f*» »»•’ *wivl I’hon Ailnin. 1 a a 4 ol 0 v %' 2 40 I 7d 17 1 fSi 2 *7 I 0 a b of & i| d 40 • rt | 1 !.*>.*• lu *• 1 1 44 3*1 9 VlilAMI bll'F. < ..) titr lust irerre increased aeoirity to lift v UIm i ty and pro f /uh e »vii-» H'rrna>>|4 .*n4 1? Ku.rt.u V i»*i 1 *.lni f«wMi»»*'i.i *a* rm*fb4 AN si4 < dr*,. Af-rii l«*b. a S «•! v lj •< a w jf4 as 94 I os X 14 i nay of art • b * f4 *9 IM 1 33 INL'QllLLED, l MUTCH ED.' a a 4 vl a w 4 44 2 11 21 1 «» « 32 (lu I. M perty sn^cured by ita Ube. I an*, therefore, plraf(ip|. I IUmI i «nin< kmf.‘at<) fisk, »»i > l**i aolitr. iba i.in of tv > b'lndrvJ ar 4 lift)-t).rac 4ol* » v 1 of 11 K X 40 A JO 31 rt X »1 ^ulii«, hum *4 Ut.ll.-. I k«nA*>m< **. *.*1.4 i» k 11 ISO X 34 13 1 04 4 Tl w S .,( s S **f » • b • 30 3 uu 3i) rt d 3m *ara a»4 rlfbty rasta. W»i4on «s attorsaj laa of ivap- OHTftdUK 0»dl »;. -iMsolt ha>.og bass bor'a chihiren, uni it »junt tl st I should *t»4 ifm-d r«roni. I* )4«. r*»1 1‘iiat. I irrj ft* it 4"(lar« Mtiaulatad In •*«.) so rtyur* la ba ysll. • H uf 1 a X 11 ae 1 41 II I 00 2 XA v (, of a a % X 00 12 0012U OS u 7*1 iso A 41 1 00 7 Hi urr4a it the #*-• nil *,*»..• uf s re rrein Ses«ir# m«. Furnishing Qiidi, |)4iiu*k rs! k Cant. I er '(us tfy la Im sv rpr J any yM*-«inliap ba tmb«-n l«« bink*»» sii s»**rt- • • 4 11 a <| *f n • a * uo 297 rt M Is required to pav a part of the* exjHwne. i .»t.irr«-«* U>«iu. 1 aiu- Iju**n l»«n»u. ^ *ki ** 40 2 IA 14 1 00 I 49 rt 12 01 cv«rd os l)^ 4tl( day vf I* *rusr., A. I» 1P»I, * > K. itta lr • > i»for | IX 4 AX I 00 • 17 1 tVdMV 17 00 12 <(X rt 14 29 weight up'ii my netghlior whu has rhddtsn b* rlrtoa of tba (»’**» of aa!* in an) ! re *rt|Nf* *«yi* o*uut), in U»4 ntsir of Nvbi/vn. Is ljlar 11 of mvt: MATS, <*•» !.<• ii*'» 'in» kl»n*»«* -* C#sin a*«m. Urnti' |( tiu«-4, ai*4 /f t|*» *♦ »*utr Itt asf4 faw- ir.iwla at*4 pro* v <1 «f »v f 14 b> I 44 A4 I 00 7 42 v 1 nf m • b 17 Vi 12 ii4 0-44 tiiuff 1 |if. l**4»e-' kiili rut • v 4 of s a fi 14 41 4 02 so 1 uo 7 62 B w % of it | 17 40 «44t rt 27 33 !•<**. *n ]u|«<# tl ’• au«l #11; *t ir)i surkfMt *u duly Rotl'a I* bar. S gt»» n tbai na tba 7bS 4ay of 1 )t of t b uf 0 a b 21 4 47 * bV skid 3f «rjr 4^ flin- kUiA (a.ni U.N ioh.f |uln*..rHi IU .*• i r>|f>«A*i IMsum - l*f» • 1‘Mlu-m l ** I t«-o'-r IMt, H la# i. .«blnt!>a .fTrtn.aai of that 47 41 I 00 A XI vf • a « 11 40 |44 44 rt jw 72 obligation reata on iuy ncighb'>r that doc* • fl«ti#fovdi 74 4 1« 41 1 09 A 17 fllr.wk Us*f bar )■ w.UibmI ) lu .1(mu | )i W L’lili, on 1st \ an 4 K-•. in U s c»«m|lct* 1 »rt .Irap:n. j INS — l«* al Iba - >w?r» 4* ox of 't •• f *ir* utl I vui1 1 *«oaa. (Mn| A2 u w 14 Xl» ft 17 V0 rt 12 36 r4»*4h'|« «n>l a v « ofnv | .*t# 4o I 74 r 1 00 S 13 * a a % If 160 XI 41 W » 66 IV(U »la) vf Al'il. A. Ii 1*9.7, w !im h sa#>ty*.is#flt wu* ru* not afle« t me. It grown out of hi* relation Iti* k»* H a II.) is It * '.tUc** of (Ii. Jobrs, I liutoi. 40 « 2» *2 •»» iba llflO *Uy .#f A*»rt!. A l> 1V.7 lu at] i»f- i ou» t* . Mu I. gar. ih« n nil U*,4 at puNtte *as4sr s b of • a % 12 1 00 11 21 « bt af u * Y If 4f 00 7 tt 90 • U6 KTIIA1V UOODN, i «»r a (tub «»f AO Mad I hr Ibitlar* I 10 A3 1 02 1 uo 12 13 flr*. to Li»n r ** ..f .**. it*##)-., vs |w«s Jdr ; uti sl.i 3 to bis children, and not out of hin relation hj.< k >..<«* i \ 4|«is. Or«* I'aO.n | a.' I arr I la lU W/liKt bl i-lar, tba fentti-aa WariKid js ani l a y uf • v % Al i 1 I of 0 • | Hi 4o 103 M 00 203 13 T Km 4 North af Boar* 1 Wo*t. ft a % of a • % 20 4*i HI W 00 re> lit 111 -((•ftf* Ikei* i« . Ullu«-4 I## Ur due- vl IU* «k)(a vf tbia < uri *>!*# 1 jr ail S'l Slls** i^owi -:i* i!v at* -«tear* vt« T n*» * >utb half ct m* n«xih half of tb« U»#il* 4*. Is.. Itr.dri I «n 1 iHi'KU in U»vn am 40 rs • 11 «f a , n*w*h nf raitgu tv* (7* %r»t, to MnUtfas.-epM 7 Si S 77 27 1 00 4 u4 • of a* 4 23 Vi 11 M duty and hi* interest equally with all citi- • v % of a a b 29J S3 30 X2 rt 122 Jft in awl iHm m j. far.. R UVIgllH'l ’Clg l/AYie. Aancsts a * a of • v % • 40 3 44 31 I uo 4 Si • A of • 0 b 71 H up. at law <»i tue-unt lutu.g ovan wtvl i*. ia* ov« r a 1. Iwntf N>*4«4 aat i.i *4 *ttfi silk. I »r (kt'i' Paaaiaa A |t*tf*StM, Alt jr'a U*r awi * a v « «f • w b I 40 3 47 34 I uo 4 SI Tawn 4 North of Kali 1 W at. the education ot all the children of the e*im ­ l%“ ^ "Nr •fNrr | . .oMTUAUie kid I‘*rt « flU lietfl nraw Iettiattilliff futej l) m l t %i !» ■.«• is i u k-uo4 print. !to ? i* *>»•»] hr«.**t* «.» • a )t of v 1 *>f rt c % 11 A0 A 41 • I 00 4 SO • w a of r. v rf % X 44 X 34 U 00 3 24 •Wlf pf J »»-iS tb-f*-fcoa. I»y ilitu# til tha |». I • •%'« IM| Isiwt»ift%hmmi la ihfts lUtika* «4 o < .wtain toon**#*, „f n m . 21 IX 19 1 23 1 «»» 14 7A cat aa a parent to d»» a I that may I * done V lllagr, OF ri' u*.«l In- . ti.w 4tIt. Ns, Nv Hna»n K Hr,bit t# J * 1 . _ . n fl 4 of n w % 4 41 9 M 94 91 11 <4 uk S >4m HiA'te p I ,|. tuSr w11 ba .si*y fries tk*a |I * «u Vk h4 k|it«l 1 |*t«ln Xt*rn. k |***»> 11A IS 12 Ml I 04130 00 for the education of hia children independ ­ lib t IKiti) k! I •ram, luc kiMtu ... I* th. »>m »«,, "•;SiZ .* Jt I r t ** u * < 4 40* 3 al 30 rt 7 re Ihil <»t the 7lh I if J trmluf, A ]i 1 Mft, «| ur.. FOR 30 OATS ONLY I I*.*•« ; J» A*uWa w inb < W(k f r U«1mV ftH C entral .gftrhftgaa *2 40 1IX 47 11 34 1 JSI4I 23 II ti , of n v 4 3 64 12 f It x« 9 J 11 0* »)’HID lh* «ft« rw-a of lh«t Vf at Ib* u.iar ib».r of ently of his obligation aa a ctisen. It it i» ckuika. Kli’i , fl» *.f A im. * A. I «*Ut ^t«. iu»»i*tad Vkt .-im day IS tfcr . 140 12 37 1 23 1 Vi 11 42 r-tNl Pliirr )4ai«^d IV^t |*ut. 9 * B. -* of if a !4«»r1*taV of Ikau fur 11' i»4**u . »osiy, I ! . ' ..r , . k •*« <* tuirtwft. tug 40 r) thr (irfiiit < -eif* ll --*n f *r u.l-1 * Unlvn r«ot»ty, (la |r. $ jusi to tax m« a dollar to help Educate ali % * itaibii t «U* r ffMnfc'olb tr r.uaiu 4 49 2 24 12 1 Si 3 3m v aiid lu r s frout j lit k) llatV) Ip i!v fiiUp of flf .?«>!.r»# is m*m( esus* y. Mxbu*n, in l-*Nrr U of V os popa 4S, an m a 1 20 7A 24 4 Vi 40 I US • as tbv« children, it ia just to tax him a dollar lar a t litl> of |fMf and Tan EN»I I era -1 vLsb mor*. 4-e» ts*r* ta rlaifnrd U* bo d«o ot tl.a doAa j . Vf _ l rh tbr a a cm fiat <4 * j t)vf< *i»i b* pm)4 At I'hUk ituiue, Iv llte l.irLa»l lai 1 i*k M**nr*.» t*» PitWt lh«ai vatiftn. I |st* Cia Is r.. 14 ?• 07 1 uo 1 77 S <*f • v b >J7 4*« f 4i( On niuivv. Uor*. ba*ld»a on attorsay * * * k * is 3 44 1 uo for the awme object, ibi* |»r»-perty beiro* a*k 1»Wr lliiU asd Kapbtn* ta s«ttb. I r*«tr fwrta* kv of thirty 4ndas Mtygsi.d to *ot*i to N ' ' , * 4li XI 4 04 3. rosNtoi s 2 r, a «s«l ha f«f ll.a ujn'k-WM 4i'«rier uf u , 1 uu-liifi t* * » ..r(h - f r tj^fr ./», »e»f, hi tb* fltsiac f K*smbr tbsi equal in valw* to mine,| and also anotlter J vbosM any pr *■ lx t. Was U» ( aatovsd r uf n r Al *4 2 34 21 I <«» X A7 I Irr Pcab.r V»-ry In* all Word limb Ir UJlaa* tn-/M«r"a*. and no »uit ur yrvn-*ets ol tso **r in auuitt . . r.« l .1m w ti pi arr of iNyiDMUf X 12 1 49 19 ft rt S H M KUru. l)^l.',4 Aural 14 Is.* dollar lor the go*»d of hia own family m 1 l* 4*. I W.4 vary boat ^uabtr b an or UwiA» l u . .«eu. -..i, ...... 1 ik«,u;'i®'* * j j;;"« 20 I XV If I uo 2 4d 1 *1 af» • 4 4 *0 11 TX 1 U 1 Pi 14 P JieihFll W. WTTLK. Aaakfsso New X2C* Orw. Ouwb, W I V) 14 1 uo 2 74 which I do not participate. Micnuiv pov-j >*h*rtisf 7 ; % m i>» saiRiri u* «r**l M mK no«ft«*f* , rv*« tbrra * |U a 4 «f • • 4 * *° 7 .4 77 Irt 9 31 Psasiua 9 fl* 1 swim. At 1 f 3«p A»ir*.au erty ahould not deprive anv one «*f the len l hr?*S'*!£l l ''"* 1'", ^mk l* rn^r’r*- | ■ 4 IX 104 At 7 Be 71 I 00 • 01 v If dtt | 4 40 10 (4 I 09 1 ou 12 re f wn, b* tuinvof th« ;«wa.i uf a«.r id .a* 1 rk Wp|| I * w ^ of n v b 33 40 I It 15 I uu X lu r> tbJ f to* 04iu(t* in lurk iSUNUe til a S ol n * 4 7 fO IX II 1 34 I rt 13 73 UAift lonnireioii.Kv ftoi ici^ We are Bound lo Sell ehta Wf the public scion *!. N» far a* the |t,«* u Inik x I i.4»4k X u S^mmI K I *...nr«a.« j s v « of n a % 34 71 * 4) 4 04 40 I uo 4 Ml K t** i# h. reti) ii»fp IUa( lh«> I'ru.o ( auai. New JC2f Spring Stjlw, trot .-i**4. s* m* ta harabr r.vtu ;Uol .*• lb* U.trd dor I »saaan:.. Xi r a^ X« 43 74 A •* Mi 1 (Si 4 34 ' Of BV'orsarufa b ou.?.«r»n of Cllntot aussiy, sill mart al tf.* 1 saiIbn • vf parent is on able to detrsv hi» jml pr«*ni>r r«’*' ltGs«iae-*aMr v»irk l »u».if o f • « r. I sea, At * hr « * #^fc to tba aflarooos ol that Vi ? r *i f ' i., . * ■ w rwnUt Ki«in # XtGilM. P]>U **4»4 F*n J) lukk. 14 4 02 4# I uo 4 41 of S s | af aue. ft. . N *t»b#-« l*»i**, m th* tuwsshtci of 0«)*r, vs Tnoodsy, d*y, al tba out*r A* r of tb«- i treurt * -mt* H * m. Ii Vi 4 AX «u A ds Uon ol ti..‘ rxpciwc- of eiluca'mg I...... |.lw(.«r.^ !•*» :* < Wing Jh k« Hail ) is tba uf n* J bna. 'n Cits • y ofir b 1 04 nraoiai a 30 r, a If 9* j t« ml«**r 22*1. A. 1» 106*. «( ft) v'Uvcb A. Nf, f.u ib* o i| > *1 • a % f>,iry~«or of r«>n*r v-kin* ft fh# #, -u*( rtr t v p ..f • df«,-». ■marSIrw uT 1 family, it should be borne by the public. i t« 4a»• o»r*t» d4 iiMH'inMinfllamp i*ar|«rtum r-*4g* n .wt*. 1 *75^ I *«• JCar Hut hi bud Cbsaimcrct, ton county, W. I.l* •* . iLnr vtll W m»! t or pokin' van* r . v Ju r, m 10 r u , M.rullk* Uo.lt* 1 g.w»4 4 larrrl fi* •* 1 «*Ufnr.t v H of • v b I laru uf IwfUtAUif ; t t Sft t M U 09 X 37 ••*1 Buiiuti 12 IB 'ba t.iwr.•!)(■' */f Oliva, ssl to #u#ll«-S)' V L L Jua, I*-, tlx lOft.Ml hi>Wtt. iba ixrmiOM 4ratlN4 m sab X 1*1 23 24 X it I 90 20 M fur n utf an t c**r 1 *tr«lr tvrrai Nr. a (it* 1 f»u»n vs T Xif» 1 W«%t. 0 a b uf 0 v % 12 40 4 XX 41 rt 3 41 1 snd 10 in t»»* tuwn*bi|i of V| tor, tv (#* biu-un *• tN#- : anid uuKtospr. * »* !*■ r o«x is b!*w b|«*irbN«f). IN tbr • • « of 0 •T a NorthA 40of 2 71 27 1 UU X 90 llui lan Ini#hi »Wo » 4.1 | A ,» . i U'r»l, eftjfriml. 4 U *t:H ki#-,- C-vatnr, ryt **••« O .*e» *f l4M»un»ulb,.u C*'*iirw» n »n»r, Uulifos awyufsvb It 4u 3 W 34 9 13 —We hate received the first number of • H 7 SJt 74 7* 7 07 1 UI Ni 40 in in 11.* ‘ u vr»)t ip of d*lvi to *. bn#*wn aa tf«a ) 10* iotllw. I ««*rr •*!.* Violin asd but, in u* I at I New of all kmda, l»atud Jsiy 13. lv*. II3.NKY M I KIIKIH. • 19 it fi «r a of N a % 14 40 130 rt lo 21 • w b 100 1 ** 1 UI 22 4| 9? rt tl 71 liitob; Slav s* CuisSrtSa if -t*i. in in* ivsn#r,)^«u the Wstitnk Ci/A«/i<\ % Iliefitly gotten Up * v JhMn ' vs Knurm asdForka. i ir bts**«f asd f«o Iba two asd b »dlt of a v uf • « 4 • fl 1 *4 I <00 21 23 r k «f *< » 4 H *1 • 74 «uMi luv Isrpar I1«la uaraut In iba rsx. AMKY A hVHli, M ngafsa a a | nf 0 v a Af 4u 4 32 11 00 3 73 li;#*»i u»fi W#lnui,\, s> f»trs»hay 261. IV.* *t ) issued it !>etn»«t. As ita| N %<*#•* % 9 Si V II XI 1 U» 11 U3 weekly quart** I'm1'** 4 i ll AlCr* f*-r M-.*«y*r«-. v h of a a * »i la is I S3 1 uo IS S3 N s uf s a a,»*• 1 ' ‘ V >P0AiU IA >n lb* 1‘iWiiabSS m mm * __ __ 14 r.*> w i*v<« bi..wB sa iho lkurnbr# ItUk, iis>i CRt AT P A A 1 Bi Q n*»r *.K.j.i in.iK-.tr t« w.,i «tr u,rthe uonr , by KnfMrrrd Ullrr. New Ilusirry and Gloves, 1 i| af.v | uf iv j 14 >> 2 44 ‘Jl I <** X 92 r*S4 I <4 Mfl • us a I oil fl« 44.1 VAX. XU I* #4-' 1 buttr •Ida ’ 21 ?S 30 4 14 •1 rt 7 79 *« n - n. || 39 „» 1 tl. »f* rtrtBw | 19 \jf | IN intereata of the 1 ath«*ltea in this Mate, aiid L . L k a >| of a w 4 17 00 14 II I 43 I OU 14 JH rt 11 » Ofrvfr t*o*h and *.« Serf. |3 U, «| mi4 ^ jSf |n r* rism n»ar» as* 74 * S da* | I* 00 f 34 t iluofu* uf 0 «d* *• at to ary sd lias free. M 0 a * af a v « 14 40 T 4« 1 uo 9 43 V) f 14 ft w» 11 •• b.a Dahls of Kaars. lu k bt»**an* u tb* lla) krnrtb I NMb- although not In aymi*athy with its nod. ** ■ • i liar* 0Nl«t • I4W. Mr I.. 1 1 IlsU *»4 » a % of a v % If 4*i X 0S 34 I <0M 3 ?! w > *f it « 4 32 I llall ta It. M. M-y* %rd and trr.ida.J Msrrb 1C, n v 1 vf if % 36 40 7 44 OU 9 X 4t *b.ch tlio*# 4*1-1 i*t .«au tl.a 1 *r.ei* l«nii)ir».i fm tbaf<*Hurstara*ul Sh^tingi and Prints, I*C*. ib ik* **fi ► 3 On ll,||( J#. aa r *|«» aa l.t . |,rf a v b s4 • w b 94 40 k > Iv sb n a % #*f a s , I 69 4 XI 4* 01 13 •r «h#)f -aii-la, *.r ui oa th* !*»•»?•) i vsMNWn r *r* .222, rkwl* soiiv*fp * 4» Duiinal July lu, IH., by a a % of n w % Si 7 ii 1m in V| UU |l s» artl/iN ROH IN 40 N HEV. BtHlffir WXITT. ■ sti if* M Vnt. .*J .** lUr . * * a. 1'Sar* ». tk t aamiyn • b •' » • s 12 ll 17 1 41 tba.* A>k)ud/r u |u^. 11-7 , i« »Ut b . cegafv tbrra a ar 4 uf a * % Nr I 9* •■l*-*!** Ihr lew • Irut il rifo.aa* , mij u. ..« Mifb >*w s- ANOK 4Ui|i, «mt s*nr uib* n , nil tail \au tbsl tba T vwn 0 N vth of Kan?* I Wis a % «4 u • a 1 ’ N9 IU 44 I 01 uu li 4* *(•» a'.'Hjviih • f '(Pits il<» t. 'I «|»f *-%/ an | en**r fntv /A-^y WdStM Helm and Cmr+rmi Wrgmpar asra l** UiiSfd t^ lw 4u* at (la *!*• (*f tl«). t*«* t »r« la* hub ar»4 w*J ns 4* au+ mr 1 Afl) •Ointr mil*, U-ti 1* an si a v a af ft v % V I II 31 I 09 4 •* rtf aara d • suX vf | 'oSMwt «« «fi>tSMi!, aii) ue t, •# u( ofi «U1 to «.]{ Osr K«X ssd sbuVf U anfl, a * sows ti —We wonder what the Isdiei will tslk tbuir coat in ab'thtnff rvary mr miir| mi«* 10 1 71 17 1 (ft 2 ft* rt w 6 ft 111 39 3 24 32 rt 0 W Uj Ib* r»ar- u*f*4v (ad b-t, *»> J ih# arn--ut t *#.id UU Ita tus« mi l labor vsahinf Y -u n«f pr«>*a ttata * torrefy f*-*a * f iv-uij ■(- ?.ar* ai| ulttnllNail 1 a»ort(3|* s b«*f» ’i uf a w « 7 30 13 UM • re tuss t* jror-hjp* I • U t*m i Wm>d !*1 *m pacanlaiQ Lu uk« n tf rarlrsr so « vf a a « x 40 4 re 90 I no 0 W0 a tr vf * e b IB 61 34 f.#r flurva! and j;» r» ao h f-.rr# »*r Ur. 2. art* rd shout• Stirdi s tonetjr esn ’t live. wfN'rvK-nta irm- by ll.« rr-tail yr* -» : Vuk.r, X 10 41 04 HU 1 3> and m *e 1 n*< »«*tt «r j.mws. . *bn*. at lav or in a* b x 19 90 I 92 1 VI 21 I* • ft da j),f«aA 1 I* in« iv A,t N«>. 149 <«f A*- 10 l.a.of'pr: n.*uusrn Its impoasiUe. The Isdiiw mint tslk sad III. I t:ts Wttn«ur, fu a«d vt ml iiivtri t«. |4arn f’W foil parties«ara, isqona of r a*|ult ) k«« UK ban to»t i* u*r 4 *o |Kd«» g an) }*M *«f ibt a V«fa y of a w 4 X 7 71 77 1 UO 04* r.afl « > 141 If ?4 1 X7 and w.U U r#m«trvcf«a| ACtofdlfur »v A<1 N* 210 of tl. Kftar s tr*sl . f oar stalk, )«a art oat rnflrrly mI* UO 30 97 we propose to let them. tb< rds*. b* ) iM u* n( 1 La •**«•-* < f sb ,n mM n > of 1 • 1 I Vi 0 73 47 I <•» 10 42 sad b 32 131 'JU 10 14 1 M ft*#*o.o Uw«bf |0«l. Jf.d*3* A.faitt.re u:«n tL«rn«- '»4nt *» rill lkr9 —~n+t 01 tha ratuf*. of U-a XI 97 11 94 jAroi brown A ro. K*,*r sstaiN* 4 so-t * ‘f tb» -tui).' • in at* h 1 M mb sad * * % of a a b I Vi X 21 M I III 4 3U * * of ft W h ii VI * •* -I.'ltu B. JohSMS 21 1PA M*> l.trtco, fi*urbt fraa. Lug* iW uoto to tba trad* A. TF. At HO| T. , * »rtda4 auU* a ia N*«*t * garru liaat uo tb* 13b day of 1 * j) <•( 1 « a I 00 1 01 30 I uu 3 ti David clark , Tmk insnufscturtT of Kurt's ptq.ulsr rent Drt.iOnr M anofs^ured asd **jA4 IS tba N^rtb wrm m mmj vi . w ^ *■» Tory 6 N*»rth of liiftf" 4 W«st. St Jwbsa, May 4, IU4 | n Rtrt. ' ,-r iv* at s* *rk 1 »*.* if ns as Wof thatthat j t r.n •• ,<•(•»% 4 I 40 1 VI IX 1 uo 3 uo urmiRN rv.w.u 40 • 43 «4 rt 6 OU edie* serin* to hsvi* ili*< ’,nv.»rr, .fns**atrn*. Vb. ! d«|T« u Um uo Ur da. r i4 lb* I i.JH ( - - Am 3*rbf J1 a• y) ufof B t | 4 Mi 7 44 74 1 UU X 42 a Y -d • 4 af ft * 0 14 jmiin 0. r.u.Hi.it, »• J dtss. Joly 19. ires I. 0 BBOWVIN«1, O*ptfol ifr* ♦. THftl 34 00 ) 4 m 37 IBB 3 15 the people want. What s t»leN«ing to ha »..4 Clisiai. frnbsty.«V*t( dit.*. Is a«.M • »•*. *. I •, * i»» * a til 4 00 3 71 37 I iu 7 :« as y of a a % 21 60 1 *7 10 09 S rt minitT l» F'irt** Western Lininienf. Ilovr _ IU 1 at yubof ft !*•••• Vi 7 34 73 <9* 9 b * »- sdu* lotlw Kigfcm t I6d» *. O h- j>h • iv* doaartlrtd a 4 «f a * % X V) 0 71 07 I m lo ej « • % of a a ft ) l*Ull \ 1 K I iK11Kll. Nits cf Mirhi^ai DRUGS A STATIONE&T msny Are sunutlly saved (rum dying with *1200 4»t TO AORNT4 t *1! the « Ni nr ft of s a , X3 7 30 23 rt 9* 23 Vlsr NR Mflte V* mg HsiblNre. * in aald M11 rtf* 41. ( V* s>ut?.-vs. < aa.'er **f thr las % af a w 4 4 rt 62 I <•> 3 41 1 --- i 'flillt ▼ kd t Slfltofi. an. ,\f | M*M M i|| BOTTOMLESS PIT 1 W-lllbo-Ml jU«|(f I’sm. W *sl inestinishle >. l a) *r a Idr* *• V. O WIl/viN 4 CO, n a % of a s % S9 V< 1 30 IS <*» 1 " af If - r#*.k*.te IU Iba kfllU«u uf Bl 2 >hs.. Mma Cio-v M o ! 1*04. aw a "* • 9 0 16 V» X 01 30 l 49 4 6* V r. Mi* , *>r Hi. laui*. 3i * *> 3 14 91 n w ft 34 140 22 61 2 2s <*• 23 • lay lb* .'21 <)#y <-f 2mb», is ii.* you vna lbmvo*rd bleasin; 4 are daily conferred tijum howtsfoty UV7 kLKKT. 11IA\ If . gS00 a • 1 of B * | 10 1 no 4 41 rb; bo ndrad asl *iiif^-t/ 1 |*rru*ut, Wm ft* J 17 17 I uuire 47 • H *d • w h 34 Ml lu 41 I S| w. 17 06 by the mrig*.rating and clesosmg pr.qu*rtif*» VIINTED—IGKMTS. -or- a S % vf a a » 73 uu 9 P It* ,#f id frubis. In tb* matt*-rf)» th • i^uisuf Uarba* 1 • y •! a a y If 09 33 23 3 32 I Vi et 1? |jpMDav of Fort'i sugar coat oil Pills, and by the OMT6 A0«3. Mi l . Ul.iill U.iDg bran n a % af ft a 0 10 40 0 XI od 1 flu 7 X? OKNlTNIt IMMtf»VAT* COMMON *3N*L CAM* ft. m* ‘ *■ -s*liOcr • < • pttda Mat4wmr+, T«’Wft 7 N *rtb of Rote 4 Y«i (in fi isi/tha yflfftfli. f)2y \ at.fl -d uf strengthening and healing prn|nrtKw uf 11 Y *») WIN*} M %c ItlbK rrva. '.T ».* Id Ii | • a 4 #f a w 4 19 U 42 I 9- 1 (W U P lobt U i | Ir ti.) | i4t< A| llth, A. I*, 1'. * tax wiad by U • w 4 af a a 4 19 4 34 44 I Vf 7 98 if « of 0 « • 1 V) 7 31 73 Ml) * HsUualml- r I *u l r#i|ta, prarM«f NMDMH i CO., 1'ttUSoryh. P>* .nr H-u* •«, M » • I w ur, I m*r4«| (but ll« a lif)1 Dlatt MMSIl h*v lu Alt Si |- F«»rt> unm aletl atrengtheuiug Plaster For f.ow pitujcs I rar.d* R.ikj tv WlifIMS ** 10 V) 10 34 1 93 1 (A 12 6; f (( Mi* ft 1 so U 92 1 tm <*» 17 k: if ! • S *f • • 4 1 rt vi 11 ‘M Th r» •Werul. hwt Musdsy. ft <* v# tl«(* l*r • -i* tvr t Un vS uKtnt), j a a 4 of a a 0 tl Ob 0 79 47 I «*• tU tu, a <) <*f n s i 9 00 lu id ule by J. S Rsnney. 1j,4w I jo uu 17 3. . ,e *. *k t »VJa(4l Ii* thv afk4#*wti#u s, -m a * 1 I AMI4. ,.il V*r iwatb stt*| nranoc r i»triNa.m Muhu-an, m * i.a 12*. II, A 1* 1WA, is Lsb-t s y of a * 4 Jl 00 It uo 1 10 I Uf 11 lo w ft af•a ft 2 00 19 92 <1 «*f ft. rigSfcr. OH I r«i br 19 m I re pi IT 3. ufu( . m-i f*t )♦.•*». a ’**4) but kb* lieif~ a«ldtaaa (j W •IAt 1,4. I* a.-il A;r. If h. A. 1» !u*irSV lot' • /vm-nt w arwsvtdod ) • * ft *•# N S ft x 40 9 11 31 w> 4 1 • !f#»1 'a at a »#m» a . f a-uf sra pwrwtswr.t. It iwd oz.*y rt-afor*** tba rt Ii 3« 4 1 v* ii >1 #1 Ira# l*T*(n»e (if,-. . in tbr tba bur, bnt tbs qu*i tltr *r*d natorsl g'«s* 4tusa Tk». ib* <•« aauiaao Ora* tr*nnl asd »r r*«s to y.»« vltb tba g\m I Idlnf ll **• . 0*4 *> *0 J*) ba sid by re ary na»* eUna M ra. H A Aum 'iInis .ik I Ule IIns IIn ( 4 iim'4 0% sit br«, lud ttsKall a Dru;*. tb. 4«<«nf blfk rn-aa boro pwaal svay, asd I as ». 4u* at tbt-i *!.»*» af M Si .tfr* , I ’t w sf 1 tv Crary 1 truggUt arlka It. 1‘nor Oft* 4<4>«i Ills •firiit, Al4nv« Utwii 0 W at« win H <1.** ' n ft «*f • ft #*f li 0 a".uo*as alt* - uj i* tf i| «.•'*! in si a a ow. ml land | ; s ft raf s a ft 11 so 10 au 1 vt pi ll 91 lb* livn, rta «iii« raoti 4 in uat4 aalafu uf It.# •u*«.Jr:v*y <»f INI I Ii. balfoiatra r * M •*<<•- raid WMI0*. * W lo* !*-». • »* ioi.g* la • « Md by K I» s | • a ft f • * 4 12 49 7 31 73 rt 9 re •fl |v( i-.*j and kb« th#*au> f. Hr naa#tn| a e *»j W fartsvtsi C*wn(ai.jr asd *rij by asuoyda. (tad MMUMW AM» Ml\M Mlllt *xbaft to fv4*a!*nu aai I m v 1 a p% »«*4 lull- r, tftm# • 14 | w ft -fit ft 14 rt 12 42 1 M P* 14 0* vftl 09 li b* pi l!i#M a Ts* Cii'Tn* Lsrtati* FOUNDRY. «kit. me roar ai.lt.*1. A<‘ !r *a. wtlb * **S»r. Ii I* it.*a it law ** in < .art. )l iWd lu fr* r. tbavra s b r. - J W ft td s a ft 14 0D 12 92 1 *0 Pi 14 •* » a a, uf 1 'rn .«• ia *ii«t day i-f Imupu 1 HAMILTON * CO. 419 I ba.Wi'.t at . 1’bt.s. **N «i*M ant foot i.u do : so. • «uur*d by Iba wo# w * r. tbart* N W ft It ION a It 61 m Is 13 >ft J MfCXUA. J <4#* of Prible, as ! a»uHyiya. N- ar, tb a 4 r, Ibauoa • rt [ lo 22 I 92 uu 12 24 lr V* JOHAN ftOI NI3H1 ./ lb# yuurf W ft « f * W ft 13 Mi 3 4# (tK\TH -has iktiu- lotuk* n»».n«-r Arlblaa B-. -% of ! of aai lx aald 1»»*>C2 «/• ; t’.r dalbU All* B«Arr's lss4. » n v 4 % 14 I4i h# rt 1 92 rt is re rnnry Dooda, L liglit, i*cw, % arjr lurtitka. X util br V irrsi • in ou- b r or m* S on I w •« ibatus a rt flues j a ft ad o a % 14 an X »3 90 (SI || Nt 431C I %• 41.1. 0 ll lw Ik ' 4.1 ho ir»^ t* < l. ru (f \ * m in* i) 'Dili rruui li-vr oitirmfl Ly 'rolli ’t Artlidirtf •st **! r»K> I rt to os*«as .43f*l Ador«*aa. »»'I ,n. .«(. 1 I 11. 3*' 11 Jl.) is th flilur * 4 M J bl*#, IS usd our.'i. a ft of sa ft U) rt 12 » 1 22 1 uo II 40 d. U. L!rf || uf M Vl^Bitu. <>f) (VLf 17%, 'lollot Hosps, V XKN. T tbwra will W auld at pul C ifr. 14 44 Tuws X Nu tb uf IU&6* « \Y0Ut. atftJS Iksil W rtal.ru4 (• be Sii# at tbia Vi# tl.a ak *• *#f hoi * Jhia Itu I usd f *ik> »«>n* A'liu;#. si | 4* r, the |i*nn*M« IN « %lft lad* a ft »d n w ft I *w Ii 34 1 43 1 00 13 re on is tc Tkrk I uie shout ass-bsif ba yssr'a ;ma*t |*t s ) afi f ft 9 rt 12 7« 1 27 b#-o,d#*a as n » *v f . of ko,-r.*».f\* d .l ara in mi uor. two, ikbt, tr.«v, <* ’• t» t. k rijrhty- a * % wf • a % 24 Vi T 07 70 1 (Si I 77 apiufsftufawft II 41 3 71 37 um 7 92 AGRICULTURAL WORKS!' ALL STYLES AND SHAPES. • *4fht. Is iba rfliaf* c4 **• J« 00 44 • 30 nu»f(^«a* i • I -.a»*-| tu *• |«fl »Ih»u *4 ad) piv'iuliitBB »*t#*o . tr, 31 nr k a ft af at ft X* 4 42 1 99 . t 14 13 21 1 32 rt 17 73 Ha t • a«ti V. f.*r*# ( « Me * #lira nu a*.*# ,a .m.p, HOLIDAV UOODH I lea*. Ivtid J l.t l«’al, IV as ft uf a a ft rt V> X 42 34 I 06 • s ft sf • a ft U 13 21 1 32 rt IT 72 ((*»-• Al U t *u *^uity buiu.rf !#-i» l»»*<(»olrd to Cjr«.>:T itM mv 1 oh xmiiNi. u r R/Mk 7. Tlf ATT Aartgru a. a 4 ft of s s ft II 49 4 32 4* I Vi 3 o; Prlnis, • • t|4dl * i 14 II 37 72 •7 rt I 7r r*« -r*r spy Tsd nf 1 Hr *#a*»k a** urvJ by mi-1 iu P»av>« It liiAiin, All • for AwOfit • n« • S ft of • W ft r 41 I 09 09 1 AO 6 b» Hheef 1 nga, itrof e ft «f n r % It 4« t& 4 30 63 (M 4 97 N)>*, k i>*u «- f.»r by * irt or •*# ik* jufri « f «•.. is m«4 — Uf - Tba 0ft4ardgnal bsnse norrhoMd tba sboaa tasH Asy «v»a a bo a» * !• ui *n «- *f fi f | tr Mt lira, s p4 «*f a s % SB 70 3 77 37 1 uo 7 34 06 rt I 3ft rtf rl I0#**a. Ml t ><••«%*.! | » . W gun rtfftBl) a a y4 vf a r ft % Ik 4 11 b' r ( ''.Tbiirl, a |)1 if tba •lat.if# is socb #wsaa vorbaaf Mr Wsi. II M•<■•!<, vvuunua Bl asr dollsr nnrt ta ball etao la. * ash. • a ft al s a ft 20 Vi 3 14 31 1 on 6 07 t • ; 4 t I>< »»• ins, gp sf UlttSfL m, Tba C krruit I 'a*rt be a ft nf a s f) % 19 77 30 12 21 1 : n . 1 .n J y mvi )u>t, *v »#♦ i* ba. • br (-•)•»» 1 kit •»*) lla tba sssofawtsra of will rre )▼« nsr rurs. for solblsf. ( <" a*mtr d a ft td # • ft rt 50 9 20 91 1 (Bl 11 2» I XX 39 o» 3 re d 'art lons<1<*«. < Mm.-rj Tita Kifl ib JsdlrtaJ CkresJl — Ij a f- vf n v % Al 91 3(b Ilf nf Iwwoitww, 104, ak |» p«uk tu tb* af1rrwv#*n ■I UMCK J1 WAITim. Wa «tli pul * *r Ala a .uffaulr af as) mbar sok* < 0I0(AST as ft vf s a ft XI Vi 4 re 4C I uu 6 13 44 pi 0 re Aiv , a s* 1* n*>»u »». o f r «d n « ft JX 70 33 4 *2 id k’.at .|»y, at iba uwu-r a ft uf s e « f*r*i«a#ra draenpud 111 aaid Bt rtrv*. ktf; Ita u.%4 aalts Uai a"iufkv «*f llWtuSH** csUad Csasttw, sf asr II. do snsws J • 70 •7 1 40 19 41 a a ft . 20 Irt 33 44 3 J» ks» re uu boat it* In bt* patent ahapa Tbr aiarsiar Mi and na>* | u«»a tl. »v*u#»d aVtfttt hHfdfoi m l •4 *ty-a4*bl, IS U*a aw ft af S w ft XI 30 1 uo 7 VI half uf tb* r Tkb-s*#f k|T) .»*«r uf a* #iun kvetiky 0*# 60 3 07 a ft sf a w ft rt 09 It 63 1 re rt 14 91 <23,Mn k«iWi.#bip •• wstWr ais (if unrth «»f rn*.,-* th?** Ws srs oonisf tisuoaar sda* tnako* tba *aana MW yr> d mw Is lot aa 1 abuT# SSMIi l«.. «r N*IL.<- • 1 . that I. • w ft tf n s ft XI 0 re 40 1 ao 6 13 CKLTIV ATOHH, s fi vt vf n s ft re 0 90 2 MX re rt 3 re (A) •**». u. tb« ** f **a •>' N». hi*u** Imf.-d “r-pkrr #-r 00 n Ssk f#Kt, ■ — j tlr asb*cy | fv* iba raM.uiy af 1 iu t»ii, huta uf • v « uf w * « 31 40 3 00 IP. ISP JOfliriir* O IKUDN',11.uUa,a# DRESS COOD8, ki Li.t*, aball sail • ft sf a a ft XI 40 34 1 96 1 UM 12 3* •b 13 *4 veia irt to Lia» t ni cotera* rorrof ut • t yutdir ftortia, **r rpt»4u, ta tb a ft of s a 0 14 Mi 11 >9 I II WaiaaifM)# A Att’y# fur Nturkray#* C'lieapar (ban the Cheapest. liiflift Md4*i, at • w % al s m % 34 6 12 4u I re 3 97 1 13 UO U 72 1 tbr irtsr af «va ms* k is fba ##,a • • S*4 Wr4swd*y. • a ft td S w « 34 00 ll 3fe • t ft sf n s ft 34 Vi 4 id 40 1 uo 3 47 S JIIOH \TK 0KI>KR —Sl»tr >< Mictn;>n iba 21*1 ia> «d UriuUr salt, A I). J.H.*, al tba AuSi s a « of •a ft 34 40 4 71 47 I re 0 62 V. .sf* of hisplatan HOAD M R IPI KS tv f «f iba I imxt i u**l6 !!#*•**. (hssf Ui IlsU,) to Hard MtHOndt* X«k Otrlyad asd n» tba |<«r»eda*i i at vf ad ,i. •(# s ft «d * w « X rt 17 4i 1 70 1 rt tf 13 Jrahti Mi#hurl IMromsun*. 4> 1 I* BLC.1CHED n 1151ft, Ac ransttig * b«saa •*» jtli aba * tbaosrt l*na af llrad atraat a ft uf n s % SI I rt I 11 On rrolinn ssd Uliiui sn tn*(r«.m*nt t>br)(f rt 11 >1 1 14 19 f 11 91 I rt I 13 throw talk usr kHftdiul • sd fur*y fart, ibas#s sart s ft id • w ft 12 I US U rt 1 9n Tb*r» *ju»n it i* Ordar*#!. Thai M n«ut, tbr 2b*b day hi X ?L' by sas siwabtsary Is wVr,Ui fbliy tspfd) a ft vf n w ft 03 79 m 91 1 m a'sst ls-sly fi*» Irak , tbanaa ftartk ^arallal with 12 0o u y i 3i 1 00 17 64 1 j* r.» 6*|ilrsH f, 106ft al It #’• l(*k V >4 , !•# luict d v ft# 14 fost ba bftod rsry so H 49 1 14 in 2* 34 91 1 rt M Hand *Uark U th* ftvstb tin t ka)•(<•!ktm,, ;b«s * a ft of • w ft 14 I 99 u flfl .04 91 I re 3 r lb* pro* mg of aal«l s»?l, uft«i that llu h-ir» at mw rurtrl * .#'T»g tb# i»hO) kfu m I 00 11 43 u» 9 1 rt uf iLmHt'+u', itr ft! |o (ftr w jft uf b • m 14 3 11 39 1 li 91 I rt of ssid dnri'Aau#*. And all flhrt fMfrt' Urt*r?4*d is 11 44 1 79 97 1 rt 7 Bi | i.x re XI 1 19 m W« (All ft , **•; > f b lUinirft. t*rU^ lln '•*«• t>r04IM*¥9 Uf as % vf• a ft 7X 11 01 I no 1 If ant ! uvtsta, arr n«|str*d lo apyanr as s a »o»w uf ao34 o p*ud b> kha si- ,1*»* as. A m 17 69 4 1/2 40 1 04 7 42 ire v •#* 4 iti 1 19 cslift, thus l#> Ur h*»l l*w al tba l*piUl» idWe, m i»p* iww .am-) t) lid i«it • » f t*i# 3r.< ;.irt lo mil 22 rt 14 Bl 1 40 1 cn 17 Xl 197 r* y « OI.Mf Kre PATF.NT a ft of b i ft JX !• 01 l w 1 19 th* atUsrw uf 94. Jubna. ssd #b*s ramaa. if ssyibarr ba, •fl mrar*«wj> #n tba t«r half t mi J lain* a b XI 74 y IX 61 1 XN I re l» re ire P SCREW flTTIM: IRON LITHE w |d td 0 ft IX 91 I 19 shy ll»* prwvrr uf U»* taitliaoer ab Mil I n d Hr frsMrd. A F*ull rtfock of fsao* tf lan 4 Is) in* laiicxo )>#!• ij#r>l( -I a ft oft w ft *» re 14 >2 I 64 I ou 17 jo ire re I rt J c *rt re If 01 I rt 1 It Asd If N furtboy O nt ?4, That iwflior br ifoy to thr RED JACKET AXE. •f th* prtm uf is* 4m0 ; .fl tu I (uvuisn Wubr. s ft of aw ft re fix I! 63 I 34 I rt 14 43 )wftul* ayi tb# i.vrtb sd* tbtiud st bt. Jobss Ibis 34 w ft vf a w ft n rt 194 31 19 63 I 09213 «1 w sec H rsab. will rads #*••• ♦ lira, for salblsf. err, Hata ssd Cava. I’lsbrsUaa asd S hrv*>t*r pm 1 tad Asd dnsiaikfl is usid rsssty if rt 4u alt krtrt lay vf (U|k#N(*r, A I* re ** a ft uf b w n re rt 21 14 t 11 1 rt 21 t* Wits 3 asd A oscopi s 4 uains, fur ibraw •usommib varh*. pswviusa lo assd day 4 All tba rsf'i 1! *Hw»rt IMalar* aall tba ’* LIT- Si lb O usbsnw t’si U I rt 3 63 •ANrifONT 0092, B s ft of B W ft 30 40 II 09 I 10 I rt li q 7 lo R 3 41 r14 flXcoTT All> Ihay fr-re tbns bnt If tb»tw brsilaa, OrureX*. Santa ____Ore nit (Vsrt r*vstwa>rwr (tirfuft rtu . Mi h. re 14 X 41 96 i.in . ^WILLIAM MCKFLA J«#df* uf Frulpis. W ab#*skd hsi pus ta ana as nnfsrtnsata aa rd rt hsos a • ft of 00 ft 1 00 14 Ob J 34 W ft t*f B W fl ft XI XX IX It It I M I U tl M 77. . I. u4 ll Xt rt 4 32 a •ft aawid tba s* ft* y asd sa «t4 b# asra in )1mm yat Ly ..“I!hi X XX (A trsa cop) ) 13 3w m n* RBKR IOK PI Ml. 14 Allot, buna of aw ft of b a ft xi 40 9 41 XI I 92 49 rt 3 42 K Iron TiirniiiK, LirTlXt OTT A BAKRWRLU htUrtrfh. fft MwbifMi-lWtiy (Siatoifts, Ift< hehvit 00 re 04 I rt | ■»wifti«rrit x roH* 6iM4i.i:. -fl’u». a Rhi Leather nixl l-'iiullnu** Odkciul C'ir*s04- lw f MirtMf. irtl pmhbT is tb* • ft of B * ft x re 02 rt 4 32 loan —I.Vunt r »fdin!#*n a* In iba mile* of lh# as 1 fka4a awtrn of CflAtni'f Tatast Aft#- *• 4 NX XX 9« x re x re 02 p* 4 32 A rftrruM C«wt4 rtr Iba < aw*** «>f C i*tu —1»4'sas «ssv 34 23 44 I 34 tufa of Jnubwa Hsuhsw. lueuad. N-flirt M harsh) gltes Maryard Infer, • ft of s e ft J * jJJ * t H ‘disks II ssd 12 6 4 02 VI rt I xi X s»| .awMi.i, aa. 2 all A ftitfM, da- X4 177 1« 17 71 t 14 92 re 1« 62 that by nrlsa sad in fHinwosoo nf lusssa ssd auth«*t• X < bndart At s s#*as • eft } 215 2 ' • H •* »res ll ssd II 1 •» it> frantad ’*.• si# H>- »h* J a tjs» of Tr».»(wta 6/r Ibe canwiry H00« so Vb*rtftst. et. with J. & P. COATS ■ >s #«f amd < uwrt, brtd s* t»# rH- w ft td n w ft U Mt 97 39 J9 I 09 til B t ^ 1 17 4 02 4« rt J 42 bf* vf 0t Jt bna, ka *sld essslr, US iba Xd day af Isy- <*f Clisrtn in thr *MH# of MidNfBB, In a»1l rtsi *m0mI* rJ 0 Rwoawftaaarsd w#r9 ism. w ft td B W |,Sl*j 19 X XX 04 I 99 rt 21 94 of tba gsblM bi wirtirt. TW10T r it fin am 01* 001. c lynsawt, Afdhswy (htk, ('treat UM IMS I U ) IT 1 rt H rt t 14 toUmjrta* to ashl 4»ruod, I shall aall n( ru» he sastW •*. 2 ! far Ci wsnunsmr I* «udd*r, »s Rafwdsy. lha flfllb day a4 B*{ J W. TA INK, I3r#r rood«s4 I If 61 I fw 10 11 1-4 I 10 II 6 PI 09 MB 3 42 1 n 1044 4« If •fl*u)i« of Alftart J. BsMrtft os# # ys vf w ft af n * ft fli ft# X 44 i rt ii xi j ; rt X 63 'ambus, A. D. 14X9, ol tab uVIbeh 19 tba f ti ib MB oflao'd H 10 II t 41 24 dst , si thr pyudvs*# Ofw of mid msMify, tl Ift. John*, SIX-CORD Bssta ssd Shses ssl flathlsy, . M 4 IX 17 t II 34 rt X 43 Towb 1 North of 14 9 J9 32 rt 4 32 is Mt.l .Sant) of Clinton, nil tlsvftM, tafia asd Isferurt co Blth 0yarlftl rrfarasra •• iba 1*1 nut W arsrnft4 3NT Itaam»« 4 ■ vf Iba Vlrslsst’i sb* , _ ^ u 1 lots 7 ssd f X9 uf uuUl 4*«a«ud, sf, in awl lu fh# hUsWlSf m'Din) 3 BOOTS AND SHOES. pfrermllwea mm o ft nfs a ft I rt ' * ** " k0s X aid 4 24 14 X h 12 rt 4 32 aasrw frt to. < f «Sf.C*onorths*---— li -----»iAfiiiftHitHsi-- ... .Wp-„ trt w ft uf a aft 4 40 X Jo rt 4 32 r*si rsiale, So sll r Thi |otlh half id tb* north s*#f Uvsof I'rtnskX BuWsto aduiivrofwr ms^UisisitS x ft 14 Xi twrker d scklos Mislsr -ssahip r.MCTMl) I Oftofswft 4 re •t 16 X <«2 rt 9 42 5 o*«IH SEWING MACHINES. Msssfbslorsd to ardor asd tod ordered tbul tba 4* I'tiust #ss*a bis as four uura to 3a o ft sd w ft 'do • ft X 44 9 2 41 09 3 40 IliiSWf stfhl (I) pBT'l eltSAT IkS'P ’WO (2) soul. a frure ib* wftafsrft • 49 9 IX Bl pi II XI ( flirt uwRfv, ftiu vf Kkhpts.-lt J has August o ft sf s o rt S 41 2 a d . »9ux j w. u«»rr, Is tba 32 14 4 91 11 Sw A >tfs»iu»t rsi..r «< aw*.I «u4slu »«. (O.M.M.W, TO, U 14 2 91 XX rt X 21 9 A MIIOEM! m 14 t re n rt 4 32 !0 0f IftlPTHArWffflMAl.X. v-teflblV t m 14 I o| 19 Mi t II \ tgur Caasl y uf fImtus. *u. ft. tba softer <*f tba O*. MM 3, A 7, 3. 0 ssd 14 97 l« 1 21 73 rt 0 64 aulalr uf fl a>*a f* Banarofl . €*#*•»ad Ffl9<- i^erel') Strasyer Tbss Evrr Before. 9 I fl 11 « f XX gt?*S, 1U«I by vwts# asd rt ponm**** sd hr#W** Mfl IsUto W,,“44 9 X 91 99 4 01 sotbortlT ffrsstad U» si* by tbr Jsdfunf ISvhsle for tba to 31 12 *d ! 2 .2 Urls 9 an J 6 41 9 X 41 rt 0 62 «*vst)id(2i«rti |u soil pwl «OtSt* brlrsflWK In wfl Minn »u> ------9 a____0rtd rtowxy uf ( llskoa ssd fb«! i ba rtf?^!sbCmSm! 49 X 19 XI ! 2 IS be# l, ft 9» M* *. M deressad. I •ball u* 21 al psVRr swrlius. tu tha hifhni FOX BAI.R BT waol tba Mark* st oil lissao w r,^UttUm1 U.^ ^ ^ ^ S W ft of s w ft flfl 40 «m 4fl 1 J 2 HTti.it I 41 t 6 9f SS X 6f >i9ddo t. ns Ta—d ay. lb# 4TH 4bT <4 »MN All. five ftlXM* IB MIN Mi )dns, and s hill ssd sMBgste stork af W*s vwb or tbol *«M noigai»#M nssm * #wpy of tbW ; " rsttra S w % tdso ft 23 Vi fl 92 I rt 1 •** rUUra 47 16 I re *2 re 4 32 uf hi ■( »bn , in uu*d eun.nt) , All tb# ri|hl. Mil* «ifl m 9C (HMilH I I do sol sr tmm to soil tb* ***** *• 3a psassllf *#*r< * I Nf js elf hjjjlBfl Bi S w ft uf S O ft re it » «i I rt 4 on mm | XX A NI> NOTIONA. tk_ ...... bad twrsM *laya libis tb* Uis* aku.*a loss 4 sad 1 XI • 1 11 IS isnfl ad sii i (brtu l. “t. In ssd M lh# Wk-Skv dw ax ssfara ra*y rtwy m rt w V09WS90 st* sMsirasn s ft af S w ft 21 90 1 33 IX A rt • 97 34 » 1 <>t BX 49 4 Jl w rt bad rusl euflota, «#• ml *1 ba atuvth porl of s#w1b-wes| SO ft Of S O ft re vi 4 m 40 I *» t re will -awry Usw.” 0uw yos ANflffTNT CntiK 5 41 tf 99 X 94 fseiHsd fpitss sf iM>ss iret»9ar Nor, is 9wos*3ip S S ft of s w ft » 39 4 04 49 I MlMi €43 II It 16 X 13 21 m x re nssihur «r?m snrlb raf rung* ssmWr lw*. a up . Is tha V COM l» KTITION PATRONIZE THE REST.iS| ■■ ■ -■ —b l* —bo — ■■■ w r— r*/ysy hr «b*as To tboaa Clresti Conr« C* 6»r 4 tisttrs Caonly. so ft of a • b rev* 4 m rt 4 re 14 B Id ^ ^ rssstw* * Batswss, 4>e ssofftlaast 14 t 61 m iMsta raf Mwbtvs uMNflsmf *Ss 3*«»vdv*d Mfl twwaty liltt>1 A ctss hoe# boas « vr isaa Nusaa bwa it* mmi A Irs* auf y o< lb# op s w ft tdso ft re #0 4 pi Ml 6 63 •( 19 2 61 re rt X 43 serau, 0rt? Of 'u-u I M*f Avtvd R, 144*. • w | dir « re 49 4« #9 rt 6 43 Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty By aVrvft as, 1 esiors sy 16 f 91 m « X 11 IX 4w CxRflt.lNF B4NCB* KTAdmtslMvsMit^ of Bw»a w HUT ______i ' AM ITR WSfWbr o ft of# 4 4 ft 49 44 IX flf re rt I* 34 • l 64 14 rt x re s ncuruD iMtNUfi; on vt.u. -m2* 7 K)«>. - wiftufswflft re rn ix a «t rt 13 34 ViTlCK -I* bsssl ) f1a*s, that | vrfll b*or afsSww BL Jnbss, Jusa. 1447 9 3 91 00 4 ti Dyo nNHMuNNNu ■ uu 1 -mm 6b sgidsof the rria’ rf UsMlOnfllu. ONE DOLLAR 8ALE. « C#*wst 4<«r Iba ms arty vf CUsius, bsldan \| ib# frakp* 9 W ft Of 9 V ft X* 30 3 71 IT rt 7 S3 114 9 9» 1 21 ls»u raf ( llsirau pivssty. RwXdsss, douasmM. s4 lha Da now Km 2 41 OP a XNIbotuisossfre Johns uv WV IssaftoTlb* 111 9 s re rt 4 vf wafo 0(3'*, w th* vtflsfr sfh. J bsu. w said mssty. "f rtacT and rr.rui R I North of Rang# I ALI# U daf «fffth#w, h fbs yms# tftaussi eftft ktv 0 ft 111 9 t 61 44 X tl •sOS Iflusdatft »«!)»,. thatW* lib7 dny rafttuptertbar. 1-4, Slid tU* dr#d «sd M*0W *40fct tVaiont Vwi M»«0rU. Jodf* VbMN#a»| WM. UVAN 9 p0#f 9 W fl ft X 4% 6 71 41 1 rt X 61 lot 6 9 « 41 rt X fl 23th day 9 # Jassnsv sort rtds# tha»99t 4nv slrtsiad —4 *m c»«r»—*. T— —-* *%i )Mlw rU. IU. that •• ft IX 11 wi 1 re I rt 19 17 , 1*4 II, uwtAot A • I fli IA m tm Is wbt#4 tu slho ebaXMSSMjtt—SMBS—Plod lb JohMA rtwaas tbou fvu mm mn #KONN BOOT AND SHOE SHOP S ft «f 9 W ft 19 49 44 14 94 1 99 Ifll 40 u*4tU N, 49 »6 I* m 1 as rt fli sx Rft ftrmo the fw*»u**#»# of f**s tba paoflit| •Ml, ur*4 thut lb* 0 W ft •• 94 X 99 I rt 91 61 •wires 14 7 19 4 92 rt X 42 rt k .u th* liWSSMt uf BRIN if a H A ro, hsifo ok low ssd k^tMwd ______21 Cusotssa at ______TO and sll rdb* r 9 ft dMX re 37 1 re I 49 49 tt ret re ssd s ft of re t I 21 44 t re MS A 0#Ht-*»w k us. thru* »(*. sr# rnvMiradlM O ft if 4 9 ft ti 49 x re I rt « 14 #0S* If t ywrtsoU. win 4 Usy bow as hot. slas b Ught-vud * •• i# u* 11 »«i» ri* < ti n m m *• ba bwlda s st M • 9 ft 21 XI 92 ! «JT|*4 r* 19 fl 9 sf 9 s awe nf blued Rslft aw# was? o34 ssd s 4srb ssd mifis# Bioar. Tha Iba an laps wf 10: ‘l.-bvs ssd 0b#»W soft of s w ft 9 re 1 rt re of VII. Kiuhf 9 X9 fl, w X r • feoR aor of thaOww m i—Hirtlli tom asd s small hr, w3y tb* nld sHI *bV4 tw*f fl^H ltd of# w ft s:I X ft I 94 re 14 § re re,o remit—*>> 44 1 49 I flX Rsa art u|f tba Ml asr of tha Ratt A ssnsbls 1 swart 6RCAT ONE DOLLAR SALE. 9 0 ft Of 9 W ft *69 #19 111 Bill ba grass fur *wrb IStnrrtBdJtV rt 91(1 Issd M 1 hair 9 W fi #f St f II 41 l 3d I 49 14 91 tm flasf ss tor of Word fwuavert Addrort lL\VIf» < LAR*, 4 Jt K UUU. Tart • ft of SW ft as s I rt 19 14 111. rssblsf 9 49 R., w X , Ass fli. I mt | IX dw| Wskb flkalias. Mlr3 h • re R, o ba boglsamc W S <*f • • ft if 9 pfllNt NBftlftll, »t 0aBl