Lesley Wexler University of College of Law 504 E. Pennsylvania, Champaign, IL 61820 (c) 312-399-3490 [email protected]

ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE University of Illinois College of Law Professor of Law 2011-present Associate Dean for Academic Affairs 2019-present Thomas A. Mengler Faculty Scholar 2010-2013 Associate Professor of Law 2010-2011 Courses: Torts, Laws of War, International Environmental Law

Holocaust, Genocide, & Memory Studies Faculty Affiliate 2017- present Cline Center for Democracy Faculty Affiliate 2016- present Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Faculty Affiliate 2014- present Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, & 2010- present International Security Core Faculty Foundation for Defense of Democracies Academic Fellow Summer 2012

Florida State University College of Law Assistant Professor of Law 2006-2010 Courses: Torts, Laws of War, Labor, Employment Discrimination

Loyola University () School of Law Spring 2008 Visiting Professor of Law

University of Chicago Law School 2004-2006 Harry A. Bigelow Fellow and Lecturer in Law Courses: Laws of War, Legal Research and Writing

EDUCATION Law School, J.D. with honors 2002 • University of Chicago Legal Forum, Articles Editor • Chicago Journal of International Law, Associate Editor • Research assistant, Professor Cass Sunstein

University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, B.A. in English Literature with honors 1998 • Debate Team: 1st place Dartmouth Round Robin and top seed, third speaker, and semifinalist at National Debate Tournament • Honors Thesis: Compassion & Conversion: Chaucer, Shakespeare, & Marlowe

PRIOR WORK EXPERIENCE Law clerk • Judge Thomas Reavley, United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit 2003-2004 • Judge William Wayne Justice, United States District Court 2002-2003

Summer Associate • Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, Washington, DC 2002 • Sidley, Austin, Brown & Wood, Washington, DC and Chicago, IL 2001



• Service Members’ Reactions to Amends for Civilian Casualties, forthcoming 2021 ILL. L. REV. __ (co-author Jennifer Robbennolt).

• Transitional Justice Challenges: Managing The Emotions Of Lawful But Awful Harm-Doing, in APOLOGIES IN THE LEGAL ARENA: A COMPARATIVE LAW PERSPECTIVE __(Nicola Brutti, Robyn Carroll, & Prue Vines eds., 2020) (co-authors Jennifer Robbennolt & Colleen Murphy).

• #MeToo and Theories of Justice, 2019 ILL. L. REV. 45 (co-authors Jennifer Robbennolt & Colleen Murphy). Republished in WOMEN AND THE LAW treatise (ed. Tracy Thomas 2019) Reviews in JOTWELL, Sept. 19, 2018 & May. 7, 2018 Review in TAKECAREBLOG, Apr. 24, 2018

• #MeToo and Law Talk, 2019 U. CHI. LEGAL F. 345 (invited for #MeToo and the Law symposium issue).

• #MeToo and Procedural Justice, 22 RICHMOND. PUB. INTEREST L. REV. 181 (2019) (invited for Lawyering in the Era of #MeToo symposium issue).

• The Importance of Professionalism: Addressing Discrimination, Exporting Military Values and Maintaining Civilian Ethics, 32 TEMPLE INT’L & COMP. L. J. 105 (2018) (invited for HOW EVERYTHING BECOME WAR AND THE MILITARY BECAME EVERYTHING symposium).

• Designing Amends for Armed Conflict, 42 YALE J. INT’L L. 122 (2017) (co-author Jennifer Robbennolt).

• Lawful, but Awful: State Amends for Lawful Harm-doing, 7 Oñati Socio-Legal Series 547 (2017) (co- authors Jennifer Robbennolt & Colleen Murphy).

• Valuing Foreign Disasters: Cost Benefit Analysis as a Tool in Foreign Disaster Policy (co-author Arden Rowell) 248-265, in THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW IN DISASTER RISK REDUCTION (ED. DAVID FISHER & JACQUELINE PEEL 2016).

• Foreign Drone Claims, 65 DEPAUL L. REV. 155 (2015) (invited for UAS symposium issue).

• International Humanitarian Law Divergence, 42 PEPPERDINE L. REV. 549 (2015) (invited for The Future of National Security symposium issue).

• Valuing Foreign Lives Symposium (2015 U. ILL. L. REV. SLIP OPINIONS 1-50) Contributors include David Dana, Jonathan Masur, Colleen Murphy, Jaya Ramji-Nogales, and Paul Slovic. o An Introduction to the Symposium on Foreign Life Valuation (co-author Arden Rowell), 2015 U. ILL. L. REV. SLIP OPINIONS 1, http://www.illinoislawreview.org/wp- content/2015/RowellWexlerIntro.pdf.

o Valuing Foreign Lives in Genocides and Mass Atrocities: Law, Humanitarian Intervention, and the Prominence Effect, 2015 U. ILL. L. REV. SLIP OPINIONS 32, http://www.illinoislawreview.org/wp-content/2015/04/Wexler.pdf.


• Valuing Foreign Lives, 49 GA. L. REV. 500 (2014) (co-author Arden Rowell).

• International Humanitarian Law Transparency, 23 FSU J. TRANSNAT’L L. & POL’Y 93 (2014) (invited for New Frontiers in the Laws of War symposium issue).

• The Role of the U.S. Judicial Branch during the Long War: Drone Courts, Damage Suits and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests in APPLYING INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW IN JUDICIAL AND QUASI-JUDICIAL BODIES (ed. Derek Jinks 2014).

• Extralegal White Washes, 61 DEPAUL L. REV. 201 (2013) (invited for Wal-Mart vs. Dukes: Class Action Rollback conference).

• The Vietnamization of the Long War on Terror, 30 BOSTON U. INT’L L. J. 575 (2012) (invited for Laws of War and Afghanistan conference).

• Wal-Mart Matters, 46 WAKE FOREST L. REV. 95 (2011). Review in JOTWELL Mar. 23, 2012

• Litigating the Long War on Terror, 9 LOYOLA U. INT’L L. REV. 159 (2011) (invited for The Laws of War: International Conflict and the Global War on Terror symposium).

• Beyond Literacy: Response to Tom Ginsburg’s The Political Economy of the Pashtunwali 2011 U. CHI. LEGAL F. 115 (invited for Governance and Power symposium).

• Regulating Resource Curses, 31 CARDOZO L. REV. 1717 (2010).

• The Promise and Limits of Local Human Rights Internationalism, 37 FORDHAM URBAN L. J. 599 (2010) (invited for Cooper-Walsh Colloquium).

• Passive Discrimination, 76 U. CHI. L. REV. 801 (2009) (co-authors Jonathan Klick & Jonah Gelbach); (partial version available as) Passive Discrimination, LEGAL WORKSHOP.ORG (U. CHI. L. REV. June 22, 2009); (partial version available as) A Formal Model of Passive Discrimination, LEGAL WORKSHOP.ORG (U. CHI. L. REV. Aug.10, 2009). Response: Richard Epstein, Oh Lord, Save Us from Title VII, A Response to Gelbach, Klick, and Wexler, LEGAL WORKSHOP.ORG (U. CHI. L. REV. June 22, 2009). • Rejoinder: Oh Lord, Save Us from Richard Epstein, LEGAL WORKSHOP.ORG (U. CHI. L. REV. Feb. 22, 2010) (co-authors Jonathan Klick & Jonah Gelbach).

• Human Rights Impact Statements, 22 GEO. IMM. L. J. 285 (2008) (invited).

• The Non-Legal Role of Human Rights Law in Addressing Immigration, 2007 U. CHI. LEGAL FORUM 439 (invited).

• Bringing International Law the Long Way Home: Subfederal Integration of Unratified and Unimplemented Treaty Law, 28 MICH. J. INT’L L. 1 (2006).

• Limiting the Precautionary Principle: Regulation of Depleted Uranium Weapons in the Face of Uncertainty, 39 U.C. DAVIS L. REV. 101 (2006).


• Girls Hold Up Half the Sky: Using Norm Based Debiasing and Economic Incentives to Combat Daughter Discrimination in China, 7 CHI J. INT’L L. 79 (2006).

• The International Deployment of Shame, Second-Best Responses and Norm Entrepreneurship: The Campaign to Ban Landmines and Landmine Ban Treaty, 20 ARIZ. J. INT’L & COMP. L. 561 (2003).

• Note, Tribal Court Jurisdiction in Dissolution-Based Custody Proceedings, 2001 U. CHI. LEGAL F. 613.


VERDICT (Justia.com)

• Law and Non-Legal Entitlements, Entitled by Kate Manne (Sept. 11, 2020).

• Decoupling Determinations of Sexual Misconduct from Title IX: UIUC #MeToo Reform (Oct. 18, 2019).

• Unbuilding the Wall? Rebooting European Immigration Policies (Oct. 1, 2019).

• Sorry Studies (Aug. 9, 2019) with Jennifer Robbennolt.

• Cy Pres and Fleabag (Aug. 2, 2019) with Jennifer Pahre and Jennifer Robbennolt.

• Cy Pres and Restorative Justice (July 23, 2019) with Jennifer Pahre and Jennifer Robbennolt.

• #MeToo: Counting the Collective Harm of Missing Women’s Work (Mar. 5, 2019) with Rob Kar.

• #MeToo: Introducing the Global #MeToo Treaty (Jan. 22, 2019).

• Unpacking Cambodia’s Nuremberg Moment (Nov. 27, 2018).

• Caravans, Kavanaugh, Law and Order, and Moral Injury (Nov. 13, 2018).

• #MeToo: The Nobel Prize, Pinkwashing, and Institutional Reform (Oct. 30, 2018).

• A Beginning, Not an Ending: #MeToo and Judge Kavanaugh’s Confirmation (Oct. 6, 2018) with Colleen Murphy.

• Moral Statutes of Limitation and Restorative Justice for #MeToo Claimants (Sept. 25, 2018).

• The International Criminal Court and End Games (Sept. 18, 2018).

• Lessons from Transitional Justice Regarding Complex Victims in the Era of #MeToo (Aug. 24, 2018).

• The Age of Aquarius: Europe’s Borders and Asylum Policy (Aug. 21, 2018).

• #MeToo and #ChurchToo (Aug. 7, 2018).

• Mexico’s Turn to Transitional Justice (July 7, 2018).


• The European Immigration Deal and Its Aftermath (July 6, 2018).

• Coming Together or Breaking Apart: Europe’s Immigration Struggles Continue (June 27, 2018).

• Burn Pits are the New Agent Orange: The Limited Circle of Concern for Pollution Victims of War (June 25, 2018).

• The Closing of Europe’s Ports: Catastrophe or Crisis Management (June 19, 2018).

• We Need to Talk about Brazil (May. 31, 2018).

• Never Say Never: Trump and the Nobel Peace Prize (May. 11, 2018).

• Bad Apologies and the Windrush Scandal (May. 7, 2018).

• #MeToo: Not Decapitation, but Possibly Lustration (Apr. 27, 2018).

• Pay for Slay (Apr. 17, 2018).

• Risk and Reward of International Prize Revocation (Mar. 15, 2018).

• Red Lines and Chlorine Weapon Use in Syria (Feb. 20, 2018).

• #MeToo, Time’s Up, and Restorative Justice (Jan. 23, 2018).

• Cluster Munitions: Policy Reversal and International Law Norms (Dec. 8, 2017). Reprinted as Why Has Mattis Made It Easier to Drop Cluster Bombs? in NEWSWEEK.COM (Dec. 11, 2017).

• Sorry Lessons (Nov. 30, 2017). Reprinted as #MeToo: Why Can’t Anyone Say They’re Sorry in NEWSWEEK.COM (Dec. 9, 2017).

• Ideal Victims and the Damage of a Damage Free Victory (Sept. 29, 2017).

• The Military Benefits of Fortifying Pro-Dignity and Anti-Discrimination Norms, (Aug. 8, 2017).

• The High Long-Term Costs of Engaging in Torture, (July 31, 2017).


• Smart Mines, Dumb Policy, L.A. TIMES, Feb. 6, 2020.

• Cy-Pres and Class Action Settlements, 51 MONITOR ON PSYCHOLOGY, Jan. 2020, at 29 (with Jennifer Pahre & Jennifer Robbennolt). https://www.apa.org/monitor/2020/01/jn.

• #MeToo and Restorative Justice: Realizing Restoration for Victims and Offenders, ABA DISPUTE RESOLUTION MAG. (Jan. 2019). reprinted as part of “The Best of ABA Sections” in GPSOLO MAG. (Jul. 2020).


• First 100 Days: Laws of War and the Valuation of Foreign Lives at Zero (U. ILL. L. REV. SLIP OPINIONS 2017).


• Foreign Life Valuation Symposium: Introduction and Conclusion (co-author Arden Rowell) (U. ILL. L. REV. SLIP OPINIONS 2015).

• Committing to the Commitment to End Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict, THE GUARDIAN, Global Development Professional Network Blog (June 19, 2014).

• Filtering Management and Human Rights Paradigms through Regional Consultative Processes, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 106TH ANNUAL MEETING (AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW) (2012) (invited).


• A Tribute to Professor Steven Gey, 38 FLORIDA ST. U. L. REV. i (2011).

• BOOK REVIEW: THE FUTURE OF INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (eds. David Leary & Balakrishna Pisupati 2010) in 1 J. ENV. STUD. & SCI. 265 (2011) (invited).

• BOOK REVIEW: War or Justice and Other Hard Choices After September 11 in 39 TEX. INT’L L. J. 697 (2004) (reviewing GEORGE P. FLETCHER, ROMANTICS AT WAR: GLORY AND GUILT IN THE AGE OF TERRORISM (2002)).

PAPER PRESENTATIONS #MeToo and Theories of Justice • CLE presentation, virtual (Oct. 2020). • Professor Jessica Clarke’s Gender and the Law seminar, Vanderbilt Law School (Sept. 2020). • Does Restorative Justice Have a Role in Addressing Sexual Harassment panel, Conference on Global Resistance to Sexual Harassment and Violence, Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law (June 2020). • Men and the #MeToo Movement Conference, Men’s Center for Growth and Change, University of Pennsylvania (Nov. 2019). • Popular Culture Association Annual Conference (Mar. 2019). • Talsky Human Rights Center Lecture Series, Michigan State Law School (Jan. 2019). • Yale/ Quinnipiac Dispute Resolution Series, Quinnipiac University School of Law (Sept. 2018).

#MeToo Treaty UN CEDAW/ International Society of Family Law North American Regional Conference (June 2019).

#MeToo and Law Talk • Law and Society Roundtable (June 2019). • #MeToo and the Law symposium, University of Chicago Law School (Nov. 2018).

#MeToo and Procedural Justice


• #MeToo and Lawyering symposium, Richmond Law School (Oct. 2018).

U.N. Amends • Latin American Society of International Law workshop (May 2018). • Women in International Law workshop, University of Illinois Law School (Mar. 2018). • Faculty workshop, University of Luxembourg (Nov. 2017). • Int’l Law Grrls conference, University of Georgia Law School (Mar. 2017).

Cognitive Insights on Designing Domestic Implementation Architecture • 3d Workshop on the Sociology of International Law, iCourts, Centre of Excellence for International Courts, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen (Apr. 2017).

Making Amends • Women in International Law workshop, Duke Law School (Sept. 2016). • Symposium, Emotions and International Law, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Aug. 2016) • The Place of Apology in Law, Oñati International Institute (May 2016).

Valuing Foreign Disasters • Symposium, Society for Environmental Law & Economics, Austin, Texas (May 2016). • International Environmental Law Colloquium, Northwestern School of Law (Feb. 2016). • Society for Risk Analysis annual conference, Arlington, Virginia (Dec. 2015). • Symposium, Conference on Societal Risk Management of Natural Hazards, University of Illinois (Apr. 2014).

Counting Civilian Casualties • Women in International Law workshop, Duke Law School (May 2015). • Regional Colloquium on Globalization of Law, International Organizations, and International Law, Northwestern School of Law (May 2014). • Research Colloquium, American Society of International Law midyear conference (Oct. 2013).

Foreign Drone Claims • Symposium, The UAS Dilemma: Unlimited Potential, Unresolved Concerns, DePaul College of Law (Mar. 2015).

International Humanitarian Law Divergence • Symposium, The Future of National Security Law, Pepperdine School of Law (Apr. 2014).

Drone Courts, Damages Suits, and FOIA requests • Illinois State University, International Humanitarian Law Speakers Series (Sept. 2013). • Law & Society Association, Annual Meeting (May 2013).

Valuing Foreign Lives • Symposium, Society for Environmental Law & Economics, Ramat Gan, Israel (May 2013). • Regional Colloquium on Globalization of Law, International Organizations, and International Law, Wisconsin Law School (May 2013). • Research Colloquium, American Society of International Law midyear conference (Oct. 2012).

Extralegal White Washes • Colloquia in Current Scholarship in Labor and Employment Law, Northwestern School


of Law (Oct. 2012). • Wal-Mart vs. Dukes: Class Action Rollback, DePaul College of Law (Feb. 2012).

Regional Consultative Processes • Immigration Panel, American Society of International Law annual conference (Mar. 2012).

Is International Humanitarian Law Humanitarian? • Junior Faculty Workshop, Washington University in St. Louis School of Law (May 2011). • International Law Workshop, University of Georgia School of Law (Apr. 2011). • Faculty presentation, Indiana University School of Law (Feb. 2011). • Faculty exchange, Chicago-Kent School of Law (Nov. 2010). • Big Ten Junior Law Professors, Indiana University School of Law (Aug. 2010). • Junior International Law Society Association, Hastings School of Law (Feb. 2010). • Prawfsfest! Blog Conference, Florida State University College of Law (Apr. 2009).

Wal*Mart Matters • Junior International Law Society Association, Boston University School of Law (July 2010). • Law and Society Association, Annual Meeting (June 2010).

The Promise and Limits of Local Human Rights Internationalism • Cooper-Walsh Colloquium, Fordham University School of Law (Oct. 2009).

White Collar Arms Races: Revisiting the Work-Life Balance Debate • Southeastern Atlantic Law Schools Annual Conference (Aug. 2009). • Colloquia in Current Scholarship in Labor and Employment Law, Thomas Jefferson Law School (Oct. 2008).

Regulating Resource Curses • Faculty presentation, University of Illinois School of Law (Nov. 2009). • Legal Scholarship Workshop, University of Chicago School of Law (Nov. 2009). • Law and Society Annual Conference, University of Denver (May 2009). • Prawfsfest! Blog Conference, University of Miami Law School (Dec. 2008). • Faculty presentation, University of Florida School of Law (Sept. 2008). • Legal Scholarship Workshop, University of Chicago School of Law (Nov. 2007). • Sokol Colloquium on International Law, University of Virginia School of Law (May 2007).

Passive Discrimination • Midwest Law and Economics Association, Northwestern Law School (Oct. 2008). • Colloquia in Current Scholarship in Labor and Employment Law, University of Colorado & the University of Denver Law Schools (Sept. 2007).

Human Rights Impact Statements • Faculty presentation, Loyola University (Chicago) School of Law (Apr. 2008). • New Voices in Human Rights, American Association of Law Schools annual meeting (Jan. 2008). • Immigration Symposium, Georgetown School of Law (Oct. 2007) video available at http://www.law.georgetown.edu/webcast/eventDetail.cfm?eventID=417.


The Role of International Law in Addressing Immigration • Southeastern Atlantic Law Schools Conference (July 2007). • Junior International Law Scholars Conference, Yale School of Law (Mar. 2007). • Prawfsfest! Blog Conference, University of Miami (Dec. 2006). • Legal Scholarship Workshop, University of Chicago School of Law (Nov. 2006). • Legal Forum Symposium, University of Chicago School of Law (Oct. 2006).

Allowing Girls to Hold up Half the Sky • Student Presentation, Asia Law Society, Florida State University School of Law (Feb. 2007). • Faculty presentation, Loyola University (Chicago) School of Law (Aug. 2006). • Asia Law Society, University of Illinois Law School (Apr. 2006).

Bringing International Law the Long Way Home • Student Presentation, Environmental Law Society, University of Chicago Law School (May 2006).

Limiting the Precautionary Principle • Legal Scholarship Workshop, University of Chicago School of Law (Nov. 2005). • Faculty Presentation, University of Chicago Law School (July 2005).

OTHER ACADEMIC SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS • Panelist, 7th Annual Lara D. Gass Women in Law Symposium Measuring #MeToo: The Movement’s Impact on Civil Law, Criminal Law, and Alternative Justice (Sept. 2020). • Panelist, What you need to know before becoming an Associate Dean, Women’s Leadership in Legal, University of Virginia Law School (July 2019). • Participant, Women in International Law Workshop, Duke Law School (May 2019). • Roundtable Participant, Book Discussion: Everything Is War by Rosa Brooks, Temple University Law School, (Sept. 2017). • Roundtable Participant, Police Shootings in the United States: Using Data Science to Improve the Practices and Legitimacy of American Law Enforcement, 2017 Boeschenstein Seminar on Public Policy, University of Illinois (May 2017). • Panelist, Int’l Law Grrrls conference, University of Georgia Law School (Mar. 2017). • Panelist, DePaul Law Review Symposium, DePaul Law School (Mar. 2015). • Panelist and Moderator, Private International Norm Making, University of Pennsylvania International Law Journal (Nov. 2014). • Speaker, Looking at Structural Discrimination through the Lens of Gender Discrimination: Perspectives from Academics & Advocates, Human Rights Legal Advocacy Clinic, Fordham Law School (Oct. 2014). • Roundtable Participant, What Do We Know about the Impact of International Initiatives in the Transparency and Accountability Field?, Transparency and Accountability Initiative(Sept. 2013). • Commenter, International Organizations brown bag, American Society of International Law (Dec. 2012). • Discussant, Emerging Issues in International Trade, Development, and Aid, Research Colloquium, American Society of International Law midyear conference (Oct. 2012). • Moderator, Issues for the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future, University of Illinois (Oct. 2011). • Panelist, Deepwater Horizon: One Year Later, Southeastern Atlantic Law Schools Conference (July 2011).


• Panelist, What Can Blogging Do to Build the Academic Community, Southeastern Atlantic Law Schools Conference (July 2011). • Commenter, Alissa Kaplan’s Democracies under Stress: Civil Liberties and Human Rights Norms under Persistent Security Threat, 2nd Regional Colloquium on Globalization of Law, International Organizations and International Law (May 2011). • Debater, What Should the U.S. Do with Al-Alauqi?, Laws of War symposium, Loyola University (Chicago) School of Law (Feb. 2011). • Commenter, Michael Heaney’s Why Is There No Coffee Party?, Legal Forum’s Governance and Power symposium, University of Chicago Law School (Oct. 2010). • Commenter, David Gartner’s Monopoly of States, International Organizations brown bag, American Society of International Law (Oct. 2010). • Panelist, International Employment and Labor Law panel, Junior International Law Scholars Conference, Temple University School of Law (Jan. 2009).

INTERNAL PRESENTATIONS University of Illinois • Speaker, Justice Ginsburg’s Umbrella, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Vigil (Sept. 2020). • Panelist, #MeToo: Now What?, Women Lead with Illinois (Apr. 2019). • Panelist, I Didn’t Consent to That: #MeToo and Pelvic Exams, Epstein Health Law Program (Mar. 2019). • Panelist, #MeToo and Academia Part II, Women and Gender in Global Perspective (Feb. 2019). • Panelist, Updates on #MeToo at the College of Law, Women’s Law Society (Jan. 2019). • Panelist, #MeToo and Academia Part I, Women and Gender in Global Perspective (Oct. 2018). • Speaker, 10-10-10 Workshop (Sept. 2018). • Speaker, Brown Bag Summer Workshop (June 2017). • Eleanor Roosevelt, Jody Williams, & Iris Chang, Women’s Law Society (Mar. 2016). • Speaker, Making Amends in Armed Conflict, Faculty Workshop (Jan. 2016). • Speaker, Supreme Court Preview, American Constitution Society (Oct. 2015). • Speaker, What Are the Effects of Windsor, OUTLAW (Sept. 2013). • Speaker, International Human Rights Treaties, Human Rights Outreach, Center for Global Studies (July 2013). • Speaker, Social Movements and Social Change, OUTLAW (Apr. 2013). • Commenter, Piracy and University Jurisdiction, Federalist Society (Jan. 2013). • Valuing Foreign Lives, Program in Arms Control Disarmament and International Security (Sept. 2012). • Debater, Has the PATRIOT Act Limited Our Civil Liberties, Federalist Society & ACLU student group presentation (Apr. 2012). • Whitewashing as an Extra Legal Response, brown bag faculty workshop (Feb. 2012). • Moderator, The Blue Ribbon Commission on Nuclear Waste Permitting, Program in Arms Control Disarmament and International Security (Oct. 2011). • Commenter, The War on Coal, Environmental Law Society presentation (Sept. 2011). • Representing the Laws of War in Chinese Movies, joint law school and Asian Studies department presentation (Apr. 2011). • Is International Humanitarian Law Humanitarian, Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security (Apr. 2011). • Law, Norms, and Social Change: A Tale of Two Cultures, joint law school and Asian Studies department presentation (Jan. 2011).


• Moderator: The Future of Behavioral Law and Economics panel, University of Illinois School of Law (Nov. 2010). • Chevronizing the Laws of War, Faculty brown bag lunch (June 2010). • Commenter on Thomas S. Ulen’s The Role of Law in Economic Growth and Development, Faculty retreat (May 2010).

Florida State University • Faculty workshop (2008, 2007, 2006). • Know Your Rights: GLBT law in Florida, Outlaw student group (2012, 2010, 2009). • Supreme Court Preview, American Constitution Society (2009, 2008, 2006).

SERVICE News Backgrounder • New York Times on counting civilian casualties • Press Forward.org, Illinois National Public Radio, and Champaign News Gazette on #MeToo and Amends

Peer Reviewer Aspen Publishing, Cariplo Foundation, Corporate Governance: An Institutional Review, Hart Publishing, Journal of Applied Philosophy, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Law & Society Review, and Oxford University Press

Public Lecture Series • Organizer and Moderator, President Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration (Feb. 2016). • Organizer and Moderator, Regulation under Trump (Mar. 2016). • Organizer and Moderator, Secrecy, Leaks, and Leakers (Apr. 2016).

Conference Organization • Organizer, Women in International Law Annual Conference (Mar. 2018). • Co-Organizer with American Bar Foundation, Regional International Law and International Relations Conference (May 2016). • Co-Organizer with International Committee of the Red Cross, Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security, and Center for Global Studies, International Humanitarian Law for Graduate Students, University of Illinois College of Law (Nov. 2015, Feb. 2015, Feb. 2014). • Co-Organizer with Rob Sloane and Moderator, Unmanned Vehicles, Characterization of Conflict, and Covert Operations, Laws of War and Afghanistan conference, Boston University School of Law (Oct. 2011).

Continuing Legal Education • Assessing the Use of Force and the Laws of War under the Trump Administration, McDermott, Will, & Emery, Chicago, IL (July 2017).

University of Illinois College of Law • Member: Executive Committee Fall 2018, 2016-2017, 2012-2013 • Chair: Appointments Committee 2017-2018, 2015-2016 • Member: Diversity Committee 2016-2017 • Member: Chicago Program Spring 2016 • Chair: Awards Committee Spring 2015


• Member: Appointments Committee Spring 2015 • Chair: Tenure and Promotion Committee 2013-2014 • Member: Awards Committee 2013-2014 • Chair: Curriculum Committee 2018-2019, 2012-2013 • Chair: Fellowships & Visiting Professor Appointments Committee 2011-2012 • Coach: International Environmental Law Competition Spring 2012 • Member: Appointments Committee 2011-2012 • Member: Fellowships & Visiting Professor Appointments Committee 2010-2011 • Co-Organizer: Faculty Retreat 2010-2011

University of Illinois • Consensual Relationships Policy Committee 2018-2020 • Socially Responsible Investment and Licensing Advisory Committee 2013-present o Chair 2015- 2019 • Program in Arms Control, Disarmament and International Security 2013-2016

Florida State University College of Law • Member: Clerkships Committee 2010-2011 • Coach: National Security Moot Court Competition Spring 2010 • Member: Appointments Committee 2008-2009

Media and Public Engagement • Regular Contributor, Justia Blog 2017-present • Contributor, Human Rights at Home Blog 2014- 2016 • Speaker, Center for Global Studies: Teach-Ins 2013-present Topics focus on contemporary international issues such as the Syrian civil war and the Syrian refugee crisis • Quoted in and/or Interviewed for ABA Journal, ABC Springfield, Above the Law, AP News, Brookhaven Courier, Champaign News Gazette, the Collegian, Chicago Daily News Bulletin, Chicago Tribune, Crain’s Chicago Business, Daily Illini, Forbes, Fox News, Good Morning Illini, La Presse, Mother Jones, NBCNews.com; Tallahassee Democrat, UChicago News, Washington Post, WGLT News, WICS.com, WILL Radio, and WNIJ . • Background Information Provider for Berlingske, Brennan Center for Civil Liberties, Mother Jones, and New York Times

Service to the Profession • International Center for Advocates against Discrimination 2013- 2015 Board of Directors • American Society of International Law, member 2006- present • American Constitution Society, member 2006- present • Junior International Legal Scholars Association 2006-2011 • Maryland Bar Association, member 2002-present