Pafiliwn / Pavilion

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Pafiliwn / Pavilion 14:55 Unawd i Ferched 16 ac o Cerdd Dant Solo 16 and DYDD LLUN 5 AWST / dan 19 oed / Girls’ Solo under 21 (23) MONDAY 5 AUGUST 16 and under 19 (57) PAFILIWN / PAVILION 14:45 Unawd Alaw Werin 16 ac Nodwch: Gall yr amserlen gystadlaethau redeg yn fuan neu yn hwyr / 15:15 Beirniadaeth / o dan 21 oed / Folk Song Adjudication (18) Solo 16 and under 21 (5) Please note: Competitions can run ahead of or behind schedule 10:00 Parti Alaw Werin o dan 25 oed hyd at 20 mewn 15:25 Llefaru Unigol 16 ac o dan 14:55 Cyflwyno Tlysau Sefydliad nifer / Folk Song Party 21 oed / Solo Recitation y Merched am y Stondin under 25 with up to 20 16 and under 21 (152) Orau / Winners of the members (3) WI Best Stall Trophy 15:40 Canlyniad / Result (58) 10:15 Unawd i Ferched 12 ac o 15:05 Beirniadaeth / 15:50 Canlyniad / Result (57) 16:05 Canlyniad / Result (105) 13:00 Canlyniad / Result (8) dan 16 oed / Girls’ Solo Adjudication (32) DYDD SADWRN 3 AWST / 12 and under 16 (59) 16:00 Canlyniad / Result (152) SATURDAY 3 AUGUST 16:10 Canlyniad / Result (13) 13:05 Dawns Disgo, Hip Hop neu 15:15 Deuawd Cerdd Dant o dan Stryd i Bâr neu Driawd / 10:30 Unawd i Fechgyn 12 ac o 16:30 Seremoni’r Coroni / 21 oed / Cerdd Dant Duet 16:15 Ensemble Lleisiol Disco, Hip Hop or Street dan 16 oed / Boys’ Solo Crowning Ceremony under 21 (21) Agored / Open Vocal Dance Pair or Trio (109) 12 and under 16 (60) Ensemble (38) 15:35 Canlyniad / Result (23) 10:00 Bandiau Pres Dosbarth 4 10:45 Unawd Alaw Werin 12 ac / Brass Bands Section 4 13:20 Canlyniad / Result (156) 15:40 Cyflwyno Llywyddion 16:35 Canlyniad / Result (61) o dan 16 oed / Folk Song DYDD MAWRTH 6 AWST / (15) 13:25 Cyflwyno Rhaglen o Solo 12 and under 16 (6) Anrhydeddus 2019 / 16:40 Canlyniad / Result (154) TUESDAY 6 AUGUST 2019 Honorary Presidents 11:20 Bandiau Pres Dosbarth 3 Adloniant: Côr heb fod 11:00 Canlyniad / Result (59) Presentation / Brass Bands Section 3 16:45 Dawns Aml-gyfrwng i yn llai nag 20 mewn Bâr neu Driawd mewn nifer / Entertainment (14) 11:05 Canlyniad / Result (60) 10:00 Deialog / Dialogue (115) 15:55 Canlyniad / Result (5) unrhyw arddull / Multi- Programme: Choir of no 12:00 Seremoni Agoriadol disciplinary Dance for Pair fewer than 20 members 11:10 Unawd Cerdd Dant 10:40 Unawd Bariton/Bas 19 16:00 Canlyniad / Result (21) ac Urddo’r Cymrawd (28) 12 ac o dan 16 oed / or Trio in any genre (106) ac o dan 25 oed / 16:30 Seremoni Gwobr Geraint R Jones / Cerdd Dant Solo 12 and Baritone/Bass Solo 19 Opening Ceremony 17:00 Monolog 12 ac o dan 16 15:45 Canlyniad / Result (104) under 16 (24) Goffa Daniel Owen / and under 25 (52) Daniel Owen Memorial oed / Monologue 12 and 15:50 Canlyniad / Result (109) 12:15 Cystadleuaeth Gorawl under 16 (117) 11:25 Canlyniad / Result (6) 11:20 Unawd Mezzo-Soprano/ Prize Ceremony Eisteddfodau Cymru / 15:55 Unawd Cerdd Dant o dan Contralto/Gwrth-denor 17:20 Enillwyr Celfyddydau 11:30 Beirniadaeth / Choral Competition (34) 12 oed / Cerdd Dant Solo 19 ac o dan 25 oed / Gweledol / Visual Arts Adjudication (3) under 12 (25) Mezzo-Soprano/ 13:55 Dawns Unigol Disgo, Winners DYDD MERCHER 7 AWST / 11:40 Llefaru Unigol 12 ac o dan Contralto/Counter-tenor Hip Hop neu Stryd 12 oed 16:05 Unawd Alaw Werin o dan WEDNESDAY 7 AUGUST 16 oed / Solo Recitation Solo 19 and under 25 a throsodd / Individual 17:35 Canlyniad / Result (38) 12 oed / Folk Song Solo Disco, Hip Hop or Street 12 and under 16 (153) (50) 17:40 Canlyniad / Result (106) under 12 (7) Dance 12 and over (107) 11:55 Monolog 16 ac o dan 19 12:00 Canlyniad / Result (115) 09:00 Cyflwyniad Mudiad 16:15 Dawns Disgo, Hip Hop 17:45 Canlyniad / Result (117) oed / Monologue 16 and Meithrin / Pre-School 14:10 Dawns Unigol Disgo, neu Stryd i Grwˆp / Group under 19 (116) 12:05 Unawd o Sioe Gerdd o Presentation Hip Hop neu Stryd o dan Disco, Hip Hop or Street dan 19 oed / Solo from 12 oed / Individual Disco, Dance (110) 12:20 Canlyniad / Result (24) a Musical 19 and under 10:00 Rhuban Glas Offerynnol Hip Hop or Street Dance DYDD SUL 4 AWST / (56) 16 ac o dan 19 oed / 16:30 Canu Emyn i rai 60 oed a 12:25 Rhuban Glas Offerynnol under 12 (108) SUNDAY 4 AUGUST Instrumental Blue Riband throsodd / Hymn Solo 60 o dan 16 oed / 12:30 Canlyniad / Result (52) 16 and under 19 (72) 14:25 Canlyniad / Result (15) and over (45) Instrumental Blue Riband under 16 (79) 12:35 Canlyniad / Result (50) 11:00 Deuawd Cerdd Dant 21 14:30 Canlyniad / Result (14) 10:00 Bandiau Pres 16:45 Canlyniad / Result (25) 12:40 Dawns Stepio Unigol i oed a throsodd / Cerdd 14:35 Bandiau Pres Dosbarth 2 Pencampwriaeth/ 13:25 Parti Cerdd Dant o dan Dosbarth 1 / Brass Bands 16:50 Canlyniad / Result (7) 25 oed hyd at 20 mewn Ferched o dan 18 oed Dant Duet 21 and over / Brass Bands Section 2 / Girls’ Individual Step (20) Championship/Section 1 16:55 Llefaru Unigol o’r nifer / Cerdd Dant Party (13) Dance under 18 (101) (12) Ysgrythur 16 oed under 25 with up to 20 11:15 Unawd Soprano 19 ac o 15:15 Dawns Greadigol/Gyfoes a throsodd / Solo members (18) 12:55 Dawns Stepio Unigol i dan 25 oed / Soprano Solo i Grwˆp / Group Creative/ 12:15 Cyflwyniad ar Lafar, Dawns a Chân / Recitation from the 13:40 Canlyniad / Result (153) Fechgyn o dan 18 oed / 19 and under 25 (49) Modern Dance (105) Scriptures 16 and over Presentation in Words, Boys’ Individual Step 11:50 Beirniadaeth / (155) 13:45 Canlyniad / Result (116) 15:25 Beirniadaeth / Dance and Song (8) Dance under 18 (100) Adjudication (72) Adjudication (34) 14:00 Seremoni Cyflwyno Medal 12:30 Llefaru Unigol o’r 17:10 Canlyniad / Result (110) 13:10 Côr i rai 60 oed a Goffa Syr TH Parry- 12:00 Dawns Stepio Unigol 15:35 Canlyniad / Result (107) Ysgrythur o dan 16 oed / throsodd / Choir for those 17:15 Canlyniad / Result (45) Williams / Sir TH Parry- i Ferched 18 oed Solo Recitation from the aged 60 and over (32) 15:40 Canlyniad / Result (108) Williams Memorial Medal a throsodd / Girls’ Scriptures under 16 (156) 17:20 Beirniadaeth / Presentation Ceremony 14:20 Canlyniad / Result (56) Individual Step Dance 18 15:45 Unawd o dan 12 oed / Adjudication (28) 12:40 Dawns Greadigol/Gyfoes and over (99) Solo under 12 (61) 14:30 Unawd i Fechgyn 16 ac o 14:25 Canlyniad / Result (101) Unigol / Solo Creative/ 17:30 Canlyniad / Result (155) dan 19 oed / Boys’ Solo 12:20 Dawns Stepio Unigol Modern Dance (104) 14:30 Canlyniad / Result (100) 15:55 Llefaru Unigol o dan 12 16 and under 19 (58) i Fechgyn 18 oed oed / Solo Recitation 12:55 Canlyniad / Result (12) 14:35 Unawd Cerdd Dant a throsodd / Boys’ under 12 (154) 14:45 Beirniadaeth / 16 ac o dan 21 oed / Individual Step Dance 18 Adjudication (79) and over (98) 14 15 12:40 Canlyniad / Result (20) 20:05 Ysgoloriaeth W Towyn 13:20 Côr Merched heb fod yn 11:35 Beirniadaeth / 19:55 Côr Cymysg heb fod yn llai 16:55 Cystadleuaeth Tlws Roberts / W Towyn llai nag 20 mewn nifer / Adjudication (146) nag 20 mewn nifer – Rhan Cymdeithas Ddawns 12:45 Canlyniad / Result (49) Roberts Scholarship (39) Womens’ Choir with no 2 / Mixed Choir with no Werin Cymru / Welsh Folk 11:45 Rhuban Glas Offerynnol 12:50 Unawd Tenor 19 ac o dan less than 20 members less than 20 members – Dance Society Trophy 21:25 Beirniadaeth / (31) 19 oed a throsodd / Part 2 (29) Competition (94) 25 oed / Tenor Solo 19 Adjudication (54) Instrumental Blue Riband and under 25 (51) 15:05 Canlyniad / Result (48) 19 and over (65) 21:15 Unawd Tenor 25 oed a 17:20 Beirniadaeth / 21:35 Beirniadaeth / 13:25 Canlyniad / Result (99) throsodd / Tenor Solo 25 Adjudication (22) Adjudication (114) 15:10 Côr Dysgwyr / 12:45 Beirniadaeth / and over (42) 13:30 Canlyniad / Result (98) Learners’ Choir (126) Adjudication (1) 17:30 Beirniadaeth / 21:45 Cyhoeddi enillydd 21:50 Canlyniad / Result (41) Adjudication (4) 13:35 Tlws y Cerddor / Ysgoloriaeth Goffa 15:35 Cystadleuaeth y 12:55 Parti Alaw Werin hyd at Musicians’ Medal (86) Wilbert Lloyd Roberts / Dysgwyr – i’w dewis gan 20 mewn nifer / Folk 21:55 Beirniadaeth / 17:40 Gwobr Goffa Llwyd o’r Announcement of winner y beirniaid ar y dydd / Song Party with up to 20 Adjudication (29) Bryn 21 oed a throsodd / 13:55 Côr Ieuenctid o dan 25 of Wilbert Lloyd Roberts Learners’ Competition members (2) Llwyd o’r Bryn Memorial oed heb fod yn llai nag 20 Memorial Scholarship – to be chosen by the 22:05 Canlyniad / Result (42) Prize 21 and over (148) mewn nifer / Youth Choir (55) adjudicators on the day 13:25 Beirniadaeth / under 25 with over 20 Adjudication (16) 18:10 Beirniadaeth / members (33) 21:50 Beirniadaeth / 15:50 Canlyniad / Result (97) Adjudication (30) Adjudication (39) 13:35 Parti Llefaru hyd at 16 DYDD SADWRN 10 AWST / 14:55 Canlyniad / Result (51) 15:55 Gwobr Goffa Osborne mewn nifer / Recitation SATURDAY 10 AUGUST 18:20 Canlyniad y Gân Gymraeg Roberts, Ysgoloriaeth Party with up to 16 Orau / Adjudication for 15:00 Deuawd Offerynnol William Park-Jones, members (147) the Best Welsh Song (35) Agored / Open DYDD IAU 8 AWST / Ysgoloriaeth Côr Meibion Instrumental Duet (64) THURSDAY 8 AUGUST Cymry Llundain a Gwobr 14:10 Beirniadaeth / 10:00 Unawd Lieder/Cân Gelf 18:25 Cyflwyno Tlws Arweinydd Adjudication (65) 25 oed a throsodd / Corawl yr Wˆyl er cof 15:25 Llefaru/Cyflwyno Darn Sefydliad Cymru Gogledd America / Osborne Lieder/Art Song Solo 25 am Sioned James / Digri Agored / Open 14:20 Cystadleuaeth Tlws and over (46) Presentation of the 10:00 Llefaru Unigol Agored / Roberts Memorial Prize, Humorous Recitation/ Coffa Lois Blake / Lois Festival Conductor Trophy Open Solo Recitation William Park-Jones Presentation (150) Blake Memorial Trophy 10:15 Dawns Stepio i Grwˆp / in memory of Sioned (149) Scholarship, London Competition (93)
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