32 ½ Duke Street, Kingston CSO Tel: 926-1344 Ext: 4749 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.jnfoundation.com Facebook.com/JNFoundation Twitter.com/JNFoundation Pinterest, You Tube, Instagram, Linkedin JN Foundation App on App Store and Google Play CONTENTS 04 Who we are 05 Our Purpose 06 Messages 08 Our Focus 09 Snapshot 10 JN Group Lead With ACT!ON 14 Flagship Projects 35 Our Network 40 A Closer Look WHO WE ARE 3 The Jamaica National Building Society Foundation, of key stakeholders and beneficiaries. Innovation and commonly called the JN Foundation, is the philanthropic energy are central to the internal workings of the arm of the JN Group. Mandated to contribute in a real Foundation, who believe that this innovation can inspire way to Jamaica’s development, the JN Foundation change and strong action which will lead to impact! has become a leader amongst Jamaica’s corporate Hence the mantra – Innovating, Inspiring, Impacting!! Foundations. Leading with Act!on Focusing on rural development through economic The JN Foundation not only awards grants to NGO’s, growth and educational empowerment, the JN charities and community groups; but rather operates Foundation aims to bring about change within like an NGO by developing and delivering projects communities through the involvement and support directly, and often in collaboration with multilateral and international partners. OUR PURPOSE 4 VISION OUR GUIDING PRINCIPLES Our vision is that Jamaicans wherever they may be, are • We are a part of the solution, and so is every member able to achieve