Mh MONTI Lypaynlintsci4tdwi Draft Eivu Rights Propooala For/ the Ing U.N
rACnSCXtBEN MONDAY, MAY S, 1961 ATeraffllU ly Net Frees Run iUanrl)p0tpr lEttPttfttg HrraUi For tha Wook K U tt The WiBtkir V t; Marah U , ISSl Foreeaat of D. a W amOr • Dr. Jacdb A. Segal, chief, pf MaBchester Aaaembly, Onder of MIM. Rhower* "a«i I eai^iolagy at Manchester Meino- Rainbow for Girls, will hold a •to mu devaioptug, About Town riifl Hospital, has been Hated In the buatneas meeting tonight at 7:SD In Miss Neubeil: 13,317 nlfhL Low la I • lf«Mbw of the Au«t National AaaociaOon fot 19W- edition of, “ American Men of the Masonic Temple to elect of dcMtaif Murly WejhAelay, Medicine," a publication started in ficers. Officers tvill wear white. Boraaa of OhMiatlaB rotw ^ d OUkIren'a North Coa> Heads Gmiiell fair. High 804& ference he held May » , 10 1945 imder the title of "Who’s Im- Manchetter— ^A City of Village Charm potrant in Medicine,” This ref The Army-Navy Auxiliary will a ^ t l a^t thaNotel Cheridan BQt- erence book contains biographical aponsor ^ public card party to Misa Elizabeth Neubert o f the Inora In RrefrWence, R. I. sketches of, physicians and surge night at 8 in the clubhouse. Community Baptlat Church \nu HOUSE VOL. LXXX, NO. 186 (TWENTY PAGES) BIANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1961 (Oluallled AdvertJatiig on Fnge 16) ons whose achievements have re elected president of tha Manchba- I>r. Da\'id L. Warren of the Man- ceived professional and public The Frank J.,Mansfield Marine ter Christian Youth Council at its cheater Memorial Hospital medical recognition- ,, Corns League Auxiliary will meet annual meeting yesterday at Sec atair is attending the annnat meet at the Army • and Navy Club ond Oongregatiopal Church.
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