1 United Reformed Church

In Touch

September 2012


Welcome to In Touch – the magazine of Cheltenham United Reformed Church.

Cheltenham United Reformed Church is a joint Pastorate of the 3 United Reformed Churches in Cheltenham. This means that they share a Minister – Revd Maz Allen – and indeed they work very closely together in all respects. New readers, who may also be new to the area, can be assured of a warm welcome at all 3 Churches:-

St Andrew’s United Reformed Church is situated in Cheltenham town centre. It is a former Presbyterian Church built in 1885. Recent renovations have retained its essential character whilst at the same time delivering an impressive facility meeting the needs of the 21st Century. Current membership is around the 100 mark.

Prestbury United Reformed Church serves the village of Prestbury to the north of Cheltenham. It is a former Congregational Chapel built in 1866. Current membership is around the 20 mark. Services are normally held at Prestbury on only the 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays of each month.

The Church in Warden Hill is a Local Ecumenical Partnership (LEP) between the Anglican and URC communities serving the large residential districts of Hatherley and Warden Hill to the south of Cheltenham. Sunday morning services currently alternate between St Christopher’s and the URC Centre with a typical congregation of 85. Ministry is shared between the URC Minister (Revd Maz Allen) and members of the Anglican South Cheltenham Team Ministry of whom the Revd Jacqui Hyde has particular responsibility for The Church in Warden Hill. The Church in Warden Hill has its own church magazine – The Lantern – but its activities and events are also publicised in this In Touch magazine. The website of the Cheltenham United Reformed Church (www.urcic.org.uk) and the website of The Church in Warden Hill (www.tciwh.org.uk) are further sources of information about the churches.

3 Dear Friends, You may or may not be fed up with hearing about the Olympics, but there is no doubt that the UK’s ‘feel good’ factor has resulted in more smiles, more cross-cultural unity and more pride in our nation than for many years. I was fortunate enough to be in the Olympic Park on Super Saturday – the day the UK won 6 gold medals. The fact that I went to the swimming and had no knowledge of what was going on in other venues made no difference to the atmosphere. I cheered and screamed for Team GB even though two swimmers came fifth and two came last. Along with everyone else, I also cheered the Chinese guy who beat the world record, and Michael Phelps who won his last gold before retiring. What mattered was being part of a bigger picture where appreciation could be shown to all athletes regardless of nationality. Is not this exactly what Jesus was meaning when he said ‘love your neighbour as yourself? Jesus teaches us to look beyond self – or at least, selfish desires – and to appreciate the good in others. Sometimes this good is so hidden from us that we have a job to see it. At other times, for example, on a Friday and Saturday evening in Cheltenham town centre, even extremely intoxicated young people have a goodness in them which is evident, often funny and usually deserving of a hug (though it is usually the young person who hugs me). I look forward to going to the Paralympics. I want to see whether Great Britain can again show her generosity of spirit to those who have denied themselves so much in order to take part. Olympians are a good example for Christians: we too are asked to deny self for the sake of Jesus Christ. Thank goodness we do not have to literally run a race for Christ – I wouldn’t stand a chance; but to fly the flag for Jesus and God’s kingdom values – yes, I hope I can manage that. Yours in Christ, Maz

4 CHELTENHAM UNITED REFORMED CHURCH In Memoriam: It is with sadness that we report the passing of Peter Thorns. Peter died just short of his 90th birthday at Coldstream, Scotland. Peter moved there recently to be near family. Our love and sympathy go to Peter’s family. Peter attended St. Andrews for many years and older members may remember him as one of the founding group who produced and sold Creative Cards. This was a very good source of income for URCiC for many years while Peter was its treasurer and several of us met at Peter's home about once a fortnight to make up the cards, which were being sold all around the town and beyond. With failing health Peter moved to Faithful House and was no longer involved with the cards although he still took a keen interest in St. Andrews. Wendy Outram Our prayers: we hold in our prayers those for whom we are concerned: Eric Smyth and family, the family of the late Peter Thorn, the family of the late Beryl Davis, , Brenda Manser, Hugh Crawford, Theo Webber, Dorothy Austin, Mary Cummings, Brian Hall, Barbara MacGregor, and Molly Rideout.


Beryl Davies - 1926 - 2012 An extract from the tribute paid by Revd Alan Willcocks at Beryl’s Thanksgiving & Commendation service on 25th June 2012. We looked back on the life of Beryl Davies and paid tribute to someone whose death leaves a void in each of our lives. We remembered Beryl’s faith, her sincerity and her sacrificial spirit. We recalled the kind of person she was – mother, grandmother, great grandmother, neighbour and friend. She was indeed a most courageous and committed person and most of all a lovely Christian Lady. Beryl and her husband Haydn married and lived in Shaftsbury and although Shaftsbury isn’t a holiday resort, all their family descended on them regularly. Beryl put them up, cooked and catered for them – Auntie’s, Uncles, Cousins, Parents and In-laws. Beryl’s love and commitment was not only for husband but also for her children, Moira and Stephen. Beryl was a very industrious wife and mother, always baking, cleaning and mending. She and Haydn moved to Cyprus with Haydn’s work leaving the children in London and Bristol. On their return to Beryl and Haydn settled down in Warden Hill and joined the URC church. In 1985 Beryl was diagnosed as having MS, she depended on Haydn until his death in 1992 when she had to become more caring for herself. It was then that she sold her house and moved to her bungalow. Her last ten years were a constant struggle, she suffered countless falls, each one weakening her a little more but she continued to do things for herself. Tribute must be paid to Moira for the devotion she showed to her mother during the last years of Beryl’s life. Beryl leaves her two children, their spouses and nine grand and great grandchildren. Brian Miles


Sadie Smyth = Died 13th June 2012 An extract from the address give by Maz at Sadie’s funeral on 26th June 2012. ‘There is more happiness in giving than in receiving’ It is safe to say that Sadie lived her whole life by that philosophy, wanting to give pleasure to, and take an interest in others and never putting herself first. Sadie was born in Belfast and was the 4th of six children. She had a happy childhood though her father died young and her mother brought them up single-handed. Sadie started work at 14 in a printing works and went to Sandy Road Methodist Church. Sadie met Eric when watching him play football, she was 15 and he was 18. They courted for six years and got married on 26 October 1949 initially living with Sadie’s mother. Their first two children were born – Eric and Colin, and Sadie’s delight in being a mother began. Their first home was in Dumury where Pam was born. Eric had a motorbike and sidecar in which he managed to fit Sadie, three children and a dog. Their next house was in Cherny Hill where Ian and Paul were born. The family moved with Eric’s work to Hong Kong in 1968 and stayed there for four years. During their time there Sadie was a wig inspector and also taught English to Japanese, Chinese and Korean children. They returned to the UK and to Cheltenham in 1971 moving to their home in Salisbury Avenue in 1983. This is when they joined the URC church in Warden Hill. Eric was soon running the youth club with Sadie’s help. Over the years Sadie has helped at church fetes and many other activities – Eric and Sadie ran raffles at most of the church events. Sadie worked at the Spa shop where she became well known. In 1990 soon after Sadie retired she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Tribute has to be paid to the family for being so supportive and especially to Eric for not only being a loving husband but a devoted full- time carer. Sadie leaves 5 children and their spouses, 11 grandchildren, 5 great grandchildren and two sisters. Brian Miles

7 Hospital Chaplaincy Volunteers Training Course Wednesday Mornings 19 September – 21 November 2012

Do you like meeting new people? Are you good at listening? Do you have a personal belief? Can you accept and care for those who may have very different beliefs or values from your own? Are you concerned for the well -being of other people? Are you able to pray for people? If you answer YES to most or all of these questions, you may want to consider becoming a hospital chaplaincy volunteer. The Department of Spiritual Care (Chaplaincy) at The Gloucestershire Hospitals Trust is looking to recruit and train new volunteers to a variety of different roles which will support the spiritual, religious and pastoral needs of patients in hospital. These roles include visiting of hospital wards, helping with activities for patients including those with dementia and assisting with sacramental ministry. It is not about proselytising or converting people to a particular set of beliefs. Volunteers will be expected to offer and provide support to those who want it whilst adhering to strict hospital guidelines. For further information and an application form, please contact Reverend Mark Read on 08454 22 6200 or [email protected]

8 In Touch Printing - Volunteers Required The Church in Warden Hill has very kindly offered the Church Council the use of their all singing/all dancing photocopier for producing the Church magazine in-house. If we accept this offer we would save at least half the cost of producing the magazine. Before the Church Council discusses this topic we would need to have names of at least 4 volunteers who would be willing to offer half day in the last week of the month to photocopy the magazine in readiness for distribution. It will only need 2 volunteers each month and there are 10 copies each year but having 4 volunteers would mean that each team would only be required for five half days in the year. Full training on the use of the machine would of course be given. If you are interested please could you contact Ann Lewis.

Congratulations: Congratulations to Richard and Geoffrey Hall who did brilliantly in their finals this summer at Durham and Oxford and who have now graduated from University as M.Math and M.MathCompSci respectively (although Geoffrey doesn’t get his ceremony till next May). Both are starting work in the ‘real world’ - Geoffrey here in Cheltenham and Richard in Durham. We wish them well in their future lives.

9 General Assembly 7th- 10July 2012 – Scarborough What is General Assembly? Every 2-years, each URC Synod nominates ministers of Word and Sacraments, Church Related Community Workers (CRCWs), and lay people to attend General Assembly. The URC is a bottom up Church so this meeting ensures that a mixture of local church’s views are represented and used to formulate church policies and decisions. This year Maz Allen and Julie Jefferies were delegates and Emma Jefferies was a delegate of Children’s Assembly, which was running concurrently. What were the main topics of discussion? Two new churches were formally received into the URC – Heston Asian URC in West London and Bournemouth International Church. Both are mission projects of the church and are thriving. Rapturous applause for the jubilee ministers – those ministers who were celebrating more that 50 years of ministry – including our own Rev Jack Garside. Budget cuts - General Assembly accepted the recommendation of Mission Council (a body also made up of lay and ministers representing all Synods, that meet to deal with church business between assemblies and as instructed by General Assembly). General Assembly asked six committees to cut their budgets to a total tune of £600,000. This had wide reaching implications for Education and Training, the length of General Assembly, no Youth or Children’s workers at a national level. Changes to ministers’ pension benefits – URC ministers wishing to receive a full pension will must work until the age of 68 in the future. Recognising the reducing number of adults aged 20 to 40 in the URC and the concerns of the URC Youth Assembly 2012: Assembly asked Mission Council to address these issues and consider how to improve the integration of this age group at all levels of the URC. One of the most contentious debates was regarding the resignation of Lawrence Moore as Moderator Elect. The bottom line is that the Mission Council meeting at which acrimonious words were exchanged, was held in ‘closed session’ meaning that Assembly could not be given any information. This continues to lead to speculation as to what happened: whether it was all to do with the collapse of the Zero Intolerance campaign or whether something else was going on. We will never know. However, Assembly instructed a facilitation group to be set up to bring

10 about a reconciliation process which includes pastoral care of Lawrence and the other Mission Council members concerned. The URC’s Treasurer (who was voted in as Lay Moderator-Elect) stressed that members of our churches should aim to give 5% of their income after tax to the church. This is a difference in wording from previous pleas. Before, it was ‘5% of disposable income’. This new stewardship campaign is asking for more, for the obvious reason that the denomination cannot sustain its commitments to ministry and mission with present giving trends. This is an issue for us. We are being called to make sacrificial giving our priority. Please work out what 5% of your income after tax (and before you have paid the bills) actually amounts to and seriously consider trying to meet that target. Remember, not all of your increase goes to the M&M (Mission & Ministry) Fund: it goes to your own church’s mission commitments, which includes paying its M&M quota. An important resolution passed was to give each local church the authority to decide itself whether or not to register its building to hold civil partnership ceremonies. The Anglican, Methodist and Baptist denominations said ‘no’ but, being the URC, we are leaving the decision to the local church. Sadly, this discounts Warden Hill. Prestbury and St. Andrew’s church meetings must decide what their policy is going to be. They also need to decide on a policy as regards the blessing of a civil partnership, where a same-sex couple have had a civil ceremony and are seeking God’s blessing in a church. These two items will come up at church meetings this year so please consider your own position/views carefully. A walk of witness was held on Sunday morning from St. Andrews URC Scarborough to the town hall where we met the local MP and handed over a statement of concern regarding the social impact of poverty and inequality in the UK. In brief, we called on the Government to expedite reforms to tax law to ensure tax-avoidance is outlawed; introduce a financial transaction tax; continue to provide legal aid and debt counselling funding from Central funds. Moderators Elect are: Revd. David Grosch-Miller (2014-16) and Mr. John Ellis (2013-16). Julie Jefferies & Maz Allen

11 St Andrew’s News:

St Andrew’s Communion Offering for September Communion and Harvest Offerings - The Windermere Centres - Wateraid The Windermere Centre The Windermere Centre is the URC’s residential centre in the Lake District. It’s actually more than that: it’s also a conference centre, a retreat centre and a hotel. As well as courses on topics like Bible study, worship and prayer, there are also courses on a variety of arts and crafts and outdoor activities. The Centre can also be used by churches, groups and committees to run their own programmes or meetings. As a hotel the Windermere Centre is ideal for holidays in the Lake District. All 21 rooms have en- suite facilities and bed-and-breakfast, half-board and full-board stays are available. Since May this year the Centre has been running online study courses. The Old Testament course is now complete and available, and the New Testament course will be available soon. More information on the Windermere Centre is available from their website: windermere.urc.org.uk, email [email protected] telephone 015394 44902, address Windermere Centre, Lake Road, Windermere, LA23 2BY. Wateraid We also ask you to extend your generosity a little further this month with your support for the offering at this year’s Harvest Thanksgiving service on Sunday 30th September, which is for Wateraid, the charity the church has supported before and which a number of us support individually. Wateraid is the topic of the illustrated talk at the Forum on 25th September, so you can learn a lot more about what it is achieving by coming along at 2.30pm in the Garden Room.


Pensioners’ Forum – Wednesday 5 September – ‘Warm & Well’ Come along on Wednesday 5th September and find an easier way to keep warm this winter for you, your friends and family. Warm and Well offer:  Free, impartial energy advice  Information on the best deals and grants available News about how you can refer a friend or relative. Did you know:  Health problems can be made worse if you don’t keep warm enough  Poor insulation means heat leaks out of your roof, your walls, your windows and doors – even up an open chimney.  With ever-rising heating bills, you need to do as much as you can to stop the heat leaking, otherwise it’s like throwing money away. If a home is too cold, people of any age with health problems are at increased risk. Breathing problem (such as asthma), heart attacks and strokes can get worse if people are too cold for too long. The coffee bar will be open from 10am and the talk will begin at 11am. Please invite your friends and neighbours. Ann Lewis

BIRTHDAY TEA For all with birthdays July, Aug and Sept tea at Maz’s Manse 19 The Oaks, Sat. 1st Sept. 3-5pm.


Pensioners’ Forum at St Andrew’s United Reformed Church (near Queen’s Hotel)

Programme for 2012 st Meets on the 1 Wednesday of the Month

You are invited to the following Talks 11.00am – 12 noon

Wednesday 5 September ‘Warm and Well’ Getting ready for Winter

Wednesday 3 October Acupuncture Julian Kingscote

Wednesday 7 November Safer driving with age (SAGE) Garry Handley

Wednesday 5 December Management & Prevention of Falls Will Carr, St Paul’s Centre

FREE ENTRY – ALL ARE WELCOME Coffee Bar open from 10.30am – 12 noon Coffee/Tea 50p


Some wives like to sit and sew, others love to knit, Some attend the Tuesday Guild or classes to keep fit, My wife simply loves to cook which suits me very well, Except the cooking’s not for me it’s for the church to sell. Homemade marmalades and jams, spicy chutneys too, There are jars in almost every room, still she produces new, The marmalades are tangy and really worth a try, The fresh fruit jams are just as nice, I would not tell a lie, To try her chutney is a must, the flavours are divine, I recommend her pickles with a little cheese and wine, The reason for this little ode is just to let you know, Preserves to help St Andrew’s are always on the go, You’ll find them on the Saturday stall but if you can’t be there, Ring Margaret H and we’ll find a way, there’s no need to despair. Anon

St Andrew’s Christian Bookshop The shop will be open from 10am – 2pm Monday to Friday, offering a selection of books, cards, music and gifts. Do come along and have a browse! We’d love to see you. Kay ********************

HELP! Do you enjoy meeting people? Do you like reading books? Do you have a spare hour or two? I would love to hear from you as I need help in the bookshop. Please speak to me if you can help. Kay


Wednesday Women Group - Wednesday 5th September - St Andrew’s at 7.30pm. Kay Boulton - ‘Film night’. starting at 7.30 pm. All are welcome. Doors open 7.15pm. The Wednesday Women program is normally held on the first Wednesday of the month at St Andrew’s. All meetings start at 7.30pm with a charge of £2.00 per event.

Knit and Chat Group - More information from Donna Sutherland The next meeting is on Thursday 20th September at St Andrew’s at 1.00pm.

Footsloggers: Friday 19th October - Footsloggers Walking Group. Details of the walk to be led by Jill & Robert Glen are to be found on Church Notice Boards nearer the time. All are most welcome.


An Appetiser based on Eggs and Water Yes, after our summer break we restart the Forum meetings in September. I know, you’re saying to yourself “summer, what summer?” Surely you remember those five days in July? Well that was it! The new programme of talks and teas will be available shortly, and we shall be enjoying afternoons with topics as varied as eggs, water, James Bond, mayoresses and strippers and teasers. (Fitzroy took a sudden interest in that last one and now he’s gone off for a cold shower, tut, tut!). The first meeting is onTuesday 11th September, when Maz Allen will be explaining why it is sometimes a good thing to put “All Your Eggs in One Basket,” and she will bring some lovely examples to prove it - but definitely no chickens! Our meeting on 25th September is entitled “Water,Water Everywhere...... ”, all about water, or rather the lack of it, and the clue is in the rest of that Coleridge quotation.* David Gregory will be giving an illustrated talk about Wateraid, a charity that is bringing clean water to hundreds of millions of people around the world who either have no ready access to water or have to cope with dirty or disease- infected water. It is no coincidence that the St. Andrew’s Harvest Festival offering on the following Sunday, 30th September, is for Wateraid. The Forum meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 2,30pm in the Garden Room at St. Andrew’s. Interesting talks, tea and biscuits (and a chance to catch up on the latest gossip) - that’s the Forum. See you there! Keith Norcott *Just in case it’s slipped your mind, “Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink.”


Eco Church Freecycle: Have you any useful items you no longer need that might be of use to someone else - please let Ann Lewis know with full details of the item and please leave your telephone number so we can get back to you. A Yogurt Maker and Coffee Maker - Electrical, and Anthony Worrell- Thompson Juicer (3 items). Phone Carol Drummond Gents Bicycle and Office Supplies (folders & guides) (free of charge) . Phone Tony Jeans

The Butterfly Garden The Butterfly Garden is an educational, therapeutic and recreational scheme, based initially on gardening, but now offering so much more. It is a project for people of all ages dealing with disablement of any kind and is based at Dundry Nursery, Bamfurlong Lane, Cheltenham, GL51 6SL. They have secured full waste management and carriers licences for the project and have a very effective recycling programme for horticultural plastic and cardboard e.g. plastic flowerpots etc, so don’t put them in your green bin but take them to the Butterfly Garden. They also collect old video tapes which they take to pieces, rewind the tape and sell it for garden ties. Aluminium cans are also welcome which are sold on and the money put back into the Charity. You can find out more on www.thebutterflygarden.org or why not call in, visitors are always welcome.


You are invited to Our Harvest Festival on Sunday 30 September at 11am followed by a ‘Bring and Share’ Lunch

All are welcome

Donations of tins and dried goods will be gratefully received


TAI CHI QI GONG Lida - e mail: [email protected] QI GONG

At St Andrew’s with LIDA VLČEK

NEXT SESSIONS Thursday at noon 6th and 13th September; 4th October 2012 NOTE LATER START TIME Cost £5.00 per session Future sessions to be announced

Gentle exercises especially geared to the needs of older people Based on Chinese traditional practice Promoting self healing and self regulation of the body New members welcome – call Lida for information


News from Prestbury URC Bric a Brac Sale / Coffee Morning – Saturday 1st September 10.30 – 12noon Please join us for a Bric a Brac Sale which will be combined with our monthly coffee morning at the Church on Saturday 1st September from 10.30 to 12.noon. Donations of good quality items would be very much appreciated – please contact Fiona Hall . There will also be the usual mix of teas, coffees, cakes & good company! It would be great to continue to see the familiar faces but also to see some new ones.

Reading Group – ‘David Copperfield’ - Wednesday 5th September 7.30 start The next meeting of the Reading Group will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 5th September at Prestbury URC. To celebrate the anniversary of Charles Dickens' birth, the book we will be discussing will be 'David Copperfield'. New members and/or past members would be most welcome. For any further information contact Mary Cummings

Sunday 23rd September – Harvest Festival and Lunch The Elders and Congregation extend a special invitation to all Elders from St Andrews and all Elders and Council Members at the Church in Warden Hill to join us for our annual Harvest Service and for lunch afterwards. We would also like to invite any of our old friends who have not been to Church for a while to come along as well and catch up with all the news. During the service gifts of tinned and dried goods will be accepted for the Food Bank project. If anyone who is coming for lunch has any special dietary requirements please email [email protected]


News from the Church in Warden Hill - URCC

Saturday 15th September At Warden Hill URC Centre at 2.30pm (doors open at 2.15pm)

For copyright reasons the name of the film cannor be published here—Please contact Tony [email protected] for details ‘Free entry • Family and Friends welcome Refreshments available


Saturday 22nd September At Warden Hill URC Centre at 2.30pm (doors open at 2.15pm) For copyright reasons the name of the film cannor be published here—Please contact Brian [email protected] for details ‘Free entry • Family and Friends welcome Refreshments available

Senior Club program at SC’s on Wednesday’s at 2.15pm

Date Subject Speaker

5th September Beetle

12th September AGM

19th September Safe at Home Martin Hewitt

Things you were dying to 26th September Jeremy Clutterbuck know

3rd October Bingo

23 Help with accommodation: Single Christian man urgently seeking accommodation from mid- September. If you can help, please call Malachi Stone on 07737893988 or email [email protected] Fiona ************************************

The Health Clinic built at Gatondo with the Kenya Projects UK Appeal Fund in 2009

Kenya Projects UK Appeal Are you able to donate one tube of toothpaste to our project? When the team go out to the children’s homes in December, we always give each child a ‘goodie bag’. We have already collected over 100 tooth brushes and now I am asking if you would like to give one 75ml tube of toothpaste – not the large tubes, thank you. There will be boxes at each church. Thank you in anticipation! Maz


Cheltenham Cantilena Orchestra Concert - Sunday 16th September 3.00pm Cheltenham Town Hall This annual charity concert is popular with adults and children. It is held in an informal atmosphere seated around tables, and there will be choirs and dancers from local schools taking part. The exciting programme features show, film and dance music from USA and will include: Symphonic suite from Porgy and Bess - Gershwin Dances from Rodeo - Copland Music from On The Town - Bernstein Wizard of Oz selection - Allen Tickets £12 (£5 under 16) from Town Hall Box Office 0844 576 2210 www.cheltenhamtownhall.org.uk The concert is generously sponsored by Endsleigh Insurance. All proceeds will go to charity, to be shared between Kenya Projects UK and British Heart Foundation Kenya Projects Uk (charity no 1129255) was founded by Revd Maz Allen of URC, and supports St Stephen’s Children’s Home and Utugi Boys’ Home for street children in Embu, Kenya, and the Gatondo Health Clinic. Currently we are raising funds for a bore hole to supply clean water to the Health Clinic, and to provide a carpentry workshop for the Utugi Boys’ Home. I will be visiting the projects with a group (all self-funding their trip) in January 2013. For any further information please contact me, and please support this concert. Thank you! Wendy Price

25 Stop Press….


Susan Nuttall - Update: 15 August 2012

Dear friends, Today I had my last (15th) Radiotherapy treatment and have been fortunate to have had no side effects. I’ve been warned there could be some mild delayed discomfort or tiredness, but am feeling fine!! My sister Mary and I went out to lunch to celebrate. It will be good to have some time without hospital appointments, scans or treatment and to lead a more normal life! In 6-8 weeks time I will have a check up with the oncologist, and also during the autumn with the surgeon and with the chest physician who diagnosed and treated the earlier lung infection. They will continue to monitor me and check there is no recurrence of cancer. I have had excellent care through the year from a great many NHS staff, and am very grateful to them all. I am also very mindful of all the thoughts and prayers and concern of my family and of so many friends and prayer groups that have enfolded me in love through difficult and anxious days, and thank God for you all and for my present recovery. Hopefully I will now be able to join some group activities in Broadway. I have booked a holiday in North Cornwall with my friend Anna (incidentally celebrating 60 years of friendship since we met at the Selly Oak Colleges in September 1952). At the end of September I am to share in leading a service at Broadway URC celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the United Reformed Church and the church traditions that came into the union, exploring our roots in readings and hymns. I had already decided before my illness that I would not return to leading full services.

With renewed thanks and love, Susan


Advanced dates:

Saturday 6th October - Last Night of the Proms - St Andrews at 7.30pm. Proceeds for the St Andrew’s Redevelopment Fund.

Saturday 6th to Saturday 13th October - Literature Festival - St Andrew’s - (all day) from 10am.

Saturday 13th October- ‘Voices to Go’ - St Andrew’s at 7.30pm.

Saturday 20th October At Warden Hill URC Centre at 2.30pm (doors open at 2.15pm) For copyright reasons the name of the film cannor be published here—Please contact Tony [email protected] for details Free entry • Family and Friends welcome Refreshments available


Administration For many months now, the In Touch and other interesting articles are made available for you to read on the church website: www.urcic.org.uk, thankfully uploaded each month by our webmaster, Fiona Hall. Should you wish not to receive your paper copy of In Touch (to save paper) and / or would like the Church notices sent to you by email, please feel free to email the church office with your request. The In Touch Coordinators currently for respective churches are as follows:

Prestbury URC Please see Ian Brooks directly or forward contributions via e-mail ([email protected]). . Contributions most welcome.

The Church in Warden Hill Please see Carole Pennington or Brian Miles directly or forward contributions via e-mail: [email protected] or to church office, [email protected]. Likewise contributions very welcome.

St Andrew’s Please see John Standring directly or forward contributions via e-mail: [email protected] or to church office, [email protected]. ***************************************


29 Cheltenham URC - Prayer

Song of Songs 2:8- Upper area, Churches and Schools 13, Psalm 45:1-2,6-9, Geriatric Care 2 Sept James 1:17-27, Mark Housebound members 7:1-8,14-15,21-23 Prayers for the World Proverbs 22:1-2,8-9, Leckhampton area, Churches and Schools Psalm 125, Sue Ryder, Star College 9 Sept James 2:1-10,14-17, Hospice care Mark 7:24-37 Church organists Prayers for the World Proverbs 1:20-33, Warden Hill area, Churches and Schools Psalm 19, Senior Citizens, 16 Sept James 3:1-12, Mark WH Elders and Lay Readers 8:27-38 Prayers for the World Proverbs 31:10-31, Up Hatherley area, Churches and Schools 23 Sept Psalm 1, Pre-school education James 3:13-4:3, St Andrew’s Elders Mark 9:30-37 Prayers for the World Esther 7:1-6, 9-10, Shurdington area, Churches and Schools 9:20-22, Psalm 124, Chargrove Lawn, 30 Sept James 5:13-20, Mark Local GP practices 9:38-50 Playdays Prayers for the World Job 1:1, 2:1-10. Benhall area, Churches and Schools 7 Oct Psalm 26, URC Moderator, Officers and Staff Hebrews 1:1-4,2:5- Urchins Groups in WH and Prestbury 12, Mark 10:2-16 Prayers for the World

The Oasis - St Andrew’s Every Monday and Thursday, for just half an hour, starting at 12 noon there will be an opportunity to pray for the work of St Andrew’s Church and all the activities that go on here each week. Let’s encourage one another as we meet together to bring our prayers to God.

The Church in Warden Hill (St Christopher’s) Every Weekday: Morning Prayer at 8.00am. Tuesday: Holy Communion & Morning Prayer 10.30am.

30 SEPTEMBER DIARY 1 Sat 10.30am P Coffee Morning and Bric-a-Brac 3.00pm Hath Birthday at the Manse 2 Sun 10.30am P Revd Robin Littlewood Family Worship 10.30am SC Family Service with Carole and Celia 11.00am SA Revd Maz Allen Communion 6.00pm SC Holy Communion 6.00pm SA Revd Maz Allen 4 Tues 10.30am SC Tuesday Prayers and Communion 2.00pm SC Mothers Union 5 Wed 11.00am SA Pensioners Forum 2.15pm SC Senior Club 3.15pm URCC “Toast” returns 7.30pm P Reading Group 7.30pm SA Wednesday Women - Film Night – West Side Story 6 Thurs 12noon SA Qi Gong 8 Sat 1.00pm SA Wedding 9 Sun 10.30am P No service 10.30am URCC Revd Maz Allen Family Communion 11.00am SA Kay Boulton 6.00pm SC Choral Evensong 11 Tues 2.30pm SA Tuesday Forum 12 Wed 7.30pm SC Ladies Group 7.30pm URCC Worship Group Meeting 13 Thurs 12noon SA Qi Gong 14 Fri 10.30am Bible Study at Cleeve Hill Nursing Home 15 Sat 2.30pm URCC Classic Film “Passport to Pimlico” 16 Sun 9.30am SA Jump4Joy 10.30am P Morning Service – Martin Clarke 10.30am SC Revd Nick Davies Communion 11.00am SA Revd Maz Allen 6.00pm SC Choral Evensong 3.00pm TH Concert for Kenya Projects (UK) in the Town Hall 17 Mon 10.00am Footsloggers 19 Wed 9.15am SC Little Shepherds re-starts 20 Thur 1.00pm SA Knit and Chat 22 Sat 2.30pm URCC Community Film “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” 23 Sun 10.30am P Revd Maz Allen Communion, Harvest, Lunch 10.30am URCC Revd Jacqui Hyde 11.00am SA Roy McBane 6.00pm SC Choral Evensong 25 Tues 2.30pm SA Tuesday Forum SC Start of Christianity Basics Course 26 Wed SC Ladies Group Outing


SEPTEMBER contd 30 Sun 10.30am P No Service 10.30am SC Revd Jacqui Hyde Communion 11.00am SA Revd Maz Allen Harvest and Lunch 6.00pm SC Choral Evensong

OCTOBER DIARY 4 Thurs 12noon SA Qi Gong 7.30pm Manse Church Council meeting 6 Sat 10.30am P Coffee Morning 6.30pm Tewkesbury Band Last Night of the Proms 7 Sun 10.30am P Kay Boulton Family Worship 10.30am URCC Family Service and Harvest 11.00am SA Revd Maz Allen 6.00pm SA Revd Maz Allen Communion 6.00pm SC Choral Evensong

WEEKLY EVENTS Mon 9.30am SA Mah Jong 10.00am P Prestbury Urchins (not summer holidays) 4.30pm WH SC Rainbows (term time only) Tue 10.00am SA Parents and Toddlers 7.30pm WH SC House Group Wed 9.15am WH SC Little Shepherds (term time only) 2.15pm WH SC Senior Club 3.15pm WH Toast (term time only) URC 7.00pm WH SC Bellringing Thu 10.00am SA Coffee Bar 5.30pm WH SC Beavers (term time only) 6.00pm WH SC Brownies (term time only) 6.45am WH SC Cubs (term time only) Fri 10.30am Bible Study (term time only) Sat 10.00am SA Coffee Bar