DRAFT AGENDA As of February 22, 2019

Coordinated by: Organized by: Sunday, 7 April 2019 (ITU Premises)

WSIS Forum 2019 Hackathon: Hacking Solutions for Lifelong Learning and Livelihoods (ITU / UNESCO) 08:00- 21:30 Only for the participants of the WSIS Forum 2019 Hackathon

Monday, 8 April 2019 (ITU Premises)

07:00-15:00 Hackathon : Hacking Solutions for Lifelong Learning and Livelihoods- Continued ALFM TW Action Line C7 E-Environment Case Studies of Tech Start-ups for SDGs (ITU and Partners) (ITU / WMO) Sela Technologies/ Healthrostrum/ Wajenzi/ MEDeus LTd./ Seneca-Learning TW TW Emerging Cyber Security Law and its impact on Water: Data sharing and collection Information Society / Cyberlaw Trends of 2019 (International Commission on Cyber Security Law) (CYBERLAWS.NET) (WMO-Hydrohub/ Water Hub/ MobyGIS) TW TW 1969-2019 Experiences, challenges and enlightments from 50 years Harnessing Blockchain Technology for Refugees development of the Internet

(Communication University of Zhejiang) (ITU) 09:00-10:45 TW TW Technology for Sustainable Development and Impact in an Accelerating Achievement of the SDGs through a Culture of Ever-changing World Evidence Informed ICT-Centric Innovation Practices (Experts Exchange) Innovation Track (Horyou Group) (ITU and Partners) TW Innovative technologies and machine learning for improving outreach (captioning, remote simultaneous interpretation) (Interprefy AG/VUME/ITU) TW TW WSIS Accessibility Day WSIS Accessibility Day Safe Listening Turning rhetoric into reality (interactive hands-on workshop) (ITU/WHO) (Royal Holloway, University of London / Inter-Islamic Network on IT) WSIS Forum 2019 Exhibition Inauguration 10:45-11:00 **Coffee will be served for all WSIS Forum participants** ALFM ALFM Action Line C4 Capacity Building Action Line C2 ICT Infrastructure Building ICT Skills for Social Entrepreneurs (ITU) (ITU) ALFM CW Action Line C1, C7: E-Government and C11 Gold Partner (UNDESA/ ITU) Saudi Arabia CW TW Emerging technologies for digital transformation – how to maximize Community Networks and Connecting the Last Billion benefits for societies and economies Contributing Partner Contributing Partner (UKE Poland) 11:00-13:00 (Internet Society) TW TW ICT and low-carbon economy IP and Sport

(GeSI/ICT footprint.eu) (WIPO) TW TW Paradigm Shift of Delivering on Development Goals through Media and Information Literacy empowered by Artificial ICT-Centric Innovation Intelligence for Diversity and Disaster Innovation Track Supporting Partner (ITU and Partners ) (IFIP) TW WSIS Accessibility Day Workshop on accessibility for emerging technologies Lunch Break 13:00-14:30 ITU Cafeteria **with special offer for WSIS Forum participants** TW Interaction in Exhibition Space. WSIS Accessibilty Day exhibits & the Commonwealth Coordination on ICTs for SDGs 13:15-14:00 Sport-track exhibits. (Ghana and United Kingdom) Monday, 8 April 2019 (CONTINUATION) TW TW Digital transformation Artificial intelligence and data privacy - the importance of a diverse engineering and technical workforce (ArboLife) (International Women in Engineering and Science) TW TW Innovation 4 Digital Literacy Blockchain and Data Protection (American Tower Corporation) () TW TW 13:15-14:00 Techpreneurs tackling the SDGs Role ICT in Academia - Reaching the unreached

(World Summit Award) (ASDF International) TW TW Adding media accessibility to any media content from production WSIS (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) TW Human-centric Internet of Things and Personal Data Protection (Mandat International) IS ALFM Measurement of progress towards the SDGs through ICT indicators Action Line C6 Enabling Environment (Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development) (ITU) ALFM ALFM Action Line C3 Action Line C8 (UNESCO) (UNESCO) TW TW Regional Implementation of WSIS Capacity Building for governments on technical Internet Issues Contributing Partner (ITU/UN Regional Commissions) (ICANN) 14:30-16:15 TW TW Sport as an enabler of SDG Digital Economy Transformation, experience digital life in China. (ITU and Partners) (Posts & Telecom Press, China) TW TW Leading with New Partnership Models to Scale Up ICT-Centric E-learning: Potential of e-learning for refugee children in refugee Innovation camps and displaced communities Innovation Track (ITU) (University of Geneva & Geneva Tsinghua Initiative / ITU) TW The impact of emerging technologies and its ethical issues (Virtual Activism) ALFM TW ALFM Action Line C7 e-Science WSIS Accessibility Day Action Line C7 e-Learning Special Recognition Ceremony (UNESCO) Workshop on telecom relay services (UNESCO) TW (ITU/ Nippon Foundation) TW Cybersecurity and AI: how to allocate liability between stakeholders ICTs for Safety & Security : International case study 16:15-16:30 Break (University of Geneva) (EC MEDICI Framework)

TW TW Older persons and ICTs Strengthening ICT Connectivity and Digital Inclusion of LLDCs (AARP and CSEND-The Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development/ITU) (United Nations Office of High Representative for LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS) 16:30-18:15 TW TW Regional Implementation of WSIS Bottom-up innovations in technology for Achieving the SDGs: Ideas from South Asia (ITU/UN Regional Commissions) ( Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences/ Univerity of Cambridge) TW TW Boosting Demand for Connectivity through Disruptive ICT-Centric Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality in development Innovation for SDGs Innovation Track (ITU) (University of Geneva & Geneva Tsinghua Initiative/ ITU) TW Accessibility Track Universal Design for Sustainable Development (Oslo Metropolitan University) WSIS Forum 2019 Donors Dinner 19:00 On invitation only Social Event Tuesday, 9 April 2019 (CICG Premises)

UNGIS Leaders High-level Breakfast Meeting 08:00-09:00 (Closed meeting for UNGIS members only) High-level 08:15-09:00 Networking Coffee Official Opening Segment Opening Session Opening Ceremony 09:00-13:00 WSIS Prize Ceremony Group Photograph Captioning Interpretation : (E/F/R/S/C/A) Press Conference 11:00-13:00 Media only Special Session Special Session 13:00-13:45 WSIS Forum Hackathon 2019 Inspiring Pitches from the Winners on Experience a live Demonstration on Extended Reality for Development Hacking Solutions for Lifelong Learning and Livelihoods Lunch Break 13:00-14:30 High-level Lunch (Sponsored - WSIS Forum 2019: Platinum Partner) -by invitation only Moderated Moderated High-Level Policy Session High-Level Policy Session 14:30-17:30 Captioning Interpretation: (E/F/R/S/C/A) Captioning Interpretation: : (E/F/R/S/C/A) WSIS Prizes 2019 14:30-16:00 Champions Ceremony (For WSIS Prize Winners and Champions Only) WSIS Forum 2019 Reception 18:00-20:30 (Open to all WSIS Forum 2019 Participants) Sponsored by Wednesday, 10 April 2019 (CICG & ITU Premises)

Moderated HL Policy Session Moderated HL Policy Session 09:00-12:00 Captioning Interpretation: (E/F/R/S/C/A) Captioning Interpretation: (E/F/R/S/C/A) Lunch Break 12:15-13:30 CICG and ITU Cafeteria **special offer for WSIS Forum participants** High-Level Lunch Sponsored by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 12:15-14:00 Strategic Partner: Gold by invitation only Special Session 12:15-13:15 Experience a live demonstration on Extended Reality High Level Dialogue High Level Dialogue 13:30-15:00 An End to Electronic Waste: Building an E-waste Coalition Why is ethics at the core of the use of Artificial Intelligence? (ITU) (UNESCO) Captioning Interpretation Captioning Interpretation Ministerial Round Table 14:00-16:30 Ministers only Captioning Interpretation High-level Dialogue High-level Dialogue Artificial Intelligence and Security ICT4ALL: Indiginous languages matter for peace, innovation, and (ITU) development (UNESCO)

15:00-16:30 Captioning Interpretation Captioning Interpretation High-level Dialogue ICT Accessibility : The Key to Inclusive Global Communication WSIS ICT Accessibility track (ITU) High Level Policy Statements: Concluding Session 16:30-18:00 Captioning Interpretation High-Level Gala Dinner 19:00 On invitation only Social Event Thursday, 11 April 2019 (ITU Premises) Youth Junior Track STEAM DAY (only for participants of the Youth Junior Track)

09:30-10:00 - Reception and Welcome

10:00-12:30 - Workshop part I (DIY/Programming with Code Bugs & Micro-Bits, Robotics with Sumo Robot League, STEAM with e-NABLE device) 09:30-17:00 12:30-13:30 - Lunch Break

13:30-16:00 - Workshop part II (DIY/Programming with Code Bugs & Micro-Bits, Robotics with Sumo Robot League, STEAM with e-NABLE device) 16:00-17:00 - Kid-Friendly Apéro (Techlabs)

ALFM CW Action Line C7 E Health Gold Partner (WHO/ITU) Saudi Arabia TW TW See the Future to Be the Future: 2030 Game Changers Impacting Our Women Leaders in Blockchain Work an Our Lives (The FutureWork Institute, Inc.) (ETHix & ITU) TW TW Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security United For Smart Sustainable Cities Blockchain for Cities 09:00-10:45 (Access Partnership) (United Nations University) TW TW Enabling access to connectivity for refugees: inclusion in national Digital Innovation in Africa frameworks (UNHCR) (Gateway Innovations|Ghana Cyber City/ Bunyala Favourite Blog) TW TW Benchmarking Company-Level Contribution to Digital Inclusion and 5G socio-economic impact SDGs (World Benchmarking Alliance) (Nokia) TW TW Cyber Ethics, Education and Security: Serving Humanity with Values IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group Meeting (Globethics.net) 10:45-11:00 Break CW ALFM Platinum Sponsor Action Line C9 (UNESCO) ALFM TW Action Line C7 e Agriculture How ICTs could be useful tools against gender discrimination Community of Practices and Integrated Platforms - Knowledge Sharing in Food and Agriculture (FAO/ ITU) (EQUALS) TW TW Smarter Cities enabled by citizens open Innovation Blockchain for Social Good: Moving beyond the hype of Crypto 11:00-13:00 (Open Geneva) (Open Health Network/ CERN/ ITU) TW TW Emerging disruptive technologies in Healthcare- Their role in Digital Transformation as Sustainable Development Pathway mitigating maternal mortality and perinatal morbidity. (Imperial College London) (UNDP) TW TW Emerging technologies towards 2025 and beyond Pacific Data Hub (ITU) (Pacific Community) IGF MAG Meeting World Café – Celebrating 10 Years of the WSIS Forum - Evolution & Future 12:15-15:15 (Implementing Best Practices and addressing challenges with WSIS Prize 2019 Winners and Champions) (ITU) Lunch Break 13:00-14:30 ITU Cafeteria TW Publication Releases and Briefings En-gendering the Smart City (Women@TheTable) 13:15-14:00 TW TW Identity Development in Digital Era Maritime Cables: New Routes for Data (EMLS_RI Evolution of Mind Life Society Research Institute) (School of Economic Warfare) Thursday, 11 April 2019 (CONTINUATION)

TW TW WSIS WSIS TW TW How to build a stable investment framework/ecosystem for Impact-driven ventures and organizations? WSIS 13:15-14:00 (Hatch CoLab) TW TW WSIS WSIS TW IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group Meeting WSIS ALFM ALFM Action Line C5 Action Line C7 Blockchain as an enabler of security and trust E-business (ITU) (UNCTAD/ ITC/UPU) CW CW Partner for Specific Activities Contributing Partner Oman Rwanda TW TW Creative ways in which ICTs can improve education & learning in the E-waste management in a circular economy university environment (University of Sheffield) (UNEP/ BRS Secretariat) 14:30-16:15 TW TW Dream it! Do it! - Immersive 3D Virtual Learning Environments for Better Internet for Children Education at all levels (Chant Newall Development Group LLC) (European Union) TW TW 5G technology for developing countries The Broadband Commission session (ITU) (ITU & Partners) TW Changing men’s attitudes and behaviours to women & technology (TEQtogether/New York Academy of Sciences/Global Scribes) IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group Meeting 16:15-16:30 Break TW TW Autonomous and Intelligent Systems in the Digital World: ICANN, the GDPR and WHOIS Moving from Principles to Practice Partner for Specific Activity Contributing Partner (IEEE) (ICANN) TW TW Science, Innovation and Future Universities AI Empowers Information Accessibility (Iran University of Science and Technology) (Internet Society of China) TW TW How to automate analysis of aerial data in the context of Aid & Gender Mainstreaming – WSIS 50/50 challenge Development (WeRobotics) (Humanized Internet/GSMA/Israel Tech Policy Institute/ Orange/ ITU) 16:30-18:15 TW TW As Innovative 4.0 Technologies Benefits of local connectivity initiatives for gender equity, social and economic development and viability of community networks as alternative to connect the unconnected (IFIP IP3) (Association for Progressive Communications) TW TW IoT – From idea to reality, make it happen in Africa Liberalising communications markets for sustainable development

(ITU) (United Kingdom) IS UN Regional Commission IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group Meeting TechSPARKS Development 17:00 (Doors open at 17:00, Starts at 18:15) Friday, 12 April 2019 (ITU Premises)

YOUTH TRACK : Workshops, Youth Café and other engagements UNGIS Working level Meeting IS WSIS Stocktaking and WSIS Prizes UNGIS members only (UNGIS) (ITU) TW TW International Plant Protection ePhyto Hub Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship in the Digital Economy (UNICC) (ITU/ ILO) TW TW Child Protection and ICT ICT for reducing pollution: pressure from Garbage (Terre des Hommes) (Wasted Program/ PwC) 09:00 – 10:45 TW TW The road to development and prosperity of 5G--how to cope with The legal echoes related to the digital world the new challenges of technology, security and ideology (Communication University of Zhejiang) (Yemen) TW TW The Growing Global Challenge of Digital Addiction The Future of Jobs: Opportunities and Challenges in ICT-Centric Economies

(eWorldwide Group) (Iran) TW WSIS 10:45 – 11:00 Break TW TW Engagement of young people with E-Government Bridging the Digital Divide : Overview of Offline Content Distribution Services (Geneva International Model United Nations) (NetFreedom Pioneers) TW TW Big data and Social Change Women’s Empowerment for ICT and ODD

11:00-12:45 (University of Konstanz/ Foxstone/ Berney Associés) (OCAPROCE International) TW TW Rethinking approaches to achieve Sustainable Development Goals in an era of Smart Computing WSIS (Western Sydney University) TW WSIS Cloud Café – Youth Engagement in the WSIS Process 12:15-14:00 (ITU) Lunch Break 12:45-14:00 ITU Cafeteria **with special offer for WSIS Forum participants**

WSIS Action Line Facilitators Meeting 14:45-16:00 ITU Captioning Interpretation Closing Ceremony 16:00-17:00 Captioning Interpretation

OPEN SPACE TALKS Organisation Name Topic Date Time Slot 11:00- 13:00 14:30- 16:15 16:30- 18:15

The IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) will also take place during the WSIS Forum Remote Participation and Webcast facilities are Organized for all sessions at www.wsis.org/forum