29 bus time schedule & line map

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The 29 bus line (Retford - Doncaster) has 4 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) : 5:35 PM (2) Bawtry: 3:05 PM (3) Doncaster Town Centre: 8:54 AM - 3:49 PM (4) Retford: 7:05 AM - 5:05 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 29 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 29 bus arriving.

Direction: Bawtry 29 bus Time Schedule 44 stops Bawtry Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:35 PM Bus Station, Retford Tuesday 5:35 PM The Square, Retford Market Place, Wednesday 5:35 PM

Bridgegate, Retford Thursday 5:35 PM Friday 5:35 PM West Court, Retford Saturday 5:35 PM Hospital, Retford

Cemetery, Retford

North Road, Hallcroft 29 bus Info North Road, England Direction: Bawtry Stops: 44 Silverdale Close, Retford Trip Duration: 39 min Miller's Way, England Line Summary: Bus Station, Retford, The Square, Retford, Bridgegate, Retford, West Court, Retford, North Road, Retford Hospital, Retford, Cemetery, Retford, North Road, Hallcroft, Silverdale Close, Retford, North Road, Cooks Cottages, Retford Retford, Cooks Cottages, Retford, Sandiforths, Retford, Station Road, Barnby Moor, Great North Road, Barnby Moor, Retford Road, Blyth, Ryton Sandiforths, Retford Fields, Blyth, The Maltings, Blyth, Nornay Close, Blyth, Bawtry Road, Blyth, Brookside, Blyth, The Station Road, Barnby Moor Woodlands, Blyth, Certex, , Pagdin Drive, Styrrup, Common Lane, Harworth, War Memorial, Great North Road, Barnby Moor Harworth, Tickhill Road, Harworth, Baulk Lane, Harworth, Moor Top Road, Harworth, Sherwood Retford Road, Blyth Road, Harworth, Amanda Road, Harworth, Mayfair Close, Harworth, Melbourne Grove, Harworth, Blyth Ryton Fields, Blyth Road, Harworth, Road, Harworth, Hill Top Court, Harworth, Fire Station, Harworth, Colliery, The Maltings, Blyth Bircotes, Cricket Ground, Bircotes, Waterslack Road, Bircotes, Whitehouse Court, Bircotes, Suffolk Road, Nornay Close, Blyth Bircotes, The Crescent, Bircotes, Bawtry Road, Bircotes, Gibbet Hill Lane, Gibbet Hill, High Bawtry Road, Blyth Street/Tickhill Road, Bawtry Brookside, Blyth

The Woodlands, Blyth

Certex, Harworth

Pagdin Drive, Styrrup

Common Lane, Harworth

War Memorial, Harworth Main Street,

Tickhill Road, Harworth B6463, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

Baulk Lane, Harworth

Moor Top Road, Harworth

Sherwood Road, Harworth

Amanda Road, Harworth

Mayfair Close, Harworth Melbourne Grove, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

Melbourne Grove, Harworth Melbourne Grove, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

Blyth Road, Harworth Blyth Road, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

Scrooby Road, Harworth Mulberry Way, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

Hill Top Court, Harworth Galway Mews, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

Fire Station, Harworth

Colliery, Bircotes

Cricket Ground, Bircotes

Waterslack Road, Bircotes

Whitehouse Court, Bircotes

Suffolk Road, Bircotes

The Crescent, Bircotes

Bawtry Road, Bircotes

Gibbet Hill Lane, Gibbet Hill

High Street/Tickhill Road, Bawtry Direction: Bawtry 29 bus Time Schedule 34 stops Bawtry Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:05 PM Doncaster /B3, Doncaster Town Centre Tuesday 3:05 PM Food Mall, Doncaster Wednesday 3:05 PM Wood Street/Princegate, Doncaster Town Centre Thursday 3:05 PM Wood Street, Doncaster Friday 3:05 PM South Parade/Regent Square, Doncaster Town Centre Saturday 3:05 PM

Bennetthorpe/Roman Road, Bennetthorpe South Parade, Doncaster

Bennetthorpe/Alderson Drive, Bennetthorpe 29 bus Info Direction: Bawtry Bennetthorpe/Manor Drive, Bennetthorpe Stops: 34 Bennetthorpe, Doncaster Trip Duration: 25 min Line Summary: Doncaster Frenchgate Bennetthorpe/Leger Way, Belle Vue Interchange/B3, Doncaster Town Centre, Wood Bennetthorpe, Doncaster Street/Princegate, Doncaster Town Centre, South Parade/Regent Square, Doncaster Town Centre, Bawtry Road/Leger Way, Belle Vue Bennetthorpe/Roman Road, Bennetthorpe, Bennetthorpe/Alderson Drive, Bennetthorpe, Belle Vue Way/Bawtry Road, Belle Vue Bennetthorpe/Manor Drive, Bennetthorpe, Belle Vue Way, England Bennetthorpe/Leger Way, Belle Vue, Bawtry Road/Leger Way, Belle Vue, Belle Vue Way/Bawtry Booth Avenue/Gliwice Way, Belle Vue Road, Belle Vue, Booth Avenue/Gliwice Way, Belle Vue, Booth Avenue/Bawtry Road, Belle Vue, Bawtry Booth Avenue/Bawtry Road, Belle Vue Road/The Avenue, Cantley, Bawtry Road/St Erics Booth Avenue, England Road, Bessacarr, Bawtry Road/Boswell Road, Bessacarr, Bawtry Road/Middleeld Road, Bawtry Road/The Avenue, Cantley Bessacarr, Bawtry Road/Alston Road, Bessacarr, B1396, England Bawtry Road/Church Lane, Bessacarr, Bawtry Road/Grange Road, Bessacarr, Bawtry Bawtry Road/St Erics Road, Bessacarr Road/Plumpton Park Road, Bessacarr, Bawtry Road/Warnington Drive, Bessacarr, Bawtry Bawtry Road/Boswell Road, Bessacarr Road/Plantation Avenue, Bessacarr, Great North Road/Warning Tongue Lane, Parrots Corner, Great Bawtry Road/Middleeld Road, Bessacarr North Road/Littleworth Lane, Mount Pleasant, Great North Road/Hurst Lane, Mount Pleasant, Great Bawtry Road/Alston Road, Bessacarr North Road/High Common Lane, Mount Pleasant, Great North Road/High Common Lane, Mount Pleasant, Great North Road/High Common Lane, Bawtry Road/Church Lane, Bessacarr Bawtry, Great North Road/Rspca Access Road, Bawtry, Great North Road/Yorkshire Caravans, Bawtry Road/Grange Road, Bessacarr Bawtry, Great North Road/Bawtry Forest, Bawtry, Great North Road/Kings Wood, Bawtry, Doncaster Bawtry Road/Plumpton Park Road, Bessacarr Road/North Avenue, Bawtry, Doncaster Road/Martin Lane, Bawtry, High Street/Wharfe Street, Bawtry Bawtry Road/Warnington Drive, Bessacarr

Bawtry Road/Plantation Avenue, Bessacarr

Great North Road/Warning Tongue Lane, Parrots Corner

Great North Road/Littleworth Lane, Mount Pleasant

Great North Road/Hurst Lane, Mount Pleasant

Great North Road/High Common Lane, Mount Pleasant

Great North Road/High Common Lane, Mount Pleasant

Great North Road/High Common Lane, Bawtry Great North Road, Austereld Civil Parish

Great North Road/Rspca Access Road, Bawtry

Great North Road/Yorkshire Caravans, Bawtry

Great North Road/Bawtry Forest, Bawtry

Great North Road/Kings Wood, Bawtry

Doncaster Road/North Avenue, Bawtry

Doncaster Road/Martin Lane, Bawtry

High Street/Wharfe Street, Bawtry High Street, Bawtry Direction: Doncaster Town Centre 29 bus Time Schedule 101 stops Doncaster Town Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:54 AM - 3:49 PM Bus Station, Retford Tuesday 8:54 AM - 3:49 PM The Square, Retford Market Place, England Wednesday 8:54 AM - 3:49 PM

Bridgegate, Retford Thursday 8:54 AM - 3:49 PM Friday 8:54 AM - 3:49 PM Lime Tree Avenue, Retford Saturday 8:54 AM - 3:49 PM St Josephs Church, Retford Road, England

Sports Ground, Retford 29 bus Info , Retford Direction: Doncaster Town Centre Stops: 101 Sports Ground, Retford Trip Duration: 66 min Line Summary: Bus Station, Retford, The Square, St Josephs Church, Retford Retford, Bridgegate, Retford, Lime Tree Avenue, Retford, St Josephs Church, Retford, Sports Ground, Babworth Road, England Retford, Retford Oaks Academy, Retford, Sports Lime Tree Avenue, Retford Ground, Retford, St Josephs Church, Retford, Lime Tree Avenue, Retford, West Court, Retford, Hospital, Hospital Road, England Retford, Cemetery, Retford, North Road, Hallcroft, West Court, Retford Silverdale Close, Retford, Randall Way, Hallcroft, Earles Court, Hallcroft, Randall Park Way, Hallcroft, Hospital, Retford Aurillac Way, Hallcroft, The Elizabethan Academy, Hallcroft, Aurillac Way, Hallcroft, Randall Park Way, Hallcroft, Earles Court, Hallcroft, Randall Way, Cemetery, Retford Hallcroft, North Road, Retford, Cooks Cottages, Retford, Sandiforths, Retford, Station Road, Barnby North Road, Hallcroft Moor, Great North Road, Barnby Moor, Little Grange North Road, England Farm, Barnby Moor, Trinity College Farm, Barnby Moor, Old School House, Torworth, Blacksmith Lane, Silverdale Close, Retford Torworth, Holds Lane, Torworth, St Barnabas Miller's Way, England Church, , Blyth Road, Ranskill, Park House, Ranskill, Grange Cottage, Ranskill, Retford Road, Randall Way, Hallcroft Blyth, Ryton Fields, Blyth, The Maltings, Blyth, Nornay Close, Blyth, Bawtry Road, Blyth, Brookside, Earles Court, Hallcroft Blyth, The Woodlands, Blyth, Certex, Harworth, Randall Way, England Pagdin Drive, Styrrup, Common Lane, Harworth, War Memorial, Harworth, Tickhill Road, Harworth, Baulk Randall Park Way, Hallcroft Lane, Harworth, Moor Top Road, Harworth, Sherwood Road, Harworth, Amanda Road, Aurillac Way, Hallcroft Harworth, Mayfair Close, Harworth, Melbourne Grove, Harworth, Blyth Road, Harworth, Scrooby The Elizabethan Academy, Hallcroft Road, Harworth, Hill Top Court, Harworth, Fire Station, Harworth, Colliery, Bircotes, Cricket Ground, Aurillac Way, Hallcroft Bircotes, Waterslack Road, Bircotes, Whitehouse Court, Bircotes, Suffolk Road, Bircotes, The Crescent, Randall Park Way, Hallcroft Bircotes, Bawtry Road, Bircotes, Gibbet Hill Lane, Hardstaff Close, England Gibbet Hill, High Street/Tickhill Road, Bawtry, Doncaster Road/Martin Lane, Bawtry, Doncaster Earles Court, Hallcroft Road/Ingham Road, Bawtry, Great North Randall Way, England Road/Bawtry Forest, Bawtry, Great North Road/Higheld Lane, Bawtry, Great North Randall Way, Hallcroft Road/Rspca Access Road, Bawtry, Great North Road/Rossington Hall School, Bawtry, Great North North Road, Retford Road/High Common Lane, Mount Pleasant, Great North Road/High Common Lane, Mount Pleasant, Cooks Cottages, Retford Great North Road/Hurst Lane, Mount Pleasant, Great North Road/Littleworth Lane, Mount Pleasant, Sandiforths, Retford Great North Road/Great Yorkshire Way, Parrots Corner, Bawtry Road/Plantation Avenue, Bessacarr, Station Road, Barnby Moor Bawtry Road/Warnington Drive, Bessacarr, Bawtry Road/Warren Lane, Bessacarr, Bawtry Road/Top Great North Road, Barnby Moor Hall Road, Bessacarr, Bawtry Road/Grange Road, Bessacarr, Bawtry Road/Stoops Lane, Bessacarr, Bawtry Road/Alston Road, Bessacarr, Bawtry Little Grange Farm, Barnby Moor Road/Middleeld Road, Bessacarr, Bawtry Road/Boswell Road, Bessacarr, Bawtry Road/Ellers Trinity College Farm, Barnby Moor Road, Bessacarr, Bawtry Road/Saxton Avenue, Cantley, Bawtry Road/St Augustines Road, Cantley, Old School House, Torworth Booth Avenue/The Dome, Belle Vue, Booth Avenue/Gliwice Way, Belle Vue, Belle Vue Blacksmith Lane, Torworth Way/Bawtry Road, Belle Vue, Bennetthorpe/Sandbeck Road, Belle Vue, Holds Lane, Torworth Bennetthorpe/Danum Road, Bennetthorpe, Bennetthorpe/Roman Road, Bennetthorpe, South St Barnabas Church, Ranskill Parade/Thorne Road, Doncaster Town Centre, Wood Street/Waterdale, Doncaster Town Centre, Doncaster Blyth Road, Ranskill Frenchgate Interchange/B1, Doncaster Town Centre

Park House, Ranskill

Grange Cottage, Ranskill

Retford Road, Blyth

Ryton Fields, Blyth

The Maltings, Blyth

Nornay Close, Blyth

Bawtry Road, Blyth

Brookside, Blyth

The Woodlands, Blyth

Certex, Harworth

Pagdin Drive, Styrrup

Common Lane, Harworth

War Memorial, Harworth Main Street, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

Tickhill Road, Harworth B6463, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

Baulk Lane, Harworth Moor Top Road, Harworth

Sherwood Road, Harworth

Amanda Road, Harworth

Mayfair Close, Harworth Melbourne Grove, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

Melbourne Grove, Harworth Melbourne Grove, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

Blyth Road, Harworth Blyth Road, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

Scrooby Road, Harworth Mulberry Way, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

Hill Top Court, Harworth Galway Mews, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

Fire Station, Harworth

Colliery, Bircotes

Cricket Ground, Bircotes

Waterslack Road, Bircotes

Whitehouse Court, Bircotes

Suffolk Road, Bircotes

The Crescent, Bircotes

Bawtry Road, Bircotes

Gibbet Hill Lane, Gibbet Hill

High Street/Tickhill Road, Bawtry

Doncaster Road/Martin Lane, Bawtry

Doncaster Road/Ingham Road, Bawtry Doncaster Road, Bawtry

Great North Road/Bawtry Forest, Bawtry

Great North Road/Higheld Lane, Bawtry

Great North Road/Rspca Access Road, Bawtry

Great North Road/Rossington Hall School, Bawtry Great North Road, Austereld Civil Parish

Great North Road/High Common Lane, Mount Pleasant

Great North Road/High Common Lane, Mount Pleasant

Great North Road/Hurst Lane, Mount Pleasant

Great North Road/Littleworth Lane, Mount Pleasant

Great North Road/Great Yorkshire Way, Parrots Corner

Bawtry Road/Plantation Avenue, Bessacarr

Bawtry Road/Warnington Drive, Bessacarr

Bawtry Road/Warren Lane, Bessacarr

Bawtry Road/Top Hall Road, Bessacarr

Bawtry Road/Grange Road, Bessacarr

Bawtry Road/Stoops Lane, Bessacarr Bawtry Road, England

Bawtry Road/Alston Road, Bessacarr Bawtry Road, England

Bawtry Road/Middleeld Road, Bessacarr

Bawtry Road/Boswell Road, Bessacarr

Bawtry Road/Ellers Road, Bessacarr

Bawtry Road/Saxton Avenue, Cantley

Bawtry Road/St Augustines Road, Cantley 43 Bawtry Road, England

Booth Avenue/The Dome, Belle Vue Booth Avenue, England

Booth Avenue/Gliwice Way, Belle Vue

Belle Vue Way/Bawtry Road, Belle Vue Belle Vue Way, England

Bennetthorpe/Sandbeck Road, Belle Vue Bennetthorpe, Doncaster

Bennetthorpe/Danum Road, Bennetthorpe

Bennetthorpe/Roman Road, Bennetthorpe

South Parade/Thorne Road, Doncaster Town Centre

Wood Street/Waterdale, Doncaster Town Centre Princegate, Doncaster

Doncaster Frenchgate Interchange/B1, Doncaster Town Centre Trafford Way, Doncaster Direction: Retford 29 bus Time Schedule 106 stops Retford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:05 AM - 5:05 PM Doncaster Frenchgate Interchange/B3, Doncaster Town Centre Tuesday 7:05 AM - 5:05 PM Food Mall, Doncaster Wednesday 7:05 AM - 5:05 PM Wood Street/Princegate, Doncaster Town Centre Thursday 7:05 AM - 5:05 PM Wood Street, Doncaster Friday 7:05 AM - 5:05 PM South Parade/Regent Square, Doncaster Town Centre Saturday 7:05 AM - 5:05 PM

Bennetthorpe/Roman Road, Bennetthorpe South Parade, Doncaster

Bennetthorpe/Alderson Drive, Bennetthorpe 29 bus Info Direction: Retford Bennetthorpe/Manor Drive, Bennetthorpe Stops: 106 Bennetthorpe, Doncaster Trip Duration: 63 min Line Summary: Doncaster Frenchgate Bennetthorpe/Leger Way, Belle Vue Interchange/B3, Doncaster Town Centre, Wood Bennetthorpe, Doncaster Street/Princegate, Doncaster Town Centre, South Parade/Regent Square, Doncaster Town Centre, Bawtry Road/Leger Way, Belle Vue Bennetthorpe/Roman Road, Bennetthorpe, Bennetthorpe/Alderson Drive, Bennetthorpe, Belle Vue Way/Bawtry Road, Belle Vue Bennetthorpe/Manor Drive, Bennetthorpe, Belle Vue Way, England Bennetthorpe/Leger Way, Belle Vue, Bawtry Road/Leger Way, Belle Vue, Belle Vue Way/Bawtry Booth Avenue/Gliwice Way, Belle Vue Road, Belle Vue, Booth Avenue/Gliwice Way, Belle Vue, Booth Avenue/Bawtry Road, Belle Vue, Bawtry Booth Avenue/Bawtry Road, Belle Vue Road/The Avenue, Cantley, Bawtry Road/St Erics Booth Avenue, England Road, Bessacarr, Bawtry Road/Boswell Road, Bessacarr, Bawtry Road/Middleeld Road, Bawtry Road/The Avenue, Cantley Bessacarr, Bawtry Road/Alston Road, Bessacarr, B1396, England Bawtry Road/Church Lane, Bessacarr, Bawtry Road/Grange Road, Bessacarr, Bawtry Bawtry Road/St Erics Road, Bessacarr Road/Plumpton Park Road, Bessacarr, Bawtry Road/Warnington Drive, Bessacarr, Bawtry Bawtry Road/Boswell Road, Bessacarr Road/Plantation Avenue, Bessacarr, Great North Road/Warning Tongue Lane, Parrots Corner, Great Bawtry Road/Middleeld Road, Bessacarr North Road/Littleworth Lane, Mount Pleasant, Great North Road/Hurst Lane, Mount Pleasant, Great North Road/High Common Lane, Mount Pleasant, Bawtry Road/Alston Road, Bessacarr Great North Road/High Common Lane, Mount Pleasant, Great North Road/High Common Lane, Bawtry Road/Church Lane, Bessacarr Bawtry, Great North Road/Rspca Access Road, Bawtry, Great North Road/Yorkshire Caravans, Bawtry Road/Grange Road, Bessacarr Bawtry, Great North Road/Bawtry Forest, Bawtry, Great North Road/Kings Wood, Bawtry, Doncaster Bawtry Road/Plumpton Park Road, Bessacarr Road/North Avenue, Bawtry, Doncaster Road/Martin Lane, Bawtry, High Street/Wharfe Street, Bawtry, Bawtry Road/Warnington Drive, Bessacarr South Parade/Gainsborough Road, Bawtry, Hawks Nest, Gibbet Hill, Gibbet Hill Lane, Gibbet Hill, Bawtry Bawtry Road/Plantation Avenue, Bessacarr Road, Bircotes, The Crescent, Bircotes, Suffolk Road, Bircotes, Whitehouse Court, Bircotes, Waterslack Great North Road/Warning Tongue Lane, Parrots Road, Bircotes, Sports Ground, Bircotes, Colliery, Corner Bircotes, Hill Top Court, Harworth, Scrooby Road, Harworth, Blyth Road, Harworth, Tickhill Road, Great North Road/Littleworth Lane, Mount Harworth, Baulk Lane, Harworth, Moor Top Road, Pleasant Harworth, Sherwood Road, Harworth, Amanda Road, Harworth, Mayfair Close, Harworth, Great North Road/Hurst Lane, Mount Pleasant Melbourne Grove, Harworth, War Memorial, Harworth, The Green, Harworth, Common Lane, Great North Road/High Common Lane, Mount Harworth, Pagdin Drive, Styrrup, Industrial Estate, Pleasant Harworth, Certex, Harworth, The Woodlands, Blyth, Brookside, Blyth, Bawtry Road, Blyth, Nornay Close, Blyth, The Maltings, Blyth, Ryton Fields, Blyth, Great North Road/High Common Lane, Mount Retford Road, Blyth, Grange Cottage, Ranskill, Park Pleasant House, Ranskill, Blyth Road, Ranskill, St Barnabas Church, Ranskill, Holds Lane, Torworth, Blacksmith Great North Road/High Common Lane, Bawtry Lane, Torworth, Old School House, Torworth, Trinity Great North Road, Austereld Civil Parish College Farm, Barnby Moor, Little Grange Farm, Barnby Moor, Great North Road, Barnby Moor, Great North Road/Rspca Access Road, Bawtry Station Road, Barnby Moor, Sandiforths, Retford, Cooks Cottages, Retford, North Road, Retford, Great North Road/Yorkshire Caravans, Bawtry Randall Way, Hallcroft, Earles Court, Hallcroft, Randall Park Way, Hallcroft, Aurillac Way, Hallcroft, Great North Road/Bawtry Forest, Bawtry The Elizabethan Academy, Hallcroft, Aurillac Way, Hallcroft, Randall Park Way, Hallcroft, Earles Court, Great North Road/Kings Wood, Bawtry Hallcroft, Randall Way, Hallcroft, Silverdale Close, Retford, Cemetery, Retford, Hospital, Retford, West Doncaster Road/North Avenue, Bawtry Court, Retford, Lime Tree Avenue, Retford, St Josephs Church, Retford, Sports Ground, Retford, Doncaster Road/Martin Lane, Bawtry Retford Oaks Academy, Retford, Sports Ground, Retford, St Josephs Church, Retford, Lime Tree High Street/Wharfe Street, Bawtry Avenue, Retford, Queen Street, Retford, Railway High Street, Bawtry Station, Retford, Duke Street, Retford, Lane, Retford, Bus Station, Retford South Parade/Gainsborough Road, Bawtry

Hawks Nest, Gibbet Hill

Gibbet Hill Lane, Gibbet Hill

Bawtry Road, Bircotes

The Crescent, Bircotes

Suffolk Road, Bircotes

Whitehouse Court, Bircotes

Waterslack Road, Bircotes

Sports Ground, Bircotes

Colliery, Bircotes Colliery Road, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

Hill Top Court, Harworth Galway Mews, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

Scrooby Road, Harworth Mulberry Way, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

Blyth Road, Harworth Blyth Road, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish Tickhill Road, Harworth B6463, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

Baulk Lane, Harworth

Moor Top Road, Harworth

Sherwood Road, Harworth

Amanda Road, Harworth

Mayfair Close, Harworth Melbourne Grove, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

Melbourne Grove, Harworth Melbourne Grove, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

War Memorial, Harworth Main Street, Harworth Bircotes Civil Parish

The Green, Harworth

Common Lane, Harworth

Pagdin Drive, Styrrup

Industrial Estate, Harworth

Certex, Harworth

The Woodlands, Blyth

Brookside, Blyth

Bawtry Road, Blyth

Nornay Close, Blyth

The Maltings, Blyth Little Lane, Blyth Civil Parish

Ryton Fields, Blyth

Retford Road, Blyth

Grange Cottage, Ranskill

Park House, Ranskill

Blyth Road, Ranskill

St Barnabas Church, Ranskill

Holds Lane, Torworth

Blacksmith Lane, Torworth Blacksmith Lane, Torworth Civil Parish

Old School House, Torworth Trinity College Farm, Barnby Moor

Little Grange Farm, Barnby Moor

Great North Road, Barnby Moor

Station Road, Barnby Moor

Sandiforths, Retford

Cooks Cottages, Retford

North Road, Retford

Randall Way, Hallcroft

Earles Court, Hallcroft Randall Way, England

Randall Park Way, Hallcroft

Aurillac Way, Hallcroft

The Elizabethan Academy, Hallcroft

Aurillac Way, Hallcroft

Randall Park Way, Hallcroft Hardstaff Close, England

Earles Court, Hallcroft Randall Way, England

Randall Way, Hallcroft

Silverdale Close, Retford Miller's Way, England

Cemetery, Retford

Hospital, Retford

West Court, Retford

Lime Tree Avenue, Retford

St Josephs Church, Retford Babworth Road, England

Sports Ground, Retford

Retford Oaks Academy, Retford

Sports Ground, Retford

St Josephs Church, Retford Babworth Road, England

Lime Tree Avenue, Retford Hospital Road, England

Queen Street, Retford Pelham Road, England

Railway Station, Retford Station Road, England

Duke Street, Retford Spicers Court, England

Thrumpton Lane, Retford

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