Worksop Deprivation
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Bassetlaw & Bawtry Deanery - 2020 Deployment Strategy Second Draft for Bishop’s Council - August 2013 Creative Community Development Fresh Expression Giving for Ministry Leadership Vibrant Buildings Lay Fellowship Worksop Deprivation Mission Bawtry Living Worship Messy Church Strategy Hospitality 18 - 25 Joining Together Growing Disciples Transforming Journey Vision 2020 Growth Faithful Work Elderly Prayer World Chaplaincy House Groups Care Homes College Young People Young Housing Clergy Schools Collaborative Health Bassetlaw NewlyRetired Authentic Retford Ecumenical Team Working Seeking Justice Seeking Freedom "A family of churches supporting and encouraging one another to join in the transforming mission of God" Version : 1.6 – Final Draft Page 1 of 37 Contents 1. Summary ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3 2. Response to feedback from Bishop’s Council on first draft of 80% plan ............................................................................. 4 3. Progress on 80% plan since first draft ................................................................................................................................ 5 4. Over 80% deployment posts .............................................................................................................................................. 5 a. Strategy and Prioritisation ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 b. Post Descriptions .................................................................................................................................................................... 6 c. Timescales ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6 5. Bassetlaw & Bawtry Deanery: 2020 Deployment Plan: 2nd Draft for Bishop's Council, August 2013 ................................. 7 a. 80% Deployment..................................................................................................................................................................... 7 b. 80 – 120% deployment ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 c. 2020 Deployment Totals ....................................................................................................................................................... 13 d. Timescales for over 80% Posts .............................................................................................................................................. 13 5. Buildings Strategy ............................................................................................................................................................ 15 a. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15 b. Methodology ........................................................................................................................................................................ 15 c. Progress to Date ................................................................................................................................................................... 16 6. Next Steps on 2020 plan................................................................................................................................................... 16 Appendix A - Response to Bishop’s Council: Analysis of Worksop Hub Deployment at 88% level ............................................. 17 Appendix B – Summary Deployment Plan including Deanery Map ........................................................................................... 18 Appendix C - 0ver 80% Posts: Role Descriptions ....................................................................................................................... 23 1. Lay Minister and Community Development Worker, St Paul’s Manton and Priory, Worksop ............................................. 23 2. Community Development Worker, Harworth ...................................................................................................................... 26 3. Missioner to Schools & Young People .................................................................................................................................. 28 4. Missioner to the Elderly and Care Homes, Deanery Wide .................................................................................................... 30 5. Fresh Expressions of Church to Young Adults, Worksop Hub ............................................................................................... 32 6. Fresh Expressions of Church Lay Community Worker, Retford Hub .................................................................................... 33 7. FTE Fresh Expressions of Church/Missioner to Newly Retired, Deanery Wide .................................................................... 34 8. Licensed Lay Minister, Christ Church, Worksop, St John’s Worksop, St Luke’s, Shireoaks ................................................... 36 "A family of churches supporting and encouraging one another to join in the transforming mission of God" Version : 1.6 – Final Draft Page 2 of 37 1. Summary Bassetlaw and Bawtry present the second draft of their 2020 Deployment Plan. Significant progress has been made with the plan since the first draft was submitted to Bishop’s Council in January 2013. We have responded to the issues raised by Bishop’s Council and, in particular, have changed the Retford Area Team Ministry deployment by joining the proposed half time posts into full time ones. Since January, parts of the 80% plan have been implemented in three areas. Our proposals for the over 80% posts are now complete, with detailed post descriptions and timescales for each post. The posts have been put into priority order. We are underway with our building strategy, but with approaching 100 buildings connected with the deanery, this will take some time to complete. We see great benefit deriving from an agreed buildings strategy in due course. We would welcome an early decision on our first three over 80% posts and agreement to appoint: 0.5 FTE lay minister, St Paul’s Worksop, 0.5 Community Development Worker, St Paul’s and Priory, Worksop: appointment as soon as possible. 1.0 FTE community Development Worker, Harworth: appointment mid-2014. 1.0 FTE lay missioner to schools and young people: appointment early 2014. "A family of churches supporting and encouraging one another to join in the transforming mission of God" Version : 1.6 – Final Draft Page 3 of 37 2. Response to feedback from Bishop’s Council on first draft of 80% plan Bishop’s Council felt able to “substantially endorse the 80% plan” submitted in our first draft. However, a number of detailed points were raised. These have been discussed by the Deanery Leadership and our response is shown in the table below. We hope that Bishop’s Council will now be able to fully endorse the 80% part of our plan. Issue Response 1 Retford Area Team We have changed this section to make clear that it is our intention that as many of the posts as possible will be full time. Our plan Ministry: 7 x 0.5 FTE and is for only one ordained post to be part time although, due to the large number of rural parishes, we wish to maintain some 1 x 1.00 FTE posts flexibility at this stage, and it may be more appropriate to have three part time ordained posts. The posts have now been put unrealistic together with each group of rural parishes linked with one of the town churches (of which there are five, including The Grove Methodist church). ( See Section 5 ) 2 Ministry figures The deanery leadership was acutely aware of the opportunity that 2020 represented to bring together the three “old” deaneries deployed unevenly, into one “new” enlarged deanery. The first step in our 2020 deliberations, therefore, was to consider how the deanery might be especially in the better reconfigured into “hubs” that did not use the old boundaries and to build up a deployment plan based on these hubs. Worksop area and Several suggestions were put forward but were found to be unworkable. The new deanery breaks down most naturally into hubs reliance on “old” that are the same as the old deaneries. This will also help to build on existing relationships. deanery boundaries We believe that quoting population figures has given only a partial description of the clusters in the Worksop hub. Deployment does indeed look uneven based on this criterion alone. However, factors such as attendance, occasional offices and local resources are also important in determining deployment and including these criteria, deployment can be seen to be much more even across the hub. Furthermore, our first over 80% post is based in this hub and this further balances the deployment. (See Appendix A.) We believe that at 88% deployment the clusters are fairly balanced and that there is no need to review parish boundaries. 3 Insufficient weight in At the 80% level, we would agree that there are probably not enough resources allocated towards disadvantage. However, we resourcing towards believe