Module and Comodule Categories - a Survey Robert Wisbauer University of D¨usseldorf,Germany e-mail
[email protected] Abstract The theory of modules over associative algebras and the theory of comodules for coassociative coalgebras were developed fairly indepen- dently during the last decades. In this survey we display an intimate connection between these areas by the notion of categories subgenerated by an object. After a review of the relevant techniques in categories of left modules, applications to the bimodule structure of algebras and comodule categories are sketched. 1. Module theory: Homological classification, the category σ[M], Morita equivalence, the functor ring, Morita dualities, decompositions, torsion theo- ries, trace functor. 2. Bimodule structure of an algebra: Multiplication algebra, Azumaya rings, biregular algebras, central closure of semiprime algebras. 3. Coalgebras and comodules: C-comodules and C∗-modules, σ-decom- position, rational functor, right semiperfect coalgebras, duality for comodules. B 4. Bialgebras and bimodules: The category B, coinvariants, B as B M projective generator in B, fundamental theorem for Hopf algebras, semiper- fect Hopf algebras. M 5. Comodule algebras: (A-H)-bimodules, smash product A#H∗, coin- H variants, A as progenerator in A . 6. Group actions and moduleM algebras: Group actions on algebras, A GA as a progenerator in σ[A GA], module algebras, smash product A#H, ∗ ∗ A#H A as a progenerator in σ[A#H A]. 1 1 Module theory In this section we recall mainly those results from module categories which are of interest for the applications to bimodules and comodules given in the subsequent sections.