Mudspring Trochu UV22 Olds Lake 584 27 27 James River UV UV UV UV836 839 56 766 UV805 UV UV UV734 UV Stewart Lake r 760 UV583 ve UV Ri Didsbury Keiver's Lake Red De er 582 27 Morrin UV UV806 UV UV21 Carstairs Linden UV837 791 836 581 UV UV UV838 580 UV Cremona 580 UV UV 575 UV579 Acme UV Carbon Banff Crossfield 806 10 574 UV UV836 UV Lake Louise National UV766 UV 72 UV9 Park Cascade River UV UV2 Irricana UV841 UV772 569 Benchlands UV567 UV Lake Ghost UV40 UV567 Airdrie 840 Minnewanka Lakes UV22 Rockyford UV Two Jack Lake 566 UV21 Ghost Lake UV782 UV UV564 Banff Morley 1A 564 Ozada UV UV 1 Cochrane UV 791 Standard Seebe UV Strathmore 563 Deadhorse UV Lake Lac Des Arcs Barrier 68 UV817 UV1 UV561 Canmore Lake UV 8 Lake UV Glenmore Eagle Lake Reservoir UV560 Kananaskis Namaka Lake r 758 Spray Lakes Village ve UV Lake Ri 22X 901 Stobart Lake Reservoir ow UV 842 b UV UV El UV797 762 UV773 UV66 UV UV552 UV547 549 UV552 549 UV r 24 UV40 UV Shee p Rive UV Arrowwood UV547 UV7 Kananaskis 799 Lakes Black UV783 UV Diamond er Riv 542 Milo od Frank Lake UV wo gh Longview Hi McGregor Lake 540 UV UV804 Vulcan 842 UV541 UV534 UV Nanton UV533 UV23 UV531 Twin Valley UV842 2 Reservoir 533 UV 22 UV Twin Valley UV Champion Travers Pine Coulee Reservoir L 532 529 itt Reservoir UV Chain Lakes Reservoir UV le Bo Reservoir w R ive 527 Clear Lake r 522 UV Carmangay UV 843 Willow Creek UV Barons UV520 UV520 Keho Lake UV519 PictureReservoir ButteUV25 Mud Lake UV811 785 UV40 UV Belly River UV4 Crowsnest Oldman River Lake Blairmore Reservoir 511 MO 026/2021 - Fire Ban Frank Cowley UV3 UV UV509 Bellevue Pincher Effective 12:00 July 27th, 2021 UV786 UV810 iver Creek e R stl MO 027/2021 - Fire Restriction Ca 507 UV 507 UV Waterton River Effective 12:00 July 27th, 2021 St. Mary River Beauvais Lake 2 Beaver UV 505 506 Glenwood UV UV Calgary Forest Area Mines 505 UV5 UV774 Lake Waterton UV St. Mary UV6 Reservoir Reservoir

UV800 UV62 501 503 UV UV Ross Lake Waterton Lakes 820 National Park UV501 UV Information depicted is subject to change, therefore the Government of Waterton Lakes assumes no responsibility for discrepancies at the time of use. K GOA © 2021 UV501 Produced by Alberta Environment and Parks, Southern Geospatial Field Unit - Calgary Base Data provided by the Government of Alberta under the Alberta Open 0 10 20 40 Kilometers Government Licence of November 2014.