Inlirritnl Dlariur*. Ho fvt of Ml«n I* nor* rr*n»l with awful vMloff than lb* (act of lb* taborttaaro of dt M»]«m artati**. wMik haa llluBilnal*«t M BUT dark rornr r • of nat urr,baa ih«l • aa w lifht oa tbo ummoui worda of Ul ftripturaa, "Tbo ».na of »b« fathara, •hall k« rlaltrd u|»>a l).« rh. 1ra» latotkx IklH ai d fourth Kifty |#r wit of raaoa of eonaumplto*. rnnka man? other hereditary d i< u*a ua 1* to «*«r aaalf oat, tha ibwl aitiact A <1 alia- «u ab«H| Mint *t truly aaya Na > r<»a or tenure of the body laegrinpt from for Tb* <>ifon! |t«mo«rti he and When Shall Their Olory Fade. OXFORD H0R8E TALK. the ataaaa of bam# tha aubj*. ▲MONO T!IK FARMERS. In th« of late; that watgrnwintf monly ,T * llaytioM hereditary a a#aa« I'robablr mora V0R9AH I in He could not aklck To tbe farm-r wboe* w«»rk brg'.Ba before preoccupied company. fhrente IHWM. Mruanaatlf cot wooilbln* nr- Tiik Fimt Mvimk Annuair'aCitatoi •iructur« an1 f initio a a af aa atare li#bold yon low lag# by the looks of his Mr Ikh •Ixwtlil oa a*TWnlt*r%l tojv aeartee 1 linger* aiong until tbe help noticing surprised (AMaq*lnitloNi nnMi AT mmIIi I'erU. M« the mora ar laaa I tabic la ba In* IxilitaitNtaL ftJdraw «ii fnmM*h«lluM er» *e»m of ail &t his demeanor. I'tTIVIVIU. be nMfmnl U> A. T MtilN, body,#re o*U bajiog it km may well Mo hla* mrllai innk* from IU tbhanajr li friends changed Still, hen te<1 far •* «W» to JtaiH u TbetaiporUaiaad roechiaf Whitna lb«r« mm l in the mid*( of ami not <1*1 action* aucb facte — TV RAL kwn«,« >&*NU» 1*4*1 iH«o*itt(B v* w Tnrt ro«t | (mi of p-wlry or of romance In bard »or* t fgrown path I minutre lo devote to ara abvteue U rtBartlai Blada, and Ika An>l no rbll.lrvo pi*jr tbara Wi th# that fat* had commiasioned him an emit* hiving mtny «p*re * happy boat %eaaa far or tartof und*r broiling bub, of watchlBg lb* In paper of 3, jour corvee- we in preveatlaff Mk your July maUera to born* glad ltiM« a ac**< a ta Intnnee in U •>» kit* anr VrtU«r IMr Id BBllety le*t That mhim* *n gray, neglect*.!, justice. to l'ickett'a aeubjorttrf Tb« Brirfht Inner Life of Farming. of Kdl commu. pondent "K I,. G.,** referring to bavt no article for thu Uraat to a.: > rt .nau!/ nature baa * »u i.Wb »hi>»« r ur a drlu lag ilorm take Wm m<» III* home Harwalr, Hut, whatever hie duty to the received Owa of Mrth'i InrriM, rtrvtl or mortal*, famoua at U unable a reme>1r. wuioto eiperioBoa froa him balf the of bit at he owed it to Alio* Wil. charge Uettyaburg, column from the of a provided expected proflu Willi •i»«rhlln4 -Urn «)M m«1 brown gol.lan munity large, pen prominent haa atteeted ae iiif a « tl the rente- • Hu m* la urtle Ukea to "recall in hiatory to la tha labor*; barriedly, bair. eon's to protect her from thU anything military breeder of Oiford County in relatioa d; w»r>.tf«B)oje Rvlft'l Hiiecilr, 4 la iK* Urmtr u if lb* Ua« Uih «»r« waeted, in happiness which can match it.** • p ire i.»' -i » a fT* fwn: >.% »*tkt «/*u ipnl Arrnaa from Ilia ntl»T tbftt lay mr lUal And eo it came to that quite tb* deacendanta of the noted brood m»re and impoa'er. paaa onttdote for ait bin-id pota«>aa To taa V '"<* '•» rwmt»4 frirml- lb« du*l iUckli'M 11J dtecomfort <1 wall In*. If valuable will admit, I ^ •il#ri he one your apace Mill*. The article contain* many a <111 ted It la a t. ••• n( wf n.ra'miab.e POWDER Mian a»4 ■>■ r«rv 4 «Ii ll*rllnn** found him*elf, evening, pulling Dolly r«#», U«/*e the walla of • oaatle wboao lowar, reach full* if not •'Hiooil ar t Ha Dlaeeoee" will to V Hr«f '•» lU liM m >m; tber* may be m>n rt> •! 4m,* /«nwr lag ikiml, reeolvt Alice by ... hUta witu men. mean tha l«ml. <*• iu ua-i pleaaar*. Wna tuirrora»l In iMMlf m Iba wai that of IVkatt'e I (ireen th*t Tai Hmrt Hrtrinr ... '»••<*« fc« MM M tmprrmi ywiwr, houee. Fortune favored him; the A* the mare, Uirl, Col, > %»»•«• Ml |Uy U mm tl»w a look* lo aa Mav, '• •* Uv INI tk»n •*•»«&< U iVmU W tblag depvada largely «»f the lit Maine a {•rawer *, AtUat*. (J* mm -»%*•• if, hlmMlf, Tmi** It .|>att A>Ulf waa Iba lalrt of therattia, his he charge Meaty Artillery, won tb« .V.'" cl*«« at Hartford abort m Vappf >b we n«w alone, and, intent upon purpose, 4 Mm In Witn. up the lUiOpmii froa wblcb tlllaa, hi* fl< ire *M flna- ne»r on a/ lla ha-1 heabty ant acting m IVteraburg, a and •« |W «|1| ti*ar t of soon Hammond's ntme ioto the infantry, time tine#, hereelf game I < «i *»» P"«M« CO, II an.1 to tb* man wboae «!»)• are ap*at la »»rr*t pwa*porta Nt h to Iba pour drew Mr. proved tha I nth of June, 1 'ft I, an.I in doing ao "rot. Profreoor—"II »w many Irge bara la- v» I«» Wbaa tb« w >rl I *m mal* tat fara!»b*.| a etijr «oaailag r«K>u» or erorb-ebop, tbe conversation. fa*t trotter with ataying n«t ] faror n*'»r f.Minl at bU qualttiae »ecut'* 8to>l«at—"f.\ rant, laaerta a IUt b'tgbt Partly I mutt and regret that p»r of It WM li U* tu>U of «ukliWf«io|MMeale«aa. II* iJom coeUl coca- Um top of tb«m tr*edlag Jo»u tb* fragrant ao remain tha and at Laic. Iba r alley, sur» a nice re» long unaung by poata a few feet* about the or Are, bat aooe alt" I'rofreeor—'ll] tut iri*M, 411 '"t »k*»« I weary to IMHM af unknown the dam of la the w »rl.| did T'H ct thla inf »rma- Tula a«a—tba r*ria«r—lalo a *>r«Bc« of I'tfkliM. lie furi«U tbe da»l tUt|>|>a>l to raal for tba utgbl kl IbU Miss Wilson, warmly. generally public. ducmg mare Dolly MilU—(be '>roa«bi •ponded one tl >bF" ntntio- Vrfrkl'M. tbat ma-le the bot tan tbat r«mcii«m». *n-l t<> fea«f on tba Sawnlr of »' 'a "Yes.1" Street, lo* tha collect! >a to tba uoirer- r«M w bin lb* tbe ataie Vb»t i» ituk took an active in that af haloagtoc Ntr«t for tb« cuapUUoa of Ills »rb. If gave h*t>lKl>«, r.iw U><- *111 of lb* worvllf ill «|' tba terrntfation of dissect. part deeperata blojd breeda uniformity for gcn*rethn*. •a iba of who cat aad braeled HI* fwl; bat r»> *»l lar, ally." • W Ml».»l f < >toM M»pl vtvti rtaw c.u-i.j see fair: • to the breeder* »•»* Tba fair mawlaa't l«it I ha fa|*e Ml I lor h»'«erry "Why, wow. "At length, about I o'clock ph., tha wa* Star, aire ACTIO EN T.H .1 »a»b«» tba t> uca or tb* t«U eiraarberrue what can have against Mill* by American roatlia* fo» Uw vitawaca of all ibiaca. by An«1 at til* >1«*tv»Mnr* k« «hl*pafa-l. "IW», you poesibly Dolly >nr -/ ( 0wurllor fit Is\tC% order waa heard. 'Charge a, fur- an of an I boar to «l«*al with th-ia, an I othar rat- *1 14* imm aa.l aubi* la tbe tall gra««. of tbe bird'e u««i la tba for thaw a* wall, tbe a*jetrr*l that word double tjuick.' The otb»r« in J:30 or better. farmer, apoa ip *11 Oil nothing, nothing," hastily forty Seely'« ta I»r Ktafratnn'a greet M«*dleal W.irk; Um tao*i aaU ru along over It, aad of tae pretty litUa Tba tuorr w hut wltb It no lorer, to climb the bank of earth b>rd*r» »h u rmm n« • mm crMllM, ruapltu perfect -ink-hly, cashier "but haven t began American Star ia the air* of dam of Dic- c H «n 1 three J i >Ur« tba waab* iba* all glootaj disclaimed the ; elegant >lore*1 pltUte c»at ifx r*a at of ail U« of laflalla a*< • alr| la lb* arblt* aproa aad plab e«ab >aaat Tbw |»«•**-t» Ordway la *lib»r fat* It ittn a aoblt ti*« of lb* bay o*« mtatr anomlng To bar, tba for«*k**t, an I bUd and atarted with a yell, the eecond A Co II tatoa, Mate an I recelre a c >py ■ » c. niikim * work ial la U« worUI. •ye* aixl who inspired blm to »acb «ff»ru aha la ft bar Inral h »n»« to th* t a«ile to bla. Mr. Iltmmm >nd V* he asked. cre*ful atalliona. 'trad plK« ffaa. U>at face »ev«ral * *ba •<»>ue battalion followed, and cloaa on their wa* Jennie h. A au'i rata liailM b«Im IU If w*. the color la bla grew la llwrlinn'# gr«an ali#y plutkal "What do you mean .by that V she The dam of Dillie Mi!l« aua * • II I llllaa, < an •bade* More vivid wblla thai la hie he*|a went tha third. Tha inatant the t .1 '>>nHJ*Uor at Is*»r% allb a low «i*« .»f !oWbee tbat all bla UJlber'a waahlBg fi>rrw>l up a «mUa, lb«agb bar baart nigh hardly Mtaaenger, Imported ijofutr laplDfatat, oalf Confederate line on thtm. A Im> haoa for many far a to waar tha coald sever tfface. breaking. cret. II* heeitated, and opened Crandam Kan, Dinwnldte, by obliged work to be itoar, U* «lraarxler awlaglag Idly U the D >med. Mr. Chart** of It, s!ammer«d: ported Bar»r aatll II >•» j»N« to tbe To tba awrant *h* Mi l, "I* yoar ma*lar at our abort J thnny «ota antthlac gala >lfiv*a lb*- la*b of W» baaawk ander thetree, or yoang Ham- along their line, far New York, aaya t»f aacaaaltj oalf. botwa, *lr fm !"—I— that U—Mr. overlapping of Stonny Kord S:ud, With It A faw tUra «c<> II >h Ika 1 -» at oa tbe abated bacb » beta- "Why tbrouch tt" ( ohhmIIot hue. :*a la tba ihaVia of lb la *a»1. girl alttlag plat* to tba Vataof t aabmere line to the ami left. "I Jt! "y aacaaaltjr. "Nar, la-tr. ba'trar mond— In fact—sii ag>, I was tel. right under date of June 10th, 1*7 J. pur* a i|rao.|fal toothorha, an I It nr»a Wll^l wa Ut* U11BK a a beet or picktag over 0er.*lee for To wr.1 l'rl ><^*« Imi, llrlng tbarw In giwal years balM pbfalca..y aamala oaij. Mlaa The air waa full of lead and Urn of that tha tooth ah >aM ho tbe baa of uie moving macblae ut •ybadtr; Ur—" literally cha**d Jenny I^ewia Ddly Mill*) o-*« *ba took bar way bow* in but Mr. Hammond! away in minute, brood mare* in «b«*llj | iiaapwai should be ushered Orange (bounty. rhaar with tbam aflorwanl. I ran toll y»u lb* lac Otea or aore aablUoaa boree* coming wnr»l. to Tha firat battalion had a aftov* all olb#r ra»a, aboaJ llaa tiuaawl on hands left the dam of NMIi* one of pair, n H III *•» of IUI bar fettn* aaw no mora, nor tb* >l*ar The gentleman insisted shaking yelL Temple, tbat ru^t If. aad I*- boat to tba bara with tbe bigb loada a roae over the lo aalara aad at] if all tba llfbt na*a wttbla mepfd aa ton aa they Kalnwat for $5,000 am tbe with Mr. Street, although the cashier away I told Mr. Augnatua 0. from fragrant bay. or aovlag aboat >ng »an lu onr* brokan labia of II lla 1* tba m »*t r*iaof««l X« *t • •ralag tbay I I bar, waa diaeolved in a orila hahltaal aa; hat tha maker* tue* oa tb* racb, wblle tbe ecat l ying '.oath lb# >tarfe minute, and the third melting that at the of *even year*, Ufa, If ba do*a r »t wlllfblly plaa*» lalo disregarding Miss Wilson's warniog Chief died age |« ilta •tap la for ttarllaa we on, in aa# of harah, r ao man I* ao lal»- ur*d f «rce* rabe more ap r*adtee*e with fmet heftre tha aun ; but kept *tud (Jreat Ha*, K.Mkrt'M. tb* WpUk* of IV Mr. Hammond but left a* bia aervice, aa la IMIa, h tWarar, load Aad waea a a <. >u t loL u»«».f fraa fro® It. UleaelaU la rra/.tb* in but art enfilade tire or a:is, lant. to all for w ••We were n>w, of rectly front, 2 Dick Swiveler, aaportor otbaro, oapoclallj A la lb* worul bvad and »way idly before tbe coalag ipetking, jut rrorJ, lij. a!f iiMntr't aaf« pr«»p»rtf Mr Strwot'n Dark 8«K'rot. *hell end and thru* aa*. «bea as occaaloaal flub of llgbt ft connected bulleta and •hot and grajw d>ublete«rn record, anl fatally Attorney at Laic, If ba llvaa arllbia bia laciMft* b- bawl b*«* atora, mm one who bftil m\*iery 2:16|; aia< tbruwa a wirrd mea Oa * rerun dark in October two from tod If ft up and down Man 2:30. ao car* U ba eu«*la aolblM u' *»ib»r n*a li^btoa barrylag night with lit* life.' canieter, right other* with rec >rJ« better aad aa 1 an l m» a* Oomo Lu« Hot Caara —Fr1*md (to llelhM if b* vwfca cattle, wtldaeea, (ItwaiaeM might hftve been **en Hand* t*ked the rebel work* I looked about u the aire of Jamea K. ba baa M i)i*apt«>taiaKau. gentlemen "Mow i* it, Mr. H»mmond,M Walkill Chief — book tbreateniaga of diM«Ur, eo aWift> m«n yoaag author How la yoor go. eg • b* ba» f»a >.»**r*. ao 1 Boa* tbat poealtle under ft *! the ion of I ran forward, and t thought evfry and Mj» | ««iru, tl.lfa-.J aceae init g**light j4net the "do think you could Ileea, th* air* of Inde*, 2:21, nff. bla art aa 1 bla ly take tbe place of tbe tra&aa; If ba •taJlc* two buMrrM street* in cl>»*« Con* *»• down. 1 on at the ia alao K lataly apread before tbe eye. engiged hide fr >m the world ft dfttk felling kept r«r u« ImI load •«r» ver*«ti>>n. in low, rftutiou* com* double by eonetently fell' aire of l**t alrea 1y !*»••« oblig^l to glr# away m >«t of y •»» .u VV IU. •: 5 •• «•* in Tm t/aaiph 4«uic( Thej tp>ke •ecrrt, tomt tenible crime hftd man Chief, ./ you friend* HUM it br Bra I bl( dropa their Ltnrilk the litckrr* men, Hunter, *»ko ley *41 th* drat edition to my I »♦ V* •«r!»>•»• la »i ii««, t>»ub* la tb* rat»alo< I; riiurjulMlM tonrt, f*ce«, i >t »nj g> on living inrf pMt Oeorge Walkill Cnief v« >hin* ant us milled, in«tftnce, Dempaey, Krlen I —That Tbla U the <— '«* >• • oi Um tiriaia«il lt«U to mr in hardly para. » 1— * la «»*rv- l>.ah were unto • five bulle'e in bin. looking • waa owa»ld for H" Um daa. 1b lb* la aomaibia* worth itt if it hftJ 910,000. flrat book yaa bar* bad pabllabad, Un't It »f wa.cb Ikt *rulA. II* yard, who j on, c. •»%%*•. Uiat." poat la the Ull, dim young m*n, un me •« ftn m I itill I krpt wondering and Jul mo«l of biaatud aervic* tb« ►»«! t«•<>"■ ilv>u fur (b« djliirt ravlr "Since you in*i«t tftking ptM«l. Vermont Charley? r»a .«•• bow It u f »f hiia tbat in *uch ft «n*t **id Mr Hftmmuttd, with ft bow eo many bulleta th*n. Viang Aatbor (blturly)—No, It'a ray at Late. (tiktr k iMT, IW rt >*rr> »r- flliad «iu illu*tr»ti >n. Attornty 'xii aaltafartloa It who *eemed to be near me and all of tb«m Ml. lb* cow I Um tltattU, f.*r Iba tr*g»CftI attitude, «nd think there fly around and waa the Jam of Mt «*»*.*«. tb* itwp Nin I la fl Mf, f reed Uugh, "•ny, I should IK1II7 MilU Aja*, A aach m that com memo- ng talking, any *»• rl«e for ft nun to do. If be mytelf Col. Kuaaell made Mr. rtl»l It tlM fi ! of () tt)a >urg. Ikli Weak, nothing I trial, '2.22$. ril.M! I'II.m! IrcillMil I'lLM. amin Vu Ut bi|b*«l Uaai>ia with >1x111' I mi^ht bate rec<>gnii*d the C4>hler of the to tb« abatti* in front of their work*. an otf*r of i« a >o» to wall a* r.ene to lit* It (ir**n, the owner of 8vnrtn«i»— M Intent IVblng tb* rttii h»» ila Milern-««. loo* hftdn't enough through, Ajai, «N4 > A «r» «H«* t?. in* *-»i; u<»* *ivt iu tn>|*. Mr, Cleveland M about me In front • • • Kir»t National lUnk, and looked wm refund. it an 5 ra »«t at worae ulUM llto** h hate participated Is atraffl* he'd better out of it.' •topped 913,000 which Ajai aOnglng; night; by »tra j»» • h«ra rtro of lb* right. moat tn> Street, while the bro*d-*houldered, of about ten fe«t were two men of mjr lUmbletonian, acratcbtng. If allowed to eootloae tarn of lb* aaa call fortb IIf« from »:cU»ry. pie**- "Hut nut the memory the the air* of Calumbua ■i'b r%y might an 1 olrera'e. b#« i Couni^llori at La*, ai Um of MlfTtu an I Mlh ant faced man, with folded »rm« ha t halted. I looked back the form. which ofleo bl^l (ft* «J**d aui>r witb wbl«.b a* w-»rt» prlta (landing crime hi* mind till he felt pany. Tbejr 2.20, he U al«) air* of (Contractor, aii aotna om fainma Ufa la prey upon coming rerr »>ri. Hwavta'a OntM»*r atj It 1 loaa lo Tba to *aw or men running Allaaiur*. la 1ml. Wvrba for bin. an 1 beftj bent forward litten, to tome one ?" and twenty thirty •ire of Writ the horae ul- a virfir* with fortaa of aiorni to tell it j*r- Dr. phenomenal atopa tb« Itching an 1 blerding. baala 4, intMl u» iftiri ii>h< favor* tbat b* work* (wrpfUil ft* compelled over the into the « K V tUHl laualy well-known Mr. (Jeorge back and bank race • r tha ant aaoablB*. of pilWrra of tba earl*> an.] e-^jftlly ruted Mr. Street. leaping rhat woa an eight heat pacing vrttloo, an I la moat a«-« remote* .a ib-m for Uk* of blw*»lf gatbarta* profit are uo «] gWy aad of Iba world. A Aja* fwarr, ial of II* toviUj lirg* the from at tioa. aaJ IliJ Kiaf til. p bap- "Sn bek»«n Mr Street, "I c*«hier stunned Into ei« They lay covering ground thickly atud buaineaa. — 4 Councilor Law, a caaar uf year* ftfo,"* And the Joimxr'a Johnny—'Father AttOf*) of thi* bar«»at la it»t>arai r*J»Wlag to I Qt'i«noM la it. an>t tu# ni<>r« b* u»*a »»• lUnk. of the roaj clear wher* atood, aing- of Sir itmati tun. pia.»« hta har «• hla la tut lit* le»»t teller in the Kernn Mating* leace ftt the remoreeleM up D 'Ur Milla ia the dam Walkill, what la a coapoo?"* m%a ant farm- Aad of at, bay prftctic*llity an»r. '.right life. ta* '-rttrr and in of four or fie*. I turned Sir Walkill la cat *!#•. rlament. Mala»» bat rrop la One night it wm broken into ftnd robbed thu bold ftdtenturer. lj heap* trial 231 to road wagon. Katbar—lltatlly—"It tooittblnf "M.. *i.iwm rr b* • ia« b* U, aa4 tb* m >r* important bapplar » and looked at the men in my front, off" »rtb mora tbaa IIS OW.Oiw —Lawlatoti of $ 15 (MM). I in the bftnk *t the few minute* Uter Mr Street took again ia owned A. L 1'ier, Hacket't.owa, pro*p- n»ii* u l iarrrufa!. *lept A by H »ma tlma afWwarl hearing )nml to the and could *»e no other man alanding up buai- Johaay, time, ftnm" L-«oi at tb* caaa la lb* **cra*!«g wblcb hi* leave, J., tba mlnlatar apeik of imton* who dl«d 1 had ftn encounter with the on that field. neaa and at lea»t two of hia of MlTk fANI*. I* tb* toit for tbr** r< inirbi T!m |rua«. property. Hammond still h«d the field. in the atud, «u I Iralf aa being cat off IB th« mll»t in- *M ended in a miserable fail* tb* fraito. tb* fl »w»r*. ar* p »afirg »«t but he wft* th»n 1, »nd were to ft close, »ur charge will enter tb* • J»> liat tbia ae*aon, tb«lr Ufa ogaia b« to bla la* Im4w « W at4r*«l »■«— Farm Economy. burglar, *tronger Hat even's hastening oolta appear*! to bla baad, bi* bara* ar* fl'Ma*; biaeat* ure, lea* than ten minute*, and Sir Waikill «tra<*tlng parent with * «. «i *•«« «f iM »««ir» 1 hftve f*red if the of Street's intervention. occupied and that accident*, U« liana I to a«« artic<«« la agr.- might bftdly police Mr. barring t.* ar* gnwiag. hi* Mb ta ta* fl»Ma aa>1 1 am git independent time 601 heroee from eattern "Katbar, Mr. WblU-cboker «al1 Mr. an 1 hftnd't c\ me to reecue. In the *trug* rtmr the dee* in that will obtain a record better than 2..10 HI % « ■» to bin aa«l bi* cu.ural taraa.a oa tba abova au^Jxt, my One morning following >a« wm cat off la th« m; t*t of bU UNITIM ««.. lb* air briag btaitb on field. (luty-g par* 1 Maine dead and the »' r*a wuh a l »" l!i< m u(U #ff from to yaar, 1 ft of the mftn'* fftCe, dying aea on. < II f*aniv. «**nr »>'raaiag taat * nm * |o yr*i gle gut gmtd tight : lay thia lava; I« he a >qp >n BOW ar« pfttch but ait wer* left un- • car* aaarc***an- ii abowlng a t«*tur hua' au try There ftnd I'te declared I should know llsrryvlile. Of thirty.ait officer* ia tbe dam of I.i«lia'a Kill, tlianclal /' inn the robber of the K-rna eta!* that the (TfCl I ruapiag rrpraaaot **w th*t I met th«t ptt-wolof brtnc eeveral hUtorian* who who writea be ia pUMi trac i« c:»«« to aatara, la la month* ftgo | face; 1 Meolifr ChadJa Ford, I'enn., Of** bl* car* at. 1 inutb bla hmw, Tb« farm«r lltnk In TC 0M our ln«« aw«f meet him H»*!ng* veteran a dvanced in tup- and that there A 0(K>J) APPKTITK la fl'WO < with bar, aad baa m»n ftnd tftlked with him 1 come ti once. regiment a atud buaineaa, P|r«. an 1 b* I* l**a tbaa * tuan If b# aot MMcommuatcatloa tfrrt inftftf Ifeo (8lfM *1 health; bat at tbla I*- 1 a man g fl Ma to ouaarva «r ecoao- i I *ay not of any regiment ia no but be witl have »m. »n», «• IM. I.T>INM MM wttb gratttaJ* tbat bl* work la tb* ampla opportunity etery dftjr." Sheriff of lUrvtU* C<>aoljr. port. doubt represent* «ea«oa It la often loat. owing to tb« pov- a one our MMnM r*rti»*4. will tb* milt, ant ar» boar aba allow aolhlsg lo in the advanced foot in tbe aeaaon ia •ta* •♦■a r»**W«l a,>o*u In !e«« than ten minntee an 1 th« trail* c> "He i* known here ft* Wftlter IUm- so he could •upport. over. meat of tb« dlgeetlve organa, r j. »»iib «. to b* a form A la—oa la ccoaomy la Hie hftad (book thftt scarcely ,u •r a a* w*li a* prt*ll*f*. bap- ly rhaag lag had mtre killed and wounded than aff* rata a*«l to .!»* *>ri(bt figure* of the Union armiee, in any .'I II *>1'a Saraaparl!!a la a >n lerfjl m-dl- DU^TIHT, tb* fiaara I)f Mil dwiy gO'Dg OB BO Mr. I.tmortaux uttered ft low whittle. w»i now 10:30 any regiment trial the air* of CJrvenUirl, 1 if* IU baa t» *taat1 ap laaafjlly la iruWlh tdie left ftt 11:15. It 2:2ij. rlne for creatiag aa appetite. toning the 4 «♦. *>at b* and malufarioaaly aroaad battle the war. w*« bred T Car St., Ma •octal atrif* k> maduo bla right*, uataaaiagly "Well, thftt beet* me'" he ejftculftted to the of the duriog fifth heat in 3:2 Artemua llgeetloa, and glvlag strength to the factor la He president J| la ta* aatioa. tb- *o**r»iga. b m. Naiara'a graat producing ! th»t ftpplied account that the owner of Now lathe tlma to tak« »» «N», i* tb* p>>wvr "The Mr. Hftmmond, ftb«ence. He showed "When it i« taken into Wm M Hja- arhole ayatern. IVW #••*» |~r la an I aa It may at high*toaed bftnk for leftve of by Itjedjrk, If ba will om'.y •»> change oiygaa, strange aura » » > ta* rai*r of aocl«tj after' Street, of ha I been in bat. a ; he ia now owned It 04 to get » Nmi VtltaallMl Mabk«f PltlM, an.I It loaura both aad da* running Wiy, the outside of the hundred* regim^nte lUmbletonian 'tbla »ha!l ha tbc«." aaJ a** bl* pow*r drat aa-*m. |fu*tb eeenbody'* the president deepntcb. dyk an >tor from one to two of Maaa. aaJ bla will ; A ba*lao«-r of dacay t a prom mutt be mutaken.** from the cftsh* tlee which day* Mr. Ureen, Kail Kiver, A (ri'41 rHrWMIt > illii«l< IIIIIHTKI) ama.'fif. b* I* I* tb* »*j »rtty ray you Tbftt gentlemftn inferred, occupied by <»( it worka la haa aad b-comea he added "low- ft in aame owna be ia in V«*y CVxwnniTi -"Walt, J >hn,** &ATt> l»t*tUlk4TIPMW*11kll*lM* • v law It i* aot for bia to roaplala growth. ly "I'll tell you. Street," tbftt it w»» and night* euM*eeabo—Frederick*, Tbe patty Ajai; ier*' f«ce, probftbly aaldold man J >rdan to hi* friend, l*M W«M b* bla It t la aaltira'a atery proceaa. pale a auble of yoaag H** T |MI iMMxIt I* If *7 b a apatAp aaact. an I make* It raaalt la Vuu *ee, he'* he said, them haJ Ixt neaa. Mr. (Jre«n infirm* morning amlle; a m tnth ago, tb*r* ta a • ruoa for a farm*r to good prominent of property, re*dily, Jaat « i, iiM'i Wy •*» will f» that bequests m« to* «< |« r**^»a With nw mftke » ternbU *en*fttion. And If a* the tint Maine loat in*ide of the firat colli eir*d Artemua, want yoo to go ap to dlsaer with or ba b* aii**ra*>l*, bat *»*rr Uaf (fovtl Urtflt you thftt he coulJ get nlong many eight by piaia cornea abe gueased they •»» H««t' nan aot to ! it Itfa than deatb, wh*a death the nature of the better than 2:30. lay." «bf b# ah >*M hm a bappr b*)p hfttt no evidence but your memory, you him for ft few H*lf ftn ten minute*, de*perat« •it of them have trial* — b« la without daya. a ?" b* wu tarca it tau> lifa agala. iboagb It may real of in "ll»*e yoa got cook a aiafc* <>tb*r »ra bappjr tf oaly couldn't was the c»n be more fully Artemua ia very highly (K» jaini (UNM. prote anything, anyhow hour Uter, Mr. Street on trftir. undertaking thought •\v» Yorb*r. wno w 11 j Karai N«w acruaa I I hrrr wfff HI J men I <>fn*er» hi« colte •tnw »nl«»rr wa to* raa- mttur re«u uat from At that inatant a llrfht tlaahed toward lUmill* Indiana; •■Wall, tajr hoy, a'poa* go Ttm di«lawgraUd | •peedicg 6'M trim Ik n tUt*. * went forward. Of the M2 men, and it U believed will taaraat thla tin*. V >a ma«t run •m'wr I d*ath u4 li turaad lato the »oil lo the atreet. A man emt r^ed from door* In that •it'bour*' r> 1« Mr. Stmt liv. younrf, tbey none tul a wife ooca Inti". 8 tat a Farm. • iti- •Tf killed and wounded, *mi««in* oa. joaag Wmh; Vlllacf. srlcii ti «DJ ru»tr ittapa*>l«of »iipportiB« moment to lirfht a month of At ewj lb* r«aob way (topped ej »u«per»«. T»i» 4 <« » !»•» •» * >l horeemen under Jim of Girl, Tb« a* 1 promotiac growth a f then walked down the went oat and stood on tbe When the beroic MilU i« the Oran#e it ik« ( »C»r. rapidly tioo he plat, Djlly bMir •Co* UiiIm of u« state CoM«C*. t > coat* la *.m« form or oih«r, and It will m*.|r their I htve ail aa#J all of on* bottl* faI. I » *»• a medium to off and I/ml Cardigan gallant charg* 2:20. k CuN »4ala« f«U •treet. He little *bove with * wild deeir* • r HaoKncvaHrtl «1ini»»r taMa. *») tw w«*

  • r»1 from catarrh f »r twelva ax black HarrTillr at lUla'tlat*, 'all the world wondered,' Mill* U the dam of Au«r.•««, tally. I trl*l *ari ra«a- Iteatifl-d •ttb old cap hiru •trang^ly •uapieiouiljr, •P»ak»r i« aut Mill arljr an • tT »n to p»rp«tuau th« worth* I at Maine act in* aa in- it the dam of Artle««, one k<- !y wore well down oeer hi* eye*. He carri* the«t of hi* rcfl *tion«, tbe Heavy artillery D>lly MilU iffura, aa 1 ibrnrfor* •;> 1 draw 1U liNou. agoniiing I »'« Craam Balm a.tvartla*1 In tha agilcaltaral *n on the lH*h of June, lv>|, i« the choicest brooi! mart* owned NV | aat »rc<>a«lty ed hie head forward and walked daahed tbe door ftnd fantry of very an 'h o «toli'a do th« farm-ra, knowing ahrfhtly j brakeuan open II Mton Da let. I procaraI a t*>tt!a, I farm Th* n la, to but few. The t>00 Farm in the i&f fact that »lac« ti»« coi!«c« with a noiaeleu !'* known gallant at (Jten View Kentucky, by a«a hata hi 1 no m >r« 'mm tlrmr fuU, atop V>) «1ra« aa l makv practi- lirfbt, atep. •an^ out, "Bmrille •lacs tha drat tUya' f >r rapidly, were there al*> owned b*»B «llb<>ai stock tlw MBllai m« that train over aoldiera mounted; late Mr. McKarron who tha ior«aNi la |dm- baa cal ••• of th« moralF lh th*y Tfce two men under the gaalirfht ejacu- How be got off from tbe »nd Kigliah M*r«tln< 'Btlralf »lit>«r Ula«tratlvr, in of the «a« con- with tha D Mtoa •ta-fjrtac a«rlcaitarv. natarv l* la th--»* rwpwu a good pat Urn lated tbe to the court were no earthworka front guna Orange Oirl and Augutta, and l> 0 Dwtjw, BaJfat, arw aot up to lh« r- aimultaneoualy: the distance from depot •ct*at He or practical, That aba la (attracting ua la " for them to him aa one of hi* formarljr with Biatoa J>oraal. t.*»*lr to go by? "Hammond' Mr. Street never knew. H<* upon which they charged a:dered by eery aiao Ur 1 ul aa a coai«|tN(« wall h*r owa aadaf bout* ;a:r»l rcoa->nif. whll* a«rvlag " back loa. maree. J. ua lb* work u ftDoui mm, )0i on id# oui climb over; l.'rt rode unhurt, choicest browl Mr. Samuel la Ivavtag tk*» mirk u I f.ert »>k» out the 673 ome authority and Smith,— Wiimt Tin I>Kit> DENTISTS. arn.^1 oa «•, 1 on f)« are of- for hia whit in,- 217 of I.-jok, of the tirm of I,»k thit U>* llttia leaka apoa the farm observed Mr. Ltmoreftui. he couldn't ha*t told. life, I«"nta J »ho la «* So«t* P»ri«. were .St. WldOW *TM| pi-ir [)«» » Block. a lb* at a !«nu ara .1*11 j plicikl. an l a there were #00 of We Stock l/)ui«*ille, bleb teattmea IU «»aly atrnura to gala "It's tbe ehftJow of ft crime," iftiJ Mr *41J to them. The tint realization of aay them;. I,iet Agency, Kjr.» bot ha la sot lea.1 u a cltliea <• «*d Lt«*l be ; really *■'P »- Mr! «im« Itriw. h» »rf# all obaarwiec aiJ turned a abattia to l It !• p alal? to hy If they are ilopptd waa when him- on foot, had atrong line of foreman at U!en View, wh»n owned by kaow." ■- r «i»« b» (omprUBCf, Street, solemnly, bU aurroundinga he found foo vtattle; lb* laatltalloa. Mil tad there art u of r ■>« Ar< »«*i I i««m l»l fuB»r» liwth«ri|fet(bui*l*, a ditch half full the Mr. McKarren, wntee, etating Omaha Dima—' Tha that ra*B Ucy Irak* i» atop I h«va sot baaa »try practl* | friends, by court haute, green "Wall. I wmb'i of that, hat •VMM lb* two the to climb be. eateem at Ulen and her blood thinking lb* trt«tfM | taeae remarka. I am awara donrU tbe snd turned tbeir all behind him. bank of earthwork up, in View, a* c i !.»m» j. v. ntvn Arali| fcV>pUd bf ral la mating Ismppost front of him—and hoj* aothtac oa'f that But tkta 1 fsces bomewsrd He entrrrd and aat down. f.»re could enemy. fruitfully from St L >ala.M aol aarroaadlaga, bbJ oa a farm kaow* ol us ; of aooTf • f * appaBTBBC* wltt ftO4 and wounded out of 832—a maree f >r enormoua weenlinga "So-, It la aa^h a oaaolatloa y dm «b » to be » most estimsble msn. Tbe that* a him on the witneaa killed aold price#, d*a»*«in* to •?try ar«>. Tnrr* la ao lot to youtig near him; jha a ?oto la count«*l at »ol or*l«*t |<«h ptrtlcatar- a lomewhat fur kaow that ^>or J Smith ,f Machinist, BD 1 CBftalaly Dot that of bsnk of bim hia hand to larger of larger aelling for $2,110, 9),700, •omr« IB coatftct «ltb It, tm It U eaoagh to kflow they per- tbe highly •tand. lie'* a.holdmg up proportion j«*»r!in^« alectloa." U president «tc. avarj ^lalHf. Tbis of tba farm, ir.crr*»- number." two three old* for f 1,000, *«*Nih 1'itri*. taap.rlac to v.Bltor* bbJ tain to tha perUhlng proJacta on ftll occft»ion», ftnd occ*»ionftlly be aworn. I gueaa you'll hare to a'.and )e«r •». «• all otb*r tllrvctloaa an l to the I for- Bron- *. »•%■? r»rrr»l mMry %.! vrua«. bd 1 «bll*la to mtaaraa, i <4 s!d aolld, preser- ed his Tbe old lftdies of Not further to tax jrour patience, I)illy MilU i* alao the dam of "• Ml. Approved to him." » • rk «•>! >n la »ffl iracy aa! prosper.!? of to economy la I sslsry. up m1 '• u4 4tUH B*»*f bafor* «coa«>mlral bim, ft&d tbe Udles sftid be Tbe caahier to hia feet. He enlarge upon very •• i« (1 >uri»blB^ to a vl. gtrm tbe wood lot, aad la tba borne, young ataggerad *■** krf •• I tfc-*•*■•« the late war, but will H K. \ That Tired «. BhoaM Dot b* al* rcoaoinlea ••oie*."* at tbe the ceiling, the cident of aimply mare owned by Ueoer»l Tracey '**• ■- I t4( I I-IHIM, l>M tbia ci*ik*rr. ate. All U-gltlmata looked Feeling > M*, r*ach*«l. J*pvta*tt people, to I V" • t •'••***? »• lb* miirki aail refer aoldiera and other* interested of Marahland Stud Mr. Tb# «inn * rather h»» a d« t .itutln* rttrft, •»« "V M«t »a4 !o«»J u» «aaty, comfort 'lbere wss, betide ftll this, ftnotber cir- clock—it wai a fife— Son, Tracy 4— to wl* juat quarter pa»t m| mmt»r fpmt ara n«t tlm-ij at>1 ap to tha farm*r'a bom*, and >r General lt>bert McAllister'* record write* he Mllle i> one of e*|*<« tally U|»xi Ui «t »( ik« IIM#. TU aa.1 tn«? ««tl | ka< a intt-ul IT ct aoclety. Verity or lk« also tboaa of (J*ner»l Mott, brood mar»« of thia perulltr, )«•» Maumo, propria!* I in » must envubls an he rawe«l Lie to the affair; the greatest country, UxlALL, U»« BHBa<>IU>al Th» la w.irta trattag —\. K K**d, 3trr«t, *nticq»*tioo, with tffjrt, ejree r«Mu|>Ulul k*u»n u Ulil lirnl frwkntf.** 'at BltrBtl >■ Of tbt* thing >r of the 17th Msiae, in her bloud ia a |*««« bb>1 msn. Mise Alice Wilson wss ft bftod* law— Houghton and from price. at oaca ha atockad up pal Mwi, la Stw Kogita 1 Farm M»j anything la tt« naull. Tlua frrliag ru l*» entirety farm »b<>a!-1 Brookllaa, prieoner—and *n 1 a letter on* l raa be a man aa hi* of that regiment, He be ha* timed of the daugh- vrrrruiM 1 fans ber IM'a Wooltn Manufacturer/ Bto wortiac order aLrr* a* J tr. loBt, vivscious brunette, who, by Not Mr. Hammond—but history aaya t>y taking (Um|Oft!U, a a »« mv » la all Ita beartnt*, from Oeneral McAllister of Ibldivere, N ter* of iiruabilde a of milt, *Lub fltra Mt life a&l to Ail Mu m nfJrr, thrift. tool aboat u mqcb m more en. Hamlin of Maine. beat 2:30 thiaaeaain. He alao aaya I roukl aleep; had appetite. I roaM la Surely bla bajtag la Of Ute the bftd been •ame the ume Hsngor, Cjpie* will II unov rr, luiwe. oa ail with wbkb tb-y | perceptibly ejea, atrongly t<« k lltul'i ami aoun Ui Btaaiped to for tba a« it taro piercing are now before me a eon ia the aire lUru|«itlU Mir aa 1«r«ua<1 tba farm*r can atual ftnd be f«lt confident but thia man'a fac« their letter* thrillingly Oioniaa, of Hrunhilde, eoaUti So |oa« aa tba pa on coursging, serenely maiked featurea; aleep a»«Mlljr; r«I ui> ailbout (bat la tb» or tbrr* wr»l», r»ot aeceaaarlly many of that memorable one tbeir faateet M m«m m. to.. baa a leadia* plate tbftt when be his suit she would a bard and rack lea* descriptive slaughter of of very two«year-olda ait«l t.NTM, tbBt a«r Ira'tare will bava to t>* atteadrd to urged bora the impraaa of Itrnl Unicukl feeling; aixl tnjr afpcUla \j lb« laatltatioa lato »i farma boalag of the faithful 1st Maine "H'eriea," and to beat 2:30 with thie i»y nsy. life. It f*rK it will hardly do to leate plar* keep which 1 would if my limit of thia aeaaon. Mr. atrar* clear of w««da aad tba aoli la food ft drew up for Mr. 8tra«t knew now, be* from quote two-year»old Tracy " tbBt tbls la tbe oaly tom Ooedsy dishing rquipsge crime ; fr- seemiac ladiratioa oaa here. on* the aad IS* for tba plant*. Bat » leaned waa man had not been reached write* had timed of Hrunhilde'a Strengthen Syntem Ujt TmkLij TntUj. tbla coaa*ctloa It coadltloc growing in front of tbe b*nk, ftnd Udy that thia the ■pace they featar* b*«I«. t*«l la oa tba jond peraduntura Gail* lawwl at all Unm. actloa *h»eld ha occmi >B»lif kept I/)WKLL TaLBJT. foaLa in it* form a three minute ri.» to tba eya out to to ftnotber oo tbe walk. with whom he on that erentful yearling lliwd'a fcrupatiSU la ebararte riled by N ... tbaa hrcmn't qtteelloa Yoaag, thrifty growing trara apeftk grappled two aio la dt- orchard. ftt once New York, 7. to thrt* : l»t, Ihf (waWndlwa ot *7* Mr Mr*. lt«aw I'rOM Mr oftbf nua«*afBt yeara not n**drd; and Mr. 8:reet'e eight eix ago, and that Mr. Ham- July clip aulky. ■ of •tart a great many aproaU quickened night jreara IIm lb* * • • I' m4 V'l J«4« r»*»*. Mr Ilea of tb* Profcaaor Acrl- MtlU it ftl»o the u«m or bmoi, rmieUul a|nti| M, pn^fmrinrni M, *Mla« U« <1 a lima to rtmova tb*m in tbe of tbe ctr« waa m innocent of the crime aa Dolly * I M««* «•« i « Am'a. Mr. a ail tba aaper Jaly It a good rvcogni>*d, mond tt trcurlng ihe arlita m*lu-tna! • b*tw**a that rbalr mire the noted horae ptw*m J •-*»! Mm I •*)•* I*—. f*t raltare aad other growing Wilson. Hut who «u * noted owned by tu work If Northern Splra aprlgLt risge, Mim Alice the caahier himaelf. re»u!t la a medteln* <4 uniuiul * 4.**. of tba farm aad qiuJItlra. Tbc *••• *-•«**• t>.kto, laUB.Waca bava th«lr braacbea preserved mftD Steal# of who rr la to take ao trea* tnaat it beeide brr ftnd down Barr« Robert Pnilftdelphia, run « hitherto unknown. r. # M-* r K IkkM.Kw**;. Mr. sitting amding The train boie awajr from attength. electing lb« lfparta«it of afrlraltara that bava an oatward di- night mare. Mr. iUmi. Tart * HMN. Mr. Dr J tba fell aad encouraged her m « brood for Ina-k mU1IIU) Th<»*e the an ud light, |<«iil<4 lujr 1u» J. »ii4i|fii» m* 4M»tlw. ami ...... mare owned Cbarlea Stanf jrd ia >a wltb tba otbar drpar*t»»BU. '•« »». but that firnt look nt* '5- I'. rr-|'Jirr«i this Mr. Cb*e 8t»n. ilegitUr <r*nc»jr« radiat* from that, gle»a »u Walter Hammond ! romance of hi* lift of Hchenectftdy, N Y. m' ti that enough—it oor stirred. The Mber*. a larr* f»rm aarrraafaUy bettor admla- 8t»n- "llmTa fttrMparllU beala all an.| for • symmetry, »ad fonl U * brother of Kx Ooreroor " m«a caa fl-vl atop* trmglb. hu book tail went bad He wa* no longer the |« worth lt« weight In r»l'l I lUK*muiu*« >• of* fall aao than tbe method He banged together departed. * f*rm m I hi* alo* to lb* prevailing ford of I'ftlo Cftiiforoift f*ne. Thia Ijw lUbX Mivrt, New V-ikOiy. I* roadaetlaf trom to the with who carried in hi* Alto, INVESTMENT bU po»»ra r out lb* cnur. Hprooto borne bia tea. locking dour mjrtUrbu* emi*»«rjr of cuttlag to.1 u lb* p^p I mare is held in Mtecm Mr. SUn« ) aooa rrqatred. THE HEALTHFUL & NUTRITIOUS hilde ftrv *11 llamthoniftn. cent. r1ra-at*i W) th* o»»J ft bettor tre* than Ita parent, with ft fftce u ft* tim. I That not a dream disturbed by Kyadyke'a Interest, 5, 7, 8, per | mitUr mar clalia will make long jour y. Bight It U Uli It—Lewlatoa Jour- next he August* is by li-llf >und»r, :>ar»at. bopMl Um tro*- an<) ahoald aupernode hit slumber*, and the morning Hyadyke'a 3 m. to 5 uxl *arljr HUtUiia of Tbftt wit only the beginning. Mr. HambUtonian Li«h»'a Kill A Water Mill on a Hilltop, Maturity, years, tbr cinfll acrtoaa nal. went to a matter-of-fact cashier. by Itysdyka'a > time* tad bafor* uj to fttttad Mm Wilton hi* de»k, BAKING POWDER. the town of w,, wrfk lArr* IM of U« coll«c*. Hammond began it CUir, Iron I >ak* ke's la WbltlDg, Waabingtoa f •* /Vri^rfy on a down grad«.<— Mr. Hsmmond married Mi** Wilson. by by by Hjad) a a «» !» tH'l '• (iInJ like t ahftdow. He escorted her to county, od the top of hill la or J l*p#taa ft of tb* "lftbor HftmbUtonifta. K*rm*tlc who built ** bat profit more work ac- lady ftnticipftted by owned in Oxford on* de- W^Vmi. m *dltorlal. aafortaaauiy of abort season It* may get •aid: Co., worthy the mill to coovIbc* that all «• b*fora tua« the caihier'a face people prayer* ■»> n - fcm>il •• mark*; ctm*, aa-1 bat In tb* long ran I* b* not Meanwhile, grew with tho bran, and which are required cern dent of n "An **»«• * la tb* had 8treet, I used to Dolly Milla, grandaon; will b« tuwiral If aoffl- by aat,. vara prkw complished, tb* In more The worri* "Do you know, fancy ftccompftslol by U* •dllortiii prtatad to b* tbe lo**rf Ift loag daya graver ftnd still grarc. temua Artemua Green Oirl that aonnaJ coaditloa liable bad me. You it," by (sire cleat faith. II* declarad 0o.l woald bach to thalr It la bo uncommon thing to begin bia forebeftd Mttled into ftn you something against No other 'iropH that "the a ad iimmer, ed line* in tho system. taking 16 handa, foiled aen.l rain eaou(h oa tha roof to raa tha northern firaw mt* In tb* and con- seemed almost of me. It by 2214} bay atftllion, bakingcompany Tb* ladiaaa la work ftt 4 o'clock morning frown. Tbftt one little cloud suspicious ■111 wheaever ha for It lie haa that Um npplf **t I* ft bftbituftl owned Bftrrttt Hroa. Fair View pr«y«d l#a ad* tar* lairwti ft* ft* daylight Uato. Thftt made me at times." 1882, by M AINK. " waa tlnae loag eo ftcroea uneasy thin. It costs 1cm and gnecaeded, tha* far, In PORTLAND. th* baalaaaa I* a are to wbicb hftd edited bia positively does only coavlaclftf • tl ararr* Probacy lb* which unexpectedly powder Stock Farm, Weat Sumner, Oxford Co., iv« w. r Miunn, t. rw* i* el*a. W# •trala upon system llut the cashier drew himself up with people thftt he la a crank, bat be aaye ha thaa aajthlac la lr«* to Ubor aad had till it tbrefttened to ob« i«a L ILwim. *m. ■ »r* *p*<-alatlc* brtag It* result* ability aky grown MftiM, who bid* fftra to lo be ft greftt baa aot aeked for watar and a hall of aos* b*a*- oa and said: and more wholoaomo than ftay yet. to aao a pro*pret eff >rt a little later la •cure the boriton of bia dignity ia stronger war* glad »m If carry oa naatftla*d whole bftppineee. with kis choice ha aot aatU hla a bow mora faith la a lock ralaara, oa«'i take me for a sir ?"— aire, strong breeding neighbors • art of ra**rvatloa of "Do fool, m flt to N*w Ksclaatl of «o- life Tb* pow« And the caahier knew—bow could b« you him. Dl AUTO th* aaalpolatloaa aa tbat of enoaet it. It eaat through era U a* Important applylag wti not bimaelf Tbe Epoch. any other powder. help daalara la fauraa.—N«w help knowing?—that b« FREE •opoitata aad for®*.—Lewistoa JoaraaL WS laikad Fax mar. ISTWISMID ItU. SOUTH PAHI8. Union Labor County Convention. WI CM MAP. "HARRISON AM) VICTORY!" At tb« County C«»btrillion of tbe La- VII LAt.K IHREOVUT. it Lai Farmers!! Oxford Jtmocut. bor HuckAtUl Attention flit patty Tbuta«lay, tWM MM. THE CAV Of THC P«I.SS THROUOH- VV. 8. K iKiuwa, of llartf >rJ, «u WKKKLY. R»» A. U. fit* tM tVHUfWwul Utr>k, chairman and Jamea I. Cam* OUT THC LAND. IVi.1 ««• >wirliiM MftVo, M U t I chowa U» 1«. 1*^ U ■ i-»»« filii'i mine*, of South *%tXR, Jl'LT ■. W» Ur« K«crvttry. Mower r. B. • ■ mH|, Ul r i«y |»a>»r The ticket wm nnm- Peering The TWk*t TImI All 11mm •( fJloainp C-ouniy A U K«» w t INw to j ATWOOD A FORBES. .iTtlWi l M < MtaMrall) kftUr. fnwkwf wtlln, Has oome Stay llfcl I. II ■ fflltf MMIilf, IJI A II i Im or- tUtiry K Walker, of \/ny Ik* lt««mwI»—A « * Editors and Proprietor*. I mini wllll llrt(ktMl »mn||>rii>f r i. TwWit f*V*f an. I tt M. CWm hIim, ftUtt. T.W ». I. I »m*tnr It. nf Hwk ( ■*' BrKil|, limrr Irltb, UMii M. *T»«» A- * ('.MM M|HI I ranlr • MnlMlnMr-ttlnt4t >Mll Mnbln. imom m If It »wnkl hnv* twrn In t r. a <4 lllltM Il-H II U r « I'nUt nwwi cftrw ma, Tub* -IwrtT HhwrlpOiNM. later ot It in the world f"C tfc# bntlounl n* •ttru Kef l*r»bat+—Albert rarfc.nflMi than machine Mhrtty ia khrtM* |t« p« >»•» |WMlbl* HrfdUlmi fleM. any «Mh mm _ nt 1 K«tr wWtwlalloth#C A.M.- h|«i«f —mat t«t«to| H Nor. ImmiiM »Mlk« kk«|uto M J»>t«e of rrobele-Dartoa ftaabora, of —All m W ► f j ■ ■». the dm ft M-rthiMWI1 M tkkvt that wvultl k«t* ait ai4kUft*4M Ml' • I■>-!*», r»0'« «N«|||«, t.Kintr II. Ila*tln«*, of beiny fr»*»U ! — Atlnrvey—Kn> ^ 4 w*k. tiMt k*> m>.|> *» • «*•** «*»• um-miK frTetani. U-tMdMkk>** *»»• ••**. h# do BM, tr«t M-l IliM (*WH«i mt Nf < of *• lUrrtaoo ninl TT»rr# will tt»erif-Cnl Ufk I I: Iwar lUtbal. «•» Rm*u. «kk k M» tJ MO. m«p*4 KalariUi mt •» k and the most durable. Ijonjrtli ffeUft* r W U.-IVh Treweurw—W w k Uievn nl I'tfU n«uvu -wiu hwl, irmim « fartkma of mffUkl* In vxl ain«l f| firat 1'Mllrt X. It will l» thr wJ Kf|)rM*HUIlrt-K Cift»i, MTlT thrvvtu* *U1 h* lai|i«uU» TV Hmr nun to n«« kr UmU WnlanJt; ol ( win*. one -TUihlhol 1-2 to 7 foot. The i.« rtnriM •( r «Mi W RalW'ltr MNMM. »•««••«I l»l»»n.t-i R. rarla of knife N rlrMnl u4 «lf«l r*M|«i|ll W»l»n»»#,nl to ••!) *« t»i •«* ••'•nn* 'WM t l*M — 1*4 IklKt Th# wirrtun uf tk* m»m bnrr I*M«« Th* Hh*i m nuihe illmlrti In lh« r»un mi «* ** **■*•«« or*l » <». X*. t»M »t»fj •II fct»to fteto «mk-t _*» I. it T ISm I "tt*. Ill, it* to ho Ailo>t later. vtmriAiLiw* no s-'» u to iWito. th#ir Nwtr* AAtl t)r has i*4k«t it* mower »«E»rv»<■»•.! |M%aWr M>»Ui »»«■». IIIW llM VnilJ. Comkit <«••«>»K IHa« »f I'm horse equal. »• <«■ up tNm, *»• m.w ^rini iw rv by *»«. fcito th# «ith A UmJ * ml (.»>■>.— iMI IVu AntaMf, Sn wuB Affht lM|Mi W lltmmon.l, (d t'arl«, Mm. I'olUr t * tl) .oiihoi l'tnhnuartnd nn» wry r»»f» It I WIWll IUi, .l) It A ? I»"** IrjMrci.i IWMiM pf—M* that muil U> •; to imr t.M MM* »tW>| I.H>, o Oa»ft. tH.IT ol M.lkro, A to. niSTOTlTl You unanimity with Iluw run It br ntlirr* be f HI V WIND! Yon vkku m m?A roller, «»l It* I lie I. rW)m tn llw* «>kl f*«lii<4Mi| •>■«(». DONT frMkU tk# «»#n»y. inJ |»w>m K Kwk! Nt, *•. 14», mw««* »*. w»jr hour* thr h"t It A R.-W fcn.l r.< In whr- arhr Y> llbJ with th« dltla of «u(k«l Prohibition County Convention. ur»m kivI wtiiih rW fnmi Km tub, Inipmrojitnl after a » of n« nf Ik* <»**»>»» [>•*•« •• r irt M Mia will the Doorinif pr«wnl m»«1» NftM with all IhU lute i»>{ olntlmil llm brat n«tilt* buy • ll«ki •• I'vii cL'hlrij?. nffl nrnlt «l»kh will i!ki« tin fiwlinf t»«ri t> iw M*n,OiM r*UM«' At the Prohibition County Contention you «vh. Youdi not W I'l n ill!t. »?«• *<.ii. ui « ui »'>> n Urf* Ik# «t I Til AIM.INK Iknnflmil l«rtjr •• M»rtln hu to held ('anion laat the follow «lo not h*vr to lululf fHlI < I ><).«* in You trial of its merits. IW Tin na jr«mr«f )«ir pirn*. well ml nuo- l*hi.*J»Iphla Rrpnklkin to Uk» tbiri* of % mitlc ill**. ir* n<inkti fv than H> mi tttu n flnl«Ik .| jro® «rr jrnur tkmtl r>««Hitk« kw larvr, that vml.if r l» R«r|flfM «nflun • liirli«l work. J. 8 ro»aar*<- aaya ••!) -Il'firr IrUh. ■ raiwtnlat# (<« Clapp, palp • •' PM I.4M' MM9 ImMV«»f nwlul* lb* aaUr to ma Oooalor (W*«|) Hi)«*ton n. iiovmI, J AM LS D. WILLIAMS, PARIS. prwlil«Brt, iBlli Ih# |»a«t • a J. Agt. turlfw Thi# Uf In It* MlMl pf»«kWal J. I' Kt«h*rU.»a an 1 wlf«ap*at Rao4 It lun a>-l«*l tn>l well Ur|. to l»t*i K X. Carver, »l*ly Alvah hnaru* K*<1 U baring a h«-ai- l^guletur*—l*t In tVn)«Mtn lUkiriwxi nt (In kml I Minn. |>l»rtrij( in* apptralu* p-it laUi Ala r»*l t^aca. It I>lHUI-« » a* I WiUimtii, l*arta «>f tin U* ti krt W r.U th# l«-«i puhlxmn uOff* itf thai* 0 0. C. for lb' tl lM*irm l. • lUirkinwa, rnatm r*« Stock tin Tlw <>f tb# r t«» rbina* from. •ih Olotrlet I. larAf-i K I. IIIra« |«n urm ar« i IU^mw, rru'ii to tk« ha* rki*n tin l**t rtntlkUi' tnMd V \ Uk |M*iim m«»* W'.fw, •t»ri.>r>l Largest r II \ C Mra J W. I*r|., to Tib l»Ut H»* «• M lliinat<>nl, H«n^>fir «»• a* B»*id*a la> l^i rWlrU litrtiflJ um plaml hlmxlf ?w«a da*WO ixrlatf Arc the Moli* agent* for In thr cut* 1m I'M i* miiWil tin ix u>«!r rrttra tb* car* »t« aa UfeWd South Paris Bank, tb« Jixtloi » Savings •tat# k^in cm tb# |> pultf vol#. ukI Ul for m »t of t&« aif. At South I'arm, July 1"1HSS best store! oar The th# wh#« th* nntlnnlu •|raak«a Dan lr«j<»d tlroafl bfuUlaftmJy 4LV4 *111UTI Vff arranged t ft a •«* car t»lea. Of ruarM Ui« au frauni nn«l th# rvrkl#*# tu>| •c»a« for tA* rbl dr*a and I II-a Et.\JAViN tuitmnox 1 r Malar & n ntw amnt# N w<»a !• tbat tb« A Wise uf Ivaio atcaralo*. LI III I.I IT KS. uf I»1mm Cooper's tb< II# rf>t#n u»thrr nn*«M «lth thl* In Oatra. an.l l)| l*a«*Hir| ir* |Mtli|* 9 III an M The Lowest Prices! to Hi* ivniuntkn travel aa f>*-y rich!y Jwim it by tbtir fu»l. a,oa« Celebrated "Porfoct Fitting" Boot f>f V>» lYMhlMt, ]u*tk« *1 *t th* I>#»1 of th* Krimhiktn ramp*i«n* >*it«r arcomnxhlatliMM. rnta, Mi* U VI 1' V KT*»N. v in' J i» w im Mfi un il M wear At ft N»» Turk 9 M On all kinds of Foot bt*i of tW> etat* mJ no«#r« bitt ftr nmM b • t-,. , |knD<>u« ami bigb'y •*li»r%. t^ry. P»lM • J* nf •!%»• *MM. M '• •# lip*. with tb* N lb A: UntlM tkiln |»4iti Ooihim. ml fba:* lloUl, »rw.», • il» l» »• W -I Mtor !«••''» HATHAWAY, SOULK IIAItltlXGTON'S fin. Calf, »bW"h la a <■*«• (al IU> tMt IIMN r-» »«im, rai muh.irn rbw*ly Aa«!r*«* II wmp hta txcn ■■Bsatliy a«4i. Ilka* <11 )l * »tat* iWtiW tb* haltl* by j*'UiaEIj-'N IMNut.KV.Jft. Iorywxtm Holt, f >•« «uW. • «i LfVHM. tb* li»t «t with q«ll« a loaa, ( 1 & l,<4*« KENNEY tb* national I i» t SWETT, |Vr»>nai.v. tlrpobltcan I'.tWf of »i:o*S# papa Njrt(»|Mi>rU'tl Ntl', lftV4i1 «kk r •* rraawittoa Km t>lao*I U*f.*"» tbr reentry Mr. I'ub t|'i UDiwriiN ktin • I <•*»*. fW niiir, N*«l lMt», t • t? a tnaa of i->4ii I.f* »U ambit loo. at 137 MAIN ST. NORWAY, ME. l»»M; I.4M", •! t.r~aw —I bltfb •Mm y atu».'*l. Tb« Unp*ruc« p#opl> «*• ••» «t h»»4 i»( aa »il'i • •** ?• wbu I aa In; JAMA** * a* Tan*. brar* «nM(*r Wkl an abi* HiaU>r if a»* %U tra* Ua|iriur> llfHla* INII Boot! ftrnr |» Uvd rl^ht tu ptiblx woihvr*. r>«t *b»i ib*y cow* political H-*ara» A*»W1. VW' Kangaroo Congress NM Oku*# b* U« nrtiM- f^r tw U ar «Q ib»t •itbb<» <1 tb*lr Ml WILLIAM Miailwl W. WIVn. brxu^kt J'fflw hum »apport • MflMI A«M4M, l»lt <■ a* man U Ill all and width* for Gentlemen. f*rn Iwur lit* lit# a Tb« r» li MM that Ik* MUll f m J»if> W |*mWr, |>uK ■tainl< «• in all ita r»lati>>na fr» m blay«H»th trial of bI tb* Kb'r Orutkl* alii b> | HI Ml U •' »prt.1 Tw .. a* • xllirr lt> up. t.« rar*rr fvrrj Id* Of lb# llM !• tb« S'.Bt- Mil l» K UCII4«I>«. SPECIAL SALE! »rrti I u«i«*r. fw 4 !**■ li »I| n» »w.u to lira** aiwi boBorabl* U of f |U*I our entire *t r»Ji>e»l ltf«M Tb' HBBf Irlf B II lUf I'nUlI Atttf l«U of utock of £oorir*« BOY'S and YOUTH S SHOES «• a* a bina ta lb* IIKUtli A C t>AVI«, »/ Ni rr la>)rr plan* roBJirtor on ih* ka«>* an t Liarola Hal) of tb* t«r of iua »tat*. ami bla »'» HCIX MNKDF forvfr«>ut ma t. t». r* iltil Ui htm lb« pa»t ■»«! St«t«'nwnt I*nitr«-1 SUt« Branch In abundance*. y—l a man ami a a*uato» great n»\>ni a* publtr .B Pan*. b • a»llt* to**. INK «# kcikU to tb* ikal u u. IIKBMlY. an *jnd altmUm ffa TV«r abr Ladies and Gent's chains Faf "Wrt#. Miaatakiajt Ih IIiiId •• a»4 I'MfntiiMil ro»n of S p*iU«i it'W'Kt ti, i»: Large IB «ll«* Uut t* • 41i 1 •r.lulo Laivaof I'UUir »«r* »»ll J li • Bi.* e»bibl (Ttl'» M m an, i-at A^rt« VtMUIILL, l« « .i. Ilam»>u la u>> *li«cw«*r% f IhiB of b«li | It* It la ».'• pfopi»*0 Hw4«*«w4 | l^nTTtM P« of a l(* la Collar & Cnff Oeely Tw«wwi, u» lu*ratky NORWAY tb* u( aranrai bv tb* I «»l»4 n.tll •• ori'Lr tb*tr bab.1 at It ut>J»r m<*l< ra ral*« an -i f a ml< Watches all an* Ut[ I M » (« « Grades, 112 MAIN STREET. S*w* of th* \V«^»k. of a frw without paryoaa. kltaaiad** (titmtnmt Tb* ••tlluw b< < (tiv*«ra of tb* 4ar >ra K UAMLtTtM •ll»- Ita Uutira. ami «b<«* a>4# DIFFICULT WATCH REPARIN8, hartfuitf c«n>|>wal a»r» la*taH«.| r»» |>*tn< t |» [> DImMImil ftlTjMI* » « • la >b«*n In rntkKir.fc» K> M *»r- ami, T^- ar- W p fa. t»l»ritr.| nil Work wtrrmnt''"! la Nm I .a «i >«» ta .taUalt Ilka fcw» |»il — tb* wnrh of tbua* who 4*4iarktf(* tbife ill »4Vf ll*«< I MIt i«a» '«»a» -*» I ■ .a Muraaf. »h at l.»l»-a. k» ana* t**a« Mortoa »•* a nat*«*! f Lr«l I*. Ui( v • I II T>»n ■ Iwa • —'k» » «**r P % •■fmrifcff. r,)<»<«(• I lu*ii. a. "a 1 aa r*) r. H»»I <>•** I»f ik« t'»luk| himm, > i: w«ii SPIXIAL SALE! a|trl.l El*rt«4 r>im. tmi, «IW1 %.» vi t n»<»m >a iwntwt M tb* b>u«* of b* th*r* J mi\|<, II K J. wp^mntalUi* r. I 11 «•!< a. li « %HK. i wniai «ai»»p — H > Km U » i>IWIaW>l»t Ul to bia fkOw uxl juatita*! tb* bleb rmrtw. m «*uh, W J H-« Mkl M*><|'i Ma«»«t IW II *4nl ■ >»»uf a/ f*mm »»l. U««a« W J WIIKRI.KK. frtatfcla bla M I '»!•» ®r«' U> our »t N-k An ! In*.» mir! I t W# M«IV TW Mi >» ■*< wteanl m lima t» « riiMiali^rj of bla by i|*xlMa W«> »rry ammna r<»nf»rr*<1 iror» HwUtl \«t »».k hrto.Ni Miawtta kHH.' a# • U('m4 a-1»a«» *a, "ti tiiaiKial i^tMatka* abkii *bu»nl tbal Tb* ancarr.; m»Bt ha* J. 4 Odd Fellows' Block, So. Paris, Me. *• -a Pierce, Lwlll a« ila iwba^aa al Ik* A-*aMMa«ra a tim< t<» otir b* wa» a-t liffvlv a |«ra« tiral baak*r. but J«irtM lb* la I t*r» tfita lor lui| mil n|M«'i4l attention ia» —TW U>ai «IU >nlli p of r«rrrlo«urf, rani «»ipwi <-f A. • !•<•« tb* «n»a#r of K >cl ami ■!>«■■ <• l»a» w^mMaal tb* ami J. K»rn»y l|>m«a M —A >| Uaai t^aory pMkwbbi H'Uhn IM»I' C. II <«iMm i*I llxtlia f. kan, IW. aoar.a 4 l».an< N t Aa« a t-'.-ai. * la ita larval a*b** and In ita aa •t ti» t»l»n |n >»>■■ ttonal II* la a man aba* talmta Yoacaa a ran-MUi* harUcrcbi*f I•#I *U«»l M ium.1* lk« Mdk •!«» of IV • aip*la a»-y la Ik* Wtat ahv a*.»»••• *a<4»J a barnlrt Wi ll»,i r» The New Excelsior. ami U«t>a htai naupintnualT f.«r Xj *111 T '« at K*a»*y A I' tantr'* A. |l IM. 'W»4 lk«l Jti', qualify ih 4« I •» < »«l-*-l V»l. Academy. «4 ft|< Fryeburg Scorsucker.*, Gloves, • aa a N«|l1n tI»i4i, tM, Hosiery, T> H*tt A aa > a« a > >■ fca (> Aaar ami tbrfw la *rt4rnl Mr T>> iata. of llarrta ■», latitat laff Ginghams, t-U'b pvtla I**. ««»»»»-l Is IW riWi • r*n«M M «» |*«'»I FALLTERYI rhaa MI t»«tf"i «a m llaa aal U t at bt« h i®* of ?*llin fnt aacaJ N4t>*fa btu*a« ua (filing tiiii ami f hi* f»>«. «l%tt him •I >«l •iltalrl l« lk< tulift •) llftHM'l |N« I, H Tin' ; I..I lN>ar<«r«Mi tla a»i. aH.aa .a ("»«•«• | rvjraam'.atlv* Etc. rtttam of New V»rk tb* m«n i«4 T' * la«ital.< b *o lot W*la*« ifa I # ••l-u>|, bx*»l>-l a»l 4«a» 'ihvl M lilMIt, Una | —-nenns—— Shirts, Etc., tto aw .i«u Mart *»a» ■ lal IraJitwl rcipu>1 A*i through city awiftly j»»«•*«*• A an'f I .« lAa h IW »l k«t mm a • ar. 1 a iU'-H>(t*n4n IV.* Rna-k IW If Ilk* — imalrilk* >• M <« tli* uatka*] tirkrt. ttv. It fl >lay b«p(»r parti in t na»»al»ra. —4Aal»r» p»ia»t» j>-*» UrpaMaraa mI ll»»> m lif •»» I ■» • A mm v»l»orr." l ringing K<««'fl IW ml fa*l — awaa« mm >a.a< Kar i» »iai »' k«*< lb* lr»t to tb* all tb* ri'J# to tb* •>*B«tifai tiiiarfr —We * tut lU*| bating g\*»m powvrful «a)»?»tl »'all VMlMtf 4mlt« lliflf h»l« iaI IImW to «•»•».« y.Mir mil liar* Ur*'* —•IV feraaa > • i Mb k N >a Ua » "If |»un« ■»•<. t«ft, •»aat> Mlattr*; P »ar at N« w llail tbla M >i■■■ i< ik« aa mIm«| ■ Kr|~aW.>- fcnrffcMaM *«•>•( Ik »<» kxiili ii(lot m I w I>«ilk ia> M .ra a»'tla< .if adUai— A I III •» UlTrf * *-•!• >»l !••»<« %•%! Iiak* l« Mrl w tft ir gr m»r nm« »rr vi p • > T«k«» J • il. t * li II ( llr— k lWk>* «|» tti I Wwl Ukl l'itt<|ii» «•«»»• |» \ Lock .M.IJ »<1 i'«t iioand or ii«r«rorini. mvr« mi« vf b» it • lb* btb'.a Norway Tbftt* told laklki • dtkf m4 IMM IW«w k«tt it* mtn •Wlat.Mi p»* n» I tt>— • '• ■»! !**•'.«' >•• «>( riiM lit it « *»lw ••I via i wrt^k. tin* >lay ftfl*rB<» n If ikrw ito|inl mrmt l*a roll itl iLlfly kiM IwW prtvl*irn«"l. 1 m| *• tfc»i II, • r» M — i«!*«n Ll<'fr| bunttlt I'fct rdtM »■!» 1 I* KtW ikl Hi ■>« ksrtk «•» muin« I & iWk 4vat*m Lace M) 4tfrw« V iliarnul iM I <•»* •»! — TW 4 \ *|til bit lb* K|tl of il»tlh llilUil o»r wight my >'( all«-i. r-'t- f tM ima oli ki Mtk' •» I « •'i IW»v » >«»kt hali la tkkl |W# II* t>tt«*nt ilmrly w»>ui»»I> n—j .» r*>l kt t hJ mn urn »«i imT l*nt<4 tt«a If LnuS on lk< | ill I D li'wM illrtl Hr»- k I kail -a Ml I W»k la lk« In) MNIMH hi « : ■ — fr*|irft'l th«»y n«u^lit— »j4r* Ur}>uh(K«niMa Wvktlt WifilWr ai'k til WtVIM >' I I' M Fijira. ■«!*(« t>u MV.I »rll •C !■•••. lit i*l Win II*. a«l I* >| Tim tW*. kk>> ni»»«i w * Mr tV m>t Im layn«*. afwr alchn«»* of lit .!•>« p*r • (r*'%■ »%-*t t k> ) t» I >«> f .r « t •kin uWI ll4 Ml «k«k iWl a(«a I, wit tn** rf | iiwi rn>nl i»| |I||« ant* mt k«*4 IWl* • M:ss I i trn t >■' — M • K*» uU. W V * Mkl • llfr m1 thJ ilriutkn U diii fiiir1 Miry fbillea, Ant of r*ri# Mirf l*.• for «W«-rtW4, naltfll* rULvUt fuv«l TW P Ml IW> R»< »!» l»tM I k »is|' Jil • Normil 1) rt Wak*k, I 'lua • l*wlrtN«* af IW al a ll IMt> f«'« M I IM Om Ita *««a — TW dimrmt»o ia I W % IkpiMnu llM flflNI II* >11 ft |mMm W«#b pill |NN. gOlld k* IW Maiaw ia K iaaaa paalf aaJ "f V'|mi •%•'<( •«.,«! i«| at*.* Mini 4MfrM 4 I.M INilill «4 m H W a I !• cJ,I nt Mr |iryn*. |>M|> IfH* a*4 M >»IM wx' it **>4 Mf NVw V»rk | It >*»• ab.t of bl* I'u •, J».» IM* •t t •■*><» u4 h• Ut *1 f mi 4fi^ to ■» lb* frt*Bd*h'p II, W*l iW mum •# ■<—i waSTn •/ u» Mkw lltfri' ri lb! I.r I- » '<•! f> f liH hl*«&pU>)fra Miss E. KVKI.IMC I* mcKXCLU < Mir? ta4Aimi »-«n« «•/iW «in —Vii4 Hi lit ■ A In /« (IW* •/ 4»l#bf-» 4lN«M »l If, kaf m (V> * j Wibui, Au'f. »n.l M •nutira. I Jmm •( tW lymw tMik. 1 ik 4 II* ku Ii**b ft n»»m'*r of lb* 4*1 ««ll ttb u /•»•••«4, (Ml I't /»"«#•« Kn^liili TW »"«» t' U H — t nawltht r» k ArMMi «tu f thr t'ttttrl Mt«tr« tml ptwmiml ib vr itu* ii* i>n»t niioi ftDii illMMI II W >M»I l« •»' » WmU Ik*4 ■ ||* IU> mm. M l.u • »i*n»f «'f tU n«ctut CtlllUa f«» l»l*. Hir«*. t*f <»»"»< II (?*«t litull |iif N«llli **m k it Uh m W >km m> b»l b*«*r ft. -trj « Nibriiib. Il« !*•*«• *llltf ol |»I'*|M«. pi I^Umlt>4 <-f iu ;♦ •Imo iw "I'ttlJ i."t HaiM, I till at I.I. Ml 41.1. llNI'HUI«r« ft widow ftC'1 ft link •• B. T. Uir br»n tbrrthJlJilf Hut thia l« 1*11* ! Jtftgbtor. (Mirt«(liMlrM«r Ink* r«» Hera Nt* IDVRKTloKUKSr*- af TKI'IlitM II I'l UM.I,. la*..mi fca« •— H • ■ U< M lit 1*4 **4 I Ilk % ill Vikl »l. Water. • If* *f Pf >tl* 1'iUlf Drinking Ic« IBM tl|- kfllli 4»y ft Jwif, 4 It I**, Bins,, .*» Lm tiKMlun. N'tlTIi lr«>l »f ll> Htlitlif .»f IM fk. tna ml A »»•». i Iij |u«ii*l lb« Fnikwf Tbftt cool r*fi**blBg drill* la *«rm U> iitl t««rt |»r Mil M ss Minis Hi M«'. Vwtoi. lr MUM 12, 129Smiley II. «l |l*lb*l Ik* uf > tlrlB |>B'*tl la rrtaaly llll Main St., Norway, * w»«tH*r ftrt l* ftftdebi*' *. Tbftt JllHN * i.'U>rtl«l» 'l, Amm t'tlra llrraM i»m Haiti n U In ar- MMW Mf*l with la* II* ■tatola "O IrlftkiB* k* •lur is ropt<»«ft draught* K»»f« (ntm •!) ku ■Itbte.iimiki* M>t*r i«* parly #m.ljr • • MII»nl'i»Msi««ti»ll i»ri.>««w klUlM H»IS>, «t( .aft Rwk Ii • I.I 'M •( « U rill «•! Ik* kUltlM d a *b'B ft t« »»*»rb*ftt*»l i* <»•»! h atkt la h-«l!i It l« In fall »itii It* p»r»<'ft Jarloa*. Mwl !•> lb NUM ul m> I im WllllM r«IH «•> >(> Hl«l. jJatf.-rm »y«ij«wthy Ml »», Ul •*.■! I»l'!»>•, || II *n|rff«•»» t.< • Boat *l«kiI>iM>m«m|IIiIjI \ wlix ltarr a faithful Uxl firm ttwt tt*r frr* itrlbkiag uf klllt Hk| Mult tl rittal* iMlt n»>#k >» l'*r • wiU *\«f *rrftt**t »imm ti MN»* lkaw«|. •'*iu*fc IB Ik* liHtMM Btal IkBl MMt Ifcrlrwf TIIK It'flf |IIM It toll* in Mr. t(icb*r t'n in ^rnlmlf i. an uni worku^ntn an upb Ulrr «•( tU poj« pcrao* I'utli b*-l la U>* Mil'* I llnxK'U. B bt Imi b»M 4a f *pt> ntt»l •» » **«t I >» im i| iiif>r| «• I ai*tt*-l IIim limull of Tub aa*wiftc*«»*at of tb* fall t»rm >t tbJ tbr fu aii l tiki1 b>«w p*r*ptribg fr««ly fion nit» por*-, f klllM IB Mkl WBBIJ Bl UtfxH. »K« I 11*1 I'rui^u J>tt (!olU(*, Krytbtirit tfa*' lofj •' *1 IM flltu ill amount of «ftur 1* «ir*» u frotu lb* I 4 l»* Bm«Mll* DM4* tlx lul IMiblMBlMB I* lb* UuM VI«KW'IIrl, Vrytburg Aetdfmj ippttM »«k. !•* mtB 441* brf >*B IBB 4*7 B( l*«i B<; aal 1.1.1/ \ Uu Vc4li«d, argrtftt trJa IhBl Bll fWil II «k« kltt |il«t»l llMr f 4abi« la Mi-I t».ialf ,-I***-** -t, by fitiaf Norm*l School. Thia old educa't.mal laah'uti a :• too i> ROOM PAPERS b* iJir »i>il M lk»Ml»r« r*4* >ti'nuui rlcan r* I* i*ib»' pM«U«l L* ftlih. ib I tlktf |«twBi iBl»r»«l*tl, tilt im»«i Bt ti l law Jcmi p«rM«i thre« Coar*«of CUm. to cm- I a. I I.ibb BB4 lkB« Mtw II |k*i hit* rm« |>Ur« Bay StQdf: any anJ gallant aokttrr ** 1 • * tiw •Ik'tfcW B»l bo 11.1*4 ntB>t>l.|W |>tt tail, ill lb«»*# «bo blfi H| *.ft«» By Ki'Cr gr Mil .tibial *Oil N ! U b*iug »lowiy, hat M«« U »c»l, AcA'tcmkC, LOYVKK P KICKS thnn h«ro bttm toM for th* big tjrw, « I'l ||l>lk' |"l'(l till,! | #1 (lull *>M-lt It t tblUll IM they aaJ • l»«*n hi* rwvr,| U w»- *ur*ly UK). Wh> ®o®*o#* will *ftclftlni, lUNl III KUI< K C ImUvU-mUi J.I; IT. I-m a. |». KtlWAUDV A* will be »**n bjr • reference to lb* fairly |-ir >rw CMm* ml ukl Unii It Mki I •waif ml oaf;>f4 juar Fitfht between tu«tuif«rt'ir«*n» N« Bom&t'MMM ma W f. thr will n«ii|«ir fa*<«r*Mr lbfttl*j**t Wkftl kl.1orylr .uM**. rrc«nt uf lt>«l>in Sviof lb* th* |»«|lrlt il Ctttlo^ut College, by laat Tlw IrXHinr* f«r M.K drUkli w*t»r which contain* *o Itiriimi, tt —Al • Mall tf fr .0»l» btl I ••TRUST" »n«l l«rk to tb«» ol»l with th<- g fr»*:y ii n i« *• I'njM'r* prir#*. I*abof «Vacation at H Kkhald ae#m to lilltf •! Bnail *••!!•( »f I itillimi |« If I., tilhlt tt I f»r lb* Ctttli ti IMItfl. (hi* trhoil filljr **Ubli*bed la the mail la the a.uch Itm*. Wrong agnla! m kirn ft* lb* ;rr%ulri»t right ngLt |n»mI««hi f. «■ rtt«U* ti ill). A II l»< MkdtcV* a oa ttk« of tb* IM lbi'4 one of it* tKre* fitting echooU. diapoattina part i'.ai* ai»l haiia fr»tu thr right »ta!r w*t*r diuk l« fr**iy c*rrl*d thro** b lb* •IV < IB* rralMi .1 • II i«I.R4 It C*l»t II. It* H|l. A l«> m ibt ttiti* tf ROOM PAPERS From 5cts. Borders From let. up af *a I li ti 4 up. to 'b* d i Tb* c >«inif ■|it*a, fto t cuiirrtrO It ll* p»**«g* to 1 •! A'l-tB«. I* IB* vualt «»ifir-l *l»l* Alaittltr li. r*r«*f, Iim tf lltWut, A certifl-ete from the * Jmit» — fun I- I»»l « Mum laxtltrat llrMi * at Bf» b***liy Boll Ctttli, il«*.'t**l, btfltf i>M«tlil b-t !*riocip*l WINDOW 811A DBS fn.ra th® rloth to tit- b# to Chlcar" Tlmra t«n Harris >n U a frn- tb* bfttatftily ft< til r*»ctlon of tb* urlB* ch<*|^t plain IWmucrei* C>av*ati>a «ill ked 1*4, TkBI Bilk Ik* WHItBl ml IB# JM|t uf Ui* •»f t la'ildrtlHtt ul U< mMI( nil lt:**i I to Dartmouth or without ex* pg*r i-ctar, b« • >«.f. imt llM WfO>< Aluo S1u»I« all mnilf to Stivl»N litt I I It •Ub lateral to »e* if tb* cutwati rrputati-m. p*r»ptr»tioo, ul Ia*alvaa4f mIIbnibU, k»f til* tilt*: •minAtioa. ly htnjf "dog" a»-a*nigrr» <>f thr | MM Bl Ik* I'roBat* I'Burt lua M t "•a*it»d." f<>r tit*'.•>rial agalnat hint with whirb to r.|«.M*r; b*i'*u«* tb« y r»miio |* rf.cliy Ift l'» *11 ^IMtl IIIIMlUl by MMll| *»p) The tctdfiny, i< well •« the whole I'B'I* B M4('iuBlt,*B WalM«li Ikt ]ll 4ay tl «k • *t*r«**l>* tbitiM4»MtM*tbll*l* l*aa. Bl alaa i«fc la tk« I If Iblbt Otf>r4 (>«tMrii tl IVi.ibtl village, with |nre from Bats. «>«f »*• yaMnl A*|u pml*4 if t|i>tr tl Cttrl (i»«n Mountain. I «- locetioi u henlth* Fishing ikt J' op*a*d ia ahap* Friday •vtiisf by la an klral biiilbr** loan. till! haa lu a ftr* w**b*d at of lh* body, t»y tb* c«pl«>u» «t i*b LD'ltt at h»a4 aa-l »M*f <4 Cimrl, l*tr • it nil I mH,tt |M lbt.4 flM lt| Ihi l«B 4b* Bl Julr. B. H IM mii llilM •.'«!.«•» la Ibaltrattua tt4 >w m*m ful. »ad Ihe K-'h'fjr U beautiful. tb* of ft Harriaoo tad M>ft a !■ arf gr*at liritfi* tU rvutUlrrxv of tU draught of wit* r. aio*t p*rf««t of bII rfti»i«tf j*oplr (tbftt IIK«Klt K t I> % 11*. of Iba I «>art of ll tar Ibtf baft, «bf Ibt mm ibtti4 Ml M wf hi» atatr —— M »fttn* ft* ft irrln of The of b >*rd U ihrte doU Doll <• • known uUbt*.) plp>a in»..ita»<*T fir m l Oaalf ml iiifarj. price onljr Children's ftt N r»*y. Hrnittk* f maJa by H •IMt4 ■Ac, Ik toil Jonmal In nominating IWnja- ftr* "fla%b«d°* with »»ur to cl*fto lb*in 11 ICO A. WIMOV Ju4 «a. Inn. Tuition t« lower thin in other Carriages, Wagons C. lUvu, ftad Hoe J .ha P. 8«i- Km 'ul ml A Irat tlitU — II. C. Uiflt. lUiMitr. K»| n.tu llarruoa, of ln*llit*( *ImIIh« Irtilliait la Mpr, .. ■imiUr »ch»il«. I ...... f. aey. K»tb »er* ia their t*»t of thr rnltnl Matra thr Chicago coot «ftt*r, ft lilt)* baton will iro- ipttkm •b-ucy jale« •i< > ,i. r. t i-iii\ a of the Kkool it mcc1» &c. » n ti tf Full Tbr and tb* »»« contention haa madr a arlrrtion whuh prov* lUiffifilirirM 1'iila ftor '•«»'.I, to the time •" will l» ranlulW tlir wtib • llltU BC id U a'bo ncillol J aa I B4BIB of klaia*. I«m.)**i< II lent, m » I I ap| I ll A A 1-aiaiMrair I »a iel \Veb«ter «*• it* I*T» at«Ti*<. ar* parly drinking yo« ol 1.1.1/till. Allliorr. I'mcijul 1 TMI with >k« BW'otil ifik* Jalfa Ik* DBUO STORK PRESORIITIOX baa mm • d***lop«it*nta prom- wiil W ra" ifinl. wr arw thr M, IM 'V llf M AutMi,liU»r Mum II ruufklrut. by bfti* •looftch crftinp*, or «r* w*t*r log l)Nrlilla»lrta'r I* ml a»uait.ika M»wl WHM ii*d tb* »b*a 1>» \Ve*d m triad Mil >i***ai«l. btilii )irf«al»l Mc a l'r«*» >ii Imainc** i* public country In Sovamhrr 'fti It I* called, or »r*fttt»*kr«l with awllu of Ikt rr»lM>rt »' til t lat >lt*al li ip (titlT, Send for Citaloguo. doing ri|>ti unajr]>a»JM-<|. (fd aMM>l wl tlathiitud uf Ibt a.ltital tt I f«ie in tb* i>na »l Ui b* k«l I la Ik* l*r»l>al~ l'«»ar| K na ia complicity ttaarpoct robbery. Ckulcri Mor'a*. Kan>ai*r Complaint, d i^nlliHtlwtliM; inf • i I'trii la tiki malt, •* Ba|ai*Ur.lM III lit For further >rm*'i»r», lre««, rvaa lt>n*amlu Ilarrtaon. •* • Ibtl lh« A'I«U'| Clfa MlIM l-l It i* Mid it will neal ia aanafttioaa tb* Albany Ftj D.arrt i or do ftoi rr*ort to I >r» NiMi MM !>j»*nwry, Bl Aa< 4. Ik. I*>« Bl BIB* t'lli k la Ik* ..I of Indiana f> r an«l lr«l I*. all ptrMat ial«»ti»i by «■»«» ■/ t tyi iai« — of >u» — ftlcobolic BlliBuifttlntf drtBkft. wblcb Irr.u a«» a Vwa aili t 't*ra taarialroa ar. >rmti*tl|r LEWIS, Secretary. -i f N- • lorh. for ?W» i■ i*a «a-1ar mi Bbb4 bbI Ik* orlti af Cvaft, (ni^IhImI MnI (>«v»Ulrnt. t* rftlb*r IhftB Booth* ftBd allay lb* In la iM oin»r4 Nawiti jn»u»l tt I'm* ikn cm*, If tb* »itaeaee« are of »♦ un««»- Ikn IM'. >iit *>1 Jalt. b. li. Itm. makr th* atn>nj^at ti. krt that waa within fitomftlloft which hft* cftB»*d lb* ai a frtt Mt Cwan in M b#i | at troBhl*; Ill KKK'K I l»AV |B, ll*«i*t*r of lk«Court 1 IMy at; tpfar and aa b ^ liarn ft* tb* tbr tvacb of tit" out*« utU»n — thr tlrhrt Cult la Mill »a IM ibiMTt*t4.f tl A<| ory reputation *»ut tb* of lor ibi4 ol Oaf *4. uttly prBClIc* taking dally Jaal lat>it«br; Cuailf **•+** m • I tbmm S. L bwo Mai tl V o'tlotA la lb' f CROCKETT, witaeaeaa ia tb* latter (aa*, fur wbtrb bar* rnmg n*for* anJ ptiacipaj ItrpvbtkW rellrlDr, Jurmg July Auiual, K km thy ibt ium 140*14 Html an>l ««rr «inc* tbr cuaTrutloQ My iMy • ill aucrevd ia I)r prajln^ oo* t*t*poonfftl of Jobaaoft'a Aftodye* TIIKMba*f1t»Br kttmbj |ittinMK»«IW IMt lutto: tb*y eacoapaaattg ■ JtJjt. 143 Main St., Norway. tircan Llalm*nl In ft Mill* aw**Ua*d waur. kB ka« ktta <1alt apitunlH t»f Ik* Hob. JuBBly ulilifi riiw iwiriry, Clmlril, Par*, tilut tt J far ib« (Vaair at (UM, M « Art i»l ■mitTaaa. aa hr haa M tbr of •a UiQiBlnra rtitttii all pan-»at n Mff NmimI, M••«*, I.'—mul Tm« of >uth Paria and lU-pubilcana JohBaoB A Co HoatiiB. M*»• eonlftlBa a I Tt»*4t* A. li.Itt* K»pubiicoa* Ul Ik* *|4B4* af Ml*l .W*Utl lo Blkt iBk- lb* Ibir JalT. IVmummU. Indiana In a Lanl to lltrir ra IBklBil anil* « many tight Tftat amoant of b»»ooi tr*at- AN'KI. li ^ W \> KlMMrtt II* fraa Uk in JJON'T U ■*«( it N>» Ht.1, S «ik Informatloa, aM4l*Mya«ni. 1*4 tkmt ttki k«*a aay ii* ilroluirt Prrpwit ff C'Mrw vicinity lilt* Mtiafartkia A but b. Itui tf, it till tb «** *omtn*r with J »Lt>aon'» I",r|t.i|| * I tk lb 11 tfc# M«* !• ot H'tMta. KltiUxl l» *'f>rfTu I'alrfrvMj, Rm4uUh4i(W« »r Iftg troaM**, lit irtitii Pan*. on Saturdo, thr 2Sih laat ? \ I Cmaii. liKiwj, ba*iM pr**M'*l vllWral nnnMlWl. K»1 '.T Llalm*ftl I* mar«*iuu« bow J. y II, MM lulls It km: r»».•»#»• ^«> out of (ho an. I for rniwl ABixlya* It tl t4 aialt^atin tf iMMitla t( Mi l iltMatt I W« in-1 pay hiffli prieea o'clock r fur thr of m|ib< TV» |ta| I Tkkri TV* Nana*! IkrptitmM •l*?rlAf»t| County T (MirpJN ■oanv cooplftlBtB thla old fft«blon«d rrmc- fur alk t.att: Hr*4ftb*B*'l '•» Ik* lk<1M U# M t**> K*f *an»e or ^|'i» waata to know what Gal Iilk raiiwrib** gi*«« aatuatiui mkIm Marie when can the » Huraot tad M rtoc CUV. (>»*» FT*nrt«*ljr will or car*. Mr*bf Oiinuii, Till IM mI4 Kiwilnrfit* K I |HI»< Clothing you l>uy itii| dy pr«frat ha kn u*i IM tf iimiiI »t la»t *!<• k ilnly ipvtuitil ly la ail |i rt» Ufth'f i*r«n**iUn *M>lr to U>« ll>o MO of whom work fur tha InjpTkoll Cbi.-atfo by I'rubair I If IM Of hnninl, al a low of a »»t*r*. iu4<*of u«lllf Iblt i.i4tr It M |i«blllM4 Ibrvt «Mb« nvinlii. i: M. hMIIII, l>. I>. K.m il It. »«(food price KENNEY plummer, railing iWtsland ai.d Thunun lh* •• tfc« h*< "Jii( Il wh ft rlra of **% ptctorra which »>ui»r4 lit Irmal »l Aila ilruur i>l I* la im iiir ian IMSUM4V* i-caitlti Ctm, C. r. Al.t.KN, Port* Maaufactuno* Co * ha*« frnot" rutil'JatM It bw hrru UM Of tujft it M H*.'y. iu|> Lafcadio 11. *rn palatrd to hi* Cr«t paprr I lit I ibtv at; api><*in a ftubiu Sooth I'm*. »ad ftll vbo »rr 10 faror of »>n>* t hat h* aakl K'TIIKK WlllfK, Uto ft l>.i«.|4, bt 4 a' l'»i i*. la mI I Otuttr. m lb tb r I Tttt- *iffa«d. pro* by rv%lly "tb>({ • ntltlut "A Mllaironwr to th« WrU Trip it mM i Mitr, >m« and n«iMBpl which la th« laltlal ontcla la llarp*r'a kU-4 lk< HUM IM MMt Mutkl a >t to* all itr>i to tUlt tlul tul did Out aal IUm Ik* k<>< aa; 4»- OBo. A MIIXI> la in. and ronoarco* .»ppT Incrv.ll far • (T««ct macb a«4lil*^irarii. 0.' tin Liat>iliti«M of m* to and aid M«4* »r hllidt wUl re»#l la mod Tb* fairly ft rroMla tnirl MM. a al DON'T OXrOKD. Mi-At Bethel other* will bo and addrvaa lh« •linking campaign nprraai<»o •ha briliuat-hard of aa a ol I'r Mil al Bank, prM«ot d#acrlptloaa tropical loXfoKD. -At Inrl bait, ur Mi I oa Im Uiir I ha* * historic 1'atl*. alUia U'l Cjualf, "dof mwulm la i*au, wnftiu ib« o' dub. hi OaDca. fbffaaU, flowar*, c#h, fruit, as<1 th«- urrlM* mi ah rooair Tuo*Uy u< Jul*. 4 II, IM. Ifethel, July 1H8H tbl* rouwrtka. ami Iti historic arna* U I* IM lhlf-1 Ttiiiii at A D. I MM. of 1 1H, • i«.ao1 JiTf. AOOXIIUM CUKTIt, iMW>UM 4ia>« of Martii v. 1. d. f*8 S>otb Pari*. il, IM*. mm In which Col utal It. * I.TICK H. -AMVKU, i.mrfiu at Ka'ua P. 01 »a»->«a4 p«»- riHLBtooK, when July lb* Ingriwoll llrtta. • r»r«oa «ia4. M«l«f T ^ear a thick Coat an.l awoat yoa tha »h'r» th- Kmprvwa U l«MM t«'M, ll Mrf XMtll, lltllll A.U HKItKiL'K, th* *ar of tb* ntwllka lb# ploc» Jwephlaa »««)*r •mM Mi ftr»Nifti ga*r.i «i »ai4 wul Head ta h'f y iuth. IUr atata* atlll ataada r f*>iw4 ufg%»r m»»in|. lor »11« I s » Of Tu* caaa of Krwtnan R Kul*l.:• >>f tb* (iuUraOrrl#. or LIAMUili buj Seor-urki-r KENNEY & PLUMMER, peculiar arupiwiwaJ la Uk> baaa'lfal Jtrlin >U$ Ilantt* at K.-rt- iIivvumi ur»n<, rftfti ift» i*M Uu*mIi*« |ih miIm u that fiUndid «w wrrrtl UH»lit. I Ml IM aa>4 IrtlfillH |lil MllM • t»l (kit Priaco of which it of iatorrat to organisation mi all ptfMM lftUr*«U4 bf «ftil*lft« rop, i» I m Auburn, *n It Im III MfMM HMmUl. to r««llt| I ia I^fcrm for a Riuall amount of atatca la Ibt ua*d to kr«p Nff <*>!•' M N)«bliiM ikrt* r»t*a««rftl »rlil«4 •! Ptrlt. Ikti iMy PrvAu, 4. <** 7* paoplo, drill in bark lota wb*r* th« wrtd »ruu>l il ugly a '> Tb« la aftVI LoaMf, IM Tu*»Uy I M dtiiracUos felM CMrt. lu (>« b«r I at nhi <>• IM tblr<| T*aa- *k >w mm that Sir Priaca *aa iadietad fur aidtOjt th*y wrrr a»han»*d to drill In th* public Mil. *11 o'aiock I a |k« f»f*a«H»ft aa4 act of thl« coBtil*>atl'»a U •eh*bc».l U» *1 Am- •«»'■ M •»'•«"* U IM I-tr ton Ito i»i« ikMli sot l»i al ia th* of a will to ba itrirti r cvnaptrttotu parts of towti. II Mlu; iftty mkf RESOURCES. forgiaf purporting br tra floe lllaatrtlloaa. Kit* of thrni are Ul IMj ka««,Bb)lto lini Jam** K MtifW. thru fditor of Tba Can- NM a»0«M M* M alUwoA •• 1 Tin Hi >4* nt M ill*, tha latt Calnn P. I>a»i* of tad are all a UBrt. A. WIMO!«.Ja4f0 Dtf M*a*J by 111* > a fall-pa**, they plead epecl' UKO. A. WMJ»o*, Lllf It of nUMf ItilM, DON'T too Kaytatrr. denounced bral C. DftMft. lUgUtmr. of the artUt'a and art. Alra«oo»r.alloaii~M K»llru*4 Htbroa. ia favor of Mr* Phaca LW- of tb* iloklfn Cirri* br eagraeer'a AtlMMfr-AUM. II.CII4VII. R^flMf (Mnpaiiy Knl|bl* U|t| l^fHl murrrr waa ft'*d to tha and iadictawat, bjr tb* *pith*t <>f IV* F*nn*l Haulers." OXMKH, ftft'-Alft C»ort of PrtHM. MM al !-•»«»• MortftfN •( Rati KaUl#, until ytx* A >*MlbU Mm oir iii>, 1 u«ifi «r rr*»«i« mi 1 m Uetwlr Marie of anyone to which which anro* had to r~+. wl.Kia a*4 f.»r IM Oivaif •« OiU4, oa IMrr, Iluy Clothing tha com carriad th# Law Court, villa#* ffrnlua applied Porta. wiikia ao4loMM Ombit •' OiMt, o* WmU hn IIumh far U» IM U»IM Ta**4«r of Jftlri ft- U. IW. K»*l K«M«. tbetn a nit loo. Krafi lb!r4 Twnii of A. It. IM. examined ti»e stock anri at laat wwek *a»# ua daciatoa for th* S:ato by happy inapt Il M B»r> mm ml ( AMI.*.*, IM July. K Mill II*.1.1.. 4l>a ai«lr*t'lI oa U* I Mh M kMi) MUI< of *>Ma«a II. MlfkMI, A«(WI, It aow roaiaiaa for to ba M M>l*r, aiair rai>4r»« aal Mira of t K. Mr oaly b*rara* tba *yall. is aai-l ( jaalf. 4o «*I tat-1 aa old man. wh-oa all that and Col. tb*n • it*4 amy 4r«cft*t u C»* y*m a aaapie tiilii Im la MMII of A laiaxtrftUoa ol IM 0«UI« firaa. Why tfainrt In(*noll. nim4, kiTiif pmiBltJ hN aeviai of f«tr li »a «wWt f»m '4 the awn* a! Uu (ml rtu*4j. Nr ftlleweew z • charactrr ao had «r*r bafova boon resident of tba of ■At* of mi4 nrK tor altoaaM*: 4wm»4 l«,U*»| charge* n*i#bbi-rtn# county Laip UrftWa ktr. m>I f I Oai»Baai». Ikfti MM A>1ialai*(raUli giro a«Wo r»D B. RICIUKIH. b*ard down In hla urdwed, Tkat im mm u«if4lt« lift i>» • of im* wa* well- IVjtU. it and salted It lo au iaur*«4*l oaatiM ooyv HmI Ki mad*, aad who alrvady fairly kiIim to all lat«r«at*l, iimi«< a ft*—— of of What |NfMM by otjrr U> U» tk-w *Mli aaaaoMlTaly la £*tna A Unal • t>l Aim «« k« ahould undertake Mich a blunder- tortbulary eloquent*. larfrtM •91 »r Una orMr U> M abo4 «*i. at I'arlt. lAali to-do. waa liooiroiu !»».«.« |>n»ioi| more natural than that h* should I* la Mara all tW im R*l«*a br tW IbIM Oifor I Imib wral. prtau at ftp* W Krof't MMialtoly IMI IMt UftOMrtof Pro* iW, to M for far ia tha of eocui- ai a Pr* bau l>«rt Ml ft|>|»a«' iaf. gaaiy y, hopa pi? It to tb* tl> k*t cviaipo**d of Cleveland. TWm4 m4 U>a lW (im runaiwd rrw»4j. Part*. IMl itoy say ai*pMr MMatTarto, la mi4 Uwair, m Ih* UH Tuoo- f.» OB lM Mini I la* of Au« WANTED ! a «ao at W««iJ y«« kviwv* ikai n ta »44 •• U* a»»nu m»I l> N J al faTK al alao o'fiaM la tA* fart KENNEY a ia home the war. and 4. f*w thoua«nd dollar*, great « * boa* ■ hie* M »a aa .t .« h«m, II aar IMj toft, Factory. it that friend* Tbnnnan. ay pat Am wm4mW la a bvttl* m«m, if Mm, IM mm akoiU a<»l cm* ■yvtary. It aoid Priaeo't copperhead t.1 ittlBli to tha minimum mi- "Dof IiamrUkwnnanHarckiwi'Ntik UBO. A. WILAU3T Jaffi J. 1L BAKAOr*. vill aad*avor hara *aa battle* GEO- A WILAO* J »'!*•- Fannal Ticket' la not mud It la was, AU tUoy'i lalaaw Lar«e A traa U. C. Darn, Baglaw. >IMK' M. C. DATI4, fcogtator. w|f-AHMH teace namgaod and it will stkk—New Tork Praaa. Jni^yai A WW W» SOUTH PARIS. THE BEAR NORWAY. <7>«Ccnr6 democrat. BRIGADE. Frywbunr Duckfield. n«thoi. £17* at 1». «u Tfc* "down Architect Jobs Calvin Htevvn* and faml Th« rain of Thureday Ihrl, flrat rtr*r" party" cim *»• ** fflicti awirit fur tb« bi»f«l crop*, ».«t ••« Hi »M OB tb* t lib a*artiia^ Hffkt aa Hnfcby, all r. I., of IVirtUO'1. MIm iim of to th* Held partially ami l'*at»t, uufcim Or. U r. Ilr a>IIry, U. N. K„ an.t Mr*. Mian Jail* l/oof, ni bay n.t b»j». » u.M. 11 a. Goods wrri a thunder abowtr at b<»>o >>'■»«i in Summer cam* to W. laat NaUla White, of Wlnchmdon, Mam , Friday bea»y IWrvtr* tf*rr B;aJI*y, D. Dratlkj'* tv«ayertti«wal '< tbe fall In rrra>l. » l*®** tows W. and puMt or*r Itrtb"! and rain « M « w»*k. bm Mr*. 11 baa rtUra«l to 1'ort- la lor«. dropped la tha ilml al more comfortable. Mr* Howard llolmea and Ku«tl* wt-r* advertised to apeak *»t*j Mwtui, I« r. a.; ^•.w*-U) h -*«»7 tba HMh«r«. Ktr*ik( rw. WlKIMtt «*>•!* be had |i)M V> Mil »>U- at Hlalto 11*11. About l'r«»»r l»r Uaat IIhUm, Frfclay, tmUr. Amiimj Mr, *Dtl h»*« to an I aon rame Mat with bin temp-rance forty M>«4u|, i.; ^ tU for Jm. llokWa Mr*. J. C. (Jerry foa* IMr. u. room for our Call Cum, JIiimi of tb« Oon»autlon held here on tb« peipie were oat *o.l IbJarlof the advoca- sold to make B*<- haarv tk>*tb Pari*. Tim Labor goods Ilia fhaeral took on of 111*1 now before Con- mru innni. ptaca Nalur Mr*. WarrtB lad Mr*. Hctb l'*Vb »**ai to bnva bf*i a aacrvt afftlr. cy ib<- Mill*' Tariff day. U'* Mr. Bartlatt < tb« II*' kii MarMJ w> ffliatlae Wr«ka a faw <>n« of onr wall known and prominent greae and the denunciation of Mm rr«t.r« Mrs liMf ha<* b**a al tba lalao la for f * A. V IV ( H. A « Ha. M, »«♦»'— wlicih are ViikM'i ruhtr, Mr. n on cao at Ma already arriving. died waek*. clticna and laboring man, attempt- party. WhiiM-Uf K?t*.af, a* at Ufcw NU mm, l«at *'»! la Dntog an.l deferred their ■iriiai Mra. C. M baa >la«1 bar In* to go In waa told tbat It waa not a A K Derrick family •aai# llalt. Inltf Viwt, IIC. U'nUr bar *• W«. K >Mmo« ku a Whlllag J •>< Nr la Miaair llall, IKwprr la apaodiag lttt'.a a<>a convention an Haiili.Vi Win. r»«aca. uJ child from Oagood'a. tVra of New with Ww- Ilia- M:aa Lltil* 1* *t entrance. TIm nomlnalioaa ara reported l'rof. Chapman York, I. O. «». w IM4 mum aatatoa, S Ut« C. Hblrlay *laltla* r-R'oiu J., Oaea aUIUaj r*lattv«a ala»wbare la tha col a nana of tha I>amocrat. hla are the «omm»r with 1 iKt.lir K?«iia|. A. L F. Ilka, IWf, X II b At b»r* (kiraaa. N II. family ap*>ndlag 11*11, atery ^ a>rh»a. Mra llorton of Ma. ||, aMi mi «M4 FaUawt' f L CkipflM* an 1 There did not a*am to be a grant rnab to blaalater. Jacob Mayvllle. Wlkley IU.<-am|«titf. A. J. D**», C. C., And mnnv oilier tliinirs too S»«U Pana. wm at 1 0«»ngl Cin m»t Mr. B ItaalJ'a at the bonee of Deacon Pr»acott •«7 K*'l • ol Tha !• to a* that d >«a to balld a • a July I'.Hh, U. K k of II. an-1 H, p N Tf»». tha oa Part of tba *v«alB«'a enUr- tha Internal of prohibition, to good UaatUt, FrtJaj. l*m ahoat haying Tbar^l.y. Holt The aoclety la proep«*rlBg wrll. I. O. «». T.-la « «k» Im to mention in the Wkltla* who baa hi*n ataiylag alocatloa tb«p>t>c'«r apaaker. thla little h*mlet. U, A. Il-lltiri Hu.« I'nat, N«. At, proportion. of Atbora. «u ia* aullcltad *.l*i-rU««j aatllng pa*t la aark la littuft llaU. I». W. Bill, at tb* B?«loa tba wlo- M an-M la a prohibition towo In n bi fn-Ur K?ttmt avatk, CVt Orrta hu (*.>aa*rfatory paat Mia* of IMhel Hill, la A. l-iaaai lat. Tracy aoevd latoT. J. I>awea' •r m-im W. T. Knatla of Mary Cnmmlnge, lUltf»l», *♦ ur than politically. • »#«• •i ftrw | r*av now the garet of Mra. Annie Cbaee. U. O. II. I ,.i|rtu tka f rat a»l IklH Frblat Mia* i:«* Walkar hat clo*«1 bar arbool Dllflvld prnliifil !•*»afaark»aa«k. Im« A.OaiM.N.l. LaclUa u! IUU>«: i|. Nearly every one bae commtneed hay. ;»i«t I W. at Hiaadiah. It la aald a rartaln f Itli-n, of lUrtford, ( «••!*«•, II. af K. ln«. Oraee la light *. W V. Ural* iaa Ci««rv Albany. Karmtra ar* tbtlr Voted for lllaln* In ISM. mjni i*NtMU very baay gftllof bay vlWm.Krat) I'. Klaball baa cloaed ber achool and 4a» HfBuijt af ra> k Mil. J, llaMNia, I ifC Mia* l.'nie a tb»t K Karn«w>rth. a taacher of Tia cr«»p |» **r*laf n4 tka Surmat LllM lafaatrr, of StoMkia. It largar <|9tllly I* now at hrr MM h^re aarviuup j *«:iu BarVatt, l*q wto«, u «p- odiog b«r naa«r vtcatioa than for w«a elected, bat tbla year ha nropoe-a to Ikr Im aftllkloi M'xItMilifaittitftMfark atnalk laat yaar. 8 >ma baa b**a aol>l e* • >*«d ber achool wt »»t| *» M KI ra Htrtlvtt cl tw | (.<«• a*a*l at l>aala| Clark'*. Bha Blna dollar*. 10U for Clevaland. Htrawa a bow which Mr anil Mr* Oeorae Mrrrlll bate moved brlaga here recently, with a picnic and approprl- •1th her aa lor alt I niece to hrvath* iha H aa.t tha wind blown. to wht-r* Mr. Merrill la of I>ui*U. Tb* H A»a#robJy Chautao'jiu waJ e|ercl*ea for the orcaalon r.artUa«. Kmj para lavlg »ratiag air am tha Match u »ug kl>*uy t'Bloa will b*«la July »lb. aoJ tb* pro- We tbe ol '»7 tba Portland Htar CnraptBi J • l**t twt understand that Konrth July •w kt IV: hilt*. ahool 1 warrant * at Ilumford Point. lent of tbolr work*. Thalr gramma offr*d larga waa celebrated here an.l the horrible* made •uparlnten S.B.Z.S. Prince. Mr* of aa at lift Hhav, Michigan, «plV» agr-1 Wi»laac*. Clara Klllott I* apen Itng bar vacation were well Norway r*al<1e»»re, obi* of tba moat p'aaa- MAIN ST. NORWAY. A su*U to l *.»■. of II«v«r* •joltr a abow and their parte *•% i'sm lady la afwadlag (k« »ui»(*»r with her aia of la to let Miaa (}rw|*y, of Portia*!, aoprano bOOM. rendered. The heat ma*t have been aot la thrt villas* is w»wm. trr M re part H;:. ir» iImuii M »**art Ingham lba Ktrat la *t Mr*. M A II K. WrbSIa In town. Lane la bating hit atora painted llaptiat Cbflrcb, tbe lc* cream and picnic wblcb tbe writer Harry Mia* Barker, fro® BI V «• I of Hy 1e Park ara Isti la and oat an>1 Iliad up of rortlMd. la Waahlafftoa Ooaaty, KtadalP*, wanted to attend tint waa with arholare thoroughly Mm M»»ia Titjat a ataca of Am«M la tha at Martin We that tba Itea.a lloaaa Barker, apeadlag vlaltinr tba homeatead. and friend* In another town, and th* oc- anderataad TIIEUE WILL HE A It<) I TUf^1*. atnia*r with rvtativwi h*ra t)r 1> and wlf», of Fall Ktvcr. ara • III aooa Into th- ban la of a atork H.UII South D*th*l. alga casion waa a pieeant one. patt Clarke aaaith baa aa 1 at aama In flrat rla»t coatlitlon (*««>rg« Improved la Tbe boar Mag tha place. and are now tbe romptny, pot *o t froai R <« KfarySo.1? fniay b*yia« crop J. L K'raball family Mr* *' '* t*ngl. ttoclabl* m-t at Mm Wm and Inifl for a urtn of ;tir« to tba right will ha UtttUr tbaa laat yaar bat n» ariy Bp gneate of J T Kimball and family. ^ Wright•. Ha* Mr Wiaarwll, of Gllead, Caldwtll'a atenlnf. litre la tba cbtnca for the rtgbt occapled to tb* arrrtc*. Wndneaday Mra L II Packard baa retnrned from ;>arty. •*ar P« pit laat H«a lay la exchange artlh man GRAND FOURTH OF Amaiiah baa N*b vlaltlBg la her vlalt to Monm >uth and Augu*ta. II 0*>rc«, E«q, of Habroa. U»* Mr Beadealolf NattlBf Sumuor. of Maaa, lain rurnt tb# plBC* Rimer Cole and family have rented the Cbarto Ettaf. Lynn, ■ w>*> mi Threa da«a tha 11 rat of tha Wa ara barlhg weather and tha town. II a low with tlla- (w hay Mra. i:: th OrowB la oa tba alrk Hat good Kaaeell bona* and art Urate la* a nelghbora. i|vilta Ilrtgbt'a Weak Vara wall aa 1 a farm«ra nr« tbalr baying right MM. of P<»o«1. Improted large bat ta pathlng K P. K. Ito*. ». -n Bryut emnnay ha« ro r la»tl»g an I aawlng aboee makla* ao 1 I* aow prvpar*! to do work Di Meld. up celebration at gta.1 aa 1 a f»» a.»rry Ttoaa who hata b« o >w baa mora room and can do Mr. Charl. • Ian will bava charge of a:»%b B OhIvIb. of la that Baa. •tor*; Nle« ahowrr Friday; Ju«t what «u May |wp«tv uay cape n >m r»a'ta*th*lr ealee. bntlara* to VtMr advaatage. tha t'o«tn«-** Ii la rr(mrtir«1 that It will Ma «»• »t I'ana T«**>Uv II >ra. July liib, to tba wlf* of II J ae«la«l Pto* a union ahop an<1 an aatUUrf of II K. V.rgia a a -n ProhlMtloa moling with flu ralalrg North Went D*th<*l. i >rwty ftrt.irlra Wt *o J "if*, of Sack- Fryoburir. Vlanry't <'«».'• N * A IIm.«« Saturday atrBlng. JULY uru« a vaat- 1888, m»»t- *»•>•» »th achool h*M a mo««annnie Walker of IVro. la apea ling ful an t aoclabla at In tba »U- ag :aat **«k a* a pica r la the grove ad* •trawSerry frailrtl Grange a Ijr aagment tbcahoa batlnraa J>bn R»e,t'a >t >g t« becoming «|tlt* fa- few diya at I>r Sturt«-*ant »»•! m\t*, •ialae th* hoaaa of It Uaad Char'.**. Hall VV«« tne* lay rcrnio;. from w'llrb ib-y la#" *u-»re«y 0 II II*ra»y in.iaa or tBfarooo* II* received a ballet Frank Nlaaley baa boaght a drtflnf ami fMiti w the *ama to be wi# oat to tba rain will our r«rt« laal Tata-la* IVr* %■ a f>»1 attendance to aajiy tha rvalli *d a*?f o dollara art, Macb hty caoght which enable 5k t <-1. »»r» ti la hi* uigh tb« other Bight m a reward for korw. patrons ^ lacladiag a »aa tavltad for booka la mplenlah Ui« tbla Weak. feetlvtt?, gaeeta U t rn-n with a I— appropriate! I>ana Holt la at hom* for a varatloa. •>*ra.n< >«n« paaalng Freeman ctrcaa %rr.»*«t fr»»« WuVflftm Mr llwhatt. haetag gltea tha coa- • Horary. Tba Miliar anil gava our also to V L l*»r*»»in ap Thf earn# »t<»f frlght«a*»t ob* of J >bn Ciau lr an t Moris Or. filth of Portland, friends to visit store I* it U >Ttr»ur P«r tra. t to t*»» S rth it K I*. Grovar ba« *e*»ral arrival* of asm iw.i M >o 1 ajr to trtf /air • (» a4 carry fnt^mrg mall, lnt.» tb* h«r>*»1 wire f»BC* Where ah* ar» at Or Hiart»fant'a perfxrmancrt Utiir'ii iStwp la We I .11 atopplag afttruooa ha* heea let to EI Ckarlca who hia iser boardera Ilia bJSa« patr to Weld aa llmc a Tha atrret par*! •umuKr by that claaa, u it d*- «ft ntog rnt--rta!nmrntt w^ra Trr? take advantage many r*galar pa t > ••to' rtarjr for a frw tbta «rfk s«uh«t brr Ta* fr!ght*»e»1 Pii»«l ilifi bit a»1 V •• AMI* Mar- to h« ig>»> I Tha aeraaagbt having broken M * I S M L tck«'a calve* oat *>f their paatar* Mr I'atnam h»« c>mtn»n<-.| work on >»> of • ao the ar» » C. Mar- Upton. 0 1 A Orover omketa «j*i%rt« if <1 put in an *i>p*»« we shall offer on that Call v* ifMut! •:tmt w building for tba core factory. SPECIAL BARGAINS which day. ft h%« « cow thai U ick. atraw rri a tbla teaaoo from bl« "patch j Saloon aac«Lal in wu «un!tt*«!. Nu(«ii **ry lit? U Well elarted an 1 the h»T •^rore-l William Kidder ha« m >r*l loto bla new IM lb It will tlv*. N*than C a atiliit at Oroao, The Dunran <'Urk Krmala Mlnttr«l as no It laftot >«chl U ItMt OWfW# and before it is of .»f Ui» <)4%!ttf. bow. .> »r aiaiMl >»»r J ill H«rl«r Alva lo*l a ate« cult la bla au rn*r vacation at aur S >w f ir • m r*i« »n »ll.l n<>t rr». n get prices purchasing CMi'v 0 Co »lugh to <1av to k.rp TtrUMttril. to Cana.!a to of was TV? »n harta« Am w«-ait»*r. Kr»d Kaatman baa «oa« • a growing liar comaa la fairly! Hub. Waldo I'. ttengUl, Kuraf >rd, of ISU »!!!%*♦. f Newrr. I' railroad 1 W.a0^ru»» Mrawtwrrla* ar* qait* p«*aly thla i- flr»oii)«o«oilftmtiwC w« II >>at aot much llghW than laat rear. la tba alllage Tuesday. no if vtic curtfi not?" a !• reach ae#Oa.l la tbla on 1* *" M fur f»» • Haia aecttoai haa tw*n working (»»uer DM Krl|..w. annual **r«ra|on to * *' 'I ft *• 'O Lj|'4 Ilia brntbar Henry f»at t think la of a mark ng tntf at tbe 1'ioe Orova H >ue«, H >ulU W »u r- •*111 take placs August K uftt* A c (2 mnrtj mor» before It cleara ap an I * > fv la fls KmIb«1 WUllaa % «•$>.» km tuarr.^l the oll-at eonplea la t«»arn M I ford. II rt Oenalaon, of II >«too, Mia*., • fur Jt'y • u '0« la U »...*«» I' ittioM »r« small aad c<«rn la backward Una N *•»* al i.a .U. to \l Hra.1 of Ml Wraoo, II* U rttba f»»oi« asm-1 Mae [. .til* llutchlna wee tak-B fary ItlPC hi* foil* IB tbU Tillage. ry, b ap^ctlf»iy. ••• tra«t tb't* tnajr tM li go>d Ubi to m*i<*h work oat kbit Nina art • «M| la «tlb Va hrt-u ft •n»r an t not aM« do elk M »n.1ay an I Dr. Ilall rallrd la to Mr* liunghtoB lUughUr v>«oUfa! barv**t- c »n«l lerabla at bl« beach «»n abe la Mr* II • mib, K«». F. M Wakefield's bom can do e*a Wa brer *l«ltirrf Hough & W ha.l kit br^km doora; to bar. Webb (feorga K«*a town today M ktrv u<1 M m J iwphlM J »hi» S Allen of Hton*ham. M* BBil lira II although vary mirh KlUthrtb. M' ••ai h*4Jy <>j a faiila* H- barnea**-* a»nie better. toB at I'apw >' «.•. w al J*. R M •• Still* lUfcrr of were uBit^i 1b kbit to do the V llral C Mnn 0» h H (• • «if# ic I Newry. t#nt over, haa alaira bata I ba I the of flatting oar earn- Mr*. 0. N llradbory, Mrs. D grao.)Jaa«bt«r, th* H'f Mr pleasure • rtj%rr'«<' la*t Muatav by >u*a w wm I' J »n»« m l ion Harry • (irw J *«u VI M. ar. of RrKti'M. Mu« irt h irk for tb« family m*r arb »>l at IU cIom, an I n»urh ury. Mrs. Oeorge NORWAY. IHvia, at ih« mt iftc* of th* briih't fath- a follow.,1 week. OPPOSITE P. 0, *»•»* o« Thr*w g»»>l bay day tbla <*.-»k, .1 with th» of the acbool. •rr visiting la Livsll thla »r» T*«pi* an, pVa«. app*araar» of •«na#r No%f\|*r» er* ta Newry. »»«»• a* laat w»»k. Grua la «b»« f»rt »rir« have •»rur- > a Mmfctf ■lnr« ibay vritnl Iba 10.4. by rain. tb« r*\rf «u r»I lrnr« of th >rnagW*e ta all Tb» N irway »!..*** lall'j nr A good .lr*j »»f nlc• h«f ht« g >t la* .>f f.»r th» yrar N n( tf t'aaaal W arr»a B. WbllUar la btvlaj bla bara vary lato an 1 gr »wlag rapi lly. lb* rrcllatlona and the b*«t of or l<»r pr«»- ed ftftpfly coming to tbe Htfnt for Utr paet tea <1aya. Miinl bundri-l tona. At Ntttill* ikliiM *a 1*1 Mi*« II-rttia M (Jwi»r, tb» uacb- Have txiugbt I R rrtnrne.1 fr »m 1'arma oar brat coal i* conald«r*d by Tim bar la ibla acctioa la a» kiapp Mexico. •r. may w II ba ranked wttb tb« prevailing prlcva Br a*i oif* of H »»tb !*«ri« crop full/ t>ualu«-*a A coal l^nnt 4<• ch«»f* Tue*.iay. II* r»p»ru W and ob* her to tench Uit fl'tn uiacb cheaper than wood. This! an cloaed Uarh-ra eagag lag to M ««l 1 II Park op any You Want Know Wr*. ItiriM IVrklu of gOthl JWar, Hark llonatln »•» *r! •( t.u IB that *eCtloB. u hnllt. • m M • Utrltfr It llve'y hava a auromar a-bool will make ao roletike. •hr.1 (Ming •• la ImiiIiimi **• art t« anna mh« M %ry CT>atSo«r*a. hu b**a haying Wxtia at Iba about 1: loo a rach and c>t It !athrv«daya Mi*a Nallle H an la better tbaa family, B peBaloB. visited their rvUtlvM aad *W. of b<>a»a of b»r faibar. Jum II. Cli»Jtw»r»«. gTBBUd Smart! b**a for a loaf tint*. Ulloa, H >■ *. J«1C« Kax-h K I!* an I aclca arr N II la in >«t l iv haying Moat la Norway ImI w•«k iiiiv>n >1 I'.obtl* fleorge (* Ktatman. wlfn Tyltr !•» «m o«m of n« Wilson's Mills. week. II *W« hu hf*B *!rk. vlaltlng at l>*v a. of oar farm«re commenced tbta Wright quIU !•! Habroo. Polly of th« Urn of WV>»» * OMft Hi'H on* la bow baay hayiag an 1 mak- aavay m »at of tha A (* Wtkifl-M, BARGAINS! being b- Kir«t A. Porter o« K t Mr Barrow a, of llackfl 11. pr*a« for <»n Waki our and taterprlalng at> 1 family ar» tax preparatkooa bay lug tlm-. ha* I*aac U Virgin to carry Kaat Bumnor. Arid, pipultr In our of of k»» J K O"hr*»* ♦ i wilb K-* Mr. Hetb £00dl omitting r-1 vr. !*at»lir In &»■<«■ U aa bu <»• an a 11 >tl »n t> bla >m clothier-, rnUruiBril bit father, l> • to thla country. J 0. p*t bla farm A J. i;j««rii who baa critical- l> »«» frv»® Hjffoa** Mr »»• Hinbt room to ator* U«t «t»k. Mr WUilliM ■ of •>«rn Dot eaflLieBt cloaa I a vlalt to bl«*»d Waktflald. t t-rif# %•*»«» U»a aitVli* haviaf O la Mitchell haa Jaat III for alt waaka with potaoBlag.oa CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, » of \M ly •! FLOUR, GROCERIES, Mrt Praak IKatc*. ftnlfwlck. vtalllag bla "f ■«» bat much with Norway. apnx im*< crop bay. bar raUtlVf-a hara Saturday mora •till nllee «rry pir*•• Ii/ki TS a« on# of the largest uf at Ra* Mr llihlra'i. Mra. Mirt N «yca of Ool*br«»ok. t * »k bla own Ufa ca«t an I la ra- K*bb« y A have TOBACCO and ar.a' .• t>> Uv« la 15a c.'maU (lallford Pblnney. win low It U « very p«call«r CIGARS, CWlrat* * Mured U at b»r unc'.aa. II M. a Mr. ('»!*• loot snl shoe store* In lb* country well i» r-imp*ai«i r,jr M*« Smith and N V laat we*k II 1r.| aa Ila baa b**a a grrat la Brooklyn, (tba g«r bopelree. mI! Wo have aim aiMi'il to our Stock Bmi Brtftri I'slla m*1e a f>ur day* a 1.1*1 with all the liUtt style*. T i*y | man from telpbla. laat ), waahnraln VV. 1.1; wa* brother aaffarar. •• K S. I'aaban la palatini tha Hrlrb K a gul !*. fur rub, bo rrvdlt- Thry are enabled !• t a* il>(«" Ilia (M lay trip to I'lflDKhrrtf*. St-ny to Mra O. Virgin of tbla toava Mra. N C. Il»all baa »k*b flatting mly TV w.»o Hai-n i» Una II xm rtJ. uJ ku brmbuml It op l>u and Sharti«ff of Cot#* to «»r ••II it tb« I"wi»t flgaM. Call e»-a-trt p^r. Lawyer* lley K'aatna Have* I* at Yarmouth having frl. n 1« In An totvr. boy - - ai l » dtrflQv. their I**, ha«* b*ea »i l tiimit* the ilork Car 's j»r»par%t « >»«i ikl«, 'tr»>k S II with gal U ••co« W orth'ey haa flnlahail haying Mr 0 11 HteUoa b%» f >aa on a trip to HAIR & CEMENT l>aaham'a fan ar* b*r* m« for oat Milne StaU Year Hook or Malae LIME,- Prof. L. Mr. !y tbtlr aaaaal to taka Tb« t J >t>ran»m i« npwUit up camping trip. and U now working at Win taborna Ma*«ar-ba«rtta. Ha will retura lb* iiinnx r, an I I'rof. anl family of la 0, M Donbam, of we invite • ia • '»«* n1kI «i ba« Whltaay Marcoa (Waal* »a. kl*«|, Baltimore, Wm It »arb. wife and tw a chlMren fr >m of bla acbool la Iroatoa, Ohio, ta li-glater puMUhed hy to tho ami of which L !.»»♦»•» | charge the of quality price inflection. c »ftc»rl. iatf h««i f»»r« for *oai« tla« at th* foot of to* M«ad »w» K On thalr I'orlianl, Iim been placed la !•«*» tW two p*ru of Uj» cainplag Klv«ralle, ('al ar»vlaltlrg hern. HepWmbef. N*crl?» r*. It 770 pi|r«, II II. Kliat tu |f aaav here th* car they were In au derall»<1 Naa to vlalt of Pari a, hit* am>>i| t&a billa varloaa boaaa- at >r« than l*»l There bu two I? TV l «rr« H-B*. 4* | It t* * ia change in th*» htaU map >i a* «ta bo!«l *litl-«. attU, down an embankment; one lady killed; Mr We«1ge of llrbroa Ac* Irroy la aap important OurOoiMlsarc Fully Warranted. <> .1 h fail. of v <« i>lrc-t<*W>ill tbOM la«r- hark l.. b«r >»• la lb* coBftalent t.» bava aacb hroagbt to wan brula*«| a abort tline ng It tb« b«at map Mala* publlabed < tbiaga many li*)are<1. M'* K>acb plying tha llaptlat pulpit fti an 1 »Ul Mra 4. M K ckarvl* >a la at Taaaat'a It la an guide for baslBcM mea a r a«r»«%ik»04l aiafn* ob*'b door. •-•m* ab.>ut tb* heal and fare, b«t Mr at Kaat aa>l Waet Humm-r. importaat «»•■!»*. liar tor bla frlmt Hbattack tbe Mate. Ml"■ ra at th# rbarra *»aur>lay T J Sbrrmtaanl Itoacb an t thn children escaped unhurt. Tba acbool la charge of Mlaa Addta Boa- throughout : i o'clock K Mr Packard la at I* »U*1 tbair annual Voar of tbta ra- Tb« national game of t>BM ball p!»ye.l by Jm are making ary r'.oaed on Fridar. * a w »rl la to lh» au I mrrcbaau of tbla Wa »aM aay regard lliaba* bu bad another car of faad tb« profraalonala vtth th* 1 tios. Denmark. I. It Fair It '• r r»r*am |»«vr« atom la«t w**k. Tn« lt»« ab >«U1 r»a plarc Friday afUraooa oa th« an 1 J S. Smith are In arrive. ?lal Jaf of a ra- 1 than lb* L A. Ingalla was a cam* IWrni tW Ja'y mr b*t ao n »r« wla .tare* Jay. Kumford. ecarra. UroBBdB skillfully played on and a large la haying «M **cb Portland Haalneaa, «j«lt« Ilalp tb«> a to ') la n yna«rtnl HaMola ippla. for w bt 1* tb* wiaJ blowlag aid* II K A II of Ht J.tbnaSary. Vt., ilOCTM .Score at cloae of catna a U W» I >jrt, la wlU attend tba circa* there um and wo will trade that will ft- a of au b*r*. an *t gallon favor of ibe mercba&U. The rvralpu bring your producc give you TV prrOTValftC of ua it rfea» h ta ttke L'alferBBlUt rlurch tiaforv pewa wv. la a Hat of tha •*a,i»a.i ajpr.ft paf*»r ^ftcinjc mr w«r« aarprUeJ at lb* moralag'a San 29. at It Frl WmI Sumner. «• re light. The f,»:i.»wlDg IUmf>)*d I'olBt, lay, Ji'y A Jonea ha* returned fr»m Cumbar home a lAa arral for w«wr C. II. Wrather hia broke at ra an 1 tbalr >a|t|oaa rtend U«n a M Oor apall of dall play p you rejoicing. las 1 MlUa wbar* be haa bwn at work hay ■•anuria. aew atetmer la aearly r«*t 1y f »r tbe laat. «i ficfcoolaof !lof* Tda lac. < *tk lb «n4 • at Port «r. rtver It w;ll rarry power l( au**. rary (>uay <>1. »rr»n, III I., Aim l'>, |i, *»> >' » ii u la |'. nu Mra K'rhar Won of th« Bracket Your* for trade, I'tria 1 Ilu«a. r(.»utll*ir, rf, >«v*ia i»'1 ba-i *nn« ale* w*a'h«r tB«'B« ar< carry twenty ptMengera au 1 nalca fit m haylBg. liiUlBrfa. If. >wt«**a Pari* I till K»ra« r* ba*« I* vlatud a ii' ii •-> ■* »i • ti-1 by nephew a of hare V A IUrt«-r has aoM oat bla atock nu» norciVr p-«»pla alrmdy •• Tk« Hl»i«- for a.l ar* btll mlaa MaaaachnnetU. la towa to tba hot wrathar ipUU pilclter, »rr ••II. •tor* to J iba Warlweit. irnvnl apaad • ll..t»na. Kttittill. |"iir, U, ltd* ba:f p«*t Otbrf looklag The acbo >1 In tbla tillage, taught by ««ufc, lit, |t>, .iuu«lli:iit am bat w* are eery montba. I L Ki»itk CaJ corn ai:ke>1 Jn'y bla fecial face tag a«, cloata Krl lay of N.i)r«, if., lf,klU)l«il tl' ■ '.41 • Mr Mi»a K. r.ngrer, a e*ea- >•» o«n of la bla aacc***or, aa Mr. War »1 cloaa.1 brre with cro^u^t party, ra« flag raialug Friday I.' a Mr Fr««n!j •:•<» ha* a r fortaaat* we«k. U-puMlcau A. 0. an tbla altboagh It did a and enthusias- • hi»r 14th «»11 U aa traler 1 all wbo ba: tb« rata mule it bad *•< attended by large Dyer, TV *am«»r bo%r*9f ta» M»t Si«ur» variety Ihit <>■ Jan* rtp*rt-ec*i| log naJ I'ttla oat a Mlaa Dar< aa Hi »••• Hf* oa II. .'•» »r bim with th-lr patroaage will not dlaroura^o the tic galbrrlBtf The large K.poMI. '«» »l a i ti» t' it II bad «l" fall Mow a ruM IVuple Hartford. Grand Trunk South Paris. to rail baa a aaccaaafal term thla i>earing the naut-aof llarrlsoB A Mor- Depot, M'»« Kt« M a dUiuc* to aa« it It nocauae cotaplaia. a taught vary flag Opp. L L caa>« frma tha f«rm r* ■ ...... Ts qnlu t BeW Tba rtln of to «1ay glrva W a* IDf'iWll V» \ar Iin ufti ?lI*m». K I. VV W SUfeaa la erecting bfltlJ aum toef. too limL <•*«>• 1*t wa« v»ry ttvaaUfal. lot* of oibtr ft*. 7 J<) bo OBe la tl>!a to Btme tt cbtnee to re*t b**alde« dolO(( Street tt)«l po#t tifll 'e, v 1 •» 1 M •• AV>»« C *U»1- wh » !«>«t hi* !»< hy log, bat y*t OpfVMlUl 0 * "if Mr. U >rc- Adam« Andover. cbeera. A f*w 30 DAYS I OFFER IN J it' la at J II. Wan)w»ll baa treated bla bua»e to good. o'clock amid ilrftfrtiin^ FOR THE NEXT BARGAINS b> '»(. o T k >«i'i*. Port:ia«i. tb« tar« U c»tlin« aion« ntcnJy. from AuSarn * A of Ht. Vt, tlao a #»w A Ilea Park la hom« IUr B lloft, Johnabary, Inter the Iftdlee of the vll ul Krrui K. Win B uf Corn a Be* coat of palat plana, tulbuUa youig f t r% Wira«r. S II v»iW by I»r. J»waaej, to wjrk. liar baaltb la no: will In I'olon IU11 Nun lay. Jaly thr a decided aba haa b><«B prura rt laed ft *rc i!) I n*iC bearing IIm. I> C. which make* very Improvement l*ge WMh:l|tol, tall 19. at 3 r M > »n Douilnr. II him vary n»nj> t >>f it.• U j>ub >'.»• hivtarrltfd it tba C!dwimJ a convent.on at <*a Cirri* ro«-t with U>« Tba labor party bold The M th»dl«t I.adl \ eft for three cbrrr« AND SILVER t at th* Ileal* lloo** COLD hit* i( r»(i«urfd anl on >r* ar» nooa. Mr. <> An- rx.wcta! llall, Buckflrld, to day. Mr UiMra A OiMmof Booth to a o' waft re- U: i*l ">•» t«ni« tb« »"l like Toblo'a f >r v.<- II- j uM glr Norway M a 2te hoa*« an J prop:# wrj a Bttlrc »ni for- we*g. ¥*• • A. 4bMI. krepn Mr. J W rnioo. doeer thu The a-araiMy re I t« *-rr«»w. km mrm. /tr ■pondedto opirlt. I'.u Tt»», aad n of Hiram. «tl«*l at K stand J. O *•4 » .r hrikti a ro. r <:' Emit Dothnl. The Wintlow occupied by to Norway lit.I when- they were t«< «'» M K. I of paired « ¥ KaKa HiiqIit, J*t; 11. ruBiimpllui, to 1 Chapman la being repair^. ft litre*** <1 V Wblt- °n th# Uunilr* U vty h»itf rl< by JulgeC WATCHES, tllk 4ir if Ma Ju> Ihiialvr. 11 «|1ently a II* »»< * worthy cltii«a «T »ch kiI t»u»> W-. of * nlc« A'oat fltjr mfto, opened • r will r*r«tva boom 'P»llty. week. N 1 >M (I Wlbh*. |hal>«, bav wvalhar aaJ II wiiuwr l tnotb Urvant, clo*e* thl« C. of Par* Mr. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, rmi IVaha. We are tt »yiag fla« tn tv Mm U*t Wr«ln«-* t*r, 11 h duced Hon. II. Pavla, x r M — rvm. tmi- I ltr|l»f h* haflc*; .Iriwn are at »w,l. MiM are lb* tl.VUfrom til* I'ytblan tit Farmers tn%klng progrrca baying came at once to the iMuei tail made Lmm* f*rm»r» iapr»«ii( oppuruiltf. /. K*U« from iliinuii, M up. Dtrli ** J !*«. til Jf, M M Uutf tba 5fu« lllram C I >»«-r farm*r« are now farnUhlng In K. V ury u lnUaU.04 to vtali 'wen i ■rm'wf kflcr bl« f*rm An •om« telling ftgnlnet the pftrty •J L*»i«W%- I* ilil- » f«w lren ibc bit frl»n<1a U» to b* "tb* ol tNt Ib la home from *•»« I»at»»a Q.i*Ur K K-«a hat tba htjlog that ob Saturday, hu from monthe |>Mt. hoar In bu u«u»: fluent and peraaulve II coap!«tail ab »f«- M** Ltoni 8n«n rctartud * of coro well « of fn»abdm farm manner. The Halt crowded fitted u usual. •• J a y l.\ It wu 47 Mft**«rbuMtU. l.i a • hu b«coai« the bnppjr r r>. to 1 .o Tt»«r*1%T. In lay# from planting. «v> r*Mr Mra A M ► »<« •• ('ran* fr >m Stou^hloo, Mm*.. "•plnlle<1" Intereti lrteiier. A*KJf<• Tt»* M I'.rU »t 1 » U»« l»*mv»cr«t m I lit* tblnk« I'M?*, OVlt II fri*ili|. 0«n L. Deal to of all in line. |*r••• into Vita »r of ;iai| cm« >lr(« hrr vattloo *i hrr gr*D>l> Tn- nomination of George Personal attention given Repairs Kinds my p a "J CM«." A Utile ibuw I* *pr»jni of wcc*M ia a«r t>«i tb« doa'i wlD'1 bl*w ibnay of thla for ('ommtaeloner of the him * >»ierfai, a«lght>ora farm fath«ra. I»r*. M. N Kimball'*. airk an 1 plicf, frll la Hiram; It «*»• o*M«rve<1 at lb* Mr* Tmnjn N*wcomb t» **iy the (Jjvtrn >r call and examine and J tbiak no. of 1* it Z. C. Treaeury wft« confirms! by Please goods get prices. Whliwortb uJ JobB Coltoa. Mr. (toper Mm*., atopplng from of K«g*B* her daughter. Mra. Calllnam Norway, •n<1 Conncll Tfiur»d*y, lb* l'.uh. Th« ^ hnta »rtat aal of aaow fell at Ml. Waging- l'«rry*. ear* of her. wltb L L Kj«r»v>a, Tbrrc IBt-bra Qllldto died *ad- U taking O-nernl flletl bla bond for fcMU 000 Brownflwld Mr* l.irMl* T*ry alck an.I b«r re- r of UiVuo. wtL ton. Mrs. John Vork I* quit* • Jr of J »hn »,*r« f.»or of of tba hurt, Nttardty I 1 •.uu 1 II. Ma t, Vmp»rt. n fhaivtar >!»• <»a th» <;h Inai tb« '»ai:dio*a, h'ga OUanaa la *«ry l*Dlf Xrura!(U U rather domtfu' 1 •« »auruiia*ii of Mr L«f<7«tu poorly. wu a^ >ut lb* bou*« covery conallerwl brown, of I'.irtland, Henry M at (m- * u I4tb. 8b« Mirahal •-*» Kri• farnitam 1 clothing Wan! of Ualdwia. boMa July U bcr alater, S. ■ u.| «a*u- it icatfBf IliU aear y all lb# Mr. Krrocb mi* lUttl* lUxlclto.i flatting ftn.t W II. Wultconi'i, of Norway, *u bara*l •o boar b*for« b*r d*atb. Funeral Ueftrre, RICHARDS, « to Mr U Tripp at Mr. Aaroa McLucaa' !•«»< McAllater. ^'"'l at jTti. Pr<>f K?fnoa loagtag tnrrtlBie* SiiBr% f.cirtt a •;».*«■ O? hf tbo»« !*®%il iai«nac«. Can** boa**. Mr McAllater baa takm yrar of tbla wftj nomi- SOUTH PARIS twwo la tba rt iral trl'iuw «<*r« rrrjr numerou* an 111- 1) H Kan'forn, ptftce, aad 10 in*n ia tba town wbo lu f tu«* Ml •bo Mft .v A !mi*«ioa !4 A oi l '>»y ir enadelng nated tb«' delegates of the labor men In bit corn «* tb a barrow, Lake. crr.llrgly ham1*f hcwa «ill im<*i it lb* bi'Mto(k<»in| Norway Mrs. George Dyer Mrs. beld at Uacktl-ld this week for born* rake anl lUfllir in-*t.Dj{ of Alder Klvtr Graogfl tod Convention *t«aiai. be j I try hla Mra M M Uallarvl from Cambridge, btve been rt-1.1 »ir»wf>*rrlr« iiruwtrt tboagbt bla picking Judge of I'rohft^. w >al I Mhin *auUd at Jtmea Crockvtt'a. Jaly », and ••■.ling thetn. bow tiat (j. Mm*. la *,«itln* Mr carrying tb«-tn lo Norway Dr. A. U. Young, of AugnaU, Secretary •« 1 Wtwrtaia of Ibti**. ha* rt^iona nn«l 11M go loag baa b**ll at Norlb to Uathel to rtl* took ap tb« Hilary A Strfrfta CbiDbi aauo by ib» Un »a Li'wf Co* T in cirvflllf itrtM ati'viia* laUly Bryant'* Pond. work through baying, lie got a gooJ j tard of tha town. Ton Norway vlutlon of the I. Kftl II iiK-Irrn < Iranvt « aad leaving the la la there. |(tr* blood. doctor* It; «■» if tar prubibiu»» 0oa»*atloa corn taking ttery w«w*l MiO 1' SfWhall of BmIoo. Ma«a.f Mi«< Allc« Howard, of College Hill, tbe nrit *Aer be arrived of thftl II >trd Frl ; day attended the meeting itx ri ta an 1 boa u go I* r bom* la rtalah*d hriitw tlir K*;>r<«* atiti«« to lb« L»«Ulatara r>»ra all r gbt IM* joa vuttlag h«-r brotbtra at b« old the Glen Mt. Ilooae, Joalab llkhaidaon bu haying advlaeft ft of aew- •topping d«y The doctor ayateui tl»ea. Il U no* wall known that tin «t tft# I» •tr.rt < of PiTti, of this la farm Kagen* M-rril! Ui»tli( I thlak twry »aj ryabla. tbla plar K L Young, place, playing on the Bennett for the • age village illtruri are luil to ot -abundant v« Mr Wiwmaa a praur all ara vary acarca. Walcott of Drooklln*. N are m on N. ball team tbla for blm tba lut few be due, Barrtaa of kind* Mra Mary K with the CI t, 11., worked tber* day* I»»ft« II k»rd while driving through it# ^ ImiI to of lh« |llot*"; and It trifc u t «a *ap!<>)« of lb* IkaocfaL la t*-<1 b*r* aooB to a*|| b*r plaar M—OB. wu there. an impurity, v., «»!»• Tlllftgx Hatnrdfty hft.1 <|ult" »*p«-rl»nc« lltat UO I»I«mmI ■a la a wnur of a»»uu ib* aalbof for Mrcral of illll, was In U equally well tltritnl j. tola* Buckflold. wblcb baa bvco auoccupl*«l K»v T D l'alne, College with bla colt. In fiont of Never'e the colt af — la South Sweden. IIMsUi I lie II to tlti(tLti)U« U >»rv «tortM wbtca bi*« iyp*M»>l town Friday. the wb Itletree, A)(t'l ta at w >ra fur Jeff RiimII y«ara. W W. Never*' IivIIiIilk* were f>orn»«1 became fright*cel. broke t*.< aaJ aa rai.mi- T »tn Record baa b**a to Oorham, >c»f K-pa'j .caa. Mra I: a|« M«rrow, who atop Kev. L K l'eaae preached of bit fr .m the Wftgon. The Nar«.i|>*rilU oo Tboradaj laat, Inclnllof a |>«rl cleftred LliOftelf ^ I'tv.mia btriag. (« )• wltb b*r alatrr at tb# vllla«* for aome 15tb. the colt the "Otwt of my children had lar;* mm S-.iw h« boajht a ralaaMa ploi July household tn.1 fuming tool* The neit m jmcut Lord bad by WUm Mra L A an.J Y. M Colt are selling good* litMk out llit* |rg. W« spbIImI >0 over tlm*. U at h*r JaagbUr'a, A L Howe A. Maxwell and under bla control, al- It ProSaia Oi.| r lit Of A M B"0» ptjlBf fire WM flr*t discovered bjr 0 bead thoroughly («>r h 04 tb« ittoraaji atUa.llnj FW an amount of farm machinery tbla ■inipla rmi.-lir-a, whit*, thinking 0 Jt Georie Hradbarya at praaaot. ;.ira. t)j tod H. 0 Severn though III# >«>r« wo.iUI ahortly bral. Hut It gtrw were ** b*ro cloee (17. Mr. Never* tod too •eat WUTM. W. MtU^Ilt IIMHll<-«l Atltl'-r. and a. 11 >o llnry M IWirtr. tloa Logaa L. K. l'case baa a writing alrk eryaipt-laa LtOVttll. Mra opensd field tod etarlrd at ooc« for wer* (old thai tu tllftitlt* m«li«itia 4-'iad 8 K noia, Cbar*a K I! UU Arthur L>wtU |« at work lo the WcJdhJi;; acbool here. three or four •m > smub. atui.ied Dr Caldwell. Circle with Mr*. SunJorook the boaae, aod they and une«if), Ajir'i Hat»a|«illU suvta, ul |g<-» V •D.1 !• by Bflls Smith of Ltwrsncs, Maaa la 01 0 B. " Mra a^tql each aa •* «'• ®f N 1) Bia- »ha F KtorJ cat* tbe (rut th.iut I* i>r»-««ot. a faw oelf hbora aet movie* good* Mag >r«ij Iloa <)«*(« J ()«o O. W on a vUlt to hrr former boms for NATURE'S REMEDY TOR ** cau Mr«. II K. Dri-hirjf, Mrs. < I be to a of eafetf. Tbe ia«aa J. II >1 ilxivJ A Fry* lit-or I'e ftria II A ComiI baa returned from oul re«rt>rd, plare Muu-r lUrry J one* of Nor- weeks. Mr. Hmltb Ja»t the whole be- Recommended •*•1 itf B«Uk«t. liUffik, ll»lin«« with a flinee apread very rapl'i a two we«ke to tba Lakes wltb party thia li«t year. are visiting frtro l* lo town. lo ao-wt tweaty mlaotea ahnra all mhera, wm uaed II with mar- II no a J >ba Ii ir.1 la larger *»•». trip log cooaumed l»*a laiJ. Tr»*a To# ha? crop at Mr*. of friends from Lawrence. otoe re*ulta. Tt— Kit* Lrtlnl ami MAN or HE AST. tammtr boarder* There wu »n toaaraoce of about PRINTING ifliHii » ll«rK Of ti Kim iitl hi|R Kighteea at tba Ltkeelds Cottage bld» JOB -r*, UeJp it ftt the till mg Tbla year forol- health ami atrrutftli NtafMdi 'y at V I*. Decoetar'e anl at I teen hotel; buodred dollars 00 tbe building* aod natdlj 1 of W» laMy vlsltr.1 llttalUfie.s seasons. — Wviiuar, Tiim. E-|. Frya&arg, a Mil bod How- fair to surpass til previous Truly been cir- J. J. Ariuatroiitt, n^1 |)*1«rf Mr* f E SUwMto m l fertile fccrv* d*aoU Mr. A«» I'raj daughter, In thl« hi* all. Mr. Severe ilU'iira. I prnM rtba II. and It dun Ilia • ful arenery can b» f>und vicinity, 'U*> e. Cholera ll« b«a are In towa. lo bla boor "f If — Colic, ftr* uf hrf rftirt fro« N*» «o ! auccc^afal farml u« Mm* wltb pathy of bla frleode or THI work Mm!." L L 1'atcr, M. U., Morbus, terprtae * Mta*. la an J the location their cottage affjrds, from a**ry t "« »n 1 Vo *n.1t!i*i »lM to U» eowa. lie hi* boaaht Mr*, K -Vrt* of Cambridge, M'.aa 1*. Webber baa returned Mantiattan. Kautaa. J-rwy, b*rd of tw»lv« amusements of every description. Includ- Mary MrMr* B f fjr th-t •onm-r with her cblldreo eh* baa been tbe " Summer •>*1 tt»» •turner la P*rto M»*. S*«- Mood Torkablrv hoar of atnpplag mualc and danc- St. 1'aol, where apeodlog NVa hara •••M Kanaparllla Complaint, fall hu the Centre. 8 be lawn tennis, croW*| (lit u>l V. II Brtui, and wltb and fl«blng tbat th* OXFORD DEMOCRAT year* y a boat 40 frleada who ing, boating toea aod are vUltlog when aaked to nattin tna »«**«.♦ :*»tr*meat*]. *:*o a ta >aem*al oa the fiall; (rirt «u met there by tbe Cbae. J daughter rwnmnxtxl It etc. •rtrtnJ — eve dick 'vea;tlful lake afftrds, fully nccnpls* l»«i W. T. MiLcau, Dysentery, tonnkn ot u« it »»fj of gavt b«r a poaad party Saturday morn bla pereota here. IS THE U«»«lpurlfUr" |«*ur hujj lot at a ruat f*M. tlms of tbs many gueata from till Ohio. «• » blood Iloletcla Druflfiat, Auffuata. ... : « -*•• .■ *t«-r HtoM baa a fill Tbs boat I>« al- svenlog la far advanced. ginlal " lnr« to h* th« YOUR MONEY REFUNDED IF "BROWN'S '" «. u il l baadeome Drownfleld. Ayar'a timlt< conlinna t? Mr* RtfWk riPki ?*r? hi«t> NllL M a |*t arr lar*« Eaat and Mrs. B >wker, bav« a raiaa- other and hostess, Mr. •lamlard rftiwlif* In iplt* of all root. •Wv>f in r mi mkI »i >b« ara formia# w»aiber for having and all all LARGEST AND BEST x, %-• Y'»rh MM aaitimDy ud The their cottage well filled, and tbw guests —T. W. lUclunonJ, Hear INSTANT REUEr F01 PAH" TAIL: T3 * it\** 1 •■m®»r* IB la towa. haa beea all any one coald !bU*«1« to «p*»d tb» Mr iddit oa to tba stock klad* of work In tbs terma of their hospl- Ml' li. ail old bolter •peak blgbeat Cllllon."ike, to» too*. aold bla year corn Deed* are ** »« •*r USED AC- f ,„ funbrr putkilin nqtlrt Albert Merrill baa deslr* but the growing taluv Among tbs latsr arrivals Mr y « «»• «*• IN THE COUNTY. BENEFIT YOU WHEN STRICTLY •'"n « .•v y A at Mecbaalc Falla. II A Cbenow»tb, Mr. nod Mrs t Tfctjrr mare day*. bees and M's ■//// #m, |u Mtetllae »• *»> IN* and daaghter* hare Katie i«r »r»l# m CORDING TO DIRECTIONS ON THE Mrs. Allard K K Kreemao, Boeton. Man Mlaa y/AllIrw H «nl jwi l» Ayer's Sarsaparilla, N. II. '.BISKvv VWHNtlwM. a«*l»h«w rurikiD it TOl'K Hols* OK riKK. ▼l*ttlag In 8*adwtch. M m A<1dls J. I^eary, Last Bn the L Leary, • mix fc. t»ee. *tve* SIDE WRAPPER. TRY IT. Poru. July 25th Coag'l tit re. Mm tniMrut U* tVo*«* of or hfkl, of for C. 8. On Wednesday, too. Mas* Mlaa Katls M Mag r r WE WANT Dr. J. C. k Co., Lowtd, Matt, woori, la worklaf *1 W. II. Htlcksey * < ♦.rVaQJ St ) Un r»«t« »f "HI "*a* Aytr Albart Veatraa will Beet Mass, Mr. •« t« «hick yim H»*. b«t jo«r bwltlf Circle Leila M Mavulre, Charleston, .x* U/ /j / A 1.111111UI* dlrwliiri frtM tU MUaa, |k WtrU #* a Uuia. Sold all Duftlera. a aal« of article* la the after- Mrs Hi bj m«T f*»"i Walker tbroagb baylag. Thera will b« K. M tan Ire, Omaha, Neb, American TO 00 YOUR h» I* urrtHto il*i>c«r oa tba tick Mel Ice James f Fred Newton la b<»«Be and some literary t irrclae* with Brldgport, ••"••♦Vrtof wblch fo% mtk<> *«> iff >rt aooa ilayden, Mlaa Nettls MerrlU, 3S3S aad cake la the *vealag. K. L Merrill, Anbnrn TV imt «—g»f >111— agila. bone cream Conn and Mr. i^lheLjasj!:*■' •» Wiaakiw r N'ewtoa bia retaraed *7th. will b* Whit* Hlbboa and Kresmac ■). Virrr. AUCTION ! u u»*t it J*bllitol»* U* *yum. *od for the Friday. Jaly Ms. M'Mrs Cheooweth ; w^-r- br kM ^»*l pa»t The W C. T U. TV# ••Wrttor* w JI *»U tt wrttm In tl*> 'r m I .. at Lake. contract to tb« PRINTING! CONSUMRTIVE fmUir »•*! '•* Day Se^ago taken tbs anpply \"ocu 'orv«M ffiw w*«k for Tborau be havs c.s.GossE,'iS?r bi J.W, il llrkm, M Ang. tIlk. at an.1 be la at work a* all people will Toes llood'B t..«M»«* th* four year* a* well temperance table with d«h during their sUy. lay t P. M Um ra*trw1 k tto yn.l ltm* af U» Ml IUr*«p«nllft Caatoa. for atteadlag without doubt whlrt * **-1 with K'?a4St of well repaid tbs bill called for bass a* 1 pickerel We will do it ! r»»l rnwl Um l»r. lall lllli, w^iUm, i* IW !>>•• *1»»T ll**r l*»;*nr*tor*, wife la vary alck. will b* thera and Quickly .wBJfiS ^aass-J ™*J**1 ^ Hernial Kalabt'a Mrs. Baroy, of It I., from tbs lake pss3"'.« af WH lUhfd pUa m tlw M>«. ar,1 ha* coia* sSKseyittSTa 4. L. ttt Mn H«Wv*. p*nt-*. tiui'.tM. forward oa I this vicinity Amply soppllsd rxanl m xr«M aHat.UM t>Maa,« will do it Well! #, ) Tba finaere ara looklig Itf.h. llae* go a* to Ma***cha**tt* 0«ee. We Wood, 1*1 Iobm Bp IflUB. ftvlM caa bay or far*. D««*em I IW |»** of graaa tbat tbey Z* tady fit*.tt? mm), iff ctlilly "try paub w*ddlag trip. oa tba abara tbU year tt Hiuat U« KUcU of M | take OUK PUZZLB CORNER IIOMEMAKK1W COLUMN. I IN QUAINT COItEA. on pvtlnl topic#, rowing aho«M tMTMpMMtoaw THEY DID r* i» * lOMMMlMlliiiMlkrUiti hi«l- iif wwWr Ik* Mm*I of ibu •'••mum, la •» n. |M I Ml Hair wnt UM tftllUW. W. U. H.TMAW. MW I k Ur«l. 4n«'nl lo K( ItonrMftfcvfft Anr'i II*. r V hp*. MUtliif. «nl*: W.ib l»iuai», iirutu Htt. I'trll, M«. TVjr IN GOVERNING. ta •>« III* •• wm| LIBERTY nowblack««-. »(!»• al|», «» 'I arw, Is"«■■»«»I It It* ail* ■.•KSiltM Jtm—n «.K \-m I l«iii( |»i(nm Alkl><4« Ui> inivl m<4 lint lb* K*ir *»f| Horn# gail«m Inarvick Bumtnar De«*ert«. *" **rt* »»r»*l fcnUl n**. It k»»|* aarala, mk! ilpmHk I nw »«. r4 A tmmmtrr a» Mttl* II on |kr I ill* w>« ta>»l • m In-Qfci .1 at til «4lk»n Itimiuf.fiviMta W||» vniiai hi* hrala, atvl appa !"■« ■ may be « l,,ir_r*'"* 1*1 |*»—rv— (Maty InlMt* im| W k< ■<«. ml IJmw Ar» T»W if Ilk* K*ii Km Wn«M Il» lh- mu.| I NllivMtar town falling. uhI, wllbvnjr ip«a«« I "J "•***"* A^jOaiJAT.L I* H» kl *'* Mm* I |U ut lt>m, * wmrn |rv«tk. 11 lu», Jlrut n«>«ra(ni •iraln. for ►uittu*r a*#, »a I ir« mac*) m ir« —»» |-wrl>-T>> 9 mr»k ffnwinlM MK m win .iriv* tr» a»r% Ha.Ua hla I rar an<1 rich IltvftiUn rrn««, f«n w> inxLutii > »• 1 •• •£. k«t turiMxl |tf»n*t«r*ly |'«il 1l«i« »• J; to| Uli. in ar» In th* flrtt pbr. <*r*a tmfj't mm4 !fhXt*in*f»is'Cfockil* lltl>>aa-lo«*.| galur, r> Mo, tiltnr ntagaa, fialt (1 »»»•. whip- AlMn-pHo-na Pill* aitiall arxl jW^rtU.I it««. I uw«l ) Tb*r* la • wrlttan conatltuthm. LWthfc mtnm to lit* Tb%l m\Uaa**| ukr, Nndin* br Ufa rfnilit. whb-h la not. abaolntaly ■»l Fr«>«a itliliM cliff to.I Mir, loll* («■•*•. ftfa all ilrltC4<>a» to I Utthukl* f>r khlnrjr |»rhapa. • Inflation but whkh laa*ldotn MfWM _ b« %r •w«l llfn In- SeXoi^HH hw pahlUb*d ou tba kin*. *tll Willi «|lic| 1 •uniin-r tlMMfl*. r*>mf>lainta, i|pM|*li, Dr. J. ItCIfENCK Efficacy U • fart which to •** J*'*"'- difMlloa, iDMtifalhta, limlirlif. A NEW AND ELADOIIATB fpxn This ii "-Jlrt P. II ► KlIlVMaf r« w*i» b%** llf *f ih'« prvpnrnti Wltkll my xrwU lira iMttfelip »lc TUf'll lake a»ar that liml i]|« known, »»fti by many of for*l|fn- hHI, Al*t Mt'lfl*. Lt. n •% lrW-1 ft ot men tll«b*«, w« ba*a U on iMp bll irom baata tjtm, glfa folia* firinf m«w lifr and •trmcih, en rraidant In thla but I " inn villi •• : BOOK flty. » %• «Hlki»>l Kiw* tkr** lb* folM)«iBtf f.Cip I A ft iu u»i nt«r »li«a, a rrnla ihc u1 «•»*•»• ra M*»* llivuiii Cii«V -rhk I# ',r •tflcSrip*ilack'Stoch\r •••If I »M IUI ll* Vk* iklH lur* Mawlru raiinot ba Mkl In In limit'"! <• lial llllknl |?M. two |«Ml I'll • t»f IKK^ III"* ftOll *•1 an-1 W'lll»c*»w|«n ««n r<»ll. tip-* U» I" TV. S*OVM.»r« v» »• k«t H*ci N# few to U IM Vtfl 11*11 Vl(iir, TM[ATMlorHOKOSCO U? W»Uit M X (lull tb* rTj«T»lll«l l»l»f«i •i|«*iMliir>4|1 wit* l«r, nawlfii th«* |r«|>l« 1 l»*r* ar* rulra•J,J *»»ki IIw JnnH In my •••alp liar*, Vi»e ••rum* ««t. CONSUMPTION. cuunrll I»r but »• NfM. M m4 w« In lm « 011 ina |>arUam*nt, Nywrfi mtv, li*ir rwiiwnl it* »o l a«iftr U ««ll i1I*mIvnI *v*n bla *tu •I M*' *n»l nt* Faith, L«»» Co«r»|f aUj )4ic«; Uid down which u»*}»« taatw. iKtT» I'aaaloa haa h»r away ( WANTED. irnt ormlrp, Mrrptlni andcr In>t. lift foM •»•«*» H«l on Iff • ii l allr until COMPLAINT — UVER Hi. iWrntr*. • word TW IftOtBlACl m }HA*t«lT, «M ••« *• r*»«Mf i*. II I'kvnli, llafa l«|»« CM* to t dacaj uaual rlrruunUortt And rlfwl Wh»# ll Ui thirk'ii allr nwn to Fniit of " *»•• I Mlf'tnl tH#«nllr* 1 Ua of tba aoal. MSouit. hntlsft livo, Knorjfttir noil to tb* *Mt wV**n «/ Ntff NM* \ If* »w palacv b*r* In r**ard practical V0"** Iwl Win wi *IT*ria of |*ii*r. In ft or cr*ftiii. II lalo ft baa no k>f nt bntr from lit* plat waipp^l pal Small Fruit* llo*» lltulu* 1 "'o tb«* kin* Nun* ha*a aaid that b* ad »«>w. tofor* TrwM, I k*l nfW * lln* atlav* n*oU| "A I ft), mnfci ibiI •»r»n ariih fraah iinw'wrrlM. DYSPEPSIA la In »da For Sale I I bMnl l>i«rr at *11. but lmprtaoti*d by lmt I ««lt*>l In inin. Th*r*'a ua« lbia< I w.iqUl baow." mi l SliruKu which will b« malUrf 'o *11 i.« I whupvrr.1 anft aij loar, who want It. If you tn, or know *a «n • AND t h* u eeUemewwl N. DAYTON BOLSTER, will* •f nrfll i p•, mA p iftcb -• in h tlf I Mil SALARY EXPENSES PAIO. mv bat parfaetl* k"*»>'i. p'v "Uft I d^ar, 1 lota H'd Ml, of ur on# who u. tlllleitd with, or wbatano**r. U* it** it. »un i • wttftti tin* »»««cutlnn of any daalfV Am'i llnir an I I Ivfiii will n» br»d» !► of n »f. Wfll cimH tuili, Stat* an.l n«m« rrf*r*nc»« tn tnaurr a r S«T my f ll*bl* to mf of th*M diMWM, mdJ atrlka of PARIS. «*» t'l I oHll'l kill iliairril ft tiit iif ilUniiinl In | of th*a* atat*n»*nta SOUTH Tk* h" h a»*»a aa*t com# ta« worat. bill tfi*l«ltB«, out «»» rf Ah! l unw *n |»—»iy wf h*if •»■>n« lUUliwf CANH0X40U., pltlnlf I|k truth. A |fv«lk m**k ilil wuar, lb* J«if-» uptj tllhM|ll oppu»lt* l mi Ii. *1 in I |t»w S»t o« it* h» f «n b ft rt»n eol-l mM ft thia Dr. somuros It. T» b* aur*. th* Win* ♦ la »ar; Mention pap-r. A irf u'a. Main*. »»*r ha.I. aivl of i i.ainrnl Tftrbi.K'in; h»r B#raad I*fc nnwrttt*n U» I mh ** I rr»*m »«r • mol l (Suu Uu* p«p«r ) I'laUUclphU, to (bo iKml and MASS. II. ItnIL, t* ar Ul «0 p la omlitif LOWELL. •r. «a / lit."—J. la •, I'M'* Ural," natbuia. »ao>o IrWy • «a I of ibl* and all th* kludmd M wi>.» » | .|f«ff>i«) mI aM>ml In ona ^*il*i•a^^•,. To* O C. qitrtan np» p^ftcim tb* ««rN ifc-w« W. I r»l|l*M A I M» ««r r»ll m4 to tbo of • ,i. f fn-> a «►., C»«. '«H, and cannot bo atpoarl (TaJ* lit* v » 1H> )| |TI l.k k itllfll. trUlMtl* Afmli, It .« j «T»f d«i« T'»4«. II h|M. ?*•«*•! ou c*rtaln it»l»«r 4»t Ma aic*pt ECLAIR ! Hair — n »ll no* of rlra In rI l*i, IMi», •nflillKf Alit*»t IMU>«at II —WORD feJt'AU U"C» r*B»M p'nt •' to A. I*. A Co.CWh Vigor, w MI* l« *(•» ««« 4 rDtmlaraut bU Mfluilnn voluntary. Ayer's a • at • w-«t Mill ••til l1 l«o UW«- I lr««« «l W Will M.a« tHe Season of 1888, 1 To rata. Wtadar, Cwwulwi fr»« | 11 * ***ry nl*bt th* nobUnwn u' la a «IUh. chk« *>r Aitri.o.u; »*i.nh*m. t)>r and III* klnf bobla hi* M %i 1 Li« |alan>, il Uk* «W*W iiw. 1 «I au mm4 IVftaw*. «Moi t whirl) of carrant ki »,M. aa w*at*rn *. If 1 Cri>|>wii|.>«« (lit* *1.1 fetmllU »l drop ap«nnfnla pr*rtl«-ally tba mom any rttiwroi'd i*otm, xvio. J.lly. Rr«t Itl* «t.l'N of #»• Ml* wit*! 4 A »Iom of cliu(t»'ilf col aov*r*lffn. 4«IW*. W. ii« f 11»*< up o'n.'ir an I t t*t <«f thick to «nrtol MMtMM to or*. ip Hut It to in r*c*rd 'IKI I (h Ttrmt, $20.00 Wirrmt. *l crram. Puvor a«».l p»»ur tlc« on. or that lit* tcrwlr*i mUundcralandlnf • • » i>*« k • I»«m> • a tine piccc aa*a N.. Uta. t orrana ar* n»H laflarun* of ELYS — two m»w ki Ml lk>»ill H • ■ kn>f Mnw«|»r ill rvaraiiMaviTa. TamoO* ftuuM —Aov«r al(bl l»»- titer ana not notuad*. but tb*y Catarrh ■ If*• k ?4 »l X — |M« •*»■« k a a t**a- gr». p«ik ZA ipmil, to tbo cipof i«Mt ni ik| >m>iI iw- |t(»\ of «mi, E.»irf irrvat family CREAM EiLM tkBfcrl CmM, Vti W. ■•Mat aa frv»u» f • of half * tbma. dlatlujpit*h*d W. KIMBALL. a *i jro't* h «4<«. UfbUD^l C. * Carat: lo u« «a<1 laav* «j»*lrapr.1 nation a If a of ao 1 of • ttrtri of ayatam uo*rruin»tit C1f*n«'« tli*' Nt » uii if a«4«r u>*«ifcVtnfnl a 4 r«n>n « •!«!# pkf«o( door •«*» lo ll»* mlnutoat drtalla. fnntua; *11 l>« I^it 'nil, tarn n—bli>«r m! «. A! ;«<<• In »r<)<# la. a»wtal ifiltn, a kiw«W|* FARMERS. into i tiUh »n I aat coM. complicated and U«4 5 Cartill lo turn, a& I Wan lla tr» n n toVI, lUfdiruW^MM of >g(ir, :-AT : IS INDEED A LUXURY *>nr«'UiltAiiU of tin*®* Imply ritrlliiilkii. Umi S<»rrw, IU« IW fl*U- a»l |«a drop* •». a of Utniaanl vn*lla«t- Itirn iurwljr (ofNi ii dTlliit^L •torr« the Senirf •; Curtail lo ba furl >aa, ac i Wa»« ir*rt anvil It r »th«, in n co<»l 1/at ton iUIn Lark t« a How »lt*ti Japan Wnip lllii • wltb trtlw* of Tutfl RAISINS! RAISINS! frft^BNal pine* aailt itviy to r»». N. DaytonW Holster, Finzer's •u mvrml aava«a * • to t'arull Jrj. aa>l a larf bod) It U arauainit to ua out b*r» In f'oraa Smell. Ill *»c Miiui —S f^ui t of M wn lit •. ■ «t. r «jnrt watcb ll»* and r«m*l wkat U a*ld w •• l«|«-rB • er««« m I rt.»»r in l> SOUTH 1 •,» rrrr. •«. .1 Utior* f irm lb« at :i* it himjaiii PARIS, about thla llttlo n.untry Hom* ««no aaid of u> farina In Kil«*tUn|M|w»inf«l — Pie Meat 3 to 7 cents lb. •n atai Atn-tl< an NUtMaii that iulrtda waaaitn-m^ly fwumon.wbfO. TBI ttT COEE. per <''»! I milk and p>»a* in th* rtm%m H»» It A • '•» H MH- l» II an. -l l- In fart. It la almoat unknoarn K»an tl»o H*' on Irn natll atiff. cr»a« anl fl .* >r lf»|l I'. M«Mll 41 whip In «»f tlio « > IM|U >1 IU« IklMaw |H»M> 14 nbyalrlan rltar^ myal bi«pl'aJ Ntu. M.I wll* Union l»aa brard of ouo |*n CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAXDA PACIFIC R'T iv -nu•» of d-uun« liini qiarta of aiik. with A tl»# a#roitd atory wlodowa brlnjf im«t. io» nuncio. cv>r*m lacrrm. *v*- • fo.n % •» • hrn tl»a »ban. In f»^t, rap of aniar I, t t» HI, 11 itof, ~ klnf |f>wa by. ca.nt*. iamai rmr rr ^tru. liat- I Ur«* n Scvthos,r South Paris. Maine. la a m »l.l K«t with rrmra SmnffjHer th»r* am not lodf a 'lotm two at<-ry r*vtuhtil atxhx-'i* rtivAi urttv, «<>rk. p>»ar fINC PICCC j To uf al»»ut tbo dla- mi rr boitara In ktn^r vATnvco muxLAMU*. rxcu i A fratt m*atloa*l 'n lb* II.M*. n or il«u«V III tni' -!)«•>* aa lia trarrla tha *•4 >f»«K at IP Ml»I Ll«l« HIM CkMi« <4 }«*nainf Juatloa tbn>U|fu 4 A ••bleU. fV'i of In Itim «' ml k Ititlia Steel Seville.W r. tMWMrf kwi UM NrOk* C**ML Ail I'M* itlillM pinu rountry, aklla, In fart, bo n#»*r J't la* »• «lai « •» m I ► h Vmi fwt Imm «r Dm D*r 5 A l*»an I Iw tan Ifala of a'm i»li In a >r- PLUG HmiuI. (WAEMATT1D) fun* t# n Hilloo out aid* tb* fr»t*a of • I • CV. M I—. ■ mm! Uiua* CM* Mtt 'iwt N>i' < An •ittwal. tar w;th half n ca;«of angar '■ tS« Tb*f» ar* of fraturoa ■M 111 i| u>I Uiwmi Oi M. pl*nty uti|>l« ■' >A Aiut 11** a.vlal MOitltlou of th*a* p">j It ■ I « MtWitl J» «•» • •Ur»# ai> |||> Ckdr CM*. »■ »M hMk w >« Iih «f IMw<> H.r. With Whlpp «1 tma, aw-onod Snaths, Hakes, oil bout Slliiitf tb* Riln>la of oQtald• Ifca Urn tl A l» i*fM. ll M t* lll» J>|*| >*!—'«, Im »rb ha* t*»• Kar««« A NebratVa W *at*ra of ChlPARO, J oi»- a bunt I Im> iiatlv«*a b*tuir |f»at " rnocni tra Ulan* %(aw«i■ —Tak- Im »> ^ '>e* * IMt»l m • '•*■* »' »«» •*» C r««l Mora lnt<<4 Moirt*." r — au>t»ia I a •>( rh w «lal» a» »J n. w»i L IlKktoWNl Ml iml> » — l> laMMCVf too I ll« wl«a m»-» la U« »f a m of tb* babtla of tb* f«T ymra kt> #> * «a HU M N li»at;vll fcl U.» «!•)• for*, of »iuari> of k, mil In* |*>pU ■ • • iM>M l<« «|aaM — I (winkawn li h«M ran that It l« tbo io»er I Tiat fnmx lirUMOTDM. WICHITA. I «»••<<- •«»!• i of roar of '*■ >•< f*rln» I. t hull aay only »• »■> k.< ti,.4 at ta'iUapooafal truly >m l M.aM Ms btei eaa t gauwsu. mi *m » um m Forks, Stones, rlaa«*a that In tliat I'r Htrrcunox, Hat «h«l <-ar a«*i»r |« of l«U "«» with iia ii, m i % I »•. w tr» iMlulffo luxury. Mm «• ka ■■ W teflM )Wl MlMMf Ik* »*»•• % AS- » «N HI3RAU » tli* an»l flaaaro It U «»r»«id- t/»«rHa< Im Mwditl Into >!• »«!<•, cr*na. mi*r «f u* IImI • >•«»—■»» b«» bv wf«lb>4 Tn» cl»r uit <>f ta* »'«• I riMhl rrnl aa »iw>i »i* |l ktililii Uwia la vi •/* mI la •«, Ihfro la'i • uf «orw *iar« *t aa»«l of tlto and Hfcwi .% f »att*4 r«ritj aa>|i>'B'a fcX/A5 |BB«r*r (atrta rily |"'jdo Thv> F.imoui Albert L«a Rout* ihra* of In at of ia m Cki> ■( lw> VlUl -t, A>w oftra b-anl al>aolut*ly tfcraa* hf«u« rf((, p»ar th- m lt«r« In a nuuu rau*o that aurb ftaal U uad«t ft*-*iM~ i. !»■««» CKy m< Mi »«*i»i< tulll Tai U"iil 4*mM of tbap* tf tli^ ^ any aur|»rta* I fl *»«ir w rt r* t of ir YOU CHEW • lk« (l«4 » of hoiima milk, in na* of lk>„' limb la unktioau A. J. & I FWl. I' ViMrtfVttllMklnNNM ()ai« lb a«r %% I r1*» plat abaolutaly JOHNSON * CO., AM) CXI.T" i»moa; la amtli n mui« to rool In C'or*an fraata A for*U'n*r niubl alt WmIAT DAUT W o>» lo lu |i|hl. (mar YOU WANT «<>»KIHW| Im Bum' » Him V » »—t* m4 Tnrnonlona glaa«tiai watt a m ». I »f d<>*n to tb* I'orvan laid* and rat of V ar»v »< «UI !>••• iliviraiiD1 light TMI BEST l> •< CmMJ tltMl* ValMlCM l| MII l^t*. fralt In th« c*-nt«r la biiu 11 Greit Jones Nfw York. *■ u )«lly alrntat *«*ry diab that bn»ujfbt St., •k m I «a4 ko> >iWt Www >»l « Um N r to »"»' »«r il »trf r»«< b .xr ■■ wit Ih»iiI ft of «b'i» lurat. TW (Ml UM *M MM *m4 K>kkU« na«ic oroftpmb Karir Ri «n. Utxm -Sua alrawwr IMMM M tHMl to MI f}vM IftlM* Ill to tha an».■ : • MY I MMCt* mmH Mhl atatua of wiKnan tb* m<»t M t) Ik' * If f* OAw X *MM It la tru* that t!«• «*otn«'ti of IM »W'y »' Mr Umix Twwi |>r*«ail Id IW in 4rU. M ■■ i« « : mi VI -PUMi^U nhra It'toil* aiir m m* tthlwimafll of l*>n C. A. HOLOROOK, ar* a*<|iid*d. but iwt mor* an than • hlbtrrt) <4 M«« 4 k I-«m * I K.ST. JOHN. • >w farina to »«•'? p at of l.-t TRy|-||>!ZER'S Jnle* l*b««ni«a Imi Ml Wm h Dm I TU A Nm A«h 1 A eoa*oaaal Iii aoin* luor* fa*or« 0. CMlCAtKi UX plat (•«f ahu»a ua a nion* 7 Mntotar* •• luatan'**. voatly Ik* W iMtDOML Kat was w i,»;»-d cr*afl«rUt^l T'l'l lib- |m|I1 « M|lf. • w« *••<»» « T » * ••tray tbani orm om*u anr not alawa hrr*. ltd Uwy mttm w4 I SW1VKL PLOWS QlD-|-|o|!ESTy u.*: Ho« an La i th* an tmi »Wr it »»ry Ur*. j 4iw w t:.11 on* Hu^bl# R»acS*J M#ad of WHICH it aa bare !■<*»» T)i*lr a*rlti Ananwaoor Rl*mc tl»*y |>b-turr»l !*'• •» W«ll «ta in tb» fieU fun ii«*. • (*••« 'It' >f> nf tH» a ion U In aom* aruxa a to thrm. Portland &, Boston S'eamers. •IfD-Mphrr* 'part of Milk Mlir ia naif a ptat of« r»n Army, I4* ntoat r**ulta In that A bullae Bl'k. NftUi aa ruuntry It la that vouun OLD • linj*«aibb- mt «»»—Maan of >1 not at oooo ro» »morino. • s 1 n|«trt TUi k k»« *w« 1a w»»f*. can rbl*alri# brrw that tb*r ar* In th* Ml«|< ntry n»al»t i• »m*i■*— AM»*aa« TO or !.*•! Win, ynfimw a|>lrU fVULM n at " lu «/> I I* f«« « .* a al#»e, aw>«t cl d«*or H M»I «nl Ukc v«4i •i T it i* h«i • tppl*a tbniigl tlfall Hta Hill >. rtr|HII; ffiMxi, ruuntrt*a, and tb*ir ac*luat>>n k ■*" LEVEL LAND PLOW. k, HON COTY rhli^blrnril • >. «»i «ar l>a ••» I in mini Mtto I '«l Cml "OLD brli Uirf 4T 1 4M1uimIh I mm- 1 —Heallnc wlik aatM«a II at in* lu-« of 'oar l( >|' kf U a ratb*r than an *«l- Hk ii« • •»»<». !• (OiD ST TOUR OCALCM |«lnful n*r«aalty ft n • 'MM 1 •« — n A Iter, •( llirii«M I kit* ftdtlrtj » I V D. > *«a !'«t plat nfhuUI raniard laio a del.. • aa >»• W> ttal m »tu*, la m»f of tyranny And yrt. I hare TMl MOST II... .1 r, » all |i ai I PALATAOir,1 Tniir tr«p (!a*a dlab, mil tS* r^a applw M tte M«l«< I* Ui< M> M<. n* IVk<(i ft** a k>*wW I'k4«>l •aid. t«rarly arrlud««l NUTRITIOUS, or.t II a r r a II »a<1 pur ofrr W»«fc II MIW l>n| I » Ito !»•»• Kl aa ar* I*. K tt. LOOK FOR THIS Itrn' tlwy lu Turkry It la only DICI9TI0LC rooo. SMALLER SIZE t» a w t ,i(|U intfrl S'mi. i»l il .» ■»* m- tif will 'Wi« U»-k IftHi hlfbrat iirritr; » **" Hiatal !«■>« allowed to Ijt ar*n bv man for light tram thi* Cftll Hw4nfl -<*a. all ait of ^wat M •< »«•»k K|M<1 I'M M MM M TAG ON EACH PLUG any rirr^>tlnf •pring : r. m A r I f a I. tahU«p»i>ifilla •u(|«r. At 3Sc 80<*., i 00. SUNDAY TRIPS MTtrf, m4 tn %*• >!»• •••# Irrflk*; tba buaband and fatb*r lu law 'ibou Druggists, ftnJ •»» tb»m h#f>re for half no h aa I th»a aMr la a ♦ • »ar, rap of r„.. hitr u 8 r • a K i- vac K% aamla of *oia*n ran U> nthmi tbaitRiif a -St»« aom llrni of (Ik iiwl »w won* u I'f IntuU lu?4 •*. ». Suu'b l*ft» p*«>.«*d people )uq «. Aprti .1, 1MK. r b • I r la • villi an t I 7 •ppir« p«a *«i*r ««Ur, \I«jiv U luuglng In the middle 4m ha*e •tUS. UCNiaOSOl 1 Cfl M. KTOt, IT II • «1 • c K < >n INDIAN luutnioa tiul tnn |mI rat la >tMp< • »»rt <>f apron thrown #**f the l»»ad and a r o h K * K 11->U taur otaf. WW* ?<■« •atffvrik^ •par* through which tbr? rati *»a and ba R. S. DORMAN, Lail a 8 Arm l)a»«aar —Cut t»a • tr ap;>' • • M PflffM, r i«a(p*IMl. |jt»» Tmtb, Irrtl. \V< (Urn uf lit* rl«M, the S —Wall ptp*r. aio than • cutninoo cla*a. utt BUCKFIELO. MAINE. <4a«n*r«. pa«d, pat la Mil* m M(k II— Ix k*. /•»•'> > v W.4I; wt»c »U«t m4 Utl working gu entirely — « • th a will# hot a«t*r tnl two of vat lad. Clarion iup« " (*iul«-rtftit'r »ri l ■ r Hm4 Nrtlrf, L r AI»|«I I || •ill Mkt M*, rvk Ileal, Mil kl4 K'nlW- \ full for l> A T K w Tb* tun-ana are a • The Great Cure •u«»r Nt* till tbry ara cl#*r. W ». n v%w| alngularly mild and RoyalTha luiMt ir rai* ! line of (\uk< U in >Im AMKN U Um rabn iiMrtu. ha 7 mmlf lk«"L F" ltu>fl«u*i*e Tin ir run I K all Throat and Lung '■try ar<* >1"0» llaa ft Ur<» dub or »!«•»f. |augrr epithet Difficulties. 8 L. Affil K N It turn tia I »»*f M Mlxlki Urn toil IhMI f f Tf*n augrr than '*M«*erhlit num.- whtrh mean* Orlm hr mail or >pplr« ia, mai* a r»tia hoi# n So Iv.ltor* |tM (wwl (.•«), M*f b*-n irujr fellow (hw nn g-i to uj |«rt uf at Kf *• What »fr ih• uifh" l <>r telegraph f«Ml »t*r (rM>») k| p«i«r«f •*t la • ftlv/ar «»*» for to b »a- Tara on 1m< rltj n>ttatn at ujr tint# without tadil«>l to tkf * •"I Tr W«. ■ •'th* f .a*ft "Th of» that if"* lit* U«*t fof p'lmar? • dlab. !»'•■ a ovar tba top allcta of apoBfr nioleatatlctu. and )«>u 'il lb* "mail l> it th* foot iiittr bear uf » knock proa pi- HU," plp>4 f ak«. Kftt arlth aaf «r an 1 hatter down fight ur a Effective tine! Safe, uiurtrr Tha criminal rl*M U l'»i *« Wuir —Hwaataa a of etlmnely nl II w*r« l» p>an1 *M# ft » •' I. «•» that a»hll» It tb» It Impart* alinoel uukii on Now all Owen ^•N>llr if foar »»aipn a and |«4nt* Mml Inirv -• • •''! I *tf. I'ut la dlab Ik* 4> Lit f IB •*m to f«n«tl»w of til* Itodf hate Uwu brought up agalii*t thraa iMtkaii ( OlottLing: I«^.plr. Ukl they do Dot war tU light < t KH. to M i«tr Um: M Ctnf*. CWI hall Bln» ar# ca!l lut< atlgatkm Uut no atta avnn to liar* TV U«( • l» »• « M ■< TV W*»hlart<>n Ihi< 100 Do%«« for 50 Cent*. Hon an Craraatt.—Taka on* of mentioned tha un» a mm» iMtim mm <• M M»> •«# 4lfc«> < .1 •S a*t »'a.'* It U *r«t fr in th» aortal til uf I IkMM IM ll ll I Ml hf atpp jcnat Jm mi M »• M«a (M isl *. pat oa to beat four ef<« with a uw M la un| l» u.|w| «o*xr of ihnr *tr >ra hull, kuJ whirl* must *ur*ly be Imm, l*lM« ml i««| Wt, -• I** M k >lllng b it latla ovrr •urh w baa mat* a* ran » »< mh*1 *• '■*'>' *• l»< a A**«»rtiiit»nt of pmgriwa Japan Mar. A.Mgtto. KKV C. r HIlOuK* tha H't oa tba atov« aatll b Wb«w Yon will KinJ Iatk" !»• Ms <«rUlr«ia -< l*M I* ». k*4 » •* v«rjr »t, TbLa etll baa to do with tb«- <««a that ilttl* (In la tr.H»V.-,| with rrrognlied a*4 »4>m i« k*t«k« |im ital U ito u4 *»at lo a it let boll. Wb*a Mult •" rule uf all rttllfktwwi natboa thai tba Um mwil aa4 rUrtM art Mt .1 malaria ?«-r? ao.1 that alnr« hr |k lait ik« EXHAUSTED VITALITY arvrrrljr, tard *'»•»« an 1 cover with awtaia* Individual tnuat ba ^«■ •KHHi at«Mn« w-alka ■» m^iu Kinfiur *a«• h. r Hittrra, h» Brur thltk* Silk Handkerchiefs. Mufflors, Ties, ft«lph«r UB 1 if lb« *blu a nf thr> r of till uwu ftmm u* law mt ik# M Mi l ki ^ arhlppBC |umtn1i>II Uul ha m, N w fur ►umin-r tr |ifiitrrtj( 1 an BWl i4 IM IMl W(4H la •f|ra»ln* T'irk hla with two la carranl Cud's. > ' UHa»fi.»lll ■HkiilfliWIiWkitlo m / OP ««»• ror» hla family, at ! ar* far »«p*rlor and lots pror« tiio wM ai r«kM aflM *1 U* Tuaiaw / Underclothing: Fur lualanrr, wbm a ntau u mail* ait of- HWI * LIFE in Ciuatorra Itcaaa—Take two p n*.a of Suspenders, mmM 4• qaarura of other Useful Gifts. mmmm'ttm Ik* alt»r»a < thr Conan. m rvrtaiti tu-ut uf Most Successful and Most Pop- a man who w.m't i>*cktf« of i' latiiHi la It M«i« a t uatar I territory Many ftvp|»*rt hi* la allotted to hltit. Fruut thai KNOW THYSELr. *••«« «»iu lh* to •f a q tart of ml k. a pound of •u.,«r«nl trrrttocy ^18 pap»r pap»r »upport In Ovorooftts. Im< U to aend a certain ular in the Market. |(i mm *> ■no-abrn an « (Br* ta la aifht folk* »lfbl rgi«, the tfflatla* Range «< '•« » 1 VMM » llj l«lf of rice to I ha of tba r » !- Kiy VU, |U, |t^ «n<| tw I KHifula of extract of Vftnlilt bag* granary central r: tt * ftp lUgrrut »iy I i If Mail 1 iMtfllllt WHIM flw W U MM aii«l for ba <1 , U1 to at r g<>vrnimrul. hUuarlf baa all i»i* tl ii ft*4 ■>il»^«l BM. I»>| M TWUoM M Tukti'mba. tVb»n It twgin* roaitral, I la a <|i«rt URGE STOCK OF FUR CAPS AND LOW PRICES. *1 all etiwrU an-1 tfj<« J» 1 ); KCHNl, ITCNT,, HftlW tha ra*t that t*a nut mum aa out l»jr isj i' s* of tha Jm»» «l N 1*1 ewwM»d lu « b» k« (Jm Naliu^ of rich cr**a wblpi»»t to a frotb Mb* tin* ru • Th* of lit* Power la MihU who luirv ■*tr»w r j*w*«i. r» w i ■ Hnl-% Xtrnmi^t A'Unvi f.U |i>« aimpJ* appiicatlitt "ftinrjii't Imputation uullmtt« cake; a«l oa lev work m*lo to onl«r in tbo Ut«*t an«, ftair ««l>a. 1 | |aa» M I Ml I A ar il curr any ra»« of Tftur. Halt Hk'in CiitRLnrrs Id «aa wmiorr Kooa — and It. If he ba •to mi '• *«t »i fni ihii » (At, !U property appn>prlat« thorough ni"-ii«i WewanHlw I' * »4»l« || m> Ma» I at iHil>'W «i«» f. I>« mi» 4 4ml Klti|*<>rm. I'll*•, lirh, N>r» a. I'implr« Make a p Bt of Ja Ij with *>-lalln«. awmirg uuarruptilnua bo uwa thla power to an !»•■» 4 *a ir«u. ij )« i« «u at ttOYAL CLAIM ON t I l«llki*Ml. W« m«* Br«»r »r* M %li Hkit altb bftlf a of a •stent that u u*<>uatroua Mmt*af Kcarma, Heal?. Itct? K ip*. poaixl aujar. Whip plat In It* Injuattce r *i Mart mim thin n < >r a*4 )a*» fN«a Mil % Uu T •• ID wiia«t» or lo*« •tao 'ln* if rlcb «r*ani. ftd l tba gr»tr.| rind of oa* lie beam of a ntau who baa aaved a mipr.vem.iitu a Uai Jal| li It U pitfai.« it ti*». ftft.l r<«u i>ai a trlfl* »m in I ftr»- J c • of two W h»a it h» J. F. &. M-<>rr of U([« uf rir* #»rr alxl alu«u what Wl® fnrniati thwn * »>i 1*1 UN 4. H. I OVRJ. Co., T. bta w H'T {laa to tbl< k>-a p»«r In a not<] Hard wltb Huntington r*11111/ bmli fur tba •eaauo N- u IIA.SK lit Ti»«»ai»r *4 AlUakf CAIIINKT c»kr. bl* mlutous routa down on 4 mat ma? h* trathfal la v. r?thm* •p»»|» the titan'a law- CUMKTx KLI'Vtl KI)>IIKLVK\ ful aavtujra and aween the whole 1 •lw, *>«t k* lltlfl p'aynl ah»lt»r rant* CftXNiao Cobw —It iwrai to mt that Me. away, WH KKI B Block, Norway, leavln* ettuuglt for the ntau to BHD TANK. <»f h'llar ta a*?*ral yrar* ago than b« dor* ao hoaa-wif* ah ittM be without plcBly of Norway alniply tlw 1 MILL PECPEBTY FOR SALE. BOW canard of own »tnigirle through year with I an I'KhAL attMhnMt Tta Mka«rik*> •• vegetablee b»r pattiBf up, rtlf at'* ha any la. iitorw d< to m If eh* on took a llttl* to Ilittig ailemug aiuaaa will #»ia. «U Ha*-»fc a*i* t palna pr*p«re enlarpnaa Ytfti-tjrorwant«. *!• a»l 4- <| k *•»■»! lb«m for "Wa will ralaa gratloa aft-t loaa of ippettt* h? ft alngl' »e*r«. wltb cer-fnl uaa*« Th p'lc« of aaylng ju*t 1 »* 1 »r >am>«i iia*ai»l «a »<• I rtrw to lira on bo «l«a!tr» Uanuf«"tm bottl* of S •na i c»n of ale ruuitgb and nx>rr, f..r »*■ laaM a»l fa* F a»» R- la* mm\ al Avar'a »r«*p«rtitft. Tn* ■ lib) cora, paaipkla, will A COMPLETE »« wby abould arrumulate to >*aH> —4 a»tM» law *»fc la wt wiy r»a«— IM thi* iDMltrlr*. hf giving ton* »r>.1 *tr*ngth i>ajr for a Klaaa Jar wblcb y< u ran All yrar proper!J ba MM*, fw Ik* • r g t»tb» •••'mllftttT* organ*. hu mada la after yar, and bi«« tba aatl«f»clloB of Iturra) N«w IB| Im^vIm a na nfarl M *«.«*. lata*, ""r£l nam«raM* »or** "f rironic dytprpal*. anowing inai in« coiii^nu ar«* rreeh arxi WOOD. BISHOP St'CO. M f WKaT.l rr«M. Ha Prtca 91 Worth #J ft h.iUl», cUan. which I* more then can he »ald of um BAHGOR. ME l'r*M, Jan T7, ib# in be ar- York How *w for tht wlrr* nadar gr<>ua lb'** trusting em? It la to •++ SICK HEADACHE TV»r» » ~t n mtm ibt WmhM p'actag t, lni|M>aa|lda bow tta to Mtin« hui canned corn f »r of AUD ■ u «, • r»«. of wir» crpt»hl» I Jvly the hoQM I|m natfNfMM* 4 Ik* n^ti*»n r* ri(M which th* ladiaa carry ba- communicate* with tha WE r'l'i t iw< i« (ttrxt'i 1.Amt w, ba •everal yeare la this way and fled It al kitchen while a CONSTIPATION jmI; hind th»tn will a<>t for* h»*d maal la In progr—a. JjrfW j llratTau Oaaa> ai ViU «W iL■ ki IW rrj ml J|« • ajra fr*h u*1 ivmI, an t I ban u»«-d Thla la Imium the r*ll r i^** tM>r n •. iim>. >• «* •# • < • bell hu Iwiniia ilaf wll wf ritlt kw •oine Tarnai't — of It which ha>l h^« golll tk« • mera (bctric button on **!••»* 4 r*r«*ai. • .ina i »y— m bf r*U*l «r nn (Ui Im mi A W A UMNO. k»pt «*> of tha (Ilk •ccoad Cut the raw corn from the tabla Ml WIlM i*J IMf«« year. leg*, and aba preaaea It with Ur ■ ihMm of ar* a.MkrTanui*r> T, li uMbtMiW'k say W IW W>«« •«, Th* daath'a approach ?»• the coh to eitrsct al! the foot a»4 Mb, arraping whenever aba wanla the waltrraa. UiiMliai >«a MMttlf 1*4 fto-1 »tttlatlr* ahow rlMfi f»l, pfftMl Mil rtoa«, coarlaalaaly I'sck lato glasa Fur a «rry '** ftMnt. 4*<>»f 4-'»*«» nil H • »» » )ire doilara—about five -trunk, f* thftl ior* dta fr»nj iIImw^ twenty LI*. MI •i p»raoaa of lb* to Within ao lot h tn«l Lung* than »r>j oth*r U VISITORS TO BOSTON to|Ml r»»~r «4 h yoar potato m*aher, electric ajatema, tba a**4 **nl »l bla wl Including front door >»»rv mining t—lk^kiiM, 1*4 t|4 pro**. thata»*r?oaa, thoat asr*pt|.tn, •»r other Ilka injpVm>-i>t I'm on tb* rob- Wll ami brlla In lita 111 laimkn. vui Iwdruouia—lioml NCflvM tftiB*itriofTtD«rel» ber sad Kr*w the >»»»T lr»»*l vilM lilHIl rlr(« top* partly on, Houaakeeplu^ lalo lb« »a— III fc» —ii i■ »i 4mmn « ikM fall «u U'»l» aoll Papers, V»lH m. MlkMM.IMfM j ak* tail fc»» npon that atari lalo IIf# I'll the wash Ml«r ua tb« Tk« Mm* ■■■> m atove, pattlag ftnuiHerw CIImi*. MM*. T*raaa I* iana «4 wM*. to 1 an drrrltip. ftt (Irat alowly I It abown la bits of oh! or what and |llli>|iiN p*r 4af Wnt wtewl, sloth, straw, It awmi t«» me that tha fmt SANFORC S GINGER. • »llgbt a* aa all on la lb# tbro«i old which Mi' ■— M m a•!»*.■ * .« tickling •a better atlll aa fala* Not theory a*af a»r*r«4 l-» *ia*f r*. laaer ton. per- make* ttie aouthern •Pa« A44tm. lU.Mlt M Kl •■14 and If »llow*d Ui conUbo« tht-lr climate la Mil ALL, I*-*'. b|r all Mf«||l*l« *>4 l»rw*ci ravtgr* forate«1, to prevent tbe »rs from a enervating j breaking falaa one Ho far aa I ant Ib'T »lUBi1 to tka long# prodnclag Coa I'at lath* |*re, fl'l fie t>oll«r wltb wat-r to concerned It certainly la faW 1 fltxl an anmptl»a and to lb* brad. caaalag CaUrrk. within two I ache* of the of the «re. eilillaratloa top J Intbla latitude which to ma VVAMTt0, Now ftll thla la dang*roaa anf the ire. Let boll Ave at Ceiling thU Gull .t!v 4 o'« J b>ara, leaatj coaat will ta to tha ft cold to wltboat United Matea what lowing go atunlloa I* then, while at the boiling point, rm in tha «nd Mediterranean roaat la to France dftagaroaa may loaa yoa yoar Ufa. A* the covera from tba Jara uoa at a time and and noon Italy—a graat wluter not na yon faal that aorarthlag U - raaort, for EXTERNAL USE. wrong 111 ap with cora from the palL Then . Invalid* but for only woth* with or all who rni:riM>i yoar Throat. Lang* Nontrlla, ob- tarn the d »wa, lift from tba boiler stvl0„ LATEST. prefer warm tope weatbar and aoft air — I H■■*»•••>••• tain a botlla of Mauru* JOHNSONS***• *•••»•« 0»*• I B«|k. 8frip aou. Tbouip- *•'.« I It will glra yon ImmadUta r»ll«f Iowa the Whea are . . I BWrr r WW t W K —. K topa. they perfectly •» l4a*y ■ XX) »f Mm**. h^k- r r m vary tight an» True lark It la a to ££ A .4«*"•£•*«. k>« Economy. place. IW. good plan wrap corraapondent In I'arta wrltea that larta« fii-Wf Aa Irtabmaa «>ut of work *ad of fruit or la browa - ■ tha w»W Mi iilijl wWy"1- «-w»r. anpportad glaesjtra vtgsta^lee ar*ra««> American houaewlfa flnda a a«k. 1DUM1T by a wlfr, had a big nutid tb«t coald p*p«r. LanuESr. little plaaaur* In Wiuraa, imt houaekeeplng In that *b« aat mora tbaa hla tnaaur. Tba woman of and backa J. II LOVKJOY, atty, up M»« atatrnient with tha _____ tha hoo«« o*j-etad to A pretty an I aaafal article for fart that tha atranaon«lf faadlng library paint on tha woodwork IWU |Mk| lb* d g, aaymg tl waaan>ngh to hftva to or room, la a low, broad would all —- koy m »i<«i Owl»■ ■ m m4 Itvtag loaafe. dl»ap|»ar with two ur w<«ii'm ikall mmm • iwiiitii* umi Ik* ■■■»> *ta| tbrca >» 'iNl >■! aappor; the m«n. and kept ftaklng klm W> Tha turned aad framework cao ba *m»* ifcHfcany —W»4 >X»U |H«i — »%m legs waahlnga.—New York Bun. ANODYNE!.MOO lipnw »m>ii W g»t *» rid of at furniture My iMt «f ik* cum mmm w p«mii l tha dog. Kinftlly ha atw that »ugbt cheaply aa? factory. LADIES!•* .. ft * /oaaaos oo. r o m at ift. >»»«■■. h*m !»• Tnr !»»•••■ * abort ratlona woald raanlt naUaa ha did a# Stala tba wim>1 work ebony, cherry or tmi KWtrleal Mad leat lorn. b • Wtfa dr.,rad. ao tha olh*r ha *Urt walaat, make a tblck atraw mattreaa that day Medlclna may Iw ad < IT with tba (toa I* tba h# caa be dally, cover thle wltb Introduced Into tha ttalag llgbteaed up human ayatem PEERLESS DYES- by •" MOST WONDERFUL rnnra*d m l aald that tha waa gon* a thick. »ift wool maltiaaa, aad throw electricity. The elee- wUl mnitW Tk»y dog trodea of a are rwy 4j« 111* wtfa* him a <»?ar It a faatlfal kaltied or a l