Independent , 1997, Ireland, English

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Independent , 1997, Ireland, English Wednesday 29 October 1997 (IRSOp) 45p No 3/440 INSIDE TODAY Child’s work, yes, but better Revealed: than the Turner shortlist nanny's hard contract Louise Woodward's pected to do for a family on trial reached its final her gap-year between school and university. She may have stages yesterday. It has come with a nanny tag, but in been the trial of fact she should never have someone who went to been seen as more than a America a willing and glorified baby-sitter. experienced child Louise was, for example, being paid SI a week minder, but with 15 (about £73), substantially be- teenage dreams of neath the Massachusetts min- adventure in the US. imum wage. However, the reality “During the times that was different. David you are responsible for the children [or child], you are Usbome reveals details considered to be ‘on duty'," of her contract, which the one-page contract says, included curfews, adding later: “This time is to cleaning, cooking and he used entirely for the well- washing. being of the children and not for persona] reasons. You will not be on the phone for Just days before 4 February, periods greater than 5 min- the day when Matthew Eap- utes. You will not do your pen lapsed into a fatal coma, laundry. You will not be us- his parents. Sunil and Debo- ing (he computer”. rah, presented Louise Wood- The note goes on: “You ward, their young nanny from should be available one night England, with a new contract. per week where you will make TODAY'S NEWS It coolly laid down the terms dinner we will be able to dis- of her continuing employ- cuss any concerns of plans for ment with them. For Louise, the past or future week". it was take it - or leave. Louise testified that on these The document is a star- nights she often cooked the tling litany ofdo's and donl's. Eappens beans on toast. Probably, it fairly reflects the “Your expected responsi- Soya could replace the frustrations fell by the Eap- bilities include doing the chil- pens with a nanny who they dren's laundry, changing the pollution of plastic felt was forever late coining sheets once a week. Keeping in at night, late starting work their room tidy. Keeping the Once upon a time, soya beans were going to feed and insufficiently attentive family room tidy; putting toys the world - and, indeed, are used as they now of their two children. away, vacuuming. Emptying ingredients in many supermarket foods. But now Indeed, it was composed the diaper [nappy] pail as Youth culture: isfand People by 12-year-old Heap, part of the ‘Young Visions’ art exhibition which opens on 7 by Sunil Eappen after he re- needed ... You are also ex- soya oil . could save the world again, by replacing , Tommy November at Islington arts factory, north London, featuring work children aged 8 14 Turner controversy, 14 turned from work ear- pected to contribute to the plastics made from fossil fuels to build cars and even by to page home ly one day in late January only general upkeep ofthe house, bridges. A team of scientists at a US university have to find 9-month-old Matthew eg. putting dishes away after just patented a technique which uses soya bean oils, lying unattended on the din- dinner, helping set table, emp- instead of petroleum, to make cheap, light and ing room floor and his big tying the dishwasher, etc" “renewable" composite maceria/s. The new materials Markets flip back again brother Brendan watching a Louise may not have been video while Louise was in the the perfect nanny, even are already being used to buiid tractor parts, and or basement doing her person- house guest. But nor was she their chief inventor said yesterday that they could After another turbulent day in Rim and the underlying strengths of the US gon. but they differ on the extent of the al laundry. indentured labour. easily replace metal parts in cars, such as body world stock markets which saw and European economies. correction needed to return to % roost measures, how- Trial doses, page 3 panels, without sacrificing strength. Page 7 Against the backdrop ofa boom in the normality. ever, it is an unusually tough Au pairs in US - the Dow Jones in the US stage a US and the UK and with the rest of Eu- • The downswing, when fear begins to grip interpretation of what a disaster in the making, remarkable recovery, Jeremy rope moving swiftly out of recession, few lhe market and the bubble bursts, can be teenage girl should be ex- page 18 Warner reflects on whether we investors are prepared to believe that equally exaggerated the other way with pan- Hitler’s eyrie becomes are seeing a short term stock markets there should be experienc- ic sell! ng driving stock prices to unjust ified correction to overvalued share ing any more than a small correction. lows. The effect on the real economy, par- Unfortunately stock markets have nev- ticularly in the US, where more than 30 per Advertisement research centre prices or a more significant fail. er been an exact mirror image of the real cent of the population directly invests in The remains of Adolf Hitler’s alpine retreat, the economy. Equally unfortunately, they can the slock market, can be profound. Why Are You Shamed Berghof, on the slopes of the Obersalzburg above The question on everyone’s lips in Lhe exert a marked influence over it. As one When a stock market crash erodes the was the same; is this just a mild repeat leading London based market operator said savings of these investors, it invariably dam- Berchtesgaden, where Mussolini and Chamberlain Gl'ty of 1987 with shares failing before bounc- yesterday, “there's no particular reason for ages consumer demand by making the dif- were guests and where Wider planned his invasion of ing back to even greater heights, or is it markets to have a big fail right now but if ference between buying that extra TV, new By Your die Soviet Union, is to be converted into a historical more serious, with the present turmoil they do and panic sets in. then there could washing machine, or latest laptop. That in document centre in order to prevent the site from marking the return of the bear after the be a slump in consumer and investment turn can lead to a slump in investment turning into a neo-Nazi haunt. Page 12 great bull market of the 1980s and 1990s? confidence and that might drive the US Few believe that this is what is going to As opinion shifted one way and the oth- economy into recession”. happen in the US this time round. “The Mistakes er, investors were subjected to a roller coast- When stock markets are at their ex- prospects of a recession look remote", says er ride. New York's slide on Monday night tremes, greed and fear become the over Paul Manduca, chief executive of Thread- China freedom demos was translated into fails of up to 20 per cent riding instincts. During the upswing; greed needle Asset Management. “The big un- in emerging markets across the world and reigns supreme. Tempted by apparently fab- known is the degree to which people have In English? - - been silly borrowed heavily to finance When Jiang Zemin, the Chinese leader, arrives at the some big though less spectacular slides ulous returns, investors flock to the mar- and in Western European stock markets. ket, driving it to unsustainable heights. A their stock purchases, or over extended Whrt^ House for the formal part of this week’s sum- ' But asthe day wore on, confidence grew. speculative bubble builds up, fed by ever themselves in derivative markets. But at this A SIMPLE technique mit today, he will be greeted by several thousand When the Dow opened, it quickly recap- more unrealistic expectations of growth in stage, it looks like just a quick correction". for acquiring a swift demonstrators, many of them Chinese exiles, and a its lost ground with many the economy and corporate earnings. Everyone hopes he’s right. mastery of good English tured some of Shamed By /our English? copy of the Goddess of Democracy — the home- market analysts making a distinction be- Most observers agree that Wall Street . Further reports, page 4 has just been ulary, reading, writing and - tween the shaky economies of the Pacific had become “overvalued", to use the jar- Bus ness, page 22,23 announced. It can dou- made Statue of Liberty built by student protesters speaking. ble your powers of self- that was smashed by Chinese tanks in Tiananmen Never again need expression. It can pay you fear years ago. Page If those embarrassing mis- Square eight you real dividends in takes. You can quickly and What can we learn from it? Patience business and social easily be shown how to advancement, and give ensure that your speech the economy. There will be a celerated crash of 1 he was SEEN & HEARD John Kenneth Galbraith 987, you added poise, self- and writing will be crisp, . raft of comments today and in elegantly dismissive: “A piece clear, correct. You can enor- Hedgehogs are no different from the rest of us when ih the world’s confidence and personal the days ahead, saying the of egregious nonsense." increase effectiveness. mously your for the night but it ir comes to wanting a warm bed best-known economist fundamentals are still strong. It was possible. Professor vocabulary, speed up your The iW-hiTh of this method seems that some of them are taking things too far.
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