The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus NUS 9i!i. OHUf tUe fHOMUt aUet naxt Twenty-five years ago the late John H. Nceson, '03, of Philadelphia, then president of the Alumni Association, instituted Universal Notre X^O>> H \° Dame Night, a Night when Notre Dame men everj'where would join y\aO in expressing their oneness with their school. Mr. Neeson's particular \Ve purpose — and this purpose has remained steadily through the years — was to emphasize the full stature of Notre Dame as an institution of Jo*,et- ^ higher learning. l^ isf* ts».\ Now, on April 5, 1948, the Notre Dame Club of Philadelphia will^l fittingly be the "key city" in the twenty-fifth annual observance of Uni versal Notre Dame Night. Scores of Notre Dame clubs will join with the University and with the Philadelphia Club in paying tribute to the school "planted immovably on the moveless rock." The Alumni Office will be happy to cooperate with the clubs in every possible way to make this 25th annual Universal Notre Dame Night a significant event in Notre Dame history and an all-time high in clubg interest and participation. .q»» *). >y^^^ Mark the calendar now for Monday, April 5—the second Monday after Easter. 74fUuefUal AfaUe 2bame JififUi MoHidcu^, {» The Notre Dame Alumnus This magazine is published bi-monthly by the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. Entered as second class matter Octo ber I, 1939, at the PostoRicc, Notre Dame, Indiana, under the act of August 24, 1912.