Maundy Thursday
Agapé Supper ST. MARTIN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH March 24, 2016 As friends and disciples of Jesus, we share a meal together and hear 7:30 PM Dom Gregory Dix’s “Was Ever Another Command So Obeyed?” Maundy Thursday When the Eucharist is complete, we will share our Agapé meal, followed by the stripping of the altar. Welcome to St. Martin’s! The tables will be put away and the chairs returned to their places. We are blessed to have you with us. St. Martin’s is a small, friendly parish that exists to worship God, to minister to the needs of the community, and to help all The reserved sacrament will be moved from the high altar to the altar at the back of people grow in faith and fellowship as a family of believers. the church. During the reading of Matthew 26.30-46 and Psalm 22, we will proceed with the stripping of the altar. Cloths, ornaments, hangings and all adornments are removed from the sanctuary and around the church. All lights are extinguished. The Blessing and Dismissal are omitted. There is no formal procession out of the church, all simply scatter, reminding us that the disciples scattered after Jesus was arrested. Please maintain silence in the church following the service. A “Gethsemane Watch” will be kept in the church through the night. The Rev. Dr. Alison Falby, Incumbent Rector’s Warden: Michelle Loftus Ms. Elizabeth Lambert, Music Director People’s Warden: Joe Moore Holy Week Schedule Ms. Gillian Howard, Office Administrator Deputy Wardens: Eugene Farrugia Brent Levy Friday, March 25th Children’s Stations of the Cross 9:00 am Stations of the Cross 10:00 am Ministers: All of you Celebration of Our Lord’s Passion 11:00 am Saturday, March 26th The Great Vigil of Easter 7:30 pm Sunday, March 27th Easter Day 9:00 & 10:30 am 1203 St.
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