
The Church in the Modern World (1400 A.D. - Present) The Dam Breaks: Reform and Renewal The Avignon Papacy 1309-1378 A.D.

St. Catherine of 1347-1380 A.D. Catherine to Gregory XI: “Be a man”

Jan Hus 1369-1415 A.D. Why Burning at the Stake? Opposite of – removal from community

Total destruction of the heretic – no relics

Mirrors the expected afterlife punishment: Hell Johann Gutenberg Invents the Printing Press c. 1453 A.D.

Before the Printing Press? Ferdinand of Isabella of Spain 1452-1516 A.D. 1451-1504 A.D. Spanish Reconquest The Spanish 1478-1834 A.D.


Christopher Columbus 1451-1506 A.D. Hernan Cortes Conquers Mexico 1485-1547 A.D.

St. Juan Diego & Our Lady of Guadalupe December 9-12, 1531 A.D. Francisco Pizarro Conquers Peru 1475-1541 A.D.

Spanish Atrocities in the St. Bartolome de Las Casas 1474-1566 A.D. 1300-1600 A.D. Birth of Venus Botticelli (1486) The Last Supper (1498) Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci (1503) David (1504) The School of Athens (1511) Renaissance Papacy

Pope VI Pope Julius II (1492-1503) (1503-1513) (1513-1521) Sexually and politically “Warrior Pope” paid for Materialistic Medici corrupt Borgia pope art pope sold Savonarola’s “” – 1497 Papal Interdict on , 1498 Pope Leo X r. 1513-1521 A.D.

“Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely” : the Pope’s -seller 1465-1519 A.D. • “…complete absolution and remission of all sins…”

• “…preferential treatment for their future sins…”

• “…the passports to lead the human soul to the celestial joys of Paradise.”

• “…the Pope has the power in heaven and earth to forgive that sin, and if he forgives it, God must do so also.” Martin 1483-1546 A.D. Luther Posts His 95 Theses October 31, 1517

Luther Burns Writ of December, 1520