"—-—T ' —~ '—— ■ ' ■ ' "> Inside Today: Forecast:

Mostly sunny today, with highs in the mid 20s and Michaels shocks players, owner northerly winds 10 to 15 mph. Clear tonight with lows near 10 and northerly winds around 10 mph. Tomorrow, sunny early then becoming cloudy with by resigning from Jets... pageyg highs in the 20s.

(Eomtttttat lath} (EamjMB Serving Storrs Since 1896

Vol .DOOM No. 75 The University of Thursday February 10, 1983 Former University president: Ferguson selected to head Lincoln Center

By Jackie Fitzpatrick dent of Clark University, then presidents was instituted. Life/Style Editor president of UConn That structure is still in ef- Though Ferguson was un- fect. available for comment, Presi- During his term there was Former university Presi- dent John A. DiBiaggio said, "It a great deal of growth. The dent Glenn VV. Ferguson was is a very important appoint- psychology buiding, the phy- named the new president of ment and he is a man well sics building. and library were Lincoln Center in New York, qualified and dedicated to the constructed. But a Daily the nation's most prestigious arts. It is really a compliment Campus article in 1978 called performing arts center, to the university to have a for- Ferguson a "ghost president." Monday. mer president in such a dis- Students and faculty com- The appointment was con- tinguished position. He'll do plained that he was an outside firmed last night in a teleph- well." man spending too much time one interview with Peter S. English professor and former with the legislature. Paine, chairman of the com- vice-president under Fergus- "He had a difficult role to mittee appointed to replace on, Kenneth Wilson, said he play." Wilson said of retiring president John VV. was happy to hear of the Ferguson. "He worked during Mazzola. appointment. "I am sure he a rough time. The seventies According to the New York will enjoy the position, and I were not a happy time for Times, the 54 year-old Ferg- hope he does well." he said. universities with all of the fis- uson was selected from some Ferguson was president cal problems." 120 people considered for the from 1973 to 1978. While in Ferguson left the university position. His responsibilities office he worked with a com- in May of 1978 to head Radio will include running the Lin- mittee to restructure univer- Free Europe in Munich Ger- coln Center administration, sity management. Previous to many, the largest radio sta- fund-raising, and acting as his post all department heads tion in the West. Ferguson spokesman for the center. reported to a provost, then directed a staff of 1.900 at the The Times said that Ferg- during Ferguson's adminis- station, which carried news to uson was chosen for his pre- tration a cabinet of five vice- 18 million listeners daily. vious administrative and general management experi- ence. Ferguson had been associate director of the Former University president Glen W. Ferguson was Peace Corps, US. Ambassa- selected as the next president of the Lincoln Center (File dor to Kenya, chancellor of photo). Long Island University, presi- Lightly treated rape case angers Storrs NOW chapter

by James Cahill first round draft choice. Staff writer In a recent article in the Hartford \dvocate. Kalhryn Lord, the corresponding secretary of The Storrs chapter of the National < >rganiza- Storrs NOW. asked that Connecticut residents, tion for Women met Wednesday night and and basketball fans especially, consider the way expressed their support of the Illinois chapter's Dailey and his crime are being treated by pro- stand on the Quinton Dailey rase. fessional sports. Quinton I )ailey. a rookie member of the NBAs "Quinton I )ailey d< >esn t think he did anything Chicago Bulls, was arrested last year on charges wrong." I.ord said, 'and his team is silent on the of assault and intent to rape, assault with intent issue and isn't rehabilitating him." to commit oral copulation, and false imprison- The chapters of NOW were outraged at ment. At the time he was a student and basket- Dailey's remarks to the press. He said that he's ball player at the University of San Francisco. not sorry about what he did. that he couldn't According to testimony. Dailey sexually as- control himself, and that he never thinks of the saulted a nursing student in her room for more woman he assaulted. than three hours, while continually threatening In a letter that Storrs NOW sent to the her with strangulation. Hartford ( ourant. the Storrs chapter agreed According to NOW. Dailey was not only freed with the Illinois chapter's position: "As long as after his arrest, but was allowed to continue the Bulls remain silent on this situation, they are playing on the USF basketball team. giving tacit approval to Dailey's actions. They Through plea bargaining. Dailey's charges are sending a message to young people who were reduced to aggravated assault, which admire sports figures that these actions may l>e N( )W said has nothing to do with sexual assault. taken lightly. They are trivializing a crime that Daily Campus photographer George Edwards found this He was sentenced to three years probation. has victimized many women, and has instilled snowy fire escape on the side of Gulley Hall. Three davs" later he was the Bull's fear in ail " Page 2 Opinion (Connecticut Sailg UlampuB S*vmg Stons Smc* 1896

Thursday February 10, 1983

Editor In chiel J«« Denny Managing Editor Dave Krechevsky Business Manoger Evan Roklen Asst Business Manoger llene FeWman Office Manager Lois McLean Senior Wnter Dove Krechevsky News Judy Benson.Bob Brennon, Steve Geissler, Bill Hanrahan Sports Tom Restelli, Dana Gauruder, Kim Harmon Arts Steve Hewms. Carlo Van Kompen. Don Davison Features Jackie Fitzpatnck, Barbara Ann Zambelli Wire Stephanie Rutty, Jean Cronin, Sue Vvai.ionis Copy Shelley Wolt.Kathy Brody Photography Jock Wilson.Charles Hisey,George Edwards Advertising Manoger Diane Speigle Ad Production Manoger Ann Urban Asst Ad Production Rosemary Homes Night Production Sue Dowden Classified Manager Chen 0 Neil Circulation Manoger Rhoda Shaponik Ad Reps .. Aaron Spicker Rob Sorcher Diane Nome Receptionists Lisa Durazo. Theresa Johnson Sharon Landry. Jockie Bonser Production Start Lynn Bodetka Dennis Donovan .Cathy Fisher Lisa Gagnon Robert Grower .Lawrence Herter David Kendnck Cathy McKmny Julie 0 Connell Tatiana Pino. Margaret Sonntog Do we really need that drink? Jamie Speer Howard Urban .Laura Uliosz Renee Rosott Sue Dowden Amy 0 Connor Katy Walsh By David Krechevsky In Europe,and many other places around I am about to make a lot of enemies. I know the world in fact .there is no such thing as a that. So before you go trotting off to find a "drinking age ."Consider what might happen long rope and a tall tree, I feel I should tell you if the French government, for example, tried When it snows, stay home that I believe in and understand the conse- to keep its teenagers from drinking. They'd quences of what I'm saying. laugh if you even suggested it. I he snow that whisked into Storrs Sunday night fros- With that in mind, let me proceed. There Now consider the fact that in the 1920s, ted the campus, with swirls and eddies of stark, have been, and will continue to be many long - alcohol was banned in the by a velvet beauty. winded arguments for and against raising the constitutional amendment. Why didnt it drinking age to 21. As American college last? Is our alcohol that important to us? It also made driving to school Monday morning dif- students, we have indulged ourselves with What's my point, you ask. I am not ad- ficult, if not dangerous. the false belief that drinking is our inalienable vocating prohibition. Nor am I advocating Yet the administration decided not to close the right (it isn't in this country). "After all ."we allowing our children to drink .What I am say - university Monday. Anthony DiBenedetto, the ac- say," if we can vote and be drafted at age 18. ing is that it is about time we put this thing in ademic vice president who makes this decision, said then why shouldn't we be allowed to its proper perspective. Instead of selfishly drink?" thinking only about our precious keg parties, that the university would only be closed in a "major There is ,of course, much more to this pro - we must begin to think about our younger state emergency." blem than just this rhetorical question. And brothers and sisters,and our children. The reason? The calendar. For every day the don't kid yourself, it is a very big problem. We have to draw the line somewhere .Too university cancels classes .a day must be tacked to the Over 90 percent of college students drink. many people are being hurt or killed because end of the semester The already tight spring schedule That is a staggering figure if you think about it. we have not been firm in our convictions The must be adhered to. DiBenedetto said. Try to name one other thing that over 90 per- drinking age has jumped around, affecting cent of college students do. You'll have a millions of lives. Once we raise the drinking The campus had been closed only on two oc- hard time finding one. age to 21, the teens who knew alcohol will be casions : once during a blizzard in February 1978. and Most of us did not start drinking in college, without it once more. We may not be able to once back in the '20s or '30s to allow students to view however. Most began drinking in high school. keep them from it .but it will not be as easy for the solar eclipse, according to Liberal Arts Assistant pressed on by their peers to "try it, you'll them to get it as it once was. Some will give Dean Louis DeLuca. like it." it up. The administrations reasons notwithstanding, But things were different in high school. You may have started drinking when you But it is really not these teens that we must more than one quarter of the students live off campus. were 15 or 16, but it was not easily accessible worry about. Rather, it is the future teens Most live too far away to walk. And unlike in years to you. An 18 year old friend might buy it for to whom we must turn our attention. If we past .few faculty members live on or near the campus. you, or you may have sneaked a sip of Dad's can keep them away from alcohol until they Quite a few people here depend on the roads being whiskey. Maybe your older brother or sister are more capable of dealing with it, more res - clear and safe to get to class. loaned you his or her ID. so you could sneak ponsible and less awe struck by it. then into a bar for a few beers. The point is, you maybe we will be able to save some lives .And The administration expects faculty and students to had to work for it if you really wanted it. I dont just mean from death, 1 mean from decide whether or not to risk driving. Unfortunately, But once you got to college, boy, now you alcoholism, liver problems, and the inability without a consistent campus-wide policy, nobody could drink to your liver's discontent. Mom to deal with a real world with real problems knows whether it's worth taking that risk. Faculty and Dad are at least a few minutes away, with except from behind a glass. have no way of knowing how many students will show; no way to check up on you. You could do I dont mean to preach. I have had my whatever you wanted, whenever you wan- share of problems with alcohol. I have seen a students cannot tell if the professor will show. ted, as drunk as you wanted. Who would relative become addicted to alcohol. Are we Granted, a day or two of confusion won't tear the know? And who would care? really so selfish that we cannot give up some- campus asunder, but conscientious students and "Big deal ."you say. "Different strokes for thing that is really not very good for us? faculty who brave the icy streets could get hurt. different folks "etc. 'No one's forcing you to It is something we must all ask ourselves. Don't risk it. To both faculty and students: If you drink. If you dont want to drink, fine. But And when we find t he answer, we will find t hat wake up to a radio announcer listing school don't stop me from having mine." we must do the right thing. It is hard for most college students to step Raising the drinking age to 21 isn't so bad. closings .and cannot see your car under the snow .and back and take a look at what is really going on Not raising it is both foolish and selfish. And if the snowplows haven't begun their rumbling and around them. College life ain \ exactly easy, one person can be saved by raising it, isn't it scraping. stay home. Even if you have to give or take there s no denying it But we tend to try to find worth the inconvenience? an exam .stay home.To the administration that insists the wrong kinds of escapes, the ones that Think about it. on keeping the campus open: Drive carefully and lead to plih i ■.'//;•'/'.'/> • •"■">.'< bring a snow shovel. it?

Bedlam Hall by Paul Catanese USPS 12958000 TH*, ccn^ur£« centre.* ( Second Class Postage paid at Storrs ;s * nADHovsc - THCKI H*SN'T teen *N ore* Conn 06268 Published by the Connec ticut Dairy Campus. Box U-189 Monday through Friday during the I'LL NCvff. «T 7tf/S IWlAi HtObt.*t1 OONl 0Y ocademic year excluding exam periods and vocations Telephone 429 9384 Mail subscriptions S20 per year Postmaster Send torm 3579 to Connec- ticut Daily Campus 11 Dog Lane, Storrs Conn 06268 The Connecticut Doily Campus is an associate member ot the Associated Press which is exclusively entitled to reprint material published herein

. • . . • « 4 »r^^rr»^ >rrin Connecticut Daily Campus,Thursday .February 10,1983 Poge 3 Appeal to trustees; IDC claims student rights violated

by Tom Horner Wiggins, the vice president of Student Affairs. Staff Writer Community member I )ave Undsey said Wiggins. because of an apparent unwillingness to listen Members of the Intentional Democratic Com- to student views.is violating the Student Con- munity are planning to appeal the university duct Code. administration's decision to close the dorm .at a Wiggins was quoted.according to IDC mem- meeting of the Board of Trustees Thursday. bers ,in a recent Willlimantic Chronicle story.as IDC members charge that the Office of Res- saying : 1 dont want student input when I ve idential Life and the university administrastion made up my mind what s best for them ." violated the Student Bill of Rights by not solicit - The Student Code states that the Vice Presi- ing student opinion before making the deci- dent of Student Affairs must consult various stu - sion . dent comittees before "amending rules gov- Section nine of the Student Conduct Code erning students rights.responsibility and con- reads: "As constituents of the academic com - duct " munity,students shall be free, individually and When the ORI. announced that the IDC will collectively .to express their views on issues of cease to function .it did give the community an institutional policy and general interest to the option to come up with an alternative pro|x>sal student body." for a special interest dorm. The Frats Council is now gathering signatures Wednesday night community memlx'rs on a petition protesting the apparent violation. voted to decide whether or not they will con- The petition will be presented to ORI. on Fri- tinue to fight for the existence of the IDC .to sub - day mil an alternate proposal or to l)egin drawing up Winter sculptors pull an ice rabbit out of a frozen hat At their regular community meeting Wednes- another proposal . outside the Student Union Wednesday (George Edwards day night. IDC members also discussed a pro- Details of an alternate proposal were not photo). posal to request the official resignation of Carol available.

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Complete Selection The selection process for the 1983 -1984 Board of wines and liquors will be discussed.Meet this year's chairperson and pick up applications. RT. 32 Storrs Refreshments and Fun Provided 429-3036 j, Page 4 Connecticut Daily Campus, Thursday,February 10, 1983

Former representative: Gty education unfair to minorities

■ ^~ M ^^^^^ The University Most of the problems faced by minority schools. But since the governor's newly ^^fc^^M ^p^^ of Connecticut students here stem from inadequacies in public announced budget for Equalization Grants falls ^r^ ^VB school education at the high school level, according to short of the 1983-84 goal by 15 percent, the ^j^^^ ^ Fine Arts former State Representative John Mannix of likelihood of proper funding is low, he said. Wilton. State Representative Bill Dysan (D-New ^^ February Mannix spoke at a seminar sponsored by the Haven) and Mannix agreed that the university University Senate as part of Afro-American His- should become more involved politically in sup- Now — 'Exhibition: Works by HAROLD tory Month. The object of the seminar was to port of public education. By creating a strong Feb. 11 SPENCER. Atrium Gallery. explain how the state's higher education system education lobby, state colleges would not only can help secondary education through more help urban high school students, but would Feb. 10, Opera: Benjamin Britten's comic affective lobbying in Hartford. ultimately benefit themselves, they said. 12, 14 opera ALBERT HERRING, about a Mannix said that the shortcomings of public If higher education lobbied more strongly, young man's coming of age. education result from impartial budgeting Mannix said, colleges themselves would even- Von der Mehden Hall, 8:15 p.m. policies by the state, which he called the "duel tually have a more realistic cross section of $5 general, $2 students & senior system" of education. Inner-city schools the state. citizens. Box office open noon- generally do not produce the same number of Dysan also recommended that the university 4:30M-F. college students as suburban schools, he said. be more active in helping minority students This creates a shortcoming in the ratio of black become acclamated to the university environ- Feb. 11 Film: DON GIOVANNI (1979) dir. to white students in public higher education in ment. "Something must be done to help Joseph Losey with Ruggero the state. students feel more comfortable at college," he Raimondi & Teresa Berganza, Ital- One way to alleviate the problem, he said, is said. "Minorities feel foreign, they should be ian with English subtitles. Finest simply to pump more money into urban made to feel equal." opera film ever made. Von der Mehden Hall. 8 p m„ $2

Feb. 15- Drama: JOE EGG. a moving com- We also deliver 20 edy about a young couple's struggle Balloon Bouquets to raise their disabled child. Studio <* Campus Theatre, 8 p.m.. $3.50 general, $3 discount Freeport$259 florist Feb. 16 "Concert: DORIS YARICK- Nassau $299* SpeciOl cosh&carry CROSS. soprano, preview of NYC (212)355-4705 VALENTINE BALLOON recital. Von der Mehden Hall. . Includes: BOUQUETS 8:15 pm • Round trip airfare (N.Y.)* FR0MS4.99 Feb, 16- 'Exhibition: Drawings by a Bay • 7 nights accommodation 48 7-1193 Downtown Storrs • Parties Mar. 11 Area Artist LENNY SILVERBERG • Sports Atrium Gallery • Activities •FREE ADMISSION More! Journey with the USS Enterprise . VoncJpi Mehden. 480-2260 Art: ;86-j--: D MAR 06-MAR 13 MAR 27-APR 03 D MAR 13 MAR 20 APR 03APR 1C Star Trek I and Star Trek II 24-hour information: 486-2106 Drama: 4b6-402i- V MAR 20-MAR 27 1 APR 10-APR 17 Drama Box Office: 486-3969 Music: 486-3728 □ I'm Ready to Party! I've enclosed my $50 ?,Js!»#!5:«»;3%#MMBi»7T«»S:« >y.'»SN»y.fy.*>y.*»y.< »T« »y.»y.<».».«»s%>y.*& : deposit and have checked kL my week. H H □ Almost ready. Send /n. H more info. •Add $40 from D C . Hartlord. H Philadelphia, Boston -au H 'Plus 15% lax and service the newest H Name. | <^z%\ Mexican 0 Address Restaurant!!* City State Friday, Feb. 11 SUB in Zip Phone 1 -5PM, 8-12 PM the Departure City. $1.00 admission area! • U

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The Student Union Board of Governors has 19 positions available for people who are

Pick up your information packet and application form in 214 Commons between Feb 7-22. 1983 Located upstairs at Rosal's Restaurant ROUTE 195 MANSFIELD IAPPR0X. 1 Ml. NORTH OF UCONN CAMPUS ™ EXIT 99 0FF I 86 ST0RRS| 487-1043 GEE- f ^'>^'»-,«-»>>,'»;fc«»>,»»^">,,V Connecticut Daily Campus,Thursday,February 10, 1983 Page 5

Enjoy A Sunrise Breakfast Special Sociology professor says: At The Student Union Snack Bar Israel guilty of discrimination

Saturday 9:00 -11:00 am. by Michael Moses The European Jews organ- raised the educational level, Sunday 10:00 -12:00 noon Staff Writer ized and maintained the and secured the rights of the Labor Party which ruled Israel small businessmen and the Although Israel was origin- until 1977. In 1977, Menachim working class," Shamash ally intended to be a refuge for Begins Lechud Party, draw- said. people who had been dis- ing support from the Oriental According to Shamash, re- criminated*against in Europe' Jews, was brought into cent years have witnessed a in the past it has been guilty of power. uniting of the people of Israel: AfroAnerican Cultural its own discrimination • The Lechud Party, Sham- Oriental and European Jews, Center ash said, has brought rights to the Lechud and Labor Parties. presents Sherry Shamash, a pro- people in Israel that the Labor "There is a trend toward a fessor of sociology and lang- Party had promised but more traditional form of uages, lectured Wednesday never fulfilled. Judaism in Israel," she said, on "Politics, in Israel-the 'Lechud Party has impro- "Different forms of Judaism Oriental factor, past, present ved social service programs. are coming together." and future." According to Shamash, the Oriental population of Israel Trustees to focus on has been discriminated against by other Jews since the late 1800s when the im- migration to Israel began. The regional campuses term "Oriental" refers "to Jews from the Middle East, The Board of Trustees will focus its attention exclusively on otherwise known as safar- the regional branches at their monthly meeting Thursday at the Wed., Feb. 9 inl_S154 dim," Shamash said. Waterbury campus. The European Jews immi- The Trustees "will review the mission of the regional cam- Thurs.,Feb.10 in SUB grating to Israel discriminated puses, their goals and objectives," according to David L. Kimball, against the Oriental Jews both executive assistant to the Board. 6pm-9pm & politically and culturally, Unlike the Board's regular agenda, Thursday's meeting will Shamash said. have no items for the Trustees to vote upon. "It's an infor- 9pm-12 midnight "In the early days the mational meeting," Kimball said. "It gives the board a chance to Europeans tried to keep the explore in-depth a few major issues." Kimbal said, "rather than Admission:$1.50 Orientals out of government the array of issues" which the Board normally covers. rated pg by maintaining high positions The five branch campuses are located at Avery Point. *NOTF. TIME CHANCE and trying to instill their own Hartford, Stamford.Torrington. and Waterbury. Approximately culture" upon the Orientals. 3800 students are currently enrolled at these campuses. You had better buy yourticketto [Campus Florist ~ the Post Game Party, or else!! Valentine Roses Yes, you will need a ticket to get into the Post Game Bash in the


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THIS WEEK ONLY University of Arizona offers more than 40 courses: anthro- pology, art, bilingual educa- ITEM AND DESCRIPTION SUGG YOUR LIST PRICE SAVE BIG tion, folk music and folk TRAVEL BAGS LLAMA SKIN. METAL ZIPPERS. SHOULDER STRAP dance, history, political sci- IDEAL FOR MANY USES 64 95 20 00 ence, sociology, Spanish lan- SHOULDER BAGS SEVERAL COMPARTMENTS UNI SEX guage and literature and inten LEATHER CRAFTED GREAT - 74 95 23 00 0/ GARMENT BAGS IDEAL FOR MEN AND WOMEN 26 00 sive Spanish Six-week ses- 84 95 % -7 0 /o CASSETTE TAPES (pkg ol 10) TDK-SONY 37 00 17 00 5 0 sion July 4-August 12 1983 STEREO HEAD PHONES WITH ADAPTER FOR USE WITH PORTABLE Fully accredited program OR HOME STEREOS 24 95 10 00 Sponsored by Tuition $400 Room and MINI-SPEAKERS SYSTEM - MAKE A WALKING STEREO OR UC0NN - Rugby CASSETTE INTO A DESK TOP STEREO 19 95 9 00 board in Mexican home, STEREO FM/AM WITH DETACHABLE WALKING STEREO CASSETTE PLAYER W/HEADPH0NES 119 00 59 00 $425 WATCH JEWELED MOVEMENT DESIGNER STYLING 70% off EE0 AA MEN'S & LADIES 4995 15 00 BRIEFCASES FOR SCHOOL OR BUSINESS 69 95 28 00 Write LEATHER WALLETS A GREAT GIFT IDEA 25 00 10 00 • ••DON'T MISS THIS* •* BACKGAMMON DELUXE MODEL. FELT LINING FULLY PADDED 59 00 15 00 Guadalajara 40 PIECE SOCKET WRENCH SET INDUSTRIAL QUALITY 62 95 18 00 DIRECT FROM FACTORY PRICES INDUSTRIAL PLIER SET MANY.MANY USES 4995 15 00 Summer School WALKING STEREO CASSETTE PLAYER WITH HEADPHONES 69 95 29 00 WALKING STEREO AM/FM RADIO WITH HEADPHONES 49 95 22 00 Robert L. Nugent 205 WALKING STEREO FM RADIO WITH HEADPHONES 39 95 19 00 University of Arizona CARVING SET PROFESSIONAL QUALITY 64 95 18 00 Wed Student Union 102 STEAK KNIVES 8 PIECE SET SURGICAL STEEL 54 95 16 00 Thuts & Fn m bteezewav Tucson 85721 UMBRELLA AUTOMATIC OPENING 13 00 600 (602) 626-4729 LUGGAGE.SHOULDER BAGS. TOTE BAGS. GYM BAG.S. GARMENTS SAVE 70% Poge 6 Connecticut Daily Campus .Thursday, February 10,1983 Arts Washington Ballet stumbles through performance

The dancers seemed to (aria Van K am pen move grudgingly to the slow Arts Editor piano and orchestra music, and often they performed out If it weren't for the final and of sync with each other. most interesting piece The most obvious display "Fives," the Washington Bal- of this was when the male lead let would have been a com- missed the hand of the female plete disappointment. dancer when she went to grab Dancing before a crowded him. This unprofessional han- Jorgensen last night a com- dling of basic moves wor- pany that hurt itself by per- sened as the piece went on. forming without the energy, But the next piece, Keith polish and style most good Lester's reconstruction of ballet companies exhibit. Jules Perrot's "Pas De Quat- And, since the Washington re," was performed with Ballet Company is a good one, much more grace and con- there was no excuse for centration skills and a more many of the mistakes made by traditional approach in these dancers, unless they handling. were just being careless. Though this piece was en- The Washington Ballet, seen here performing "Fives." The first piece "Double joyable, it was "Fives," that Contrasts" was a modern one finally got the audience ex- choreographed by the com- cited about the company's piece because it was stylish as dark background with red the dance and to finish it. pany's assistant Artistic Dir- performance. well as technically sound. The lights in the shape of a "V" If this company can finish as ector, Choo San Goh. Unfor- Another modern piece was pairs were in harmony with against the back wall. strongly as they did with tunately, the piece didn't choreographed by Choo San one another rather than miss- In this one piece the dancer "Fives" the ability is there but work, partly because of the Goh, only this time there was ing cues, and all of their came to life and made it work it should be brought out more way the company handled vitality and energy coming movements were sharp and as a modem ballet number. often than when the mood many of the moves, and also from the stage. clear. They used interesting move- strikes. because the piece itself was Clad in red lycra bodysuits The stage too was visually ment and they experimented too long and repetitive. . the dancers pulled off this pleasing. The lighting was a with using no music to open


It seems early, but as me old saying goes, "me early bird gets the worm." Last summer, many college students in me Nolheast didn't find summer Jobs. It's a 'no-fun' situation with tuition and living expenses rising rapidly. In the present economic climate it's hard to make ends meet. It you don't want to see yourself in that situation next •••• "with" summer then take some action right now. Enjoy your Spring Break knowing that your summer is secure and m that there Is a good paying Job waiting for you when Sg.Pepper exams are over in May. Looking now isn't so hard. Some recruiters are on Swizzles campus in me very near future looking for enthusiastic and hardworking students. One that comes to mind is a at UConn's Ultimate Beatles Bash! rapidly growing firm named College Pro Painters. They are a unique organization because they hire college students to manage and run painting businesses during Date-. Friday, Feb. 11 _. . ,&&■■- , the summer Wait, before you say "I can't paint" or "I have no business experience", take note that College Time: 8:30 p.m.-12:00 Midnight *g- E&7 Pro Painters trams you how to paint and teaches you all aspects of how to manage a residential painting busi- Place: Student Union Ballroom ness during their training sessions held in late February and March. Admission: $1:00 College Pro was founded in 1971 by college student, Grelg Clark. He started me company when he realized ALL welcome w/ UConn ID riNTERTAiNMENf that he wasn't going to make enough from his Job to go back to school in the fall. He ran the business for three consecutive summers and men trained a number of his friends at college how to run College Pro outlets. W0ULDNT YOU RATHER BE SKATING? Clark's idea grew quickly and now, 11 years later. RECREATION AND SPORTS DEPARTMENT College Pro Is a very successful business rapidly expanding throughout me Northeast by offering pro- PRESENTS fessional quality painting at student prices. College Pro is presently me largest residential painting company in Norm America, employing over 2300 college students DUAL SKATE and painting over 13,000 homes in 1982. AIF YOU'RE COLD-BLOODED, TRY THE ICE RINK Presently. College Pro Painters is recruiting on numerous campuses in search for motivated OR IF YOU HATE ANY TEMPERATURE BELOW 70' individuals to fill their management positions. They YOU CAN ROLLERSKATE IN GUYER GYM AT THE require a total of 175 students to fill me vacancies in me positions of Outlet, Marketing and Production FIELD HOUSE. Manager College Pro Production Managers hire and train pain- ters and crew foremen, deliver paint and supplies, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1983 schedule paint Jobs, move crews and equipment, 8:00- 11:00 P.M. inspect Job sites and monitor quality control. College Pro Marketing Managers implement advertis- ing programs, monitor response, estimate and sell paint Jobs, monitor contract production and qualify control. College Pro Outlet Manages operate a painting busi- FREE!! ness within a defined geographical area. They do me Job of bom me Marketing Monoger and me Production Manager and manage all aspects of me business. Ear- nings lor an Outlet Monoger range from $4,000 - $7,000 for Jthe summer Marketing and Production Managers MUSIC PROVIDED are expected to earn between $3,000 and $5,000 for the summer If you mink you have me flair to manage a business or would like to gain some real world management PLEASE BRING YOUR experience men College Pro representatives will be on UCONN ID AND DRIVER'S campus on Thurs.. Feb. lOfh, 1983 for their hiring pre- sentation and interviews. The presentation will be held LICENSE TO USE THE SKATES at 3 PM at me Commons. Room '101

. i Connecticut Daily Campus .Thursday,February 10, 1983 Page 7

Scandal to open for Adam Ant

UConn is bracing itself for Shoes" and "Friend or Foe" Tickets are $5, $6, and $7 for the February 13 appearance videos continue to attract UConn students, 6, 7, and $8 of England's "new music" star enormous attention and it is for General Admission, and Adam Ant. To help get psy- not uncommon to hear that are on sale now at Jorgensen ched for Adam .Scandal is they are among the best Auditorium and all Ticketron opening for this smash con- footage on MTV. locations. .cert. Scandal is a hot new group whose "Goodbye to You" is racing to the top of the charts. The band is made up of creative and diversified artists. They deliver a live show that is tight, punchy and as hot as the people who are having a good time can make it. Doris Yarick-Cross, soprano, will preview her Alice Tully Hall recital on Feb. 16 in Von der Mehden. In a preview of her Alice Tuliy Hall recital, Soprano Doris Rock Yarick-Cross will give a free performance in Von der Mehden on Feb. 16 at 8:15. The program will include four songs by Felix Mendelssohn, Concert four by Debussy, three by Franz Liszt, and five by Richard Strauss. Preview Yarick-Cross, a professor of music here, will perform"Six Elizabethan Songs" composed oy Dominick Argento in 1958, with baroque ensemble accompaniment. Adam Ant's bawdy strut Since her debut in New York's Town Hall, she has per- and curling jolly roger har- formed in an impressive array of operatic roles, in hundreds of monies have gained him a solo recitals, and as soloist with America's major orchestras. quick growing popluarity in With her husband, bass-baritone Richard Cross, she has the US. As a solo performer 'Scandal," opening act for Adam Ant on Feb. 13 featur- appeared in concert halls in Europe and the US. today, his 'tioody Two ing Zack Smith (left) and Patty Smyth (right.) UNIVERSAL BAR BOTTLE BLOWOUT!! FOOD STORE BAR BOTTLE BLOWOUT!! HOLIDAY SPIRITS... THE LARGESTAND BESTSTOCKED SPIRIT DOG LANE SHOP IN THE AREA IS BLOWING THE LIVING — OUT OF HIGH STORRS PRICES. SCHAEFER 12 OZ. $5.99 + + PA8STI2 0Z. $6.99+ + Busch Beer 24/12 oz. bar bottles MILLER 12 02. $8.99 plus tax & dep 7 49 case lots only GEN. CR. ALE 12 OZ. $8.99+ + BUSCH 12 OZ. $7.99+ + R C Cola & Diet Rite Soda 2 liter bot- PIELS 16 OZ $7.99 + + tle 99C plus tax and dep KNICK 16 OZ. $7.99 • f- ROLLING ROCK 12 OZ. $8.99+ + BUB 6 BUB LITE 12 OZ. $8.99 + + Delmonte Cream Style Corn 17 oz (ALL HILL CAMS Hut MX AHt> BCfOSIT) can 2/100 HOLIDAY SPIRITS AIWA YS THE BEST DEALS IN TOWN.. .WE DO IT ALU HOLIDAY MALL RT 195 429-7786 Produce Huskies Bananas t Idaho Potatoes Fine Food & Drink 3 lbs for 99C HAVE LUNCH OR 99C 5 lb bag DINNER WITH US Calzones, Spaghetti, Soups, Salads, French Bread Meat Pizzas, Nachos, Chile, Potatoe Skins, & Much More. Beer, Wine & Free Peanuts Lean Ground Chuck 3 lbs. or more Cocktails Mon., Tue., Wed. 1 39 1b. Happy hour Chuck Steaks (center cut) 1.49 lb. Open Till lSun-Thurs Imported Boiled Ham( sliced at Deli) 2.79 lb. 2 Fri&Sat Positive ID Please • Page 8 Connecticut Daily Campus,Thursday ,February 10,1983 State News How much, really, is the Governor's budget?

HARTFORD (AP)--Question: What's budget of $3,552 billion. money is not going to be spent." the nation. But the good news is that the total of Gov. William O'Neill's 1983- But when they start thumbing But all the money was spent in the the rate would drop from 7.5 percent 84 budget proposal-$3.552 billion, through the documents accompany- current year--in fact, the state is facing to 7 percent, under the governor's $3.58 billion, $3,596 billion or $3,621 ing the governor's proposal, they'll a deficit of $55 million. plan. billion? find that the total budget amount fluc- If that practice continues next year, The bad news is that the sales tax Answer: All of the above, depending tuates by up to $69 million, depending it means the administration's own pro - would be applied to a whole host of on which administration document on which page they're looking at. posal for 1983-84 already has a built-in new items and services, meaning that you check. For instance, on the pie chart the $43.5 million deficit between income Connecticut taxpayers would end up Here's another one. Office of Policy and Management pre- and expenses. forking over an additional $173 mill- Is the Connecticut sales tax going up pared , the listed figure is $3,596 bill- And, the budget figures dont in- ion. or down? ion. clude O'Neill's plan for a separate So, the sales taxes actually are in- The answer is both. Why the difference? Transportation Fund financed by gen- creasing, if the governor has his way. The governor sought to make taxes O'Neill budget chief Anthony Milano eral revenues. That would cost For folks who invest in stocks, there and expenses appear as small as poss- said the higher figure would be the full another $25 million, pushing the total was reason to cheer--and be de- ible when he delivered his budget year, and there were no vacancies. budget to $3.58 billion or $3.621 billion, pressed. address Wednesday to a joint session "There's a lot of science to it," depending on whether the con- Under present law, residents have of the General Assembly. Milano said Wednesday. tingency funds are included. to make more than $20,000 before the For instance, O'Neill told 'You know that because of delays in Connecticut still would have the dis- state considers taxing their stock div- legislators he was proposing a hiring--or things like that-some tinction of the highest state sales tax in idends.

«WMW»WM^»^^^MMMMMM^«l«»****»« W0MENS THERAPY GROUP % interested in Management Information Systems? Trie UConn English Dept. invites submission of student To deal with issues of Self Image; Relationships, writing for a new publication: Expressing Feelings; Family; Insecurity; etc. stories, poems, essays, term papers-particularly work done in The Health Systems Club and UConn courses, English or otherwise. Please submit material bv the Buisiness Computer Club MsiciLL Leave or send: English Dept, JHA 332 (U-25) in care of will be sponsoring a represen- Meeting Wednesday's Student Mental Health Service M.N.Proser. Please give name, phone number, or address, course tative from Norwalk Hospital's | 3 - 4:30p.m. and year in which work was done,plus your year in UConn. MIS program. All those in- terested are welcome. Thurs., Feb. 10,7:00 p.m. Co-Leaders - Sissy Seader Brunwen Williams 217 Commons Please call for information 486-4705 <. j Eat your heart out! Put a ri'd personal in for Valentine's Day! Sees and the

Single^ ^^> Student ^ ... N PEGASUS f Sacs C/\s/ BF MO£E FIN

Fri. & Sat. \\ TANO a PEGASUS SUPER SPECIAL Wed. thru Sat. FREE HIRAM WALKER TRIPLE SEC DRAFT for a free rtctpe Booklet. wnt« Hiram Walker Cordials. P0 Box 2235. Parmlnflon Hille. Mich 48018 c 1982 Triple Sec. 60 Proof liqueur Hiram Walker Inc. Farmlnglon Hula. Mich 7:30 - 9:30 with admission ..... ' . . .

,— Connecticut Daily Campus,Thursday,February 10,1983 Poge 9


STAFF AND FACULTY MEMBERS HARTFORD (AP)--Tht- budget at a glance: Labor Department's worker retraining program TO A SPENDING budget, to $700,000 FULL BREAKFAST OFFERING -Proposed spending totals S3.JWbillion, up to HOUSING 10.7 percent from this year. EVERY MONDAY - FRIDAY •$Mi million in bonding for construction of Additional loni»-term borrowing of $2/19 17:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. low -and moderate-income housing.housing for million in the form of new IMHKIIIH; up 35 |>er- COMMONS BUILDING - 1 St FLOOR the elderly, housing rehabilitation and urban ceut from this year's SIMS million. liomesteading. TAXES WII.FARK -Tax increases totaling $222.*» million per ■No increase in the level of welfare benefits year, including extension of the sales tax to gas- under the Aid to Families) with Dependent oline, children's clothing and meals costing less Children Program . than $1 and extension of the dividends tax to An overall welfare budget increase, mainly • •••••••••• interest on savings accounts. itn Medicaid services to the elderlv. of H.Hper- STAR(star)n-to be present at or appear -A decrease in the overall sales t;ix rate from cent . to $S65."2,rffflMTn. T.ri percent to 7percent effective.along with the PIBI.K SAFKTY in the tax increases, as of April l.to help eliminate an -Money for 4H additional state troo|>ers. BOG STUDENT TALENT NIGHT estimated $55 million deficit for the fiscal year -$150 million for the Correction Department, ending June 'M). including $2.25million to staff and o|>erate 400 on Friday, February, 18, 1983 KDl 'CATION new state prison inmate beds and 125 beck for ■Education spending would rise to t9H9.fi prisoners awaiting trial Mimes, musicians, magicians and more have par- million, up 10.6percent.including a W3 million -$2.7 million in bonding l« complete construc- increase in funding for the educational equaliza - tion of a new 500-lx-d unit at the medium ticipated in the past to make this one of the most tion grants program .bringing it to H5 percent of security Knfield State- Prison and plan for VKN) popular events on campus the level that was supposed to be reached bv inmate beds at state prisons. Sign up Tues.. Feb. 1 until Thurs.,Feb. li)th in room 1HK3-H4. LOCAL All) ■Bonding of JEW million for construction at •Crants to towns and cities would increase H.H 218 Commons. state-run universities and colleges and other percent.to $724.4 million. cultural institutions. STATE EMPLOYEES TRANSPORTATION ■An increase of $99.4 million in funding for pay -Transportation spending of $212.5 million.an and benefit increases expected to be negotiated 1K.1 percent increase, to pay for highway and with unions representing most state govern- bridge repairs and construction and $Hfi million ment employees, which would provide average more in bonding for highways. increases of 10.1 percent per year for all of JOBS them. -$17 million for a new program to bring high -Total Upending on payroll and fringe benefits technology industries to the state:a 15percent for the approximately 10.000 state government budget increase for the Kconomic Development workers-excluding elected officials and top I )epartment. to $3.9 millicHI:$1(1 millic Ml Ifi indus- level political appointees--of $| UK billion. 30.2 trial development grants: and doubling the percent of the- state budget.

A ?n **t Anonymous Pub Sat. Feb. 12th 9 p.m. II. WUL % Lee Callahan ' Band j -jazz trio - 8-9p.m. $200BUD PITCHERS


Save*20 - on SUadium College Rings.

With the price of fine jewelry Every fine Siladium ring is today, it's good to know that a jew- crafted with careful attention to — elry-quality Siladium ring is now detail, and backed by the more affordable than ever. Save— ArtCarved Full Lifetime Warranty. and choose from a variety of Now, at these special savings, the beautiful styles. Then personalize value is exceptional! Don't miss your-ring with custom options that this opportunity to get a beautiful ROUTE 195 • STORKS express your tastes, your inter- buy on a fine Siladium ring visit ests, your achievements the ArtCarved Ring Table soon. CONNECTICUT

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• wwennen %*».*«• HEALY CAR 6 TRUCK RENTAL Date-Feb. 14th -Feb. 18th : Complete rental service Time - 11:00am - 5:00pm i Place - G.H. Waring Continental Gift Shop Front End Alignment, Tlref Batteries, A Accessories ROAD & WRECKER SERVICE Phone #429-2143 OPEN MON.- FRJ.&-6 429-0001 Address - Corner of Dog Lane and Rt. 195 SAT. 9— 1 Larry Tangari. Prop.

■ Page 10 Connecticut Daily Campus,Thursday,Febfuaiy 10, 1983 Leer and frothing on the campaign trail Udall decides not to run WASHINGTON (AP)--The millions of dollars Political Actior In a speech last month to a California Democratic Party meet • WASHINGTON (AP) - Committees pour into campaigns already has become a major ing,Mondale referred to "the rising, growing.exploding power of Rep. Morris Udall. the De- issue of the 1984 presidential race, with two Democratic conten- special interest money in American poliltics.*' mocratic Parry's resident ders declaring they m ml take PAC money and a third saying he'd 'Let's put a cap on campaign spending, "said Mondale. Let's wit and keeper of its liberal welcome it. plant controls on these PACs." flame. said Wednesday he If there are any PACs present .1 would simply he delighted to •One of the PACs over which Mondale has direct control is his will not fight for the 1984 have a contribution."said Sen.Alan Cranston of California.dur- own .the Committee for the Future of America .and he is closing it presidential nomination, a ing a visit to tljggNational Cress Club down. The Mondale PAC collected $2.4 million HI 1982 and spent decision he deemed both "It's time we paid more attention to citizens than l'A( s. "Sen. more than $800.(100 to help Democratic candidates. ironic and sad. Car.' Hart of Colorado, told a different group. Rep. Morris Udall was at the press club on Wednesday to "It's obvious to me that 1 have decided that my presidential campaign will accept no announce he wotildnt pursue the 1984 nomination and that he to come in at this point contributions from PACs," added Hart, who plans to formally wanted "to lead a new effort to write a clean campaign law." means that I would be a announce his candidacy on Feb. 17 One of the authors of the post-Watergate election laws. Udall daylafeand maybe several Hart's announcement prompted a similar declaration by for- denounced the Court decision that permitted individuals to con- dollars short." the Arizona mer Vice President Waiter F. Mondale tribute unlimited amounts to their own campaigns and took the congressman told a Nati- lames Johnson, a top Mondale aide, said Wednesday the lid off what independent expenditure groups could spend. onal Press Club luncheon. influence of special interest moriev was something the former 1 want to help create a system that will not only abide by the The first quesetion after Vice president "was going to talk a good deal about in this letter < »f the law. but the spirit of the law as well." said the Arizona his speech was whether campaign." congressman Udall would accept a draft. Campus ..Don't the lily pad walk alone, art supplies florist call an escort 486-4800 Valentine Roses (Order Ratty) & Flowers for Lovers Open Sunday Feb. 13th 423-3223 487-1 193 Downtown Storm 28 north st. willimantic, ct. 06226

Sigma Phi Epsilon fraiermiy presets... GUINNESS SPRING RUSH 1983 NIGHT OPEN RUSH fttRTY AT

j* .«*♦•» Ted's 3:00 ftl IfcrMW. Fekrw* SPitf on CQmpvs I$E house at 3&ll*r{ H Sunday, February 13 "the houst with ihc tied Door 5-11PM GRAND PRIZE Beer(Rtnch and Non-AlcorJic Beverages Served! Trip to Florida »oper I.D. (Includes Hotel and Round Trip Bus Fare) Drawing at 11:00 P.M. *

TOMORROW The 1 ton Sundae S.U. Patio 12:00 pm-? Can We Eat If?


EOL Connecticut Daily Campus, Thursday, February 10,1983 Page 11 Israel's Sharon surrounded by controversy

JERUSALEM (AP) - The commission s recommen- panel's recommendations While the ministers met, around Sharon s car as he Israeli Cabinet on Wednesday dations for punishing military and they ultimately would ask more than 1,000 people arrived for the Cabinet mee- reviewed a damaging judicial officers criticized in the rep- Sharon to resign. The official's gathered in front of the Ca- ting. report on the Beirut massac- ort. version of the Cabinet meet- binet building, chanting their In Tel Aviv, however, about re, and an official who atten- He said most ministers ing could not be confirmed support for Sharon and the 400 people gathered in the ded the meeting claimed favored adopting the judicial independently. government. They pressed streets and demanded that Defense Minister Ariel Sharon Sharon resign - as recommen- urged the ministers to remove r ded by the judicial panel that him from office as recommen- investigated the massacre. ded by the commission. NO ENGLAND NO ONE The opposition Labor Party The Cabinet did not ann- said it was "astounded by the ounce any response to the insensitivity of the govern- suggestions made by the CAN TEACHus ment" and demanded the commission that investigated Cabinet swiftly adopt the the Beirut massacre, but commission's recommen- scheduled a third session for dations. Israeli newspaper Thursday afternoon. editorials were almost unan- Sharon was quoted in se- imous in urging the recom- veral news reports as refusing mendations be accepted. to quit his post and insisting, that Begin would have to fire But Avraham Shapira, par- him. liamentary chairman of But a senior official, who; Begin's ruling coalition, met refused to be named, said with Begin Tuesday night and Sharon proposed that the later told reporters the prime Cabinet formally ask for his JERUSALEM: About 2,000 demonstrators gathered outside of Prime Minister minister would "absolutely resignation. Menachem Begins office Wednesday to show support for Defense Minister Ariel not" fire Sharon, an important The official said Sharon told Sharon.fUPI photo) source of conservative sup- the ministers to ignore the port for Begin.

H€YYOU,BUYA CONNECTICUT DAILY 1 CAMPUS SWEATSHIRT. ONLY $6, IN BLUE 0ft GREY ASK OUR ENTHUSIASTIC »WFF- TIONISTS FOR ONE, TAKE A REST NOW FROM COMMERCIAL RADIO -ufaus 9\Hfa THE SOUK1D ALTERNATIVE..... BREAK AWAY TO A BRAND NEW WORLD. Imagine time-traveling from the era of the dinosaurs to the age of the stars. Discovering the secrets of a Mayan pyramid. Dining beneath the Eiffel Tower. Spiraling through the universe inside an 18-story sphere. Now, imagine doing it all in one < place Walt Disney World Epcot Center. Wherever your spring break takes you in Florida, you'll be just a step away from the wonder all the world is talking about. A single-day admission to this new world of wonder is only $15. and a three-day World Passport - allowing admission to both Epcot Center and the Magic Kingdom - is just $35. This year make your visit to Florida more than a break. Make it a break away from the world of today. And an adventure into the dreams of tomorrow

• f3 MM Onnry P-oOucnont Poge 12 Connecticut Daily Campus, Thursday, February 10, 1983 Bush hopeful about NATO Black & White Rush Party

LONDON (AP) - Via- Open to All President (iearge Hush. Everyone wears Black & White Hearing the end of ;i seven- Thurs. Nite 9:00 p.m. nation I'uropean tour.said Wednesday he was "op- At the Zete House Next to Towers timistic" about his talks with Allied leaders and found them "united on behalf of the NATO allia- nce." THE COMMONS DINING ROOM WELCOMES Rush said in the last STAFF, FACULTY major speech of his 12-day r AND trip that "rumors of the COMMUTING STUDENTS death of onr alliance have been • greatly exaggerated " To Enjoy A Complimentary The vice president tra- 16 oz. Soda, Coffee or Tea WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY velled to West Germany. ENTREE. SALAD BAR. PASTA BAR. & Deli Sandwich the Netherlands. Belgium. Otter Good Every Monday - Friday Switzerland Italy and Between 11 00 a.m.-n 30 a.m and l 00 p.m -2 00 p.m. Prance In-fore coming to Until March 19.1983 Britain i Commons Building - 1 st Floor

hi\l >nnn .IH.IX i.ik.Kl IflSla

O/Jy 3« 4°' NeatAttire Please IB Budweiser. KING OF BEERS®

Fri Sal \prese/rt^ Hardbeats (ut Loose THE Sun Mon Draft Nite All Night Happy Hour BOG-BUD BANNER CONTEST GConn Might in Hartford COOPERATIVE EDUCATION GConn vs. Georgetown for students m Bl D Banner Contest Prizes Show your CJConn Spirit by entering the "Bog-Bud Banner Business Adm \ Contest." Each member of your team can win: Engineering 1st place -BUDWEISER Pool table lights Chemistry < Physics v^^^T w Agricultural Economics 2nd place - BUDWEISER Coolers •m IV& Agricultural Engineering 3rd place BUDWEISER Radios Renewable Natural Resources Rules: 1. No more than 4 people can enter a banner. Math and Actuarial Science s> j, 2. Banners can be made of any materials. 1 O Latin American Studies There are no restrictions on size or colors 3. Banners will be displayed pre game and \ half-time of the UConn vs Georgetown game INFORMATION SESSIONS a of February 14. 1983at the Civic Center. 4. Winners will be announced at half-time. Bl DWEtSER SKI HATS FOR ALL WHO PARTICIPATE Where: Room 310. Commons Building FILL IN THE FORM BELOW TODAY! BOG BUD BAN NER CONTEST Banner Team Mer nbers 1. 2. When: Wednesday, February 9 Thursday, February 10 3- 4- Team Captain: Time: 4;00 to 5.00 p.m. Address/Phone: Brief Description of Ba iner

Challenging well paying, academically-related work assignments irj^T- Return completed form to Mark Dirsa, BOG, Commons with ieading companies are available1 To find out more, attend one of Is*XJ^ "- 2I4bv February 10, 1983 these sessions or visit us in the Wilbur Cross Building 486-2795 wwuwl^fml Connecticut Daily Campus,Thursday,February 10, 1983 Poge 13

It s better in the BAHAMAS only $299' 8 There once was a girl from Podunk, days, 7 nights, DOUBLE OCCUPANCY' Who loves to go out and get so drunk. Roommates/ Efficiency Hotel roundtnp jet. cosmos, Notorious to drive a green scout, Ifs beeches, golf, scuba and morel Calf certainly beyond doubt. That a com- 1 487-6204 Deposits due now" M2/ puter, man is now her new HUNK Housemates 11 Peggie Happy Hour here we come' Marketplace Teds One Red Hen Pipets and DJ Spiflire will play the tunes you want eggs, Playpen and Meattoaf C B s and Wanted Nonsmoking quiet roommate to hear Rock, Disco, Top 40, l It give it Laces live on, K.J s and cow lipping, to share furnished apartment 4 miles all I ve got Mark 646-3476M 5/5 Toyotas and rocquetboii C'mon. just from campus Rent 180Anonth (in- for one drink Semi-formal, Stur- Storrs Apartment immediately avail cludes utilities) Call 423-4009 RH2/ Guitar lessons offered by experienced bndge, Musical Rooms. Peg-Happy 1 For Sale oble Two bedrooms Tennis court, two guitar player Available on campus and 20th Hove a great day FLORIDA here miles away Rent negotiable Call 1- at reasonable cost For information coll we come" Love always, Jane & Diane 617-792-2475 after 6 30 or 659- Roommate needed House Coventry Diane at 487 7068M 2/10 This Spring, start your courtship with 1768 after 4 00 FR 2/II Lake Five miles Sunny furnished room Sooz Ever hear me cock crow in the Valentine personals But don't delay, $173ymo Heat included Sharon or SWEETHEART SPECIAL 'Bud vases cut morning? Doodle Doodle Loo' Doodle the deadline is Feb 11 FS2/11 Wanted Someone (m^) to share Sue Negotiable 429-8703 RH 2/11 flowers dried arrangements flowering Doodle Loo' J apartment 4 mi from campus Own and foliage plants for your special Speakers for sale Custom built 10" 3- Irom Rent $100 a month plus 1/3 Are you hopelessly in love7 Find some someone Students -10% discout now Gumby Tmkum Can you say, 1 love 7 ways with polypropylene woofer and utilities Must like animals Call 429- relief in a Valentine Red Personal 'RH 2/ through Valentines Day Visit Hoc baseball and answering machines ' l midrange Ribbon tweeter X-over 6139 before 10 am or after 7 pm kanum industries Greenhouse at the knew you could Are you going to keep 7 points at 800 and 5000 Air-tight FR2/14 Mansfield Training School M 2/11 calling us, Tmky Can you say an- cabinet design, extra wooler included Avoid the uncertainties of roomdraw' If noyance ? Sure Mr R S295 pair Call 487 7567 FS4/4 you live in HOLCOMB and you d like to Glad Rags has unique clothing and move to SOUTH CAMPUS now or next accessories from the past and present Ed D Happy Birthday to a very special NEIL YOUNG, 2 tickets lor sale for Wanted semester get in touch with Bobbie at Winter Sole in progress Rt 32 S person and a dear friend I know you soldout concert, Feb 14 New Haven 486 3407, 429-9385 or 429-9384 Willinglon 487-0345M 2/14 and JD will celebrate it right Love Coliseum, $45 for the pair,Call 487 after 6 30 on Mondays and Wednes Mary Claire 7417FS2/11 days or 487-7711 any other time RH 2/ 7 Inch 'Valentine Cookie Speical ot the Guiranst forming serious primitive 11 Weeks End Snack Bar m Towers Also BOBBY j Welcome bock cupcake" postpunk and psychoreggoe band 1973 Volkswagen Super Beetle Ex- ask about our Winter Weekend Special Orginial material Likes Killing Joke, cellent condition throughout Strong Lowest Price Around H Mole to share M2'll To whoever left my mitten in Arjona 407 Cure. UB40, Echo, Gang Four No engine New paint Absolutely no rust large room in Ashford house 10. last Friday for me to find, thanx' I have experience ok No macho sorts Women Blue interior $2100 399-6076 FS2/ minutes from campus $85/tnonth 1/5 never felt this way about a mitten before welcome Call Dave Doom, 456-4357 utilities, no lease Woodstove Call M W2/10 429-6343anytime RH2/11 Mobile Home near UConn, peaceful Personals Kathy-Have a terrific birthday and a Looking to TRADE two tickets for NEIL park w swimming pool 1-bdrm, LARGE happy New Year There are no singing YOUNG m Hartford for two tickets in 1 vgrm, new carpeting Great for student personals in the CDC New Haven Contact Laura 487-4593 or staff A/C, appliances, furniture,and Miscellaneous Color their world with o Red Personal on W2/10 Skip Sue Janet Ok go to the Pub more included $10,900 277-4463 Valentines Day Deadline 2/11 days. 875 8959FS2/10 without me I understand'Next time tell WANTED a drummer and/or boss me' Diane player Were working toward playing Happy colms the Crustacean Crusader 74 Audi Fox Automatic AM^M radio Too shy to say 1 love you ? Go rally was an inspiration to all who atten out Punk s only need apply Call Lisa COL Thanks so much lor understand Good condition. new battery and muf - incognito with a Valentine Red Personal ded Now we sea The crab 487-6544Kim 487-7435or Jim 429 mg and sticking by me through theses Her Engine and transmission rebuilt M2/11 I085W2/11 pretty uh hord times l don t think i Call 429-2518FS2/10 J W Roses are red Lettuce is green My could ve made it alone i hope things Anyone witnessing an accident involv Looking lor auto insurance ? Our one iace is funny But yours is o screem Racing style heavy steerhide motorcycle only get better You re an awesome bud - mg a ten speed and a Toyota pick up stop protection is oil you need Find out J. jacket, block, size 38 Zip out pile liner Irom Tom Lobo 423-6374 American L on November 3rd on Hilltop Road Worn twice $75 cheap 456-4357 Mutual Insurance Companies Lite/ Please call 487 5083 W 2/16 Tony-(Kiddie Lit) I missed your pleo To Karen of Lowell Do you live m Ship FS2/10 Auto /Home /Health M5/5 sant conversation and escort Tues pee? Only kidding' Hope to see you How about another walk after class? Wanted My diploma before I lose my soon Do you study in the library? You Speakers for sale Custom built 1Q 3 Earl Russ Earls Traveling Disc Pro- Look for me today and well meet mind W2/10 must since you have a 3 8 (rounded ways with polypropylene woofer and fessional Disc Jockey service 3 sys - again -K midrange Ribbon tweeter Xovei up')RSVP-CDC--Ar1 f Looking lor a carpet tor a dorm room lems to choose from (Crown Amps) All points at 800 and 5000 Air -tight ' Pleasecall 486 4506keeptrying W2/ continuous, all request music Com Karen of Hamilton You were right, I did cabinet design, extra woofer included 14 mercial Light Controllers 423 1508 make it up fo your room It was worth it S295pair Call 487 7567FS2/11 423-9752 423-2918M5/5 How about again sometime soon Russell Events NEIL YOUNG tickets. New Haven Time won t wait lor you procaslmators Coliseum Good seats Call 429 1651 to send a Valentine message-Do if Hey ALSOP-B Make sure to wish Ask for Andy FS 2/10 Today »M2/11 Help Wanted MaryAnn a HAPPY BIRTHDAY today" Big Event of the Month--RED PER Have a nice Birthday Party MA SONALS FOR VALENTINE S DAY'" E2/ UConn Students only three days left SUNBATHERS 'SPRING BREAK FLORIDA and youve sent only 24 Valentine 'rip to FT LAUDERDALE or KEY WEST 8 Birthday wishes to THE KING" messages Surely you can show more beach days 7 nights lodging in fine Wanted Many romantic writers for Red Unbelievable only 24 Valentine per love than thai'FS 2/11 hotels on the strip plus nightly par Valentine personals HW 2/11 To our unusual All There is a girl named sonals out of a student population of lies from $125 Call 800-368 2006 Allison Who on this day is twenty one 12 000 isn't anybody in love? E2/11 Allen Digital Organ mint condition full TOO FREE' Ask for Annette Go with OVERSEAS JOBS Summer^ear round She loves to laugh dance, and run pedal board fransposer gyrophonic friends or organise a small group and Europe S Amer , Australia Asia All Mainly she so bunch ot fun She smiles Tired on waiting in line at the Commons speaker two keyboards suitable for sunbathe for FREE'M 2/11 fields $500$ 1200 monthly Sight a whole heck of a lot, and with the guys home church lounge Call 872 7702 Lounge Sats Come see the Lee seeing Free info Write IJC Box 52CI-3 she's really hot' All those who know her Callahon jazz trio this Sat for only FS2/I5 BALLOONS Fund raisers any occasion Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 HW 3/10 are tilled with glee Because we love her $ 1 00 8-9 p m Bud pitchers for $2 00 or events special message bouquets lots you see She s cute and witty and Anonymous Pub 2nd floor Commons 4Corner Soda outlet will sell you a case We Deliver Contact BALLOON STUDIO Alaska Summer Jobs Good money $$ pretty small Whenever we re with her E2/11 of great tasting soda for the price of 9 EAST BROOK MALL 423 8107 M 5/5 Parks lishenes, and much more A* have a ball You could never find a cans from the machine FS2/10 better Inend If you searched the world Summer Employment Guide 1983 HILLEL BAGEL BRUNCH Israel Maizei POPULAR SPRING BREAK APARTMENT over to it send Have an absolutely fan employer listings $4 95 Alasco Box speaks on Israeli opposition to Begin DARTING EQUIPMENT Special reinvest - Ala DaytonaBeach Florida Nightclubs 2573 Saratoga. CA 95070 0573 tastic birthday Allison Love your Sunday Feb 13 12 00 pm Hiiiei ment Sale" All Brass and nicfcel silver resturants, entertainment local Hot tnends from second floor Hale HW2/I5 House No Eagleville Rood All you can darts 25%oft All fhtes and shafts and Spots, $45 nightly MARINER 203 eat S2 50E2/11 accessories 25% ofl VVinmau Bristle 658-1169M 2/10 COLLEGE STUDENTS Earn extra money Bobby J I'M SO GLAD YOU RE BACK Dortboards $32 95 Nickel tungsten IN SCHOOL' 1 selling AVON Call 423-5611 HW2/ You are cordially invited to stuff your darts $1995 First come first served STARTS FRIDAY 2/11 10-12 noon 18 lace at Crandall D s PANCAKE BREAK PBNDart 456-0116FS2/I0 DANCE CLASS integrating neuro motor ANN you re prime target tor the STORRS FAST Sun Feb 13 9 am I pm All development anatomical information CAMP JOBS at RJ shore Specialists for POLICE BLOTTER We know all about you can eat $1 99E2/11 -jr 23 Gitane racing bike 211/2 lbs, all vocalization to improve posture stimu waterskiing tripping and sailing Mole the 25 lb bag a potatoes in France Reynolds etc Coll 429-0257 leave late creativity imporvisolion choreo counselors w Skills in nflery. archery valentines (Hershey^ Kisses with candy phone number $290 00 or b o FS2/ graphyCall 429-3919 $49/13 wks fishing compcratt or sailing Salaries UConn Students, only three days left hearts and MESSAGE' Only 50C orders 10 M2/H start at $810 Write YMCA Camp Fuller, and youve sent only 24.Valentine taken'February 8 13m Webster lounge ■ Box 432,Wakefield RI 02880formto messages Surely you can show more or call 429 2909 or 486 3445 3 5 6 1977 Olds 88 Royale Beautiful condi- - Got a complaint with your landlord' then see us on campus 2/22 HW 2/ love than that' 8pm Free delivery to Towers Frats tion 429 7429,486 4418 FS2/14 Feel you ve been ripped off by a busi - 11 iungle"E2/10 ness ? The Consume' Center can help ELAINE (Alsop) Eat your PEAS PEAS PET PORTRAITS Full color pastel por Improve your resume and help moke a you Contact UConnPIRG Commons PEAS find out why we are called the PRIDE traits ot dogs and cats Keep those difference Come work with the Con 216 429 I606M2/1I Chapter on campus The Delia Chi memories intact Call Roe during the sumer Center Hours flexible .we II tram Happy Birthday Bill 3rd lloor Brock F raternity invites you to slop by oui rush day 456-0116 FS2/16 you Contact UConnPIRG, Commons Need TUTORING in Math? Will tutor You re the only 22 year old we know table af the Student union all this wee* 216 429 1606HW2/11 Math 101 104, 109, 118 133 and that s still hot n passionate Oooh Hot' DeitoChiF2/10 134 Call Laurie at 486 4694before 4 Soon to be more hot by day 5001 L

RIDE OFFERED to South Carolina, or points along the way tor SPRING HOLIDAY SPIRITS BREAK 2 3 people-call immediately f- \ ys thi; Bt si Deate in 7\;w > Marketplace Chris 487 5546RB2/10 NEEDED Ride perhaps twice a week Monday Mall Rt. 195 S'-vr; evenings trom Eostbrook Mall Would like to work out schedule dnd will pay Ft Louder dale/Doytona Spring Break THE WHO COME TO UConn See The lor your service 487-501 ldndyRB2/ 429-7786 W£DOITALU Horn S219 includes bus hotel and. KIDS ARE Al RIGHT Wednesday Feb 16 II beoch parties Deadline is Fej) 16 tot LS 154 8 10 S1 99 Sponsored by Colt Jeposit Contoct Dom 487-6306 E 2/ House E 2/16 Ride needed to Bryant College this 15 weekend 111 share expenses and am STOP1 WAIT' BACK UPi The best ad willing lo come back anytime on the Nassau Bahamas Spring Break trom around is lor Dressed to Kill. Starring I3h or 14th Please call Laura C at S339 Includes roundtrip (el hotel Angie Dickerson. presented by Crondall 487 1500 ext 57RB2/I0 daily beach parlies cruise w 'open bar A This Friday February 11 LS 154 7. 9 Contact Don 487 6306 [2/15 1) Piusrnr1ooniE2/IO Ride ottered to Boston Friday Feb 11 Midnight Munchies? Try Crawford As HEYi Come to Stowe Cs SPAGHETTI 20% off after 4 00 Call 487-8036 ask lor All Night Diner Thursday Feb 10th 10 DINNER Sunday Feb 13 4 8 pm All Theresa RB2/10 pm-3 am 99C Breakfast special you con eot $2 25 Ice cream 50CE2/ trenchlnes tried dough and much 11 Ride needed to Providence Area 2/11 much more E2/10 Watch Big East Basketball every Mon return 2/13 Will share expenses Lynne watch 3ig East Basketball every Mon rtoy ol the Anonymous Pub Free Pop 487 5814 Keep trying day at the Anonymous Pub Free Pop corn $2 75 Genee Pitchers while the com $2 75 Genee Pitchers while the gome lasts' 2nd tloor Commons E2/ Two people need ride to Manchester / '• Hillel game lasts1 2nd tloor Commons E2/ 12 Nashua NH vicinity or Boston 2/11 ond 12 any other weekend Call Kelly 487-7326 BAGEL BRUNCH For a Slashing Good time Come see RB2/I0 Dressed to Kill this Friday February 11 Ride Board 9 1 LS 154 7 9 11 SI 99 Plus Cartooni You trom Jersey I'm Irom Jersey loo Israel Maizel speaks on: You don't want to miss this one1 E2/ And I need a ride there on 2/18 return 10 Rider Wanted-Florida (destination mg 2/20 I will share expenses Call Miami) Shaie expenses Depart Fn 2/ Kenny @ 487-6568 RB2/16 Israeli Opposition to Begin. PANCAKE BREAKFAST Sat 2/12olBAt 18-ONE WAY 677 9103 tor mlorma terson A 91 SI 99 all you con eat' tionRB2/10 Choice ol Blueberry Apple Chocolate Riders wanted to Maine leave Friday at Ride lor two NEEDED to Neil Young con Sunday, February 13 Chip or Plain E2/10 1 00 Coll Al of 487 719ORB2/10 cert Thursday night' Shaie expenses 12 Noon. Come Eot between 10 & 2 Wheeler B All Call Lisa 487 8036 RB2/10 RIDF NFFDFD TO NEW HAVEN leaving Hillel House- N. Eagleville Rd. Night Dmer Sat Feb 12th Fried Dough Ride needed lo Thurs Neil Young con Fn 2/11 and tor returning Sun 2/13 Call Rich at 487 4896 RB2/10 Fries Bagels Pi//a Chipwiches and cert m Hortford Expenses shared more E2/I1 Please call 487 7390RB2'10 Ride needed lo Boston Leaving Feb H Pancake Breaktast Sunday February Ride needed to Boston 2/12 returning CATERED SPREAD! 1 and returning Feb 131 will gladly share 3h Wright A In the Frats All you can 2/13 Will share expenses Pall 487 expenses Call Leslie at 487 7036 $250 - All you can Eat. eat $1999 l'E2/ll 2809RB2'10 RB2/10

COMMONS LOUNGE We're more than just cheese PRESENTS Holiday Mall I— Kte 195' THURS. 2/10 "MATT GUITAR Commons Building 1st Floor MURPHY BAND" IDs Required THIS WEEKS SPECIAL T of Cheese Creme De Neufchatel chocolate, orange, peach strawberry FRI. 2/11 "THE MYSTERY TOUR" $3.29 lb. (reg. $3.99) THE MULTI-MEDIA Drink Specials Each Night Tasty Appetizers Available coffee Special House Blend BEATLE PRODUCTION $3.95 lb. (rest. $4.95) Thru Feb. 14th DON'T MISS THE Hours: N. ^ lmp< -rtcd |M<»n. lues. v\ed!»-H Doors Open ULTIMATE TRIP Plenty of Parking ^^ .ind at 9:00 p.m. JI hurs & hri !I-,X S.,M).

SPIRIT The University of Connecticut ViLLA SHOPPE Study Abroad Programs Check Out These Specials! Junior Year in Fall Semester in + + Pop Shoppe soda ~3.59 a case +, » 24 10-oz. bottles & tax/deposit V England Holland * Bolla Wines Soave 4 Loaction: University of Essex, Colchester Location: Tilburg University, Tilburg 750 ml. for Bartolino Subjects: Economics, Sociology, Subject: International Business and ** 3.99 Va,,° Policella ** Political I Science, Electrical / Economics Engineering Computer Science Dates: September 3, 1983 - -♦ NEW! From Myers: better than Dates: October 1, 1983 - June 15, 1984 Baileys for less December 10, 1983 ^— RUM & CREAM Highlights: Students are fully integrated 750 ml. 13.99 Highlights: Instruction in English, earn 12 within the British university -15 credits, field trips to EEC, OECD, system: EECS program is ' NATO included Carlo Rossi 4 liter equivalent to the junior year Application Deadline: March 1 * + Chablis, Rhine, Burgandy, at UConn. a VinRose,PinkChabli 5.99 Application Deadline: March 1 * 4 • Sophomore or Junior Year in All Bar Bottles sold COLD! . 6-Week Summer Program in Quebec Poland Location: McGill Laval, Concordia, Quebec, ^ Moosehead Canadian 6 pac 3.1.59 Location: Jagiellonian University, Crocow Bishop's Montreal, or Sherbrooke Schaefer 12 oz. Bar Bottles 5.1.99 Subject: Polish language and culture Subjects: most disciplines ^ Pabst 12 oz. Bar Bottles 6.99 Dates: Jury 8, 1983 - August 20, 1983 Dates: 1983 -84 ocademic year Highlights: Intensive language instruction Highlights: Exchange program enabling Miller /Miller Lite Bar Bottles 8.99r plus evening cultural and social. students to pay tuition and events, field trips to Warsaw and general fee to UConn, remain- 1 other parts of Poland, earn 6 ing enrolled at UConn while UConn credits attending one of Quebec's ' Application Deadline: March 23 universities AVilla Spirit Is your Bottle Return Center! * Application Deadline: March 1 Give us your empties. + For information about these and other study abroad programs, call the Office for International Education, ext. 3855 IP Sports-—~ — Connecticut Daily Campus,Thursday, February 10, 1983 Walt Michaels, New York Jets head coach, resigns

NEW YORK (AP)--Walt never taken a vacation and and Kansas City where the job Michaels shocked his players never spent enough time with went to John Mackovic. Wednesday by retiring as my family. Now I think it is Michaels exit, following the coach of the New York Jets, time that I should. So I am Jets' most successful season leaving offensive coordinator retiring as coach of the Jets, in years puzzled some of this Joe Walton as the top can- effective Tuesday, Feb. 8. players. New York reached didate to take over a team that "\ am proud to say that I the American Conference made the National Football leave a much better team championship game, losing League playoffs the last two than the one I took over six the title to the Miami Dolph- years. years ago. The Jets are a team ins, 14-0. "I really couldn't see why that I am proud to have per- Michaels was the Jets' de- he decided to retire right now, sonally chosen and develop- fensive coach when the team with the team in a position ed." won Super Bowl III in 1969. He where we could be Super Jim Kensil, Jets president, remained with the club as an Bowl champions in a couple of also issued a prepared state- assistant when Charley Wein- years or next year," said cor- ment: "The Jets, of course, ner was named head coach. nerback Bobby Jackson. 'It's are disappointed to lose a Michaels then moved to surprising that we reached coach of Walt's stature. But Philadelphia for three yea/s, this level of success and all of his statement speaks for itself. returning to the Jets in 1976 as a sudden, he retires." Our priority now is to fill the an assistant to Lou Holtz The In a prepared statement vacancy created by his deci- next year, he was named head issued by the club, Michaels sion." coach. said he needed a break from Walton was interviewed for His first team went 3-11 and football. the vacant Los Angeles Rams then, after successive 8-8 "I have spent 32 years in head coaching job last week seasons, the Jets lell to 4-12. this game and I have enjoyed and had been a finalist for There was heavy media pre- them all," Michaels said. posts in Atlanta, where he was ssure against Michaels at the Walt Michael* resigned ««s head roach of the \e\« > ork "But in those years I have beaten out by Dan Henning, time but Kensil stuck by him. lets Wednesda> (I PI photo i. Page 16 Connecticut Daily Campus, Thursday, February 10, 1983 Sports Pittsburgh wins. 79-67 Bochain breaks record, losing streak continues By Roger (' leave land into the second half, and the lead the rest of the Staff Writer ended the game with 16 game. Senior eo-captain Cathy points. She now has 1,424 The entire team was press- Bochain broke the career points in 102 career games ing too much, according to scoring record for the wom- here. coach Jean Balthaser. 'We en's basketball on Wednes- UConn led early in the game played a good game overall," day night, but UConn suffered by a score of 6-2 but the Hus- she said, 'but every time that a 79-67 loss to Pittsburgh at kies were unable to hold on to we would get close we would the Fieldhouse. the lead for very long. At 14:45 just throw the ball away. In Bochain, who scored only of the first half .Pittsburg took the second half we had them one point in the first half, the lead on a basket by their when Cathy broke the record, made her record-breaking top scorer Jennifer Bruce, and but we gave the game field goal only 58 seconds UConn was unable to regain away." UConn did clearly control the game early in the second half .Bochain's basket fired up the team and the crowd,and 10 minutes into the half the Huskies tied the game 50-50. The Huskies then let Pittsb- urgh score the next six points, and the Panthers seemed to coast after that. "There's no doubt that we had them," Balthaser said. Three I (onn defenders su rround a Pittsburgh pla\er "We have just had problems near the basket. Pittsburgh wo n the contest. 79-67 (< ieorge all season long playing with Edwards photo). intensity when we need to. We some of the other young play- need to play more intense good defense. I only wish that during those crucial 30-se- we could have won the ers looked really good out there for us tonight. Positive cond periods when we start game." things are happening for the missing the easy layups and Although UConn's record team." giving the ball away." The dropped to 5-15 overall and 0- Huskies had 24 turnovers in . Sandy Gavin led the Hus- 6 in the Big East, Coach Bal- kies in scoring with 18 points, the game. thaser was optomistic about and sophomore Leigh Curl Bochain played with a lot of the team's play. "We played intensity in the second half, added 14 points and nine well tonight," she said*, lust rebounds. Bochain also had but her efforts were not en- not well enough to win. eight rebounds and one bloc- ough. "It was very exciting to 'T)nfy having two seniors break the record in front of all ked shot to go with her 16 on the team and having so points. of my friends," she said, "but it many injuries plaguing us, I is disappointing that we still think we have done a fine job, Pittsburgh was led by Jen- only have five wins this sea- and our younger players are nifer Bruce, Pam Miklasevich ( ath> Bochain releases a shot in the women's basketball son. I was pleased with my gaining a lot of experience for and Becky Ma2iarz who game Wednesday. Bochain broke the I (onn career point - overall game because 1 reb- the future. I think that Peggy scored 22, 24, and 19 points sroring record in the game (George Fdwards photo). ounded well and I played Walsh, Audrey Epstein and respectively. Four modern dynasties rule college basketball

through Atlanta. has to be THE sport in the school. It fellow coaches want to hear. olltq*- The Wildcats are true thoroughbr- also has to get network exposure. ~Ba&k€tbalL- eds. They have won the NCAA Cham- The last, and maybe more important ~Review pionship five times, and they run The coach of a dynasty is a power criteria of dynasty is that it has to probably the best college basketball, broker inside his own school, and repeat over and over. The four teams I by II McGuifr program in the nation today. Basket- many times in his home state; a guy mentioned-UCLA, Kentucky, Indiana ball in Lexington is a way of life, so- everybody wants to see run for gover- and North Carolina--have won the College basketball has seen only cially-oriented, the Park Ave. sport for nor. If he has a basketball camp in the NCAA Championship 20 times bet- four modern dynasties--by modern I the in-crowd, and Joe B. Hall is just one summertime, it's always ween them. UCLA 10 times, Kentucky mean in the last 25 years-and they of hundreds of thousands who bleed standing-room only, and without any 5, Indiana 3, and North Carolina 2. The would be UCLA. Kentucky, indiana and blue in the commonwealth. big advertising campaign. He has his NCAA is 26 years old, which means North Carolina. own TV and radio show, and is an these four have won it more than half The dynasty is the school that does At Indiana, again the baton has been important clinic speaker, a guy his the time. not recruit, but selects. When they call passed, this time from Branch McCrac- a blue chip high school athlete, the ken, who won the national title in 1953, phone is always answered. They are to Bobby Knight, who has won it twice usually THE school in the state as far as since he took over for McCracken, in tradition and prestige, Uie school that 1972. Basketball in Indiana is a Hoosier is habitually on national television. Hysteria that makes football take a Most obvious, of course, is the world rumbleseat and lights up the moon- created by John Wooden, The Wizard light on the Wabasha, Bobby Knight's of Westwood, at UCLA. Nobody won dictatorial style of yesterday is also Uie more than John Wooden. Starting in envy of every coach that has a fear of 1964. he won 10 NCAA titles in 12 administration, parents or ballplayers. years, a record that will never be Knight is his own man, the master chef matched, which makes him the Caesar of his own restaurant, who tells you of College Basketball, and Larry Far- what to order, cooks the food his way mer his disciple, his Marc Anthony, is and it's so good the customers carrying on today. keep coming back for more! The Bruins normally go nine deep Rounding out the magic four are the with every kid being an all-stater and Tar Heels from Chapel Hill, who have potential first-round draft choice. won everything in sight with a dynasty They normally win more than half their starting with Frank McGuire in the games during warmups, and their 1950s when North Carolina was NCAA cheerleaders are better known than Champ in 1957. Now they have broken the winning teams of some major through the sound barrier under Dean conferences. Smith, who made it to the Final Four six Second is the University of Kentuc- times and finally grabbed the brass ky, which started with "The Baron," ring last year. Adolph Rupp, who won 880 games in Now just what makes a dynasty? As I 41 seasons, and is being continued said, that school has to be THE school today by Joe B. Hall. The Wildcats seat in the state, it has to govern its con- 23,000 for every home ballgame at ference, and its always the team the Rupp Arena, and have done more other seven or eight schools vote damage to the Southern Conference against. It has to come from a basket- With players like Patrick F.wing. Georgetown could be the next than Sherman did when he went ball state, which all these four do, and it college basketball dynasty (.Mm l.ofink photo).