Junior Prom in Gym Saturday Night -STORY on PAGE 2
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Junior Prom in Gym Saturday Night -STORY ON PAGE 2. SCNIO* SUMMER POLL CAMP 7 fee* 8 Volume 34 Fordham College.—May 5, 1955 Number 22 Polk Open Band Concert Commemorates 'Ram Class By Ed RCJUMMS Elections Fiftieth Anniversary By E4 Lehman Of School Pep Song Balloting for senior, junior and sophomore elasa officers will talo The Fordham University Ban* place today and Friday in Keat- will present its twelfth »nnu»I ing Hall cafeteria between noon concert tomorrow evening in Col. lins Auditorium at 8:30. • and 2 p.m. "AH those who are at The conceit will commemorate all interested In a successful the fiftieth anniversary of the 1955-56 school year are urged writing of "The Fordham Ram" to vote," Ralph Delia Cava, elec- by John Ignatius Coveney, Claw tions committee chairman de- of 1908. Mr. CCveney, whose like-, clared. •... ness appears on a memorial plaque George Benignu and Pat Dowd in the entrance to the gym, ori- head the two rival ballots in the ginally wrote "The Bam" for a battle for senior class offices.1 one-act farce which was present" Completing the Benigno slate are ed by his classmates. It made its Berate Kerrigan, the candidate debut to the accompaniment ?oj for the .vice-presidency; Pat King, the college orchestra, glee clubs funning for "secretary, and Jack mandolin club, and banjo elnbv Peloso, the nominee for treasurer. Following his graduation from The Dowd ticket' has Mike Spa Fordham in. 1906, Coveney became; ziano for the vice-presidency; Bill a songwriter and an arranger. Bowen, for secretary, and Mark Five years later, he died of a> Varrichio, for ."treasurer. respiratory ailment. Tomorrow Statement* by Dowd, Benlfno THE MEMBERS OF THE FORDHAM UNIVERSITY BAND which will present Its annual spring night, Mr. James Coveney, the author's brother, will be present The following statement was re- concert tomorrow night at 8:30 In Collins Auditorium pose with their moderator, the Rev. Harold 1 leased by the Benigno ticket laet J. Mulqueen, S.J.. • • . / < when the band plays "The Earn." Filday: "The last three yean at in its entirety. Fordham have revealed out im- Today at noon, the "Boiler- portant aspect in the relationship maker Brigade," a special jazz en- that should exist among the stu- Gala Senior Weejc Devotions semble from the band, will give • concert ft Keating cafeteria toi'id dent body. This is cooperation. Fordham's traditional May De- Suocess in any endeavor is not ticket tales. Sparks '55 Fintilk votions will continue through- A precedent will be established: immediately forthcoming and In out th.e month of May. The the majority of, cases it, results By. P. Johnson Bonert. tomorrow night -when the band daily devotlnu will it held in renders the fourth, movement from only after so much time and ef- Senior Week, which heralds the farewell of the Class of '55 'to front of Keatinc Hall at 10:50 Rose Hill, wll] begin with a Stag Party on Thursday, June 2nd, and Tschaikowsky's Fourth Symphony fort have been expended. ; Since a.m. All 11:00 a.m. classes in in F Minor. It will be the first? senior year will be the final mile- end with the Senior Proni on Thursday, June 9th. Five other events the College will begin at 11:10. will take place between;the Stag Party.and the Prom. These are the time in the history of the Ford- stone of our college careers, it is Dally devotiont will consist of ham band that it has played a theiefore. essential that upon baccalaureate Mass, a picnic, a yacht party, Encaenia, and the a hymn, a short talk by a soda- part of a symphony. graduation,, we as. seniors, leave university commencement. list or another student and the to 9 p.m. The cost of the picnic A jazz band, the "Pep Band," with a feeling of accomplishment. Senior Week activities will be- Litany of the Blessed Virgin. is $2.00 per couple. For those will play all-time jazz favorite* "Other than sweat, toil arid gin.on June 2nd with a free, stag Last Monday the Rev. Laur- such as "High Society," and "Tiger tears, transitory elements in; life, desiring to stay later than nine, ence J. McGlnicy, S.J., Presi- party at the International Park Rag." This group is led by Tom our'.', success can be particularly co-chairmen. Matt Pitzgibbon arid dent of Fordham University, led Lynch.- •Inn, 814 K. 225th 'SI The party, measured by the close feeling and Jen-y Canavan- have • made ar- students from the entire Uni- Sousa, Gershwin, Et A). - sentiment; we develop-among our running from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m., versity in prayer on Keating rangements for a. smorgasbord- ;• The entire band will play Ralph- fellow classmates and towards: our will (be for "sWg'.-senlbfs .only."" Terrace. - The Living Bosairy Hermann's "Kiddie Ballet" along. dinner and dancing. Alma--":Mater; those .Intangible Nick smedlra is. fhe-chairman-of ; was said, • (Continued on Page 3) items that are, forever binding -The senior yacljt party will be this affair.- upon graduation, consequently, it held on Sunday evening, June On the following Saturday, June is our sincere interest, as candi- 5th. The moonlight sail, up the Pepped-up Programs dates if or senior-class officers, to 4th, the seniors will attend the Hudson will be made on the Day •work for this goal. Our platform annual baccalaureate Mass in the Line .boat Knickerbocker. Tons is geared to meet the diverse University gym at 11 a.m. "Irnme-" FUV Spurns Summer Lull; needs of the class of '56, thereby LoFrisco, chairman of the party, diately following the Mass, a car insuring a-unity and- the afore- points .out that this is..the-first caravan w'S leavetthe campus for Plans to Enlarge Offerings mentioned objectives." time thai a yacht has been char- PaTTQowcf reieaseu ite" JtoKowin? Bp.ai:i;MflU..ntain,_where the senior Come the end of this month, ra- The penel includes Mr. Charlea (Continued on Page 3) picnic is scheduled from 1:30 pjnT dio stations will hang out their Odlpko of the University College vision will be made for 150 cou- g. ples at a cost of $4.50. The cruise "pros" will pack up and steam off Webb of the British Information to the Riviera. Then the.'"straw- Service. will start at 8:30 p.m. and end at hatters" and the starlets will de- The station's microphones will 12:30 a.m. Music will be provided scend on the. studios and invade capture the relaxed atmosphere by. a five-piece band, 'the "Daythe airwaves. Summer radio wili of Fordham's Junior Prom on May Line Peers." • be here. 7. From 10 to 10:45 p.m. an es- • The Senior Prom, grand finale But the tide "will run the other timated audience of 100.000 will way at WFUV-PM. listen to the strains of Leroy to Senior Week, will be held in The months of May, June, July Holmes and his orchestra and the one of New York's most swanky and Aujust, the traditional dol- sparkling conversation of Ford- hotels, the Hotel Pierre, according drums of the brondcasting indus- ham men and their dates. see an For Fordham students and to senior president, Bill Roths- tryy. upswing in child. The Prom will begin at 9 Alumni, June 8 will be a red let- WFUV's schedule of educational ter day. Proceediflgss will start P.ni. following a reception in the and entertainment programs. with a 4:30 p.m. broadcast of the suites adjoining the grand ball- Along with the cream of classical University commencement exer- room. Continuous music for the music, the summer interlude will cises and will conclude with a be filled with panel discussions salute to "Fordham '55" at 8:05 Prom will be supplied by the on global problems, novel cover- in the evening. "Cotillion Strings," Stanley Mel- age of campus events and items Every whim of the Metropolitan's ba's famous orchestra. of special interest for every lis- sweltering listeners will be cat- A chicken dinner oomplete with tener. ei'ed to each Saturday at 1 p.m. all the trimmings will be served On Sunday, May 22, at 4:30 p.m., the timely question, "What "E.S.V.P." will comply with en- STUDENTS OF THE COLLEGE assembled on Keating Hall at 10 p.m. The $12 Wd will also tertainment requests, whether Terrace last Monday morning for the opening ceremony of the is the Asian attitude toward the cover the cost of/:both the recep- they call for Shakespeare, Abe anntial May Devotions, The Rev. Laurence 3. McOiuley, 8.J., West's colonial policies?", will be Burrows, Toscanini or Goodman. of the University, led the students in prayer. tion and the dinner. discussed by a panel of experts. Page 2 The RAM Thursday, May 5, 1955 - Campos Roundup - By Jim Farrrtl SUAREZ ELECTIONS were nesota in Minneapolis and the Na. THE GLEE CLUB is aiming at rounded out last Friday with the tlonal Federation of Catholic Col, a recording date within ten'days. unanimous election of Bruno ttg« Students will hold their nu, The "Penguins" will hold their Czech to the treasurer's post. Toay national meeting in Pittsburgh Puzzone and Jim Crowiey took the" outing and banquet in Connecti- following week. cut on Saturday, May 21. two secretaryships. The society THE COMMISSION OF OR-will approve the executive com- GENE CONNELLY of junioj GANIZATION PRESIDENTS will mittee's selection for the CJC.UJT.