W www.savebuzzardsbay.org W HEY CAPE CODDERS! @savebuzzardsbay HELP US KEEP CLEAN! CLEAN-UP SITES In 2017, beach cleanups on shores removed more than 12 tons of trash from the Bay State. That garbage isn’t 1 Electric Avenue Beach (Bourne) just ugly - it can seriously harm marine 2 Monument Beach (Bourne) life, from fish all the way up to whales. 3 Hen Cove (Bourne) 4 Monks Park (Bourne) This year, the Buzzards Bay Coalition and 5 Bassetts Island (Bourne) Cape Clasp are teaming up for the 6 Megansett Beach (Falmouth) #cleancoastchallenge, a trash scavenger 7 Chapaquoit Beach (Falmouth) hunt to help clean up our shores. Trash 8 Quaker Marsh (Falmouth) 9 hunters who visit places on our Discover Ice House Pond (Falmouth) 10 Buzzards Bay list on the right or from Old Silver Beach (Falmouth) 11 Grews Pond (Goodwill Park, Falmouth) www.savebuzzardsbay.org/discover, and post 12 Wood Neck Beach (Falmouth) their cleanup on Instagram, will receive 13 Stony Beach (Woods Hole) special prizes from Cape Clasp and the 14 The Knob (Woods Hole) Buzzards Bay Coalition! 15 Church’s Beach () PRIZES AND RULES #MAKEWAVES Post a photo of the items you cleaned up*: The more sites visited, the greater the reward! Can you find all of the top 10 items that

1 Receive a Cape Clasp pin & Buzzards Bay end up on MA beaches? Tally how many! SITE Coalition bumper sticker Cigarettes/cigarette filters Food wrappers 5 Receive a Cape Clasp Shark Ring & vintage Plastic bottle caps SITES Buzzards Bay Coalition Ride or Swim t-shirt Plastic drink bottles Straws or drink stirrers 10 Receive an original Cape Clasp bracelet Drink cans SITES & Buzzards Bay Coalition baseball cap Plastic and foam packaging Glass bottles 15+ Receive an invite to Cuttyhunk Island Metal bottle caps SITES aboard the Coalition’s boat Baykeeper! Plastic grocery bags

Did you find anything weird or wonderful on the beach? Write it in, and be sure to send *You must be following @capeclasp and @savebuzzardsbay and include the #cleancoastchallenge hashtag to be eligible! us a picture!