
Transcription factor in and the assembly of the regulatory toolkit in multicellular lineages

Alex de Mendozaa,b,1, Arnau Sebé-Pedrósa,b,1, Martin Sebastijan Sestakˇ c, Marija Matejciˇ cc, Guifré Torruellaa,b, Tomislav Domazet-Losoˇ c,d, and Iñaki Ruiz-Trilloa,b,e,2

aInstitut de Biologia Evolutiva (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas–Universitat Pompeu Fabra), 08003 Barcelona, Spain; bDepartament de Genètica, Universitat de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, Spain; cLaboratory of Evolutionary Genetics, Ruder Boskovic Institute, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia; dCatholic University of Croatia, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia; and eInstitució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, 08010 Barcelona, Spain

Edited by Walter J. Gehring, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland, and approved October 31, 2013 (received for review June 25, 2013) Transcription factors (TFs) are the main players in transcriptional of (6, 15–22). However, it is not yet clear whether the evo- regulation in eukaryotes. However, it remains unclear what role lutionary scenarios previously proposed are robust to the in- TFs played in the origin of all of the different eukaryotic multicellular corporation of genome data from key phylogenetic taxa that lineages. In this paper, we explore how the origin of TF repertoires were previously unavailable. shaped eukaryotic evolution and, in particular, their role into the In this paper, we present an updated analysis of TF diversity emergence of multicellular lineages. We traced the origin and ex- and evolution in different supergroups, focusing on pansion of all known TFs through the eukaryotic tree of life, using the various unicellular-to-multicellular transitions. We report genome broadest possible taxon sampling and an updated phylogenetic background. Our results show that the most complex multicellular and/or transcriptome data from several unicellular relatives of fi fi lineages (i.e., those with embryonic development, Metazoa and Metazoa and Fungi (including one lasterean, ve ichthyosporeans, Embryophyta) have the most complex TF repertoires, and that these a nucleariid, and the limacisporum), repertoires were assembled in a stepwise manner. We also show that and use published data from key, but previously unsampled, eu- asignificant part of the metazoan and embryophyte TF toolkits karyotic lineages, such as Glaucophyta, Haptophyta, , and evolved earlier, in their respective unicellular ancestors. To gain Cryptophyta. We show that an important fraction of the metazoan insights into the role of TFs in the development of both embryo- TF toolkit is not novel but rather appeared in the root of Opis- phytes and metazoans, we analyzed TF expression patterns through- thokonta and/or . Similarly, we show that many TFs out their ontogeny. The expression patterns observed in both groups are present in unicellular chlorophytes, and many fungal TFs are recapitulate those of the whole transcriptome, but reveal some present in microsporidians and nucleariids. Finally, we analyze the important differences. Our comparative genomics and expression data reshape our view on how TFs contributed to eukaryotic evo- TFome (i.e., the general TF repertoire) expression throughout lution and reveal the importance of TFs to the origins of multicellu- embryonic development in embryophytes and metazoans and show larity and embryonic development. that each phylostratigraphic layer of TFs differentially contributes to successive stages of embryonic development, linking the evolu- phylotypic stage | Holozoa | LECA tionary history of TFs to organismal ontogeny.

ranscription factors (TFs) are proteins that bind to DNA in Significance Ta sequence-specific manner (1) and enhance or repress gene – expression (2 4). In response to a broad range of stimuli, TFs Independent transitions to multicellularity in eukaryotes in- coordinate many important biological processes, from cell cycle volved the evolution of complex transcriptional regulation progression and physiological responses, to cell differentiation toolkits to control cell differentiation. By using comparative and development (5, 6). Thus, TFs have a central role in the genomics, we show that and required richer transcriptional regulation of all cellular organisms, being present transcriptional machineries compared with other eukaryotic in all branches of the tree of life (, archaea, and eukar- multicellular lineages. We suggest this is due to their orches- yotes). There appears to be a correlation between elaborate trated embryonic development. Moreover, our analysis of regulation of gene expression and the complexity of organisms transcription factor (TF) expression patterns during the de- ’ (7), such that the amount (as a proportion of an organism s total velopment of animals reveal links between TF evolution, spe- gene content) and diversity of TF proteins is expected to be di- cies ontogeny, and the phylotypic stage. rectly correlated with this complexity (8). Indeed, TFs play a crucial role in multicellular eukaryotes. For example, TFs are Author contributions: A.d.M., A.S.-P., T.D.-L., and I.R.-T. designed research; A.d.M., A.S.-P., the master regulators of embryonic development in embryophytes M.S.S., and M.M. performed research; G.T. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; A.d.M.,  and metazoans (9), and analyses of their embryonic transcrip- A.S.-P., M.S.S., M.M., T.D.-L., and I.R.-T. analyzed data; and A.d.M., A.S.-P., T.D.-L., and I.R.-T. tional profiles support the presence of a phylotypic stage in both wrote the paper. fl lineages (10–14). These studies have also shown that evolution- The authors declare no con ict of interest. arily younger genes tend to be expressed at earlier and later This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. stages of development, whereas the transcriptomes of the middle Data deposition: The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited with the National Center for Biotechnology Information [NCBI BioProject number PRJNA189477 stages (the phylotypic stage) are dominated by ancient genes (10, (Amoebididum parasiticum); and NCBI SRA projects SRX096927 and SRX096925 ( 13). It remains to be investigated how the evolutionary age and vibrans); SRX377507 (Pirum gemmata); SRX377508 (Abeoforma whisleri); and SRX377514 the expression patterns of the different TFs shift throughout the ()]. ontogeny of these lineages and whether TF expression profiles 1A.d.M. and A.S.-P. contributed equally to this work. correlate with the general transcriptome profiles. 2To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. Previous studies have analyzed the evolutionary history and This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. phylogenetic distribution of TFs in various branches of the tree 1073/pnas.1311818110/-/DCSupplemental.

E4858–E4866 | PNAS | Published online November 25, 2013 www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1311818110 Downloaded by guest on September 28, 2021 Results TF class (71 in total) throughout various eukaryotic lineages (Fig. PNAS PLUS Lineage-Specific and Paneukaryotic TFs. DNA-binding domains 1). It should be noted that we used a conservative method that tends (DBDs) are univocal signatures of the presence of a particular type to underestimate total counts, but minimizes false positives (Meth- of TF (8, 16). Therefore, we analyzed DBDs across eukaryotes to ods). We used a wide taxon sampling strategy optimized to have the survey the presence, abundance, and relative contribution of each largest possible diversity, especially around multicellular transitions.

Apusozoa Rhizaria Color key & Opisthokonta histogram Haptophyta Holozoa SAR Cryptophyta 300

200 Metazoa Fungi Embryophyta Heterokonta Alveolata 100 HLH 0 0 5 10 15 20 HSF_DNA-bind bZIP_2 Homeobox_KN/TALE zf-GRF Homeobox GATA SRF-TF CBFB_NFYA Myb_DNA-binding TBP HMG_box bZIP_1 zf-MIZ Paneukaryotic zf-C2H2 cluster ARID YL1 CSD Tub E2F_TDP zf-TAZ zf-BED zf-NF-X1-type HTH_psq CG-1 Fork_head RFX_DNA_bind Unikonta/ LAG1_DNAbind cluster TEA CP2 NDT80_PhoG T-box Runt P53 RHD zf-C2HC Holozoa STAT_bind cluster bZIP_Maf zf-C4 DM TF_AP-2 Ets MH1 IRF Metazoa MADF_DNA_bdg cluster SAND CUT GCM TSC22 AP2 Whirly WRKY S1FA B3 SBP Archaeplastida zf-Dof cluster PLATZ NAM GRAS EIN3 Embryophyta FLO_LFY cluster TCP EVOLUTION Zn_clus YABBY GCR1_C Fungal_trans Copper_fist Fungi STE-like TF cluster Fungal_trans_2 MAT_Alpha1 Dict-STAT-coil risii tica nus nus yzae utum mans r visiae ruberi s tauri n r ticillata rahens pusilla r o s t istolytica s rmophila vectensis ia g wczarzaki yza sativa h ver r falciparum rico r ra digitifera ra o s punctatus Danio rerio oon cuniculi s reinhardtii r whisleri ma sp opu O macrogy a z circinelloides Volvox carteri Volvox o s neofo s r Homo sapiens blakesleea Lottia gigantea pus siliculosus Capitella teleta Giardia lamblia Guillardia theta yce yces cere Leishmania major Ustilago maydis Ustilago Pir um gemmata s Emiliania huxleyi Ciona intestinalis Rhiz m tierella Naegle o xoplasma.gondii Mnemiopsis leidyi Coprinus cinereus r Acropo Oscarella carmela Chlorella variabilis Perkinsus marinusPerkinsus Nematocida pa T Ostreococcu Trypanosoma cruzi Trypanosoma Neurospora crassa ichoplax adhaerens Abeof yscomitrella patens ymena.the Bigelowiella natans Micromona rosetta Muco ostelium discoideum ichomonas vaginalis Monosiga brevicollis Arabidopsis thaliana ytr dendrobatidis ium ellom h Thecamonas r Tuber melanosporum Tuber ydomona Hydr a magnipapillata Mo myce Sphaeroforma arc Tr h Entamoeba P T Ectocar Cyanophora paradoxa o m Phytophthora infestans Allomyces Nematostella Paramecium tetraureliaParamecium Caenorhabditis elegans yptococcu Capsaspor parasiticum Drosophila melanogaster Spiz Creolimax fragrantissima Encephalito Selaginella moellendorffii Polysphondylium pallidum Polysphondylium Tetrah Acanthamoeba castellanii Dicty Saccoglossus kowalevskii Cyanidioschyzon merolae hyc Nannochloropsis gaditana Thalassiosira pseudonana Cr rallochytrium limacisporum Saccharo Phaeodactylum t P Chla Amphimedon queenslandica rachoc ureococcus.anophagefferens Co Schizosaccharomyces pombe A Bat

Fig. 1. Presence and abundance of transcription factors (TFs) in eukaryotes. The heat map depicts absolute TF counts according to the color scale. TFs/DBDs (rows) are clustered according to abundance and distribution, and species (columns) are grouped according to phylogenetic affinity. Major eukaryotic lin- eages are indicated (Top). Raw data are in Dataset S1. Further taxonomic information is in Dataset S2.

de Mendoza et al. PNAS | Published online November 25, 2013 | E4859 Downloaded by guest on September 28, 2021 Number of TF types 0% 50% 100% Total Number of TF

48 * Homo sapiens 1012 Paneukaryotic cluster * 49 Danio rerio 133737 Homeobox 47 Ciona intestinalis 336 43 Saccoglossus kowalevskii 368 bZIP 48 Drosophila melanogaster 497 Caenorhabditis elegans Metazoa HMG box 45 645 48 Capitella teleta 684 zf C2H2 47 Lottia gigantea 626 46 Nematostella vectensis 544 HLH 46 Acropora digitifera 400 Holozoa Myb 42 Hydra magnipapillata 311 41 Trichoplax adhaerens 214 GATA 44 Mnemiopsis leidyi 295 HSF 37 Oscarella carmela 143 42 Amphimedon queenslandica 180 E2F 27 Monosiga brevicollis 91 zf MIZ 30 109 35 owczarzaki 143 CSD 32 Ministeria vibrans 178 31 146 ARID 27 Creolimax fragrantissima 119 TBP 33 Abeoforma whisleri 277 34 Pirum gemmata 245 Opisthokonta zf GRF 34 Amoebidium parasiticum 345 31 Corallochytrium limacisporum 123

Tubby * 21 95 SRF 27 Neurospora crassa 190 28 zf TAZ Tuber melanosporum 278 28 Schizosaccharomyces pombe 175 zf BED 26 202 28 Coprinus cinereus 205 HTH_psq

27 Ustilago maydis 197 Fungi Holomyctoa zf NFX1 32 verticillata 270 * 34 Phycomyces blakesleeanus 360 YL1 35 * Mucor circinelloides 370 31 * 413

CBFB_NFYA * 27 Allomyces macrogynus 277 26 Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis 102 Unikonta cluster 31 Spizellomyces punctatus 181 16 * Encephalitozoon cuniculi 32

Fork head * 17 Nematocida parisii 29 RFX 34 Nuclearia sp. 183 25 79 Thecamonas trahens Amoebozoa p53-like 20 Dictyostelium discoideum 89 21 Polysphondylium pallidum 101 Metazoa cluster * 12 57 27 Acanthamoeba castellanii 213 Embryophyta zf C4 * 38 Arabidopsis thaliana 136436 * Ets 38 Oryza sativa 1597 35 Selaginella moellendorffii 785 Archaeplastida

MADF * 36 Physcomitrella patens 804 27 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Fungi cluster 126 30 Volvox carteri 158 Zf Z2C6 28 Chlorella variabilis 135 25 Ostreococcus tauri Fungal TF 84 32 Micromonas pusilla 124 Fugal TF2 16 Cyanidioschyzon merolae 69 23 Cyanophora paradoxa 115

GCR1 Alveolata Heterokonta 23 151 STE-like TF 17 Nannochloropsis gaditana 663 11 Aureococcus anophagefferens 97 Archaeplastida cluster 19 Phaeodactylum tricornutum 155

19 Thalassiosira pseudonana 191 SAR SAND 26 Phytophthora infestans 150 * AP2 11 Toxoplasma gondii 62 11 * Plasmodium falciparum 37 SBP 20 * Paramecium tetraurelia 428 16 Tetrahymena thermophila WRKY 75 10 Perkinsus marinus 44 B3 25 Bigelowiella natans 170 Rhizaria 22 Emiliania huxleyi 343 Haptophyta zf Dof 22 Guillardia theta 287 Cryptophyta

PLATZ 19 Naegleria gruberi 154 Excavata 10 * Trichomonas vaginalis 300 * NAM 9 Giardia lamblia 16 * 9 Trypanosoma cruzi 30

GRAS * 8 Leishmania major 14 0% 50% 100% 01234TF/protein %

Fig. 2. Phylogenetic patterns of TFome composition across eukaryotes. For the sake of clarity and simplicity, the TF types that represent less than 2% of the corresponding TFome are not considered. For the same reason, some TF types are summarized in higher-level categories according to structural similarities. This is the case of the (i) Homeobox supergroup, which comprise Homeobox and Homeobox_KN/TALE; (ii) the bZIP supergroup, which comprise bZIP_1, bZIP_2, and bZIP_Maf; and (iii) the p53-like supergroup, which comprise p53, STAT, Runx, NDT80, LAG1, and RHD. To the Left, the total number of TF types present in each taxa and the relative abundance of each DBD type (reduced as specified in Methods, Ancestral Genome Reconstruction and Enrichment)inthe TFome of every species are depicted using the color code in the legend of DBDs. To the Right, a bar graph indicates the total number of TFs in each species, and dots indicate the percentage of total TFs/total number of proteins. The black asterisks indicate species with WGDs. The red asterisks indicate strict parasites. Raw data are in Dataset S1. Further taxonomic information is in Dataset S2.

E4860 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1311818110 de Mendoza et al. Downloaded by guest on September 28, 2021 Our data divide eukaryotic TFs into two main groups according total number of TFs in that particular genome (the TFome PNAS PLUS to their phylogenetic distribution, paneukaryotic and lineage-spe- profile) (Fig. 2). Our analysis shows a clear phylogenetic pattern cific TFs (Fig. 1). Paneukaryotic TFs are widely distributed and of TF diversity that is recovered by clustering based on TF were already present in the last common ancestor of eukaryotes content, with a few exceptions (Fig. S3). (LECA). These paneukaryotic TFs include HLH, GATA, SRF-TF, Metazoans have a very distinctive TFome profile, with Ho- bZIP, Homeobox, HMGbox, and zf-C2H2 (Fig. 1). Although meobox, zf-C2H2, and bHLH representing the largest fraction, common to most eukaryotes, the abundance of paneukaryotic TFs especially in , in which these three TF classes represent tends to be highly variable, with independent expansions in dif- more than 50% of the total number of TFs (Fig. 2). These are ferent lineages. A good example is the expansion of homeobox TFs the same TFs that are significantly enriched in protein in both metazoans and embryophytes (Fig. 1). A few paneukaryotic architecture in metazoans (Fig. S2). As suggested elsewhere, the TFs, such as CFBF_NFYA, YL1, or TBP, are less prone to di- main role of these types of TF is in patterning and cell type versification and are often lost secondarily (Fig. 1). Regarding the differentiation (19, 20). Conversely, p53-like TFs (including p53, lineage-specificTFs,wecoulddefine six taxonomically restricted runx, T-box, NDT80, and STAT) and bZIP seem to represent clusters of TFs: (i) TFs exclusive or mostly present in unikonts; (ii) a larger fraction of the TFome in early-branching metazoans, but TFs that are specific to, or very uncommon outside, holozoans; (iii) a minor fraction in bilaterians. , which are possibly the metazoan-specificTFs;(iv) TFs mostly present in Archaeplastida; earliest branching metazoans (30–33), have some rather un- (v) Embryophyta-specificTFs;and(vi) fungal-specificTFsorTFs common TFs expanded in comparison with other metazoans. For that are predominant in fungal taxa (Fig. 1). example HTH_psq represents more than 9% of the TFome of Protein domain architecture provides an additional layer of Amphimedon queenslandica (Fig. 2). In any case, most metazoans TFome complexity (8, 17). For example, it is known that, during have similar TFome profiles, with a few DBDs representing a their evolution, homeobox TFs acquired extra domains that large percentage of their TF diversity, with some exceptions such provided new binding targets and specificity (23). Therefore, we as zf-C4 (hormone receptors) in Caenorhabditis elegans or MADF analyzed the complexity of the gene architecture of TFs across in Drosophila melanogaster (Fig. 2). eukaryotes. Our data show that the complexity of the protein The TFome profiles of unicellular holozoans such as choa- domain architecture of some paneukaryotic TFs, including Myb, noflagellates, filastereans, ichthyosporeans and Corallochytrium zf-C2H2, Homeobox, and bHLH, is significantly enriched in both limacisporum are different to those of metazoans and fungi, but metazoans and embryophytes (Figs. S1 and S2). similar to each other, with a small deviation of ichthyosporeans (from Sphaeroforma arctica to Amoebidium parasiticum in Fig. 2), Phylogenetic Patterns of TF Numbers. The total number of TFs which have a higher proportion of GATA and zf-TAZ than varies markedly between taxa (Fig. 1), raising the possibility that others. Despite having the smallest TF repertoire among of all these variations are correlated with some specific features, such holozoans, due mainly to the reduction or loss of some TF as organismal complexity. Our data show that complex de- classes (19), choanoflagellates have a very similar TFome profile veloping multicellular taxa (i.e., Embryophyta and Metazoa) compared with other holozoans. present a dramatic increase in TF numbers compared with other Fungi have a very particular TFome profile including some eukaryotes. Moreover, morphologically simpler forms within -specific TFs (Fig. 2), some of which were further ex- these lineages, such as sponges within metazoans, and mosses panded in . For example, this is the case in ZnClus (also within embryophytes, have less TFs than morphologically more known as zf-Z2-C6) and Fungal_transcription_factor, which be- complex groups (Fig. 2). In contrast, irrespective of their phy- come more abundant during fungal evolution (Fig. 1). In par- logenetic position, parasitic eukaryotes have significantly fewer allel, Dikarya presents important TF losses (Fig. 3), such as that TFs (Fig. 2). Notably, some species described as parasitic or en- of E2F-TDP, zf-TAZ, CSD, and Tub, and represents an in- dosymbiotic, such as the different Ichthyosporea or Capsaspora teresting case of simplification and divergence. Indeed, most owczarzaki (24, 25), have relatively rich TF repertoires, perhaps early-branching Fungi, like chytrids, blastocladiomycetes, and revealing a more complex life cycle or an undescribed free-living zygomycetes, show distinct TF diversity, in some cases resembling stage. Finally, whole-genome duplication (WGD) also partly that of the unicellular holozoans. Microsporidians show a drastic explains the existence of some particularly rich TF repertoires in reduction in their TF repertoire but conserve STE-like, one of the groups such as the vertebrates and the embryophytes, or Allomyces fungus-specific TFs (Fig. 1). Nuclearia sp., the unicellular sister macrogynus,theMucoromycotina,andParamecium (Fig. 2) (26, group to Fungi (24), have typical fungus TFs such as STE-like and 27). Species with or without WGD that branch within the same fungal transcription factor 1. Interestingly, Nuclearia sp. also has group, such as the Homo sapiens and Ciona intes- STAT and NF-κB, both secondarily lost in fungi and previously tinalis or the fungi Allomyces macrogynus and the chytrids, show thought to be exclusive to holozoans (19). similar TFome profiles in terms of the proportions of each TF A common feature of all is the relative abun- EVOLUTION class, suggesting that this tendency is independent of TF type. This dance of Forkhead TFs compared with other eukaryotes. In is consistent with the finding that TFs are one of the gene classes contrast, the four amoebozoans analyzed have quite different that are most resilient to loss after WGD (28, 29). As for the total TFome profiles, although this is not unexpected because genome number of TFs, the proportion of TFs in a genome (as a fraction data from Amoebozoa are still scarce. Entamoeba histolytica is of the total number of proteins) also varies considerably. This a strict parasite and therefore most likely derived, whereas proportion is high in Embryophyta and to a lesser extent in Met- A. castellanii, the only nonprotostelid amoebozoan sampled to azoa, similar to the pattern observed for the total number of TFs. date, shows a striking increase in the number of RFX TFs, and it In contrast, Fungi, which have low numbers of TFs, have a high also has Forkhead and TEA/Sd TFs (34, 35). proportion of TFs in their genomes. Notably, these measures are The observed TF content of the group Archaeplastida, which strongly affected by the quality of genome sequencing and anno- comprises Embryophyta and their unicellular relatives (Chlor- tation, which differs markedly between the taxa studied, and which ophyta, Rhodophyta, and Glaucophyta), is consistent with pre- can result in underestimation or overestimation of the total num- vious analyses (17). Our data show that (Embryophyta ber of genes in a genome. plus ) share a unique set of TFs, which contrasts with the TFome profile of the Cyanophora paradoxa (36), TFome Profiles in Eukaryotic Groups. We next evaluated the con- whereas the rhodophyte Cyanidioschyzon merolae contains only one tribution of different TF types in each organism’s TFome, in of those Viridiplantae-specific TFs (PLATZ). Similar to what is terms of the abundance of each TF type as a proportion of the observed in metazoans and fungi, embryophytes are particularly

de Mendoza et al. PNAS | Published online November 25, 2013 | E4861 Downloaded by guest on September 28, 2021 Metazoa number of their TFs is not significantly increased, in contrast to Domain gain zf-C2H2 CUT GCM what is found in metazoans and embryophytes. This may be Domain loss HMG-box MADF TSC22 Domain putative gain Homeobox DM explained by the presence of or brown- specific Domain enrichment Forkhead Ets Filozoa T-box MH1 TFs that have not yet been described due to the paucity of func- RHD Bilateria COE IRF tional studies in this group (39, 40). Alternatively, the fact that HTH_psq TF_AP-2 GCR1 zf-C2HC Ectocarpus siliculosus Yabby ARID SAND has modular growth instead of stereotypical Holozoa embryonic development (39) may account for the lack of com- T-box p53 CSD Runt Zn_Clus plexity in their TFome. Data from multicellular brown algae with zf-C2HC bZIP_Maf Porifera embryonic development, such as Fucus spiralis (41), will be key to WRKY answering this question. Opisthokonta 1 Choanoflagellata HLH RHD Tub Forkhead LAG1 zf C2HC Reconstruction of TF Gain/Loss and Expansion Across Eukaryotes. We zf-C2H2 T-box zf BED CP2 reconstructed the evolutionary history of the TFs in eukaryotes GCR1_C RFX NDT80 Ichthyosporea by mapping gains and losses using Dollo parsimony. We used Unikonta Whirly Wilcoxon rank-sum tests to detect significant lineage-specific Amorphea 2 STE-like enrichments (Fig. 3). In terms of new gene gains, a strikingly RFX FungalTF MAT-alpha TEA STAT Copper_fist zf-TAZ NDT80 similar pattern is found in embryophytes and metazoans, and to NDT80 CG-1 Fungal TF2 Fungi Zn_clus STAT a lesser extent in Fungi. The emergence of these lineages with Holomycota RHD 3 Apusozoa complex multicellularity is thought to be linked to a burst in their TBP DictSTAT respective multicellularity toolkits, including TFs (42, 43). Our SRF-TF CSD Amoebozoa Homeobox Tub data, however, suggest an increase in TFome complexity in two Yabby HSF zf-TAZ steps. First, some innovation already took place in the ancestors Whirly zf-TAZ 4 Heterokonta zf BED of complex multicellular organisms given that their closest extant Yabby Alveolata LECA WRKY 5 unicellular relatives (i.e., in holozoans and in the branch leading 6 Rhizaria to Embryophyta plus Chlorophyta) already have complex TFomes. A second innovation step took place at the origin of metazoans 7 Haptophyta and embryophytes. Similarly, the enrichment of some TF families follows the same two-step process, such as the enrichment of AP2 8 Excavata T-box and CSD TFs in holozoans. Later on, at the origin of Met- Bikonta fi 9 Cryptophyta azoa, Forkhead, RHD, homeobox, and T-box TFs were signi - HLH TBP cantly enriched. However, GATA, ARID, HLH, AP2, and zf-GRF Homeobox CG-1 10 Glaucophyta were enriched in Archaeplastida, whereas SRF-TFs, homeobox, Homeobox_KN Myb and TBPs were enriched at the onset of Embryophyta. This means bZIP1 WRKY 11 Rhodophyta bZIP2 YABBY that a large percentage of the metazoan and embryophyte regula- zf-C2H2 YL1 SAND Chlorophyta tory toolkits were already in place before their origin and di- Zn_clus Whirly GATA PLATZ TCP vergence. However, TFs that are enriched in metazoans fall into CBFB Tub ARID Zn_Clus NAM ancient TF classes, whereas new domains account for more than HLH GRAS SRF-TF HSF AP2 Embryophyta zf-GRF B3 EIN3 50% of TF diversity in Archaeplastida. The Fungi also gained GATA zf NF X1 SBP FLO_LFY Archaeplastida zf-Dof several specific TF families, such as STE-like or Copper-fist TFs, E2F-TDP zf-TAZ S1FA although some such as STAT or zf-TAZ were also lost, in contrast Forkhead zf-BED Viridiplantae HMG_box zf-Miz to what is observed in metazoans and embryophytes. Moreover, ARID zf-GRF Zn_clust and NDT80 were significantly enriched in Fungi (Fig. 3). Finally, the only significant case of depletion observed is that of Fig. 3. TFs gains/losses and quantitative enrichments in eukaryote evolution, Myb TFs at the stem of Opisthokonta plus Apusozoa. It is worth based on our 77-species taxonomic sampling. The reconstruction of evolution- mentioning that this reconstruction remains tentative and is based ary gains/losses of given TFs types in each node and ancestral states has been on our current genomic taxonomic sampling. The sequencing of inferred using Dollo parsimony. The phylogenetic framework was taken from new genomes from additional taxa, especially in cases where a lin- up-to-date eukaryote phylogenomic studies (71–75). DBDs gains are shown in green and lineage-specific DBDs secondary losses are shown in red boxes. See eage is covered by only a single taxon, will help improve the reso- Table S1 for complete lists of TFs indicated as numbers. DBDs of unclear origin lution of the evolutionary scenario here presented. are shown in yellow boxes (e.g., also present in very distant, unrelated, species). Quantitative enrichments DBDs are shown in blue boxes and were obtained Phylostratigraphic Analysis of TFome Expression in Multicellular using Wilcoxon rank-sum tests, with P value threshold of <0.01. Ontogenies. Our results show that complex multicellular organ- isms with embryonic development (i.e., embryophytes and met- azoans) have the richer TFomes that evolved through two bursts enriched in some TF families, especially SBP, AP2, B3, GRAS, of innovation from the ancestral eukaryotic repertoire: one at zf-Dof, and SRF/MADS. This supports the finding that the TF the stem shared with their unicellular relatives and the other during profiles of independent multicellular lineages are a combination of the transition to multicellularity. To gain further insights into the enriching particular paneukaryotic TF families and evolving new similarities and differences between embryophytes and metazoans, TF families. we analyzed the deployment of TFome during the development of Despite the poor taxon sampling and large evolutionary dis- three model organisms, zebrafish (Danio rerio), fruit fly(Drosophila tances between the heterokont species analyzed here, there is melanogaster), and mouse-ear cress (Arabidopsis thaliana). a phylogenetic pattern in their TF profiles. The heat shock fac- We defined the phylostratigraphy of the TFome of these three tors (HSFs) and the zf-TAZ are significantly enriched in all species as previously described (10) (Fig. S4). Consistent with the heterokont genomes (Fig. 3). The multicellular brown algae domain-based analysis, we recovered a similar evolutionary his- Ectocarpus silicosus (37) and its unicellular relative Nanochloropsis tory of the TFome: two major steps of diversification for both gaditana (38) are enriched not only for HSF but also for embryophytes and metazoans (Fig. S4). Metazoans show over- Zn_cluster TFs, which are also abundant in fungi (see above). represented gains in TFs in phylostrata ps2, ps5, ps6, and ps8 Although brown algae have complex multicellularity, the total (Eukaryota, Opisthokonta, Holozoa, and Metazoa, respectively)

E4862 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1311818110 de Mendoza et al. Downloaded by guest on September 28, 2021 and embryophytes in phylostrata ps2, ps3, ps4, ps5, and ps6 A Danio rerio PNAS PLUS (Eukaryota, Bikonta, Archaeplastida, Viridiplantae, Embryophyta). 0.00045 Moreover, founder-gene analysis suggests that the evolution of the TFome was marked by periods of novel protein emergence as well 0.00004 as phases of extensive duplication (Fig. S4). 0.000035 Next, we used previously published gene expression datasets 0.00003 covering a series of developmental stages for these three model 0.000025 species (10, 44–46) to describe the average expression of the Zygote Cleavage whole TFome during development (Fig. 4 and Figs. S5 and S6). 0.00002 Blastula However, the data used for D. melanogaster and A. thaliana have Gastrula 0.000015 Segmentation less staging density than D. rerio data, increasing the possible Pharyngula Hatching 0.00001 noise. D. rerio has two peaks of TF activity during embryogenesis, Larva Average frequency of expression Juvenile one during gastrulation and a less pronounced one in the phar- 0.000005 Adult yngula stage, known as the vertebrate phylotypic stage (Fig. 4A). Embryo Larva Juvenile Adult D. melanogaster has a similar TFome profile during development 0

7 h 9 h

4 d 8 d

4 h

7 m

15 h 17 h 19 h 21 h 13 h 14 d 24 d 55 d 23 h to that observed in D. rerio, with a peak of TF expression during 40 d 80 d

45 min

1 d 3 h

1 yr 2 m 1 yr 9 m

1 d 10 h 1 d 18 h 2 d 12 h


3 m 15 d

1 h 45 min gastrulation and a subsequent peak during metamorphosis (Fig. 2 h 45 min 5 h 20 min

10 h 20 mim S5A). In both these metazoan taxa, TF expression increases after 11 h 40 min Ontogeny

early development and decreases in adult stages, when most 4.8 B Zygote structures have already developed. As A. thaliana datasets were Cleavage

Young 4.6 Blastula much poorer in stages, we used two different expression datasets Gastrula (45, 46). Both datasets show an increase in TF expression in the 4.4 Segmentation Pharyngula mature stage, in contrast to what is observed in metazoans (Fig. Hatching 4.2 Larva S6A). This can be explained by the fact that embryophytes have Juvenile an indeterminate development (47), in which organogenesis and 4.0 Adult

e age index the formation of new structures take place later in development, 3.8 even during the adult stage. Nevertheless, variability in A. thaliana datasets is still high, and there is lack of data of later 3.6 3.4 developmental stages, so conclusions from A. thaliana should be Transcriptom taken with caution. 3.2 To evaluate the contribution of the phylostrata that showed

Embryo Larva Juvenile Adult statistically significant signals in the overrepresentation analyses Old 3.0

7 h 9 h

4 d 8 d

4 h

7 m

13 h 15 h 17 h 19 h 21 h 23 h

14 d 24 d 40 d 55 d (Fig. S4), we decomposed the data and calculated relative 80 d

45 min

1 d 3 h

1 yr 2 m 1 yr 9 m

1 d 10 h 1 d 18 h 2 d 12 h

Unf_egg expressions of each phylostrata along development (10). D. rerio 3 m 15 d

1 h 45 min

5 h 20 min 2 h 45 min

10 h 20 mim and D. melanogaster show similar expression patterns in early 11 h 40 min Ontogeny development, with a peak of genes (ps5) before gas- trulation and a peak of metazoan genes (ps9) during gastrulation fi C ()2 Eukaryota (Fig. 4C and Fig. S5C), a de ning developmental process that is ()5 Opisthokonta essential for metazoan embryogenesis. The relative expression of ()6 Holozoa ()9 Metazoa genes from these two phylostrata (opisthokont and metazoan) 1.0 again shows an increase in expression in later stages of de- velopment. Despite D. melanogaster being poorer in staging den- sity, the patterns seem to be consistent with those in D. rerio.In 0.5 contrast to metazoans, A. thaliana shows a very different pattern, in which eukaryotic TFs (ps2) predominate early development,

followed by TFs (ps3), and finally plant-specific TFs in the level Relative expression mature stage (ps4–6) (Fig. S6C). To evaluate general trends of TF 0 Z Cl Bl G Se Ph H Larva Juv Adult age along development we used the transcriptome age index (TAI), from which we identified complementary patterns to the fi Fig. 4. (A) Average expression level of the TFome during development in contribution of speci c phylostrata, with newer genes being more Danio rerio. The area shaded in red is the proposed phylotypic stage (10). (B) predominant in later development of all three species (Fig. 4B and Transcriptome age index (TAI) of the TFome during development in Danio EVOLUTION Figs. S5 and S6). The younger genes in later development of rerio. The higher the TAI, the younger the TFs that are expressed, and vice D. rerio may have been influenced by the presence of the repro- versa. The gray area around TAI values corresponds to ±1 SEM. (C) Relative ductive tract in the samples, as numerous TF innovations have expression of TFs sorted by significantly enriched phylostrata during de- been described in the reproductive tract (48). velopment in Danio rerio. For easier comparison, relative expression is shown in relation to the highest (0) and lowest (1) expression values across Discussion developmental stages (Methods). Bl, blastula; Cl, cleavage; G, gastrula; H, hatching; Juv, juvenile; Ph, pharyngula; Se, segmentation; Z, zygote. Phylogenetic Inertia, Lifestyle, and Genome Structure Influence the TF Repertoire of Eukaryotic Taxa. Our study reconstructs with un- precedented detail the phylogenetic distribution of TF classes that some well-defined eukaryotic lineages can be defined by during eukaryote evolution, based on the presence or absence of fi fi fi their shared and speci c TFome pro les. This suggests an im- their speci c DBDs. We provide evidence of a paneukaryotic TF fi complement that is present in almost all eukaryotic groups an- portant role for phylogenetic inertia in de ning the TFome alyzed, and that was further expanded in some specific lineages, composition of a given (49). such as metazoans and embryophytes. These expansions were Our results suggest a relationship between TFome content, mainly due to gene duplications, and, in some lineages, to di- lifestyle, genome dynamics, and multicellularity. For example, versification in protein domain architecture. In contrast, other strict , which has been shown to be linked to genome TF classes present sharp phylogenetic boundaries, to the point reduction and extensive gene loss (50), is associated with a

de Mendoza et al. PNAS | Published online November 25, 2013 | E4863 Downloaded by guest on September 28, 2021 marked reduction of TFs. The opposite, however, is not always Conclusions true, in that free-living species do not always have rich TFomes. To sum up, we show that the evolution of the TFome is char- Instead, WGDs are associated with rich TFomes. Moreover, the acterized by important similarities between the independent relative abundance of each TF class as a proportion of overall transitions to multicellularity of embryophytes and metazoans. TFome of each species further highlights a strong phylogenetic Not only do they share a common pattern of TF origin and ex- patterning, probably as a result of the combined effects of phy- pansion, which is richer than other eukaryotes, but also express logenetic inertia and system-level adaptation. In fact, each par- their TFs differentially during development, depending on their ticular clade has a characteristic TFome profile, although a few evolutionary age. This suggests that common evolutionary forces lineages, such as Metazoa, Embryophyta, and Dikarya, show drove the unicellular-to-multicellular transition in two phyloge- drastic shifts in their TFome profiles compared with their netically distinct lineages. We hypothesize that is due to their ancestors. Unicellular holozoans (Choanoflagellata, Filasterea, complex embryonic development rather than just their multi- and Ichthyosporea) and early-branching fungi (, cellular lifestyle or number of cell types. The success of meta- , and ) have rather homo- zoans and embryophytes in producing extensive morphological fi fi geneous TF profiles despite being paraphyletic. Conversely, the diversi cation is due to the speci c adaptations of their genomes, crown groups of these lineages, metazoans and Dikarya, re- with the TFome being a key aspect into the acquisition of a spectively, changed their ancestral TF profile, suggesting that complex multicellularity and phenotypic plasticity. a genome-wide reshaping of the TF cellular function occurred at Methods the boundaries of key evolutionary transitions followed by a TF Identification. We obtained data on complete proteomes from publicly posterior stasis. available databases. We also used RNAseq data for some taxa sequenced by the Broad Institute (www.broadinstitute.org/annotation/genome/multicellularity_ Metazoa and Embryophyta Have the Richer TFome Among Eukaryotes. project/MultiHome.html). To have a better representation of unicellular taxa Notably, our data show that embryophytes and metazoans have close to Metazoa, we also screened some taxa whose RNAseq were sequenced the most complex TF repertoires of all eukaryotes. This contrasts in-house. These include the nucleariid Nuclearia sp. (sister group of Fungi) and with the relatively less complex TF repertoire of other multi- several unicellular holozoans (Ministeria vibrans, Pirum gemmatta, Abeoforma whisleri, Amoebidium parasiticum,andCorallochytrium limacisporum).In cellular lineages, such as Fungi, the brown algae E. siliculosus,or fi Chondrus crispus this case, non ltered reads were assembled using Trinity software (53), and even the red alga (51). There exists the possi- a six-frame translation of the assembly was generated. A PfamScan was per- bility that our analysis has missed as-yet-undescribed TFs that formed on all proteomes and transcriptomes using PFAM A, version 26, and are unique to those lineages, as TFs that are restricted to small selecting the gathering threshold option as a conservative approach, which can may be more prevalent than expected (52). In any case, underestimate total counts for some domains but minimizes false positives (54). fungi and brown and did not expand their repertoire of TFs were selected from two database resources (Transcriptionfactor.org, paneukaryotic TFs (Homeoboxes, bHLH, and bZIPs) nor their PfamTOGo website) as well as previous studies on this topic (6, 16, 55). In all fi protein domain architectures, in contrast to embryophytes or cases, we de ned a univocal one-to-one relationship between TF class and DBD class. DBDs that appeared just in combination with other DBDs were metazoans. We suggest that this difference is due to the fact that neglected to avoid an overestimation of TF numbers in some genomes. both embryophytes and metazoans go through a complex em- We counted the number of genes containing a given DBD, and the number bryonic development, in contrast to the modular development of of different associated domain architectures associated with each DBD in fungi and brown and red algae. The orchestrated embryonic each species using custom Perl scripts (Fig. 1 and Fig. S1). In cases in which development of both metazoans and embryophytes may need two or more DBDs were found in the same gene, the evolutionarily older a more complex regulation and, thus, a more complete tran- DBD, or the larger when age was identical, was considered the defining of scriptional regulation molecular toolkit. the TF type. To avoid overestimating architecture numbers due to problems with detecting small repeated domains, consecutively repeated domains were counted only once. Therefore, domain architectures were defined on Preadaptive Expansion of the TF Repertoire in the Unicellular the basis of the number and order of their domains, but not by the number Ancestors of Both Metazoa and Embryophyta. Moreover, our data of repeats of each domain. show that the TF toolkit of metazoans and embryophytes was assembled in a stepwise manner from the ancestral eukaryotic Ancestral Genome Reconstruction and Enrichment. Statistical analyses were TFome, with bursts of TF innovation in (i) their unicellular performed using custom R scripts. We tested for enrichment of TF numbers relatives, and (ii) at the origin of the metazoan or embryophyte using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, with a significance threshold of P < 0.01. lineages. Notably, both unicellular holozoans and chlorophytes Cluster analysis was performed using the pvclust R package, using the ab- solute value of sample correlation, complete hierarchical clustering, and already have complex TFomes, both with regards the number of 100,000 replications. genes and in the complexity of the protein domain architectures. Analysis of gain and loss of TFs and reconstruction of ancestral state were Further expansions, however, occurred at the origin of both performed using Mesquite (56), and the most parsimonious assumption was metazoans and embryophytes. taken, except in the cases highlighted in Fig. 3. In cases when a DBD’ssec- ondary loss was inferred based on its absence in a single species (lineages Analysis of TF Expression Patterns Highlight Differences on the represented by a single taxon are Rhizaria, Haptophyta, Cryptophyta, Ontogeny of Both Metazoa and Embryophyta. The role of the dif- Glaucophyta, and Rhodophyta), we confirmed its absence by performing ferent TFs in the ontogeny of the organisms analyzed varies tblastn against EST and collection (nr/nt) databases at the Na- tional Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website, which include according to the evolutionary origin of the different TFs in the other taxa from those lineages. The results are indicated in Table S1. tree of life (their phylostrata). Thus, the relative importance of TFs corresponding to different phylostrata changes between Phylostratigraphic Analyses. The theoretical basis of genomic phylostratig- developmental stages. For example, gastrulation shows re- raphy and detailed phylostratigraphic procedures have been described markably high expression of TFs of metazoan origin. In general, previously (10, 13, 57–59). Protein coding sequences for Danio rerio (25,638 both in D. rerio and D. melanogaster, evolutionarily younger TFs genes), Drosophila melanogaster (13,413 genes), and Arabidopsis thaliana seem to be more important in later stages of development, (27,148 genes) were retrieved from the Ensembl database (version 69) (60). somehow being added to terminal specifications, whereas evo- We compared these protein sequences against the nonredundant (nr) da- tabase from NCBI using the BLASTP algorithm (BLAST program) with an E- − lutionarily older genes are prevalent in the earlier stages of de- value cutoff of 10 3 (61). This database contains the most exhaustive set of velopment. Indeed, TF expression by itself marks the phylotypic known proteins across all organisms and is therefore the most suitable stage of metazoans. dataset for phylostratigraphic analysis. Before performing sequence simi-

E4864 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1311818110 de Mendoza et al. Downloaded by guest on September 28, 2021 larity searches, we excluded all sequences of viral or unknown taxonomic Overrepresentation Analysis and Statistics. We analyzed overrepresentation PNAS PLUS origin, as well as those from metazoan taxa with a currently unreliable of TFs both at the level of total genome and at the level of founder genes. In phylogenetic position (, Mesozoa, Chaetognatha, and Placozoa). both cases, and for every group of TFs of interest, we performed over- Following this cleanup procedure, we complemented the nr database with representation analyses by comparing the frequency of TFs in each phylos- sequenced genomes that were not present in the database but were oth- tratum to that of all genes in that phylostratum (expected frequency) (57, 58). fi erwise available in other public repositories. The nal database contained The deviations obtained were expressed as log-odds ratios, and their sig- 8,393,531 protein sequences. nificance was tested using a two-tailed hypergeometric test (69), corrected Using the BLAST output obtained above, we selected the gene IDs from the for multiple comparisons using a false-discovery rate of 0.05 (70) (Fig. S4). TFs obtained from PfamScan analysis for each species separately and mapped them onto the consensus phylogeny. We used the phylogenetically most − TAI. TAI is a measure that reflects the evolutionary age of a transcriptome at distant BLAST match using an E-value cutoff of 10 3 as the criterion for assigning the evolutionary origin of a gene. This is a quite conservative a given ontogenetic stage (10). TAI is the weighted mean of phylogenetic method for sorting genes that aims to detect novelty in the protein se- ranks (phylostrata) and is calculated for every ontogenetic stage s as follows quence space (10, 57, 62). The number and choice of internodes in the (Eq. 2): phylogeny are a result of balancing the robustness of these internodes in ∑n ps e phylogenetic studies (32, 63–68), the availability of sequence data for the TAI ¼ i ¼1 i i, [2] S ∑n sequence similarity searches, and the importance of evolutionary transitions i ¼1 ei (Table S2). Our consensus phylogenies span 16 evolutionary levels (phylos- where ps is an integer representing the phylostratum of gene i (e.g., 1, the trata) for Arabidopsis thaliana,18forDanio rerio, and 20 for Drosophila i oldest; 18, the youngest for D. rerio), e is the microarray signal intensity melanogaster, starting from the origin of cellular organisms (ps1). i We also calculated the number of founder TFs in each phylostratum by self- value of gene i, which acts as weighting factor, and n is the total number comparing sequences within a phylostratum by BLAST analysis (E-value cutoff of genes analyzed. Note that TAI = 1 indicates that all expressed genes in − fi 1e 10 3). For instance, we compared all of the TFs in the first phylostratum aspeci c stage coming from ps1 (origin of cellular organisms), and TAI = (ps1) to TFs genes from phylostratum 1 (ps1). The number of founder TFs in 18 (zebrafish) indicates that a given stage expresses only D. rerio-specific

each phylostratum, Gf, was calculated from the number of hits (H) obtained genes. Therefore, lower TAI values correspond to a phylogenetically older for every TF using Eq. 1: transcriptome.

G 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Joint Genome Institute and Broad In- Gf ¼ ∑ ; [1] i¼1 Hi stitute for making these data publicly available. We thank Andy Baxevanis for sharing Mnemiopsis leidyi sequences, Scott A. Nichols for sharing where G represents the number of TFs in the phylostratum and 1 ≤ H ≤ G. Oscarella carmela sequences, Carlos Palacín for his help, and Hiroshi Suga for helpful insights in the bioinformatics analyses and sharing Creolimax The lowest possible value of Gf is 1, indicating that all genes in the phylos- tratum are related, and the highest possible value is G, indicating that all fragrantissima sequences. This work was supported by a contract from the Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, European Research Coun- genes in the phylostratum are founders. However, gene founder analysis cil Starting Grant ERC-2007-StG-206883, and Ministerio de Economía y Com- encompass full sequence length not only domains that are signatures of TFs, petitividad (MINECO) Grant BFU2011-23434 (to I.R.-T.). A.d.M. was sup- providing a complementary view on the DBD approach. The additional ported by a Formación Personal Investigador grant from MINECO. A.S.-P. domains present in a TF gene may be responsible for the overestimation of was supported by a pregraduate Formación Profesorado Universitario grant phylostratum 1 counts in Arabidopsis thaliana TFs phylostratigraphy. from MINECO.

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