1042 - 1066 Edward the confessor Medieval Monarchs Knowledge Organiser - Year 5 Autumn 2

1066 - 1066 Harold Godwinsoon Major Monarchs Vocabulary 1066 - 1087 William I (the conqueror) 1087 - 1100 William II 1 William I A Norman (French Duke who 1 Monarch Another name for a king or 1100 - 1135 Henry I (William the defeated Englishh King Harrold at queen House of Blois Conqueror) the battle of Hastings 2 Government A group of people with the 1135 - 1154 Stephen 2 Henry II Ruled much of France as well as authority to be in charge of 1100 - 1135 Matilda England, Wales and Scotland. a country or state House of Anjou Responsible for the mrder of Thomas Beckett 1154 - 1189 Henry II 3 Democracy A system of government in which all adults vote for who 1087 - 1100 Richard I (the Lionheart) 3 Richard I Led a number of ‘Crusades’ in the will be in charge 1100 - 1135 John Middle East. Spent only six months of his reign in England 4 Crusades A series of campaigns made by Euuropeans to 1216 - 1272 Henry III 4 King John Forced to sign the Magna Carta recover the Holy Land from 1272 - 1307 Edward ! and ended up fighting a war with Muslims in the 11th, 12th and 1307 - 1327 Edward II the barons 13th centuries 1327 - 1377 Edward III 5 Edward I RReforming King who made lots of 5 Domesday Book The first (1086) major survey 1377 - 1399 Richard II laws. Great military leader who of people living in most of defeated the Welsh and the scots England and pats of Wales and built lots of castles 1399 - 1413 Henry IV 6 Magna Carta Literally “The Great Charter” 1413 - 1422 Henry V 6 Richard III Last king of the . this document sets ot 1422 - 1461 Henry VI Rumoured to have murdered his certain rights, protecting House of York nephews, the ‘Prince in the Tower’. Barons Defeated in the Battle of Bosworth. 1461 - 1470 Edward VI 7 Feudal system A system in which people House of Lancaster 7 Henry VII Defeated Richard III in the Battle Of (feudalism) hold their land in return for 1470 - 1471 Henry VI Bosworth, the final battle in the War working and fighting for of the Rises. First King of the House of their Lord House of York Tudor 1471 - 1483 Edward IV 8 Baron A lord, owning lots of land 1483 - 1483 Edward V 8 Henry VIII Separated the Church of England which would be worked by 1483 - 1485 Richard III from the Roman Catholic Church as peasants part of the English Reformation. Had six wives. 9 Knights Warriors who would protect 1485 - 1509 Henry VII the Barons land and fight for 1509 - 1547 Henry VIII 9 Elizabeth I Defeated the Spanish Armada and the King in times of war oversaw the flourishing of English 1547 - 1553 Edward VI drama including Shakespeare and 10 Peasant The poorest people in 1553 - 1553 Jane Christopher Marlowe medieval England, usually 1553 - 1558 Mary I (Bloody Mary) farmers 1558 - 1603 Elizabeth I