Working hand in hand! The Profession and the Y. M. G. A.f What do you think of that? It was such a short time ago that It almost seems like sresterday when f>ractlcany all churchmen and most church* goers looked askance at actors! The good people of the community regarded them as an irrererent and wicked lot given to msmterious evil rites and prac¬ tices—a class as separate and wholly apart as Gypsies and as clannish. Perhaps they did not actually believe that the players, as many a prelate and evangelist of that day charged, were actually In secret league with the Prince of Evil, but they did think they were a Godless, UIdoing, cabalistic crew whose ways were dark and mysterious and who constituted a sinister menace to the morals of the youth of the land. Now all is changed. And the change, though it arrived softly and very quietly, was so sudden and unexpected that the players at least are dazed. Yea, even doubting in many instances. For, having rapidly frisked each himself and then looked about and appraised his fellow strtists, it Is not apparent that it is the pro. that has changed—not greatly. He is pretty much the same happy-go-lucky, warmhearted, generous, sympathetic, careless chap as of yore. If anything he is a little braver, a little less selfish and more self-sacrificing, a little better informed and consequently broader. Perhaps he is a little more closely devoted to his art, and, mayhap, the war has rendered him a bit graver. But that is all. * There never was much the matter with him save that he walked alone and was little understood. He craved hospitality in his wanderings end sought it, not from those who looked upon him with misgiving or fear, you may be sure, nar from those who viewel him with suspicion and distrust, but where it was offered. It is ten to one that it was an actor who scratch^ the now world famous window pane quatrain: Whoe’er has traveled life’s dull round. Where’er his stages may have been. May sigh to think he still has found The warmest welcome at an Inn. The hotel derk always wore a smile. So did the hotel barkeep—and other barkeeps. The welcome sign stared at him from the door mats in front of the gambling houses, the glad hand was extended him by the pool room touts, and doors in the redlight district ever flew open at anyone’s approach. But Christian folk held aloof. And the player let them. What has wrought the change? Listen. It was the growth of education, the spirit of service and billiards. Bigger, broader men crowded the narrower and bigoted ones out of the Y. M. C. A. and got some billiard tables in. It worked well. Then they stole some more of the saloon’s stuff—the bowling alley—and that worked. Then they admitted popular song records for their victrolas and phonographs. AND THEN GENERAL PERSHING CALLED FOR PROFESSIONAL ACTORS AND V.AUDEVILLE ARTISTS .AND THE THING WAS DONE. UNDERSTANDING TRIUMPHED AT LAST. The Y. M. C. A. people saw. They did not demur, consider or even paose. They jumped at the suggestion and grabbed it. The players were not taken in as an experiment nor on sufferance or probation. They were called to service—to help—to labor. They, too, are broad and tolerant. They, too, are imbued with the spirit of service. They will prove not a liability, but the biggest kind of an asset. If anyone doubts it I^him just watch the drive November 11-18. $170,000,000 is asked^or ($80,000,000 more than that is actually needed'), but all that showfolk are asked to raise of it is $7,000,000, of which $2,000,000 is expected in New York City alone. Watch their quota go over the top. All that is said in the foregoing goes also for the Nationa’ Catholic War Council, the Jewish Welfare Service and the Young Women's Christian Association. These will participate in the lun^ raised, as will also the War Camp Community Service, the American Library Association and the Salvation Army. T --- NOVEMBCR •, WIS

SCEIMERY Diainond Dye, OtI or W»t«r Ooloq. SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO. COLUMBUS. OHIO. A NEW LINE OF NEAT-LOOKING THE THREE IRWINS VELVET DROPS and STAGE SETTINGS AT LIBERTY B«»utiful oolor^ any sue. lt<>ntal;> anil eaa> unna- BEAUMONT VELVET SCENERY STUDIOS. For Winter Seuon. (Ux good arta. Would Hk* to li**r 245 Weal Forty-alxth Strert, - New York City. from reliable xhowman. AJdrega WU. J. IRKIN, 935 Market Street. • • San Franciico. Cal. PATRIOTIC JEWELRY SteelTille, 5llaaourL AT LIBERTY WANTED FOR WILLIAM KIBBLE'S AT PRICES EASILY WITHIN THE REACH OF THE FAIR FOLLOWER AND STREETMAN’S TRADE Physiclin RegIstmit la Wlsmsin UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CO. (exempt from draft) will Join naedldne Mmw. Lang Tronbont for Band and Orchr!-e, tent or opera b’ Service Ring, 113121—Persian Ivory Sweetheart and once or whew neerled. State terms in Srst letter. WANTED COLORED MUSICIANS in red, white and blue. Gross, $11.25.1 Chain, national colors. Gross, $12. DOCTOR, care Billboard. ClnclnnaU. Ohio. To Join on wire. Tuba. Baritone, Clarinet and Trap 432—Persian Ivory Service Brooch, with Infantry or Artillery Insignia i Drummer. CJIN PLACE one Novelty Act; prefer one dangling. One. two and three stars. Brooch in red, white and blue.' AT LIBERTY that can double Band. This Is a two-car show, out Specify number of stars and branch FOR THE FIRST TIME IN TWO YEARS. SICKNESS all winter. Addresa C. R. KIBBY’S DIXIELAND Gross, $13. of service. | MINSTIUX8. Cabin Creek. Ark., NoTeml>cr 7, 8 and IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES GUARANTEED. IS THE REASON. 9; Twins. Ark., -Nofember 10. 11 and 12. P. 8.— PIANO OR CORNET FOR ONION ORCHEHRA Eugene Cuylcc, if at liberty, wire. We ship pame day orders are received. Small deposit insures shipment. sight reader, familiar wMh aaast of the aUndardv. Yeara of experience In all llnea. Can fumlab beet of reference. Will anawer all communlratlona lUet WANTED IMMEDIATELY Sterling Silver army diocharge. Location preferred, but wtHiId ronitder Trap Drummer, for Vaudeville Theatre, alvo three . OEO. A. (UasEV. Moving Picture Operators. Full particulars -egarding ISO> Burhman Wt.. •mriCBee. eapablllUea, ate., flrit letter. UftWARO- WTLLtt AMI SB. CO.. IN'C.. Wilmington. N. C. Army Service Ring AT I IRCRTV PIANO DIRECTOR OR Ml UIDCnlT PIANIST. Speelalfj. TauderlUw Muaical Comedy. Experienced serenteen yeara. Exempt I'nlon. JERRY J£RBELD, XI WANTED, BAR PERFORMERS Patriotic Novelties Take Finely Crown St., New Haren. OwnacUenL Straight and Comedy, for winter and circua seasons. PERSIAN IVORV MAKES METAL “STRIKE ITS COLORS.** Address W. C. GUICE. 3537 Haokherry SL, Clnciu- T)m CiU of OUT CiMinUy U b«i>c aat araryxnMr*. Ttu iwl hatl, Ohio. heart and the foUu left behind publlxb tbetr patrlotUm and bind their bleeding heuta by abowing their colon in modem taahloiL No. 431—Amerlean Flag Serr- • WHIP WANTED NOTICE, MEDICINE AND -in National colon— 430—Sweathrart Sarrle* STREET MEN! the leader of the loL Bangle I Pin. Admirably adapted for tha Will pay caab for Fortabl* Whig. State prlcw and an ahowa one, two or three atan. I girl xrho’a waiUng. firsM flQ parUeulari In fnt letter. CRnCBS'T AMU DEMENT We hare the beet aelling Medicine Proposition on CO., Box 8*0, New Orlrana. Laulstana. •artlt. A bank draft In each package and we pay the .Gross, $121 •*".ur(w,>iM war taa. Write us for samples and full information. Addrsaa HERBS OF UF£ MEDICINE CO., Sprlng- No. 429—SeiTire Pin, 1, 3 or S atara. Meana Arnti (ft Belil niir.eis. much to lather, mother, alster. brother. Ulua*, WANTED AT ONCE FOR CLARK’S BIG UNCLE TOM SHOW. 12‘K Gold Filled Service Rings People In all Unre U> double B. A O. Addreea MAN¬ CAROUSELLE ORGANS REPAIRED AGER OEO. 8. eXABK. P. O. Boi IS. OlmU. NT^T. ' Erery soldier and sailor ta as proud of one of thaas and REBUILT with NEW MUSIC M he would be a crllege degree. Worn by bla family, too. - iWAX FIGURES Any make. Cylinder. Cardboard or Paper. Ppeclal In¬ No. 2796- Gross, $27. No. 2771—Dozen, $4 THE BIO PAYINS ATTRACTIONB, ducements for work contracted for now. Full partlc- JISif lYhlle we gladly ship C. O. D., a small deposit will Prealdeat ^aop. Oenaral Penbing. FAch. Csg Qlara on request. Established in Philadelphia over 20 hasten the shipment. Georg*, liaroin. Waablngion. Uncle Ram and eUt- yeara. J. S. GEBHARDT ORGAN CO.. Becogniziny the acute buylnr ser-e r' Streettnen. w* aiw ent including Butcliar Bill, Underground Chinatown Tacony. Philadelphia, Pa. gMH to hare you aa* a copy af aur aew Fifum. Usta W. tL J. 8UAW. VlctorU. Ma. BUYERS* GUIDE—FREE TO YOU. stick a postal in the mail and ha glad yow did. WANTED QUICK CHEWING GUM RILLfOSTERS. Todd and Grout, wire angwer ouirk. ORIENTAL MANUFACTURING CO., '''•'*>~p5SVid°e*Sc^ .. i. Aia* wa-nt Bam. Trombone and Alto for Virginia Col- Cat our Prtoai. Wa maka all klada. cred Mlnilreia. K H. JONES, American Anne*. St HELMET GUM SHOP. r • CInclanatl. Ohie. Louis, kflasoutl WANTED forA PAIR COUNTRY KIDS People in all lines, especially thoee doubling brass; also Musicians fop Rube Band, Soubrette, also Man for Silly Kid to feature. Harry Green, AT THE- wire address. Managers in Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania, send in open time. Address BERT RUTHERFORD, FAYFTTEVIIIF.H.C., FAIR, WEEK HOI. 11 Planters* Hotel, Chicago, III. Can place Athletic Show, t ill furnish outfit; also have room for Motordrome or Silo. Wanted—Several Girls for Musical Comedy Show, Piano Plaj-cr and Plant. Perform¬ ers. Those who wTote Ijcfore, write again. Can place Sjiot-the-Spot, Hoop-La, Ball Games and other Conces-sions. We pltu’ all South Carolina Fairs originally liooked on later dates, including Columbia, S. C., State Fair, and expect to have late season. WANTED FOR SHEESLEY’S ZOO Address BEN KRAUSE, Mgr. Krause Greater Shows, Fayetteville, N. C. Meritorious Freaks, Curiosities, Circus Stadium and Vaude¬ ville Acts suitable for Mammoth Museum, Hippodrome and Zoo. Can place few Legitimate Concessions. COWETA COUNTY FAIR J. M. SHEESLEY, Corner Gay, Lexington and Fr*derick Streets, t t BALTIMORE Newnan, Georgia, November 11 to 16 THIS WILL ECLIPSE LAST YEAR’S ACHIEVEMENT IN NORFOLK L(x»ted on lot in heart of city. Want few more independent shows and legitimate confessions. Exceptional opjiortunity for Ferri.s wheel, a.4 there has not been one Whitney Shows Wants up-to-date Camussal and legitimate Conwwslona. Will fiimlah Tent OutllU tor Athletic. Ilawallan or any here in ten years. Want colored performers (Piedmont, wire) and musicians for gwxl Feature Show. Want Team or Single Parfonner, mala or female, fat beat eolortrl HanL nbow on road. pl^tation show. Address THOS. P. LITTLEJOHN, Manager. ' CAN ITSE Canvaiman. All winter in cotton country. Addreas A. P. WHITNEY. Athaaa, Ttaatatrw. tni Novamher 9. lAIAMTCn PRIMA DONNA, STRAIGHT SALES BOARD OPERATORS! « M IE I b ■/ man and SOUBRETTE -SOMETHING NEW- All must lead numbers and quartette if necessary; also two eiperienced Pony Chorus Girls. State height. Join on wire. Don’t write. Address Q. A. LYONS’ AMERI* THE GREATEST PREMIUM SET MADE C.\ MAIDS, 215Albert Court, Apt. A, Fairmont, W. Va. It gives you the largest profit for the smallest investment, with no loss on return go^s. ^nd us your name and address today. We will send you one on ApproviL EMPIRE JEWELRY COMPANY, Eighth and Locust, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED, STAGE CARPENTER Must make yourself generally usefultui torfor Mj’sterious Smith Co. . SMITH, 809 So. Ist St., West, Cedar Rapids, la. AT LIBERTY H. ANDRE LANGDON • ® ® ■ m ■ ■ /MDC(MRS. LANGDON’SI AMcnnaiYC BOYonv “HARRY")idUADovtiv — LECTURER- WANTED FDD THE WINTEt,FEIRIS WHEEL MEN bat-traps to radium. Good opening for Cook House. Performers for Plant. Show. Tuscaloosa, Ala., 32S9 IVfadlson Street, CHICAGO. week November 4th: Andalusia. November 11th. WANTED FOR UNCLE SAMMIE’S GIRLS AND BOYS _Address WASHBURN-WEAVER UNITED 8HDW8. Man with Una-Fon, three Lady Buglen. two Cbunia Girli. Singliig and Dancing Slater Team, Ladies doing Bingle or Double SpeclalUaa. Sute lowest I pay all after joining. Other go

the blacklisting of White Rat mem¬ bers, depriving them of a means of CARNIVAL WHITE RATS REALTY CO. livelhood, which resulted in a loss of their patronage and their friends to the White Rats' Clubhouse, greatly Invades the Metropolis SUES, CHARGING CONSPIRACY depleting its income. _ The alleged contract clause, whereby __ ^ rv i » artists appearing in the houses con- Has Not Only the Principal Names E. F. Albee, Martin Beck, Alexander Pantages, trolled by the managers of the several Streets, But Broadway — circuits, named as defendants In this ir»o urn S. Z. Poli, Gus Sun, Pat Casey, C. S. Hum¬ suit, were compelled to forsake the nockeieller, Jr., White Rats' Union—if a member— Sponsor phreys, J. J. Murdock, B. S. Moss, and, furthermore, that he or she must be a member in good standing in the ]ohn Ringling and Others National Vaudeville Association, is also New York, Nov. 3._New York cited. branch of the Showmen’s League of The charge also is brought forth In America, at a meeting held Friday New York, Nov. 4.—The White Rats Keefe and Pat Casey, prepared for Mountford affidavit, that the late night at the clubrooms, 817 Sixth Realty Company, Inc., thru Joseph J. the managers a list of the names of James J. Armstrong, in connection avenue, formulated plans whereby the Myers. Its attorney, has filed a suit the men and women who were mem- with Harry Burton and Harry Cook— outdoor showmen now in the East will for damages In the United States Dls- hers of the White Rats' Actors Union, also cited as defendants In the action play a prominent part In the United trlct Court of Southern New York for qj. Associated Actresaes, said list —hired the front rooms opposite the | War Work Campaign, the sum of $378,000 against the varl- created for the purpose of pre- White Rats' Club, ostensibly for a -As a result of the meeting Broad- ous vaudeville managers and booking the artists named thereon booking agency, but in reality, it is al- way, Sixth avenue. Park avenue and agenu and their subsldlariM. In a obtaining engagements in their I to aPV upon the performers several other of the most prominent lenghty affidavit sworr to by Harry j.ggpgptive lines in this country or that went in and out of the White streets in the busiest section of New Mountford. as president of the plain- the list was prepared Rats' Club, their names being reported York will take on the air of a carnl- tiff, allegations are set forth accusing Instigation of the managers and ** ^*^o refused to val for the week of November 11, per- ths defendants of conspiracy to in- booking agents, whq carried into effect (CooUsaeS oo page M) mission having been granted by the Jure and destroy, and did so Injure and _ParkPark Commission for the use of cer-cer¬ dcetroy the plaintiff in its business en- - ■ - ■ . .i i.— i. " t^intain streets and parks on which to terprises and assets, to so obtain poa- a ^ » VTf # *¥41 ¥ place shows, rides and concessions, the session of its property. £k iwA| J| K 1$ I I U V IIm A I U receipts from which are to go into In its complaint the White Rats' A PAUL AmAjaKEITH’S A MA DEATHjl AA the fund. Many showmen have al¬al- Realty Company, Inc., the plaintiff, ready volunteered their services and thru Mountford. mentions nineteen , - , , X t •r the use of their equipment, while the separate theatrical corporations and oulCKCll lH lIlC irtlTlC Ol L«116**~C/^11CQ BClOrC committee."* appointed are hustling to forty-three indivldualaindlvlduala followingFollowing are ¥!•_ np. T? I? AILat* I XT xt. as x o round up every available showman In their names: MlSHis 1I imCime—E.-t.r. F. AiDCeAloee IS INOW the Magnate OU- the vicinityVlcmity of New York and secure United Booking Offices, Inc.; Vaude- /- D* 'T'* ir J *t1 • A j tilshis pledge to aid Inin the great work. vllle Managers' Protective Association, preme otoi t3igt5ig i ime v auaeviiie in America I The meeting v.’’as an enthusiastic ^nc.; Martin Beck, Sylvester Z. Poll, _ on© and the showmen present took Morris Meyerfeld, Jr.; A. Paul Keith, keenly to the Idea of doing their part Ooldle Pemberton, Jack O’Brien, also New York, Nov. 4.—A- Paul Keith,Keith Genial, kindhearted and democratic in to make the drive a success, and. known under the alias of English Jack son of the late B. F. Keith and presl-presl his dealings with the people of the spurred on by the prospect of present- O’Brlen; Alexander Pantages. Claude dent of the B. F. Keith Vaudeville Clr- vaudeville world, he was generally Ing their attractions on the principal S. Humphreys, Edward F. Albee, Jack cult, died Wednesday night, October liked. It was largely thru his efforts streets of the largest city of the world, Costello, Pete Walsh, name Pete being 30, at the home of E. M. Robinson, following his trip to France last year everjone Is praying for a week of mild fictitious: Joe Oalllenl, also known un- 20O W. Fifty-eighth street. He had fl** Overseas Theater League was weather so that the best results can der alias of Joe Sullivan: Western been ill for less than a week Death established. He was Interested in va- be obtained. Vaudeville Managers’A-ssoclatlon. Inc.; ,^.39 due to pneumonia following an at- charities, especially orphan Chairman Jos. G. Ferari presided at Charles Wesley Fraser, Fred Nixon- tjmn ah in asylums. the meeting Friday night and related Nlrdllnger, Gus Sun. Pat Casey. John , J. “ , * Mr. Keith returned from a trip of briefly the object, namely, the affllia- Doe, also known under the alias of ® , oria loses one of its inspection of his Western properties tion and support of the leagiie In the Red Mike; John J. Murdock. Monk I "'°st prominent vaudeville managers, about ten dayi ago. and on Thursday United War Won. Campaign. He Flanagan, the name Monk belnj Born January 3, 1815. in New York afternoon. October 24. while at the then Introduced H. McDonald, assist- ftctitlous; .Amalgamated Vaudeville City, Mr. Keith moved with his par- home of E. M. Robinson, complained ant to John P. Days, under John D. Agency, Inc.; Benjamin S. Moss, Na- ents to Boston w’hile still a child and of being ill. Dr. Herman Biggs was Rockefeller. Jr. (the official head of tlonal Vaudeville Artists, Inc.; Mar- had always made that city his home, called and found Mr. Keith’s condl- this movement). Mr. McDonald ex- cus Loew Booking -Agency, Inc.; Mar- After his early education he engaged tlon such that he ordered trained plained his organization desired to get cus Loew. Henry Loew, Frederick K. in the show business for several years niir."5es to be summoned. Mr. Keith away from the means and novelties Procter, Walter F. Keefe. Joseph M. before entering Harvard College, grew steadily, and the end came employed during the Liberty Loan .'k'henck, Nicholas Schenck, Harry Following his graduation from Har- at 7 o’clock last Thursday night. With Drive to secure results for this event. Burton, Armstrong Entertainment vard in 1901 he immediately entered him at the time of his death were Mr. which takes place thruout the United Bureau, Harry Cook, John Jacobs, the theatrical business with his father, Robinson and E. F. Albee. Funeral States November 11 to IS. He further also know under the alias of John who was associated with the Keith & .«»ervice8 were held Saturday morning stated that it was he who had sug- Harrls; Variety, Inc.; Slme Silverman. Proctor enterprises and the United in Poston at St. Cecilia’s Church, Car- gested the Showmen’s League of Bohert E. J. Corcoran, 229 West Forty- Booking Offices. Four years ago his dlnal O’Connell officiating. Among America as the medium thru which to sixth Street Corporation, Inc.; Clark father dropped dead of heart disease the large party that went from New Inject the novel methods to secure Brown, Harry Davis, Herman Fchr, at a hotel at Palm Beach, Fla., and A. York to attend the services were Reed real results. Having some knowledge of .Mike Shea, Walter Vincent. Harry Fel- Paul Keith inherited an estate estl- A. Albee and Mrs. Reed .Albee, Mrs. the requirements of the outdoor show- ber. Aaron Jones, Charles E. Kohl, mated at more than $2,000,000. He E. F. -Albee, Miss Mary Smith, siister men to put on their attractions he had Niort Singer. James H. Moore, John became half owner of the Keith the- of Mrs. E. F. Albee; E. G. Lauder. Jr.; made a canvass of locations on which Ringling, Sam A. Scribner and the atrical Intere.-sts, E. F. Albee owning Mr."«. Lewis Cave, Mrs. V. McFarland, to adequately set up the various shows Mutual Tank. the other half; in addition he was left daughter of the late Denman Thomp- and riding devices which might be The allegation l.>* made against the considerable personal property. He son; J. J. Murdock. E. M. Robinson, available. -Among the location.s which National A’audevUle .Artlst.s. Inc., that was president of the vaudeville circuit Maurice Goodman, Judge E. E. Me- have been offered and promised by It Is under »he control of the Vaude¬ and also of the United Booking Offices. Call, John C. McCall, vice-president of the Park Commission are that portion ville Managers’ Protective As<*oclntlon. Mr. Keith was u:imarrled and as far the New York Life Insurance Com- of Columbus Circle embracing the en- •and the purpose Intent of the V. M. as Is known had no near relatives. He pany and college classmate of A. Paul trances and adjoining land of Central r .A. obtaining possession of the pos- mud© his home at the Puritan Hotel Keith; S. K. Hodgdon, Harvey L. Wat- Park, the Forty-second street .-"ide of ••"psslons of the plRlntiff—that Is. the In Boston. He was very popular so- kins, Harry .A. Daniels, E. V. Darling, Bryant Park, a site for a ferris wheel White Rat.s’ CRib House—was for the daily and was a member of the Har- Lester Riley, manager of the E. F. or similar device at Bowling Green, tisc and benwfft of the N. A”. .A. vard cluKs of Poston and New York. Proctor interests; I. Robert Samuels, a space, 75x25. in front of the Tribune Mountford in hl.s affidavit states that the Boston Athletic Club, the Algon- Harry T. Jordan, Joseph Dougherty, Building, now occup'.'d by a marine a committee composed of the defend- quin Club of Boston and the Boston Frank Evans, Alf T. Wilton, Elmer E. tent, which w’ould be removed if re- ants, John J. Murdock. Benjamin S. .Athletic Association. His New York Rogers, Colonel Marceu, John J. Mac- quired; a park facing lower Broadway, ^033, Joseph M. Schenck, Walter home was at the Blltmor© Hotel. (Cootlnoed on page 57) (Continued on page 57) The Edition of This Issue of The Billboard Is 33,500 Copies NOVEMBER 9, 1918

early age. She had been seen In sup¬ Fund Raised port of Brandon Tynan. William Harris REVENUE BILL COMPLETED and other well known actors. She was Ry Clilcago Theater >Ianagcrs’ Asso¬ in the cast of The Only Way, with ciation To Assist Xeeely Actors Henry Miller. Her last engagement Finance Committee Has Finished Revision of Meas¬ was with Lew Fields in The Never Homes. ure After Weeks of Work—Now Ready for Funeral services were held today at Campbell Funeral Church under the Introduction in Senate auspices of the Actors’ Fund. A daughter, Mrs. Louise Hosmer, sur¬ CHANGES MADE ARE FAVORABLE vives. Navy Men To Put on Shows Results of Efforts Made by Representatives of the Norfolk, Va., Nov. 2.—A permanent Amusement World Are Apparent naval theatrical organization has been formed by officers and enlisted men of in the New Bill the Hampton Roads Naval Training Station, and a variety of naval musical comedies and shows will be on tap for Washington, Nov. 4.—The Finance] made to other persons, a tax of 1 cent Norfolk and cities of the Eastern sea¬ Committee of the Senate has completed for each 5 cents or fraction thereof of board soon. the revised revenue bill, after working the price so charged to such other per¬ A meeting will be held next week to Beginning To Move for weeks on the measure, as it passed sons for the same or similar accommo¬ perfect the organization and to plan the House, and it is now ready for in¬ dations, to be paid by the person so the winter offerings and to select the Columbus, O., Nov. 2.—After being Interned here for more than three troduction in the Senate. There is a admitted. directors and heads of departments. trong impression that the measure wdll The official personnel will probably be weeks Her Regiment company has (3) Upon tickets or cards of admis¬ be passed practically as it is intro¬ the same as that of The Frolicking temporarily abandoned the K. & E. Cir¬ sion to theaters, operas and other duced in the Senate. Tars, the Training Station’s big min¬ cuit and will go on the S. & S. (Shot places of amusement, sold at news Numerous changes are made as to strel hit. and Shell) Time next week, The Vic- stands, hotels and places other than amusement taxes, these being the re¬ Frolicking Tars is the nucleus of the tor Herbert operetta is to be presented the ticket offices of such theaters, sult of effort on the 'part of those in¬ organization, as the aggregation is at Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, the first operas or other places of amusement, terested in the industry. The new bill, planning to go on the road Just as soon half of next week. The company was as far as it applies to amusement in¬ (Oootinued on page 59) as the “flu” epidemic is over and per¬ booked at the Grand Opera House, Cin¬ stitutions, is as follows: cinnati, for the week, but the epidemic ban is still in force in that city. TITLE VIII—TAX ON ADMISSIONS lONE O’DONNELL The George Arliss company left hero AND DUES today for Milwaukee, where It will re¬ Sec. 800. (a) That from and after open Monday after laying oft in Colum¬ November 1, 1918, there shall be levied, bus since October 8. assessed, collected and paid, in lieu of If the local lid is lifted A Tailor- the taxes imposed by Section 700, of Made Man company, which has been the Revenue Act of 1917: rusticating in Detroit since October 19, (1) A tax of 1 cent for each 5 cents will reopen the Hartman Theater here or fraction thereof of the amount paid next Monday. The company canceled for admission to any place on or after three weeks of Southern time on ac¬ such date, including admission by sea¬ count of the "flu” epidemic. son ticket or subscription, to be paid by the person paying for each admis¬ sion. Camp Devens Attractions (2) In the case of persons (except bona flde employees, municipal officers Camp Devens, Mass., Nov. 2.—The on official business, persons in the mili¬ weekly offerings at the Liberty Theater tary or naval forces of the United here, under the auspices of the War States when in uniform, and children Department, opens with a benefit per¬ under twelve years of age) admitted formance for Headquarters Troop, .Mail free or at reduced rates to any place at Detachment of 12th Division, by the a time when and under circumstances House of Scandals musical comedy under which an admission charge is company, November 3, at a matinee. In the evening the 42d Regimental Show—ten topliner* act.s—give.s a Liberty Theaters vaudeville show; Nov. 4. Pals First, featuring the late Harold Lockwood and Fatty Arbuckle in Good Night AVill Continue To 0|)crate .Vftcr Peace Nurse; November 5, the American Is I>c<‘lared Miss O'Donnell, of the lone O’Donnell Compuiy, Is one of the most gorcessful of the younger imislrsl propagand.a picture, in seven reels. The comedy stars, and has in her support this Mason an eiceptiocaUy strong company. She la under the personal direction of George Itonahue. Unbeliever, and Fatty Arbuckle again New York, Nov. 4.—At a recent in The Bell Boy; November 6, Pathe meeting of the Commission on Train¬ Weekly, Charlie Chaplin, in Shoulder mission can be obtained. Its “cruise," ing Camp Activities it was decided More Entertainers Sail Arms, and Laughing Bill Hyde, with which w’as to take in all the big ports that the Liberty Theaters will con¬ Will Rogers November 7, 8 and 9, the on the Atlantic Coftst, was terminated tinue to operate and give entertain¬ New York, Nov. 2.—Fritz Williams comedy. Are You There, furnishes the abruptly in Baltimore a few weeks ments for the soldiers after peace is and his wife, Katherine Florence, have entertainmeiiL ago, and the husky entertainers have declared as long as the soldiers re¬ sailed for France as members of one of been taking a much needed rest at the main in camp. It is also the intention the overseas units of players. With bf!S'> since. Theater Receipts Increase of the Government to make con¬ them sailed George Bowles, who goes templated improvements and additions as a representative of the Division of Among the musical features being to Liberty Theaters us originally Films. planned is a musical comedy, written Reports from Paris indicate that theater attendance has increased and planned. by musicians and librettists on the Base—and there are scores of mu¬ that there has been a gradual return to Dan Dale Wounded sicians there. Bandmaster I. Feldman, normal conditions. In August, usually Wife of Fred Zimmerman Dies director of the celebrated naval base the dullest theatrical month of tho year, theatrical, taxes amounting to Daniel Dale, of Cincinnati, now’ in orchestra, at present is collaborating France with the 147th Infantry, writes $170,000 were collec’ted in Pari.s, iind in Philadelphia, Nov. 2.—Mrs. Vesta with good composers on a musical that on October 2, four days after the Sejdember the amount was largely in¬ Morgan Zimmerman, wife of J. Fred orr:r:’-’ w'll bo produced when big drive, he was struck in the leg creased. It Is also not«‘d that while but Zimmerman, well-know’n manager of the next cruise of Frolicking Tars Is by a piece of shrapnel and slightly $170,000 wore collected In Paris theatrical enterprises, died October 30 completed. wounded. Dale was formerly stage during the first eight months of 1917, at the Hotel Walton. Death, w’hich Frolicking Tars will show first at manager of the Chin Chin company. during a like period in 1918 the amount was due to a complication of diseases, ;u:n at the Base, and will was $1,410,000. foliow’ed a longstanding illness. then go on the road. Mrs. Zimmerman was 49 years old. Mrs. Mary Tammany Claude T. Brown, the doughty end She was born at Malden, Mass., and man—he of the Lew’ LKyc.kstadcr type— Flo-Flo Opens at Illinois was a daughter of Dr. George B. Saw- If back In the harness, having recovered Succuinlw to liong llIno.s.s—Was on telle and liugenie Sawtelle, an old New from a severe Illness, and Is the life of Chicago, Nov. 2.— F'lo-Flo, the mu¬ Stage for Forty, Years England family. She married Mr. 'he rehearsals. W. Brooke Johns, the sical comedy, which enjoyed a success¬ Zimmerman about fifteen years ago. lengthy, handsome singer, and Brown’s ful New’ York run last summer and was Her illness began a year ago and con¬ New York, Nov. 2.—Mrs. Mary Tam¬ side kick. Is somewhat hoarse from re- one of tlie iH)stponeorted by an able caFt. NOVEMBER 9, 1918

Friend of Showmen Actors Lauded

AViis Nelson Chicago Banker, For the Part They Have ’Taken In War Who Died Last Week j BROADWAY BITS 1 Work Chlcngo, Nov. 2.—Nelson Norman New York, Nov. 2.—In a statement Liimport, vice-president of the Fort made public Wednesday Francis M. Dearborn National Bank, died Wednes- . Hugo, Secretary of State for New York, New York, Nov. 2.—The carnival is coming to town! No enclosures, no (lay, October 30, at Excelsior Springs,' .pays tribute to the theatrical profes¬ gates—right on the main streets in the heart of New York. Thirty-five bands, Mo. While playing golf he was seized sion for the part it has played in fifty-three attractions, concessions galore. Room and locations for more shows with a cerebral hemorrhage and died in various phases of war work since our and riding devices than all carnival companies combined could furnish, and a short time. He was 47 years old and entrance into the great struggle. all under the direction of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Picture, will you, please, a is .survived by a widow and a son. Nel¬ “As the representative of the great- merry-go-round In front of the Tribune Building, a ferr!s wheel on Times son, Jr. i est State in the Union,” he says, ad¬ Square, a doll rack out In front of the Astor Hotel, a bicycle dive from the top Mr. Lamport was well known to the dressing his remarks to the Actors’ of Churchill’s Restaurant, Bryant Park, at Forty-second street and Sixth .show world, having been a director of Equity Association, "I am indeed proud avenue turned Into a carnival lot, a whip at Fifty-ninth street? But It will the National Outdoor Showmen’s As¬ I to salute men of their character. The all be for charity; in fact, to benefit a number of charities. sociation, as well as being associated I men and women of the theatrical pro¬ The big Allied Charity Drive will commence November 11 and will last with U. J. Hesmann In the Cort Thea¬ fession are Justly deserving of the one week, and Mr. Rockefeller and his associates decided that something new ter In this city. He was a friend of praise that is being bestowed upon to New Yorkers was needed, and, therefore, entered Into negotiations with the all showmen, always ready to help In them as the result of their magnificent Showmen’s League of America, New York Branch, to furnish the attractions. time of need. He was a thirty- efforts toward winning this world war. THE CARNIVAL HAS COME TO TOWN! second degree Mason, and was placed I know of no one profession which has "in the line” for elevation to the • ••••• done more, whose infiuence has been office of Imperial Potentate* of the Mercedes Desmore has Invented a new dance, which she calls the Royal more widespread. Mystic Shrine by his election In Sep- , Abdication. **A sort of a side step,” she laughingly explains. “Men and w’omen of the theatrical tember at Atlantic City to the ofhee of i • ••••• world have Joined hands in entertain¬ Inn>erial Outer Guard. His election ments that have netted hundreds of John Drew is the distinguished representative of the stage on the Com¬ over a field of five candidates was ac- ' thousands of dollars, which are today mittee of the Artists’ War Service League, which will conduct the Mark Twain cepted In Shrine circles as a distinct contributing to the health and happi¬ home for convalescent soldiers and sailors from the profession at Redding, personal tribute from the Masonic fra¬ ness of our men across the waters. Conn., which has been donated for the purpose by Mme. Clemens, daughter ternity of the United States. ’They have gone into their pockets of the famous humorist. Mr. Lampert was prominent In ath¬ • ••••• and responded most generously to this letics and took an active part in the or that call; they have temporarily for¬ affairs of the Amateur Athletic Union. Few people who have laughed with Walter D. Nealand In the little circus saken their profession and Joined the He was a member of Lincoln Park sketch. The Fixer, know that the story is an episode of real life, and was sug¬ colors, and. in some instances, have Board, having served as its president gested to the author by A1 Ringling, based on one of his experiences when paid the supreme sacrifice. for one term. He was a member of the starting into the business. Nealand has bandied elephants, worked lions, “As the representative of the greatest Union League, South Shore Country, clowned—in fact, done everything around a circus. He la In New York pro¬ State in the Union I am indeed proud Chicago Yacht, Glen View Golf. Bank- , ducing another playlet. Nothing But the Truth. to salute men and women of their cali¬ ers. Hamilton and Press Clubs, and • ••••• ber, to know they constitute the bone president of the Chicago Athletic As¬ and sinew of our nation, and publicly Rud Hynickau the Cincinnati political factor auid burlesque magnate, sociation. was seen on Broadway. to thank them for all they have done, • ••••• and I know when I say that I should broaden my statement and say, all they Lambs’ Members Gassed .will do, for they are a hardworking FOOD FOR THOUGHT I class, recognizing neither hours nor New York, Nov. 2.—At the Lambs* Percy Wilbur Hemmlngway states that he knows a fellow who went to distance, and working to the upbuilding Club the names of two members who college for twenty years and at last got a Job as a street car conductor. ■ of the American stage.” are In the service In France are posted I - as among soldiers who have recently j been gassed. Corporal Frank Jefferson,! Lieut. Ford Gassed and Shot son of the late Joseph Jefferson, was I Sydney Wire, after extolling the virtues of the Dare Devils all season. Is on Broadway. He has Ideas for a mammoth show of some sort, but you will have slightly gassed and is confined to a Baltimore, Nov. 2.—Escaping by a to get Sydney to tell It to you In his own way. l>ase hospital. Lieut. Frank Currier, chance that was almost miraculous, a son of Frank Currier, the actor, was • ••••• barrage of high explosives, Lieut. John gassed In a recent engagement and Is Many people wonder why Mrs. Mildred Dockstader Stevenson never fol¬ T. Ford, Jr., who is with the 315th In¬ now in a Paris hospital. He received ' lowed in the footsteps of her illustrious father and took up the stage for a fantry in the front line trenches In the Croix de Guerre and the Distin¬ career. Her beauty, personality and histrionic talent would easily have placed France, Is suffering from the effects of guished Service medal. her In the very front rank of artists. gas and two skin wounds on each leg. Joseph Craven, former employee of • ••••• A letter received recently by his the club, also is mentioned as being A thrilling 'drama in one act, entitled father, John T. Ford, of Ford’s Opera gassed, and, while being carried to the COME BACK TOMORROW House, states that Lieut. Ford is con¬ rear on a stretcher, was killed by a Scene: Booking agent’s offloa. valescing at the base hospital and ex¬ German sniper. Actor—“Well T* pects to leave the hospital in two or Agent—“Nothing.” three weeks, when he hopes to get back (Curtain). into the trenches and help to punish Returns After Six Years • ••••• the Huns for the wounds he and his SUCH IS LIFE pals received from them. Chicago. Nov. 2.—Laurette Taylor R R. Shutt is entertainment director of the Eastern Department of the o|>rned her Chicago run of Happiness, Y. M. C. A- But what’s in a name? Iden Payne Recuperating her latest comedy, by J. Hartley Man¬ • ••••• ners. at the Powers Theater, November William L. Wilkins, from whose fountain pen for years has flowed a stream New York, Nov. 4.—Iden Payne, 1 This is her first appearance in this of alliterative adjectives heralding the wonders of Barnum & Bailey, has been stage director, who recently under¬ city in six years, with the exception engaged as manager of Anna Wheaton’s show, Ob, Boy. I went a serious operation immediately or her three appearances in the all- • ••••• following the premiere of his last star cast of Out There last spring, for The members of Head Over Heels Company have questioned the claim play. Crops and Croppers, has returned the hr nefit of the Red Cross. of Zlegfeld that the prettiest girls on the stage are in the Follies and The Mid¬ to New York and is rapidly regaining night Frolic, and have challenged him for a contest, the Judgment to be on his health. English Theaters May Close beauty of face, form and grace. It is hinted that Nat Goodwin has been asked to referee. #••••• The Follies at Philadelphia .New York, Nov. 4.—Information The queen of the layoffs is Pelham Bay. Philadelphia. Nov. 2.—The Zlegfeld from London l.s to the effect that the Where actors do go without any pay, Follies opened its engagement here Spanish infiuenza epidemic has In¬ ’ For entertaining the boys Thursday night at the Forrest Theater. vaded that city and may cause the Is one of life’s Joys, A capacity audience was on hand. The closing of theaters. In several cities And they’d willingly go every day. the health authorities have ordered • ••••• engagement is limited to nine nights, an interval of two hours between per- owing to the fact that the ban was formance.s in order that the theaters The War Industries Board has decreed that styles and types of gloves' lifted later than was expected, and the may he aired and fumigated. The epi¬ must be reduced. Those of our readers who have propositions which must be' company must leave here to fill other demic already has caused a decided handled with kid gloves had better put in a stock of the aforesaid weapons of• engagements. Before going to Chi¬ decrease In attendance at theaters. . diplomacy as early as possible. cago the organization will stop at Bal¬ I •••••• timore, Washington, I’ittsburg, Cleve- [ “Bill” Powers, who has the elephants at the Hippodrome, after paying a• land and Detroit. Follies Cast Joins Frolic bill of $52 for a ton of hay. was recently heard to remark: "The fellow who invents a substitute for elephants’ feed, in place of hay, can certainly make a Pinafore at the Hipp. New York, Nov. 2.—Owing to the en¬ fortune.” Sam McCracken thoroly agrees with "Bill.” forced temporary closing of the Zleg- • ••••• New York, Nov. 4—.\ccordlng to feld Follies, due to the fact that the Eugene O’Neil, son of James O’Neil, whose play. The Zone, produced last present plans a condensed version of Philadelphia theaters were not allowed season by the W'ashington Square Players, created so much interest, will■ Pinafore will be added v‘o Everything to reot»en at the time expected. Will shortly have a new play produced in New York. ’ at the Hippodrome some time next Rogers, Lillian Lorraine, Eddie Cantor, • ••••• month. .Mr, Dillingham plans to place Ann Pennington, Bee Palmer and other Thomas J. Quincy, the famous high diver, is back on the street recovering■ the Pinafore performance in the spot Follies stars were added to the Frolic from an attack of the epidemic. Tom says that this cold spell will undoubtedly j on the bill now occupied by the roller for Halioween week. send the influenza up the "flu.” skating exhibition. NOVEMBER 9, 1918


No announcement has been made as To Train Actors DUMB ACTS WILL MAKE GOOD to the future of the Empress. For Service as Entertainers In the Stop Work on Moss Theater War Zone

On Any Vaudeville Bill if Given Proper Position, De¬ Camp Grant. Ill., Nov. 4.—Plans are New York, Nov. 4.—The B. S. Moss under way to train vaudeville actors clares Widely Known Novelty Artist—Are Theater, now In the course of erection, here for service as entertainers over¬ at Broadway and 181st street, will not seas. It Is stated that all professional Not Given Opportunity, He Says be finished until after the war, or at entertainers classed as limited aer\-ice least until Government consent is given men, wh'o are now in camp, will be to continue with the building. The detached from their present organi¬ Government order, prohibiting the zations and placed on special duty In BILLBOARD'S STAND IS ENDORSED building of new structures, or the com¬ charge of Charles Neville, theatrical pletion of those which are in their first director. In this way Mr. Neville ex¬ stage of erection, has Just come into pects to secure some high-class teams active effect in New York, and as the of entertainers. Public Tired of Same Old Stuff Every Week—Nov¬ Moss building has not progressed to An order from the War Department elty Acts Scarce Because of Scant Consid¬ the stage where It is anywhere near is expected authorizing the grouping its finished state work on the building of professional entertainers not phy¬ eration Given Them by Managers I has ceased. sically fit for general military service. These, it is expected, will be specially trained for service abroad. New York, Nov. 4.—One of the prin¬ on the road, while the dumb act. If Back to Vaudeville cipal topics of conversation among good, will make good anj'where. vaudeartists seems to be regarding the “When the public wants grand opera, Fluhrer and Fluhrer, G. B. and June, Mayo Unit Now in France stand taken by The Billboard in refer¬ musical comedy, burlesque, pictures, 1 with their sketch. The Tramp, the ence to the makeup of present day (rontinuea on page GTl) Rube and the Girl, are i^turning to Margaret Mayo writee back from vaudeville programs. vaudeville this winter. Mr. Fluhrer for France that the members of the Mar¬ A novelty artist, known from Coast Pantages Leases Theater the past six months was manager of garet Mayo Unit, which left the States to Coast, was Interviewed yesterday, Sterling's Mammoth Uncle Tom's August 9 for a six months* (and possi¬ and expressed himself very strongly in Kansas City, Nov. 2.—A twenty-year Cabin. The act will have entire new bly longer) tour of the Y Hut theaters favor of the position The Billboard has lease was acquired last week for the wardrobe, up-to-the-minute patter, and oversell, shortly after their arrival taken for the betterment of vaudeville. Garden Theater, corner of Thirteenth they will feature their own songs. appeared before 35,000 soldiers of “Yes,” he said, “I have been reading and McGee streets, by S. A. Lynch, of all nationalities and colors at the his¬ your very interesting articles regarding the S. A. Lynch Enterprises, from Wm. Brains With Beauty torical Tuilerles Gardena In Parla The vaudeville of today, and can, without Flynn, owner* of the Twelfth Street entertainers with this unit are Miss the slightest personal feeling, say that Theater, and E. E. Richards, who se¬ Mayo herself. Elizabeth Brice, singer what you have written is all true, and cured a lease a year ago from W. A. New York, Nov. 2.—The title of the and dancer, of the team of Brice and express the hope that you may keep Quigley. Mr. Lynch is said to have vaude\ille playlet, written by Violet King; Lois Meredith, the photoplayer: at it in order that some day, -baps, represented the Alexander Pantages Heming, leading woman of Three Will Moriissey, the actor; Thomas things may change for the best for all Vaudeville Circuit, now operating the Face* Blast, is Brains With Beauty. It Gray, songwriter and monologlst, and concerned In the vaudeville game. As Empress Theater at Twelfth and Mc¬ is soon to have a trial performance at Raymond Walker, pianist. One of their it is now, it’s all wrong. Gee streets, in taking over the lease. Greenpolnt. features is a burlesque act by the en¬ ‘Taudeville means variety—variety tire company, of a group of amateurs Is the spice of life—therefore vaudeville uiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii- getting up an entertainment for the should flourish above any other present soldiers, and hugely enjoyed by the day entertainment. I ATTENTION! PERFORMERSl ATTENTION I | fighting boya “The so-called ’big time’ booking E Professional Copies Now Ready of Our Latest Son^ E managers imagine that the public j Former Vaudeartist Dies wants a musical comedy kind of a j show, and that Is why they Invariably! I YOU BROKE MY HEART I arrange their bill featured by some mu- j Trenton, N. J„ Nov. 2.—John El E By COLEMAN L. MINOR, E sical comedy star who has no value ■ Course, at one time a member of The writer of Hits. Original writer of AIN’T GOT (A outside of New York and perhaps a | E a "I NOBODY” Hit), E Song Writers’ Review, a big vaudeville Hit), etc., etc.,etc. This is one of the be few other big cities, or some big dan- j act, died Thursday, October 31. at the ballads written in years. An appealing Love Song. True to Life! clng act. surrounded by singing, com¬ Send for Your Copy Today You can't go wrong with a MINOR Sonj home of relatives her*. Following an edy, talking and dancing acts galore. I = Wire, Write or Clall = attack of Influenza he developed pneu¬ If a dumb act is on the bill, whether it monia, which proved fatal. He was 23 is a real novelty or not, it is used to I THE COLEMAN L. MINOR PUB. CO.. LOUIS BAGAN, Mgr. | years old. open or close an extremely long show. = 924 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, BALTIMORE, MD. E Course made his first appearance In In these positions what chance have ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin vaudeville at the State Street Theater they got? here, and soon afterward was mads “The public is sick and tired of the musical director of the theater. At the same songs, same gags and same time of his death he was the leader of dances week after week. Course’s Orchestra. He also was the "Many singing and talking acts that THE ZANCIGS author of My Irish Colleen. go good in New York, where they are helped by their friends, the material producers and song writers, do a ‘flop’ World’s Greatest Mind Readers Needed for “Y’* Huts NOW PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 109 West 87th Street, - NEW YORK CITY New York, Nov. 2.—The New Eng¬ Vaudeartist Dies land Department of the War Council of the Y. M. C. A. is urgently in need of lios Angeles, Nov. 1.—Geo. H. Binns, volunteers to entertain the boys in the who for years was a member of the LATEST PATRIOTIC SONG HIT_ Red Triangle Huts. The "Y” pays all Internationally known vaudeville team expenses, and any artists who happen of Binns, Burns and Binns. died Oc¬ I STAND BEHIND the MAN BEHIND THE GUN | to be laying off in that vicinity are re¬ tober 27 at his home. 1540 Milford quested to communicate to the head¬ street, Glendale, CaL, of pneumonia, A ratetur, stlirliig melodjr. Up to the mlnete words and patrloUc •enUmeDt. ProL Cogtiae aod quarters, 80 Boylston street, Boston, o>.-hr'trallnrs now ready. following influenza. ElirpNin rrnTTitMaTO r«>mN«>««r '"ifth Philadelphia. Pa. Mass. Two years ago Binns retired from the vaudeville stage to enter motion pictures and moved his home from New Joaquin Buckley Marries York. He appeared in many pic¬ $5-NEW FRENCH NEELS--)! tures made in the Los Angeles studios. MORE BRILLIANT THAN RHINESTONCa New York. Nov. 2.—Joaquin W. Mr. Binns is survived by a widow, Quirkly adjusted to any slipper or shoe, girlng greater aparUa than Buckley, well-known playwright and Mrs. Geraldine Binns. and his mother- Jewels. Send size of slipper with order, or send ua your ^Ippara and we mill adiii.l h»eli without eTtra rharra. The follnwlne eelehritlea are author of numerous vaudeville in-law, Mrs. M. E. Mulvihill, who are mrearlng them: Triile PrlEanaa, Marjorte Ramheau, Mollle King. Her¬ sketches, was married Wednesday, Oc¬ in Glendale. He was 32 years of age, bert riirton. VVsnda Lyon, norenio Trmi)eioarcl 7 Vaudeville Reviews By Special Wire C3ilcago Palace Majestic, Chicago

(B«Ti0we4 UtniMj Mit1n«»e, llor«mb«r 4) (Bevlewed Monday Matinee, Ifovamber 4) nurmgo. No*. 4.—Tb* Pilico opened the week Oilctgo, Nov. 4.—The week's new ehow opened with tbe boaae well filled end oo tioie. The vrlth the Orpbenm Travel Weekly, presenting a MU wes meetly comedy, and meeeared np to moQotuDoas series entitled Zloa Canyna, taken Palace ataadardii In l iab. The bouse wae very light, being Na 1—Oeakl aad Tikl, pro^mraed aa nni<]as re-enJoylng It In the same way. istered. Thirty mlnates. faU stage; four cim- bows. The gnest proved to be a* elcrerly funny as ever. tains. No. (5—Plossom Seeley, resplendant In new wardrobe, came back to the Seventeen minutes, fnll stage, full special effects. No. 7—Bnme tnd Frablto, In Shoes, the Palace with the same act she presented here recently with new songs and No. 7—Janet Adair la one of that type which sam» act ta they hare used here before, were dances introduced. Miss Seeley’s own magnetism carried the production makes song and recitations fit Into an entertain¬ fa*orltee. TTie No Man’r Land stopped the over to a great big success. This clever little woman seems now to b« in ment which seems to hop from parlor to the show, and tbe balloon skit polled the laughs. her element, and with tbe able assistance of Bennie Fields, who sings and stage and back again wlthont losing any of tbe Tbe Instrumental work bad the edge taken off has a droll sense of humor, could stay at the Palace for weeks. Miss Seeley charm of either. She had the aadience with her by an earlier act, but It filled tbe Ume. and the could very easily shoulder the reeponslbllltles of a big production. Open In at all times. Bliss Adelphi, at the piano, was n petr got across with two encores, three bows, one to full stage, and many curtains and bows. real part of tbe show. Both were attractive to and held sway for eighteen minutes. watch and entertaining to listen to. Between INTERMISSION No. 8—Mis* Leltxei, la Frolics of the Air, held them they whiled away eighteen short mlnntee. tbe folks la tba theater to her final bow. fthe No, 7—Kate Elinore and Sam Williams, coming on after Intermission, N«. ft—Margot Prancola and partner had «ome la a dalaty little mise. and at llrat glance gives did not set a very fast pace for the last of the hill. Of course. Miss Elinore pecnllar doings on st.It*. which war* not a* well 00 Indication of prowess as an athlete. Her got many a laugh with her rough style of comedy, and Williams' singing of a received as this bill deserves. Thirteen minutes ring and rope work was above tbe average, and particularly good parody received applause, but their finish, v.’hich seemed to with them and the show vraa over.—UIGEL ■he received regular applause. Six minutes. In be overdone from the bowing standpoint, was lukewarm. full stage, two bow*.—LOI IB. No. 8—Bessie Clayton. In a new edition of her 1918 Dance Revne, with the Can.> teen wait where you are Qnartet. died at Aberdeen, 8. D., Monday. No¬ New York, Nov, 4.—The Columbia Bnrleeqne l>e unable to ffnd attractions to put into their until epidemic pesse*. altho some companies vember 4. after but a few days’ Illness of In- Clrcnlt announces that Cleveland Cincinnati, 8t, theaters. s-ere recalled from the road. No one can com¬ flnenza. Mr. Adair’s home was in Tennessee. Loiil* and Montreal remain closed, bat that "Rut do you bear tbe producers, plsywrlshts, pute tbe flnanclal Iom of the theater people, For «everal years be was associated with Fran- all othar wheel towns wUl bo o(m*d by Weil- aiftnngori^ ownem, actors, actreenes, nnder- but It wlU nu iatn muiy atlUkon off doUsn.” cln Heoffzy In tyceum and cbauUnqna work. nesday. November 9, 1918 LAST WEEK’S BEST VAUDEVILLE ACTS IN NEW YORK DITRICHSTEIN OWN MANAGER NEW YORK VAUDEVILLE Will Continue in the Matinee Hero (HILLIAR’S SELECTIONS) Until the Holidays New York, Nov. 2.—No longer are Cohan BEI.I-E BAKER is at tUe Riverside Theater Mile. Nitta-Jo, because she is an apache chantreuse from Montmartre, tills week. I.aat season Miss Baker made a rec¬ because she is undoubtedly the “find” of the season, because her methods & Harris presenting Leo Ditricbsteln in The ord of 252 conseeufive performances in New are a welcome relief, because she sings in English and French, because .Matinee Hero. Instead Mr. Ditricbsteln pre¬ York City, an acliievement never before recorded she has a strangely compelling personality, because she can headline on sents himself, having become bis own mansger. to any vaudeville nrtlst. any bill, and because she is a great single. At the Palace Theater Mon¬ The ebange took place at the close of the per¬ IRENE FR.ANKl.IN and Burton Greene, It is day matinee. formance last Saturday night, vfben the actor stated, are contemplating returning to France Lillian Russell, because she is still America’s queen of beauty, be¬ playwright assumed coutrol of bis own desti¬ next June to continue entertaining “over there.” cause in her unform as sergeant of the U. S. Marines she looked stun¬ nies. In the meantime it is understood they will be ning. because she can still siv.g, because her patriotic address was about the "We are parting company with the friendliest seen in a Broadway production. best made at the Palace this season, because she is going to give her feelings," said Mr. Dltrlchstein, and bis man IIAMII.TON AND BARNES, owing to the salary to the boys Over There, and because she said she had the best agers said as much. “flu," are enjoying their second summer of the husband in the world. At the Palace Theater Monday matinee. Messrs. Cohan & Harris were not willing season at their home at Freeport, L. I. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Barry, because their new offering is a worthy to continue the production of the play, and I states that any kind of an act can be bad down successor to their previous skits, because they fully understand the said I would take it over,” Mr. Dltrirhsteln there on a minute’s notice. wants of an audience, because Barry does not overdo his rube, because continued. The timea have been uuusual, ADEI.INE MITCHELL, the fat girl, who was Mrs. Barry looks the actress, because they both sing, and because the and difficult for a new play. I believe with in Mr. Barnum, at the Criterion Theater, Is in act is a great big laughing hit. At the Royal Theater Monday evening. tlie return of more normal conditions *A Matinee vaudeville in one of Billie Burke's acts. Frank La Dent, because he first of all is a very clever Juggler, be¬ Hero’ will thrive. I will give It a chance for CHARLES fiB.\I*EWIN has two new episodes cause secondly he Introduces so much comedy in his act that he runs a few weeks more. If it does not do what I ready to follow his Poughkeepsie serial. about 50-50 on applause and laughs, because we would like to see him expect I will lay it away and produce anijtber A CERTAIN VACDEARTIST was approached at the Palace, because he would go over very big there, because he will play which I have ready.” the other day by a solicitor from a theatrical be a hit anywhere in any position. At the American Tuesday evening. Wallace Munro, Mr. Ditriebstein’s present trade paper with the request for an advertlse- Harry Watson, Jr., In some ends of Jack Norworth’s Odds and Ends, personal representative, will continue in that ujent. He replied: “What do I wish to adver¬ because he got so many laughs it was hard for the Chaplin picture to capacity, with some added mangerial duties, it tise for? 1 am Isxiked up for forty Weeks, but i follow, because his telephone burlesque is funny in the extreme, because is .said. I will take the $’00 you want me to spend with his boxing bout compels laughter even from the most sedate, and be¬ Contrary to published reports. Mr. Dltrlch- yon and loan It in fives and tens to brother art- | cause he was the big laughing hit of the entire show. At the Palace Bteio does not intend to confine himself to the Ists who may he tcraiiorarlly ‘short’ on account Theater Monday matinee. of the epidemic.” .\ttaboy! Valerie Bergere, because her Japanese classic. Little Cherry Blossom, presentatioD of playa written by himself. At THE AERIAL BUTTERS seem to be particu¬ Is as refreshing as ever, because Miss Bergere is perfectly at home in the present time he is at work on the adapta¬ larly fortunate. Tliey came to New York in the this vehicle, because she looks and acts the part of the Japanese maid, tion of a play by Henry Lavedan, the French midst of I lie c- ideuiic, got an opening, and are because acts so sweet and clever as this are a rarity in vaudeville, and playwright, which was a wonderful snecess working steadily. because it was one of the big hits of the program. At the Riverside at the Coraedie Krancalse, raria, for two sea¬ EUGENE IltnVARD, of the Howard Brothers, Tuesday matinee. sons. With one slight change in the cast The has been made a Captain of the Police Reserves. (New acts coming to New York, please communicate with this Matinee Hero will continue at the Vanderbilt column). until the Christmas holidays, when the Lavedan play will be produced with a notable cast. WORKING IN MUNITION PLANTS^

CHARITY RESENTED BY ACTORS St. Louis Nov. 2.—There are many showfolks woek. and will play the cantonmenta. Bloarom comedy. While en route to Rochester, N. Y., to In St. Louis on aeeount of the shutdown coming SiM-lpy was one of tlie atara who reopened Camp visit his sister, who is ill in bed. Tommy paid Chicago, Nov. 2.—Many prominent actors so¬ In from the smaller towns, and the majority of Upton’s playhouse. the home ofiBce of The Billboard a visit. journing here during tlie period of closed lioiises these have gone to work in the munition plants In the West vaudeville shows are furnishing have expresited Indignation at the UDaiitliorlied In and around St. Louis. While everything is most of the entertainment at present, but later NEWARK CABARETS CLOSED appeal to the pulillc for contrlbutlom to aid closed tight as a drum, yet the percentage of tliey will give way to traveling organizations members of the profession to raise funds, and "flu" cases is smaller in this city than of any that will present standard pruiluctions. New York, Oct. 30.—An order was Issued wlien this was found to be out of the question, other of Its size In the country. Nothing But the Truth resumed its camp tour tod.xy closing the cabarets in Newark, N. J., solicitors visited hotels aud other places in an I last week at Camp Jackson. In ail probability for the duration of the war. effort to secure funds. NEW STARS The reason given is that the authorities Walker Whiteside, Jefferson De Angells and WRITES REMNANT MUSIC believe that the elimination of these resorts otlier prominent actors strongly opposed such ^ Ar« Added to Roster of the Liberty will aid in combating disease among soldiers, New York. Nov. 2.—An interesting feature of action and signified their willingness to take y Theater Circuit sailors and men in the selective draft. Remnant, Florence Nash’s first starring vehicle, part in a monster benefit performance if It was shown that there were actors in actual want. New Y’ork, Nov. 2.—The announcement is made ia the Incidental music. It was written by no tliat with the resumption of the Liberty Thea¬ less a composer thiin Reginald De Koven. There JERRY SANTRY ters a number of names have been added to the will be twelve separate pieces. It is announced FIND THEATER MANAGER'S BODY roster of individual entertainers and traveliug by Charles Emerson Cook, Including the prelude Becomes K. of C. Overseas Secretary and the two entr’actes. organizations playing the camp theaters. A New York, Nov. 2.—“JeiTy” Rantry, of Bing¬ Duluth, Jlinn., Nov. t.—The body of Charles nnmber of Broadway successes are included in hamton. N. Y., who, as a comedian in vaude¬ Marshall, well-known tlieater manager, who was the addition to the list of attractions already TO PRESENT THE MAN THEY ville, has amused the American public for many drowned in I’ike I.aike two weeks ago during playing in the camps. Among them are Parlor, LEFT BEHIND years, has bf^n accepted as a Knights of Colum¬ forest tires, has Ix'en recovered. An Indian Bedroom and Bath, A Tailor-Made Man, May- bus overseas secretary, and will devote his tsient diver, wlio liad twen cngagcil in the task for five time, and Oh, Boy. On December 15 David War- New York, Nov. 2.—William Wood, manager and experience to entertaining American soldiersI days, found the body lialf a mile from the spot field will liegln a tour in The AusUuneer, open¬ of Keith’s Hudson Theater, Union Hill. N. J., and sailors. wiiere the boat containing Mr. Marshall and ing at Camp Devens. will on next Monday, in conjunction with Wil¬ Santry was playing in Tacoma, Wash., whenI hit family had overturned. Mercedes, the Beaumont Sisters and several liam Grew, present The Man They Left Be¬ notified that he had been accepted as a K. of C. other vaudeville stare opened at Camp Dix this hind. Wood and Grew recently purchased the secretary, and the management of the theaterr :illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Eastern rights to the play and it will have its where he was playing graciously permitted him Now York premiere at the Fourteenth Street to cancel three days of a week so he could come Theater. East without delay and prepare for his tripill JUST OUT JOE CAWTHORNE A COMEBACK Hartford, Conn,, Nov. 2.—When Joe Oaw- SOLDIERS WANT SKETCHES = HIT-BITS thome played in The Canary last week be made Private T. Moore, No. 01,794, formerly with 5 A LIttls Bask with Bl| Ideas the unique record of being the only person on Alice Lloyd’s Little Miss Fixlt Company, in Eng- H BY the stage today who can say be played in Hartford IV; ‘ land, BOW with the 7th Battalion Tank Com*. S forty-three years ago and came back. In 1875 3d Advance Workshops, with the British Ex- — tlie Juvenile team of Herb and Joe Cawthome AN ACTOR pcdltlonary Forces, France, requests TTio Bill- “ was on the bill of Newton’s Varieties. Burtop board to obtain aome real American character 22 Htuniey, Manchester and Jennings, Dan Devere, —For the Actor— monologues, blackface, Hebrew or mbc sketches, “ Not Quaatity. but Quality. Al and Jennie Lamont, Charley Vincent, George to be used by English vaudeartlsts now enter- ~ CO.NTALNLNO W. IMke and Rose Melnotte were on the same ta ning wounded Buddies and Tommies "Some- ^ A Wonderful War Rn-ltitlon. bill. Oldtimers will recall Joe Newton’s Varie¬ where in Englind.” Pvt. Moore sa.vs there ZZ Two Great Parodies on Latest Rong Hlta. ties, the pioneer variety bouse in llartford. A rroas-Klre Routine for iSso Men. socr-s to bo a dearth of Yankee humor now in “ A Page of Bright llriginal Jukes. England theatrical offerings, avbich was so ^ A never S-Mlnute Munulugue. A Cross-Fire Routine for Man and Woman. keenly appreciated by Britishers previous tc ^ SPRINGER VISITS Clever Sburt Rlofles-Timely Toptca— the war. He says any ‘’old mantfcrlpt, ao hmg “ Latest 4’trap Tales. OUR IMPROVED J. L. Springer, manager of the W. I. Swain an it has plenty of Yankee comedy," will iu- S Eomigb Material to Make Any Act. Company was a Rilllioard caller last Monday. acceptable. They may be sent to him care of S All For BOOK STRIP TICKET Mr. Sprinecr was on his way to New Orleans the above address. 22 ONE DOLLAR. to n-Tganize the .Swain Show, which closetl Cash. Money 4»tder or W 8. a, on account of tlie epidemic, and hopes to again ADDRESS LEAVITT PRICES: F. O. B. FORT SMITH BEN-HUR HORSES AT HIPP. = h.t the road within two weeks. 730-A Macss 8t.. BROOKLYN. N. V. REGULAR COUPOl (I'4X2'/,) (I'ixS) Nc«' York. Nov. 2.—The horses formerly fca- ,||Mllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllr ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiii»»»">""‘'‘""' 5.000. $ I.PO $12 50 TOMMY DAYTON tnred in the spectacular chariot race in Ben-Hur 0.000. IJ.tO 19.03 are now seen nightly in Everything, the big Hip 200,000. 32.00 52.03 Honorably Discharged From Army podrome s|iectacle, the Lew Wallsco production Special prices on laroer lets en request. having dosed. A treadmill effect has been in Tommy Dayton, formerly of Dayton and Day- stalled that is an exact duplicate of the one Wot* f»r Mir N*a Itll Cat*l«« •• Stack Latter MtsSc Thr-e prices are for our “One-hand" Book Strip ton, who had t>«-«*n doing a ningle since the death Tieset and not the old stylo Roll Ticket. formerly used in Beu-Hur. It required a week ttx> W#a Oaotrrs. caMrmf evar, kraack aS Th«atr»**l of hlH wife, iH-fore entering the service of Uncle WE D<) NOT MAKE ROLL TICKETS .VEITHBR DO t<» accustom the horses to the war scene of Ev¬ arts Ska« BatliwM. artataS la aaa ar mart aalars W* Sam. was ^Iven an honorable dis<-liarge from the Spaclalln ta VhaatrKat Datieaiaf aae Caeravtae. Matt- WE CARRY TICKETS IN STOCK. erything, with shooting cannons, bombs and army Oi'tober 28. He was stationed at Camp tarrat aag Ziaa Ctstoag Larfatt aaS rrraSS aaraplat* tanks, and the khiiki-rlothed drivers replacing Caerawinf aaS Prlatirte Plaat SaaataS ta Tkaatrtcal Wheeler, Oa., and while there he volunteered to WELDON, WILLIAMS & LICK the chariot drivers in flowing garments. Wark. Writa at kataaa krUkrtas Lattaa HaaSt. MaraWr entertain the “Sammies," and lie held the floor FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS aa Cats. »-jr Oaaaa Plaa*. BiilkaarS SiSf , C>a-tl. O. for thirty-seven minutes with his tonga and Look thin the Letter List tbU lasne. NOVEMBER 9, 1918

In Many Cities and States—General Reopening Expected by Nov. 11

New York, Not. 4.—The influenza aituatinn mi lt'-uea l<» luiw cleciiled lin|>rnvement, and In- dicttlona are that by the end of thla week moat 4 GENUINE HITS of tlie ritiea that have been eloaed will have iTi'pened. It la expected that in another week condition* will be as nearly back to normal as can l)e exi>erted after a mouth of idlene**. Already the Improvement 1* quite noticeable Ir New York, many coiiipunle* havlna left town to resume their interrupted tours. Attendance at New York the iters also Las increased as the epidemic has *ubsldeil. Iteports from Cliicairo indicate that theatrical »-ondltlons in tliat territory are practically nor¬ mal. -Ml houses are now open, with the pos- slhle exieptioii of a few small motion picture houses, nliose ventilation docs not meet with the approval of the Health Ih'partment. There was some sliitht confusion in gottlna the vaudeville routes in working order again, hut, as a rule, everything had been planned out in advance in anticipation of tlie lifting of the ban and all are in good working order by this time. The attendance at the various hi U'•'^ lia« been exceptUina’.ly gissi both as re- girds tlie legitimate and vaudeville houses, and all have been playing to capacity bouses. The motion picture theaters have also gone bach to normal altcndiince. Closing time of the houses ha* t>e«'n extcndeil to 10:30 p.m., instead of 10, McCarthy & fisher, inc as originally planned, It is announced that be* ginn ng today tlie ban will l>e lifted entirely If I conditions continue to Improve as rapidly as I 224 WEST 46TH ST., NEW YORK. they have In the past few days. ! BOSTON—240 Tremont St. CHICAGO—Grand Opera House Bldg. Haftimore theater* reopened on Monday of last I wi-ek. and the large attendance at all houses siKiwed that the public weh-oroed a return of ; amusement afti r N>ing without it for two weeks. labor shortage. The same sitnation faces the tors and prodaicem. He wants them for his out- DECLARES INNOCENCE By order of the CommlssioDers of the l»lstrlct motion picture exchanges and movie theater lit. who contemplate patting on some shows, as of t'oluirl la. Was' lrgton theaters n'lq-cn teday. managers. he saya there are plenty of good performers In John F. Brennan Confident of Acquittal The ban was llfterl in Indianapolis on Thursday, his division. Be also wants professional cop¬ on Murder Charge 0< toher 31. CAPT. W. I. SWAIN ILL lea of popular songs, as there are many excel- In some sections of the Southeast the situa¬ lent pianists in tbe Motor Truck Supply Train John F. Brennan, formerly advance man for tion is still had. but for the most part steady Capt. W. I. Swain, one of the beat known men to which he Is attached, and the boys are hun¬ tbe Kelly-Brennan Shows, is In jail at Saginaw, improvement 1* the rule. Atlanta reopened last in the repertoire business, la reported very 111 gry for some regular, oldtline, American Jazz Mich., awaiting trial at Bt. Johns on a charge week. Virginia, (ieorgia. North and South from the efre«'ts of a nervous breakdown. Capt. and popular song stuff. Here Is an opportnnity of mnrder. The crime with which Brennan Is farolina an' scheduled to reopen today, unless Swain was one of the first showmen to enter for energetic song publishers to exploit their charged was committed on tbe night of Septem¬ there Is an unlooked for flarehaek. It is prob¬ the service, and is attache.! to tbe Quarter- compositions. Get the boys “over there” plug¬ ber 4, 1917, at Alma, Mich. A 17-year-oId girl, able that the ban will continue in Kentueky un¬ master's Departmeot. ging and boosting songs and there Is no telling Beatrice Epler, was murdered on that date and til Sunday, November 11. Tlie Ohio Department He la confined to the B.ise Hospital, Ft. Sam to what heights sales will climb to. Address as Albert Elchom, employed by Brennan to assist of Health has decided that the qnestion of re¬ Honston, San .Antonio, Texas. above. In billing his show, has been convicted of tbe opening Is now up to local boards, and this has murder and sentenced to life Imprisonment. It been followed by the opening of a number of COUGHERS AND SNEEZERS LE VOILE DU BONHEUR It alleged by the prosecution that Brennan was towns. Tbe ban was lifted at Dayton Satur¬ WARNED with Elcborn at the time of tbe murder. This day. Clcvelaml Is expected to vpen November la Offering of the French Theater for Brennan denies, and be is confident of establish¬ 11. and Cincinnati either rn Sunday cr Men lay. Week of November 11 ing an alibi when tbe case comes to trial in In both cities the situation shows marked im¬ about three weeks. A change of venue from provement. The Cincinnati Board of Health New York, Nor. 4.—The repertory company Alma to St. Johns, Mich., was secured by the meets Wednesday to de<-ide upon the opening of the French Theatre dn Vlens Colomhier will defense on account of the feeling against Bren¬ date. Birmingham theaters and motion pic¬ offer a distinct novelty for their bill the week nan in tbe town of Alma. ture bouses reopened Thursdsy, October 31. commencing November 11. It is Le Tolle dn Brennan Is 36 years old, married, and has Other cities which have reopened are Omaha, Boobeor, a Chinese fsntasy, by George Clemen- three children. He declares that on tbe night of Minneapolis. Des Moines, Nashville, Binghamton, PHILA. THEATRICAL MAN DIES cesn, the Premier of France, which will mark the murder be spent the entire evening on tbe Syracuse. Norfolk and Chattanooga. tbe American debnt of this distinguished states¬ show grounds and after the show remained in Despite the fact that the situation In Detroit rhiladelphia. Nw. 2.—Frederick Nathan, man, patriot and literati. one of tbe tents talking with members of tbe continues to show Improvement It is in¬ treasurer of tbe Broad Street Theater, died troupe. Mr. Brennan is anxions that his many timated that Sunday, November 10, is the of pneumonia Monday niglit. He w-as 34 years WHITTAKER RAY WEDS friends among tbe theatrical profeeslon become erilcHf ilate titat the State Health Board w 11 c!ii and marrlwl. Nathan bad been treasurer acquainted with his version of the case, as an allow the reopening of theaters and picture f t the Broad Street Theater for fifteen years Philadelphia, Nov. 2.—Whittaker Ray, widely unns’ial amount of publicity and notoriety has bouses. Theatrical Interests and the IH-trolt nr.d was well known to every traveling tho- known tvlvunce agent, ana Miss LEy Mortimer been given it tbruout Michigan. Film Managers’ AsMV'latinn attempted to se¬ afrlcsl man who visited tlie city. He was a were united in marriage this week, ronch to the cure a madiOcat.on of ilie order, but failed. 1 rotber of George Jean Nathan, magazine writer surprise of their friends. Ray is one of tbe MAC McCOLLOUGH—NOTICE and dramatic critic, of New York, and a nephew best known advance agents in tbe theatrical LABOR SHORTAGE FACES of Samnel Nlxoa, well-known theatrii'Sl man. profession, and Miss Mortimer bas for some Mac McCullough—Your brother. Jack McCul¬ THEATERS time been stenographer at the Cheatnut Street lough. better known as Jack Baldwin, black¬ SISTER OF WILSON BROS. DIES Opera House. face comedian, died at tbe State Farm. Weldon, Tex., October 24. You can get Into communica¬ A new difficulty Is confronted by Cincinnati Chicago, Nov. 2.—l.lllle Wilson, formerly of THEATER SAFE IS ROBBED tion with tbe widow of your brother by address¬ theater managers as they are preparing for a Cincinnati, died here (V'tobcr 30. She was 83 ing her at WlUs Point. R. F. D. No. 4. Texas. probable reopening this week. Many of their years old and a sister of tbe Wilson Brothers, Nashville, Tenn., Nov, 1.—On Sunday night, employees have secured other positions while vaudeville team, pla.ving the Loew Circuit, On October 27, yeggs blew the safe belonging to the theaters were closed and It Is probable that tbe same day Henry Bamtzer, a brotber-lo law New Patriotic W. A. (Billy) Sheets, manager of the Vendome For War Time they will not leave them when tbe theaters of Joe Wilson's wife, died at Jackson. Mich. © Theater, and escaped with $3,600 la cash, lib¬ Benefits. " reopen, and tbe theaters will face a aerious The Wilson Brothers will open on the Mosa erty bonds and War Savings stamps. Vaudeville Sketches. Stage Mono Time on November 11 at the Broadway Theater, logues. New Minstrel Material. Tbe robbery was discovered Monday when the PbiUdclpbia. Jokes, Hand Books, Operettas, FoOs treasurer of the theater, Henry Sbeetz. entered Dances. Mnsical Pieces, Speeinl the office, which Is in a building adjoining tbe Entertainments, Recitations, Die* TAYLOR TRUNKS PAUL WEST’S BODY FOUND theater. A diamond horseshoe and an envelope lognca. Spoakers, Tabloaua, Drills, WigkBnartls. Cmaae PainU and Other Meke-Up .St7n/ /6; CiiluloQ' containing $200 were overlooked by the rob- New York, Nov. 2.—The body of Paul West, botw. Of tbe money stolen $300 In cash was tbe whose earsnce In Paris was reported S. OENISON > C<* nrzsT.gft . CWICAOO C. A.Taylor Trunk Works projiorty of the W. A. Sheets Billposting Co., 28 E WANDOLCH St. 733 W MADISON ST. last wi'ck. was found Monday in tbe River while the bonds and stamps belonged to Mr. Seine IiMiced Is-neath a barge near tbe bridge CHICAGO Sheets, Eugene Johns and members of Mr. STAGE MONEY frvm which he Is supposed to have leaped to 2IOW44 STREET NEW YORK N.Y. I Sheets's family. SOc PER too ^ his death. The body was dressed in the Red Cross uniform and overcoat. NEW NOVELTY SONG

JAMISON MINSTRELS OPEN New Y'ork, Nov. 2.—lew Frank, minstrel man. In collaboration with W. M. Wright, bas Just Gate City, Va.. Nov. 2.—The Jamison Min¬ written a new style of noveit.v song, which will strels opened here last night with fifteen of tbe soon be ready for imblication. This song Is AND VAUDEVILLE ACTS. best colored performers tbe management could said to be "different frim the other fellow’s,” secure. The show plays Johnson City. Tenn., Bnrklnt rluh* In and around Chlcaga Codar pee- a genaine novelty, with catchy words and tune¬ tonal direction cl n A. W!L.fiON, care Baratogs Ho- next week, then to North Carolina, where it has ful melody, which everybody will be whistling. Id. Chlrago. Mantrers communlcata. ■cveral weeks' bookings.—R. F. C. It Is neither a serio-comic nor a Jazz s<'>Dg. nor nfw {a the first oppor* Is it a song with a double intendcr, bat some- WANTS MINSTREL SCRIPT thing singers and tbe public have been looking for. The title? That’s a profound secret, but Corp. Tbomaa Amette, a former vandeartist. I tbe composers suggest that singers watch The No. 511,0R3. Motor Truck (Vnipany 42t). Motor Bilttioard coinmns for their ad. which will ap¬ Supply Train 411. now with tbe American Expe¬ pear within a week or two. The song is now ditionary Force* In France, writes Proprietor In the hands of the arrangers. VENmiLOQUSN I'ellz of the VlctorU Hotel. Oklahoma City. Tauebt Almost Anyone at Home. Small coat, Ok., asking that be obtain some good mlnatret Have yon looked thru tbe lietter lAst thl* ht- today 3«ofnt at^mp for particxilarA and proof 0. A. SMITH, Basa R S77. SOI Blgalaw tt,. Pt« Bcripta and aongs, or vaudeville acts, from ac- fue? There may be mall advertised for you. I - - 10 Trie Bllltioard NOVEMBER 9, 1M8

Conducted NELSON

COLUMBIA BURLESQUE CIRCUIT The Cbonis—WatBOB apparently atrlTed toot tiie clabman, allkbatted and well ttUoted, Then eame an ensemble with the girls in blark run true to form on the choristers, but the high sang a song about multlaalllioBtlres. velvet, rendering C. S. A. Another bit be cost of wining and dining has caused a falling tween Miss Sherwood, Wild and Hallman, in Attraction at the Columbia Theater, Billy Hallman, as an antomoblUst, came in off in avo’rdupol*. and related his trials in rnnnlng a flivver, and lifting watches from each other, created laugh¬ New York City, Week of October While t'Je majority of the girls ran to faD ter. 28, 1918 some patter about 325 and 25 to 3, that evoked faces and large forms there were three rather some laughter. Another most attractive number was MiswSher slender girls, one a decided blonde, with a wood and the assembly of girls in red, wlilte BUly Wild, the featured comic, then appeared BILLY WATSON'S BIG GIRL SHOW—Kroose- laughing face, and two dark-haired girls with and blue, backed by the .tmerh-in flag. Lake's as Hugo Chaser, a semi-eccentric maker of clean meyer'B Alley. exceptionally attractive faces. Hate To Get Up in the Morning was w-ell ren¬ comedy. Lake and Wild then had a speedy dered, and made a dcoiJed hit, doe probably to COMMENT: dialog on ‘‘What Not and Not What" that was THE CAST; Lake introducing two bobhaired ponies, who ac¬ Billy Watson Is a flxtnre In burlesque and will well received. KroBBy, a TirtrtlBher plarlnetlst... .Billy Wataon probably cent nue to prove a Craning card, for companied him in his singing and dancing. Mike Grogan, a rat killer.Ceorfte E. Barnea Rose UiU, a prepossessing woman of face there lb somet'.ilng in the way Watson says and MUle DepInna, who was programmed as sa Levi, a VidrtlBher cop.Harry Weat and figure, in an attractive blue gown, sang Tommy Gruzan. Mike'a non.James Rooney docs things that makes him a likable chap. extra added atlraction, appeared In full stage, Peach Jam Time in a manner that Indicated Clarence Fitinoodie, from the department the show is apparently an inexpensive backed by purple velvet bangings. She opened that she would enUven the show with auc- store .lark Sweeney IToduction, and the comedy, what there is of it, her act with a so-called classlual dance, fol¬ l>r. Cbetum. a ekln doctor.A1 Haines -eodlng song numbers, which she did, especially old as the hills, there is something in the man¬ lowed with her escenslon, by the aid of a wire, Kitty Krouscmeyer, I’liilip's daughter. in her ‘‘Madrid" number, during which the in¬ .Kathryn Pearl ner in wb.cb Watson, Barnes, West and the into the air, and for several mlnutea, while eus- troduced a Spanish dance in a moat refined man¬ Beatrice, a trimmer.Beatrice Harlowe Misses Pearl, Harlowe and Cook hand it out ponded by the teeth, did e whirlwind aerial ner while clothed in unusually attractive dra¬ Leonora.Florence Cooke that makes it not hark of Grogan on the other side, with fast and clever footwork. Attraction at the Olympic Theater, Billy Wild then appeared in a kissing stunt Billy Watson and George E. Barnes in the win¬ Chorus—An attractive bevy of girls la no New York City, Week of October that got the laugba. dows, handing compliuicnta (?) to each other merous changes of attractive costumes worked 28, 1918 Anita Mae, a slender Ingenne, rendered acrosa ue alley, until the Yidd sb cop, Harry tor sad obtained the daslred reoults by their Smiles, and presented personal "emlles” that West, butts In to preeerre order, thereby creating singing and dandng. made her an immediate favorite. disorder, for, as usual, the belligerents turn on SIMONDS A LA.KB present their Auto Girls Then came a humorona bit between Lake, COMMENT; the peace maker, to the amusement of the audi¬ with Carol Sherwood, Billy Wild and James Hallman and Mae, during which Mae bilked While Billy Wild was the featured comic it ence. J. Lake, in an np-to-datc concoction, en¬ Lake out of a bank roU. was very apparent that J. L. Lake was the Kathryn Pearl, as Kitty Kronsemeycr, had the titled Hug Us Hall, In five scenes and ac¬ Then cume a pretty ensemble. Introducing the featured actor, for while Leke appeared as a nanal dialog with Kroosy relitlre to staying out coutrements. Entire production conceived girls with head coverings that lent the appear¬ etralght he did more than that, for he Injected late with Tommy Grogan. and produced by James J. Lake. ance of all the girls having bobbed balr, and not only his own personality, which was very James Rooney, as Tommy Grogan, the tough very much Grecian, daring which Carol Sherwood acceptable, hut a well balanced ration of comedy talking eon of Grogan, handed out the vemacnlar CAST OF CHARACTERS: Introduced an Oriental number and a few ateps feed that kept Wild on tbe move coatlnnoualy. of the alley to Krousy and Grogan. Countess Do’em.Carol Sherwood in dancing while wearing something very ex- While the show is not a great burlesque show Jack Sweeney, as Clarence Fltznoodle. the Hugo Caser.Billy Wild Doctor Douglibags.Jan. J. lake traordimry in the way of Grecian fleshings of nevertheless It is a fair presentation that ap¬ eomewliat feminine suitor for Kitty's hand, Mrs. Doughhags.Anita Mae many hues. parently appealed to the Olympie audteniw, for looked and acted, but failed to talk the part. i Ima Nutt.Billy Hallman Then esme Pasquale, who was programmed as it not only laughed, but applauded, and seemed At Hainee. as Doctor Chetum, introduced a bit Sallle Doughhags.Ros^ Hill the World's Best Piano-Accordionist. He of¬ well aatisfled with its afternoon's entertainment. with the aid of an electrical battery that got Useless.Seymonr James fered several popular airs. —NELSE. laughs when Krousy and Grogan get the Chorus—Clara I.awrem-e, Eva Winfers, Lillian Young, Peggy Conley, Mattie Scott, Brownie Bil¬ Act II. was an interior, and the scene de¬ shock of their lives. lings, Margery Dunn, Dolly Chirk, Allle Brown picted a relic shop. There was a bit which Watson, as Interlocutor of grayclad and prim r'lemor 1 iiker. Stella, Rose Bums, consisted of breaking antique China that evoked MINSKY BROS/ STOCK BURL. Quakers, cal’cd upon them to give testlmonlats. Helen Rieer, Flo Trotman, Babe McCoy and Bee laughter. What they said and did evoked much laughter, Harris. REVIEW: Another bit was a bottle of medicine that National Winter Garden, New York and if Billy had any inclination to have the girls The ascension of the curtain presents to view generated exuberance In the Imbibers and caosed City, Week of October 28, 1918 narrate any experience not sanctioned by polite the campus of Hug Us Hall. On the campus them to do some very amuidng stunts. society he curbed his inclination, for their tee- We saw sixteen rather pretty girls in red and Among the Imbtbera was a 300-lb. etage car¬ tlmontals were clean and clever. THE ALL-AMERICAN BEAUTIES—All Aboard green costumes, who wine and dance in a man¬ penter, whole apiiearanee and actions tndleited During the hrst net there were several song TUB CAST: ner that indicates they have been well trained. that he probably could and would make a real numbers. Kathryn Pearl, as Toreador Belle, and levy Ilockalerltch.Jack Sbargel Seymour James, a colored attendant, in comedian. glrla, in a Spanish singlag and dancing num¬ Boto.Ed (Bnxo) Fox flashy red uniform, with brass buttons, did There were also three choristers, christened ber, with appropriate costumes, made a favor¬ Frank Footer.Mdy l-loyil song and dance "a la Dixie.” Wolf, Bear and Lion, who presented a very Oh Charlie.Ned Woodley able Impression. The same is applicable to Bea¬ Then James J. Lake, with every appearance nice appearance. Miss Staken.Ullian Franklin trice Harlowe, attended by the Fifth Avenue Milts Dearly Love.Ethel Deveaiix Swellst Miss Harlowe In white and the girls Mias So I^ye.Elate Brindoo in black silk bats, satin coats and fleshings. Mias Juata 1-Tirt.Sedal Bennet 'Miss Harlowe’8 Keep Sending Them Over and RFTVIEW I Am Going Horae was well rendered. Tbe «bnw ripened with a eeene aboard a ship, The flnale of Act. 1. was a patriotic ensemble WANTED which lotrndured a bevy of feminine middles ID in Star-Spangled Banner singing, backed with an marine anlfenna. electrical flag that flashed red white and blue Jack Sbargel as a Hebrew and Ed (Boso) as tights that formed stars and stripes. a typical rummy were tbe i>rlncl|ial comics, with Act II. presented three attractive scenes In Eddy Lloyd and Nad Woodley as straight and Ireland, during which three choristers came to For Sunny South Before the War Juvenile. the front in single numbers, Dolly Gordon with People in all lines, both white and colored. Also producer. The feminine prlnripnl* were Lillian Frank¬ Good-Bye, Mother Machree, Margaret Le Vaun lin. an attrartlve, well develoited woman, efl- with Daughter of Rosie O’Grady and Madeline Musicians, white and colored. Best of treatment. Long sea¬ Wit It an exceptkiaBlly ttmng and mele- Webb with Darktown Strutters' Ball. Each of son. Address GEORGE C. MEYER, Planters* Hotel, Chicago. dions voice. the girls put their song over in good form. . I lit'veaux, a sprightly little girl with a Miss Webb Introduced some little moTcments r-id'ant face, enacts the aouhrette role in a of her own that caught the bouse and its con¬ Clint and Bessie Robbins Want most pleasing manner, for she Is one of tbe tinued applause. Woman, young, good looking, for leads and second business; man for light •I>eedlest of her kind. Watson, Bames and West had a scene in comedj', capable of doing anything cast for. Both must have wardrobe, ap¬ Elsie Brandon, an Ingenue with soubretta which the patter was fast, furious and frolic¬ pearance and ability. Must Join quick. Fergus Falla, Minn., this week; Wah- mannerisms, makes a valuable asset to the some. peton, N. D., week November 11. organisation. I Want a Doll, by Beatrice Harlowe, and When Sedal Bennet. a rest all apotind artist. In¬ Ton Come Back, by Kathryn Pearl, went over COLORED MUSiCiANS AND PERFORMERS WANTED FOR jects a variety of Biir-Ie qoe offeringa. dances big. end srenea that makes the wheels revolve rap- A neat dancing specialty by Sweeney and A. G. ALLEN’S NEW ORLEANS MiNSTRELS Comet, Clarinet, Tuba, Trombone. Violin, to double In Rand: Sta*e Manager who can put on a good show. klly to the entertainment of tbe audience.* Rooney brougbt up memories of past and gone Aluo good Comedians to work ends. Long aear'n and rood teeaimetit. 0"t ail winter and talary ante. Ad- There were numerous hits Introdiieed that variety days, with its popular Jig and clog dan¬ drissa MANAGER ALLEN’S MINSTRELS. SauUiern Hotel, ShrtvtporL Laultlaaa. made for laughter and 8|>|ilaiise, among them cers. WANTED ALSO. ROSS rANVAS>tAN. who ran run BULTE A WEYEB lAghU. alao Bota UoaUet. No time to wrrlle. wire, ea .howr oren. Snvnmt^nr It. a little gun play acti-d along snleldal lines n« Beatrice Harlowe, in a singing specialty, ren | aceonnt of rejeeied love, Boso ealling for Charley dered .\n Irishman Was Made To Love and | when tbe akeletnn apix-ared and ilonaed (be Fight as only an Irish lass can sing it, and there , WANTED FOR ALR. FiELD GREATER MiRSTRELS randle glim. fore It w-as some surprise to have -Miss Harlowe Bennet, doing the cry baby set and bilking sing When Tony Goes Over the Top as only a TO JOIN IMMEDIATELY. Clarinet, band and orchestra; experienced Dancers, Union Shargcl for his bankroll, then Bennet made a eenorita from Sunny Italy can sing it. Be¬ Property Man and Assistant Electrician. Always opening for first-class minstrel people. big hit with tbe andlenee hy inviting a nnl- tween her songs Miss Harlowe gave a recitation Address AL. G. FIELD, Columbus, Ohio, or as per route. formed honae official to step up to the foot- and did a monolog that demonstrated her ar¬ llglita for a Inaciniis kiss, which brought eon- tistic ability. Truly this woman has some ver¬ WANTFO TO 6UPPOPT THE TALENTED YOUNG ACTRESS. tlniinoa aptilanoe and many verbal expreoaloea satility and every appearance of being a reg¬ of aproval from the audience. ular actress. CHARLOTTE MAYME CLAIRE Boso and Deveaux doing the' shoe tying xet. The Christening at Krousy’s Home offered People in alt Hiiee, St'Mk and Rei ertolre. Fiiur weeks nn tbe mad. then permanent atork In rtty. Pleasant, followed by mraanremrots for the coOn, and profliable engagtmeni to propie who will make salary right. Tickets advantvd. Immediate cacaaeaitnL Give everyone an opportunity to cotoe ncross with reg- Dead March for tbe final planting of the comlea. iXitrert age, lutglil anil aiate lowr«t. Address niation burlesque comedy that got the laughs. BILLIE OWENS. Manager The Owens Playerx. cart Opara Hausa, Wayaethurg, PaaBsylvaala. (ConUnued on page U|

— , 3*1 _

1 NOVEMBER d, 19ia


By WILLIE WESTON You know his "Joan of Are." Well, this is even better. A marvelous march song with a sure-fire kick in every line. COME UP AND HEAR THESE SONGS OR WRITE NAT. VINCENT, KENDIS, BROCKMAN MUSIC CO., Inc Prof. Mgp. 145 WEST 45TH STREET, NEW YORK.

FEATURED SINGERS AND SONGS ED».aibl. ... , .By CompaBj tinrieeqnem to be on the lookout for it, and IIuck«ll>.r7 Finn. .MIm Brandon ntlUn it for toeir alngle, double, or boy and LulUby . BllXlE WATSON'S BIG GIRL SnOW. AT THE Ulea Franklin clrl Tereloe, an It is bonad to be n aocceea.— Creates a Title for an Addad Attrae< COLUMBIA THEATER. NEW YORK CITY After Ton B«t« Gone. ..Mlu Bennett Wber* Hat, Ton Been Bidlof. .Mlsa Deveaoz NEIAB. tion Dr>wo In Our Alley.Entire CburtKi For She Lives Down In Our Alley. New York, Nor. 2.—When James E. Coopar .Sweeney and Rooney KAUN'S UNION SQUARE STOCK COMPANY, COMMENDATION VS. CONDEMNA Ton Can't Judge a Woman by Her Clutbce.. NEW YORK CITY. TION antered tba newly renovated and refnmlabed .George E. Bamt* Mnaical Program offices of the American Burleaqna Association on Toreador ^lle.Katbryn Pearl and Co. Real Kind YIamma..Babe Welllngten and Otrli Saturday last he was so favorably impressed The Fifth Avenue Swells.Beatrice Hurl-.w-e C^r-Lcaf Clover.Ml** Lorraine and OUl* New York, Nov. 2,—In n recent Isane we pub¬ with Us attractiveness that ba Immediately 1 Like Your Little Quaker Town. When Y’on Come Bark... .MD* l ynch and Girl* lished the version of several mauagers who com¬ .Katbryn I’earl and C<>. christened It the “Doctor Shop,’* Yankee Military Ball....Miss Pierson and Girls plained that they were having considerable Wby and wherefore we do not know, but The Kerry Dance.Entire Comi-any Diana's Dingbter Hannah. tronble in bolding their companies Intact. Good-by, Mother McCree..Dolly Gordon and Co. .Babe WrIlingtoB and GlrU opine that those who enter are wall taken cara They're All Out of Step But Jimmy. Sun Goes Down In-France.. Granted that no mortal man conld prevent the of by General Manager George Peck and bis .Beatrice Uarlowe and Co. .Miss T.ornlne and Girl* Inflnx of Inflnenxa It was np to prodneing man¬ able assistant, William V. Jennings. Daughter of Bosle O'Grady. We’ll Keep Knocking Them Down. .Margaret Le Vann and Co. agers. and their companies, to meet half way .Miss Lynch and Girl* and bear the brant. Bnt how In the name of That's the Irish In Me...Katbryn Peart and Co. Ererytblng on B'way... .Brad Sutton and Girls FRED STAIR OPTIMISTIC Dark Town Strnttera' Ball. Sliver Thread* . common eense conld choristera contlnne to bear .Madeline Webb and Co. .Misses Pierson, Mackey and Prancli the brunt of dependenta calling for their usual roQtrovrra.....Krousemeyer, Grogan, th. Sheriff New York, Nov. 2.—When seen at the Bur¬ Salvation Army.By the Company support, for It Is a conceded fact that the ma¬ Doll Baby .Beatrice Harluwe and Co. lesque Club daring the past week Fred Stair, The Celebrated Dancer*...Sweeney and Rooney Finale—New Year’s Eve.By the Company jority of choristers contribute to the maintenance China Bines.Francis Sutton and Girls who Is iutercated in theatricals with the Star When Y'on Come Bark..Katbryn I>arl and Cboc. of others besides themselves personally. China Dream*.Miss Pierson and Girls Theater in Toronto, Can., also with Rub« Specialty .Beatrice Uarlowe Syncopated Melody Man..Miss Lynch and Girls Granted that they had no one bnt themselvea, (See BiirleatHie Review) Bernstein, and, further, with Hughey Benard. Till My Daddy Comes Horae. how conld they contlnne to live In the towns in When Grandma Wa. a Girl.Katbryn Pdarl in The Darktown Follies, a colored organiza¬ Brotherly Love .Entire C^'Bipany ...Ml*s Ior-alne and Qlrla which they cloeed, or even In tbelr home towns. The Trench Trot, Babe Welilnston and Girls tion, Mr. Stair reai-arkeil: “Wait until the in- Mnalc Program In Idleness, while the cost of living mounted sky Burlesque Opera. ...Principal* Quenza runs out and we will all get oura.’* high day after day. Overture—Prince** l*at.Victor Herbert The Darktown Follies wlU be reorganized, and latermlasloo Number—MrS.>rlcy'a Inflation.. COMMENT Granted that several of the prodndng man¬ expect to reopen about the middle of November. .Dave Brabam We are In receipt of numeron* letters com¬ agers offered to advance money for living ex¬ Exit March—Felloweblp Marcb...Jobn N. Klobr Mr. Stair did not mention It, but we opine mending the pobllcation of musical programs penses during the layoff, with the nneertatnty Rendered by Ed Morbacb, Jr., and bis Columbia that bis cptimi.-tic spirits were heightened by under Singers and Songs, and for that reason are of when shows wonld open, what prospects bad Soloists a judgment of $32S that the firm of Hughey eaconraged to enlarge our activities along these the girls to work out their bondage by repaying B<-narU, Ike Weber anti l>ed Stair obtained la Unee by giving nnllmlted space to Singers and the money out of their weekly salary? AUTO GIRLS. AT THE OLYYIPIC THEATER, the mnnicipal court against a ecenlc studio tor NEW Y’ORK CITY Songs in a manner that will make the Song De¬ “The Lord may hate a quitter,’* bnt the chor¬ partment an indlrpeneable factor in promoting failing to ileliver sceoery on time. Musical Numbers ister who stuck by her manager and associates the future welfore of singers and muiic puh> Peach Jam Time.Jloee Hill and Girls for week or two, and then grabbed the flrat MnlUmllllonnlre.Janie* J. I,oke and Girla Usbersi, Job In sight for self-preservation and main¬ BERT WESTON She Can't Do Enougli for Him Now. Commencing with onr next l<*ae mnsical pro¬ tenance of her loved ones at home, was no quit¬ .Billy Wild and Girls grams from numerous theaters snd cabarets ter In the eyes of the Lord, bnt a victim of New York, Nov. 2.—Everyone who ban had Alexander’s Band In France. will appear under an appropriate beading.— .enrol Sherwood and OIrla clroumstsnces over which she had no controL dealings with James E. ('ooper’s office In the i^Bitlrs .Aalta Mae aad Girls N'ELSa and did her doty by herself and her family, and Columbia Theater Building has been Impressed •tflcr a Tboosaud Year*. should be commended for doing the proper thing with tbe courtesy of Bert Weston, and there are .Carol Sherwood and Girls No Msn’S liSnd..\nlta Mae Burlesquers, tako my tip gnd get year order at the proper time. many burlesqucrs who will welcome the news Donmi Tn Win With Boy* Like You..Anita Mae down for tbe new favorite, Ha* Anyboily Seen If barleaque managers are to suffer by the that Bert le now completing arrangements for Madrid .Rose Hill and Girls My Corlnne? From what we have heard It 1* lack of cboristera on reopening bnrlesque man¬ the opening of an agency for tbe handling of Ci-uBiry Qlrla .Auto Girl* Sextet one of those refined “Shlm-me-ing” number* agers most attribute tbelr troubles to Divine books, songs, lyrics and tbe engagement of D'O't Want the Bacon.Carol Sherwood and Girl* The Harder They Fall.Rose Hill and Glyl* that Is making a hit. Professional copy sent Providence snd not to intentional lack of loy¬ players. Getting Excited.Carol Sherwood and Gin* gratis on receipt of your program.—NELSB. alty.—NELfiB. We understand that Bay B. Perez, of dancing Hate To Get Up in the Morning. number fame. Is to be aseuciated with Mr. Wes- ..lames J. Lake and Girls ton in castiug shows and engaging people. This Specialty—Popular Song*.Seymonr Jamea Burlesqncr* desiring to use We’re Going To FRANK LIVINGSTON 1 Want To Be loved by a Soldier. Get Along Without the Kaiser, by the Charles sbiHild assure managers seeking desirable talent .Carol Sherwood Durham Co. publishers, of Roxbnry, Mas*., can that tbe office of Weston can ilellver the goods, New York, Nov. 2.—The unexpected closing REVIEW—Singer* In thi* iibow demonstrated obtain professional copies from Tbe Billboard. for Mr. Perez knows the qualidcation* of nearly tbe fart that (Mipular vongs, when properly of tbe Palace Theater, due to tbe death of Paul —NELSB. every dancer In Burlesque. sung, win encore*. Keith, caused an overflow of entertainment seek¬ ers at the Colombia Saturday matinee, which THIS LOOKS GOOD TO US! MINSKY BROS.* STOCK BI’.RI.ESQrE. caused an expansive smile to overspread the THE NATIONAL WINTER GARDEN. Charles Llndgreen, of the Sterling Music Pnb- countenance of Frank Livingston, manager of HOTEL NEW YORK CITY tlsbiag Co., paid ns a friendly visit ss nsual, Billie Watson Show. Musical Numbers on Satnrday afternoon, and submitted to as bis Speaking of capacity audience Mr, Livingston Opening Chomt .. , .By Company laVst song offering. LITTLE GIRL OF MINE, remarked: “Prior to onr opening at Walden's CLARENDON (35 N». Clark St.. Chkage. l>erbv Diiy Id Dixie. .Mias Brandon sad for onr individual benefit, sang the chorus, Casino, Boston, Tom Henry, m.tnager of the IY»(li Jam Mikin’ Time. ....Mr. IJnyd Gaiety, Boston, wagered $25 with me that we Phone and niiimn* water tr Dixie MllUsry Ball. .Mias Bennett which Is as all moms. would not do over M.OOO on tbe week. The ('con Hollow Harmony.... .Mlaa Deveanx Little girl of mine. Fire minute* frem tbe Llkd ^weet Dnildy.. final conntnp stK>wed $5,2tX) gross and Tom came J3 .M to *S 00 Weekly. . Ml** Brandon You are just divine! Bl'ie Bird . ,Mlsa Fraiiktln across like a real sport that he has always Can’t yon hear my heart a-calHng. 1 tore Her O’ I,a Izi.. ,.Ml** Bennett proven himself to he. •■raxy About My Daddy... • Miss liereanx Won't you give me one little eignf To Your Boy aad My Boy .Miss Franklin In your garden fair, 'Mid the roses there. HIP, HIP, HOORAY GIRLS Let me whisper love’s old story. Little girl of mine. New York, Nov. 2.—Tbe announcement that JgtkMn BMMvarl Mr. Llndgreen, In bia barltoae voice, stirred George Belfrage. producing manager of Hip, and Halstad Straat, onr heart as It baa been seldom stirred before Hip. Hooray Girls, bad joined tbe .\viat)<>n FOR THE STAGE FOR THE BOUDOIR with Little Girl of Mine, which every man holds Corps of the U. S. A., thereby leaving the girls ^tee. without btUi divine. wltbont a company manager, caused an influx This number la sow In the hands of tbe pub- of applicants fur the pnsitlOD. Among those llahers, and wlH be ready for distribution tn in tbe lead are Bob Kirk, A1 Lubin and Lou thn very oaar futurn, and we would advise FRANK HUNT AND B. I. WIDER. Fraae 12 T ti e Billboard NOVEMBER 9, 1918

MUSIC publishers! SHAPIRO, BERNSTEIN & CO., LOUIS BERNSTEIN, President I TO ARTISTS laying off at the present time, owing to unavoidable conditions, we would suggest Immediately getting in touch with us for three of our wonderful new numbers not yet in print. THE FIRST is a iittle light appealing ballad, unlike any off the type off ballads we have ever published before. The song has no refer¬ ence whatsoever to the war conditions. THE SECOND is a wonderful light novelty comedy number. It Is not a war song, but refers to a soldier who received a ten-day pass to go on a honeymoon, and is fuli of life, snap and ginger. THE THIRD is a song tftat we purchased from a publishing house In New Orleans that has not yet been done around the country, but which every publisher has been trying to buy for the past year. It is a song somewhat on the style of "Beautiful Doll" or "Pretty baby" song, and without r doubt will be a wonderful success either as a single or double. This song also makes no reference whatsoever to the war. IN ADDITION to these we have some other wonderful novelties and ballads. We would advise artists all over the country to get busy and learn these songs to be ready with new material when the theatres throughout the country start to open again, which we have reason to hope will be very shortly. _ SHAPIRO, BERNSTEIN & CO., 224 West 47tli Street, New York City. CHICAGO, Grand Opera House Bldg. MINNEAPOLIS, Suite 3, Lyric Theatre Bldg. BOSTON, 240 Tremont St. SAN FRANCISCO, 209 Pantages Theatre Bldg.

Zelno, the scenic artist, has lio-n busy retiHirh. Wanted Quick, A-1 Pianist. Must loin On Wire log and making new scenery, and when the cur¬ tain foes up Monday night everything will lo.k and lie able to read, write and transiKise music. Must have union card. Also want 3 A-1 Chorua Olrla that ran new. All the people who have bv-cn visiting lead numbers. Musical Comedy People in all linen write. Ftate lowest salary. All must Join on wire. Thia TABLOIDS honiefolks are back on the Job once more and is an A-1 show and ytni get your money every we«4t. Pay your own wirea, I pay mine. Addresa LOWRIE MONTGOMERY, Manager Pace Makers C«., Straad Thaatra, DruiarlghL Okla. the eonipany has 1>ecn enlargevl to tbirty-tbre.' Iieople. Dean Bullard, musical director, ha- FELMAN & MONTGOMEUV’S Face Makers been calb-d to arms. This adds another star are now in their fourth week at Drumright, to onr flag, making four In alL Thomas White Ok., waitiDg for the ban to be lifted. The com- Wanted--Union Property Man will take his place on the show. Cora Stephens rary remains Intaet and will reopen at the Jidned last Sunday from SL Louis. Mrs. F. W. Strand aome time this week. Mr. an I Mrs. who can play small parts, experienced Chorus Girls, Musical Comedy People in all Egner left fur her home In Florida October 38. Johnnie Ilasner have Joined the show, Mr. llas- lines. Must join at once. Send photo and full particulars in first letter. —Egner. ner general bosiness and wife for ebunis and BILLY ALLEN, Billy AUeii Musical Comaffy Company, Warnar HalaL Chillliootlie, Ohio. THE MARGARET LII-LIE SHOW Is still rest producer. The comyiaoy lias a general rehearsal Ing in El Dorado, Kao. The company Is still •very day and will take the road with all script Intact and none of the uembera bar* contracted bllli, with special scenery. The roster of the the "flu.” All are enjoying the home life. company will include Mr. and Mrs. Nig Sbope, SHANNON STOCK COMPANY WANT Miss Claire has Just Joined the company from Mr. and Mrs. Blondie Martin, Mr. and Mrs. because of new drafL A-1 Leading Man, for atrong line ot parta; two first-class Actors, each with ttroag Chicago. Miss IJllle is doing opposite comedy Johnnie Ilasner, Ethel Montrose. Lnwrie Mont¬ specialUes, for week stands; A-1 Orchestra Leader, with One library, to double Band. Also Baritone Player, to double Orchestra, Flute pre^red. Other real Musicians write. State full psriiculsrs snd to Mr. Hall this season.—Weldon. gomery, manager, and a chorus of five. lowest salary. Pay own. Give telephone and telegraph address. HARRY SHANNON, Wapakeaste. 0. FLANK .NLWM.V.N opens at the Colonial The¬ COLONEL DAVIS presents Bobby and Zelda ater, .Montgomery, Ala., Nov, 6, with his new Barker in the musical comedy success, Make show. Everything on the show is practically Yourself at Home, carrying special scenery and Send four cents for postage new. The company Includes right chorus girls, electrical effects. The company Is at present high 1I17CC FREE Book 7th EdiUon three principal women snd four men. Frank enjoying a very pleasant engagement In Ft. IlLdd GRADE The Art of Making-ni. says this is going to be a bigger ami better Worth, Tex., at the Byer Theater for a run of six weeks. The Colonel Just returned from show than he bad lirfore. He is please!’ world of Novelties Jackson, Mae Irvine. Frankie Green, Eletba are new to the South, barring Hurry (.Murphy) Delhi, comedian; Olma Fern, chorus directress is now rehearsing a new bill, entitled Ob, Burns, herself, and Little "Helen.” the mascot. I.«Tan ahd bis wife. Up to the present the f. t and soubrette; Chet Cmplehy, straights; Walter Frederick. Happy says the bill Is a new one CROWFORD & HCMPHREYS’ Bon-Ton Revue lowing specialties are on the show: The I>- St. Clair, comedian; Charles North, general and he is positive It will go over the top on Company is laying off in Chickasha, Ok., waft¬ vans, a clever singing ami talking act, featur¬ business; Walter Brown, musical director; Lewis any lime. He Is the writer atsl producer and ing for the ban to be lifted. The company In¬ ing Look at the Foot; Newiuau and Newman, St. rierre, scenic artist; Walter Warren, car¬ is also arranging music for the same. He has cludes Jack Crawford, Smoke Gray, W. C. Lewis, in new vaudevilie spccialtiea; Jack Burke, the penter, and a chorus of twelve dancing girls. already wrote three new numbers this season, Archie Woodward. Miss Bert Humphreys, Miss t^outb’s greatest baritone singer, featureena Tlie Casino Trio, and his alack wire act; How¬ Parr, Miss Gladys Brown, Miss Mattis Newton, ■RAY RCSTl. business manager for Frank Queen and an Instrumental march. The Con- ard and Wright, In singing and dancing spe¬ King’s Dainty Girls, and Genevieve Turner were eiier King. Happy Ben would like to hear from musical director, and Arthur .Savage. cialties; Miss Pearl Derby and Miss Wright. In united in marriage In Manhattan, Kan., Octo¬ all his friends, who can address him in care THE CUES DAVIS MFSICAL REVt'CE will a reflnei] sister act. only equaled on big time, ber 16. Mrs. Rush Is now working on the same of Box 38, Syracuse, O. ojien the doors of their big tent .tbeater next Newman ami George Howard, dancing fiads, an-t show with her husband. HELEN SCOTT has reorganized her show Monday night In Jackson, Tenn., as the health Jannete, the Piano Friend: all new wardrobe and BILLY WEFII.E and bis Blue Grass Belles with all new principals. Tlie opening hill. Lit¬ authorities have de. Ided that they have the In¬ new scenery. are doing a landoffiee business at the Crystal tle Mis.s Innocence, is restricted. She Intends fluenza well in band. The show has been off Theater, Waco, Tex. Billy Is still enlarging his to play the V. C. M. C. with an entirely new for the last three weeks. During that time the MUSIC NOTES company, and now has Jack Miller and wife, with show. Miss Scott has the foUowing people with outfit has been re|\airtng and repaiutlng. "Dad” his old friend. Fob Chambers, at the ; lano. Dot Moore, prims donna of AI Shaffer’s Boys Wehle wishes to thank all the people that have and Girls Co., Is making a big hit featuring written him for a position, and he takes this About This Season’s Successful New York Productions May GihI Send You Safely Rack to Me. words means of telling them that be will try to by Chas. S. Guilford and music by Raymond answer all their letters in due time. Billy's A. Browne, published by Guilford, of Shawnee, No. 2 show Is still at Rancor, Tex., and is Ok. It’s written In march teiui»o and has a cleaning np. Wehle Is In receipt of a letter catchy nielotly, with well metered lyrica. from Mrs. Donna Deering, 16 E. Seventh street. HENRY MILLER-RUTH CHATTERTON tv. Earthman Farrell, the Dixie songwriter. Anderson, Ind., inquiring the whereabouts of comiKiser »f the Work House Blues, has Just her husband, Walter Deering. She states that released another blues song, entitleil the Jail she is very 111 .and wants to hear from him im¬ IN PERKINS House Blues, which Is already on the Wnrtllzer mediately, Wa'*er left the Blue Grass Belles and Peerless music rolla. Thla song Is sure and Joined S. C. Berg’s An Heir Over Night to be as popular as its predecessor and the title Company, which is playing the big time. The co-8tarp are the attraction and quite overshadow and almost tella ita own haru lurk story. JIMMIE AL1.ARD’S C. S. A. Girls Company ecilpse this Anglo-Canadian comedy by Douglas Murray, which, tho a The patriotic song. Sons of the Bine and has been playing at the Cozy Theater. Houston, bit obvious and built after the manner of an “earlier and a better day,” Gray, Is meeting with great success. It Is a Tex., for the past six weeks to g'>fMl liiisine>s. is not nearly as hackneyed nor outworn as several of the critics on the liright. snappy number that bobU the audience. Their contract was to expire Noiemher 1. hut metropolitan dailies pronounced It. Cliff Edson. music publtaber, Brockton, Mass., It has been extended four more weeks. The If it lacks suspense, at least it Is free of the eternal triangle; if It Is tlie selling ngent. company will then take to the road again, play¬ is deficient in comedy, it has no war In it, and if no new architectural Tlie C. .\rtliiir Fifer Music Co. reports Its ing the Barbour Circuit thru Oklahoma and tricks are utilized in its con.struction, it is solidly and unpretentiously elmructer song. Shy Niiffln, a plnnotog, nlilcli Kansas with all new bills. Mr. .\llard lias en- built. * c;iu tie used eltlier liy a strnlglil or cliaractcr g.aced several new people who will go on the And the acting is simply great. singer. Is making a tremendiioivs bit where poad with bis company when he leaves Houston. Mr. Miller Is delightful. Miss Chatterton charming if not much beard. Singers are Invited to cnil at Ibe Fifer Lex'k for notice later.—Dale. different, good, old, F’rank Kemble Cooper Is there with the goods, Edith Wollerson is excellent, and Lillian Kemble Cooper imjiarts at least a < o.'s New York offic e, when In town, to hear this IRVING N. SEYMOCR Is now being known in song and get professional copies. the profession .inder his real name, Irving New¬ touch of originality to the presentation. Bailard" .MacDonalii wrote tlie lyrics to tli* man. He and his wife, formerly known as It is not a great production, bjit It de.serves far better than It has Isabel Sehippe. have been very successful In fared. Also, while it is not great. It Is by no means bad or even half waltz by Mar.x Earl, entitled Beiiiilijiil Ghio. tiie combination reenitliig In .i beautiful waltz musical comedy and repertoire. Mr. Newman bail. The tricks of the dramatist, considered separately, are all more is now preparing some new material and be’and or less trite, but different combinations of them are endless in tlieir ‘ong, which Siiaptro, Beinsteiti A Company are variety, and, when in these the most of them are cleverly disguised, putting out. There's a swinging movement to we obtain a dramatic novelty. this song that rate lies the niidirnce from the PUT YOUR IDEAS INTO SONG TORM V'hen the dramatist is not so happy In camouflaging them, how¬ first note and lias tbem humming it bonioward. You don't need the lyrlrs. We write words to music, ever. the result is by no means Invariably a failure. Jere Bhaw. the well known I’lillailelptila tenor music to nords, or Ix'th words and mnslr. Song Po¬ Sometimes it turns out to be a staple, and the demand for staples is ems —'1 'r-nos—lots rs—■^•''d snd —ts*'t*-hsd Is now manager ot liepnrtmcnt "C.” of the INTERNATIONAL MUSIC PUBLISHING CO.. always wide and steady. It is the fancy groceries tliat contend with a Plilladelplibi oftlce of the WItmark Music Com 422 Holland Building._St. Leuli. Me. notionate, capricious and uncertain market. pany, .31 South Ninth street. Acts snd others I'erkins, despite the verdict of the sharps and eiiicures, deserves to playing Hie Quaker town are Invttcsl to drop SKETCHES be cataloged as a staple. It will always require capalile )«rincipals, but, In and see "Jere” for the late song hits. ■Acts. Plsvlefs and Tabloid Comedies written to or¬ rightly cast, it will live long on the road and in stock.—WATCHE. der. SatM^ion guaranteed. Write for prleea and terms. Addfeea BHXY D£ BOSE. 135 So. Main SL. GoaheO. Imliana- rae? There may be mall advertised for you.

1 NOVEMBER 9, 191B

MINSKY BROS.’ STOCK BURL. duplicated with burlesque patrons over here, Hempetead, L. I., bas seenred control of the (Oontlnaed from page 10) | and from what we have seen of some of tbe Orphenm Theater, Newark, N. J.. where b« will A brasa brd aacd as a aafe depoelt for a ton shows we have reviewed they are in need of open November 4 with stock burlesque, having something In the comedy line that will make a of I'oal ftirnlsbed considerable merriment. engaged tbm tbe Rldlesbimer Agency tbe fol¬ bit. Therefore we suggest that they obtain During the two acta there were namerona lowing: Johnnie Weber, Tony Kennedy, Bert Leavitt’a book, entitled HIT-BITS. *,.ng numbers that went orer big. In one num- Scott, Mabel and Dolly Webb and Bessie Rosa, tM-r l*ozo stepped Into the orchestra pit anu supplemented by twelve choristers. Henry P. poiinderl the xylophone in a mannor to the mn- GEORGE LEON WRITES Nelson will act as bouse manager. Dnrlng tbe past week tbe antborltles at New¬ Would You sl< Ian born, while Shargel stepped Into the audi¬ ence to say “Ilow do you do” to seeeral of bis Oeorge Leon, comedian, late of Fred Irwln’a ark removed tbe ban on smoking and patrons Majesties, now with tbe colors at Camp Sher¬ f,mlnlne admirers. of tbe theater can now enjoy their nsual smokes. COMME.VT man, O., writes Tbe Billboard: “1 have some There bas been considerable discussion, pro and new and original bits for burlesque managers. All managers and producers can correspond with NEW—NOVEI_UNIQUE COP, as to what the patrons of the National me by addressing Uvt. Sam Ison, 35tb Co., 9tb 8HIM-ME Winter Garden really wants, further, what Tr. Bn., 158tb Depot Brigade, Camp Sberman, Rather Be MtLsky Bros. Intended to glee It In order to New York, Nov. 3.—In this Issue tbe house Ohio.” attract and hold Its patronage. of stem announces tb- most rapid and sure¬ dodging from what we saw and beard there fire Chicago bit in years. Has .Anybody Seen cn Thursday afternoon the Minsky Bros, and AMERICAN WHEEL SHOWS’ RE¬ My Corlnne. known as Corlnne Bines. This Is their stock company offered clean and cleTcr OPENINGS tbe new “Shlm-Me” tbat all the big pnbllshen, comedy. In which there was no Indication of have been clamoring for, bnt tbe Joe. W. Stern soggestlreness or lewdness of any kind what¬ New York, Nov. 2.—At tbe offlees of tbe Company captured tbe prize. Bailing from tbe a Colonel American Burlesque Association at noon today soever. West, It has bit New York like an avalanche Personally we feel that what the audience General Manager George Peek announced re¬ and has taken tbe people by snch storm tbat wants Is regulation burlesque comedy, that la, openings, via.: Baltimore, Md., Oct. 27; Sprlcg- a visit to say repntable dance ball or cafe will fast and frolicsome, as dialogs apparently base fleld. Mass., CK t. 31; Cbicago, III., Oct. 31; Am¬ find conplea *'Shlm-me-lng” to Its aednctlve little attraction for them, and the company sterdam, N. Y., Nov. 2; Terre Haute, Ind., Nov. and Irresistible strains. "Bines” numbers are fnlly appreciates this fact and throws Into its 3; Wasbington. D. C., Nov. 4; Dayton, O., Nov. no more typical of tbs West and South. They work considerable speed. 4; Wheeling. W. Va., Nor. 4; Pittsburg, Pa., have become Instantaneous fiivoritien with Willi an The chorus numbers about thirty or more, Nov. 4; Altoona, Pa., Nov. 5; York, Pa., Nov. 8; modem dancers everywhere. representing many and earled types of femi¬ Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 6; Columbia, Pa., Nov. 5; ninity, and It Is eery apparent that It has been Watertown, N. T., Nov. 5; Oswego, N. Y., Nov. well drilled, both in songs and dances, to pnt 5; Niagara Falls, N. Y., Nov 5, SYDNEY WIRE, ADVENTURER them over fast. a"d. furthermore, sings its songs In a manner that ran be hea'd In every REDLESHEIMER’S AGENCY AC¬ New York, Nov. 2.—The editor of burlesque part of tbe bouse, which Is more than we can bas met numerons burlesquers wbo appeared Eagle on TIVITIES say for some of tbe choruses that we hare en- very much surprised when we admitted tbat dcarored to hear In the wheel houses.—NEI.8E. New York, Nov. 2,—The Redlesbelmer Agency we had no personal acquaintance wttb Sydney in tbe Columbia Theater Building was tbe scene Wire, wbo did bnriesqne for Tbe Billboard In SOLDIER WRITES PRIMROSE of contlnnoua activities during tbe past week, days gone by. SEAMON for tbe reason tbat several barlesqne producing To avoid future embarrassment we pnt on our managers obtain their talent tbm tbe Redles- gum shoes and scouted sronnd until we finally Your “Somewhere In Prance,” belmer Agency. caught np with tbe dynamic Syd, wbo la some Sept 16. 1918. Chief among tbe prodneing managers seeking boy for speed. Primrose Seamon; talent wan Lew Rose of New Orleans, La., wbo We found Syd n most congenial dinner com Pardon me In taking the liberty In writing yon, bas been In town for an entire week, completing panlon, and tbe stories tbat be narrated of bU bnt In January of this year I received a parcel I arrangement for the reopening of tbe Daupblne adventures as a Journalist, Theatrical Press of comforts sent by your company (Hello, Amer¬ I Theater, New Orleans, November 17, with bnr- .Agent and Legal Investigator covered tbe big ica) from the Gayety. Toronto. I lesqne atork. Am-mg tbose engaged were John cities and small towns from Coast to Coast. Enclosed was this classy little ad, and. after J. Black, prodneer and principal comedian; Sue When two men pnt In two bonrs, in a Broad¬ It has passed tbrn two of the greatest battles of Milford, soubrette; Esther Higbeee, prima don¬ way cafe, with eats, drinks and talks it's a the war. I have derided to send It back to you, na; Robert Ring, straight; Sam Bacben, eccen- foregone conclusion that they are acquainted. but la Its place you must send me a pocket- Itrtc comedian; Sedal Bennett, ingenne; Mabel Tbat'a Us.—NELSE and SYD. Blie photograph of yoor«elf. Ls Monster and sixteen cboiistera. It has not been soiled very much after all Ita Under tbe personal ebaperonage of tbe Jovial REALS MISSES DIXON adventures. Of course It has not been over the I Lew tbe entire company will entrain In Pullman or a Private top or anything like that. I guess you won¬ sleepers Thursday, November 8. for the Crescent der who and what I am? W’ell, I might Just City. New York, Nov. 2.—Henry Dixon and bis Big as well tell you: I am Gunner Vic. A. Mad- Other engagements tbm this Rldlesbimer Review Company left New York City Friday gette, ir.81.y) Q. A. Section. 4th Canadian Di¬ Agency during tbe week were, via.: afternoon for their reopening at Toronto. visional .Ammunition Column, B. E. P., Prance. Belle Costello and Cbarlea I.ester for tbe Lon Reals, wbo Is afflllsted with IMxon as I am a former employee of tbe good old Gayety, Innocent Maids. Caprice with tbe Auto Girls. manager of tbe company, did not accompany Toronto. 1 wish 1 were back there now Instead James 8. Kerney with Sightseers. Bill Jen¬ them, for tbe reason tbat Lon bad to appear of being abont 60 foot under the soil, away nings with Girls From tbe Follies. before tbe Local Draft Board. from all barm. Well I will close now, hoping Tom Coyne, former featured comedian with Reals appealed to tbe chairman for a permit this finds you well, and the company going Harry Hastings, and lately producing manager that would enable blm to go to Toronto, but strong: also my wishrw for a record season. , of stock bnrletque at tbe Clinton Theater, (Continned on page S6) Yours sincerely, VIC. A. MADGETT. Chicken on COMMENT: SEEN AND HEARD The little ad referred to was a cute little card, on which was pasted a Canadian penny. By NELSC The ad was for Ilurtig & Seamon's Hello, Amer¬ ica. In which Miss Seamon appeared as the fea¬ Lon Sldman baa decided to re-enter the bur¬ Harry K. Morton and Zella Bnaaell, Jacoba tured soubret. along with Lewis and Body.— lesque field by way of tbe managerial ronte and A Jermon'a Bnriesqne Revue, are prominent Your Knee? NEli«B. la DOW negotiating for tbe management of a figures among tbe bnrlesqners now laying off popular barlesqne offering. wbo are to be seen dally In bnrlesqnedom. So* MORTON & RUSSELL VAUDE- Kitty Morssn. late of Max Spiegel'a Social says Friend Middleton. A RIOT Follies, Is convalescent at Frank'a Hotel after Bob Kirk Is no longer grinding ont press mat¬ New- York. Nov. 2.—The progressive team of a severe attack of Spanish infiuensa. ter for the Cort theatricals In Pittsburg, owing OF LAUGHS! Harry K. Morton and Zellah Knseell. of Jacobs I Morris Coben. better known to burlesquers as to tbe influenxa closing tbe bouse. Bob bas bis A Jermon's Review, thru their agents, Epstein Handkerchief Jack, visited tbe Burlesque Club trusty typewriter (machine. If yon please) with A Solfrao'kl. filled In a vaudeville engagement during tbe past week and dlscnssed oldtlme blm, snd Is negotiating with a famons film cor¬ at lildgewoisl, U. 1., where they made New theatricals with Steward Tom Ward. poration to fnmisb publicity of tbe L X. L. York aristocracy sit up and take- notice and ap¬ Mark Hanley fioated Into town and ont again brand. SMASHING NOV¬ to Wllkps-Baire, where he is now representiag plaud their ultrareflned presentations. Charlie Bragg bad all tbe appearance of a the W. W. UodklnsoD Corporation, which la do¬ hostling, bustling publicity promoter as be ELTY FUN SONG! ing a film business. passed by bur-le-que corner cn route to the Hur- HIT-BITS Ungbey Bensrd's Darktown FVtllies, that has tig A Seamon offlees to Introtiuce a new adver¬ been playing the camps, is re;>orted closed, and Words by SIDNEY D. MITCHELL Pleases Fighting Soldiers tising stunt for tbe Bowery Burlesquers and tbe Americans laying off at Toronto, Can., probably another Hnrtig A Seamon show. Music by ARCHIE COTTLER awaiting tbe call for reopening of burlesque. Harry .Anner, musical director for Jacoba A New York, Nov. 2.—Abo Leavitt, author of Dave Sldman. who has held down tbe box-of¬ Jermon's new Bon Tons, is displaying five service Copies to Rccotnized Artists Upon Request nit B.ts, received a letter from his brother, Ray fice as treasurer at the People's Theater, Phlla- etars, one for bis brother, two for hii. wife's If Ueknown to Us Please Send Recent l^-avltt. of tbe ll'Jth Heavy Field Artillery, in delpbia, bas turned In tbe combination of tbe brothers and two for his wife's brothers In law. Proyram or Othef Credentials. France, stating that be bad ntlllzed HIt-BIts in safe and is now safely settletl at the Burlesque The only reason that Harry does not dlsiday one St >gti'g a show for the bt>yi, and that every rinb awaiting tbe reop<‘nlng of bnriesqne and Its for himself is bes-ause he is not eligible for the Bit made a Hit with the aoldiers. demand for efficient executives. draft owing to his es.H<-ntlality to tbe coulinued Tbat In I’self should have made .Abe I.Mvltt Louis Miratsky, of Hudson, has been very success of The Bon Tons. happy, bnt In addition .Abe Is looking forward much In evidence around bur-le-que corner dur¬ Lim Sldman was seen . in the Ticinity of . LEO. FEIST, INC. to the arrival, lu the near future, of what Abe peraonally boi>es will prove to be Abe. Jr. ing the enforced layoff of burlesqners. Mr. the Third Avenne Theater (his former hive), and 140 West 44th Street. NEW YORK AA'hat Hits the Bits In Leavitt's Hit Bits Maratsky Is a regular weekly visitor to the burlesqners wondered why. Lou Is also nego¬ CLEVELAND. 308 Baasor Bulldlnf made wttb the aoldler boya In France may be Burlesque Club, where he bolds Tuesday recep¬ tiating for a Harlem Theater, aud we all wonder tions. why. KANSAS CITY. 1125 Grand Avenua There are few men In New A'ork City held In Go Monday last the standees on 47tb street DETROIT. 213 Woadward Avenue ' higher esteem by burlesqners than Frank C. were startled by an apparent TNT explosion, SEATTLE. 301 Chlckaring Hall WHO^u EMM/X! Reilly, for Mr. Reilly bas proven himself a bnt invesUgation dis<-losed tbe fact tbat it wae NEW ORLEANS. LA.. IIS Unbtnity Placa friend In need and friend In deed to many pro¬ Henry (Silent) Dixon getting set back four hun¬ CHICAGO Yiin'!l never be pnt in a dilemma If yon Grand 0a«ra Houm Bulldlne have a copy of the new M.APISON'H fessionals who bare entrusted their loved ones to dred spades at the Biirles4]ue Clnb. BOSTON budget No. 17 In your possession. If 1 blm for Interment. We are not personally acrmer agent of Sim Wil¬ Scott, but w'e are miw ple.isantly acquainted! PHILADELPHIA 'imment about spending ONE DOLLAR fbr Broad and Cherry Streets •iich a apb-ndid rollertton of original, up- liams' Gtrls From Joyland. is looking for new with an officer of tbe U. S. A., who kept us to-date moDolognes, parodies, single gags, fields to conquer, tor Julius bas turned In tbe burniog tbe wires on Saturday last In an effort ST. LOUIS Holland Bulldlnf sets of all sorts, minstrel first-parts, one- keys to the bill trunk. to locate tbe elusive Midgle, whom tbe <^cer act farce, etc. Unless It measures up to SAN FRANCISCO .At Singer, of the Jacobs A Jennon forcea, la and wife wished to dine at a Broadway Ihm- Pantaaes Theatre Building your fullest espectallona money back. taking on weight to tbe delight of W. B. Mid¬ telry. JAMES MADISON, 106S Third Aventie. MINNEAPOLIS V-e. V„.y dleton, wbo contemplates cballenglng Slngqr to Midgle Is one of Max Spiegel'a Social Follies Lyric Theatre Bulldlnf ‘ a foot race. Oirla. f BREAK THE NEWS TO MOTHER more; My Cairo Maid, a dreamy Oriental song, was written upon the receipt of a letter from SUNG BY McCORMACK by Bud de Sylva, Foster and Schonberg; Under¬ his son, who is fighting in the trenches. All Oldest Yet Most Popular War Song neath the Gentle Moon, by Jimmie N. Hall, and three songs are above the average In melody and Boosey Song Is Creating • Furore Ever Written Our Daddy Soldier Boy, by Hibbs and Alexander, poetic lyrics New York, Nov. 2.—God Be With Onr Boyv are three ballads that are catchy, sympathetic New York, Not. 2.—Will M. Cressy, yaude- Tonight, with which John MrCennack it creat¬ and appealing. Sophie Tucker, with her Jazz THE AMERICANS COME artlst. now oTprseas with the first contlnRent of ing such a furore, will undoubtedly go down in band, is stopping the shows with their big sen¬ Amorira’s Theatrical LeaKDe, writes Interest¬ history as one of the few outstanding bnllads sation, Alexander's Got a Jazz Band Now, and New York, Nov. 2.—There has been a great ingly regarding Break the News to Mother. of the World War. The song is published by Town Talk, a raggy, slow fox-trot, is one of deal written about the inability of the serious He says., in spite of all the war songs written Boosey ft Company. the best instrumental compositions published composer to produce a song containing the ele¬ since the war, Break the News to Mother, the since the famous Maple Leaf Bag. ments of popularity, but it remained for an oldest of them all, still remains the favorite .tmerican woman to accomplish this. Fay Fos¬ SCREEN PATRIOTIC SONGS with our soldier and sailor boys so many miles ter turned the trick when she wrote The Ameri¬ away from home and loved ones. Surely he WITH PACE & HANDY cans Comt, which is now enjoying such an New York, Nov. 2.—The latest propaganda ought to know, as he is there on the spot. enormous popularity. It is being sung the exploitation is the screening of patriotic songs. The title Is known thruout the world and has New York. Nov. 2.—Carrie Collins, the well- country over by artists of every degree of Five hundred feet of scenes are first flashed on been sung in every civilized tongue. Over known show wom.nn, is now in charge of the ability, and, what is more to the point, it Is the screen. Illustrating the action of the tonga. 8,000,000 copies have been sold. It won the orchestra and shipping departments of Pace & bel'.g snag by the men in the streets. Scarcely Then the words are cut in. with the orchestra celebrated War Song Contest at Proctor’s Fifth Handy Music Co. She enjoys wide acqualatance a community sing is given without it. playing the accompaniment. Such patriotic Avenue Theater, New York City, a short time in the show business, having been at different numbers as all the national airs of the Allies, ago, and of all the war songs written and pub¬ times connected with musical comedies, out¬ JOLLY JACKIES MARCH America. Dixie and all the civil wartime South¬ lished during the past twenty years it has won door amusements and various attractions, and ern melodies will be speclalUad for nse in every prize whenever it has been entered in a lias traveled extensively. The proprietors of Chicago, Nov. 2.—A rollicking band nnmber. motion plctore theaters, camp entertainments, contest. Inspired daring the Spanlsb-.^merican the home of the bines feel that they have in which enjoys the approval of Lieut. John Philip vaudeville, public lectures, and in fact any war a decade ago, in this war of another gener¬ this energetic show woman a most valuable Sousa. Is the Jolly Jackies March, by George sort of an entertainment. The Gotham Film ation our fighting boys have taken it to their acquisition to their firm. Scbleiffarth. Lulu Jones Downing has adapted Company of Chicago la producing these song hearts and call it the soldiers and sailors* prayer the music of this march for a aolo voice, nnder films. song. AMBITIOUS COMPOSITIONS the title of Cmsadera of the Sea. TOMMY CRAY IN FRANCE ZOELLER NOW IN NEW YORK Auburn, Wash., Nov. 2.—Inspired by the OFFERS SONG FOR PUBLICATION beauties of nature, with which this songster of Tbomna J. Gray, known aa Tommy Gray, New York. Nov. 2.—The Zoeller Music Pub¬ the Northwest is surrounded, Fred Ix?ber Walsenburg, Col., Nov. 2.—A seng, entitled songwriter, atory teller and wit of the Friars* lishing Company, with home offices in Louisville, written several serious songs, taking the gran¬ When Our Bnjrs Begin To Fly, words by Archie Club, la BOW entertaining onr boyn overaeas. Ky., where it has established another "tin deur and scenic splendor of Mt. Balnier National .Vllleon and mnsie by J. E. Andino, marcia pan alley” thru the popularity of its music Be la a member of tha Margaret Mayo Unit, Park, in the State of Washington, as his sub¬ temr>« copyrighted by Allison, is submitted to and the hospitality extended singing members and whila on the way to aa encampment where ject, On Onr Way to Paradise Is the title. publishers either by outright pnrehase or on of the profession while filling engagements in the unit waa to appear one evening was tha Fahtastle Dream Creation, on the same theme, royalty basis. Copies are also submitted to the Southern city, is now installed in its victim of a practical Joke played by the regi¬ is another of bis compositions, and bis latest singers for nse in their repertoire. Here’s a new offices at 1431 Broadway, Suite 214-15, New mental offleera. Be waa held np ta a niapicioui production. My Sweetheart la Over the Ocean, chance to grab off eometbing worth while. Ycrk. This move became necessary in order to character, and even tha display of hla make¬ take better care of ita growing trade in the up and falac wbitkera falltd to cenvlsce hla East. It has a large catalog of popular captcra, until tht aupetlor officer appeared and song hits successfully tung in vaudeville, mu¬ explained to Tummy it waa Juat a UtUe Joke sical comedy, burlesque and minstrel, among the the hoya were putting over on him. aod be most popular being a rousing patriotic war song, waa allowed to proceed to the theater, a bit which enjoys the official endorsement of the JAIL-HOUSE BLUES” friglitened, but etiU game. Government, entitled There’ll Never Be a Stain The latest blues song by Farrell & Sizemore. This is a big¬ on Old Glory. She’s Coming Prom Ireland, a STARTED CYCLE OF SMILE SONGS song with the flavor of the auld sod to it; The ger hit than my first song/‘Work-House Blues.” Professionals Only Girl 1 Ever Loved Is Married, a serio-comic, send late program for your copy. Write Wurlitzer for your Canton, O., Nov. 2.—Edward B. Sterling, who with its own sad plaint; I Was Good Enough To wrote When Everybody Smile*. Keep SalliDf, 8Share Your Borrows, a pathetic ballad, featured music roll. and If Ton Will Only Keep Bmltlnf. tbinka be byb Stanley Montfoit, with A1 G. Field Minstrels, atarted the popular cycle of emlllng sooga, which appeals to the audience, and ita latest at present is in fall swing. When be started a smashing song, entitled Parson Brown, W. EARTHMAN FARRELL, 419 Main St., Nashville, Tenn, bis Smiling Song Series about two years ago be gets over with a big punch. This latter sent a card—Keep Smiling—to every publisher song is being featurrd by many well-known top in the buslnesR, and several of the most promi¬ liners, among them Sophie Tucker and her Five nent ones have used the slogan, either in quota¬ Kings of Syncopation. If Eventually^ Why Not NOW? tion or Itallrs, In their eompooitlona. The SuC- Jack Kline, the well-known song producer, is Our New Idea m lllubtratcd Son^ Slidca eesa Motlc Company, of Akron, O., la explolUng In charge of the New York office, and Louis E. We can match up any song, reproduce your titlo page m colors and furnish you with these smiling song*. 2ioeIler extends a cordial invitation to the singing 7 to 9 illustrated slides with at least 2 lines of wording on each, as well as a mica profession to call at the New York office (or chorus slide, for $4.50 the set. Pamphlet free_ these songs or while in Louisville drop up to PULLS ONE ON KAISER BILL 314 Bepublic Building and make yourself at ^GREATER N.» Y. SLIDE CO., 211 Weit 41th Street. NEW YORK. home. New York, Nov. 2.—W. O. Bandy, tb* or¬ iginator of the Blues, has “blued” the kaiser SIX COAST HITS OUR LATEST SONG SUCCESS to a faro-yoa-well, as evidenced by his latest song. The Kaiser’s Got the Blues (ha’a got tha Los Angeles, _ Oct. 2.—W. A. Quincke weary blues). While thin Dumber la n blues, & Oo., well known Pacific Coast publishers, have “A SOLDIER MOTHER’S DREAM” it does not take a strictly blue* singer to put 8lx songs that put pep into any act they are it over, and the words by Domcr C. Browne are Introdnced in. Sammle’s Saving Souvenirs, by A catchy military one-step that’s got the pep. It tells a story that you can’t cimciatlngly funny to say the least. Acta Parrott. Adams and Schonberg, is a novelty forget. Professionals can secure their copy by enclosing stamps. are grabbing It and It looka like a sure anc- song that makes the audience laugh and want Orchestrations (10 parts and piano on receipt of 25c). ecss. THE KARL-ROSA MUSIC CO., 74 Spruce Place,Minnaapolit, Minn.

Here is that whirlwind THE $5,000 PRIZE BEAUTY Western Hit to which they’re all doing the “Shimme.” There was HAS ANYBODY SEEN a wild rush by all the publishers to land this sensational success, but MY C0HINNE7 we got it. Oh, you sing¬ ers of “Blues” songs— THE GREAT CHICAGO “BLUES” SONG you don’t know what you’ll miss if you don’t PROF. COPY AND ORCH. FREE TO RECOGNIZED ARTISTS get “Corinne” quick. JOS. W. STERN & CO., 1556 Broadway, N.Y.C. NOVEMBER S, 1918 IS

BECOME IDENTIFIED WITH THREE OF PACE & HANOrS DIG SOCCESSES!!! DOUBLE VERSIONS—MILE VERSIONS-FERIAIE VERSIONS A eOOD MAN NOWADAYS IS HARD TO FIND (By EDDIE GREEN) The eong with the ''double kick.** The one real, "sure«fire,’' "knock-’em-dead** novelty song now offered to the performer* < Orchestrations in three keys* Teli us your "top note." THE KAISER’S GOT THE BLUES (HE’S GOT THE WEARY BLUES.) By DOMER BROWNE and W. C. HANDY The Kaiser has been responsible for several good songs, but it remained for W. C. HANDY to "BLUE" him and "JAZZ" him up. An absolute stage hit. Orchestrations and professionais now ready. OH DEATH, WHERE IS THY STING? (By CLARENCE A. STOUT) A great comedy-talking song that can’t fail to get over. "Plenty kick." Send for your copy and orchestrations. PACE & HANDY MUSIC CO., INC., Suite 402 Gaiety Thea. Bide., (HOME OF THE BLUES) 1547 Broadway, New York City J. RUSSEL ROBINSON, « > « • Prof* Mgr* Phone Bryant 256


At Terrace Garden Quickly Gains Pop* At the Broadhurst Theater, New York ularity “MAY GOD SEND YOU City Nora Baj«‘s and Irving Fisher are making a !frw Tort. Nor. 2.—Altho only la eul'frnoo singing success with Build a Home and With¬ for ■ few weeks the Dance Palace at Terrace out Yon. Oaj>iten has become one of the most popular SAFELY BACK TO ME” William Kent made the hit of his song life ■musetaent Institutions In New Tork. If is with The Older Tbej Get the Harder Thej FalL registering a dally attendance of S (vn to Ttke Grandest Patriotic Song of tike Day persons. Harry Tucker, who conducts the or¬ Lyric by CHAl S. GUILFORD. Misio by RAYMOND A. BROWNE. chestra, baa shown jest discrimination In the COME UP AGAIN, FRITZIE selection of his inosii'al material, which Is large¬ A REAL WINNER New York, Nov. 2.—Wb*'n Sidney D. Mitchell ly responsible for bis unusual and rapid sun- Profcesional (»py for credentials. By mail, 25 oenta the (npy. penned the lyrics to Harry Ruby’s music of You cess. He Is at present featuring such hlta as Keep Sending 'Km Over 'n' We’ll Keep Knock¬ TndtaDola. I’m Clad I Can Make Tou Cry, ing ’Em Down, be must hare bad in mind s Kentucky Dream Waltz, Draftin’ Dluea aod GUILFORD PUDLISHING CO., Shawnee, Oklahoma vision of a doll baby rack in some park at Tishomingo Bines. which the amusement .seeker tries bis skill at ball pitching. However, be that as it may, SPANISH WALTZ SONG the combine has put over a great song and one that gets a big laugh, as well as plenty of Chicago, Not. 2.—A new song fwra the pen applause, as It’s full of pep and ginger. It’s of Laurine Kammer, a brlltlajit and gifted com¬ a goiid teammate to Tell That to the Marlnet, poser, la a Hpanisb walta song, a beautiful, me- l| IT’S MONEY, MONEY, MONEY ALL THE TIME! the song that Al Jolsm is making such a hit Indloua rhythm and poetic lyric* with a dra¬ with. Both are published by Waterson, BerUn matic climax. It will be popular with lyceum A Snyder Co. and concert singera. I Some Folks Think Texas Has Nothing But Curiosities I — Here’s one sure enough. In the w^ay of a song with Siamese Twin S REDUCED SIZE OF SHEETS THE KAISER’S END S chorus; but as money can do most anything, and that’s my name, it is S = all right. Did you ever hear of anything named money ever being turned = WIlBamsport, Pa.. Not. 2.—One way of ^ down? If so. it would be so wonderful it would be a fit subject for ^ Chlcag"’, Not, 2.—UeuL Elmer 1.. Kyle and heljiing to win the war by>er conserTatlon la E Barnum & Btiiley’s side-show as the curiosity of the world. So, whether ~ Erwtc P. Swrlndell have collaborated on a fan- being carried out by the Vandersloot Music Co., — I’m a success or a failure, 1 can get you. HURRY UP AND GET MB — taatlc march song entitled The Kalaer'a Dead publisher of high-class soi gs. Instead of using E BEFORE I GET YOU. = March, and now have It ready for the event the the ten by twelve regulation sixed music sheet = All you professionals who failed to get orchestrations, write for = whole world Is looking for. The Kaiser's End. it has cut down the size of its sheets Just E them today. E half, presenting an attractive leaflet much = Professional copies and orchestrations free. = HARRIS STILL HUSTLING ea.sler to handle and fulfllling the same purpose E Address LILLA SEELIGSON WHITAKER, • Bay City, Texas. = as the larger sized sheets.

Charles K. Il.vrris Is surely proud of his Tilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll7; reigning song nits, such as Break the News to ! Mother, Sweetness. Honeysuckle of Mine; Bring | Tike Zoeller IVtusIc Co. Anikounces to All Protesmioikals tike Publishers and Performers Back Th«i*e Golden Bygone Days to Me, Smile Opentno ol Ttkeir Eaaslerik Olllce, 1431-33 Droadway, N. 'V. HERE'S A BIG OPPORTUNITY FOR VOU. When I'm I earing—Don't Cry When I'm Cone, rompleto ih'nas and Insirumeiital ManuscrlpU for sala He's My Boy. One. Two. Three. Boys- Over the WE OFFER FIVE BIG HITS Also Melodies and lorries. All are orlamal and sure hit*. Very reasonable. We wUl write Music to Lyrics Top We Co: At the Allies' Fnower Canlen Ball, 1— THERE’LL NEVER BE A STAIN ON OLD GLORY and LotIcs to Music. Coder the Blue Skies of FVance, What a Won¬ Aiiiarka'* GreatMt Sang. Y. J. NERY, 725 N. Western Ave.. ChicafO derful Dream It Would Be, le There a I-etfer for 2— 1 WAS GOOD ENOUGH TO SHARE YOUR SORROWS Aik Sttaivy Moiitt*rt. th* Bey W*Nd*r. with Al. G. FIMd Minstr*!*. HEAR SOPHIA TUCKER’S SHOUT. ATTENTION, HEADLINERSI S—"PARSON BROWN’’ (PREACHING TO THE PEOPLE) THAT GREAT NATURAL HIT. 4— SHE’S COMING FROM IRELAND THEY'RE COMING BACK TO THE U. S. A. WalU-Batlad—with Hvm*iiy. QONGBOOKQ TrluRipM TrIaaiRht Triuniphl 5- THE ONLY GIRL I EVER LOVED IS MARRIED Re*d what TMKotHlRE KEMP. Prestilefit of the Navtity S*ni With a Puaah. BEST ON EARTH Illinois Weslryoii CnlTersIly, has to say about this MAIN OFFICE: Two 9x12 BPrl .%Wo joke OONTTN- •CO* "Itrir Sir I think your song has p«t> and pa- DRT’M BOOKS trtMlsm In It " Metituin Th* Klllhuard and a stamp THE ZOELLER MUSIC CO., 314 Rapublle Bldg., LOUISVILLE, KY. lOr fiTT will hr'ii* tl PERCHA M. SCHLENK. Prafaulaaal Maaagar. POSTAGE ACCEPTED. Harold ftmitar Co.. 325 W. Msdlsoa. Chtcafa. TOM PAGE. 1430 Wo*t N*rth gt.. Llaia. OhI*. WE’RE AMERICAN PATRIOTIC MARCH SONG. piTinte^rs the otto ZIMMERMAN & SON CO* engravers SONGWRITERS' KAN'JAL Ther* is no dcubi hut that AMERICA'S aRolRtanco CINCINNATI. OHIO. NO. I NEVADA BUILDING. Don’t publish Songs or Sfuslo lo'-'s bavin* read my has arnuseil new. VUTllKUU'S life m the forces now We print anything In llustc. Piano. Band. Orcheetra, Mandolin, etc. W* arranae and pobItM) for amatems. "Manual of Composin* anil a ’ "Pd* hook nahtln* for Kreedi m and Justice. Rend for prir* and samplae. TTi* largeet azrluslve muaic prtntm west of New York. EstaMtshed 1575. lavrs and makes money, also ii'es valuable. honeW advice. Price. iV. 11 BAl I It Mt SlC CO.. 135 East 34fh . Neiv T'Wk ClfT _ FATHER FOOTS THE BILL Me and I Mlse the Old FVilks Now. Mr. liar- tiful heart story songa of his career, entitled HUMOROUS AND PATRIOTIC (Orth.) ris is also about to Issue one of the grestest Why Did Yon Come Into My life. This song Aok your dealer for these songs NOW Published hy Jszz songs of the season, written bv Will B. will please the singer as well as any audience MUSIC ARRANGED L. CRADIT. . . QUCNEMO. KANSAS. Far Plaso S«lo. %2M. Music eompoaad ta Sosa Nhbimore snd Msrehall Walker, entitle J I'm a wherever It mav be sung. Mr. Harris has wr't- Poena asd arraagsd foe Plan*. $3.00. Orch**tr*. lO Trying To Teach My Sweet Papa Right From ten another ballad, which in a few months will Part* sad Plaao. $3.50. Full Orehaatra. 14 Part* asd Plan*. $4.00. Band Music. ISc a part. Full Band. 32 A SURE ENCORE GEHER Wrong, which was Introduceil last week st the be the taHi of the country, and writers of bal Part*. $4 50. Sabtfsetlon GuaonttMl. TERMS: Catb TNE PATRIOTIC SONG HIT. .Alhambra Theater, New York City, by Sophie lads will be surprised that they did not think elth order. E. C. EVANS. BOX 199. FLINT. MICH. Tiilkcr and her flve Kings of Syncopation, and of the Mea themselves. .A eong, now In press. Is “THE SONS OF THE created a genuine sensation, and Juet to show entitled WUl You Be There When 1 Come Back. AGENTS WANTED his many pn*fce.«h»nal singing friends, who have The title speaks for Itself; In fact, la a etory to handle great Hi'ii* Hits. "Rlaht and JuiMce Must BLUE AND GRAY" sung his ballads In the past, that be is still in itself. So, taken all in all, the above live Pwall.*’ Mti«t lii* Free,** *‘Giris of the U. Sf. A Number that Thrtlla the Audiencei Rtnd for Pro- writing ballad hits, thia prolific songwriter has nnmbers show that the bonse of Harris Is very A..** and ••'That*! th# Kind of % Guy I Am.‘* Saaa- f'suunal C«Pf. Song Orchestration. 15c tn stamps. ple4 and partlrul‘'r^. INTERNATIONAL MU¬ I much alive and hustling as usuaL CLIP CD80N. Mualo Enbllibar. Bracktan, Mass. Just written and publlahed one of the meet beau¬ SIC CO.. 42:2 UoUADd Bldr. St. Miaaoun. r NOVEMBER 9, 1918

ten-cent stores, are what the boys would con¬ hi-ar*al for aevoral work*. Tliia play ta a sequel' LIEUT de CROISSET sider a lucky griib. to The Blue Bird, whirh Mr. Anies produced at If you have any of these comforts yon would the New Theater In 1914. NEW PLAYS like tlie N>ys in the serrice to have send them In the cast are Edith Wynne Mattblson. to tile Headquarters of the Stage Women’s War Reggie Bheffleld. Cecil Yapp. Mrs. Jacques Mar¬ Famous Playwright Visiting Relief, at 3G6 Fifth avenue, ,New York City. tin and eighty more piayers. The music for the LADIES FIRST piece was composed by Eric Beiamarter. and BAZAAR Herbert Paus, the poster artist, designed the LADIES FIRST—A musical comedy in three French Dramatist, Whose scenery. acts by Harry R. Smith. Taken from Charlie For Stage Children—Annual Benefit To Hoyt's A Contented Woman. Music by .\Im- Works Are Well Known Here, Be Held November 29 and 30 PROVINCETOWN PLAYERS .kllx-n Sioane. Presented by II. II. Fraxce at the Bruadburst Theater, New York. on Special Mission for New York. Nov. 2.—A meeting of the Stage Acquire Building Which Will Give October 31. French Government Children's Fund was held at the McAlpin. Tues¬ Them Larger Stage and Auditorium day. to plan the annual bazaar, which will pro¬ vide a summer home for the yoangsters when New York, Nov. 2.—Several statements have Benny .Irving PUher they come back from a season on the road. The been published in the newspapers recently to the I'ncle Tody .William Kent New York, Nov. 2.—Lieutenant Francis de .kunt Jim .Florence M- bazaar will b: held at the McAlpin on the effect that the Provincctown Players bad dis¬ Croisset, internationally famous as a playwright. Brother Ijarry .Charles ub-oit nights of November 29 and 30, and many of the banded. There is no truth in the report, how¬ Is in this country on a special mission from the Mr. Betts .Stanley Konle children will preside at the various booths. Mrs. ever, the fact being that the little band of Little Jack .Clarence NoriUtnun French government, and at the present time is McUurk . 1‘Bul Bumes staying at the Ritz-Carlton. Lieutenant Croisset D. C. Washington .Lew has iH-en in the French army since 1914, when Policeman .A. Twltcbel he entered the service as a volunteer. He bas Mrs. EMwmltb .Jane Elliott Jane .Jane Conrad been wounded twice, and has received the Legion Elma .Elma IV.ker d’Uonneur, la croix de guerre Francais, THE BILLBOARD RECORD OF RUNS Henriette .Oenriette Wilson Border dc la couronne de-BcIgique, and la Manila .Martha Petn IN NEW YORK Doris ...Doris Sheerto Clide . Elsie Shiw Florence .Florence Lee Merle . Merle Stevens By the Dramatic and Musical Plays Ada .Isdtie Trier Josephine . Josephine i and 1 play Betty Burt.Nora Bays- Humber ef Mniecsbre serformanoes np to and including Saturday. Norember S, Ladies First concerns Itself far<-ically with women in politics and is programmed as being “right up to the minute,'* but considering the PRODRCTIOKS OF LAST SEASON suffrage idea, as presented in the new play, it is conspicuously a back number, well adorned STAR THEATER COM. PLAT with Ireland moss. Passing Show of 1918. ...Winder Gardeo_July 25. A past of oppressed generations of antiquity holds more interest for people generally than a PRODUCTIONS OF THE NEW SEASON past within their own unhappy recollections American Slngere . Park Theater .... S<-p. 23. (politicians not inclndisl). A Stitch in Time. Fulton. o< t. l.'>. Miss Bayes tried on many hats before starting ITALIAN PLAY An Ideal Husband. .Comedy . Sip. 16. Be Calm, Camille. .B-mth. Oct. 31. to the polls to vote, addressing her ronstltuents Blanchette . .Theatre Vleux C«'l. Oct. 21. with the query: “Is my hat on strilght?"—• Is Secured by George H. Brennan for Daddies. . Bi’laseo. Sep. .1. .satire on the feminine voter retained from the Everything. Early Production • Hippodrome .Aug. 22. I original farce of twenty years ago. Such a Fiddlers Three. . Oort.,Sep. 3. Forever After . query would sound superfluous today, cousldertag 4New York, Nov. 2.—The rights to Ada Ster¬ Alice Brady . Central . Sep. 9. Freedom .. _. Century . (>et. 19. the well-balanced heads of a Carrie Cbipmao ling's English translation of the Italian play, Friendly Enemies . Mann A Bernard.Hudson.July 22. Catt or an Emmeline Pankhurst. 3a Cena Delle Boffe, have been secured by Glnrianna . ...Liberty. Oct. 2S. Trifles surh as these, however, have no terrors George H. Brennan, and the play is to have an Head Over Heels. . Miizi.G. M. Cohan..tug. 29. Information. Pleas**. for Nora Bayes. She surmounted what little early New York produeflon. The Italian version .Jane Cowl .Se|nyii . Oct. 2. Keep Her Smiling. Mr. A Mrs. 8. Drew., .tstor.tug. 5. opposition some of her audience might have of the play its liy Seiu Benelli. Tlie production T.adies First. ...Bmadburst.Oi t. 24. n-i-ognized in the passing and carried the entire has a record of several successful seasons in I.iglitning. ..Gaiety . .tug. 26. play with an easy grace and an riuberance of Italy, and it was proiluced in Paris by Sarah Midnight Revue. ..Century Gmve_ Apr. 6. Nothing But Lies. the fun spirit, meriting distinction for hrr Bernhardt. I..I ongnere . Oct. 8. Not With My Money. ..TUh Street. 0< t. 2.S. cleverness as well as for her entertaining art. The English version Is called The Supper of I'crkins. .—..Henry Miller...... Oct. 22. Willlaip Kent as I'mie Tody, in a s«ing. The Practical Jokers. A woman star will be seen Peter’s Mother. -——.I laylioiise. Oof. 29. Older You .\re the Harder You Fali, nearly In the principal role when the play is produced It«'dcniption . .lohn I'.arrymore.. Plymouth .Oif. 3. stopped the show, it was received with such up- here some time this month. Seventh Midnight Frolic.. .--—-.New Amst'm Iff. Apr. 24. Sinbsd. . AI Jolsqn (2d engage. I Casino. Sep. 2. Sleeping Partners. ...rijou . Oct. 6. Sometime . ...Shubert . Oct. 4. LITTLE SIMPLICITY PRODUCED Tea for Three .. ..Maxine Elliott ... Sep. 19. The Better 'Ole. i..Greenwich Village Oct. 19. New Haven. Conn., Nov. 2.—Little Simplicity The Big Chance. ...4sth St. Theater.. Oct. 28. The Riddle Woman. ..Harris. Oct. 23. opened a three-day engagement here tonight The Girt Behind the Gun . Itonald Brian .New .tmsterdam.. Sep. 10. preparatory to (Hienlng in New Y'ork. The Matinee Hero..T.... .Vanderbilt ...... Oct. 7. The Saving Grace. .( yril Maudo .Empire . Sep. 30. The Cnknown Purple .... ■ T.yrie . Sep. 14. OLDFASHIONED GRAB BAG Th'oe Fse., Fs

New York, Nov. 2.—The Stage Women’s War Relief is planning another feature for the can¬ John Vantine and Mrs. Sol Sehwartz are in piayers is still very much alive. They recently teen in Its homelike service house at 2.’)! charge of the affair, with a committee of women nci|uired a Imildtng at 133 Macdougall street, Ix-xing.on avenue, where every Sunday 500 boys us assistants. which Is considerably larger than their present in khaki and .due are its guests, and 90 of Many noted stage stars are assisting with the quarters, and It Is being remodeled for their use. the most fortunate ones may remain over night bazaar. Mme. Nazimnrs, Mme. Cottrelly, The new st.sge will tie one-HiIrd larger than the in tlie comfortable cots the actresses have pro- Frances Starr, Pauline Frederick and other m«m- one formerly used and the auditorium will have vidi-d. Nts of the board are dressing dolls, which will a larger seating eapaelty than Its predei-essor. There will be inaugurated on Timnksgiving he sold at the bazaar, and among those who are The season of Uie Provincctown Players will Day a big oldfasbioned grab bag, full to the contributing trinkets to be sold are Nan Hal- tie Inaiigurstod with three new plays by Susan brim with the things tliey most desire. The perin, Alice Brady, Bertha Kalicb, ElBe Shan¬ Glaspell, Edna St. Vincent Millay and Eugene articles will only cost from fifteen cents to a non, Geraldine Farrar and Norma Talmadge. O’NellL quarter, and will be the gifts of the men and women of the stage and their friends. SAM SOTHERN IN DEAR BRUTUS DRAMATIC NOTES From letters the Stage Women ronstantly receive they have learned that shaving brushes, New York. Nov. 2.—.‘*im Sothem, the Eng C. Belfonr Lloyd and Gilbert Wells, eccentric spap. razors, 25c books of stamps, fountain ll'h actor, has arrived here from London to ap¬ dancers, known as Lloyd and Wells, have lieen TIGHTS pens, cigarette coupons and cases, pixket plioto- pear in Sir James M. Barrie’s comedy. Dear engaged by John Cort for Glorianna. Lloyd nnd grapli frames, pen knives, pipes and books, es- Bnitus, wtileh Is to be produced by Charles Wells first “teamed up” two and a half years pei'ially the special editions from the five-and- Froliman with William Gillette in the principal ago, making their initial appearam-e at the role. Mr. Sothern will play the part of Mr. Winter Garden, New York. Purdy, the role be created at Wyndham'a Thea¬ William Garwood ban returned to Los Angeles Phone Bryant 2938 ter, I>ondoo. Mr. Sothern will also assist in from San Francisco, where be has tx'en playing staging the .\merican prodnctlon. on the stage in the new production. The Common Cause. Practical Farrier and Designer BETROTHAL PREMIERE Dim Clark has been engaged by Gi-orgi< K. Repairing and Remodeling Wintz for the play. Oh, Sammy. New York Nov. 2.—November 14 is tnnonneed Dorothy Cheston and Kilward Iiongman are the 120 West 44tti Street, NEW YORK CITY. as the positive date for the premiere of Maeter¬ latest additions to the east of Remnant, iu hIiIcIi linck’s The Betrothal, which bas been In re- Charles Emerson Cook will star Florem'e Nash. NOVEMBER 9. 1918 Ttie Olllboord 17

Wo harp often wondored why more of the fact that the actor-manager Is Increasing In Tb« Betrothal, which haa been in rehearsal for That the activities of the members of Stage quaint charactem of James Whitcomb Riley’s numbers In this country and simultaneously oeTeral weeks. Women's War Relief have been manifold and di'iubtful poems harp nerer been ntllized for losing much of his hold In London, where he endless is proven dally. And during the Liberty vtajcc purposes. They would se<‘m to lend them- has long practically controlled the theaters. Despite many predictions to the contrary, Loan Drive their energies were doubled, with the M'ltps readily to dramatization and, in the Of the quartet named Mr. Dltrichsteln is the Robert Downing's revival of the old classic. Ten result that they turned over to the Government hands of a capable and synn>athetlc playwright, only one among them who, in addition to pro¬ Nights in a Barroom, is meeting with consider¬ a very attractive list of subscriptions. The biako a play qnite as delightful as the great ducing his own plays and acting in them, also able success. It Is being played at the Four¬ figures on these subseriptions have been pub¬ llmwior poet's poems. And now Robert Me- has Invariably a band in the writing. Unless teenth Street Theater, New York, which is con¬ lished many times in various papers, but never¬ ljiu;;hlin has drawn on this storehonse for the George M. Cohan sliould elect to return to the siderably out of the theatrical district, but is theless are given herewith correctly for the first characters in his latest play. Home Folks. Uow stage—and there appears to be no Immediate drawing the audiences Just the same. time, viz., gL’,31'0,800. MU'CpKsfuI he has been remains to be seen, bat possibility thereof—Mr. Ditrlcbstein, npon the The Vest Department of the Stage Women's the play has impressed William A. Brady so assumption of managerial activities, will attain O. E. WEE ATTRACTIONS War Belief turned out one hundred complete favorably that he has accepted It for early pro- a unique position In the Amerlcnn theater. garments week of October 118. iluctioa. New York, Nov. 2.—Billie Olio will be re¬ Mrs. James Madison anbam, Henry Miller and Lon Tellegen arc the others. It is a curious For years we have struggled to oust Vulgarity from the •rheater—vulgarity and stupidity. We are but a handful—we are, in short, the artists. Ton HDME FDLKS rulers refuse our work, but think we have nothng to com¬ plain of. Accepted for Production by William A. (Complain is a mild word to men and women whose very Brady—Introduces James Whit¬ home Is being plundered—suffering from a worse spirit than comb Riley Characters even that which you are fighting against today. When are you. the Authorities, going to empower us to New York, Not. 2.—William A. Brady haa ac¬ stop it? For we alone can stop it. cepted a new play by Robert McLaughlin, author We have energy—why not help ns to help ourselves of The Eternal Magdalen, entitled Home Folka. and so put a branch of your business in order? The play Is a comedy and Introduces the char¬ CHICAGO NOTEU acters in James Whitcomb Riley's poems, among Mrs. Gertrude Haynes Flint, who is In charge them being Orpbant Annie, the Raggedy .Man. The news of the triumph of Robert Edmond Jones’ settings for of the knitted goods department, reports 1,000 Aunt Mary, Llsbeth Ann. and other typical Redemption will be received with Joy by the colony on the Amo. sweatera, 1,500 socks, caps and other knitted lioosier characters made famous by Riley. articles in proportion now on hand and ready Tlie scene of the story is laid in and around for shipment. The demand for sweaters haa GreenOeld. Ind., witere Riley began bis career been heavy on account of the “flu” epidemic, but cided to defer tbe beginning of their season as a poet, and ono of the acts Is laid near list of playwrights Includes Lincoln Steffens, so far she has been able to supply all calls. until December 8. This action was taken by the ''the old awimnaln’ hole.” Mr. Brady Intends Mary Heaton Vorse, Rita Wellman. Lawrence Mrs. Mary Youliu has Just returned from a directors In view of the fact that the Liberty tu produce the piece as soon as it can be pre- Langorr, Lloyd DeU. Witter Bynner and Hieo- trip to New York and la working bard every Loan work, illness among the performers and l>ared for the stage. dore Dreiser. day on surgical dressings. other factors have Interfered with rehearsals and Members of the profession In Chicago havo hindered tbe preparations for their productions. John W. Cope, an almoet perfect type In ap¬ overlooked an opportunity of materially aiding The program for tbe season includes many in¬ ANDTHER SDLOIER SHDW pearance, and esi>eclally in voice and manner the Chicago branch during the recent shut¬ teresting plays by well-known authors, and it is of speech, of the Arm, capable, bardbended, down of the theaters because of the epidemic Ntw Y’ork, Nov. 2.—The boys of Camp Merritt planned to present at least one play by a Balti¬ practical man of affairs, was never more hap¬ of influenza. With an abundance of time on are going to put on a soldier show at tlie Lex¬ morean each month in order to encourage the pily cast than he la In Daddies, and Winifred their hands there is no reason why every ington Theater beginning November '35. The development of talent among local authors. L'raser la loveliest of no-Ionger-yonng OMthers, actress in the city should not have given at title of the piece is Good Lock, Kam. it has As heretofore, the net proceeds of tbe Vaga¬ but tbe star of the cast Is Loma Volare, actress, least one day a week to the work of the 8. W. been In rehearsal for several weeks anil promises bonds will be devoted to war relief agencies. L«st age 5 yeaxa. W. R. The workroom Is large and well venti¬ to be tbe biggest Mhlier show seen here. year 83,000 was earned at tbe various perform¬ lated, and gauze masks have been provided for George M. Cnban will direct the ppsluction. ances, and it Is hoped that thin aeason’a re¬ the workers. The old standbys are keeping tbe •'Sergeant Edward Anthony la responsible for the J. Herman Thuman. in The Cincinnati En¬ ceipts may be even larger. quirer, comments as follows on the theatrical wheels going, but they would appreciate a little while the music Is by ttergeant Lonls assistance from members of the profession who Merrill. Assisting Mr. Cohan will be Fronli situation: "Never before in the history of this country are in the city. ■ •SI Sliort. Jfllciiael Ring anti I’rivate William has such a situation arisen as prevailed for the .Annabelle Whitford Buchan is recovering from It. Hmltli, who bod much to do with the pri>- p.iHt month. Never before have the theaters been an attack of Spanish influenaa. diiitl'in of Yip Yip Tapliank. The profits of w> sorely trieil. Never before haa It been so In New Play, A Prince There Was A telegram came in from Alma Youlin tho the two weeks* engagement will be used for the drflnllely and so positively proven that amnse- other day requesting a supply of.yarn for mem¬ ’'•netructluB at Camp .Merritt of a building bers of the Frederick Bowers company. The nieiits are absolutely nei-essary for the vitality, Atlantic City, Not. 1.—Tbe ban having been wliere the friends and relatives of the men Cliicago 'orancli needs more Industrious workers healthful spirits and encouragement of a people. lifted on the theaters of Atlantic City, after 'n trniuiiig van be taken care of. like Miss Youlin and Mrs. Bowers. The idea tliat entertainment is a m .tter of In¬ having been dark for several weeks on account The headquarters of the Chicago bnneb Is on dolence, wasteful luxury or even badly directed of the "flu” epidemic, the Apollo Theater wlU the fifth floor of the \Vo Woodbuzy. Edwin BadiHng and George Spelvln. a Aaa ftirsat. Nsai Vaafe. NOVEMBER


ences, while E. A. Turner as Tom Hamilton | MCNALLY’S CENTRAL SQUARE COMPANY years. The play was first given In September, VO. i looked and acted the role to perfection. John 1S16, by the company. Smythe Wallace, lead¬ Resumes After Three Weeks of In* Dugan as Putnam is alnaya splendid in roles of ing man. was kept busy giving talks on the activity this type, and Ruth Fielding as Lally Joy shared recent Liberty Loan drive, as did John Mack, BULLETIN n 4 hugely in the laughing honors of the week. Lynn. Mars., Not. 2.—The Central Sqnare who made a record selling bonds. George W. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR PER CoAf Ted Brackett as Ralph Thurston and John M. Theater Stock Company at the Central Square Scott and Dorothy Marke, well-known etock Glsantic rollci-tlon of ISI pages new, li-lght Kline as Dr. Lord both contributed no small people, were at the Federal ’Theater here Oc¬ and orlglnsl Comedy .Maicrlsl tor vsudetUle Theater here offered Mary’s Ankle week of Oc¬ measure to the recordbeeaking week. John Gor¬ tober 24-26.—THAYER. stage use, embracing ereryihlng that ran be tober 21. Herbert De Guire and Anna Latlng ' of use to the performer no matter what son don, Josephine Gardner, Rose Gordon, Elbert made their first appearance wish the company. of an act. monnlogue, parody or flll-ln btta he Benson, Frank Farrara, Peggy Savage, Louise mav require. Notwithstanding that McNally’t Robert Brlster and B. week. The past week the company offered ern stock manager, is confined at his hotel in t ROOF-LIFTINO TRIO ACTS Johnny, Get Your Gun to capacity business. South Bend. Ind., Nov. 2.—Ed Williams, man¬ this city with the influenza. As soon as be is One for two males and one female, the other The management will offer Pal o’ Mine next well and conditions will permit Mr. Byers will ager of Ed Williams Stock Company, playing in for three males. 'Theae acta are 24-kartt. week.—THAYER. sure-fire hits. baTe out the Byers Stock Company again. this city at the Oliver Theater, has presented Miss Tiny Leone, his little star, with a low 2 RAHLINO QUARTEHE ACTS HENRY JEWETT PLAYERS JACK ROSELEIGH touring car, made especially for her from a One for four miles, the oiber for two males unique design drawn by Mr. Booth, the scenic and two females. Both acta are alive with ■ humor of the rib-tlrkllng kind. artist of the company. 'The car is painted pure To Present Officer 666 at Copley, Did Notable Work in Recent Loan A NEW COMEDY SKETCH Boston Drive white, with the name, “Tiny,” In large, black letters on the door. The upholstering is In entitled ’’Ilubby't Night Out." It’s a tcreaa from Stan to finish. black and white stripes. It makes an attractive Boston, Not. 2.—Officer r>66, the play by I'niou Hill. N. J., Nov. 2.—Jack Roselelgh, Great Tabloid Coaitdy aad Rarlas^ leading man with the Hudson Stock Company, of picture and it has become a common occurrence Augustin McBngb, which has been received entitled “Hotel De Grafu" Ifa bright, on the main streets here to see the little lady with universal favor wherever acted, both in this city, has done notable work in the Fourth breezy and bubble* over with wit. speeding along with a carload of laughing glrle. this country and in England, will be given next Liberty Loan campaign, going well over the top Miss Leone has sent in her application to the AN ACT FOR TWO FEMALES week by the Henry Jewett Players at the Copley in his own drive to sell bonds to the amount This act will pealUvely make good. war department for the position of driver for Theater here. This will be the first production of $160,(100. Before bis drive had closed he service oversea^. 12 MINSTREL FIRST-PARTS of Officer 686 at the Copley, and will be staged succeeded iu obtaining subscriptions that totaled with alde-aplitUng Jofcee and hot-shot ettmtr under the personal direction of Henry Jewett. $108,750. In addition to making appeals from NEW PLAYERS AT COLONIAL fire gags ^ The cast will include Mr. Clive, Mr. Leslie, Mr. the Hudson Theater stage, when he went over GRAND MINSTREL FINALE - I the top in his drive, he also delivered addresses Wingfield, Mr. Permaln, Mr. Craske, Mr. Pod- 1 Baltimore, Nov. 2.—A Urge and s.vmpathetic entitled "The Prise." It wiu keep the audi¬ at shlp.vards in behalf of the Liberty Loan. ence yeUing. more, Mr. Weston, Miss Newcombe and Miss audience greeted The Glr! WUo Came Back when Viola Roach. it was presented at the Colonial Theater Monday HUNDREDS EMPIRE PLAYERS of crackrr-iack I'rosi-FIrc Jokaa and Gaga, night. The occasion was an unusually inter¬ which can be used for sidewalk ocnvcnaUoo POLI PLAYERS IN PAL O’ MINE esting one. as It served to introduce to the for two males and male and female. Resumed Work Last Week Baltimore public a new leading man for this Hartford. Conn., Nov. 2.—The Poll Players RESIDES organization, ffkinglass Diimbrille, and also Miss other comedy material which ts aaeTul to the presented Edward Noel’s crook drama. Pal Salem, Mass., Nov. 2.—After being closed Virginia Howell, who made her initial bow to vaudeville performer. o’ Mine, to good audiences, and scored another three weeks, on account of the epidemic. The Rememlwr the price of MeNALLV’8 BUL¬ a Baltimore audience. They both made a favor¬ success. Last Monday nlpl t Secretary of the Empire Players reopened October 21 with The LETIN NO. 4 It only One Dollar per copy; able impression. or will send you Bullnini Noe. S. S and 4 for Navy Daniels sjioke at the Palace Theater, Man They Left Behind. The usual big Monday Mr. Dumbrille is a capable actor and possesses $2.00, with money back guarantee. business was followed by good houses all week. nd the entire company were the guests of an exceptionally good stage presence, and Miss WM. McNALLY arles Dillingham at a theater party at Par¬ This week the company offered the first musical Howell won the hearts of the patrons of the sons and saw The Canary. It was a treat for play of the season. .\lma. Where Do You Live, liouse from the first moment she stepped out on 81 East 12Sth Street, New York all. The audiences nt the theaters are getting to excellent audiences. By special request of the boards. larger, altho the ’•flu” Is still raging. Daddy patrons Manager Katze will repeat the laing-Legs is the nest bill.—GAKVIE. play. The Story of the Rosary. This is the first ilave you looked thni the Letter list? There repeat play given by this company in three I may be a letter advertised for yea. MOTHER CAREY’S CHICKENS ' Opera House Directory Offered by the Somerville Playera PICTORIAL LITHOGRAPH PAPER ' esnnsvtva;:;:— Somerville, Mass., Nov. 2.—Mother Carey’* For all Classes of Attractions Carried in Stock Ready for Immediate Shipment -;— Chickens was presented by the Somerville Play- •rs here the past week to capacity business. WRin FOR PRICES ON ENGRAVED BLOCK, TYPE WORK, CARDS. DAHS, HC. Grace Fox in the title role was superb. Emily Callaway as Nancy was admired by the audi- Catalog and Date Books Mailed Free of Charge.

THE LATE EARL HAWK ACKERMANN-QUICLEY LITHO CO. AT LIBERTY HS-117.HS.121 WIST riFTM STHEtT_KAWSAS CITY, WO. , STOCK. KtF. OK OKC. Wanted Quick for The Columbia Stock Company alvin' martyn Woman for Ingenues, not too tall; also Woman for General Business capable of doing a Lead or Second Busi¬ A real, versatile, nimpetmt general buslne*a actor. ness, No Specialties. All photo* returned, state all and l»«e«t salary in first wire or letur. Direct and scrlpti If wanted WM. KRALCE. Manager, Crisfleld, Md., week of Nev. 4; Pocomekt City. Md.. week et Nov. II. 414 AKARD STREET. DALLAS. TEXAS. WANTED FOR THE WM. F. LEWIS STOCK COMPANY STDCK NDTES for balance of this and sumnur season of 1919, people in all line* of the dramatic buslnr«s; those doing spe¬ Warron O’Hara ban encaged Kalman Mntru* cialties given prtferenct; Cnmedian wbh up-to-date speilallles. Vaudeville Team that ran change Atnmg for week stand. General Business People that will play anything .-asl for. WANT full a-tiiig Company. Mimry to play juvenile leadn for bln ntoek enroptny sure and good tieatment to good, clean poiple. All pc(g>le who have just closed with me on account of the flu, at the Hatliaway Tlieater, Bmekton, Mas*. this work is open to you. People must join on wire. Pay your own telegrams, I will pay mine. Addrma 55>'la Thelma ban jolnevl the 8hea-Kln*ela _WM. F. LEWISs BelYldere. Nebraska. Players at Yonkern, New York, to play second business. She nuccee,!* Mildred Sonthwlek. piill'n I’layrs at tlie Lyric Theater, Bridge¬ port. Conn., continue to play to good business WANTED IS! COBURN-DUVOYLE PLAYERS despite the epidemic. lyust week the company People in ail lines, those doing specialUea given preference: A-I Piano Player, doubling stage; Singing and presented a ntw sba'k release. The Cabin In Dancing Soubrette. A-1 wardrobe co and off. Ticket If we know you. the IIlUs. ^_COBURN-DuVOYLE PLAYERS. P. 0. Bex 387. Sioux City. Iowa. Harry Mlnturn Stock Company, nhowlng at the Slmbert Theater Milwaukee, Wl*., w'as LOU WHITNEY STOCK WANTS QUICK closed Octola?r 'JO with all the other nhowa by tlie local autlioritics. VERSATILE HEAVY MAN Ilruy Elkins, juTcnlle man, hog Joined the stock, one and two billi a week. Loiig aeasoru stale age, weight, beiglit and enperlonce. with photoa. pro¬ Princess Tlieater Stwk O’mpany at Dca Molnea. gramme and lowest salary. Quick study, wardrolw and mrsatllliv positive essmtlalt. Second ecoson here. Ia. He was formerly of file (Itin Dllver Players Address WELSH A WALBOURN. BIlou Theatre. Jackson. Michigan. at LIm'oln, .Neh. The Moronco Stock Company at Lon Angelen, .00 -E,,....., WANT STOCK ENGAGEMENT Cal., la laying off due to the ciddemic. All the meDilHT* of the company are making the simont:among sum^alock Managers.managart. He died CctoberCKnober 5 at FOR RUBY DARBY AND HER NEW RAGTIME REVUE l>a*t of the enforced vacation and arc eojoylng Greenvflle, Tioin., where bis show was playing an Twenty people. Now playing Blppodicmc Theatre, Army City, Kansas. E. M. CAROINER, Manager. themselves. engagement. NOVEMBER 9, 1918 THE GAZETTE Show Printing Company Theatrical type work of every descrip¬ tion, including heralds, .tonighters, tack and window cards, card heralds, eloth banners, half-sheets, one-sheets, three- OTIS OLIVER PLAYERS N. T., where they hope to reopen Monday. The her and the body to Mrs. Lasley's home. sheets type. Write for samples and other two companlea will reopen In Jameetown Lorraine is atlU with Mrs. lasley. prices on your requirements. Reopen at Lincoln, Neb., With Midnight as soon as the ban is lifted.—JACK RAYMOND. Show F. H. THOMPSON CLOSES We do Commercial Printing, too. MRS. V. A. MclNTOSH ILL TJncoln, Neb., Nor. 2.—The Otis Ollrer Play¬ Frank H. Thompson’s Tent Show closed the ers, playint permanent stork at the I.yrlc Thea¬ Mrs. V. A. McIntosh (Opal Sflrerton), emo- most prosperous season October 8 that the show GAZmE SHOW PRINTING COMPANY ter here, ksre a mldniyht show Friday, the day tionil leading lady with the John Jennings has enjoyed in the nineteen years en route. MATTOON, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. the ban was lifted in the Slate of Nebraska. Dramatle Company, now laying off at Alvin. Business wras bad nntil July, and great nntil Sereral Omaha theaters also rare a mldnlaht Texas, la seriously ill with inflnenza at the October 2, when the “flo” broke out. We were performance. The Oliver Flayers presented home of her husband, isoi Crocket street, expecting to close our regular season October FOR THE BEST Frerkles to a aood sized audience Friday. The Houston, Texas. Mrs. McIntosh was stricken 10, so we only lost two days on account of the play for next week will be Flaytblnss. with the “fln’* October 26 on arriving In Uonv epidemic. Ibis show will not go out until af¬ The Ollrer Flayers (Rastem) open Thursday, ton with her husband. Many friends of Mrs. ter the war, as the next draft will catch the November 7, at the Orpheum Theater, Qulnry, McIntosh wish her a 8i)eedy recovery. manager of the company.—F. H. T. HI., with The I'nklssed Bride, the comedy Just released by Harry Blaney. All members of both MRS. A. LASLEY GRATEFUL POPULAR PLAYERS the Oliver companies were forunate to escape the “flu.” R. N. Ilntchlnson la a new member Mrs. Arthnr Lasley, wrlilow of Artbtrr Lasley, Hope To Reopen Soon of the Lincoln stock, and will open with the who died October 10. wishes to thank Mr. and show next week. Mr*. Bob Schooler, of Baldwyn, Miss., for the The Popular Players, under the management kindness shown her during the Illness and death of Moredock A Watson, were compelled to CARDS, BANNERS and HERALDS RELIABLE BRANDOM SHOW of her dear husband. She also thanks Dr. Cald¬ close indefinitely on account of the epidemic. well, who attended him, and all her friends, A few of the members of the company are AT THE LOWEST PRICES who hive so kindly remembered her with letters stricken with the “fln.” The company will Write to 'The Old RellabU Brandom Show will take to and telegrams of sympathy. Mrs. Lasley thanks reopen as soon as the ban Is lifted in the dif¬ tho road once more, after laying off for six all members of her company, and especially her ferent towns. At present the company is lay¬ The Donaldson Litho. Co. weeks en account of the "fln.” Mr. and Mrs. leading lady. Miss Lorraine, who accompanied ing off indefinitely at BulIochvlUe, Ga. Charlaa La Balne will open with the company NEWPORT. KY. (Opposite ClnclnnaU.) after a long rest at their home In Kansas City, Mo. W. A. Steed hae also signed with the MARTIN C. BRENNAN. Editor. show as manager, and will take an interest In ANDY KERR. Busismt Maaaier. general. The company will play the smaller AUSTRALIAN VARIETY towna nntU Cbrlstmaa, after which It will lay AND THE SHOW WORLD. off to get thing! la readiness for the spring The prototj'pe of Tho Ullllioard In the antipodes Is DOW the recofDued organ of the exhibitors of AustraiU cpealag. and New Zealand, and the best adrertl'ing medium for Msviae Picture Producers asd Dlitrlbutera. It also deals briefly with Drama, Circuses. Fairi. JAMES O’LEARY DEAD Parks and Racing. Adrcrtlslng rates on application to The Billboard. All communications to SOPHIE TUCKER’S BRENNAN A KERR. 250 Pitt 8t.. Sydney. Auatralla. Was With Leo Blondin Show All letters addressed to Australia should bear 5e in stamps for each half ounce or fra-tiou thereof.

Jamaa (Jimmie) O’Leary, the well-known co¬ median, brother of Mamie Sheridan Wolford WANTED IDEAS (Mrs. C. L. Paul), died at the General Hoepital. Write For Free Palest Guide Boekt. Llit ef Patent Kansas City, Mo., October 17, of pneumonia. Buyers and Inventions Wantad. 51.000.000 In arlns snared. Send sketch for trse ealnien a( patentability. Mr. O’Lieary, altbo a otvuparatlvely young man, bad been an actor for twenty years, starting In VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. ^Unften. o. c. the busineaa with tho old James B. Waite Com¬ edy Company. He played for two year* under 1,000 FINE WHITE ENVELOPES Printed any color for only 12.35. Send copy with ord the management of fUm S. Sbnbert, playing one HOC’-E OF Ot’.SI.ITti’. fiancTof). Ions._ af the twins In The Belle of New York. For the UpD A| DC Tonighters. small datrs. half ten years mneb of bis time had been spent I aa.,gvrai^I./,,y, ghrets. pesters, polo cards. Neal la the West, where be was a popular favorite. work, ratalng or rsitmaie free Samples, 10 ceota, Hla last engagement was with the Leo Blondin HURD OF SHARPSBURG IN IOWA. Show. The remaim were sent to Chicago, hit home, and buried beside those of hts father.


The Byltee Stock Company is at present lay¬ Must double epecisltjcs on piano. Name lowest tnd be ready to join on wire. Week stand*. Fay own. ing off at Pratt. Kansas, nntil the ban on thea¬ THE GREATEST BLUES SONG EVER WRITTEN Good Pianist write. IL L.\ROV, Manager Sto^ Co.. ters la lifted. Onr business so far ha* been Foatorla, Ohio. extra good, la fart as good as Mr. Bybee has ever bad to this territory. The personnel of Wanted Sketch Team & Novelty Performers the company has remained Intact, altho we All change for week and work act.«. Don't write have been laying off now three week*. The unless you hare the goods. Write or wire your low¬ est. 1 pay all. Live no car. Tell all you can and roster of the comypany Includes Mirvln E. By¬ will do In first. FURIJJ WALTZ BIG THNT SHOW. bee. proprietor and mnnsger; Kobert I^wls. Sharon. Georgia. huflineas maaagor;* Kthel Hybee, tiearnrer: FYnnk Rhermnn, Claude PW'unt. Mr. and Mrs. WANTED FOR Freeland. Agnes Geyer, Mm. .Anna Oeyer, Kate OLLIE HAMILTON'S No. 2 SHOWS Sherman. Charles Chambers and John Geeks. I under canva*. good Straight Man. B. F. rVmedlaa. We ate also carrying an excellent four piece Professional Copies, Orchestrations Now Ready I Sketch Team. -All must be go:.SS1XL ZAKIJNGTON. Manager I Ollie Hamiltno No. 2 sh'iw. I.aitta. South Carolina. houses aihl then will reopen his tent In the »prlng.—LEWIS. 11/1U T r n Experienced Organist for CUTTER STOCK COMPANY CHAS. K. HARRIS fiHn I L U Picture Theatre One who is capable of playing Mollcr Pipe Organ. State The Cutter Stork Company la atill laying off lowest terms, full particularv Address CI S SIX. Ingfleld. Ohio. on account of the "flu,” but hope, to reopen = Columbia Theatre Bldg., 47th St. and Broadway | 'ooa. The member* of the company have taken REPERTDIRE NDTES Hdrantage of the enforced vacation to visit their I NEW YORK CITY | liome* and acquaintances. Measr*. Brewer and Kitty Hoey’s WiM West Player* will open in ILiymond. Mlaaea Lambert. Leighton, Wanda and Lowell, Ma>s., November 11. after t«ing closed Jordon are In Jamestown, N. Y.; Messrs. Cutter. for three weeks on account of the epideuil.'. Itubb, Power* and Mokelba are vlalting at Kane, I’a.. while Mr*. Cuttsr, Mrs. Biibh and Mr. deliveries of costumes,tights, Leo Blondin and ei>mpany wish to exprew. ihelr Inimmonal are at llomell, N. Y. Mr. Canudale WIGS AND MAKE UP. sympathy on the death of Jaoe- O'Leary, I* la Boebester, N. Y. Tbs Ed Clarke Lilly formerly a comctlian for Blondin. * ompany. The Boma Read Company and the • Manufacturers and Renters of Costumes—all descriptions. ITie Pullen Company closed three weeks ago Ob, Lady. Lady. Co., bava been laying off at For infonnation \5Tite IX'pt. B. In Shelby, Mi*s., on account of the epidemic. Jamestown, N. Y., for tha past three weeks. Mr. Leland had the "fiu” for ten days, but ITie latter company left Jamestown for Buffalo, Jack Weber’s Minstrel Joke Book—a big hit—sent for 25c, Is well now and on his way to Chicago with postpaid. Rena SL Clair. They were with the Pullen CHICAGO COSTUME WORKS, Company 23 weeks. Billy Sousa of Roy E. Fot-: Show, and wife, 143 No. Dearborn Street. • • • CHICAGO. ILL are ai>en'iing. their enforced vacation at their PHONE. CENTRAL 6292. home in St. louls until the ban Is lifted on the theaters. Both would be pleased to hear from their friends, Addrets lO'JO s5L Lools avenue, s-t. Louis, Mo. till ar.-«unt of misfortunes, which I bate suffteed throuah rlckncss tnd otherwise. 1 nred llnanrlal a.>sistanc« until I 4’sn Cianphle the wrltbif of a hlsh-rlass play, rutillel "THE KING FAMILT AX'D THEIR OLD. GRttWLlNn trrerMOTMEB." .'r> financial assistance will bo cbeerfully retumrd when I get on my fe<.-l Have you looked thru the Letter list? TlKre acam. Addrm PROF. ROBERT S. CAMPBELL. R. F. 0. No* 2, Onakar City. Ohio. may be a letter adverOaed tor yon. nent Exposition. He also advocated the issning I It was only a few ypara aKo that the American of a aeries of what would be known as nature ben was hMtkeil u|M>n ae a sort of consort for the ENLARGED EXPOSITION IDEALS study lessons for distribution among mem¬ farmer’a wife. Kbrs furnished the pin money bers. for the womenfolk. But today the chicken "The8<» suggestions,’' said Manager Unlit, business totals more than ♦700.000,000 annnally, “have encouraged na to undertake this work, EggK hare (tone np from two cents for a baker's Far-Reaching Purpose of the Chicago Permanent which has now progressed to the point where dozen of tlilrtt'en to one dollar fop twelve. The we can, with proper co-operation, carry it thru. latter price, even before tijtcs, like aeroplanes, Exposition Shown by What One Feature Means This should, and no doubt will, interest not soared into the cloude, was often paid for set- only every one of onr boys and girls, but also tlnjt engs for the specially select trade. Fifty their parents and friends. If started here it dollars for sett in); pur|MMies is not unnsual, while —There Are Nine Floors and Each One WiU will spread all over the nation; appeal to the a single hen is worth as much as a farm In farmer as well as the city man; draw a vast Texas, and a married one, together with her House a Great Exposition of Its Own number of people, with a fixed, definite pari>ose, family, often costs nH>Tp than a city residence. to the building, and have an Influence on those Samona County, California, alone has recently responsible for the future welfare of our produced 10,000,000 eggs in a year. This gigantic undertaking of course has its ists between the city children and the farm. children which will be far-reaching, and will Here is a feature of the Chicago Permanent battles to fight, for it is a new idea and a new This of course would require the approval and eventually widen the public’s interest in things Exposition which will attract worldwide at¬ idea among men is what a chip on the shoulder co-operation of the Board of Edneation. ■gricaltnral, the farm and the great ont-of- tention. There will be Installed on the eighth of a Ihi.v means to a town bully; new ideas are “Mr. Sboop and 1 decided,’’ said Manager doors.’’ floor the largest glass Incubator ever built. are discordant notes in the psalm of life. The Halit, “that the thing to do was to establish This is a practical age. and the questions that When completed It will hold 1.000.000,000 eggs. Permanent Exposition of Chicago is a mammoth a headquarters with ample facilities and live naturally come to our minds are: Does it pay? Three tons a day will be placed In this wonder¬ undertaking and therefore is unnsuaL The birds and animals, and employ as lecturers men Why all this fuss about birds? Wouldn’t it be ful creative machine. It will take 31 days to building, real estate. Insnrance, taxes and up¬ and women who have made a study of these time more profitably spent if we were to study fill It by placing three tons of eggs per day. keep alone mean ♦1,300 per day to start with objects. There should be enough of every va¬ how to better servo humanity? These are fair When the eggs begin to batch there will bo There *re 365 days in a year, and that means riety of such small animals as can be easily questions. from 45.000 to 50.000 young chirks a day to money. transported, and a great number of our native Those who ask them seem utterly obvious of look after. This is a story of gigantic mag¬ and foreign wild and domestic birds, fowl and the fact that the birds are man’s untiring nitude. It would furnish a realistic writer Let's take one feature of this great, manifold pet stock. Proper cages could be easily provided I employees as well as being counted among his with food for many bks. as well as supply alt undertaking. 1 refer to the effort to introduce of the htdels in Chicago. our public school children to nature thru the Besides this gigantic incubator this floor win bird and animal feature. This will occupy the house the entire menagerie of the nagenbeck- entire eighth floor. The following facts we Wallace Circus, which will be wintered there. gathered from Col. A. B. Halit, who is in full It will be the permanent home of a great va¬ charge of the entire exposition. He said: riety of wild animals, beasts of the forest, birds of the air and fishes of the sea. This will be “To those who have not given the plans serious a great human practical university. But will consideration it may appear that it is our pur¬ It pay? pose to exhibit birds and animals merely as an I>pfs study Just a few facts about the common attraction to draw people to the building. owl and see If It might not be worth while to “While it will of course do this, yet they are give thought to these things. being placed there for a far more important pur¬ Owls live on rats, mice, beetles, shrews, pose. gophers and other andeslrable settlers in the “We have about 600,(KK) children of school field. Uncle Sam's experts have figured that age in Chicago, boys and girls who are very rats eat up annually ♦1,000.000,000 worth of largely deprived from coming in actual contact food; they keep 50,000 farmers occupied feed¬ with nature; who know but little of birds, ani¬ ing them; -SO.OoO laborers and mechanics are mals and flowers; who know practically nothing busy repairing the damage done by them; an of agriculture, horticulture and the live stock army of doctors are trying to kill the deadly germs spread bn>adcast by them; they have twice brought the bubonic plague to our sbores from India, where 3,(n¥»,O00 men, women and children died in 1!107 from this dread scourge; there are 300,000.isto rats in the United Stat'w; there are less than 3,000,000 owls; rats breed imce a month and have ten to a l|tti-r; an owl lays from two to four eggs eaeh year; owls live In hams, sheds and tlie woods; rats have fol¬ lowed man everywhere—that la why we feed the rats and shoot the owls. Setentists have for centuries observed that Bie Chicago Pevmar.ent Exposition, which will shortly be thrown open to the public, will occupy this there are tw'o forces struggling for the posses entire building, giving an idea of the scale on which the project will be carried out. skin of the earth. One of these great contend ing armies is headed, marshalled and recruited true friends and nnsurpassed entertainers. The by man; the enemy is made up of millions, yet, farm, the orchard, the garden, and the vines and ten billion trillion armies of insects, bugs, germs shade trees are their natnral habitat. Their and microbes, with gnats, fleas, files and all the speech is a song. Their food Is the pests, germ- trained aviators that harrass ns from the breeding and deadly insects, which are the nat¬ heavens above, while the seas are teeming with ural enemies of man. submarine enemies more wonderfully made than was ever dreamed possible by the Ingenuity of We rellgionsly atndy abont the plagues of (Continued on page 58) Egypt which Pharaoh encountered thousands of years ago, quite forgetful of the fact that In one year the birds of Massachusetts alone consumed A. B. HULIT Sboop,’’ said Col. Halit, “he stated that when 21,(XW bnshels of Insects. we were ready to start, steps would be taken The Oovemment bulletins tdiow that the farm¬ to have the principals of the schools where they ers and fruit growers are losing ♦l.OOO.OOO.tiOO were to be shown, organize classes in Nature a year by reason of the havoc wrought by the Study In their school, and encourage the chil¬ insects which the birds formerly destroyed. dren to visit the Central Bureau to not only see Ninety per cent of these little feathered frlemls the objects that could not be transported, but have been mthlessly destroyed by us, and now to attend the lectures to be given tliere. He we are paying for this folly Just when we ran suggested that in getting up these collections least afford to do it. for the Central Bureau Exhibit we should In¬ The cotton growers are losing 1100,000,000 a clude a mare and a colt, cow and calf, sow with year thru the ravages of the boU weevil. They I Igs, ewes with lambs, nannygoats with kids, have not yet learned that quail, pheasants and and all kinds of matured wild animahs and birds prairie chickens are worth ♦lOO.OOO.UOO a year to with their young. He laid particular stress them as protectors of their cotton crops, so they upon the importance of our showing the adult shoot these Invalnable little workers and <-all v.lth the young of our clomcstlc birds and an¬ it sport. In the meantime the world suffers fur imals, with competent men to talk about them. the want of cotton. “Superintendent Shoop approved the idea of The chinch bug is now able to destroy ♦lOO,- creating organized classes in each school, re¬ 000 000 worth of grain because we have allowed quiring that each boy and girl must obtain a this eternal pest to Join bands with our old- certain standing in their ordinary studies be¬ t'me enemy, the Hcaalan fly, which destroys ♦200,- fore being allowed to become a member of 000,000 more of the grain growers’ crops be¬ these classes, and that when they did become cause It'a such great sport to kill quail. members each one be given a nicely gotten-up At this time when we are asked to save grains button on which the picture of a bird would of wheat and onnees of fat and when we must appear. This they could wear as a proof of ourselves go without the staff of life In order their standing in school, and of the fact that that we may sin the war. It does seem strange they were members of the ‘Nature Study’ class, Uiat we ahciuld deal in sneh great figures as entitled to free admlssloii to the Central Exhibit the Government has set before us and be told and to the lectures on ‘Nature Objecta’ given that these represent our annual leas becaosc we then and elaewheru In th« city by the Perma- have destroyed the birds. NOVEMBER 9, 1918 Ttie Billboard 21


Tlmoks rietoher »oiunt«»ered hit serTlcM Lyceum and lu the GoTerDment, without pay, until the end ,.r (he war, and haa been inanaKtH* of the War Chautauqua Notes Truphr Train touring Virginia, Maryland and Four Wonderful Song Successes Being tVeat Virginia. Elowanl C. Washington, tenor soloist, com¬ TTie Trophj Train gare Its flrat exhibit In poser and publisher. Is now negotiating for a the Weat Virginia territory at Alderaon, where : Featured by Eminent Artists tour of chautauquas next summer. Mr. Wash¬ nruuks Is booked for two lee-turea on this sea* ington has produced and managed the World’s son's lyceum course. Greatest Concert Company and America’s Great¬ Mr. Retcher had charge of the War Trophy est Novelty Concert Company, both of which Train and the arrangement of the program of were booked by Tbe Eastern Lyceum Bureau of exhibits and makes the prineipal speerh In each Boston. • '■nn. The train made from lire to seven and FOREVER IS A LONG, S. F. Fannon is booked by the Colt-Alber eight towns a day. Bureau, giving a lectnre on Community Para¬ A'S<«-lated with Mr. Hetcher were Gunner sites. felstun of the British Army. Sergeant Rabler LONG TIME Brooks Fletcher reports that his lecture. Com¬ of the famoua French "Blue Devils,” Private munity Deadheads, grows more fascinating to Muller of the French Foreign Legion, Sergeant Mmc. Chilson-Ohrman him each season he delivers it. Mill and Private Sinclair of the American Army, A. E. WIggam is booked for some good coorsee and F. A. McDonald, Yale graduate and T. M. this season. He will continue Climbing tbe C. A. secretary, recently returned from a year’a Family TTee. icrvlce with the “Rainbow Division.” Miss Kathryn MIgllarlo Is booking some chau- All of the soldiers on the train hare been In tanquas in lUlnois for tbe White A Myers’ Bu¬ the trenchea and have spent several months In ONE FOR ALL, ALL FOR ONE reau. the Iiospital as a result of severe wounds and Mary Taggart Blosins, prlma donna soloist trench gas. , Miss Grace La Rue, Miss Bessie Wynne with Theobaldl Concert Company the past sum¬ Redpath Bureau secured Dr. Edward Amherst mer, Is Just resuming her normal actlTltics after Ott to fill the lecture engagements as a aubatl* a severe attack of tbe "du.” lute for Mr. Fletcher In the towna where he Gertrude Payne and Ferral Leggette got la was booked for October. two weeks of their Southern tour before they E. E. Meredith, theatrical press agent, did WATERS OF VENICE were quarantined at Augusta, Ga. on account of the advance work and the advertising for this the "da.” partirnlar party. The speakers were all heard (Floating Down the Sleepy Lagoon) Tbe Community Campaign booked In North by crowds of many tbousands every day, the Dakota has been hindered by tbe "flu.” but they newspapers devoting a large amonnt of space to Mme. Chilson-Ohrman expect to resume work opening November 15. the work which the War Trophy Train did In They report having seventy towns now booked. helping to sell Liberty Bonds. Dallas Tex., is doing a splendid thing. The Chief of Police says: "I propose to bring ezpeita THE NEW LECTURE CONFERENCE from Chicago, Kansas City and St. Louis here OH! YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT to give our policemen tbe benefit of tbeir ex¬ The I. L. r, A. Bulletin announces that the perience. We will have lectures and personal Second Conference will be held at Washington. workers aid in this work.” D. C., April 7 11>. 1010. W. 11. Stout will be YOU'RE MISSIN’ dlrecb^r of the conference. The subject. Democ¬ racy and the World War, will be the basis upon M me. Marguerita Sylva, Miss Adele Rowland DATES FLEW ACCOUNT THE "FLU" which this conference will be held. Last week Dr. Stanley L. Krebs was booked MARRIED Copies inwall keys to recognized artists at Grand Rapids for tbe Y. M. C. A., at Lexing¬ ton, Ky.. for tbe Appalachian Logging Congress; upon request. Jammle Clark, the well-known piper and at Cincinnati for the National Casket Manu¬ dancer of the KUtiea Band, was married at facturers’ Association and the Strietmann Ca, Kansas City October 2K to Miss Ina McCourt, 145 WEST 45TH ST., and at Kirksville for the Missouri State Teach¬ cf Glasgow, Scotland. Mr. J. Coates Lock¬ ers’ Annual Conventioa. and all were canceled— hart. the head of the Liv-kbart Trio, was best NEW-YORK. a clean worth of bnsiness gone to zero! nan, and Miss nelen Davidson, also a member ARTMUSIC, INC., This week he is making pep addressee at Camp «'f the Trio, was In attendence upon the bride. Logan and Great Lakes Naval Training Statloa Miss >R;Cuart la a “Bonnie Scotch lassie,” and on the snbject of “Plnck.” Krebs seems to take If she Isn’t the "Maid of Dundee” It Isn’t bis own medicine all right! Jammle’s fault, for he showed what be thought of this loss do to. Tbs bureau maaagera need of that choice spot by picking It out as bia Have you looked thm the Letter Uat? Th^ birthplace. The ceremony was performed by your friendly co-operation at this time. If yon may b© a letter advertised for you. Judge Oeehmere Welch, who pronounced the can forget the fact that yon have a contract happy couple man and wife. Jammle saya: "I which calls for a set salary do so. Be consid¬ Iedwardg'adamS hope that no higher court will eeer reverse the erate with your losses. Show that you are a : B PLATFORM PUBUCITY EXPERT O ! Judge’a derialon.” These young folks are friend In need. ; Prodacur of Art Adoancm Circmlart S Chicago Conservatory favorites In Chautauqua circles. TVe have beard of some sly meetings, gumshoe jSCHMIDT BROS .6.^8 Federal Stiert, CHICAGo! gatherings, whispered agitations looking towards S CopTwrlteta, Artista, Engravera aad Piinlera | Auditorium Buiiding, 9th Fioor, Chicago AMALGAMATION GOSSIP a movement to make the managers come thru We apeclalloe in Music and Dramatic Art tor Grand with fall salaries. The leader of this la a cer¬ Opera. Send fur catalocue T’he latrwt stories fioaUng around about the tain lectnrer, who has been fee do is to release DR. STANLEY L KREBS giant. the managers from the letter of their contract LEE FRANCIS LYBAR6ER Other editors have given It the once over, said and go in as brothers to help solve tbe hardest ECDNDMIST AND SDCIDLDGIST, l’>usin«>ss and Community Building the bh'iwing over this new supposed child and problem yet to face the entire movement. No Lectures. LAWYER AND LECTURER then talked wlie. It seems now that the birth greater calamity could befall the talent than ex'pebt on salesmanship. I'opular Lot'turf^ for (ar^*/ iVotAlon*. 2229 Andrews Ave., NEW YORK CITY. will not take place for a year. to have the bureau managers fail in business. Address cart BMIbaard. Ckleifa. We arc ready to help at this time, and we want LYCEUM BUREAUS AND THE all others to do the same. CHICA60 OPERATIC CO. “FLU” MR. VAN 0. BROWN MUSICIANS WANTED the company for LYCEUM AND There la no doubt but that tbe awful strain PIANIST, SINGER, CHAUTAUQUAS placed upon tbe bureau managers at this time JOHN B. MILLER. Masafur. During the great Cnlted War Works Drlre. SYia Wlatkrsa Avaaus. Chleaas. la the worst that has ever hit the lyceum. Tbe READER and COMPOSER writer has alarays been accused of being the November 11 to 16, the lyceum and chati- friend of the talent. That la true—we are. tanna talent available for help In this great CHAUTAUQUA. LYCEUM AND We wish now to use our friendship, which we work should get In touch with William Stokes, VAUDEVILLE. director of the Speakers’ Bureau, second door CHARLES A. UAfiE have earned by fighting long, bard battles, to Now working for Uncle Sam. Dpen bring a lesson home at this time. Talent Conway Bldg., Ill West Washington street. DRAMATIC TENOR. time "After the War.” Permanent ad- Voire ruAOiNG ani> coachino. 4hoaidu’t be arbttrary. Don’t Shyiock-Uke bold Chicago. Tbe bureau is In great need of musio Director Chautauqua FreaclMrs’ Quartet for your pound of dcah. U joo can bear a part and stUI more miiskr. I dress, care “BILLBDARO.’* S9 C. Vaa Burta St.. AtkaatauM BItfto CHI6AS0.

F A 22 Tlie Billboard NOVEMBER 9, 1918

the past summer at the Teatro Colon in Buenos slon’s Symphony. Composition* by John Alden EDUCATIONAL CONCERTS CAMPANINI Aires. Other artists who have enjoyed ]h>iertolre. given by the principal players of the orchestra Sebnroenn-Ileink can. Purlng the recent Lib¬ Opera Program Alessandro Dolcl, dramatic Italian tenor, and Director Damrosch will also tell bis aodlenrcs erty Loan Mme. Sehnmann-Heink personally Guido Ckeolinl of Costanzl, Rome, heard in this some of his experiences In France this summer. sold over $.TOO.OOO worth of bonds in two days, country in vandevllle, concerts and recitals, will The concerts for young people entering upon A $10,000 bond was the prli-e of one encor* when iChlraRo, Not. 2.—Clcofonte Campaninl, fron- also be at the Auditorium this winter. their twenty-first year will be given on Satur¬ cral dtroctor of the Chicago Opera Asooclatinn, Florence Macbeth, Irene Pavloska and Evelyn she sang at the Library steps. At the New day afternoons on November 16, December 14, oTer his slgnatnre, recently stated that show¬ Parnell, artists of former seasons, are returning, Amsterdam Theater, where she occupied a box February 1. February 22 and March 8. Soloists manship is an important adjunct to the success¬ wlU be Mabel Garrison, coloratura soprano; ful presentation of grand oi>era. This is a most Harold Bauer, pianist, and the laadora Duncan progressiTc, if not radical, statement, coming CLEOFONTE CAMPANINI Dancers. from one of the foremost of grand opera con¬ The concerts for children, succestfuUy in ductors, one who became famous as a musician augurated last season, will be given on Satur¬ before he demonstrated Ills ability as a show¬ day mornings In Aeolian Ball at 11 o'clock on man. Furthermore >Ir. Campanlni said that he November 16, November SO. January U and had taken this lesson from his eleven years as February 8. These concerts are designed to be a director In America. of especial value and Interest to ebUdren from He proved the wisdom of this last winter dur¬ 7 to 12 years of age. ing his New York engagement, when his show¬ manship, as well as musicianship, wrought such INDIAN COMPOSER RETURNS suci-ess that the subscription list for the second season, beginning next January 27, indicates a New Y'ork, Nov. 2.—Mm. Stella Price Stocker, series of ail capacity bouses. And at the begin- fnllblooded Indian of tbe trtlw ot OJlbwaya. iitDg of this season, three memths in advance of and author and coni|>uaer of Indian folklore that date, it is anticipated that the entire sea¬ melodies and stories, has returned to New York son will be sold out by subscription, so that alter a absence of several years. Sbe and her there will be nothing left for the usual box- daughter have been in the interim busy among ofBce sale. tbe different tribes with Indian research work rieofonte Campaninl w;ia bom in Parma, Italy, She will give several lecture-recitals during the and first studied music in the conservatory of season, presenting her Indian Myths and Melo¬ that city. Being a younger brother of the world- dies and two of her Indian (days, Sleor da famed tenor, It»lo Campaninl, he was reared in Uiut and Tbe Marvels of Masabnsh. Mme. the higher musical atmosphere, and while still Stocker, whose Indian name Is O-Mes-Qna-WI- in his youth was at the first violin desk of the Gl-Sbl-Qae, meaning Red Sky highly ap¬ Parma 0|K'ra. the same old opera house which preciated by the Indians, who look upon her he liought and restored when be came to afOuence as one of tbelr most talented artists. m.Tuy years later. CON The opera at Parma served as a stepping stone to greater things, for he was called to direct WOMAN WINS PRIZE at the famous lai Scala in Milan, then to the Costanrl at Rome, and later to the San Carlo in Chicago, Nov. 2.—^Tho W. W. HlmbsU $100 Naples. lie has conducted opera in every im¬ prize in tbe annual competition nnder tbe ana- portant city in Italy as well as Paris, Madrid plces of tbe Chicago Madrigal cinb. ban been and other capitals. For a number of yean- he won by Frances McCollln, a Pbiladelpblan. tbe eonducted at Covent Garden, Ix>ndon, and in con¬ first time in tbe elub’a history that tbe award temporary summer seasons was similarly occu¬ has lieen made to a woman. Tbe conteet was pied in the leading cities of South America. for the best madrigal setting of m selected poem, When 08<-ar Hammerstein arranged to present this year’* verses being Tbe Nlgbte •’ Spring, grand oi>era in New York City, in opposition to by Bertha Oebsner. a atndent of the t^iverslty the Metn>i«ilitan 0|(ers, ho selected Campaninl to of Wisconsin. The Judges were Victor Gar¬ assist in the orgaulzatiou, giving the Italian wood. Edward 0. Moore and D. A. Cllpplnger. impresario complete charge of presenting the Following tbe enstom, the new work will be operas at the Manhattan Opera House. Th:s sung at tbe second concert of tbe club this tca- oiiterimeut, lasting four seasons, was respon¬ 800. sible for many novelties of the modem scboul. in addition to introducing such notable artists OFFERS PRIZE FOR MUSIC as Luisa Tetrazzini, Mary Garden. John Mc¬ Cormack and other famous stars. When that New York, Nov. 2.—Mm. Frederick 8. cou>(>aDy was reorganized into the Chicago-Pbila- Cooildge. wbo recently dedicated ber Temple dclpbia Grand Opera Company Maestro Cam- of Music la tbe Berktbiree. and Introduced panini was selected as musical director. Later, composition for a stiing quartet by T. N. under the Chicago Opera Association, he became lareokl. wbirli bad won a priM of 11,000 given general director. His success has placed the Chi¬ General THroctor of the Chlcsao flrijid Opers Company. by ber, baa offered a similar prise for a sonata cago Opera ni>oB the plane of one of the world’s or suite for piano and riola to be played at ber greatest operatic institutions. festival la the temple next anmmer. Campaninl has given to Chicago opera lovers while Dora Gibson, of Covent Garden. London; during tbe last night of tbe loan, $2r>.onn was Mrs. Onolldge’a moditlons are that the com¬ eome of the rarest oiteras, with all of the well- Dorothy Jardon, graduatem- paid for her singing of the Star-Spangled Banner. position muft not have been publlabed or played known ones, artistically produced and sung. e>l.v ranks, and Margaret Namara, all .Vuierii-aii From this theater the diva trotted over to the In public and that It must be aubmltted before This seasen be will present several premieres, singers, make their Chicago debut this winter. Cohan Theater where she again aang tbe July l.'). 1910. It is open to ail musicians of the among them one or two by hitherto unheard of NVilliam Rogerson. a young Chicago tenor, and national anthem, realising s substantial sum United States and their alllea and those of American composers. He has always been a Sylvia Tell, .Vmcrlran premiere danseiiiic, also fur thia bouse atsow neutral countries. The rompooltiona art to be strong advocate of America for Americans, and make their first appearance here. timed only with a nom de plume, tbe real haa never deprived a worthy native artist of •Mario Valle, Italian barytone; Vlea Amazar. name of the composer being sent In another the opportunity to be beard. Among his “snr- Russian soprano, and Lodovico Ollviero, Italian MUSIC FESTIVAL envelope. prisee” this winter will be the debut of several tenor, complete the list of Campanini's Inter¬ young Americao singers, and the clientele of the national songsters. Of Bangor, Me., To Have Active Sup COMPOSES ARIA TO POEM Chicago Opera is greatly interested in whose port of Bangor CHamber of are the new voices to be beard and the new faces AMERICAN COMPOSITIONS Commerce New York. Nov. 2.—Edgar Stlllmen Kelley, to be seen, at the same time strongly interested whose productivity during the past four yeaiw in the retnm of andi favorites as Mmee. Galli- Used Extensively on Programs of Phil- j Bangor. Maine, Nov. 2.—The Bangor Chamber baa included such great works as tbe New Eng¬ Cnrcl, Garden, Raisa, Fitzlu, Sharlow, Lezzari, harmonic Society of Commerce voted last Monday to accept tbe land Symphony and Tbe Pilgrlm’a Progress, has, Van Gordon, Herat, Messrs. Muratore, Baklanoff, proposition of the directors of the Baatem Maine at tbe request of Mabel Garrison, entered a new Bimini, Stracciarl, Lamont, Maguenat, Arimondi, New York, Nov. 2.—Tbe regular season of Festival Association that it take over the boa field of composition, and accordingly composed 'Huberdean, Nlcolay, Trevlsan and others, who tbe rhilharmonic Society will begin on Novem- iness affaim of the Maine Music Festivals in an aria with orchestral accompaniment, ualng remain for the coming season. tier 14. Among tbe novelities to be presented Bangor, and will' give active support to the fes¬ aa his text a cbarecterlstlc American poem, Curiosity Is slto keen as to the added no¬ during this season by Director Stransky are tival as an annual event. entitled A Callfomla Idyl. Tbe new work was tables from Europe and North and South America a large number of American compositions; A new board of directors was chosen. Inelnd completed sfter Mr. Kelley’s retnn from a lec¬ who come to the Chicago Oitera this year, some Reginald Sweet’a Symplnnlc Sketches; David Ing three of the old members, with Hon. F. 0, ture tour in rsllfomls tbe middle of Angust, of them to make their first apjiearance in the .ed eipresaly for performance United States, and others bringing pleasant liam H. lIumistoD'a suite; Mortimer Wilson's vliMjry capacity. The Bangor (•oncerts, which by Miss Oarriton at the Worcester reatlval. recollection of their artistry in former grand From My Youth; I.,eo ttrnsteln’s In Chinatown like thrwe of IVirtland, were postponed on oe It la in Mr. Kelley’s most eniulslta lyric style, opera seaeons In Chicago. and Funeral March; Stmbe’a Symphonic Var- oeint of tbe influenza, will be given this month snd the new concert aria will be a welcome One of these newcomers Is Yvonne Gail. iatioa; RJesenfeld’a Five Btchings of New probably oo tbe IRth, 19tb and 20tb. The fea addition to tbe repertoriaa of eopraal every’ French eoprano, of the Paris Opera and dniisg York; John Powell’s Uhapeedy Negre, and £ee- tlval was founded In 1887. wbetas NOVEMBER 9, 1918 e B

0AMR08CH SYMPHONY After a atiort bnatnem sesalott the members. presidents, Mme. de Vere Satdo, Florence Mnl- coatMMd mostly of laslles. Joined In a war ford Hont, Frteda Bempel, Mrs. John Onr, Will Give Series of Sixteen Conoerte ramp community eong, singing such songs aa Berenice dl Pasquale; directors, Mrs. F. M. at Aeolian Hall Orer There, It's a I-iong. Long Trail; Katy, Every, Mildred Holland, Eva Pbippe, Mts. F. IRVIN MYERS Good Morning, Mr, ZIpp, and several other pop¬ .M. Swacker. Mrs. J. Hedges CroweU, Mrs. J. New Tork, Not. 2.—The concert November ular melodies, W. E. Bradford conductlig. W. Loeb. Mrs. Evsdne P. Turner, Mrs. C. E. In Aeorlan Hall, by the .Symphony Society The next meeting will be hdd November 14, Henry Stengel and Mrs. Samuel Sebiff; record¬ Voice Culture uf New York, Walter DamroAcb, conductor, will when an early ItaBan opera will be presented. ing secretary, Mrs. J. Willis Smith; correspond- UNher la the seriea of elxteeo aubecrlptlon con¬ Thiiing the season four operas will be preoented. ing secretary, Mrs. J. M. Campbell; assistant certs to be given by the Symphony Society on among them The Doctor of Alcantra. The corresponding secretary, Alice Rosa-Dette; audi¬ 2465 BROADWAY .Sunday afternoons. offleers of the club are: Founder ami preshlent. tor, Mrs O. W. Dunne; treasurer, Mrs. F. P. The program consitts of Bach’s Suite in C, Katharine Evana von Klenner; honorary vice- Morey; historian, Mrs. L. A. Limebumer; presi¬ NEW YORK arranged by Damrosch; Beethoven’s No. 7, the presidents, Hon. Charles 8. Whitman sad Mme. dent's advisory committee. Frank M. .Avery, Andantlno and S-^^berzo from Debussy’* (Jiiar- Olullo Gattl-Casazza (Frances Alda): Vice- J. W. Loeb, H. S. Praetorlus, Thomas Nixon. Phone Rivers! m|(|ue, also of Paris. The dances are taken from a ballad The World’s Foremost Cellist ID two acta by Jean lUrbepin, entitled Danse TRANSCONTINENTAL TOUR NOW BOOKING ' CONCERT NOTES ilea Mensdes, Danse d' Aphrodite, and Danse PABLO CASALS EXCLUSIVE MANAGEMENT ' des CroUles. USERA Gk CO., to E. 43r Innatl CuDservatorj of Manic at an eurl; data. Flametta when these operas are produced at Ills lint group will comprlsa Busoni, da Motta the Metropolitan this season. and Joseffy transcriptions of soma of the less There will be a concert under the patronage known works of Bach. The .'entral feature IRGIL of Mrs. Robert Bacon in the Hippodrome. New SPECIAL INSTRUCTION IN York, November 10, for the benefit of soldleia Albenlx, the famona Span'ah composer, and also at Camp Cpton. Kiccardo Martin wlU be one the seguldlUa-Caatlllan Dance, by the same of the singers. compoeer. The remainder of t^e program wlU The Schubert String Quartet of Portland. Ora., he devoted to Rnsslas noveltlea. a new plane PIANO TECHNIC, EAR TRAINING Is composed of the following members: Vivlaiuie composition, Bonrree, la E minor, by Gehempliuieut by playing M. Mes- by William Kroll, violinist, will be the soloist eager’s arraugeiuent of La MarsvilluUc. These are the vordsof our illustrious President. We agree at the recital given at Carnegie Hall, New heart and soul with him. Your audience is your enemy Y’ork, November 11. by Dr. Nicholas J. Eilaen- and to be a real hit you must demand of them an uncon¬ helmcr. TWO AMERICAN SINGERS Two masters of the violin, Eogen Tsaye and ditional surrender. To accomplish this you must have Miarba KIman, will give a Joint recital at the New York, Not. 2.—Two .American bom supremacy in material. Hippodrome, New York, November 17. stagers, who have Just made tbeir concert debot San Francisco impresarios have completed ar¬ with considerable snials, Ylischa Elman. Arthur Rubin- ITalse of their artistry. O'More was enfllent ! stein and moat of the famous singers. in a group of R-.jlIsb songs and Whipp has I Several soloists have postponed their New a personality that Is s pleasure. Both sang 1"0li Moon of the Summer Night ! Tork recitals account of the epidemic. Ttwcha with ease and had eoinplele r-mmam1 of their ' Seidel, the violinist, postoned bis recital a' 'olces, which were for the most |>srt -kmerlcan j Carnegie Hall (K’tober 20; Miacha Elman can¬ tnined. celed bis October 27 recital at Aeolian Halt. 2-What an Army of Men We’d Have I and the Letz Quartet has postponed Its 0«- HIPPODROME SUNDAY CONCERTS II IHKY K\KK DRAFTED IIH CIRI.S.) tober 22 concert until later at Aeolian Hall. To Rcinald Werrenrath goes the credit of giv Ing the first all-English song recital ever heard In New Y'ork. The popular American barytone S-I’m Going To Spend My Vacation sang to a capacity house at Aeoilan Ball, recent ly, sting cycles by American comptisers, «tir wrm AN OLD IIME REl.ATIO.N.) ring English ballads and a group of Allied war I songs, all in English, 1 Henry Hadley, the American composer, wbos- 4-i Love Her and She Loves Me (NEW) opera. Bianca, was an arUatlc success on Its initial presentation by the American Singers . ri'his is our new point, a positive hit sonR. at rhe Park Theater, New Tork, bids fair to he the leading composer of this country. Last .vear the Chicago Opera Company produosd hU s|>ectarular opera, .\zora. Later on this sea¬ NATIONAL OPERA CLUB AL PIANTADOSI & CO., INC., N. Y. C. son the .Metrop-litan will produce his abort 1531 Broadway, Astor Theatre Bldg. oiiera. The Night of Cleopatra. ^ew Y’ork, Nov. 2.—The Ilr»t meeting of the In giving as many .Vmericin operas, tut;* by season of the National Opera Club of .Ymerlcs 189 N. Clark Street. - - CHICAGO, ILLS. .kmcrican artists, as be can Hud, Uatti-Casazxa. was held at the Waldorf-Astoria last month. j (Continued on page 41) 24 e B inboard NOVEMBER 9, 1918

In the beginning it may be slow, but —In borrowing from Peter to pay Paul gomery, Ala., who is very anxious to get newt of her son’s wbereshonts. Ills right nsme is it will be sure. It will gather headway —were expended on study or reading Leon Stokes and be wss with the Kingling Clr- day by day, and every month—yes, the advantages would be tremendous. can when It playi-d Jacksonville this sesnon. everj' week—will show palpable gains. It would mean learning and a larger, Billg&arcl Shortly after peace shall have been fuller life. THE SHOW WORLD EHCTOLOPEOIA declared the United States is going to Culture is not to be despised and it Marriages boom. It is going to boom prodigiously. is within almost anyone’s grasp. Ail The Billboard Publishing Company, We shall enjoy an era of prosperity that one has to do is to reach out for iL ARNAUT-BAYER—Rene Amant, of the .Vr- W. H. DONALiDSON. naut Brothers, and Fill Bayer were marrieil in such as has never heretofore been ap¬ It is almost entirely a matter of bow Obicago Oetolier 24. PUBLICATION OFFICE; proached, much less experienced. one employs one’s leisure. BR.tNSON-SPIEGEIy—P, N. Branson, formerly Billboard Bailding, 25-27 Opera Place, But do not attempt to discount it with Sello Fluto advance, and Ellx.-itv-tb Spiegel Ciii;icDati, Ohio, • - • - • U. S. A. But leisure in turn waits upon thrift. You can not without taking long were married in Wichita, Kan., on lirtober 26. Locs-Dlstance Telephone, Canal 5085. No one who Is eternally barely two or chances. Do not gamble. BUCKLEY-HE.VLV—Jonqiiin W. Buckley, »ho Prier.te Exchange, connecting all departmenta. three Jumps ahead of a mob of bill has written many plays and vaudeville sketi-bes, Cable Address (Begistered), “Billyboy.” We have gotten off lightly in the collectors, process servers and dunning and Mrs. Helen Ilealy were married In (Vean matters of grief, suffering, trials and agentsnkronfa oiroeever Vinahas anynnv amountnmrtiint of lei.alirfl.leisure. 1 N. J., Oi'tober .10. troubles compared with our Allies, but CAn.SO.\.BAni,OW—J.-irk n. Carson. Hebrew BR.^XCH OFFICES; The only way to obtain and enjoy eometllan, late of Barnuni A Bailey Circus, and for all that we have had a pretty stiff spare time is to save money. Maria Barlow also a performer, were married NEW YORK dosage this last few weeks. It has its beginnings tliereln at any In Nashville, Tenn., October .'iO. Broadway and Forty-fonrth Street, second floor We took our medicine manfully, too, rate. Besides, when one has made a CL-MlK-MoCOUHT—Jammte Clark, piper and dancer of the Kilties Band, and Ina McConrt Pntnam Bldg. Entrance, 1493 Broadway. while it was coming, and even if it was Telephone, 8470 Bryant. practice of economy and thrift in were ma Tied in Kansas City, Mo., October 28. not for long we have a right to expect money matters, it leads one almost un¬ D.Mtl.ING-YOCN'tl—G«>orge U. Darling, last CHICAGO some benefits. consciously into the habit of conserv-1 CrlUy Building, Monroe and Dearborn Stracta. The war has taught valuable lessons. ^ I louDf? wpfi* luarii^n wtober 29* Telephone, Central 8480. ing ones time. | gII.BERT HrRWELI.^ohn Gilbert. weU We have paid the price of the course. ST. LOUIS When one begins to utilize all the known to motion picture patrons, and Olivia If we throw aw’ay the teaching and odds and ends, the fragments and rem- 1 Burwell, n.mprofesslonal, were married recently. Oamble Bldg., 620 Cbestnnt Street. learn nothing we will be doing a silly . ... _Gilbert will have to leave in a abort time to XiOng-Distance Telephone. Olive 17^. nants of his time, wisely and usefully, colors. thing. SAN FRANCISCO one is saving time, and saved time is HAIG-MORE—Capt. Nigel Haig, cousin of Sir Douglas Haig, and Cnity More, musical comedy 603 Bumlioldt Bank Building. leisure. Ingenue, were married in London. England, Uc> SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES: probably the most Important lesson Thrift! tober 19. Kansas City, 1117 Commerce Building, Tele- for showfolks that has come out of it That is IL HAMILTON-MARIXE—Leo namilton. of the l^ne H. 3657. Baltimore, 924 Equitable jg that living only from day to day or That is the one big advantage that Sells-FIoto shows, and Ethel Marine were mar- SSSr- w~k to tveek Is tolly-folly that brloss we can get out of the war in return for wTs"iiI; w/Jh “tSe "^nsF5;t'^ Main 3307. Philadelphia, 1137 Westmoreland retribution and insures painful conse- all the disadvantages it brought us. Shows. Btreet. Omaha, Neb., 216 Brandels Theater Let us insist upon having iL HARPER MrDANSI IS—W’illUm I-e* Ilirper, Building. l/iDdon, England, 8 Rupert Court, quences. Ute of the CsmiilM-ll Shows and 101 Ranch Show, Piccadilly Circus, W. Paris, France, 121 Rue and IJdean McDunslIs were married In Tuba. UontmartTe. Tel. 222-61. Ok., October 26. KESSIE-GERBEH—Hcrinan Keaale. profession¬ ISJUED WEEKLY and entered as aecond- ally known as Itib white, and I llllan Gerber, elaas mail matter at post-office, Cincinnati, Ohio. MR. ALBEE’S IDEA of the Gerhcr Sisters, were married la rhieaKO recently. Kessle left Immetilately for France. ADVERTISING RATES—Twenty-five cents per 1*DC, agate measurement. Whole page, 3175; I.EHRTER.RE.NO—II. (“Whltey") I>ehrler, bait page, $87.50; quarter page, $43.75. No Last week E. P. Albee, moved by the hardship and distress existent boss canvasman of the Walter L. Main Showa, advertisement measuring less than four linea among vaudeville artists, was prompted to suggest safeguards against a and Myrtle Reno were married October 6. accepted. LI.OYD-FOX—Billy Lloyd, of the team of recurrence thereof, or mayhap it would be better to say that he had in Lloyd and Britt, and Gladys Fox were married Laat advertising form goes to press 12 If. mind a way or means of meeting and combatting such recurrence. In Seattle, Wash., November 16. 1917. It was Monday. i His ideas had not then assumed definite form or shape. He merely kept a secret until Jiiat recently. BUBBCRIFTlOlf: I outlined—barely sketched—a nebulous plan, but hardly offered it even 0’norKE-.8rHROTT—Joseph O'Bonke. well- One Year.$3.00 known streetman, and Antonette Kohmtt were 8U Months . 1.75 as tentative. married recently at Rochester. New York. Three Months . 1.00 Since then a great shock and sorrow has come to him in the tragic¬ RUBENS-NASH—Jose Rubens and Mary Nash Payable in Advance. ally sudden death of A. Paul Keith, and we have not pressed him for were married in New York October 19. Sflss IN QUANTiriBS (two or more to the same further details—nor will we until time has in some measure healed his Nash la the heroine of many stage rr'mances, and be was her leading man. Both principals are address) 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT IS AL¬ hurt. LOWED. No extra charge to foreign subscribers. well known in the theatrical world. Meantime we venture to express the hope that when he gets around RYAN-INGERSOLI.—Joe Ryan, heavy man In THE BILLBOARD is for sale on all traina to the working out of the details that he will endeavor to formulate not support of William Duncan in Mtagrapb serials, and newastands tbrnont United States and a benevolent institution, but a straight insurance company that will I and Helen Marjorie Ingersoll, also of the Vita- Canada which are supplied by the American I graph Company, were married recently in Mer¬ News Co. and Its branches. It Is also on sale issue poycies to actors, safeguarding them by no means against unem¬ ced. CaL at Brentano's, 37 Avenue de I'Opera, Paris, ployment, of course, because that would be visionary and vain, but France, and at Gorrlnge’s American News against UNEMPLOYMENT DUE TO QUARANTINES, ACCIDENTS. Agency, 17 Green Street, Leicester Square, London. W. C. When not on sale please notify ILLNESS, EPIDEMICS, FLOODS, EARTHQUAKES AND GRELAT Births this office. CALAMITIES IN GENERAL—SUCH FOR INSTANCE AS BIG IN¬ Remittances sbonld be made by post-office DUSTRIAL STRIKES, CITY EDICTS AND STATE MANDATES THAT Bom. to Mr. and Mrs. Ln O. Williams, a or express money order, or registered letter, CLOSE THEATERS, and also that the privileges be extended to man¬ girl at their borne In Toledo, O., recently. Both addressed or made payable to The Billboard mother and child doing nicely. Publiebing Company. agers and agents as well as actors and actresses in the dramatic, mu¬ I Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Walters, a son The editor can not undertake to retnrn on- sical, burlesque, Chautauqua and outdoor fields, and not restricted to I on October 9. Walters Is with the Pat Casey eolicited manuscripts. Correspondents should vaudeville folk only. ( Agenry. keep copy. If a tontine or endowment policy could also be issued it would I Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John T. Murray, a The Billboard reservea the ti^ht to edit all prove exceedingly helpful, as would also a savings bank feature. I daughter, in .N’ew York recently. Mrs. Murra.v advertising copy. 'The great thing, tho, is to make it a business proposition that will I is known professionally as Vivian Oakland of the Oakland Sisters. stimulate and foster thrifL Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vokes a son at Vol. XXX. NOV. 9. No. 45 their home In Everett, Mass., Oetolier 9. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. BInney a dangbter recently. Both mother and child doing nicely. THE BILLBOARD’S SERVICE FLAG Before the war too high a percentage Born to >fr. and Mrs. John Swain a son at of players and their Immediate busi¬ Readers’ Column their Itonie in Brooklyn October 10. y~. .Swain ness associates classed with the spend¬ is identified with Swain’s Cats and Rats. Hi f!3 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar llammersteln a ers and wasters, and of those who If any person floinx from Blohmond Fair to dangbter on October 26. llammersteln la the 1?3 were not exactly prodigal, far, far too New York City happened by mistake to get a son of the late William llammersteln. trank marked In white paint. Mrs, F. J. Mor¬ Ri many were unduly liberal and careless phy. kindly notify Immediately Mrs. F. J. Mor¬ Rl with their earnings. phy, 323 W. Forty-third BtreeL New York City. PHILADELPHIA NOTES George Dexter—Selld yoor addreBS to yoor Ra The war has changed all that. mother. Very Important. Address Mrs. A. The epidemic ban that was lifted In Phila¬ It has forced thrift and frugality Dexter, Pershing Apts., 303 E. Twenty-ninth delphia last Wednesilay, October .TO. on thea¬ street. New York City. ters, picture bouses, schools, saloons, societies Rl upon us. We have found out that we and churches has made the Quaker town a gr>*at can save and husband and exercise Anyone knowing the wbereabonts of C. A. big bit brighter. The iuiiuserf->rnianet>M are largely attended, IH If, with returning prosperity, we set Charles Duble—Yon are requested to get in then drop off the next day. .Mtogether oual- touch with Claire Illington, Twin Falls, Id., at ness is not as go.s| ss was exi>ected. Pa our faces resolutely against permitting once. Something to your advantage. The same eoniDllon prevails In the saloons Ra ourselves to fall back again into our Anyone knowing the present wbereabonts of and even cafes and danep halla as well. It '.a hoped that with the niimlter of eases of the .Ha- former “easy-come-easy-go” habits, we Tom Greeley write or tell him to write Bombay, 1ft Ra Commercial Hotel, Pittsbnrg, Pa. ease dropping off every day the theatrical sltiia Rl w'ill be by way of getting a real and If this sbonld come to the attention of J. A. tion will again become normal by the end of tangible return—a benefit worth not Howard, or anyone kiK>wing his present address, the week. Ra kindly write Mrs. J. A. Howard, Marlow, Ok. The Keith Chestnnt St. Theater did not have a only all we have paid for iL but much Ijeo Miles—Kindly rnmmnnicate with Mrs. matinee on Saturday. November 2, owing to Rl more. Marie Hayes. 1107 K street, N. E., Washington, the funeral of A. Paul Keith being held that iftbiftiftifti^RaRaRaRanRi D. O. Anyone knowing of his whereabouts get aftermsm In Biwton. One gains nothing at all by contin¬ In touch with the above party. Ue was form¬ The unique and latest amusement place in ually striving to hold up his end in erly a theatrical manager. Philadelphia. The Mobhles. will have Its initial F.s>nard C. Pester, former wild and domestic o|M-nlng Saturday. Novemtu-r 9. faster company than he should train animal trainer, would like to hear from Lucille Billy Roland, pnslueing agent and manager Editorial Comment with. Coates Bartlette, who was with The Ham of vaiidevllli- arts, has o|M-ned his new ofljee Tree Company In 1914. Address coDmnnlcatlnns In the Keith Theater Building, Room 765. anil Perpetually balancing—hovering—on will be |ilen-e<1 to see arts wanting time for to L C. Pester, 105 East 25th street. Min¬ anywhere and everywhere. The worst is over. the brink of Insolvency may be ex¬ neapolis. Minn. If this sbonld come to the attentloD of Mrs. IbiN-rt E. Ib-ady. the old partner of the lat@ citing, but it Is far from comfortable. BoN'rt Morisiw. has taken charge of the man¬ That much is certain, and players Fishman’s son, or of anvone knowing the pres¬ One simply makes himself the prey agerial end of The Trocadero Theater, with and the people of the show world gen¬ ent whereabontB of him. kindly tell him to write of all sorts of mean, petty, little sordid to his mother. Mrs. Fishman, 158 Olenmore Jimmy Kenny treasurer. AH the picture bouses and nearly all the thea¬ erally can count upon an improvement • venue. Brooklyn, N. Y. His mother Is very anxieties that make undue claims upon in. ters took advantage of the ban to redecorate in wndltions confidently. | attention, sap his energies and Improve, and the openings were like 'ha Will Chas. Dnble and Harry Beeves write to The epidemic of Influenza has spent “7, beginning of a new season. and impair his usefulness. Claire Illington. Twin Falls. Id.? itself. It is waning. Anyone knowing the wbereabonts of Rnfos And, as for the war, the beginning of Znreker kindly rommunieate with C. King, rare of The BlllI»oard, Pntnam Bnllding. New York. OBITUARIES ON the end has set in without a doubt. If the same amount of effort and In¬ Jack Williams—If this should come to your Recovery Is bound to ensue, and, once genuity that a spender uses up in noHee. or anyone knowing of hla whereabouts, PAGE 58 kindiv mmiinlrate with his mother, Mrs. A. H starts, it will be steady- financing himself from week to week L. Stokes, 68 West Jeff Davis avenne, Mont- NOVEMBER 9, 1918

ponenta are so Inocnlated with. The tronble Is nowadays that a magician, baring seen another disappear twenty-Ore pigeons ont of a glass box. Immediately goes to some dealer In ap¬ paratus and asks him to bnlld the trick for him that "So-and-So** is doing. Instead of derising a new effect for himself. t t t Darls, the Vermont magician, la cansing much favorable comment with his version of the color s changing sand and water trick. A well-known Wallte Decker has resigned as agent of The AddRM All ccamunlcaUaua for tbla cotum to WILLIAM $. frn.tjait cm of TBo BtUboinl, professional told ns today that Darls* trick was Odd. and Ends Company and has left for Texas Putnam Buildlns, Now Torfc. simply bewildering to him, in fact to everyone to handle The Hearts of the World In that ter¬ ritory. who bad seen It. Eddie Bonn. Is working out of the Minneap¬ t t t The Maiiloal Bnlletln for October boa a pic- told me that %fontTea1 waa his home and claimed olis office of the Fox FUm Corporation, and Is lure of Yendys, Chinese Impersonator and maal. to be Canadian French. Ills right name was Muskegon, Mich., Oct. 25, 1918. covering the Northern Michigan and Wisconsin clan, on the front page. Brother Thayer keeps Thenrer. Dear Friend—Jnst a few lines to let yon know territory for that corporation. this magailne np to date In erery respect. Magic- t t t that magic is not dead In this town. The Nell MacKenzie, formerly with the Ringling Circus, Is attacbeened hers of this organlxatlon In the service of the boys of our club the best exhibition of t t t his new remmleled bouse In a blase of glory, with the Kilties Band and a big feature picture. fn.-le Sam are exempted from paying any dues, magical-—.. skill that has been.„ our good fortune to Walter Bobin, formerly known as Bong Too Barry Greenway is handling Hearts of the C. Milton Chase Is the first honorary member, witness for many a day.’* As stated In this witness for many a day.** As stated In this Ling, la bnllding some new lUnaions for hla World In Kentucky, as is Arch McGovern. t t t column last week, Thompson is now in the Chinese act, with which be will shortly atart a With no shows on the road Jim Wingfield Is Mystical Helth—When can we expect The nary. tonr of the Sooth. the most lonesome man in Chicago and has Magic Key? t t I t t t spent a lot of hls time rehearsing a new song, entitled The 5:15 Done Stopped, to replace tails ^ ^ ^ Blchards. the Wixard, appeared In fifty-fonr Replying to Leonard Branch, of Bridgeport, famous On the 5:15. Zancig. Theo. Bamberg and his son, now season, playing three-day and week f®""- “T ‘l“t “>“■» become a member Leon Victor, general manager for the Doll- known as The Zanclg Trio, are busy arranging sccordlng to Information he has sent me. otof the S. A. M. in order to receive M. U.D. M. Van Corporation, of Indianapolis, owner of their MK-lety dates for this winter. lo seven towns the show broke sll previons box- Tt tT t Hearts of the World for Indiana and Kentucky, was a recent visitor to New York during the t t t ofljee records, and in thirty-one i beaters the Thurston Is at the Majestic Theater,Theater. Bochester, enforced layoff caused by the "flu.” Vic ex¬ MAGICAL MYSTERIES NO. 1 ,he season’s best business. Altogether pects to reroute all shows as soon as the ban is Why do Serrsls LeRoy, Tslms and Boeco Richards bolds thirty-eight records in fifty-four Majestic In Buffalo for a week, lifted. During hls stay in the big city he bni theoiselrea as “Staves of Mystery”? theaters. Is magic dead? Is the conjuring en- t t t helped the campaign carried on by the theatrical ^11 tertainment on the wane? Is the modern pre- ^A good trick to always carry Inin one’s pocket Interests fur the Liberty Loan and was an active worker at all times. The Great Blackstone, having recovered from sentation of what years ago was considered ** The Magnetic Pencil, which, after being laid A. L Sellg, who has been personal press agent a recent attack of the “flu.** is around on witchcraft a nonessentlal class of amusement? on the palm of the hand, will rise Into a to ‘neda Bara, has resigned and joined the Fox Broadway, devising ways and means for a metro- Ko. NO. A thousands times NO. The art of ponpendlcnlar position and lie down again, ac- (New York) staff. polltanpoHtan showing. magic Is only in its Infancy. The study of wording to the wish of the performer. This Bennett Stevens, who closed recently with the Velare Brothers’ Shows, expects to remain t t t maidc waa responsible for the telephone. th« ^ obUlned for a nominal price from In Chicago this winter doing publicity work for Harry Helms, the veteran magician and jug- phonograph, the electric bell, wireless telegraphy one of the dealers who advertise In these one of the film companies. “But,” be says. glcr of 0694 Washington street, Milwaukee. (Marconi having Inveute.l the latter wh le flgur- col'^niw. “I’ll he back with one of the canvas ones when the bluebirds fly next spring.” Wls., writes as follows: Ing out some experiments in magic which he had t t t Harry Rapley, manager of the National Thea¬ My Dear Friend: seen performed by a fairground conjurer in H. H. Drennan—1 have turned your letter over ter, Washington, was recently seen on Broad¬ In last Issue of the Billboard under your Italy). Only one thing Is going to hurt magic: to a party who I believe can suiyplg yoo with way. where be is almost as well known as be Magic and Magicians Column. Mr. Will Kay Hiat la the lack of originality which some ex- what yon want, is In hls own home tosrn. John Campbell, advance agent of Daddy wants to know more about Zan Zjc. the magi- I Legs, has been laying off In Winnipeg awaiting clan. I was a partner to Harry Zan ZIe In the lifting of the ban Imposed on account of the 1896, under Captain Jack Curry's management. Influenza epidemic. “We are all victims of a Herrmann’s old colored assistant, Ko-Ko (Not scare ont this way,” he says, “The stories of the epidemic are greatly exaggerated.” Bumiwkl), was his assistant. The performance C. M. Casey Is now manager of the Overland ts'uslsted of thirty minutes of clever magic by Theater, Nebraska City. Neb. 0. M. Is a man¬ Zan ZIe, The Simla Seance—spirit cabinet act B. F. Keith’s Circuit ager that will circus the attractions playing by Zan Zlc aud myself, a hypnotic chair hls house to regular business. Charles A. Pheeney, who has been with the leritition. Ya-Ko-Ya, a Chinese IHusIod; self- Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows for the past ten rising suspension, my Oriental magic and jug¬ years. Is now connected with the Mountain Di¬ gling act, and black art. Sometimes he also vision of the Bed Crors, with headquarters in of Theatres Denver. He has charge of the routing of speak¬ did a second eight act with bis lady assistant. ers and will be in advance of Sergeant l-eslie The show had special printing from the Donald¬ A. PAUL KEITH. President E. F. ALBEE, Vice-Pret. end Geo. Mgf. Oane, a returned soldier, who is lecturing for son I.ltlKigraph Co., ami played the best opera the Bed (Yoss...... houses in the South and Central States. Barney Bert Felhleman has been engaged by T.jivid -M.vcrs (ni'w a New Y^ork vaudeville agent) UNITED Belasco to act as advance agent for David War- field in The Auctioneer. Mr. Felhleman has was rmr business manager. been a member of the Cohan & Harris staff for Zan Zlc knew more ata-ut magic than most BOOKING several years, which position he resigned laat people thought be did. and was one of the beet spring. Emma 0. Miller, advance agent for the A1 G. “Sisiok'* workers 1 have ever met. with the Barnes Circus, closed at Ft. Worth. Tex., a exception of Dr. Waite. He was of a nervous OFFICES couple of weeks ago and joining the show at temperament, and the show came to an abrupt Dallas trooped into Venice. Cal., the winter close at the Aiwdemy of Musk*. Richmond, Va.. quarters. The show played In considerable new YOU'CAN BOOK DIRECT BY territory the past season, and Miss Miller did ADDRESSING S. K. HODGDON, (Continned on page 63) Booking Manager of the UNITED MAGIC TRICKS for porket. parlor and stags. lArfsst sosortment In the worlA OFFICES ‘nMintcn's Book of Pis-kw Trirka. TRICKS, BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. »5c. Book of Card Tricks. JSc. Krwurr Acta In UJnd R««dlD( and Baatpald. Send 3c stamp for 59- Sidrltuallim. Larsr alork. Baal Bags iUustratM) catalog. Lara* qualllT rrnmnt nhirmanta. I>arra B. F. Keith 8 Palace Theatre Building S20-psge Illustrated Professional lUualralad Profaaaional CataJoc. lOc- Oatalog. Me. Mooer refunded NEW YORK CITY with first $1 ord« A. P. FELS- CHICAGO MAGIC CO. MAN. Dent. 12. US S. Stats « Adana St.. CHICAGO. ILL. St. Chleaga. ML .

I 26 NOVEMBER-9, 1918

throwing tbe pachyderm by attaching cbaina I and waiting for words of aaanrance that (he SUN BROS.’ SHOWS and ropes to hla bind legs. Exhaustion and I “big tops’* will troupe next season. CHAS. L SASSE rage at last caused the beast to succumb. I The City Fathers of our fair winter qnarters After Twenty-Seven Year* ae Success¬ I city said to themselves; “The Al G. Barnes 1 ■ — -- ful Exhibitional Institution, Now ATTERBURY BROS.’ CIRCUS Circus ta coming home, but baa been traveling thru inflnenza infested territory, and, a« we Being Sold at Fair Grounds, Engaging Talent for Circus have only u few humlred esses here, we must Atlanta, Ga« In Winter Quarters at Kansas City safeguard our city from possible Infection." So the health officers, with eK-orts, met the Atlanta, Ga.. Nov. 1.—Son Bros.’ Shows, ^ • I Kansas City, Mo., Oct.uct. 31.—^The.n.—me AtterbnryAiieroury train in Ixit Angeles, and assured themselves founded 27 years ago oy tbe Snn Brothers, 3a City for Eight Weeks* En¬ tlon of a part of the Con T. Kennedy Shows, the city's newspapers, and the circus train pro- In tbe business, has played Its last perfutni and they stored a number of their wagons with cceded on Its way.—EMM.A C. MILLER. ance under Sun Bros.’ management and tbe en¬ gagement and Then us for tbe winter. Tlie city Is full of showmen. _ tire outfit Is now being sold at the Fair Urnun Is caused by tbe early oloslng of many companies ... .. _ __ . bere by Manager Pete Sun. Go On Tour on a<-count of the Influcuza ei'ldPulc.—W. A. MANY OUTDOOR ATTRACTIONS The Sun Bros.’ Sliows It said to bear the ALLEN. -- unique distlnctlin of never having had a losing Played Around Buffalo During the season. TTirimut the South and East pnrtlcu larly It Is well known In the smaller towns a- New Tork, Nov. 2.—Cbas, L. Sassc, tbe book- AL G. BARNES CIRCUS Season a show that always gave what It advertlseil, li>f manager. Is Just completing the progrims I - and tbe management built np an excellent repu¬ for the coming winter season of the various cir- Arrives in Winter Quarters at Venice, Buffalo. N. T.. Not. 2.—These days of nu¬ tation for si|uare dealing and eloanliness. The cuses which he represents In Cuba. At the same California merous autos and fast trolley service enable title Is generally conslderml by circus men as time he is organizing a large elrcns company verty piece by piece, can Syndicate to show at “the ITaza de Toros" The AI G. Barnes Circus pulled Into Dallas, Tlsitlng Buffalo during tbe season were tbe fol- but would not. of i-ourse, refuse a reasonable (Bullring),_ Mexico City, for eight,, weeks, there- Tex., on Kbedule October 13, ready for exhibit lowing: offer for the show in its entirety. Some ex¬ after to tour other Mexican cities, also using I Ing Monday, October H, but Dallas, like most The Walter L. Main Show started the ball roll, cellent equipment Is offered. Including tents, establishments of the same order. Mr. Sasse 1 other cities in tbe States, was closed on ac- ing in May In one of the suburban towns and did cars, wagons, cages, etc., as well as tbe sal- further holds propositions from Brazil and also ! count of Influenza, so our worthy employer, the nicely. The John Robinson Circus was tlso mals and borses. from the -Vrgentine Kepuhllc, and if the guar- ; right honorable Al O. Barnes, gathered his bril- in evidenee near here during the summer. Ila- After tbe show property ia ditpoaed of Pete anb-es. deiiiauilvil in cash securities, come for- j lUnt advance agents fri>m various i>olnts of the genbeck-Wallace were bere May 30. arrlv- San will retain to hla home in ClnclnnaU. ward Mr. Sasse will surely be a very busy man • State, bitched his advance cars to a T. P. lo- ing late. Bamum 4 Bailey played a for some time to come in order to comply with ! comotive and, taking comfortable quarters in a twT>-day stand, the parade and performance tbe re<|uests of all his foreign directors. He Is regular Ibillinan, he himself adrancetl into Ven- pleasing the natives. La Groii's Exposition ROSE EDYTH RECOVERING else commissioned by several European circus ice. Cal., and the troupe. In charge of Manager Shows played a short season. The Greater Shers- «nd theatrical managers to furnish them with At Sands, made a six days’ Journey via El Paso, ley Shows played several wreeki and helixsl the New York, Nov. 2.—Mrs. John C. Kelly, pro¬ talent for their entenirlses at the conclusion of where we took S. P. routing, arriving In Venice IJberty Bmd sales to a great extent. Lee Bros, fessionally known as Mme. Rose Edytb, wife ibe war. During his many visits to European Sunday. Octol>er 20. had a good show on several lota in different of John r. Kelly, tbe legal adjuster with tbe countrias he caws In contact with these man- I .\uditor .\lfred Wolffe paid up all salaried I parts of tbe city. Francis Ferarl Shows Sparks Shows, is fast reenveriing from an at¬ agers, who iirge-l him to act as their booking I members and hoe been kept busy tbe past week played tbe Falls to good receipts and the Joseph tack of tbe inUueiiaa, which developed into representative on this side of the Atlantic, I settling bills in towns contracted, but not Ferarl Shows had rbe lots here for several pneniDoala. whirli proiMisltlons Mr. Sasse will take up as I played. The performers have gone to their weeks. The latter attraction also furnished the Mrs. Kelly wishes to exend her heartfelt soon as peace has been declared. homes, altbo the St. Marks Hotel is bousing I midway for the Erie County Fair. The Great thanks to ell of those friends who have so Ills trade at home with tbe entire circus number of them. .American Shows bad the lots for a abort season. kindly telegraphed and written Inquiring re¬ world, of rourse. has been a standard business tV. j. Erickson, manager -Advertising Car No. Rlngllng Bros, gave this city the “go-by," but garding her lllnets, and Is pleased to say that for tb* past seventeen years, which enables i, has recovered from a severe att.vck of In- played B»>veral stands In this vicinity. The yesterday she to<4 a short walk and la on tbe him to take care of any act, big or small. fluenza, as bat Mrs. Bob Fountain, the wife of Krause Shows pleased the crowds with ita np- road to complete recovery. the manager of the side-show, while the writer to-date appearance.—“DIXON.’’ WHEELER BROS.’ SHOWS I ran flirt deftly with the Corona keyboard af- I-—— ter a slight attack of the same dreaded malady. ccxctwdq iki kjw\a# GEO. O. DARLING MARRIED _ -I i D %/ Murray Pennock, our general agent, was left HJOItHoFOSTERS IN NEWrqc,W YORKYUnlN Clotes Temporarily at Bassett, Va,— j^aUns in the care of a capable and high - Likely Two Shows Next Season priced M. D.. who pulled him safely thru a New York, Nov. 2.—"Doc’’ Poster and 'wife A letter to Tbe Billboard from George A. - - threatened illness. -All bands were on deck Oc- are In town, stopping at the Broztell Hotel, aftera Darilmr. last season a member of the advani-e force* of the J.g Tena Circus, and who wat re¬ Tbe Whaeler Bros.’ New Model ftliows closed tuber 27 to welcome him home. So all's well their season with Barnum 4 Bailey Cirens. cently invalHIed home from tbe front In Franit a highly suceessfnl season at Bassett. Va.. on became of wounda received In battle, etates that October 4. having been on the road for thirty be was married recently to Mclvlna Young, of weeks. It was the original plan to remain out Athol, Mass. until Cbristmat or later, but the Influenza m Darling also stated that be bad not aa yrt quarantine compelled tbe early termination of 9 beard from V|c Stout Or Jack Bay, and be the season's tour. However, Is the intention H 9 ^^9 9 would greatly appreciate bearing from tbem tbru of the “Got.’’ to open for an Indeflnite S-s. not holding same as a whole. Will sell any WILL SELL snow (DMPLETE if sold next few days, not holding same as a whole. Will sell any Francis Hospital here 0<-lober 25, a victim <>f wheelers Nrw Model Shows, traveling Its old or piece of property. First come first served. Don't regret after same la all sold If you failed osrt or piece of property. First come first served. Don't regret aftar same la all sold If you failed Infliinnza. He was 43 years of age. Fnneral routes thru New York and tbe New England \nto get something you ncedett.ncedetl. 1 Advanre Cor.Car. 2 Sleepers.Sloepcra. 2 Btoeclmens in this country, commenced by SUN BROTHERS’ SHOW CO., Box II, Alltnta, Georgia. covered from an attack of tbe “fin'’ and la going attacking a smaller elephant, and after a three- back to bis Job at Camp Henry Knox, SUtnton. tour struggle Harry J. Mooney sueeceded In Kentncky. CHAS. L. SASSE 300 West 49tti Street, - - - NEW YORK CITY Suite eiO Telephone Dryant 7790 Wants for Winter and Summer Seasons 1918-19 ARTISTS in all branches of the CIRCUS AND VAUDEVILLE Business. Eideis, Aerisi Artists, Pantomimists, Dancers, Trained Animal .Acts, Etc., Etc.; in fact any act suitable for firetrclaaa audiences in RING OR ON STAGE Can also place FREAKS of nature and all sorts of Side Show Attractions. In writing state lowest salary, also if you do more than one act; describe same and send photos if possible. Am Contracting Acts for Circuses and Piaces of Amusement in the United States of America, Cuba, Mexico, Central and South America, all parts of Europe and the Far East. NOVEMBER 9, 1918

DOLLS AND PILLOW TOPS -FOR HOLIDAY TRADE-- KEWPIE DOLLS DAINTY MAIDS SWEETIE DOLLS SOLDIERS SAILORS NURSES and a great many other popular numbers. A complete line of Bloom Bros.' Company Silk, Square, Patriotic Design Pillows. Write for Novelty Price List "THE LARGEST CARNIVAL SUPPLY HOUSE IN THE WORLD" 217-231 NORTH DESPLAINES ST.. CHICAGO. ILL.


Frrd B. HatcbinsoD wa* laid op for two weok-t with an attack of Influenza at bia borne In rarkersburu, \V. Va.; He has entlr>-ty re- cOTered and is now In Cleveland arransing for the showing there of the big War ExiwwtioD scheduled to open NorenilH-r 9 for eight days. Following the Cleveland date the exposition shows Pittsburg and then Cincinnati.

They say tbat one of the latest song bits Is entitled. Who IMit the Ice In Steve's Bath Tub, written by Steve Savage. 11. W. Wlngert Is trying to get music for It, and all the “Jolea" on the "Yank" show knew It by heart. Ask Can use few more Novelty Circus Acts for the War Department Rue Enos or aome of the cowboys to sing it for 4 K. W. ELECTRIC GENERATING SET you. Portable typ*. For Circuses. Fain. Caml.als, ete. to play circuit of Smooth, steady liaht. Send tor RulletlB No. M. UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO,. Othkesli. WiMenilB. Edward Arlington is doing quite well with his horses. Alf T. Ringling io reported as being In miserable health. tieorge .Arlington Is Improving. Governor John Robinson and wife have left 36 Tsars’ Repulation Back of Evory Ton! OPENING DECEMBER 15 FOR TOUR OF for their winter borne at Miami, Fla.

16 CONSECUTIVE WEEKS On the closing night of the Walter I* Main Show Mrs. James Shropshire was taken seriously rnoo’ SHOW We furnish all transportation after Joininyt. .State salary and every¬ 111 of inflnenia, which later developed Into pneu¬ monia. but late reports are to the effect tbat she thing else in first letter. Is ooDvaleBcent. James also bad an attack, but UUbb CANVAS P. S.—Want to hear from Harry LaPearl at once, .\ddress In a mild form. They are still in Baltimore, bat are exrmcted to arrive in Cincinnati soon. PERRY and GORMAN, 1547 Broadway, New York City Carnival Tents Austin King, well known member of Clown Alley, with the Sun Show, who has tK*»-n spend¬ Svad fb* Catelog bikI Second-Haad lial ■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiimiiiiiiii ing the past few weeks in .Ltlanta, Ga., has signed for the winter season witli Helen Seotfs Musical Revue, and will Join the <'ompany at .VnnlstoD. Alabama, as soon as the ban is lifted. J. C. GOSS CO.

Billy KopIJn, the well knotvn circus and vaude¬ DETROIT, MICH. ville [•erformer. for the past two summer sea¬ sons with the Sun Bros ' t'ireus as clown, g-ive Billyboy a call er 31. and had a long chat with Solly over old times. Billy and Jim Beanl. who Is also in t'Incinnati. are laying over until the epi iemie subsides ami the ban is lifted, after which they will op«‘n on one of SHOW TENTS. BLACK TENTS, CANDY TOPSk can offer steady work for good, reliable billposters. the big cirenlts with a comedy acrobatic act. Wages $27.00 and $25.00 per week. MERRY-GO-ROUND COVERS A) M, CrIppB wrltea from .\tlanta. Ga., that AsW Evtrythlaf In Caavat. Scad far Catalaf. he is oat of the hospital after a severe at tack of the "fln.'’ He wants to thank Fred DOUGHERTY BROS.’ TENT & AWNING CO. WM. F. HINES. Ha.vward for packing hi. gear, and says that IIS 8. 4th St.. ST. LOUIS. MO. if Jimmie Norman will dnq> him a card be w ill have bis mail forwarded. local No. 43, • 680 Lakewood Blvd., Detroit, Mich SHOW AND CONCESSION Weil, who arc you going out with next season?

Klmer C, Myers, formerly business manager of the Colorado tJrgnt Sh.vw. an.i the past season side-show ti.Hset seller with ..

People in All Branches of the Circus Business Replying to a recent article James Shropshire w-rtes from Baltimore that he has not taken any “lessons on bagpipes.'' but he has taken TAYLOR TRUNKS plenty of quinine and other drugs to get rid of Send for Calalni;' the "flu." C. A .Tavlor Trunk Works In a letter from SI Kitehie from Philly he 28 E RANDOLPH ST. 733 W MADISON ST. states that he is merely passing the time nntil the ban U lifted. Si says that he had wcaslon CHICAGO to act as interpreter for Kvo Nomha. a membe- 210 w 44 STREET NEW YORK. N.Y. of his troup«', recently—but Kyo was not by his (Continued on page 32) WANTED CARS KINDS WANTED-TWO MIDGETS or DWARFS Bought. Sold, Stored or Leased for big act. Easy work Rend photo. State all. Act THREE 60-FT. STOCK CARS tlwayt working. Leslie Tucker. Ma*ar Johnson, write SEVERAL SLEEPERS SELLS-FLOTO CIRCUS at once. Addresa CHAR. AHK.4R.V. care Simon's A'-en-v. Ms'e-tic Theatre Bldv.. Chicago, Bllnois. ALSO STATEROOM CARS for Reason 1919: Performers in all lines, Qowns, Comedy Bar and Trampoline FOR RENT OR SALE .\cts. Novelties of eveiy deseription, Wire Acts, Ground .\ct8. Iron Jaw Acts, HORSESand PONIES STORED VENICE TRANSPORTATION CO., etc. Season startsearfy in April. Address H. B. GENTRY, Gen. Mgr,, W* specialize in handling show stO"k. JflTFAL St. Louis, Mo., and E. St. Louis, III. 236 Symes Bldg., Denver, Col. RTARI.R8. Rosrdlnc. lO.t-lOS West S3d SL, New Terk City Phone. 147 Clrele. WANTED (l-ft. Dramatic Waterproof Tent, with mIddleB. WANT TO HEAR FROM KtWERS. Gentry Circus. UousCon. Texas. PARTY WITH CAPITAL l-args Hpoited Rysna. Spotted Arabian Mensgs Boras; Knur Pony DrtU. I'ntralnsd PmUBi (N^ spoto), to organtiB Ctirus. TYilrty-Sve ysars* espevlevice. Ad- 1 TRAINED CINNAMON BEAR toi SALE two Moalii VVained Mules. Wagon Rliew Prorsety of-all kind*. KORK KILLIAN. MIKE ROT TK. drsas P. C.. Billboard. San Frandaoo. CtUfomU Very ganUe. B. RMITH. caiB BURwttd. New ToeV. AL. F. WHCELER. Blaatyra, Nsrth CarsBu. NOVEMBER 9, 1918

oversea service. Bert Dennis, trainer; A1 O. which was almost a pickup. \b the dates were | JOHNNY J. JONES’ EXPOSITION West, meobanician of the ferrls wheel; “Dotch” the last three days of the week we practically WORTHAM & RICE lloden, property and animal man, and several lost no time at ail the closed w«ek. others, have received their notice to report, The train then moved into Statesboro. Ga.. Closed Season at Atlanta, Ga.—Winter¬ t'rom the way the draft has struck the show it is where the shows were booked for all concessions | ing on Fair Grounds at Birming* apparent that the season closed none too early. and attractions on the gnsinds. This fair is ham, Ala. Playing Cotton Palace Expo. W. L. Wriirht, who has been an agent with known to be one of the best county fairs in the Foley & Burk for five years, has arrangements State, but the .ittendance was not what was The Valdosta (Ga.) Fair being called oil, completed for three Indoor carnivals in Southern eat)ected. as the i>eople have shown their fear week of October in, the Johnny J. Jones Ex¬ California towna as soon as the "tin” abates. of the epidemic. Mr. Miller seeing this decided position laid over at .\tlanta, intending to Lineup [Strengthened by Addi< He will remain .'n San FYincisco until the em¬ to close the show and put the equipment in the leave the latter jioliit Saturday, Octotier "M. for bargo is raised.—R. BEERS I.OOS. buildings on the fair grounds, ami the train of Macon in oriler to lie to oiwn there G. t. tion of Shows and Conces¬ cars are parked on the trackage of the States¬ 30 for the tSeorgla State Fair. Alsiut live o'chs-k boro & Savannah Railway for the winter. Mr. Jones receivcl word from General Agent sions From C. A. Wor¬ MRS. MARGARETE BALLANTYNE, A good many of the people connected with II. Barkley advising him to not leave .\tlanta the show have gone to Savannah to spend the imtil lie receive.! furtlier news from him. .\ tham Exposition Co. Mother of C. G. Ballantyne, Dies winter. General Agent Gear and family have later message from Mr. Barkley stated that taken apartments in Jacksonville. Fla., as has the I'nited States .\riny Surgeon stationed at also Mr. Miller and family, for the winter. Mr. ('amp Wheeler (near Macon) bad forbidden the Mrs. .Afargarete Frances Ballantyne. widow I Miller will announce later his arrangements for of Thomas Ballantyne and mother of C. G. event. Mr. Jones Immediately gave Instructions Waco, Tex.. Nov. 1.—After a three weeks’ the coming season, so keep your eyes open, as he to Mr. Barkley to get into communication with (Clove) Ballantyne, owner-manager of the Mon¬ has something up bis sleeve out of the ordinary. layoff activity is again the keynote on the tana Belle Wild West, died nt CJolnmbus, Ohio, the railroad authorities for the trasportatton Wortham & Rice Shows, as the different at¬ —BILLY. Thnrsot in ail .\meriea for his winter home. Exposition Company, which clos^ the season late of the Campbell Shows, died in Trenton. port. We arrived in Birmingham on the following and shipped to winter quarters at San Antonio, Tenn., and was burled by friends. No Informa¬ Wednesday and found that Col. Dent, man.-iger Tex. Among the shows were Bejano’s Pit Show tion could be gained from Mr. Branson as to of the Alabama State Fair, bad built enough and Tattle Tale Show, Thru the Trenches, which GREAT AMERICAN SHOWS his home or any family connections. The Camii- new trackage Inside the grounds to accommo¬ Is an entirely new show; Fairley’s Filipino bell Shows had left Trenton a week before I is date the 30 cars of the Jones Exposition. Every¬ Midgets, with an entirely new outfit“Hattie.” death. thing in connection with these grounds is so Wintering on the Fair Grounds at The above information was fnmlshed by T. That Girl of Girls; Palace of Illusions and complete for the winter quarters of a large Statesboro, Ga. K. Happel, qpsbier of the Gibson Connty Bank, Penny Arcade. These, together with the already caravan that the writer cannot understand at 'Trenton. Tenn., who requests that it Ih* strong lineup of attractions carried by the Worth¬ why they have never before been utilize.! for published In order that friends or relatives of am & Rice Shows, should make this the biggest After the long Jump from narriaon, 0., to that purpose. Many memliers left at .Vtlanta Mr. Branson might learn of bis death. and b?st War Path ever at the Cotton Palace, the fair at Donalsouville, Ga., which was one and departed for their various homes. and from present Indications this should be the of the best weeks in the history of the show, The attractions w-hich came to Birmlnghair banner spot of the season as well as the banner the Great American Shows Jumped to Dublin, with the train inclu.led Dakota Max's WIM season for the Texas Cotton Palace Exposition. where we pitched tents for the Neconee Negro JAMES ANDERSON DIES West. George Rollins' Bug House and London The management has sr-ciirod the Allied War Fair, which was also a b1g week, in fact an¬ Ghost Show. Joseph Opplce’t Dixieland Min¬ Exhibit consisting of fourteen car loads of other “mop-up.” The offi^als of the (^ty of strels. Johnny J. Jones' America. Midget Thea¬ trophies captured by the -Allies in the World Dublin went far out of their way to show fa¬ Was Chief Porter With Jones’ Expo. ter and Fighting Navies of the W.jrld; Meyer War, and this alone should prove to be the vors to the management, and we all wish to Meyers’ Siamese Twins, Margaret Gast's Drome. biggest drawing card ever placed on an exposi¬ make that place again, os it was far above ex- James Anderson, who for the past six years Cndergroun.i Chinatown, Wild .Animal Ex¬ tion ground. In addition to this there w-lll he liectations. has been chief porter on the cars of the Johnny hibition. Carl I.auther's attractions. Fat tilrls' daily and nightly aerial demonstrations by a Owing to the cancelation of the fair at Mll- J. Jones Exposition, died at Atlanta, Ga., Oc¬ Congress and the majority of the people em- corps of aviators from Rich Field. As this is len. Ga., on account of the “flu,” we remained tober 12. a victim of Bright’s disease. lie was ph'yed. Vnloading -mtrted immcliatefy and the one big event in Texas this year It is looked over three days in Dublin at the suggestion of about 43 years of age. Every endeavor was iH-fore night everything was under cover for forward to with Interest, and no doubt when the the cit.v and oount.v officials, and the fair wa« made to locate and notify the relatives of the closing cornea there will be a total of more carried over these three days. A very favorable deceased, bnt with no avail. Manager Jones visitors than ever before. cash return resulted. W. M. Gear, general personally defrayed all expenses of both the Mayor McCullough issued an order allowing agent of the shows, then ran over to Wrights- sickness and barlal.v-ED SALTER, all places of amusement to open, and picture vllle, Ga., and secured contract for the ferrls shows and other places of amusement are doing wheel, plant, show, midget show and band and a thriving business after having been closed for also secured a bonus of $300. so the three at¬ Have you looked thru the Letter list? There ten days. tractions netted the management a neat sum. may bo a letter advertised for yon. During the time that the Wortham i Rice Bbows were laying off Manager Stanley had all Bbows tboroly overhauled and painted, and when the opening day comes all shows will present an appearance of having just arrived from winter quarters, and with nineteen paid attrac¬ tions the War Path will present a very pretty appearance. Have Information from W. H. (Bill)) Rice that he and the “Little Giant” will grace the opening of the Cotton P.alace with their appear¬ STORAGE OF YOUR BANG ORGAN ance. The Wortham & Rice Shows will extend the 1918 season, making a number of towns after the Waco date.—F. E. (BED) LAWLEY. FOR THE WINTER Our modem concrete building with fireproof iprinkler lyttem ia abaolntely aafe. Special prices are NOW offered for repairing Band WORLD AT HOME SHOWS Organa. Eatimatea gladly given for ramodel. ing yonr Band Organ and making it an up to Still Waiting at Greensboro, N. C. the minute, money-making initrnment. The storage space is limited. Apply at once. STYLE NO. ISO. The latest news from the World at Home Shows was that it was laying off at Greensboro. Speciil Band Organ LHeratura Sent Free ROY GRAY AMUSEMENT COMPANY N, 0., waiting for the epidemic ban to be lifted In order to continue on Its string of late fall The Roy Gray Amusement Compan.v wa- fairs in Georgia and Florida. sbowlng at Brownsville. Tenn.. when overtnk.-n Present Intentions of the management are WuRuTzEpi by the S|vanlsh Influenza eiddemlc and has ticen Tinder favorable conditions to reopen at (Jaines- laying over at that (lulnt waiting for the ban Tille, Fla., week of November 11. This date Is to be lifted. to he followed by Ocala, week of the 18th, with •The majority of the members escaped with Jacksonville for two weeks. T Ive Oak and Mari¬ but sllgli tattarks of the disease, with the ex ana, Fla., to follow consecutively. ceptlon of Mr. and Mrs. Gray and their daugh¬ The show has been augmented by the addition ter, Ruth. All three quickly developed pneu¬ Of Chambers’ Africaners and Butcher’s ferrls monia. and for a time their lives were desoalred Wheel. The personnel and attractions remain of. but all are now on the road to reoivesv. Intact, and everyone connected Is well and Mr. Gray will go to the home of his brother. making the best of the enforced layoff, altbo Russell Gray, at Olivet, III. Mrs. (Sray slit anxioas for the word, “Let’s go.” continue the show under the management of W. R. Snethen. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. (DN8. etc., on band, but when this atoetc is exhausted inducted Into Fncle Sam’s service any day. He we hope our cuatomers will bear arith ns tn the matter of ddayad ahApraento, aa InevlUMo remill Of curMl- has passed all examinations and declared fit. mect tn production. The “'Kalacr's Message to His People.” a There are 42 stars on the Foley & Burk service For the duration of the war we tbali manufacture only a very limited number of musical InatmmeDU. and it funny Joke on the Kaiser, is finding a ready flag, two of them gold. srlU be our aim to make ahitmimta aa eloaely In rotation as possible sale thru recent advertisements in The Hill “IVk*’’ Ford, wlio had charge of the Foley fc board. The I’aatime Novelty Co. of New York Burk Hawaiian Show, has voluntarily entered j. C. DEAGAN MUSICAL BELLS. Inc,. Dokh Bld|J760 Berteau Ave,.CblaKO is the distributor and has plareil an order The C. S. Motor Corps, with the promise of early for a aecond edition to meet the demand. NOVEMBER 9, 1918

J. F. MURPHY SHOWS 8. W. BRUNOAGE SHOWS In Winter Quarter* at Chattanooga, Secretary-Treasurer Len Crouch Loses Tenn.—Seaaon Cloeed at Dalton, a Brother Georgia ' 8t. Joenepb, Mo., Oct. 31.—Visitor* were manj The J. F. Murphy Shows, which sUrted Its lant week. luopt of tbeni comini; up from Kansan 1DI* season at Augusta, Ga., on March Ki, City to look tbe new winter quarter* of the closed a very successful season at Dalton, Ga., abows over, the vlsltorn bSlng numtiereii amons lA'iolier ID. the many trouper* tied up with sarioux shows The show remained In the South the entire iin and aroun.t that Missouri show center. S. \y. Kriinduge and Uan^hter, Lila, left for sesnoD, and played Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, AUbsma, Virginia and len a Tiidt to relative* In Western Kansan, the uentiee to very good business until we reached latter to Iw away all winter. liri-tol. for tbe Vlrgiuia-Tennesnee State Fair, ! Fred Crouch, bndher to Treasurer-Secretary where we bad our flrst battle with the “flu." Iwn Crouch, nuccumlied to influenza at his home The eiddeinic cut the attendanre of the fair In In Joplin. Met. last week. Mr. Crouch wa* coa- half, ar.d when we reached Knoxville for tbe nected with the niiului; industries around the Fast Tennessee Division Fair the folhiwing week Joplin dintrli't. Leu wus In Joplin alonit with it i-eemed like we were in for a very big week’s Lin mother and two brotliem visit Init the de- huxlners, but on Wednesday the fair was closed eeaned when the latter fell a victim to the liy the authorities. We loaded and left for Dal- malady. Tronper* with the Krundage Show* Ion. Ga., where we played at the Pike County will remember F'red Crouch a* paying a visit Fair. This gave every indication of being a very to the show last spring. |i|g and successful event, a* the entire fair J. W. Johnnuu In In charge of the i)uarter* and shown the visitor* around when they call. wa* turned over to the ladies, and every de¬ Mrs. Merle Evann was also one of tbe many partment and every detail was handled in an callers recently. Joe Gosnert is comfortably ailniirable and clever manner under tbe able di¬ quartered at tbe Kyan liotel. rection of tbe president, Mrs. J. M. Jmld. *IOS. G. KAEMPFER, Prop. I Last reports from M. T. Clark stated that (in .Sunday, after tbe show reached Dalton, m be was among the many bnndreils of carnival c|t zen.*' meeting was called in the City Hall. 114 Cast 28th Street, New York City troupers In Kansan City during the “flu” tleup. During this meeting, which was attended by lie in extending his stay there several daya iB t c .Mayor, the Council and every physirian, the CHICAGO OmCE TIP TOP TOT CO. 231 N. OespUMS «. 01*1(0. IH. (order to meet carnival and circus aiv|uaintancea. subject of not allowing tbe fair to be held was The MInto Troupe of six were among visitors urgiied pro and con, hut tbe motion waa Anally to look ns over last. week. Some of... the boys \end tbe winter in a hostile town, FAIR CATALOGUE ot Races Aviation. Auto Races Motordrome. Stock. Auto Horse Shows, m Closed Season at Blackfoot, Id.—Win and. If he was able, to go to Chattanooga. Tenn., MAGIC CATALOGUE ot H)pnotie. Mind Readinq. Spiritualism. Maqic Hand Cutt. 'C tering There on Fair Grounds and fee If suitsbie winter quarters, with track¬ MINSTREL CATALOGUE of White and Colored Minstrel and Colored Musical Corned) ot all kindu age. could be secured there. “When duty calla a soldier ohev*.” and Mr. Biel started for MUSICAL COMEDY CATALOGUE nt Operas and Musical Shows with and without title Tbe Blackfoot Roundup at Blackfoot, Id., Oc t'battannoga Satnnlay night. By Monday he CARNIVAL CATALOGUE ot Printing tor Featuring Carni«>ls. Street Fairs and like events. tober_ 8-13.. . marked. tbe closing etand... of the hail a lease signeil for Heal winter qnartep*. In¬ Wortham Alamo Shows. Not on account of the CIRCUS and WILD WEST CATALOGUE of Complete line ot handsome up-to-date Paper cluding trackage for ell ears, and the show la Spanish innuenza epidemic, bat bt'cause the now located at 010 McGalllc avenue, Chatta- CATALOGUE OF OATES. Price Bills. Stock Letters. Banners. T)pe and Block Work. etc. lessees of the sbowr, Harry Wangk and Mr. iiiHiga. right at the entrance to Warner Park, FOLDERS OF NON ROYALTY PLATS with Complete Lines ot Paper All the old favorites - Uofer. had previously d(n.ided upon Blackfoot, wlere we will remain until spring. Id., as the ideal place of the West in which to D'clnr the entire fcason the show moved ev¬ close, llie Fair Association granted the entire ery Sunda.v, and did not have to play a single use of the fair grounds, which Includes the town, either by "reqnest” or otherwise, the liarns, bui.dings, pastures, etc., the best in the second week. The J. F. Morphy Shows played di iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiitimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiL: West for winter quarters. e-erv •land the management wanted to make. This was the Arst roundup held at Blackfoot, i ^ NEW! BEA.U1 IFUL.! ll Kvery attraction and every emplo-ee. except¬ and was a big success Anancially and for at- ing one cooresslonalre, who was net In military tendanie. The management was conducted by Dow Williams, originally of the War Bounet i ^ No. 105, “ALLIED” RING I Koundup at Idaho Falls. The shows, rides and t-m MADE FROM SOLID STERLING SILVER. = E concessions did well, and were markeu on tbe — wKh aur dstlin (yattatsd), esatlstlaf sf Aaiiriea*. Entlltb. Fraaeh taO S books as one banner stand of tbe season. In 33 ■ Italian Flat*, la hard baked, klfhly pellthed •nanel eninr*. — the wee sma’ hours of the morning I’srk Pren¬ 33 TM BhaRlIMIIt Patristic Rln« ns tbs Market. AND SELLING LIKE WILDFIRE. S tiss’ famous band played Where Do We Go From E SAMPLE RING, POSTPAID, FOR $2.00 = Here, and the members sang L'aliromla for Mine. ^ Attrsetivs prspsiltles for Jabbers, dealeri and aiaata. S But back to dear old Blackfoot, Id., for tbe IDID spring drive, with the greatest caravan on = LIPAULT CO.. Dept. B, 1034 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. PA. E earth. The AA'ortbaiu Alamo 8bow8 have been out for 33 weeks, opening at Phoenix, Ariz.. February 33. The territory consisted of Arizona. Cal¬ ifornia, Nevada. Utah, Montana and Idaho, and W'e must say business was highly satisfactory, considering tlie war conditions. The meuibeni of tbe company were the same as at the com¬ mencement of the season, and have all stored their parapbemalia and signed up for the next year. The company consisted of tbe following: Staff—H. Waugh, manager; H. Hofer. general WILLIAMS STANDARD SHOWS agent; J. Buckley, pres* agent; H. Smitben. special agent; Mis* Kahn, special agent; J. Dempsey, train manager, and Cye Collins, lot Making Preparations for 1919 superintendent. Show*—Wild Animal Show, Capt. George New York, Nov. 2.—After closing the most Bray, manager; two big Ten-lu-Ones, Dr. E. Zeno, euccessful seanon since its organization the }l4t Gtrinaateini A«t., PhHldelthia. Ft. I>roprletor aua manager; Chinatown. Andy Mc¬ paraphemalla of the Williams Standard Shows Clellan. manager; Laughland. Mrs. Park Pren- i« snugly stored In winter quarter* at Paterson, * li*8, manager; Jo*e[mine lleming. Diving Girl. N. J. The management announces that It 1* ■ I Miss ITeimmg, manager; Mocco, the Educated hock to Its beadqiiartera at l-’VtT Broadwav, New Pony, G. Wilson, manager; Monkey Speedway. York City, and already making preparations for Bill Dyre, manager; Hawaiian Show, Cal. PLipa, next eeaaon. Many vrorkmen are bnslly en¬ manager, and Main Yoc, Cye Collins. gaged at winter quarter* rebuilding and repair¬ Rides—Ferris wheel, merry-go-round and air¬ ing tbe abowr* and rides s<> at to make ever.v- plane swing, B. Snapp, owner and manager. thing look spick and span for an early opening Concessions—Ten big stores, T. Gathers; six next spring. combination stores, W. Leeman; knife rack. Idirlug the past season when renditions looked For Summer Season 1919 Kenney Burg; two Japauese roU-down stores, “hlue” the management assured the nicniher* Skibbey Bros., and cat racks, Mrs. Jordan. that the show would move in spite of conn« MONEY GETTERS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Others came and went, but tbe midway was a and It did. The same assurance Is given for Rides, shows, g-Ames, illuBioiui, etc., for large outdoor amusement resort. For flash at all time*. Walter Leeman bad tbe din¬ the (ximing season. ing car and members of tbe company were well Th( staff of the organisation will remain the tenns addresa taken care of during the runs. John Wortham same ns last year, as follows: Benjamin Wll- liiitns, president; Sam KIti, vice-president: Ralph “PARK,** ear* N. Y. Billboard Office, • 1493 Broadway. N. Y. Finney, secretary and tn-asiirer.


The Gelihardt Organ Co.. Tawny, Philadelphia. Pa.. Is making special indneements Just now for repairing and rrhiilldiiig of carousel organs of any make eyllnder, eardbonni or paper. TM( 'iriii has N-en established In I*hlladel|>hla for "(er twenty year*, and Its work can he n-lled iiI>on for pnKnptnesa and bigb-clae* efficiency. ■\ trial will convince.

Wanted, Three Young Ladies *llh good, airpng bodlea, neat flgum. one lady to wtlah not leaa than 145 to 1*0 Iba.. to wreatle; twt^ l•dlt•. 115 to 1S5 iha.. to box: to Join road ahow In vaudevllla; preference to tlrlt who can alna or risy parts. Pend nieaiurementa and te4I all In ffrat ''"(ter. No rhasera wanted Pav your leleframa. WANTED CABARET DANCERS * cod proposition to right parties. BF3J.ANT) A BEL- Long season South. Show never closes. Keep all your own tips, but you must con¬ 1 1414 Fifth PL. Muskfwnn Heights, bltrhlgan duct yotirselvca as jadies at all times. It doesn't cost any more to be with a big camp CORNET AT LmERTY that works every night and besides you make money. •'snd and Orchestra. Double Lead Band. HARRY BILLICK. Caruthersville, Mo. Dsve plenty of music. F. C. WIIXIAbfS, Oeneral De- Have you looked thru the Letter list? Tketw ■ very, Anderaon, Indiana. Victor Canaries, write aaei may ho a letter advertised for jva. ARE GETTING TOP MONEY EVERYWHERE 15 In. high, hiique flnUh. lUk dtrtai. hMfr aNCINNATI fur trimmed. We tUo nunufacture S3-lnch CARNIVAL DOLLS, Persimmon Center. Ark.. vlte all troupers nrben In ETansTllle to stop and November 2. Idl8. look over Billyboy and out up “old ■di>ni;h.” In¬ E. E. BEARS, Etc. Chocolates Dear All: cidentally it Is rumored that The Heaths will You know In my last letter 1 said I was go¬ hare out their own show next sea«unt of the “flu” there might lie a way Thomas (Humpy) Arena is another Benson at¬ crease our liet of Oietributorei out. 1 explained my scheme to the Mayor, who tache who decided to hitch up with Eiiiabeth Is a druggist and has a good stock of patent City, N. C., for the winter. He haa “promoted” TIaiss Bid,.. B'dway 4 42d St. NEW YORK, medicines, and this Is tlie way the scheme a nice, warm winter habitat for himself by VIXMAN 4 PEARLMAN, Plttsborf, Pa, worked: The Mayor had several cases of good Joining the operating forces at the Southern H. C. EVANS 4 CO.. Chleage, lit tonic on hand that was fine “dope,” but not Hotel, the leading hostelry of the town. selling gd. I had some labels jirlnted rea-1- “Humpy” opines that If no one entices him he Puritan Chocolate Co.. Cincinnati, 0 ing, “Hr. Hooza Nutt’s Flu Exterminator,” away this winter he stands an excellent chance and pasi*Mt them on the bottles. Then got a of b<‘ing adopted by Proprietor “I'op” Bennett. team and wagon with a hay rack, put the '’Jig” His big side-show snake died at Boswell, Va. MAGIC DICE show on it with a stock of “dope” and drove of Every 0«criptlon. slowly around the sr talkers on the shlewalk with for over a year. Rome time ago he bought a an armful of bottles keeping even with the nice ple«‘e of property “somewhere” In the wagon and selling as they went, never stopping South, which he recently dlsi*osed of and came to go back to make a sale. The “chumps” had to the Queen City for the winter. He has es¬ to grab it as they come by or wait until the tablished his tattooing business on Vine street, next time around. We done big the first .after which already shows signs of success. "The noon. That night I put Sandst'>rm Lizzie's girls Old Sailor” wishes to Inform bis friends that to working with the dor)r talkers selling and his I'.K) pounds Is sufficient evidence that the re¬ we cleaned uii. Then to avoid having people port circulated last season that he had died In congregate up town aftern->on and night we Kansas City Is untrue. made the residence district the I'alanoe of the week and done good. Sold all of the Mayor's Floyd Trover, contracting agent for the Great medicine, got some money for ourselves, amused Eastern Shows, who was taken 111 at Cabool, the i>eople and gave them good dope for their Mo., September 26. reached his home in Beaver money. Broke no laws, did not draw a crowd, Falls. Pa., two days later and Is now reported kept the show together and everybody eating. to be Improving rapidly. He expects to be In Ton never know what you can do until you do harness again In a week or two. His address It. Don't know Is 1010 25th street. where we go from here. But no one The early •rrival is worrying aa long THOMAS F. MOOREY on Broadway of •a they have with Concessionaire Etldle them Brenner is an event Your friend. that may be looked WATCH FOR THE 1919 Col. Hooza Nutt. for iinlesa he con¬ IF YOU CAN TELL IT P. 8.—Give me cludes to remain In credit for the Orig¬ seclusion at Eliza¬ FROM A GENUINE DIA- inal Med. Sale on a beth City, N. r.. “walking privilege.” and take a chance MONO SEND IT BACK. with some postiioned The moet complete and improved (xirta- To prove to yoa that our b1ae*white MEXICAN Electrician Scott fair dates. ble machine built. New, datiling decora¬ DIAMOND cloeely reaemblee the fireet aennine took such a liking tions. New lalior saving devices. New South African Diannmd. with same DAZZLING to Elizabeth City. Captain Bon S. RAINBOW-HUED BRILLIANCY (Guaran¬ N. C., that In co¬ Moore, manager of catalog explains it. Write today. teed), we will Bend the above Genta Heavy partnership with a Mix)re'» Hippodrome Tooth Belcher Ring with one carat aem (Cata¬ local merchant be Circus, last season logue price $6.26) for Half-Pric* to Introdaca, proceeded to arrange with the Smith fS.lO; or aame thing but ladies Tiffany Ring for the early opening Greater Shows, (Catalogue price $4.98) for $2.60. Mountings are of a public eating writes from I’resto. NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y oar finest 12 kt. gold filled quality. Mexican place. I’a., that having Diamonds are GUARANTEED FOR 20 YEARS. noticed thi many THE Fred Webster, ad¬ circus and carnival AEROPLANE CAROUSSELLE vertising man from people who have SEND NO MONEY Sioux City. la., and closed the seassition Shows, writes from Pocket Knives, assorted. Per 100. .$10.00. $15.00. 20.00 eat hla dinner “Soniewljere in France.” Hrsddoi'k. I'a., that he has been out of the show BIG LANDSCAPE Bell Board Ba:i Game. Each. 10.00 W. A. etatea that there are several troupers at business for the past two years and be and t!ie Huckley Buck Ball Game. 10.00 Camp Dodge, and they will all l-e back In ha*- .Missus, In company with a few other ojierato-s. Novelty Clown Ball Game.20.00 ness as soon as the war is over. He would bo have iM-en making the sticks of that st-ctlim by CHOCOLATES Flah Pond Dutflt. 25.00 g'.ad to bear from all friends, especially Harry auto trucks with a photographing outfit. F. L. Cat Htadt, Nipper Headi. 1.50 Lore. stales that they have been ttolng an excellent wii 2 Sc TERMS; Half Dets.sit, balance C. O. P. on all orden. bus hess. but reading between the lines we can Get Our New Catalopue. Just Off the Press. Jolly Dixie and her Congress of Fat Girls ri'adil.v surmise that next S4-Bsack In harness with one of the caravans. NEWMAN MFC. CO., Heth Shows at East St. Imui*. 111., and are now 641 Weedland Avenue. CLEVELAND. D. in winter quarters at 429 Northeastern avenue, I-enore Platt, the lady tattoo artist, this sea¬ GRAMERCY CHOCOUTE CO son with the Ia?e Hn*.’ .shows, was stricken with JoUet, IlL influenza while playing the fair at Troy. N. Y., 7$ Watts Strsot Now Yo but is now at her home in Pittsburg, Pa., and Bert (“Rr>ot”) Ibbers n tells us that fHeve- rapidly recovering. land, O., has been closed so tight that It would require a safe expert to even break Into a res¬ Harry E. Bonnell, who was doing general trade or without, age 1$ to 68. for great Government taurant after 8 p.m. Quite late ennugb. ' A • gent work for tlie Benson Shows when tho Work, light and clean. S hours a day; pay S3c to 7Zc. person of “Spot’s” tender years has no business “flu” epidemic ban went on, gracefully bowed SNAKE SHOWS Sunday doublo pay. Transportation advazicoL For on the t-treets after that honr. out and took his departure for New York City. Informatloa apply to E. MANNY, Bandmaster, 147 Wbao all othoro fail try the old stand-by. For him the outder- FUth Ave., North. Nashville, Tennessee. Mixed Rapa $10 00 Dm and up. Got Edward Walter Williams, general agent on manently closed. valua rccolved by ordorlng from na. the CosmoiKdltan Shows the fore part of the W. A. 8NAKI KINO, After being rejected twice for the army and seawin, and who, with four concessions, played fort Olloa Addma, Brawanlllo, Toxot. three times for the navy Frank E. lywls, orator, Earn ?27.5o A Day Easily a string of fairs lndei>endently thru Indiana, ToUtruhle Addreoa. •aakovllle. Toxat. Illinois, Arkan-as and .\Iaboma, paid The Bill¬ determined to An bis bit In some manner. Hav¬ board a visit Octolier 3ft on his way from .Au¬ ing tempan Bonds and baa also purchased quite a llllllilllillw HIGH-ORa'dIE *A^0R0I0NS. number of War Savings Stamps. He states that niMHir Gold Motlal. P.-F I. E. Notes from Evansville, Ind.. state that show- there are many clrriia and cemival folks em¬ IfsliJIWlIU 277-279 Columbui Aytaua. folks are gathering In that city for the winter. ployed In the plant and there are still many Saa FrasriMO. Among thi-ni are the veteran press agent, Puneh vacancies to (111 there. He W'ould a|ipreclate Wheeler; The Hamlltims, Ftsneer, the spiral hearing from Frank It. and Florence I.s-wls. Hla tower man; Chas. Derkes, H. R. Powers. 0>I. address is 118 Sixth avenue. North, Nashville, XAtANTFn A rna-Fon. State lowest Sanders and The Heath Family. The latter la Tenn. • taw r,,jj price, condition, hzsv long It located at 819 Falton avenue, where the mem- TYte Roundlna-ITp Place for Circus end Carnival M*n haa been used, If battery. CHAS. PARKEB. Waco, hv-rs are eatering to the inner man In a small J. R. Wiley, of the WhIrUng Wonder an I Is RIU.T KERR'S CAFE. Times Hqusre BoteL $•$ Texas. lunch room and confectionery. The Heaths In- Girl With a 'nioastnd Eyes, writes that they West 43d HL. New York City. NOVEMBER 0, 1018 rn e B a r d 3t rot In two matiners and two nigbt abuwa at the MaryUnil Tliralrr, llagrrstown, Mh catalogues to consumers or curiosity seekers. has announced bis Intention of making Wilming¬ ton, Del., his winter quarters and will no doubt celved while on a visit to Kansas City re-’ently. ship there Immediately after hi* last Hontbem Burns states that the band is rompoeed of date. He may be exi>ected to do bis "old money troupers and they met many former fellow cutting” this winter In rblladeipbla, bis place sbowmen at tbe Wyandotte Hotel in Kanaaa of abode when not trnuping. City. He also wishes to thank tbe latter for tbeir many courtesies. Mr*. J. Daley (Dolly Young) la recovering fpjm a serious illness at her borne In Dayton, Do yon remember then* with the Brnndage A 0.. and would like to bear from friends, care Fisher Shows, now the S. W. Brundage Shows, of'Tbe Ulllboard, Cincinnati. In IbOd; IJoyd Wagoner, the bandmaster. Geo. Willard, talker on the Electric Palace; Frank Fred ("Sugar Babe") Stutzman, well known Delmane, manager South Befo’ th’ War; Fred rnucessionalrv, the fore part of the season with Gossett, electrician; Dave Pence, agent; Doit tbe I'enraon Show*, dropped Into Cincy last Gillam. talker on D>g and Pony Show; Billy week on bis way to Nltro, W. Va.. where be The Highest Grade Nichols, domestic animal trainer; The Great Js doing hi* bit toward winning the war. Fred Rouoy, bicycle and ladder act; Clarence says tbe work is all to tbe good and beats “put Pillows Manufactured Poplin (lUumino), free act (this being tbe drat It back with a nickel" a full American mile. season he was known by bin present "stage U* aend* heat regards to Billy and Tea Uar- For Camp Trade. name," tbe press agent on tbe show adopting rlogton. It); Duncan CUimpbell, helper on tbe Dog aa I Pony Show? Of the above, so far as All la B<>hby Bnms, tbe hustling eoncesoloiialTe and able to learn, Billy Nichols has passed to hla merry-go-round man. paid Billyboy a visit reward. His assistant at that time, Duncm October 31. He bad Just returned from Macon. Campbell, is still with the show as chief me¬ Ga.. wber<- he had gi>ne to make tbe fair and chanic and manager of tbe swing. Gossett is tells ns there are "•ome" tronperi In that a prosperous farmer In Missouri. Whers are neck o' tbe wcxsla waiting for tbe ban to be the rest? lifted. Bobby will remain at bis home In renceburg. Iml.. until tbe "flu” blows over, It may be said that Wm. B. Ilolwiek, who was after which he will again be Rontbbound to lot mechanic and had the Palace of Arts with cetrb some of tbe itostponed doings In that Witt's Victoria Shows all season. Is now bnslly S*>CtlOD. engaged at Norfolk. Va., putting circus colors on transports and supply ships to enable Cnclc Hear that Thad ("Pop") and "Mom” Week Sam to fool tbe German submarines. are bitting tbe trail from their home town, Reebrster Mills, Pa., for Albuqnerqae. N. V., 306 W. Madison St. "Squeeze Easy" Taylor, as he 1* known on by anto. They will likely s|>end tbe winter the Northwestern Show* with the Allen Novelty t^r*. CHICAGO Company, has arrived at hts home "somewhere" in the West Virginia hills, where he will spen.l After playing a suctvssfni string of fair* thro tbe winter months among /riendt. In a re¬ IndiauB Earl A. Reid ami wife, also daogbte'. cent letter Taylor stated that he enjoyed a Helen, have pulled into Columbus, lor tbe g.jod season and speaks well of the Northwest¬ winter. E. A. Is working for Cnclc Sam in a ern caravan. Barring unforeseen obstacles he munltloa factory, but states that be will ’le will again be with Manager Flack's organiza¬ wide aviake when tbe 'btocblrds alng." A. J. tion next season. Retd I* aleo doing bis bit for Code Sam. Th* folk! would like to bear from all their friends On account of the temporary closing of the and eey If any of them should stop over In Brown A Dyer Shows Si*eclal Agent W. W. ODlumhnt to give them a call at 90 West Nottb Downing etooed with that attraction at Hickory, wn,*] avenue. N. C., and arrived in Cincinnati, via Atlanta, Patriotic Statuettes Oct. Sfi, on his way to his home at Columbns, Do yon remember the season with the S. W. O. , where he will stiend the winter. Mr. Brnndage Slmws when Steve Schrlber wou;d Downing. whlunihns. O. "Slim" state* that for all concessionaire* on the grrmnd* after the be is pulling down from $1R0 to glllO per month ^ Dozen, 5.00 $3.00 per Dozen bh big event was over. Let's have some details on and 11 comes every pay day. Howeyer, every¬ that affair. When you run acn>*s a good fellow thing connected with the Job is n«t "candy,” ^ 7 Gross, 50.00 in Gross Lots who show.s hie appreciation of you and yoor pro¬ as a fellow has to go rain or shine—Just Ilk* GEN. PERSHING. fession mention it. trooping. W. I.. als.* states that be ha* ltad>-*8 avenue, Akron, J. Leonard Reh. who bat tls own tbovr on ‘he Ohio. Virginia Amusement ''ompany, which ha* bc-n spendlag tbe layoff at Gwte City. Va.. tell* ua DANVILLE STATUARY CO., *“*SaK'v*1"cl?.Tuno.s. Were yon with the S. W. Brnndage Shows that everything has been whlppe*! Into fine thape the Sunday a special train made a Joint move, for the opening of the Mg Minstrel Show that handling the Parker Bnrrough Shows and the It to go out from the iiuartcr* a* soon at the Bnindage outfit In one? hsn it lifted, under Msnsger Jamison's direc¬ tion. Reh Inform* ii* that "Skip” Bly 1* on THE ALLIED LEADERS The ladies on the IT. W. C.ampbell Shows some bis feet again, a* Is also Jimmie IJnyd, after a Who are fighting for Democracy. Ret of g Cards. time ago organized the T'. S. Knitting Club to touch of the "flu." SVkxSH inches. In tnveloitea. Retails for 25o aid In furnishing neeessarle* for the boys of the set of six. Genuine Hand-Colored Photo Reytro- company now s«>rving the color*. The ladles Carl F. Stiadea baa sioreeBny arcade which he ha* been operating WILSON, FOCH. PERSHING. Mrs. Captain Dunn credit for the organization at Camp Wright. <>.. at Springflcld. (i., with HAIG. MANCIN. DIAZ. of the eliib. They st-ate that the work Is pr<*gres- hi* other paraj'hemnlia. Shade* has been quite with full IJfe Illstney on back of each picture. slng nU’ely. and la a "niight.y g.sxl wa.v” to pass 111 of Infliienxa. but I* now greatly Improred. their spare time. They also state that anyone He would like to hear from friends. $15.00 PER HUNDRED SETS wishing to know who owned the canopy used by 600 ncn RER. the club and what Isu-ame of It should ask Mrs. Jsek Gordon, high diver and slide for life Dnnn. man. formerly with Blstany Bros., and the pad Sanials Set ef Six. 2S«. season with the Kaplan Shows, writes from On»~third ra.sA with order, balance C. O. D. .Miia<-le Rhoala. Ala., that be la with the Air lonls Shapiro writes: ".\ftcr having a very ■Nitrates Company there helping to make hand anccessful season with Benson's Better Shows I grsnades for the extermination of the Huns. am now comfortably lo-atcd at Honewell. Va.. Itoasiere ("Spider” Jack), the ferrls wheel man. for the winter. Wonid l*e very glad to hear Is also there. The hoys claim they hayc aome- I HAVE JUST TAKEN IN EXCHANGE ON A LARGER MACHINE, from friends, care of the Grand Central Hotel.” Ihlng up their sleeve for after the war. Both Jacks subscritied for Fourth I lM-rty loan Bonds. A FINE 2-HORSE-ABREAST CARRY-US-ALL FVora -Adolph Seemnn: "I stand to be cor¬ Another iddtimer there Is K. H. Wilson, form¬ rected hy .Alfred Minting—the Bostook Show erly wltth tbe Faust Bros. All three of the This machine la now being thoroughly overhauled, repalretl and repainted, and will be aa good aa a new machine for money malting purp<*sca. It is e hear fp>m Charles I6|lh Depot Brigade, Camp Fhinstoa, Kansas, SHOOTING AT ANIMATED CARTOONS. PORTABLE. Diiblc and Harry Reeves. Illingtnn win leave wishes to thank Con T. Kenneity for the kind Fw parlkuUrt address J. H. DREHER, 141 West 42nd Street, Ne' shortly for tbe where be has signed to ap¬ treatment b« and the membera of bis band re- pear with one of the burlesque wheel Aowa. 32 e NOVEMBER I, 1«18

LA BELLE VICTORIA YORK-ICELAND SHIP LINE To Return to Profession—To Join Pubillones’ Circus in Cuba The Story of Its Inception and Ora matic Exit El Paso. Tex., Not. a.—Mrs. W. K. Kandolph, I in all lines. Can plac-e ten Dancers and Singers for my No. 2 Show, which will be out known tbnioiit the circu* w>irlap«>ns heralding the arrival of one dolpb, a jirunilncut automobile man of this sec¬ est rules, as this is a real Camp and we work every night. Can also place Jazz Orches¬ tion, four years ago, lias been li\-ini; in this Captain Tltorkelson of Iceland on the initial trip that was to inaugurate a direct Ireland city, is soon to make her reapiK-ar.tnce in the tra, Xylophone, Piano and Saxophone; top salary;all winter’s work. Pittsburg, Texa.s, New York steamship Hue. circus arena. Ijt Belle Victoria is the sister this week; then Orange, Texas (10,000 boys working in shipyard)^ then Port Arthur, Heretofore shipments from this country to of .\lfreon her marriage dinavlan-.^mrrlran lines, some of which touched Mrs. Iian(1o4'h gave up her former chow-n pro¬ at Ireland rn rutr, but they were more often rarrlotl direct to Srandlnavlan countries, tbiTi- fession, but as a short time ago her bushaml to await transfer to the Icelaud lines, probably volunteered his aervlees to his coiinfry It was then she decldeil to do her bit by aiding to for weeks or even months. drive away sorrow ansing those who remained 'i'op salaries. Out all winter, Best actNiinmodations. Wire answer care Western These circumstances will readily enough e*. at home. During the winter season she will plain bow it came that one Kjartanssen “f api>ear with the I’uhillones Circus in Cuba and Union, Fort Worth, Texas. .All telegrams will be forwarded to me. This is two-car KrykJaTirk, baring ordered several sets of elec¬ Mexico. circus now en tour. Address JAKE FRIEDMAN. tric generators shipped from this country, chafing at the pr<>s|iect of the usual long delay in transit, bit upon the idea of suggesting COLORADO BILL’S SHOW doing creditable work there, playing four days West Railroad street. Jacksonville, IIL. with to an acqualntaoca. who happened to he at each Canadian Hospital. He expects his dls. his family. In a recent leter hr elated that be the a foremen tloneil Captain Tborkelsnn. that charge in about five weeks and will return to would like to bear from some of bis old friends. be make the trip to New Y'ork for these gvn To Open Winter Season at Lepanto, vaudeville about January, 1919. He wlsbea Ue also expressed bis deep regrets on the re¬ erating seta, Kjartanssen for his part agrei-tng Arkansas to be remembert'd to ail professional friends, cent death of Chad Werta, with whom be had to act as solicitor for securing enough orders who may address him for the present as fol¬ worked many years ago. from leelandlr roneerns for other gisids to be Lepanto, Ark., Oct. 31.—Colorado Bill’s Show lows: Sapper Tom Richards, 5th Canadian bought In .\merira to eomidete the rargo and so has been laying over here for the past three K. T., care Bed Triangle Club, Queen and Vic¬ The Brown Family Band, the greater part of make the trip profitable to the captain. weeks because of the epidemic. All the iiara- tory street, Toronto, Canada. the past season with West Bros.’ Ctreus, have The quick reaponso to the project and volume pbernalla is being overhauled and repaired for contracted for the entire winter season in the of orders was surprising and suggested the the winter tour. With favorable conditions tiie South. The members will leave their bead feasibility of establlsliing a regular line to •bow will oi>en here -Monday. November 4. The UNDER THE MARQUEE quarters at Barker, Ind., for Dixie as aooo aa operate exclusively betwi-i'u Iceland and New management and meml>ers have exerted every the ban is lifted. York. energy in getting the outfit in fine sba|>e for (Continued from page 27) Thus it came about that Kjartanssen's ord>r Well, Frank Dempsey, jnst because yon have for I'nlversal (ienerating Sets of the ('nlversal the winter season and the show will leave here lonesome, as there were a couple others in the migrated to the sunny climes of California is Motor Company of Oshkosh In far away Wiscon¬ with fourteen wagons, three cages and 5 tour¬ bunch. Incidentally Si tells us be recenUy met no reason for remaining silent. Several of your sin was the direct cause leading to the decision ing cars. F. Blchards will handle the advance, u friend who knew him some 25 years ago. It old friends are in the Queen City and have been to establish this widely heralded new trans¬ Elax Ingram still has the cooklsmse and Savoi was none other than Lew Nichols, the wire La Starr, the big-footed clown, will remain asking about you. portation line. walker. In due course of time the ship arrived in New With the show until December 1 or latgr. .S|>eukiDg of Kitchie reminds ns that he Is no "siiring chicken" any more, and can talk about Mrs. Frank Lorlne, the past season doing II- Tork harbor and Kjartanssen set about locating Ms generating sets and placing the orders for bis being a kid with the Cook & Whitby Ciicna. Inaions in the side-show with Sparks, and who CIRCUS FOLKS MARRY baa been visiting her mother at Mabanoy City, other merchandise which be bad been commla- Sid Kridello—W’ill have to postpone It for a Pa., since the closing of that attraction re¬ tioned to purchase for bis clients In Iceland. The news of the arrival of this first Icelandic Leo Hamilton, of San Antonio. Tex., late future issue. Hear you folks with the Rose Kil¬ cently, joined her husband in (hnrinnati the lat¬ boat since the misty days of Eric the K>'d horse, dog and pony trainer with the Sells- lian Show have been doing some real fishing ter part of last week. created the curiosity and interest which the Floto Circus, and Miss Ethel Marine, of Denver, recently. Ool., a member of the .Selts-Floto Ballet the Escalante Bros.’ one-ring clrcns elosed the event justified. .Vnd among those who took It past season, were married in Chicago recently. season at Santa Anna. Cal., October '25. The upon themselves to see what manner of boat The bridal conple were attcndeer, veteran boss canvasman, who at tbe Empress and “Hoots" at tbe Brandeis Theater. Wilson Bros, are at tbe shop pirouet¬ And so began and ended the first trip of a that be has been returned to Canada as unfit has bwn 24-hour man with the Gentry Bros.’ ting with the nine foot mops. “Cock" Bobbins real Icelandic boat to .Vmetica since the fibled for further military service, after two years in 8uow the past season, eloeed the season with and ITill Engle still keep Farnero street polished , days of old—and the sagacious captain with bis the Canadian service in France, during which that attraction and after helping to pat tbe up. “Slfty” Martin is the “gadabout” for I wad and the enteprislng. but disappointed. Ice lie was gassed and wviunded in tbe Battle of show away in winter quarters at Honston, Tex., a while. He was imprint inspector, but with I landic importer bad to fall back on the es the Somme. At prew-nt he is in the Toronto left immediately for his home in Vineland, N. the army drawing on tbe young men be had I tabllsbed channels of transportation after all Spadine Hospital awaiting his discharge. J. Charles stopped over a few hewrs in Cin¬ to fall in with the brush. We are lame on I to get themselves and the generators and other Mr. Richards has toured almost every coun¬ cinnati October 29 on bis journey. ancient history, bnt Punch Wheeler says Martin I merchandise over to Itenmark, where, it baa try of the globe with circuses, including Ixird Mr. Cooiter, who is the brother of Mrs. Miles snii>ed Trenton, N. J., at tbe surrender of Lord 1 since been learned, they waited several months George Sanger’s in England: in Germany and Orton and the uncle of Norman Orton, of the Cornwallis. 1 for the “regular" line to leave for Iceland. France with Circus Busch, Hamburg; thru South Orton Troupe, with the Ringling Show, was Africa with Frank Plllis.’ Circus and Herr Pa- deeply moved when informed by Solly that Pngl gel’s; toured India. Burma. China and Java Walter Gelce and wife, and Walter Kent, of “Orton” had passed away recently at Duluth. The Geice Troupe, late of the Sparks Show, ar¬ with Harmston’s Circus; Russia and Siberia Minn., and stated that he bad received an en¬ rived in Cincinnati on Wednesday of last week. with Borrowsky’s Royal Russian Circus, and couraging letter from Fugl a few days prevlons appeared In Australia and -America in vaudeville. to his leaving Buuston. Biobards also states that before leaving Eng¬ Wmtam Summers, of the Flying Wards with land in S<-ptember of the present year he had the Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows, who. unfor¬ Of Draft Age on All Instruments the pleasure of meeting all members of the 'F’red L. Gay, “Jole” (formerly known as the tunately. bad a leg broken while doing a triple Will secure Indurtinn r»r mivi who have hem clven se¬ American band that toured Canada with the Great Gay). late of the Robinson Show, and wlwv eomersanlt to tbe net during the afternoon is wintering in Taunton. Mass., writes that rial numtiee in draft. diinna as Aaal.I.M; (itTICER. flat Fldd .Ar¬ ter in that city. He states that many social ber 17, by tbe aid of crutchea. tillery. Camp Knox, \Vc«t Point. Kenturkjr. gatherings take place in his room (No. 9) at the Magnolia Hotel. (Fred says he entered a pro¬ Another well-known veteran clrcns performer test, but what’s the nseV They all have pass has passed to the Great Beyond. Thomas Gar¬ keys.) He also noticed in last issue that bis ner, better known In the eirens world as ” old pals. Ab Johnson and “Buck” Reger, are Genaro,” of the old Oenaro and Then act with wintering in Cincy, and adds: “Keep them tbe Ringling Bros.’ Clrcns and other attractions, there. I don’t want them In Taunton, as I died about Octolter 15 at Waco, Tex., a victim am the only ’lard head’ in tow n.” He wants ns of pnenmonia. Tbe remains were sent to Cor¬ to tell all the circus folks “howdy,” especislly sicana, Tex., bis native home, for hnrial. Tbe 3 Pullman Stateroom Cars, 70 to 80 the clowns. Big fftock, prompt shipments. The fnneral was largely attended and tbe floral of¬ largest. fla.‘:hn’:>t, most {Ntpular ALL¬ ft., steel platfonu sills. ferings were many. He was 50 years of age. Mrs. A. L. Stokes, mother of Leon Stokes •’Torn,” as be was familiarly known, retired COMPOSITION STATUETTE DOLL on the 1 Combination Club and Baggage (Jack Williams), whose home Is at 58 West from clrcns life several years ago and engag-Ml market. Jeff D.vvls avenue, Montgomery, .Ala., Is greatlv in tbe picture show business at Corsicana for Car, 78 ft., steel platform sills. worried over the whereabouts of her son. and a couple of years and was engaged in the same SWEETIE DOLLS alwaA’s popular. would appreciate any information regarding him. business In Waco when he died. He la survived ELECTRIC-EYED BEARS. Lgr|t Slock on He was supimsed to have joined the Ringling by a widow, a son, daughter, three sisters, a Show in -Atlanta and was last seen in Jackson¬ brother and a half brother. He was a member HtnA at AH Timet oi the Suim’i PravN SOUTHERN IRON & ville, Fla. of the Knights of I’ythlas and tbe Elks. Wiiineri. Complete stork of Paddle Wheels, EQUIPMENT CO. Tlie Bealls, feature strong aet with the Wal¬ Jack Pfrlffenberger. late of the Hagenbeck- I’errrntage Wh»*els, Roll Downs. ter I.. Main Show, after closing a su'-cessful Wallace Shows, is now taking things easy at ATLANTA, ... GEORGIA season with that attraction, soent a week visit¬ bis home in Hivi-rslde. near Olnclnuatl. Bowling Alleys, Bare Tracks and all ing their daughter. Hattie Beall, who Is featured live conccssioniiires’ supplies. vitb ts. Sam Itowe Burlesque Show, then play¬ Oi>orge Womladd saya that when • boss in VERNE A ing Miner’s Bronx Theater. New York City, and any department leaves a hlg show to join a H. C. EVANS & CO. who has Just recovered from an attack of the small one be should not bring bis “big show” 1528 W. Adams St., Chicago, III “fin.” The Bealls have opened fhe'r own home ideas with him. In Philadelphia, where they will rest until after the holldaye, after which they will also Join the Boh .Abrams, Inss leistler with the .Sun Bros.’ Sam Howe Show aa an added feature In the Show, after ttie closing of that attraction, went $10.00 to $25.00 DAILY PROFITS o’.io. WHI you please come to his home at Geneva, O., for tbe w.nler. PATRIOTIC BUSINESS FOR MEN AND WOMEN. “Bnshy” Miller, ticket seller, late of the GOVERNMENT URGES USE OF CORN MEAL. H home. Of let me hear from .Sparks (Irens, has recovered fpiDi an attack ef The Morellos Family, of the Sun Show, will Do It In the most fas- Infiui nxa at his home in ('anton, O. winter in Atlanta, ovlng ^ • . ^*4 I favor ff they wHl com- MDTIDN PICTURE RIFLE RANGE ' S 1^ 0 Me Marhlnao. $20.00 to C’Ts)vlne”) also wants to do his bit. hnt la nn- $M.00. on trial. Berlpa able to do more than watch the rest on account -municitewithmealonce. A new Motion Picture Rifle Range is abont ^ and completo aeUmx of his- injured knee, received at Bowling plans fimUhed. Burry—It’s a real wiimer and gees Green. Ky., last summer when a borse fell cn to be introduced bv J. H. Preher, 141 West llkjk pisy. MRS. ANNA WILLIAMS him. 42nd atreet, N. T. City. While there have been TALBOT MFC. COMPANY. many attempts made to produce the effect at 3 Dodge Ct., CLEVELAND, O. Ill Ns. ISth Strset. 8t. Lault. Ma. Tonis De Castro, the veteran circus performer "Picture Bbooting." Mr. Drcher promises a who trriuned over bf,th hemisphere's with Home device so simple and portable that it will at SHOWS. RIDES AND of tbe biggest and tiest attractions in his palmy oni-e appeal t<> the traveling showman of tbe AIR CALLIOPES days, and who has orlglnateel many creditable circiia and carnival type. CONCESSIONS WANTED acrobatic and gymnastic feats has retlr>-d from fur the Hevon-Couiilv ('idomt Fair. Niiwanbrr I9-2J. HAND AND SELF PLAYERS. active clrcns life aa a performer on account of Have yon looked tbm the Letter list? TlMje Hwslnshoro, Ga. IRKV ) J. 8. DOWNS, Socrctarv. Muscatine—TANGLEY CO. — Iowa a nervous breakdowa and Is at bis borne, 755 may be a letter advertised for yon. Write the HecrrUiy at ooca •Im the rarr driTm and oworra of tbp bnrapa, ing new grounds and buildings bad been nmler- FAIR ABANDONED and wp found that almnat to a man tbpy are taken. The week prerloua was preferred, but willing to rpmain witb ua.** it waa imiMSsIble to obtain tbe attrartlons f<>r ttpprctarjr Kubprt Kayt that a bparty wpiromp that week. Directors of the Fair of the Carolinas awaita all who wlab to attend tbe ttreateat and The additional time arailable will gtre tbe Decide Not To Hold Event This boat agricultural and lire stork sbow in tbe fair ofllriala an opportunity to better the pro¬ Year South. gram in many ways, and the people will be To Be Held at Toledo, 0 The fair waa poatponpl:i.v of tice has been sent out by tbe Board of Directors haring been Orfidx-r SO-Xorember 9. The eid- fiorernment wirk and actirities, the airplanes, of the Kulr of the Carolinas, and Is self-ez- dpmir In Maoin has been much lighter than which will come from a S->utliern aviation camp: plunatirry: National Farmers* Exposition in nxiat other rltlea, but It waa thought '>eat the ai>erial exhibits and rounty displays, will to defer to the reon after thoro county’s first fair, which Is to be held here No- terstate, will |>robaldy l>e Initiated^ by Director- discussion and freepu-nt eonsiiltatlons witb tbe Tember 14-lA. are complete. Alt the buildings General Mc.\(h») In the near fiifiire! Because of city and C. S. health oRIclals, and with many Toledo. O., Not. 4 —The National Farmers' are ready for serrlce and tbe committees in increases in wages and other eXi>enses $12.Un this year will far suri>ass the prevl- of the Fair of the Carolinas. .4nd we feel sure ■ ms efforts of offlclals and exhibitors. Tbrn Iti that the new directors to !«• selected in January vast ediicathinal system the midwinter fair this will take every step necessary to make the 1910 year will be oa a much larger scale and will J. F. BACKSTRAND fair a double event as compensation for what embrace many now features. we will miss this year. General Manager II. V, Kiielow Is elated over Yonrs truly, the prospects thus far. The business men of TUB B0.VKn OF DIRECTOHS, .Nortbwi'stern Ohio as well as tbe farmers have Fair of tbe Carolinas. written him assuring their support to tbe proj¬ ect. THIRD LEE COUNTY FAIR While tbe exposition Is primarily In tbe In¬ terest of tbe farmer and hla family the gp>wth BishopTllIc, .*t. C., Nov. 2.—The third annual of tbe Institution has l>een so rapid that many County Fair will be held here November Industrial firms have come forward and reserved 27-30. Many improvements have been made in liberal space for tbe display of their products. grounds and builillng.s, exhibits are exitected “.M rtiis lime." say these manufacturers, "the to be large and tbe premiums offered this year general public should be more fully acqnainted are larger than for the two previous years. with the prislucis of these factories." To this Tbe horse sliow ami races, always a big drawing end Manager Buelow has arranged a huge ex caril, will offer attractive purses to horse own¬ bIbit from all factories In Northwestern Ohio ers. that are engageil In the making of munitions S|>erial attention Is to be paid to exhibits in and other Government work. agriculture, stock, poultry and women's work. Tbe average citizen has but a faint Idea of The schools of the county will also have large the Immensity of this umlertaklng In this sec¬ exhibits of the work done by pupils. .All war tion of Ohk). The entire lobby of the Terminal work activities will be represented by booths .\udltorium, which is fully as large as tbe av¬ and exhibits. The management promises to erage public building, bas tieen reserved for this suniass in every respeet the fair of last year. dis|ilay. OIBrIals of tbe War Industries Board Tlh- County Fair has in the past two years will be on band every aftermsm and night to succee‘4istant secretary and man¬ One of tbe distinct featnres of tbe National ager. B>>th of tbes.' men have given their best Farmers' Exposition this year will be tbe .4n- efforts toward making the fair a sncceos and nnal Apple Sbow of the Ohio State University. the results have tie<-n highly pleasing both Owing to the immense crop of apples In Ohio I I the public and to tbe fair nii)any has been en¬ adjoining territory. gaged t‘> furnish amusement features. Many of tbe Northwestern Ohio counties have reterved s|>ace for their individual farm products exhibits. There will be various war FAIR SECRETARIES, NOTICEI garden dlsi>lays from the I.ucas County town- sbi|>s. Owing to the Influenza epiilemic many fairs The experiment station at Wooster will hsve a have be«-n |s>st|ion«»l and some ealleil off. Fair dl<|>lay of Its products raised the eX|>erlment :.e< retarles will serve their own interests and farms both at the University and at the test tb^e of exhibitors and eonees-bmalres by ad- farm n<'ar Findlay. vis,tig The Billhoanl promptly of (lostpunemcnts Tbe progress made In tbe maaufarture of in order that same may be published. farm tractors In tbe past year will l>e amply shown, as already at this early date mon> than' twenty manufacturers of these engines of tbe MAY HOLD SOME FAIR soli have reserved spare for display of their ppidnets and for demonstration puiqioses. Mn BarkkUaitii is vice-president cf tbe S.'uthem California Fair Assodatlpn, Riverside. CaL It was Jackson. Miss., Nov. 2.—Citizens of Jackson There will be an unusual display of automo¬ primarlb thru bis efforts that tbe fair was started, and for two years be served as president of the asso¬ seem determined to have sonieXblng In the way bile trucks, which have become as much of a ciation. of a fair after the Iniltienza has run Us course, necessity on tbe farm iirn club There will l>e a wealth of live stock shown, Swift 4 Company, owners of the Monitrle pack¬ increased three scales and that 10 cent per 100 bo.vH anil the agrbuilttiral exhibits, as well as being the preminm winners of tbe various State ing plant, will be among tbe largest exhibitors. (Ktunds be added to commodity rates. First and live stock and poultry, together some time this and cixiiily faira held this year. Tbe pet stock They will bring several car loads of fine beef secoDd-class rates in and between all other zones niontli. Forty nine county exhibits of agrl< nl show also ppimlses to surpaaa all prcTloos dla- cattle here to be used in the live stock feature are to tie advanced two scales and commodity tural jiroilucts have been listed and no doubt plays of Its kind. of tbe fair. rates 10 cents per lOO piuinds. Therefore the most of these could be sectireil for the proposed Tbe fair Is Itelng promoted by a stock com¬ increase in tbe rate i>er 100 pounds In or out of fair. pany composed largely of Moultrie auslness men. Oklahoma City will Im> 12 cents on first-class STATE FAIR and 8 cents on second-class. These commotlity rates are to be Increased 10 cents i>er 100 JIMMIE DUTTON GOES FISHING GEORGIA-FLORIDA FAIR pounds. .A proportionate increase is to Im- made Of Georgia Will be Held—Bueineea on shipments of other weights. Under this’ ar¬ From Macon. Ga.. James Dutton, well known Men Guarantee Against Loss rangement tbe advance will be a greater per¬ rider, writes that he bas Just returned fr>vni a Opens November 18—Will Have Many centage on short hauls than on long, an,I Attractions fishing trip at Cisli'n. .Ala., where he bad a Macon. Oa., Not. 2.—“The announcement greater on articles taking comm,idity rates than most enjoyable time. "Caught red fish weigh which was flashed over the wires last Sat unlay on merchandise, lb«i the advance will be ap¬ Ing twenty and thirty isuimls api>s'e.” he proximately ^ual In cents per {Hiufld. evening that the 1918 Georgia Stale Fair bad A'aldosta. Ga.. Sot. 2.—On M,>nJay, Not. 18, K.ays. "We woiilil get igi at snnri.s,' anr," the gates of the Georgia Florida Fair will be lnti» the gulf tlfte, n miles anil stay until dark." ►ays Harry C. Robert, secretary and general tbrx>wn oi>en to the public. The fair was to have In the party with Mr. Uutron wer, E. K. Car inanag'-r of the fair, "and, like Bamiuo's ghost, te-en beld Oct. 21-28. but. owing to the influenza PROF. KEENE CLOSES riithers. i>f the Unit«s| Fairs It , :klng Olfl cs: can n,>t l>e ke(it down, for after tbe citizens ettldeuiic, was |Kisl|>oned. It will be a complete "Buster" Brown, pr' slilent of th** .Alah-i ii.i State Fair; B. B niirl,.n. .Alabama State Ka'r: snd I'xecntive iximuiitlee bad bebl a s|.eclal cx|H>sltlou, the managemi’nt promises—more »>. Chicago. Nov. 2.—Prof, and Mrs. King C. M. I.. Sennm of Biriiiing'iam; Eddie IlJii,*k an,l iio-etlng on Monday morning was nnnnlnnviisly |MTbai>H. than would have boon iw>$slble witb Ke«-ne. psychologists ami teleiKitbists, have re¬ family: .loiin M Ibr and wife, and V. II. Ilan dei’Lilcil to hold the Georgia State Fair for ten the earlier dales. turned to Chicago after a successful season of days and nights, commenrtng M‘ind following Southern f^rs, which came to an abrupt con- Noviiiits-r 11. amt to continue until Thursday a meeting of the executive committee last week, rlushin on account of tbe infiiieaza epidemic. «\ep > j N.itemlter 21. wblrh was railed as soon as tbe management They will return South In lime to play the FAIR NOTES ■'\Vc have bad several of the moneyeil men bad r<“eelveense of prepar- Look thru tbe Letter List t^la Issue. and baby beef, alsv C.jnad'sn heifer and Alberta the exblbltora, privilege and concession men. lamb comi>etltions for pirU and boys, in wolch prizes amounting to .<2 fi7r» will be alxen. E. L. R|rh.srds Fair has been post Orangeburg County Fair, "souTH^crRotiNA poneil on actsoint of the tntlueuza. No definite INTEREST NEGROES dates h.tve been set. fix Ida Fairs. Tliousands of NEXiROEH. with plenty On account of health conditions the dates of our fair have been changed to week of The Gaine»vill.> iFla.) Fair will be trld No¬ money. la«iit K«ir, at Kri^niArir IVf- vember 12 Ifi. Exhibits from .Alachua and ad- ti'ntAfn tif onp*ftmrth U'rMo J. T. 1*.\TIUCK. Waiic*- December 2d, 1918, J. M. HUGHES, Secretary. iC<age 37) Uirus North ('aroltria 34 e B NOVEMBER 9, 191B

SILK CAMP HANDKERCHIEFS li UP-TO>OATC PATRIOTIC DCtiaNB. ‘ “TO MY SWEETHEART," “RCMeMBER ME" and "SOLDIER’S rAREWBU.'* Red, Wlilte and Blue Borders $21.00 GROSS By GASOLINE BILL BAKER Samt Dttitnt. with Imparted Laet Berdfia $24.00 GROSS Dr. Boss Dyer Is said to be Sotof Ticely with Just reredred a larao ahlpmecit of IVituiIy thla big show OB lota in Atlanta. Oa. Drop in 8tudn. Scarf Hina Kar Rlngp and Rlnie. 4 ASSORTED SAMPLES, $1.00 B few lines. Dr. Dyer, and tell ns wbat enect Pend for our Sciectal Wblte Stonn Price LlsL We carry a full line of utleloe One-thlrd cash scltli til O. O. O. vrdtn. the epidemic bad on yoor boslncsn. As the suitable for strevtmen. demonolrntort, fair upr An Write for Citalef. Soutbeastem Fair at Atlanta was beld in spite workers, nheetwrlten and iiorelty dealers. 421 Broadway, N. Y. City of tbe closing of other amusements possibly the Prompt slilpmeot and lowest prices. Our big show occupied space during that event T 104-naxe catalog mailed upon requssL Consumers safe etamps. We bear that A) Isaacs was thinking of bang¬ PREPARE FOR XMAS ing around Busaells Point, O., until cold weather arrivea in order to enjoy a good season of duck Now is the time. Big doings on Silk Embroidered Xmas Cards. shooting. What’s the matter. All Quit stall¬ ing. bboot a pipe. Subjects: "To Mother," "To Father.” “To Sweethoart" aad "Frssi Your Soldier Boy" and loneral Xmae Oeelgna. Wberelnpll is "Crying" Eddie Case? Tke $ed)0 PER HUNDRED, ASSORTED. boys have nicknamed him "Hard Luck" ’canse they say be always looks that way. Last heard ■__ _■ COLORED XMAS CARDS, 12 TO THE PACKAGE. $3.50 PER HUN- from be was leaving tbe iioutli because it was rumored it was going dry. BIG BARGAINS Sond $2.00 for Sample Line of XMAS BOOKLETS and FOLDERS. ARE ALWAYS FEATURED IN OUR ThtaklsMog Day In comlns. We hnva beaetlful ll-eard assertments, in envolonet. beautifully llthofraphod. 'Tile many friends of S. F. (Safety First) Offrlcht. manager of the Publishers’ Circula¬ tSJO PER HUNDRED PACKAGES. , _ tion and Advertising ComiuiDy, of Dallas, Tex., will learn with deep regret that he passed away October 15 at Ranger, Tex., a victim of pneumonia. It la said that his only regret in Inslfnla of all Branohao of the Servleo—Infantiy. Artlllory, Ordnaneo, d.ving was that be would have to leave the Medical, Navy and Marine Corpe. ALSO "My Sweetheart,” “Oar. "debt” he owed his country iiniiald, and his lini," "Forget Me Not” and "Remember Me." ALSO Allied Service Find Designs. Beautiful work. last words were a prayer for peace and liberty. Mr. Offrlcht was widely known among the fra¬ $6.00 PER HUNDRED, ASSORTED. ternity, especially the papermen working the One-third Cuh with Order. No Catattg. Southwestern territory. No

r L ll III L la H'gh-class proposition for 12 go^ men in Ky. and Ted Powell says that he and the Missus met " " " Tenn., with chance to work South after Xmas. Write Jervis, Uarrls and Griffin at KnoxTille, Tenn., CHARLES BROWNFIELD, Cir. Mgr., Inland Farmer, Louisville, Ky. lest month, looking for iKtstage. We bear that Jarvis asked a farmer if be had seen one of "our war maps’’ and received this answer: •’No, but I’ve got my questionnaire."

Eddlt Bedell—Where are you, you champion •on of a tear up kidT Takes Eddie to frame vp a flash sheet. Everything from tbe world’s war to ladies’ patterns and every auto shest Carnival Workers, Paddle Wheel Men, mto onov Be’a a money getter, that kid. Lucky 'Lrvm OnmMn.tion in dlipInT («m. Streetmen, Saleaboard Men, Sheet A recent letter from Leslie E. Kell, Sprlng- xlM of bos, 6x134. IncItM Each wUrl. full drna Writers and Peddlers: Magical Goods - Stage Money fleld,_. IIL,_ follows;follows: "I closed the tenting eea- Hor. Mmi RvtiUl value. $3.35; ym Mil for 51 Ml son at West End, September 21, a^ Dr. enma you only SOe. TIII.VK OP IT! 11 ARTICLU WE CARRY A LARGE LINE OF FOR LESS THAN Se EACH, niirn you thow ynur Send for Free Catalog Tixlay. F. R. Mooney,, taking the |ieopIe, went into rustomev thii forieou. oulflt, with purple paikM balls for me. They. are doing„ nJeely,_ but Doc WATCHES. JEWELRY, CLOCKS, ... - . . corer, the array of Una UAlrt fooda (that alwan ap- PRIVILEGE CAR SUPPLIES eaya be doesn’t like to manage a show. . PMla to mllady'a heart) will daaale her eye. and SILVERWARE, REVOLVERS, NOTIONS, 2 show was to open October 10, but on account when at the and of your M>lal you state the low pvirw TRICK CARDS MAGIC DICE of tbe ‘flu’ am bolding off a while. Doc Wil¬ of $1.00 fer all this, the dollar is yeun, avto if Mie son recently passed thru Springfleld and was haa to bnrrow, bet cr Meal it. NOVELTIES AND CARNIVAL GOODS AU Kind.s Every Description over to see me, also Dr. L. K. Carr, We had This Lucky 'Lcmi parkace haa been a "lucky Snd" for all parUea. Oomplete notflt sent exrrret prepaid BALLOONS, WHIPS, CANES, RUBBER BALLS, a great time ’shooting pipes.* Both report a good season. Also bad a letter from Dr. C. fnr $1.25. SPBCXAL OFFTat TO BILLBOARD READ- HUNT ft CO. inUk: 10 Boxes and Bampla Oaae frw for 35.00. Cm RIBBON, DOLLS, BEARS, WHEELS, HC. Heattb. who reports good business. I would DepL G, 1(1 N. WentCMctte. Ill bu*y quick. Only ooa of our "37 TarieUea," aU eolD 1918 Catalogue Now Ready like to hear from Drs. W. M. Hightower and coazera. Rucker. Dr. John C. Foye is with me on the Write for your copy today and state No. 2 show and Is 'just rarln’ ’ to tell It to E. M. DAVIS SOAP CO. V3i5‘’c;;;;Mt a«^: CNICA60 what business you follow, as we do not the natives. Doc is a good worker and a real Bell to consumers. trouper. W© both purchased Liberty Bonds during tbe last sale and trust we can buy FRENCH NO GOODS C. O. D. WITHOUT double tbe amount ofl tbe next loan." DEPOSIT A later letter from Kell follows: “Both my IVORY •bowa are laying off at present on aeeount of the ‘fln.’ The roster of So. 1 show Inoluiiee Ben CARO Shryock-Todd Notion Co. Clark, manager; Dr. P. R. Mooney, lecturer; "Happy” Clark, blaekfaee; Xoek and Moek. CASE 822-824 N. 8th 6t., ST. LOUIS, MO. singing and danrlng. Roster of No. 2 company ' aoc includes I>eslie E. Kell, manager; Dr. John 0. Foye. lecturer; Myrtle Layne, lioretta Kell and complete the Haleys. The latter company was to open at set cooslau Sparta, Mo., October 21. hut the date was can¬ of a Deck BARGAIN BULLETIN celed. All members of the company are laying of niah Grads Gilt Edge Playiiic Cards off here In Snrlngfleld waiting for an improve¬ put up in a very asat and attractive Frtorh ivery ment of conditions.” raas. with 4 Aetn Inlaid In told and colon oo rover, aa shown in the lllust-atlun. Samsis seat ksetaalf. upas psssipt st pries Friends and acquaintances of Ira 1.. Grlshaver. aad lOe pstiags. wire worker and engraver, will learn with deep 3 DIFFERENT STYLES FOR SI.2I. POSTPAID. regret that he died reeentiy (date and place not For a large variety of popular pri<-e mer- contained In announeement). ehandlae, conilatlng of Watches, Jewelry, silver¬ Ira was well liked hy eTcryone who knew ware, (Tocka. Fountain Pans, White Sum* Jewelry. him becanse of hie amiable and cbarltahle dis¬ I/eather Unoda, Ivory Tnilel tbmda. Balsa Board position. He was always ready to lend a help¬ I’remlum Goods, Cameras, rutlery. tie. aee our BILL ing hand to a friend or one In need and had a new catalog. Ifa free to dealera. rAFree Catalog kind word for all. At the time of hla death JOS. HAGN CO. [BOOKS he had just finished his fair season and bad (Cut Prias WhalMals Jewalsrt) B DIO YOU GET YOURS? opened In one of Kresge’s stores, as was his S00-3O2-3M-3OS Wait Madias* Street. Y Prrmium», Novelties, Etc., for GENUINE custom in the fall of the year. He Is snrvlved CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. Camp Mon. Sales Bo.sril Op- hy a widow and eon. Ira, Jr., aged 4. fa^R orators and General Notion .LEATHER Dealers. Our Motto: Prolftablo George D. Norton, of knife sharpener fame, Morchandlse. Low Prieos. paid old Billyboy a vUlt recently on his way Prompt Sorvico. from Atlanta,, Oa., to- Toledo,— - - 6.- George- re¬ “THEKAISER IN PARIS" KEYSTONE MDSE. CO.; 147 Bowery, N. Y. City H i * M a d e of ports a good aeason, esoseially orer a circuit A new Pont Card Folder, HI leather, with ftn- of the larger fairs. Including Pedalla, Mo.; * TTirh-mde worli Hi <9 Indian hsad Ppringfleld. HI. (Yes, he "shot pl'>es’* on the ••OVER HERE AND OVEN THERE” HI dmlcn. cross walks with Pass and the bunch; Wausau. Two Post Card Leiur Folder* for the Soldier WIs.: Hamllne. Minn.; Milwaukee, Wls.. and military $20.50 Waterloo, la. From Waterloo he went to 100 Aaaortod, $3.00. Six Sampisa, 25e FIS GROM. Birmingham, Ala., rla Kansas flty, after which .j-.A PUB. CO.. HAT CORDS gni Fifth Avs.. Nsw Ysek City. / /iP''^jrSA \ for all BRANCHES $1.83 per Oere«; Sample, 3Se. be landed In Atlanta for tbe Sootheastem Fair. I I r 'Jill OF the service. No. 1—Omiulne Leather Booka. 334.00 pw treas. Norton says the boys can all have the South, Other blllboolw ranginf froo $11.00 te tit.00 per but be win take the Central Northern States I J' .Mm I Meroerized, $10 Gresa. WATCH UNCLE SAM SWAT 1 ^ I Bilk. $24 Gross. groap. Fivp aesoited pamplep fer $1,00. One-tblrd eaah for hla actlTities, altbo be would have remained deposit on C. O. D. pnIpnieHta. lUglatratloo Card THE KAISER. \ W. / One-third eaah unless In tbe former section this fall If the epidemic Caaes. $12 00 per groat. Get buty on thta at once. SMlf had not practically closed that territory. He on sight One finger works It. \ y A Big SeUer in All N. GOLDSMITH A BROt. MnifMtorm, sends belt regards to all friends. Porliet aampio 15c, 2 for 25c, Town* and Cities near 160 Nurth Walla ttrsat. CHICAaO, ILL. 15 for $1, half gross $.3.50. Military C a m p a and Dr. George Russel wss seen recently In Syra- Eros.. $6. Kissing Kixni* same - Colleges. rOR CAI P SLOT MACHINES OF ALL ense. N. Y., with a new psrtner, Hr. Fdwsnl price. Address SERVICE NOV. UNIVERSAL BRAID WORKS. rt/n kinds for sale cheap. I J. Kelley. B-ifh were looking healthy and CO., 220$ Areher Ave., Chlsafe. ■ 08-110 West nth Street New York City. Address SICKING MFG. CO.. 1531 FrsemaB Ave., rumor has it that Russel. In particular, has a C’lacinnatL Ohio. I bank roll that would choke au elephanL Tbe NOVEMBER R, 1918

hoy* la Miat aectloD claim that If thin duo of He also says that a few weeks more and he vtorkcr* remain around Syracuae until Ohrlat- will be Iwck to bis ll’I office on Broadway. ma* they will likely hare enungb llltby lucre Some folks might imagine that that means to try for an option on tbe Singer Building. an outlay of four or dve humired a month, but there are systems aiul other systems, and. altho Where are tbe Stone boys, Sbaplm, Sam, It seems to go clear over our beads. Dick seems I'raak and tlie teat o’ the tearup kida? Ami to have TIIK system. you. too, Percy Creger? A LiniE PRICE FOR A BIG FLASH In eommeiiting on the “flu” altuatiOD in There mnit bare been a great gathering of Chicago Bert K. Uudeon eomes in with the knlgbta at tbe Atlanta (Ca.) Fair, but m> lar a AND A REAL ARTICLE OF MERIT. following: ••niings are on the bum here at Hat baa not been aent In. However, here are pre-ent for pitchmen. I took a walk thru the a few of them: B. C. (B. Z. Solder) Blake. Lfs.p ilistrl.t recently and there was but one Perry, with pens; Norton, with abarpenera; This on your wheel, flat joint or a lonesonie pitchman, selling rasor paste. Nearly Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Uodnon. with peelera, ami all the boys are working in the munition plants Merkle. with rubber cement. thing that requires a big flash and a great many of the State Street actors are working for the American Kxpress Company. Cmle Proctor writes from Los Angelea. Cal.: will prove a big winner. “I am In tbe Los Angeles County lloaplul. Cls rus girls are also doing their bit during the hy working In f-ictorlee. Ry the way. "•lowly recovering from a third operation in tlve some of the folks are doing sure enough ‘light months. Two of them were performed Ui Van¬ hoiiseheeidiig.’ I was np to a friend's room couver and tbe third here. 1 feel sure that the the other day and .Mrs. ‘Chef was frying an last ons will prove auccesaful and within a few egg in the t<'p of a powder ls>v, while from the weeks I will bo able to get out of this iMtitu- IM'wdfr N)v itself arose the sweet amma of tion. So many operations In such a abort space otlee. However, the “tlH"’ Is on the wane and of time has left me alimist a ‘shadow.’ The Qrat two operations tiMik all my cash, and I am lying CONSISTING OF 18 PIECES here without funds, and a few dollars from my many friends would be greatly appreciated—a French Ivory Handles as shown in cut letter even would be gn-atly welcomed. My ad¬ dress la care of the above Institution.” Put up in leather roll, lined with

Hear that H. B. Parker was all set to make assorted colored plush lining. a speech at one of tbe theaters at Wichita. Kansas, in behalf of tbe Fourth Liberty Loan, recently, when everything was chased because OUR CUT PRICE PER SET of tbe epldemlr. It's too bad ys>u did not get a chance to voice your sentiments ami tell them all abont It. IL B.. but at least your inten- tlona were right. $3.75

“Whltle” Sorern, now serving the colors, P. S.—W rite for our new Illustrated Cata¬ writes: “Would l>e glad to hear from any of logue, the BOOK OF BARGAINS, mailed Free. the boysL ••nu'ltermllk Twlna”—W^re are Write for it today. yooT Prop a line. Address 7th Co., 5tb Reg., Camp F’unston, Kansas. 165 WEST MADISON ST., Dr. Freep Into it as be did on t|ie sheet and has gained pronoumced’’Awl ter' “llo.” altho to date there had been but one tbe esteem of his superior .MBcers as well as death. Eddie Johnson, whow passing was deeply the men under hi* mperriaion. Other boys of (THE HOUSE YOU CANTFOHGET) felt by all. He reports ennditinns eoroewbat the sheet in tbe same company Include M. T. better in tliat seetem. altho nearly all towns are Hagan. Clarence Hackenbrock. “Red” Crawley yet ch-sed by the authorities. The Musical Bren¬ and ’’Shorty’* WUllama. Tbe boys are shooting nans are si>ending their layoff at FarmersvUle, nolte a few pipes these days, as drilling has and l*rof. Bowie .1. Goiiger is with doc on tbe oot been very prevalent since tbe advent of the farm. In commenting on hininess In Texas Caatilian ^nalady commonly called "flu.” So Gassaway states that It was neve- lietter in the far none of these boys have contracted tbe hietory of Texas, and. after the epidemic passes, disease and they claim there la not a great it will be rli>e down there for honest workers. deal of danger in them doing so, as tbe general ronatltutlon and nerve of a sbeetwriter makes John Waterman Don be In a training camp. He enlisted In receipts goes direct to publlshera. and we give you authority letter on publishers* staUooery. Our price, $5.00 at tbe above address. the service before he eligible to the draft. a Husgrad. We also bare a good War Magaxlne and other propoettlona for yeu to make monepr wUh* FUU Walter’s other son, Walter. Jr.. Is one of the lint of prrmiuma. Inrludlng tbe 20-pne War Atlas, marked price $1.00; our price, 10c each. Write today and Boanl of Managers. Central Division. Y. M. C. Jetty Meyers, tbe pltnt king, who with tbe get full InformtUon. Montreal, Can., and Is also connected with MIssim cleaned np some good money the past the Triangle Division in war work. season in the East, is said to be doing business at the whope around Detroit and the boys give him credit for bolding up tbe price to ”two- William Bums, still selling B Z Solder and biti” g t^w. doing well, wrote recently from Herrin. Ill.: •’Busine'^e is not good, hut excelleut. I am Dr. Las O, Williams—Hear you are getting work ng to the mlner:^ and at present they are ready to do bnsloeas and are organizing a good making nH>re money tSiin they know what to do company to get it with aa aoon as the ban Is with. This town, one of thw bo»t In the State, lifted Haven’t had a line from you in a long is vlrtu.illy closed to any article except of your time. Let’a have It. own manufactiirv: if the latter. It Is free; If not, the reader Is $10 per day. Don’t wonder T)r. H. B. McLean (Silver Cloud), hlg wife what did it—a Jam artist (this right from tbe (Ronnie Whitman) and daughter (Bonnie Jeane $ 2.25 per 100 W'e have the Largest and Best Assortment in America. No adranca iB Mayor). Give my best reganis to the 8t Lonla McLean) were all three taken down with influ- 22.50 per 1,000 catalog is bunch, Drs. Simms. Mills, Moffatt and the rest. Will move toward Central Arkansag *nd work CDM about three weeka ago, since which time Depoelt retired on aU YOURS FOR THE ASKING IF YOU ARE A ther* for a while.” they have been confined to their home In the ordeta. Streetman. Carnival Coneessloaalre. Pitchman. Premium Uur. Shaat Norwood Building, Notwood, O.. (auburh of Cin¬ Writer. Auctioneer. Salcsbeard Operator, Oomoaitrator, Medicine Man. cinnati), Bbc la suffering from a relapse of Congntnlatlons in order: .Toseph O’Rotrke, of OR IF YOU ARE A WHOLESALE BUYER OF the disease, having been attacked for tbe first collar button fame, well known to men of ther time aeveral weeka ago. Latest news from the Watchoi. Clocks. Jowelry, Sllvorwaro, Cutlery. Sgoclaltlot. Novoltlu, Toys. Carnival Gaods. Sta* torch, and .\Dtoncttc Schrott, who Is engaged .McLean home la to the effect that they ara tlonsry. Dry Goods. Notions, Confoctlonery. Clfars. Sporting Goods, ste., ste. M’hra writing q>«e- In the taxleah business at Bnffilo. N. Y.. were ify your line of buslncso. If you are not a dealer, sate, your stamps. now conshlered out of danger and rapidly re- married recently at Rochester, N. Y. It is said ec'Tcrlnf. NO CATALOGS MAILED TO CONSUMERS. that both the folks were somewhat nerrons when the ceremony was performed, and the bride- groom forgot t<» kiss the hrlde. Ilowercr. the Again It la our rad duty to ehrontrlc the boys say as Joe is well llke.I by all streetmen death of one of the fraternity: Eddie Johnson, levin Bros., **S.“ r* Terre Haute, led. they will not kid him furl her. and wish them a known as tbe Whirlwind Dancer of Texas who life of h.sppiness. Several members of the fra¬ had for a long time been connecteil with Dr. ternity were present at the ceremony. Including I>ed Gassaway's Medicine Company, was callctl C. ('. Connors, Mike .Shay snil Doc Rn»s«"ll; sino September 24 at Greenville, Texas, a victim some carnival and showmen anil their wives. of Infiuenza, and was laid to rest on the fol¬ Mr. and Mrs. Michelwn. of the MicheNon Hotel, lowing day In a cemetery at that city. He IS MOW where the affair was held, were also present. was 20 years of age. Edrlte was well known ■Vfter the ceremony everyone present made merry among tbe profession and leaves a host of OUR BIG XMAS CATALOG READY until the wee sma* hours of the morning. friend* to mourn his passing. The death of Mr. Johnson Is the more pa¬ thetic from the fact that on September 6 he Who do you think blew into Clncy last week, was married to Mlss Myrtle Williams, of Green¬ not caring a dogonlt for “old flu” or anybody ville, by whom be I* survived. roMTAlNS MANY ITCMS Of INTIRFST FOR TH| NOVflTY OFALCR CONCCSSIO N AIR C PHI else? Mark (Red) Meyer, formerly of ”iny MIUM MEN PITCHMEN (.ENIRAL TOYJHAIX ETC best” (?» cigar sales fame (and, by the way, A recent letter from National Dick Rose Wr hAMf> M U—4 Axs*r1mr^t •! Xmas Prisl f .r.U he had four of them sticking In the second stated that he wa* fussln* right along, hap- story pocket of his noisy vest). Retl has been Ider'n happy can he. Dick states that he U THE AMERICAN NEWS CO., Inc.. - 31 Pirk Place. NEW YORK CITY catting some figure in the East this se.'ieon, and contented and has do nightmares, as he always made a cleaning at Toronto with a couple of con- tries to give a man aomething for bis money. BE A GOOD FELLOW—MENTION THE BILLBOARD TO OUR ADVERTISERS (Continued on page 26) SALESBOARD MEN YOUR THREE BESTBETS Ridlum Wrist Witch $3.TS Each PrB- TONNEAU WRIST WATCH ^ S2.75 Each

ONE-THIRD CASH WITH ALL ORDERS UNLESS RATED, B. W. 4»tt—Cun metal gUt nr nickel flni

Then see the others—our whole, big, complete manufacturers’ l(ne of Knives, PATRIOTIC DESIGNS and the LATEST ART POSES, with

Made and finished by our Special New Process. The crowds eat ’em up everywhere. Write quick for catalog, prices and terms. We assign you territory and protect you in It. We are headquarters—the largest manufacturers and distributors of Photo Handled Knives for Sales Boards, Raffle Cards and Premiuin& Don’t lose valuable time. Get busy! Write us today. HOLDER RULE CUTLERY CO . Manufacturers 212 N. Sheldon St. Chicago.

who are serving the colors and who would ap¬ He jlTes the readers for Decatur as $1.50 per LETTER FROM ADOLPH HOEFER preciate gettiug a few lines from their fr.ends day, $5 for medicine. .\t Centralia he met PIPES Baum with "glims" and at UuQuoln be Just now and then. They are Corporal John Geist, Sgt. .Vdolph lloefer. of Wie 110th Supply Train, (Continued from page 35) Hdqrs. Troop, 83rd Div., A. p. O. E. 762. A. E. missed Andy Watson and the Missus g.dng A. P. O. 743. American Eaped.tionuiy Forces, P., France; Bert Deitricli, U. S. S. Mjlunge. South. He reports Dinimiin closed until after sends the follow ng letter to The BilltMiard: cessions. Mark has ideas for a new line, and. care of Postmaster, New York City, and Corporal the war. For Centralia he reports free for "Dear Editor—quite some time ago I wrote Judging from bis conversation, he feels pretty R. J. Palmer, Co. D, Dlv. Bn. No. 1, K. 14, own manufacture and $5 for otherwise. you n-ference to is-celvtng The Billboard snre of his ground. Me will likely remain in Camp Sherman, Ohio. while over here, ami with the greatest of gratl- Ohio during the entire winter. Hear that Crawford and wife, of threader Qcatiou I ai-kuowledge receipt of liatina received Dr. John E. Foye, who is connected Vith Les¬ fame, have returned to St. Louis sfter a trip the Urst Issue of your famous How¬ liouls E. Dulin—Gene .\Icorn wants (o hear lie Kell’e Medicine Show-, was making a pitch thru Kentucky. It Is also "opined" that the ever, to say the least, it was devoureil from from yon at once, in care of The Billboard. He recently "soniewliere" in Missouri, and all the war relic train, which the Crawfords were trail¬ I'over to eoier by not .mly 1, but several other has something important. time Doc was talking an oM coiored mammy ing thru that secthm, beat all the celebrations Isiys, who practically l.ned up a mess line, was standing nearby smoking a cob pipe and in the country to a frazxle and they rcallze.l awaiting their turn to read it. I can not say “10:30 a.m., Tuesday. October 22; place, cold holding an old hen und-r her arm by the neck. the best business ever. Tommy Garrett tells us that 1 hardly blame them. 1 |>e 1 left that the Crawf.-rds are both in exrellent health enough after reading it myself that they may <1 storage .hoiiee, St. Claire, Mo.; weather, gloomy, At the close of the pitch Bob Rose, wlio was in fact ,-ainy: amusement, IMjies in Billyboy of doing a elide for-life as an added attraction, and will si>end the winter on the Western Coast. satisfy their 1io|k-s ami desires. the sheet ^‘rlters over iliere. Time, 10:55 a.m.. had the misfortune to f.all just before he reached Being unable to tell you exactly where I am along come -Slim’ .YIeorn and wife, loaded tile bottom of the wire, caused by his pulley Billy Meyers, the Hone Ine King, writes from I cau only hint that 1 am right where the bul¬ with ma:)s. They, too, join the gang at the <-0^ breaking. It was then that the old mammy Detroit that there are quite a few of the boys lets Hy like ra.n. and the safest ap|>earing place storage plant—still more ‘pipes.’ 'Sliin' says crowded up to get a look at Bob, and remarked: making the slraps around that city, and con is tile worst in most cases. Comostuently be¬ be has been making still sp<»ts all summer Hike "1 wish It had ah kilt yo. I b t mih pl[>e stem sidering the epidemic citnditions are doing fairly tween writing on a typewriter with a candle on the wrlterl and has seen but few oldtimers. clean in two an choked dls ole lien mighty neah well. Billy and the Missus wish to thank all a box at niy back and a sliell bursting over my Honeier we !•< tii <.\pc i to fi lhc.x i <■ res to death.” the folks w-bo were present at their recent wed¬ dugout at short intervals I am waiting for the over there before long ami will be In line for ding in Buffalo for their well wishes and say news to come when the .\nierican boys have any maiden spots on the sheet that might turn the same right bark at ail of them. Billy also advanced further on toward German soil and np after the war. IV-t regards to ‘pnnty Oi beard of the marriage of Joe O'Rouke and An- mske life what they have made it for every¬ Jack.’ J. F. DVNKEN. tonette Sebrott and congratulates them with: body else prior to this time. Just keep your eye "May the ‘Count’ and ‘Countess’ O'Rourke en¬ on the -Vmerlcan ts>ys. joy a happy wedded life for many years to My candle is getting down to within an Inca John A. Maney, of Cleveland, furnishes the come.” of diiqpiiearing, so w-lll close for tlilw time, with names and addresses of three more of the boys best wishes for continued success and the best of health to you and the profession, 1 remain, Private W. T. King. Co. C. 3d I'. S. L, Del Pay Browning, the "ace-note kid,” wrltee Rlnoerely, Rio. Texas, well known ls>y of the road, wants from Miami. Ok.: ’’.Ym a regular drummer AlMM.Pll llOEI-T.B. Bert Harter to address his letters proi>erly. now, as I have taken up the 18 m>rtheast coun¬ Here Is the way Bert addresst-d the last one: ties of Oklahoma for the -Yrljuekle Coffee Co. It "I'rof. Dr. W. T. King M.D.. D.D.. I'.H.D., Issue. sure feels funny to go into a town and not have Si>ecialist in ‘Lookbacks.” Sheets, Slilves. Rad. to get a "reader” before you can sell. YY’e are Corn Punk. Nos<“ Faint and ll-wtetter's Bitters.’* now- traveling in one of Mr. Ford’s masterpieces, \V. T. wants it distinctly understood tliat at 80. 80. 120 Numberf. Special.... but will forsake it for the railroads in case the Sheet Writers and the time he received the letter he was (smtiected With 180 Numbers. Special. 11.08 w-eather gets too Y'ou ought to see the with "Sllra” Hunter, and "Slim’s” specialty OUR DOLLS TOP THEM ALL. flying section of our train. The Ringling train White Stone Workers (N. P. and H. B.), as applied to blmstdf, was might be longer, but not a blame bit wider. 1 DOLLS, TEDDY BEARS, POODLE DOGS, O. K., but if be sliould get a letter addressesent I'ncle Sam might think PILLOW TOPS, PEY'IIRTS, NOVELTIES, and “YY’hltie” Sovern. My address is care of be had a live one In the ranks and he w they *ay was mopping np around lbo*e NEW ( aTALOGCE. Danker’* death did not reach The Billboard digging* with mod. until the "flu” cau*ed all until the latter part of last week and detail* ■bows to close. Present at the reunion wa* SLACK MFC. CO.. f^L a* to Interment, survivor*, etc., were not fur- Encle Jim Cook, who, during the layoff ha* ni*bed. How-ever, they will be made note of as been acting a* new* agent on N. & YV. soon as received. between Norfolk and Roanoke; W. P. Manges, formerly with the Cole Show; Joe Li-e. conces¬ Peter Bird {“Scotty,” of razor paste fame) sionaire; Morrif. the auetlon roan, and E. Z. wants ns to tell the boys that .Ytlanta Is open Thompson, pitchman. It 1* said that the BUY FROM THE ORIGINATORS OF for doorway* at $2 per month, also that Bristol, "pipe*” Jnrluded from the Initial Reason of Tenn., Is open on the main stem at {!i2.88 for the John O’Brien Show up until the present 7-IN-1 BILLBOOKS three month*. and wa* greatly enjoyed by all. The boy* Ws are now giving heavier and better atork of leather than ever before. Price, $27 gar Greta. Sam¬ Papennen who have the goods please writs. Straight must have been having a good time, a* the cor¬ salary, new propoalUon. Fix the amount yourself— ple aent fnr Z5e. With all that buneh of fellow* who ma.1e respondent wrote Gasoline Bill Immediately you know what you are worth. Go anywhere in the after the fesllvllles and prematurely wi*bed D. 8. with the beat Farm Paper there I*, and make Atlanta for the Soiitbca*tem Fair (and some BRACKMAN-WEILER CO. more money than you ever d'd tn-'ore. Write for still making it) there surely wa* some big him a “Merry Christmas and a Happy New White Stene Speclallitt. n Mitieulars. A. H. JENKINS. Box i:32. Philadelphia. dough cut up and a scramble among trip*- work Y’ear.” At that It 1* a mighty line way to 337 W. Magltes Streat. CHICAGO, ILL. ►sasiylrasla. ers for sfsits In the surronnding territory after enjoy yourselves during present conditions, and the event closed. all of you have Billyboy’s best wishes. Greatest Patriotic Doc Conrad kick* In with g little new* of Novelty himself and the Missii*; Doc closed his strewn Ready to mall to "the hoys.'* yiiat'a vhat you rvn mavv to the Monogtam work several weeks ago and with a company sislloned on the lH»rder for nesrl.y five months. Consist* of Folilcr. with IJhrr- '^PUTTIN.6 ty Trench Mirror rii losed. Gam*. Our SPECIAl 410.00 OUTFIT ces hi* outfit wii« INITIALS put on and a* a re»nlt the company wa* dis¬ going “over there.” However, as l’n<‘le Sam or» and with FiirlfSlc .“Ling on kovgera and vniblvaia, Otkar outfitr, 42 ?0. banded and the Conrad* are laying off at Cedar corer. Price. $10 eef Grata. ON AUTOS deems it best, be •* willing to remain and keep Hem-1c. I5e. Relalla at tic SS.OO and 42400, and ail vipncri Ordvi Rapids. la., until the ban is lifted, after which S-'LlBERTy* an ere on the “Spicks” (Mexicans). He re¬ Big dctnind ov utit*. Jobber* vested. they will rejoin the Billings Show. In regard ceives letter* from Dr. J. f). Cllf’en once in a EMBLEMS KRUEGER. to the season as a whole Doc say* that they while and would like to hear from Dis- Bill ISO N. Walla St.. Cblcage. iow WINDOWS did not get all the money in cirrulation. hut Morrow, Doe Tom Maeey, Edward Malliew*. the balance Is on the right side of the ledger. "Slim” UuDler, Ib-rt Harter. "Soapy” Itav “SOLDIERS’ ROLL OF HONOR” Our Oooda gpeak (O Their best regards to all friends. roond, "Sf»apy” William*. Ed Maynard and "COMnADFX IN A't.MS.” ‘OIK COI/tRF.D HB- aelveg. other friends. He wishes all the Imy* prosja-r- ItdKS." "Cincrel John J Pershing." "Over the Top.'* William Burn*, the F. Z. Polder man, tell* ity and ho|>es tbe.v all liare a hank roil large ‘‘News from Home." ■•Tlic P II h I>e«lon.‘’ "Cntteil EMIL R. HOFFMANN B SON us that he met Bill Shadell and Merrill doubled enough to carry them iint'l the hltiehirtl* *ing. We Stand.” "rarolng the World to Y’lctory” Great¬ King’s address Is Co. (', 3d F. S. I., Iiel Rio, est palrioUr pictures M llli.nt being sold. Agrtita. I Maaufacturtrs ef the on oil at Decatur recently and that they were doing well. They bougnt a car there. He aino Tex. Sirrelnien and Fair YVttrkcr* cleaning up. .30 other de- WORLD’S BEST «laii*. (‘ttalngue free. Picture* slae 10x20 retail at met the Ford Brothers out of Chicago, with oil. irw each. Wholcasic price*: 15 aaaorted samples, by Sbootint GtUeriet i Tarfets William also *ay« that Brother Frivl Passe The knight with the trii*-* ha* It over the fel¬ mall. $1 00; .Yu dUTiyrnt sample*. $2.00, postpaid. dropped Into Decatur for a day or two with 1317 Bo. Inlag An.. low who (iepends on a large aiHllenee during the $5.00 pet- lot), $40 00 l.onn gecretarleg and cleaned up, a* did Doctor North epidemic ban In that he ran work once in a HANZEL SALES COMPANY. CHICAGO. ILL._ will Herbg of Ufe durlfig A tew days’ business. while where the other fellow can sot. 12 FHoral StraeL PIttsbunh, Pa. V NOVEMBER 9, 1918 Ttie Bl a 37

HEALY’S NEW REVUE The new Victory Rewie inauKuratrd at Thomas Uenly’s Golden Glades, Broadway and Sixty-sixth street. New York City, has found In¬ stant favor with the public. Clever specIiHtles and fancy ice numbers are prominent factors In the success of the n'vue. Not since the memo¬ rable Ice ballet 'n which Charlotte was fea¬ the biggest steamers from the fleet of five boats retnming this week. Mrs. Harry Crandell has tured at the IlipisMlroBie several seasons afo that land at the park and advertised that there returned from a visit In Atlanta and Memphis. has there been such an array of skating num¬ KIDDIES' DAY would be a free boat at Albany and one at Troy Prank Mann and wife are back from a few days’ bers as is seen in the new Ilealy revue. Having at 1 p.m. for all kiddie* bolding coupons. We Visit on the Great White Way. foreseen the po|iularjly of ice skating and its bad the retnrn boats at 7 p.m. This sure did Dne to tbe closing of many companies in this value as an entertainment feature he imme- bring some “mob of kids,’’ and the day's bus¬ territory our lineup will be greatly Increaseil ditely made it a ihuninant feature of his Golden iness was great. Wben the day wa« over the from our opening stand. Many coneessloners Glades. The ent re country was searcheeen gathered Day business, hut about one-third of the crowd ance on the right aide of tbe ledger.—By UECK. in a single production, .\moiig them are Cath> Manager Fred Collins, of Mid consisted of mothers, aunts, sisters, etc., who leen Pope, whose graceful skating has won her brought a big picnic basket; and they also bad the title of Queen of the lee; William P. Chase, way Beach Park, Finds some money to spend. After children had champion form skater; Davidson and Dean and s|>ent their conpons and money they pulled every an octet of attractive skaters. Remedy for Unprofit¬ niekle they could out of mother, sixfer and Tx>8 Angeles. Nov. 1.—Ed Boachey, for the ClO.M WIHIES auntie. When the 5:.'i0 boats were dne to arrive past two years sni>erintendent of the Selig Roland Clonl, champion siK-ed skater, some¬ able Weekda ys at the park yon would find the kiddies all lined /oo, has retired to a ranch on account of ill where In Prance, writes tliat it probably won’t np “waiting for pa," mother having framed it health, and Harry Tule, well-known animal be long until- he Is bui4t over here and ic the up for him to come up to the park for lunch man and understudy for Beacbey, has be.'O game again. Ills letter is as follows: after bis day's work was done. And after lunch pDinoted to the position. .Vlbany, S, T., Nov. 2.—In the October 12 pa found out right away that he was elected Skating Editor, The BlllboanI: ’.ssue of The Billboard the editor asked tbe dif- treasurer. The first thing that pa knew he was .'en-nt park manugem for an interchange of ex- Dear Sir—Y'our letter of .Vugust 0 jpst re¬ rid ug the different concessions with the kiddles FAIR NOTES i«-rlence». He also stated: “Deluge us with ceived and mighty welcome, as I have mit beard and spending more money than be tbongbt he i>p>.' I am glad to tell how I, as manager of from one of my friemls of the skating world would. It was a common sight to see a tired, (Continued from page 33) 'li-iway Beach Park, built up one “weak" day’i since coming over here. I wa«i mighty glad to but happy, lot of kiddies, mothers, sisters, I'Usiuess. joining conntiea are namerons and the fair la hear that most of the Isiys are over here iloing aunts and pas leaving the park late In the even- exiiected to be one of tbe beat ever held at their bit. and would thank you veay much If yon Kiitilles’ Day. These two words do not sound I ing. This la what I did to build np one “weak" Gainesville. would semi the aildresses of some of them and like business, but they really h^>ugllt liuiiie the day’s business.—FRED J. COLLINS. Sibley’s Superb Shows are fomishing the what outfit they are with. (laron. M-dway Beach Park, before I took charge amusement attractions for the Golden Belt Pair I am feeling fine, ami I think there is many a of it. sas known as a Sunday park. This day, Note—Tbe foregoing la one of the fleet re- at iterde-Bon. N. C.. this week. goo U. S. Coinc. dress. first tb.iig I dill was to (uit a good sizeil ailver- We have re«-elTed a postcard picturing Beauti¬ Stat.) All rights rtssrvttf. I will close, wishiirg you to give nty regards iiM uienr, along with a write-up, in tbe leading ful Sylvanilell, the glOO.OOO amusement palace to the skating vrorlil. and I tuist that I will newsi.»|M-rs of .Mliauy and Troy, our park be.nt: of .\urMra. 111., which l-xiks as If tbe “City of CALIFOSKIA meet .vou sisin. Hoping that the game will have loated on the Hudson River, midway between Lights” is Tight up to tbe minute In the amuse¬ San Francisco—Cal. International Live Stock a hig year and that the hoys will not stop the«e two cities. In tbe ad we bad a free ment line. Show, Nov. 16-30. boosting the game, because most of the big cou|>oti which, when iu-esented on Wednesni-es- ing day, and tbe membere of tbe company are Elizabeth City—Albemarle Agxl. Assn. Nov. 12- ing Macks, is DOW a bugler at Camp Travis, San sloiis tliey did not ride on with their cooiKins. gradually drifting into Henderson and are anx¬ 15. Ben. Goodwin, secy. .\ntonlo, Tex. He is in the 3,3k very enconr- advertised there is Di> question but that the date shank. secy. Charles Fletcher, who has been engaged In Bging. but every Wednesday tbe number in- should prove an exceptionally goisl one. Toledo—Terminal Bldg., Fifth Annual Natl. shipyard work at Bfisuirfeld, N. J.. for some creaseil rapidly, the idea catching the popular During our layoff nearly every attraction on Farmers’ Expo. Dee. 6-14. H. V. Bnelow, time, writes that he Is going South for tho fancy, and by the end of the season it had the midway has been repainted, and our lineup mgr. w n*er ard pr.'bably will continue in Govern¬ proven Itself a success. Tlie same plan was will hs>k as tho It was the spring opening in¬ SOUTH CAROLINA ment work. us»-d the past seas-Hi. and during .\ngust be¬ stead of a late fall date. , Blshopvllle—Lee Co. Fair Assn. Nov. 27-30. R. H. W. Mathe-y expects to open a rink at tween i oOlt and «taa> rbtldrcn took advantage Following Henderson we will furnish tbe at- L. Hearon, secy. Greenwood. Miss., this week. of our offer every Wednesday. tractlone at the Granville County Fair, held in TEXAS Corporal Harvey Han« m. well-known roller .\benlngs witli some tS'velty events that will awaken the Interest of their patnms. Skating parties and new RINK-RACING-POLO-SI DEWALK events are always popular If rightly managed, and they tend !•> iie reuse the patnmage of she RICHMOND In Us« in All Parts of tho World rinks. RINK SKATE Harvey L. Hanson, well known speed skat.-r. of Chleago. has arrivetl safely overseas. lit ^No skates so durable, none so easy was recently made sergeant and is now station'd ^ to handle. Scientific construction. with Co. E 11th Beg.. F. S. Mar;ne«. with tt*- •Vmerican fcxi>editl«'n»ry Forces. Sprint ateel foot¬ plate, wlU nrither JAMES WEST. NOTICE burkla nor break; gxiarantrvd. Engene Field'ng, whose address Is General Delivery. Km-hester. N Y., writes Tho Bill¬ board that tliere is an amount of money waxing at the F: gle Cornice ( ng-any (.likely Detr dt. ORDER ISIOWi Mich.l for James We-t. who was eiigdoyed by him on his Di-ln 1 -how with the Great Ameri¬ We would advise ALL our custom¬ can Shows during the past season. ers to order skates and repairs for the ENTIRE SEASON’S REQUIRE. Have you looked thru the Letter List this Is- MENTS now. It is very possible le? Thero ni.iy ty mail advertised for yon. that later your orders cannot be filled. By orderins NOW you run no risk.

.1*0 pairs asoirlesl - it* Winslow Flbra Boiler Skatoo. also Repair l’art.s .\dr C*«lar Point UL Luna I’ark, Cleveland. Ohio. On-Lake-Krui ■«. NOVEMBER 9, 1918

OPPORTT'NITY for atnblUnua Duly to invaat capital Agents and Solicitors Wanted In new, sensational war play. Address WTITOHAM 3o WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2S«. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 24 7th Are.. New York City. novls AGENTS. SHEET WRITERS. STREET MEN—Drop ra,te:s f*er word the ABAlJlA CAIHYNINCARTOtW BOOKS AND formulas”".'"!’*!!!!!.”.'.....Itla MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (Second-Hand).2a SEKVItPEKVH'H B. o^kovh. WlSonsUi.Wlaecnslii. nAsonov30 ■ T BOARDING HOUSES (Theatrlral).2a....2a PARTNERS WANTED FOR ACTS (No inveaunanl).laInveatmanl).la ^ •‘KAISER Rnj.'S LAST WILL”—Blggeet hit and BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES .Sa....3a PERSONAL .Sa aulekeet acller tinea war was declared. Not a aong BUSINESS NOTICES .3a PRIVILEGES FOR SALE .la or picture. It’a rich; a perfect bcream; red hot CONCESSIONS WANTED .Sa SCHOOLS, SERVICES. Exchange or Swap money getter for agent*, canvassera. atreetrocn. fair EXCHANISE OR SWAP.2a SHOW PROPERTY FOR SALE ISarond-Hand). .2a worker!),workers, etc.; many buy several copies tx> send sol- FILMS FOR SALE (.<3ennd-a^).2s(.<3eroad-a^).2s SONGS AND 2a WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2le. dierdler boys and frlMids;frinids; 927 copies sold one afternoon FILMS FOR SALE (New).3< THEATERS FOR SALE.SaSALE. on street corner; rush your order for a few hundred pOR RENT OR LEASE PROPERTY.>a THEATRICAL PRINTING. FttK SAIj; OK EXCHANGE for Chsplln or Keystones. or a thousand copies and get busy: wholesale prices: poR SALE ADS INew Oo^)...... Se WANTED PARTNER (Capital Investment). H single Hrsmsilo and Wistem Reels, plenty spa-lal IS per 100. 500 (or F12..50. $20 per 1.000, char^ pre- POR SALE ADS (Rarond-Hand Oo«h Only).2a WANTED TO BUY. paper; (Irst-.lam condition. rHAKLE.S BAKER raid: 20 sample copies. $1. I NITIO) SALES CO.. WaWe do not place chargee for ada In the ClasslfledCTassifled CWumnsOetunns upon caircatr hooka, mdo hilla raodered. Thayer. Netirjska. novS Pert. 12. Hprlngfleld. Illlnol,.- CASH MUST ACCOMPANY THE COPY. TOI'R NAME brings copy Money Making Ideas, the All copy for adaads In thIathia dapartramtdspartment must reach ua by ‘niuriday, 3C fafor inaartlnnIt the foUowtna#-11—TRADE KII-M F-OR Fim’UE MACHINF-'i fJiUkiMWaxi nuicf I Compenaan-s. I.eiises, or any Mnvlnt lUcture Rbow great 32-page ageiU't and mail dealer'a magazine, week's[’a Iseue.laeue. THE BILLBOARD PUB CO., 23-27 Optra Plata, . . CINCINNATI,CINCINNATI. OHIO. | prtipmy. Ul'EFTN rE.\Tt'RE RERVICB, Blrmlng A. U. KRAI'S. 312 Kraus Bldg., Milwaukee, Wls. bam. Alabama. noT23 AT LIBERTT—HIQH-CtASS SCENIC ABTI8T; KEtlABLE YOTTNO KAN, AGE, 18, WITH LIT- Animals, Birds and Pets fur stock, road or studio work; best references^ tie experience; wanta position as assistant In Se WORD. CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 23e. sober; 25 years in business. T. J. COLLINS, magic or juggling act: no objection to other; For Rent 2110 Seventh .Lve., Beaver Falls, PennaylvanlB. willing and quick learning; photo and deserlp- 3a WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2ja. FOR PALE 'or TRADE—Four Esquimo Spit* Dogs, • tlon on request. “If you don't mean business doing 20-miiiute act; prop.*; three Shetland Ponies, save postage.” Addresa GRANVILLE B. LIT8- Trick Mule. Trippings. !*nn>s. ready to work; big AT LIBERTY BY SSTH NOVEKBEB—A-l I ry (jgn Cleveland Ohio 8110W ('.ROINDS FMR RF2NT—1.500 feet from Top. 70, with 30. l■(«l[l^e^e, cheap. Address W. J. Lady Pianist; 10 years’ experience; vaudeville I . „ . . American Aluminum t'u. riant, wiirks 5,000 men; NEI.^tON, Orion. Kansas. theaters; steady, reliable; union; guarantee sat- side track near grountla. 5IK.w RACHEL Wll/tON, Isfaetlon; only flrst-elass offers considered; East YOUNG MAN, 18 YEARS—DESIBES POSITION | Maryrllle, Tcnncaaee. FOR KhetUnd Pony, black gelding, 9 yegra preferred*.preferred. PIANIST, 10 Iglehart, St. * Paul, with good show; good eontortionist-comedinn; old. 46 Inchee high, sound except one eye, atre for Mlnneaota.Minnesota. no experience, but ■willing. X. P. LANCKTON, children; also a guod little Buggy, llarneas and Sad¬ dle; no use for IL All for $6U. crated on cars. A. B. Wesner Are., Newburg. New York, For Sale—New Goods NEWELL. Oshkoah. Wlsoonaln. AT LIBERTY—FOR THEATRE OR PICTURE Sa WORD. CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN S3a. , . house; first-class slide trombonist; member GIANT RI1E.«T'S. $35; Rad Face Ape. $50; Trained in.c# '••I subject to draft; can Join on Books and Formulas Horses, Goats, etc. CHAR. EIIXH, Orchard Hace. CALIFORNIA GOLD—Quarter size. 27c; half-doi* niliiols. novlO wire. Address J, M. COLE, Tlogn, Tioga Co., le WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2Sa. lar alze. 5Se; dollar tlie. $1.10; ratalogue C. it. Pennsylvania. Coin* for stamp. NOR5tAN RHl'LTT. King Oty. TROrrE OF TRAINED DOtTS: fine propt; cheap. BOOKS—The Showman'* Guide, 25c; Art of Vsittil- I Musourl. novlg EDITH rADW$3X. Rutler. Slontana. oquisra. 25c; Magic Made Easy, 25c; Tsttoolng and BOY. 17; 6 FT.. S IN—WANTS PLACE IN Tattooing Remover, 2.5e. PROF. BROADBENT. Pri>#- I'NBREAKAIILE FE.VniERWElGHT STATl'ARY- Tiudeville act: can t>lay piano, or will do any¬ pect Place. Gloversvllle, New York. nov30 Anlmal Figure,. Droorationv A.MELIA GRAIN. At Liberty thing. Write ROBERT PEARCE. P. O. Box Philadelphia. d(r21 159, Madison Square. New Yorlf, (First Mae and aama In blank tyfa.) BOOKS AND MAGAZINES ON MAGIC. ETC., POR le WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2$a. SALE—Some rare and all the latest; cheap. BOX I. Kelowna, B. C.. Canada. -----“BOY”—19; 8 FT., 8 IN.. HEIGHT; 155 LB8.. For Sale—Second-Hand Goods A-l VIOLINIST AND PIANIST AT LIBERTY— weight: exempt and athletic; willing to Join I CHEMICAL MAGIC—New, faacinating mystifying-In- 2a WDRD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2Se. Man and wife; years of experience in picture, partner for vaudeville: can also play violin wMo. I uructions and formulas foe 3V coin. L M)»KIU- vaudevllle and tab. show playing; large IlhVary What can you do for me? MARK B. COOPER, | SON. 47 lauigdon St., Cambridge, Massachusetts. , muelc; go anywhere South at oni-e.once. H. WHEEL-WHEEL¬ (104 E. 141at St., Bronx, New York, N. Y. I nov30 I ll.WJ) CRFTTOR I’EANI'T AND INIPCORN W.AG- ER, (Jen. Del., ThomasviUe, Georgia. ON, like ncM : Mllltig cheap aqcu'jnt uf ill health. J.4MES ARMSTRONG. lUmlllnti Bldg.. New CaMlr. I'er.naj'lvauia. novl4 A-l VIOLINIST AND PIANIST—TWO YOUNG ladle,; dealre a lenltlon together in photoplay BARGALN—Sliding Dice Box, $1.#«. THE HAAGS. theater; would join orebcatra; can do dance TWO WAYS TO SOLVE YOUR 445 N. 11th SC. riUUdalphia. Pmoiylvanla. work; best of musicians; good references; who FOB SAlf—59 Revotvliig Gum. Candy or Match M»- wants us? Address GLADYS SMITH, 'Tioga, rblnee. holding 2.50 plecea In nix run*, or tlx kind* Tioga County, Pennsylvania. iiot23 HELP WANTED PROBLEM to sell In one machine; under gl*** dome: eu*( $lt each, will tell at beat twice, alto 109 GIom Oomea and 59 Boiea of Gun.. S. M. HARRINGTuN. Boom 554. ALTO SAXOPHONE, NON'UNION. WANTS JOB 131 E. :Sd St.. New York City. for hotel or reataurant. V. DEL VECCHIO, If you are In need of Agents, Managers. Musicians, Dramatic People, 359 East 112tb, New York. novD Vaudeville Artists, Piano Players, Stage Hands. Burlesque People, Chorus FOR SALE—One National Automatic Pmny Weigh¬ Girls or workers of any kind in the show world you will find capable, ing Scale. $25.50. BEAl'MONT, 321 N. aarh .SC. Chicago. AT LIBERTY—TENOR BANJOIST; DOUBLE experienced show people, both male and female, advertising their services novelty violin and a little cello; fair sight- in the paid and free At Liberty columns of The Billboard every week, FOR SALE—Slot Machinre: 11 Roaenfeld 4-Bilnute reader; like to join troupe or orchestra; refer¬ but you must answer them at once.-as new^ ads appear In each issue. rimnngraph*. I>, C. turrent. In good working order, ences; member A, F. of M. ARTHUR JUNG-' If you do not find the people you want another way to help you $39 90 each; 1 llluvtratcd Song Mathlnr. RiwcnfeKL LING, Grand Opera House, Shreveport, La. nov9 $29.00: 1 Wind Mill Candy Machine. $19 00; 1 R»wn- is to make yowr needs known in the classified columns of The Billboard. feld W'all Punch, mrdlum alie dial, $19.99; 1 Mill* It is the ON-'I publication that showfolks read eagerly. Intently and Lifter. $12.99; 1 .5c Medal Machine. $15.09; 3 Qtiar- AT LIBERTY—BUDD HOLLOWAY'S NOV-1 j thoroly. It is a marvelous advertising medium for the showman who I le»in«-«, $18.99 each; 23 Bull Head Perfume Maihltirv, elty Musical .\et, composed of bagpipes, mu- IT penny «l9.99 for lot.. Adilrrva ZIMMFULMAX. steal fuiin--ls, di-k spinning on marble, four In- ' needs help, both male and female, for amusement enterprises. To get 52H Middleton SC, Itroukljn. New York. hand hell ringing, strap bells and l.vre harp, with your Help Wanted ad across the country The Billboard is the high nice stage setting In full Sorteh dress; sober speed paper. You can use it to your advantage no matter where you F'OR SALE - One FUh Pond, roraplcta except good*. and reliable at all times: reliable managers only; Including tent, tank, two high prrMiire lampv. two are kcated. fll>er trunks, one *lert>lng rut, one hundrevi fish. Ihl< no canvas. Ticki-t? Yes. Would like to bear ’ outfit la one of the l>rat money maker* on tlie roa.l and from g'SKl partni-r. .Adilres* 43>' I-ogaucbetlerc j all rt ady to run. but I have no Use fur tame and wilt St., West. Montreal, (juebee, Canada. novID sell for only $199.00. W. H. GREGORY. Eldorado, Arktnaaa. n»v23 CLASSY FEMALE IMPERSONATOR, SINGER. I BOOK—How To Build niuvion*. Uandeuff Art*. AT LIBERTY—A-l PIANO PLAYER; FAKER; I dant-er; several character changea; Winter and I Second Sight Ada, chapeaagraphy Art; great book>ook; FOR SALE—Showmen send 2.5c for photo of the t’n- good overtures; quieV to get stuff; will do springtime: Merry Widow; drawing card any- '??*•. f*^i~”***‘’'h?*erle*. We; Myrierlou*rlou* derground Chinatown I hhare for $100; also compIeC* email parts if iiee.--sury; rep. vaude.. musical references; poaltively biggest novelty; i ; all working»'»'<"■« Suhmarhie Show forf, $10; IVmon Child. Mrr- tab.: sf>her; g, m JESSE C. SHIVELY, Gallatin, Missouri. TER, Gen. Del.. Phtladelpbla, Pennsylvania. large glaM jar. $12. Fkriptlan .Muromle*. $19 each. In- . dlan Squaw and Bahy, $12; big new llac PROPCRTI' --- ’^^tM^^orm^aT KM. 109-111 North Fremont Are., Los Angrien. AT UBERTY—PIANO DIRECTOR OR PIAN. ENTERTAINMENTS — A COMPLETE PER- huttlrr; tample trial lot for t>-pe»'rtUng chargea. 15c. I 1st: specialty, vainleMlIe,vainleville, musical comedy:comedy, exe^ formance of magic ami ventriloquism, lasting BOLLYN. 2884 Uncoln Ave.. Chicago, IlUnoia. ['erienee: age, 17; exen^pt: uuUm. JERRY A’’ ie about one hour, furnished in Philadelphia for -— ^ERBELD. 30. Crown bt.. New Haven, Conn. ,,5 nearby towns $'20.00 ami expenaea. GREAT BOOK-W;onders. s-rn. and mystevlm re- A»e.rPi,^!S^lK^ 5{1I2. «•*>• »*A¥. 1814 Baird ■ 8 ' " —■ Samuel and Luc7 Linserman, 705 North 5th St., vealed: with attrtllng***^**”* diaelosure* of the past retUury: - - - — __ very Interesting; sample enpy mailed only lOc. B'EIMiE ■ v-m c . AT LIBERTY ON ACCOUNT OF “FLU” EPI- Pldladelphla. Pa. 1^11 phone. Market 15-84. JJJJ,MFC. CO.. "V.""V*“BmJh2n“Il. Binghamton. New York. novS R’^kNERR,MCKNERR, uaed on* weak; «r.tfirst demlc—\ 1 all around comic* fast worker* Llogermaii, tinder the nom-de-plume of - I $1.1.00ll.'i.OO takrHtakrn roinpletarcropleta HUtdt.imtllt. HweHheaii ConuNihCo^uN)^ Mt double quartette or trio; top. leid or baritone;’ Madame Du^nt, psychic and palmist can be HINDOO BASKET TRICK, llandc-uff Escape. 15 lead numb'Ts and a few ro^kI specialties; would ®ngi^ed in Gypsy co^ume for church fairs, hoa- ether good Acta, and Magaain e one year. aU for I like toheV; or Tai,. th.t PlW benefits, et;^. Terms for palmistry part, at on'uTficTQcAck^'^ R I>- « will pay what 1 am worth; others save sU- Jour resit enee, $I.V0O for e^nlng of two houra. Sona/^'' Tkket’ y“ " MORRIS TOLEn" G^n K“eh additional hour. $.5 00. Nearby town.’. JAIL BREAKING, by Van Tone, 25c: Ride-Show Del Wlehlts Kansas’ v,en. expenses for self and escort. Private Trleka Eipoaed. I5r; Wonder* of 20th Century. 2r.c; u'^Tih Ht .Mn Tn!!.? ” Del., Wichita, Kansas. to Urtto. «nle mt mv home *100 Bonk*. Magics. Eecane Apparatu.; list. frew. TRI’- « Tth Kl. ClncInnaU. Ohio. Established 22 years at above address. DEL 524-B Moody, I»wrll. Mtasarhiuelta. AT LIBERTY —TRAP DRUMMER; BELLS, Help Wanted xylophonenTTlonhonee and traps;trans- experienced;exnerlence.l■ A.5 F".F' of Bl'RINFJtR 209 Practical Plans. 50c; M.;Wer loc^ioB. Ad’dr«.r R. J. SHEPPARD. FIRST-CLASS OORNETIST. WHO 18 F«8T- 3* WORD. CAIH. NO AOV. LC88 THAN tl*. ■Rplolt Kansas novlft class Vocalist, wanln engagement In the South; ,notn, aompanl Beloit, Kansas. hotel, theater or band: member I «c«l 9. A. F. of 59# Mmh Are.. New York. nov9novS I CEIJ.lMT WANTED-F'or pifture* and laudevlU*. AL- ' BAMBHA TliK\TltR. Knlcktrboeker At*, and Hal- _ 51., Boston, Mas*. C. WASHBURN, 51 King rv.i, live bookr For rfai i ivf pwvfSTX* a«-y SL. Brooklyn, New York. AT LIBERTY—TROMBONIST; A. F. of M.; .St., Ablngton, Massachusetts. novl« uaUUst* fr^free. BB. BB. SUFRIDANSUFTRIDAN (X>(X).. 417 aB 151*i151*1 South only; prefer theater, hotel or concert; flt.Rt.. New York. ' ' ' '• nov2 GI,;i Y BRDTBERH' MINhTBEIJ* WANT all kind* Mu- no parades account of crippled foot; can bring ##-/.#>.•#%#•max —— slrUni. Arroti(l». lUu RIngrr, Rarond Vlollniit food baritone player; ticket if ri>o far. TROM- MANAGER, .... AT LIBERTY —. LEGITIMATE;, , SlTERFLT'OrHsrrERFLT'orH HAIR REMO\'EBREMOVEB-You -You m*ke It; get wWrite 112 Rial* 8t . Springfield, MssiaabuwlU. BONIST. 811 Withers St.. Lynchburg Virginia. thoroughly competent; several yearsyears' exr>erl-exr>erl-I , Upup fyomfrom *a dermatologist, a sperUllst In the re- —-- e> * • I # Bt pnpBence. .YddresetaarpB# BOXWnT 241,541 BentonRpnfnn Harbor,tlnrhpr MlphMich. I n>n#>lraovai of tuperfluau*ip... h*l#hair. Xpetc. EARTMAN,nmTXt AV rE. nD., til113 ...waNTF.D -Muaiclani for 8th Band. C. A. C (Ragu- •VurUi St., Bochester. New York. lari). Capable Muilrltn* tor all InstrunenU *he at liberty—BANDLEADER, HAVING drair* Induetlnn and •peelil aulgnrawit communicate good library of band and orchestra music; MANAGER AT LIBERTY ACCOUNT OF Y'VST YOKES BT TANR7;N--One aolld hour Bwedl»h I at one* with J. OO. FlEIiF.KE, Band Laadar. Fort locatecate or travel-travel; would accept position playin;plaving house closing; lagitlmate. vaudeville, Uh., dialect atorles; every line a laugh Price. 25c. Iiurruici*.narruicaa, Florida,Florida. Dorl# cornetrnet In thertJ-rtheater oThiwtrarorchestra; bc^tbest referen.-csreferem-ci pictures; thoronghly competent; 20 year.* expe- CHAR VARLEY, 546 BeaumonL Rt. Paul. Minn ' fum'shed, .Yddress HOMER F, LEE, "Verona rienee. OLLIE A. SAVIN, 102 Church Rt.. nov2a I WANTED—Boy. IS to IS year* ef tf*. playing *a*o- Vfontgomery, Alabama. novD phon* and doubiintdouhiin* vinlln or »cm*sent* orrheatra Inatn- Missouri. menL for chautaiqua season 1918-l$lf, BOX 343 Business Opportunities Farmington. Fllssouri. AT LIBERTY—MAN AND 'WIFE FOR MUSICAL I PIANIST NOW AT LIBERTY FOR REHEARS 3a WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2Sa Tab.; wife, young, petite, musical; leads num¬ al work; songs, vaudeville acta., etc.: morn ACroCNTR. NOTES. CLVIMR roi,I.F.rTED any¬ WANTED- Elirtrle Tattoo Arilit; good man guaran- fertl 149 week on rommla<(r>n ; he*t location OO Rt'te bers; works chorn*; fine wardrolie; does special- ings only. LEIPOLD, 134 E. 43rd, New York where in world; no rhirgrti unleaa we collert. MAY'S alrert. T. J. KRf:E. 432 H. Htat* RL, Chicago. Ill tie*; man, gen. bus., bits, characters, comedy; City. Murray Hill, 5465. COLLECTION AGENCY, HomerseL KMilueky. iio(30 draft age: don't *liig; experienced. *ober-^-WANTFffV — Comrt. Violin. Harlnet: $25 09 a and reliable; ticket* If far; Jo nt ei^agement ^ ^ • week; position iwmanetit uid reliable; woik eaay. only. Addresa pUlnly. M. FOWLER, Borne, Tn ATirajftriTlflr ni|U|8lfled AOS. PleASe Meutioil Blllboard. picture rilow; no tirkrt*. Addrroa JOB CABAGNARO, City. Indiana. «**BTVv****f5 •■■■i ■ iiwv* wMaaa, « avuaavi Mwvsuwgvu Thea445# A#4A4k/vrai4u. nr„a,iw,y Tlieaire. Boiiawell. Vlrglula. NOVEMBER 9, 1918 Tlie Blllboapd 39

FOR SALE—About 200 Tents, slightly u«ed; Wall THE BIG "JAZZ” IHT, "Harmony Jass VV’altg.” and Manuscripts, Sketches & Plays 2d-Hand Show Prop, for Sale TcflU. 0x0, 9Hxl2, 12x11. Cooceeeloiu Tents, 7x7, Thematic Catalog, 15c; Jazz OreheetraUun. 25c: IS WORD, CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 25*. 2e WDRD, CASH. ND ADV. LESS THAN 25a. 6x10. 10x12, 10x11. Refreshment Tents, 10x20. 12i played everywhere; don’t miss IL W.ARNER C. 20, 11x21, 14x21, 16x23. Compartment Tents, 10x20. W1LUA3IS A CO., DepL 'i-'L" Indianapolis. Ind. 12x20. 11x21. Show Tenu. 20x30, 20x10, 20x50. 20i KOlt SALE—Thm faiumu blc itroe Rcriutioin: Difie BAND OKtlAN AND ROLLER BKATE8 at low pricoi DOVSO 60, 40x60. 50x60, ToxllS. Write for bargains. D. M. Rend's Dream. Rnlidirtl FUhl. Rlue Velm Band: A.M>:H1CAN HOLLER RINK. Hauduiiky, O. dec7 nn be U'Wl ait slncle at-ta: enrorea guaranteed: all 3 KERR .MFXl. CO., 1007 W. Madison >*U, Chirago. Ill. ADVERTISE." ■•.Sunbeam," "Think of Me," "TUI noylO Jl.OO. B. iMIIJAX, 2h«4 UiicuIu Are., Chii^ago. lU. 70-FT. CO.MBI.VATION AND 68-FT. BAtKlAC.E Over the Top We Go." "Peace on EUrth and lib¬ CARS, full ateel equipped; Croiia Cage VA’aguiia; Mo- erty." Order these splendid new songs; 10c each; ACTS. I'LATS AND SKETTHBH—Written to fit you: ehanictl Show of the World War; 30-VA'hiatle Air Cal¬ I HAY'S FOR SALE AT LOW PRICE. 1.500 Iron Band or Orchestra. 2.5c; qrs.. vocal style. Wurlitzer with ixp and pum-h: apeclal mualo: rerognized liope; Conderman Ferris Wheel; small Light Plant: frame Theatre Chairs, 3 Asbestos Portable Booths, Bolls. HALCYON PVB. CO., ludianapoU^ In^ana. two standard regulation Booths. 10 Plrture Machines, TtiideTllle a>-ta lining my material. UeVAKiNIE, Kooro 30-ft Steel Arena; Mangrla Dancers: line Cabaret nuv30 high-grade Movie Camera. SOO.OOtl ft. Pictures, all Iltili. :>'iS So. DrarlNim, tlilcago. Illtnola. norl6 Show, complete to open, fine 10-ln-l Outni, eomplete to open Kolltng Globe; and Fteake, beet In goKl condition and must be sold. B. O. WITT- A .SONG To WIN THE W.AR-Wheii We Gel Kid of MORE, 37 Wlnctiester St.. Boston. the Kai.-wr; 50c a huiulrcxl oipiiw. N.VTHAN L I HAVK KOR SALB a fine roHertlnn of old Theatre make Arkansaa Kids: Fish Fond: Itoll-Dcwns; Kaiser UIWIS. 123 6sth SL, .New York. nov23 l’rngram!i; a list and deu rlptinn of eaeh programme Games; Camiral and Fair Workers' Goods of all kinds. 5IARJ\E FOGHORNS—Three, slightly used; loudest will he raalird upon reuucat: B you want to add to your Magic. Illusions and Escape Acts; n»otric Automatlr and best adycrtlsing stunt going, $12.00. J. F. own rollrt'llmi or deal In a,itlqura here la an oppor¬ Base Ball Games; Bridge and Box Ball Alleys; Band •ATTE.NTION. SINGERS. PUODITER.S—Have you a REDING'TON. Scranum. Fennsylyania. nov9 tunity to sei-ure some rare play bUla Addreea F. O. Organs; Folding Orgins: Columbus Plano; l-ncttre Song Potm? Original, catchy, suitable musio cor- h.. Boi S72. Cincinnati. Ohio. tf weatherproof t'na-Fon. ’Tents for all purposes; Urge rextly written for your poem. Where necessary your Dramatic Oullll; Folding Chairs; Circus Blun; Bast FOVR TEN FIN'NET BOWUNO ALLEYS. 12 D.: poem revlsexi free of r liarge; neat work and linnMt present price $1,100.00. my price for cuick sale value; you can rely on your work being right when A( TS. FLAYS. SEETCnES A.ND TABU)IDR writ¬ and Snare Drums, Little Wonder IJahts; 3fl-HoTse Ex- $100.00: storvd at EvaiuvlUe, Indiana. F. C. HEED. you send it to BR-AI N .ML'SIC CO., 992 GraUot ten to order; prices for a stamp; big or small time ans Race Tra k; complete set Scenery for Tent Show. Hpringfleid. Ohio. r.ovO Are.. Detroit, Michigan. nov9 material. K. L. tJAMBLE, Flaywright. Eaat lirer- Anything In the show business, new or tt*ed. wo hsye pool, tihio norS It or can get it Write us your wants and sell us your goods. Largest dealers in used Show Gorils In Amer- HIGH ART. NEW PROCESS DYE SCENERY—Ar UI'Y YOT R .MT SIC BY "niE nvCND—Popular sheet tlstlc. morlem designs, beautiful, brilliant color ef¬ music, vm-al and instnuiicntal, a.'MiortisI and every \nv FAYS -••Ccmriel's Wife." east 1-4. child: leg. Deal with the old reliable. W'e hare annes*d fects; drops ind complete settings; some second-hand piece different: the new way in selling music and a ••tJirl From America." cast 1-3; "I'nder the \Yhito another four-story building. Businesa growth needed In stock; order before prices adranco. ENKEBOIJ, big opportunity for ag-.sits; -*iis for 2.')C per pound: IJghH." cast 1-3; ''(Ho yjretmon." cast 3-3; will sell It. We grow he.wuse we dcllrer the goods \AT-STF1R.N SCENIC CO.. Omaha, Nebraska. norij send stam|>s for sample and wholesale prices; all klnda all four outright for *s.'. or will exchange for equal SHOW FKDFEBTIES CO., 51S Delaware St, Kansas i'l music at spei-ial price*. .AiillEY'S MI SIC HOUSE. rilue. ID-N tSKFJlNnELD, 1501 N. Clark St., Chi¬ City, Missouri. .Aurlan, .Mulligan. novl6 cago, Illinois. I*OPCORN AfACinXE FOR SALE—Brand new But¬ SO FT.. OA-ER .AIJ* COMBIN.ATION BAGGAGE AND ter KIst Popcorn and Peanut Msclilne. fully elec¬ COMPLETi: SONGS .A.ND tiONG POEMS-Patriotic. SCKIITS—Musical Comedy. $2.00; Dramatic. $3 00: .SIJJEFING CAR—A hargstn If taken at once. -Ad¬ tric. used less than two morths; a bargain if sold at lyric and vcntimtntal; will sell outright or on Blackface. $1 IW; list for stamp. DeVAIOME dress .AL KADEL. Cgrtersrllle, Georgia. once. .Address GEO. J. WOLi’, 119 N. 2d SL, Padu¬ cah. Kentucky. straight royalty ba-lj. T. I. M.A.NLEY, Guthrie Cen¬ MANf.sCRIlT CO., Boom 1106, 536 8. Dearborn St.. ter. Liwa. nov'J Chicago, Illinois. norlO FIVE SAMPLE THCNK-S, made to carry 300 Iba, flrst-elaas ahape. $6.50. REDINGTON CO., Scran- PORTABLE SKATING KINK, complete: floor, organ. skates and tent; will sell all or part O. E. A. MUSIC PIeAT):s and PIIINTING. ARILANGINO F.AMFIXS FREE-Original Joke*. Falter, Recita¬ tnn. Fennsylyania. nt>«4 RE.NFROW. AVsst Plains. iUssoiiri. ilcc7 .A.ND COMPOSI.Vt^—.All mir work is strictly tlrst- tions, cte.: act bur dees, applause gettcni. encore THEATRICAL FEOFIj; should send for seeek'.y list; U. .s. and fondgii is.pyriglits wurcl at pominal takers; send dime for typewriting, postage UOLLYN, charges. WARNER C. WII.LIA.MS A Ctt . DepL 11, 21161 Lincoln Are., Chicago. Illinois. of rebuilt trunks; some red hot bargains. Ynsi pay REBl’TT.T wardrobe TRT'NKS. equal to new. at for the tninks. not the name. REDINGTON CO.. a saring of half. Special sizes to order. KED- Indianapolis. Indiana. (I-arcest piiblLsbers of synco¬ INGTON CO., Scranton. Pennsylvania. noy9 pated waltzes In the world.) novSO TABI/>in W'KICAL COMEDY, DRAMATIC AND Scrar.Um. Fennsylyania. noyO 111 Rld-Sgl L SiCBIlTH, $2.00 each; Btsik of Rita, OH. GOD OF THE FREE—.A patriisle mother song; $5.00; list for stamp. U.ARRY J. ASUTON. 517 N. DRAFTED—Win sacriflee my Magic Art for one- SLOT WEIGHING MACHINES—Big stock, all prices; good, oatchy music: will sell outright or platw on Clark. Chicago. half what It cost: has only been used two weeks; Walling Three-Slot Seales, $65.00. Machhies bought stamp for list. FKANIC JOHNSON, 3229 E. Bal¬ and sold. SI-OT MACHINE EXCHANGE, 1210 Vine royalty. HARRY -A. BrNN.A.N. 1'. O. Box 672, Han timore St., Baltimore, Maryland. SL, Philadelphia. Francisco. California.

Miscellaneous for Sale PICTURE LE.VDER.S-Send ,5(ic for orch. of "Ro¬ Sa WORD, CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 256. mance' and 'Solliude." two cltvalcal numbers; About This Season’s Successful New York Productions great for pictures ami concert. H UUAIMEle 115 I!H.kI)WORKER8—I wholesale Beadwork of all kinds; Clarenee Bldg., Cleveland. Ohio. largest stork on rngd; llluatrated clrculara for stamp. FRANK TR.VrrOX. Billboard. Cincinnati. Ohio. INH’I I,.AR PATRIOTIC .SONGS—Juat iHlhltshcd norSO "Wero Going To Gel .Along Without the Kaiser." ' m- an up-to-date war siH.g; splrvulnl two-step; iwchea- DBI'M HEADS Transparent, guarantml. tl.25. TEA FOR THREE tratlnn now ready. .And "America. We Come" (the Lorix KOIIL.MAN.N. 1603 S. Troy SI.. Chicago nply of tho draft rani to tlieir I'lauilry's call), "nvls nnr33 seng Is endonusl by lYewblent Wilson and Senator Cabot lyslge. ’Diese .songs have stirring, patriotic UJC TKFni iWalrusI FFARCE .N'OVELTT CO.. <> In Tea for Three Roi Cooper Megrue has a^ain ilcmonstrated his <> words and bright, original music. .Agents waiiUMl in 105 'A'ldalfO 8t.. Seattle, Washington. dec26 every town to .sell those, usual terms. 10c per copy at resourcefulness and especially his versatility. It is done after the mode all music storiw, or sent, mall prepiald. for 12c by Ihe J’ of Shaw. Consequently it is talky—very. puhll-litr. i'H.\RLF;s DUKH.A.M. 16 Lambert St.. Rox- Musical Instruments ,, But it is eood talk, bright talk and often brilliant talk. t> bury. Boston,, U. .s. .V. FOR SALE—SECOND-HAND, <> Every facet of every line has been ground and polished until It Is PUBLISHF.BS. .ATTE.NTIO.N; Two new patrioUc te WORD, CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 35a. " gemlike. ]’ siaigs. nititlisl 'Kreedora’s Call" and "When Our ‘I But despite this fact, despite Its undeniable wit. despite the stor>’ Boys Begin To Friv." complete words and music; ABHOU TELY .NEW BOCIIM SYSTEM COW n>AR. citiur of them for sale ou'rtght or royally basis, profes¬ INFTT, L F.; case, comidrte. owner draflc sional copies eg "When tbir Boys Begin To Fly" fre« bargain. FERI) WEID.N'ER. liorrhr to professional slngi rs. .AiKIicks ARCHIE .ALLI.sO.V, Box 562. Walscnburg. Colorado. BANJO—Like new, coat $30; aril for $10; flannel " Is not relatively high. case: stamp for reply. HKO. CONBOT, lOS Foreit G Two and a half hours of rapidflre, epigrammatic, clever and v’ery SEND ONE T*orj».AR. money order or bank draft. .Asa.. Brockton, Maua>'husetU. smart talk Is too much—too much for a night show anyhow. As a matinee ,, and I will seud you by mail, postpaid, one dozen o bill It might fare better. <• Popular Songs; all gnsl; asv-tra Manilnttn, Out- rags and noyelllts. MAY HILI,. 143 N. Dearborn ur-Bantns. Gultar-t'hlmca. TI'RK RICE. Milford <> It takes no mean proportion of the effort and labor lavished on the SL, f^cagi.. lUlnolx. Center. Ohio. '> preparation of that sort of thing to follow and keep up with It when it “ " Is directed at you with all the volubility, fluency and flow of a stream || SONG WRITERS, SINGER.s .AND MirslCIANS—We ON'S Ch B.ASS. allrer plated. II.-L. pitch. In hard pay for your co-operation; have you maniiserlpts or caae, $30.00; one King Trorahune, alleer plated. In 'J from a Are hydrant, and strain Is bound to ensue. One leaves the theater <> service* to offer) Write for particulars to MONARCH aofi leather case. $15.00; one Rasa Drum. In trunk. ,, more taut than relaxed, more tired than refreshed. <> JtUSIC CO.. INC.. Reailiiig, Pennsylvania. dov23 Beater, 2 Cymbals, drum head apitt on one tide, o And when it is all strung on the theme of the eternal, everlasting, " hilt playable; has been patehol; $25 00. purchaser to SONG WRITERS, COMPOSEILS-I write words for ray eirreaa chargea. BAY CRENAWALT, 36 .N. Main “ ageold and Interminable triangle, even tho handled with scrupulous clean- yotir Ideas, correct or rewrite your lyrics; woniterful .'*L. Wilkes-Barre, Fennsylyania. y liness. there is bound to be a sameness, reiterative tang and an old- original lyries for sale or collal">ratlon; one patriotic stuphiness flavor attaching to it that at least does not sharpen the .> classic; no amateur, have sold to worbl’s biggest pub- THREE OCTAVE DF..\n- 11 hers; state netsLs; give rvfvTence. J. M. W.AIgAH. ttora and Stand. L F., heary bars, first $10 06 <> mind’s appetency. <> Box lit, Hanltner. Kaisa.*. tskea It. R ENCELBEKT. Orpheum Theatre; To¬ o 1 overlieard one gentleman behind me heave a dejected sigh and ** peka. Kansaa. • G whisper: "I had hoped we would not run Into more sex .stuff,” during SONG WRITERS-- I write woixls to melodies and mel¬ odies to word.*; I've written such s<*ig hits a.s "You t the first Intermission, and during both entire acts comment of a like ,, Won .My Heart," Intnsluml by .VI JolsiHi In The Hon- Personal ,, nature was made among the cigaret contingent in front of the house. <> eymtxHi Eiprvss; send me your words fiw free criti¬ it Even tiulte young men and women are fairly fed up, or affecting to " cism. RJAY HlBItraAlR. lolu Dtekens Ave., Chi¬ Sa WORD, CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 2$c. cago. <• be, on this overused topic. " FYITITIAN .M.VCIC FF.RFIME ATTRACTS AT- Arthur Byron, Margiiret Lawrence and Frederick Perry giv’e the SONGS- Ccr.ip'ele wonls ami music, no two alike. Mw TE-NTION—Ladlea or grntleraen; bottle and In- show, which, if the coinage may be permitted, is virtually a triolog, there ,, fur $1.00. .stick changing so igleii It Is impcssihle 'trucihms. 2V. three. 60r; flee. $1 00. B. CHEM- to print a lisL PHIIJP J. A. WYH.ssilEilG. .VIA IC.VL CO.. Hot 60, Kraumont, Texaa. o l>eing hut two other minor roles—a valet and a maid—l^th mere bits.— <> lAst 141th St.. New York City. novlA o WATCHE. .NOnCK If anyone jeeing this rgn glre anr Infor¬ STRICTLY ORIGINAL MinatDIES written to Song mation as to the whereabouts of my son. tlarence Picms; Music arrangcsl vnd revlseil for all In¬ F Smith, phase wire me at my expense. MB.S. EL- struments; our prices are i-oii'lstent with t*rst-cla*« BFJIT SMITH. 213 Oreeii .St., lireenTtllc. N. C. work. Our refm-nce' .Any bank or brst-tUva sheet FOR SALE Httyihril-Srlllmxn Two-.AbrexS Cxrou- S.ACKIFICE .s.AIj; OF "M.ArK'S M.VSTER MOVIES" music In Ihe Uiiiusl Staiis, or Cani la. W.AR¬ R J. MADDAFORD OR FI.SKE onjVRE. wire -fl, FxIrbxiikv-Mcir-y 6 h.p. kcr,' ino Enginv. Ton- —1 .50x65 Black TenL wrlth 20-ft. middle, ciwnplete. NER C. WILLIAMS A CO. Ibiit, II. ItidlanapoUs. JA8. 8. LA.NIFAI. .Merry Garden BaU Room. Mcm- awaiKli Military Band Organ. flrvt-rla'W condition; $3.'i0.00; 1 8«-t.. 4-k. w. Lang.siadt-Meyer self-con¬ Indiana. (Largigl I'ublishef- of .syncopated Waltze* phla, TWin.. at onee. also Hodman .M'lvable Shinning Gallery, in operation tained Light Plant, complele, $700.00; 1 Power's late In tlic WorliL) noySrt "Liitle I'l ncy Ivland." Pablo Beai h, Florida: fotir 6B I’rojector. Motor. Khe.00; 1 Ford Light • THREE GREAT BIG CHEERS FOR CNCLE SAM" of lingo Brothers, formerly of Cedtr Rapids Ia< ioft; fine li atbio. ginnl bunlneei; be»t rea.Hon8 for Truck, with express and runabout bodies. $150.00; 1 --(Do your bit by singing li.l Piano cf,py. LAe. 11 C. DIEHU C.reenrille, lUlnoU. Mllliig. or sill «ell half interent if biiver will look Spring Truck Wagon, $75.00 : 30 reels. 1. 2. 3s, Drama. (Stamp for rrrhestratlon and rrofe-stonil ropy.) VICV after bunlne-s; aim Mcrry-Go-ILnind Top and Side Ci'ineslv. Western. IMn^iean War. excellent condition, TOR COURVILI-E. I’uni-utawiio, Pennsylvania. Walln. I” ft . brand mw. right from factory, neier f.ioo.oo; 32 f. S. new style Seats, folding jacks, ca¬ norlA Schools, Services, Instruction u-ril: 12 ' Z. IIS’, n-oa. nide: also exi luiive on Mming pacity 250, $.50.00; together with Pap»-r. Tiol.s. Rewind. I'uWKH t»F YttfR MIND-learn price. $2.m>»l.OO. or will make sacrifli-e price on what gcawi successor to Smiles. I'c for ciihcr iiie. and 2A(- 'litilil Telepathy and send miwsage to frteoiU far FOB SAI.E -On. Eonnian Palace (aniline dye) Drop. M>u can use. Hichwe stamp with your Inquiry. ^fur txdh. SUCCESS MI'SIC i <> . Akron. O. ncy23 away; comrlc'e nnirse of lr*»ons 23e. II.VR.\E.s. 263 •jox'irt fi-n. $'o; orlrd gauze, a. amlanee. dw-oritml with msw-*. noT'2J catine. lovta ncvlO copy; cslabig free FILVNK UTTIG. 716 Maple, lex $Mt dozivi: *cMTal line Oriental Costumes, rare Jewels .Angeles, Callfumla. noTlO |o me'eh. high- U«». lmi>orte«t goods. .Above artlcb-s WA-n.TNr, BROAA'NTE $7 00. J. E. CH.APM.AN, 2233 gi-«i aa new M.-t cl above aril lew used but a f'-w Warren Are.. Chksr>. Illinois._ Theatrical Printing HTFNOTIhM Rtarthng, amusing, mystifying, proflt- tlm.s not even t.d .\ddrw.s M.A KG A RITA HIGH- ahle; easy to learn. AA'rtte F.ACKWA. 2210 AV. 17lh IJANU. Crx-w-ml ILnel, Pittsbure, WAX FIGl’RES, .Stire R.s-m Stuff. 34x20 and 19x12 3a WDRD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25c. SL. Chlcsgo. Illtnola nori) Tents, Banners, small light llant. big Illusion, FOR SALE $56 OO Vaudeville .Art. vrlih vraixlrohe, etc.; bargains; will take Liberty Bonds. SHAW, Vlc- 200 BOND IjnTERHE.VDS. atiy color, 11.00. (T’R- l.K.AIl.N .MIND RF.ADING My complete eopyrighte.1 eempMe. $0.'>0. $100.00 Stewart Ban'o. new. $25.00; torla. Mi>.souri._novO nss. Kalida. tihio norit act for two people cofers flyc dlfleretit ‘XTeis''; v.'.d 00 worth of Formulas, etc.. $7.00; Song Slidea, ntily $5. Hetid alkmp for particulars to FRi>F. 7..AL- tVstiimes. Re, Itatbnu. other theatrical material rheap. ■rt^tEE ASBESTtlS Cl'RT.AI.NS—Complete, with rig¬ ANO. 518 Wait Slate 8t.. Ithaca. New York. ELBERT BolJ.YN. 2S6t Lincola .Ave.. Chicar'. 111. ging. at slaughter prices. J. P. REDINGTON, Scran- ten. Pennsylv-nla. _novO Theaters for Sale 'IVfE VfEVEEI.F« RATJ.Frr SCHOOD Alt kindt of FDR SAIX—One Canopy Top. 11x42. lsi-«d In Iho Sa WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25e. Danelng Acta originated for great artlala. yauderille MEBRT-GO-ROf-ND—CkxxI as new. Herschell * exviter; VE SONG—Eiilltlcd " A Song Not Wrong." lOe. Iron works, three sawmills, numeroua lugging camps, frlmda: rl'e exhIhIHons; gi> on Ihe atage; make M.AGH'.AI, .ATM* AR ATI’S, best makes; no rubhLsh: Addres-S GI S A. JA.MCKE, Route 22, Box 323. th-- fi rts, paicr mill, several fish parking plant* all t i »u>. WHO, r LDK'DIN. Bookseller. Orange, N J cheap. Box I. Kelowna, B. Canada. laHiisville. Kentucky. novlA to draw from. term-. .Ai>ply D. H. WIHA'II .A-storl*. 7 Ori o-. nuvI6

HOW Trt 1>0 MIND HKADINO BY CONTAIT OR AT A DISTANfT. Course of leesolu. »5e. BARNIX In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. (Continued on page 40) 2S3 Main, Ashtabula, Ohio. I’ENW ABCADB—Only one In city of lofl.noo poopl*: BIG BARGAIN SAIJD—We have a hlg lot of 3. 3, three •TitUon fleWs and military rann.nnicnts ad¬ 4 and 5-recl Western and Sensational Features, Second-Hand Films for Rent joining 40,000 more; owner n)u hl»h tri- ASBBSITOS BOOTHS—Don't buy new one* when you la-x,! iinvrlD : two u-carat* arta for carnival; S.uili Used Costumes for Sale FILMS. $1 RPFl, T'P—Sensational Features, etc.: can get good used one* at half price. J. P. stamp for list. BOX 353, Tampa. Florida. dec28 will woik on cooc««aluus. 1600 Olive SL. St. Lm- 2o WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25e. REDINGTON. Scranton. 1‘eanaylvania. nov9 M tMWHirl. Fnx-REEL 1T:ATCRES FOR SALE—ChkhI condition, ANYTULVn PEKTAINl.VC, T<> OK I SED IN TIIE ] •UTOMATIC PICTURE MACHINE, uscti two weeks; SHOW BUSlNl'iSS Fair ami satisfied rus- p,.with po-ters. $5.00 per reel up: send for list. take* and flnishe* picture* In one minute after de AKcuis ana Managers I Cl ECN FE.LTUUE S121VICE. Birmingham. Ala- pnaitlng dime; real money maker at store*, etc.; cost tomers maintain and build our ti^islnwg. If you have j At Liberty AdvertlMmaati. 25 wbrd*. fra* *4 chart* anythinit to sell write us. WKsTF^ItN SHOW PROI*- ' bama. nov23 .‘26.5.00. will sell for $160.00. ir will trade lor gi'oil ERTIES CO.. 518 Delaware St.. KaiiNas City. Missouri. | dlamoni Write GERALD UE-VNEV, Ikrlln. Wls nov23 •4-1 agent, I't BLBTTY .MA.N—Acxxmni clrru* . . FOR SAU;—-"The Battle Fronts of France," 5-reel Iim; Iiiliialrrl. opera, burliwquet rlmia vxpcrhn.--. ItU; BARGAINS In useta to i.*in«l will! F'OU S.YLE—Billy West Comoely, 2 reels: What condition, for sale at a bargain. P. A. H.tBEKL. -OHIO one who want* to rrtiulbl thilr biiuiic**. 1.'. Eighty .Million Women Want, drama, featuring 613 17lh St., Denver, Colorado. year*' t-xiioririK'r; flaas 4; marrlnl; ai^ar. Ik-m ..f Wanted To Buy, Lease or Rent Mrs. Emmeline Paiikhiirst, 4 reels, and 1 reel child rrrorrti, I-*. BOBBY J.V/Z care General Del.. IJiu* comedy-drama; all in gissl condition; identy of xxwtera EDI.sON, with RheostaL $30; good Film. $1.50 reel. IliK'k. .4rkan*a*. 2c WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25o. M. IL GILLNHOLT. Shipohewana, Indiana. on all: $30 for lot If taken quirk; no time for peace .\GE.\T. MANAGiai Oil TRELSI llFUt - l•■uIlJ cxpe- notes. E. nolTJUAN, 1921 MarshaU Ave., t»L rlencetl In every branch nf the hualne**; cIcmi A 40x80 TliNT OI TFIT Must l)c cheap for cash FOR SALB-Motlon Picture Camera. No. 3 U. S Cine. Paul, Miuiuwnta. traitor. .4-1 prewa roan; can haiiiUe anything; 17 ye«n‘ and In good »haiM>. Address J. ST. JOHN. 15ox Zeiss f.3-S Lens. Ernainan panorim. tilt, quick re¬ ;'40. Oosmopolis. \Va.'hiiu!tmi. nOT9 eiiHTlonre. T. R V.41 C.ILN. General IXliverj, .New IFOR SALE OR TR.4DE—My 5-recl sensational fea- lease tripod, first-class condition. $185.00. GEIJi- Oriean*. laxulalana. I lure, just like new; 5 sets new photos. IS slides, pa- NU'S, 106 Kingman. Hattie Creek, Michigan, novlg t .4SII Foil FILM .single or doiilile reels of Train j | AT LIBEBTY AlTEIl NOVEMBER 17-A-l agwit; ■ per from 1 to 24-sheets, cuts for heralds, fine large Rolihcry or Hank ItotOH-ry; «iU pay unusually ' FOR S.4LE—150 Opera tTialrs, 7.5c each, in good for road ahow or theatre: ran coiuwnict bBllx«ril*,‘ banner In oil. a complete outfit; would prefer "Car¬ etc.; ralary. $;t5.0«. HAIJ'Il I). TO.Ml'KlN.s. Broad fair pri<’e; also want print if I.ena RIvits and negie .Maskt-Silieria" feature What have you? condition; also Spotlight ilachlne. Call at once War Keels; will also huy Magi' and Escape Trick ..'j and see. CAKUILE 1313 N. Fourteenth SL, SL Theatre. I'lnn* Grore. Now Jrraey. .\p|iaratus priced right; state irwest prices and ad- i, ,.'5Get busy. F. M. tsl-LTZBAUGH. 616 E. 126th ?L, I Cleveland, Ohio. Louis, MissourL EXBiailENCED .41. I*. T1HL4TER M.4N.4GEIt-De. dress G. H AI.T., 819 t'hestnut .'c*t ref¬ Tennessee. — erence*; write or wire. M. 1*. M.4.N.4GER, '2920 I'ort.imouth Ave.. Hyde r»rk. Clnrlnnatl, Ohio. CASH REGISTER and Arcade Machines. CXAR- About This Season’s Successful New York Productions ENCE Vim M, Cedar Kapids. Iowa. FI K.sT-rL4SS AD VANIK .4GENT .4T LIBKKTY- Kxiwrlcftccil; age. 40; prefer liouae thnw going .south. Write or wire FKIU) FlTTriTT. Marquette Hotel. Den¬ CHAIRS WANTFJ) (Opera or Wooil FoliUng Styles)— t ver. Colorado. If you have atiy to sell write NATlON.VI. THEATRE T sri'l’LY COJU'ANY, 160 East 175th St, New York, f JOIN O.N WIRE—Account circus closing; all around novie 4 NORA BAYES agent: route, book, wildcat: aalary. $30; mK m drafL AtiF-VT, 715 Race St.. I'hlladeirtua. I’a. GOOD PRICES FOR SONG ST.1I)E.S—.Sets or odds. B. I LEON \V. BBoWNE. the dep^dable agiiit and man¬ BOWSER, Forest City, IlllnoLs. X' ager. may be engaged for real show; not a hlllpers; man. gen¬ Features such as “The Wra’h of the Gods.” "The I While Ladles First has disappointed Miss Bayes, It has given a star 4 eral buslnesa. lead numbers; salary yvur UmlL Spoilers." Serials, etc.; will deposit with Wells-Fargo. i to musical comedy just the same, and a resplendent star at that. It is ♦ A. A. K.. raro ItllllMiard, (TnrInnatL (Hilo. subject to rewind examination, expre s charge* guar- J anteed: send llsti to L, G. MOTA. 816 West 18th St.. ♦ William Kent. In the role of the henpecked husband he is a riot. Broad- t Los Angeles, California. dec7 | T way is buzzing with the story of his success and soon the whole country t Circus and Carnival will he talking about him.—WATCHE. ^ kl LIbarty AdvartlaamaRta, 25 wards, fra* sf abtffa. WILL Binr ALL KINTJS WAR FH.MS—Must be good ♦ condition and price reasonable; with or without pa- ♦ AT LIBEKTY —.Swiiiguig slack wire; canilvaL nun- per; state all first letter. 221 Oregon Building, Port- aUrl and road show. JOE WELHU, 321 W. 20th land. Oregon. nov9 , •- Ht., New Y.irk City. FOR RENT—Road Feature Film, new; poster*; en¬ FOR SALE—Used Opera Chairs. Chandeliers. Brass Blt4'; 17 years; 145 llm.; 5 fL, 3; would like to close stamp. 113 Galloway. Dayton, Ohio. Hailing, Poster Frames. GE.NERAL SPECIALTY Join act with hand-bsUiicer; can do boilcm work; CO., 409 Morgan St, St Louis, Mlsaourt nov23 man not to rx rrd 130 lb*. .MR. IIFABY HCli\4EIN- MOVING PICTURE LARGE ASSORTME.NT of 1, 2 and 3-reel Feature*. $3 BDLD. 116 Tyng HI.. Peoria. Illinois. _ to $10 a reel, excellent ccndliion, up-to-date sub- FOR SALE—Motion ITeture Camera and Tripl'd. I*rlnt- FAT GIRL 19 years; 450 lb*.; fine wardrobe; at Jerts; also fine hand-colored subjects, $10 per reel. A. er. Developing Tank.*. Lighta. rompicte outfit; bar- lltierty for museum In Flasi; good entertainer. IJT- NOKVICK, 1914 W. Columbia Ave., Philadelphia. Pa. gatiL GENEKAL FILM BROKERS. 112 N. L* Kalle 'Tlj: KFAVriFl. S3 FU»I Genieee Ht.. .Luburn. N. T. DEPARTMENT St, Chicago, IlltnoU. F'. X, IIE.\\F>ST—Hootch Highland piper; origins! MR. ROADMAN—We have the right Film* for your and novel drawing eard; very loud music fir bally road show; wTilo today frr our com;.lete list of FOR SALE--.New Schustrk Motion Picture CamcTa. or parade: a real attraitlon; li-clure Inside, or make Films for Sale—Second-Hand Films, consisting of good Slapstick Comedies. West¬ with full equipment Address ROBERT S'TRIBI.F.Y, openings. Mae X. Hi'nniwsy. Scotch Illghltiid drum¬ erns and Sensational; big sto k features; posters free 1353 Bluff St. Dubuque, Iowa. nov23 mer. Care Blllboanl. thnclnnatl. Ohio. 2* WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25e. of charge; .spei-lal. The War In Europe. Passion Play*. I DO ItlNGINtj, KICKING. CON'TOU'riON—Trail. Buffalo BUI. The Unborn. 5 reels; Ten Night* In a OPERA AND FOLDING CHAIRS -Slightly iiseil. al- 300 ONE, ■nVO A.NT) THREE-REEl, FEATURE.S, Bar Room, 5 reels; Tlie Hero of a Nation, 5 reels, way* on hand; prompt shipments: Viiicir Chtirs. S5c rliMiiliig, light wire, baltmlng; also have a g'*'! plenty advertising, $5.00 per reel; each film guar¬ and many others; also big line Educational. Scen¬ up; Folding. 50c; Upholatered. $1 .50; all chairs craltsl psrtiicr If xsi nisd one L A. HVKF>*. 20l E. Bland anteed or money rounded; send for list. KAUFMAN* ic*. etc.: we do exchange business. What have you for rail or slcatBsc ahipraenta. ATl,.4.s SFlATI.Nt; Cri . HI.. Charbstc, North Carolina. SPI37IALS, Memphis, Tenniasee. nijvd to trade? GFAEUAL FILM BKDKEK.s, 112 N. La 10 East 43il Ht , few 5'ork. n<>vl6 JDIIN .H.t.MMiW - llaiol lislaiii'er and topm'sndcr; ^ Salle .-It., Chicago. Illinois. open to J<6ti ati or partner, weigh 127: ig*. AMF.RirAN .4.ND EUBOBEAN WAR—IMeture history PB'TURE MAt'llINE.'-, Film*. Sterroptlrons, Slides. height, 5 ft.. 3: artist', niisicl: natlistallty Faigll.b of war to date, perfei't condition. 6 full reel*, with MUST SACniFICF,-To make room. 2 ami 3-reel t:*s Outfits. Oioiie, la'nses. everything; list*, stamp. Gevn ral D< Mvinr. BrIdgiqM'rt. Connctbsit. FRED E S.MITl. Anxitcrdi m. New York. nuv30 more a<-tlon than all war i»iiture* together and ever subjects, with pe ters, $2 50 per reel; list free. CAP- Id9t. THE CIGARITTF. FIEND 'Inly iirrs si -™ «a- aeen; educationally tJure 1* none superirr: everv IT.4L FILM SERVIriE. Wsshlnrlon. D. C. nov30 Ing and Idi.wliig out llrlits tbnnigh a sHvir briwibn.k' modem Invention of war la a blaze of glon: 7260; POWER fiB. fiA and 5*. FMisons, Standards, .Mono¬ tulie: for .tort* shows or museum TIIDM.4.H S.\U- raft of advertising. LYONS, 227 North 11th St.. Phil¬ graphs and all other make* of mach'nr* at prii-e* P.r-NT-Fn.M makes o'd films sort, pliable. eWn. t’F'NT sl:t Fia.t Arc, llsmilloti. Ohio _ adelphia, Pennsylvania. that give you greater value for your money than you lO'.e new, or m'nei* hack; r-ne dollar bi-tie. UNI¬ can »ecuro elsewlnre; gon an TIi fect rhotographv. 50 ft.. $3.00, parcel post, prepaid. TEN I1EE1_S OP FHAf. Edison F.xhlbltlon Machine reel up. Attraillve rental price* for this territory. 44'e BllllN.srd. Nmv 4'ork Cliv_ MONARCH FILM MFG. CO., 141-7 West 45th St . aneal with the old rollahlo YVFSt'TEILN SHOW PIIOPER- HNAKE E.\lllBI’ri(»\ Homelhlng iflffinent, h*t7 IKo New York. nov30 must be in good shape. CXYDE I’ATON, Boi’hestcr, -iiskes; real fla.h hides; wardrolie, etc. ,\llIZON.4 TIES COMPANY, 518 Delawsre 8t, Kansas City, .Mo Washington. F'll.WK. 8;: F'.a.l t:e*io.ce SI . Aulrtjni. New 4'"dt BARGAIN—Road Outfit, good order and all com¬ plete: Edison late ilachlne, feature Film. Ten Niaht* P044TR 6A. with new motor drive, half price; sev- In a Bar Room. Trunk, Curtain. Slides. Tickets, Car¬ WE BUY AND SELI.. MOVING PIcmiB LITHOS. eral snap* In Motlograph. Edison, Power 5 and Dramatic Artists bons. etc.. $100. to satisfy debt. B. O. WETMORE. 1. 3. 6-sheets; send list of what you have or what other makes, with clerirtc. rilrium or Mazda light: sinrie »nd dissolving Slereoptlcon*. new upi>cr and 37 Winchester St.. Boston. you want. ASSOCIATED FILM. 703 Long St, Co¬ At I 75 wnrdt. fre# ef chart* lumbus, Ohio. novl6 lowtr Mavstlnes for 2,Ono-ft. reel* for Power 6 and other machines; new and used Enses of all mak's .\T IalI{T:frr> Skftih trim; wirdrotbe; Atuiity: wifi. BIO LI.'-T Single Reels, with posters, $2 00 LY’RIC cheap. Rheostats. Gas Machines and Huiiplles. .50 fill man. iniill r*rti; itmiiK hihniiIH*-* FIILAI SUPl’LY CO., Terre Haute. Indiana. nov30 NEW YORK WORLD'S OFFICIAL WAR PICTT’REH, reels of rhoire Film, Hong and Lecture Sets. Pilrl- ■fhl irtA »l f|«no and druma. E. ND. I "Flighting In France." 6 com-IeVe reels, $350.eO; otlc and Announcemenl Slides. Gel oiir Bargain IJsts T>d'!*»frTF, Hlmit Tlty. Iowa. BUFFALO BILl,. 5 reels: 101 Ranch. 4 reels; Home. plenty of new paper. large and sm*!!; not pmk; curiosity If you wish to buy or eirhtnge, NA'TIOXAL E(Jt'II"- Sweet Home. 5 reels; also Chanllns. Kevstunes, Ster¬ AT IglllKHTY A-l f’harartrr mtn and bud* I seekers, save stamp*. C. 4V. SCHNEIDER, care 131 MENT CO., 417 West Mirhlgan Ht., Duluth. -Minn. iifH* woman; S**i'!rh IliKhland pli»rT and ladv ha'tv lings and other Featgres and Singles: Power. Eilison I Uiicolu .St. Waterloo, Iowa. nov23 Machine* ‘and Parts. Model R*. Bliss ind Economic driinirnir rrHahii* mariacm of nnc4>iitiht bllU anawtr. Gas Outfits, Oxone. Ether, Pistils, Ijimp Houses, K \ IIKNNT.SSY. rarr The Htllhoard. nmdimatl. O Lenses, etc.: evervihlng at bargain prices to close an HTiM’K—JuvHdl^. hury. general bualnoM man; 5 ft-. F

Miscellaneous Vaudeville Artists Miscellaneous GUILBERT RECITAL M Llktrty Atf**rllwn«ata, 26 «*rd«. trc* •! chvi*. •U Lfterty Akyarllaaisaata. 26 warkt. fras at tharit. At Ubkfty Advertlseaientt. 25 wktkt, frtg gf ehtftt. French Woman Charms in Series of l.IttKKTV—Young man; agi*, 14 aince rrgKTntlnQ; A-l .\Yl,oPHoNK .ARTIST—Haro a recognized li- •AT LIIU.'KTY’—Young man; 18; would like to Fin t<>ulil llkc> to get In cnnlttl with good ahuw of any mlnuto act; want to Join Jazz hand or any musical medicine show; no experteoce. but willing and full Novel American and French 1: .)o anything. RAY’ IIKRHKH.'t, 1631 Waahlng- act that pays real salary. BOBBY’ JAZZ. Gm. Del.. ofpep^^OjAU^^IAT2nSj__nizabeU»towiij_K2j_^ Outlaw Songs t'hlrago. lllliiDla._ Little k, Arkansas. \T I.IHKRTY" Knr im.prrfjr man or tlage rarpaiitm : AT l.EISI'RE Hallyhun man; to draw crowds for Now Y’ork, Nov. 2.—Y’vetto Guilliert gave her •t rrfrmiiT*; drart Mtniiit: nonunion. GAUL auction houses, etc. SAYll’EL LINGERMAN, Ven¬ Vaudeville Artists 901 Are. A. H.«k fallt, triloquist. and His Talking Roy. Ibibby, Sth and Falr- kt Liberty A4vsrttkk«isatt. 21 werdt. tree kt ehtrge. oiiening TP«.'ltal of the sea-ton of IPIs-’Pj at the mont Are.. I*hlla(lelphia. l*ennsylTania. Maxine Ulliott Theater, Sunday aftcriKs'n. tic- TWO YOl'.NG ME,N—Both 17; went to go on .stage; Musicians AT LIBERTY' The Fishers, all around sketch team; both 5 ft.. 6: raudcrllle or burlesque. JOHN AD- tober 2", jircsenting for the rir-t tiiiii' a n* w pro¬ singing and dancing of all kinds; change fur week. AMS. 686 N. Rirerskle, W’aterbury. Connectlrtit gram, entitleil (’h:in-c"n’> Rogue-. The songs At LIkarty Advarllunitatt. 26 war4t. frra at ckarga St. Albans. Wei t Y’irginla. WILLIAM ALLEN—Y’oung Man. 17, of attracUre ap- relatPtl to the outlaw- of .Auierlea and France V-l~ 1>KI M.MKlt K»i»Timr»earanre, wants to Join mu.slcal comedy or rsmle- . lyloiihofie: liiiniM, rrfrmo'es funiUhed; gmt: cannon ball Juggling: slack wire; new ward- and tie- iliffereut groitiie were hea. K. nilw and apparatus. MIIXJE Tt'DE. 1108 8. Adams ptrienre. Gmeral Dellrety. Chattanooga, Tmn. They .\r*-. Their .Sentimental Life, Their Bra- h u lakh rt, Indiana, St., Peoria. Illinois. Y’Ol’NG MAN—17; gooo appearance; wishes to start vailo Son'-’-. What They Wer>', and What They \ I riAXiM’IHt.'^m' t*iahl rradrr; tranaiwaing: orl- AT LIBEIfTY' Ylkn ami wife, for rauderlUe or med. in musical comedy or rauderlUe; rrilling. ROY lii. irointxaie; rarta; i>ri'hr«tra, quartrtte or baml; Would I.ikeil to Have Been. The famous sh-nr; man ilors blackface In all acts; specialties; GAN’TIER NOimiN, Gmeral Dellrery. Clerrland, O. •ra>rl i-r Ifaato. ll.YIJ'll .MoKAY’, lloi 81, Newport. lioublcs: wife dfww one specialty, worka all acts and KY-enchwoman api>eareer and reliable. MILLER A program clai! In th,.- rcl shirt and We-tern bat MllJ.yrd. General DcUrery. St. Joseph, Missouri. in raudesille; no expecimee. but willing. W’rite. “t I THAI- DKI MMKIl AM) GIRI, Sl,At K-YVIRK sitting full psrticulars. M. O. P., Box 483, GUe. of the frontier-man. She gave three American \Y M.KKK: alao alto player; will rontraiA with any BERT MARCELH'S—Bccemrlc; fimale Impersonator; Wisconsin. ■.-Tilod ahow or i-lrcua; trap dnimninr. will rgn- old niajd; hurlrsquer; ramptre; nigger wench: lead songs, two of which, 1 Ix>ve That Man. a negro Irr s'lady dain-e or theater work. IIILI.IR J. JOR* numbers: m'.le altlrr; parts; also fta; piano. Elmer -eng. anct Billy GashiMie'- Jesse Janies, showed |i\\ A .YRMKNTO, 806 N. Ulcks 8U, Low Angelee, H'-tel. \Vaterl>a>, lisaa. that humanity and rough poetry are still a'ive t •allfomla_ CONCERT NOTES BLACKFACE COMEDIAN —Singer and dam.-er: put in American popular ballads. Splendidly given A I I MON TK.\r DHI'YIMKR Rella. xylophone and on aiis; change strong for week; mexL show. RTTJ.Y (CoBtinaed from page 23) were tlie Fn'ncU ohan-ons, Aristide Bruant’s tinriroua jau Inalrumenta; cla.aaiaraUnn. 4-A; BAGU.Y. loop E. 5th St . Dayton. Ohio. director of tbe Metropolitan, is falfllling tbe slate all rondltlona and your aalary tlmlL CHRIS CHRISTOPmai-.At liberty; aU around med. En prison, Freres et soenrs. with the pathetic ronilY J.A/Z. lien. Del.. IJttle RiK-k. Arkanaaa. promise made by Otto H. Rabn, rbalrman of performer; singer, rlollnlst. comedian; some piano; story of the children who never have parents ezecntlTe committee of the MetropoUtan. in 1906, .A 1 MoI.I.MST AND I’lA.MST AT LIRKRTY—Man up in acta; would double with good lady singer, pi- as its theme, and I.em Marche. Mme. Gullhert aiiil wife: t Matheua xt.. ItuiTalo. New Y’ork. the influence of the war uimn horntnity and art. at UHGRTY’ Jazx drummer wants to yoln musical or when tfhe recited or sang a song, she never aci or minstrel aai'W, no bella or xylophones. LEO before struck sm-h deep notw in expre-slon of M H.k-NDUV*. fimeral Ihlleery, Cincinnati. Ohio. About This Season's Successful New York Productions pathos and tragedy as she did on the occasion AT LIHKliTY’—Account show rinsing; r'od piano, Tl- of her first .American appearance since her re¬ eillii or electric calliope player; two years with Fo¬ ley A Burk ramleal Co. HARRY Bl’TNER, 403 E. turn from her beloved battle scarred La Belle r.fh SL, lot Angeles CallfomlA_ France, nor has an andience ever been more ap¬ AT LiniiRTY’—Drums and bella; yaudnllle or bur¬ MARJORIE RAMBEAU parently in accord with her mood and spirit as lesque preferred; A K. of M. LEE SCnEY'ENH was evidenced last Sunday afternoon. 109 No. I)ecatur 8t . M -nlecmere. Alabama at LIBHRTY’—Trembone. II A O., experienced troupe or locate; South rreferred; n--* In draft THE MEGERLIN RECITAL quaint-8a«;n8 and GyjMiy of M.; detlrrs ronductorship or position as elolin* a spy, a killing, and Anally a highly realistic bomb explosion, which Dances of Sarasate. lit In good theatre or hotel: orchestra exi>erl>me: ao- utterly destroys the already badly damaged scenery and settings. ber: reliable; references. GILBERT E IICTHEB- Miss Rambeau has the only female part in the cast. The play seems INGITiN. care The Billboard. ClndnnaU. Ohio. ATLANTA CONCERT SERIES CDR.NirTIST -At liberty on account of show clos¬ cut to her measure, but the At is by no means perfect, and the title is ing. troupe or locate; past season band leader on the most misleading one we have had In years. Uugo Bros.’ Show. CHAS. U. BLAl'M. YY’les Ho- Will Deming and Percival Knight meet with warm appreciation, and Atlanta, Nov. 2.—The first big concert of the tel. E St. Louis, minola. Pedro De Cordoba proves quite acceptable, but it is quite evident that All-Star Concert .Series, arranged for this winter DRI .MMKR Play bells. tynpanL traps, xylophones by Slanager Dsn A. Mi-Qulrk for the Aodit- it required both Miss Rambeau’s name and the “war thing” to have put athl chlmea; want to locate In theatre; Just closed orinm, will l>e th.xt of John McCormack, the three-year engagement. EMIL N. BILL 31k Faystts the play across and sustained it. Irish tenor, to be given December 5. There have St Peoria. Illlnota It is not good “wake-’em-up propaganda” for the reason that It been so many demands for tickets from ont of EXPraiFA’CED ORGANIST. PIANIST-Open for boasts privates who wonder why they enlisted and what the war is all flr-t-claM mgageenrnt; fine library of music: good town and from officers and men at the army organ and gootl salary essential; full particulars. about and wrings some excellent comedy out of an incident detailing ORCAMST, Dil.A E. Michigan Aret. Lansing. MIcL the unfaithfulness of a soldier’s wife w’hile he is at the front. camps that the largest andience Mof’ormack ever faced in the Sonth is virtually certain. tiRi: AM.>T - A. F. OK M.; exempt from draft; own But it has thrills to sell and tugs-at-the-heartstrlngs to throw away. library; standard and prpular mude. DALLAS B. McCormack will be followeil by Josef Hof¬ As a popular-priced attraction it ought to go on the road, but as a Arst- t'ASTl.E, 2004 Bp4A«lde .Ate . Indianapolis. Indiana mann, the pianist; Jascha Heifetz, the Rn—Un class one it will not pass muster. PMNIST .A. K. of M : desires engagement with or- j violinist; Alma Gluck, soprano, and Galll-Curol, rri*: tnr marhinr; xalanr, $30; will Join at onra; AIJTXAN’DfnL rare Tha Billboard. Naw York City ing Issly was conipelleil to cancel. If condl • Tlir ..r wira; hmt rr4rrmrra. M P Ol'ERATOR. unqnestlonable. In Schubert’s 8<>n.Ata her mu¬ SISTKni AND BROTHER AT LIBERTY—K.>r musl. al ■'-*0 IVn-tnoMlIi .Ara,. Hy«ia Park. tTnrInnatl. Ohltv sical sense, as well as her faculty aa a player, tlons shonld change within a reasonable timo aomatly. tabloid or stork; *irl. azparlenawi rhorus it IS exiH'ctrJ that the contracts will be re¬ M P. Ol'ERATOR AT I.IRraTY’-Prafra the S.'aiih: pony; boy, rral dancer. BEIX AD.AMS. Plttsburth. were made manifest iiiiLw) and llranaa; 12 jraara" ftparicnre. C. M. Pann-ylranlA __ new cd. ItnWDKx. N’awtirm. North Uafollna. The recital of Edna Thomas, mexxo-soprano. Y’Ol'NG MAN-19; wishes position in musiaal rom- -Aeolian Hall, New York. Uotober 29, was iMWt- esiy slMsa; romadlan; araycn srtlst end musiaal Parks and Fairs sat WFJtTJY BF.ARD. Van Alstvna. Texas. pooed until January on account of the aefere CONCERT POSTPONED • t Llhrfty AkrrrdMaitatt. 3| artrkt. frra af tkarfa Y’OUNG M.AN —21; draft exempt; ilaslras rncadament illness of the singer. with tsiidiwllla as sssigtar.t: able to play .small IT I.EI.HI RK Faim, food ahowa; i'hlladal|>hta and In addition to the two Metropolitan coneerts Atlanta, Nov. 2.—Influenza In the 8ooth, a parti. WIUJ.AM GRAF. 769 R Are., New York vi lnllr; iHNiaa partlaa; In Gyitay rtialuina MA- giTcn by the Paris Conserratidre Orchewfra, in slight attack of the malady by Giovanni .Mar- City. "AMF DUlHivr. Srlmtlfl.- PalirlaL 705 .North 5Ul order to satisfy the demand, .Andre Messager, the tinelli, the tenrtot, the pianist, as aololst. ment of the Grand t>i-’ra Quart*'t'.' .-met rt. -< lied At LIbarty Adrarttaantaata. 26 warkt. fraa af rkaraa St. Hartfoail. Connaatlaut. The Duncan Dancers, with George Cupeland nletl for NovemN'r 1 at the .Aadltorlum. Man .AT IJRF.RTY—Plano laadar; manicar; orar 20 yaara* WH1T.\K131 WIIJJ.AM8—Marralous piaidst prodlcy: ager Dan -A. Mi'Gulrk annonneed that the quar¬ riiiarlinoa: anhar; can handle any ^Miaa; aalary or pltylnz a'asairal procrams without know1<4l(e of an pianist, announce a earUn of matinees dur¬ p riaiiiiyp I,awndala Arc.. Kanaaa City M<^ nolee: an uniatmm-n feature: will runsldar piaturei; a ing the winter at the B<->oth Theater. New Y’ork. tet will appear later in t! ■■ -eason ami tickets AT I,IBF,RTY’ On aarount €>f apldmiia; piano pta^ar. hit. sura. 605 Main 8t,, Norfolk. VIrctnIa A series of Chicago concerts for the benefit of for this ■.'oucert will be • •u<*rcd on the new date. Paad. faka, trtnap: aparlalUra. arai.1 the .American Friend of the French Musician So¬ '■Tarttiraa: tinilaratanda raudarllla: antwr; mliaMa '.'AVID RIGGAN. rara Tha Billboard. Naw Y..f1t ciety has been arranged, at which nam!onslble f4*r the pestlleni’e, and should not N- •Alfn-d M>'gerlin, the Belgian violinist, was a "I III.IT'/KR ORu.A’flST Kzpariaoaral; cue plo- Co>'d pei'pla; win cira full parUruIira In letter; also expected So lower their standard of living while pupil of Y-aye when the great violinist waa in ..‘.'iT'- azampt; a«a. 25; at Iliiarly to do anywhere. pay «nm lli-ket: age. 21; 5 ft., 8. weigh I4T. BER¬ R I'EUT MACK. Elmer Hold, YA’itarloo. Iowa. NARD RROWN& 4T3 Plan 8t, 8an FranclsctA CaL It keeps the theaters oat of use. i etructor in Brussels. 42 Ttie Billboard NOVEMBER V1910

BADGES, BANNERS, ETC. CANES AND WHIPS COASTER CARS De Moulin Bros. A Co., Dept. 11, Greenville, III. Advance Whip Co., 287 Elm at.. Westfield, MXsa. Philadelphia Toboggaa Co., 130 Daval at., PMIa. Pndlin A Perry, 125 Prince st.. New Y'ork City. Brazel Novelty Co., 1710 Ella at.. Cincinnati, O, COIN COUNTING MACHINES AND DIRECTORY BADGES, BUTTONS, ETC. Cleveland Cane Co., Cleveland, O. I. Eisenstein A Co., 44 .\nn st.. New York. WRAPPERS Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Clava- I^evln Bros., Terre Haute. Ind. Abbott Cola Counter Co., 106 Sixth ava. New land, O. York City. AdTertlsemeata not oxceeding one line in Newman Mfg, Co., 641 Wetland ave,, Cleveland, length will be pabllsbed. properly classified, in BALLOONS Ohio. COLD CREAM this directory, at the rate of $10 in advani'e per Levin Bros., Terre Haute, Ind. Shryock-Todd Co.. 824 N. Eighth st.. St. Ix)uli. M. Stela Cogmetic Co., 120 W. Slet *t., N. T. 0. year (52 issues), provided they are of an ac¬ N. Shure Co., 237-241 YV. .Madison st., Chicago. ceptable nature. Price Includes one year's sub- BALLOONS CONCESSIONAIRES’ SUPPLIES CAPTIVE BALLOONS Averin yffg. Co.. 37 Union Square, New York. acriptlon to The Billboard. (Hot Air) F. G. Seyfang, 1465 Broadway, New York City. Each additional line or additional classifica¬ Brazel Novelty Co., 1710 Ells at., Ctaclnnatl, O. tion, without subscription, $7.50 in advance per Klndel A Graham, ^1 Mission at., Ban Francisco. CARBIDE LIGHTS FRANK J. SCHNECK & CO. annum. Northwestern Balloon Co,, 2405 Clybourne ave., The Alexander Milburn Co., Baltimore, Md. Dolls. PUIowa, Candlaa. fUakets, Etc. One line will be allowed to advertisers, free Chicago, 111. •407 TIoim Blda.. Naw Yark. of charge, for each $100 worth of space used United States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North CARD AND DISPLAY BOARDS during the year. Desplaines st., Chicago, Ill. Hurlock Bros.’ Co., Mfrs., Philadelphia. Frank J. Srhneck A Ca,. 1407 TlmM Bldf., N. T. This directory is revised and corrected weekly, Tip Top Toy Oo„ 621 W. Fulton at., OWeigo. BALL THROWING GAMES CARNIVAL FRONTS AND SHOW changes in firm names and addresses being re¬ CONES corded as soon as received. BANNERS The Penn Novelty Co., 908 Buttonwood st., The American Cone A Wafer Co., Dayton, G. I’biladelpbia. United States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North A. T. Dietz, 127 Michigan at., Toledo. 0. Sycamore Nov. Co., 1326 Sycamore st,, Cin’U. Desplaines st., Chicago, III. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES CONE MACHINERY N. Shure, 237-241 \V. Maillson at., Chicago. BAND MUSIC CARNIVAL GOODS Lanier A Driesbach, 248 Butler at., Cincinnatt. P. F. Silberer, 16 E. 23d st.. New York City. Dixie Music House, 105 W. Madison at., Chicago. American Art Production Co.. 141 Wooster at.. CONFECTIONERY MACHINES New York City. AERIAL ADVERTISING BANNERS W. Z. Long Co., 76 High at., Springfield, O. Brazel Novelty Mfg. Co., 1710 Ella st., Cincln’tt. Amerlcan-.Made Stuffed Toy Company, 123 Baker A Lockwood, Seventh and Wyandotte sta., Silas J. Conyne, S.ViS Mcl.ean ave., Chicago, Ill. Bleecker st.. New York City. CORN POPPERS Kansas City, Mo. | Elektra Toy A Novelty Co., 400 Lafayette at.. W. Z. Long Co., 76 High at.. Springfield, O. AEROPLANES Sampliucr Adv. Co., Inc., 729 Seventh ave., N.Y. ] New York City. Advertising, 3508 .Mcl.ean ave., Chicago, Ill. Schell's Scenic Studio, 581 S. High st., Colum¬ Gustave W. Cohen A Bro., 744 Broadway, New COSMETICS bus, 0. York. (Eyebrow Peocili, Face Fowder, Etc.) AEROPLANES (Captive) Tucker Duck A Rubber Co., Ft. Smith, .Yrk. Chas. Meyer, 1-3 E. I3tb at.. New Y'ork City. Richard Garvev, 1S70 I/mefellow ave., N. Y. 0. AIR CALLIOPES United States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. 31it it., N. Y. 0. Desplaines st., Chicago, Ill. KEWPIES COSTUMES (Hand and Automatic Players) TIP TOP TOY CO.. 114 E. 2nh St. Ntw Ytrk. Tangley Callio|>e Company, !tlU-l»l'J West Front BASKETS Boston Coatnme 0>., 113 Gratiot ave., Detroit St., Muscatine, Iowa. Burlington Willow Ware Shops, Burlington, la. Chaa. Zlnn Co., 803 Broadway. New York. Mlcb. Fair A Carnival Supply Co., 126 Fifth ave.. Carnival Costume Co., 267 Weit Water at.. Ml'- AIR CALLIOPES CARNIVAL GOODS AND STREET- waukee, WU. Pneumatic Calliope Co., 345 Market st., New¬ New Y'ork. MEN'S SUPPLIES Chicago Costume Works, 143 N. Dearitore et, ark, N. J. D. Marnhout Basket Co., 816 Progress and 807 Chicago. ALLIGATORS Carpenter st., N. S., Pittsburg. Pa. Berk Bros., 643 Broadway. New York. Charlea Zlnn A Co., 893 Broadway, New York. Fair A Carnival Supply Co., 120 Fifth ave.. New Coast Coatnme Co., 1035 Market at.. San rreu- Florida .Alligator Farm. Jacksonville, Fla. cisco. BEADS York. Klndel A Graham, 891 Mission at., San Fran¬ ALUMINUM FEATHERWEIGHT (For Conessaiont) STAGE CURTAIN ROLLERS cisco, Cat. Mission Bead Co., 2818 W, Pico at.. Lot EAVES COSTUME CO. Amelia Grain, 810 Spring Garden st., Phlla. T,evln Bros., Terre Haute, Ind. Angeles. Cal. For Amateurs, Sorletite, Motion Ptetursa Alae 10 r L. A. Notion A Toy Co., 413 So. Los Angelea no West 4«tli Street New Verk. ALUMINUM SOUVENIR GOODS st., Los Angeles. George Wertheim, ;UM F,. 234 Main at.. Boom 207, Dal¬ CAROUSELS DECORATIONS AMUSEMENT DEVICES las, Tex. Wm. n. Dentzel, 3641 Germantown ave., Phila¬ Baker A Lockwood, Seventh and Wyandotte au . De Moulin Bros. A Co.. Dept. 12, Greenville, Ill. Cbas. L. Sasse, 800 W. 49th st.. New York City. delphia. Pa. Kanaaa City, Mo. Briant Mfg. Co.. Imlianup5 Gates ave., Hrookiyu. Francis Bannerman, 501 Broadway, N. Y. City. BOWLING ALLEYS N. Y, ARMY AND NAVY SOUVENIR JEW¬ Briant ilfg. Co., 420 W. 10th st.. Indianapolis, CARS (R. R.) “SWEETIE** PSOCneSSIVE toy CO.. (02 Woeatcr St. N. Y. ELRY AND NOVELTIES Indiana. Arms Palace Horse Car Co., Room 604, 332 So. The Ten Pinnet Company, 232 Draper atreet, In¬ Gustave W. Cohen A Bro., 744 Broadway, New Michigan ave., Chlrsgfi. ni. Progressive Toy Co., lac., 102-Bk4 Wooater at.. York. dianapolis, lud. Houston Railway tar Co.. Box 5."6, Houston, New York. The Paramount Leather Goods Co., 465 Broome BRIDGE BALL Texas. Sunset Kpeclalty Co., 1427 San Pedro at., tffa st.. New York. Briant Mfg. Co , 420 W. 10th st., Indlanaiwlls, Southern Iron A Ei]uipment Co., Atlanta, Ga. Angeles. Pennant Nov. Co., 332 Broadway, New York City Zelnlcker, Walter A., Supply Co., 4tb and Lo- Indiana. Tip Top Toy Co.. 114 116 E. 2«th st.. New York. Pudlin A Perry, 125 Prince st.. New York. cust, St. Louis, Mo. BURLESQUE BOOKING AGENCIES Tip Top Toy ( o., 621 W. Fultoo it., Chicago. ARMY AND NAVY EMBROIDERED American Burlesuue Circuit, Gaiety Theater CHAIRS,GRAND STANDS FOR SALE DOLLS (Kewpiat) PENNANTS Bldg., New Y'ork City. OR RENT Klndel A Graham. 891 Mission st , San Frinciar*. Eagle Military Products Co.. 62 University Place, Columbia Amuseiiirnt Co., Columbia Theater 0. B. Flood, 2.V>4 Scranton ltd., Cleveland, O. Tip Top Toy Co.. 114 116 E. 28th st.. New York New York City. Bldg., New Y’ork City. , CHAIRS—OPERA AND FOLDING Tip Top Toy Co.. «121 Ftilton at.. Chicago. ARMY AND NAVY INSIGNIA AND BURNT CORK (New and Second-Hand) DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS MILITARY JEWELRY The Hess Co., Rochester, N. Y. Atlas Seating Co., 10 E. 43d st., and 7 B. 42d Am. Made Stuffed Toy Co., 123 Bleecker st.. NOVELTIES Chas. Meyer, 1-3 E. 13th st.. New Yor^k City. st.. New York City. New York. Emdel Novelty Mfg. Co., 621 Broadway, N. Y. C. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. Slst st.. N. Y'. C. General Seating A .Supply Co., 28 E. 22d St., Munter Bms., 491 Broadway. New York City. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES New York. ARMY AND NAVY SOUVENIRS AND The Ten l’lnnet Company, 252 Draper st., In¬ CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS AM. MADE STUFFED TOY CO. NOVELTIES dianapolis, Ind. The Helmet Co.. 1021 Broadway. Cincinnati, (>. 123 BItseksr St., Nsw Yark. American Art Production Co.. 141 Wooster st.. CALCIUM LIGHT Mint Gum Co.. Inc., 29-31 Bleoeker at., N. Y'. C. New York City. (Ox-Hydrogen Gas Manufacturers) Silent Sales Co., 59 B. Drexel Bldg., Phlla., I'a. Berk Bros., 543 Bro.sdway, Naw York City. Ann Street Badge A Novelty Company, 21 Ann Toledo Chewing Gum Co., Toledo Factories Elektra Toy ft Novelty Co., 460 I^fayette ot Cinciunati Calcium Light Co., 108 Fourth st., st.. New Y'ork City. Bldg.. Toledo, O. New Y’ork. Cincinnati, O. David Zell, Inc., 532 Broadway, N. Y. City. H. C. Evans ft Co., l.*;22 W. Adams at., Chicago M. P. Sales Co.. 5.37 S. DearlK'm st., Chicago. Military Art Novelty Co., 137 E. 25th st., New CHOCOLATES FOR RACE TRACKS Fair ft Carnival Supply Co., 126 FYfth ave.. Krker Bros.. 604 Olive at., St. Ix>tils, Mo. Y'ork City. Gramerey Choctdnte Co., 76-84 Watts st.. New New York City. St. Louis Calcium Light Co., 516 Kim at.. St. Organization Supply Co., 44 .Yun st.. New Y'ork. Y’ork. Yf. Gerber. 727-729 South at.. Philadelphia. Pa. Lxiis, Mo. Puritan Cboeolate Co., Court at. and Central ave., Klndel ft Graham. 891 Mission at.. San Franctare ARMY HAT CORDS CAMP HANDKERCHIEFS Clnelnnafl, O. I. ievln Bros., Terre Haute, Ind. H. Levine A Bros., 167 Madison ave.. New 3. American .4rt PTo>, III. A. Kerni 216 N. 2

DRUMMERS’ SUPPLIES GAMING DEVICES MAGIC MAGAZINES E. n. Stafford Mfg. Co.. Chicago. III. Armc Drummer*’ Snpplj Co^, ;:818-15 West Great Derany, 1547 Broadway, New York City. Eagle Magician, 320 South 8th st., (Minneapolis, Steel Furnltnre Co., Grand Rapids, Mlcb. Iwfnty-recond *t., Chicago. U. C. A Co., IS'22 W. Adams at., Chicago. Minneeota. ORANGEADE Th* 1)1x1* Mu*lc Houae, 4)1.1 Farrell Bldg., Chl’go GAS AND CIGAR LIGHTERS MANUFACTURERS MECHANICAL American Orangeade Co., Bridgeport. Conn. Ludwig b ItUdwlg, 1614 N. I.IdcoId at., Chicago. Mars Manufacturing Co., 104 5tb ave.. N. Y, 0. AMUSEMENT DEVICES Charles Orangeade Co., Garfield Sta., Chicago. ELECTRIC BELTS Ell Bridge Co.. Box 22B. Rovdbonse, 111. Chas. T. Morrissey Co., 4417 .Madison st., C.i'eo. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES Herschell-Splllman, North Tonawanda, N. Y. The Corner Co.. 250 Pennsylvania st., Bn'' Ti* Electric Appliance Co., Burlington, Kan. The Foos Gaa Engine Co., Springfield, U. W. F. Mangels Co., Coney Island, N. Y. City. New York. ELECTRIC INSOLES INHALERS GLASS DECORATED NOVELTIES C. W. Parker, Leavenworth, Kan. ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS The Electric Appliance Co., Burlington, Kan. Lancaster Glass Co., Lancaster, O. Ten Pinnet Co„ 62 Van Buren st., Indianapolis, ELECTRIC LIGHT OUTFITS Indl.ana. GREASE-PAWTS, ETC. MASKS B^NI ORGaTi CO. i DlTersal Motor Co., Oshkosh, Wis. (Make-17p Boxes, Cold Cream. Eto.) (Masquerade, Theatrical and Oamival) I'ntearable Cardboard Music Cataieg The Hess Co. (Cherryola A Rubyllp), Rochester, ELEC. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Klippert, 40 Cooper Square, New York City. 216 West 20th St.. New York. J C. Deagan. Bertcau and E. Ka?enswu'.Hl Park N. Y. are., Chicago, III. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 31st at., N. Y. 0. MATERIAL FOR ARTISTS )!. .Molinnri A Sons, 112 32d st.. Brooklyn. N. Y ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS Zander Bros., Inc., 116 W. 48th at., N Y. C. Dick A Fitzgerald. 18 Vesey st,. .New York City. John Mnzzio A Son. 178 Park Bow, N. Y. City. Clyde Phillips, Ft. Thomas. Ky. North Tonawanda Musical Inotrument Work*. rbaa. Newton, 305 W. 15tb st., N. Y. City. GREASE ROUGE North Tonawanda. N. Y. CnlTersal Electric Stage Lighting Co., 240 W. (Make-Up Boxes, Cold Cream, Etc.) MEDICINE FOR STREETMEN Fiftieth at.. New York City. The Ilesa Co. (Cherryola A Rubyllp), Rochester, Devore Mfg. Co., Columbus. Ohio. PADDLE WHEELS ENGINES (Gas and Gasolina) N. Y. MERRY-GO-ROUNDS .Advance Whip Co.. 287 Elm »t.. Westfield, Mast I. Eisenstein A Co.. 44 Ann st.. New York. The Fool <]«■ Engine Oo., Springfield, 0. GYMNASTIC APPARATUS Allan Hersobeli Co.. Inc., No. Tonawanda. N. Y. H. C. Evans A Co., 1522 W. Adams st.. Chtrago. ENGRAVING, HALF-TONES AND T. Simmons, 304 West 39tb st.. New York City. Perscbell-Spillman, North Tonawanda. N. Y. Fair A Carnival Supply Co.. 126 Fifth ave.. SHOW PRINTING HANDKERCHIEF CASES C. W. Parker, Leavenworth, Kan. New York. Central Engrarlng Co., Opera Place, Cincinnati. MERRY-GO-ROUNDS FURNISHED A. J. Kempien A Co.. St. Paul. Mltin. Gnstare W. Cohen A Bro., 744 Broadway, N. Y. Sla(k Mfg. Co., 128 W. Uke st.. Chic.ig<.. III. EYE BROW PENCILS Singer Brothers. S2 Bowery, New York City. FOR CELEBRATIONS Til> Top Toy Co., 114 116 E. 2St st.. New York. WiUlamidinrg I'ost Card Oo.. 25 Delancey st.. The Hess Co., Rochester, N. Y. F. L. Flack, 16 E. Woodbrldge at., Detroit, Mich. Tip lop Toy Co., 621 W. Fulton -t,. Chicago. New York City. M. Stein Coemetic Co., 120 W. Slat at., N. Y. C. MERRY-GO-ROUND ORGANS AND United States 'Tent A Awning Co , 229 North Desplalnes st.. Chicago, Ill. FACE POWDER HONEY-BITS PORTABLE MACHINE ORCHESTRIONS (Cooking Macbinei) Geo. Zorn, Jr., Mfr., 5'24 Market at Phils.. Pa. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. Slat at., N. Y. O. A. Bern!, 216 W. 20th st.. New York City. Talbot Mfg. Co.. Ill N. 15th at., St. Txinis, Mo. . PAPIER MACHE DECORATIONS FAIR BOOKING AGENCIES North Tonawanda Musical Instrument Works, ICE CREAM CONES (Wholetale) North Tonawanda, N. Y. Amelia Grain, 819 Spring Garden -t.. Phlla.. Pa. F, M. Barnea, 36 S. State at.. Chicago, 111. C. K. Pleiser, Abilene. Kan. PAPIER MACHE STAGE PROPER¬ FAIR GROUNDS GOODS Louis Dcnebelm A Sons, 1224 Oak et.. Kansas MIND READING .oiack Mfg. Co., 128 W. I.ake at., Chicago, Ill. City, Mo. TIES ILLUSIONS Prof. Zancig, 109 W, 87th at.. New York City. FEATHER FLOWERS O. F. Harris Co.. 505 W. 42d st.. V. Y. City. Boromann Magic Co., 470 Eighth aye., N. Y. (X MONOGRAMS AND EMBLEMS De Witt Slatera. Grand Boulerard and C. Pratis Globe Decalcomanie Co., 76 Montgomery et., PARK B'LD’S, CYCLONE COA8T- *T*.. Battle Creek, Mich. INCANDESCENT LIGHTS Jersey City, N. J. ERSr CONCRETE SWIMMING FEATURE FILMS Safety Electric Co., 537 N. Dearborn sL. Chicago Wagner Co., Corona, N. Y. POOLS, ETC. Triangle Film Corp., 71 Weat Twenty-third at. INDIANS AND INDIAN COSTUMES MONOGRAM TRANSFER LETTERS, Griffltha A Crane, 1218-20 Sibley BlJg., Phila¬ New York. W. H. Barten. Gordon, Neb. EMBLEMS, ETC. delphia, Pa. rnlreraal Film Manufactnrlng Oo.. FoxtF-alfbth INDIANS AND INDIAN MEDICINES American Monogram Company. 196 Market it., PATENTS SECURED and Broadway, New York City. Newark, N. J. Idaho Native Herb Co., Boise, Id.. St’p for Victor J. Evans A Co.. Washington. D. C. FERRIS WHEELS Auto Monogram Supply Co., Niagara Bldg., New¬ reply. ark. N. J. PEANUTS. ALL VARIETIES EU Bridge Co., Box 22B, Roodhonaa, Ill. JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS FESTOONING MOVING PICTURE MACHINES 8. Catanzaro A Sons, Inc.. Penn are. and 33d Haber Bros., Inc., Importers of Noreltles, 876-8 Laemmle Film Service, 204 W. Lake st., (Chi¬ st.. Pittsburg. Pa. Chicago Flag & Decorating ij., 1354 Wabaah Broadway, New Y'ork City. cago, Minneapolis. Omaha, I^s ilotnes. are., Chicago. Ill. PEANUT ROASTING MACHINERY Mogl, Momonoi A Co.. 105 E. 16tb at.. N. Y. 0. M. P. Sales Co., 537 Sooth Dearborn st.. Chicago, National Ttnue Manufacturing Co.. SOS Bergen Holcomb A Hoke, IniHanapoIlf, Ind. Morlmura Bro*,, 546 Broadway, New York City. Illinoia. et.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Taklto, Ogawa A Co., 327-31 West Madison st., N. Power A Co., 90 Gold et.. New York City. PEANUT ROASTING MACHINES FILMS Chicago, Ill. Precision hlacbine Co., 317 E. 34th st., N. Y. C. Klngery Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati, O. (Xanufactnren, Bealera In and Xentnl Bureana) JEWELRY MUSIC PRINTING PENNANTS Laemml* Film Serelee. 204 W. Lake at., Chi¬ Altbach A Rosenson. 203 W. Madison st.. di’go. H. 6. Talbott A Co.. 2931 ITonrnoy st.. Chicago. cago; Mlnneapolla. Omaha, Des Moinea. Oordon-Strauss Co. (not Inc.), 105 W. Madison Warner C. Williams A Co., 635 Proepect st., American Pennant Co., 66 Hanover at.. Boston, Mutual Film Co., New York City. sL. Chicago. Indianapolis, Ind. Massachusetts. I'nlreraal Film Manufacturlog Co., Forty-eighth Levin Brot., Terre Haute. Ind. Berk Bros.. 543 Broadway. New York City. and Broadway, New York City. Mac Fountain Pen A Nov, Co.. 21 Ann at., N. Y. MUSIC PUBLISHERS N. Shure Co., 237 241 W. Madison at.. Cbtcito. C. L. Barnhouse, 7 First ave.. Oskaloosa. la. FILM MANUFACTURERS JEWELRY Carl Fischer, 50 Cooper Square. N. Y. City. PENNANTS AND PILLOWS Kotbacker Film Mfg. Co., 1331 Dlrercey Park¬ (For Stage Use) Fisk Music Pub. Co., 908 Market. San Fran’eo. American Art Production Co.. 141 Wooster ot.. way, Chicago. Ill. Alter A Co., 165 W. Madison st., Chicago, Ill. Charles K. Harris, Columbia Theater Building. New York City. FIREPROOFERS OF COTTON AND Holsman Co., 177 W. Madison at.. Chicago, HI. New York City. Bloom Bros.’ Co., Minneapolis, .Minn. Shryock-Todd Co., 824 N. Eighth at.. St. Louis. Monarch Music Co., Reading, Pa. Pacific Pennant A Advertising Oo., 244 New LINEN FABRICS N. Sbnre Co.. 237-241 W. Madison at.. Chicago. Jerome H. Remlck, 221 W. 46th et., N. Y. City. High st., Los Angeles. The Antipyroa Co., 170 Green at., N. Y. City. Samuel Welnhaus C'., 722 Penn ave., Pittsburg. Shapiro, Bernstein A Co., 1416 Broadway New Pennant Nov. Co.. 332 Broadway, New York. J. J. Wyle A Bros., Inc., 18 C. 27th at.. New York City. F. Sterntbal. 217 'W. Madison st.. Cblcsgo. FIREWORKS York City. .8ong-Mart Publishing Co., Santa Crui. Cal. United States Tent A .Vwning Co,. 229 North Amerlran-Itallan Fireworks Co., Inc., DnSbar, KEWPIES W. Qnincke A Co.. 401-2 Majestic Theater Desplalnes st.. Chicago, 111. PenntylTtnia. Bldg., I.oa Angeles. N. R. Barnaba Fireworks Mfg. Co., New Harry Von Tilzer Mntlc Publishing Co.. 126 PERFUME AND NOVELTIES Rochelle, N. Y. TIP TOP TOY CO. West Forty-third st.. New York City. Superior Perfume Co., 160 N. Wells st., Chicago. 114 East tnh St.. NSW York. Warner C. Williams A Co., 635 Prospect st., PHOTOGRAPHERS A. L DUE FIREWORKS BRANCH Indianapoli.s, Ind. Commercial Photographic Co., Davenport, la. Waterson, Berlin A Snyder, Strand Theater, Hartsook, San Francisco and Ix>i Angeles. Ca!. UNEXCELLED MFG. CO., Inc., Readin|, Ohio. KNIVES New York City. Cleveland r.sne Co., Cleveland, O. Young A Carl, 7th and Vine sts.. Cincinnati, O. Gordon Fireworks Co., 220 So. State, Chicago. Karl Guggenheim, 17 E. 17th sL, New York MUSICAL BELLS & SPECIALTIES PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTION Hitt Fireworks Co.. Inc., 5224-5238 37tb ar#., City. K, H. Mayland's Son. 54 Willoughby st.. Brook¬ dCiniatures, Business Cards and Post Cards) N. Y. Mercantile Trading Co., 167 Canal at.. lyn. N. Y. Sonth. Seattle, Wash. Photographic Card Co.. 105 West 47th at.. Hew Imperial Fireworks Co. of America, Inc., Box New Y<'rk. Phryock T\>d«l Co.. S24 N. Eighth st., St. ly^uls. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS York aty. 612. Schenectady, N. Y. Byron Mauzy. 2.50 Stockton et., San Franelsco. PIANOS International Firework* Co., 10 Park Place, New N. Shore Co.. '237-241 W. Madison sL, Chicago. Samuel Weinhaus Co., 7'22 Penn ave.. Pittsburg. J. C. Deagan, Bertean and East Itavenswood Byron Mauzy, 2,56 Stockton st., San Francisco. York, and Jersey City, N. J. Park ave., Obiengo. C^ambus Piano Co.. Columbus. O. Martin's Fireworks, Fort IK'dge, la. LAWYERS Newton Fireworks Co., Chicago, Ill. Edward J. .\der. 1434-.16 Otis Bldg.. Chicago, Ill. PIANOS (Electric) North American Firework* Co., 930 Consumar* F. I.. Boyd. 17 N. La Salle st.. Chicago. III. CARL FISCHER star Music Co., 9 East Harrison st.. Cblcsgo. Bldg., Chicago. Edward Doyle. 421 Merchants’ Dank Bldg., In- IIead(iutrt(TS for everything In Music. Catalng free PILLOWS_ PalD'g Manhattan Beach Fireworks, 18 Park dianai»jlls. Ind. 44-34 Co«>«r 8q.. N. Y. 334 .X Wabash. Chlcaie. Place. New York City. James X. Tlmony, 1476 Broadway. New York. Tbearle-Duffleld Fireworks Display Ca, 36 South North Tonawanda Musical Instrument Works, TIP TOP TOY CO. LEATHER AND ALUMINUM - North Tonawanda. N. Y. State ft.. Cblcagu, 111. 114 E, 28th Street. Htw York._ I’-aeicelled Mfg. Company, Inc., 22 Park Ilace, (Souvenir Goods) Sonnpbone Co.. 1-3 E. 14th st.. New York. New York City. Rosenthal A Stark, I'J E. 12th at., N. Y. South California Music Co.. .132 S. Broadway, PILLOWS (Silk and Felt) M. Wanner Display*. 11 Park Place, N. Y. LEATHER NOVELTY GOODS lx)e Angeles. Wtigand Firework* Co., Franklin Park, III. MUSLIN SIGNS AND BANNERS .\mcrlcan Art Pr(Hiuctl.*n Co,, 141 Wooster at.. Dn Pont Fabrlkold Co.. 126 Broadway, N. Y. C. New York City. FISHPONDS paramount I^eather Goods Co., 46T Broome st.. Sampliner Advertising Company, 729 Seventh ave.. New York City. Autnmatlc Fishpond Co.. 131 Michigan at. To¬ New York. ledo, O. LEATHER PILLOW TOPS NOSE PUTTY militaM art novTco. FLAGS Banita I.eatber Nov. Co., 147 Spring sL, New The Heia Co., Koebester, N. Y. Caulog 141 E. 25th St.. New Y*fk. M. Stein Cosmetic Co. 120 W. 3l8t et.. N. Y. C. Am. ArL Prod. Co., 141 Wooster st.. New York. York. „ American Flag Manufacturing Co.. Faston, Pa. M. 1). Dreyfach, 482 Brioni* st.. New York City, NOVELTIES Pennant Nov, Co.. 332 Broadway. N. Y. City. Baker A I/ockwood, Seventh anti Wyandotte ilulr .\rl Co.. .KH’> \V Madison st., Chicago, 111. Altbach A Boeenson, 203 W. Madison at., Ch’po. .5nn Street Badge A Novelty Company, 21 Ann PILLOW TOPS St*., Kansas City. Mo. LETTERHEAD PRINTING Am. Art Production t'o., 141 Wooster at., N.Y.C. Chicago Flag A Decorating Co., lilA Wabash st.. New York City. Ernest I~ Fantu* Co., 527 S. Dearborn si., Chi¬ (instavc W. Cohen & Bro., 744 Broadway. N. T. are.. Chlcagtr, Ill. Berk Bros.. .’'143 Broadway. New York City. cago, 111. Brazel Novelty Co., 1710 CTla st., Cincinnati. O. PeMar Mfg. Co. in'-., 270 North Division at.. N'Ugherty Bros.’ Tent A .Vwiiiiig Co., IIC S. Bnffslo. X. V.' _ Fourth at., St. Ixtuls, Mo. LIGHTING PLANTS I. Eisensteln A Co., 14 .\nn st.. New York City. M. Gerber, 7'27-729 Sonth *t., Philadelphia, Pa. Cnlted .States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North Universal Motor Co., Oshkosh, Wls. Desplalnes at., Chicago, III. Goldberg Jewelry Co., 816 Wyandotte st., Kan¬ M. D. DREYFACH LIGHTS sas City, Mo. PILLOWS Wrlrc for Catalog. PILLOWS FLAG MANUFACTURERS (Beaeons, Torehei, for (^rcuaes and Tent Shows) Karl Guggenheim. 17 E. 17tb at.. N. Y. City. 482 Brocai* St.. New V*rk. Ed Hahn. 222 West Madison st., CTilcago. Ill. SL Lonta Ballon A Flag Co., 422 laicaa are., St. American Gas Machine Co,, 527 Clark st,, .Vlbert fjonla. Mo. Keystone Merchandise Co., 147 Bowery. N. Y. C. M D Dreyfach 4*2 Broome st.. New York City. T.ea, Minn. Levin Bros., Terre Haute, Ind. n. C, Evans A Co., 1522 W. Adams at., Cblcsgo. i FLORAL DECORATIONS Bi>Ite Mfg. Co., 125 S. Racine ave., Chicago. Jfae Fountain Pen A Nov. Co.. 21 Ana it., N. Y. Fair A Carnival Co.. 126 ,5th ave.. N Y. City. General Flower A Dee. Co., 22R W. 4nth sf..N.Y. J. Frankel, gasoline mantles for gasoline light¬ Military .\rt Novelty Co., 137 E. Mth at.. New Knlc’gerbocker Handkerchief Co., 421 Broadway. FORTUNE WRITERS (Invitible) ing. '224 North Wells st.. Chicago, Ill. York City. New York. t.Ittle Wonder Light Co,, Terre Haute, Ind. R. Bower, 117 Harman st., Brooklyn. N. V. Miller Knbbcr Co.. Akron. O. Muir .krt Co., 306 West M.adlson st.. Chicago. The Alevamlcr Milburn Co.. Baltimore. Md. Morrison A Co.. 210 W. Madlsoo at., Chicago, Pacific Pennant A Advertising Co.. 244 New FOUNTAIN PENS I'nifed States Tent A .\wning Co.. 229 North Illinois. inch st.. L-s Angeles. Cal. n<*s)itaincs *t., Chicago III. Berk Bros., 543 Broadway, New York City, Nadel A Shimmel. 132 Park Bow. New York. Nov. X12 Br adway. N. T. City. Windhorst A Co . 104-106 N. 12th st.. St. Louis. l-erln Bros., Terre Haute, Ind. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland are., Cleve¬ Buddi-h T v A N >velfy Co.. 508 Market at.. Mac Fonntatn Pen A Norslty Co., 21 Ann st.,N.T. LIQUID MAKEUP land, O. Phl’adelphia. N. Y, Mereantll* Trading Co., 167 Canal at.. Pudlln A Perry. 125 Prince et.. New York City, N .<5hure Co. 2.17 241 West Ifadlson st.. Chicago The Hess Co. (Youthful T'nt), Rochester. N. Y. New York. N. Shore Co., 237-241 W. Madison st., Chicago. Stern Pub. A Novelty Co., 147 W. 36th it.. N. Y. Standard Pen Co.. 1307 Main st., EvanaTlUe.lnd. MAGIC AND STAGE MONEY N. Y. Mercantile Trading Co., 167 Canal at.. F. .'^ t’o., 217 W. Ma.tlson et.. Chicago. Gilbert Novelty Magic Co., 11135 So. Irving New York. Tin Top T.'V Co., 114 E. 2«th st.. New York. FRUIT AND GROCERY BASKETS ave., Chicago. 111. Webb, Freyschlsg Merc. Co.. Kansas City. Mo. Tip Top Toy Co.. 621 W. Fulton at. Chicago Chaa. Elnn A Co.. 89.1 Broadway. N. Y, City. Samuel W^nbaas Co.. 722 Penn ave., Pittsburg. United ■fates Tent A Awning Co., 229 North MAGIC GOODS Zom Novelty Co., 524 Market st.. Phils., Pa. D'-splsines st.. Chicago. IlL_ FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Chicago Magic Co.. 72 W. Adams at.. Chicago. NOVELTY MUSICAL INSTRU¬ FOR STAGE AND PRIVATE USE Dll I niM rDINHP F. r Iinow Top*, aerviee B»n- A. P. Felsman. 115 8. State st.. Chicago, Ill. MENTS rlLLUtV iivIIvUC Xmas C»-d*. Write Gilbert Magic Co., 11135 S.-*. Irving ave., Chicago. Wm. Blms, lot w. 37th st.. New York. Sonophone Co.. 1-3 K 14fh st.. New York f..r samples and iwl.-'e*. r.VlViaL'»AL BRAID WOKKA. Hc.iney M.agb- Co.. Berlin. Wis. Catalog free. 10*110 Wi-'t Hill St . \ow_Vek__rmj_ FUN HOUSE PLANS Ilnrnmsnn Magic Co.. 470 8th ave.. New York. OLD HOME WEEK SPECIALIST 12ms Amusement Co., .’IDS i:i1lo»tt Stj., Buffalo, The Oak* Magical Co., Dept. .''>32, Oshkosh. WI*. P. I.. Flack, 16 E. Woodbridge st., Detroit. Mich. Western Art I/eather Co.. Tabor Opera Uooae -New York. Joseph Paffen. 'J'JS .Admiral Blvd., Kansa* City. OPERA CHAIRS B’.dg., Denver, Col. GAMES MlaaonrI. A. H. Andrew* Co.. 115 Wabash ave.. Chicago. X’lawt Mfg. C»., 480 W. lOtk at, IndlaaapoUt. Tbaver Mfg. Co.. 834 S. San Pedro at., loa Aa- I Camle-Gondle Mfg. Co., 22d and Onnd ave.. (Continued on page 44) Ind. gele*, CtL j Kansa* City, Mo. NOVEMBER 9, 1918

SNAKE DEALERS THEATRICAL TICKETS Henrj Bartel*. 72 Cortland at., New York. National Ticket Co., Shamokln, Pa. TIP TOP TOY CO. W. Odell Learn it Co.. South Side MllitaiT 114 E. Mtk at.. New York._ Plat.:Plata, SaTSan Antonio TexTex. TICKETS DIRECTORY (BoU and Reserved Seat) Rees Ticket Co., lO lUruey st., Omaha. Neb. (Continncd from page 43) Tex.^ ln:k\* -N. Shire Co. ?^2Vi W. MadUon at.. Chicago. SNAKE PQR STREET MEN TICKET CHOPPERS PILLOW TOPS (Leather)'• / I The Touralne Confectionery Co., 251 Causeway, Keldhawk. 1229 Market *t.. Wheeling. W. V*. IT. V. Bright, Pro»|H‘Ct Uhlg., (Teieland. O. M. D. I>re7fach, 482 Brnnme it., New York Cltr.City. Boston. .Mass. SONG BOOKS TICKET PRINTERS N. Y. XTenantilo Tmilliii; Co., Canal st., I nit.-d States Tent 4 Awning Co., 229 North Rosaiter' Music Co.. 331 W. Madison St Ansrll Ticket Co., 73o 740 N. Franklin st.. Ch’go. New York. lit'splalnea at.. Chicago, III. Chicago, 111. California TTcket Co., '.lit L. Till st.. l.os .VnKele<< Pennant Novelty Co.. Inc., 3.52 Broadway, N. Y. Samuel Weinhaua Co., 722 Penn are., Pittsburg. SPANGLES AND TRIMMINGS Hancock Brcai.. 25 Jessie st.. Nan Francisco. Tip Top Toy CV>., 114 K. 2hth at., -New York. SCENERY National Ticket Co., .Shamokln, Pa. PILLOW TOPS (Silk) Uoyal Ticket Co.. Shamokln, Pa. J.J.WYLEA. ,ROS., INC. Trimount ITess, 93 Allinny st. Boston, kia's. OtUfornla Art Works, 5S5 Market st., San Fran¬ Sureeesora to Siegman 4 WeU, Weldon. Williams 4 Uck, Ft.' Smith, Ark. cisco. Columbia Scenic Studio 18 and 20 East 27th St.. New Yerk City. Celufflbla. South Carolina. TIGHTS PILLOW FRINGE Walter G. Bretzfleld I'o.. 1.367 Broadway. N. Y. SPIRIT GUM Chicago Costume Works, 143 N. IVarlsirn st., I M. stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. 31et at.. N. Y. C. MAX SHONFELD 618 Louisiana st., Sbrevei>ort, La. Chicago. Ut. 4S Greene St.. NEW YORK CITY. SPORTING GOODS _ mnie of all quality for Pillows end Service Banneit. n. C. Evans 4 Co.. 1.522 \V. Adams st., Ch cng->. SILK. Worsted. Lisle.Usle. Colton TUhtaTUhU SpnTaltsts.SpwlalUle 11. C. Uunt 4 Co., 160 N. Wells st., Chicago, symmrtrtcals, etc. Large alock. Or mads to order. Max Sehonfeld, 45 tlreeue st.. New York City. SCHELL’S SCENIC STUDIO 88l-583-58$ Seiith High St.. Celumbut. Ohis. SPOT LIGHTS, NITROGEN <& ARC Chas. Newton. .305 W. 15th st. New Y'ork. Gaa Francitce, POCKETBOOKS AND LEATHER RANTNER & MAHERN CO, Cat. NOVELTY MFRS. SCENERY FOR HIRE AND SALE SQUAW-KEE-KE INDIAN BABIES Amelia Grain, 819 Spring Garden st., Pbila. Decorative Novelty Co., 739 S. Broadway, Los Superior T/enther Goods Co., 73 Kingston st., Angeles. J. J. WYLE &. bROS., INC. Boaton, Mass. SCENIC PAINTERS Smerawn to Riegman 4 Well, STAGE HARDWARE 18 and 20 East 27th St.. New York City. POODLE DOGS. STUFFED ANIMALS, DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS SCENIC PAINTERS J. R. Clancy, 100 W. Belden ave., Syracuse, New Y’ork. Advance Whip Co., 287 Elm st., Westtield. Mass. (And Dealers in Scenery, Etc.) M. Armbruster 4 Sons, 249 Front st., Colnmbns, I A. W. Gerstner Co., 634 Eighth ave.. N. Y. C. I American-Made Stuffed . Toy Company, 123 Ohio. STAGE JEWELRY Bleecker at.. New Y'ork City. AM. MADE STUFFED TOY CO. F.nkeboll Art Co., 5305 N. 27th st., Omaha, Neb. Elektra 'D>y 4 Novelty Co., 4rv JewelryJ«»«r»!rY Co.,Cn 810filFt WyandotteWTsnflnttA *L,st.. Kan- i I n U PI l\ 9 Newton 4 Son, .50 Elm st.. Cortland, N. Y. Ktngcry Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. Western Show Properties Co., 518 Delaware st., »*■ City. Mo. OppenUelmer. the Trank 758 Market it., W. Z. Long Co.. 76 High st., Springfield. O. Kansas City, Mo. Ed Hahn, 222 West Madison at., Chicago, 111. Sian, San Francisco. Pratt Machine Co., 2 Bissell st.. Joliet, Ill. SECOND-HAND TENTS (Bought and L'aeVon'^aJp7S S^No^u/co., 21 Ann sL. C. Taylor Trunk Works, ’28 East Bandolph PORCUPINES Sold) New York City. st., Chicago, III. Linwood H. Flint, North Waterford, Me. L. Nickerson Tent, Awning 4 Cover Co., 173 Morrison 4 Co., 210 W. Madison at.. Chicago, III. TURNSTILES PORTABLE ELEC. LIGHT PLANTS State st., Boston, Mass. N. Y. Mercantile Trading Co., 167 Canal at., (Keglatering and Coia-Oontrolled) Eli Bridge Co.. Box 22B, Roodhouse, 111. SERIAL PADDLES New Y’ork. II. V. Bright. Prospect Bldg.. Cleveland. O. Universal Motor Co., Oshk<>sIi, Wls. Pierce Chemical Co.. Pierce Bldg., Chicago. HI, Fair Carnival Shipply Co., 136 Fifth are.. N. Shure Co., 237-241 W. Madiaon st., Chicago. TURNSTILES PORTABLE SKATING RINKS UN¬ New York. Shryock-Todd Co.. 8’-'4 N. Eighth st.. St. l/ouis. (Full Automatic and Regiatering) DER CANVAS Samuel Weinhans Co., 722 Penn ave., Pittsburg. Perey Mfg. Co., Inc.. SO Church st., N, Y. City. Tramlll Portable Skating Rink Co., 1323 Agnes TIP TOP TOY CO. YankeeY'ankee Novelty Co., 98 Thlnl ave.. New York. UKULELES ■t., Kansas City. Mo. 114 East 28th St., New Yerk. STRIKING MACHINE MFRS. KIndcI 4 Graham, 891 Mission it., San Fran¬ United States Tent 4 Awning Co., 229 North M. W, Ansterburg, Horner, Mich. cisco, CaU Desplaines st.. Chicago. SERIAL PAPER PADDLES Moore Bros.. Lapeer. Mich. J. M I.leliert. Ylfr.. 410 5th st.. San Francisco. PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS National Ticket Co., Shamokln. Pa. STRIKER MANUFACTURERS Tip Top Toy Co., 114 E. ’JSth St., New York. ‘^rranciworCwUm.^N.’ Y'?*"” SERIES QUICK SYSTEM PADDLES Herschell-Spillman Co.. North Tonawanda. N. T. UNIFORMS R. W. Stockley 4 Co.. 810 B Walnut at., PhlU. POST CARDS Bitf’.emeyer Printing Works, 1331-1333 Y’lne st., SWORDS, SPEARR A^'^ SHIELDS , ’ ' WllUamsbnrg Post Card Co., 25 Delancey *L, Cincinnati, O. West Side Iron Works. 267 West 37th aL. New I U NI FORMS & THEAT. COSTUMES York City. Moulin Bios. 4 Co., Dept. 10. Greenville, Ill. New York City. SHOOTING GALLERIES POST CARD MACHINES J. T. Hickman Co., Inc., 245 S. Main at., Lo* SYMMETRICALS VASES Daydark Specialty Co.. Daydark Bldg., St. Ix)nl8 Angeles. Cal. Walter O. Bretzfield Co.. 1367 Broadway. New Bayless Bros. 4 Co., 704 W. Main it.. Louis E. R. Hoffmann 4 Son. 3317 South Irving ave., York. ■ ’fBle, Ky. POST CARD AND TINTYPE MA¬ Chicago. 111. John Spicer. 86 Woodbine st., Brooklyn. N, Y. VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES CHINES AND SUPPLIES ' TATTOOING SUPPLIES Ackerman 4 Harris. 281 O’Farrell it., San Daydark Specialty Co., Daydark Bldg.. St. louis. E. R. HOFFMAN &, SON Edwin E. Brown, 312 N. Bnrdick st., Kalamazoo, Iranclsco. • POSTER PRINTERS SHOOTING GALLERIES. Michigan. • Burnes. .36 Soutli State st., Chicago, Ill. Alles Printing Co., 224 E. Fourth st., Los An- 3317 Sooth Irvlag Avenue._Chlctg*.Chleag*. IllIII. J. II. Temke, 517 Central B., Cincinnati. Ohio. Cleveland, Proctor’s Palace ’Hieator Bldg., Cbarlea Wagner, 208 Bowery and Chatham Sq., _ Market st.. Newark. N. J. rrancis’-Valentlne Co., 777 Mission st., San Fran- W. F. -Mangels. Coney Island. New York City New York City. Bert I.aca 3'J.u W.«. Wash.Mash. at.. ChicagotTilcago III.lii. Altbach 4 Ronensfjn, 2ft3 W. Madison st., Ch’go. SKEE-BALL TENTS TO RENT WILD ANIMALS.ANIMALS, BIRDS AND REP¬REP- Alter 4 Co., 165 W. Madison st., Chicago, HI. J. D. Este Co.. 1524 Sansom_ at, Philadelphia. Foster 4 Stewart, Inc.. 371 Pacific at.. Brook- TILES Barnes Bros.* Novelty Co„ 5 South Jefferson st., SLIDES lyn. N. Y. lioulalioulf Rnhe, 248 Grand at.. New Y’ork City Hutchinson, Kan. Greater N. Y. Sll'’e Co.. 154 W. 4.5th at., N. Y. M. Magee 4 Son, Inc., 147 FYilton at., N. Y. C. WILD WEST COSTUMES Brackman-Weller Co., 337 W. Madison sL, Chl- WILD WEST COSTUMES SLOT MACHINES P- f»Mpley. Kanaas City, Mo. ’ W^'Hoodwln Co., 2949 West Van Buren The Exhibit SupplySnpply Co..Co., 609 8. Dearborn tfd T WILD WEST SADDLES, CHAPS. Chicago, Ill. «r Chicaeo 111 Chicago,Chicago. Ill. THEATER TICKETS RnPF«ROPF« and4Nn 4PIIRSSPURS Yfarket Sat lowa^NoveltrCo. Keou^ „ SLOT MACHINES (»oU and Heierved Seat Coupon) Vlaalla Stock Saddle Co.. 2117"117 Market. San _ (Hamifactareri(Mamifactaren and Dealers In) Anaell Ticket Co., 730 740 N. Franklin at,, Cb’go. PraScl^iT*^Franclseo, CalCal. " * 8 mini T nft SPECIALISTS IN SALES- Sicking Mfg. Co., 1931-1935 Freeman ave., Cln- National Ticket Co.. Shamokln. Pa. net eimni lee I IrAlll I lill board assortments. cinnatt.cinnatl. oO. xuFAXRirAi FfYi niiur nirvri fs WIRE WORKERS’ SUPPLIES LI I MU LI UUl 1034 Arch Street Vance Supply House. 41.5 S.S Robey at.. Chicago. ' ” “T.VJi'.ri*’ Juergen Jewelry Co.. K3 Chamber* at.. .V. Y C PHILADELPHIA. SLOT MACHINE SUPPLIES PADDLE WHEELS AND DEVICES XYLOPHONES Moe Levin 4 Co., 337-339 West Madison at.. Exhibit Supply Co .542 S. Dearborn at. Chicago. Washington at., Boaton. jJ. C.^ DeaganDeagan, Berteau and E. Ravenewood Park.Park Chicago, lU. SMOKEPOTS Massachuaetta. Chicago, lil.111. M.M, Wagner.Wagner, 34 Pa^k^n|ce^Pa-k pi»ce New York. THEATRICAL^PROPERTIES AND XYLOPHONES, MARIMBAS, BELLIBELLS SNAKES N. Y. MERCANTILE TRADING CO. Bert J. Putnam, 490 Waahlngton at., Buffalo, I J. Allen ’Turner, Inc., 266 Weat 41tt at.. N.T. C. AND NOVELTIES 187 Caaai 8L. Naw V«L John Bmntoa Stndiot, 220 W. 4Ut at.. N. Y. C. | E. R. Street, 28 Biook st.. Hartford, Co

I NOVEMBER 9. 191f .TtlG BlllbOOrC? 45

Floren* Duo (Orphenm) San Franclaco. Juliette (Maryland) Baltimore. For Pltty’a Sake (Orpbeum) Calgary, Can.; (Or¬ Keane A White (Orplieumi .Minneapolii; (Or¬ pbeum) Y’anconver 11-16. pheum) St. Paul 11 16. Ford Sisters (Orpbeum) Portland. Ore. Kelly. Walter (' (Orpheum) San FranetsC'i. Four of I's (Keith) Boston; (Keith) Providence, Keun'-'ly, Frances i Mary .Anilerson) leiUisvillo; R. I., 11-16. (Keith) ('in''innati ll-l'l. Foyer, Eddie (Orpheum) Denver; (Ori>heu:n) Melrose (.Ylajpstio) Springfield, Lincoln Neb., 11-16. ROUTES IN ADVANCE Fraser-Flndlay Co. (Busbwick) Biwiklyn. Kerslak"'s Pigs (KcKh) I’.irtland. Me.; (Keith) Fremont, Benton Co. (Keith) Lowell, Mass,; Lowell. Mass., 11 16. (Keith) Portland. Me., 11-16. Kimberly .V Page (Keith) Boston; (Keith) Frisco (Palace) New Y'ork. Providence IS 23. 'I l~ Froilnl (Palace) Milwaukee, Wl*. King. Mazie. .V- Co. (Keith) ludlanai»ilis; (M.i-y Fnturlstk Revue (Orpheum)) Calgary Can.; Anders..n) LmUvillc 11-16; (Keith) Cincin¬ (Orphenm) Y'ancuover 11-16. nati Is-j.’t. Manacrrs uiil i«rfbniierk trr rcipectfully requested to contrlbuto thoir datM to this department. Boutaa Gaby, Frank (Shea) Toronto; (Keith) Providence King, M'llic. A Co. (K.-llh) (’Incinna;!. md.«t rearb The Hillboard not later than Frldar of each week to Innire publication. 18-23. Klngstiury A .Munson (.American) Chicago. The Klllboard forwarda all mall for profetalonala free of rbarir. Memlhcum) Linisiln Neb.; (()rpbe» UallinI, Stanley, Co. (Keith) Cincinnati; (Keith) _nm) Omaha, Neb.. 11 16. Dayton 11-16; (Keith) Columbus 18-23. Courtney Sisters (Orphenm) Dnlnth, Minn.; (Or¬ Kosloff. Theo., Co. (Keith) Dayton: (Keith) Galvin, Wallace (Orphenm) Y’ancouver, Can.; pbeum) Minneai^lls 11-10. Clevelaml 11-16, (llip|i.) Y'oungstown 18-23. PERFORMERS’ DATES (Orpbenm) Seattle 11-16 Cowan, Lynn (Lyric) Hamilton, Can. IjiBernleia »): Co. (Keith) Washington. D. C. Caspar A Sinclair (Shea) Bnffalo; (Shea) To¬ Crawford A Broderick (Keith) Washington. D. LaPearl. Sabin (Mary .\nd*rson) Ix'ulsville; ronto 11-10. C.; (Keith) Philadelphia 11-16; (Temple) (Keith) Cincinnati 11 16; (Keith) Dayton 18- When no date is’ given the weak of Detroit 18-2R Georgallis Trio (Orphenm) San Francisco. 23. November 4-9 is to be supplied. Crawford, Cllftoa (Ylaryland) Baltimore; (Tem¬ George A Tony (New Grand) Evansville, Ind. Laltue, Grace (Orpheum) Duluth. Minn.; (Orphe¬ ple) Detroit 11-10; (Temple) Rochester 18-23. Geralds, The (IIlpp.) Youngstown, 0.; (Keith) um) Winnipeg 11-16. Crelghtous. Australian (Orphenm) Los .Angeles. Toledo 11-16. La.Sova A Gilmore (Orpheum) Salt I>uke City; NOTICE—All routes published in this Creede Fashion Plate (Orphenm) Salt Lake City, Gilbert A Frlcdland (Orpheum) St. Paul, Minn.; (Orpbeum) Denver 11-16. issue are necessarily subject to changes Utah. (Orphenm) Duluth 11-16. Lambert A Ball i(lriiheuiii) Seattle YY’ash.; (Or¬ due to local or State restrictions on Crosby’s Comer* (Princess) Montreal; (Keith) Girl on Magazine (Orpbenm) Denver. pheum) Portlaml, Ore.. 11-16. Boston 11-10; (Orphenm) Brooklyn 18-23. Gleason, Helen, A Co. (Orpbeum) San Francisco. LeMaIre A Cpiueh (Orpheum) Des M-'Ines la.; amusements. Cnilen, James. A Co. (Keith) Indianapolis; Gordon A Kem (Orpbeum) Minneapolis; (Orpbe¬ (Orpheum) St. Panl 11 16. (Mary Anderson) Lonisvllle 11-10; (Keith) nm) Dnlnth 11-16. LeVar, Paul. Br (K.ltli) Philadelphia; (Tem¬ AJalr, Jean. A Co. (Mar.r .toderaon) lyiDlSTlIIe; Columbus 18-23. Gordone, Robbie (Keith) Toledo; (Empress) ple) Detroit 11 16; (Tentide) U« .tneelea 11-10. pbeum) Portland. Ore., 11-16. (Orpheum) Denver 11-16. Rochester, N. Y'., 18 2.3. , All for Democracy (flri'lieiim) Portland, Ore.; Daring Sisters, Three (Keith) Columbus; (Keith) Grapewln. Chas. (Riverside) Now York; (Alham¬ Lander Bros. (Orpheum) Wlnniiipg, Can.: (Or¬ tOrpbeum) San Francisco 11-10. Dayton 11-10; (Keith) Cleveland 18-^. bra) New Y’ork 11-10; (Keith) Philadelphia pbeum) Calgary 11-16. Alien. .Minnie, A Sister (Rusbwick) Brooklyn; Dazie, Mile. (Oriihenm) Des Moines, la.; (Or¬ 18-23. Langilon. Harry (Royal) New Y'ork; (Baahwli:k) (Keith) Philadelphia 11-10; (Maryland) Bal¬ pbeum) Minneapolis 11-16. Great Mankichi Troupe (IJncoln) (Tilcago. Bpsiklyn 18-‘2.3. timore lH-23. Dellaven A Parker (Orpheum) Kansas City, Mo.; Green A Parker (Orpheum) Brooklyn; (Colonial) I-angdon A Smith (Columbia) Davenport, la. American Ace (Keith) Washington; (Riverside) (Ori*heum) Omaha, Neb.. 11-10. New York 11-16. Langblln A West (Orpheum) Calgary, Can.; New York 11-10. Deleon A Davis (Bushwlek) Brooklyn; (Keith) Green. Hn-rv Co. (Keith) Cincinnati; (KelCT) (Orpheum) Y’ancouver 11-16. Ames A Wlnthrop (Temple) Rochester, N. Y. Washington. D. C., 11-16. Dayton 11-16. Lee A Cranston (Ilipii.) Youngstown. O.; (Davis) Amoros A Jeanette (Orpbenm) Fresno,, CaL; DeMaco. Jack A Kitty (Orphenm) Calgary; (Or- V. \ornian (Columbia) Davenport, Ta. Plttsbnrg 11-16; (Keith) (’leveland 18-23. Haines, Bobt. T.. A Co. (Orphenm) Kansas City, w: pheum) IK-s Moines 11-10. pheum) Y'anconver 11-10. Leigh, Delacy A Co. (llipptslrome) Terre Haute. )’ .\inoros Sisters (Orphenm) Omaha, Neb.; (Or- DeWinter A Rose (Palace) Mllwankee, Wls. Mo.; (Orpheum) Des Moines 11-16. Ind. plieiim- Des Moines 11-10. DeWltt A Gnntbcr (Orpheuml Green Bay, Wls. Haley Sisters. Four (Illnp.) Y'oungstown. O.; Leightons, The (Orpheum) Omaha, Neb.; (Or- Ankers, Four (ilipp.) Youngstown, O.; (Colonial) Decker, Panl. A Co. (Orpheum) Winnipeg, Can.; (Davis) Pittsburg 11-10; (Keith) Toleilo 18- tiheiim) Kansas City. .M,).. 11 16. >l\ Krle. Pa.. 11-10. (Orphenm) Calgary 11-10. 23. Leijizig (Orpheum) Stall Lake City; (Orpheum) Dickinson A Deag»n (O-pbenm) Oakland, CaL; Hall, Bob (Keith) Toledo; (Keith) Colnmbns Denver 11-16. Arnold A .tllman (Alhambra) New York; (Roy¬ (Orphenm) Fresno 11-16. 11-16; (Keith) Dayton 18-23. Leonard. Eddie (Royal) New York; (Riverside) al) New York 11-10. New York 18-23. .trnold A Tayior (Palace) Milwaukee, Wli. Levitation (Orpheum) St. Paul, Minn.; .Artistic Treat (Orpb<-uni) Seattle, Wash.; (Or- (Orpbe¬ um) Duluth 11-16. pbeum) Portland. Ore.. 11-10. THIS BLANK IS AVAILABLE FOR ROUTE DATA IN CASE YOU HAVE .\rlo((roniel Terre llante, Ind. Lewis, Sid (OrphenmI South Bend, ind. .\sahl Troui'e (KDersldc) New York; (Oriihe- LIgbtners & .Alexaniler (Orpheum) Fresno, Cal.; nni) BriMiklyn 18 23. NO ROUTE CARDS. CARDS WILL SE MAILED UPON APPLICATION (Orpbeum) Los .Angeles 11-16. Aron Four (.Alhambra) New Y'ork; (Colonial) Lloyds. Aerial (Templet Rochester. N. Y’. N. w York 11 10; (Itoyal) New York 18-23. Lo, Marla (Orpheum) Omaha, Neb.'; (Orpheum) Itaker. Belle (KlversMe) New York; (.Alham¬ Des Moines 11-16. bra) New York 18-23. Lomer Girls (Keith) Columbns; (Hlpp.) Youngs¬ Ball. Uae K.. A ('■>. (Keith) Boston; (Keith) town 11-16. Lowell 11-10; (Keith) Portland. Me.. 18-23. NAME Loyal, Sylvia. A Partner (Orpheum) Fresno, Cal. Barlow ,A Dec;le (Palacei Moline, 111. Lucille A Cockle (Davis) I’ittsbiirg. Barnes. Stuart (Keith) Columbus. I-estcr, Doris, Three (Keith) Portland, Me. Barr Twins (On>heuni) Duluth, Minn.; (Or- WEEK THEATER CITYi STATE Love A YYllliur (Keith) Cleveland. pbeum Winnltieg II 10. McDevItt, Kell.y A Lucy (Keith) Indlapapolis; Barry Olrls (('oloiiJal) Krle, Pa. (Mary .Anderson) Louisville 11-16; (Keith) .n Barry. Mr. A M s. J. I.tib.mihra) New York; Cleveland 18-23. (Uiverside) New York 18 23. McFarlane. George (Shea) Toronto; (Emprean) Belmonts. The i Km|ire-s) De.-rtur, 111. Grand Kipiibt, Mich., 11-16. r l\ B<-nnett A Itichanis (Oriihcum) Seattle. Wash.; McIntosh A .Malils (Temple) Detroit; (Temple) (itrpbeum) Portland, tire., 11-10. Rochester, N. Y'., 11 16; (Princees) Montreal '/i 18 23. Beyer. Ben. Co. (Mary .Anderw'n) Loolsrllle; (Keith) IndianaiMdls 11 10; (Temple) Detroit McKay A -Ardlne (Shea) Buffalo; (Shea) Toronto 11 16. 18-23. Bison City Four lOrpbeiim) Omaha. Neb. MarD'>nnld. Christie (Orphenm) Wlnnli>eg, Can.; Black A Wh.te, .Ml-scs iKropress) Decatur, III. Orpheum) Calgary 11 16. Blands. The (OriibeumI lies .Moines; (Or|>beum) Mack A Co. (Orpheum) Salt Ijike City. Minneaisdls 11 10. Madison A Winchester (Keith) latwell. Mass.; Ibilsos. Four (Keith) Dii.vton. (Keith) Portlantl. .Me., 11 16; (Keith) Boston 18-23. Borden. Kildie (Keith) I’blladeipbia; (Bushwlek) BPH.klyn 11 10. Dobson, Frank. A Co. (Temple) Detroit; (Tem¬ Hall, Jnlian (Alhambra) New York. Magazine Girls (Palace) Moline. III. Bo-to* );■» Kid ng S' litsd i Palace) New Y'ork. ple) Rochester, N, Y., 11-16; (Princess) Mon¬ Hallen A Fuller (Rance (Keith) Providence; (Princcsa) Brads, The (tiarrick) Wiltiiington. Ib-I. treal 18-23. Ilallen A Fuller (Maryland) Baltimore. .Ylontreal 1116. Brendcl a Bert tOridicuiu) Salt l.ake CJty, Ctah. Dixdey, Johnny (Keith) Providence. Haliwrln. Nan (Orphenm) Brcsiklyn; (Riiyal) Man Off Ice AY'agon (Keith) Dayton. Brighlons. The (Orpheiini) llps.klyn. Ibedey A (Orpheum) Kansas City, Mo.; New York 11-10. Mantell’s Mannikins (Park) St. Istnis. Mos; Briscoe. Dllre. A .Al Hanli (t»ri>heuni) Duluth) tOr|>bcum) Des Moines 11-10. ILands -Across Sea (Keith) Washlngtivn. D. C.; I Graml) St. Louis 11 17. Minn.: i(>n>beutti) Winnlp<-g ll-tO. Disdey A .8ales (Davis) Pittsburg; (Keith) To- (Keith) Boston 11-16; (Maryland) Baltimore Yfarrled by Wireless (Orphenm) Oakland. CaL; Brower. Wallet (Orphcunil i'orlland. Ore.; (Or- Inlo 11 16; (Keith) Dayton 18-23. 18 23. (Orjtheum) Fresno 11-16. pheiim) San Francisco 11-10. Doree’s. Mme., Celebrities (Orpheum) Los .An¬ Harris A Morey (Keith) Pmvldcnce; (Orpbeum) Martello (lyric) Hamilton; (Princess) Mon¬ Browning. Joe (Orphenm) Calgary. Can. geles A-16. BisMiklyn 11-16; (Colonial) New Y’ork IS-23. treal 11 16. Burley A Burley (Colonial) Krle, Pa.: (Tem¬ Dron Girls (.American) Chicago. Harris A Manion (Orpheum) St. Paul, Minn.; Martyn A I'3orenz (Maryland) Baltimore; (Gar¬ ple) Detroit 11-10; (Temple) Ilochester, N. Dugan A Raymond (Keith) Toledo; (Empress) (Orpbenm) Minneapolis 11-16. rick) YY'ilmlngton. Del.. 11-16. Y.. 18 23. Grand Rapids, .Mich., 11-16, Hawkins, I-ew (Keith) Portland, Me. Maxim Girls, TTiree (Keith) Imliinapolis 10-18. Biiziell A Parker (Mar.rland) P.altlniore. Dumont, Frank A Grade (Majest'c) Springfield, Heir for a Night (Palace) Milwaukee, Wls. Mearhum A Meaehum (Dixie) Paris, Tenn. Cahill A Uonialnp (Orpliettm) South Bend. Ind. III. Heras A I'reston (Orpheum) Denver; (Qrpheom) MehPnger A Meyer (Riverside) Sew York; Camidadl, .Misses (Drplieum) Oakland, CaL: Duncan Sisters (Riverside) New Y'ork. I.lncoln, Neb., 11 16. (Keith) Boston 18-23. (Orphenm) Fresno 11-10. Earl. Maude. Co. (Empress) Graml Rapids. Herman A Shirley (Orpheum) Dnlnth; (Orphe¬ Mellette Sisters (Orpheum) Denver; (Orphenm) Capanllcan. Chief (Keith) CJnc'nnatl: (Keith) Mich.; (Temple) Detroit 11-16; (Temple) Roch¬ um) Winnipeg 11-16. IJncoln. Neb.. 11-16. Dayton 11-10; iTemple) Detroit 1')-23. ester, N Y'., 18-23. Herman, Al (Orpbeum) Oakland, CaL; (Orphe¬ Melroy Sisters (New Grand) Evansville. Ind. Carmen, F'rank (Palace) Rockfonl, III. Earl, Burt, Trio (Orphenm) Portland, Ore.; (Or- nm) Fresno 11-16. Me-edlth. Gypsy, A Co. (On>hsam) South Bend, Carroll. Ilar-y (Keith) Boston: (Orpbeum) (ibeuni) San Francisco 11-16. Hines, Harry (Riverside) New York. Ind. Brooklyn 11-10. Early A Lalght (Keith) Lowell, Mass. IHt the Trail (Emprees) Decatur. Ill. Merlan’s D-'gs (Orphenm) Seattle, Wash.; (Or¬ Cerro (Orpbi'um) Kansas City, Mo.; (Orphenm) I Eddy Duo (tV^heum) Kansas City. Mo. Hoffman. Gertrude (Keith) Philadelphia; (Keith) pheum) Portland. Ore.. 11 16. IVs Moines 11-10. Edwards, Gus, Revue (Orphenm) Y'anconver. Washington, D. f’., 11-16; (Orpheum) Br.e>k- Merle's CiM-kats (Colonial) New Y’ork. Csssin, Jack (tJaycty) Chicagn, Indef. Can.; (Ori'henm) Seattle 11 16. Irn 18 23. Mignon (Keith) Dayton. Chadwicks (Keith) Cincinnati 11-10. Efficiency (Orphenm) St. Paul, Minn.; (Orphe¬ Holmes A Wells (O-pbenm) I/is .Angeles. Miiler A Capninn ilhrlncess) Montreal; (Keith) Cbinko A Kaufman (Itoyal) New Y'ork. um) Winnipeg 11 10. Holt*. I»n (Orphenm) I.incsdn, Neb.; (Orpheum) ))ttawa II 16; il.yrle) Hamilton 18-'2.3. Choy Ilcng Wa Troupe I New Brand) KransTlIIe, El Clevc (Keith) ToIc- Omah.s, Neb. 11 10. Miller A I vie (Empress) Decatur. III. Ind. Ids, Mb’h., 11-10. Honey Boy Minstrels (Ke'th) I/iwell. M.sss.; Miller, Ed. A Penfold (Orpheum) Winnipeg. Christmas Club (Keith) Indianapolis. (Mary An¬ Ellnure A Williams (Palsce) New York. (Bushwlek) Brooklyn ll-IO; (Keith) Washing¬ Can.: (OrpBetim) Calgary 11 16. derson) l.oalsrllle 11-10; (Keith) Cincinnati ton. D. C.. 18 23. Milton A Ib'Ising .Sisters (Orpheum) Minneap¬ IS 2.1. I Ellloir, 'Fred (Orpheum) SIout City. la. Ellsworth, II. A G. (Orpheum) Y'ancouver, Can.; Howard. Clara (Temple) Detroit; (Temple) Roch¬ olis; (Orpheum) St. Paul 11-16. Circus D.ty In ToylamI (Keith) Toledo. (Orphenm) Seattle 11-10. ester. N. Y'., 11-10. Miss 1920 (Orpheum) South Bend. Ind. Clark. S.thia (Princess) Montreal; (I^rtc) Emers'in A B.vldwln (Orphenm) Salt Lake City, Howard A Clark Revue (Davis) Pittsburg; Maniiltwo 11.10. Monohan Cnmpanv )Majestic) Ce.lar Rai'i'Is. la.; rttih; (Orpheum) IVnrer 11-10. (Keith) Columbus 11-10; (Keith) ClovelanI (Palace) Moline. HI.. 10 13; iMaj.-:; Du- Clark, Wilfred. A Co. (Orphenm) Dos Moines, Emmett, Engene (Temple) Rochester, N. Y'.; 18-23. h)i 11 16. Hughes’ Musical Duo (Orpheum) Grwn Bay Moran A M-ick (tlrtdieiim) 'I'cn. : Wls. Clifford, Ih'ssye (()ri>heum) Lincoln, Neb.; (Or- Fspe A Dutton (Temide) Rm-hester. N. Y". pheum) Duluth 11 16. vdicttni) titnaha. Neb., 11 10. Falls. .Archie A Gertie (Oridie((ni) Dut'itJj. Hussey, JImm.T. Co. (Orpheum) Bns'klvn. 'lorris, Elida (Keith) Prorid.-r Clifton. llerlHTt (Shea) Buffalo; (Shea) Toronto Minn.; (Oriiheiim) Minneapolis ll-IO. n.vams A Meint.v-e (T m-le) Detroit: (Temp!,') Morton, Clara (Bii-hwicki Rns'klvn" AT ,d'-i> II 10; (Princess) Montreal 18-23. Farrell. Ma-gar»'t (Orpheum) Winnipeg; (Or¬ H<-H'hester. N. Y’.. 11-10. New Y’ork 11-16; (Kcit’.i I” ' 1- .'3 Coakicy A Diinlevy (Keith) Cleveland. pheum 1 Calgary 11 16. Imhoff. Conn A Corlnne (Orpheum) !.<■« .Angeles Mi'rl'm. J. ((VpheiinO F- - > . I.: tOr- C..!enian, Claudia (Keith) Colitmbus. Feon*- Wa'*cr, Co. (Shea) Toronto; (Shea) 4-16. pheum) Isis Angeles 11 16 • < liege Quintet (Palace) Rockford, Ill. Buffalo 1116. In the Dark (Empress) Grand Rapids. Mich. M'Wfons. FYxtr (Bushw|,-2 P-H'kivu Aihssb-t) Columbia A Victor (Orphenm) Kansas (Tlty, Mo.; Ferguson ♦ Senderlsnd (I.lncoln) Chicago. In the Zone (Hlpp.) Y’oungstown, O. New York 11 16; .Kefi. P''t! (Orpheum) Des Moines 11-10. Ferns, Pnbe iGorn) 1 Ittls Pock Ark.. In8ef. Jackley. Helen (Colonial) Erie,’ Pa.; (Keith) Morton A Glass .Biis' wi.-'i) p- .’il.m; (Al¬ Cnnier. I ar-.T t Palace) Moline, III. Fern A Davis (Orpheum) St. Paul. Minn.; (Or¬ Columbus 11-16; (Hlpp.) Y'oungstown IS-23 hambra) New Y’or's 11 16 K- i: P2;la(!cl- Conlln A Glass (Orphenm) Kansas City, Mo.; pheum) Mlnncan.>Ils 11-10. Jsrxls A Marr1s,m (New Grand) F-T.insxllle. Ind. n'da 18-23. lOridicum) Des Moines 11-10. Fertlg A Dunn (Crown) Chicago Johns. Three (Palace) New Y’ork. Afnrtop. Jas C.. .A C. » Connelly. Dolly. Co. (Maryland) Baltimore. FIsher-MawIev Co. (Orphenm) Denver; (Orphe¬ Jones A Greenle*' (T.-mnle) Detroit; (Temnl.) cisco. C. (Temple) IbH'bcster, N. land 18 2.3. 'Ae aarti; Nf»is> 4 •; jnJ lady $ Wlfc Ji'rn. Carl (Orphoiim) Mlune*|.„iiH; (O-pheum) SI.J5 Sl.TS- IsiB. C*' -^cSaei. 11.75: TIiStA Y.; (I'olonlal) New York 11-10; (Colonial) . Flanagan A Edwards (Orphenm) IK-nvcr: (Or¬ St. Paul 11 16. %V; Carnival Ptsrr Hats. dai. 25a. Catalan New York 18-23. pbeum) Llnooln. Neb., 11-1(L { Jovedah (Temple) Rochester. N. Y Wififrw (tllaaert. 4i Caaasr 8#.. Haw Vast. NOVEMBER 9, 1918

Morton, Ed (Eeltli) Lo'wcn, Mass.; (Celth) 1 Wilson, AubroT, Tbr«« (Keith) Indianapolis; I Knickerbocker riayera, Bnmsey ft Wilcox, | Wbltnej Stock Oo., Welah ft Walbooro, is(rt Portland, (Me,, ll-lO; (Keith) Providence 18- (Keith) Cincinnati 11-16; (Mary Anderson) mgra.: (Star) Buffalo, indef. Jackson, Mich., Indef. 23. Louisville, Ky., 18 23. Kyle Theater Stock Co.: Beaumont, Tex., indef. Wilkes Players: Seattle Wash,, indef. Moskova, Alla, ft Ballet (Orpheum) Omaha, Nel>. Wilson A Wilson (American) Chicafo. l.akewood Stock Co.: Skowbegan, Me., indef. Wilkes Players, Ben Ketebum, mgr.: Denver, Mullen ii C4s)gan (Utvheum) Calgary. Cun. Wilton Hlsters (Keith) PbiUdeli'hia. Lawrence Players, Del l.awrence, mgr.: (Ma- Col., indef. Muller, Maude (Keith) Cincinnati. Woisl & Wyde (Uoyal) New York. Jestic) San Francisco, indef. Wilkes I'lsyers; Salt I.ake City, Otah, indef. Murray, Kathryn (Orpheum^ Seattle. Wash ; I World Wiile Revue (Palace) Rockford, 111 LaSalle Musical Stock Co.: (Victoria) Wheeling, Williams, M, Stock Co.: (Oliver) South Bend. (firiiheum) Portland, Ore., 11-10. Vates ft Kced (Keith) Portland, Me.; (Keith) W. Va., indef. Ind.. indef. Murphy A I^ichmar (Orpheuoj) S^ioux City, In. Lowell. Mass., 11-16. I^exlngtonlicxlogton Stock Co.:0>.: I/exlDgton,I/exlngton, Mail.,Mass., indefindef. Winnipeg Stock Co., 0. T. Dowden, mgr.: .Nudell ft Folette (Orpheum) fJrecn Bay, Wls. Young ft- Wheeler (Uarrlck) Wilmington. Del. Uberty Muiical Oom. Co.: (Burbank) Lot An Winnipeg. Can., indef. Nadji, Mile., Co, (8hea) Toronto, Can. York's Dogs (Temple) Rochester. K. Y. gelea, indef. « , • „ Woodward, O. D., Players: Siwkane, Wash., In¬ Noiiette (Keith) Columbus; (Keith) Washington, I Yvcltc ft Saranoff (Orpheum) Los Angeles 4-iO. I Lonergan, Lester, Players: Nsw Bedford, Mass., def. I). C.. 18-23. - indef. Ts Uberty Playen: Oakland. CaL, tedef. Nordstrom ft Pinkham (Princess) MontreoL ma Lyceum Playera, J. L. Moalstey, mgr.: (Lyceum) b'lKjnnell & Blair (Keith) Columhia<. STOCK & REPERTOIRE Dumth. Mum.. mdef, . O'Oorman Giiis, Three (Orpheum) Fresno. Cal. „ vm «... , .•.» Lyric Musical Comedy Co.: (I^rlc) Portland, O’Meers. Josle (Bushwick) Brooklyn; (Kcitli) Academy Playere:*^’*^*”- Raverhlll, Mass, indef.V Ore indef BURLESQUE Washington. D. C.. IMd' fAlba n>a Players:PUT*ra: (Empire)(E»P MontresI, Can.,f*"'* indef.^ MacLe’an, Pauline, Stock Co.: Erie. Pa., indef. On the High Seas (Or;>heum) Oakland, Cal. Alcasar Players:Players. (Alcazar) Portland, 'Ore., Majestic Players: Peoria, 111., indef. Osakl ft Taki (Orpheum) Calgary; (Orpheum) indef. , „ Majestic Theater Players. Wm. Ssvldgc, mgr.: AMERICAN CIRCUIT Vancouver 11-16. » ■ v t AlcaiarAlcazar Players: (Alcaiar)(Alcazar) San Francisco,Franc Perth Amboy, N. J.. indef. Padden, Sarah (Orphenm) Omaha, Neb. indef. t>i . « it « j Manhattan Players; Rochester, N. Y., Indef. American Durlcsquers: (Cadillac) Detroit 4-9; Page, Hark ft Mack (Orpheum) Vancouver, I ^bditorlum Players: Malden, Maw., indef, Marks, May Bell, Dramatic Co.: (New Empire) (Englewood) Chicago 11-16. Can.; (Orpheum) Sattle H HL Auditorium Players; Manchester, N. H., indsf. Montreal, Can., Indef. Auto Ctrls: (iMaza) SprlngOeld. Mass., 4-9; Pandurs, Five (Davis) Pittsburg. Austin, Mildred, Stock Co., No. 1: (Hawaiian I Mitchell Stock C«.: Grand Island, Neb., indef. (Howard) IbWton 11-1(1. Parsons ft Irwin (Lyric) Hamilton, Can.; Gardens) Ix>niaviUe, Ky., indef. Morosco Stock <3o.: (Morosco) Los Angeles. CiL, Aviator Girls; (Star) St. Paul 4-9; (Gaycty) (Keith) Providence 11-16; (Keith) Lowell, I Mildred. Stock Co. No. 2; (Broadway) indef. Sioux City, la., 1012. Mass., 18-2.3. toniavllle. Ky., Indef. Mos<« ft Johnson Stock Co.: (Uberty) Staple- Beauty Review: (Howard) Boston 4-9; (Grand) Perlera Sextet (New Grand) Evansvinc, Ind. Blancy Stock Co.: Baltimore, indef. ton, S. 1., indef. Worcester 11-1*1. PetUeoats (Orpheum) Seattle. Wash.;’(OrpUc- BJ»ney Stock Co.: Cleveland, 0. indef Murphy, Horace, Stock Oo.: (Empress) Lot An- Riuehlrds: (Century) Kansas City, Mo., 9-15; nm) Portland. Ore., 11-16. Blaney Stock Co.: Paterson, N. J.. indef. geles, Indef. (Kmidre) (Jiilncy, HI,, 16. Petti(H)at» (Ori>heum) Madison, Wis. Blaney Stock Co.: Troy, N. Y., Indef. Northampton Playen: (Academy of Mnale) Broadway Belles: (Broadway) Camden, N. J., Plstel ft Cushing (()ri>houni) I. Angeles. Bonstelle, Jessie, Stock Co.: (Garrick) Detroit, Northampton, Mass.. Indef. 7-1); (Dll) Wrlghlstown 10-13; (Grand) Tren- Polly, Oz ft ChU’k (Majestlcl Sprlngtleld. III. Mich., Indef. O'Hara, Warren, Players: (Nsw Bedford) Naw ton 14-16. Prosiier ft .Maret (Orpheum) Oaklaud. Cal.; Brlssac. Virginia, Co.; (Strand) San Diego, CsL, Bedford, Mast., indef. Follies of Pleasnre: (Grand) Woreester, Mass., (Orpheum) Fresno 11-16. indef. Oliver. Otis, Players: (IJTie) Lincoln, Neb., 4-0; (Gayety) Brklyn 11-16. Qnlnn ft Caverlv (KCth) liidl.'inapolis. Booth. Nellie. Players. NelUe Booth, mgr.: (Ken- indef. French Frolics: (Tro<-adero) Philadelphia 4-0; Race ft Edge (Hipp.) Youngstown. ().: (Colonial) yon) Pittsburg indef. Opera Pltyera: (Partona) Hartford, Com., (Casino) Chester 11-13: (Broadway) Camden, Erie, Pa., 11 1C; (Prlm ess) Montreal 18-'23. Brownell Stork Players: (Lyric) Dayton, O., indef. N. J., 14 16. Rajah (Mar.v .Vnderson) I.ouIsvUIo; (Keith) Cin- Indef. m ■». Orpheum Flayers: Reading, Pa., indef. Frolics of the Nlte; (Star) Brooklyn 4-9; (Olym¬ clnnati ll’ld; (Empress) Grand Raixids, Jllch., I Bryant. Marguerite, Players: Troy, N. T., Indef, I Orpheum Stock Co.: Edmonton, Alta., Can., In pic) New York 11-16. Byers, Fred. Stock Co.: (Keystone Park) Sayre. def. Girls Oom the Feg, Can. Seattle. Wash., Indef. fl.. 6an., indef. New York 4-0: (Gayety) i’hiladelpbia 11-16. Reunion, The (Keith) Cleveland: (Keith) Toledo Grownup Babies: (Mlebler) Altoona, Pa.. 7; (Or. 11-16; (Empress) Grand Rapids 18-23. pheuip) York 9; (Gayety) Baltimore 11-16. Rpvnc DC I-uxe (Columbia) Davenport, la, Hello, Paree: (lyreum) Columbus 4-9: (Court) Richards, Chris (Keith) M'asbington, D. C.; Wheeling. W. Va., 11-12; New Castle. Pa., 13; (Keith) Philadelphia 11-16; (Empress) Grand Beaver Falls 14; Caoton, O., 15-16. Rapids, Mich.. 18 23. High Flyers: (Empire) Cleveland 4-9; (Cadil¬ Roach ft McCurdy (Palace) Moline, BL lac) Detroit 11-16. Robb ft Robertson (Keitli) Lowell, Mass. Innuccot Maids: (.Majestic) Scranton. Pa., 4-0; ONE DOLLAR (Armory) Binghamton, N, Y., 11-12; (Uudeon) Robbins (.Mary Anderson) I>oul«viIle; (Keith) Indianapolis 11-16; (Keith) Cincinnati 18-23. Schenectady 13-16. Rodriguez Bros. (On)heum) Winnipeg, Can.; and 25 cents insures you a Billboard eveiy week JoUy Girls: (Garden) Buffalo 4-9; (Empire) (Orpheum) Calgary 11-16. aeveland 1116. Rooney ft Bent (Keith) Indianapolis; (Mary during your stay in Lid Ufte.'s: (Standard) St. Lonlz 4-3; (Ma¬ Anderson) Lonlsrllla 11-16; (Keith) Cin¬ jestic) Indianapolis 11-16. Midnight Maidens; (Gayety) MionaapoUa; 4-9: cinnati 18-23. Rose ft Bernard (Shea) Bnffalo, N. Y.; (Shea) (Star) St. Paul 11-16. WINTER QUARTERS Mlie-a-Mlnute Glrlt: (International) Niagara Toronto 11-16. Ross, Eddie (Davis) Pittsburg; (Keith) Cleve¬ Falls S-9; (Star) Toronto 11 16. Military Maids: (Victoria) I*ittsbary 4-9: land 11-16; (Hipp.) Youngstown 18-23. (West End) UnluntowD 11; (Orpheum) Mc¬ Roth & Roberts (Majestic) Springfield, IlL Keesport 12; (Cambria) Johnstown 13; (Mish-^ lUis-sell, Lillian (Orpheum) Brooklyn; (Davis) The Billboard ler) Altoona 14; (Oriiheum) York 16. Pittsburg 11-16. Mischief Makers: (Caslni)) Chester, Pa.. 7-9; Sale, Chas. (Chic) Palace) New York. (Grand O. II.) S. Bethlehem 11; (Orpheum) Kauinroff ft Gunther (Orpheum) Green Bay, Wls, is there every week. Don’t accept an unreliable sub¬ Easton 12; (Nesbitt) Wllkes-Barr* 13-16. Santl (Colonial) New York. Monte Carlo Girls: (Gayety) Pblladelpbia, Pa.; Santrv ft Norton (Orphenm) Madison. Wls. stitute. From now until (Broadway) Camden, N. J.; 11-13; (Casino) Sea Wolf, The (Ori)hcum) Minneapolis; (Or- Chester I’a., 14-16. (tienm) Duluth 11-16. Oriental Burleslla, ft Co. (Majestic) Springfield, 111. SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER 9; (Majestic) S<'ranton 11-16. Smith ft Austin (Orpheum) Oakland, CaL; (Or¬ Pennant Winners; (Glympic) Sew Y'ork 4-9: pheum) Fresno 11-16. (Haza) SprlngUeld, Mass.. 11-16. Solar Willie (Orplu-iim) Des Moines. Billboard Publishing Co., Pirates: (Gayety) BallliiMre 4-9; (Lyceum) Some Bride (Colonial) Erie, Pa.; (Keith) Day- Washington, D. C .. 11 16. ton 11-10. Cincinnati, Ohio. Razxle Dazzle of H'lS; (Crown) Chicago 4-9; Somewhere In France (Orpheum) Omaha, Neb.; (Gayety) Milwaukee, Wls., 11-16. (Orphenm) St. Paul 11-16. Please send Tho Billboard until Mbj 1,1019, for which Record Breakers: (Grandl Trenton, N. J., 7-9: Somewhere With Pershing (Keith) Philadelphia; (Empire) Hoboken 11-17. (Maryland) Baltimore 11-16; (Keith) Wash¬ 1 enclose $1.25. Review of 191K: (Star) Toronto 4-9; (Garden) ington. 1). C.. 18-2.3. Buffalo 11-10. Spencer ft IVilliams (Temple) Rochester, N. T. Name Social Follies; (Hudson) .Schenectady, N. Y., Standlsh, .Tessle (Keith) Cleveland; (Keith) 6-9; (City O. H.) Watertown 11-12: (Rlcbard- Dayton 11-16; (Colonial) Erie, Pa., 18-23. eon) Oswego 13-14, (International) Niagara Stan Stanley I'rlo (Shea) Buffalo; (Shea) To¬ Address ...... , ■ , Falla 15 16. ronto 11 16. Siieedway Girts; (Majestic) iDdlantlKilIz 4-9; Stanley ft Bimes (Palace) New York. Town (Gayety) I>>uisville 11-16. Steadman, .\l ft F. (Royal) New York; (Al- Tempters: (Gayety) IxjuisvlUe 4-9; (Lyceum) ham)ira) New York 11-16. Colmubtis 11-16. Stephens, Hal (Hipjiodrome) Terre Haute. IntL Trail Hitters; (Gayety) Bns>klyn 4-9; (Nattonal Swor. Bert (Keith) Dayton. O. Winter Garden) New York 11-16. Swor ft- Avey (Oriiheum) Vancouver, Can.; (Or¬ White's, Pat, Gaiety Girls: Canton, 0., 8-9: pheum) Seattle 11-16. (Victoria) Pittsburg 11-16. Tangiiay. Eva (Orpheum) San Francisco 4-16. Chasc-Llster Co., North(>rn, G'.en F. Chase, mgr.: Plnney Theater Stock Go.; Boise, Id.. IndcL World Beaters: (Lyreum) Washington, D. C., 4- Tannen. .Tullus.Itillus (Oriiheum) I.osI,os Angeles 4-16. Hemingfiwd, Neb,, 7-9; Alliance 10-16. Poll Players; (Palace) Hartford, Conn., Indef. 9; (Trocadero) Philadelphia 11-10. Tarzon (Keitlo BoMtou; (Keith) Philadelphia 18- Chicago Stock Co.: (Laktmont Park) Altoona, PoU Stock Co.: Bridgeport, Conn., Indef. 23. Pa., indef. Poll Stock Co.; Worcester, Mass., indef. Tempest Florence, ft Co. (Orphenm) Lincoln, Colonial Musical Comedy Stock: (Colonial) To- Poll Stock (Jo.: Springfield, Mass., Indef. COLUMBIA CIRCUIT Nell.; (Orpheum) Kansas City. Mo., 11-16, ledo, O., indef. Popnlar Ilayer^ Moredock ft Watson, mgrs.: America*! Best: (Orpheum) Patersoo. N. Tlionipson, Jae. (Orpheum) Brisiklyn. Colonial Stock Co.: Baltimore, Md., indef. Bullochville. Ga.. 4-9. 11-16 Tllyoii ft Ward (Keith) Philadelphia. Comerford Players. John Comerford, mgr.: | Princess flayew:Players: Des Moines, la., indef. Bauty’Trust: (Columbia) Chicago 4-9; (Gayety) Tojettl ft- Bennett (Garrick) M'llmington. Del. (Auditorium) Lynn Masa., indef. Pnacess Mus. Com. f'o.: (Sherman) Moose Jaw, Detroit 11-10. Toomer, Henry B.. ft Co. (Oniheum) Vancouver, Central Square Stock (Jo.; Lynn, Mass., indef. Sask., Can., indeLindef. Behman Show: (Ga.vety) St. Louis 4-9; (Ooliim- Can.; (Orpheum) Seattle 11-16. Davis, Walter, Stock Co.: Sharon, Pa.. Indef. Providence Stock Co.: (Majestic) ITovidence,Providence, nia) Chicago 11-16. Tracey ft McBride (Orphenm) Lincoln, Neb.; Day, Elizabetb. Players: (Victoria) Wheeling, R. I.,I.. Indef. Best Show in Town: (Columbia) New York 4-9; (Orpheum) Omaha. Neb., 11-16. W. Va., Indef. Robbins, Clint ft Bessie, Co.: (tycenm) Fergus (Empire) Brooklyn 11 16. Trlx. Helen, ft Sister (Oniheum) Portland, Ore.; DeForest Players: (Home) Untchinson, Kan., lalls,Falls, Minn., 4-9. plU Burles<|ue Review: (Grand O, H.) AkPtn, (Orpheum) San Francisco 11-16. indef. Roma Resde-Edward Keane Stock Co.;Co.: (Sam-(Sam¬ d ^ 7.j)- (star) Cleveland 11-16 Trovato (Orpheum) Madison, Wls. Desmond, Mae, Players: (Orpheum) Germantown, uels O. n.) Jamestown. N. Y..Y.,' Indef. Il„n Toni: (Palace) Baltimore 4-9; (Gayety) TVacy, Palmer ft TYacy (Empress) Decatur, Ill. Philadelphia, indef. Schuster, Milton, Musical Comedy Co. (Majes- Washington D. C., 11-16. Turner ft Grace (Majestic) Springfield. 111. Dominion Players: Winnipeg, Can., indef. tie Camp Theater) Camp Travli, San Antonio, B<-stonlans: lfcmp'lre)'Newark, N. J., 4-9; (Casl- Van ft Scbenck (Keith) Cleveland; (Davis) Pllts- Emerson Playere: (Colonial) Lawrence, Mass., Tex., indef. no) I'hUadelpbla 11-16. burg 18-23. indef. Bhea-Klnslla Players: (Warburton) Yonkers. N. Biwery Burlesquers: (Gayety) Pittsburg 4-9; Vincent, Claire (Keith) Philadelphia. Empire Stock Co.: Salem, Mass., Indef. Y., Indef. (Park) Youngstown 11-13; (Grand O. H.) Ak- Violets (Keith) Portland, Me.; (Keith) Ixiwell. Empress Stock Co.: (Empress) Lansing, Mich., I Shea, P. F.. Stock Co.: Holyoke, Mass.. Indef. Mass.. 11-1C. indef. Sherman Stock Co.: (Magic) Ft. Dodge, la., Iiurlewiue Wonder Shows: (Star) Cleveland 4 9; Vokes, Officer, & Don (Orpheum) Francisco. Empress Stock Co., Sbarman Bsinbridge, mgr.: indef. (Empire) Toledo 11 16. Walzer ft Dyer (Palace) Rockford, IlL Vancouver, B. C., Can., indef. Sbubert Stock Co. (Sbubert) St. Paul, Minn.. Cheer Up America: (Empire) Toledo 4-0; (lyric) Ware, Helen (Alhambra) New York; (Royal) Fulton. Maude. Players, George Ebey. mgr.: 'n4ef. Dayton 11-16. New York 11-16; (Marylandl Baltimore 18-23. (Fulton Playhonae) Oakland. Cal., Indef. Shnbert Stock Co., Harry L. Mlnturn, mgr.: Follies of the Day: (Gayety) Boston 4-9; (Grand) Watts, Jas., ft Oo. (Orphenm) Fresno, Cal.; Galvin’s. James A., Musical Stock: Camp Pike, Mllwinkoe, Wls. Indef Hartford. Coon., 11-16. (Orpheum) Los Angeles 11-16. Little Hock, Ark., indef. Stone. Florence, Stock Co. (Shnbert) Mlnne- cirls of the C. 8. A.: (Oavety) Omaha, Neb.; Weaker One (Maryland) Baltimore; (Hipp.) Grand Musical Players: Roger Gray, mgr.: ■PO”*- „ 9 15; (Gayety) Kansas City, Mo.. 17-28. Youngstown 11-16; (Keith) Cleveland 18-23. Colnmbus, O., Indef. Strand Players: Hoboken. N. J., Indef. Girls De Ixtoks: (Miner’s at 149th St.) New Weber ft Rednor (Empress) Grand Rap'ds, Mich. Grand Stock (Jo.; Tulsa, Ok., indef. Trent Playere: (Trent) Trenfon. N. J.. Indof. York 4 9; (Casino) B(w> 11-16. Wlieeier, Bert, Co (Empress) Grand Rapida, Gran Stock Co.: (Grand) Columbus, O., Indef. Van Dyke-Easton, F. Mack, mgr.: Joplin, Mo., Golden Crooks; (Caeino) D'-tston 4-9; (Columbia) >IIcb. Hallday-l.ang Stock Co.. Robert H. Mclftngblin, Sept 1. indef. New York 11-16. Where Things Happen (Orpheum) I.lncoln, Neb. mgr.; (Opera Honset Cleveland. O., Indef. Vees. Albert. Stock Co.; (Victoria) Wheeling, Hastings', Harry Big Show: (Orphenm) Pater- WTiiffen. Mrs. Thos. (Orpheum) Lincoln, Neb.; Hathaway Players; Brockton, Mass., indef. W. Va.. Indef. wm. n. J.. 4 9; (Mujeetlc) Jersey City 11-16- (Orpheum) Omaha. N(>b.. 11-16. Hoff. Marlon. Stock Co.: Geo. Damrotb, mgr.: Wallace. Chester, Players: (Columbia) Alliance, Hello. America; (Gayetv) Toronto. Can., 4-9. Whipple, Huston, ft Co. (Ori-heum) I>os .Angeles. Branch, N. J.. Indef. O., indef. (Gnyi-ty) Buffalo l'l-16. VITiIte’s Circus (Keith) I.owell. Mass. Hudson Theater Stock Co.: Union Hill, N. J., Warrington ITieater Stock Co.; (Oak Park) Chl- Hip, Hip. Hooray: (Casino) Philadelphia 4-9. Whitfield ft Ireland (Davis) Pittsburg; (Keith) Indef. ctgo, Indef. (Hiirtig & St-amon's) New York 11-16. Cleveland 11-16; (Hipp.) Youngst. IT.) Waterhnry 11-16 W’lihurt. Raymond (Keith i I owell. Mai-s. King, Will, Musical Comedy Stock Co.; (Savoy) Webster Stock Co.f (Pabst) Milwaukee, Wls., Irwin's Big Show: (People's) Philadelphia 4 9: Wilde, Mr. ft Mrs. Gordon (Orphenm) Portland, San Francisco, indef. Indef. (Palace) Baltimore 11 16. Ore.; (Orphenm) San Prancloco 11-16. King's Musical Comedy Co.: (Greeley) Portland, Weir. Mamie, I*layerz: (Kenyon) Plttsbarg, Pa., Irwin's Majesties; (Gayety) Omaha, Neb., 2-8- Williams, Elsie (Keith) Dayton. Me., iodef. Indef. (Gayety) Kansaa City, Mo., 10-16. NOVEMBER 9, 1918 T ti e Billboard 47

Kelly. Lew. Shows; (Colonial) Proridence 4-9; Three Faces Bast, (Western) Coban A Harris, Ikey A .\bey Co.. Geo. H. Bubb, owner: Bud Kennedy, Con T., Shows, Con T. Kennedy, mgr.: (Gayety) Boston 11-16. mgrs.: (Olympic) Chicago, Indef. Schaffer, mgr.: Olds, Alta., Can., 6; Innis- Kansas City. Mo. liberty Girls; (Casino) Brooklyn 4-9. Thurston, the Magician. R. R. IlshiT, mgr.: fail 7; Ponoka 8; Laeomln) 9; Stettler 11; Keystone Expositkm Shows. Mathew J. Riley A Maids of America; (lorrlc) Dayton 4-9; (Olym¬ (Lyceum) Rochester, N. Y., 4-9. Camrose 12; Luiigbeed 13; Unity, Sask., Can., Sam Mechanic, mgrs.: 148 Bergen at., New¬ pic) Cincinnati 11-16 . Toot Toot, Henry W, Savage, mgr,: Boston, In¬ 14; Wilkie 1.Y; Bigger 16. ark, N. J. Merry Rounders; (Star & Garter) Chicafo 4-9; def. Jewel-Golden Co., Max Golden, mgr.: Miami, Landcs-Burkbolder Shows, J. I^ Landes, mgr.: (^rcbell) Dos Moines 10-12. Uncle Tom's Cabin Co., Wm. H. Kibble’s: Co¬ Fla.. Indef. Mall 430 W. 11th St,, Kansas Cltv, Mlllloa-Dollar Dolls; (Gayety) St. Louis 11-16. lumbus. Ind.. 6; Seymour 7; BlrHimlngton 8; Kilgore’s Beaus A Belles: (Pastime) Pensacola, .Mo. Ob. Girl; (Hartlg & Seamon's) New York 4-9; Terre Haute 9; SnrlngUeld, III., 10; Canton Fla., Imlef. Liberty Shows, S. Battlato, mgr.: 323 Ellzabelh (Park) Bridgeport, Conn.. 14-10. 11; Burlington, la^ 12; Monmouth, Ill., 13; King’s, Bob. Southern Maid Co.: (Wilder) Camp st., Hagerstown, Md. Pnss-Puss Show; (Gayety) Rochester, N. Y., Galesburg 14; Peoria 15-16. Forest, Ga.. Indef. Little Giant Shows, Frank D. Corey, mgr.: lO-j 4-9; (Baitable) Syracuse 11-18; (Lumberg) Under Orders: (Eltinge) New York, Indef. King's, Frank. Dainty Girls: (Rippodrome) Army Wabash st.. St. Paul. Minn. rtlca 14-16. Unknown Purple, Roland W’est, mgr,: (Lyric) City, Kan., 4-9. McQuay Carnival Co., Wayman McQnay, mgr.. Reeres'. Al. Own Company; (Gayety) Detroit •New Y’ork, indef. Kirkland's, Bennie. California Copies: Bork- Stockton Park, N. J.; office, Sll 8. 8th St.. 4-9; (Gayety) Toronto 11-16. Where Poppies Blonm, Marjorie Rambeau: (Re- humett. Tex., 4-18. Camden, N, J, Roseland Olrlt: (Gayety) Kansas City, Mo., pnblio) New Y’ork, indef. I.ocb’s, Sam. llipp, Hip, ILxtray Girls: Orange. Majestic Shows, Nat Narder. mgr.: 28th A 3- 8. Zlegfrld Midnight Fpc'.lc: (New Amsterdam Tex.. Indef. Market st., WheeUng. W. Y’a.; offlee, McLure Sightseen: (Gayety) Buffalo 4-0; (Gayety) Roof) New York, Indef. Lord A Vernon Musical Comedy Co., No. 1; Hotel Bldg. iLvliester 11-16. Little Rock, .Vrk., Indef. Martlu A Brown .Ymusement Co., Martin A Social Maids; (Olympic) Cincinnati 4-9; (Star Matthew's, Happy Ben, World of Novelticn Co.; Brown, mgrs.: 7.'>0 Wacbtel nve., St. Louls,.Mo, A Garter) Chicago 11-16. B<»x 38, Syracuse, O., indef. Miller's, A. B.. Greatest Shows, A. B. Millar, Sporting Widows; (Gayety)) Wasblngtun, D. C., TABLOIDS Mile a Minute Girls, K. K. Mersercan mgr.: mgr.: Wilkes-Barre, I'a.; offlee, 35 East Union 4- 9; (Gayety) Pittsburg 11-16. 47.’52 Pearl Road, Cleveland. O., IndeL st. Star A Garter Show; (Jaetines O. II.) Water- Bernard, Al A Gertrude, Girls A Boys From Morton’s Kentucky Belles; (Olympic) Newp.vrt M. I’, V, Greater Shows, \. R. Lavoie, mgr.: bnry. Conn., 4-0; (Miner's at 140tb St.) New Dixie: (Bonita) Atlanta. Ga., 4-9. News, Va.. 4-9. I'. O. Biix 1412, ottaw.a, Ont., Can. York 11-16. Cash Ac Snyder’s Big Musical Revue: (Model) Step Lively Girls; (Park) Bridgeport. Conn., Sioux City la., Indef. (Continued ou |>age 63) Murphy, J. F.. Gilt Edge Shows. J. F. .Murphy, 7-9; (Colonial) ProTldence. R. 1., ii-io. D’wnard's. \ irge. Roseland Maids: Camp Beau¬ mgr.; Box 73. I'hattanooga, Tenn. Sydell's, Rose, Ixmdon Belles; (Empire) Al¬ regard, Alexandria. La. Northwestern Sleuvs. F. L. Flack, uigr.; 16 E. bany, N. T.. 4-9; (Casino) Boston 11-16. Geran’d Record Breakers, Jack Oerand, mgr.: Wofsihridge st., Dctridt, Mich. Twentieth Century Mabla; (Gayety) Montreal IStrand) San .\ntonio, Tex., tnn. mgr. Dayton. O. Plltwam .\mu>enieut Co., F. E. .Pllbeaiu. mgr.. DRAMATIC (fc MUSICAL •Middlevllle, .Mi< h. A Stitch In Time, Irene Fenwick; (Fulton) New WHERE THEY WILL WINTER Polack Bros.' 20 Big Slows. Irv. J. Polaek York. Indef. mgr.: Petersburg. Va. An Ideal Husband, John D. Williams, mgr.; Rex Amusement Co.. Frank Schweitzer, mgr.: New York. Indef. Johnson Bldg,, 2300 Market st.. Wheeling, W. .Ynctloneer, The David Wardcld: (Manhattan Below Is a partial list of Circuses, "Wild Wests and Miscellaneous Shows Va. 0. U.) New York 4-0. and the places where they will winter. If you have a show and it is not listed, Richards. R. T., Shows, R, T. Richards, mgr.: Be Calm, Camilla; (Booth) New York, Indef. nil out the blank below and mall It to The Billboard at once: Luna i’ark. Coney Islaml, New York. Blue Pearl. The Shnberts. mgrt.: (Loew’s 7th Rubin A Cherry si)ws. Uubla Gruberg. mgr.: Ats.) New York, indef. •Montgomery. Ala. Bringing Up Father. John Persall, mgr.; Sher- Savldge, tValter. .Vmuse.ment Co., Walter Sav- C1RC176 A WHS WIST Sparks. John H.. Shows, Charles Sparke, mgr.: brooke, Ont., Can^ 11; St. Johnsbnry 12; Idge. nvgr.: Wayne. Neb. Salisbury, N. C. , White River IS; naremont 14. Ackerman Rivers Show, Charles F. Curran, Sound Amusemeut Co., F. W. Babcock, mgr.: A U. S. Circus Corp., Frank P. Spellman, pres.: Canary, The. Julia Sanderson A Joseph Caw- .Vrllngtvin Hotel, Seattle, Wash. mgr.; 768 Lafayette ave., Brooklyn. N. Y. Toledo, O. thorn; (Globe) New Y'ork. indef. Arp'a, Emil A., Great American Circus, Emil United Exposition Shows, Marion Sterman. mgr.: Wenona’s, Princess. Weetem Show, E. W. Len¬ Carla, Klchard. In Furs A FriUs, Max Spleg-.-l. 9’24 Beech ave., Ilttsburg, I’a.; mall address. A. Arp, mgr.: 4th A Ceader its., Davenport, ders, mgr.: Somertoa. Pa. mgr.; Oucliw. Ont., Can., 7; London 6-9; Box lltyj. l8. West Bros.’ Circus: Dayton, 0. Stratford 11; Woodstock 12; Chatham 13; Atterbary's Trained Wild Animal Show. R. L. United Amusement Co.. J. V. Morasca, mgr.: 8 Yankee Robinson Circus, Fred Buchanan, mgr.: Pert Huron 14; Saginaw. Mich., 15; Bay City Spring st . Oil City, Pa. •Mterbury, mgr.: 430 Montgall Ac Nlchollaon Granger, la. 16; Ann Arbor 17; Flint IS. aves., Kansai City, Mo. Velare Bros.’ .Yttracti’ns. Velare Bros., mgrs : Charity's Aunt. Miller A Bister, mgrs.; Savan¬ Bailey. Mollle. Shows, Bailey Bros., mgrs.: CABVIVAL COMPAVIES Hamm >nd, Ind. nah. Oa., 6; Brunswick 7; Jacksonville. Fla., And>rson Amusement Co., Harrison AndeT»<'D. Hnniton. Tex. Virginia .Vmiisement Co., W. L. Jamison, mgr.: mgr.: North Platte, Neb. 9; Waycrosa. Ga., 0; TIfton 11; Fitzgerald Barnet, Al 0., Cirens, Al O. Barnes, prop.: Box 431. Norton. Va. 1); •Uawklnavllle IS; Amcricus 14. Venice, Oil. B. A B. Shows, B. C. Bet*ley, mgr.: 1273 Folsom Williams’ Standard Shows, Ben WlIlLsms, mgr.; Cbu Chin Chow; (Shubert) B<>stoD, Indef. St.. San Francisco. CaL Barnum A Bailey. Greateet Show oa Earth. Blng- Jersey City, N. J. Care for Curables. Wm. Hodge: (Studebaker) Baldwin United Shows, G. A. Baldwin, mgr.: Williams’ Standard Shows. Ltd.: Paterson, N. Chicago Ang. 81. Indef. Ilng Bros., propi.: Bridgeport, Conn.; Eastern 637 S. Potomac st., Baltimore, Md. olflce. Palace ’Iheater Bldg., New York City; J.; offices. I.'i47 Broadway. New York City. Daddies; (Belosco) New York. Indef. Bernsrdl Greater Shows, Felix ^rnardl, mgr.:* WwHly’s Great Shows. R. Woody, mgr.: 1427 Western offlee, 221 Institute Place, Chicago. Everything; (Hippodrome)) New York. Indef. Twin Falls. Id. Moffltt st., Joplin. Mo. Eyas of Yontb, Margaret Illlngton: (Princess) Wortham A Rice Caravan. Walter F. Stanley, Chicago, Indef. mgr.: Houston, Tex. Eyes of Yontb. Alma Tell; (39th St.) New York, Indef. Wortham, C, A., World’s Greatest Kx]->sitlon riddlert Threa. Jtdm Oort, mgr.: New Y'ork, Sh')ws. C. A. vVortham, prop.: San Antonio. tngef. Tex. Forever After, Alice Brady: (Central) New Zeldman A Polllt Shows, H. J. Ptollle A Wm. York. Indef, WHERE WILL YOU WINTER? Zeldman, mgrs,: 7r>6 Parla ave.. Grand Rap¬ Precklea, Lonls RamsdsII, L^ll A Dorsey, ids. Mich. agrt.: Lebanon. Kan., 6; PhllUpsburg 7; MI8GELLANEOT76 Kerwln h: Logan 9: Stockton 10; (Hbome 12; Kindly ^ve the Information on this card and idail same to The Bill* Salina IS: Ellsworth 14. i Anderson’s Ten Nights in a Barroom Co.. Clyde Freedom: (Centnry) New York. Indef. board. Cincinnati, for publication in our winter quarters list. E. Anderson, prop. A mgr.: 331 N. Vermont Friendly Enemies, Louis Maun A Sam Bernard, ave., .\tlantle City. N. J. A. II. Woods, mgr.: (Uudsoo) New Y'ork. ia- Bn>adway Follie-. M. V. Davis, mgr.: 1018 def. Name of Show. i N. nth St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Friendly Enemies, .41 Sbean A Gus Weinberg, A. Bryant’s New Show Ibiat. Billy Bryant, mgr.: II. Wo>ds, mgr.: Chicago, III., Indef. Name of Proprietor or Manager. Gallatin, Pa. Girl Behind the Gnn: (New Amsterdam) Now Burton's Vaudeville A Pietiire Show, Harry Bur¬ York. Indef. Description of Show. ton. mgr.: Flowerfleld. Mich. Glorlana. Eleanor Painter: (Liberty) New York, Carter Dramatic »’<>.. J.vs. E. Carter, uigr.:'t Indef. Closes at. Ewing at.. I't. Wayne. Ind. Going Up (Western): St. Lonls, Mo,. 4-9. Carter. John. Tent Show: Winter, WI-. napplnets, with lanrette Tiylor: (StandanI) Date of Closing. Cbase-I.later Tent -■^h-iw, W. T LL-ter A R. G. New York. Indef. Kingston, mgr-.: Newton, la. Read Over Heels. Mltsl Hajos, Henry W. Sav¬ Address of Winter Quarters. Colton Stock .\bey .Ybrani, mgr.: 118 .s. age. mgr.: New York, indef. Broadway, Butler, Ind. Information, Please, Jane Cowl; (Selwyn) New Conger A .Santo’s Vaudeville A Picture S1k>w. York. Indef. -Vlexander Santo, mgr.: 396 Senei-a st.. lYilton. Jark-o'-ijintem. Fred Stone: (Colonial) Chicago, N. Y. Indef. (Give address of offlees here if yon have any). Craig Family. E. L. Craig, mgr.; 14.1 N. Mill Ladies First, Nora Bayes: (Broadhnrst) New woaki>ta .Max Wild West Shew, Max T. Sanders, cago Heights, 111. Mutt A Jeff, Joe Pettlngill, mgr.: Saranae l.ske, mgr.: Coalton, O. uigr.: Fair Grounds. Birmingham. Ala. Clifford Model .Shows, A. Gifford, mgr.: lll.T N. Y., 6* Malone T: Potsdam S; Messina I*. Jolly Dixie stsiw. 11. L. Wilson, mgr.: 42!) North Eseahinte Bros.’ Show. .Marino Escalante, mgr.: UtKine st., Boone, la. Mott A Jeff. Billy Barry, mgr.: Hagerstown. Eastern ave.. .billet. III. 1016 Stafford st., Santa .\ns. Cal. Coney Island Shows, Walter Wilcox, mgr.: Whar¬ Pa., 6; Iiynchburg 0. Jones Conoessi'in Co.. .\. II. Jones, mgr.: 5th Gentry Bros.’ Show, Jake Newman A J. B. .Vu»- ton, .N. J. Nothing But Lies, Wm. Coltter: (Longaere) •Yve.. Danville. Ky. tin. props.: Preston avc., near Buffalo Bayou, Corey Greater Shows, E. S. Corey, mgr.: North New Y’ork. lnavenwortb. Kan. Brownell, mgr.: Bellalre, o., 6; Zanesivllle 7: Capac, Mieh. Horne’s Wild Animal Shows. E. P. A I. S. Ferarl, Col. Francis. Shows United. W. T.. Athens 8; Parkersburg. W. Y’s.. 9: Fairmont Horne, props.: 1 ndependem-e Mo.; Office, 318 Wyatt, mgr.: IVttstown. Pa. Krause .Ymusement-. I.eIloy Kausa, mgr.: Zle- 11; PbIMppI 12; Caml>erland. Md., 14; Union- Keith A Perry Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Ferarl, Jos. G.. Greater Expi\ Shows. Jos. G. bers Park, Lansdale, Pa. town. Pa.. 1M6. Mae-Taff St> Silver Family Show. Bert Silver, mgr.: Crystal. Jones. Johnny J.. Exposition Shows, Johnny J. , Wlls-m's Comedians. F. R. Wilaon, mgr.; P. O. Uef. Ulcb. ^ Jones, prop.: Birmingham, Ala. I Box 220, Tyler, Tex.

'i 48 TlieBlllboaPd November 9,1918

“The slides have attracted wide approvaL We Allies. Supporting the film star in this pro- LARRY PEYTON MOTION PICTURES prepared seven different slides, which are being ductloo are Jack Holt. Henry Woodward, distributed by exhibitors' State leagues. They Eleanor Fair, Bobby Connolly, John Steppling, First Soldier-Photoplayert To Lose contain quotations from prominent people, statis¬ I illlan Leighton, Elmo Lincoln, E. M. Kimball, Life on Battlefield tical information and reasons why the nation the star’s father, and Eugenie Besserer. The di¬ Aid War Work Campaign should oversubscribe the United War Work Cam¬ rection was by Edmnnd Mortimer. Ij09 Angeles, Oct. 28.—I.awrence Ross Peyton, paign Fund.” one of the most promising of yonng film actors, MaeManus has asked this publication to make TO SUPPORT WILLIAf^ESMOND was the first soldler-pbotoplayer to Io«e his life this publie acknowledgment of the committee’s on the battlefield for the cause of liberty. Dick 150,000 Exhibitions Planned To appreciation of the efforts of those who have Los .Angeles, Oct. 26.—Snnshlne Mary .Ander¬ Willis, well-known Los Angeles publicity pro¬ contributed to the success of the motion picture son has been engaged by Jesse Hampton to sup¬ moter, pays this tribute to the fallen player: Show War Service of Y. M. port William Desmond in his first picture under program. The United War Campaign will be .So Larry Peyton’s gone! And we, his friends, Hampton’s management, ants of the movie boys bare gooe, and more the y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., Knights of Co¬ to boost the Liberty Loan drive—all men who .Astor Tlieater Building that colored churches will join "The Show,” lumbus, Jewish Welfare Board, American Li¬ But lAiry bas won immortal fame—he was the brary Association. War Camp Community Service first to go! and Salvation Army. To carry on the program of war service, which has been intrusted to these TO AUCTION LUSITANIA MEDAL organizations, the American people are asked to contribute $170,.'i00.000. Kfforts wiil be made, New York, Nor. 2.—.Allee Brady. Select Pic¬ however, to raise at least a quarter of a billion tures star, whose next attraction. Her Great dollars. Chance, will be distributed dnring November, Early in the fall a motion picture committee, will anctlon off for the Red Croea at the Cen¬ with E. A. MaeManus as chairman, S. I,. Roth- tral Theater on the evening of Saturday, No¬ apfel, William A. Johnson and other men prom¬ vember 9, one of the Infamons Lniltania Medals inent in filmland, was formed to co-op<*rate with that Kaiser Wilhelm distributed among bis of¬ the United War Work Campaign. Tliis com¬ ficers three days before the memorable destruc¬ mittee began operations with an attempt to ob¬ tion of that great ship. tain more motion picture circulation than had Miss Braity came into possession of the medal ever been obtained liy (-imilar means for any tl\m Private Charles A. Abrams, In normal times single idea. How successful has iteen this at¬ a member of the Select staff, who asked that It tempt is shown by the following statement from be auctioned off for the Red Cross. Private Mr. 'MacManns; .Abrams is now attaebed to the Signal Corps, and is doing bis hit “over there.” “We decided to concentrate uism news reels, The medal was captured by Private Abrams and at once obtained the hearty co-operation of from a German otHeer on the Western front, and the rniversal, I’athe. Mutual and Oaiimont com¬ altbo several of these medals were sent to panies. The Bray Pi<-tograpli has incorporate*! •Vmerics before we entered the war the one wblch eeveral subjects along lines suggested by us Miss Brady will aiirtlon off is the first one for distribution by Paramount. This cori'oratlon aetuslly taken from the Huns by one of Uncle Is also releasing much United War Work ma¬ warriors. terial brought from Eurofto by Burton Holmes and Ineoriiorated in his Travelogues. Special material taken abroad by Newman is being dis¬ PANTAGES PRAISES SERIAL tributed by the Edm-ational Film Corjmration. New York. Nov. 2.—Hands Up. Patbe’s West¬ At the same time li. E. iiamxH-k has been mak¬ ern serial, starring Ruth Roland, is rleaning up ing his Around tlie Clock series in American all along the line, and among the enthnsiaatic camps. rummendatinns that have voluntarily been made “The committee arranged all this material that of Alexander Pantages Is the most im¬ With a view to providing seven hundred prints a pressive. Mr. Pantages wired to Paul Brunet, of week. In spite of unusual and unexpected ob¬ Pathe, as follows: have participated in some of the severest fight¬ stacles w-e have been able to reach this goal and social organizations of colored people thrn- “Patlie’s serial. Hands Up, is a very elaborate ing of the war—took part in the hospital scene over a space of nine weeks. More than 6.000 ont the United Slates are taking a keen inter¬ and well staged produet. containing many ex¬ for the forthcoming Screen Classios, Inc., pro¬ prints, therefore, are available for distribution est in the showing of the new iiicture, and that citing episodes. Ruth Roland makes a big ap¬ duction, Wilson or the Kaiser, by Maxwell In as many of the 14.000 motion picture thea¬ the original number of prints will have to be in- peal. Hands up Is playing first run In all of Karger, which is now in course of production ters as are uot closed by epidemic conditions. crea-sed to meet the demand. my theaters, and. until the epidemic, bad broken under the direction of Charles Miller. The response of the exhibitors' aesorlations has A preliminary showing of the plctnre was an- serial re»-ords everywhere.” been nnamimous in following the lead of Mr. The scene represented one of the numerous nonneed to take place at Lafayette Hall, 13‘Jd Eothapfel. Red Cross convalescent hospitals in England, and and Seventh avenue, New York, at a bail given EXECUTIVES OF NEW COMPANY “One of the special features initiated by the many realistic touches were suggested by the by the 15th Infantry, the colored regiment, Sat¬ interested Tommies themselves, such as pinning urday night, November 2. committee bas been in the proon an absolute¬ O. Ilusted and Myron Seiznick have taken the cots of the men who had won them. ly new idea by hooking up tlie outdoor i>oster LEE CHILDREN ON COAST exeenllve end of the new Virginia Pearson Flim campaign with tap motion picture campaign. Company, altho Miss Pearson is under contract This bas been accomplished by ‘shooting’ the GENUINE CIRCUS FILMED Los Angeles, Nov. 2.—Katherine, eight, and with William Fox, but this contract expires the posters, animating them with living pictures Jane, five, the two Lee photo stars of the Fox first of the year. Sheldon Lewis will support Los Angeles, Oct. 28.—The Lure of the Cirrus, and then fading hack to the original posters. Frodneing Company, are now in Hollywood, but Miss Pearson in her own prodnctlons. “In addition to members of the motion picture starring Eddie Polo, one of the biggest serials will not begin work on their next picture until ever produced, depicts some very stirring Industry mentioned above as contributing to the the ban is lifted about the middle of this month. FOX LEASES THEATER success of the moti<>n picture iirogram of the events. Many of the scenes were taken while Arvld E. Gillstrum, who directed the famous stars of the sawdust ring were performing their United War Work Campaign, the Y. .M. C. X., starlets in their last three pictures, will have Minneapolis, Nov. 2.—The Shuhert Theater marvelous stunts before the camera and some Knights of Columbus and Salvation Army ol)- supervision of the direction of their coming here has been lease*! by William Fox, forming of the feats were never seen outside of a big talned mnch material in Europe, thru their own production. one of tlie ehaln of the Fox clrrult of motion circus. This film will give movie fane an representatives. Eric Mayell, of the ‘Y’ forces, pletnro houses. John Zauft, general manager opportunity to witness two shows in one—a real recently returned ffom France with 5,000 feet FOREIGN FILM COMMISSIONER of the Fox CIreult, will start work im¬ circus performance on the screen and the pic¬ of excellent film, mnch of it obtained under ex¬ mediately remodeling and renovating the 8hn- ture play, J. P. McGowan directed the pro¬ tremely hazardous conditions. On this side Leo New York, Nov. 2.—Fred O. Sllter, manager of bert, A great pl|M> organ Is to be Installed and duction. Wharton worked enthusiastically with the com¬ the New York Branch of the Mutnal Film CoriKj- a full symphony ori-hesira will be reeriiited from mittee in directing varions subjects. ration, has been appointed foreign film commis¬ the city’s miisirians. special orchestra pit. “Bex Beach and Kenneth C. Beaton aided THE ROAD THRU THE DARK sioner by the Committee on rubllc Information, with a sounding board at the back, la to be built, greatly with ideas, titles, etc. Mr. Beach also U. S. Government, and sails for France early In so that the best tone effe*-ts may be obtained. collaborated with Mr. Botbapfel on a special New York, Nov. 2.—Clara Kimball Young’s November to fill hit new post. Fox Bupcrfcatiires exoluslvely will be exploited. five-reel feature, covering the work of the cam¬ next Select Picture, The Road Through the Dark, paign. for release thru Goldwyn. The epidemic has been completed at the Young Hollywood MEMBER OF FOUR-MINUTE MEN HOME, JAMES’ BLUEBIRD FILM may interfere with the elaborate preparations Studio and the print is on its way to New York, made for the showing of this feature, but other¬ where it will be cat and titled and made ready New York, Nov. 2.—William Dnncan, Holly¬ Ix>s .Angetes, Oct. 28.—,A1 Kay finished work on wise the motion picture program bas not felt fttr distribution as a November attraction. The wood, <’al., Vitagraph star, now In New York his latest picture oppos'te Ruth Clifford at *b® the restrictions inspired by influenza aa much as script i« adapted from Mand Radford Warn-n’s visiting his parents, bas been elected a member Bluebird studioa recently. Home, James, bas have the usual run of features. thrilling story of the early period of the war. of the •Four-Minute Men Organization because of been seleeted as the title of the feature, and "By concentrating on news reels we were Miss Young bas the role of a young French girl, his brilliant work in connection with the recent the company went to Ixmg Beach to film tbo fortunate, as we escaped the embargo placed Gabrlelle, who ia held captive by German of- Liberty Ixtan drive. He la the only actor to be last scene in front of the well koowo VlrglnlA upon the distribution of new fehtniea. Accra and later becomes an important aid to the thus honored. QoteU

V NOVEMBER 9. 1918 e B a 49

HEARTS OF LOVE BRENTWOOD FILM CORP. First Release of the American Feature TERRITOIIY CLOSING FAST. SOME SOUTHERN AND WESTERN STATES STILL OPEN. To Produce Series of Feature Pictures Film Corporation, New Producing and Releasing Company Iy*s .\ngeles. Nor. 1.—The Brentwood Film ARE YOU FIT TO MARRY? Corp<>rallon h a new producing orgaulzatioa New York, Not. 2.—Tbo Amorlrnn Featare Features DR. HARRY J. HAISELDEN. of Bollinger baby rase fame, better known than the film stars, having plaiinlag to do a series of feature pictures with had four mlllinn dollars’ worth of publicity, supported by an all-star east. One of the biggest features on the nim Corporation of OreenTlIle, S. baa re- market. A pbdure tndorsed liy press, pulpit and all civic organtzattons. A red blooded story with a real kh-k. all star casts. The studios of the Mena Film eenlly taken New York otBres on the sixth floor Htrong lobby display. I’la.\liig only the leading theatres to record receipts and teeeivliig mure favorable comments ('••rjioratlim at 4Sii Fountain avenue are usitl of the Cninller Itiilldlna, W. Forty-second and press nutlcea than any other producllon on the market Write for trims. and the first picture Is now well under way etreet. with TiMinias Kedtllng In charge of sales MAGNET FEATURE FILM EXCHANGE. 112 No. La Salta St.. Chicago. Illlaolt. umler the direction of King W. Vidor. .and pnbllcatloD. Included in the east are Helen Jerome Eddy, H. A. Tunsll, of Orei'nTlIle, S. C., Is presi¬ formerly with George Behan In a number of dent of the American Keatnre Klim Corieiratlon. SPECIAL PRINTED I>rouhlic was BIG TICKET AT THE SIVIAEE PRICE with sex. but leals with everyday problems of in a turmoil, action s|>eeds to the times of the Your own rtpevtal Ttrkel. any printing, any colors, accurately numtered. average peai>lrs and stormy scenes in dated. Stock Tuketa, 5,000. tl.2S; 25.000, $5.00; 50.000, $7.00; 100,000, State and Natl mal l-eglslatares, their outdoor $10 00. WILL RELEASE THRU PATHE and Imhs'r settings are of great tH-aufy, slave NATIONAL TICKET CO., Shamokin, Pa. eidrotles. idantatlon scenes and a wealth of New York, Nov. 2.—"riie W. W. TTodklnson rich .American national color are also seen In Corporation announces that commencing Novem¬ 5C.000 feet he pltotograpbed daring the many Flag to Prance series. The World Film Corpo¬ the idcttin-. ber 25 It has arranged to make use of tho months of a hatartlous cmlse covering lo.OOlt ration, which handles the general distribution The lo\e »l*>ry In which Edna Mayo ami Glad¬ exchange facilities of Pathe Exchange in dis¬ miles thru the Solnmun and New Hebrides Is¬ of .Vmerlca’s -Ynswer and Under Four Flags, ex¬ den nnies are the leading figures Is. however, tributing to exhibitors the various productions lands. Some of the pictures were screened a empts California, Michigan, outside of Detroit, the strongest theme of Hearts of Love, Miss now on Its list. The prisluctions Included in few weeks ago .at the RIvoIl Theater, where they which la under the dlrecthm of the Michigan nins all le'arts In the picture—hence the the above, whieh have previously been going scored a sensational hit. His l«-eture has isiw War ITeparednesa B.iard at l-ansing, aad North title. thru the General Film Company to b« trana t>e>‘n incori»rated into explanatory and humor- Dakota, which *g handled- by the North Dakota J. fharles Hayilen directed the picture which ferred to work thru Pathe. are the Jesse D oils subtitles, so that the captions carry the Council for Defense at Blsmarck- was pbotographeil by Will C. Smith. Hampton Prisiin-tlons. featuring J. Warren Ker. real flavor of adventure. MiK’h time has been rigan. I.IIlian Walker. Ressie Rarriseale. Ixtuis* s[ient whipping the title and continuity of the Glaum and Douglass Natural Color Films. WILLIAM A. BRADY story into perfect shape. Cannibals of the South OLIVE TELL NOW METRO STAR Seas will be released in two parts of approx Announces Completion of Little Women New Tort, N.'v. 2.—Olive Tell makes her de¬ FINISHES KATE OF KENTUCKY iniately 5,000 feet each- but as a ful’fledged Metro star In the screen New Vi'tk. ;wv. •♦. — William .\. Brady an¬ New York, Nov. 2.—.May .\lllson has finished version of Secret Strings, noder the personal nounces the coniVletioo of bis picturization of HAROLD EDEL, her work In Kate of Kentucky, the prmlnctloii supervision of Maxwell Karger. William Kelly, l.lttle W.'tuen, and the bringing to life on the following Tlie Return of Mary and The Testing who played with lyu Tellegen in the stage pro- sere, n of four of the mi*t famous characters In Manager of Strand, New York, Dies of of Mildred Vane, at Metro’s West coast studios duotinn of Secret Strings, will have the male Amerh an literature—the four little women, Influenza in Hollywooil. Tlie star was directed hy Robert lend in the picture, and Marie Wainwrigbt will M. g Jo. Beth ind .\my. Thomby, and camera man was William E. FU- also play an important role. John luce Is di¬ For forty years Foiiisa M. Alcott’s famoo» New York, Nov. 4.—Harold E. Edel. manager dew. recting the prislnctl'm. story has lM.«.n read and loved the world over, of the Strand Theater, died of Influen/a here l.lttle Women has tieen translated Into more Satnrday. Mr. Eilel was twenty-nine years of WORK AS LABORERS latigiiage^ the works of Dickens, and its age and one .if the best known motion picture ANOTHER PROPAGANDA FILM apiieal (s.ntinties a« strong today as It was when theater managers in tlie country, an-1 very pop¬ Seattle, Oct. 2S.—The members of the North- first piihllshnl. Fractlcally every woman and ular in film clrclea generally. He was ill luit Ijos Angeles, Not. 1.—Elmer Clift m com¬ we-i Film Board of Exelinnges offered their girl in this country has read or Is reading two day*. menced work at the Suns«-t studios on a lo-w services in a bisiy to the Government shipyards tle and this Is si>er Mertmee’s entire story of Dm Nazlmova in the Liberty Loan Picture. Wom¬ For U. S. Division of Films Joae's adventures, and presents actual Spanish an of France, a Metro contribution to the L^a SOL LESSER acenes. Including a lively bullfight In Seville’s A nnmtier of special representatives of the Drive. own ball ring. Dlvlsl.m of Films, of the Committee on Public Gets Official Film for California Informatt.'n, have been namcl. and have as- THEATERS AS HOSPITALS snme.l. n of rnlfed RETURNS TO STAGE of D.iiiestlc Distribution. They are; H. J. States nrtlcial War Films of tlie t'alifornla State Porto Rico. Nov. 2.—During tlie earthquakes Marshall* .Mlanta. Oa.: J. K Both. B.«|..n; M. Council of Ib-fen-e. will handle the diD Lo., .\ngeles. Oct. —.\dda Gleason has made In Porto Rii'o all motion pii-tiire theaters in F. lask. r. Buffalo; M. J. .<»ulllvan. Chlcag.>: J. of Coder four Flags, tb.' third war feature her last motion picture for some little time. Mayaatiez and .Vguadilla, tlie l.irgt«t towns on G. Conner, Indianapolis; J. I*. Taylor, Salt I.ake plrtnre of the Division of Minis. Committee .>n The lure ..f the fiwdllghts seems to have proven the Western coast of the island, have b(>en con¬ City: Nert Thaleber, New Orleans; Bussell I’uldte Inf-T-iia’i'-n. Mr. has also han¬ a little stronger than that of the screen, for she verted Into temiMwary hospitals until after the Shanihan and Sydney S|Hab>n. New York City; dled the I'lbf'irnia distribution of I’ersbing'a ha* signed to be leading lady at tlie Lilierty season for quakes is over. Fills .V. W.s.lf, lltlsbiirg; J. F. M.-I oiighlln. Crusaders and .\iiiertca's .Ynswer, the first two Tlieater in Oakland, and will start work there Sf. lyuits; Frank Colfentierry, Seattle; I«‘e Cran¬ war plctiiris in the Governiueot’s Foll.^wing the the second week In November. PATHE GETS DESLYS FILM dall. Wjsliington, D. C.: J. A. Needham, Cleve¬ land. New York. Sov. 2.—Paul Brunet, of PatlM .\1I the elites namerl are centers of distrleta i Exchange, ann-itmces that be has secured In¬ which the S|ieela1 rei«resentatlves will r.>ver for ; LOS ANGELES NOTES fatuation, a six rei-l feature, starring Gaby the picture outiuit of the Division of Fllnia. I Deslys. It will be released as a si>ecial feature Decembi'r 1. and is dcs< rilu d as a «iiperpron I'y tin- i:< lipse Hotel Aator, New York Maude Fealey has decided to go Into ple- is in Los .\ngeles for a few days conferring Film Co. Snpport'ng Mile. D-s!.vs are M. Slg- tnres. Miss Fealey came here with the I-Ittle New Y'ork. Noy. 4. — .\ motion picture event with film producers in reference to marketing noret, one of the celelirate.! aefi-rs of France; Teacher Compuny last week, but on aci-ount of pf unusual lDler.-sl and Imixirlancf will be the some of their prcsloctiODS in the Orient and Harry Pilcer. her .Ymerican dancing partner, the 'tin'' the ismiiuiny was disbanded and presentation of Martin Johnson’s C.annibals of antipodes. and others whose fame Is more than local. The future date I'anceled. the South 8.-as to l>e held on Tuesday evening. settings are said to be neist sumptuous, and A. I-. Settg has resigned aa personal pres* Carl J, Walker, manager of Pnnfnge*. Is re¬ NovenitHT 10. at the Hotel .\stor. some of them, particularly the colored ai.-cnes. agent to Thcita Rara amt has accepted an en¬ covering from a severe illness. J. J. Cluztnn. T(je showing Is being arranged by the Robert- personal representative of Pantases, is here are magnificent. ••'n-Cole Company, which omtrids the world’s gagement with tha Fox (New York) staff. from San Francisco in charge during Walker’s rights of this remarkable feature. Robertson- liess Mereillth. wife and co-dIrector of Wil¬ alwcDce. Have you l>i.iked thru the L’tter List this is¬ Colr has Just ci>nrlude

with r«o8- true American thereafter. thru niUer & Wllk, Inc.) ter, but it’s fortunate that it happened, for it tiorne pictures has a small part In this I'lc- made a real man out of a ninny. Town and ture and makes good as usual. ALL OTHER AGED AXIOMS ARE TRANS¬ Country Films, Inc., prodiK'ed the picture, which EXIIIRITOKS, NOTE: People want to laneh served to introduce Olin Howard and Beatrice LATED INTO A MODERNIZED MEANING In and they will get their fill In TIIR SIIEUIEK. (Paramount—FIVE REELS-—Starring WtUacc Ttvmalne in the principal roles. this superplctnrlration, I>eing the brain child of It'a all arrant Dorscnse, but it will keep them Reid. Directed by James Cnue) The humorous subtitles created many a laugh, the undisputed genius of Maurice Tourneur. screaming. tho the point of the story is driven home with I^rom the standitoint of artistry, of perfect DEBONAIR AND VERSATn.E youeg hero. sledgehammer effect, The terse little tale will photography and brUliant action nothing more THE WOMAN THE GERMANS SHOT Van Dom, finds the owning of forty mllUooa too serve as splendid propaganda for many a day alluring, entliralling and captivating has flashed irksome for Ills happy-go-lucky idea of life, and to i-ome. before our vision. ^ gives bis confidential man power of attorney to James Montgomery Flagg is a genius aud (Presented by Jos. L. Plunkett and Frank J. Pageantry, barbiric splendid and thrilling, handle the immense estate left by his ancles, knows bow to get bis ideas over with a bang, Carroll, starring Julia Arthur, eupisirtcd by spectacular effects synchronUe with swiftly •tily to be mulct by the smug bewhtskered In¬ liood luck to him. Creighton Hale. Picturlaed by .\nthony Paul evolving dramatic cpisorles, limned with ap¬ dividual. w ho de-amps with every source of In EXHHUTOKS, NOTE: Run this with your Kelly. Directed by John G. .\dolfl. Being propriate music which inaugurates a new de¬ come, leaving Van Dom penniless. How he ex¬ regular program. Has sufficient punch to supply shown at the Strand Theater, New York, parture In the creation of suptridctures. There tricates himself from many predlcanenta and mttling good entertainment. week beginning October 27) is no connected story, the theme being mostly wins the band of a seatlmenUI yoaag poetess episodical, embracing the .\dam and Eve period form_ tho groundwork of this cooveatlonal photo- NXBSE EDITH CAVELL DID NOT SCI'FER up to the present age, proving that woman has UNOER THE GREENWOOD TREE play-’ always been the temptress; thence to the Mes- HER MARTYRDOM IN VAIN! Her heroism in The romantic preaentment lacka any definite (Artcraft—FIVE REELS—Starring Elsie Fer- facing unflinchingly the German firing squad re¬ sallna and Claudius era in ancient Rome, whore purpose, albeit It is aalldly wmoslng, moves qulrfc- gnsoo. Directed by Emile Chaotard) vealed to the world the glory that animated her morality was unknown; next the unholy love of ly to the Inevitable finale, being consistently dying hours—the glory of an nnconquerable Heloisc and Abelard, in the cloistered mon- I pleasing, mainly tbm the work of a onlfomly astery chapel school, and the mythical talc of A SENTIMENTAL ROMANCE In which moon FAITD! good east, but suffers from teck of saspeose light kls-ses, a strolling Gypsy band and a lovely, The inspirational value of this picture Is in¬ the mermaid who cast off her seal garments to ' and no well defined plot. Wallace Reid gave an kmely heiress play prominent parts make np the calculable. For the same indomitable spirit of marry the young fisherman; on to the Civil War, I intelligent conceptien of the lighthearted chap. auui total of ibis picture's attraction. this crusader who feared not death pervades the when a shallowhearted girl betrayed a Uuioa ably assisted by Ora Carewe, But It is donbtfnl Scenarioised from Henry V. EsmoDd'a stage pictured story of her sacrifice and rose like a •oldler for the price of a gold wab-h—all i>e- whether a properly reared young woman woald play, lacking the brilliancy of the clever dis- wave of holy incense over the crowded audl- rloda depicting women ns treacherous, luring call upon a strange man while be to abed and sliene, and only in the last reel showing their kv'k bersclf In the room with him. Such Is not splendid work In behalf of the war. tbc proceilure of polite society to sty the least. We have conceded Oils * stujM-ndons prodne- But the exigencies of the screen make severe de¬ tioa. The value we cannot fully estimate, BUT mands upon our leading ladles, and much must iMr. Tourneur missed a big point when he neg¬ be oondoacd. However, her tU'rperate action lected to show the emancipation of women, wins her a husband, and ultlma#ly tbe pUfcrlog ctpecially since the Civil War, when a business WtlUas, conscience atrickeo, and evldratly over¬ career flrat offered epportanlties to prove the burdened with carrying forty millions In valises valor and worth of the fair sex Independent of about the country, rcatotca the money to Van the home circle. Perhaps in the pagan days, Dorn, and bapplncvs relgna once more for Us when licentloon depravity flourished and virtne young couple. was unknown, the female of the species may TuEy Marshall cuatrlbutca a telling character have been condemned for her iniquities, but in bit In tho role of Wliklnaa and Charles Ogle U these memorable times the fair sex will not take convincing in the |>ari of a garage keeper, who kindly to A subject that places them in a risks hU life in a fire to save the hero because derogatory light. Therefore the picture does he owed bim for gasoline. Tbe sight of so much money duaiixxl onto the table was ewngb to make Van Dora lose bis equilibrium, and tbe poor sitectiiiur, too. suffer* from teeing double— or thinks he does. Anyway it snppliea a thrill and a longing for the long greea, so that's good in women! From this standpoint the suecess enough for any photoplay in theae days of spi- of this work of art will be ephemeral, for the demini and food conservation. central idea to not favorable to women, and KXniurrnHF, note: a Ught and frothy women are the logical supporters of the movie story that will pk-ase those who take their tteaters. In this respect alone the picture is amusementa lightly, is np to the Paiemoast disappointing. ktandard In explolUng these comedy subjects. The Fourth Episode was perhaps the most pleasing and exceepery ac- But for good dramatic entertainment, moving vowed eternal vengeance on the unsiH-akable tkon, and ntiially circumveats the pair of villalas scenes of intense interest, this photoplay to quite bnitality of tbe Hun. So the tragic cud of who make numerous attempta upon Ms life. Re¬ abreast of the times. this brave English woman will spread Its mes¬ sage to all humanity, spiritualizing the indif¬ jected by the army on aiiwunt of flat fret, tbu EXHIBITORS. NOTE: Up to the standard ferent. |cuwers of tbe service by discouraging any attempt at patriot- photoplay. The interesting story Is nofoidevl so humanly, ao vivid in Its dellneatl for UullMln No. it, excrllrnt role la thto latest release, in which he huspitato and gay revelry of drunken Grrmaos. pL Nilffs Moviag flelM* Ctk UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO.. Oshkfish, Wit- impersonatea a Western 8beriff bubbling over Some onforgctuble fiaehes of the white face of i NOVEMBER 9, 1918

U M much of thii qnalltr that one (cta dlnr MANAGER'FINEO tryinf to TCiarmbfT all that happroa. Of courae thpro'a a firl and ahe’a lo tbo clutrboa of the Fop Allowing Orchestra To Play Copy^ plottrra. but Illll la alwaya on tlio Job and ar- righted Music Without Consent rlvra at the rhur>b in time to take the dtararded HERE IS A TREMENDOUS auttor'a place aa brldccroom. Los Angeles. Oct. 2A.—The fir«t official de¬ Not the leaat amualng are the rb-Terlj worded cision as to the amount of damages for Infringe¬ aubtitlea, and If the motive of the pruducera Is MONEY GETTER!!! ment of copyright for musical .seleotion.s In the to make iM-nple laiiKli tliej hare admirably auc- I’nited States courts was handed down hy cteded in tbeir efforta. Judge B. F. Bledsoe October i'l. In his decision One fault ubvinua to the moat casual observer the Judge flxed tbe fine of Chris Tollefson. former la bavinit the hero cheat a tail driver out of bis Book it quick—nothing finer on the screen. proprietor of tbe Isls motion picture theater, fare. It supplied a Jurriof note that detracted at 13.10 for allowing bis pianist to play tbe sympathy fiom the character. But this la only —BiUboard, Oct. 26,1918. selection, Joan of Arc, Thep Are Calliag You, a trifle and the strenuous work of the star and without first securiug a license from Tbe his assistants atone for any lack on the director’s American Society of Composers. Aotbors and part. Publishers. The action in tbe case was brought t:\llIBITORS, NOTE: Has a thousand tao«bs -DUSTIN FARNUM- by Philip Cohen, representing the Aroerdcan to the reel and will make them alt up and take Society, on behalf of Waterson, Berlin A notice. Walsh Is never asleep at the switch. C-IN- Snyder Company, members of tbe society. A almllar Judgment was entered against Louie MONGRELS C. White, one of the owners of the Tower Cafe of Seal Beach, for Infringement of copyright. (Sunshine Comedy. Krlea*ed thru Henry Lehr- man Comedy Company) FARNUM FILMS GREAT PICTURE

THERE IS NOTHING SI/IW about this gun¬ New York, Nov. 2.—Upon the receipt of • powder, high-gauged munition factory sort of ‘THE LieUT OF congratnlatory telegram from President Berst, comedy, which mingles farcical situations with of the United Theaters, on tbe success of tbe new Ideas and keeps ibo laughs coming like initial showing of The Light of Western Stars. rapldflre gnns in a battle with the Yanks. Dustin Farnum, out in Los Angelee, .expressed The picture has had the benefit of good direc¬ bis gratification at tho news, and is reported tion and there Is no slowduivn In the frenzied to have said; “It is a great picture, and I want action of the agile comedians, who seem to to say that the next one, A Man In tbe Opc% thrive on the moat Impossible atunta, hair¬ WESTERN STIRS'' it going to be another exceptional prodnctloa. breadth escapes aad Indicrona aetks. By ZANE GREY I am very entbusUstlc over tbe merits of thl« The basic Idea la most timely. Involving a pictnre.’’ A Man in tbe Open la Roger Pocock’t mnnition plant and a trio of German agents who most famoDs novel and gives Dustin Famana seek to obtain the formula for a new kind of great opportunity. The continuity for the pic¬ esploelve held by the United States. The most ture was done by Fred Myton, a screen writer absurd happenings result from their efforts be¬ Greater and Grander than any Western Drama yet of experience, while the dirtetlon Is that of ing constantly thwarted by the hero, whose Ernest. C. Warde. sgllltr helps to rout the villains after numerous filmed. Enthralling in its story, it will Delight all eiploalona have blown the factory miles away. EXUIBITOBS. NOTE: The object of this classes. MIX OPERATED UPON plctnra la to make people laugh, and It more —BiUboard, Oct. 26,1918. Los Angeles, Nov. 2.—Tom Mix, who i*a« than fulfills Its mission, for the audiences scream operated upon for a stray bullet, which ba with delight. received in tbe knee while with tbe Americaa Army in tbe Philippines, is reported to be ra> THE IRON TEST AMERICA, covering rapidly, and by tbe time operations UNITED PICTURE THEATRES INC. start in tbe studio* the Western pbotoplayet (Tltafraph release. No. 4 Episode, starrlnf An¬ will be ready to resume playing. tonio Moreno and Carol Holloway) A NATIONAL EXECUTIVE OFFICES CHANGES NAM^AND POLICY MORE MET/>DRAM.4T1C THRILLS INGENI- CO-OPERATIVE J. A. BERST 1600 Broadway OISLY DEVISED fill the fourth episode of Nashville, Nov. 2.—The Crystal Theater, N ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT NEW YORK this startling serial and bids fair to outdistance five-cent movie, one of tbe oldest picture boniM any other picture of like proportions. One would OF EXHIBITORS Bnadm Everywhert In the city, will be operated under the name of Imagine that there were no new fancies left the Rialto after November 4. tbe date set for f"r The camera, but In this—THE NOOSE—we the lifting of the ban on all of Nai'jvllle’s experience more excitement than la offered In places of amusement. The theater will hereafter any previous scene. Teriham, one ml»»ed the majesty of tbe char¬ the great war la being fought by tbe Tnlted be called the Rialto, and. according to an an¬ Tbe clrcns still supplies the background, where acter on the screen as now Interpreted, tho we States and the Allies. The spirit and design of nouncement made by Manager W. H. Wtso- r<'rt'« (M-rll lncrva>e». W’blle riding n spirited have Mr. 'Roberta aa Big Bill, tbe ranchman, the poster has evoked praise from high au¬ mann, tbe price of admission will ha ten cents. horse around an elevated platform a dart la and that alone ts a compenaatlon. thority and la a distinct eontilbation to the art sb'it Into tbe animal's flask aad Its wild plung¬ The etory of Edwin Milton Boyle’a play could aide of tbe great struggle. FILM COMPANY SUED ing almost kills his rider. Luckily Bert lands Stand repetition here, only apace forbids, hm free of tbe hoofs, bat later be Is trapped in bit fur pure, unadulterated entertaUiment replete Los Angeles, Oct. 28.—Alleging mlsreprfi- dressing room, thrown thru the open door Into with pathos, bnmor nnd thrlUa we bare leen EXTENDS SHUTDOWN ONE WEEK aentations with respect to a film contract, James a ilangltiig noo-se. aad is being slowly strangled nothing finer. It It a itrong, well built dramatic Young filed suit yestenlay for 35,700 'lamagSM when the episode ends. New York, Ntre. 2.—At n meeting of the pro¬ story with redblooded thrilla and deeds of ha- agaioat Charles R. Macauley and Donald Wood- EXHIBITORS, NOTE: Best aerial now rnn- ducing and distrihnting companies of the motloo man sacrifice. But when ail Is said and done rum. president and secretary, respectively, of nliik’ U more cuherent and splendidly played. picture industry, held 0<'tobcr 31 at tbe offices the simplicity, tbe devotion and bravehearted¬ the C. R. Macauley Photoplays, Incorporated. WIU be followed with Interest. of the association. SOA 'Hmes Building, it was ness of the Indian mother will bold the strong¬ Young declares be agreed to direct a film unanimoualy decided that the period during est appeal. Her role dominates m-ire on the play npon the alleged representations of which the motion picture Industry should be THE SQUAW MAN •ereen than in tbe legitimate play, and un¬ Macauley and Woodrnm that a contract bad closed down, owing to the epidemic of Spanish stinted praise should be offered Ann IJttle for a been executed with tbe company In New York. (Artcrtft—nVE REELB-DIrected by Cecil B. rbaracterixatlon that it as vivid as a cameo Influents, be extended one week from tbe time Young allegetl be discovered afterwards no originally decided upon. At the meeting held DeMlIle. Scenario by Beulah Marie Dix) against a black setting. Elliott Dexter playM such contract had been executed, but on tlM Jim with sincerity and Katherine MacDonald on October 15 It was unanimously decided that contrary, he said, the corporation bad refused Wr MUST SPEAK OF THE LAST SCENE looked the weH-i>olsed English woman, Diana. all production and dlatribution of new pictures to enter Into the agreement. FIRST TO RELIEVE OCR OVERCHARGED EXHIBITORS. NOTE: A powerful dramatic should be discontinued for one month, or up to FEELINGS, for aothing more appealingly bean- atory with an environment of cowboys, Indiana November 9. Tbe meeting held today decided to MARY PICKFORD CONTESTS SUIT tlful has been sereened than tbe death of tbe and bad men. Nothing finer of its kind on tbe continue this period for one week more, or up little sqiitwmMher, Naturlcta, especially that to and including November Ifi. Tha motion pic¬ New York. Nor. 2.—Mary Pickford arrived moment her while husband carrtea her limp body ture business wiU reaume operatiiaa ua Sunday, In this city to resume unfinished business nego¬ Into the Vmely ranch house while fading sun¬ November 17. tiations, which were dropped when Mrs. Char¬ light illumines ber still quivering childish face. SENATE COMMITTEE lotte Pickford was forced to return to Los An¬ We would wish that the picture had ended Putt Ten Per Cent on Films BIG SET FOR FARNUM FILM geles because of the ^serious illness of her life rather jarred the stnmgup emotions of tbe daughter, Mrs. Lottie Pickford Rupp. spectator, for tbe later scene of smug Engllvb Washington, Nov. 5.- October SI the Senate Los Angeles,. Nov. 2.—One 'of tbe big sets in Sllss PIckford's Journey to New York has a life rather jnrrrro th* I repair all makes of ProjectUm Machiceo. OperaUna held* of the film world. Write or ilIL PVITt: 518- .American, In touch with clvIlUcd conimnnltleu. Charles Swickard, of vrhicb be was tbe autbor 51#*. 4T Will at. New York Oltj. Phone, Mur¬ roonu planned Lens** and Lmu dyaUBA SttIM ray lUU M9. sliall tee It and ht«d lU InvlUtioM to b^old bovr of tbe ntocy. Thettre, AiIabma CUy, KifliiA

I 52 Xtie Billboard NOVEMBER 9, 1918 .

week. Mr. Gray was taken home last week GENUINE NAVAJO BLANKET RUG from Brownsville, where be was conflnd to his Old s'> Ip and type. Indian Beadwork. old and new. For bed for four weeks with pneuinonia. Mrs. Gray sale riicap. F. II. IIACKfTT. 3722 ElUi Are.. Cbloaga CARNIVAL AND CIRCUS and daugliter, Ruth, art' nearly recovered. Boldiy Schutes has returned with Miss Mildred Isong, of Pittsburg. Pa. They are both running con CURIOSITIES FOR SALE cessions for Ed Schutes. who added to his line with or without hannrrs. Ili( special fralurn. Also Iota RINGLING BROTHERS business and had made many friends In the of small }■'■ 00 Krrak.s. sui h as Drvll Child. Two-hrtd profession. He was also the owner of The King of concessions by purchasing Jolin Cleveland’s Child. Mermaids, rtr. I.lm Free. NEIVSO.N Sl’l'l'LY stand when the latter left two weeks ago to Decide on But One Show for Next of the Itancli Slsiw. which had not been en tour HOI .«F More .Mt E. Oh St.. S. Boston. .Maas. since his illness. He is survived by a widow, Join Mrs. Cleveland in San Francisco. Jim and Season a daughter, three sons, 5 sisters and 2 brothers, .Mamie Sullivan are doing nicely with their W. C. and F. Richards, owners of Richards .4rkansas Kids. Everett, the fat toy, is smiling LUNA PARK New York, Nor. 4.—The Rlngling Bros, hare Bros.' Shows, teinporarly closed on account of as usual. •’Blackle" and Pearl Watson are again with us, running concessions for “Strike” definitely decided that there will be but one the epidemc at Lepanto, Ark. His remains Is Planned for Atlantic City—To Cost abon under their manaftment next season, and were laid to rest in Greenwood Cemetery, Siui Snethen "Mack,” who has charge of the animal that is to be the Bamum & Bailey Shows. The Antonio, Texas. show, says he is here to stay. "Hsppy” ssys Several Million Dollars menageries of the two shows will be consolidated that If he weathers the troubles of a company for this purpose and will include forty-two ele¬ electrician a while longer he will be a fit subject Atlantic City, Nov. 2.—It Is reported *that phants with the one attraction. AL G. BARNES NOTES to handle a tank when called by Cncle Sam. .Atlantic City Is to have a “Luii.i .\iiiu«ement Fred W’orral will be the general manager; ’’Murpliy,” with a smile, always gets the swing Park,” and it Is expected that the project will Chss. Hutchinson, treasurer: Fred De Woolf, A few notes from A1 G. Barnes’ Wild .\nimal up and down and always on time. be well under way within a few week*. auditor; Carl Hathaway, assistant treasurer, and Circus, which is now lb wiuter quarters at For the week of November 4-9 we are located The statement la made that the He-r Ct "Happy” Jack Snellen, general superintendent. Venice. Cal., after a long run from Dallas, on the main streets of Tuscumbia. .Ma.. whldi. poratlon proposes to rare all the bull>llnc>. -it Others already engaged are: Whalen, boss can- Tex., where the season ended on account of on account of the trl-cltles, Tuscumbia. shrf- n.ited in the square tolween the Bo.irdw:iIk and Tasman; Tom Lynch, boss hostler: Jolin Mc¬ the Spanish "flu.” I'eld and Florence, and the large number of Pacific avenue and between Giorgia and Mis Laughlin, train master; Ollle AVebb, in charge This season was a record breaker, as new ter¬ lieople employed at the factories and war plants sissippl avenues. In other words the entire of cookhouse. The names of those selei-ted to ritory proved the banner season. there doing government work, should prove a bloi'k Is to be torn down for the enterpri-e. bead the other de|>artnients will be announced Contracts will be let in a few days for the pK)d one.—JACTJ. This entire tract was purchased liy the Herr later in The Billboard, as at present they hare general work, under the direction of 8upt. R. J. Corporation over two years ago, and the In not fully been decided upon. Bigsl>ee, and the rebuildlLj of the show will JOHNNY BEVINGTON INJURED tentioo then was to erect three mammoth hotels After carefully considering the staff engage¬ isinimence. in the district, but conditions slTectlng lalsT ments already made by the Ringlings for this Doc Weber will supervise the making of all and materials developed as a result of the war. Johnny Bevlngton. the fore part of the sea- mammoth attraction, it is very evident that they the costumes for the new "si>ec,” and from all which made it impracticable to proceed with srlne and many others states that he was recently CTanted a divorce. will remain In Venice for the winter. TO OPEN MUSEUM It will be remembered that Harry was married The season will open early In March, and with I. O. AUSTIN GRATEFUL in the circus ring of the Bamum & Bailey the new addition of animals that will arrive Shows at Madison Square Garden in 1910 during from the East this will without a doubt be the Columbus. O., Not. 3.—Messra. P. H. Cole a luncheon given by the clowns of that attrac¬ and Frank C. Byers are to open a museum and T. O. Austin, who has been quite ill since the biggest and best wild animal circoa In the world. fore part of September, and who is now among tion to the newspaper men of the city. —RIZ DE BOSSELLl. store show at one of the best Wationa In this city as soon as the ban on amusements is lifted. relatives at SbrevetH>rf. iJi.. wishes to thank Baby Emma, who has been under the manage¬ the members of the Tom W. Allen Shows, in¬ WALTER MAIN FOLKS MARRY GUY R. HALLOCK ment of Mr. Cole for the past four years, is to dependent concessionaires and others who aob* be one of the features for the opening week. scrilicd to a conlrlhiition at Idabelle, Ok., re¬ H. ("Whltey") Lehrter. the past season boss In Charge of Temporary Hospital at Everything is now in readiness and will be In cently, which enabled him to reach tome, where canvasman with the Walter L. Main Show, and full swing as soon as permiasable. he could receive proper medical tn'atment. Miss Myrtle Reno, a performer with the same Duluth, Minn. He furnishes the following list of names and attraction, were married at Princess Anne. the amounts contriluited; P. P. Bcott, ‘.’5c; Rose Maryland, on October 5. After the closing of Guy R, Hallock, of 'Duluth, Minn., well known "BILL” MOSELEY DIES Mitchell, 50c: "Blackle” IVilder. ’.’5; I>r. Dean, the Main Show Mr. and Ml's. Lehrter went Im¬ In the out.loor show world, took charge of 50c; Murphy. 25c; W J. Richards. 50c: Doc mediately to Chicago for the winter, at wnich Duluth's temporary hospital at the Shrine .4ndi- Well* Known Promoter Victim of Holtcamp. SOc; Mrs Geo. I.a Mont. 25c; R. L, flace "Whltey” Is now engaged in work tor lorliini. October i'S. where he will remain until Pneumonia Little, 50c; L. S. De Marr, $1: L. L. Bullard, he government. Their address is ••R17 Fiiber- the present epidemic subsides. At the con¬ 2.V: V. Dixon. 2.5c; C. Casler, .50c; Claude Fluel- ton avenue. clusion of his services In Duluth Mr. Hallock len, 25c; Gua Heller, $1; Roy Russell. 50c; William M. Moseley, well-known promoter and Mr. and Mrs. Lew Christensen and Wm. Reno will go Immediately to New York City to formu¬ Evelvn Eden. .5«<-; L. R. White. II; D. Odem. special agent, for the past eleven years with are also wintering In Chicago. ('hrl«teneen and late plans for next season. SOi-; Huff, 25c; AI Carter, 25c; D. Moss. 50c; Dick tlie Con T. Kennedy Shows, died Sunday. No- Reno also working for the government. 25<-: "I’nknown.” 25<', and Roy Marshfield, 11. vember .3, in Kansas City. Mo., of pneumonia Mr. Austin wishes to especially thank Benny ROY GRAY AM. CO. WORKING following an attack of influenza. Price, as the instigator of the Idabelle collec- CHARLES MUGIVAN Mr. •Moseley was born in Roanoke. Va., thirty- tkm. A late communication from the Roy Gray nine years ago. He was a member of the Amusement Company which announces that the Showmen’s League of America and the Elks. Enter* Knights of Columbus Service show is now exhibiting, follows: Mr. Moseley is survived by a widow, father and GEO. TONNER for Duty Overseas Tbs Hoy Gray .Amusement Company, which mother. has been laid up at Brownsville, Tenn., during Interment was in Kansas City. Sails for Australia for Kentucky Derby Charles W. J. Muglvan, brother of "Jerry” the epldi'mlc. has gotten under wa.v and Is this Company Muglvan, and also a well known cirens man, week located on the main streets of Henderson. Have you looked thru the Letter IJat this Is- baa cast his lot with the Knights of Columbus Tenn., where It has enjoyed good business all sue? There may be mall advertised for you. for overseas duty and will likely soon lie sent Ororf* Tonner, who operated a Kentucky to the front. Charles has often exi>res.ed a de¬ Derby at Fore^*t Hill Park at St. tonl* the sire to view the war at close range, and under part scaenn, eallcd November 3 from Vancouver present conditions, while the American lln'‘s ' destined fur Sydney and Melbourne, .Australia, la are being advanced rapidly and with the Kniglits j tlie interest of the Kentucky Derby Co. of New of Columbus' “service under fire” malntalnin? ' York City. Mr. Tonner it taking with h m a a motor truck service with which to carry t complete Kentucky Derby machine, nhlcti he auppllcs to the front trenches, more than likely C. F. ECKHART’S I expi'ct* to haie in o| eratlon either at Sydney or his hopes will he realized. * Mr. Muglvan bas MelNiurne before Chrl«tma*. .Auatralla b*- ng a apent practically his whole life In the show great horae rating country It la predicted that business, and the eiperienee and training be I the pojinlarlty of thl- game will be etUI greater has received thereby will no doubt stand him ! In the AntliMHie* tlian the aiicce** || haa attained arreatly In hand In the performance of his duties COMBINED SHOW in the I'nlted State* and Canada. Mr. Tonner •'over there.” aallol with rre|>ean conflict. Owing to the fact that Manager Bob Russell and Floor Man for Cabaret, or will book complete outfit. Good had all of his stock on government work near opening for Minstrel and Ten-in-One Show. Will make attractive Norfolk. Va., the Russell Bros.’ Shows did not PROF. CARUTHERS take the road the past season. However, things proposition for same. Want Talkers, Grinders and Workingmen are already shaping tlieniselves around the Closed Tented Season at Odebolt, la. winter quarters at Sebrell. Va.. and the slew in all departments. Will furnish Silodrome Tops and complete will open the season of 1919 about the first Cook House to responsible parties. All Concessions open. Want IVif. Camther* closed hi* tent show at fble- week In April. G. W. Christy, who was agent bolt. la.. Septenilier 20. where the outfit w*a for the show in 1914. paid the winter quarters to hear, by wire, from Billy Gregory, Doc McAdams, Harry Benson stored, completing .5-1 conaecutlve week*. In a visit October 12. wrhich bualoeaa wa* tinu»ually good. Prof- Ca- and all other useful people. This Show is booked solid in the nilliera. Id company with The Mttalcal F?mer ANNIE OAKLEY cream of the Delta and stavs out all winter. Address all to C. F. *ona, who have N-en a feature with hla altrac. tion for the pa«t three year*, mail* a trip t" ECKHART, Hotel Ariintton, Lexii|ton, Miss., or DAN MAHONEY, Generil I.o* Angelea, Cal., where Hie I>ofe»Hor re-ldea Aids in Raising Red Cross Funds They will *pen,| the winter on llie \\’e«lcrn AKont, Durand Miss. Cnaat and will return to Iowa In lime to np< n the tenting aeaaon of 1919 atolit May 1. In Annie Oakley (Mrs. FVank E. Butler), the the meantime they will play homwa In the Par well-known rifle sled assisted by her do?. We«t. “Dave.” has greatl.v aided the mi'^inc ft Red Cross fund* at Portsmouth. N. H.. during the past summer. At all of her exhihifions it was PILBEAM AMUSEMENT CO. announced that “Dave” wonld And any plec* of money above a “qnarter” that would be Closed at Thompsonville, Mich., October hidden within 100 yards. To the latter’s credit Roberts’ United Shows he missed l)ut very few bets, and it is said that 11—Wintering at Middleville on one occasion found fl.O’i*. .All the money collected in this manner was turned ever to MldcHevnie. Mich.. Nov. 2.—The l’llb<-ira the Red ftosa. Miss Oakley has been engageil WANTS FOR MANCHESTER, RA., FAIR AmiiM'iiicnt Com;inny ha* b'ouglit It* 191'< wa for two da.vs at the Plnehurst (N. (’,, I’air *on to a do.,, and cverytlilng ’a nicety atori-d November 21-22. Opening Nov. 11th, Shows and Concessions of all kinds. Will liook Pit away for the winter, when we will again hit the trail a* we have for the pa«t eighteen eea- *on». We cIo»id the aea-em October 11 ■it HOWE’S LONDON SHOWS Show or furnish complete outfit to responsible Showman. Out until Ttiompsonitile. Mich., Jii«t in time to mi*i the Xmas. All address ROBERTS’ UNITED SHOWS, Palmetto, Gi., this week. "flu” ei'ldcmlc, and *hlp|*eei n wl'h it* for the pn't laying off on account of the epidemic ten inrtuenra. will reopen November 11 f ’r a tour hla pivito gallery Itere, which bai been cloaeil that will be extended thruont the wiuter. .An for the paal eighteen ntonlh*. Biialneaa should ad appears In this issue. METROPOLITAN SHOWS he gfHNi him during the winter, a* there la any amount of work ami plenty of money H. B. RICHARDS DIES WILL POSITIVELY PLAY FOLLOWING PARS: In our little loirg. Moultrip, Oa., woek Novembor 11; Valdosta, fJa., week November 18; Dothan, The •how wilt go nut early In the spring and will play arouiiil Chleago a* If od. a« wi* H. R. Richards, well-known showman. pas«e' save t«!>qrraT)h and railroad money unleRs you have a legitimate concession a few of the fair* playoil. .Aa a Whole the awsy flctober 27 on Richards BpiS.’ ranch at eea-op wa< oiilie up to atandard. Mall ail- Pipe Creek fnear San Anttmlol TfV’s after a* Want Italian Musiciana for Rand, or can place a ten or twelve-piocc rniformed Rand. Also want Workingmen for Merry-Oo-Kound and Whin Wire d e,.cd to MIddtevlIle, Mich., will reach ii*. Illness of eighteen month*. Mr. Richards bad C, E. Dili friend* ar* aiwaya wclcoms, aa it alto let- spent the greater psrt of his life in the show BAHFIELD, Manager Metropolitan Shows, Macon, Ga., unti November 10th. ter* from our frlemis —“SIllN^.

I NOVEMBER 9, 1918 a 53

STICK AND STAY. THAT’S WHAT THEY SAY. AFTER THE FLU COMES THE FROLIC The TOM W. ALLEN SHOWS At the Texas Woman’s Fair, The Victoria Traii ON THE STREETS, CENTER OF HOUSTON, TEXAS, STARTING AT RICE HOTEL, EIGHT DAYS AND EIGHT NIGHTS Commencing November 16th to 23rd, Inclusive Can place two good strong Shows, six sensational Free Acts, two Aerial Acts and four Platfonn Acts. Can place all kinds of legitimate Concessions; also attractions of merit for first-class Ten-in-One, including good Strong Alan Act. Can use two or three experienced Men for Whip and first-class Promoter who is capable of putting on a real contest and promotions. Write or wire TOM W. ALLEN, Pittsburg, Texas. Concessions, address R. L. PHENIA, 1501 Drew’ Ave., Houston, Texas.

MUSICAL MUSiNGS SCHARDING’S EXPOSITION SHOWS Serving the Colors By THZ WT78S Thotna. (“Pat”) Murphy, formerly connected WANT CLEAN SHOWS, EXCEPT PLANT. with Ted Snyder Mu.ic Puhli.lilug Coiupan.v. W. 0. Dran—Nonnan Ilanl.y would Ilk. to of Philadelphia, is now with the culurs and wai tH>ar from jou at jour cmTeoicoc. Ad recently uiude a sergeant. He expects to sail dr*'«« bim In car. of Tbe BilUtnard Clorlonatl. Seven-piece l*and, white or colored; legitimate concesieions of all kind.‘>, except candy, fur France before Chri.tuias. Friend* can ad¬ dress him .n eare of the L'. S. .Vrmy Hos¬ Ru.ty Cami>tt.ll and Jo. Siuxm oiM8.d .1 very novelties and shooting gallcrj’. Join Novemlx'r 11th. Out all winter. Ban lifted. rocci-Nsful ..a.on with t”. L. Brown’. Band on Will plav big Hancock Co. Fair, Sparta; Soven-€o. Fair, Swainsboro; Live Stock pital. .Mevlical Departuient. Camp Wheeler. Ga. tb. Kioto Show, and ar. now with th. Id-d Happy »ack Manchul wr.tes: ’’The ship .a I>.l>ot Brl(tad. Band, t'amp I'lk., Ark. Th.y Show, Fitzgerald, and others. Want team and cornet player for plantation, experi¬ which 1 sailed has arrived safely overseas,” Would Ilk. to from frli-ndi>. enced girls and man and wife for concessions. Address ’’llapiiy” Is with the Field Hospllal 133, 109 (,. \V. McUr.aor, aaiopboni.t. formerly Sanitary Train, .\merican Expeditionary Korcea. with tb. .tm.rlcan S.nopbon. Sfit.t, wi» J. SCHARDING, Manager, Atlanta, Ga. Sergeant Edw. K. Carter is getting along cntly o|M.rat.d iip,'n .and la K.ttinic abmn tilr. nicely wllh the Field Hospital .No. 234, 'Jth ly. but It will ti. »oni. tim. before be will Sanitary Train, Camp Sheridan. Ala. be out of tb. hi>«pltal. II. la a member of Henry S. Mill-r I. now with tbe .\rmy Y. M. Anieruan Kxp.dtllonary Force, wllh tb. .’117th C. A. UK). Fill .s.ii. Ok., doing hi. bit. He r. A. Band. would like to hear from Frank .Miller and Mr*. Toqj Naaca. who had the band with" Ben Dollie .Miller, bar-back rider., last heard of win'. oT\* 'i» lo-t < n. of hi. men on October 13. who pa.aed away Curiosities, Fat Lady, Midgets, Tattooed Man or Woman, Dennia, last heard uf was with .VI G, Barne.’ with the influenza. Ilia name wa. I'liilip Circiia. ••yuiet” Jack Mijore, f.-rmerly of the Nettle .''Inani, 1*0 year, old and a well known troml>on. Punch Man, Magician, Sword Swallower, good Mind Reading player. Mr. Na»ca ba. not decided what he Carroll Trouiie. i. mov a Jackie and 1* stationed will n. He in llic ab.-nre of Hiid.-in. i >1 wl«he« to thank all hi. friend, who offered him think new?” “No,” “Well. let’, k'' tbe Harry Ilargraye arriyeil In town with hla J'llin Sunderland, who play, a pMmlnent part enaaitement. for the w'nter and hoj,e. to hear •ircet anil ket a coke.” If It’s stronk enuukh Submarine from Foley A Burk and 1. b<*>keen with the Great Wortham a. soon .a» the special, will sail for France w.tbln a few The Vltlarila. I»oc and Norene. h.are taken frame a si«>ry big enough to Justify a “wire by word to go Is received. Jack<«>d and day*. p-altIon* for the winter in tbe orche.tra »t tbe B..Z.’’ Frank 1 evict came in a. hi* lieutenant*. B'lb trhife, the whi.tler. has arrived safely I'arlton Theater. DntHil. Pa. I»"C ba» Ju«t re- M. \. Goovly, Jollle Josle and Blney Bluey Mr*. Ben Park* and Babe .|ient a week In oversea*. turnent. for when he (Sky) has an artl.t In the Doc Waldron has a new front on bU .Vmaza i in France In the front line trenrhe*. family. Show. Charles C. Stewart, known a. Ben Wayland, Dot and Everett Whitney, from the .\Iarnu Al Le Telller. tbe magician, is putting In the of the two Waylanda, 1. ik’W with the col-r* COFFEY CO. FAIR CANCELED Show, celebrated tb*'lr arrival In Southern Cali¬ time building aome new and atartling magic and w Olid he pleu'cd to hear from hi. frl-nds. fornia by taking the “flii.” Each acted a. prop*. .Vddre*. Charles C. .stewa.f. Battery B, 5lh Mdrln T.nncr. no. rct.ry of the Coffey County nume for the other. Then they Ix'th trlcl b.avink Dev. Bn.. Camp .Tack.on, S. C. InuikI... -on- time. Mis. rlnk-nt and immediately went to bed with the HI K1 Adam* ha* a great secret. He does WAITING FOR LIBERTY FAIR TO •’flu.” F-raker Ferrell 1* now with the color* and I* not want It known. HI. plan* are mv*feriou*. sfatlomtl with Ileadiiiiarter. Co., Detention OPEN 11. S. (Buck) Maa.le force.! to cloae hi. , hence n« one n-'t conneetdi w'th the *how bn«j- “S.aV'me” Company Indeflnltely. came down Camp. Camp Row'e. Tex. ne*« and not In contact with III K1 Friend, can address Horace A. Bradford In from FVlaeo to he with hl« mother till think' knows anvthing ab-mt them. He ha*—What t.'« .Ankclea. Oct. 30.—The lateat '|oi>e on the care of Co. M. S^’Jd Inf.. P. O. 791. American open IK' again. Buck had a conference with j do y.m think?—A BRAND NEW C.\R. No one California I.ttwrt.T Fair I. th.H the dlrfi-tor* .ire ExpcttllInnary Forces. the William F'X pe<'ple on hi. arrival and wa* I. allowed to ride In It except mo*t of the g.nng •:iiiitul>e In the Ndlef that the event niu.t l>e ■lark Howard .\Iton Is booked solid with Infomual that he must be prepared to take the 1 .and everyone ha* .worn to atrlctly guard hi* hd't In .pile of evcrythlnir. now Ihnt a Inra- Cnclo Sam’s B‘g Show and he write. It I* the Initial cxi>en.e hak lieen 1nciirrp«l and tbe r<*ad a. •■•on a* the eiddcmtc Ufi.'.l, ' secret that he I* going to “flivver” overland to Park Pr»-n*l»«. bamlma.ter wllh the .\Iamo N’st engag-uieut he has ever had. Friends i*an health autliorltle. ludlevc that the ban n Florida fhl* winter and will tell no one of hi* addres* him Pvt. Alfui locav 3iovemb«-r 7. I’endln* .^rll»l« Peralta and For.! are bu«y on the contingent when he arrive* thu* “unexneefedly.” Pvt. .Vrtle E. IN-slwin. wNa 1. “somewhere In the o|u movie* the "«.ua” at ibe Great \Vien.. Fine Trade* out of one and Into another. .\n apt be will not lie ahle f > reeelv- any i.res-nt. for hit for entertninmeni. Man.v “new -hows’’ are new fr.>nl* have bc-n palntial on moat of the pupil of Gondy, he aI«o manage, to get the Christmas and h’’ advis.-. them all to Invest attraction*. promoted dally In the ri>iTldor. and old kb 1 pnrehav’r to throw In a little “boot.” that money In Tirift Stamp, ant helo the Manager Prieetly, of the Illtt Firework. Co., Pete Celia ha* a “ear.” No, Pete ha* not n< » iloiiah l« “cut up” Indl.crimlnately. ' If country al mg. .Vrtle with Batie-y B. ."IJi .11 the “trou(>e.“ projerleil kot a. far a. the ba. been ready “to go” for three week*. Sara become a eonyert to the ga* anil get under Field Art . American Ex'>e.i;flonarv Force*. front ibeir the piiblle would warn hare It. flil the flreuork. will be one of Ibe boat game. ID* 1. the privilege car <'n the Or-’at Jack tvelnherg 1* kn..wn -is a urlvate. now of oniihMtr amiiM-ment and the lot. would b«* ever «een here. Wortham. with the «th Co, Jd Tr Bn., 1.N7th De--.t Brl- «i nverrmwdee able to “tpuipe.” lot alone the railroad at the fair ground* oiu-n and 1* feeil'nk enough I rent mine for S.’l rent* an Nuir. Invite the pleased to bear fpim all hi. friends. working men dally to keep tbe elu.tve "nut” gang to ride, and tbev an> generally polite protdem that WiUild fare the tiovernmeni Word was received In lo* Angeles recently H.rr.r Wauah, of the .\lamo SIm>w. dropped under contr'I. enough to pay the check ” . that ••.T’'ck’V” Wh'tcy W'lf ha. been corom's- In thI. evenlna en route to San .\ntonlo and I. Blltle C.eycr eame In with tbe Alamo people .Tack and Harry Ru«>iel1 hare forsaken the I «|oncd a caotaln of Infant-v in Frtnce, the aue.t of Fred Pechman. Of eo*ltli'n I’ark and Sky Clark *('end. mo*t of hi. time ’’yl.ltlng” left here for the army aviation school at Sacra¬ i.een r. -elve.l that still another wm of the "look It over." hi* eomforl.ble bungalow. mento with licenses a. qu.illfied aviator*. i Otto Preii*«T at.rted to paint up, but wa* popular ot'cratlc singer has (lualitied for iwrvlce Jack rnd Mr». T«yb>r. on Ooiidy’. Pit Show, SPORT VOTF are .MLud Ibe lot piilferlne at i.ld. and end. ..keil for hi. i«iTa’"*'-'aHng dauber’* card by with rnele Sam. • " kill time. Vie Peralta and unit when IVralt. wxuild not Harry Keller, the veteran magician. I* rl.lting I'lllli Burton, animal trainer In nillle n >a- fall for a draft regl.tralluo document around with t'he bunch and proudly showing •• IF. Animal Show, work, her Hon* dally Johnnie Wortham Nuight tho Ferri* Wheel hi* Catalina tr-uihT for the record swordfl.h. DATES AGAIN CHANGED lotil. Both, principal trainer. I. keltlne a fn-m Miller on the BernarvM show* and will In having th'okdl .1 ‘JOO-nonnil one on a recent visit. -tall the rblc on the midway. Then’ will Iw Beckman ha* another now hat.—BOZ. lot of ninrh needed “prop.” made for the open- The dates for tho Colorod Agricultural Pair. a nicrry-g.vround and ferri. wheel at each -nd In*. Denmark. S. C.. have been changed from Novetn- to a.. the natlye*. Owen Dowd, rikiry nanoiu-k, Oeorke Robert ber IMS to November ’JO-23, according to ad¬ Billy Botelle say* hi. animal show will open Have yon i<'ok,>d thm the TsCtfer I.lst this 1. n Hud Charlie Kreran. director of apeclkl vice received from B. W. Wroton. aecreUry. • Vent, for the fkir, meet dally and a.k: “Any- up better than eyer. sue? Tliere may be mall advertised for yon. S4 Xlie Billboard NOVEMBER 9, 1919

IN CHICAGO THE CORRAL “Over There” and “Navy” Service Banners Bdwln TI. npddetich, formerly of the At 0. By BOWBT WABST Mrnt'a Clrvua, and also of the Universal iila . ‘ At the University of Micbigan, where he la taking a courae tp <'0VER THERE” Signal t'orim work under the antplree of Uncle Sorgeant Wm. A. (Tex.) Sherman, Co. B, 52nd Reg., Trana. Corpa, A. E. F., France, Tia New $42.00 Per Gross Sam. Ed Is very enthusiastic about tbe work York, wrltea: “HaTe been In France aince June and says they have about 2,000 atudents taking and am ■ -ell 'nd enjoying life. I do mlaa The 4.00 Per Dozen the 8. A. T. Coutme, all of whom hope to be Billboard and wiab aonie of tbe boya would sem tranaferred U> active aervire as aoou as possible me a copy once 1 a wliile. Would be pleased lie Is in Chlrago on a brief furlougb. hear from any who are In the army or are com¬ ing Sat3 tbe army. Would like to tell more, but “NAVY” O. J. Nelsoo, formerly of The BlIIboaM offlee am not allowed to do ao. Tell the following $40.00 - - - Per Gross in rbleago, now an ambulance driver in the Red Wild Weat bnncb 1 •■onld bo glad to hear from epoas. has been transferred to Camp King tlteiu: Jaca McGee, Jack Carlisle, Charlie Aid- 4.00 ... Per Dozen Sonnd Beach, Conn., and Is now awaiting a call rich, "Strawberry Red," Gny Weadlck, Art Bo- to active duty "over there." den, Dan DU and all of them.” Samples, 50e apiece. Unl(»s rated, one-third cash with order. l*w n. hlorria, wbo bad the aide shew oe tbe Some of the lnfo^t news Is that Mr. and Mrs. Great Wortham Shows this seasoo, arrived la Herman Nowlin are now ttie proud parents of an Velour Cloth, JACQUES WOLFE & CO.. 114 L 19th SL. New York 12x18. Chicago last week from Um Angeles. Lew re- Ij-Oounu boy, liorn reeently at Chicago, and porta a gd season, but says It is some jump that the new arrival has been named Van. from the Coaet here just to spend the winter. Mother and babe are reiKirted to be doing nicely. Ncwiin Is engage*' :n breaking horses at the stock yards in Cedar Rapids, la., and np until “Burk" Weaver, of Athletic Show fame, ar¬ a few days ago 'jad not bad the pleasnre of see¬ MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS rived In this city last week. "Buck” bad to give ing bis big boy. Think you'll make a "bronk up bis work tbe latter part of tbe seasoo owing scrateber” out of him, Herman? to a breaklown from overwork. He la all right A NEW BRANCH OF THE U. S. ARMY now and says be is feeling One and lit. Blackfoot, Id., held its first annual Roundup, THESE ME-V NTTB MIUTABY Carnival and Full Festival week of October 7, WIRE OR WRTTT. f's TOCB RB- Among the visitors at the Chicago ufflee dur¬ HFPPUES QL'IREMENTS nuuer the Icarierebip of Dow Williams, of Idaho ing tbe past week wrere Mr. and Mrs. Baba Del- Falls, Id. The Irwin Bros.’ Roundup, the Slio- HAT CORDS CANVAS LEGGINGS garlan, of The Garden of Allah, who arrived shone. Bannock and l eniln Indians from a near¬ INSIGNIA SPIRAL LEGGINGS last week from Kansas City. Both are looking by reservation, the Wortham .Mamo .Shows, local HAT STRAPS ARMY BELTS One, and well pleased with tbe season tn gen¬ PILLOW TOPS cowlioys, tbe local fire ers and two other Big SHI- Mich., sfter a week spent In Decatur, III., where giving Frltzle b—I In flO Inngnages, and it looks cn> 73c. IboRc Plrtorea ate pc nx btg In colored dutneta. ho attended his mother In her laat sickness. Mn. as tho the job will be finished by Christmas. 1 One-third cash with order. would like to hear from them. Tell a'l the Wild Harpstrlte was 85 years of age and had lived West hunch that Capt. Ray Caldwell's ontflt Is ART PUBLISHING CO. in Decatur over fifty years. the pride of sll mounted organizations in Europe 208 W. 64th Street. New York City —bar none.” The Burtinofi will rcuume their vaudeville work for the W. V. M. A. as soon as tbe theaters open. It Is said that Josie Sedgwick, ■who Is con¬ Ktbel is spending her vacation at Lmliogloa. ceded to be one of the best horsewomen In Mich., while Bert is in Chicago fixing op tbe motion pictures, will have a chance to present Western Amusement Co. Wants wirewalking outflL Ben joined the Showmen'i her cleverness with tbe best female riders In the Good BaHy-ho Phow to feature. Opening for Ten-in-One or any good Grind show. Xlso Athletic Show and a League while here. Country. She has been entered In tbe Bucking complete Cabaret Show conducted on legitimate bsdis, legitimate Concessions, t.rneral Agent who knows New Broncho Contest at the Phoenix (.kritk) State Mexico and Arizona, Working Men for “^o-Abreast Carry-Us-AH and Couceesion Agents. J. D. Allen, caa Florence E. Hanley la la Cleveland, making Fair, scheduled for November 11-16. Also that place your Concesaiens. Out all winter. Address Trlnldi.d. C “some” eowhoy rider) are both exceedingly eon- phant man and glass blower. Is in Cb'cago for fldeut that tbe fair star will bring borne tbe Acts-WANTED-Freaks tbe winter, comlag in from bis farm tn Michigan. bacon. Glass Blowers, Tattooed Man, Magician, anything suitable for Museum. Jem Malone, Harry Fine writes from "Somewhere la Frioee” Dakota Max, who has had his Wild West at¬ Dant« Fire King, wire. State all in first letter. Address P. H. COLE & BYEIIS that be Is feeling fine, tad ex|>eeta to move up to traction with the Johnny J. Jones Exposition the front very auon. He says all the boys are Shows the past season, closed what he claims to anxious to get a whack at the Him. Harry seo'D have heen his most successful season when the hit regards to all tbe boys In tbe Showmen's Jones organization ended Its tonr at .Ktlanta. CABARET DANCERS. PIANO PLAYERS, TRAP league. Ilia address Is II. Fine. Co. A, 343rd Ga.. 'reeentl.v. Max’s pa'nphernalla was taken WANTED DRUMMER AND FRONT MAN. Inf., A. E. F„ A. P. O. #16, Postmaster, N. V. •With the Jones Show to Birmingham, .tla., where It was stored In quarters on the State Those formerly with me wire or come on. Tips? Yes. Playing Cabaret towns. .M Fisher Is also "Somewhere In France.” and Fair grounds for the winter, .k photographed Out all winter. Address WILLIAM PINK, care Washburn-Weaver Shows. sends his n-garda to the boys, and says to tell llnenp of the Dakota Max attraction will be re- them to write him. Address r'tvale A1 Usher. prwluced in a future issue. Week Nov. 4th, Holt, Ala.; week 11th, Andalusia, Ala. 31st Co., S. A. B. D. Mac.\rthur. A. E. F.. I’ostmaster, N. Y. The latest news from Harry and Bessie Is mil 12. The show bad two more weeks booked bnspital, of pueumonia, November 2, In tbe that they have both completely recovered from James A. Bymea, author and musical director but tlie health authorities closed all amusemeuts iresence of his wife, sisters aud other relatives. their iwent lllnes.. of influenza, and are now of Odds A Ends. Is convalescing In a aanlttrlnm on aecount of the Influenza. The outfltt was )r. Laird states that Mr. Lindsay made a noble enjoying the best of health. near Chicago. He was recently Injured by t-ing stored in Russell. Kansas, while the stork and fight for bis life and was conscl’ms to the last. struck by an auto. Fbrtunatcly no b”nc» were animals were shipped to the ranch in Gove He was a real, all arouml cowisiy and was the broken, but he was badly shaken up. Pssrale Perry, of Wild West fame, and Mme. County, Kansas, near Orion, which will be the holder of many trophies, cups tod belts earned Delaine Chalmers, dancer. were married headquarters for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. St rouDdupa. contests and reunions. Just pre¬ Wednesday. October 23. In Chicago. The wed¬ IV. J. Nelson and children are now at home and vious to Ills death Kd was laying off at Pauls CAMPBELL’S UNITED SHOWS ding was held at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. will be Kl*d to bear from their many friends. Valley and was banilMug some fine stock horses Ilngh F. rambell. better kner. A letter from C. !>. Ilafley (California Frank) would appreciate letters from friend-. They from Ridgway, Colorado, frdlows; “We certain¬ and It la more than likely the show will con¬ are W. 11. Illlngsworth. or Montana Peto. as tinue Intact thru ^be winter. Tbe following was taken from The New Or¬ ly made a great move when we purchased our he is lietter known in Wild West elnles, who ranch of 400 acreas on the Western slope of The Camphell Shows have lost bnt one week leans Tlmes-Picayune of Oetoher 20: returned after three years in the trenches with and will open hero today; will also play all the “Arizona Frank, chamiiion lariat thrower, who Colorado. We now have 4f0 tons of hay, timo¬ the Canadian army. He will be coufined to thy and alfalfa; 2 cows—plenty of real and Jeff Webb bus greativ ao—icute’l “'xle rived at the City Hall at .itl.'i o’eloek Saturday D<-es. Tbe other is Phllln M. .\. Mannsell, sea¬ cream and butter, 60 hogs. spring Iambs. land Minstrels Manager OampNil. In all hla ca¬ afternoon. He del'vered a message from the son 11)17 with the Wortham Shows and formerly 1«>0 head of beef cattle, and minier'ius chickens, reer. I;a* never las-n better eqnpiied with hleh^ mayor of Alexandria and one from Governor with Johnny .1. Jones, Nat IU.i s rnd other car¬ ducks and geese. Cow ( n-ck runs the year rlasx vh'ins and his csrsvnn In anch splendli Pleasant to Mayor Martin Behrman. nival cvimpanlcs. Maunselt lx quite I'l of heart round.and our saddle st'x-k Is running ont. .\m conillth'n. During the week of Idleness at Best “Arizona Frank left .Alexandria Septem>>nr 28. trouble and will also liave to remain at the M-lling 1,000 bushels of wheat. This Is sorely I’oint Mansver < smplien treated the aviators the day the I-lberty loan drlvfi oi'e.n<-d. He has hospital for nbont six months liefore lieing dls- the life while these war conditions exi-t. .\11 at Payne Flel I to a vaudeville perfornisBce m ridden more than 500 miles. He stopp<-d In eh.arged. The.v lioth si’ml best wishes to their troupers are welcome, but they will have to which the following poople took part- r every town cn mnte. gave lariat throwing rx- friends and say that as letters are a tunic In the help milk the cows and do the chores. Would IVImar. with Cxnitdi<’ir« I.lon«: Ashhurtmi s hlhltions and sold I Ihertv bonds. He nnle a Innc’r hours, correspondence is kindly solicited. be glad to have some of the workingmen drop Tk g and Ponv Cln ns. The Du Rro'k Dan ing calico Ijorse given to him by an .Alexanilr'a firm. .Address Private W. II. Hlingsworth. No. In on me this winter, as they have done U’fore. Horses, rld-’en br Cant Ashlmrlon Ml-s GIvnn. It Is a benntiful animal and w as to he am tinned 2r |2Vi'2 Ward 11. Bed 13; Private Philip M. A. Have a nP« big fireplace and plenty to eat, MI’S* Pe MI’le and Flossie Fay: B’ehb's Plxle- from I.lbert.v stand Saturday afternoon, hut owr. Msnn«ell, No. 23006.58, Canadian Rallwav Troupe, but must bclld fence on nice days. *We gave laml 5rTnsfrels. Flovd Kline and an Improm^ntu Ing to tbe Influenza enldemlc all ceremonb-s In¬ Ward 1, Bed 2. Spadlna Military Hospital, a show on the ranch Ocfdw’r 13 and had over act hy Arthnr Randoliih and Rob Morton, whicn cident to tbe arrival of Arizona Frank were ean- Torrinto, Ontario, Canada. .'lOO people present. "Boxer,’’ our famous buck "stopped the ahow.” Mi-Gxivvan’s Band, late celed. er, threw I>oyd Berry, one of the best rl’lers In of the Itlnrllnr Shows, was gri’Stlv spore'iated “Frank said If the Influenza epidemic had not this country. Just pb-lced up another hnr«e. bv the L-sno aviators, as It la a camp without a Interfered with his plans be would hare sold GREAT UNITrTD SHOWS kD-iwn as "Copper Bottom.” that also threw band, ^ many ro<*re thousands of dollars in bond*. He Ills man and will tie hesr<1 fmm at the contests The many frienda of H. H Jenklis wMl tw donated bis services to the goremment and re¬ Late advice from the Great Fnlted Rhowt next season. Ju«t received a letter from Had to learn that he has completelv recovered ceived no money from any souri-e. stated that the attraction opened at the Marshall Ftroiid an.I 8ammv Garrett, St. Kegis Hotel. and Is hark on the Joh after a lone *P^ H “ ’I did my bit for Fnele .Sam,* said Prank. County Fair. Alhcrfv'I'e, Ain,. October 28. hut Junction City, saying that tlie.v Intended to rheumatism. He la now manager of the Privi ’I say If every man will do hWi bit—no matter na tbe epidemic la still unnbated In aome sec. pnt on a contest O.-tobcT 25-27. hut they ino*t 'ege Car. la general annonneer and owns several what it is—we are eertair to win tbie war. There tiona of flic .State tire show would lose the conceaslona. Hecklewv Vernon la riding the likely called It off, at the ’flu” Is very bad In current week fill November 0. when it would can lie no donht about that.* this section.” auto In the SIV'drome and believes he la the ‘'Arizona Frank is In the new draft and prob¬ oiM-n In nimi'nehnni. .Mn.. fur ii iiiiu-chiv cu only rider In the world who la rMIng a Fonr ably will b«‘ inducted Into tbe military service gngement. after wiiliii, iindi-r favorable cundl wheoled vehicle on the iiernendlcular walls of within a short time.’* News has reached The Billboard thru Dr, H. tlons. It will resnmi. Its n>utlng. a 'M-foot sibulrome. If there are others C. Laird from Pauls Valley. Ok., that Kd T. non wonid like to hesr from them. Arthor Nelaon’s Wild West Dog and Pony Circoa I.liKisay, the well-knowa Wild West and contest Have you looked thm tbe l>>tter List this la- Randolph, son of J. W.. has taken cbtrie •» closed tbe season at Galatia, Kinaai, October hand, pused over tbe Oteat Divide in g local sne? There may be mall advertised for you. Uhlutowa and ti ptovlac roiriMfta, NOVEMBER 9, 1918 ATTENTION! SHOWMEN, PATRIOTS WANTED—Shows, Rides, Novel Amusement Devices, Free Acts Performers and the Co-Operation of All Real Showmen. The greatest opportunity ever presented this field of endeavor to demonstrate their true American spirit. All trans¬ portation, loading charges, labor, erecting and operating of devices will be assumed by the United War Workers’ Campaign Committee. Wire what you can offer and full particulars immediately to * UNITED WAR WORKERS’ COMMITTEE OF THE SHOWMEN’S LEAGUE OF AMERICA, 817 Sixth Ave., New York City. THIS EVENT TO TAKE PLACE IN THE HEART OF NEW YORK CITY NOVEMBER IITH TO 18TH THIS IS A WONDERFUL CAUSE. WILL YOU DO YOUR BIT? EDWARD C. WHITE, Secretary Showmen’s League.


To Put on Indoor Circus at Canton Musicians Wanted Quick Washington, Nor. 2.—The rreommendatlons ment Thaatera aubmitted b; the board appointed by the Qorem- ment to aalrct the moat dnirable Instruments for use in the army and nary bands bare been New York, .Vos. 2.—An air of annsual actlelty accepted by the gorernmental authorities and tnd boatle is in evidence these days In iba offices bf I’eiry a Gorman, amuaement pureeyura. at will be adopted as the authorised Instrumeata- IMT Hiuadway, where elaborate preparations tioB in the future. This board, consisting of sre be ng made for the early launching of Clr- First Lieut. Chas. F. Waddington, 22d Infantry; cueland a pretentious Indoor circus offering that J. O. Brockenshire, Inspertor o>t Mualcal Intra- is wlieduled for a tour of tbe I'. S Goeernmenfa Write or wire a.s per route: Lai Liberty theater*. According to the s'.goed con- ments. Q. M. C., and Arthur Clappe. Chief of trac I. Just receieed at the I’erry A Gorman of- Eudora, 7th; Kilbourne, La., 8th Department of Music, Goremors Island, eoa- 0" s the o;>ening date has been set for De< embcr rened the latter pert of July at the United IS The place. Camp Merritt, N. J. A tour of all States Army Music Training School, Oorcmors the larger theaters o« the clrcnlt will follow, to strongly back np that contention. Tbe bill GERMAN CLASSICS Island, New York, and decided upon Inttrti- Tbe time 1» t’onsecutlve. A few cantonments, will he beaded hy ••»r»o,” long aince atyled where the ctpiclty of the theaters is rather too by newspaper reelewera ••the human comet." and Will Not Be Barred From 8t. Louis mentation best suited to the needs of tbe serrica limited for a big show of tbe size of Circualand, whose deatbdefying dive Is listed a* a former bands. Each band Is to consUt of forty.elgbt thrill at the New York Hippodrome. In private Symphony Orchestra Programs base been omitted from the Itinerary. The membefs, and th« following is a Ust of the •‘call” for rehearsals will be issued *ion, and it life ••Nereo” la Albert Gorman and a member authorized instrumentatlona: is probable that tbe attraction will play a of Ctrcualand^a team of producing managert. St. Lonla, Nov. 2.—Max Zach, director of tbe couple or so of nearby stands of Independent ••Xervo's" thriller will close the Clrcusland St. Lonla Symphony Orcbeatra, who recently re¬ Flutes—C, 1; Bb. 1. Ptccolo—l. Clarinet*— show. Others already booked for tbe tonr In¬ Ns-king before the grand opening. A Circueland turned from tbe East to begin rehearsals for Eb. 1: Bb. 10; Eb. alto, 2; Bb bass. 2. Saxo¬ clude the Berio Sisters, acrobatic and fancy Special will tranaiKtrt the trouping members the series of symphony concerts to be given phones—Soprano, 2; Eb alto, 1; Bb. tenor; Eb of the company, and tbe mechanical equipment water dlrers. with Lillian Berio, tbe perfectly under bis direction, stated that be bad changed baritone, 1. French Homs—< (altos for mounted and po ps, of wh'ch there will be much. abaiied woman, and ••MotbeC ^rlo. the com¬ edy part of tbe offering, w-ho la known In stage It is no exaggeration to say that in Ctreus- bis mind about barring all German music from bands). Trumpets—Bb, 4. Comets—Bb, 2; Bb IsmI Terry & (iorman will be found to hare aquatic qjTclea aa ••the wet comedienDe;^' Mac tbe symphony programs, and that be arlll retain baritone, 1. Euphonium, 1. Trombones (ralre .klearey, who lay* claim to the title of World's rounded up one of the largest and moat notable some of tbe German classics, such aa Beethoven, or slide)—Bb, 3; F, 1. Bssaes—Eb (4 ralres), \ aggegationa of ••white topped” entertainers Champion Trick, High and Endurance Jumper, Si-bubert and Mosart. lie plana to play Beeth¬ 2; BBb (helicon), 2. Sarrusophone, contra* that baa ever been assembled together for In¬ and a former feature attractloon with the Bar- nnm k Bailey Show; A1 Beerea, an escape art- bass, Snare Drums, 1 (in place of oboe for door d'ings of this sort. A total of sixteen oven's Seventh Symphony at tbe third pair of 1. well known circus acts of national reputation lat; The Sulllrana. comedy acrobatic boiing mid¬ coneerta. marcbiDg)j with triangle. 1, Bass Drum. 2 gets; tbe Aerial lArlnea, casting act; Starretfa hue been already engaged to make op tbe bill He explained that at the height of the agita¬ (In Ueu of bassoon on march, cymbals). Whan of en'ertainctw, anil the management is planning one-ring comeiiy dig and pony circus, with the tion against German raoaie he made out tbe playing concert one oboe In place of snare drum, to aiign'ent Mice by the addition of aeeeral nniidable mule. •Taesar;" Van Jerome, a ‘'frog two bassoons in place of cymbals and bass drum. others that are being negotiated with. Noth¬ man" contortionist, late of the Hagenbeck- first six programs without a triugle Teutonic ing ton big. if novel, fur Clrcusland la tbe .Showa; "Pop” Miaco, the Dean of Clowns, with composer on the Hat, but has siai-e become con¬ All trumpeters and drummers In the sereice present slogan In tbe Perry k Gorman offices, and a group of six funny ‘'Joes,” In special comedy corps will be taught to read and play music paniomlme numbers; tbe Six Posing Nymphs, in vinced that tbe public has no objection to the the list of attractions already booked would leem suitable for each corps, and ail bands and dram patriotic plastic poses; H. F. Stowe and Ms German classics. He was certain all the time, white .\rahlsn high-achool horse. "Snowball;” he said, that without German music the pro¬ corps will be compelled by regulations to ad¬ Burns Sisters, gymnastic hand-to-band balancing grams wonid suffer In artistic value. here strictly to these new instrumentations. and Iron-Jaw exhibitk'ma; The Clrcua Billposters, BERT DELNO PASSES If the St. Louis orchestra banned all German Tbe Wsr Department is making erery elfort to in'a grotesque [Sintomlmlc farce and intpsinrlng etjuip bends and corps with the authorized In¬ their funny mechanical horse. •'Paste;” Frank¬ music, he said, it would be tbe only one In the Bert Delno Dunham, the well known bar per¬ lin Sisters, In an aerial rerolrlng "crib” act, country to take that step. Eugen Ysaye, con¬ st ruments at the earliest possible date. former, passed twsy at his late home. The Chal- and a group of real .\merlcan Indians, In full ductor of the Cincinnati Orchestra, has an- fant. Indianapolis, Ind.. October 2H. and was war paint and regalia, and headed by Big Chief nonneed that be will play Beethoven and Schu¬ 8COTTI TO TOUR IN OPERA laid to rest In Crown Hill Cemetery, October 31, ■ Whltehan k.” the fcocral senrlcrs being in charge of Masonic A strikingly cirrusy stage setting la promised bert. Pierre Monteux. the French director, who order*, he beina a member of the Blue Lodge. by the man,sgement. The background will be a waa to have conducted the first three roncerts New York. Nov. 2.—Antonio Scottl, baritone Knights Templars and Shrine. He was also a half round top, with the tlmehonoreil *aw(1u«t of tbe Boston Orchestra, had not the Influenza of tbe Metropolitan Opera Company, has ar¬ life member of the Elks at Grand Rapids. Mich. ring and tanbark, and an array of side-show ranged to make a tour of the United States next Mr*. Bert IH-Ino piinhsm, the widow, wishes quarantine prevented, listed a Beethoven sym¬ freak* and i-nrlos. who will entertain aa a sort to express thru The Blllloard her heartfelt grat¬ phony on bis programs. Tbe Soolete des Con¬ spring and autumn at tbe head of bis own opera of prelude to tbe big show. The clmm atmos¬ itude for the mvny kindnesse* shown and tbe company, with artists, chorus and orchestra, re¬ phere will extend to the outside of the main en certs du Conser-stolre de Paris, directed by expressions of symi'Biliy r.-celved from many trance to the theater*, where the Tl«ltlng soldier .kndre Messager, which has come to this country cruited prlBcIpally from the Metropolitan. The fri'nds In the profc—ioii tn her hour of bereave¬ organization, to be known as tbe Scottl Grand ment amusement seeker* will pass thru and under a for the express purpose of increasing Interest in ranraa marquee. French music, plays Beethoven. Director Zach Opera Co., will present a double bill, Leonl’s Harry Boinnell Is directing tbe preliminary L'Oracolo, with Mr. Scottl In bis role of Cblin- work connected with the adranre. but will be said be was present at a symphony concert in bnsim-sa manager back with the show when It the East for soldiers. German music was Fang, and Mascagni's Cavallerl Ruatlcana. Tbe open*. played, and there were no hostile demonstrations. tour will cover tbe Sooth. East and Middle Perry A Gonnan are credited with hawing put In bis opinion the person who Judges music West on two succeasful Indoor circus show* last winter for the benefit of the Y. M. C. A. Soldier*' by the nationality of Its <-ompoeer U but a poor .\thlrtlc Fund, and this was very strongly In Judge of music. CONCERT NOTES their favor when the time arrived to ask for a But there will be less German music among I Iborty Theater routing. symphony orrbegtras playing to American andl- Theodore Splerlng, Nikolai Sokoloff and Serge ences, and the nsuhl Wagner concert will be I'roknkeff are listed among the goest-condnetor* GREAT AMERICAN SHOWS omitted. In fact. Wagner may not be played of tbe Chlcage Symphony whom Director De- at all by any of tbe .kmerican symphony organi- lAmarter has invited to appear with his organ¬ xationa. The reason for singling Wagner out, ization during the winter. Closes Season and Will Winter at Reginald De Koven is writing Incidental Statesboro, Ga. Mr. Zach explained, was bis offensive attitude towards France during tbe Franoo-Trusslan War. music for a play. Remnant, in which Florence No music by living Germans or Austrian com- •Vash is to star. H'ateshoro. Ga., Nov. 1.—The great .tmerii'an First perfortnances anywhere of works by Shows closed the season here October 29. and posers will b« played, because technically it will winter on the Fair Grounds here. Mr. Wtl- would be against the law, violating the trading Charles Martin Loeffler and John Alden Carpen¬ llnms, the congenial manager of the Fair Asso¬ with tbe enemy act. For instance, a royalty of ter, N>th American composers, of Chlcsgo. are ciation. has !e-se.1 us *' « buildings In which f 100 most be paid for performing Richard Strauss’ announced at a concert open to the pnbllc at to store the shows and r*des. .\eoIian Hall. New York, 'Febrnery 15, with Among the many people of the company who Domestic Symphony, and part of tbe money will winter here are: Mr. and Mrs. Pari Wilson. would possitUy go to the composer after the war. Povla FrIJsh as soloist. Mr. and Mrs. Porey, llmmie Johnson, manager In conjunction with the symphony concerts Cornetins Van Viiet, tbe Dutch relliat, who of the whip; Nat P. Worman. snperlntetideat of many noted soloists will appear. Director Zach 1 appeared as soloist at concerts with Tetraz¬ ' •>n«tnictlon and manager of tbe merry-go-r*uiid: zini, Mary Garden and with the Minneapolis "Jlp” Benjamin, manager of the forrls wheel; has hitherto been adverse to soloists clving en¬ John Passidy. Roy Pole, "Kid” Harris. Prank cores at tbe Friday and Saturday popular con- Symphony Orchestra, will give a recital at M<-(’oy. Fred Jacobs, Eddie JsekKon. Frankie certa, but this season singers sod instrumental- .\eollan Hall. New York, on November 31. I<\:rncs. .Icrry Worman, M. Jonas and Mr. and fsts will be permitted to give added numbers to Grace Hofheimer. a young pianist, recently >Irs. "Ptirley” Hninn. "Mother” Wilson has i-horge of the cookhouse and keeps the hoys their scheduled programs, if tbe audience so gave a recital at Aeolian Hall, New York. She well fed. Fishing and hunting are now all tbe desires. This is the only place the popular war pleased by her unaffected readings. Her feeling logue.—NAT WORMAN. song will have on the programs of the symphony for the classl.- style was apparent in the Mozart concerts, under the direction of Max Zach, altho sonata for two pianos, which she give with A cahlegram from Tarls announces tliat Ellra- all of the national anthems will be played on ■tn.lre Benoist. beth N. Wood, an .American singer, entertaining different programs by tbe St. Louis Symphony, Felix Garrlglla, the French pianist, hss re siildlers In France, and I4eut.-Col. N. W. Cam- with the rendering of the Star-Spangled Banner t-elved •pccial recognition for his playing of panoie, of General Pershing's staff, were mar¬ prior to the overture of each program. Chopin and Debussy, which be locloded at bla ried at tbe RiU-Carltoo. Ptrts, October 20t bff first AeoLan Uall recitaL Yerk, NovereSar BERT DELNO Chaplain Joyce. 56 NOVEMBER 9, 1918

REALS MISSES DIXON want to ofllolally rorlow the ehow, for h*Tpn’t MORRISON'S WEEKLY other aiitomobilUt. Both gentlemen eBcapod 1, as the proKK a);eut of the nhow, already ad¬ (Continued from page 1.3) injuries, but Keliy’s machine was Iradly mitted that it U a “Great Show”? Wliy Bay Star Theater, St. Paul, Minn., October the chairman refused on the grounds that there daiuageeneflt Agent Bowery Biirlesqaera. not consider burlesque camps essential. There¬ of luirles'jue readers that Dr. 3. A. Munster Dear Nelse: fore Beals missed the efhcient jissistance of is now a lieutenant In M. C. Sanitary Train, THE TROCADERO, PHILA. I.ew Talbot nas Just flntshed here at St. Paul Dixon, who would have argued the isiint with American Kx|ieditlonary Forces in I'nin<‘e, to playing a sloek engagement of two weeks, with the Draft Board, and. as every rcigs to direct the o[>ening perform¬ The .Midnight Maidens are laying off at Chi¬ think it out duty to ask you to publish this ROAT’S MUSICAL GEMS cago with a chance of opening up on the regu¬ notice of thanks to Joseph Wlesman. jiroprietor ance of Atta IViy on November 4. lar time at Minneapolis next Sunday. I have of the Alamac Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. Battle Creek. Mich., Not. 2.—Chas. E. Boat & Company have a catalog of .some of the most been working every day. I’ut in two weeks in During our layoff caused by this terrible JUVENILE MAKES A HIT classy songs now offered to the singing pro¬ Chicago on the elei-tlon work and doing the epidemic Mr. Wiesraan willingly volunteered to from Blanche fession. Their aim is high-class and same here for the fanvitis Kid Wheeler, who render any financial aid whatsoever. He put music of the better sort, but wlieii they do all the work here at St. i’aui. his hotel at our disposal and went out of his run in a potuilar song it’s a corker, as, for B<“rt Wheider, who has been out ahead of way to give comfort to every one eoneerned. instance. You Haven't Sacrltleisl at .VII. This the Wallace Show this summer, returned to Putting it all in as few words a: Iiossible, he song gets your audience from the ojienlng hars St. I’aul in lime for the election work, also to is a real friend to both manager and performer and holds them u.atll the last note. It’s a pippin act as advertising agent at the Palace and and his kindness should lie remembered by alL for a male single. Liberty theaters for the winter. Wheeler leaves IRVING L. ENDEL. here Decemlier for the convention at Bo.^.m of Manager A1 Reeves Co. VAIL BURNS THE WIRES the N. \. of B. I*. & B. of Bert is on the MOE MESSING, ticket for president and the boys here have Manager Hello. America, Co. CHANGES IN CAST New York. Not. 2.—Billy Vail kept the wires cards all ready prlnteil with a big I. W. W. HARRY THOMPSON. Joe K. Watson and Will Cohen are now doing between Louisville, Ky., ami New Y

WHITE RATS REALTY COMPANY SUES, CHARGING CONSPIRACY (Continued from page 3) book such artists as had entered the premises of tin plaintiff. These anil many other acts arc alleged to have been i-ommltted by the and Its subsidiaries, with the result that the White Bats Realty Company. Ine., as the prom<-ter of the White Rats’ Clubhouse, claims its business en¬ terprises were completely destroyed and the Imilding. together with the equity in th-- b-n.-e- hold of the lanil, was lost and taken away from


New York, Nov. 2.—George P. Murphy, fea¬ tured comedian in Hurtig & Searaon’s Bur¬ lesque Wonder Show, visited tlie club frequent¬ ly during the layoff. George P. has put his gas wagon in cold Btorage at his ettmmer residence, Freeport. L. 1. Speaking of autos. Geo. informed us that Lew, accompanied by George Weeks, an official of Nassau County, met with a mishap


dred Valniore and James I-lchter have been added to the cast. and drinks, and desired to move his company Ch.-irlie B'lwards takes the place of Jack to McKeesport, Pa., where he could satisfy the Dpniii>ey in the Trail Hitters. cravings of the inner man with Pennsylvania Bible Cameron is out of Dave Marion's Ameri¬ refreshments. ca’s Best. Owing to the death of Eva .Mull, Wonder if Billy ever recalls the early nsT- in r role has Ix-cn assigned to Nellie Watson. ing session Iwfore and liehlnd the Mahogan.i The Biff Bang Trio and Joe Fields have been at Seventh ami Girard avenue when the Iran ailded to the cast. script boozer came in for hU morning's morn¬ ings?


New York, Nor. 2.—Burlesquers at the club New York, Not. 2.—Report from .Vtlanta, heard with sincere regret that Walt. Leslie, Ga., indlcatea that I’eggy .Moran is going to manager of the Casino, was taken ill while at¬ forsake the glittering glamour of footlights and tending to his managerial duties. He was re¬ bla-ter (lalaecs for the more serious duty of moved to hia home, where he is now n-stlng actual war work at the battle front Over There, comfortably under the administration of his •Miss Moran as a chorister waa a conselentloiiH family physician. wvjrker, who made good on her merits plus I'er- sonallty. NELSE VS. BRAGG Those who know the fascinating Peggy claim that she is one of the (lepplest soubrettes on New- York, Nov. 2.—In my review of my own the circuit, and that she will fwove herself a attraction. The Bng Islunil towns with sic Co.. Inc., of 11.5 West tith street. New York U-psiuers for his paper. post cants soll<-itlng patronage, and from what City. They are author, composer and publisher, respectlveb*. of We're Bound To Win With Boys I most conilally invite Nelse to wltnees the oor Newsdealer Gorman of .Morris Park tells Miss Irw-lii Is known as Ttie Girl With th> Goblrii Like You. which Is taking the ojuairy by storm. ,>erfuruiance of Joe Hurtig’a Famous Bowery ns the Crescent is making a decided hit with Voice. Slid U laie of Niw York’s most succt-ssful These enterprising boys have many other eong music sslesgirls, bresklng all ra-ords with A1 I’l- ^iirlesiiucrii, bat 1 cannot see why Nelse ehunld the Morris I’arkers. hits to thelz credit. aiitadosl it Co. NOVEMBER 9, 1918 X ti e Billboard 57 of thp rliib, of an approximate annual mount The bequest to Cardinal O'Connell Is to bo of JitVi.iaa); that the realty value of the hulMIni; us>*d by blui for charitable purpose* in mi-mory iin friend, and r.'latives are a* fidlows: Martha ciiM-d of inatitiitinir a realiiie of eaplonaife, In- I Washingti.n .8tPvciis. an aunt, of Cambridge, tiiiili!atlon and criinlnal force. Showmen’s League Allied War Work $,'>.<»oo; Lila Gerould. Ttiisiiliirea Geri-iild and The altidavit contalna over fi.Ota* wurda of Harriet Gerould. ef I.ynn, ciiue.lns. $.'>,000 each; tesal lore. The realdence and atatua of each Agnes Gibbons and Mary D. Gihlsins, chddren and every defendant .a aet forth—a aummary —CAMPAIGN— of llu* late .Vu*lin Gildnitis, of Cliieago, $lfi,ii00 of the tiiauner of obtaining the leaaehohl and each; (-.larli - I’. Keith, Caniliriitge, $.'>,000; Har- eulo.ciiient hulldintr of the clulihiaiae and coat The biggest carnival the world has ever seen, right on Broadway, Xi«t T. I). Germilil. of Springlielil. $lt>.al. thereof—the alma aiet piirpoaea and aasov-iatlon To Ethel K l.ainler. of Ni-w Y’ork. and Reed and ita flnancial atatua up to the time of the A. AIb.e, of New York. Mr. Keith left $.'>,009 dKairreement with the M. V. I*. A. taken up each; to Melvinali Mel-'arland, J.’.'i.isa); her il" tit half of the athdavlt. The balance la de¬ New York City, November 11th to 18th daugiiter, Ltln-I H. Ilolnie*. wife of Thomas B. voted to the allei^ed acts committed by the de- I Holme., $lo,iHai; riii.mas W. Holme*, eon of fendanta. I Thom a* B. Hi tnies, $I.0,1**); Tliuiiias B. Holmes. CARNIVAL INVADES THE 100 SIDE SHOW FOLKS ! all sliare. in tlie Elmira Mining Coni|iuny und all METROPOLIS ' rights in jiropertie* in .Me.viro; Prank .M. (Continued from pa«e 3) I Liilewell. of Cleveland. $.7,1**); the itev. C. A. 100 FREAKS AND LIVING CURIOSITIES I P’iniiegan. of Grutim, .Ma..., $27.(*)9; tlei.rge B. npacp at Broadway and Madieon S<)uare near the Billings, of Juiiiaiea Plain, Ma*s.. $7,i*t9; Dr. Altar of Liberty; a portion of the front of the of all kinds. Talkers and grinders. R. R. Fares paid both ways. Wire quick. J. Piister Bush, of Wini lieiiitiui. Mass.. $.’.7.i*lO. 1 uld.i- Library, to be abared with William Fox. The Rev. James .1. irllrtcn, of Somerville. ihairuian of the Theatrical Committee of the No time for letters. Mas*., received $7,l**); .Minnie J. ifp.rien and l iiilcd War Work Campaiitn, who will nae the Gertrude O'Brien, of .'imnerv ille, $.7<*» each; t cntral I’ark. The upper end of Timea Square Jolin C. M.a'all. of New Y'ork. .*li>.(H*i; Mary L. I I. alNo offered, aa ia aiiace aluoK Park Avenue PHONE BRYANT 9814 I and Lois McCall, hi* children. $7 iN*i each; Kath¬ boulevard, for ferrla wbeela or riden. Other lo¬ erine CiHike and Carlton P. C.sike, I'hlMren of cal cna will unduuhlevlly N> available If re<|uired. I Walter P. Cooke, of Buffalo. $7.i**> eai-h; .'tamupl Mr. .M< IKiiiald further atated that the com¬ PERRY ft GORMAN, 1547 Broadway, N. Y. City K. Hodgdon. of New York, $7.(**l; John J. mittee will pay all rv‘aaenaea to brinf, Murdock, of New York. $7.»**>: UolM-rt G. Ijtt* ere. I and return all ahnw ]varaphernalla, to- sen. of Boston, manager of the Keith fVsiton llicr with the necea>-ary laN>r naiuired In enterprise. $7.9<*>; P. Morg in. $2,990; tlice ifema. The ahuwmen are aeked merely to Harry T, .tonlaii, of Philadelphia. $7,900; joeepb diinite their aervlcea In o|>eratlm; the vaiioue H. Doiigherty, of Ptiilailcliihia, $'2,.7<*L aho«« and device.. All legitimate ebown and Until an Inventor.v of the estate has been rid np device, and certain ronceaalona. Including made It 1* Inipos.ilile to estimate the amount :oert haiidlae wheel* and hall iranien, are enpeclal- that Cardinal O’Connell as resldu.ary legatee ly desired. Another important aervlce re- ' will rei-eivp to be' expeiidi-d in charitable work. giil cl 1. that of talker, for the various attrac¬ I The ileatli of Mr. Keith is not exjiected to tion*. make any change in the iiianagcment of the John D. Rockefeller, Jr., who regretted his In- KENTUCKY DERBY CO. vandi-vilh- circuit that bears hi* name, or of iMlity to be preaent at the meeting, authorized * ■ P'I'k'i'g •Mlli-i-e. E. P. .Mla'e has Mr MiTamald to atate that medals of suitable 126 FIFTH AVE., N. Y. CITY always been the executive head and director of deaian wssible way cities where show property was stored wouM be nell. and is feeling great. Bill alw.iys likes to liear advised to mobilize the necessary labor. >fr. and devote bis time to the cause at bis own ex¬ from his old T. M. A. elassiii ili *. pense. He will personally visit Mr. Pobill at Cttntribution Committee. Harry Potter, chair¬ Clh k stated that Ms whip would bie available for man; Geo. 11. Uumilton, Tom McCannon and J. The old historian. Mo*e l iekerlng, of Boston, Beas-on, N. Y., regarding the use of his ferris i the cause, said ride being at the present time L. Thompson. take* his daily Jaunt down tuvvn to meet cld wheel. In Itanbury. Conn Ih-rt B. Perkins was selected aa assistant to acquaintances. He has fully recovereil f^om .viipilre itlley suggested that the services of Lennie Colson offers the use of his merry-go- the secretary during the campaign. the severe fall he received lust winter. Glad sensational free act* be secured, snd stiteil round, a set of sw.ngs and the popular Kill Mr. McDonald staled that he waa available to hear It, Bni. Pickering. that with hands promisi-d to the •■ommlttee the Kaiser game. at all times, ami could be reached by telephone Ia?vv Henirlch caged his ant'i for the winter. The darn critter caused him a lot of trouole that It Would be a welcome Innovation. He Frank Schneck will make a special trip to at WOO Circle, Extension tit or 17. while en route to visit his mother recently. No further stated that as a result of this so-called Baltimore to see John- Sbeesley, also to Fhtla- one has disisivereil as yet what makes these Kro.adwiy Carnival that victory celebrations delpbia to see Mechanic Jc Krause, the object th'iiont the country will be the aftermath. He A. PAUL KEITH’S DEATH gas wagons balk when you Intend to have a little being to secure their available shows and rides. pleasure out of them. No use getting sore at offered to seenre for this event a IWx'jriO foot Mr. Schneck further promised his ow-n individual canopy and side wall, together with seat*, for (Continued from page 3) tbi-m. It's ail lu the day's sport. efforts, concession paraphernalia and agents. He Walile Itiiiige, of Nlilwankee, Is consoling any wbatK>ever: al«o the ns. of Joe Zara's Nally, Frank Vincent, Walter Vincent, Clarke alao will furnish a stenographer at the League himself these off da.vs hsikiiig over the Scripture, ferris wheel. Frank Schneck suggested that Day, Carl D. Lathrop. l>ed Sbanberger, Pat headquarters previous to und during the drive. pondering why there is s-i much d'lp stuff in the aforesaid canvas can be used at Columbus Ca.*ey. William Fox, B. S. Moss, W. B. Sleei>er. Jack Carr baa offered hla servL-es as an ad¬ it. He ailmircs the passage which fells about Circle for an enclosure for free acts. Max Hart, Kdwanl Rinton. Harry CTiestcrfleld. the wafer Iwing turned in f> wine. A1 Holstein stated that he was heart and ditional steniigrapber. David Hunt and Eilgar .Mian Woolf. Sydney Wire agn-es to devote his entire time Mike Cnllcn. of Newar Lidge, is scanning the e>*d In the event and that Dare Devil Shreyer E. F. -Mbee wanted to Join the funeral party, list «'f his friends emp. cd in the differ-nt Is willing to arrange a structure on one of the for this affair and will b«' on hand at the I.eague but owing to bis i>hyslcal condition his phy- theater* at home, to s any come within tlM tall building* near Tlroea Square and perform Ms to meet all committees and reoadve reports. 'Iclan forbade him go iig. age limit of being eligible t-> join the T. M. A. dive* Mr. Holstein stated further that Peter Tkun McCannon offers hie apartment In the The honorary pa!lhear«‘ra were Mes*rs. Reel Bro. Cullen never leaves an oi>is>rtunity pass J. Higgins, wonderful bark somersault dive, Walllck Hotel for dressing rooms for the free .Y. -Mbee, E. M. Robimson, John C. McCall. J. without getting some result out of It "a well as that of Tom Quincy, were available acts which may perform In that vicinity. J. Murdwk, W. I.. Mitchell. Walter P. Cooke, William J, Keenan, [lasf pn'shlent of Cin¬ during the itrlve. Ralph Finney has a ferris wheel on the way. Maurice Gooilman. F. F. Pex-toT, S. K. Hodgd<-n. cinnati I.ixlge, has he*’n nnoer th*- weather for Mr. Mlililletiin offered the services, hy an- which he offers if same arrives on time. E. G. laiuder, Jr.: John Ringliiig. Martin B«-ck. the i>asr cmii>Ie of months, due to rheumatic t' ertty „f Osear Babcock, of hi* famous loop Mr. Rolstein again lmprc**eo much. the need of m*d cf Cow e. John Harris. Harry T. Jordan, Harvev O. N. Old* has .1 new wrinkle to hide Yia .M Dorman, better known as “Nervo,** of- hearty co-operation from var'oii* menibeis If Watkins. C. E. Culllnan and Clark Day. all fast dlsapi>earlng hairs on his head. Wears a fer**! hla two sensational acts, and would fur¬ the action of the Fire Commission wa* favirraMo. hiis'ni's* as*o<'iates and old friends, who went fur eap now. which serves alsi> to keep "h* nish all lalMvr ami lumber himself. W. J. Forster will b«' approached hy Nat Mc- to Boston on the funeral train. upper extremity of bis person comfortable. A ,\no»njr the art* wbicli were iifferevl were Schll- rn-ndek n-gaiallng secur'ng M* attraction. Mr. The honorary palllH-arors fn>m Boston were disrlide of H'siver, eh? hr Speedy and the Dreat .\lfredo. McCormick has promised two novel sts'wa George R. Hall, Thonia* J. Clexton John J. Ttfs. H. Poley. the recording secretary r* Mr. Holstein then offered his whip, which he Chairman Ferarl agre*»* to furnish side-show Kel her, James T. MclVmaM. W. 15. M Donald. Brooklyn I"dge, has changoaraphern.alia. and Captain Perrv will supply Miinroe Hill, William E. Coibn*. John P. Gor Maeoii' *treet. Bnsiklyn. He is look'ng for an .assume all operating eviM-naos himself. He Is the slde-sbqw {>eople. Henry Meverhoff. who man, Rol>ert G. Larsen anl George Dennison. Aldeeuian ioh this fall. It Is great to be a also M-illing to talk lu front of any show or is now in Montreal, will be notlfle*! of th|a .\s a mark of respec-t to Mr. Ke'th no matinees politie'an—'Ittle work and lot* of i>a.T. a-1 event, and bi« eo-operatlon Invltfal. t<>gether were held in any Keith house Safnrdar. Gts>rge W. Peterson, .if n.ll.idelphia I.i>dge. Palward C. White stated that Mr. Beml would with the use of hi* rides. The will of Mr. Keith, datol Fehenary 26. la rounding np the No. 3 members t i see h 'w furnish the largest organ known to the show Captain Soreho. a Iste arrival at the meeting, 1916. wa* Hied at Boston Thursday. Personal b*‘- many are at h.inie. .\ g^eat numln-r of tlie-n World to aid In the drive. also expressed himself enthu«last'cally for »h» qnest*. aggn'gating $J»k>..-aai are made, and a-e In the service and the or-s at home are The Chair then a«Ved Deorge Hamilton for I^'agno's effort*. Ho pr<'mis»'d to pe-sonallv *.’.•>9110 la left to the Harvanl lia>9 Class Ftind. planning to forward them aonwlblng for re- remark*. Mr ILamllton staled that not only call upon Sam Gnmpertz and Mangels, of Coney ■•'he stock In the B. F". Keith Theaters Company ni.'uihrance for th.* ti*ilidavs. Tlie memtiers of wer,. vve engaged In a wimderful cause, hut the Islami, to enlist their aid. He will endeavor f* Mr. Keith divided among hi* hnslno'.* a«s«K-iate«. No. 3. T. M. A., are in accord with the name showmen shouhl not oTpr|k the fact that they secure Harry Deem’* wonderful Bi-lglan Village and the resblne goo* to Cirdinal O’Connell, of their clf.y hears. would obtain a pres*lee thrimut the covintry attraction to supplement the bet. lio*ton, and to Harvsisi College. James, alias Jimmy. Duncanson Is all d-olled • dherwlse they could not possibly seenre. Sam McCracken ha* offered the use of hi* -YIl ehare* In the B. F Keith theater com- nn with a new outfit, pr. nclng np aad i’, >vvn "Nervo" again tn«*k the floor and offered the elenhants for advertising purpose*. pan'e* are distributed as follow*: Madison street lik - a tw -year old. These services of ItlgniH- for a free act. a* well as the Mr. Ferarl then appointed the following com Edward F. .Mhe«> of New Y'ork, 2.'7 shares; Southern g.-ntteim-n are ni ' • conspicuous during "crvlies of his Arm. known as Perry A Oorman, mittecs w* ■l♦ee p Cooke. Buffalo, N. Y'. SO shares; the fall .dection than ny ih.-r time during ihe to -iM In i>v(>ry possible way the securing of at- General Committee. Harry M.-Garvle, chair¬ Maurice Oomiman of New Y'ork. S9 share*: E. year. Say, Jimmy, kei-p Isvll'.e wet: you tractitm*. man; Captain IVrry. George II. TIsmIlton, I arry M. Robln*on of New York. 80 share*: Rotx'rt G. may have a lot of visitor* -'ore long. The Chair then Infrodnced Tom McCannon, rof»er. F'iwaril C. White. William Judkin* I ar*en of Boston. 89 shares, and .Tohn .1. Mur- TTie w'fe of o'lr *e. r. f,a , Bro. n.atry C. Lee. who made an Impressive talk, stating that white Ilewltt, Harry Iloudlnl. Frank J. Schneek aiel dm'k of New Y'ork, 16.Y share*. .\11 the right* in of Chicago, has l>e-n str -ken with the "fiu'* he had Ivecn out of the show business for six Sydney Wire. the Bijou Theater. Philadelphia, are given in for the past six weeks, hut the constant atten¬ Tears he waa still for It. and was enthoslastlc -Yttractlon* Cavmmittee, .M Holstein, chairman: equal shares to the same men. tion of Bri'. I •••■ has nurs.-d her hack to -mn- f'T the Idea which was md ontv a grand thing William Gbck. Squire Riley Charles Beadles. The theater* In Montreal. Sf. .Tohn*. N. B ; valescence. G.sad hoy, Harry, you have our ad¬ from the cause standpoint, but the wonderful Mr. Hippie and Mr. O'Grady. T ewlsion and Bangoe. Me., anil Manchester. N. miration. prestige to lie g.athered from public oidnlon. the Free .keta, .\1 Schwartz, chairman; W. J. Hll- H are given to Edwanl F. .Mbee. R..h,.-t C. Watson, secretary of New Tlaven preas, and the nnqneatloneil beneflt to future Ilar. Captain Perry and Wiiliaui Judkins Mr. Keith directs that the class of 1991 of liisige. has taken np new onarter* at 9 Richard show hualneaa. He then preacnied a check for Hewitt Harvanl College, of which he wa* a memls-r. ftre<'t New Haven. P .ail lueniher* please taka t^.*i a* a tlonatlon to help pay many of the petty Concession* Committee, lYank Schue<'k. chair¬ be given $23,099 in lO'.’fi on the twenty-fifth notice of Chang.’.—EDW lint LENKAMP. Grud •xpensea Incorred by the I-eague in this drive. man; John Wallace, Jack Carr, Gcoige Kempber, ■tmlversary ot bis graduation. Secretory-Treasurer, ClncinnaU, Q. >1 NOVCMBCn 1»W

IIILTOS—liolo Milton, of the team of Mlltoa sla October 28 In Mooat VamoB, V. T. fOe « • A M .M I AXI Klch. died at her home la Chlcafo October wae 18 year* old aod «aa related to tte ttaaedl- ¥J I T' ¥ I JL W ¥^ 21. aa. Edwin Booth, thru her mother. ¥ ¥ ¥j I M ¥ J ¥w ¥ F. moon—Mra. Morae Moon, widow of the late WAlyKEK—Cbrletr Walker, laetloa pletnre m ww Morae Mooa, died at iJelena, Mont., October 24, actreae, died at her heme la New York oo Oc- _of pneunioDla. At the time of her death ehe tober J9 ef Indueaaa. She waa 20 rearm old aad playing on the I'antages Time. Mr. Mood la aorTlred by her huabaad. a twe-jear-eld aoa ADAIKr—MaiahaU Adair, a member of the HEATH—Tbomaa Heath, Jr., aged 19 yeara. | paaaed away October 17. and her mother. yuartet. aiKl a well-known lyceum and ^e md of the famoua hUckface 1 MOOHE-Sunley M.x)re. baritone player and WARNER-Mra. Beeaie Rath Warner wtfe AautanqM ^rforme^ died November 4 of In- rTnrr«/*nin^ ■ ••i*®*'* October 8 In bla aerenteentb year, of Albert Warner, of Warner Bmtbem, mnUno dueoza at Aberdeen, B. D. ^ath home, Cypreaa BlUa, New xork. October many friends la the profeaeloa, who will picture prodocera. died October 28 at her bom* ADDISON-Edmona Addison (Mrs. Harry ;,pvnRirKan«j_«s.r,t trtiu.m ‘>®™ «> ago |a Strong), formerly with WllUam Todd Vande- DKK^ON MORAWnne Mora, In private life Mra. Anna ‘ Utaburg. TlUe Company, died of Influenia at Reilly. O., JT!',**” Tavla-Erwood, widow of Robert Erwood, theat- WELI-MAN—John WcIUnaa. lor Bre years October 80 in her l«th year. She leaves a boa- *'• "tias. lex., ucweee di, oi laen- managrr. died recently at her home la with Oeneral nim C«mi«ny aa m bookkeeper band, who Is In France, a two-year-old son and “X'Uia. New Dorp, State Island. She waa SS yeara old died In Washington, D, C., October 28 of paea- a aister, Onsale Addison. HORN—(Tiara Horn, last with the Sightseers, mad bad been a member of stock companies In monla. He bad no family In thla cotintiy. ARDNT-Fellx Ardnt. a composer associated ‘’^'of //“taat!^* Th^iter" Ken- m.rri.,^ WEST-Capt. Fanl Warn. Joumallat. play «t one time with Gus EduanlSe iUed in New fingtoa Pa., died Id that citj October 14 at the HOKEI.E^—t\tUiam Mack Moaclejr, pro- author, who waa mrklac for tbe XorkVork City recently in hl»bin 22d2«d year. InfluenaaInflueiLza mma of *32*92 years,rear*. moter and apetial agent for the Con T. Ken* Bed Croaa in France, waa gaaaed on Aognat 27 aedy Shows for tbe past eleven years, died No- I and taken to a hospital la Fraare. October 28 wma the cauac- of hla eiiper*a Show, Date and B tin. leading man In Fox productions, died of e. B. Reed’s Greater She tnberculwsls at Saranac lAke, N. Y., recently. Bluff, Ark.. October lA She BALDWIN—Jack Baldwin, blackface come- old and waa 111 for only two w fflan. In private life Jack McCollough. died at Deceased is survived by her pai tnethe >tateState rarm,Farm, Weldon,weioon, Tex.,lei., ociooerOctober 24. *.i-Ef- .auaad one brother.Uioujer. Sheoue waaw.B lalI.iu Ml rr.1 in lue o. i_ .w.. ii- Re twesn hla ataea iwpeer ——__ Kirelr‘“‘forts are l>elng’made to k>cate hia brother, Mac BellwoodBellw.^ Cemtery,Cemtery. I’lneFine Bluff. ?^r‘^pb“w'"of"samue"! ”ML”:."“!;e‘"the“t' If ^e* .“md"'-:. McColloiigb.McColloiigh. JOHNSON—Eddie Johnson, knownkn aa the whirl- rtcal mam. For the Ust Bfieen years Nathan to fte Girl of the Goldam West. BABNIZER—Henry Banilser, brother-in-law wind dancer of Texas, died at Oreenrtlle, Tex., ngj l>.en treasurer of the Broad Street Theater. WILK8_Anansttn Dale Wltkat fomerlv ss of J-)e Wilson’s wife, dl^ in Jackson, Mich., Saptember 24, of influenza. He was 20 years old VEBxnm xi, r setnr snd aon «» R/twawi wiihl _*® racently.raceotly. Joe Wlls-nWilsou Is one of the WUson aad waa well known among the profession. ^ She 'w^a I? vei™ ^mber of Auns/ln'Dalv? StUk VoZ^urViaJ Brothers appearing in vaudeville. Johnson was married to Myrtle WilUama Sep- )“ recently. She was t>5 yeart a^ ^r « Aug »n Daly a SUek Com^n^ dW __ „ tamher « hv whom he la aiirvlTed ®* •••• ® “*• warf • Hospital, New Tork. OO October BAKTHA—ReneeBAKTHA—Renee Barths,Bartha. a clever ravmsrsvme¬ lemuer o, oy wnom ue is aurviveu. _ ___ . nnanm/,Ria iiia hn.r>. saa n__ tiste, died in I’arls. France. October 19. JONES-Irvlng Jones, secretary' of the Oer- '* BIN NS—George H. Binus, member of the ?6 H.'iiS r“V*' "Ll'Tn vaadeville act of Binns, Bums and Blunt, but . a a . had only been in for one week. V!! recently in motion pictures, died at him home In JOPLIN—Hugh A. Joplin, formerly manager .. a, j . to Chicago October 90 ta her Sid year. Glendale, Cal., October 27. of pneumonia, fol- of ^e MountainMonniaia PiainsPlains ‘fi^aterTetter Supply Com- ***^** WOLFORD—Mrs. Bath Welfotd, wife of lowing Influenza. He was 82 years old,old. a native pany. Denver, died to that city OctoberOctobor 12 from *“*”** Hospital. KraaasKwaas aty. Mo.. Octo- P|«f.Peof. Henryfjenry W’olford,W’olford. of the act of Wolford’s of England and prominent In the Masonic fra- heart trouble. **• ®* pneumonia. He had been an actor Dogs, died U New York City October 81. 8be ternlty. Ue Is survived by a widow. KARMONT—Cbatlos Kannont. of tbe Oharlea ^Wa*lu^‘c?iartT*'coZt.aM ** IIU Zf* J”'* *** *'•’*" *

BYERS—Jra J. Byera. agent of the Coloilal *1 ®* Influenaa. Decewed waa 51 York aod In nuiadelpbla. died ZIMMERMAN—Mrs. VesU ZImmennsn. wife ®*’ ^ Cleveland Octo- years old. meute IndlgetUon October 29 at bis bome, of Fred Zimmerman, tbestrlcal maeagrr. died bar ^ Id hla 31it year. He was formerly an KEITH—A. Paul Kaltli. head af the Keltk 880 BlTaralda Drive, New York. Ue was w at tb* Hotel Walton, Philadelphia. Octotwr 30. •arlal performer. . Circuit, died at the heoie of E. M. Bobtnsom tn years old and waa born In rbiladeipbla. af a compMcstloo of diseases, following a long COHEN—Hattie Cohen, aister of Henry L. New York City October 31. He was the son • PEYTON_Lawrence R Pevton motion ole- Illness. Deceased was 40 years old, snd Is sn*- Mewmso, music man. died la New York (Hty of the late B. F. Keith. Mr. Keith was bora tore actor was killed In France'in action'i*. tired by a busbsnA loterment waa at Middle recently of influenxa. Dbe waa 2» years old. in New York on January 3, 1875. After grad- ocutly. He la the first soldier from tbe Lasky Da®’’'! UIH Cemetery. Philadelphia. November 2. COOPER—Glady# Cooper, well known In mn- 11*.’*“*.^'^?? Studio to loao his Ufa In France. I’eyton is- aflral circles, died at the Andifortnm Hotel, Ctrl- uV by a widow amd a mother. ENLARGED EXPOSITION IDEALS cago, October TT. fonowing an attack of In ®* *“* POSCH—Harrr Poach orcheotrsflon wrltor fluenza. She was on a concert tour when half owner of the Keith tl^atrlcal In- . . HsixIs romnsnr d^ed rw-^ (Continued(Contlnned from pegspega 20) teresta the owner of the other half hetne c *®f *b« Charles K. Harris Company, died Octo- toi. w e bad spent most of h^Ome J?* ^d***""* “ “*“• “*• »f**«*‘ the world of trOCBSE-^ohatULB««r-^oiin & Comae, once««>ce a membermemuer ofor iq Booton,Boston, blabis bome there being at the Hotel ***“ **» •'“’’toedsurvtveo byoy a widow,wioow, living things abont.^oot no.ns. andtad la thisthla conflict all The Song Writein Review a vaudeville a^n^ Pnrltan.Bnrltan. Aa far asaa It Isle known Mr. Keith PRICE—James X.N. Price, tromboaetrombone player,player. fbrfOr agreeam# that If It were n«t for ouronr littleMtt feathered and com^e«com^8« of ^ethe aon^Myaon^Sly Irish Colleen, died leavesi^avea no nesrnear relatives. The rcmalna were foorteenfourteen yeara with clrruaea and carnlvtls, died fj-nt* .k.fK. /w.aai/.t/w^elliot wnnid he nveromv is wMideefni ■nrk !« ha* adiw treasurer and secretary of the Brundage Shows. LAMPE-WaHer Idx Lamne son of J Bode- »P®“* *be greater part of bis life In the show i , V f ..k w irKl?-- dled at hla horns la Joplin. Mo., recently. Lnmpe of the Jerome^H Remlck" Mnslc bonlneu. and bad man.v friends and acquaint- ®*I*"®*I “<1 health propaganda which la being DANKER—Mrs. W. P. Danker, wife of D. C«mi>anv. died October 28 In the Presbyterian •“'1®" *“ *be profession. Deceased leaves n carried on under tbe direction of Lieut. A. J. P. Danker, died at Hamilton, O.. October 8, ef Hosidtal. New York. He waa bora In New ^‘'*>w, one daughter, three sons, two brothers Mclaughtn of the C. 8. PubMc Health *ervlce. Influenza and pnenmonla. Tork and «a a member of Company E, Tint •‘•‘•ts. Lectures, lltoatrated by moving pictures showing DE LUCA—Mrs. Olympia De Lnca. wife of Regiment, N. Y. 0. R0ME)--Rene Rome, entertainer, died In Lon. the effect of venereal dlsenaea on the men and Giuseppe De Luca, the Metropolitan Oiwra barl- LAMPERT—Nelson Norman Lamport, a Chi- **• ^gland recratl^y. She was the wife of absolute necessity that they be unaffected tons, died at her bome. 225 West Eightieth cago banker, who waa director of the N. O. S. A. Rome, the author comedian. mnif.r* ,«n»« >•« seinn ntreet. New Tork. October 28. from pnenmonla. and also Interested with W. J. Herrmann in R0NDA8—Myrtle Rondaa. of the Rnndat Trio. *“ ’ ' report ror miiiury auty, ar* pei^ foUowlng Influenza. She became Ill ten days the Port Theater, Chicago, died October 30 at died in I»a Angeles October 18. She was the *“ tbe tbestera. In a pamphlet Issued la ago upon the return from a concert tour with Excelsior Springs. 5Io. Mr. Lamport was 47 wife of Paul Rondaa. conjunctloa with tbe campaign to b* waged her husband. years old and la survived by a widow and a ^n. RU88ELI>—Jack C. Russell, former single act all potential soldiers nm asked to keep lit. DE VABO—Carl Do Varo, thla neaaon with »*^w*’T**#fJ*.* vaodevllle. died at Pelham Bay recenlly of •■PYom now on.” aayn tbe pamphlet “you the John Bcliinaon Advance Car. died in St. D*arhorn National Bank tn Chicago, and waa influenza. j rva ^ on. ^ iwmpniCT. 7 rraiKla Hospital. Columbus. O., October 25. of ®ne of the beat known men In the Middle West spiTr—Fmil R . ^ honoe—the honor of a soldier or tafluenzs. Deceased weighed sao poanda. He was a thirty third degree Mason, also very v“A, v^rr United States of America 'on lesve.' Have »E VERE-Marjorie De Ver.-. actress, died I. *“<' nty. dl^ OcXr 27 It h .M4 ThX • fo®‘I »>. . good fellow, bat be a r^od New York October IS «t Influenza contracted avenue.avenue, Brooklyn. He was 50 yearsrears <>|d.old. soldier, too,too. for Uncle Sam-Sam. Until yen go to while she was selling Liberty Bonds. LAUCKS—Walter A. Laucks, member A. E. .. „ - nnennumi. In FrsBcn recently He SHELVEY—Frank J. Shelvey died In Roeh- ‘‘•■'P government la counting upon year ^pELNO—Bert Delno, In private life Bert 1 assistant bandmaster of the 118th Inf of ^^r. N. T. October 27 of pneurn'mla. lie good sense, ambition and patriotism to come Dunham dl^ October IS at hla borne In In- 78th Division. Laucks^ waa a *i^I-known *•!. ‘•'.r ^'■»® «>rlvey Brothers afpsariug fAto ramncamp y>1nsaticlean. RssrwM>*Report *‘flt11# #ato #1*K#tight,' * nntnot flftflt former. Mr. Peluo was a Mason and an Elk. -Mclau oT’^;.rk wheu“he was"dZrit';S“l’a.t only to rot In a hospital at the government'a SLOAN—Dr. Sloan, well known streetman. ezpenae and make awkward explanatlofis to tbe DEMPSE\-.J.DEMPSEY—J. E. Dempsey, a well known LAWRENCE—Prank R Tnwrenmi sttovnev died recently at Fort Worth. Tex., after an 111 ■-•-■vavspisiHn™ Writer of ballad!, died in Philadelphia recently nu.f„rm sneakl^ mraber’of ®f several years. •'ome folks is thonsnnls of the 1917 ctB did of Influenza. He was author of Garden of ___ __ v„.v„while their comrades went ’over the Pm' fol iosir aud^-hU Y„t was G^ermany. You’R Soi ^2*“- Club. etc., died In New York City STRAUSS—Capt. Edouard Strauss, bpother-ln- *^**'’® comrades went ‘over tbe top' for law of J. Herbert Frank, died at bis home In demo*racy. Ua< le Sam asks you to remember DONNFR—Hnrb Dnmier 28 Tears of see son LEE—Mrj. A. E. I,ee. who hae been an a'-tlve October 25 of bponchlal-rnen- that yon represent the honor and clean virility ef Martin J Donner technical director the I *’®'’^*‘'’ ■* the Chicago branch of the Stage monla. America. By yonr acts tbe nation will he NationalN.t2,n7i Film Studios,stsXtr:. died at rsr„*^Camp Fremont, » ”ar nener, uieu t»c,ot)er 2» Hitn Chi-vni- SULLIVAN-Mrs.SULLIV AN—Mrs. Frankie Bussell Sullivan,Sullivan. jndgcl.Jndgeil. Come clean.” Cal., recently. { ®*S®- well known on the vaudeville stage lu-fore her .. m— nn» «f marriage as Frankie Bnssell, died In Ch'velan.l. “* -^“"‘rto bad more men out of EDEI^HaroldFUFi.._iiemM E.F Edel,F.ioi agegea 29,20 ofnf I LEHMAN-William Lehman, t musIcUn,“'f.] of Teim., October 21. of Influenza. She was f,xm- «>«>'n>'*»ton from this one cause thai she bad thee strand.Strand Theater,Theater. New YorkYork, and raeone of '-toCtonaU. died October 28 In San Diego, Cgl. erly a member of„,’rv.lg Cole, RiiaeellD.rm.n and w.-i.Davis. frome__ ill tbe Allied_____ warfare cpmbtneew Fields. In Dear Bureaa Man: Bernstein’s Follies of Pleasure, died at her ,‘,“,.5*“ T'?®'’'*®® ^cto- xh* Never Home,. One daughter, Mrs. Louise ,* „„„„ home in Brooklyn. October 17. of pneumonia, ber 27 of pnenmonla following Influenza. Ho-tner. survives. In case that eompany yon bought Ust summer She was known In private Idfe as Mrs. Edith McREA—Dr. WlUUm (BiU) McRea. brother tatt OB—fUiarliHi W Tsvior a dramatic winter Mows up on account of too many Fest and was well ktKjwn la the profession for pf Dr. J. J. McRea. died at FGrt Worth. Tex.. ^sd been anoesrlne on'the vaudeville marriages or flrtft Just get In touch with ns post the past twelve years. recently. He was a streetman and well known Zul hi. ZTfe sTd ds" ghter died .rrtle h«.te sud we will be only too gt.d to beet your GOODRICH—Eddie Goodrich, cabaret perform- *® proresslon. Hotel Marlon. New York, of pneumonia, Octo- s. O. S. and build you a hurry-up company, cr, engaged at Sunset Inn and other resorts McWHINNEY—Elisabeth O. McWhlnney, of her 27. He recently returned fp>m Australia, xiien ton w« Moommonu in,ii>lHng|g for BP’UBd Lm Angelet, died In that city October Detroit, MIeh.. a cousin of Winston rhurchlll. where he had played for many seasons. ' ' ^ companies—readers. pUnlaU, vocalistJ, etc. 29. He waa 38 years of age aad is survived by novelist, playwright and scenario writer, died TFMPT FTON-Rov Temnleton brother of Far V." ^...... a widow. In Denver. Col.. October M. Jhe ^nt to that Templeton died In thJ Post Oriduate IbugilUl. »»«*e '’®®« •» In 4 number of cases OOBDO.N—The atoter of Arthur Cordon, of /J^*® F'-nr* "8® l>*»Hh. Influenza . October 25. of heart tumble. •“‘I Hoth parties have written ua kind wopIs the team ‘of Fisher. Gordon and Lucky, now In ••• •’®'‘ THORNTON-H.rry Thornton, of tbe team Ybiddened ns much along with the ws^ the navy, died in Philadelphia October 21 of In- , '‘^UEWohn D. Ms^. late wttb ()ld I^dy Thornton and Delilah, died In London.-Eng.. news. W. have acme mighty good teachers at , T „ , V ... elmXtuI’of ^aease,”^"” * ^®®®®*>y n® '»* 3’’'' •''®’ toatltutl.dL and If rmr managerial m.U xftiiFu Ti V V f TOWNLEY—Bay Townley, formerly with the Is cluttered li|i too mucli with aoplrlng “young the Mll’da-Jenningg Compiny, died Ch^tober 24 MAUK8—Harry Marks, adopted eon of Mae K.aneh of fhs United R>oklna Offlcea . A . A .A ““••I • from pueumonU, following an attack of In- Russell (Philadelphia bklDg agent), died at rereutlv at Camn Unfon New *York of unload them onto at. We will ■nenta. He was buried at OakUnd Cemetery, the Stets'jn Hospital. Philadelphia, Octer 17, influenia " * ' guarantee to straighten out their mntlcal ktohs Dallas, Tex. <>f pneumonia following Influenza. . .u . . o. ,• . x In a hurry, HARPSTRITB—Mrs. Ilarpstrlte died recently wUh^CoTe" nro^s.'’'”worVd^^^^^^^ and‘in privafl Ilfe^m-wii « James'Cht|l- At any rate don’t forget ns Drakes out haw. at her born* in Decatnr, Ill. Hbc was 85 years Fhreveport Ia. recently frrjm an attack man. died In New York City October 21 of Oladaomely, ®* •*®’ of influenza. He 'was V, years old. Interment pneiiitK.nla. H. L. BTJIND, HART—Chartw T. Hart, actor, died In Cbt- was held In Indlanatsdla Octrjber 2fl. where he VAI.E —T/)uli4e Tale, dim actress, died at Director I-jcenm Arts Dept Drake University, cago November 1 ofor pneumonia. Mr. Hart was made bis home. Msdlsj.n,Msdisj.n, Wls., Octolu-r '28 after an allness of i„_. Des Mulnca, luwt. well known In theatrical circles. He Is sur- MILLER—The mother of Joseph Miller, man- Influenzs of two days. vtved by a w'dow. who to professlonail/ known ager of the Orpheum, Kingston, N. Y.. died ra WAIT—Beatrice Emily Walt, a member of as Gertrude Gilbert. cently to Brooklyn of the laflaenzo. the Metropolitan Opera Ballet, died of pneamo- Look thru the Letter List this ttsuo. NOVEMBER 9, 1918 Ttie Billboard S9

WHERE THE COMPANIES AltE the Balkan problem, the Sootben Slav quea- la Mid tor Mcb porfbrmance or oxblbltlon at all tb« above caaoa returiw anaymenls of the SPENDING THE “FLU" TIME tlon, tbe political sltuationa of many ef tbe which the box or seat la used or reaerved by or amoant so collected shall bo made at tbo eamn small Southern Baropean conntrlea. the altua for tbe lessee or bolder, such tax to be paid by time and in tbe same manner ae provided In rtre Liberty Bellea are qaarantlned at Great the lessee or bolder; and Seetlon 502. tlon In Serbia and hundreds of questions of the ralU. Mont., at Park HoteL (6) A tax of 2 cents for each H) cents or Proprietor* of theater*, mnseams and concert times are explained and answered. balla, where a charge for admistilon is made, Foot American Olrla at Sacramento, OaL, at fraction thereof of tbe amount uaid for admis- The price of the volume Is $2 and may be alona to any public performance for profit at any having a seating capaeltr of not rj«ire than 25^ Land HoteL obtained thru the offices of the lotematlonal roof garden, cabaret, or other similar enter¬ shall pay $•■«): having a seating capacity of more Porter Concert Party at Iron Mountain, Mich. than 2.10 and not cxi-oedlng .100. shall pay $li»i; Lyceum and Chautauqua Assortatlon, Suite tainment, to which the charge for admission la Columbia Bntertalnment Trio at Waupaca, wholly or in part Included In tbe price paid for having a seating rapacity exceeding 500 an>l not Hotel La Salle. Chicago. exceeding sOO, shall pay $150; having a Beating Wla. refreabmeot, aervlce, or merchandise; the amount paid for such admission to be deemed capaolty or more than hOO, aball pay $200. Ev American Ladlea* Quartet at St. Louis, Mo. to be 20 per centum of tbe amount paid for re¬ ery edifice used for the purpqso of dramatic or Liberty Ladles’ Quartet at Fennlmore, WIs. $10 OCCUPATIONAL TAX KILLED freshment, service, and merchandise; auefa tax operatic or otner representations, pisys, or per¬ Cathedral Quartet at Lawrence, Kan. to be paid by tbe person paying for sneb refresh¬ formances, for admission to which entrance money Is received, not including balls and Del Mar Quartet at Ttmpson, Tex. The Associated Press sent out from Wtsh- ment, service, or merchandise. armories rented or used ocrastonally for concerts Little Playbonse Company at Hotel Vcndorae, ington, D. C., the news that on October 30 the (b) No tax shall be levied under this title In respect to any admlasious all the proceeds of or theatrical representation*, and not including Senate Finance Committee bad struck from tbe Minneapolla. which inure exclusively to tbe benefit of re¬ edifice owned by religious, ^ucatiooal or char¬ Vtrallo Gross Orchestra and DeWlllo Concert Kevenue Bill that provision which was inserted ligious, educational, or charitable Institutions, itable institutions, societies or organizations Party HIIIdk dates In Iowa. by the House of Representatives providing a soeletlee, or organizations, or any organizations where all the proceeds from admissions Inure exclusively to the benefit of aueh organizations, Ladles* PestlTal Orchestra quarantined at hoslneaa or occupation license of 110 on all per¬ conducted for the sole purpose of maintaining symphony orchestras and rcelving substantial societies or organizations, or exclusively to the Monitor, Alberta, Canada. sona engaged In trades, business or profession. support from voluntary contribution*, or exclu¬ benefit of persons In the military or naval force* Schubert Sextet at Athens, Oa. It was estimated tbat this provision would raise sively to tbe benefit of persons In tbe military or of the United States, shall tie regarded as a Ilelene Burgess Is vacationing at State Sant- $10,000,000 annually. naval forces of tbe Cnlted ittatea, or admissions theater: Provided. That in cities, towns, or vil¬ lages of 5,000 inhabitants or leas tbe amount tortum, Minnesota. j In our Issue of Octoberr 28 we published an to agrl'-nltural falos none of the profits of which are distributed to stockholders or members of of such payment shall be one half of that The Berkeley Sextet are at their respective article by William A. McCormick, In which that the association conducting tbe same. above stated; Provided further. That whenever holies, waiting for Ohio to open up. persistent, everlastlngly-st-lt license fighter (c) The term ’‘admisi-ioD” as used In this any such edifice is under lease at tbe time the Metropolitan Trio waiting In Chicago for Penn* showeon them by licenae grafters. They place of Bmas,-ment. Whoever sells an admis¬ lumbia shall exempt exhibition* from tbe tax The Smirb-Sprlng-Uolmes Orchestral Quintet In amvtber State. Territory, or the District of la In Chicago. Columbia, and but one special tax shall be im¬ posed for exhibitions within any one State, Ter¬ The Floyd Foatheraton Concert la alao In Ohl* About This Season’s Successful New York Productions ritory, or District. cago. (7) Proprietors or agent* of all other public The Schubert Concert PartF haa been fairly exhibitions or show* for money not enumerated buay In North Dakota. In this section shall pay $20: Provided, Tbat a 'Tbe Columbia Quartet hat been going about apeclal tax paid In one Stale, Territory, or tbe half time In Iowa. District of Columbia shall not exempt exhibition* CYRIL MAUDE from the tax in another State, Territory, or the Tbe Mosart Ladlea’ Quartet have been doing Dletrlct of Columbia, and but one special tax I about two or three days a week In Mlaneaota. shall be requlreil for exhibitions within any one The StreUera Male Qasrtel baa been filling IN THE SAVING GRACE State, Territory, or District of Columbia; Pro¬ some dates In South Dekota. vided further, Tbat this paragraph shall not ap¬ ply to Chautauqua*, lecture lyceums, agricul¬ Lnu J. Beancbamp has been at, borne at Ham- The Savlnff Grace Is a very light English comedy, by C. Baddon tural or Industrial fair*, or exhibitions held nn- lltnn, but expects to get started at oocaw Chambers, with an echo of the world war In It. Also woven Into It Is a der the auspices of rel gious or charitable aaao- clatlons: I’fovided further. That an aggrega¬ Bob 8eeda la taking a root In a hospital at trifling little love story of scanty content. There is no essentially new Tyrone, Pa., having Us eyes treated. tion of entertainments, known as a street fair, or particularly outstanding Idea utllixed, and, while it Is clean and bright shall not pay a larger tax than $200 in any Pad Sears la on the farm at Waverly, IIL ' In spots. In other hands It very likely would have turned out a rather State, Territory, or In the District of Columbia. CoL O. A. Gearhart la at boma at Buffalo, flat and commonplace production. (8) Proprietor* of bowling alleys and billiard K. I. But. as presented by Mr. Maude, It is a delightfully entertaining rooms shall pay $10 for each alley or table. Ev- The Lockhart Trio la at Ksnsaa City, Mo. play, sprightly, abundantly humorous and amply Interesting. ery building or place where bowls are thrown All of Radcllffe’s companies are tied up and Mr. Maude does a cashiered Ehiglish army officer, who, while entirely or where games of billiards or pool are played, will probably net resume work for some time. except In private homes, shall be regarded as a supexior to the vicissitudes of straitened circumstances, is deeply bowling alley or a billiard room, respectively. unhappy over his vain efforts to obtain reinstatement and get into the Sec. 904. Tbat every person liable for any ORDER OF LYCEUM BUILDERS fighting, with fine understanding. He has enjoyed many roles that af¬ tax Imposed by Sections 900. 902. 908, or 907, forded his great talents wider scope and greater opportunities, but to shall make monthly returna under oath In da- plloate and pay the taxes imposed by such The foUowlag list has been copied from the none of them has he brought a defter touch or a higher finish. Laura Hope Crews demonstrates anew her amazing versatility and section to the collector for the district In which L li, C. A. Bnlletln. and seta forth the mem¬ la located the principal place of business. Such bers who hive been instrumental In turning in capability. She haa never been seen to better advantage, for In her returns shall contain such Information and b« sppUcstloas foe membership; J. B. Hard, 17; present role she actually capitalizes its limitations and turns to account made at such times ami In such manner as tbo Commissioner, with the approval of the Secre¬ Georga Aydelott 11; C. M. Avery, 8: Monu- its lack of chances. > Cathleen Nesbitt has materially enhanced the growing esteem In tary, may by regulation* prescribe. tUle Flowers. S; Fred ILgh, fi; Clay Smith, 8. Tbe tax shall, without assessment by tbe 8. M. Holliday, 4; Louis O. Runner, 4: Lou J. which she is held, and Charlotte Granville gives us a new mixture of commissioner or notice from the collector, be duo Beaochamp, 3; William Kaney Bennett, 3; “grande dame" and “mild heavy” that Is decidedly well done. and payable to the collector at tbe time so fixed for filing the return. If the tax 1* not paid when Ilarry G. UilL 3; James U Loar, X A number William Devereux and Annie Hughes bring a complete comprehen¬ due. there aball be added as part of the tax a were resfstaslble for tvto. sion and a quiet, subdued technique to two servant roles that materially helps the production as a whole. penalty of five per centum, together with Interest at the rate of one per centum for each full WHAT EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD Edward Douglas, alone of the cast, misses, but it should be said In month, from the time when the tax became doa. KNOW extenuation that the part, a half caddish, half c^low juvenile lead, fairly Sec. 901. That If any person manufacture*, bristles with difficulties. It is extremely unlikely that any person could proiiuce* or Imports any article enumerated In make it convincing. Mr. Douglas probably does as well with it as the Section 900. or lease* or licenses for exhlbitioa Chicago, Nov. 2.—During the convention of any positive motion pirture films coatainlDg a 'next one. He is an actor of more than ordinary ability up against a the International Lyceum and Cbantanqua Aa- picture ready for projection and, whether thro hard if not an impossible task. any agreement, arrangement, or anderstaodlng. wvistloa September 15 to 20. ISIS, at the La Altho The Saving Grace will not add laurels to Its author’s fame. It or otherwise, sells, leases, or licenses such Salle Hotel, Chicago, HI., a resolution was is by no means a poor play. It is immeasurably superior in many ways article at less than the fair marlwt price ob¬ passed recommemllng that members of the tainable therefor, either lai In such manner as to dozens now on in New York. Acted by the present company it de¬ association akould do everything In their power directly or Indirectly to benefit sueh pemon or serves to rank artistically well up among the more pronounced hits.— any person directly or Imlirectly Interested In to promota the legitimate aale of the volume. WATCHE. the business of such person, or (b) with Intent to What Every American Should Know. cause such benefit, the amount for which such Tbe object of this book is to enlighten read- article la sold. le*.‘ed or licensed shall be taken '*• c- impo-tmt subjects relative to the pres- to be tbe amount which would have been received from the sale or license of such article If sold, aat are ecveral hnndred per- war, and tbera leased or licensed at t^ fair market price. t.urut questions answered antborltatlvely, showed a disposition to fight. They were from sion ticket or card on which the name of the Sec. 907. That on and after the first day of many of them on subjects that have caused more (•eople who had on war palnC vendor and price 1* nut so printed, stamped, or - 1919. an.v iterson engaged In tbe busi¬ written, or at a price In excess of the prli'e so ness of leasing or licensing for eililbitlon posi¬ ' lev* questioning as to tbe whys and where- This article was devoted to the angle as printed, stamped, or written thereon, is guilty representeil largely by circus and Chautauqua tive motion picture films containing picture* ..* In the minds of Amerl'-ans. For Instance, of a mlmlemeaipir, and upon ceovictioa thereof ready for projection shall pay monthly an people, but It was Just as vital for bankers sod shall be fined not mure than gllMX exi'lse fax In re*pc<-t to carrying on .such bus¬ business men as It was for the amusement pur¬ J(ec. hOl. That from and after November 1, iness eijual to ten per centum of the total rent¬ veyors. If you haven't road that article read 1918, there shall be. levied, assessed, collected, als earnecrMin owning •uch Tol uf the Uovenue -Vet of 1917, a tax equivalent a film exhibits it for profit he shall pay a tax only beguB. to 10 [>er centum uf any amount paid on or after en shall be at tbe (CooUaued from page 4) or sporting club or organlzatioa. or (b) as rate of five per cenfum Instead of ten p*'r at not fo exceed 60 cents In excess of the inm luitiatioo fees to such s club, or organluthm. If centum. If anv such person has, prior to of the established price therefor at such ticket sui'h fees amount to more tkaa $10. or If tbe -, 19—. made a bona fide contract with i.tflcea plus tlie amount of any tax luipused under dues or membership fees (uut inclmliag Inltia- any person for the lease or licensing, after tbe I’nragrapli ll), a tax equivalent to 10 iwr t.nn fees) of an aelive resident annual member tax lmi»os*st hy this sc<-tlon tak*-* effect, of such centum of the amount sf such excess, aad it sohl are in excess of $10 per year; such taxes to be a film for exhibition for pr»)nt. uid if -uch con for more than 30 centa In excess of the sum of paid by the person paying sueh does or tees: tract does not p*’cm * Ihe adiling of the whole such establlHbeil price plus tbe amount of any rrovide,!. Tbat titere shall be exempted from the of the tax Imposed hy this section to the amount tax ImiMieed under Paragraph (II. a tax equiv- pruvIsluDs of this secti- alcDt to 50 per i-entum of the whole amount of dues or fee* to a fraternal society, order, or aa- or licensee shall. In Ucn of the lessor of licensee, such excess, such taxes to be returne,! and paid. sociatlon, operating nmler the lo8 a life member to be added to the contract price. Tbe tax Imposed by this section shall be In Hen of the {lersoo ai'UIng such tickets; shall pay annually at the time for tbe payment of dues hy active resident annual memb<>rs, a tax Imposed hy snbdivlsbais (e) and (d) of (4) A tax eijnlvalent to .10 per centum of the tax equivalent M the tax upon tbe amount pabi Section 800 of the Revenne Act of 1917. amount for which the proprietors, managers, or by such a member, but aball pay no tax upon PrepHetor* of shooting galleries shall pay $20. rmploje<’9 sf any opera bouse, theater, or other tbe amouut paid for life membership. Every building, space, tent, or area, whore a place of amusement sell or dlapow' ef ticket* charge Is made for the discharge of firearm* at Sec. hoc. That every person (a) receiving any or cards of admission In excess of tbe regular er any form or target, shall be regarded as a fwtabllehcd pric' or charge therefor, such tax payments for aa<'h admission, dues, or fees shall sb.siflng gallery. to be returned and paid. In tbe manner provide,! collo-t the amount of the tax imposed by I’roprletor* of riding aeademlos aball pay $100. iu Se»'tion IHM. by the persoa selling such tickets; Section hUO er HOI from the pervin making such payment*, or (b) admitting any pervon free to Every bTillding. sp.sce, tent, or area, where a |5| In the case of permm* having the iierma- change Is made for Instruction In horsemanship any place (or admission to which a charge I* nent use of boxes or neats In an opera boose or or for facilities for the practice of horsemanship, any place of amusement or a lease for the use of made, shall coliect the amount of the tax Ini- .sliall be reganled as a riding academy. such box or seat In auch opera house or place of poseil by Section 800 from the person so sdmit- aniu'emrot (In lieu of tbe tax imposed by Para¬ I ted. Every club, or organltatlon, having Ufa graph (I), a tax equlvalcat to 20 per ceatuai members, shall collect from such mcntts'ra the Have yon looked thru the Letter Llat tkla la- of th« amount for which a almllar box or aaat amoont of tha Ux iapoqed by 6«cUon SOL In soel Tbero may be mall adyatUaed for yuiL NOVEMBER 9, 1918

(S)Carr, Adrllne Bllenbergere Blanche Hendley. Glady* 1.. awson, Blrdl* Miracle, Marie Runlon. Mr*. Ollle •••CtrroU, Rose Elliott, Tommie Hendricks, Mr*. End* ••Lawaoo. Berdle MltChelltree, Mr*. Kush, Mrs. Roy •‘•Carson, Mr*. Elliott Hazel Hertz, Mrs. P. 1.. azzo, Petrova C. G. Russell. Mrs. Bessie MolUe Ellis. Billie Hectic.*, Emma l.e Beau, Annie .Moir, Ethel ••Russell, Flo ETTERS Carter, Suzano Elmore. Phyllis Heyduck, Pearl ••Monroe, Mr*. E. S. I.e Marie, Helen Russell, Vivian Carter, Leona Kmgurd, Desaie Hiatt, Evelyn Le May, Mrs. Grace Monte, Leona “Rus.aell. Vivian Fre«, prompt and far-famed, the Mail I Carvey, Ida “I^mjiey, Leona Hick*. Minnie I.e Roy, Jessie .Moniell, Eleuuor •Ryan, Mr*. Danny Forwarding Service of The Billboard Casrelbury, Oertmde Erlcson, Mra. O. B. •“Hilks. Margaret •••Le Roy, Ceclle Moore, Collier •Rye. .Miss Patsy Castella, Edith Esther, Elizabeth Hill, Irene ••I.eRoy, June Moore, Mr*. Sally stands alone as a safe and sure medium Ryer. Julia Caton, Mrs. Fred Ktherton, Bernice liillaga*. Mrs. Viola ••LeVean, Betty Moore, Mr*. W. Sacheroff, Esther through which professional people may Chandler, Nellie B. Evan*. Mr*. Voncielc •“Hillega*, Mrs. Lee, Norma (Clover) “Sagnon, Edith Pol- Channel. Mrs. t^tanley Evans, Besaic Moran Sister* have their mail addressed. Thousands Viola (Telegram I l(X-k of performers and showfolk now receive Chamhus, Edna Ewing, Elide Hodgson, Cleo ••loe, Mrs. .M ••Moreau, Blanche “Salta, Della Fahl, Mrs. Cecil Hodgson. Mr*. W. A. Morrill, Mrs. Elizabeth their mail through this highly efficient Chase. Byrd Berie Sampson, Clara Chatman. Mrs. Wm. Fuuglit, .Mrs. Claud Holcomb. Nellie I ee. Helen ••Morri.*, Mr*. .M. L. •“Samuels. .Mr*. .A. department. t'hltwood, Mrs. K. P. ••Farrel, Flo UolderneSB, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. louls Morris, Josephine “•Sappington. Gladja Mail is sometimes lost and mix-ups ChrlstoHel. Mrs. Fashion Venus Emma I.eeman. Mrs. Walter .Morris, Mr*. E. D. •Sargent. Edith Georgia “Felch, Margaret “•Holly, Mrs. Wm. ••Id-ighton, Vlrg. Morris, Mrs. R. S. Sawyer. Slabel result because performers do not write Choate, Mrs. Jean Filling, Helen “Holmes, Marie •••Lennon, Mrs. Morris*, 1-uuise Sehelfer, Della plainly, do not give correct address or Claln, Wlnefred Fisher, .Mazle Iloppen, Mr*. Myrtle Panline Mull'ns, Dollie “•Selilffle. Forestlna forget to give an address at all when Clara, Madame Fisher, Ruth “Horp, Cora loonard. Mrs. Mazle ••Munz, Cornelia Schiller. Mra. Mae writing for advertised mail. Others Clark. Mrs. C. C. “Fisher, Grace “Howard, Frankie l>“wis, Mrs. Grace Murphy. Aluia ••Schlnkel, Margaret Fisk. Bessie (Toots) ••.Murphy, Mabel send letters and write address and Clark, Blanch Howard. Rena l>ewl8, Ruth “Schlppie, Foneat Clark, Daisy Fitzgerald. lAUra “•Howard, Eveylin I^ewia, Jenevlere •Murphy, Mr*. Frank Schultert. EUa name so near postage stamp that it is Clark. Bertha neming. Jerry Howard, Maxine Liehn. Billy Murphy. Marie Sebutz, Sirs. Erma obliterated in cancelation by the post- Clark, Mrs. Ethel Floyd. Jewel “Howard, Peggy I ikens. Hattie •Murrey, .Mrs. Jauulta Sebuyler, Minnie office stamping machines. In such cases •Claude. Mrs. Mae Flye, Lillian “Howe, Mae lond, Frankie •••Murry. Mrs. Ann Sears, Ora and where such letters bear no return •Cleniinds. Mabel Flynn. Mrs. Joe •Hughes. Pearl C. Ijongshore, Ressle Myer*. Mr*. Ada J. Scary, Thersa •Cleo. Mile. Flynn. Ethel Hugo. Doric •••Loomi*. Mrs. G. C. Myers. Liiclal Selser, Mr*. Sody address, the letter can only be for¬ Nasser, Anna CUne, Billie (Cutbush, Humphries, Mrs. W. lorett. Mrs. George •SeraiKt, Welda warded to Dead Letter Office. Help The Necse. Susie Coffey, Fay (S)FIynn, Mrs. Ethel L. lovell, Millie Settle, Mr*. Tony Billboard handle your mail by com¬ •••Coffey, Ray “Flory, Idllian Hunt. Mr*. P. C. Lovell. R.iy Nelson. -Mr*. M. Nile* •Seyumur. Re—ta Fortnua, Celia plying with the following: Coffman, Mrs. Wm. “Ingersoll, Belle Lueretta. Mis* M. Nelson. Oneida Shafer, Beatrice Foster. Hilda Nelson, I. M. Write for mail when it is FIRST P. Trmark. Tina ••Lnveme, Bobby Shebluu, .Mrs. .Mauds Cohn. Virginia Foster, Mrs. Doc. •Ictnark. Tina T ynch. Belle Nelson, Monta Sheldon, .Mrs. Winnie advertised. The following is the key Coleman. Mrs. Paul Foster, Gertrude JackscA, Mrs. Dave ••Lynne. Kathleen Nelwn, Mrs. Phyllis “•Shopard, Babe to the letter list: Collins, Helen E. B. “Foster. Mrs. Lillian Jacobs, Mr*. I eotha T Ton. Mr*. Mshel O. Nelson, nieo. Sherman, Mrs. Annah Nicholas. E!an«re Cincinnati.(No Stars) Collins, .Mice “•Foumin. Mrs. A. G. Jame*. Mra. Ollle ••McAbee. Maud •Shirley, Jack Collins. Gertrude Fox. M;s. B P. JirvlH. Mrs. Enznheth McCarthy. Hellen Nlcliol«. Mrs. Myrtle “Stngler. .Mrs. Dan New York.One Star (*) Conners, Mrs. Irma Francher, Ruby Johnson Mra. May McClain. Marie •••XickU. Louise Sbuwulter. Birdie Chicago .Two Stars (*•) ••Cook. >’aVT"e “Frank. Amy .’obnson, Ib'rl* McDaniel. Mrs. Nielsen, Geo. Signor, Blanche St. Louis.Three Stars (**•) •••Copp.ige. Mrs. Bub Frank*. IlR'an Johnson, Allene Tressle ' Nixon. Mrs. I. M. Sirne*, .Alma San Francisco .(S) Coris>rin. t’eatrlcc Freeniiin, Margaret Johnson, Mrs. W. B. McDaniel*. Mr*. Swan- | Null, Bobble “Slek, Mr*. Harry •Cordell. E'.lz • '•een-oi, Mr*. J. K, Johnson. Till* nte ' Noniiau, Mrs. Jack Slawson, Mary If your name appears in the letter Corley. Lillian Fry. Margaret Jolly, Babe McGee, Mr*. Canada Norton, Mrs. Jack Smith, Doris list with start before it write to the ••Cornelia. Emma Fuller. Madge “Jennlson, Mariel O'Davlt. Mr*. Mabel “•Smith. Pearl office holding the mail, which you will Cosgrove. Tootz Garcee. Miriam Jone*. Mrs. Gertrud* McGeorge. Elsie Oden. Melissa ••Smith, Peggy Ohison, Ellen know by the method outlined above. • •Postley, Mrs. Boht. “Gard n^r. Feta Jones. Bobby McGreigcr, Mr*. Don | •Smith, Stella Cotton. Mrs. .\llce M. ••Garriott. Be**le Jones. Martha •••McHan, Mr*. •••Olinimus, Carmen Smith. Pauline Keep the Mail Forwarding Department Courtney, Agnea Gartner, Stella Joyce. Hazel Kitty Oran. Mr*. Nellie Smith, Lucille aupplied with your route and mail will S’-o'-la ••Gardner, May T. •Kahn, Mrs. H. McIntyre. Marie I •Osw.ild. Marie Smith, Queen La forwarded without the necessity of •Covera, Dolly Gates. Mrs. Marl-n K-Iama. Mr*. Anna Mclntvre. M-v. Grace j Owen*, Mrs. Billy Smith. Mrs. Goldie advertising it. Postage is required only Cowden Mrs. Almee Finley •Kamm, Mrs. W. A. McKe.mzle, Mr*. Jn*. Palmer. Veleta Smith. MiMe •Paliiigren, C. J. for packages—tetter service is abso¬ “Smith, Katie Parker. C. Smith, Mrs. Geo. lutely free. Parrltt. Mr*. Emily Smith, Mrs. Prank or Mail is held but thirty days, and ean PatonkI, Princess Betty ••Patterson. Earle not be rscoverad after it goes to the Snyder. Mr*. Chis. •Pearl. Billy E. “Snyder, Mr*. Col. Dead Letter Office. Are You One of the Thousands? I “Pearson. Mr*. •Somers, Margerlte I* Mail advertised in this issue was un- Ralph Spencer, Mabel •Pendleton Sisters Spencer. Sammy ealled for up to last Sunday noon. All PrPiter. Mr*. Viol* Are you one of the thoueends who ere daily having The Billboard’s Spring, Mrs. Lott* requests for mail must be signed by •Perl, Frances •SL Clair. Prxne the party to whom mail is addressed. Mail Forwarding Service handle your mail? Perry. Paollae •Stadelman. Marie The Billboard’s Letter Department* forward nine out of ten letters Perry, Lor* •Stanley, Elsie on the same day they are received. In fact, many of our client* are not “Perry. .Annie Stanton, Dean Pete, Mrs. Wm. “Steele, Irnee put to the necessity of writing for their mail more than once or twice a Peyser, Mr*. I. L. season. Steele, Lioanna Parcels and Amounts Due Pbilion, Rubbles Steele. Ia Monta The letters advertised in this issue are hardly five per cent of those Plitlips, Mr*. C. “•Stelnlauff. Nellie •Arti. G. C., 14c Hertz. Mrs. P., 6c that pass thru our Cincinnati and its affiliated branch offices. Philips, .Adna •“Stephan, Irene • Asal. Frederick, 2c Ilolluud, Jos. A., 2c SERVICE did it. Quick, thoro understanding by intelligent and dis¬ Pierce, Mabel Sternberger. Mra. •Banvard, Mrs. D., Ic •ueward, Connie criminating mail clerks has resulted in practically nine-tenths of Ameri¬ “Pierce. Esther Katherine Barnard, Geo., 4c Lavina, 6c Pierce, Mr*. laicllle Still. Marguret Butler, Wm. C., I'c Hopkins, Ja*. C. K. ca’s theatrical entertainers using The Billboard as their permanent ad¬ Plnder, Hattie Stex-kton, Ethel •<.'arrell, Chaa. C. Tc 60c dress. Others are being rapidly attracted. •“Pink, Mrs. Rose Stork, Mab'.e ••Chrlstenaon, Lew James, Jno., 2c It is unnecessary in writing for mail to use a self-addressed and Plttlgraw, Mr*. Burley Story. Mr*. -A. 25c •Ormiston, F., 2c stamped envelope—A POSTAL CARD WILL DO. Give your route far “•PlafoDcl. Margaret Stryker. Helen •Rollins, Geo., Ic •Felit, Nahor, 14c enough ahead to permit your mail to reach you. Write names of towns, Ploepsf, Catbern Stullff, Mr*. B. L. Gtlliban, Strickland, Wendell, Claribel, 9c Poe, Addle Sullivan, Mrs. Alice Harris, L. U., 2c dates and signature plainly. Pogue, Mary Swabn, Girlie LETTERS ARE HELD THIRTY DAYS ONLY, ; Polly, Maude Swain, Dalsey LADIES’ LIST. ' Poison. Mr*. Rhea Swiger. I.ucy Mario after which, if no address has been obtained, they are sent to the Dead Tanslerc, Mr*, .'gne* Abel. Mrs. May •Bennett, Mrs. Mae I ‘Ponton, Marlon Ahermathy, Wills Flock Letter O'fice. It is desirable to write for mail when your name FIRST Porter. Franko Tappin. Mrs. Frank Alile Mrs. Walter Bennington, Babe appears in the list. Address your postal to "Mail Forwarding Service, Porter. Billy Taylor, Inez Alice of Polack Shows Denttim, Mary The Billboard.” “Porter. Frankie Taylor. Mirga-et Algo, Mme. Penz, .Anna Powell, Ora Taylor. Mrs. Ixinnell ••Allard, Beatrice ••Berger, Bobble READ THE EXPLANAl lON AT HEAD OF THIS LIST. Powell. Ruby Tbomi*. Beatrice Allen, l-lorence ••Bernard, Bessie Power*. Mr*. Jessie Thomas Mr*. .A. K. Allen. Mrs. Carrie Bel tin. Cleo L. Prescott. Blinche “Thompson, Minnie Allen, Mr^. Walter Best, Bert I Price, Mr*. Maude B. Thompson. Jessie- Allen. Paiiilne Beyer, Maud S. Price. .Alice Thorne. Bessie Allen. Mrs. Harry Blllinger, Mrs. Lillian Cowell, Mabel i ••Gary. Mildred ••Kane, Bessie ••McKenzie, Mrs. C. “Punch, Edna rh>»rnton, Dollie Allen, Esther Birley. Mrs. Edward •••Cor, Katherine Gay, Mrs. ••Karsey, Myrna McKiddy, Maxine Purden, Mrs. R. W. Thornton, Anna Allen. Benlah Black, Cleve ••CrawforJ, Evelyn ••Geller, Pussy E. Keene. Mrs. A, E. McKnight, Luella Quarterman. Lrota •Three English •••Allen. Helen Blackwell. Teffice Cronwell. Sirs. Helen Gibb*. Jestine Keith, Marion ‘McNamara, Billie Radd, Helen Rosebuds Allen, Emma Blake, Mildred Cunningham, Dasey Gilson, Patsy Kell, Mrs. V’lolet MoSoy, Mrs. Pearl Ralston, Ixttta Tlllson. Bonnio •Allison, Virginia ••Blanco. Miss M. Cutler, Mr*. Louis ••Gleuny, M *. Dan Kellar, Margaret MacKenzle, Dorothy Ramage. Mr*. Vera •Totten, Flo-'lo Amhurn. Mrs. F. G, •Blyth, Sirs. Tom ••D'Artois, Mlfis Gordon, Korine Keller, FVancis EUd Rarosilell, Mrs. U. J. •Treeman. Mrs. Tom •Anderson. Vera Boggs. Mrs. Clara D. IL, Mrs. SaUle ••Gordon, Karine Keller. Elizabeth •••Mac, Mis* “Ramo*. Mabel Troyer. Cora Andrews, Mrs. Dclmar Bonella. Mrs. Beatrice Davenport, Mrs. Orin Gosset, Ruby Kelly, Pearl Mack, Bonnie Ranzo, CIotIs Troyer. Mrs Howard Anno. Malde ••Book, Vince Iiavidson, Mary •••Gould. Mis. Ben Kelly. Mrs. W. O. ••Mack, IaU Rapin. Madame “Tryon. Nellie Auton. Peggie •••Boothby, Mrs. Davis. Claire ••Gray, Mae •••Kelly, Mr*. L. C. •Mack. BllUe Raraet, Myrna Tudor. Mnrie ••Apdyke. Eva j Howard Da VI*. Florence Greene, Mrs. Odelle Kennedy. Etliol Mack. Gladys Ratelle. Afrs. A. F. Turner. M-s, Ghs*. V. Arlington. Babe Bowen. Elsie Day, Miss GreeO Mr*. J. E. ••Kennedy. Ruby •Mahoney. Buena Ray. Delores Turner. 'tr«. Favet •Arrows. Mrs. Eddie ! Bowers. Blanche Day. feg Green. Mable K'-nny. Sarah •••Malouey. Mr*. Pick Bsv, Msriorte Tynn. M-* Florence ••Ashton. Irene Bowman. Betty De Crosse, Mr*. ••Green. Nita Kent, Mrs. Jackie Mann, Mrs. Viola •Raymond. Mr*. Gih). Tyrone. Bnbe Askew. Mrs. G. S. Boyd. Gall H*-ry Greer. Mrs. James Kern, norence •••Manus. Mr*. Rumy Raymond. Marion “Tyroone B*bo Atterbury. Violet Bo.vkin, Luciela •••De Foe. Frankie Grey. Doris Keyset, Dorotliy Martde. Babe “Haymore. I.IIlian Van Kit Horenco Vsne. Xf-io Audras, Hildred Brad, Ccllie T>eGrai-e. Mr*. Daisey Grey. Lenora ••Kid. Izjretta •••Marie, Little Reed. Mr*. Bnlto Austin. Mr*. J. Brady. Maxine ••DeKoven. .Anna ••Grey, Mrs. M. A. Kincaid. Lillian •••Marshall. Erma •Reed, nori'nce “Vsugl'sn. .lime Bell Ayers. Grace ••Brant, Edythe DeKoven, Anna King, Mr*. Cecil Marshall, Dutch Reed. Maude V*iigli*n. Mrrllo Grider, Adelaide ••Baker. Trllle Lindsay De I acy. Fern King, Ethel •••Marshall, Peggy Reed, Mrs. A. II. Vauglinn. Gertrude Groosman, Mr*. May Bailey. Mr*. Eva Britton, Tressia Del^'on, Gene King, Mr*. Kellie Martin, Franklo Reeve. Joslo Volly Tre-.lo Haag. Mr*. Roy Bailey. Mrs. Etbel •••Britton, ('hillie DcMar. Edna ••K'nkald, I 'Ilian Martin. Emma Rene, Irene VerUido Di'llght Haeiter. Mandy Baines. Mrs. Maud C. Brooks, Theresa DeOrc. Mme. Pauline Klnnehreiv, Mrs. Klara ••Ma-tlnka, Mr*. W. •“Reno. Msr.y E. Vrrner. Giro Hackney, Mrs. Myrtle Bailey. Mr*. H. A. Itrown. Vera ••DpRoss, Jewell Kirkland, Mrs. Helen Mason, Ix>uiso Ren*liiir. Mr*. Herman •••V<*rnoo. BlTlIe Hadley, Alice RevnoMs. Tivldv •••Bair. Maude Brown, Kittle DeSales, Betty Knell, Grace Mavon. Kathryn V'-gll 'tr« \ 'I. Hager, Ollie -•Vl-r'nf .Tewidl Baird. Flo. Brown. Frankie DeVane. IJIllan Knl*t ad, Ida Massengill, Mrs. Nellie R'aldo. Mr*. Clyde •Hager. Olive Baldwin. Florence ••Brown, Ruby Dean, Ruby KurtzriK-k, Mr*. Gift.ew* Uatlle J. !’■ nrdo. Marg.sret -•Vo-n Mr« E. R. •Haggerty, Mr*. Vo—1 'f-« Gsrrlo •Baldwin, Betty Browne. Peggy •••Dedrick. Mr*. Dave K.vle. Beatrice .Mathln*. Mr*. Ed •'IMehnrd* Tr'xle Gertrude • •tV-..*n Teddy ••Banks. Babe Brunn'-n, Mrs. J. P. ••Demaf, Ethel 1 a Pelle, Pearl AtaxwelT, Jack Rletinrd*. I lllle W--goner OoTotby Bara. Lnclle BurDell. Georgia ••Demm*. Mr*. P. W. TTacgertey. Mrs. Jack I.a Belle, Mr*. Herbert ••Ma.vnard, Grace RIeliard*. Be<.«lo RIdille. Mrs Virgin “Wsite, Mr*. Billy Barnard. Helen ’•Burg. Helen Desmond, Holly Hall, Janette La Hreul8e Carlton. Beulah Eckart, Mrs. Grace •••Health. Mr*. Tom TToiona. Marv lAurenf. Geraldine Miller, Mr*. Hilda • •Rose. May Welrle, Ruth Peck. Mildred •r arman. May Edier Sisters lAuronee. IJlIlsn Mill*. Miw. H. H. ••Ros* Mr*. 8. A. Welch. Estelle •‘•Benjamin, Mrs. ••O»rpoll. DoUr Edwards, Ethel Helfrlek. Helen I ElU Ifctb Ehring, Mrs. Fred B. Heltzel, Ursula M. •••lAwarence, IJlUan I Mlnner, Babe Rowland, Gertie Weadel, CUrlbel NOVEMBER 9, 1918 Tlie B1 llDoar d 61

WIlMin, Graee • n«iiiii>rrlun<, John ••Harris, R. C. ••JENKINS DAN L. Lavell, I. T. •••Wrlfht, Mra, FRAKKLIW Wheatley, laabrllo Davis, Harry H. Franklin, Scltle HARRIS, CHARLIE •JENSEN, HENRY M. LAWES. CLAUDE D. Willie, OHIO Bobble 'BURROWS, ROBT. J. Davis, Ed 1y Franklin Four The Harrison, Dick Jerome, Klmer Wylie, Elaie ••Burton, Al LAWLEY, While, I.Ull* Davis, Glenn A. FRANKS. WM. •••Harrison, Dick Jersey, H. R, FREOERICTR ELLS¬ While, Keldy ••Wynn. Verne Butler, Al •••Davis, Dewey ELLIOTT Harshaw, J, H. ••Johnson, Jess P. York, Florenee B, Byrde, (Tbaa. WORTH •While, Wlnnlfred Dawley, O. B. Happy ••Frazer, Geo. H. ••HART, WM. L. •••I,awrence. Steward Wllleanl, Marlon •Yoat, Mlaa Fhlek Catny, A, C. JOHNSON, RICHARD Dawson, It. Kenneth •••Freed, Henry F'. HART, EDGAR CORLAN Ijtwrenoe, Gurnlo Willlania, Franeea Lee Yoiinif, Mra, Lonlae ••Calhoun, R A. Dawson, B. Frenchy. .\riaon.i GARLAND Young. Mra. Kit Calklna, A. R. JOHNSON, DICK ••luivTenee. Harry • •Wlllinnia, Miss DsBarrs, The ••FYiedman, Leo Hart, Sherman Layman. FVank B.. ••Wllllanm, May •Zara, Mra. I.lla (lallleon, .Tohn PERCIVAL DePord, Edwin •FUcdman, Geo. O. Hacvel, 3. B. JOHNSON, ERNEST Shows • •Wlllhinia. ronatanoe Zoung, Mm. Ora P. Calvert, Harry, ft DeLaney. Jim •Frilced. It. J. •••Ilarvel. Geo. W. I-aytham, Eilw. Wilmott, Kstello ••ZinUma. Mona J. Wife Frink, Ed V. DeLong, Ed Harvey. T. P. JOHNSON. GEO. I.e Bsrtl. IM Wllaon. Mri, DaUy Zulka, Mra. Miller Camiibell, P. W. DePew, Thos. E. Frizzell, B. P. ••Harvey Chic Le Boenf. A. CAKPBELL, OEO, Johnson, .Newton M. DeVaas Greater FYownfelter, A. L. •HAVEN, WM. JOHNSON. FRED E. I-e Duee, Jules R. GENTLEMEN’S LIST. ANTHONY Shows FIT, Jlmmlo OWEN ••t.e .Noir, Jack Campliell. Jack .lolin'ton, Whitey ••DeYanx, H. A. F'ryef, Happy Hawkins, Kid Red JOHNSON, WM. I.e Rae. Ralph B. notice—Questionnaires and War CAMFBET L, DeVeldc. Ed Puentes, Jose A. Hawkins, Ed LE ROY, FRED ALLISON LEE LOVELESS Department Letters in Blackface Type. DeVoe, Edw. Fuller, Al Hawkins, O. L. John.-.on. Mr. Le Roux, F\ J, CAMPBELL, Deeds, Jack Fliller, Franels Hawkins, Stanford Leacher, The WILLARD Johnson. W. L. .Vhhotto, Sam ••Bell. (Tiaa. Deloy, Eddie •Pulton, Arthur ••Haws, Horace JOHNSON. licaman, Jos. Campbell. Fred E. Dempsey. Horatio Pnratl, Prank I>*l»eso. Jean .\tw nd. BenJ Bell. Thomaa Hay, J. W. ALLAN C. Miernelll, Geo. ••Bell. Eddie CAMPBELL. CHAS. •••Dennis, J. \V. ••Farlong, Frank Hayes, 3. C, Lee, .Martin ED Johnson. Martin ••.thraliame, Nat Bennett, Stephen DEOS, CECIL Futeb, Reggie Hayes, Harry 0. JOHNSON. THEO. I-ee. .XI .\rkley. A. V. Bennett, Taylor CANNON. STEPHEN ••Derlln, Tommy Gaines, Chas. Hays, Fred L. ••Lee, Charley Ross OEO. JOHNSON. WALTER Ac-M-irr. John Bennett, Fmnk DETAR-VILLE. GEO. GalU-r, Joe Hayward, P. J. JOHNSON, •, Ralph Vincent Bennie W C Cappelt. Henry Devert)!*, Clifford GAMBLE. EDD ••Healea, A. X. •• James B. .Vdalr. Hayden P. Card. Billy CLARENCE .\ilani<, Alliert BERIDOFF, ARMAND •Dirkiion. Harry E. Gamble, Buford Hearn, Homer ••Johnson. Wesley Lee. Taylor Bernardo. Geo. King Carey, Duke DIMIm. Mr. Mrs. T. Ganier, Ralph Heard. JaS. I.u>eee. .X.lillia. R. N. Carl. Prank Joiner, Jack \.!.niii. S. M. Bernhard. John Tnbb DION. THEODOR R. Giragusl, Nicbolan Heart. Charlie Jones. D. U. D. O. Leek, Ray H. •Ailaiii'. Mai BERRILLE. ANDREW CARL, JAS. •••Dixon, Fred Garcinetti, Albert Heath, Chas. Ross Lr-lnoge, Eilward J. (S)Corl, FVank Jone*. Claud Ailanae Trio Berry. Robert Dobbert, B. B. ••Garkow, Philip Helffericb, Arthor ••Jordan, Charlie LEMENDECKER. Berry, Peter Carlston, Clarence ••Dodaon, Art B. Garland, Walter ••Ilelmar, Lou NICHOLAS \iliiii*. Jark • Carmen. Barney •Jordon. Chas. ft Ivey Adki-n. Jaa. BERT. ESAN. JR. •Donnelly, FYank GARRARD, DAVID G. •HELSEL. GEO. E. Joseph Herman •••LEMON. A. A. X.’rllln. riro Carnlcelli, Caeaare Donohue, Jaa, C. Garvin, F. A. Helander, Hugo Lennon. Dirk (Col.) Carpenter. Glen JOSEPHSON, MACKS \ikena. Kugene Deamunke. Paul Gat-s. V. C. Hendersbot, Ralph •••Joyce, Billie LenoJf. Jack Beeaer, D. Clarence Care. Wm. Gates, P. A. •• VMrlilge. I'barlle Beat. Cliarlle lionabae, Mikey •••Henderson, Tom Addle Leo, Prof, AMrii'li. I.eonanl C.TrrIgan, Jaa. Donalaon Jas. P. Gaylord. Billy •••Hennsessey, J.R.W. lyeo. Bert Betta, Mr. Von CAR8EY, BETHOVEN Jung. Paul Ali'A.inder. Bob BETZ. JOHN E. •••DONPHIN. RAY. Gearv. Joe Hennes;iey, J. R. W. •••Kachler, Harry Leon. I... L. ••All, Bobker Ben P. L. MONO G. OEASELY, HARRY Henry, J. E. •lu'onaril. Harry J. Big City Shows CARTEB. ALLEN ••Kafka. Dale ••All. MaJI BIOOS, JOHN Donroma. Earl Geiger, Ernest B. Henderson, Geo. B. ••Kalberg. E. St. Leunis, Robert DUDLEY Dorman. Geo. P. Gelton, A. A. •••Henry, Wm. I.s»vlteh. FVed Alim B. P. FRANCIS CAKTWBIGHT. Kane, Rilly ALLEN FLOYD Bigler. P. n. Doty. B. L. George, Franklin Henry, Wm. Dutch Kane, John B. ••I>ewln. Ike ORVAL Dougherty, John George. Orville •Hepner, Sergt. M. F. Lewis, Harry ft Birdie Allen, Crank Bllbrey, Audrey Case. Wlllmon Kant, Kandy Rid ••lu'wls, Malcom AlVn Ileraehel (SBng) Georgette (Swiss Her Regiment •••Kamo, .Mr. ft Mrs. Blllinga. Josh Cass. Paul Bell Ringers) I-ewls, A. O. ALLEN. OEO,, JB. Bird Circus, Prof. Douglas, Foater Here. Mr. ••Kamo, Albert Allen vr J. failm) Ciatle, Bert DOVEL. CECIL GUY •Gerald, Bob I-ewls, Harry J. Bishop, Harry (Shorty) Cate. Walter H. Gibb*. O. R. HERMANDEY, Kastettff, Jim I>ewl*, Jay •••Allen Billy DOVER. OEO. CHAS. Katz, U ••Bishop, Jack Cates, Houfton GIBSON, THOS. DANIEL I.ewis. Ben ALLEN. 6TEVB •••Blttle, Prank P. ••Dowd. Dave HERNDON. WAY. •Kay, Harry Cates, John O. Downing, Billy Gilbert. Joe I.lchter. Benny Alien H.AITy Bittner. G U. Cafon, Henry MOND Keen. Ed II. ••Lind. V. A. • Alley. Y. r. Oraeula, A. Gilbey, Walter Hetano, Chaa. Clay¬ Kelghtley, George BIWER. Chagnon, W. B. ••Gillette. Billlo I.inilenthal, FVed AlL«<'n, Jack a CAXYL OSCAR Drake. H. H. ton (SIKellar. Harry •••CHAMBEBLAIN, Gillette, Charlie •••I.lndsley, Aubrey All Star giiartet ••Black, D. ••Dubaf. Rnssell GILROY, OEO. Hickman, Guy •KELLAR, WM. IJntnn, Ed •Allvn. Geo. Blackburn. Geo. W. CHAS. N. (S)Dadak. Jobs Hicks ft Seymour Kellogg, .trthnr M. .Mrlikia The CHAMBEB8. JNO^ Duffy. Jos. WILBUR Kelley, C. L. Lipton, Harry •RIackbnm, Geo. W. Giovanni, Salvatore Hick*, At •••Little, Chick Anilmrn. T. O. Blackmore, Ted TIMOTHY •Dukea. Karl Hicks. T. J. ••Kelley, Jimmy CHAMBEB8. Dukoff. T. GIVENS, ROBT. E. Kelley. D. C. Livingston, Mike Amlefc. Jack Blair, C. P. (Kid) Gleaves, Franklin ••Hicks, Jas. IJvIngstun, Geo. Amleraon, A. Blanchard, O. H. WALTEB E. Diinean. H. H. Illl.lerlTand, J. M. Kelly. Jot* Dutch Chandler, E. L. Duncan, II. P. •Glemnion, Clyde E. •••KELLY, IJewellyn, Geo, Aniler«on. Albert 0. ••Blanchard. Joe GLOVER. JOHN Hill. Jack Lloyd, Wilkes .\niler«on. A. J. BLAND. WM. H. Chaplin. Herbert DUNCAN, PRESTON Kelly. Phil Chappell. Geo. A. GEORGE ••Glover, Ray HILL. HARRY G. Kenilall. Izzle Is>eb, Harry Weller Amleraon, Earl dyroD Blankenship, A'lrgll ••Glover, Wm, ••I.orhhardr. W. B. Anilereon, Aiel Cherry. FVank 3. ••Dnnlap. Robt HILL, JNO. •••Kennedy, Coy iSIBlanton. T. C. Glove*. Willlo WALTER I.oek W n. •••Andemon, T. H. Blanton. Tom •Christian. Joe DUNLAP, ARCHIE Cotton (Tirlstoffel. Sugen Diuilavey. Normal Goilding, J. E. nillcoat, A. ••Kenney. Sam LOCKHART. .Anrtor John Kles'-lngton, Jim Godwin, Albert DENNIS H. •Andrew* Leal* CLIFFOBD, HOWARD ••Dunn. Herb. H. Hippie. Cly.le •••KENNON. • Blondin Shows, Leo Goff, Noah I/*esbaek. Arthur Andrewa. Gua RIondy BENTON Du Toit. H. •HIPPLE, CLYDE E. FREDERICK 8. •••Childers. Jr.. Doc ifoldberg I onis ••Hirnef, Edw. ••lioeshaek. Arthur Andriiecl. Manro BLY, WILLABD L. ••DuVall ft Jean Kent, John LOCKHART. (Tioy-Yon Oinn GOLDBERG, PHILIP •••Hirons. Ilonas Kent. HamM E5. Apache. .Arizona Jack RIy, Richard Dyer. Jack tiolilburg. Sam _ CLEVELAND •.Apcar John ••ChrlatV. Wayne Hitchcock, C. Keppler, C. J. BLY. WILLARD L. F.arle. Chas. T. GOLDEN. HOWARD LOCKWOOD. Ape'ehanni, Harry L. CISCO. OSCAB ••Eaton, Henry Hodge*, Geo. ••Kerr. Fido Roger, Lather LEE Hodges, Jimmy CAULEY A. An-cehaiim. Albert Bogga. Walter Clamln, Martin Ebe Adam Kestetter, J. O. Isvfay. Bert CLANCY, EDW. M. ••Ecker, Joe V, Gobtcmlth, Johnny Hoffman Robt. R. Ketrhel. tee J. .\rN>ri«t C. B. Bolle, Duke HOFFMAN, VICTOR Istgau, John R. .Arhiirkle. Roacoe Boilean, O. Clark. Ben I- Edmona. Billie Gon/ale*. P. M. ••Kllpatriek. Chaa. GOODMAN. THEO. PAUL •LOGO. WM. Arehart. G. P. Bonds, Joe Hark, Cha* Baehos Eiaenberg. Albert ••Kimble \V. C. Ixihuer. Patrick M. Arehihald Geo. CLARA. JOHN A. ELEIDMANN, FRED DORE Hogan, Ray E. King. Cha*. F. Bonham, Jim H"gan. Ed Isunharil, Ilarry •ARMSTRONG. BOONE. W. H. Clark, Barry M. G00D60N. JOHN King, Frank I/ong, Frank T. Hark. TTariy D. •Elliott. F. F. Gordon, P. S. lb gun, Hugh King. George FRANK. JR. B«>nner, E. B. ••llosan, L. 8. I.ooa ft Loos Annette Walter Bo«tn|»k. I,eoD Clark. V. H. ELLIS. ALBERT Gordon. Geo. King, Bob lior'I, Raymond ARNOLD, BERT •Bw Badke. W. n. •Brannona. Musical Colette, Henry Ralph Graham. E. T. Hondo. H. NER FRANK Linz. GEO. ADOLPH BAILEY, WM. THO*. •••BRANSON, P. E. (Prenehlel Emmett. Prof. GBANFOGEL. JEAN HOOD. DICK Knowlton, Bert Lyle. A. O. •I'nlwlen Fdw. J. Brantley, Henry Coltln*. W P.. sum English. Paul BAPTISTE llool. .Albert Koen. FVank M. Lynch. John P. B.iker Geo. I_ Bray, Harry B. Collin* Rohert J. ENSIGN. HAROLD J. Crave*. Herbert HOONAN, HOWARD Kohler. Harry ••Tijnne Ed BAKER. JOE FRANK Brennan. Jaa. II. ••Col’ln* W. E. •••Epplnger. W. J. Gray, Norman V. a. ••Kohler. Harry Lylo. A. Y. Peker B Ben Brennan. Thomas Colaantl. Sam ••Erey ft Erey ••Greeley, Tom ••Hooper, Frank Kohiman. E L. t.'SlI.ynn. Jack J. ••BALL ANTON Brennen, Jack •Colton. Tyco ••Erlaman. Tom GREEN. DON (CoL) ••Hope, FVank Koehler. -Vlbert •I.Tsle. Fdmnml BALL JOHN H. Brenner, Fred Colton. Eloozo Eacorcla. Ramon Greer, Dean Hopkins, Jaa. 0. K. •Ko«»n. M. McBride. Daniel 1»»TT *NTYW. c O. •••Brewer. Allen Shorty ••Evan*. Bin Grell. Charlie ••Hopkins, Jas C. K. Kohler. Jack H. MeCameron. J. IL •••BALTZ. WM L.. Brewer^. TTie Two Colton Dram. Co. EVANS. BENSON Grier. Oaty HOPSON. JOHN H. Koonl*. Robert McCants. Allan JR. ••Bridges. Frank Conley. J. C WYATT •••Grier. Oaty Ilorkbeimer. H, M. Koontz. Will ••MeCart. J. O. B.imrenl* Harold •••Britton. Trvealt CONNELLY. ••Erana, larry GRIFFITH. MANLEY Home. J. P. •••Kopelman. Louis ♦•McCaw, Abraham Pae...„|T K •Broi-khank, Harrison MICHAEL C. •••Evans. Geo. P. FLOYD HORNSBY. HOLLY F, Korey, Naif Shaw p*w'5'»AN. Ainc w, Bnslle. Nell Connors. Eddie Ja» •••Ewing, Rusaell Grimes, Fosta HOROWITZ, •••Koven, Sant IfeCnnntrk, Jamea RARANCH BERT BROUGHTON. CONNORS. JAS EDW. Fagan. Frank A. Grimes, Samuel HARRY A. •••KOVENSKY. SAM MoCOWN. EARL P -l.i-.- Curt EARL L. Conner*. Earl iSlFahey, J. B. Grosse, Sam J. ••Houghton. Flunk KREMER. EVERETT McCREARY. OEO. ••Ilnnlar Don B. Bn • A. Broiiaaard. Jos. A. Elbert Faraday. H. C. Hall. J. G. •Hoyt. Chaa. U. KUMIS. NICHOLAS M F'arlan.I, A. J. •••Pa'kiey, Don BROWN. CLARENCE ( opperatone. T. R. Faria. Gal] (SlHall. FYink Hoyte, It. It. Kiiriier. Jay M'-F’arland. Oba Barlow. .Al CHARLIE Coppings Shoara FARMER. CHAS. •HALLER. JOS. •••Hoyt’s Minstrels Krunfz. Bernard M-Gary, J. T. B •""e Ja» BROWN. FRANK Corhin. Chance FRANKLIN •Haller, Harry •Hiihlie. J. W. K.tle. J. T. ••vtefJarver. Bert P*»Vt-TT. FRANK AUSTIN •CORBIN. RICHARD Farmer, .\rtbur •Hali>erln. Chas. ••Huggins. Chas. W ••la F'urra’s Four M cinas, Walter B. •••ll'irrlo* Jean Brown.^ P. TERRY ••Farr, Price (SlHambly. Dave Hughes. Angelo ••I..a I1eur. .Vrthnr Xf ninnis. Richard N. Birrera. DuFom> •BROWN. FRANK C. CORMIER. JOS ••Faulkner. Harrr H. Ilaniel, Victor P. HUGHES. THOS. A. 1 .V Fb'iir, .Vrthur M -Govern. .\rcb I’-'-ti- Klmer B. LA TOUR CORNELL. TA8KEL FFINBURO. BENNIE Hameraley, IT. S. ••HULBEBT, CHAS. LA FOUNTAIN. M.Grail John P. Barton. John A. ••Brown. Sam THORNTON •Felli. Nahor Hamilton, ‘.eo. W. OSCAR CLAUDE W. Xf.Grean, Rert Bri’tiin .lea. BROWN. JOS. F. (Vrodina, Netd Feldman, Harry Hamilton, L. C. ••HuUng. Albert •I..a Brenue. II. Fi. •M.Gregor, II. B. B'"on Wm •••Brown. Kd A. •Cortright, Orval Ferguaon. W. M. Hamilton. W. T. ••Hnll, Dick I.a Ch.npelle. Ben • •M. G'egof. Donald McGregor. 11. B, BASINGER, HOKE Brown, A. K. Cotirf. W. P. Feirell. Billy Hamilton ft D- ane ••Hull. Bnblrt I.a Moine. I.orn HAMILTON, LaMOTTE. HARRY McOREOOR. NZSTOB ALLEN Bn>wn. K C. Cotirtney, J. W. Ferrella. The Singing Huney, Jack H. B''«kln«. Kdd Coven. Newman FRANCIS WILLIAM BROWN, RALPH ' Perrier. B. A. Hunter. Kolia (Vary tmpoltaat) Bn-f lark. A Wife ANTHONY Cowen*. Oeo. Ferris. .Ilmmie Hammond. Geo Hunting. U. E. l4t Valle. Russell B 'leh Cha*. I,. (SICoyle. Kdwv B. FET WM DEWEY HAMMOND. FDW Hurd. Wm. ••lui Vanlo, Henry .Mefliiire. Tom BROWN. WM. McGUYRE. FRANK bates. ARCHIE Brown W C Coyle. E. K. Meld* Fred Hampshire. Clifford Hurley. Alton ••I.aburneo. Robt. (’ramarosaa. Vito •••Hnnegan, E. C. Hand Bpr>*. Hutchison, Ch.s*. C. I.akee.v. Leo p. Melb-nery. tJlen JACK BROWN. JOHN •••M'-Henry, Wm. Bni'i A. J. BROWN. JACK A. Crane Pamlly Cnrtcy Handly. Mikey Inman. Wm. .\. Ijtke, E. \V. Balileatein, Harry •••Crane I’lmlly Flabir, W. R. ••H*n*»el Fh-i* F, Inouye, Denpe I^imont. O, M'Intyn’, H. Browning. A. I- luiuiptin Homer J. McKenzie, George Barer, Wm. (Spot) Brtiwnlee. A. W. CRAWFORD. WM. ••Plaher. Chas. L. ••KANEWIVKT E. Irving. Geo. fl. PERRY FEBDUVAND Irwin. Wm. H. LANDALY. MOSE (SiMcKenxle, R. B. Bi'lor. Wm. W. BROYLES. Fiaherman. Nat M, KA n. "Java" F\ M. Bearh. Jack Crosaman A Cannell Flahman. M. HERMAN ••IRWIN. JOS. W. I,.ine tiriffln L CHABLIE Ijng. l{ob«Tt E. M. Lane. F. F. Bi hinl itiesa Briia, John E. Crt>ut, C. U ntebett. Billy HANNIOAN. •••Jack Yoiiul' Crowley, Boas MICHAEL JOS. JACKSON. ALBERT I andgr if. F>ed_ Mcluiugblln. J. H. ••I'M-k. Wm. B, BRUCE. JAS. H. Flemming. Wm. McLean. Chas. Daniel Crnikshank. Frank •FLORIO. EARNEST Hardegrce, J. J JAS LAPERE. MATTHEW ’ MARTTN Brunner. Walter I.arue. F’rini'is McLean. Billy BECKER. CHA8. V. Br.vant. Carl Cunning. An'h Moaao, Harry Hardesty. Roy W. Jsi'kson Harry Be. ker, Joe CURLEY. JNO. WM. Harding. (Tark R. Jackson, Bohby luir'oii, Wm. Walker ••Mcl>'an, W F'. •••Bryant. Uolaod W. Floyd. 8. W. Mcl.orley, Jaa. •Beeker. H W. Cnrrler. Harry J. ••Flynn. Fraocia J. HARDISON. ISAAC Jackson. Eddie luirson. Olof D. ••I.arsiui, Wm Xf'Mahel, Harry •••Beekniaa. IVihble Biillinger, Joe CURRY. JAS. Fogle. 3. A. ••Ilarrlman. Texas Jackson. Joe Cushenhery. Mr. Harrl*, Waiter JACOBSON. IRA J. Walkei McNamara. John Beiknim. Gnillver A. ••Bullion. Wm. I •••F’ogle, O. K. McXeal. Edward Cutler. liOUls Ford, Hugh Harris ft Hilliard Jaraalle. Patsy Larson R. B bickwith, jack Rurdge, Winfield 9. ••Larsvnt. Geo. McNulty. Jamea ••BEHN. WALTER Burgess, 11. D'Andrra. Sam ••Ford. Jas. •••Harris, Thos. James, Walter CLARK Barnes. Jho Dalvla. Harty C. *Porte. Giacoms ••Harris. DsU James. G. E. (Continued I page 62) FAMOUS BROADWAY SHOWS WART FOR THREE REAL DATES AND REST OF SEASON Ashland, Ala , Fair, Week November 4th; Tuscaloosa, Ala., Week November 11th, Woodmen of the World Big Celebration. Concessionaires, wire PERCY MARTIN for space. Laurel, Miss., Day and Night Fair, Week November 18th. Concessionaires, wire W. E. WAR for space. Want whip, two more shows and musicians for my band. Shows and legitimate concessions of all kinds, wire or write BILLIE CLARK, Manager.

••Parker, Jas. L. TTicbard*, Ralph Shattneka. The ••Taffet, Joe Weber, Scott WIIIIamsM, Bad LETTER LIST P.srsons, Jai-k 'Richard.. F'rrd Sliiiw, Don Taylor, Chester \Ven, Daniel ••Roach, Ohas. Shuman. Sam THOMAS. WALTEB. Westfall, Geo. •Winter*, Ctiesirr Mahoney. Sliandlc Morin, William A. Michael Robbins. Elmer Shumate. Tom Thomas, A. H. Westlake, t*. W. ••Wlatoo. D. C. •••MAHONEY. Moring, Carter H. Peel. J. L. Roberts, Cbaa. B. Sickles. Bob Thompson Sherman •Whalen. Dick Wise. BlackU DANIEL Morriss, Michlal Pence, Tom Rot)ert», D. 0. Siegel. Cbarles •Thompson. Gu* WHEALT, JHO. Wise. D. A. Maibeuf. Ed ••Morris*. Willie H. ••Penndextor, William Roberta. Bal Silbert, Bavitl •••Tbomp»>n, Chaa. C. DAVID Wtting. H. B. Males. Jack •Morrissey, I. •Penrlce, Clyde 0. Roberts, Lather ••Silver. ProL M. B. Thompson, R. E. Wheeler, Elmer Wolf. Billy •••Males, Jtme* Q. •Morrissey, Jack Perry, G. D. •••Robert*. John Simmns, William P. Tliomi'son. R. W. Whetten, F. D. ••Wolf, Frank ••Mallette. W. C. •Morrison, James P. •Pester, L. C., Capt. Robins. Ernest Sims. Otba .f Worthing. Pete Marrletta. Rov AL0YSIU8 Phelps, Eugene Roil Harry L Smith, clarence Tralnor. noward Willard. Rig Bill Wot ton ••MAHIHT'ljEltK. Myers. C. C. Phelps A Cobb’s ROMANO. JOSEPH ELMER Trask. Everett •Willard, Cha». Wrenn Joseph PIETHANOELO Myers, Harry R. P.ot bonders ANDEN •Smith, Ralph W. Travis. Tom H. Willard, Chat. W, Wright Eddie O. Marsh, Buster (SJMyers, Myer Phlllon, AcUillc Root, Edw. W. Siiiitti, Arthur B. Travis Show* Williami. A. J. WEIGHT, HARVEY Marsh, Artbnr Myers, L. Claude Phroso Rose, ADiert Smith. Bert Traylor Chas. B. Williams Dan LAB HER Marsh, Jerry Myerg. Leo P. Pink. Wm. Rose, Harry Smith. D. E. •TRIMMER. JONAS Wiillsnis F. O. Wright, Jack ••Marshall. L. W. ••M. 8. ••Plotke. Harry Rose. Martin Smith, Capt. G. W. HARVEY WILUAKS, EUGENE Yeager. Harry E. •Rokebnry. R. W. J. Marshall. Dr T. B. NadJa Show POLK, CHE8TEH Smitli, Geo. Troubadour*. Gyiiay Yeargla. Cbarir* ••MABTEVXY. B. B. •••Nall. Lawson •Polgnolnt, Bob •••Rosenburg. Ixiuls Smith. Oliver ••Trout, Taylor William*, Harry York. Chicken Martin, C. L. Natuck, Steve Poison, Bert •••Rothe. Guatro SMITH, RALPH Troaler. Leslie Wllllama, Jack ••Yooker, wiiUam Martin, J. G. Nazor, Frank POND. WM. Rothe. Wm. Smith, Resli« Willlama. Maple Young, Paul •■MASHEB, Nekoel, Abel Poppy, Wayne •••Royal Expo. •Smith. W. IL •••Tucker. Frank L. William*, Roger Zarrelll A EIra WILLIAM Nelson. George Porter. Will A. Shows ••Smith, Clark Tucker, Thomas S. William*. Miles Zarreli, Joe MASON, CHABLIE NELSON, HARRT Post. T. K. Royces. Hnrbert ••SMITH. JOHN Tiinlck, I oula •Williams. Jack Zaaretely, Archie ••Rubel. Julian (8)MA80N. J. (S)Nelson, Capt. Powell, Tom Smith. Lee Turner, M. WILLIAMS. JOHNNIE Zeno. Dm Rudolph. Wm. HABDIV Ben S. Powers, D. J. •Smith Geo. Oliver Tuttle, Wallace William*. S. B. Zlmmermane. The Mason, Everett KELSON, JOS. Powers, Sktdoo Rugg, O. P. SMITH, FRED Tvarra. Richard 'WILLIAMS, 'WM. P. ••Zlnn. A. M. Misten, B. M. I Nelson, Musical Powers, J.nme8 RUN8TADIER. Smith. Ray TvIpt. Toby _ •••William#. Mr. A ••Zlnney. Mike ••Mathews, Henry I Nelson, Bobt. Prall Earl ELMER CLEMER SMITH. SAMUEL •TYLOB, ARTHUR Mr*. Lester Zybyteo, Young Rn«seII. Jimmie Maupin. E. F. ••Nelson, Irving Prell. Paul SMITH, WILLIAM Russell, R. L. MAWBIO. JOHN Nelson, Sir. & Mrs. PRICE. HARRIS ••Sncdelwn. E. H. ••rmpleby, Chet R. yan. Geo. Maxwell. Harry B, Vick CATHCART Snow, W. 3. I'nbDsb, PIrstun LADIES FIRST ••Ryan. Robhy Maxwell, J. B. Nestell. Homan Price, J. B. Snow, Geo. B. t'oger, Morris Ryan. Jimmie (Continued from page lei Maxwell. Louis Nethkln. W. V. ••Price, Capt. J. W. Snyder, Wm. R, •Vallentin. A1 Newman Harrv Ryan, Anthony Mayer, Raymond Prlndel. II. ••Snyder, VAN ALLEN. ETN tot wa* so aerloutly funny, eo adroit, that ah# Maynard. Walter ••NICHOLS. WM. •••Ryan, Jimmie SommeravHle. W. E. WARD M. Prior. Harry Ryland, Ted easily made the bit of the show.'* •••Ma.To, J. C. GUERDON Proctor, George H. •.Soreho, Louis Capt. Van Hook. Ward Ryne. R J. Matelle. Ix>uls Nicola, Alsignur Proctor, Bert S-ade. B J. Van I.ldth. Cba*. C. Evening Sun: "If you are a Nora Baye#' fe# Sadler, Harley Meagher. Eagle Jack Noble, Ralph Pruandeto. Richard SPARKS. RILEY Van Slckei, Capt. don’t fall to see Ladle* First.” Meany, Frank Nolan, James Safornare. Luca Sjieck, Tom Pryor, Arthur Saide, Joe B. .S. Evening Telegram: "Tlie play wa* up to th# ••Meggs. Dan ••Nolan, J. Lawrence Puree, E'l G. Sprlng'T, Ei'w. van SOUCTE. Samuels, Frank average musical play ataudard.” Melnncom, Bliitche Nolley. R. J. •Purchase. W. Spltalero. Pietro CLARENCE Sander*. Mike W. Melnntte. Armond, Noon, Mr. A Mrs. ••St. Clare. Jao VAIL, NELSON 8. Times; "When Miss Bayes was moat her old •PURCELLI, RICH- Sander*. W S. Uerclor, Emile Joseph John H. Staib. John V*n. Jack self ah* moet delighted the audience.” ARD 8ANDV08. IVILLIAM Merliegh. Robert Norman, Chas. I.. Staples, Harry •Van. John Mail: "Nora Kayes ran sing the type of songs •••Tbirtle, B. B. JAMES Morlo. Bernardo Norman, James A. Steed, W'Jilam P. Vance, Jo*. Pyle. J. A. Sanford, Charle* she sing* better tlian any of tier coatemporartea.” Werrell, Frank Norris. Harvey Steen, llniry G, Vance. M. W. Query. Joe Henry •METZ. CHARLES E. Norton. Bill Steer John W. Vani’erbllt. Gary Tribune: "Miss Bayes’ volet la perfectly QUINN, JOS. Satan. T’'« Magician Mexican Joe ••North. Joe Stemler. IVm. David VANNOSTBAN, placed and her eense of rliythm exceptional,” PATRICK SAVOY, JOE Meyer, John H. Nott*. F>ed Stenftman, Merer ALE8TEB Qumber, Wm. H. Sixon. Harry Morning World: "Mlav Bayes’ abundant vtgar Nowak. Walter Stephanaen, Morris Vea«ey. Tom ••Meyers, Chas. E. Rabble, Rlllle BAXTOM, ALBERT and brisk bumor are auillcient to coiiBturbaltoc# •••Stephens, Peewee •Vetare. Jack D. Meyer*. Billy K. Noxon. Dave Rader. Jack A. LEE •Noznica. .Vloisins ••VERNON, FRANK a dozen prlnclpata.” Moyer*. IjOo Radolph. Jsmea Scanlon. W. J. Berlin# * Burns ED'WIN Middniigh, Wm. Nye, T..m P. RAHES. JOS. ••Scanlon. W. J. •••Middauch. M O'BRIEN, RICHARD Hamine. J. T,. Sterrett, Mr. ••Vlcker. Phil ••Scanloni Bill Stevens, Anthony THE VOICE OF McCONNELL ••Miles, Janie* E. MARK Ramirez. Antonio J. •Victor Peter ••Si-arboro, Fred D. Stevens, Max Frederick O'Brien. IIonP'‘t Red ••Ramos. O. S'-Iiaefer. Carl VON SCHOYCK, Miller. Jack F, OTonnell. James Ramsay, W. Stevens. T. A. S''hanh, Fred ALBEBTAB THE VOICE OF McCONNELIc—A new comedy, Miller, Barney O'CONNOR, EDW. Ramsey, Cba*. E. STEVENS. CHART Si-Iieck, A Dog ••Vnv. L. A. with BongH, by George M. Cohan. Fttslue^ Miller, Moe JOS. Ramlolph, Bingo Stewart, Ja*. Arthur •Schell, Edw. ••W. fl by Cohan A llarri* at Ford’s Opera House. Miller, Paul ••0’I>>ary, Bob Itandulpb, Jimmie Stewart. Earnest •••Wade. Mr. Schenkel Ed Baltimore, October 'J8. Miller. Cha*. Harry O'Mata, Barney Raub, Waltei* SCHENKS, ROY Stewart. J. T. Wade. Harvey Oeo. •••Miller, Pete ••O’Mera Maurice E. Ray, Eddie ROS'WELL •Sflcknev. RoJiert, Jr. W*d«-orf'i.ten}. W. •••Miller, Vincent ••O'Neil, Jeon S-otf. Harry W Sfnrgi-II Robert Show* ••MITCHELL. LOU ••Opsal, D. N. Reid. Jack SCOTT. ALBERT R. •BTUR0E8. BKHI- Wsrd. n. A. ••Moluakey. Henry Ormsby. Jack •••Ueld. Peter SCOTT. CLEM (Col.) ARD HAMILTON •••Ward. Joe Mones. Meirell ••Orr, Harry D. Reiley, Joe A Agnes ••Scott, Willis ••Sfiirtz. Andrew Warner. Glynn MONTGOMERY, Ortiz. Enrique Relssman, Toole P-ottle. Wm. J. Sulllrao. I-eater Warner. J. FRED ••Ott. Phil Rendon Billy •••Seaer L. A. Sitllivaos. Musical Amnne. Co. MONTGOMERY. Owen*. Billie ••RENO, DELL Sedlmayr, C. J. Su«*, Bernard W. WsrHng L. JAS. A. Owens. Frank Penolds Ijke Seibert. Geo. Snfhem, John R. Waterman Sol Montler, Carlo# Oyler, J. n.. Doc RENSINO, CHA8 Seldmore. Mr. SUTHERLAND. Wsts.m Homer Montrose, Geo. •Oyler. John Hurah HERMAN Senter. Jack WILLIAM U. WATSON, EARNEST Montrose. Oflo ••Rentfroir, J. N. Setterleh. Frank Sntton, Frederick HOMER MOODY, JNO. THOg. (S)Reyno, H. A. Settle, Henry Ella Sutton. Arthur WATSON, PHILIP Mooney. Ben}. P. Reynolds. Sam C. •Seymonr, I. N. Swsbn, Geo. WESLEY MOORE, ANDREW Paccett. perry Rlaldo, Clyde ••Seymonr. Fred •••Swan, niff Wayne. C. P. JACKSON P.slmef. Wm. I Rice, Harry W. Shaffer, Robert W. Swart, Chas. J. EnglUb Moore, Cspt. Jim ••Palmer, .41 •Rice. Jack Shaffer. Fred L. ••.Sweeney A Newton Warn. Geo. Moore, Wm. E. ••Parker Bice, Chaa. Proctor Shane, Everett • •Sweenev. Kaymund Weaver, Raymond Moor#, Earry W. Parke, Edward Rice, Dan •••Sharp, Aren Swift, Jack •Weaver, Jack

I NOVEMBER 9, 1919 e B a 63 Goldon Belt Fair, Henderson, N. Cu Postponed Positively hold November 11 to 16 contract. Want shows and concessions, band and workingmen for this and other late fairs. Also Wilmington, N. C. First show in two years. Wire SIBLEY’S SUPERB SHOWS, HENDERSON, N. C. romiltlon, fOr • •ongleM Olcou pUy !■ worse I u < 9iuiday. TABLOIDS Mr. Oloott appears In an enUrely new part, fur llii-re »at not a sign of knee Ortecbea, top (Contir.aeU from page 47) lijt« or BlUer borklea. laxtead of these the Moore’s. Oap, Merry Maids: (Bungalow) Du¬ ^wertiuleed tenor waa seen In a eartoiial make- rant, Ok., 4-0. u|i uf faultleta, modem attire. But the dlHiard- ^PILLOWS Osborne's, Lettoy. Dainty Clnderellas: (Grand t:!i; of the old costumes didn't detract one wbit n. H.) Bruoewirk. Ga., 4-0. from the cbarm of personality of .Mr. Olcott, and NEW DESIGNS TO SUIT THE TIMES Ott, Bob, Co.: Norwich. Coen., 4 9. I It tlie attractive vehicle provided by Mr. Shaffer's, Ai, Beys ic Girls: (Dixie) Paris, Cohan <106 never lost sight of the fact that be FIFTY NEW OWES Tenn. H i tl'ienlng to the same old rhauacey. Sylsaa'a Society Girls, Ed Copelaml. .Tifr.: 1lie Mi-Connell of the play is a gifted Irish Bartlesyllle, Ok., Indef. singer, srbo baa been found In a little parish VICTORY. LIBERTY, Virginia Belles, Chas. Worrell, mgr.: (Palm) . I K h In Ireland and brought to America by an Omaha, Neb., iudef. enterprising Impresario. He takes Sew York Wehle's Blue Grass Belli-s. Billy Wehlo, mgt.t by sto'iii at bis first appearance and becomes fa. WASHINGTON. LINCOLN, (Crystal) Waco. Tex,. Indef. ni-'Us over night. lie la taken up by a society Winter Garden Follies. TUos. V. White, mgr.i leader sith a pretty daughter, musically in- WILSON, PERSHING. (Blfoll) Thor City, Fla., Indef. cl ni-d. and the romance vrbich develops l.etween ll.« two forms the groundwork of the story, llie brother of taa ^rl becomes entangled Free Circular MISCELLANEOUS with an adventuress, ano the wit and adrrdtness Adams’, James, Floating Theater: (Keys High¬ of the bero rescues th# brother from her tolls, way) Baltimore, Md.. Iudef. and the family from a possible ugly Si'sndal. GET OUR LOW QUANTITY PRICE i Gardner A Fraley’s Dramatic Tent Show, Geurga Of course he gels his reward In the love of tte B. Gardner, mgr.: 3<>4 Whltsltt are., .Nash, girl vtlle, Tena., indef. The eonga. written and eomposed by Mr. $13.50 ^^AID NEW SERVICE DESIGNS Gilbert's, B. A., Hypnotic Show: (UIpp.) Ben¬ fehsD. are very catchy and fall natnrally In with ton. Ill. Indef. the progress of the story. A sentimental ballad. Kell, Leslie E., Show No. 1. Ben Clark, mgr.i Ireland, the Land of My Dreams, evoked g-eat SHIPMENTS I (Opera House) Waltonville, HI., 4 9. apidause; ao did a gay little song, Y'ou Can't WESTERN ART LEATHER CO. Kell, Leslie Show No. J: (Opera Hoosa) Deay You're an Irlahman, aad a love song. When SAME DAY ttpavta. Mo., 4-9. I I>xik Into Tour Kyee. Marciurneen. He also ORDER RECEIVED Box 484, labor Opera Bldg., Deaver, CoioradQ Oriental Remedy Co., Dr. Frank Beach, mgr.: sang In the concert scene. Mother Maehree. and Leland, MiM., 4-9. the audience would have kept him singing them alt repeatedly had Its will beea obeyed. Mr. Olcott’e acting Is full of humor and BANDS & ORCHESTRAS efeann, free from exaggeration and of aa ei''H- Wanted for Howe’s London Shows iant method. NereV before has he bad a better Masten’s, Harry, Orchestra: (Keya Highway) aapportlng compsn.r. MUa flilda I.eary vras WILL REOPEN NOV. 14 AND RUN ALL WINTER Baltimore. Md.. Indef. Nasca's Ilsnd; Florence, S. C.. Nov. 4, Indef. rharaitng as the leading woman, and Mias Con- Musicians, first and second cornet: clarinet, baritone, tuba, trombone and trap atisce Beaumar was s'mpiy tuiierb la her inter- : Neel's Carl. Band: (Keys Highway) Baltimore, yrelstlon sf the de’lrate role or the adveatoress. . drummer. Others write. Performers, aerialists, acrobats, contortionist, wire Md.. iodef. Oat foold not at all blame the brother for yield walkers. Jugglers, clowns and concert people. Abe Johnson, Albert Gaston, (Mlveto's Band; Lyons. Ge., 4-9. lir to the blandishments of the enltured rrca , Antstica's Lady Miliury Band, Bay V. Ttuy. wire. Wan^ man to work elephant and pony act; also man for side-show; mgr.: Camp Taylor, Ky., 4-9. tore, who showed all the evidences of refine , make openings, do Punch and Judy, magic and mind reading; ticket sellers, ■eat. and who was not really bad at heart. a« man to run pit show, three dancers, also three good billposters. Wm. K. Wis proved b.T her repentance and endeavor to lead a life beyond reproach. Lester, wire. For Sale—Balloon, whips, pictures and farm paper privilege. MINSTRELS The minor parts were well tahen. tbs ms All meals on dining car. Be ready to Join on wire. Those doing two or more Beach A Bower’s Famous Min.strels; MUwaakee, tnaes were atfrarflve and the play waa ex¬ turns or doubling in concert given preference. Address Wls., Indef. ceptionally well staged.—E. E. FOSTER. HOWE’S LONDON SHOWS, 1234 Central Ave., Hot Springs, Ark. Busby Minstrels, 2922 Brighton ave,, Loa An¬ geles, perm. Coburn’s. J. A., Minstrels; Daytona Beach, FI*,, THE CANARY that position so acceptably for many aeaeons. New Yorkers will blockade traffic to watch Bill perm. hut who has recently resigned to accept a posl- .strotbera or Harry Gardiner climb a tall bond¬ Big City Minstrels. John W. Vogel, mgr.; Vo¬ 'ion of trust with the Bartlett Hayward Com¬ ing. Physical akill, animal intelllgeai'e, ma Hartford. Conn,. Nos. J.—The Canary. • new gel’s Reach, Mlllereport, O., indef. pany, maaufacturera of munltious. gb-ians. Jugglers, wirewalkers are abaolntely analcal comedy produced by Charles Dillingham. Field’s, Al G., MinstreN: Birmingham, .41a., eesenttol to the programs of today If vandeville • Ilh Julia Suodersun and Joseph Cawtborne aa 7 9; Selma 10-11, Montgomery 12-I3i Mobile If to live. Yonrs very truly. co-atart. drew the largest berm. Foote's. Happy Harry, Minstrels: Newltem, The cast IncIiHles Doyle and Dlion. Sam Hardy, cln-ns, coacert or rbautaui|ua entertainment It A recent letter from the Aerial Patts com¬ Oe<'rge Mark. Wllmer Bentley, Isiats llarrlstio, mends The Billboard highly on it’s stand. An N. C.. Indef. knows full well where to go, but when It wants Harvey's Greater Minstrels: Mnscatine. la., 5; D-vrls Kalthfiil. Edna Bates, Maud Ehiirne. Cor¬ a little uf each (variety ao to speak) It ex- extract from the letter rraerts to And It la vaudeville, but today It does Bill's. Gus, Big Minstrels: Newpirt News, Va., Mr. Dillingham made a rlalt to his home town not. and that's why whenever asked about the taking towards vandeville (in favor of dnmb and saw the >how. sod a'ic« t not . l•Dfllct. ian. Miss,, indef. (Continiiod from page 25) 19.) "In your last article you said, 'Is It that the Malory’s Original Mobile Minstrels: 3 Roger at., "Our Attitude Toward Vaudeville. (Issue of •one good work on the big city papers. Minne- so-calM big time booking managers have dis¬ Kingston, N. V . ndef. Oebber 2B.) apolla, St. I'aul, St. l.ouls anil others. covered that the public wants only aoug sod O’Brien. J. ('., r.iacois Georgia Minstrels: Box “If anytblBf ever hit the spot it’s this. The Ira J. Byers, for the past all years advertis¬ daui-e arts, or Is It because, as some of them ILI."*. .'tavanii.ali. Ga., perm, dasxllug success of Paatages. owriag to his ing agent of the Colonial Theater, Cleveland, state, that novelty acts have not kept abreast rrice-ltennclll Minstrels: Care The Billboard, good Jmlgment Id placing and using dumb acts. died Octofier 27 at his Cleveland home, a victim of the times in the evolution of motlern vaude¬ C nclnnatl. perm. Is a good example. He never completes a of tnflnenxa Me was .tl vesrs old and was at ville?’ I reply that the Ixwklng maoaeera have Rahhlt Fsit Minstrels. V. S. Wolcott, mgr.: hill without one. I sincerely hope The Billboard OP- lime an aerial performer. not discovered anything like It. I C.YN PRoVK Port Gibson, Miss., indef. Byron Nichols has resigned his position as IT WITH MY OWN .\(T AND .\M WII.LING keeps up tbs good work.” stage inansgi-r of llie New Portland (Me.) Thea¬ lO BKT THKM t)U ANY THFATRICAL ter to become scenic artist at the Castle Stjuare WKBKLT Il.s|on Nick Carter, formerly prop DCMB ACT PBOPKULT BILLKD AND SPOT NOT ALL BLUES erig man at the New Portland, aucceetli Nichols TFD I WILL RK THE RIGGFs'JT I.KGITIMATF. Allen. T(»m W., Shows: Pittsburg. Tex., 4 9. as stage manager. APPLACSF. HIT OF THE BILL AT THE PAI.- B'g City Shows. Harold Barlow, mgr.: Wades- New York. Nov. 2.—While the Arm of Pare K. Beers Ijkis. press agent Foley A Burk \(’K. EVEN Till) EVA TANGI’AT OR ANT N)ro. N. C.. 4-9. Oouihlneil Shows, was kindly relea«eng the Sunny Southland Sings. Down by th* Ga.. 4 9. the Alcaxar Theater. San FYanctsco. on account the time, trouble, money and brains Invested, of the Spanish Indiieoxa. hut will resume Its coupled with the running exi>enses. with no rh.vttahoochee, Cntll You Stop the World From Clark A Conklin Shows: Meraphls, Tenn.. Indef. tone of California and Nevada when the ban Is noites in sight, what Is the use of bulbllng a Turning I Won’t Stop I/vrIng Y'ou, No Matter Clark’s Greater Shows. Douglas. .4rU., 4-9. raised. Mr. I>ioa has been re-engaged as press Delniar Shows: Scaly, Tex.. 4 9. new act? What Yon Do, Sympathising Moon, If You’ll agent for Foley A Hlirk next seamm. Eckbart, C. F., Combined Shows: Durant, Mto*., "If It were not for big dancing seta or aketches Come Back to Me. You’re Llhe a Garden of J. W. Pyne, ahead of A Tailor-Made Man. I believe tors. whom one of the evening papers by Eddie Green: Young Black .Toe, lyrics by Metropolitan Shows, C. E. Barfield, mgr.: Macon. rhararterlreuecmepf Co.: Thinhlsd. Cd., Indef. put across bis stories In the foreign press of other, the last one in most Instances doing a Whitney Shows- .Vthens, Tenn., 4 9. Iste and so Ids royal emphiyer has flred all of "brodle ’’ which would have been different bad New Turk. No*. 2.—Jo*. W. Stern 4, 0>. have A Rice Shows; Waco, Tex.. 2 17. there been some kind of a novelty act sand his -ifflclal preaa agenfa. Rosner's moat notable a (fuartet af hits In Pray for the Lights To Go World at Home Shows- Greenstioro. N. C.. 4 9. frit waa putting acn>aa tbs "pickiag vlolsta" wli-bej In somewhere slory which didn’t f<»d aayliody hut llie kaiser What made the New York HIppodmms the Oot. Brown Skin Gil, Somebody’s Done Me llcnrv K Blen. a niemtwT of the staff of one msgnlflcent soc.-eaa It la tmlayr Because It Wrong and Wben I Gits Ton Out in No Man’s CIRCUS & WILD WEST of the Ilaltlmnre dslly papers, baa been selected la a novelty entertainment pure and simple. Land that to piling np rect>rds for themaelves Becinae It la the very essence of variety. Christy Htppi'drome Showa; Amaiilla, Tex., 11; hv Manager Cbarlea 11. Sadller aa the press and adding materially t« the bask baUac* of reroesentallre for the Palare Theater. Bsitl gome booking managtra say the public to not Memphis 12; Chlldreaa IS; Hanriatt* 14; N» Uto haaUiag gna *4 sMg pabUah**. m''re, to succeed H. Morris JohnaoD, who flllej interested In novelty acts. Yet thousand* of cona 15; Uoaaom IS. ROVtMBER t, 1918 SHOWMEN’S LEAGUE United War Work Campaign On Broadway, New York City, Week of November 11th, 1918 BROADWAY A CARNIVAL CENTER FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ITS HISTORY \ THE GROSS RECEIPTS TO GO TOWARD

THE WARc FUND All Outdoor Showmen Whose Paraphernalia 1$ Now Within a Reasonable Distance From New York City That Can Possibly Participate Are Cordiaiiy Invited All communications will be received and promptly acted upon by the following Executive Committee of the Showmen’s Leaigue, who are vested with the proper authority to act in the matter. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: HARRY F. McGARVEY, Chairman. EDWARD C. WHITE, Secretary. HARRY POTTER. HARRY HOUDINI. FRANK J. SCHNECK. W. H. MIDDLETON. Transportation and Actual Construction Expenses Will Be Taken Care of by the Committee


The Following Copy of a Letter From Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., b Seif-Explanalory: MR. JOS. G. FERARI, President Showmen’s League of America, N. Y., Club No. 2. My Dear Mr. Ferari—Thank you so much for your interest in the United War Work Campaign. That you are to be the director of the outdoor shows insures their success. Hoping that the Showmen’s League of America will co-operate with us in every way possible to raise this hundred and seventy million dollars, 1 remain Yours very truly, (Signed) JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR.