ITSaRCULATION IS 'WORl/D WIDE THIS ISSUE CONTAINS 27 PER CENT ADVERTISING AND 73 PER CENT READING MATTER THEY.M.C.A. AND PROS. Working hand in hand! The Profession and the Y. M. G. A.f What do you think of that? It was such a short time ago that It almost seems like sresterday when f>ractlcany all churchmen and most church* goers looked askance at actors! The good people of the community regarded them as an irrererent and wicked lot given to msmterious evil rites and prac¬ tices—a class as separate and wholly apart as Gypsies and as clannish. Perhaps they did not actually believe that the players, as many a prelate and evangelist of that day charged, were actually In secret league with the Prince of Evil, but they did think they were a Godless, UIdoing, cabalistic crew whose ways were dark and mysterious and who constituted a sinister menace to the morals of the youth of the land. Now all is changed. And the change, though it arrived softly and very quietly, was so sudden and unexpected that the players at least are dazed. Yea, even doubting in many instances. For, having rapidly frisked each himself and then looked about and appraised his fellow strtists, it Is not apparent that it is the pro. that has changed—not greatly. He is pretty much the same happy-go-lucky, warmhearted, generous, sympathetic, careless chap as of yore. If anything he is a little braver, a little less selfish and more self-sacrificing, a little better informed and consequently broader. Perhaps he is a little more closely devoted to his art, and, mayhap, the war has rendered him a bit graver. But that is all. * There never was much the matter with him save that he walked alone and was little understood. He craved hospitality in his wanderings end sought it, not from those who looked upon him with misgiving or fear, you may be sure, nar from those who viewel him with suspicion and distrust, but where it was offered. It is ten to one that it was an actor who scratch^ the now world famous window pane quatrain: Whoe’er has traveled life’s dull round. Where’er his stages may have been. May sigh to think he still has found The warmest welcome at an Inn. The hotel derk always wore a smile. So did the hotel barkeep—and other barkeeps. The welcome sign stared at him from the door mats in front of the gambling houses, the glad hand was extended him by the pool room touts, and doors in the redlight district ever flew open at anyone’s approach. But Christian folk held aloof. And the player let them. What has wrought the change? Listen. It was the growth of education, the spirit of service and billiards. Bigger, broader men crowded the narrower and bigoted ones out of the Y. M. C. A. and got some billiard tables in. It worked well. Then they stole some more of the saloon’s stuff—the bowling alley—and that worked. Then they admitted popular song records for their victrolas and phonographs. AND THEN GENERAL PERSHING CALLED FOR PROFESSIONAL ACTORS AND V.AUDEVILLE ARTISTS .AND THE THING WAS DONE. UNDERSTANDING TRIUMPHED AT LAST. The Y. M. C. A. people saw. They did not demur, consider or even paose. They jumped at the suggestion and grabbed it. The players were not taken in as an experiment nor on sufferance or probation. They were called to service—to help—to labor. They, too, are broad and tolerant. They, too, are imbued with the spirit of service. They will prove not a liability, but the biggest kind of an asset. If anyone doubts it I^him just watch the drive November 11-18. $170,000,000 is asked^or ($80,000,000 more than that is actually needed'), but all that showfolk are asked to raise of it is $7,000,000, of which $2,000,000 is expected in New York City alone. Watch their quota go over the top. All that is said in the foregoing goes also for the Nationa’ Catholic War Council, the Jewish Welfare Service and the Young Women's Christian Association. These will participate in the lun^ raised, as will also the War Camp Community Service, the American Library Association and the Salvation Army. T --- NOVEMBCR •, WIS SCEIMERY Diainond Dye, OtI or W»t«r Ooloq. SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO. COLUMBUS. OHIO. A NEW LINE OF NEAT-LOOKING THE THREE IRWINS VELVET DROPS and STAGE SETTINGS AT LIBERTY B«»utiful oolor^ any sue. lt<>ntal;> anil eaa> unna- BEAUMONT VELVET SCENERY STUDIOS. For Winter Seuon. (Ux good arta. Would Hk* to li**r 245 Weal Forty-alxth Strert, - New York City. from reliable xhowman. AJdrega WU. J. IRKIN, 935 Market Street. • • San Franciico. Cal. PATRIOTIC JEWELRY SteelTille, 5llaaourL AT LIBERTY WANTED FOR WILLIAM KIBBLE'S AT PRICES EASILY WITHIN THE REACH OF THE FAIR FOLLOWER AND STREETMAN’S TRADE Physiclin RegIstmit la Wlsmsin UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CO. (exempt from draft) will Join naedldne Mmw. Lang Tronbont for Band and Orchr!<tra. Wire lowant aal- —so new we have not yet had time to have illustrationa made for the adver¬ aapertence. Good money getter and caae taker. Has Ary. Pay your own. Routo: Blooniinpon. Ind.. Noe. own mnticine and aurglcal Inauumenu. WIU work I; Terre Hauie. IiuL. 8; Eankakre, ni.. 10, Otiawa. tising. Our general experien(« with Servi(» Jewelry enables ua to assure you hotel. a<n>-e, tent or opera b<iuae. Strictly lober. Only In.. 11; Btreator, HI., 1*. Addiesa C. F. ArKUB- that these numbers are the big buy for you. reliable managers ne^ reply. Work only on talary MAN. iianagcr. and cnmmIsaloQ, aa I ran make good. Can come at A-130—Persian Ivor>’ Service Ring, 113121—Persian Ivory Sweetheart and once or whew neerled. State terms in Srst letter. WANTED COLORED MUSICIANS in red, white and blue. Gross, $11.25.1 Chain, national colors. Gross, $12. DOCTOR, care Billboard. ClnclnnaU. Ohio. To Join on wire. Tuba. Baritone, Clarinet and Trap 432—Persian Ivory Service Brooch, with Infantry or Artillery Insignia i Drummer. CJIN PLACE one Novelty Act; prefer one dangling. One. two and three stars. Brooch in red, white and blue.' AT LIBERTY that can double Band. This Is a two-car show, out Specify number of stars and branch FOR THE FIRST TIME IN TWO YEARS. SICKNESS all winter. Addresa C. R. KIBBY’S DIXIELAND Gross, $13. of service. | MINSTIUX8. Cabin Creek. Ark., NoTeml>cr 7, 8 and IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES GUARANTEED. IS THE REASON. 9; Twins. Ark., -Nofember 10. 11 and 12. P. 8.— PIANO OR CORNET FOR ONION ORCHEHRA Eugene Cuylcc, if at liberty, wire. We ship pame day orders are received. Small deposit insures shipment. sight reader, familiar wMh aaast of the aUndardv. Yeara of experience In all llnea. Can fumlab beet of reference. Will anawer all communlratlona lUet WANTED IMMEDIATELY Sterling Silver army diocharge. Location preferred, but wtHiId ronitder Trap Drummer, for Vaudeville Theatre, alvo three . OEO. A. (UasEV. Moving Picture Operators. Full particulars -egarding ISO> Burhman Wt.. •mriCBee. eapablllUea, ate., flrit letter. UftWARO- WTLLtt AMI SB. CO.. IN'C.. Wilmington. N. C. Army Service Ring AT I IRCRTV PIANO DIRECTOR OR Ml UIDCnlT PIANIST. Speelalfj. TauderlUw Muaical Comedy. Experienced serenteen yeara. Exempt I'nlon. JERRY J£RBELD, XI WANTED, BAR PERFORMERS Patriotic Novelties Take Finely Crown St., New Haren. OwnacUenL Straight and Comedy, for winter and circua seasons. PERSIAN IVORV MAKES METAL “STRIKE ITS COLORS.** Address W. C. GUICE. 3537 Haokherry SL, Clnciu- T)m CiU of OUT CiMinUy U b«i>c aat araryxnMr*. Ttu iwl hatl, Ohio. heart and the foUu left behind publlxb tbetr patrlotUm and bind their bleeding heuta by abowing their colon in modem taahloiL No. 431—Amerlean Flag Serr- • WHIP WANTED NOTICE, MEDICINE AND -in National colon— 430—Sweathrart Sarrle* STREET MEN! the leader of the loL Bangle I Pin. Admirably adapted for tha Will pay caab for Fortabl* Whig. State prlcw and an ahowa one, two or three atan. I girl xrho’a waiUng. firsM flQ parUeulari In fnt letter. CRnCBS'T AMU DEMENT We hare the beet aelling Medicine Proposition on CO., Box 8*0, New Orlrana. Laulstana. •artlt. A bank draft In each package and we pay the .Gross, $121 •*".ur(w,>iM war taa. Write us for samples and full information. Addrsaa HERBS OF UF£ MEDICINE CO., Sprlng- No. 429—SeiTire Pin, 1, 3 or S atara. Meana Arnti (ft Belil niir.eis. much to lather, mother, alster. brother. Ulua*, WANTED AT ONCE FOR CLARK’S BIG UNCLE TOM SHOW. 12‘K Gold Filled Service Rings People In all Unre U> double B. A O. Addreea MAN¬ CAROUSELLE ORGANS REPAIRED AGER OEO. 8. eXABK. P. O. Boi IS. OlmU. NT^T. ' Erery soldier and sailor ta as proud of one of thaas and REBUILT with NEW MUSIC M he would be a crllege degree. Worn by bla family, too. - iWAX FIGURES Any make. Cylinder. Cardboard or Paper. Ppeclal In¬ No. 2796- Gross, $27. No. 2771—Dozen, $4 THE BIO PAYINS ATTRACTIONB, ducements for work contracted for now. Full partlc- JISif lYhlle we gladly ship C. O. D., a small deposit will Prealdeat ^aop. Oenaral Penbing. FAch. Csg Qlara on request. Established in Philadelphia over 20 hasten the shipment. Georg*, liaroin. Waablngion. Uncle Ram and eUt- yeara. J. S. GEBHARDT ORGAN CO.. Becogniziny the acute buylnr ser-e r' Streettnen. w* aiw ent including Butcliar Bill, Underground Chinatown Tacony. Philadelphia, Pa. gMH to hare you aa* a copy af aur aew Fifum.
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