Book reviews

of the lungs and the placenta, and uptake of liquid from the lungs at the start of breathing. books received The books received for review during the period from September 5 to October 5 are acknowledged below. Those of greatest interest to readers will be HOW TO TEST AND HIRE FOR THE PROFES- reviewed as space permits. SIONAL OFFICE. By Nathan Allen Shore, D.D.S., F.A.C.D., F.O.C.D., author of the text, Occlusal Equilibration and Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunc- tion (J. B. Lippincott Co.) ; Member, Post-graduate Faculty, Temple University Dental College, Detroit ORTHOPAEDICS. Principles and their application. University Dental College, and Albert Einstein Col- lege of Medicine, Yeshiva University; and Miriam By Samuel L. Turek, M.D., Assistant Attending Or- Felder Shore. Cloth. Pp. 186, with illustrations. Price thopaedic Surgeon, Mount Sinai Hospital, Miami $8.75. J. B. Lippincott Company, East Washington Beach, Florida; formerly, Attending Orthopaedic Square, Philadelphia, 19105, 1967. Surgeon, Weiss Memorial Hospital, Chicago; Instruc- tor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Northwest- ern University Medical School. Ed. 2. Cloth. Pp. 996, The physician faced with the job of hiring per- with illustrations. Price $27.00. J. B. Lippincott Com- sonnel for his small office has a difficult and pany, East Washington Square, Philadelphia, 19105, sometimes frustrating task. A dentist and his 1967. wife have taken personnel administration tech- Hamilton Baileys EMERGENCY SURGERY. 1967 niques and adapted them to the professional Edition. Edited by T. J. McNair, M.D., F.R.C.S.(Edin.), office. The result is a manual that analyzes F.R.C.S. (Eng.), Consultant Surgeon, Royal Infirmary of ; Consultant Surgeon, Chalmers Hos- various aspects of the hiring procedure and pital, Edinburgh; formerly, Senior Lecturer in presents simplified techniques for hiring. Clinical Surgery, ; former- The first portion of the manual discusses the ly, Instructor in Surgery, University of Illinois. Ed. 8. Cloth. Pp. 1,026, with illustrations. Price $32.00. mechanics of the hiring procedure, with con- The Williams and Wilkins Company, 428 East Pres- sideration of policies of the small office and ton Street, Baltimore, 21202, 1967. lines of authority. Part Two consists of forms Hamilton Baileys DEMONSTRATIONS OF PHYS- to be used in the ten steps in the hiring of per- ICAL SIGNS IN CLINICAL SURGERY. 1967 Edi- sonnel. Separate procedures and forms are pre- tion. Edited by Allan Clain, M.B. (Cape), F.R.C.S. sented for the administrative assistant, secre- (Eng.), Consultant Surgeon, Dudley Road Hospital, Birmingham. Ed. 14. Cloth. Pp. 627, with illustrations. tary, dental assistant and hygienist, medical Price $16.75. John Wright and Sons, Ltd., Bristol. assistant, and laboratory technician. The sample The Williams and Wilkins Company, exclusive U.S. forms include job analysis, telephone screening agents, 428 Preston Street, Baltimore, 21202, 1967. form, mail outline of job requirements, appli- NEW ASPECTS OF THE MENTAL HEALTH cation form, application appraisal, tests (in- SERVICES. Volume 7. Edited by Hugh Freeman, telligence, vocabulary, usage, arithmetic, and Consultant Psychiatrist, Salford Royal Hospital and City of Salford; Honorary Consultant, National As- skills), interviewers cue sheet, interviewers sociation for Mental Health and Editor of Mental observation sheet, telephone and written re- Health; and James Farndale, Senior Lecturer in quests for references, and final appraisal. Hospital Administration, City of Westminster Col- lege. Cloth. Pp. 776, with illustrations. Price $30.00. The forms are concise and pertinent and, Pergamon Press, Inc., 44-01 21st Street, Long Island along with the background material presented, City, New York 11101, 1967. should greatly simplify the physicians task of HYSTEROSALPINGOGRAPHY. By Alvin M. Sieg- hiring. ler, M.D., D.Sc., Clinical Associate Professor in Ob-

352/242 stetrics and Gynecology, State University of New tefiore Hospital Medical Center, New York City; As- York, Downstate Medical Center; Attending Physi- sociate in Clinical Medicine, Albert Einstein College cian in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kings County of Medicine, New York City; and Arthur G. Gold- Hospital Center and The Brookdale Hospital Center; man, M.D., Research Investigator, Montefiore Hospi- Director of the Sterility Clinic, Kings County Hos- tal Medical Center, New York City; Associate in pital Center, Brooklyn, New York. Cloth. Pp. 406, Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New with illustrations. Price $21.00. Hoeber Medical Divi- York City. Cloth. Pp. 343, with illustrations. Price sion, Harper Row, Publishers, 49 East 33rd Street, $12.00. J. B. Lippincott Company, East Washington New York, 10016, 1967. Square, Philadelphia, 19105, 1967.

CLINICAL VECTORCARDIOGRAPHY. By Te-Chuan LONG-TERM HEMODIALYSIS. The management of Chou, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine, Uni- the patient with chronic renal failure. By Constantine versity of Cincinnati College of Medicine; and Robert L. Hampers, M.D., Director, Dialysis Facilities, Peter A. Helm, M.D., Professor of Medicine, University of Bent Brigham Hospital; Instructor in Medicine, Har- Cincinnati College of Medicine. Cloth. Pp. 314, with vard Medical School; Junior Associate in Medicine, illustrations. Price $12.50. Grune Stratton, Inc., 381 Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston; and Eugene Park Avenue South, New York, 10016, 1967. Schupak, M.D., Director of Renal Service, City Hos- pital Center at Elmhurst; Assistant Professor of INTEGRATIVE ACTIVITY OF THE BRAIN. An in- Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical School, New York. terdisciplinary approach. By Jerzy Konorski, M.D., Cloth. Pp. 181, with illustrations. Price $9.75. Grune Professor of Neurophysiology, Nencki Institute of Stratton, Inc., 381 Park Avenue South, New York, Experimental Biology, Warsaw, Poland. Cloth. Pp. 10016, 1967. 531, with illustrations. Price $15.00. The University of Chicago Press, 5750 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, 60637, CLUB-FOOT. By Alfred T. Fripp, M.B., B.Ch. Oxon., 1967. F.R.C.S., Emeritus Fellow, British Orthopaedic Asso- ciation; Honorary Consultant Surgeon, Royal Na- PRACTICAL OCULAR MOTILITY. By Hazel M. tional Orthopaedic Hospital, London; Honorary Con- Dendy, D.B.O., Orthoptist, New York University sultant Surgeon, Orpington and Sevenoaks Hospitals; Bellevue Medical Center, New York; and Elizabeth Dean, Institute of Orthopaedics, University of Lon- T. Shaterian, Orthoptist, New York University Belle- don; and Norman E. Shaw, Ch.M. Sheffield, F.R.C.S., vue Medical Center, New York. Cloth. Pp. 196, with Member, British Orthopaedic Association; Consultant illustrations. Price $9.50. Charles C Thomas, Pub- Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester lisher, 301-327 East Lawrence Avenue, Springfield, and Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hos- Illinois 62703, 1967. pital, Oswestry; Honorary Lecturer in Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Manchester. Cloth. Pp. 122, THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MEDI- with illustrations. Price $8.25. E. S. Livingstone CINE. A textbook for students and doctors. By Sir Ltd., Edinburgh and London. The Williams Wilkins Stanley Davidson, B.A.Cantab., M.D., F.R.C.P.Edin., Company, exclusive U.S. agents, 428 East Preston F.R.C.P.Lond., M.D.Oslo, LL.D., F.R.S.Edin., Extra Street, Baltimore, 21202, 1967. Physician to H.M. the Queen in Scotland; Professor of Medicine and Clinical Medicine, University of THE PEDIATRIC PATIENT 1967. Edited by Sarah Edinburgh, 1938-59; Physician-in-Charge, Royal In- R. Gustafson, Ph.D., Director, Department of Medi- firmary, Edinburgh, 1938-59; Regius Professor of cal Literature, Hoffmann-La Roche Inc., Nutley, New Medicine, , 1930-38; and Past Jersey; and David Baird Coursin, M.D., F.A.A.P., and Present Member of the Staff of the Department Director of Research, Research Institute, St. Josephs of Medicine, University of Edinburgh, and Associated Hospital, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Cloth. Pp. 272, Clinical Units. Ed. 8. Cloth. Pp. 1,342, with illustra- with illustrations. Price $7.00. J. B. Lippincott Com- tions. Price $11.25. E. S. Livingstone Ltd., Edin- pany, East Washington Square, Philadelphia, 19105, burgh and London. The Williams Wilkins Company, 1967. exclusive U.S. agents, 428 East Preston Street, Bal- timore, 21202, 1966. 1966-1967 COLLECTED PAPERS IN MEDICINE AND SURGERY. From The Mayo Clinic and The HYPERTENSIVE VASCULAR DISEASE. Diagnosis Mayo Foundation. Volume 58. Compiled by Robert and treatment. By Marvin Moser, M.D., F.A.C.P., D. Knapp, Jr., A.B., M.D. Cloth. Medicine: Pp. 589, Physician in Charge of Hypertension Service, Mon- with illustrations. Price $19.00, singly. Surgery: Pp.

Journal AGA/vol. 67, November 1967 353/243 Books received

601, with illustrations. Price $19.00, singly. Both Inc., 10 South Brentwood Boulevard, St. Louis, 63105, volumes, $36.00. W. B. Saunders Company, West 1967. Washington Square, Philadelphia, 19105, 1967. ABNORMAL SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT. A genetic A SYNOPSIS OF CHILDRENS DISEASES. By and endocrine approach to differential diagnosis. By John Rendle-Short, M.A., M.D. (Cantab.), M.R.C.P., Daniel D. Federman, M.D., Assistant Professor of D.C.H., Professor of Child Health, University of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Associate Physi- Queensland; and 0. P. Gray, M.B., Ch.B., M.R.C.P., cian and Chief of Endocrine Unit, Massachusetts D.C.H., Senior Lecturer, Department of Child Health, General Hospital. Cloth. Pp. 206, with illustrations. Welsh National School of Medicine, Cardiff; Honor- Price $8.75. W. B. Saunders Company, West Wash- ary Consultant Paediatrician, United Cardiff Hospi- ington Square, Philadelphia, 19105, 1967. tals. Ed. 4. Cloth. Pp. 681, with illustrations. Price $10.50. John Wright Sons, Ltd., Bristol. The Wil- ECZEMA OF THE HANDS. Investigations into dys- liams and Wilkins Company, exclusive U.S. agents, hidrosiform eruptions. By R. D. G. Ph. Simons, Am- 428 East Preston Street, Baltimore, 21202, 1967. sterdam. Ed. 2. Paper. Pp. 101, with illustrations. Price $5.50. Warren H. Green, Inc., 10 South Brent- CANCER OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT. wood Boulevard, St. Louis, 63105, 1966. A collection of papers presented at the Tenth Annual Clinical Conference on Cancer, 1965 at The University INSURANCE FOR THE DOCTOR. By Harvey Sar- of Texas M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor In- ner, LL.B.; and Herbert C. Lassiter, LL.B. Cloth. Pp. stitute, Houston, Texas. Cloth. Pp. 300, with illustra- 193, with illustrations. Price $9.00. W. B. Saunders tions. Price $12.50. Year Book Medical Publishers, 35 Company, West Washington Square, Philadelphia, East Wacker Drive, Chicago, 60601, 1967. 19105, 1967.

STROKE REHABILITATION. Basic concepts and THE GROWTH OF MEDICINE. Edited by Frederick research trends. Edited by William S. Fields, M.D., Stenn, M.D., Northwestern University Medical School, Professor of Neurology, Baylor University College Chicago. Cloth. Pp. 199, with illustrations. Price of Medicine; Director of Stroke Program, VRA Re- $9.50. Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 301-327 East search and Training Center No. 4, Texas Institute for Lawrence Avenue, Springfield, Illinois 62703, 1967. Rehabilitation and Research, Houston; and William A. Spencer, M.D., Professor and Chairman, Depart- COMMUNICATING WITH THE PATIENT. By P. ment of Rehabilitation, Baylor University College of Ley, B.A., Dip.Psych., Lecturer in Clinical Psychology Medicine; Medical Director, Texas Institute for Re- in the Department of Psychiatry, University of habilitation and Research, Houston. Cloth. Pp. 171, Liverpool; and M. S. Spelman, M.B., Ch.B., D.P.M., with illustrations. Price $8.25. Warren H. Green, M.D., formerly, Lecturer in the Department of Psy- Inc., 10 South Brentwood Boulevard, St. Louis, 63105, chiatry, University of Liverpool; now, Consultant 1967. Psychiatrist with the Victorian Health Department, Australia. Cloth. Pp. 128, with illustrations. Price FUNCTIONAL GASTROINTESTINAL DISEASE. $6.50. Warren H. Green, Inc., 10 South Brentwood By Eddy D. Palmer, M.S., M.D., F.A.C.P., Clinical Boulevard, St. Louis, 63105, 1967. Professor of Medicine, New Jersey College of Medi- cine and Dentistry; Chief, Gastroenterology Section, NEVER TRUST A GOD OVER 30. New styles in Veterans Administration Hospital, East Orange, New campus ministry. Edited by Albert H. Friedlander. Jersey. Cloth. Pp. 126. Price $7.25. The Williams Cloth. Pp. 212. Price $5.95. McGraw-Hill Book Com- Wilkins Company, 428 East Preston Street, Balti- pany, 330 West 42nd Street, New York, 10016, 1967. more, 21202, 1967. THE OFFICE ASSISTANT IN MEDICAL PRAC- THE CHOLERA PROBLEM. By Oscar Felsenfeld, TICE. By Portia M. Frederick, Instructor in Medical M.Sc., M.D., Chief, Division of Communicable Dis- Office Assisting, West Valley Junior College, Camp- eases, Tulane University, Delta Regional Primate bell, California; and Mary E. Kinn, C.P.S., Chairman Research Center; Adjunct Professor of Microbiology, of the Certifying Board, American Association of Tulane University School of Medicine; Consultant in Medical Assistants. Ed. 3. Cloth. Pp. 461, with illus- Cholera, World Health Organization. Cloth. Pp. 165, trations. Price $7.50. W. B. Saunders Company, West with illustrations. Price $7.25. Warren H. Green, Washington Square, Philadelphia, 19105, 1967.
