. ■ ■ i


FRIDAY, DECEMBER t, 1»M Average Daily Net Press Ron The Weather FAGB TWENTY-FOUR m anrliMtpr lEaftttng 1|fralb For tfae Weak Ratted roreeost o t V. 8. Weather November IS, IMS Partly cloudy tonight, low M to inieimisalon at Masons Tuesd*y Thief Abandons S8. Sunday eloudliig up bs oorljr Square Dancers at Waddell School. HM *i*d Her 13,891 naomlng wtth min In nftomooa or gm* wfU be eocchanrsd. S p e c i a l aiirh^at^r lEtimtng About Town Okib member* are remkidod Truck Unharmed Member of the AadH evening, high In 40o. To See Fashions SATUBOAY ONLY Bureau ot Olrcnlstlon Ohunmaa Court, Oixter o< Announce Engagements that the deadline for making Manckmster^A City of ViUage Charm Witt meat tontcht at reservation* for the New Tear’* Polk* today The Manchester Square Eve Buffet Supper Dance is hove recover^ a 1953 Foro t-M »t the Mwonic Temple. Dance Club will-hold on open Thta will be the e«mual meeting Dec. 7. Contact any member of pickup truck, und^aged. Assorted VOL. LXXXin, NO. 58 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION—SUBURBIA TODAY) MANCHESTER, CDNN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1963 (CIssstfted Advertising eu Pnge 8) PRICE SEVEN CENTS w«h the reedlT^ of report* and dance Saturday at 8 p.m. at the executive committee for which had been reported stolen rieotlon of offloem. Offlcere wiM Wad(Ml School. Bari Johnston tickets. Mot Monday morning. wear *treet-l«igth dre*»es. Re- Membere in charge of the ac­ -The vehicle, owned by Fran­ will call. cis Q. Steppard of 139 Olenwood freotanent* will be eerved by H. A fashion show, featuring tivities for Saturday are Mr. DONUTS Hayner Denrldhon, cheUrman, and Mr*. Mel Schmidt refreMi- St., wB* found against an en^ square dance rtyie benkment afkmg a dde road in and the men of the court. clothing, will be presented by nvent chairmen, assisted by Mr. Meg Simpkin’s Square Dance and Mrs. Alan Scott and Mr. Wapping. B'nol B’rith wtU meet Mon­ S h ^ of Hampton, Mas*. F'ash- and Mr*. Clarence Seipel: Mr. Doz. 4 Die in State Blazes; day «t 8:80 p.m. at the home of and Mr*. James Seiler, door TO VISIT LEPF,R8 lona win be modeled by mem­ ROME (AP) — Canadian Mim. Henry David. 93 Letend bers of the Manchester Square duty. I>r. AJn women interested in Cardinal Paul Emile Leger, Dance Club. Members of a new archbishop of Montreal, left for maMm' stuffed doll* *«<• ani­ claas, now taking lessons, are AMBASSADOR ILL af afl mals for retarded chUdren at Inviti^ to attend the dance a* RANGOON, Burma (API— Africa Thursday night to spend mayron*s the MsnefleM State Training spectators and view the fash- U.S. Ambassador Henry A. By- Christmas among lepers. School ShouM Mr*. David. roade has flown to Bangkok for An aide said the cardinal ione modeled during the eve would visit 10 African countries bake shops Road Mishaps Claim 5 ning’s evwt. medical treatment for amoebic The PoHeh Women'* Alliance, A Christmas party for clasn dysentery, the embassy an­ where there are three leper Group 518, will hold a Christ- nounced today. 1 colonies. He did not name them. ma* party and supper for mem­ members will be held during an ber* «nd the*r children Sunday wt 3:30 pjtn. at Uthuanian Hall, Golway S t • i». ~ ■ g ■ r ■ * ■ * Children The Rev. Abram W. Sangrey, pastor of Bolton Methodist Church, wffl be in charge of ra­ Chamberlain photex^ The engagement of Miss:?' The engagement of Mis.s Just Say; "Charge , Please" dio broadcast* sponsored by the The engagement of Miss Karolyn A. Burke of Pittsfield, Denlae Ann Oohe'J of WiUdman- Perish in Iklhncheater Mlinistorial Assocla- DoniMi Jean Davto to Laurence Ma-sa., to Richard F. Hagearty sett, Maiss., to Stephen William tkm on station WTT'TF Sunday of EJaat Hartford ha.s been an- Nagy of Coventry has been an­ at at 7.-60 pjn. and daily next Gold SmaU, both of Rockville, nour>ced by her parents. Mr. and nounced by her parents, Mr. and week a t 7:30 a-m. and 6:80 pm. has been announced by her par­ Mrs. William H. Burke Jr. of Mra. Edward Gobell of Wllli- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy P. Davis Pittsfield, formerly of Man­ mansett. Norwich •n»e OoupleB Club of Center of 15 Spruce St. chester. Her fiance ia the son of Mr. Congregational Church will Hw fiance is the son of Mr. Her fiance ia tlie son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Nagy of NEW HAVEN (AP) — ■poneoT an oW-lbshloned Christ­ and Mrs. Laurence T. Small ot and Mrs. Frank W. Hagearty of Taloott HiU Rd. Four nersons died in fres mas party Sunday from 3 to 6 32 White St. East Hartford. Muw Gobell, a 1963 gradtiate HOUSE k HALE p.m. in Woothiiff Hail at the Miss DavM M employed by M,iaB Burke, a 1963 graduate of Atma Marie College, Paxton. in Connecticut toda.-y and chuicb. Reservationa may b^ the Savings Bank of Rockville. of Regia College, Winooski, Vt.. Mass., is employed as a music Main Street—Manchester five others died in road fa­ made with Mr. and Mra. FYohk Mr. Small, a graduate of the is employed by the Travelens teacher in the elementary talities in a two-da.v neriod. Clark, 286 Cooper Hai St. American Academy of Funeral Insurance Oo, schools of Coventry, and is In Milford, three Yale stu­ Service, is associate funeral di- Mr. Hagearty attended St. working toward her master's dents were killed this morning The W W has poMponed tt* reotor of the White-Gibson Fu- Michael's College, Winooski, degree In music at the Univer­ on the Connecticut Tumnlke 7 day in Fort Worth, Tex., to clear up “discrepancies” seafood nigtit, acheduled for to­ neroi Home, Inc., Rockville. and is employed by the State sity of Connecticut. Hfis. Marguerite Oswald, mother of accused assas- when their car smashed Into a V/ night, until next Friday night. of OonneoUcut Highway De­ Mr. Nagy, a 1959 graduate of nn lite (^wald, was captured in these expressive about slain son. (AP Photofax.) bridge abutment. Three of nine The wedding 1* planned for partment. Manoheater High ScIudoJ arwi a October 1964. poses during a press conference she called yester­ children In a Norwich family The weddirvg will take place 1963 graduate of Worcester died aoday when fire destroyed April 18, 1964. at St. James' (Mass.) Polytechnic Institute t<- the century-old building In GRANDCHILD Church, Manchester. HUMPHREY. Neb. (API— working toward his master's 4th Fire Suicide which they lived. It’s Time Again To degree m physics at the Uni­ The Tale students were Iden­ The Jacob Widhalms have a versity of Connecticut while A Pretty Beginning Oswald Wife H art new grandchild—their 109th. Valler, Mont. Mra. Ghekiere is Tight NYC Safety SAIGON, Viet Nam (AP) tified by State Police as Elon She Is Julie Qheklere, bom to one of 14 children of Widhalm, teaching there under an aasls- — A youth, 20, doused his W. Peterson. 21 years old yes­ Mr. and Mrs. John Ghekiere at 86, and his wife, 83. tant fellowsliip. Is Reported clothes with gasoline and terday, pf Hopkins, Minn.; Vin­ • Skates Sharpened No date hsa been set for the burned himself to death in a cent W. Taus Jr., 21, of Salem, wedding. Saigon park Friday night. Ohio: and Gary W. Martin, 20, • Ice Creepers • I For Christmas Loyal to U.S. Ready for Johnson He was the fourth victim of of Manhasset, N. Y,, the driver. attached to rubbers self-immolation within a Victim* pf the Norwich fire RANGE week. Police said the youth, were Sherry. 3, Donald, 9, and Your Wedding Flowers DALLAS, Tex. (AP) — Some­ That Thuan. a telephone op­ Jimmy, 14, the children of Mr. — Skating Laces — where In rambling Dallas NEW YORK (AP)—Police and the Secret Service erator, explained in a note and Mrs. Malcolm Shankele. FUEL OIL From Seamprufe tb . young Russian-born wid­ have set up one of the tightest security plans in the he had committed suicide - An Lm gths city’s history for President Johnson’s visit to New York because he had been reject­ iiy^^M**acTOunted*"for* Darwin car to laboratory for examination. (Herald photos by Freeman.) ow of Lee Harvey Oswald, Pres­ ed by his father. Within the Special 5c Pair kttti HARTFORD RO^ GASOLINE ident John F. Kennedy’s ac­ Sunday. Shankele. suffered bums and cused assassin, cares for her The President will attend the Kennedy's request—on his last past week a ^ rl and two was treated at Backus Hospital men burned themselves to in Norwich. Fire officers sedd MANCHESTER, Enter her in a new world of fashion this two young children. funeral of former Gov. Herbert visit to New York Nov. 14. death. The girt committed Krause Florist But it's safe to assume her H. Lehman at Temple Emanu- Kennedy asked no police es­ the was believed to have BANTLY OIL Christmas with stylish slips from Seam­ suicide to protest the war in begun in the kitohen of the SAM YULYES CONN. life is anything but normal, es­ E1 In Manhattan. cort on his two-day visit. South Viet Nam; the men Darwin Still Held, C'OMI'.WV, INC. prufe. A perfect gift for the lady that cares pecially since the chain of He will (h'ive from Idlewild On one occasion a woman Bbanksle apartment. They lived took their lives because of on one of the upper floors of a SHOE REPAIRING OF Drive Down or Phone For An Appointment . . . and . . . she’ll love you for them. Yes, events that began Nov. 22 with Airport to the temple—and back walked up to his car with a illness. THE BETTER KIND! make it a Seamprufe Christmas for your the murder of the president and —in a special limousine, not the camera as- the vehicle was 110-yoar-old, three-story brick building at 165 W. Main S t Manchester’s Largest Florist! 'n : c . :Mitti)di ligbtnlng-lUce death ot her hus­ bubble-top car in which Presi­ stopped for a traffic light. At an­ 23 OAK STREET PHONE 649-7700 favorite missl band 48 hours . dent John F. Kennedy was as­ other Ume cars carrying news­ State Police said they dM not No Charge Filed ivockv ille I'I{ 'J71 Since her pro-Mandst husband sassinated in Dallas. men, police and plain citizens Itnow why Martin lost control died in a (lulck blaze of gunfire Police refused to disclose the cut in and out of lanes, trying cf the oar !n the Milford crash. in front at television cameras. routes the 12-car motorcade wlU to keep abreast of Kennedy’s Events It ooourred at the Quarry Rd. Roy F. Darwin of Andover, taken into custody yes- Secret Mrvlce agents have kept follow. limousine. .ovoipaaB ahcrtly before 7 am. te rd ^ in connection with the Sept. 18 slaying of Hope lier odiereabouts secret. After a thrae-hour private Once SO teen-agers aurroundad M3ilfoFd is shout five mUes But ra o ay word got to the meeting with Secret Service his car as he pulled away from In State west of New Haven, site of Yhle Rothwell of Bolton, was being held by State Police this public that Marina, who speaks agents Friday night, police said a hotel. Another time, guarded Univtrrtty. morning—presumably still at Troop C in Stafford only broken-Bnglish, "wonts to the motorcade will have "a fast by Secret Service men and po­ Ah throe vloUma wore seniors Springs whar* he was takeng be an American and conUnue to motorcycle escort of about K lice, Kennedy walked a block charge hls warrant prekuraably on tha live here." poUcsiBGn.y - - from hla-'iiatol to the apartment Stal^Hfiite Uaced has been filed against the 46- strength of testimony taken DE CORMIER Leona Williamson, 26, a Fort "Special attention will be giv­ of Ms sister, Mrs. Stephen E. iS ‘’tMBMMiJaate rosklentlai year-old man. Thursday. Worth housewife who started a en to underpasses, overpasses Smith. On Bus Walkout ocfllMes. State Police reportedly pick- Yesterday evening Darwin’s drive for fimds for Marina and and all large buildings along the Kennedy told reporters he had "Theyey were Ml great chums," ed Darwin up at Pratt and attorneys, Paul Marie, John the chUdren, said so far some route," a department spokes- enjoyed every bit of his last Whitney Aircraft In East Hart- Shea and David Keith of Man- £ saM Ptof. Thomas G. Bengin, 17,700 had been received. men said. *New York trip, but the police NiEW HAVEN (AP) — Ne­ master of Dwight College. ford, where he is a process plan- Chester, waited about half an The money was turned over The precauUons contrasted. and Secret Service were obvl gotiators remain feced with a Peterson, a philosophy major ner, yesterday, as his home and hour at Troop C’s Stafford MOTORS Says: to the Secret Service, which with the loose arrangements af- [ ously unhappy with the opera- deadlock today as they s e ^ to who planned to study for the property on Boston HiU Rd. Springs Troop to see Darwin, then took It to Mrs. Oswald. forded President Kennedy—at Uon. head off a strike of some 900 Lutheran Ministry, was in were searched. When they left at about 7:15 The afents were quoted by One of the Darwin family cars, P-m., Atty. Shea said that "The Mrs. Bmliamson as saying: bus (taivers and mechanics (See Page Three) was also brought to Stafford only thing we can tell you is "Here is a select group of "She (Mrs. Oswald) Just broke against the Connecticut Oo. Springs where it was carefully that we were told that neither down and cried. She said, In A seven hour negotiating ses­ gone over, then reportedly Darwin nor the investigating broken English, 'I didn't believe Assassination Probe sion yesterday produced “no transferred to the State Police officer is at the barracks at this the people in America, the peo­ progress whaitevor,” oonunented Parley Hails laboratory In Hartford. time.” exceptionally fine cars ple anywhere, could be this the Rt. Rerv. Msgr. Joeeph F. Tolland County CJoroner Ber­ Atty. Shea called Troop C nice.' ” Donneldy, chief of a specieJ me­ nard Ackerman had quesUoned later in the evening, and was C "A very nice, highly Intelli­ Asks Special Powers diation panel. Hie eession broke New Qimate Darwin for four hours on Thurs­ again informed that Major gent woman who ia real enthu­ up at about 10 p.m. day, and had been scheduled to Samuel Rome, chief of th# priced to sell af the best of siastic to learn the ways of The mediators meet again to­ resume the inquest at 11 a.m. State Police Headquarters de­ America—She wants to be an WASHINGTON (AP) — The^presidentlal Inquiry and will do yesterday. day with company and union In Religions The inquest was postponed, tective division who is in charge American and continue tp live probers of President John F. i *®-,, ^ officials. Today's sasaion be­ of the investigation, was not here." This was the way Mrs. Files and evidence amassed however, (or an indefinite bank terms." Kennedy's assassination are gins et 1:30 p.m. PHILADELPHIA (AP) — The Mulcahy Arrives period, and Ackerman issued present. GEORGE DE CORMIER by Texas state and city authori­ Major Rome said yesterday (See Page Two) asking Congress for extraordi­ ties already are in the hands of The union, the Amalgamated National Council of Churphes that Darwin would be held in nary powers to force testimony the FBI, he said, and the Texas Association of Street, Electric has hailed "the new climate of Tolland County. from any reluctant witnesses court will be convened If it can Railway and Motor Coach Em­ ployes of America, has voted to Sometime late yesterday af­ and to grant immunity from be useful to the Warren com the Roman Catholic, Orthodox ternoon Darwin was taken from Accusing Letters I prosecution. mission in questioning witness­ strike at 3:30 a.m. Monday if 1960 RAMBLER 4-DOOR SEDAN no contract settlement is reach­ and Protestant churches” as ‘John Jr. Toys’ Box Troop C, to an undisclosed lo­ The sweeping resolution was es there. representing "a mutual seeking cation. He was returned with AUTOMATTC TRANSMISSION AND RAZOR SHARP. Shock Goldwater introduced in the Senate late It also may be convened after ed. The strike would affect but for understanding.” Only ^ | Q 9 5 Friday by Sens. Richard B. the Warren group ends its work service in the New Haven, Major Rome about 7:45 p.m. In a message Friday to its 81 Ever since there has been a CHICAGO (AP)—The (Chicago ; Russell, D-Ga., and John Sher­ if this would serve any good Hartford and Stamford areas. church confluents, which Among Items Moved Opaline ... Tribune said today that friends man Cooper, R-Ky., members of purpose, Carr said. But he de­ Monslgnor Donnelly chairman tight lid on all State Police claim to represent 40.6 million troopers, who will not confirm of Sen. Barry Goldwater R-Ariz. the presidential commlssicm clared his belief that federal in­ of the State Board of Mediation members, the council said it have deseribed the Arizonan as headed by Chief Justice Earl vestigative powers are "being and Aribitratkm, said he kt D aren’s location nor say where 1960 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN, Bel Air V9 Satin Tricot Full Slip hoped local, conversations By FRANCES LEWINE <&narrow red brick home at 8307 Major Rome or State Police “stunned and shocked” by the Warren. used to the fullest extent.” hopeful the stalemate will be among the various religious WASHINGTON (AP)—John F. N Street before they moved Into AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION AND VERY, VERY NICEl number of abusive telegrams It came almost simultaneous "It is our considered Judg broken in time. Commissioner Leo J. Mulcahy NEW WHrrEWALI. TIKBS, TOO. basic bright with baniis faiths would increase, as well as Kennedy Jr., 3, carried a small the White House. For Mrs. Ken­ are. of satin ribbon and sheer and letters he had received j ly with the annoimcement that ment that the Texas court of in- The union is seeking a 42- "meaningful talks with Protes­ American flag on a stick into his nedy, Friday’s move was a re­ since the assassination of Presi­ ' Texas had called off its state quiry. If held at this time or in cent-an-hour wage Increase or ^1395 nylon* Proportioned in tant church bodies" not part of new Georgetown home. turn to a private life after the (See Page Three) dent John F. Kennedy. court of inquiry at Warren’s sug- the immediate future, might a boost to 63 an hour from the the national organization. He stood with his mother, glare of public attention. white. Sizes 32-40. The Tribune in a story from gestion to avoid interference bring about an Interruption In current Hourly rate of 62.58. Lay leaders and clergymen Mrs. John F. Kennedy, at a Nearby are the shops of Wis­ 1969 MERCURY HARDTOP, lever rnistared Washington said that the "our with the high-level investigation the continuity of the nation-wide The company is offering a 10- end a seven-day meeting in second-floor bedroom window consin Avenue, where Mrs. Ken­ A SHOWROOM CAR THROUGHOUT— • 4 ring of InvecUve is a factor ordered by President Johnson. investigation,” (3arr said. c«nt-an-hour Increase over two Philadelphia today. and tried out the shade cord. nedy often had gone to browse— rULiiY EQUIPPED INCLiUDINO 4-SPEHlD TRANSMISSION. the major reassessment Texas Atty. Gen. Waggoner The Texan made public a let- years. In its most significant, action The shade zipped to the top. even occasionally after she be­ r (Jarr said he had been invited Friday, the council launched a They waved to neighbors and came First Lady. Bulletins *2595 (Bee Page Two) to participate In the bipartisan (See Page Three) (See Page Three) broad attack on e'very kind of passersby gathered across the Two blocks away Is the spa­ racial, religious and economic street. cious, yellow brick home of Mrs. Culled from AP Wires O paline. , . discrimination. i Thus had the Kennedys left Kennedy’s mother, Mrs. Hugh Routine reports by the Cour­ the White House Friday and be­ D. Auchincloss. And, not far 1962 CHEVROLET CORVAIR 2-DOOR COUPE Only Satin Tricot Half Slip Lawyer Gets tesies and Memorials Ctommit- gun a new life back on N Street away Is pretty Montrose Park, SOVIETS PACK SHOW ONE OWNlElR—IMMAXIUUmB. I tees, plus installation of officers. —the street they left to enter the where Caroline had been taken MOSCOW (AP)—Thousands in a slim backrslit silhou­ was the only business scheduled executive mansion. They now (or dally outings before the fam­ of Russians packed the Ameri­ *1395 today. live in a residence turned over ily moved to the executive man­ ette outlined with satin Life Term in can graphic arts exhibition in Bishop Reuben H. Mueller, In­ to them by Under-secretary of sion in January, 1961. Moscow today in excited ribbon and sheer nylon. dianapolis, of the Evangelical State and Mrs. W. Averell Har- Caroline will be off (or the crowds that surpassed all the White. S, M, L. riman. weekend and then go back to organizers’ expectations.^ In 1962 FALCON STATION WAQON Wife Slaying first-grade classes at the White ONE CAREFUL) OWNER^VBRY NICE. (See Page Three) After the sorrow of the two the first four hours, about weeks since President John F. House school. She’ll be the only 11,500 persons came to the MINNEAPOUS (APM( — T. Kehnedy wa.s assa.s.sinated, Mrs. member of the family making show — a major Amerlean *1695 Eugene Thompson, 36, was con­ Kennedy and the children, John daily return visits to the White attraction in Moscow under victed Friday of arranging the and Caroline, 6, seemed caught House. the U.S.-Soviet cultural agree­ brutal slaying of his wife, Carol, up in the excitement of moving. In the midst of the moving, ment. The exhibition, official­ 1663 RAMBLER 4-DOOR CUSTOM SEDAN 34. He was sentenced immedi­ News Tidbits Two antique lanterns beside Mrs. Kennedy sought Friday to Solitaire ... ately to life Imprisonment. ly opened Friday, drew hordes lAVB ON TBJM BBAUTirUL CAR. 0 . / , from the AP Wires the front door were lighted at set straight a question over the of fiu’-hatted Moscovltes from ^2195 The verdict and sentence end­ a late hour Friday night, and their normal Saturday winter Nylon Tricot Half Slip ed one of Minnesota’s most sen­ Secret Service men prowldd (Continued from Page One) sational murder trials. pleasures, such as skiing In with cut out lace applique about the three-story brick the hills just outside town, A six-man, six-woman Jury Secretary-General U Thant of house keeping watch over the skating and theater-going. and a graceful border of took Just over a day to convict the United NaUons announces family. Robeson Is Seen 1966 RAMBLER ^D00R WAOON Only scalloped lace at the hem. the dajiper attorney of flrst-dei creaUon of John F. Kennedy The lamily brought with it LBJ TAKES WALK A NICE ONE OWNER CAR. Proportioned in white. gree murder. The decision came memorial fund for the U.N. In- from the White House familiar nine months to the day after his ternaUonal SchoM . . . English and personal items like Caro­ Ready to Return WASHINGTON (AP) — S,M,L. wife was fatally beaten knd Labor party leader Harold Wii- line’s two-wheeled bicycle and a President Johnson took a stabbed In their fashionable soa being guarded night and big box marked “John Jr. toys.” NEW YORK (AP)—Ctontrover- brisk lO^-mlnute walk this ’ 4 home in St. Paul. day fcrtlowlng anonymous assas­ Neighbors watching In the siaK ' Negro singer-actor Paul morning in the beautiful sination threat . . . Vietnamese northwest Waahtngton resi­ And we have nnany other fine cars to select from The state contended Thomp­ street got a look at Mrs. Ken- Robeson, now ailing in Commu­ dential section where he has What If Santa son had hired the killer for love frogmen try to locate bodies of nedji’s fur coats and the pink nist East Berlin, is reported four American airmen and a covered cages of the children’s ready to return to this country been llring during the post Solitaire ... of another woman and for more Vietnamese observer who were three years. Leaving hi* than 61 million Insurance. pet parakeets. after living abroad for the last Spring Valley house at 9:18 The blond, crew-cut lawyer killed yesterday when their There was a sad reminder -a ' five years, Makes A Mistake? Nylon Tricot Full Slip photo reconnaissance plane bulging briefcase with the ini- Negro author - Louis Lomax, a.m., the chief executive, ap­ remained in Jail today pending parently invigorated by the his transfer to the state prison crashed into Mekong River. tlals "JFK." who spent a week la-st month in with deep, cut-out lace on Vatican offictais study wtth As they settled Into the 11- East Berlin with Robeson, said sunny, S4-degree weather sur­ Sometimes Santa slips in his choice of gifts. at Stillwater to serve the life inteiroat ptnpooal by Patrlairch prised Secret Service men as If it happens to you and the gift was pur­ the lineded bodice, all lace sentence Imposed by Judge Rolf room, 6-bath residence, Mrs. Friday night, "Robeson Is com­ back, scalloped lace hem. Fosseen. There is no capital Athenagoros I o i OenstanU- Kennedy sent word through her ing home soon, and I don’t well as reporters who wore chased here, just bring it in for a prompt and nopla ^—itMuttar head ot the press secretary that she was mean Just physically." waiting outside to accompany DE CORMIER Proportioned in white. punishment in Minnesota. OrthodoK Church — that heads him on the *ix-aod-a-half mile courteous exchange or refund . . . and . . . With good behavior, Thomp­ very grateful to the Harrinians Lomax declined to elaborate. Sizes 84-40. son would be eligible for parole of the Orthodox and Proitestant for the loan of their house, filled In 1947 Robeson, who is now drive to the W'hlte House. He best of all, our after Christmas selection is churohM. go to Joruaalem next strode at a fast clip down the just as fresh and complete as any other time after 17V4 years. with art treasures. 65. was accused by the .House If his attorneys appeal—which month during visit of holy land She was happy she could bring { Committee on un-American AC' driveway and he^ed down.' of year. they indicated is likely—and if by Pope Paul VI for church her children to such a home,! tlvltles of supporting (Jommu the middle of the road. A MOTOR SALES, Inc summit meeting... Veteran Mrs. Kennedy added. nlte-front orgonizationa. Secret Service man, two re- the predictably heavy bond ia II met, Thompson could go free court efinaial soys former Vice The former First Lady “now The U.S. government with­ portere and two photograpli- Manchester's Own Rambler Dealer" Open Evttry Night till 9 (•xeopt Saturday) pen^ng a decision by the State RMmrd M. Nixon lo<^8 forward to many quiet drew the singer’s passport in er* Joined in. follow^ by Atty. T. Eugene ’thompson (wearing glasses), found guilty of first degree Supreme Court. Prosecutor Wtl- Msogr Sor mtmmrtnn diW> ttiere," the secrete^, Miss I960 becauBS h* had declined to three llmmisinea and ite 285 IROAD ST. — MANCHESTER murder in his wife’s death, is escorted to Hennepin County, jail in M innea^is to tiw Kesr Tcifc Bor be hM Fim ela Tiunure, added. raotoroyete last night minutes after verdict was returned (AP Photofax.) (See Page Two) to as ym n. The Kennedys had^ved in a *) ■ i n

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PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERAlJ?^ MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7,1968 \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7,1968 PAGE THREE Lawyer Gets ^HOPPING Oswald Wife Santa and the H^u^tfid }jpuse DAYS TO Rockyille-Vemoii lyUOKtlCAU Life Term in CHRISTMAS Is Reported Two Caught in Act Assassination Probe (Synopsl*: The Storylellqr de*<^' Professional Building Fire ■crlbed how the Fairy Queen Wife Slaying LEAD RIGHT CARD South dsalsr Mrs. Lnella Blodgett expelled Nog from Faliyiand. Loyal to U.S. TO DEVELOP SUIT Nckhsr side vtfamU* Of Robbing Safe Mrs. Luells Drake Blodgett, Asks Special Powers H ie Bugaboo came to the King­ By ALFRED SHEINWOLD NORIH 87, of Windsor, mother of Ralph Confined to Single Room dom of Poo and moved into a (Conttaraed from Page Ose) 4 A Q 10 (Conttanied from Page One) It’s usually easy to pick the H. Blodgett, 807 Woodbridge St., (Ooattoaad from Page One) ed for Mfs. Oswald on two occa­ haunted house). ^ K • 2 keen obgervgtion of Patrolman John McClelland died yesterday In a Hartford sions when FBI agents had Ham Randall said he would right suit to lead. Chomdng the 0 K 10 9 t 4 Ctoraleosneas was btomed to-4bu«(Hng. TTieie waa axtenslTe Williamson said the agents had right card is not always quite of the Manchester Police Department'early today led to I ter from Warren asking if he come to warn her about possible Chapter Five recommend bond “ substantially __ ♦ J 7 fire and water damage to tbs described Mrs. Oswald. as easy. day to a btace that threatened ' would consider postponing the blackmail attempts on her rela­ The Haunted House The full story of what Invas------EAST the arrest'fif two men, one of Manchester, who were at- daiqrhter, a brother and a grand­ room. heavier’’ than the 1100,000 under South dsaler ♦ 9 • . -5 bhe ProCeasicinal Building dn j Texas court and suggesting that tives behind the Iron Curtain. According to the Storyteller. ttgators have leatned of the as- 4 7 4 9 8 wmptinjr to roh a small safe at the Shady Glen Ihiiry daughter. The building is owned by I at this time it might be "more During the course of the con­ which Thompson was free dur­ Neither side vulnerable <7 Q 5 4 V I 9 7 4 Bar. 840 E. Middle Tpke. Funeral servlceq wyi be held) Park St to Rockville. The fire Burt Bertelson o t BHlrrgton. Nog's house on Burning Tree sasslnstion has yet to be made Opening lead—Nine of Spades ' harmful than helpful” to the versation, Mrs. Paine said, .she ing his trial. A $ 3 j 9 7 2 A crack found In a second door tor McClelland, Two newspapers. Superior Road was a good place to .stay public. All FBI evidence is now West ted the nine of spades, 10 • 4 9 The two tomorrow at 2 p.m? at the i started to a second-floor room work of the presidential co m -1 told the agents that O.swald had The scene In the courtroom AS floor rear window led to police heard someone run up the Thomas W. Johnson Court and a travel agency have away from because all kinds of m the hands of the Justice De­ and South oveitook with the i next to the (founty Superior mission. Hearings had not yet rented a room In Dallas and when the Jury returned toppeid SOUTH Investigation and the arrests. stairs, and ordered him to come Home, 105-w Oakw-., w,.St Windsor, offices In the bulkUng. atrange things went on there. partment and win toon go the jack to win the trick in his own been scheduled by Carr. worked In the book depasitory. Some people swore they’d six weeks of steadily building 4 K J 4 In the building, of Charles Heck, down with hands up. Locks. Burial will be in Grove offlcea some time tnta TV>days' blase at the building White House. hand. Declarer returned the 9 A 10 9 So broad are the immunity i ’’They did not seem partlcu- seen green .smoke coming out of emotion. 22, of 34 Tower Rd., and Joseph Heck came down, was search­ Om etery, Windsor Locks. morning. is the second In a little over Texas Atty. Gen. Waggoner Jack of diamonds for a finesse, 0 1 5 The alarm was turned in from clauses In the Senate resolution! larly interested In Lee,” she the broken-dowm chimney but ' As jurors filed in. a veteran (3arr changed his plans about .E. Safranek, 28, who gave Us ed and handcuffed. Other police There will be no calling hours. three years. In March of 1960 offered by Russell and (fooper .said. "They seemed to want to losing to East’s queen. 4 K Q 9 4 2 Box 25 at oAxxiit 8:30 a-m. All m when they went to Investigate reporter whispered, ’’They’ve calling a state court of inquiry address as the Claremont Hotel. arrived at this time and took the buildtog was abnoat de­ help Marina if any of her family This put It squarely up to Wist IteMh _ ■ four companies reeporded. that some Capitol observers pre they found no living thing and convicted him. They’re not into the asaasslnatkm, at least Hartford. Both men have been charge of Heck as Sgt. George John J. Cervens stroyed in a $200,000 fire. In was threatened after she came East. w h A t ritould he return? PSH 1 0 Firemen were able to contain dieted It would undergo close not even ashes in the fireplace. looking at him.” for the present. Re said in PsM S NT charged with breaking and en­ Dent, McClelland and Whipple TOLLAND — John Joseph June that year state police were scrutiny and possibly some to this country.” Eight great black btizzards Thompson, outwardly calm, East could see that spades tering with criminal Intent and 'went upstairs to Investigate Cervens. 86, of Cervens Rd., the ifclaze In the room. called in after nine fires erupted Washington Friday that a state and diamonds were hopeless. modification. A less drastic bill, took to circling over Nog’.s was searching the Jurors’ faces, Light Needed investl^tlon at the present or larceny. third floor offices. died yesterday morning at The room, located In the rear in Rockville within three providing full subpoena powers house. Day and night they were but after brief glances at him, South deafly had a real club East takes ths ace a t dubs and Late this morning they were Police found a small safe Rockville City Hospital. of the two-story building, waa months. in the immediate future might suit since he would have been Felloivship Guest without the Immunity provisions there, never making a sound ex­ they looked elsewhere. disrupt the natlmiwide pro) two hearts. being held in $10,000 bonds each. lying on its side with a ripped Mr. Cervens waa born June descrlbad by Fire Chief John F. An EUhngton man waa mb- probe. riad to bid one heart or one Mrs. Katheifoe B. Neilson already had been Introduced by Parley Hails cept for the swish of their wings. Clerk Frank Archambo took At Mott’s Lot For this reason, he said, “ the South cannot aave himself by If bonds are not posted, they opetting in its base from which 20, 1878, in Austria, a son of Akhe as “a roaring Inferno” sequently arrested and convict­ Sen. Kenneth B. Keating. Round and round they flew the sealed verdict from the fore­ spade at his second turn if he covertngthe nine adth the ten of will be held at the State Jail some money had already been John and Anna Metier Cer­ when fjem en arrived. It is ed on a charge of arson. He was will speak Monday at 8 p.m. at convening of a court of inquiry had held a tou]^card major. R-N.Y. waiting, waiting . , man, Sidney C. Becker, 71. hearts. West will play the meen at Hartfoid while awaiting pres­ taken. Burglary tools were vens, and lived in Tolland 24 about 16 by 20 feet. Working confined to a mental tosUtution. an all-group meeting of the However. Warren told report­ An addition to the customer at the present time shouliId be Hence East knew that he had New Qimate There were lights, too. Purple After handing It to Judge Fos- withheld. to force out dummy's king. entation In Manchester’s Circuit found strewn around the safe. years. He was a retired chauf­ quickly, flnrflghters quenched The ProfesslonaJ Building, Women’s Ftollowship of Second ers that his seven-member com­ to lead a heart If he wanted to lights and red ones and green. seen, who read it without parking area to the east of When West gets In with the ace Court 12 on Monday. Safranek was found hiding be­ feur, and came to Tolland from the blBM in about 15 minutes. originally' three stories, was (Congregational Church at the mission had scanned and ap­ fo another development Frl- defeat the contract. But which church. She Is head of the edu­ They flickered off and on, now expression, Archambo read it Mott’s Supermarket on E. Mid­ day. Marguerite Oswufl, ILee's of diamonds, be returns a heart Patrolman McClelland, during hind an office sofa. He was Bridgeport. The chief, saying he believed later rebuilt to two stories. proved the Russell-Cooper draft In Religions In one window, now in another aloud. heart? through dummy’s 8-S. Bast can a 2:30 a.m. patrol check at searched and handcuffed, and Survivors include his wife, carelessness caused the blaze, RodtvUle was plagued this cation department of the dle Tpke., the first parking area mother, again Jumped to the de­ Wadsworth Atheneum, Hart­ Friday. Identical legl.slation will —moving so fast a person could When he came to the word fense of her son. She maintained Bast actually returned his finesse with the six to drive out Shady Glen, saw a cracked win­ both he and Heck were taken to Mrs. Helen Rehok Cervens; a added the room Is used to store wunmer t)y a flurry of blazes' in be offered in the Hou.se Monday to be allowed under the town ford. Her subject will be "The hardly be sure he'd seen any­ "guilty,’’ Thompson's head he 'had nothing to do with Uie fourth-best h e a ^ the six. South South’s ace. dow in a second floor, rear, police headquarters and booked. son. Charles Cervens of Tol­ trash from nearby offices. A the general Area of the Profes- by two other commission mem­ (Continued from Page One) * In the middle of the great green cloud was Nog. Christmas Story In Art." thing at all. dropped. planning commission’s recent shooting. played low, and West had to Dally Queetton men’s room. He called police Police noted that the two had land; a daughter, Mrs. James smoldering cigarette, he .said, .sional Building. Arson was sus­ bers. Rep. Hale Boggs. D-La . put up the queen to force out Mrs. Neilson is a graduate of As each juror was asked, at off-street parking regiilatlons, “I don’t know exactly what As dealer, yon holdt Spates, headquarters for assistance and apparently climbed a rain pipe Kane of Westpart; six grand­ could have been deposited with pected in several of the blazes. and Rep. Gerald R. F^rd. R- United Brethren Church, was to 'nie nearest house to Nog's “That’s a coincidence aB rigtiL" dummy's king. This left South Bryn Mawr College, and re­ house was almost half a mile other too dumpy, another too Defense Attorney Hyam Segell’s has rim Into some difficulties happened,” she told a Fort A-Q-10; Hewts,- K-S->; Dla- Patrolman Albion Whipple was to gain entrance through the children and three great-grand­ other trash. A July fire extensively dam­ Mich. Approval by both houses close the session with a lunch­ And he emnt on with the story. skinny. And so on. request, if this was his or her with the state. with the ace-ten of hearts over monds, K-10-8-8-4; Ctube, J-7, sent to help in the investigatloh. second floor rear window. children. The smoidering trash was aged the Elks Carriage House ceived an M.A. and Ph.D. de­ eon addres.s a.s the new presi­ away bsit the folka who lived The three children wanted a Wo|th news conference, "but It gree from Radcliffe College. is requtred^^, Eventually they came to true verdict, Thompson stared TTie recently completed lot has is possible that while he was In East’s Jack, and there was no What do yon eay? With the rest of the building Saifranek ia awaiting Superior The funeral will be held Mon­ thrown out the windows into a on N. Park St., a short distance The mea'sure provides that no dent of the council. He was there got so uf>set. they packed pine tree—a long nsedkd white further hope for the defense. She taught in New England and moved aiway. Thi^ put Burning Tree Rood. TTiey bad at the jurors. been approved by Town Engi­ the Texas school book deposi­ Answer: Bid one diamond. found secured from the Inside, Oourt action on previous break­ day at 8:30 a.m. from the Ladd parktog area at the rear of the from the scene of today’s Maze. one subpoenaed shall be ex­ elected Wednesday for a three- pine — aod — private schools and did subeti- year term. thetr house up for sale and H never been on this road before Fosseen had Thompson take neer Walter Fuss as meeting tory he may have panicked be­ Wrong Oard You have 1$ points in Ugh McClelland drove his cruiser to ing and entering ehangas which F)ineral Home, 19 Ellington cused from testifying or produc­ "What were their names?” end they didn’t like R Tery town standards, but has caused Bast led the wrong card, nie the rear of the building and then ooourred to this area in recent Ave., Rockville, with a requiem tute work as lecturer In the Delegates, in almii.st unani­ was still for sale today because interrupted Blasy. the witness stand before sen­ cause he was a known defector. cards, and 1 point, tor distribu­ education department of the ing evidence on FTftli Amend­ much because It was kmety and the state highway department "He might have run out of the correct return is the nine of boosted Whipple up onto the months. On Oct. 7 to Manches­ Mass at St. Bernard's Church ment grounds that to do so mous agreement, demanded Fri­ nobody warted to mosre neoct to tence was pronounced. tion, snough for an opening bid. Metropolitan Museum of Art, ' 'The StoryieUer's eyebrows had hardly any houses on it some concern lest the new exit building because he was afraid hearts. roof from the hood of the cruis­ ter’s Otocult Oourt, he was bound at 9. Burial will be in St. Ber­ Four Die in State Blazes; might tend to incriminate him. day that churches wholehearted­ the Haunted House. In a low voice, barely audible, New York City. She taught art Now it happened, aald the rose. “Whose nam es?” ’ITie oldiw ohildren wanted to to E. Middle Tpke. aggravate he might be the first one sus­ If South plays low, the nine BV>r Shelnwold’s M • page er. over to the higher oourt on nard’s Cemetery. It provides that no person ly support every effort to wipa Thompson gave his family back­ history at Wheaton College 10 out discriminatory practices, in Btxirytbler, that one day, throe “Tliose children — the ones turn bsidc but suddenly Miss Jo, ground and his education. the existing traffic dlfficultiea pected of having anything to do is Ugh enoiigh to drive out dum­ booklet, "A Pocket Guide to Whipple, smaller of the two dhan>m stemming from a break Friends may call at the fu­ shall be prosecuted or penalized looking for the Christmas tree. the youngest chAd. Called out. at M ott’s. with i t ” patrolmen, climbed through the into the Acadia Restaurant on neral home tomorrow from 2 Road Mishaps Claim Five years before returning to the —except by demotion or remov­ and out of the churches. Uttle cMSdren from Round Hill "Is there any word you would m y’s Mng. When West gets in Bridge,” send 60 cants to museum art field. Road met out to find a Ouist- The Storyteller thought for a "Look yonder! There’s our (Consequently the state has Then, she added; ’ ’It waa arlth the ace of diamonds he Bridge Book, Manchester Eve. upstaiia rear window after see- Tbahind Tpke. Other break count to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. al from office—because of tes­ They hailed current efforts for like to say before I pronounce The speaker was curator of peace, including the nuclear lest mas tree. wtifle then he said, “Jeremy, tree!” sentence?” asked Fosseen. been conferring with town Po­ only logical for him to get a gun can return the queen of hearts Herald, Box SS18, Grand Central tog that an inside screen had diapositlionB are pending againet (Ctontlnned from Page One) timony he is compelled to give Shi^r. And illas Jo." T ^ others k>oked where she lice Chief James Reardon, to and protect himself.” been removed. He returned Saifranri: in the higher court, Mrs. Mary Ann McGowan education for six years at Al­ ban, but stressed the need "to raound HU Rosdp said 81b- “ No, your honor," said to set up two heart tricks for Station, New York 17, N.Y. bright Art Gallery, Buffalo, N. or evidence he is forced to pro­ Mrjsa Jo dapped her bands. pointed and sure enough, there Thompson. determine responsibility for in­ Authorities have said that Os­ downstairs and opened a rear poUtoe said. Mrs. Mary Ann McGowan, 87, duce after he claims protection work more urgently for a world m . “TiMt's where W B ltv<^” East South must lead a dub Oopyright IMS cdiarge of printing acUvitiies ait y., and left to take a similar without war, and for a world un­ “OhT** said the BtnoWer. “That's us!” was the tree they'd been stallation of new traffic con­ wald fled the depository build­ of 801 Main St., died la.<)t night of the Fifth Amendment. The Jury took seven ballots to to try tor Us ninth trick, and General Featurea Oospw Dwight Ocrflege and put out the position with the Museum of der law In which peace with “Not necessarily,” sold Jere­ searching for. It was fat and arrive at a guUty verdict. It was trols. ing, went to his one-room apart­ at Manchester Memorial Hos­ News Tidbits An exception to this Immunity pital after a short Illness. Dwight newspaper. Art of the Rhode Island School freedom and Justice can be my. He was trying bis best to sturdy, yet tall enough, end tt reported first split about 50-60. Mentioned have been a new ment. changed clothes and Martin was majoring to an­ would permit the prosecution , traffic light at the exit from Mrs. McGowan was born In from the AP Wires of Design. She came to Hart­ separate faot>and fbotlbn but be was even-branched aB around. The jury beUeved the state’s armed himself with a pistol. thropology and was deecrif;ed and puntohment for perjury o( „ , , the new lot and a turning lane Manchester, a daughter of Jere­ ford. and her present position, Bishop Mueller said In an in- was halving a hard time bf It Best of oB, It belonged to no case that: They said that he then met up Engineer to Begin Study Darwin Still Held, as ”a very good student” by anyone testifying In the commls- for cars waiting to turn into miah and Nora Ckmnor Connors, in 1955, and was appointed as­ leirview he favors a meeting of K us ?” demanded 3Slm Jo one because it was growing in Thompson, father of four chil­ MTlth police officer J. D. 'nppltt Bergin. Taue was majoring in a tangled woods behind a brok­ the parking lot. who was shot and killed with the and was a lifelong rorident here. Chiba's Prime Minister Fidel sociate professor of art at ’ *TOe ‘ commterionto subpoenas » ‘ °P reUgious leaders at the Storyteller.. dren and builder of a thriving Etogllsh. Hartford (College for Women at en-down bouse that everyone The state has been apparently pistol. She was a communicant of St. Castro ridlonlee charges island would be enforceable bvK,. federal' I when Pope Paul VI vi.slts Jeru- ADRIAN’S ‘*Peihaps," said the Otbrytsl- St. Paul law practice, had been Of Hospital Access Monday The fourth fire victim was the same time. She teaches an knew had been nnpty a bun- contending that the installation The mother called the press James’ Church, and a member country is behind the pro-Com- court orders, and failure to com 866 HAJN 8T. ler. "Perhaps not Tta names moved to get his wife out of the No Charge Filed Kenneth Bowen, 56, of 51 Har- Introductory course in art his­ ^5141 TV I O i l has "no idea of the magnitude ed not to sntoke in patients’ in the morning of March 6. that Haynes St. be widened. ery, 8. the General Statutes, a county where final responsibility will George McDonough of Bloom- tified, as saying he didn’t see of our work," Warren said, and rooms. No more than ^ 'o vlsl- He had given Anderson a rest Iteyor Ftands Mahoney and coroner may hold an individual Funerals Ala. considering reopening 12 fitid, a Kaman Airoraft Oo. of­ the elderly man until the municipal parks closed in 1959 Sledding Hurts still is not ready to say wheth­ tots at one time per patient. clear track hy disposing of the other odvocabea of a ”no widenr TRIVOU SAFE CRACKED 24 houia beyond the iasuanoe of Columbia Thompson pet dog. Urg es Bailey tog, but buBd new aocees” pro- ficial. moment before the impact. in the face of court-ordered in­ er the hearings for which the NEW HAVEN (AP) — De­ an inqueot finding, without ball Paul J. Hausohild subpoena power ia sought ac­ ADM3TTE1D YBSTElRiDAY; He had given instructions via posid, m geeed to abide by the if the crime befog foveaUgated tegration. . . . Distribution of TTiough the first scanty snow- Anderson Given tectives sought clues today to The funeral of Paul J. Hau.s- John E. Champagney, 14, of “JFK: The Man and the Myth,” tually will be called. Mrs. Loitiao Glode, 302 Main Day-Old Chicks an intermediary, Norman Mas- Faced with toe oeriatetty that reooraBMendationn of a quaUfied la a capital offenae. Tarpinian Win» faU of the aeasns) has pretty St.; Paul Molinari, 407 Wood­ Christmas 1863 win set an aS- ths theft of $21,000 In cash and ohdUd of 131 Mountain Rd. was 77 Halladay Dr.. West Suffield, by Victor Lasky, best-seller TTie FBI is still investigating, trian, for the klUing to simulate traffic authority. The law requires that the weE dwindled with today’s land St.; Mrs. Marie McOarthy, WESTOWN USAT Promotion ttme leoond for malttogs a t HUrvaJa . soU this morning, $300 to checks from a safe at MANSFIELD (A P )—A 85- held this momlng from the was also killed instantly in an considered critical of the late and a new angle broke Into print Perishiin Blaze a bathtub drowning. the livoU Restaurant Police coroner nvay order held any in­ member slate led by Town balmy weather, tt lasted long 13d Graindniew st.; Mra. Ann PHARM ACY • eSwtotmas oasds and rifts, 4het.>bia roport, which will be HOamea Futierall Home, 400 Main auto accident yesterday on preseident, will resume Monday. enough to predpdtate sledding BTrlday. This was the disclosure ^ \ I 'I'O.M VI K ' By removing a bedroom tele­ said safe crackers entered dividual “whom. he naa good (Chairman Charles . Tarpinian MciNeiil, 5 Lowiton Rd. M. Sgt. Douglas Anderson Uiatoeas and peraonal, Post- eUbmittted to General Manager S t, with a Mom of requiem at Phelps Rd. in Suffield. Informal ceremonies held at that Marina Oswald, the Rus­ 4M Hartford Rd.—M8-8946 phone, he had planned to lure through a rear door early yes­ reoaon to aisq>ect of having won control of the Democratic aoeddents yesterday. _ BIRTHS YBSTB2IDA Y: A A 'ic)\ii'()iri’ A two-story poultry houae on was recently promoted to his ntoster Akton Bailey today re- Rtohard M!arttn before Chriet- Sit. BaithOilcimew’s Ovurch. TTie Pearl Harbor on the gleaming Three youngettera Mving in sian-born wife of the accused Mrs. Thompeon to her doom by terday. They broke open the criminally caused the death m Town Conunlttee last night in aon to Mr. and Mrs. Robert ' To maliitain oa f contlnnlty ‘ R t • at Ungtoey Rd. oontalnlng a prearranged morning phone present rank in the UR. Aio: queotod your oooperatlian in hBi nonn, will b« to the form of a Rev. Philip J. Hussey, pastor, LEWISBURG, Pa. (AP) — white memorial which marks widely scattered locations were ex-Marine. has told investiga­ safe In a basement storage regard to which he is holding a special primary election. It Morrison, 48 Btofofteld St. MEANS 6,000 day-hid ctArlns was totsUy Force at ShiUing AFB, SeUna, aomuail ’modi Eariy FV)r CEriat- suggested plan of operation, aftilciated. Burial was to Vet­ Peter C. Welpton, 20. of Stam­ the battleship Arizona, sunk at treated at Memcbeeter Memor­ tors her husband had boasted of o f medical servtoe tve are' i call after he had.gtme to work, room. an Inqueot . . .” defeated the slate of a Univer­ B U m i TODAY: A aon to RtothoyM b y llrb late last night. forcing her to come downstairs Kan. He is the son of Mr. and mae” oazn|>aign. lateer ttan of a design. eran’s Field, Blast Cemetery. ford, Conn., a Bucknell Univer­ its Pearl Harbor berth Dec. 7, firing at Gen. Edwin A. Walker There may be no provision for sity of Connecticut faction ial Ho«g)4'tal’a em e^enoy room Mr.- and Mrs. Peter White, 128 Mrs. Ethel Bhwdc, who owns where Anderson was to attack Mrs. WUUam M. Anderson, 40 The poatmeeter said, H m The Rev. Riicbard C. Bollea read sity student, was killed last 1941. . . . Diplomatic sources April 10. He eofolained that proijaat da- bail If a capital offense ia in­ that had taken control of the .or outs and bruises received Park St. and apeestes the phint, said the her. Hemlock St., and is married to ore the things to watch to be atgisi as« uauaBy e8 of the water. HthroB fire fighters bedroom, stripped her, and ian with 503. Daniel Graf led critically injured. A 9-yeer-old Reports of evidence linking ESizaibeth Dr. phone 522-8151 tered the U.S. Navy and was address is oomplate with fun Darwfo has been frequently get civil rights bill out of the head and an liviui'od left hip. An were called hi and water was placed her in the bapitub, but he participated to a team aiudy the losers with 445 votes. bov in the other car waa also Oswald to the Incident were DISCHARGED TO D A Y : Mra. 179 PEARL STREET with that branch of toe service name, atreet and numlber, city, queotioned in oonneotlon with rules committee before CTirlst- hour later, Jtihn BTano, 6, o f 76 Who Says pumped from Hop Rtver. Ftre- let her slip away from him when of that new country’s exiettog kUled. published by The Chicago Sun- Joann Utaner, 16 Goalee Dr. HARTFORD. CONN. she revived. for nine years. He then trans­ state and zone or Zap Code aaxl proposed Ugfammys. the slayii« since 17-year-old Woman Unhurt, mas. N. School St., received six There fnen stayed at the scene until ferred to the Ah- F'orce, where numlber. Hope Rothwell was found neai- TTmes and The Washington Ev­ 4 a.ni. Anderson had pursued her into Tlw study-project waa ocn- West Berlin Mayor Willy ititches for a out nose. Kath ening Star. Isn’t A he has served for six years. Second, atoric up aoon on Dockerol Hd. on Sept. 22, four Offiolala were unaUa to give the bedroom and then down­ duotied under the aponaonhlp Struck by Car Brandt condemns published re­ leen Lelner, 4, o f Tinker Pond The Sun-Times said FYlday Santa ^ stairs, clubbing her with a pistol In an artkde by Col. Charlee sturdy packing materials for of the Stats Depariment’s For­ days after her car was found Events Rd., Boitxm, was treated for an the oauae o f the fire today. Ih- K. Agan, base commander, pub­ Events ports that issuance of (Commu­ night It had learned that Os­ .Clans;. . . that wouldn’t fire and then stab­ your gift packages, inchwttng eign Aid Program. abandoned on Reservoir Rd. in nist pa.s.ses allowing West Ber­ injury to her left little finger veertigettion Is continuing. lished in the base newspaper, it heavy wrapping paper, cor­ A 81-year-old woman pedes- wald had written of an attempt Spruce~Up bing her with a kitchen knife, Previous to the African trip, Vernon. liners to visit their relative."! and a short time later. In all three to kill Walker in a document FREE DELIVERY to leave her fatally wounded; is stated ’^en who receive pro- rugated cartons, strng oord and Hlrv^s had worked as a proj­ Dairwtn and Hope had both In Nation trian yesterday was reported cases, sleds were the inetru- motipn to technical and master In W orld friends in East Berlin at (Christ­ found by FBI agents. ON MAIN ST. Thompson had made a $2,500 paper adhesive tape. ect engineer on the East-West ajttended a 4-H committee unhurt after being knocked mas was practically certain . . . meatts o f Injury. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. D0camber S i^ cia ls UAC Provides sergteuit have fulfilled more Tbird, buy your postage The FBI declined to com­ payoff to Mastrian via another Highway program to the Hart­ meeting at the ToUand Agri- WASHINGTON (AP) — In the MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet The defunct New York Mirror is ment. than just a tone in service re­ stamps now. Be sure to use toe down by a oar as she walked intermediary. ford area, culture Center (TAC) the night news from Washington: Union is believed to be embark­ accused of unfair labor practice ^ The Dallas Moiming News on ALUmNUM Goddard Award quirement. The Air Force colorful n ew flve-cent Chrint- that Hope’s oar waa found, on the sidemalk at. Harrison ARTHUR DRUG The jury did not beUeve de­ Judges men by more than time Hirvala, a native of Detroit, JOBLESS: Unemployment ing on a major expansion of its by shutting down newspaper Z l Q U C a r o I e r S said “ officers are convinced” mas Tree atan^w on your cards. was graduated from the Uni­ Sept. 18, about one-half hour and Pearl iSfo. * DOORS fense counsel Segell’s argument in grade and time in service. A chemical industry. without con.suIUng unlon.s repre- that Oswald had fired the rifle Forurth, procure free labels versity of Detroit to 1856, with after the meeting ended. rose to 8.9 million In November, The United Aircraft Corp that: promotion board compares each Mrs. (Jeinaldlne FTtzpatrick, The purpose of such a move .sentingiLs employes. ■ V i s U S H u t - i u S shot that barely missed Gen. •WINDOWS from your post, office which a degree in civil engineering. At leant two people on their an Incresise of 500,000. (UAC) has donated SIO.OOO for The suspiciously large ampunt man with his contemporaiiee 107 Spruce St., was taken to Is to increase the production of Z. T. Osborn Jr, Naahville, Walker. The News said an entry read "all for local deitvery” and way home from the TAC ses- • CA N O PIES a new award, to be presented of cash found in T h om p i^ ’s and selects those most highly He then moved to North A Labor Department spokes­ Manchester Memorial Hospital, fertilizers. Premier Khrushchev Tenn. attorney for James R. ’ — ------in a small notebook and the ’’all for out-of-town deltvery" alon that syonfog are report­ Be modern with •JALOUSIES annually by the American In­ possession shortly after the kill­ quaUfied in suc^ factors as Brook, 111., and became associ­ man said Friday the rise in the examined and found to be t- has repeatedly blamed fertilizer Hoffa, is charged with trying to Members of Zion Evangelical statement by O.swald's widow stitute of Aeronautics and As­ ing was money he had kept to so that you ■ can aort your ated with the Chicago consult­ ed to have seen Hope's car number of unemployed since Oc­ buirt. shortages for recent Soviet agri­ fix the jury in the labor lead-1 Lutheran Church will FREE ESTIMATES demonstrated leadership, job Shown A t 8° were the convincing factors. tronautics, (A IA A ), to the hedge against gambling and Oh.-istmas cards into • two ing engineer firm of H. W. MARK FOREST parked on Reservoir Rd., with tober was more than had been Pohee said that the accident cultural problems, which have er’s trial here last year and in I Christmas caroling tomorrow The story said that investiga- EAST TERMS responsibUity, education, super­ groups, with aiddreeses ail fac­ 2:10-6:86-9:00 aerospace engineer or scientist losses on a trip to visory ability, jeto knowle^e, Lochner Co., at the same time Twwimeotow the lights on, including Albert seasonally expected. occurred when Mrs. Rose E. led to its need for massive his forthcoming trial here Inl®***! Monday. The sing is spon-1I torslors had found a notebook, in SANTA’S BEST FRIEND making the most outstanding with Mrs. Thompeon; ing one way, thus insuring fast doing graduate work in traffic Gray, county 4-M agent. But, he added, there was no Hewttt, 61, Bridgeport, drove grain imports from the West. January . . . The Texas Depart- sored by the 'W'alther League which Oswald wrote about the future potmttial and other del.very. contribution In the fields of pro­ He had disposto of the family items.’’ Darwin, who is known as a particular significance in the in­ out of Blast Cemetery at Pearl A Cabinet meeting presided nient of Public Safety, charged | Young People's Society of 'the Walker incident Nov. 28, the day BILL TUNSKY pulsion or energy conversion. dog because it was not house- Fifth, be sure thstt your fuH devoted father and who has crease when weighed against and Harrison Sts. and struck over by Khru.shchev Friday ap­ with protecting the governor church. before Oswald was shot and 649-9095 The announcement, made broken, and new carpeting had nr me and addiaas is on aB of served on the chuioh veatry of other factors In the economy. the front ddard wanted. turn address. ■icT.am.wiLUiaNTiccT:) IM^ as 4-H programs. walk, etriklng Mrs. Fitzpatrick chemical industry, stepping up ' anese civil court judge in Tokyo Laurel Manor Convale.scent; same gun that fired the fatal Award, in honor of Robert H. The 9it. James’ Holy Name The postmaster espeoiaUy le- Hope’s body was not found | a glancing blow while knocking the development of a^culture I de.scribes the L’.S. atomic bonib- Home and Green Lodge Rest ' shots at Kennedy. By inference, the jury was not Yr i p l e f e a t u r e s h o w CAPE: President Johnson has Goddard, the American scien­ affected by the trial’s one big Society will present iite third quests toot you echedifle your until four days later, despite her to the ground. and further raising the living i ing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Home. In nearby Irving. Tex., Ruth tist who pioneered the concept annual musical and dance to­ CJiristmos maUInga so that all lIiarehes“ ofThe” ’folTand-'Vernon j been asked not to change the Mire. Hewttt, -who police said | standards of the people.” i a.s violations of international On Monday, the group will Paine, in who home Mrs. Os- Are Appeals^ emotional moment, when Ander­ HTTNai AT7PJH. of modem rocketry. son was describing how he had night at 8:16 in the auditorium of your cards and gttt pack­ and then only by a prop- name of the city of Cape Can- appeirently did not slow down • law. meet at 6 p.m. in the assembly wald lived until the day of the The award, the highest honor ages going to moat dtettant "MANIAC" erty’o iX w a l walking^ FI?- to. Cape Kennedy^ SEOUL, Korea (AP) — A She Will Love The New beaten Mrs. Thompeon, and she of St. James’ School. Music will Rep, Edward J. Gurney, R' or stop, was iasued a written Lucky Gordon, one of Chris- i room and go to Westhill Gar- assassination, said that the FBI ever bestowed by , points are mailed by Dec. 10. Nadia Gray- Dockerel Rd., Tolland, land. South Korean newspaper report­ had known some U n )P after The _ full ent of cried, "God help me!” be provided by the Knights of Fla., said Friday he had asked warning for failure to grant tine Keeler’s discarded lovers, I Crestfield Convalescent MOEN One-Handle Faucet will be presents each year at | Those for local deotlnatlone Kerwin Mathewa ed Saturday Premier Kim II intends to go ahead with his' Home, and make visits to Oct. 16 that Oswald was working III il. "God help you!” cried Thomp­ ColUmibus orchestra under the the President to make clear that the right of way. Both cars bad ART TEDFORD the Honors Night Dinner d u r-; son at the witness, and col­ direction of Enrico Reale, past sho^d be mailed at least a ' _ _ a eootenalve damage and had to be Sung of Communi.st North rivll suit against the playgirl homes of the sick, aged and in the Texas school book deposi­ BAH I L i O iL CO . Well-known local barber will week before Chrlatmas. HIT NO. 2 AT 8:80 his executive order honoring Korea is being squeezed out of tory building from which Kenne­ tRSurance fir this # r ing the AIAA Annual Meeting. lapsed, sobbing, while court was grand knight. The theme of the the late president changes the towed from the scene. although she was sentenced to shut-ins of the church, f i ' b;l o il be pleased to greet friends The first presentation will be recessed half an hour. show, "Trial and Jury,” has PtiBice investigated three oth­ the top leadership of his coun­ nine months in pri."!on ye."rterday members of the church dy later was assassinated. SSI .MAIN ST. now at the new eoits so little... "THE OLD DARK mHMiaU-BHHNUII i^bout Town name of only the space center try. Mrs. Paine told The Associat­ made next June. Nor did it believe the defense been direoted by Frank Laraia and not the city. er auto oraaliea in which no or- In connection with the case . . . their friends are Invited to Phono 649-4595 covers so Moch! The new award has no con­ argument that the Thompsons and John Ilyment; James M. ,100 Collected HOUSE" AT 8:80 and 7;20 Loyal Chrcle of Kings Daugh- reats nor injuries but moderate The semiofficial daily Seoul A Municipal Court Jury In Chi-' participate in the carol sing. i ed Press that she had interpret- nection with the American Tom Poaton-Janetto Scott tens.r . will have a , potipotluck and Aides said Gurney had re­ damage wa« reported. $hinmun said there are strong cago imable to agree that nude ] ______^______MAIN were a happily married couple Higgins wrote the script. ceived about 60 messages from J Rocket Society Robert H. God­ and that the young lawyer had Featured specialty acts will In M AH RC D rive Christmas party Monday at Frank Kasacek Jr., 60, indications Kim II Sung’s dicta­ photos of actress Jayne Mans-' RARBERSHOP ENDS TONIGHT residents complaining at aban­ torial regime will be replaced Ed. Clark* dard Memorial Award, which admitted and been forgiven for include the Tylerettes from the BONUS HIT NO. t 6-30 p.m. in the Robbins Room Storrs, yesterday noon was field in theVlune issue of Play- 701 MAIN STREET : has been discontinued. A T 10 PJIL “MABYi MARY" o f Center Congregational donment of the ^name given the warned for failure to grant the by a system of collective lead- boy were obscene . . . Two pro-! his indiscretions with his dark­ Gertrude Tyler School o t Dance, The Manchester Association cape in 1588 by'Spanish explor­ (Between Bxminard Place Tel. 648-1126: I The late Dr. Goddard was the haired paramour. Shown At 6:18 and 9i06 Church. Hostesses will be Mrs. right of way to an oncoming er.ship in North Korea. Communist terrorists sot fire to \ and Blseell St) the St. Patrick’s Pipe Band, for the Help of Retarded ChU- ^ "IN THE ers. The paper said two of Us re­ 175 East I first to develop and fly a rocket phu "THE CASTILIAN” Clarence Petersen and Miss vehicle. The warning followed a a mu.sic store In CJaracas, 'Vene-; READY NOW! 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Hugh Hayden, Tom Franz, Jack dren has received $2,100, or 28 FRENCH STYLE" porters had obtained the inform­ Center S t motor using liquid fuels, antici­ Jaalo, Robert O’Oonnell, JohnT. Shown A t 7:26 Dorothy Petersen. tw o-car' crash on W. Middle zuela owned by an immigrant per cent, of Its fund drive goal Jeon 8eberg»8tanley Baker BAKER INQUIRY; Senators ation from a Communist journ­ from Trinidad, destroying 15,- pating the German V2's by Golding, Charles P. Cawley, luring T^pke., at Tower Rd., in which I 224 Interested during the first weeks of its The Sisterhood of Temple investigating possible conflict of alist attending a meeting of the 000 records. about 16 years; was the first to John W . Stevens, John J. Con­ Kasacek, driving west, attempt­ apperi. year's goal has Beth Sholom will sponsor the interesterest In RobeRobert G. Baker, for­ Military Armistice Commission develop and fly a liquid fuel ner and Robert Dufriea Othera been set at $7,500. ed to make a turn in front of annual Hanukksh «ale for mer secretary to the Senate an oncoming vehicle driven by at Panmunjom. rocket faster than the speed of In Nurse Oass in the oast include WUUam F. Anyone wishing to cootributs sound; first to develop gyro children and adults tomorrow Democratic majority, are con­ Mrs. Mieke H. LeCloultre of 47 Lautenhaefa, James M. Hig­ to tUa cause may do so from 2 to 6 p.m. In the vestry tinuing to hear witnesses in pri­ Hamlin St. She was luvahle to TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras, John’ s T o y B ox steering apparatus for rockets; Oonttnutog intereat to tlie R»- gins, Robert Cokimbe, Leon W. mailing his contribution to P.O. first to patent the idea of a of the Temple. vate. stop in time and struck the Ka- (API—The military junta which I EnderUn, John S. Blemienakl, Box 624, Manchester. overthrew President Ramon multi-stage rocket; and first fresher Program for Nurses is No date has been set for pub­ secek car to the right rear. In Items Moved Joseph E. McCarthy, Anthony Should anyone wish to make Members of the Ladles of St. lic hearings on Us many-faceted A t 11:30 last night, a vehicle Vllleda Morales last October to explore mathematically, the being evidenced, Mrs. M. Veira a donatlbn in memory of the Slogeaky, Austin B. Oouchley, James are reminded to bring Interests. driven bj’ Gustave Arendt, 47, says it will hold National As­ (See Page TTiree) * practicability of using rocket Donner, program coordinator, late President John F. Kennedy, sembly elections Feb. 16, 1965. power to reach the moon. Michael ClemenUno, Clement wrapped gifts for mission chil­ of 38 WiUlanw St., oollided announced today. MAHRC will send an appropri­ The Senate Rules Committee TTie junta announced Friday Lupacchino, Roy M. Thompeon, dren designating sex w d age, m questioned two witnesses for with a oar driven by Donna M. allocation of three acres of land S te Bold 3Si nequeete for op- Paul Sullivan, Edward J. ate acknowledgement to the Ken­ well as a grab bag gift, to the the riections would be . the first te& Ctem nedy family. more than four hours Friday Bizul of Someravillle at New in Arlington National Cemetery. pttoattona have been madeeinoe O'Brien, Frank J. PhUipena, arty Monday at 8:16 p.m. at State Rd. and Depot St. No one step toward returning constitu­ It was learned she had told Accusing Letters about the dispute over a vend­ tional rule to this Central Amer­ the irsMng eoime was on- Rosario T. Sapienxa, WUUam F. gt. James' School. ing-machine contract with a was hurt but both cars, wiith Secretary of Defeiue Robert S. ican nation. nounoed laat znotAli. Requests Monte. Eugene J. Szetela, Sam company holding government side and front fender damage, McNamara she knew of no fam­ Shock Goldwater have come from ton Greater FiUoramo and Jack Baker. A social iflxjnsored Jotatiy by, It said the assembly would ily requirement for any land contracts, a v dispute wUch had to be towed away; meet here a month after its Here** a real Chi$tma$~y ice cream . . festive and Hartford Srea, BHatol, New WiUlam (XurtdB and James Bomatktmg Womdarfmlt the Mandiester and Blast Hairt- Police are also investigating beyond that immediately sur­ MANCHESTER brought Baker’s activities to election to decide on legal (Oonfinued from Page One) Britain, Mancheoter, and Rooky CXuinlngham are oo-chalrm«n in ford Ftoderaitions of Teachera rounding her husband's grave. flavorful. .with an abundance of colorful cher­ public attention and resulted In a hit-run aooldent which oc­ moves to set up a new consti­ HlU. charge of arrangements. Tlok- 5th wiU be. held tctilght sit t ^ Us resignation Oct. 7. curred la«t night at 8:30 on Holl The Defense Department said ries and crisp almonds. It looks so-o-p good which Goldwater is now making tutional government. Sponeored by the Hospital ets for the ahow will be avaU- Mendifoter Oounitiiy Ofob be- The .witnesses were Edward St., just oouth of E. Center St. {the three acres had been set you know it will taste Shady Glen good[, too. of his political future.” ahle at the door. WMk! gtonfog at 8:30. All teachers are A vacanit parked car of Dr. aside to honor the memory of Sen. John Tower, R-Tex„ one Oouncil of Greater Hartford, N. Bostick, president of the Mel (AP) — London’s ^ e d . TlokeU will ^ a v ^ - par Corp., an electronics com' John H. Malone, 41, of 84 the late president on order of Enjoy it now! of Goldwater’s principal back­ the refresher oourae is a p o a - new $14 - million air terminal A H STORES OPEN sored by a grant llnom the WATER BONDS APPROVED shto at the door. TTie affair had pany in . nearby Falls Church, FroegieQt St., waa otruck on the Secretary of the Army Cyrus ers for a possible Ud for the HARTFORD (AP) — The building was ^ seriously dam­ Vance with McNamara's ap­ H artford Fbundatton for Wa it Disney been postponed Nov. 22 b e< »^ Va. , wUch holds defense con­ tear bumper by on unknown aged by fire early today, caus­ OOP presidential nomination, Mystto Valley 'Water Co. of a t ti»ed«tth of President Ken­ motorist, who backed off and proval. EVERY NIOHT TILL CHRISTMAS also has been a targ«L of threat­ PUbMp a iK k ^ . It v m -nnf-rt of tracts, and Arthur C. Weld, Mel- ing traffic snarls for miles. Stonlngton has received permis­ nedy. , par’s executive vice preridbni (toove away. Police ara inveoti- ening letters and wires, the 16 bWo-hour ctaesroom tooturao, sion to issue $525,000 worth of ^'''InvnxUhh' BTamea swept the upper floors gating a deaeriptlon of the oo.-. of the 10-story building In Lon- Tribune said. and eight hours per waeit of first mortgage bonds, 1,000 Sen. B. Elverett Jordan, D- eu|>ervleed clinical experienoe N.C., committee chairman, told don’s populous western district. TTie Tribune gold that neither shares of perferred stock, and Toununj Caeser Set Precedent SENATE PASSES DODD BILL senator could '’be reached for for eqven and one half weela. 1,250 shares of common stock. newsmen Friday’s testimony No injuries were reported. Personal Notices PARKADE comment but that associates of TTie program is expected to , •TCCHMcouiee ROME— Julius Caesar en­ had' dealt entirely w l^ vending WASHINGTON (AP) — A Explosions within the building The Connecticut Public UtlllUes machine contracts between Mel- bill that would subject juvenile shook the neighborhood at the the two men had described them begin early next month, Mrs. Commission In approval Of the SAT. I2-2:16<4:80-6:80-T couraged the Senate to aufoor- as “deeply disturbed’' by at­ Domrer indicated. SniuMea SUN. 2-4:16-8:80-8:60 Ue a coin bearing a portrait of par and Capitol Vending Ma delinquents who escape from height of the fire. Nearly 200 Cai/Q Of Thanks transaction yesterday, said the chine (to. of IVasUngton. federal eorracUonal Institutlsns firemen fought the blaze for | W« wlstf to thank our many tacks upon them as ’ ’rtBV'Wins” may BUB' be made by moil or company wants to raisq $760,000 him wearing a w^. Caesar was friends their kindness snd sym­ Ywi Cm Quality loaders wUo in eonMk-mSaner to M n . Doemsr at ttm the first Roman He said Baker’s name had to a year to jaU or a $1,000 hne two hours before bringing it un­ pathy, floral and splrltusl bou- In capital to redeem bonds been mentioned but that “ we’ve passed ths Senate yesterday • N regyoMlWe fo r iCannedy’s wliloh mature Jan. 2, and to ra> a cote in Us lifetime—but der control. queU, ears, drivers, messages, and not established any defiUte con­ and was sent to the Ifouse. The The cause of the fire was not various courtesies during eur rs- MltfABy at, ^ pap bank loons. within a month after the eota eent bereavement w as' placed in circulation be nection'' between Baker and tbe blU is sponsored by Sen. Thom­ determined. 71»ere was no Im­ C A4U I- was asaassbuttsd. contracts. as J. Dodd, D-Conn. mediate damage estimate. n e fam ily tt CaroUno F. PagsM


veil, whode emergency lucde**- hde for the damoCTacy. Tou aim ftanrlfpBtpr ea were balanced by l«Ur fail­ first at taking ear* o f tlia Ina-. Area Churches '&pnin$ ifprald ure*, ha* the White rtouse had Jorlty. a tenant who had a real Idea of But for tha stats to sound as P in t Congregational Church ❖ TaleottvUle Uongregalfetnal PUBUStueo ST THtt how to maneuver with Con- if it were going to carry this United Church of Christ Chureh CX). .INC. greaa. catering to the majority to the Rt. 6, Andover Rey. Robert K. gUmMa, It__ n*Mll__ StreetRn Minister Mancheater Conn. point o f denying the privilege of Re\-. Ra}’mond H. Bmdley Jr, THOMAS r. PURmrsuN Oalvary Church St. BrMget’a Church Center Osngregatlonal Chnrch Pastor WALTER R. PEROUSON the road to those who, either by PubUeliers An Exile Ended (Asaemblies of Ood) Bev. John F. Detauiey, Pastor United Church of Christ 11 a.m., M om tilf Wlonthip Peuaded October 1. ItMl capacity or Inclination, do not S47 E. Middle Tpke. Kev. Stanley E. HaaUllo Rev. CHfferd O. Slmpeon, 9:46 a.m., Church Schoo4. Service. Sermon: "when Cbriaf- Dr. J. Robert Oppenhelmer chooae to travel SO and 70 miles Kev. Keaaeth L. Oustafsoa Rev. Dennis R. Hussey * Mlniater 11 a.m.. Worship Service. mas Ootnes.’’ Bqitday school. ______PuMWiedBvery Evening _ Except •uadajri and HoUdav*.____ Entered~ ' at wax quite correct In observing, an hour—for the state to make Pastor Rev. Jeseph H. Dudley, Sermon: ‘"nie AnsMxmcement.' Leonard BayUas, deacon of day. BUSINESS SERVICES DIRECTORY Massea at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 Aaeofiate Minister Mra. J«en Bragdon, feiraeter. tba PoM ptSn at Mancheater Conn. it sound as if it were really a Monday, 8 pjn.. Boaid of a* SaooM Clan Mall I Matter. In remark* he originally In­ S:4A a.m., Sunday •chooi a.m. Rev. Frnneee C. Hawes. Mrs. Dorothy Beal, altar oare. crime to drive slow, a-hen alow trustees. SUBSCRIPTION RATES tended to be addressed to Presl- claaae* for ail ages. Mlniater o f ftellgtons Education Tuesday, 8 p.m., Oiuroh coun- 7 p.m., Youth Feltowahlp. Parable in Advance dent John F. Kennedy, that 'T may be the only capacity the 11 a.m.. Worship Service. . S t James* CTiurch Tuesday, 8 p.m., Monthly w s B o m Bv Tea.-...... I33.0U Bible message by Pastor Gus- Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward J. 8. 9:15 and 11 a.m.. Morning 11.00 think It just ^ssible, Mr. particular driver has— this is Friday, 6:30 p.m.. Family council meeting. Hx Montha ...... tafao.i. Reardon. Paator Worahlp. Sermon: "He Closed GUNLIFFE Thre^ . ree Month* ...... e.s» President, that It has taken the kind of growl which had in- night aurper. Wednesday, 8 p.m.. H I G H G R A D E On* Mootb ...... l.M 6:30 p.m.. Prayer meeting. Rev. Eugene F. Torpey the Book." Saturday, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., Rule C3Ub. MANCHESTER some charity and some courage: deed better remain just a growl. 7 p.m.. Family Gospel Serv­ Rev. Joneph H. McCann MEMBER o r 9:15 and 11 a.m., Church ^>aghetti supper sponsored by MANCHESTEf MOTOR SALES THE ASBOCUTED PRliJSS for you to make this award to­ It will be fair only when the ice. Rev. John D. Regan School. Crib Room (9:15 Pilgrim Fellowship. Bolton Congregational Chaiali lb* Assoasted Press Is e:exchv Wedneaday, 8 pjn., Bible EXPERT AUTO BODY and PRINTING day. That would aeem to be a state stops taxing the alow driv­ only) through Junior High. Rev.. f J. . Good Browq,* ------' ' " stvei* eatitled to th« ca* of repub- study and prayer asrvice. Maswet at 6, 7, 8, 9. 10:16 3 to 5 p.m., Christmas family AUTO PART FENDER REPAIRS tlcatfoe______of ■ *11“ ■ new* dispetches good augury for all our fu­ er* for their share of the costs St. George’s Episcopal Church Interthi Mlnlateirw-*.*^ ■ SEAFOOD Job and Commercial credited to It or no.not otherwise ->d 11:30 a.m. party sponsored by Couples Rt. 44A, Bolton 270 ENAMEL and LACQUER credited In this paper end also th* tures." of building and maintaining the Ctiurch of the Naxarene Club in Woodruff Hall. BROAD Sr._ Printing local newa published here. Rev. Edward W. Johnson, Vicar 10 a.m., Worehdp Sends*. Bar- CHOICE VARIETY REFINISHIN08 That was to be on the occa- state's roads. 236 .Main St. St. Bartholomew’s Church 6:45 p.m., CYP Club vrill meet All rights of republlcatioD of men: "Prepare Ye The Way Of PRSOCISION REASONABLE PRICES Prompt and Efficient special dlspatchea herein are alao Road.s are for people. Auto- Rev. Robert J. Shoff, Pastor Rev. Philip Himsey. Pastor at church and proceed to Tem­ ■ion of the formal White House 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. Die Lord.” MACHINING FREE ESTIMATES Printing Of All Kinds raaervad. Rev. R. Alfred Swain Rev. Richard C. Boilea, ple Beth Sholom for the second 10:15 a.m., Morning Prayer * Cylinder Heads Qualify presentation of the Enrico Fer­ mobile.s are for people. Much as Associate .Minister 7 p.m.. Junior FeUowship. run aervica client of N. E A. Assistant Pastor program In the series on differ­ and church school. 7 p.m.. Senior Feiiowship, * Engine Blocks and RT. 83—VERNON, CONN. ■errlce Inc. __ mi award, and it had indeed all of us may tend to forget ent religions. "Jewish Be­ 7 p.m., Young People’s Fel- Monday, 8 p.m., Board of Other Surfaces On Seafood Just Above the Traflie Commuiiity Prats PuMlahera Representative* — The Uken some courage for Presi- i simple truths, they keep 9:30 a.m.. Church schoo Masses at 7. 8, 9, 10:15 and liefs.” Julius Mathews Special Agency — lowrihip. detacone. Foreign and American Circle 9 East Middle Tpke. New york. Chicago. Detroit and dent Kennedy to decide to make I reas.serting themselves. Roads classes for all ages. 11:15 a.m. 7 p.m.. Class Church Monday, 8 p.m.. Brotherhood Cars and Trucks 43 O A K ST. TEU 643-0016 Boston 10:30 a.m.. Worship Service Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Board of membership. "The Life of of St. Andrew. Telephone 643-.1727 MEMBER AUDIT BDREAD Or the presentation at the W hite' automobiles are for people. Message by the paator. Thesne: religiowi Hucation. Open Saturdays UntU 5 P.M. TEU 640-9937 CIRCULATIONS Oiurch of the .Assumption Center Church." Concluding Tuesday, 8 p.m., Women of House himself. i this is still enough of a ‘"Die EXxUeas Kingdom." Friday. 8 p.m., Oongregatcr* Adams Ht. and Thompson R4. night in series. A reception St. George’s. Tha Herald Printing Company. Dr. Oppenhelmer was equally ‘ countr>-. we hope, to avoid 6 p.m., Youth Services. will be held for prospective Christma* party. Inc aaimmet no flnnoclal respon- Rev. Fnuids J. MIhalek, PortabI* TV Rentals alMilty for typographical error* ap­ correct, last Monday, in taking *1*1* of affairs in which it 7 p.m., Ehrangejiatic Service. Pastor members in Federation Room. St. John's Epiecopal Church Message by the paator. Theme: United Methodist CImrrh Manchester pearing In adyerllaemen:* and other becomes compulsory for any­ Rev. Ernest J. Copps Rt. 30, Vernon CAE LEASING Motorola and 2>nlth Sales reading matter In The Manchester these words he had originally "Sin—Universal And Personal.' Rt. 44A, Bolton G L A $ S Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10:15 and St. John's I’olish National The Re%’. James L. Grant Ruq Cleaninq and Sendee Evening Herald. Intended to direct to one Presi­ body who wants to take an auto­ Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Pray- Catholic Church Bev. Abram W. Sangrey, a For Auto WlndshleMs 11:30 a.m. Rector Minister Com pany We Sendee All Makes of TV, Dtniay advertising closing hours: dent. and turning to President mobile ride to put on his crash ai.d Praise service. Re\’. Walter A. Hyxko a For Store Front* and all For Monday—1 p.m. Prlday. and RENTALS Radios and Phonograph* helmet, buckle on seat belts, and 7:45 a.m.. Holy Communion IS Honnuway St. sizes of windows Por Tuesday—1 p m Monday. Lyndon Johnson, from whom Serotid Congregational Church 9:15 am ., Sunday School a For Table Tops For Wednesday—1 p.m Tuesday. Trinity Covenant CTinreh Masses at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. 9 a m.. Morning Prayer. Ser­ he had just received the award, push the accelerator up to 70 385 N. Main St. classes. Plrst In Manchester. New Dei Knowles, Prop. For Thuradny—1 p.m_ Wedneaday. Hnckmatack St. Felix M. Davis, Minister mon. eXasaes. MODERN For Friday—1 p.m. Thurtday and adding to them the fol­ and keep it there. 9:15 and 10:45 am .. Morning oars, foil maintenance, fully OPEN 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. For Saturday—1 p.m. Friday, Near Keeney St. Mrs. Richard H. Plnney 10:45 a.m.. Morning Prayer Call 643-0012 SATURDAY 8 AJM.-NOON aasained dea^lne; 10;M lowing: Rev. K. EJnar Rask, Paator Worahlp. Sermon "The Word of Insiired to reduce your prob­ Associate Minister Sermon. Cl*«ses. Gc:I In Today’s World.” Car Seat Covers Ideal Gift T V S E R V IC E each day oC publlcatloB axetpt A Thought for Today Tuesday. 7 p.m Altar Gull’i lem* and Worries. For full In­ Saturday — t a.m. "These words I wrote down 6:30 pjn.. Youth Group*. 3-DAY How many times have you<^ 9:30 a.m„ Sunday school with 10 a.m.. Morning Worship and Sponsored by ths Maaeh^ Meeting. formation call tailored to your own car, and 99 SUMMER ST. J. A. W HITE almost a fortnight ago. In a classes for all age groups, kin­ Monday, 7:16 pjn., Oonunis- SERVICE! said "I would not mind shop­ Saturday, December 7 Chun* school. Nursery. White ter Council of Churches Wednesday, 10 a.m Holy there is no reason why you can­ 2 Blocks From McKee St. somber time I gratefully and Connecticut dergarten through BduH. s6on meetings. ping for Ohristmas if I only Gift Service. Sermon: "The Communion. Paul DodotiO g t Pontiac also — not have covers that really do G L A S S C O . gladly speak them to you." 10:65 a.m.. Morning Worship. Friday. 9 am.. Holy Com 8:30 pjn., Official board. knew wlxat to get." Well, one 'Tel. 643-2205 Mancnrers Sharing of Substance.” INC. anower to this problem for the fit, eapectally when they ooot 81 BIsaen S t^ T eL 649-7822 Nursery facHlUes are provided. 11:15 a.m.. Church school for There is in faith an asnazing munion. FllRMTUBE CLEANING President Johnson, had he First Lutheran Church 878 .MAIN 8TKF.ET person who haa Just abcnit no more. What has really been on Yankee 7 p.m., Ehwnlng Service at Grsidcs 7 through 12. o f nCMTvesa, of emerging Saturday. 7:30 p.m., Oouple’s 7 wished to do so, had he had Phone 649-2881 Prices for seat covers vary wMoh Americao Bfjle Society tha(t which is oM asKl Club and High School cla.** pre­ Rockville everything is to look at the view, ao far, in the relationship 6 to 8 p.m.. Pilgrim Youth condljApn of the oar seats. If according to the materia: some cautious instinct or some By A.H.O. film, "The Crowded Wa>’a,” will Group will meet at church with dying Into that which is eter­ sentation of Divinity Go^I Rev. C. Henry Anderson We Urge You To Support Give Student Typeivriter between the new President and nally new. ITiet anticipation of Interim Pastor you have had a car for any chosen, and your choice Is a ideological aversion prompting be shown in observance of Uni­ Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Layton aingera. ^ The Lutz Junior Museum There is one gift that a college^ PONTIAC MANCHESTER reatoraition Is everywhere In the Mr.4. Harold Schelb* length of time, the chances are wide one — saran, plastic, the tame old Congress has been him to do so. might well have When John Alsop told the versal Bible Sunday. 7 p.m.. Mu Sigma Chi Group o r high school student w’lU truly leaving on a trip, oomeone who 5 p.m., Senior Hi-League Scripture. Sometimes It is a OrganIst-DIrecter United Ratt-CUiA. that the seats are getting a leatherette and many others. If la ill or looking for shocking AND a maneuvering of experts. convocation of the Republlcsm will meet with Mr. and Mnt. Rockville Methodist Church ths AAmm'* MtigAtm g found an excuse for eliminating meets at church with discussion new highway in the desert and Ralph Duell little shabby or dirty, and a you prefer something outside appreciate and thaJt is a portx»d the Veil, The Addrrssograph Plates As it for a Ohriatmos presesit. The do the work -er Desired. price.* start at $18.95 and up. covers and you are sure erf per­ typewriters and adding ma­ been some instinct toward some est men, like Republican Sena­ Second Death." Nursery and sosigster, and male quartet. now required, a breaking out council meets. at prices that are most reaeon- prolonged contest instead of the Junior Church. and discussion time. A. J. BERinSE, Prop. Is there an oid car enthuaiast fect fttting covers at most chines to Individuals and to Bon-partiaan sobriety in Con­ sudden victory it became for Sermon by Ms^. Lamse. and a starting fresh. Writes abie. tor Hickenlooper, who could not 7 pjn., Evening service with Paul; In Christ ths -Aid has Wedne-sday, 7:30 p.m.. Official Union Congregational Chnrch 649-8677—448-6S42 in your family? If so, nothing reasonable rates. business flrma. You may rent TOURAINE gress itself, the President has Fred Zeller. 2 pjn.. Hospital visitation by Custom Made would make him happier than If you do own a typewriter, STEVENSON’S bring themselves to be present hymn tin g snd BH>le messag e: passed away and aU things are board meeting. Rockvills Upholstering is also done when dil you last have it thor­ one for any period o f time, fjr been able to obtain a number of Let us say this, at any rate, Mrs. TTiotna* McCann and Mrs. Saturday. 7:30 p.m., Cjouples’ a gift certificate from Dim- a flew days or for a few week*. at auch a ceremony. There were "Let's Stop Grieving God." Elizabeth Wilson. made next.'." In faith it can be Rev. Paul J. Bowman, Paator Window Covorings here, and whether it is a mat oughly cleaned ? Most of us for­ that there was, in 1958, a some­ Monday, 8 pjn.. Annual d u b dirtstmaa party. pike Auto Seat Cover Co. for Berube’s stocks all typea of PAINTS Initial ooncessionB and advan­ some, much less simple and 6:30 pju.. Prayer meeting. no other way. ter of a bum or stain, this can get about rteaning or repairing ESSO what philosophical tinge to the Chrtn^maa party in FeUowatUp CUSTOM HADE uphedstery maiterial In the orig­ office supplies. You name it. he tages. loss of the Republican guberna­ 7 pjn.. Evangelistic meeting. Submitted by 9 a.m.. Morning Worship * Window Shades be taken care of eaaily. For­ a typewriter until something possibly less intellectually hon­ Hall. AU friends of the (hurefa St- Peter’* Episcopal Church inal patterns. The trend toward eign oar owners will be pleased will have it. Many business FOR BEST RESULTS 405 MAIN ST. But it was not very long be­ torial nomination. And the phi­ Music by Citadel band and the Rev. Felix M. Davis Servloe. Sermon; "A Faitli That CANVAS AWNINGS e Vertical and Venetian restoring old cars Ls really happens to it. Berube’s '.s the est who, like Admiral Strauaa, ere welcome. Exchange of gifts. Minister Mapping WUl Not Shrink." White Gift to know that custom seat ooV' firms depend upon him for all losophy about losing the noml- songsters. Serman by Maj. Blinds, Drapes and booming, and the problem of pl^e to have your typewriter their office supplies for this TEL. 649-8290 fore the practiced obatruction- refused to attend and witness 'niursday, 7:45 pjn., (Chris­ Second Ooaigregaitiona! Bev. James A. Birdsail, Vicar Service. CSiurch school classKs ers are available here also. Rug nation obviously increased Lamie. Hardware getting upholotery that Is ap­ cleeaved the ne^v and modem store carries many Hems not Ism in the Congress began to an implied apology for their tian eduoatnon board meeting in CJhurch will attend. cuohlons can be repaired or re­ wa:y. Due to increased business. * Tune*ups many fold after the eventual 10 a.m., Morning prayer and propriate Is sometimes diffi­ found In other rtores. I library room. placed. PAUL'S muster up its old instincts and own original crusading against election returns were in. Aiaop, First Church of Christ 10:30 a.m., Church school for cult. At Tumipike Auto Seat Mr. Benibe found it necessary Berubes’ offers the finest in techniques, and to demonstrate sermon. lnfantse.through Grade 4, FINDELL'S 'Dimplke Auto Body Oo. o f­ to eniarge his quarters. When h* PAINT SUPPLY * Enqine Cleaninq Dr. Oppenhelmer. And there presumably, would have run St. Mary's Episcopal Church Scientist .Wedpesday, 5 to 6 p.m.. Meet­ Cover Co. they have .some ma­ repair serv'lce a.nd many offices better than M ler, but not 10:45 ajn., Morning Worship 185 MIDDLE TPKE., EASt fers the very finest in auto body did, he a'lowed for extra room that, although the PiWdent was, in typical role, an attend­ Church and Park Sts. Masonic Temple Area Churches ing of Confirmation olaao. terials for' OW oars dating as engage hia services on a regu­ 645 Main Street enough better to make any real Service. Sermon: "The Greatest repairing it Is poseible to find, for hds cleaning and repairing * Minor Repairs might be the only one being al-' Rev. George F. Nostrand 8 p.m.. Meeting of Episcopal Phone 643-4865 far as 1930. Because of the lar basis, which means that o f­ ance, that of Dr. Edward Teller, difference. In fact, when it 11 a.m., Sunday Service, Sun­ Battle Ever FougtiL" M ^e large number of people who and here again only men who department. At this time he pur­ fice machines are always in the Tel. 649-0300 lowed to play politics in the Rector Rockville Baptist Church Ohurohwomen at Community Gift 'Service. Church iKheol R. A. PEARL, Prop. are thoroughly trained and ex­ chased a tank, the Agitator, * Stam ps who would be just sanctimoni­ came to 1960, and Alsop had day School and nursexy. "God 69 Union St. are restoring old cars, some of finest of mechanical condlUo.i, mourning emergency, they did the shot pretty much as he Rev. John D, Hughes Room of South Wlndeor Bank cla-vies will Attend. perienced are employed to do which cleans all kinds of ma­ ous enough to be there pretend­ Rev. William F. Gender HI The O.Tdy Cause And Creadon" Rev. Wlnthrop W. Farnsworth, die m«nufactu:-ers have started However, whether you wish his wanted it and would have liked will be the subject of the Les­ and Trust Co. 3:30 to 6:30 p.m., Chrtoimas the work on the cars. No mat­ chines. 'When a machine is services on a regular basts or not intend to have him walk ing. on the surface at least, Rev. Ronald E. Hsldeman Pastor making fabrics In the old pat­ to specify it. the campaign that son-Sermon. The Goldm Text is Friday, 8 p.m.. Meeting of ex­ famiiti*m with instruction for all ages, nursery through p^opi^ F e li^ ’shlp splash party a p.'Mgram; supper at 6:30 (each Awnings you can be certain that you will same time, if there are any i*e- RE-UPHOLSTERING 158 W. Middle Turnpike But for many Americans— expected to be Psalms 22: 28. Correlative pas­ adults. production. If you are interest­ has been gp'eat, working for the by the Rev. Mr. Gender. Classes. ‘ ■ at Hartford YMCA. family to brirg own, desiert * Venetian BUnds be more than pleased with pairs that need to be made, this Phone 649-8700 To date, by the kind of opera­ Zeller, aa the insurance com­ sages from "Science and Health 11 a.m.. Morning Worship. ed, stop in at Turnpike Auto Royal Tj-pewniter Oo. for clx * Modem Furniture we hope for most Americans— Nursery and kindergarten hi and beverage provided): 6:15 * Storm Doors any and all work done here. can be taken cere of adso. By tion for which he was famous mission investigationa of the with Key to the Scriptures" by 6:30 p.m., Young People’s Seat Cover Oo. and look at the years, the federal government the awau-d itself and the presen­ Chiidren'a Chapel. Kingdom Hail of closing Worship service. Senior * Combination Windows Whether you need a new the way, if you harve had the ond Antiques PIZZA 1963 General Assembly began Mary B ^ e r Eddy, include: p. prayer meeting. peitems. They will be pleeused from 1941 to 1957 at the Brook­ when he himself was directly 11 a.m.. Morning Prayer with Jehovah’s Witnesses Manchester Awning Co. CALL paint job or whether It is just misfortune to drop your type­ tation were something In the to indicate openly, suffered 180: 25-27. 7 p.m.. Evening gospel hour. Pilgrim Fellowship will assiat ■ xparl to show you samples and an­ lyn Navy Yard. He has worked a Store Stool* and Booth* SPAGHETTI running the Senate as its ma­ sermon by the Rev. Mr. Nos- Rockville, Rt. SO 195 WEST CENTER ST. a matter of doing a little touch- writer aa»d in so doing have bent nature of a just squaring of ac­ from too stalwart a bravado in 8 p.m., Wednesday meeting. Monday', 3:30 p.m.. Pioneer In workshop. swer any questions. on all makes of machines, and * Custom Furniture RAVIOLI jority leader. President John­ hia acceptance of the lower trand. Baiby-sitting nursery In R:ad;ng Room hours.at 749 3 p.m., Public Bible talk: Telephone 649-8091 * M O V IN O ■Why not enjoy the luxury of up work on the car. Turnpike the frame, even thi.s can be fixed 'Whether you use the regular Slipcovers and Draperlr* counts between a nation and a Children’s Chapel. Girls. "Building A Happy Hiarian Established 1949 for j’ou. You will find the rates son has achieved a number of level realities of political life on Main St., excepting legal holi­ 7:30 p.m.. Expansion fund Wapping Community Church oustomnuule seat covers when Auto Body will handle the job monthly servicing of ’machines Made to Order OPEN DAILY \ scientist who once performed 7 pjn., Evening Prayer fol­ days, M onday' through Satur­ Family,” given by D. C. Tnun- CongregatloRal * F A C K IN O to your satisfaction. Diere is most reasonable and you simply or just call him infrequently, Complete Selection,of small miracles. He got the Sen­ one hand and from an amazing committee meeting. | they do not cost a penny more 7:30 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. great and terrible service for it, informality of doing publiC' lowed by "November to EAnter day, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Thurs­ bore. Rev. Roy R. Hutcheea, Minister than regular covers? Regular no obligation for any estimatea cannot find arty better work you cannot get better service at Materials ate, almost immediately after Series" which is the E^iacopel Tuesday, 7 p.m.. Boys’ B rig-. 4:15 p.m.. Group discussion of done anyw'here. If you would producing for it its first atomic political business out of hia hat day, 11 a.m. to' 9 p.m. ade meeting. | Rev. Theodore Bacheler,' covers cannot fit as well nor given. For the finest in service any price. FREE ESTIMATES SUNDAYS hla Bucceasion to office, to give on the other. Church’s Inquirer’s Clans. Sub­ the Nov. 1 i.vsuc of Watchtow- Minister look as weU as tliose custom depend upon them. like to see this machine, stop For your mailing lists. Berube Lower Level of the Parkade 4 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. C 7:30 p.m.. Meeting of the weaponry, without ever quite ject: "The Ways and Teachings er. Article: How All Scripture in at the store at 479 E. Middle up stipulations which would Alsop, operating from oppo Emanuel Lutheran diurch board of trustees. 9:30 and 11 a.m,, Moming makes addroasograph plates to 649-6824 ridding himself of some of the of the CJhurch." Inspired Of Ood Is Beneficial. Tpke.; you are most welcome. CLOSED MONDAYS alte extreme*, failed to come Rev. C. Henry Anderson, Wednesday. 7:30 p.m.. Prayer Worship and church school. S«r- be iwed at your own office or he have closed off the possibility Wednesday, 6 and 10 a.m., Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Group T u R n P I K E The store Ls c^n daily from personal freedoms and social ir­ out quite as favorably as his Pastor and fellowship meeting. luon; "Word of the Lord." will take care of your mailing of wheat sales to Russia. He Hedy Oontununion. Melvin T. Peterson, studies held at Kingdom Wonders of the Universe- 9 to 5:30 pjn. and from 9 to list at the store. For all your responsibilities of the impracti­ intentions and equipment would Thursday. 7.30 p.m., MeeUng, ^ locTuons AUTO B O D Y Manchester Movinq got Oongreaaman Smith of the have led one to expect. He was Aseistant Paator TairottvIUe 7 on Diursdays. business needs, call Berube’s cal, dreamy and unrealistic Gospel HsU o f the church school officers and Truckinq Co. Rules Committee to promise to something of the thinker in in area Congregational Church Do you have friends who are and g«t the best. scholar. There was never, and 415 Center St. and teachers. DON WILLIS Ostrinsky let the civil rights bill out for public service, and he took 9 a.m.. Divine Worship and Rev. IM ^rt K. ilhlmoda Robot May Function never can be, any just relation- great pains to try to create a church school. Nursery cUms for nrst Congregational Church of Minister I called .stupid. They need an In- action. He got Senator Byrd, of 10:30 a.m.. Breaking Bread. St Maurice Church the Mobot to execute desired ahip between the actual o f­ campaign out of organization, three-year olds. Vernon WRECKEP telligence to guide them. How- DEALER IN WASTE 12:15 p.m., Sunday School. Bolton j commands. GARAGE a9 people, to agree to help the deliberate planning, brain trust­ 10:30 a.m., Divine Worship Bev. John A. Lacey, Minister 11 a.m., Worship service. Sun­ ; ever, with these capabilities plus If all these sub systems are MATERIALS fenses of Dr. Oppenhelmer and 7 p.m.. Gospel Meeting. Rev. Bernard U McGurk, tax cut bill get toward a vote, ing and saturation merchan­ and church achool. At both ser­ Pastor James Humphrey, Director of day school. Sermon; ’’A6 Chflst- SERVICE Outside Space Lab the intelligence of a man, there put together, a versatile, flexi­ 18 Main St., Tel. 649-4531 the horrible magnitude of the Tuesday, 8 p.m.. Prayer even though Senator Byrd dising. Curiously enough, how­ vice* sermon by Pewtor Ander­ ReHgious Education max Comes." Leonard Baylis-s. is very little that cannot be ble substitute can be created punishment given him. His exile ever, the confusion and failure meeting. son. “ Look at these *Diings'ana done in an environment forbid- RAGS, IRON would almost certainly vote Masses at 7, 8:30, 10 and deacon of the day, Mr*. Jean By DR. 1. M. LEVITT, [ California, believes one for the human hand and mind Specializinq In should be over. of sharp Impact which came be Sure." Nursery. 11:30 a.m. 9:25 and 10:55 a.m., Church Bragdon, g;ree‘u6r. Dlrecior The Fels Planetarium solution to this problem may be to a human being, in space. There are .so many against i t And in his most re­ out of such superfluity of such Communitv Baptist Church 4:30 p.m.. Presentation of school. 7 p.m.. Youth fellowship. Of The Franklin Institute in the form of remotely con- Today we find these versatile applications for this type of a BRAKE SERVICE SCRAP METAL cent achievement, perhaps with top level effort was not much 585 E. Center St. "Luda Festival” in Luther Hail 9:30 and 11 a.m., Worship Tuesday, 8 p.m., Dqotinfccr trolled devices, which he terms! machines being used on the man-controlled mechanism In Even Slowpokes Are People less than that which resulted Rev. Alex H. Elsesser, Minister Service. Bible Sunday. In the next few years, when a telechiric system, incorporat-1 earth. One machine is the Mo- some help inside some residual followed by refreshments. council meeting. this country has orbited a space space that work on this system and PAPER from his predecessor's inability 6 p.m., Junior Pilgrim Fel- ing the best features of both Mark I, used in nuclear is highly desirable. Front End Aliqnment sanity inside Congress itself, he 9:30 a.m'.. Church School for Poet’is Corner lowalxlp. station to serve a.s a Manned One can understand, quite to reach very high toward any­ Zion Evangelical Lutheran Vemoh Methodist. Church men and machines. The word < laboratories where radioactivl- One area in which similar 731 PARKER ST. got the Senate-House conferees ail ages. Clas.ses through Grade Space Laboratory (MSL), it may easily, how the state of Con­ thing. Church 7 p.m.. Senior Pilgrim Fel- Rt. SO telechiric is formed from two ' precludes human entrance or problems exist is the operation General Repair Work Tel. 643-5735 or 643-5879 on the new foreign aid authoii- Such appraisals make it 4 will have expanded se.ssion lowahip, be necessary for pome ta.sks to Greek words—"tele,’’ meaning' participation. It has arms for necticut, through its highway (Missouri Sj'nod) A Great Man Is Dead Rev. Robert Flrby be undertaken in the hazardous of an unmanned moonmobile. rather definite'that, as Alsop through worship service. Monday, noon, Church wom­ distant and "chir,’’ meaning i manipulating, sensors which There is a distinct possibility sation bill to abandon many of law and safety efforts, can do Cooper and Hlgli St. There wa.s a g;re«t leader area outside of the MSL. It har himself volunteered it. he ha*' 10=30 a.m.. Morning Worship. en prepare dinneuv* juat tb* rigtit Pont A visual display board or con­ if they can, when, the decision tion of the fact Uiat roads and "Tilt Stcond Dtotfi" 11:30 Starlight Serenade SHMSmUSl 5 p.m.,' Chris'maa vespers and 8 p.m.. MeUiodiat Meii's clsun 10 A .M . P*inl (Of it .Tin (»lors to mstch anything! Hive • Look In Your Painfing By Having sole control is essential. Here 1:00 Sign Off comes down to one oC real sub- laws are botli for people, and 0000000000009 OOOOOOMQOOO family party. Sanctuary and chowder supper. Nursery and Junior Oboroh VMtlon on colof?... what to use?... how to do it! what the Mobot sees is displayed WHAY—*1* Cooper Hail. Tuesday, 11 sjn ., Manchester FUEL OIL SUNDAY SCHOOL 1:00 Bob Sirkin ■taiice. that people include some who CALL US (or a'*pa(tII halpnwv w your next -painting------■—iob. - ^ _ GefThaf Finished, Professional and controls are provided to op-, 6:30 Bob Sirkin ShcMv 7:30 pjn., Memberdhip semi­ MinisterhU Associaiion lunch­ 11 A .M . 7:00 P.M. What one can see on the sur­ can drive fast and some who GASOLINE erate the various links i)T> the 7:30 Dance Partv hamburgers ____ nar. Susanwh Wesley Kail. eon. necessary maneuvers. The moat 10:80 Tonight at iSy Place *1' OG/tJ Id S face Is ths careful but incessant can't drive fast, snd some who 8 p.m.. Membership oominls- SUNDAY WORSHIP 'Stop Grltviiif God” 13:00 Sign Off PAINT CO important element on this con­ WPOP—141* 8 “Yl'IS - V and pointed way in which Presi­ like to go slow. Everything in Concordia Lutheran Church sion. — Special Sp«ak«r — leJtn so n Professionals Do If. sole control may be the TV 1:00 Joel Cash ’ t dent Johnson, on each of thpse Connecticut, as of today, is tai­ 40 Pitkin St. Thursday, 8 pjn., Oonunlssion BANTLY OIL MANCHESTER— PHONE 649-4501 screen to permit close visual 6:00 Bill Hughes Colby ClmrchiN 12:00 atrard Rev., Paul C. Kaiser, Pastor on tniosions. monitoring of the operation. froOti, kea|M trying to maintain lored to the liking and the taste ( i»MI‘ W ’) . IN( . District PrMbyter PRESBYTtRIAN w is r —UM 8 p.m.. Education ooenmio- & E PAINT THAT’S WORTH THE WORK WM. DICKSON & SON The last element is the com­ 1:00 CBS Newa and buUd tha Initial pressure and the convenience and the 9 a.m.. Holy Communion, sion. CHURCH 1:15 Bbowca.se ■;I ^. \IN i i;I 1:1 8:00 P-M. Evening mand and data link. This link 6:00 Ki-wa, Weather and Sports look for the golden arches. . . McDonald s and advantage with which he Is safety of the faet driver, who is FISHT TUBERCULOSIf church school and nursery. Friday, 8 p.m., Ooratnission provides the channel by which 6:15 Showcase 46 WEST CENTRR STREET s^ulppsd. Csrtainly not since obviously in the great majority. anSathir 10:80 \mj. The service, on ohrioUt^i sooiai ocnoems. ■Ml. Mil,;,, II :■ Wonship |Rsv. Jams*as* L 11116 6 m ^ i» PAINTING ond DECORATING CONTRACTOR information Is fed into the con­ 7:30 CBS D)men*loii church sch rknd nursery. Saturda)^ i pjn., Ooms- 43 8:16 Life Line ^ y s of Franklin D. Roose- 06 Iv'M , I If III ■ . _ , 1 *

I ’^■

4. i~ • ” ' it t •iritiiT i ' i^ r r '(ti / I.®

MANCHESTKK EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. C O N N . SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1968 PAGE SEVEN liANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANC2JESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7,1968 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE BY ROUSON 0|JR BOARDING HOUSB with MAJOR HOOPLE THE Anawar to Pravlowi P w ^ People College Basketball Now Dying at Garden [’ i tETMSTRY AOIFFERBNTROLL IN I TH6 P L W e« PIANO/ X. 6PIUJEO SOME !i ACROSS 6 Scope Herald Angle SO^ALLEO SAOCEOFYOORS 6 Pertaining IPrincan '■ the mind to ®y Htrgvet't T King of JndaJi AAY TABLE/WHACVOO YOU THINK B ' nicknama EARL YOST IN6.1 CAN CONcsNrRmEj OIOTOTHB auDECS .— AS IF YOU (Bib.) Cheney Five Bombed 4D*Ui------8 Operatic aotoa Bporta Editor Excitement ONCS flAOBE ON AW 6 SFIntpcnoB |NVENTICM15.'T HOPE, AAY tMONT KNOW T YOU CAN E T OP SPortal OUT OF, THAT COMFORTABLE CHAIFf 13 Min.I Arden 10 Chemical t>eAR-*KAFF-KAFF-^ NOW A l^ START WASH1N6 TUe IS Greek god of fubatanca Now Passee Bl GGS Bl NNY T H A trru . w»r 11 Ditorder Coveted Honor for Local Men In Cage Play^ 104-44 14 Stage pert IT Odd Joba 15 ------IB FortiHcattoolittle Knight of St. Gregory the Great titles will be bestow ASKED TH'LI'L Indiana 3SBeaataof ed on two Manchester men. Matt Mbriarty and Chet In New York CLUCK r FIX [ 16 Betentiva burden Covet 42Headtoren By HOWIE HOLCOMB > BUT HE ISBeieech 34 Brought up Heavenly 4SLecvexMt Obuchowski at a later date. This is one of the highest SOInJurM 44 DIDN'T, 25 Jacob'a aon bodies Undoihed honors the Roman Catholic Church can bestow and one NEW YORK (AP)~ New uniforms, new starting time and some new 21 Brythnnle tea 26 European finch 38 CyUndrlcal 46PrepeslUse- — "Betting or soliciting bets faces notwithstanding Cheney Tech dropped its opening god 27 Anatomical 40 UnancoeeMd 471roqoolaa can't thlhk of any better qualified men than those se­ 23 Hebrew membranea one Indian is prohibited at Madison basketball game of the 1963-64 season last night—a prophet (BIbJ lected. Both have been prominent figures in sports in 38 Rotter 41 Ciottao, Atropoa 48 lnt«n*«ti^.» v thli City of VlUtgo Charm ovor<^> Square Garden.” thumping 104-44 decision to Rocky Hill. & 34 u m blood 38 Individualt Lachetia SOMalee 26 Traduce Uje y6ar«. The warning is in the program ------— ------‘-i- Cheney’s troubles actually b«- 27 Golf teacher m r m f Moriarty haa baen the “an­ by Jerry Kramer, explains it now—in big black type. For the gan long before the game start- thia w «y: “Thait extra yard can 30 Recreated gel” for many aporta promo- Garden Ckillege basketball sea- " O . . 7. ra wa ll ■vsvolc . Brainerd, slated to be 32 Injury TT IT tiona and teama bearing the be imiportant. It's another yard aon it cam e too late. X V y c l 11 X_i I a starting guard, ran Into aca- 34 Doubletrae name Moriarty Brothera In all for Jerry to got the ball INgh- The yards of empty seata at •I - d(demic ‘ difficulties...... and was sus­ 33 Landed IS T7 «r.” . . . Place kickers line up property forma o f com'potltlon. Manches­ Friday night’s opening double- pended from the team .When he seven yards behind the line of header showed that. will return hasn’t been announc­ 36 Noise 11 ter aporta never had a better InPatriot’s S7 Perchee friend than Matt Moriarty. sorinunage eo that teama Unin,; They announced the house at ed. 38 Candirnut treaa ST During bia youth Matt waa a up on the three rather than the 13,688. They used to turn that That was only the prelude, • IMIlfWwBwlM 40 Contour fine athlete and it waa through two are actually kicking from many away. And at that it waa Opening Win however. R ocky Hill wasted no YM.hH.lU Ni. M. 41 Honk'i title the 10 inetead of the nirve-yard 42 Bridge term 24 w his boxing ability that ha help- the biggest opening crowd at time in showing who was bos."!. GdE. line. And, Incidentally, if a the Garden since 1958. They ran up a 21-3 fir.st period 45 Suckling pig ^ pay Ua way through col­ Shaking off opening game SHOULD HANEr 49 Pastime ST penailrty la marked o ff in such The excitement ia gone now. lead, boosted it to 51-17 at the lege. M att waa a baaeball, baa- jitters in the second half. Cov­ a l l y BY V. T. HAMLIN Ke p t o u i b t - 81 Before situations, it is done from the College baaketball is “out.” half and to 84-27 at the three- OOP IMkOki 54 ketball and football player and entry went on to defeat Staf­ S3 Ocean current then a ||Teat friend to thou- thrae rather than the two. There was a time when a col­ quarter mark. 53 Feminine auffiz sr lege basketball doubleheader ford, at Coventry laM All 13 m em bers of the vi.siting AH< 1HCRSB K /O L ’ PINNVf _OASr TIME I CMJ2P -BUT THEN I MAS 54 Disencumber tanda When he first started night in the opening basketball : y t i e m a ltd c e th e r 1M, HE DIDNT RECX)6NI2E , was about the biggest thing go­ squad .saw action and 11 of them WEARIN' A KINP OP 86 One who ■ponsorlng teams nearly 30 Share Cabin Work gam e of the .season for both SURE HEt> SHOW UP- ME, AN' TOOK OFFm. nSGUISE CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER (suffix) years agw. ing In the wintertime In the big! found the scoring column. Rick S6 Advocatec of Linebacker John Campbell town. Tickets ranked right up: schools. Mooney led the assault with 30 43 Quiet and unassuming, but a the newest and reoedver Paul FlaUey, two there with a pair to "Oklaho­ Only one other area team saw points. John Bedlock added 18 I f Observe brilliant man. Is Obuchowski. action lamt evening and it was overshadowed by the exploits standout membera of the Min­ m a.” and Tim Kaczyn.ski 12. DOWN nesota Viklnga’ fine rookie crop, Thera ware 35 or SO double-' a winner too. South Windsor Co-kl ...... 8 WERE LISTENINS?-; 1 COOKIN'/ turing teams that would have Uie winnoTB. seven for Smith) OulKley ...... 0 1 DON’T CARE • flw National Football League expieine hla success this way: B<»ro ...... 0 FOR DANONS, had to buy tickets to get in In scored something. Dennis Mur­ THE TROUBLE WITH, t r teams eompeiing >" ««y P**- 'It's ail m en tal dedication. the old days. Navy Squad Determined, K'owirki YOU, BOTTS, IS YOU ■Ible oonference playofr, the When I’m driving atone, 1 turn phy and Bud Walkus each had Friday Navy whipped Manhat­ nine for the Bobcats, tops for Total* ...... 48 S DON’T TRY TO PLEASE' world otemptonahlp game, and off the ladk) aeid turn all my tan In nearly dead silence. No. Chaney (44) Y O U R W IF E ! the 3ttmni F la ya ff Bowl wtU be thoughts to the upcoming game. both cluba. B F Pte 3 NYU trampled Tulsa to spirit­ Tomko ...... 4 12 esltoMUtlSd . . . Only players I thhfic about the player who ed cheers fn»n the end aone M cNally ...... 0 2 on tiM acrtlva roeters for t e wU be my personal opponent, Eyes Focused on Staubach Green Picks Leader where the students were. Bradaliaw ...... 0 1 last twb^ gamas of the regular then I later write a thurhbnal Sturtevant ...... 6 3 In the galleries, where the Schick ...... 0 0 season eMgttHe to compete sketch of the man I'K be pls(y- kids used to sit and cheer their PHILADELPHIA (A P )f "We have a great d-al of<*< Seven other major college HANOVER. N.H. (AP) — Spicer ...... 1 5 In the post season contests . . . Lng against and put down every- heroes — whose feet turned out respect for Staubach — has a games are on tap in the regular Halfback Jack McLean of Lake Benaud ...... 10 22 —“No psychology and no 0 The roatsni are not fixwen, play­ I know - about - -him.” - - to be clay—a lonely policeman worvderful back," says Paul season’s final program. Pltts- Geneva, Wis., was elected capt- Parker ...... 0 ers can be dropped or added, paced. He had no one to watch. Army football team is go­ Dietzel of Army, "but we don’t burgh hosts nrch rival Penn »ln of the 1964 Dartmouth foot- Totala ...... 15 li 44 but only players eligible fhr Even the gamblers seemed to ing to stop us.” think any team is invincible. State and the Pantliera, second | ball team last night. Score at )ialf: 51-17. Rocky Hill the IMh and 14th re^ a r eea- Focui on UniUt have gone eomeplace else. Tliis was the solemn promise We Uvink we can win." in line for the Cotton Bowl In­ son games ane eligible again TV will foous on quarterback- There is no denying that in ot Navy's celebrated Roger Navy is favored by 11 points vite. will be playing with an eye after the olciw of the season, In the NatioT^ FooUbaJ the long ago certain portions of Staubach, the man on the spot to win this final game and sew on the 8Corrix»rd. e e * The Air Force Academy, hop­ >a-T Lsegue on two separate ehows the Garden looked like the cast­ today in the 64th game between up a bid to the C^ton Bowl m ing office for a movie of a the two oervice academies at Dalles w here its opponent ing for a Gator Bowl bid oppo­ Giardello scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 16 Tiger, Deflirsy Tfx* site North Carolina, must first ...F ir a t, from 6 to 6:80 p.m. Damon Runyon short story. The Philadelphia Stadium. would be top-ranked, unbeaten BY JOE CAMPBELL get by visiting Colorado. Tulsa BONNIE /Xr7 You c a n t catch passes in 08 (BST), the CBS network wdU point spread was the topic of Perhaps no player in modem and untied Texas. Cotton Bowl vL"ritfl Louisville; Wyoming is a w »tiWAto.ttt.^ajLtM.eai straight games on pure talent oairry "The Profeashmals,'' a conversation, and enough cigars Umea has gone into a game un­ representatives are on hand en ««. D. >. r>i. 0«r. at West Texas; SMU visits e/kme . . . It takes a iltUe bit c lo s e r study of the techniques were smoked in a season to sup­ der greater pressure than this mrvsse. The Pentagon is expect­ I THATS The LONGEST ean*t wait for you to ratire and have time to replace Baylor; TCU ©ntertalnB Rice, Clash for Crown OL deetre, toa, and that's what of NFL quarterlbacklng as dem- port half'the population of Hav­ 6-


Business Locations Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Howes For Sale 72 Howcfl For Sale 72 H owes For Sale 72 Wanted— Real Estate 77 Andoveri MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN , SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1968 For Rent 64 PAGE EIGHT BOLTON CENTER — 8 room TALCOTTVILLE — Large 6 VERNON — SPACIOUS 8 room BEST BUY IN TOWN. Owner MANCHESTER — 6 room Dutch rambling ranch with 3-cor ga­ L-ranch Ui elegant community, transferred. Reduced for quick Colonial, can be additional two Apertmenta— Flat^— d e s i r a b l e o f f i c e s , 100% room ranch, IH haths, fire­ BUYING OR SELLING Room* Without Board 59 locatloBs heat. Janitor, parking. plus small heum. Boas- place, storms. Just like new.*^ features fenced corner tot, 8 sole at aocrifice. $17,900. Im­ rooma, 1% baths, sunporch, LakeGrbups Rooflng—^idlns 16 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW By F A G A L T and SHORTEN Tenements 63 Will remodel for tenant. 988 ment, two ftreplues, porch, Near hus and shopping. Ton- large bedrooms, foyer en­ maculate custom Cape, $ hed- fireplace, aluminum combina­ ‘ ^Handling o f Bolton Homea r o o m s f o r fsntleman. ana Main. 649-6884, 648-7176. etc. Vacant. A steal at $S,000. gren Agency, 643-6331. trance, 1% baths, 'walklnjg dis­ romns, one unfinished, large tions, 3-cor garage, lot 388x880. A. A. DION. m e . block from Main Street, kitch­ THREE ROOM apartment, first Weet Side Realty, $49-4843. A Specialty'' BhUng, painting. Carpentry. A T. J. Crochott, Rooltor, 648- tance' to new Skinner Road modern kitchen apd living Tight-Lipped en privileges, parking. 648-B13T, fkx>r, stove and .refrigerator. 1677. BAST HARTFORD - 6% room teratibnsteratlona and additions. CSeU- school. $18,800. Assumable room, formal dining room, rec CLASSIFIED AGGRAVATION Am RDS 64S-9k28. Phone 649-4690. STORE, 460 Main Street. 649- split, 1% baths, buUt-ins, fin­ mortgage of $2,900. Owner 876- room, 3-cor garage, hreezeway, Inga. Workmanship guaran­ 6239, 9-6. ished family room, 2-car ga­ FREDERICK M. G A A L teed. 309 Atitumn St. •4S-4800. rURNISHED ROOMS - Com­ 7862. and many extras. Immediate Lots For Bala 73 On Meeting rage. Only $19,700. Hayes occujponcy. 649-9896. BROKER plete light housekeeping facili­ THREE ROOMS, all uUUties. OFVICE s p a c e for rent. Route DRASTICALLY Agency, 648-4803. BIDWHLL. h o m e improvement ties. centrally located. Mrs. Inquire 108 Birch Street. SELECT LOCATION — Off Por­ Company — Roofing, siding, al­ 88, Vernon. MiKlorthy Enter- TO SETtLE ESTATE — Dras­ 648-2682 — 648-0281 A lung o iwmtted meeting ADVERTISING Dorsey, 14 Arch St., Manches­ REDUCED LAKEWOOD CIRCLE — Pres­ GARTH ROAD ter Street. Parcel at lend for terations. additions and re­ prlsaa, 649-6891. tically reduced. 10 minutes •nMiradey nigttt between o|>- ter. t h r e e ROOMS, $89 a month, tige 7 room Colonial Ranch, poesible eubdivisian. Minimum modeling of all types. Excel­ third floor, central location, from Manchester. 4-4 duplex. 2 poetog forces in tlie Andover CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS 100x300 wooded lot. This desir­ $23,000 bedrooms, aluminum combina­ 6 lots available. Warren B. lent wonunanshlp. 649-MOS. FURNISHED ROOMS for gen­ adults. 649-9178. Now $16,900 — Duplex, 4-4, reclal dkspute has been termed- 8 A.M. to .*» P.M. Houses For Rent 65 able home offers 8 twin siaed tions, artesian well, one side Howland, Realtor, 643-1108. tleman, heated, free parking. _ ^ _ good Interior condition,indltio two 6H room quality built ranch, Legal Notices “a very fruitful dtocuasion." Tlmkinken hurners, new roof, bedrooms, 3% baths, 28 foot vacant. Selling for $9,600. Bar­ Two room cottage for light i SIX ROOM dujrtex, hot _yAter y e a r .'ROUND one hedroom family kitchen with built-lns, EIOHTEB!N LARGE approved Meeting at the Andover Oon- Roofing and Chimneys 16-A oil furnace, Church Street. 3-car garage. living room, formal dining bara Wcxxls Agency, 649-7702. (X>PY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. housekeeping. Call Scranton cottage, Bolton Lake, $88 room, modern kitchen with all excellent condition. For Indi­ front buildliv lots cloae to Wil- d b c b S e o n u m i t a t i o n grtowttonal Chsmch in doeed 649-3189. bur Cross OF CLAIM MOKDAT Thni FRIDAT 10:W A.M.—SATORDAT • A.M. Motel and QiWns, 649-0826 be­ monthly. OoU owner 875-68M. the buUt-lns, laundry room, vidual attention call . . . 79 KEENEY STREET — An ss Paritway in North session were a five-member ROOFma — Speclallilng re­ Coventry. Buy now at De­ AT A (X)URT OF PROBATE pairing roofs of all kinds, new tween 8-7. THREE ROOM aparttnant, con­ large family room with fire older Colonial home of 6 holden at Bolton, within and for the committee bedwd by the dwreh MANCHESTER GREEN — 893 WARREN E. HOWLAND place, 2-car garage, $84,000. rooms with close to an acre of cember prices. Terms! Chaplin Dlatrtct of Andover, on the 2nd diay and the five memhen a t the roofs, gutter work, chimneys THOMPSON HOUSE — Cottage veniently located, heat furnish­ B A N AGENCY Agency, 643-4996. of December, A.D. 1963. PLEASE READ YOLU AD cleaned, repaired. Aluminum ed. Call after 4 p.m., 648-7891. E. Center St., eight room REALTOR I%Ubrlck Agency, 640-8M. land next door to school, Andover Lsdee Managesnent As- Street, centrally located, large house, $160 monthly. Coll 649- Present, Hon. Norman J. Preuzs, soefation (ALMA). Hie lalie OlMalfled or “ Want Ada” ai» taken over the phone aa a siding. 80 years’ experience. pleasantly fu ^ sh ed rooms, stores, and bus. Quick sale s, prim Judge. 6301, 649-0648. $60 Main Street, 048-1106 BOLTON — ROUTE 86. Tre Roger Negro On motion of Russell S. Oallpo group oontrolB the lake. csonveiileace. The advertlaer ahould wiad hl» ad the FIRST Free estimates. Call Howley, parking. Call 649-2388 for over­ t h r e e ROOM heated apart­ price $14,800. Robert J. Smith, cation, city utilities. FhUbrlck ment. vicinity Wapptaig Cen­ mendous buy, five room ex Inc., 963 MeUn Street, 646-6241. of Bolton on the intestate estate of DAT IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the Oa-fiMl. «43-0789 night and permanent guerd SIX ROOM CAPE, $138 per 643-8727 Agency, 649-8464. Albert Earle Gallpo, late of An­ Participants in the meeting, next tnaertlon. The Herald la reaponalble for only ONE Incor­ ter, 6444)180. pondable ranch with breeze dover vrithln said district, deceased. though, refused to reveal the rates. month, avallahle Immediately. way and garage, basement, lot rect or omitted Inaertlon for any advertlaement and then only SEVEN ROOM,apadoua home VERNON — WE’RE In a Christ­ This Oourt doth decree that six I of dlscusBton or the re- PlCTURE FOUR BOOM tenement, one Phone 636-7848.. 100x280, trees. Only $16,900. T. mas mood. This beautiful months be aDowed and limited for to the extent of a “ make good" Inaertlon. Errora which do not Radio-TY Repair In Manchester on quiet street, suMs of the bwo-bour paitey. TUSETMrOMKS block off Main Street CaB T42- J. Crockett, Realtor, 64S-1677. ranch Is town appraised for Wanted— Real Estate 77 the creditors of said estate to ex­ leaaen the xalno of the advcrtlaement will not be correctod by Q « k M i D l e s f i v e r o o m 4 hedroome, encloeed porch, 3- STARKWEATHER Street — hibit their claims against the same But it wm dear that future Services 18 OUTTMOSecOMOS Rooms With Board 59-A 6169 or 742-8180. • single, tile hath, $17,600. Yours for $17,100. 6 “make good” innertlon. stxiFooeoriD knotty pine kitchen, garage, cor garage, oaklnc $19,600. Out Completely renovated six room to the Administrator and directs aneeUngs wcuU be held. BEFORE TMC of ante owner wonts oftera rooms, carport, fireplace, solid that public notice be given of this CONNIE’S TV and Radio Serv­ *SMttouroF IF YOU WOULD enjoy room Immedlota occupancy, $160. single. Large rooms. I 'i baths, order by advertising In a news- SlGGeSTIVSlDiM FIVE ROOMS, second floor, Phllhriek Agency, 649-6464. new heating system. Three en­ cast-iron baseboard radiation. WANTED — B-sons lot OoQ The aeteznent. Issued by the ice, available all hours Satis­ and board withwun nlt-wltnit-wu familyi ^ u y Q^^d floor, garage, 648-0980. having a circulation in said Rev. Raymond H. Bradtoy Jr., TOUR COOPERATION WTLL faction guaranteed. Call 849- OFTME'iEAl^- SOUTH WINDSOR closed porches, combination Concrete terrace. Exterior In 649-4291. SK[Strict, andind bby posting copy BE APPRECIATED D IA L 643-2711 that likes mu.sic, plays cards at I ^ furnace, storm windows, ex- MANCHESTER — $84,000 ranch. thereof on the public sign post in of the Andover chsirch, read, 1318, kfoqeitvcmt windows. This Is an excellent fine rebut shingles. Newly the drop of a hat, and Is headed location. $110 a month. 7 rooms plus finished recrea­ Low tsuces, high . SELUNG YOUR HOUSE? For said Town of Andover nearest the “A very fnittful dtscusston was IDTMELAUNOeil- by the best cook that ever Wanted To Ruit 68 value at only $16,900. Desirable painted outside, beautifully place where the deceased last dwelt. 649-3178, 648-9087. tion room In hosement, two full Large 6 room ranch with efficient, courteous service call held but iK> comments wifi be came down the Pike, call 648- Bowers School district. T. J. decorated inside. It shines. NORMAN J. PREUS8, Judge haths, 3-cor garage, aluminum separate dining room plus Joseph Barth, Brtdter, 649-0330. released at this time’ because Moving— ^Trucking— 0040. P S. Our last b ord er got Crockett. Realtor, 648-1577. 120x130 lot, with trees. Glenn FOUR BIO ROOMS in new Sldiiw. Built In 1960. Over 3,200 garage. Trees gzdore. Im­ Roberts Agency, Realtor, 644- AT A C»URT OF PROBATE discussion is continuing a n d Storage 20 miSAkEET THAT GAMS UP AS A d uLUHa- married. WANTED TO RENT — S-oor held at Manchester, within and for duplex. Inquire on premises. 74 M. ft. of finished living area. mediate occupancy. Easy VERNON — 6 room Cape, front 1621, 523-7684. further meetings wifi be held.’* Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? SOON AS COMphNV ARRlVeS- Lyness Street. 649-8928. garegh. 649-6417^______the District of Manchester, on the MANCHESTER Delivery. Ught Phllhriek Agency, 649-8404. mortgage assumption. Anxi­ screened porch, formal dining Legfal Notices asth day of November, 1963. The dispute at the lake was MANCHESTER — 80 Waranoke Preeent, Hon. John J. WoUett. trucking and package delivery. LARGE 4 room apartment, een ous owner wants quick sale. room, garage, amesite drive, sparked by the third rejection 26-Hour Answering Service Apartments— Flats— Houses For Sale 72 $13,300 — MANCHESTER. At convenient. Early occupancy. Road. EJxecutlve contemporary Judge. Refrigerators, washers and Tenements 63 trally located. Call 649-4664 af­ tractive 6 room Cape, large AT A COURT OF PRCAATE Estate of WUllam J. Elliott, late In August o f a Negro minister’s stove moving specialty Folding Tongren Agency, 643-8821. ranch home, 7H rooms, 2(^ held at Manchester, within and for of Mancheeter, in said District de­ bid for membership in the And­ Salesmen Wanted 36-A Articles For Sale 45 ter 2:80. GARRISON COLONIAL — kitchen, plenty of cabinets, TOLLAND AREA baths, custom designed, stone the District of Manchester, on the ceased. chairs for rent. 649-0782. Help Wanted— Female 3.5 THREE LARGE ROOMS, kitch­ 27lh day of November, 1968. The administrator having exhibit­ over Lake Property Owners A.s- Free to Herald Readen ATTRACTIVE • rooms, second rooms. First floor conristo of ceramic hath, garage. 128x168. MANCHESTER Vicinity — B- and frame. Call owner 643-0973. SALESMAN. PART-TIME — ICE SKATE®, boy’s sixes 8 and en. living, dining and bedroom, large family room with half Carlton W. Hutchins, Realtor, Near Parkway. 8 acre farm. year-old ranch, 6 rooms. Base­ Present, Hon. John J. Wallett ed his admlnlstraUon account with sociatlon (ALPOA). The minl.s- WAITRESS, PART-TIME eve- floor, oil heat and garage, good Judge. said estate to this Court for allow­ ter. Rev. 'William Phllpot of Family men only • National 9, lady’s siie 7. Telescope, 4” heated porch, centrally located, both, modern kitchen with 646-6132. 6 room older Cape with pos­ ment garage. Storms and OOZY CAPE — 6 rooms plus Estate of John P. McCann, late of ance. It Is Want Information on one of our eiasstfled adverttaemeiite f No Painting— Papering 21 nlng.s and full-time. W. T. locatlcxi, adults preferred. Call New Haven, has owned property Grant’s. Manchester Shopping Organieation - Experience not reflecting. Call 648-0689. $85 monthly. J. D. Realty. 648- hullt-lns, Including Tappon 400 sibility of 6 bedrooms. Plus screens, large lot. Excellent rec. bedroom bullt-lns, fire­ Manchester, In said District de­ (DRDERED; That the 16th day of gimrrr at the telephone Hated? Simply e«ll tho 649-1922 after 8 p.m. . BOLTON — 4 bedroom' ranch, 3 room cottage. Ideal tor ceased. December. 1963. at three o''clock in at the lake for some nine years EXTERIOR AND Interior paint­ Parkade. necessary - Exclurive territor­ 6129. ranger, dining room, living value for $12,600. Ellsworth place, fenced yard. Immediate Tile administratrix havlns ex­ the afternoon at the Probate Office ing. Wallpaper books Paper­ ies - Present employees In this room with fireplace. Second patio, amesite drive, tool shed, children. Only $14,900. Mitten Agency, Realtors, 648- occupancy. $14,990. 649-6436. hibited her administration account In the Munlclp^ Building tn said but cannot use the lake until MANCHESTER — SIX Room MANCHES’TER — Large 6 room $17,600. Owner 646-6270. he is a member of the associa­ MANCHESTER . ROCKVILLE hanging. Ceilings. Floors. Flilly CAN YOU HEAD our clerical capacity earning In excess of Diamonds— Watehe apartment, first floor, bus stop, floor —' 4 hedroome, plus full 6930. with said estate to this Oourt for ai- Manchester, be and the same Is Insured workmanship guaran staff? We require the services duplex, 3 large bedrooms, one MANCHESTER Vicinity — Im­ lowance. it is assigned tor a hearing on the al­ tion. ANSWERING SERVICE $6,000. Write Box G, Herald, Jewelry 48 g ^ location, schools dose by. hath. Dnmedlata occupancy. MANCHESTER — Executive 8 ORDERED. That the 17th day of lowance of said administration ac­ teed Leo Pelletier 649-6826. If of a mature person, competent i car garage, central heating. MANCHESTER Vicinity — Mod­ maculate 3 bedroom ranch, The association’s refusal to and give background • All re­ Partly himlshed. Call 644-8102. $33,500. Phllhriek Agency, 649- bedroom ranch, 8 fireplaces, 2 CHAPLIN AGENCY December, 1963, at ten o'clock fore- count with said sstete, ascertain­ 649-0500 — 875-2519 no answer, call 643-9043. [ In all office procedures, with' plies confidential. WATCH AND JEWELRY repair­ 878-7.862, 8464. ern, immaculate 8 bedroom kitchen built-ins, good sized niKin at the Pmbate Offico in the ment of heirs and order of distribu­ reconsider the Negro's applica­ baths, recreation room, heated 643-4995 living room with bay window, Municipal Butldinr in said Man- tion, and this Court directs that no- tion has drawn statewide criti­ 7J/ ------: some managerial skill. Inltia- ing at reaaonable prices. ranch, 19x20 living room, fire­ PAINTING — FTVE room ] drive e.s.sertlal quail- TWO ROOM apartment. 149 $8,800 - WELL KEPT 6% room patio, acre lot. Bel Air Real place, tiled bath, full basement. heated play room, plus ga­ che.ster, be and the Isame Is Uce of the Ume and placs assigned cism. The state’s attorney gen­ •nd leave your message. Ton'll hear from onr advertlsea IB Jig Prompt service, two watch­ Oakland Street, $60. 649-5229, FIVE ROOMS and garage. 878 signed for a hearing on the al­ for said hearing be given to all per­ time wlthont spending bR evening at the telephone. ranches and capes for W . ] ties. Excellent salarv. Reply ranch, 8 bedrooms, attractive Estate, 643-6832. Bel Air Real Estate, 643-9832. rage. Many extras. Set on half eral two weeks ago proposed Help Wanted— makers. Manchester’s oldest 9-6. Hartford Road. 649-8062. lowance of said adrrunistraUon ac­ sons known to De interested therein Trim and paint extra. Also,] K. Herald established Jeweler. F. E. t dining area, suburban. Owner acre lot. For appointment call count with said estate, ascertain­ to appear and be heard thereon by that the minister seek a Su­ scraping. 742-8101. Male or Female 37 $18,900 — Clean $ - bedroom TUNNEL ROAD, Vernon. 10 ment of heirs and order of dis­ publishing a copy of this order tn Bray, 737 Main St., State FOUR ROOMS, first floor, im anxious. Carlton W. Hutchins, Gerard Agency, Realtors, 643- some newspaper having a clrcdla- cl perior Court injunction on the ------— ' GIRL FOR FOUNTAIN work. Ranch, walk-out cellar, large additional acres may be pur tribution. and this Court directs Lost and Found Automobiles For Sale 4 THREE ROOM apartment, 118 mediate occupancy. Call after ResJtor, 649-6182. lot, view, near school, a real 0366, Tidge Heubner, 644-8325, that notice of the Ume and place tion In said Dtririct, at least seven basis that his rights as a prop­ NEW GAME for Mancherier, Apply Holiday Lanes, or call MAN OR WOMAN for cutting', Theater Building. chased with this unusual 6% Ariine Brown, 876-6496. asslmed for said hearing be ^ven davs before the day of said hear­ Main. $96. 649-6229. 9-6. 4 p.m., 648-7758. buy. Carlton W. Hutchlna, EAST HARTFORD erty owner have been deprived. Herald cu.stomer.«. You buy 643-2125. i .slipcover.s. experienced. Call I______VERNON — LARGE custom 6 room ranch on high 1% acre to all persona kru>wn to be Interest­ ing. and t o mailing on or before Also present at last night’s FOUND — Your Gift Gallery, I 196.8 DEI^UXE Volk.swagen sta-1 the paint, you name your price. Realtor, 649-6182. ed therein to appear and be heard December I 1968. by osrtifled mall, Watkins Bros. Gifts for all o c -! tion wagon e.xtras. .sacrifice' an>Tlme, 643-9296. j p eed 49-A WEST CENTER St. — 4 rooma, [ 14 ROOMS, seml-fumlshed room Ranch, huge recreation lot, 2-car garage, cellar, fire­ NORTH ELM STREET — A meeting were Rev. Gordon W. we do your painting. Ceilings, | WOMAN WANTED to work hill- room, cast Iron radiation, 3- thereon by publishing a copy of this a copy of this order to Evelyn E. casians from the world over. | for quick sale. 843-9248 first floor, furnace, $76. 649- heat, hot water, separate TWO FAMILY, reduced, west place, oil heat, $14,900. Robert Christmas card Cape is how order In some newspaper having a Darby, 10 Laurel St., Manchester. Weeman of St. Peter's BJplsco- walls, trim, floors. Out.slde, time in main office. Apply in ! SEASONED CORD WOOD, saw- bathroom, centrally located, car garage, hillside setting. Wolverton Agency, Realtor, Immaculate 7 room Cape this home Impresses you. All of circulation In said District, at least Conn.: Mary B. Elliott, c/o Com­ pal Church in Columbia and Home decorating accessories. work. 649-7863 . 876-8401, j person Friday or Saturtay at Dogs— Birdft— Pets 41 5229. 9-6. side, 4-4, 3-cor garage, plus in­ with 4 bedrooms, living seven days before the day of said missioner of Welfare. Box No. 506. Priced for all budgets. Noel ed any length, free delivery. rea-sonable. 649-8404, 12 noon - Hayes Agency, 648-4808. 649-2813. the 6 rooms, plus 3 baths, are Rev. John K. Honan of St. Co­ Watkins Bros.. 935 Main Street, come from two stores, conven­ r(x>m, formal dining room hearing, and by mailing on or be­ Norwich. Conn. ____ shop now open. PONTIAC. 1966 , 4-door .sedan. Quality guaranteed. E. Yeo- BENTON STREET 6 rooms, 6 p.m. ient location. E. J. Carpenter, flawlessly decorated. Presently fore December 3, 1963, by cerUfled JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge lumbia’s Catholic Church in Co­ A-1 condition. $350. 649-2172. PAINTING. EXTERIOR and In- Manchester PROFESSIONAL Trimmling. mans, 742-8002. first floor, oil furnace, garage. MANCHESTER—Large 7 room and kitchen, plus a finished 'vacant. Owner will sacrifice. mall, a copy of this order to Mar^ terior. paperhanging. wall-' bathing,ng, all breeds. Poodledie Broker, 846-6061. Cape, oversized garage, built- rec room, 1-car garage, aret Edmunds. IM West Center lumbia. LOST — LADY’S green .stone $96. 649-4461. NEW BUILDING — Crest toe We have so much more to tell A likely area of discussion paper remo\*ed. dr>- wall work WANTED — SOMEONE to put specialist. It costs no more to urlous duplex apartments, 571 W A IT UP? in kitchen, formal dining room, breezeway, patio, and ft., Manchester. Conn.: Ann Dons.- ring, while moving, great .sen­ BEIAUTIFUL SEMI-RANCH — you. Won’t you call us today? hue. 96 Rlvervlew Ave., Ixmg- last night was automatic mem­ Rea-sonable rates. Ehilly In border and back on quilt; have the best in professional fireplace, family room, fall-out porch, wall-to-wall carpet­ timental value, reward. Call Garden— Farm— Dairy FOUR ROOM FLAT, first floor, Hartford Road, Manchester. 6 rooms, 8 baths, beautiful Julian Realty, 649-9190. meadow. Mass.; Elisabeth Door. Robeson Is Seen bership to all applicants own­ Auto Driving School 7-A sured. 649-9658. Joseph P. Lew- front all finished. 649-3568. conditioning. 649-9793, 649-0600. shelter with half bath, outside ing. Large well landscaped 438 Maple St.. Wlnchendon. Hass. 649-0342. Products 50 central location,' heat and hot 414 rooms, I 'i baths, large liv­ Have a big famUy? heated rec room, flreploced ing lake property. ALPOA ing room, dining room, beauti­ enclosed patio with fireplace, lot. On bus line. Near Julia Kmig. 700■ --Northeast - 14th Ave., MORTLOCK’B Driving School PRETTY UP voiir doc for the'*------—! water, one year lea.se. Call Four bedrooms needed? living room, new wall-to-wall Fort Lauderdale. Iria; William Mc- members, though, rejected the APPLES - Macs. Cortlimds,; 649-6048. between 6-8:30 p.m. city utilities, minimum down schools. Owner anxious. Re­ Legal Notices Ready to Return FOUND — RON80N Varaflame Inc., offlees, classroom located INSIDE PAINTING, $1.50 per Holidays. Expert grooming on ful O.E. kitchen. Range. Re­ Must be within 10 minutes of carpeting Including hallways, Cann, 101 Lydall Road, B u t Hart­ proposal at an October meeting. Help Wantei)— Male 36 Baldwins, Greenings, Delicious,, ------financing. Asking $17,900. Law­ duced to $19,900. ford, Conn,; Thomas McCann. 169 lighter, vicinity King’s Tel, Manchester Parkade. lower hour, no raitside. Ycnir brushes, cockers, poodles, and other frigerator. Disposal Hoods, Hartfortl? dishwasher, new aluminum At present applicants must be Winesaps, Romes. Starks. ’ 4H ROOM GARDEN type apart- Carpet staircase. 2 large bed rence F. Flano, Realtor, 648- DECBEE ON UHITATION Brompton Ave.. Son Francisco. (Oontoraed from Pago One) 649-4246. level. Beginners, older, nerv­ etc. Mv ladders, dropcloths PART-TIME SALESMAN — types. Also, boarding by week Can’t afford it? awniiws, 2 blocks from Main OF CLAIMS California; Dorothy NoUs, 396 Main approved by a two-thlrdz ma­ Bunce Farm, 829 W. Center. I ment available now Includes rooms, and Many, many ex­ 2766. Charles Nicholson, 742- AT A COURT OF PROBATE ous students, our specialty. 649-9158! Family men only - National Or­ or day. H. C. Chase. Harmony St. Just move n In—no remod St.. Manchester. Conn.; Catherine jority of voting members. LOST — LARGE yellow angora 643-8116. heat, hot water, stove, refrig­ ■rtien tiiere U a Santa Claus 6364. holden at Covantry, within and for \ sign a non-Communizt alfidairit Hill Kennels, Hebron Road, tras. Must be seen. Agent on cling necessary. $19,900. Call GUI. 18 Margaret Road, Manchester, male, vicinity Oakland i Tean-age d r iv e ’s etiuc^cm ganization - Experience not erator. and parking. Centrally premises every day. Call eve­ for you! U & R REALTY CO., INC. the District of Coventry, oo the 8th ' Conn.: Anna Pugrab, 46 Norman required by the State Depart­ •The recenit meeting piaced courae. State certified. 649-7398. nece.s.sary - Exclusive territor­ Bolton. 643-6427. owner, 646-6661. COOPER STREET — 2 family day of December A.D.''1963. St.. Manchester, Conn. Street. 649-0117. EGGS FOR SALE—Large, 46c; located. $116 monthly, Man­ nings owner, 643-4362, Mr. GUI Pre*< ■■ ~ ment. The requirement was lat­ two Uwthere in opposing campsi Electrical Services 22 ies - Present employees in New 8 room, 1% bath Co­ duplex 5-6. Features 3 generous Tezent. Hon. Elmore Turklnxton, JOHN i . WALLETT. Judge medium. 36c; dressed poultr>’ - chester Garden Apartments, Rent very reasonable. Live 643-2693 Judge er knocked out by a Supreme The chalnnaji of the churdi- * nafe • hrace. UEARN TO DRIVE — Special!------this capacity earning in excess lonial. Oven, range. Inter­ bedrooms, enormous kitchen On motion of Catherine H. Oreg- Tri. I ittention to nervous and elder- TOEE ESTIMATES. Prompt broilers, 37c lb., fowls. 28c lb. 643-7925. better for less. _ ORDER OF HEARING Court declalon. bwoked group is David YeomansL let. Sentimental of $6,000. Write Box H. Herald AKC REGISTERED miniature com, attic fan. Sewer and Manchester with dining area, living room, ory Executrix. 11 Bellevue Street. State of ConnecUcut. Probate His brother, John, is a member ly. Classroom lor teen-agers. service on all types of elec' 280 Doming Street on Route Robert D. Murdock, 648-6472 Willlmantlc, Conn., on the estate of Eight years later, on July 11, 649-9812. and give background • all re­ poodle, black, male. 649-8642. 30, Manchester. Tel. 644-8625. BIRCH STREET, second floor, city water. Big yard. Ex­ utility room, Rusco combina­ Court. Town of Bolton. District of o f AXtMA and Is regarded as a Pickup service. Day or eve­ trical wiring. Licensed and In­ NORTH END — 4 large sunny UNUSUALLY LARGE Fred J. Horrlgan, late of Coventry Andover, December 6. 1963. 1958, Robeson went to London sured Wilson Electrical Co.. plies confidential. 4 rooms, redecorated, furnace, rooms, second floor, automatic pertly and honestly built. tions, spotless condition. Un­ wlteln said district, deceased. Estate of Margaret H? JUch. late and made bis home there until strong influenoe on the poUdes NOTICE Is hereby given that ning lessons. Reasonable rates. opposite Cottage Street, $90. usual floor plan provides This Court doth decree that six Manchester. 649-4817. Glaston­ BOXER SHEPHERD puppiee hot water, parking, bus line, Bank appraisal for $24,000. of Bolton, owning property, In said he went behind the Iron Curtain c f thsA body. Pass Book No. 94688 issued by Manchester Dri\’ing Academ y,. CONS’TRUCnON supervi.sor — Household Goods 51 649-6229 . 9-5. Custom-built Ranch, mahog­ single family atmosphere with months be allowsd and limited for District, deceased. 742-7249. bury. 643-1888. for sale. Call 742-8198. adults only, 63 Union St., 649- any paneled fireplace wall, SPRING STREET — 6-room the creditors of said estate to ex­ Present Hon. Norman J. Prauss. to seek medical attention. The Savings Bank of Manches­ Fast growing developer wants This Is a winter close-out! double family income, $22,400. hibit their claims against the same Judge. EVERYTHING IN sterilized re­ 2469. huge kitchen, all city con­ ranch, 2-car garage, buUt-ins, Before going to East Ger­ If flour is sifted on wax pa­ ter has been lost and applica­ experienced all ’round ron- POINTER PUPS, good gun or It ts tho last of five similar Robert Wolverton Agency, wall-to-wall carpetings. Call to the Executrix and directs that Upon the application of John ft. tion has been made to said conditioned used furniture and MAIN STREET — Clo.se to the veniences. $600.00 down public notice be given of this order Rich, of Bolton, praying thsd an tn- many, Robeson had been se­ per, then lightly spooned into Floor Finishing 24 .struction superyi.sor capable of field trial. Reasonable. Can be IJtRGE 8 ROOM apartment, Jiomes built. It will go to any Realtor, 649-2813. owner, 643-9172, 6 to 8, week­ 'bank for payment of the E-Z LERN handling all pha.ses of residen­ appliances, high quality - low Turnpike, four room apartment roasonable bidder. What’s It moves you in for Christmas. by advertising In a newspaper hav­ sliuraent purporting to be the last riously ill and confined in a Lon­ measuring cup, an accurate .seen ^turday or Sunday. Call central, nice neighborhood, $75 ends anytime. ing a circulation In ssild district. win and testament of said deceased, amount of deposit. FLOOR SANDING and re- tial con.struction including subs. prices. IjcBlanc pijmiture. 196 on the first floor. Separate oil worth to you? $22,600? Less? Joe Gordon 649-6306, 648- don nursing home. His British measurement is assured without 649-4136 after 6. 643-8190. and by imsting a copy thereof on the be admitted to Probate and that agent^ Harold Davidson, did not Driving School finlshlng (specializing In old- men, home.s. roads, etc. Write South Street, Rockrille, 876-, heating system. Nice bright 5314. 82 FOOT RANCH, Porter Street public sign post In said Town of letters testamentary be Issued as ha-ving an extra bowl to wash. er floors). Waxing floors. giving wages desired, experi­ 2174. Open 9-8. I rooms. Vacant. No facilities for 32 Fleming Street, Manches­ FAMILY HOME Coventry nearest the place where per application on file more fully say Whitt Robeaon hod been eul- largest, auto­ TWO SEPARATE private 8*4 area, beamed celling, 2 fire­ the deceased last dwelt appears; It is tering from but hinted that ner­ Announcements Painting. Ceilings. Paperhang- ence. when available, etc. to Children. T. J, Crockett. Real­ room residences, furnished or ter. matic and standard shift, Articles For Sale 45 THE BARROWS & places, 1^ baths, buUt-lns, 6 Certified from Record ORDERED: That said application vous strain might have had Ing. No Job too small. John P. O. Box 147, Wapping, Conn. RUGS — NEVER USED. 9x121 tor, 643-1877. ELMORE TURKINGTON, Judge be heard and determlnea at a free pick-up service, teen­ unfurnished, reasonable rent, flee fltmday afternoon be­ In ^ condition. Move In large rooms, double ganige, HOME BAKINO — Special for Verfaille, 649-6760 beige. $26; 9x16 gold oriental. working adults. 643-2880. 643- W ALLAC E CO. for Chiristmas. Court of Probate to be held at the •omethlng to do 'with It. age classroom, older and MOTO MOW^R snow throwers $35; 12x15 ruby oriental, 289- tween 2:80 and 6 :00, or call 128’ frontage. Carlton W. DECREE ON LIMITATION Probate Office In the Town of ^ I- Asked once byzt netwamon In the Holidays — pies, cakes 6889. • nervous students our spe­ at McBride's Sport Spot. 4>4 6956. for private showing. Tho Hutchins, Realtor, 649-8132. OF CLAIMS ton, on the 18th day of December. London if he were A Commu­ REAL ESTATE oookiea, etc. Call 648-0496. h.p. to 614 h.p. 689 Center St. FTVE ROOM modem apart­ , AT A COURT OF PROBATE 1963. at 2:00 o'clock In the after­ Specializing in the sale of cialty. 115 Center St., Man­ Bonds— Stocks ment, 1 bedrooms, kitchen, liv­ CONVENIENT LOCATION — 5 kitchen is not yet set up. A1 $15,900 holden at Coventry, within and for noon; and that noUce of the pen­ nist, Robeson replied: ‘‘I'll nev­ chester. Call for free book­ SALE.'^MEN 649-8747. ! SOLID MAHOGANY' piecrust' BOLTON — $1,600 assumes MAIN STREET, K of C vicinity, the District of Coventry, on the 6th HOMES—In Town and Coun­ Mortgages ing room, garage, centrally lo­ large rooms, second floor, oil Nowak, the builder, will bo 9 room Colonial, first floor - 4 dency of said appIleaUon. and or the er answer that question. ^ have E table, solid mahogany coffee mortgage, $79 per month pays day of December A.b.*i963. Personals 3 let. 648-8562. cated. $106 monthly. J. D. heat and garage. Call 649-9221 present personally between time and place of hearing thereon, a constitutional rlg^t to be try- CAREER YOUR YARN SHOP-Watkins ■ table, 2 solid mahogany end all. 4% room ranch home, ga­ Includes garage, heated sim- large rooms, half bath, and Pre■esent, Hon.■■ Elmore“■ Turklngton,“ be given to all persons known to be Realty, 643-5129. S and 4. Sunday to take your Judge Interested In said estate, by causing member of any party.” LARSON’S — Connecticut's first Bros. Closing out-Stamped tables. Call 648-8728 after 6 rage, full basement, excellent porch, guaranteed roof, 2- laundry room; second floor - 4 RIDE WANTED from comer goods, needlepoint-other items. THREE ROOM apartment, sec Ideas cn how you want It large bedrooms, full bath; On motion of Ernest J. Trueman. a copy of this order to be published In 1962 Robeson received the Porter and Highland Street to licensed driving school, train- available,for sec OPPORTUNITIES p.m. location. Hurry — only $10,500, year-old furnace, aluminum Administrator, Coventry, Conn., once In some newspaper having a ed. certified and approved, now mortgage.^, payments to All reduced to cost, some be­ ANDOVER — 5 rooms, heat, hot ond floor, heat, hot water, $61 done. third floor - one finished room. Route 44A, on the estate of John International Stalin Peace Prize Aetna Ltfe. Hartford, hours 8-| water, stove, fireplace, large monthly. 643-6102 after 7 p.m. Hayes Agency 648-4803. windows and doors. For in­ circulation In said District, and complete with a diploma show- offering cla.ssroom and behind suit your budget. Expedient low. Buy-save. BRAND NEW — Out of cartons Business zone. Professional Trueman, late of Coventry, within posted on the public signpost near, 4 :10. Call 649-6196 after 6 p.m. CHECK THESE bath, $116. 742-8726. Chance Of A Lifetime! dividual attention call Roger said district, deceased. est where the deceased fast dwelt ing a picture of Joseph Stalin. wheel instructions for teen- service. J D Realty, 643-6129. vacmrni cleaner buys. One d e -; VERNON CmCLB Area — 8% building possibility. Asking SNOW BLOWERS - Ariens THREE ROOMS, first floor, M. Negro. This Oourt doth decree that six in.the Town of Bolton, sent by cer- The citation read; “ For out­ RIDE WANTED from Walker agers. 649-607.1. BENEFITS Snow Bird. Toro. Moto Mow!' Hamilton Beach, I TALCOTTVTLLE — NEAR Golf heat, hot water, gas stove hir room ranch, baaement garage, $21,500. Call owner 648-7467. months be allowed and limited for Ufled mall postage prepaid to John A BETTER ARRANGEMENT Olenn. Roberts Agency, the creditors of said estate to ex­ R. Rich. Bolton Center Road Bol­ standing services in the struggle Street vicinity to Broad Street of your finances will make 36. regular $79.96. now $69.88., Land, refinlshed apartment. 4 nished, centrally- located. Call fireplace, combinations, bullt- er. and Bolens tractors, parts Realtors lns, very clean. Early occupan­ B & N AGENCY MANCHESTER — 8 bedroom L hibit their claims against ' the ton Connecticut; Arthur Tuthlll. against warmongers and tor the Armory, Hartford, hours 8:80- more of your income ax’ailable and service. Capitol Equip­ One Hoover Canni.ster Vac, 1 rooms, stove and hot water, 643-6669. same to the Administrator and di­ Wllllston, Vermont. Guardian Ad strengthening of peace.’’ ’ 644-1821 cy. Tongren Agency, 648-6321. ranch, dining room, fireplace, rects that public notice be given of Litem for Richard 8. and George F. 4:30. 649-8902. Motorcycle.s— Bicycles 11 for personal use. Lump debt Group life insurance ment Co., 88 Main St.. Man-j model 86. regular $59.95, now convenient, children. $85 . 648- premium location, full base­ Accepting the award, Robeson $34.88. One deluxe Sunbeam , 2493 643-5778. ROCKVILLE — FIRST floor 4 643-8727 this order by advertising In a news­ Tuthlll. minors: and John D. La- Into one monthly payment of Hospital and surgical bene­ Chester. Open dally 7-1. Thurs- ] paper having a circulation In said Belle. Esq^. M3 Main Street, Man­ said; "I have always been, C ment, garage, patio, wall-to- USED BICVa.ES, a large a.s- $22.26 for each thousand dollars | fits day 7-9, Saturday 7-4. | Cannlster, 1*4 h.p., model 630, j ------!------rooms, storage room, bath and district, ana by posting a copy chester, Connecticut, all at least am, and I always will be, was $89.96, now $69.60. One ROCKVILLE — 7 room duplex. RANCH — MODERN kitchen, w a 11 carpeting, automatic thereof on the pub'lc sign post In (OWNER) Automobiles Fur Sale 4 sortment, new English and Co­ including repayment over five Profit .sharing plan fdiower, hot water and gas fur­ HOME COLORAMA seven day.s before the date net for a friend of the Soviet Union." Lewyt deluxe Roll-a-way Vac, 1 4 bedrooms, automatic heat large living room with fire­ BETTER THAN new two fam­ wa3her and dryer, disposal, said Town of Coventry nearest the said hearing. lumbia. We have the exerciser years. Frank Burke, 246-8897, | Retirement plan CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY j nace. garage. No pets. $70 1 place where the deceased last dwelt. NORM WALTON W. GRAN7 NEED CAR? Your credit turn- h.p.. was $119.50, now and hot water, older house, ex- Available January I. 876-4870 place, extra large bedroomo, Uy, 6-4 rooms, two furnaces, reasonable. Owner 643-8398 or AN J. PREU9S. Judr* cycle on display. Hours daily Connecticut Mortgage Ex-1 Paid vacations and Holidays cards. Plain, personalized, and 649-8228. Certified from Record AGENCY •d down? Short on down pay­ change, 16 Lewis St . Hartford. ; box assortment. Shown by ap-, $69.60. One G.E. electric ! cellent condition, 26 minutes to anytime. 1% baths, basement finished For your ccmvenlence over hot water oil fired, completely ELMORE TURKINGTON. Judge AT A COURT OF PROBATE 9^. 9 p.m. Thursday. Manches­ Merchandi.se discounts 60 Manchester homes in KstobUshed 1910 ment? Bankrupt? Reposses- ter Cycle Shop. 149 W'. M id-! Conn, Opportunities for promotion pointment. Call 643-8462 o r ! broom, model VS-l, regular j downtown Hartford, $100. Call an Into office and beautiful rec modern Inside and out. Priced held at Manchester, within and for Two Town Girls aion? Don’t despair! See Hon- color shown nightly 6-9 p.m. AT A COURT OF PROBATE the district of Manchaster, on the Member: Multiple Listing die Turnpike, 649-2098. 6^8-6768. j $34.96, now $24.88. Easy terms. ’ 875-6485 after 4:30. room, large lot with trees, $19, at $21,500. J. D. Realty, 648- held at Coventrj*. within and for the 4th day of December. A.D. 1963. eat Douglas. Inquire about low- SECOND MORTGAGES—Funds Marlow’s, Inc,, 867 Main St 900. Phllbrlck Agency. 649-8464. on our outside screen. 5129. District of Coventry on the 6th day Present. Hon. John J. Wallett, Study in Field Servioo • Manchester Board w t down, smalleri paymente s h o p , a vide selec- available for second mort­ If you are a man Interested FOR SALE — Flat Stone for SIX ROOM duplex, Timken o il' Furnished Apartments 63-A Private showings anytime. CUSTOM BUILT RANCH of December 1963. Jiidire. of ResUtors s Real Estate in job .security and a career walls, fireplace, veneer and | LIGHT GREEN wool rug, 9x12. heat and hot water, convenient MANCHESTER Vicinity — New DESIRABLE 3 bedroom ranch Present, Hon. Elmore Turklngton, Estate of J, Rhey Braithwalte, Board of Greater Hartford, anywhere. No smiul Io m or fl-1 used bicycles gages For Individual attention Judge late of Manchester In said district. with a 91-year-old retail and patios. Call 649-0617. Just cleaned, $20. Duncan' location. $100 monthly. Apply T H R ^ and « « i r - ^ h^ted listing. Clean 6% room ranch available in choice location. Two Manchester girls are Inc. nance c o m p ly plan. Douglas | Xmas. Service all makes. call B A N Agency, Roger M. 1 apartments, furnished, children Two-years-old — excellent Estate of Fannie Heft Wiltmann decea.sed. Motors. 333 Main. 287 Spnjce Street. Open 9-3 Negro. 643-8727. mail qrder merchandise Phvfe mahogany table, good 186 Center Street, 643-6063 or with aluminum combinations Schools, churches, shopping late of Coventry, In said District, Upon application of The Connecti­ among the more than 650 stu­ 648-116$ REVERE 8 mm camera, acces-1 welcome. G/.rfleld 9-9923. WARREN E. HOWLAND condition. Owner being deceased. daily, 9-6 Saturday. company, we would like to condition. $15. 644-1986. 649-6335. Raised hearth fireplace. Yard within walking distance. F.H.A. cut Bank and Trust (Jompany. ex­ dents from Keuka College, 22 Cambridge St- 1958 CHEVROLET. 4-door Bel aoriea, and projector. $75. Call 1s attractive and fenced, fine REALTOR transferred. Aluminum sid­ The Administrator CTA having ecutor. pravInK for authority to sell talk with vou. TWO RfXlMS furnished, second financing available. Only $700 made [Written application tn said certain real estate particularlv de­ Keuka Park, N.Y., who are tak­ Aif, automatic transmission, Business Opportunities 32 649-2566. ; AUTOMA-nC WASHERS—Ken- FOUR R(X)M apartment, heat, for young ones. $14,800. Ells­ down. Call owner 649-4316. ing, oversize 2-car attached ing port in the school’s annual HK3GINS BOY’S deluxe model floor, business block, Depot $60 Main St. garage, rec room amd wall- Court, In accordance with the scribed In said appIicaUon on file, V-8, reasonable. Oall after 8, bicYcle. 26” . 2-vears-o!d. like more, 10 years, and Weatlng- hot water, parking. Tel 648- worth Mitten Agency, Realtors statute, for an order of sale of the it Is. faU "FTeld Period,” a real life .Send brief outline ot your CHRI3TMAS TREES Square, adults. Free parking. 643-1108 to-wall carpet are Just a few whole or part of the real estate de­ ORDERED: That the forepoinr 6494170. nev*. $30. 649-7979. RESTAURANT For Sale, rea­ Tag house, 4 years. Fiber rug, 8x10. 2068. 643-6930. SOUTH MANCHESTER — work-study experience away sonable. OwTier ill. Call 649-34.34 education and or business now, cut later. Bring the fam l-; Record player. 4-speed. CJall Tel. Mr. Keith, 649-8191. of the extras. Can be yours scribed therein. It Is ordered that application be heard and determined Charming 6^ room ranch, said application be heard at the at the Probate office In Manches­ from the campus. 1966 FAIRLANE, 4-door, me­ experience to the following ly to The Stanley Tree Farm, | 643-0689. CONCORD RD. — Beautiful for Christmas. For individu­ after 6 p.m. APARTMEOT NICELY furnish plastered walls, cast Iron Probate Office In Coventry, on the ter In said District on the 16ih day They are MIm Nancy E. J<^- chanically good, snow Ores, address: I-XMig Hill Road. Andover, at al attention call Roger M. 19th day of December. 1969. at of December. A.D. 1969, al two ed. Including all utilities, am­ ranch, large living room, form­ MODERN 8 BEDROOM ranch. radiators, porch, garage, pic­ eon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A R E Y O U IN $86. Phone 289-3609. Business Services START 'THE New Year off the church. 1.3 miles off Route A BIG BARGAIN — 8 rooms YOU Ought To al dining room, cab!blnet kitchen, Negro. 10:80 o'clock In the forenoon; and o’clock in the afternoon, and that ple parking. 1V4 rooms. 272 100 yards from Bowers School, turesque setting on high wood­ that notice thereof he given, bv notice be Riven to all persons In­ Herbert E. Johnson, 307 Spring Offered 13 right - Build a new hiture and 8 Large .selection white and used furniture and applifinces. 2 bedrooms, recreation room, Main. on quiet street, garage, full ed lot. Priced to sell. Hayes publishing a copy of this order In terested In said estate of the pen­ St., who Is at the Connecticut or ouf of 1968 CHEVROLET Nomad sU- be your own boss. Modem 2- Norway Spruce, also. Douglas $159. $10 down. See It at Al­ Live In landscaped, yard. Marlon E. basement. Bel Air Real Estate Agency, 643-4803. the Manchester Evening Herald a dency of said application and the tion wagon, power brakes and l a WN MOWERS, sharpened bay! high volume Sunoco sta­ B <& N AGENCY newspaper having a circulation In time and place of hearinr thereon, School tor the Blind in Hartford; MONTGOMERY WARD fir. $2.50 up. Open all day De­ bert's, 43 Allyn Street, Hart­ TWO ROOM furnlahcd’ apart- Robertson, Realtor, ;648-6968. 643-9332. , ■teering, Turboglide, private and repaired, sales and sera* tion for lea.se. 2 lift.s. and plen­ ford. said District and by posting a copy by ptihllshlnR a copy of this order and Miss Carol Jackston, daugh­ H O T W A T E R ? & CO. cember 7, 8 and 13-24. Other- 3 Beautiful ment, free parking. CWl 843- thereof on the public sign-post In In some newspaper havInR a cir­ owner, $800. 643-0048. Ice, rental equipment t. A M ty of parking area. Located at qu 643-8727 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Box No. 10.34 ^ s e by appointment. Call ^42- c r o s LEY SHELVADOR£“ ro- 2693 after 4. the Town of Coventry in said Dis­ culation In said district, at least Jackston, who is working in the Equipment Corp.. Route 83, 2204 Sila-s Deane Highway, ' Colonial street, one block to bus, shop­ trict at least five davs before said seven days before the dav of said Just 9 Vjc* a day for fuel 4-door Manchester, Conn. PITKIN STREET Mancheeter school system’s pro­ 1966 OLDSMOBn.,E 98, Vernon, 878-7809 Manchester Rocky Hill. Paid training pro­ frigerator. excellent operating How’s"^ your mother-in-law? ping, schools. DishwaiSher, dis day of hearing and that return be hearinp, to appear If they see can get you out of Hardtop, full power. white, condition and appearance, $50 made to this Court. cause at said time and place and gram for retarded children. She exchange. Enterprise 1941 gram ineluiies all phases of LOAM SALE — Regular $14 Manor This unusual 8 room home posal, 1^ baths. Bel Air Real Attest. he heard relative thereto, and make trouble! $260. 649-7936. servnee station bu.sine.ss. Fi­ stone-free loam, $12.10. Also, 649-1847, Business Locations provides a separate 8 room Estate, 643-9332. ELMORE TURKINGTON. Judge return to this court, and by malllnR will beat Bentley School. TREE REMOVAL, pruning, and nanced plan for the right per­ sand, gravel, stone, fill. Call Apartments! For Rent 61 apartment for loved ones 7 room Colonial, large living BOLTON — Elbow rooln and on or before December 5, 1963. by During the,Field Period, the 1961 FORD V -8 Fairlane. radio lot clearing. Frsnjt C. Noble, CHIEF MECHANIC — Large ! BUCKLEY SCHOOL Area - An room, dining room, kitchen, trees-galore surround this pret­ LIMITATION ORDER certified mall, a copy of this order students work in the community and heater, automatic. 16,000 son. Call Sun Oil Company. 643-8603. i who onjoy private quarters. AT A COURT OF PROBATE to Clifford Braithwalte 2(1^ Worfh- If you live in a typical 649-6063. local .sendee firm seek.s ap­ IMu.sica1 Instruments 53 BUILDING 60x40 suitable for older home Just restored. Huge den on first floor. 3 bed­ ty ranch. 3 bedrooms, fire­ In an agency of th'elr choice and miles, $800 cash. 26 Grtwe Miss Dnndi, 289-0291. 9 s.m. - Large lot, fireplace, attach­ held at Manchester, within and for Inclnn Road, West Palm Beach. house, you could easily run plications from qualified work- FOUR AMERICAN Flyer train We will have available Dec. storage, B-1 zone, Buckland bright family room, modern rooms and bath upstairs. place, garage, oil hpt water the .District of Manchester on the Florida: Dorothy Patrlcca. 8141 study its organization; problems Street, Manchester. 4:30 p m.. Monday through Fri­ FINE WOODEN Clarinet made ed breezeway and garage. out of hot water several SNOW' PLOWING - A new ing maintenance .supeiYisor. .sets, two extra tran.«forrhers. 1,'. one 2-bedroom apart- aectlon. 649-8468. kitchen, dining and living room Garage. Offered at the low heat, walk-up attic, newly 2nd day of December. 1969. North Eleventh BU Phoenix 20. and function. As well as observ­ game for Manche.ster Herald day Nights and weekends, by Martin Freres — needs Lower than average price. Present, Hon. John J. Wallett Arizona: Gladys Welmann. 1301 times a week. Frank Spileeki, 649-5441. Knowledge boilers, HP steam, electric switches, automatic , ment featuring: Refrigera­ down and four large bedrooms price of $16,200. painted In.slde and out, $15,500. ing in the schojls, each serves Now you can have all the customers. You name your ______pre.ssing equipment and whi.stles, acceasories, extra some pads - - will sacrifice $75. Judge. East Diana Ave. Phoenix 30. 1964 FORD, good runnmg condi­ tor, Range, Disposal. Indi­ 122 acre dairy; farm. Large up. Big lot, plenty of trees. Ray S. Holcombe, Realtor, Estate of Jennie Hoff, late of Arizona: Charlotte Braithwalte. 8190 as a teacher’s aids, getting a hot water you need at one price, we will plow out your ------general mechanics. Salary (rack, etc., $75, 649-1721 •Call 649-4629. North lllh Place. Phoenix Arizona: taste of her possible future vo­ tion, beat offer. 643-2463. vidual Basement and Patio. road frontagrfe.'Development Worth looking at. isn’t it? Ask­ 644-1286. Manchester, tn said dl.strict, do- time for anly 9»4c* a day. driveway. Routes now being Help Wanted— Female 3 5 1 open Numerous benefits. Re-,_ . ------_ * ; Heat, Hot Water. potential. OWher must sell. ing price is only $17,800. T. J, ceased. Harold Braithwalte. 374 Hilliard St.. cation. formed. Call now to abandon On motion of Haze' M. Smith of Manchester, Conn.: Verna Bratth-' Think of it—-only 9i-4c* a CHEVROLET .1967 Bel Air, good ____L ------ply in confidence to Box B, WOODEN STORM windows, I ™ Septic Tanks Crockett, Realtor, 643-16T7. ELVA TYLER, said Manchester, administratrix. watte. Ellinplon Road. So. Windsor. Now in its 21st year at Keuka, high prices when It srorv's. 649- Herald. j variou.s sizes. Good clean ga s' day! condition, new paint, $625. Call $;60. 644-0628. Br$nd new 7% room raised COVENTRY — Route 44A. Cozy ORDERED: That six months from Conn., iruardlan ad litem for Wil­ the Field Period will end Dec. Yes, thanks to Mobilheat 7863, 871-8401. WANTED WOMAN to live in I .stove, 649-8761. Call AND ranch on one half acre lot, MANCHESTER — Immaculate REALTOR the 2nd day of December 1969 he „iam Rrnllhwalte .. . Jr. and Bruce 21, With tho girls returning to 7 640-1768. Cape nestled on a hill, fire­ for dally routine. Call 649-6416. MANAGEMENT-TRAINEE for and the same are limited, and al Bralthwn"'“ - n'lnors. Ton « —and an oll-flred hot water 2-car garage, rec room, im- 6 room Cape, treed lot, quiet lo­ place, full ’ dormer, arte.sian lowed for the creditors within which JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge campus Jan. 6. SHARPENING Service — Saws, growing credit conceni. High CARDBOARD BOXES or con 649-4436 — 649-6544 Plugged Sewers cation, 3 bedrooms, oil hot heater of correct capacity— 2-ajMT, wue, radio Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 usually fine construction. well, built-in bookcases, $14,900. to bring In their claims against said your family can take cars and heater, clean, good run­ knives, axes, shears, skates. School graduate with some col­ tainers. all .size.s. for pack­ water heat, rec room, assume 649-4469 e.state, and said administratrix is r n Doyle Real Estate, 423-6411. of all their washing needs' ning condition. 649-8045 after 8. rotary blades. Quick service, or LPN, full or part-time. lege preferred. Must be over ing or shipping. New or used. TWO FULL length evening Machine Gleaned 6 room ranch house, excel­ mortgage or minimum down directed to give public .notice to the Capitol Equipment Co., 88 Vernon Haven. 876-2077. 21 and have car. P.O. Box 148, lent landscaping, reasonable creditors to bring In their claims at one time. Delivered. 649-.1045, gowns, sizes 10 and 12. Call 649- poU R ROOMS for nw mortgage, $15,800. BOLTON — 8 bedroom ranch, within said time allowsd by pub­ OPEN SUNDAY ALL AFTERNOON 1956 STUDEBAKER Commo­ Main St . Manchester Hours Rockville. . garage, nice Septic Tanks, Dry Wells, Mom can do the family 1725. price. / Robert Wolverton Agency, fireplace, garage, 150x160 lot, lishing a copy of this order Ir dore, 4-door, 8 cylinder, excel­ dally 7-6 Thursday 7-9 Sstul- LADY’S FIGURE skates, size 9.; neighborhood. heat and hot Sewer Lines Installed—Cel­ some newspaper having a clrcula wash. Sis can do the dishes 649-2818. MOVE RIGHT IN — Lovely 7 assumable mortgage, $116 lent running condition, good for day'7-4, 643-7958 SCHOOL BUS drivers, Vernon- 0-gauge brass rail and switch- iq jR COAT Northern Back ’wai®''. adults preferredj $110 lar Waterproofing Done. 10 room authentic old co- tion In said probate district within at the some time Junior room Garrison Colonial, cen­ monthly. Quiet, lovely neigh- ten days from the dale of this order HIGHLAND WOODS transportation. needs ' some Rockville area. 7:30-8:30 a m., es. H-0 switches and snap Muskrat, glazed and cleaned. 1 P**" 649-2083. toniol, 7 fireplaces, 3 baths, takes his bath, and you en­ SNOWPLOWING — Now' ac- ter hall, I's baths, 2-zone heat, borhexxi. Bel Air Real Estffie, and return make to this court of GLASTONBURY ' body repair. Call 643-5286 be­ JANITRESS 2:15-3:30 p.m. Call 643-2414. track, H-O steam locomotive? 14-16. Good condition. Call in c in n e y b r o s 46 acres of land. A gentle­ garage, close to public and the notice given. joy a shower. cepting contracLs. sea.sonal or Ace print press. Boy’s 26" Eng- 843-g79g. ’ 3>4 room apa!rt- M K . man’s estate. 643-9332. JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge Don’t delay—phone us to­ tween 4-7 p.m. hourly rates. 649-6650. WANTED — PART-TIME of- ment, appliances and heat. $90. EAST HARTFORD parochial schools, shopping. llsh Wcvcle. 649-1170. Rewerage Disposal This is the home you haflb been day. Find out how easy it Is Full-time opening in office ficeman. Mornings, 8-12, or 1, - ! BLACK CLOTH COAT, fox col-' ® room a p e r ie n t, h ^ t and Air conditioned 3 bedroom 1968 CADIIjLAC, 4-door Hard- j maintenance, evenings, 4 IS0-1S2 Pearl 8 t — 848-5S08 looking for for your family in to switch to a Mobilheat- top. nicely equipped, excellent j and all day Saturday. Coopera- GIFT IDEA at Tape Recorder lar, size 20, Good condition, hot water, $100. 649-4824 , 876- ranch, rural atqiosphere, Immediate occupancy on flred water beat. Household Services p.m. • 12 midnight. 8 nights 1166, a fine nelghbprhood. Priced in condition. 649-8963 after 6. I live Oil Company, 318 Broad Headquarters. Sales, rentals rea.sonable. Call 649-8776. tlp-t(^ shape. this sparkling new 6 room *Average family of four. Offered 13-A per week. Company offers Street. and tapes. Sales on Webror, low twenties. Call Mrs. raised ranch with 1% baths, Suzanne Shorts, 643-8886, J. VOLKSWAGEN. 1962, sunroof, I ------good wages and working ------Telectro. Bell and Panasonic MEN’S CIjOTHING Trench Many other listings iik i^ conditions. Free benefit pro­ WANTED — SET-UP man. ex­ 2 fireplaces, Tappon built- Watson Beach & Co., 622-2114. OPEN SUNDAY— 1P.M.^ P.M. red, low mileage, excellent eon- i RER^AVING of burns, moth from $16.88. Easy terms, Mar­ coat - Ixmdon Fog, zip-ln warm price ranges. Call ins, garage, city water and dition, $1,276, 1968 Chevrolet. 4-1 holes Ztepers repaired Win- gram. Write P.O. Box 1821, perienced in setting power low’s, Inc., 867 Main St. lining. Top coat • brown and measure; ' Hartford, stating experience press dies and drill press Jigs sidev^ks. Priced at only VERNON — OLDER 7 room MORIARTY 'door wagon. 6 cylinder, .stand-' ‘I''*'*' Shades made to me light brown comb., warm. Car GANZER & COMPANY $19,900. Excellent financing ard shift, $676. Call 649-4100. 16 all sizes Venetian blinds. Keys, and salary required. and fixtures, Box C. Herald. ^TORO POWERHANDLE Snow­ Dutch Colonial, 2 baths, 2-car f coat - Maine Guide Sportster, available. garage, new furnace, two fam-1 27 PITKIN STREET Brainard Place. made while'you wait. Tape Re­ plow lawnmower, $146. Band 643-7557 PRODUCTION WORKER, Man-■ orlon lining. Size 41. Borsalino lly possibility, top location, | BROTHERS corders for rent. Marlow’s 8671 .saw, $46; portable table saw. hat from Italy, medium brown, che.ster, small growing m inu -; Connecticut’s most progressive nfear acre lot, excellent condi- j Picture Christmas Eve in this luxurious 11-room Main. 849-5221. ' full size bowling machine. $50; .size___ 7H, __ brand...... new...... Also.. factiirer. career opportunity, FREE real estate nfflce U & R R E A LT Y CO., iNC. tion throughout. Only $16,900. Colonial. 5 bedrooma, 41/2 baths, gracious 35’ x 17’ Shopsmlth and every possible Dobb.s dark brown hat, size 7V4. 643-5135 INVITATION REPAIRS MADE on all makes NURSE LICENSED In Con- $1.76 hourly. Temple Agency,! attachment, $800. original cost, worn very little. 649-356$. Hayes Agency, 643-4803. living: room, large formal dining room ideal for small kitchen appliances. necUcut for small Rockvllle 75 Pearl Street,. Hartford. $1,300 - complete workshop. ______!______^______- __ $67 E. Center Street Four beautiful homes now ooiaptoted and ready tor ossu* 648-200$ your Christanas dinner. You are invited to in­ 301-315 C m | ^ St. Floor, table lamps rewired. convalescent home Free room Terms. Several motors, 17” tV | - Mtamdiester RANCH — 8-years-old, 6 rooms, poncy In the n^Ung Mlnnechaug hills—oU cn hsavUy wood* TO BID Doorbell systems checked and and board and TV'. Tel. 876- 19M RELIfilOUS CALENDARS family kitchen with bullt-lns, spect this unusually fine home. 'l Salesmen Wanted 36-A set. $36; English bike, camp] , Wanted— To Buy 58 R ob ert D . M u rdock, 648-6472 sd tots. Prices ^,000 to HeloOO, each koma wMh orecy Sealed bids will be received installed. Free estimates. Free 9121 trailer, 8” wheels, $60; storm I 2 baths, attached garage. Bow­ oonvenlenoe and two or more baths. Two thros bsdroom W E G IV E at the Office of the General pickup and delivery. All work windows. 30 h.p. Scott outboard WE BUY, SELL or trade -an- For AH Manchostor Fqrithos Now AvcMoblo ers School, immediate occupan­ SOLE AGENTS Colonials, a four bedroom Ocdonlal and a beoattful oon- GflEEN STAMPS guaranteed. Call 649-1608 any­ EXPERIENCED comolly bonaz OPENING FOR ambitious man, COLONIAL — 8% rooms, cus­ Manager, 41 Center _ Street, molor, $76; 60 h.p. Johnson tlque and used furniture, china, cy. Owner transferred. E. J. Mrs. Suzanne Shorts temporazy ranch will be open! time, preferably after 4 p.m. lettering embroidery operator, not afraid of hard work Jn tom built for family living, 4 Carpenter, Broker, 649-5081. Mrs. Doris MoLallca Manchester, Connecticiit, until or will teach power sewln|j ma- sales field. Company will trajp; .saber saw, $12. 649-1464. i *81ver. picture frames At Our Monchoitor Offico WMIo Hm Sup­ bedrooms, 2% baths, formal COVENTRY — LARGE execu­ Tel. 620-5770 Tel. 64S-8886 Follow Manchester Rd. post Mlimeohauf Oolf ik w n a December 17, 1963 at 11:001 and old coins, old dolls and tive ranch, 9 rooms. 2 fire­ chinecjune operator .wiinwith gooogood hand-nano- experience not n ecessa ry A v ^ ^ CLUBS k BAG, driver. 2 , hobby coUectiona, attic dining room, modern kitchen Watch for direction signs. A.M. for TVee Removal — I places, 7 acres, river running ST. JOHN STREET. Attractive M o b ilh e a t Building— Contracting 14 writing. Apply in person (no t V I and 8 woods. Gene Saraxen contents or whole estates. Fur- ply Lmts. with large dining area, family 6 room Cape, attached ga­ J. WATSON REACH & CO. (EbChteenth). , , phone calls) Mechanic Overall, 000 per year to start. For ap­ room off kitchen with fireplace. through the property. Guest RIMEWAY' RtALTT CO. Bid forms and specifications I QENERAL BUILDING service, pointment call collect. M an-' irons - 3„ 8, 7, 9. Golf Shoes -i nlture Repair Service Talcott- home, small barn. Ideal for rage, 1% baths, city water and Service, 161 Park Avenue. E .; Hush Puppies, 10 medium, 1 ville. Conn. Tel. 648-7449. 2-car ga je , covered patio, sewers. Quiet neighborhood, 21 CENTRAL BOW—TEL. 6(22-2114 IS are available at the Controller’s alterations, new work, recrea- Hartford, Conn. cheater 644-0202 between 6 and* treed lot, walkout basement, horses, etc. Maximum of Office, 68 Center Street. Man tion rooma. Warren Hedges, 8 p.m. only. i scarcely used. Golf Clubs an(l JARVIS REALTY CO. privacy. T. J. Orookett, Real- near bus, schools, shc^ping. Bag - left-handed, good for be 181.600. Ibriok Afonoy, 6«$- eheeter, ConnecUout. 643-4837 after 6 p.m. BXPERI&NCED Fountain help, Rooms Without Board 59 iw , 6tt4B7T. DeVaux. Aganoir, M0-272T. full and part-time, good work PART-TIMB real estate sales­ ginner. George Washington’s MS EAST CENTER STREET (Cor. I^onox S t) Town of Mancheeter, PLEASANT HEATED room for Oonnecticut ing conditions, store privileges. man. Write stating availability Choice Bedspread. double, Appltf Alfonso, Arttmr and qualifications to P.O. Box snow wMte, never uoad. 649- gentleman, near hath, pariting. Richard Martin, 64 High Itreet 1 Oeneral Mangier Read Herald Ad#. Dnig, M3 Main fit" U 6, Manchester. KM6..

•..V,). . .u.r ;• xV'.fc.M 4«'.rte^'UA*- • r

PAGE TEN SATURDAY, DECEl^IBER 7, t9<» lE t t ^ n h t s About Town Mnnclieater Aaeembly, O nl«r Business Bodies of lUMbow for Qirla, will hav« an InKiaitory meeting Mondny at 7:30 pv chief executive was liome of Laurence Lbhot»e, 108 Clinton St. week by the Oonneoticut Bank Laurie Lister, Barbara Goes, and Trust Oo. at Hartford's manager for Monroe Calculat­ blard A Son of Mencheater will nicknames for psopls^ ptaeaa. To Do Yule Play JoAnn Head, Nancy Tleniey, The Women's Fellowship and OonsUtution Plaza. ing Machine Co. al. 59 Farm­ oonatruct the odditicn o f oon- aircraft, hurricanes, dot., ki the Mary Ellen 'n em ey, D e b b y Breabyterten Men of The Pres- The C.B.T. Business Activity ington Ave., Hartford, has won orete blocks for $5,000. "Code Names Dictionary,” pub­ The Chlldren'a Wing of the Baredsa, Margaret Sullivan, Man-of-Year byterinm Church will have a Index is fluctuating about 7 per a four-day expense-paid vaca­ lished by Gale Research Oo., joint ChrisUnae party Monday cent above the level obtained Little ‘nteater of Manchester Gall Heller, B ^ ty B e i t n e r, tion in Florida for outstanding Ben COnali o f Vernon has Detroit, Mich. Virginia Cataldo, Joan Spencer, at 8 p.m. in Fefllowsliip Had! at In the faiU o f 1962. sales performance between July been named manager of Mott’s will pneeent “nie Christmaa Award Goes the church. Hoetesnes will be Automobile sales continue to and October. and Lo Ann Paridnson. Super Market at Boulevard and Victor DellaFera, ownar of Apple” by Margaret WilUams The play will be repeated Fri­ Mrs. Jim McAlMster, Mrs. Rob­ be strong with a record 13,000 More than 1,200 Monroe sales Prospect Ave., Wtat Hartford. ert McKean and Mrs. Perdval new passenger oars registered the Manchester Travel Bervtoe, ai an aaaemibly a i Keeney day n i^ t at Center Church for representaiUves and branch A 82-year veteran In eupennar- returned thla week from Miami, the Oo-Weda Christmaa meet­ To Prichard Huntphreys. Games wiU be led in Oonnecticut In October. managens competed for the ket operations. COnaH joined School ait 0:30 a.m. Monday. by James McAlKarter, WllMam Department store .«mtlon Of the nehool. rate as the national average end the PuiGy-FeniB Oorp. at 686 SERVICE Christmas oarola is incorpo­ walk, Oonn., plan stonn drain­ old tomorrow, conducts a poul­ thte week announced that John HMlaira St. Tn»e 14-foot high, rated into the play, is com­ age facUtties. try bussiness in Eniington, and ourrmtty amounts to 83,150 per Dowling o f Blast H artford, man­ Hone Oo. 1, Eighth DIstriot parson. Weekly earnings of 30 by 60 foot addition, Is for Save 88.06 On 808 GaOoiis la associated with hla father In ager of the store’s Bradford Ap­ exponsioa purposes. a Rockville hardware-store ven­ FItb Deparimesit, wlM meet manufacturing production werit- pliance Dept., has been awarded 24-Hour Burner Servloo ture. Monday nt 8 pjn. at the fire­ ers roSM to a now all-ttme high a specia] citation for outstand­ He was bom in the greater house, Main and KOtauxl Stn. o f $107.43 In October, up about ing aalea performance in a na­ NEW PRODUCTS: Free to Rockville area, where he at­ $6 fncsn a year age. tionwide Bradford Appliance anyone interested In the stock S A PIERCE’S HOLIDAY OIFTS tended local schools. After grad­ Ddwjghters of IR>erty, No. aalea contest. market is an llxl7-inch chart, McKinney uation from Rockville High 126, win meet TlMaday at 8 pjn. 9-WEEK SCHOOL printed In two ookms, erttitled Lumber and Supply Co. AT School, where he was active in at Orange HaS. Members are TTie New England Fuel Ih- the "History of Prioe-esminge I’cmlnded to bring grab bag Malcolm Robertson a t 462 sports, Prichard attended the Otlltute wlffl boU a 9-wcck Oil Adame St., group leader in Eh- Ratios and Dividend Yields,” Est. 1947— Bolton University of Connecticut, and gVtn. Refrenhsnmts will be Heat Servioe School beginning avrUlabie from Stock Stick WELLES FARM COUNTRY STORE *«»ved by the advisory board. gtneerlng Ri^rds at Pratt A then served In the U.S. Air Tueaday, Jan. 7, 1964, at the Whitney Aircraft in Bast Hart­ Oo., Denver, Oolo... "Duckpin” Tel. 643-2141 Force, attaining the rank of PoMah National Home, 100 Gov­ was the World War II code Edgar Ctrele of South Metho­ ford, receirtly joined the firm’s AND GIFT SHOP I staff sergeant. ernor St, Hartford. Quarter Century dub. name tor President Eisenhower After his discharge, he moved dist Church WBOS wiU meat The ocunM, designed to keep and "Admiral Q” was the de­ Come Early Says The Postmaster to EUlington and began an Monday at g pjn. at Susannah oil burner oervloemen up to signation for President Roose­ active Interest in poUtics. At the Wesley Hall, 20 Hartford Rd. date on new service methods Mias Olive Gallagher of 56 velt. Now you can find out the The Rev, and iMm Ray C. Hoi and equipment, wfll have a Chestnut St. recei^y retired ROUTE 83, TALCOTTVILLE age of 80, Prichard was elected from Pratt A Whitney Aircraft. meaning of “Rat Week,” ’Tted N otice TEL. 875-7395 TEL. 649-7669 to the board of selectmen, and lis Jr. wlH present att evening nominal charge which inchidea Oow,” “Basooka Pants,” — In of music. Non-circle members a veiy valuable menuel. Cleae- She was an office secretary tn two years later, he assumed mlUtary spare parts and sales all, about 8,500 code names, WE HAVE DAILY his present top post. have been tnvttad. HosteasM ea wfll rwi from 7:80 to 10 cover wondB, popular names and o w«l be Mrs. Varner NyUn, Mrs. pjTL ea d i night. ait the firm. He has succeeded in bringing dieclai totaling than DELIVERYtOTHE to Eniington the first substantial Robert Knight, James Sell­ For further Information oon- n o n er and Mnt. Douglas Adair. $1,226,000 in Christmas d u b Industry in 100 years, has great­ taot WOrren E. Tarmant, Amer­ savings has been received by ■ ■ ly improved the town's street ican Ooal Oo., 170 Peerrl St., lighting, has activated a safety Friendship Circle cf the Sal­ Hartford. members of the East Hartford MANCHESTER BOLTON W OW " Whaf Service program In conjunction with the vation Army will meet Monday Aircraft Federal dedlt Union. PLACE ORDER—PICK IT UP IN 10 MINUTES State Traffic Commission, has at,7:46 pjn. at the church for SHARE IN OIFTS worked to provide free am­ a service program. Hoetasses Oeorge Bums, manager at *nve East Hartford Aircraft CYCLE SHOP AREA DONT BELIEVE US7 THEN TRY US! will be Mrs. James Munsie arxl dub of PAWA wfll hold five bulance service, and haa helped King’s Department Store at 149 Middle Tpka West organise the first active recrea­ Mra Thomas Blervins. Pine St. and Hartford Rd., to­ parties, Dec. 15, at the.Bushnell SMALL tion program In EniingtOn’s his­ day announced that employes at Memorial at Hartford for some Phons 649-2098 LARGE tory. Members of St. James’ Holy the firm will share $125,000 in 8,600 children, ages 3 to 9, of LENOX PIZZA-RAY’S Prichard Is the son of Mr. Name Society wiU leoeive Holy Christmas gtfts to be dirtribut- employes. BOB KIERNAN, Prop. 75c ^ 1 .2 5 Communion In a body at the 8 130 Spruce St.— 643-0031 and Mrs. FVancla J. Pricbord ed to K ing's empAoyes in blie PHARMACY Sr. of Union SL, Rockville. The a.m. Mass tomorrow at St. finn’s 32 stores in 15 states. ahariiee Wick of 15iM Forest Bieyek Rspolring elder Prichard la a former Ver­ James’ Church. Members a.r§ King's Depeutment Stores; as Gt. was one o f 17 men to grad­ 2V9 E. CEHTER $T. SEAFOOD DfNNERS non first selectman, and for reminded to assemble in the of Oct. 31, has broken all pre­ uate reoently from Basic Sales All Types—-Expert many . years, waa chairman of churchyard prior to vious records for corresponding Training School of ­ Guaranteed Workmanahip TEU MfJOatt • SHRIMP • CLAMS • HSH the Vernon Republican Town year periods. ard Reglstor Oompoiw, Day- Committee. TTie Manchester Garden dtds From a one-store beginning ui ton, OhlD. He has asKoned his Plck-np and Delivery Prichard Jr. resides on Main Christmas party will be held at 1948, King’s has grown to one new dutiiee with the firm 's St., Ellington, with his w^e, the the Whlton Memorial Audito­ of the nation’s largest seK- Hartford Soles Office. former Rose Loalbo of Rock­ rium tomorrow at 4 p.m. after servlce chains wilii an. annual ville, and their two children, the exhibition and sale. Enter­ volume j o t over $80 million, Oolonlial Board Oo. on Parker PLUMBING Laurie Aim, 2V4, and Jo­ tainment will be provided by Bums said. St. will add a new one-story, seph, 1V4. the Hand Bell Ringers of the 10 foot high, 17 by 31 foot Water Heaters Center Oongrregational Church, WINS TR IP locker and shower room at the PICCOLO’S PIZZA PALACE and a talk on the Mstoty of HEATING Julian W. Whibvey Jr. of 6(2 northeast section of tlMir Par­ 457!(4 m a i n —Just North From Post Office—Tel. 649-8006 Humidifiers bells will toe given by Mm Rich­ Oarmen Rd., assistant branch ker St. plant. The Joseph Hub- ard D. Ranney of East Hart­ PIZZA. GRINDERS cmd SPAGHETTI Oehumidifiers AIR OONDITIONING OPEN ALL DAY ford. Mrs. John F. Pickles Is chairman. « f V Air Cleaners TO GO OR TO EAT HERE SUNDAY The Women's Auxiliary of Heat Pumps the Fire and Police Junior Ath­ Pkiln P lm 75c, Medliim $1.00, Large $1.2S PINE PH AR M ACY letic Association will hold Its ITEMS 25c EACH Water Pumps 664 Center St—649-9814 Christmas party Monday at 7 WILLIAMS p.m. at the home of Mrs. Wil­ OPEN SUNDAY Through THURSDAY 10 A.M.-1 a.itt Water Coolers liam Shaw, 2 Ansaldi Rd. Mrs. FRIDAY, SATURDAY 10 AJW. to 8 AJtf. " OIL SERVICE. Inc. Norman A. Bjarkman Jr., 28 Water Softeners FrankUn St., will be eo-hosteas. Reservations' close at noon Zone Control BOLTON Monday. There will be a smor­ GENERAL ELECTRIC DEALERS gasbord and exchange sf gifts Bath Rooms prior to a short buslneaf meet­ Known for QuaUty Products CIDER M IU ing. and Service Routes U. 8. 6 and 44A 841 Broad St., Manchester—-649-4848 Ruth Circle of Emanuel Lu­ Bolton theran Church Women will GOOD NEWS meet Monday at 8 p.m. in the Will hovt swsst elder board room of 'the church. Cookies will be packaged for FOR HOMEOWNERS through the holidays. annual Christmaa disMbuUon. Mrs. Charles Bodemann will Open Weekends or Call act as devotional leader, Mrs. MANCHESTER AWN!NO COMPANY, 1W 648-6889 Carl Hultmn and Mrs. Roger E. 8. SUversteln, Prop. Bagley will be In charge of South Methodist W*8t CMt«r SfTMt, Manchestar, offers a DOUBLE refreshments. wide range of home improvemenfs and seni> Church ices at reasonable prices. 1226 MAIN STREET NOW, during the winter moptha la the *!■»>■ to A CANDLE advantage of diacount pricea. Rev. J. Manley Shaw, D.D., Senior Minister KgMs the w oy in « lime o f derlmMt. Rev. Ray C. Hollis Jr., Associate Minister Miss Marjorie Williams, Director of Education OUR QUALITY PRODUCTS INCLUDEr Over 1900 years ago a Star provided Jack B. Grove, Director of Music on eternal light that made possible ^nvaa products; ouatom-made awnlnga for trrnirra ^tloa and commercial uae; take down, storage and re- •ternol life to those who believe. Invites You To Worship hang servioe; coveta for outdoor furniture, boat covers GREEN STAMPS / oifi the Kght of the world; he 9:00 A.M. Morning Worship 10:45 A.M. '®P**/*^ O' new to your patterns «pd Bpe^lcattona; fasteners, groinineta, and zippers W inced Ihof foffoweth me that! no# walk in 9:00 A.M. Church School 10:45 A.M. and for sale; air conditioner and luggage rack coven* darknou, but shoH hove ihe ffghf of Sermon— December 8 WED. and SUN.! Ufor John 8i12 Bible Sunday “The Book To Liv? By" rr'A.xr*"’' ^ Dr. Shaw, Preaching ^umlnum roU-up awnings, folH-up awnings, dook oon- oplM, can^ts custom made and In all colors and aiaes. FREE! FREE! THE CHURCH of the NAZARENE YOUTH FELLOWSHIPS FREE WITH THE PURCHASE OF 886 MAIN ST., MANCHllSTEK, CONNECTIOUT Junior High—7:00 P.M. “ A CHURCHI wnnawma Aaw MISSIOV’ WE MEASURE AND INSTALL OITR pniiivirTVvra 8 0 A UONS OF GAS or MORE! ROBERT J. SHOFF, Pastor Senior High— 7:00 f.M. BEACTIFDL ANCHOR HOCKINO CUT GLASSES Young Adults—-8:00 P.M. M < « ^ , Tnesday, Wednesday and Friday 8 aju. to Xhiea Types to Choose From: • Water • Jnloe • Sherbet to?pj^’ * P-ni*. end Sate^y 0 a jn . e The above Free Offer Is Good Every Day at the W eek e MONDAY 8BBVIGEB Sunday School ...... 1 ,. 8.80 CLASSES IN CHURCH MEMBERSHIP AND Worship H oar ...... -.10:45 STUDIESfIN METHODISM EACH MANCHESTER Youth Followship...... 6:00 SUNDAY EVENING 7:30 P.M. STATE EvangoUsm ...... 7K)0 , * S S S t •howroom «>d "YOUR FLYING ‘A’ Dl PJL MMiFaiaaB . . . 770 BIAIN STREET, MANCHESTER WEDNESDAY CALL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OFPOSITB STATE TMEATER • PHONE M Mid-WMk Senrlee ...... 7s86 HEGEBIBBB, JANUARY aod FEBKUAr T’^ aso^tlhit Office—648-8884 Home—648-4014 ^ for SFBOIAI^ CASH D isSoTO nfpsSS.

^ J . .-'/ J

• 4 I .■ '* r ■7 ! - * *•* s ' ;


DE< |4> tda*aiiawap&^?r= ^ ^ ^^IkiDEo 'iniraj^ ‘McPheeters’ Villian Likes 2-Legged Role g | ^ B r mXJTH E. THOBtPSON 0 he m ade h4a noU ble splash in **X try to be the kind pt vtl> "On The Waterfront." The lag, IMI- lain who'll acare the adulU but honwervsr, waa not entirely Hol­ I S t won’t fOol the kida,” aaya lywood’s fault. WesterfieM Just day Jamea Weaterfleld, who triea to wasn’t in Hollywood much. He irm. iMay the daatardly J i ^ M urrel wae absorbed in the stage, and ot “The Travela of Jalmle Mc- not Just acting. ^ Pheetera" (ABO-TV^ 7:30 Sun­ 'Ihough he worked seriously day evenlnsa). "a little larger at his craft, he went through tHan life," and aince Weater- In the o*ie expenaively cocky moment. held welfha 250 poimda him- HIS m erry face crinkles upward ’ puS>- aelf . . . well! Oo., as be reoalls IL After one nice it waa televlalon which break he dudied up in a hom- babuflrht him to villainy in the burg hat and kept an appoint­ llfat place He'd always missed ment with a producer who me o t out batnf a bad guy in his long wanted Weaterfleld to take the rvioe, atage and screen career. Then understudy role for the la*^e CiBanl, came television, and among his Paul Douglas as the millionaire ind-a- 000 rolea was "Long John Sil­ Junk dealer in the great Judy ver.” ■mUl- Holliday comedy "Bom Yejler- and Ever since, he's hoped "that day.” "My head n>uat really somebody would write me a have swell^ Into that homburg two-legged John Silver . . . at because with great arrogance I d the my site hopping around with nd a t aald, ‘Jamea Weefaerfield under­ one foot tied in back of me studies no man!’ Then I couldn’t wasn't too easy.” And now . . . find another good Job all that except for being land-locked, year!" which matters not a whit to him, he has his wish in the However, reverting to nU McPheeters series baaed on true aelf, he got 'ousy again and Robert Liewls Taylor's Pulitaer branched into producer-director, Priae novel. entrepreneur facets as well as While it’s a little leas rugged acting. He earned the Dona’1- than the Westward trek of the aon Award for his perform incc 30era, Weaterfleld has a not- in the musical, “Swing Out too easy crooa country saga of Swe^ Land" and two CriUca’ loa hla own. The T^nneasee-bom Awards (for ’The Mad Woman actor got the show busiAeaa of Chailott" and for “Detective urge early because, "My father Story"). He also founded the f waa a barnstorming actor, you now-famed Loo A ngt’es Gree!c aee." Then the family nettled Theater and Vancouver’s down in Michigan while "Theater Under the Stars." And James was still young, and his in Danbury, Conn., in 1050 he father went Into the candy was in on the organisation of buatneas . . but the younger the first musical theater-in-the- member was dedicated to car­ roundl He baa also produced, rying on. and directed Jfew York City So, r%ht after high school in Center operas. the depression daye of 1935 he "Now from what we’ve been hitch-hiked to Hollywood. It talking about, you’re going to I took door to four weeks. He ar­ think I don’t like acting, that | rived wHh "$1.06 in my pocket 1 don’t Uke television ami that I j and right away apent Sd bents don’t like Hollywood. Whereas ILY for a theater inagaslne.” 1 k))^ them ail." | With the remaining 70 cents He oan sure back up his FHE tn hla .pocket he landed'a "1^ atabament. He thumbs-downed a asaodated wHh the theater,' dumce bo atep into Rudy Val deltvartng handUlla. It paid $2 iae’s atage role in "How To Sim- I always hop^ sorneoody would wriie me a two-legged Jolin Sliver,” says James Wester- a week—and that juat took ear« oeed In Business Without Really nold, who got ids wish when he was cast as the rapscalUon in "The Travels of Jamie Me- N of mom rent. EOr food he Trying" bo go Into Mc- Pheetois, (ABC-TV, Sundays at 7:30 p.m.) Once cast as "Long John," Westerfield found to depend on over-ripe avooa- Pheeters.” “I think," he aays. hopping; his 250 pounds around on one leg; inig hty strenuous. Soaa and grapefruit: destined "tfalB John Murrel ia a really afhsrwtau for diecard. (Maybe loveable raaoaUion.. .even if he d raaaon why today he’s known oan always twist a Biblioat quo- an aauperb cook 7) bafion to suit his own purposes.” Television l4iek followed dMgeacc, "And thougti I have a nephew SATURDAY PROGRAM though, and he got a walk-on I love’ dearly, 1 hope he wxm’t M:SS ( S) 8kr K lu (83) Tea Pla BawUag (Fart II A wanted outlaw paK and a rave review (“be- haibe noe for saying Kurt Russell (22-M) Sat. TrM Ua .f Um 9:99 (12) Film : y Y skua takea refuge south of tha bos'- oause somebody from Micoigan la the nooat outstanding oMId (M) High Sckaal Sparta der and Dillon goes after Mm. ( 8-:S> B am Baaajr Buoadup 11:99 ( 3) News, Sports sad Weaffc- waa in the audience and he Pve ever met. Bata 500 In the (4S> Caadlepin Bawlias 9:19 (39) Aroand Tawa er ST. asrote it with such enthusiasm LMt$e League, you know. His 1*:S# ( 9> D« Yoa KaawT 9:29 (39) WashiagtoB Report (39) News aad Weather as if I were a star. I won’t say fahar, who’s an aobor, doesn't Bob Maxwell, host. Teama of 9:39 ( 8-29-49) IX W latar W ym plc (321 Saturday Night BepeH 9 to 12-year-olda teat Uielr G am es (49) S atu rd ay Rditien S I waa lust carrying a spear, be- want him cursed by the ‘.itage know ledge. T oday’s l>ook: "CJross C^ountry Skiliig. Speed­ 11:13 ( 3) S atu rd ay Spectacular oausa I wasn’t. But aia a report- bhfkf stigma. I once heard him "Wonderful World ot E n e rg y ." skating and the BlathTon." "A Walk in the Sun." DnnB •r, I waa carrying a pencil snd reprknasid Kurt for using a (tt) Ballwiakle Sli.w (CaAr) Coach Willy Schaeffler gueM. Andrews. Richard Conte. Cartoon seriea. (22-39) Inlernalional Showtim e ( 3) Okaagiag Tim es that’a about aH I did In that dirty word. ‘Don’t ever say that < 8-29) M aale L ead of Alla- (49) Grand Jary 11:29 (39) The Late Shew Bhow," Jim grlna). ag^aln,’ he admonished. You’ll kaaara 1:99 ( 3) Weather, Spart. sad 11:39 ( 9) Newe, WeaAher ead never gueas what the dirty (tS) M illtua D«llas Mavla News Sports But that part also got him 1;M < S) B .F .D . No. S ( 8) T ra a Adveatora (49) S a ta rd a y Editiea paat the threehold of Pasadena wwl was. It was ‘my career.’ (22-30> E xpl^ac (Calar> (29) Film 11:33 ( 8> Big M arie Playhouse, and in the next two Or Albeii ft. ftlbbs. boat. (49) Wanted Dead a r A lira 11:43 (49) Shock Theatre "We got along so well, and Oscar Brand. Rltta Puui>eta, 12:99 (22) S atu rd ay Night Baae»9 and a half years he appeared in hove so much fun, it took Kurt George Montgomery. Subject: 1:89 ( 3) daokla Uleasaa Skew 12:19 (22) Cartoia Time Sam Huston. ' The American Scene Haga- M plajrs with such fellow stu­ little adjustment when we ilne. Comedy-variety featur­ 1:99 ( 8) T he Big M ovie ( II-29) My Friead FUcka (49) T he Lord'o Prayer NW dents as 'Victor Jcry, Dana An­ w ent Into oharacter. He flnautly t reaiily supposed to l.’M ( 3) N.C.A.A. FMtbsUl (28-39) Victory At Sea 1:39 ( 9) Good Night Hymn movie bit part ("The Howards Mm you.' " Alabama vs, Miami Alexander Scourby. narrator. af VUrginia”) and 1954 before (3-29-43) Aasericaa Ba ad stand Highlights’ of award winning Hoiw does W eaterfleld feel Dick Clark emcee. Music, in­ 28-program serial of World about wotking with a scene­ terview s. War II. Special music conv stealing child? Heck, what's to «{99 ( 39) Watrk Mr. Wisatd posed and conducted by Rich­ Don Herbert - conducts scien­ ard Rodgers. worry about. Furthermore, tific experiments. Today: ( 849-29) Haatcaaaay JOHN L lENNEY aonvebody once said of him, "Why Not Fly Like a B ird ? " Jack Linkletter host. Guests; (22) Salarday Aftemssn F m Shad Mitchell .Trio, Joan Tol­ "Look out for chUdren, dogs tare . liver Brock Peters. Vaughn AGENCY and Jkn W esterfl^.” It's not 3:39 ( 8) Muvia Meaner. From Unlveratty of "The Navy Cornea Through. M aryland. me," he giggled, "it’s the eye- Desl Amaz. J. Cooper. browB." You take a look. He’s . • (29-39)^ Ohaa»iaasM|s Bawling 8:89 ( 31 The Defenders got something there., Bushy and (49) D anea n i W E. O. Marshall, Dean Stock- well. Falsely imprlsoaed as ELECTRONICS dark they d&’t want to seem 3:99 (49) African Faiswl an embesaler a hank clerk C'^V* r - -to Ue flat against a forehead 3:39 (29) Film turns killer. (32) Wresfllag Okamplsns i.X 8^ > Lawraaee Walk LABORATORIES r Il- at all a« eyebrows usually do, (39) Coacam rarther they shoot out an incb. (49) ChamaiaBaWp BawUag Muaical hour of aongs. dano- 4:99 ( 9) The iMpaty big and instrumental. solos a UEROy NOKR 18 or so ki ptaoea at right aitglea (39) Wild Bill Hlckack 277 BROAD like eyelashes. Iro>m n Hollywood. P realdeat 4:39 (3) N.F.L. FaatknU 9:99 (28-39) Satafd ay Nigh4 a t tha laanranee ot All Kinds What ere his kmnediate fu­ Green Bay vs. Raipa Movies (Color) Bonds ture pbUM? Weil, two days af- ( A-2949) AFI. H igU ighIa "The Left Hand of O o d .'‘ Weekly roundup of Amerioaa Humi^rey Bognrt. Cone Tler- SHOP FOR U n B. Clenter 8 t—dU-4117 Footb^I t,eague gnntea. Curt itey. A eoldler of fortune dons (8ee Page Four) Gowdy and Paul Chriatmaa a priesC a garb tn escape a reporting. ruthleea Chfneae warlord. (32) Bare af Ike Weak 9:39 ( 3) The Mew PUi BByeaa CHRISTIAS AUTOMATIC (39) Tea Pin Bowliag Shew DELIVERY 8:99 (22-39) N F l. BlgU lgkla MUIaken for "Phil Silvern” ATUNTIC FURNACE OIL Jim Learning commenln oa Harry Graftoa frM4oada at a the previous week's seven Na­ luxury hotel until the real HERE a 24 HOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE — 649-3701 tional. Football League games. Phil ahows up. ( 9-8949) WMa Worift M i.»4M9> The denv Imwis V- Sparta Mow 9 AM. to 9 P.M, 51 BISSELL ST. National FlnaJs Rodatx L m Comedy-rarleljr with___ _guest _ _ Phone 643-1129 An g e'e a %K>rta A rena. stars. Live from Hallywood. LT. WOOD CO. (IS) Tap Star Bawtlag 19:99 ( 31 aanameke TV-Radin, BbIcs bb4 (d l (39) Captain Oallam James Amoaa, OUhart «»-*—■

re- Dd ed ft; na


T elevision MJMlMiMimjmSMJIIMJIMMHMeWiMXMMW6MmilM2 WaMng out on SUlNDAY PROGRAM Gtog pa^ (brae pnOpiv TWe TUESDAY T elevision PROGRAM saow M il tbem A n d Time ChmiBel 1:48 ( 8) TIb m Oat for Baorta thumbprint'' makas a Jewel T F Notebook ba sgm R w a s kto a oB ege toot- V:45 < 8) Sacred Heart 1:88 ( 8) N.F.L. FoetbaJf ObaeaM Rest into a honeymoon hotol. robbery suspect bab (xauh. Bud WHktanan, wtao •:M ( S> haacei •! Ai m i Imi Qlanta vs. Washlnstoa ( 88-88)88-88) Wsadarfalsaa« * World of ( 8) R— et Cimk s i ■47 (28-99) m ohaid Beeae M ew < S) M a n i l u S em iB av . ^ ( 8 ) Cowboy aad & e Tkrar (Color) Ay DICK KUEINER g a n a h im (I m clu e. < I) Navreoefe 4iM Harry Morgan. Bethel LesHa. • iM ( I) TIra CbUtaplMM 1:88 (1» Castala Oallaat Part H) Hayley MUla. Adolph “On our squad,” be says, (ti-t9> T*4ey Biww A proud man living in a < •> «M CMlath (88) a Tp .L. Football ifenjou. Poilyanna yradualiy 1 Christmas At Staneks Newspaper Batatprtoe Aasa. ( i>Ua4miiSukUer O u Wm M Jack dream world Is Jolted by Ida Naw York at Buffalo converts the town to ner yood "mere wars nfth string p ^ - 7iU (IS) WeeUmr (9649) TraUmTraUmaaicr daughter's marriage, 151 SKS-iass.*,: (48) Bly Pletare cheer poliw. NETW YORK (NEA) — Jack era who never got Into a game. 7:ie ' FriaaSa at tor. Otatoer 4:96 , ^ Haws r S-M ^> Qreatoak Shew en ■ :4( ( S> D»Te7 mat OvUMh 1:88 (88) FUm ( 6-18-48) Travata s< Jaarto CNng paid a htt b pelM tor hto ’Awy (xwld hava been fkat- 4:8' 691) Karla Barth (Oaiar) < •) Off t* A4T«B(wre (48) Air Foree Story MePheeters TV A M and FM ) Sarf^Talk Abaat (99) Kaka lu a m 9u DaMy Jack Palanoe. Lucille BAU. A • iM *> «f da MreefcMk 8:48 (88) Chaaylay Time Keenan Wynn, (Jbarles Mo- career. Only now, ss tbe psy- strlng nt many other ooMegea- Taareaaa (It) Kimaa Dallu Karla lonely olrcu* performer tries ( •> This U tkm t S » 8:88 (88^> Newt Bacore (Color) Oraw. Jaimie sets out with a ob ologtot on Tbe Btonrenth Hour, W hkinon made them beltoaa ______at_8elaaaa 6i99 < 9) Tka BMeaua to help a chUd. (tl> D isc D oaf Bcfcaal "Voice of the Desert" Natural­ bunted maa to aesiroh for a RADIOS to bs bsgtontog to resp the la- i HMC V M ff WOMH n C tUMr m O R (19) Thraa Staagu 9:99 ( I) Beaay Pregraaa TIm ChrtobiriMn ist Joseph Wood Krutch aboara mountain of yold. Portable. Color . JeoK lie J49) Tha A «m ln l aaS Bwabby Satire on the three muske­ (M> Saorcd Heart and tella of the Sonoran weavto, mc0 Bm (toy and ttaat they would SM I) g a e in f toaaat teers by Benny, Don WUaon t ! l ( SaariM Saneatav Puppet; Qinyer Royers. svecythtng you really want" taWde onme. So I knew my (U> Oar FaMh Sophie Tucker; Jan Murray; By Syhmmlaf Meterola at Or 5'Sa’Gun Filter." O. Peek. 19l99 ( 8 ) Garry Msera Shaw ( 8) Tha Aaswar (48) Aaslaamaat Vadwwatar 19n AlI-AmeriM Football aaya Gtog. *T wanted to be an break would oomm, and I’d be OSIa 6:99 t ■) Qalek l^ w MeGraw Itaaturing D u r w a r d Ktrbr. (88) Thia U tke U fa 8:88 ( 8-48) A>.L. Football team. ready. Whan you bSbeva (bnt, 1 1 ^ - (49) fiaato’sHnintfi’ i W arkshu Quests: Jackie Mason, Haney (48) Oral Boherta Boston vs. Kansas Dumont mid SotclwH-CBrlMn 6:46 (49)« ) ASvaak______ASvaetarea la_____ TIaao Dusaault. John Gary. M tM ( 8) Lamp Oala My Heat (U ) iBslaht 8:88 (88-88) QriadI TABLE MODELS and you can pay any prioe." 1:99 ( 8) Haws aaS Waatoaa (8699) Aady WUliame Shew Relirtous serlea with Dr^ 4:88 (88) Saaday Imoyene Cooat Oiindl caus­ toavla (49) News (Osier) Crothera. Drama of the trana- Frank Blair, boat Oueata: es an uproar when she intsr- PortabicH Bjr Panasonic (99) m s Pletare Variety. Questa: Roy Rogeaa, latton of the Bible for Maaaa- Robert Abemethy. Senator ferea In the family proUema _ -.^ M w v Griffie (49) Stsaeqr Beifca Dale Bvans, Don Knotts. chuaetta Indiana. Maryaret dtaae Smith, of her employers. CLOCK RADIOS 9) F to Da Yae Truer 4iM ( 9) Sporis, Haws eaS Waato- ( 649) n e Soviet Womaa ( 8) Jewlah Newa Vlawa Jacques d'Ambolae and New ( 8-88-U) Arrest aad Trial Admiral and Sonj toto) ^ ■ a a e traWaa Special. Interview with (22) Chalice af Balrdliaa York Center Dancera. Ben Gasaara, Roddy Mo- TV Personalities 6M 4^n a Friea U HUM 6:19 ( 8) Haws Madame Krushchev. Also So­ (38) Sacrifice af the Maaa (18) Tke Bly Pletare Dowall. A self-styled super­ Srhranla, Motm-ola, Timwtoter »dl) WstlM Uaha (Oalaa) ( 8) O a& w viet people and places In (M) ThIa la tha Life (28) Aryameat man Is arrested by Andersca 69619) S a ^ Kaya (9689) HaaUay-Btlaklar Soviet and Bolshoi Ballet per­ M :N ( 8) Look Up aa4 U re 4:88 ( 3) Fair Eaokaayo and defended by EIs m . Ann Williams , i) Lava at Ufa • :U (M) Hawa formance. Part II of a three-part aerlea 4:48 (28) Scoreboard 8:M ( 8) Jady OarlaadUew sito) Tau n m Imyraariaa 7:99 ( 8) Ta Tell toe Trato 11:99 ( 669649) News. Weather ^ "Three VIewa of Chiistmaa. 8:88 ( 8) Saaday Sports Spee- Musical-variety. Questa The annaie of ebowbuslness 69649) T eu M M Braia FaaS (99) Far Year latarmaUaa aad Sports Rev. Sidney Lanier, narrator. taealar (28-88) Beaaaaa (Oelsr) are fbled with stories of aspir­ 19:99 I 9) SaaMh tar Taauiraw (99) Weatoar aaS I,aaal News (82) Big News ( 8) Hoar of 81. Fraaela Art Toke, veteran Jumper and Lome Greene. Kathle Btnwa. H Sylvania, Motorola WEIHPOR TAPE ing young aotressea wtao warted 99-99) TraHi ar Oauasaav (89^) Hews 9b4 Wratoer (19) News aad Weather (M) Faith for Today coach of the 1964 U.S. Adam helps a new . widow 69619) Fetoar Kuwa Baa4 7:19 (19) Speelal B a u rt U :U ( 8) Taesdsy Starlight 11:88 ( 8) Camera Three Olympic team la Interviewed. face the truth about her mar- yeana and yeaca tor tbetr fkat 91) Hawa l i U (99) wiMtera lUMS Highllghta "D.O.A." Bdmond O'Brien, P. Experimenlal aerlea covering (22-88) WUd Klaydom (Color) riaye. 2 Webcor, Dumont RECORDERS break — starving, v rorld n g at 9) But Sallu (19) toerta Camara Britton. drama. literature. dance, Marlin Perkina, host: Jim 18:88 . Oaadld Camera giubby Joba, nenrer being dios- I 9-99-49) Oeaaral Huj (49) Newa (49) Steve Alien Show mualc and art James Macan- Fowler. "Puma Pass" study rward Kirby, host, aad itoto) At Hama wMh j 7:99 ( 9) What ta toa WarM 11:89 (N> Sw rts Boaadap drew. host. of the mountain Hons of Allen F\int. I . en, aad nenriy glvtag up. Just 11:26 ( 8) Spertsview ( 8) Commeats A People for a change, along oomea tal­ ___ (49) Barbue Bareeri (9691) Mr. Navak (22) Mahalia Jacksoa North America. (22-88) White Paper ^ Marine Radio Equipment li99 ( 9) Aa toe WarM Taru Jamea Franciscus, Daaa Jag- 11:89 (22-89) Tonight Show (O) (28) Featare "Chiba: The Bay of Plya" the ented, willowy Ajm WRMams, < 9) Qgla B4erm Sbaw ger. A student rejects over­ ( 8) m g Mevie (88) Etcraal U (ht 8:88 ( 8) I've Qot A Secret first of two pronmns on tures of friendship trom both "Tbe Crimson Kimoo Harvey Glue Sbaw student and faculty. Glenn Corbett. V. Shaw. 11:18 (22) Ameriraaa at Worh gie Aelding to NtBC-TTe day­ 18:46 (49) Lord’ s Prayer 11:88 ( 3) From Colleae Campaa Robert Earle. moderator. tion detalllny unsuccessful at­ (49) Hawa I 68649) Cembal ( 8) All America Wants to Challenyer la Bowdoin Colleye tempt to invade Chiba. Chat time drama aeries “Tlw Doc- 1:96 (49) Barbara Bareari Vic Morrow. Rick Jaaon. 12:59 ( 8) News A Weather (Brunswick, Maine). Huntley, narrator. 1:66 (89) Speelal HaBart Wounded near the German 12:55 ( 8) Moment of Meditation Knew tom," (NBC-TV, Monday 1:99 ( 8) Newscope, Momeate at (22) For Yoar InformaSioa 8:88 ( 8) Twentiatk Ceatary ( 8) Battle Llae (it) ICise af DeiUay frontline, Saunders la discov­ A study of the ctuastrophic (2848) Laasbs Fer Sale through Friday, 2;90 p.m.-S f r it ( 9) P u iw arS ered by a German duerter Comfort (88) Jewish Life (39) Newe 11 :M ( 3) laslrhls World War I BatUe of W - Hal March, emcee. Panel p.m. EDT) wMh quite a diffor- (9619) P u p le WUI TaBt who seema willing to help. ( 8) Duckpin Derby dun. Orlylnal music by Mor­ show featuiiny top comedians. ent story. Tbe difference prtd>- 1^5 JauefreDay 9i99 ( 8) The Bed Skelton H aw ton Gould. Walter Cronkite, Guests: Rose Marie. Henny Ctomedy-varlety. Oueata. (22) Toarndowa host. ahly hea to a combination of Hazel (Shirley Booth) plana (38) Wild Rill HIckock Younyman, Shecky Oreene. (49) Tba Beat a( Graeaba 8:99 (8689) Bedige to help the Baxters’ milkman, (48) The Cowboy aad tba (22-38) Moot the Press (OoUr) 18:88 ( 8) TTkat's My Lias outstanding talent, exoeptional 9:99 ( 9-8649) Dajr la Oeert ( 62649) McHsle’sN ary >- Interview proyram. ( 8) Heasa Party Brnest Borgnine. The men In­ eSaude (Sterling Holloway), Tiiter (18) Perspective on Oreataeos John Daly, moderator. Panel­ i STANEK I(x>ke, and a pinch of took- David Wavne. Jack Ollford. ists Dorothy KllyaUen, Bon- 3 EU C T R O N IC S Phone 649-1124 Winner o f a tour-year sObol- (19-99) Tba Daetara vade a Japanese-held island to whoM job la Jeopardized after Musical fantasy about a 8:18 ( 8-48) SMreboard nett Cerf. Anena l ^ n c ls . 8:66 (8680) Mewa mall a love-letter (or their 30 years by sale of the dairy, in younsster whose ambition to 8:98 1 3) Mister Ed ( 618) News Boports aiataip to George Washington 9:99 < 9) Tbe Bdra at MIsM favorite war-prisoner. own a horse poes astray. (R ) Alan Youny, Connie Hines. An In-depth look at top aewa UntvenRy because of dreanatic (1699) Lereka Taoas 9t99 < 8) FeM eoat JaaoUan “The Retiring Milkman” on EM seeks a type of revenye stories. Bob Youny, anchor­ Jack Glng ( 8) Trallmuter Bea Benaderet, Eldgar Bu­ 11:88 ( 8) We Believe for new nelyhbor Col. Kirk­ talent dkiplayed in high school NBC-’TV’s “Hazel” color series (28) Directions '84 man. (9649) Qaeaa far toa Day chanan. Uncle Joe finagles a wood's suyyestiona for thin- (48) Call Mr. D b4wk to bet hometown o f Wash­ _ (IS) MUliao Dallar Karla Justice of the Peace appoint­ 'Thursday, Deo. 12 (9:30 pm . Frederick O'Neal, Barie Hy­ niny Ed down. “Then wad tbe price of wait­ 8:99 ( 1) Ta TaU toa Trato BST). man. Readinys of arrltlnys of 11:88 ( 8) Newa C O M IR N ft MIDDLERROOK, hie. ing—aektag boMca door to door, ington. D. O.. Ann’s abilities ment so he can turn Shady NeyroCa prior to the (Svll ( 848-48) The Saya of West- ( 622-18) News aad Wsalher era Maa (Color) (48) Saaday EdlUea oteritkifc to a Ikiuor (Rare, not were sariy reoogniaed by pno- War. "1776'' Fl-edrlc March, nar­ INVESTMENTS (22) CoBcem 11:18 ( 8) Msvie Maslerpieees MR. OEORGE F. g<«NSON flL, Msaager making R an an aotor, vriitto fiMsInnak In tbs diam ntl: fiald. (88) Blay Aroand Snaday rates words of Georye Wash- WbOa atm to ooBega, she ap- Inyton la this "E'oundTny Fath­ This Thiny CUIsd Lov6" you wabcb peopto you know you T elevision 11:88 8) Year Coairrcssmaa from ers" special. Rosalind Russell, Melvya nU ENDLY AND HELPFUL TRANSACTIONS HANIMJED ON Weatoer (8699) At Heme WMh HMy ing opera singer agalart a Johnaon Jose comes to the rescue "Staye Struck." Henry Fowd6 Town," a rols she pisyad a num- < 9) Filmds at Mr. Oaaabar (U) Wiaalay mas bom a). And old totomto would (49) Barbara Beraard iSam murder charge. when detecUve Qllck faces dis­ 1:88 ( I) Flewtcepe IT D O E S Make A DiffermMe Whwe Yen SaTel har o f ttansa, wbsn tba stew wiM ( 9) B F J l. No. 9 i!S ( i) As Tbe World Taras ( 69649) Advaatores at Oasie 1:88 ( 8) Yonr CoairressBUka from missal after a robbery wave. (48) Lerd'a P n y e r eoam to Lea AngMlw, men who < 9) l ^ s Talk Aketo < •) Gala Storm 8bmr aad Harrtol Coaaeetient (22) Fractared FUchers shsmt < 9) Oaptala Kannras 1:18 ( 8) News, WealhsT aad Ma- had Eons into beulneai mid ( 69949) Patty Dake 8how 1:88 ( 8) Year Commaaily (48) Street af Daaser meats ef Meditalisa waaa very aueoesstol. Tbey'd LOm many Brosdaay psc' ( 8-28-48) lasaea aad Aaswers 7:88 ( 8) Hy Favorite Martlaa ( 8) Maa Is Maa llomiari, Ann neat want into (49) News Jimmy Deoa, PhU Foster. Howard K. Smith interviews a i f t taIR ebont ttulr torn oaia. Aiid ( 9) daek Ut Umaa Maw Fatty pasree a borrowed poeaa Ray Walston. Pamela Curran. l;M ( 8) Msmeats ef Cesafcs4, t9lmvbk)ii, where she could play liM (49) Barbara Beraasd aa her own. noted personality. Uncle Martin's "borrowed Oeedniykt Hyma (19-99) Benner Beem the golC otabs they bekagfed to. a varisty of roles euan while (49) Beee toe Otown 1:66 (22) Speelal Bepert I ( 8) OInU And bouBis. And nqr wife, who (19) M ob o f Destlay Keith Andes, George MaUtows. vS A V I M c; s 4% appearing nightly with tbe 9:99 < 9) Leave It Te Beaver 9l99 < 9) Password A hunt (or a small dark umb wen tend to tboB e thtngB. wauU ( 8) Beet af Oreaeha (9699) People WIH TaBi satna play. The role of a nuree 9 :a (49) Bias aM 04** t k a m involves Glynls Johns ta b6 hnva to iB ton . IbhigH Mes that kk “Edge of Night,” the lead in 19:99 < •> News tematlonal intrigue. MONDAY Television PROGRAM }/(/ I- O A N (iSi 9ilm* *'*' ^ I \ I f o s sea mors important to a gM a "Kreft Theatre" and other (9699) Bay mma ( 68649) The Farmer's ( 8) Oirl Talk (49) The Best at Qsaaobs Daoghter Time Ckaanel man to a man. parts weta a good wadga into 9l99 (------61949)---- Day -1 Ciart Inger Stevens. William Wla- (40) The Admiral and Swabby 11:80 ( 8) Big Movlo (M) M enlag Msvie ( » Heaae__,aae Party 8:86 ( 8) Momeals of Cemferi Show "Tarawa Beachhead.'' ^ “Askd, Intar, (bars wen (i tha fM d. During tba 1960-81 M:99 ( 3) Hamemakers Msvto dom. Katy and Congreesman 8:48 ( 8) Newscope I) The Daaiaaa Moriey are taken for newly­ 6:16 (30) Early Show Adams. K. Mathews. HawesysTyi's TH iiiixLni.1 ■ L i i m t i f prioe of pride. like walktig: out aeason, she waa granted a rep­ (tl-W ) Merv Oriffia (28-99) News 7:88 (22-88) Today Show "The Climax." Boris Karloff. (2640) Tsaighl (CoUr) < 8) rrha Da Yon TrasMT weds. ( 3) Tke Isqairisy Mlad 6:10 ( 8) Yoyl Bear on a show beoaiaa M dkkR giva ertory memhershtp (one of lO < 8) The Bdge a t BigM 12:46 (40) Lord’s Prayer IMT MAIN ST.. MANOHBSTEB s ROUTR SI, OOVRNTRT M:99 (S6M) Csacentratien (22-39) Loretot Teaag 9:99 ( 8 ) Beverly HUlbUlies 7 :U (22) Weatker (40) Sapermaa 1:00 ( 8) Newscope, Momon you a ohsnoe, and ilshtag being effened) af the Alley Theatre Buddy Ebsen. Irene Ryan. 7:98 ( 8) Frieads ef Mr. Qreeber ( 6C9-49) The Ifriee la BKM ( 8) Trallmaster 0:00 ( 8) News aad Weather Comfort and Hyma ' a tha industry. to Houston, Tax., w h ^ she be- U :99 (tt-99) Mtoslag Unks ( 0 ^ ) (9649) Qaeea For The Dap Banker Hilbum plays matob- ( 8) Perfeotioa (40) News (80) News ( 8-8649) Seven Keya maker tor Jed aM a wMlIhy 7:66 ( 8) Let's Talk Aboat 4:06 (40) Laramie oanw ths youngest member of (U) MIUtoB Dollar Mevto widow. 6:88 ( 3) Captala Kaayaroo the comipany. 19:99 ( I) Leva at Ufa ( 8) Te TeU The Trato 8:10 ( 3) Sports, News aad Weatb- (21-89) Yoar First Impresstoanprese (88-39) Yea Dea’t Say (26M) Esplosaee 8:88 (48) Froatlers of Scleaee Upon Ann's return to New 61949) Tennessee < 689^) Ben Casey 8:88 ( 8) Hap BIchards 4:10 ( 8) News (2649) IThe Do T ea T ra a K York, ahe played a regular TV ( 3) Baager Aady Shew Vincent Edwarda Sam . Jalle, < 8) Jack La Laae Skew ( 8) Follow the Sam Onf SPEEDY Sji 19:89 < 8) Seareh (or Temerrew Barbara Rush. The physidan- (22-38) Bomjper Boom (22^) Rnntley Brialiley role on “Young Doct- 9iN ( 8) Diek Vaa Dyke Show ( 8) Best of Oroncho 7:00 ( 3) After Dinner Movie Brandt), a part which won the ; (22-89) News Unable to remember fieeing 8:46 (48) Klay aad Odie Shew "Tlyht Spot." Ginger Royers, CHICKEN attention of tbe producers of pears almost daily to the series, ( 682) Movie bandits at a lineup. Rob later 18:M ( 3) News E. G. Robinaon. on T V BrowR im 6 Minute* ’Tennessee Williams’s "’The MUk a feat which results to a heavy (89) Make Boom Fer Daddy oonfronts a suspect with sur­ (22-38) Say THieB (20) MaU Order Market schedule of rehearsals and per­ (18) MUIIob DoJIar Movie prising results. ( 8) Girl Talk (22) Weather, Local Newo 'Train Doesn’t Stop Here Any 6i99 ( 8) The BUIemaa (48) Momiay Movie The worid’s “ftoesl eatto’ formances, beginning at 8 a.m. M:99 ( 8) Danay Kaye Show (8040) News and Weather More,” and subsequently the (89) FUm Comedy-variety. Guests. 18:98 ( 8) ilomemakem Movie 7:10 (22) Special Report By lUtSIUNE JfHINSON 763 MAIN STREET-—TEL. 648-llBl okM un” wMb tawoinparable role of Frances Black to that and lasting until 7 p.m. saoh (89) The Three Steegee (88-89) The Eleventli Hoar (22-80) Herv GrUfia 7:16 (22) Western Mass. Riyhilykts taate. night, after which she must (49) The Admiral aad Swahky ( 8) Wke Do Yob Trastf Hollywood Oorreopondeitt play. BUeen Heckart, Sheree North. (30) Sports Camera leani her lines for the following Show Depended on by her family, a 11:88 (22-88) Concentrattoa (40) ^ w s Newspaper Enterprise Asaa. ENJOY A NfW WORLD OF HEARING OALL IN ORDER So suocessful has she been in 6tU (89) B aily Shew woman suffers dlssy spells ( 62648) The Price Is Blyht 7:10 (22-30) Monday Nlyht At The hoij yw x d n e a her role of Dr. Maggie Fieldiiig day. No complaints are heard "Keep ’em Slugging." Robert whenever she makes a d6 11:88 (2688) Mlsslsy Liaks (C^er) L. ( » ( ) — ni- WITH 'THK NEWEST EYEGLASS HEARING AID Pick Up 10 MOnutes Later Armstrong. Movie* (Color) ohudvely yours: from the young actress, who in I ( 8) Boclqr and Frleada claloB. ( 628-48) Sevea Keys "The Wings of Eagles." John .addition to tment, looks and < 68649) OhaoBiog U:88 ( 8) Love ef Lite Wayne. Maureen O'Hara. A A llorUwo(ndn«: "A irest A OTARION SUPER-9 (49) Tka Loae Bsager Henry Jones, Wendell (2638) Year First I«»resalsB luck has enough intelligence to ' ( 8) News aad Weatoer commander overcomes a Trial" stiow on hesne soreeiw WE SELL aad INSTAIX (49) News Vengeful ax-OI plans to ( 62040) Tennessee Ernie crippling injury to defesU the DECI’S DRIVE-m know that New York is full of stroy a professor who glo Ford has a strlktaw sinrilartty to a Meet powerfHl ever b«Ut] TIm Super-9 is ttie ultiamto in eyeglass hearing 4M ORNTB 0T^-«tt-M80 (99) Ysaag WarM Japanese at Kwajalein. aids. New super-power battery, new super-aensitiTe amplifier. Has the gain aspiring young performers who > (49) DtriePowen war. 12:10 ( 8) Search (or Tomoriew ( 62640) Onter Limits new movie, "Whore HR* RESIDENTIAL would ^V9 their right arms for Ut99 ( M 4 ^ ) ikews. Weatosy (22-80) Truth or CoBseqaeaces Ken Smith, Scott Marlow. A (3one." And both reaembte tfie and power to correct impairments even up to 86 decibela. lightweight, oo«6 ( 3) Sperts, News a ad Weatoer ( 62040) Father Ksows Best scientist sees to It that a pact, trim design. The Simer-9 has the looks, oonvenienoe and performanoa OARAGE DOOR the opportunity to follow to her ( 8) News (98) % T N e w s 12:68 (22) News monster yets the energy It real life drama of Lam Turner, professional footsteps. ( 8) STto Preetaet (19) News aad Weatoer 1:00 ( 8) Best Seller uses as food . daiighter CSieryl and Jotumiy you want in a heiudng aid If you have never worn an eyeglass aid beoauaa (8699) Haatley HftoMiy ( 8-2040) General Hospital your loss is too severe, you mast try the Super-9 to believe Itl For a frsa OPERATORS (M) News U iM ( 8) W edaesdu StarUght (2680) At Horae With Kitty 8:80 ( 62040) Wagon Train (Color) Stom panato.. .Roger Smiitli of ( 9) UMest H ebe The Street With No Nams." 1:06 (40) Barbara Bernard Show John Mclntlre, Joan Blondell. the early "77 Sunset Stri|>'’ demonstration, stop in or oall us soctL “Mr. Magoo’s ^ristmas Car­ (99) FUm Mark Stevens. R. Widmark. 1:30 ( 8) As The World Tarns An outlaw matriach plana to Key operated or ladto ooa- ol,” animated cartoon version (98) Weather, Leeal News (49) Stove AUea Shaw take control of (he wagon IhriUere went back to his Unit trolled from ear. U:N (il> Sperto Beaadap ( 8) Gale Storm Show train. kwe—folk atngim^. He was war- of the Charles Dickens classic, (19-19) News aad Weatoer U:96 ( 8) Sparta View (20) This Is The Answer 9:00 ( 8) Danay Thomas Show ' (98) SpeeliU Bepert U:89 ( I t ^ ^ e a ^ M Shmr (Getoy) (80) Harvey Olson Show Ulng in Honotuki when Werner will be telecast on the NBC-TV (99) Weatera Mass. Highlights (40) Newt Fat Carroll. Allen Jenkins. outline he submitted brought the action takea piaeo aboarfi Oae to about a itob CSA agent Danny does a hurry up father- Broa decided he ahoukl be a Network, Friday, Deo. 18 (7:80- (99) fttorts Oameia ^Tha JLejjgnd of Tons Dootoy." 1:86 (40) Barbara Bernard son relations Job but Rusty prlvaite eye----- him face to face with the stu­ the deatroyer. Itotog to a 8100,000 ■ p a l 8:30 p.m. BST). (49) Nm s 1:66 (22) Special Repert doesn't Invite him to a key dio boas who complained: Bob Hope toatvuH D «. to ta t ment . . . 7:9 ' j_9) 7^ Bverto U:46 (49) The lA id 's Prayer (30) Mea s( Desttay bowling event. lAz Taylor's reported purchase “Pat, this idea is too new." Judy Gartand to RvM Mxtot The Northern Negro’s moods, U:M ( I) News W ^er 8:00 ( 8) Password 9:10 ( 8) Andy Griftith Show of a villa in Puerto VaJlarta, Oraeoa, 'IkHtcey, Ckeite, Ubya foellngs aad thoaghta about 19:86 ( 9) Moment of Medltatiea (22-30) People Will Talk (22-30) nfollyweod and the “ But that’s what I thougdit ami Oyi>nis Dor kin annual OK crMoal hatpUig that Imt tola- himself, Ms leaders and the 1:99 ( 8) Newseope, Memeato ef ( 8) (Ineea For A Day Stars Mex., sounds like the publicity you wanted," said the puzsled vtoion show to gntog overiKund entire civil rights yp^^ P ^ Oeariert (20) n im Joseph Cotten. host. (Part I) department. Only MeaOoan nst- entertaknwertt tour . . .DriHia Ouatomiaed Seat OoveM Uciptmts: Adam (99) Lato Mews (40) The Best of Oroschs The silent era Is examined In Pat. (Piagerit and hubby U O. Kung, to untobMiMnd miptays of gurijy Ouatomiaed Auto Tops ii:10 ( 62040) Day la Ceart tionate can own property In emotion. “Just osn’t brip A how screen comedians have Mexico. She could have leased “Not exactly," the boas ex­ a Hounton, T ck., huainem ty- ( 3) House Party provoked laughter. plained. “By new story ideas I ooon, lM8v« a startc Onto uf>oom- tbat’a me," sayn tbs gbL . (22-30) The Doctors 10:00 ( 8) The DetecUves Idle place, bhoug'h. . . . TURNPIKE AUTO (22-80)-News meant I wanted new clichea” tog . . .BeMe Dwvto la eager Cbeok odf tbe thtad anntoiiB (22-80) Sing Along with MUoh Mairlon Brando’s tostwr, Joc­ mmey o f d a rk Gabto'n death. . . WILSON ( 8) The Edye of Nlyht (Color) elyn, openied a liooik store butt Eventually Pat was fired and to (to. ttte ft o o f Mary To(M (22-30) Loretta Yonay Leslie Uggams, Gloria Lam­ ‘Aw produnecB o f "rieuiiaH SEAT COVERS ELECTRICAL CO. MANCHESTER ( 8) Trallmaster says she'll g o right on aotingp... be still laughs about the same linooln. . . . Urieotpeotod (Nn- bert and Louise O'Brien, solo­ fellow breaking the news to ner oomipentonB on a dHtot (tenged tbetr mindi and Bur­ IM W. Middle T^pka. Reaideatial-Oomin.-Iad. (2040) Queen (or the Day ists. , EJdie Adams tossed out her nell Rnberfas remalM to ton 8i8-6S85 (18) MIHIon DoIUr Movie ( 620-40) The Breaking Point 'impersonation of Jacqueline him with a question, "What Otaim Fbrd and JUdy Gar­ 819-4817 — 848-1888 OLDSMOBILE 7 ^ ( 3) To Tell The Truth Rip Tom , Jan Sterling, An at­ day is this?” land . . . oast He’s pnomtoed to be a (22-30) Yon Don't Say tendant, posing as a doctor, Kennedy in her night okib aiot good boy and not 1st o ff mgr (2040) Who Do Yon Tm atf mokes an enemy of a veteran for Obvious reasons... "Thursday,” replied Pat AMrad HMoboook wW malM **Y«wr OWtamoMto Dealer” (.8) Banter Andy Show nurse. more stanm about tbs toww and (22-30) iMtch Game 11 :M ( 3-8-2040) News, Weather aad Doubie marquee double taAcer: ‘"Then,” stormed the boss, “you hfn iwual oamoo aniearanoe In fata role. WeV be glad to show yon a ( 8) Admiral Jack Sporls ‘ ‘Wivee A Lovers—A 'NchUeli are fired aa of laat Monday.’’ ... Mb laitent Nhn, ‘fManiae.” Only Don W ILLIS matohleM selection of Mohawk §12 WEST CENTER ST. (2040) TraUmasler (22) Big News Affair.’’ ___ Richard Widmark goes to an a shadow, 'tliougb, a la Ms or Bigriow carpet right in yonr 4:25 (22-30) Newt (30) News and Weather SraCEALISTS IN own home. Make yonr home M S - l M l 4:80 ( 622) Movie 11 :U ( 3) Monday Starlight Pat Ford, son of director sea for his next film, ”^ e Bed­ 'betovtakei siww CfMiiihig . . . iWpenoh a ta r C la u d e _ 79HEBL ALIGNMENT AND (80) Make Room (or Daddy "The Lady from Shanghai,” John Ford, once toiled as a ford Inoident.’’ Tam is about a aiiooaai of "Builiei'a Law* aa *8 a guest player to TMIaalnrii carpet oomfortablel (18) Million Dollnr Movis BRAKE SERVICE Rita Hayworth. Orson Welles. writer at the old RepubUo U.S. destroyer aad a Russian a gtatnor totovJakei riicw ban n e m '’ on I4lBC-’rv iB 6:00 ( 8) (40) Steve Allen Show CnONBRAL AUTO REPAIR RsriKaEAhEKAAftlABi ^^^KMKtoAA (80) Three Stooges 11:80 (30) Sports Bonndsp studio during a campaign fbr submarine playing cat and taunohud a donen JmlMalttoiis OMs” SMtoy, Baa NEW or USED MaU Order Marks4 11:86 ( 8) Sports View "new” story ideas. A stosjr 849-4M1—18 MAIN ST,, MANCHESTER mouM in Arctic waten. All oMtwii sn|>tod t o t neat asanon. psa. EOT). 811 Main M . - - 846-M88 U -J \ > „■ «b ^ ^ r . , ** ^ » *r^ . A : i ?. o 'P V, j ■ i Y y X 3. S . • ' 1 ad ^ s* r ^ i . ^ : H 9 > 08» j. ^ '■ '• }\ fi *- '• ■ ,.* ■» ■! * . :' ■'i ? i *^V> -• -! -C • J« j» 4

PAGE POUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 ,11>68 f/ ' 0^ lb 1;!^ Televisifirij PR on-' , Halak Oaaaa> t t ) Maweale it Oiw^eW < A S aal^ Jack , ' *‘ai|r MUok.'’ « oam«cty-drmro« bcoaidoaet. ( B> nswecea* (M-M) TraUmaalar | » ( at roiry-maaen (sses) Teter Bhew 4:M (tl-M) Nawa Raytoopd Burr. Baibara Hals, «* n U n b f Uw laU OUMord obiaion. ( S> VaSeratoaSlas Omr WatM 4:M ( t-tt) Mavla P e rn btreaUgatas . douMa (n> Weslher (M) Maka Baaaa tar Daddy munlar and a ’ oolupiraoy ta Odata about a proud fatlier ( t> rriesSc •( Hr. ~ ' (It) MUliaa DaUar Mavla detrand an inauranoe oois- brou fht dow » bo «u rtli from hia BSeen Hetdcart, liem ohel Ber- liiasee «t Anmies t:M < •> Tka Biflamaa narib and Sharee North guests le t’* Talk Abwl (M) Film ^ $ M S ) Tka Jimmy Dase; malce-beiieva world by tti« bn- Oas*aia Haasarae (M) Tkraa Slaasaa star in "These Should Be an (M> FMaUers at Seieaea (4S) Tka Admiral aed gwakby MusiCAt-Varlaty. Molly Baa. pandbiK nuuTlage at hbi daufch- Outfit OsHed. FamHles AriosiQr- Oaa BlokarSa 8IM3W surat. bar, wW be preaanted ofi "The moua," a drssna about a woman ttU (Ml Kariy Skaw •:M (tt-M) Baaal (Calar) "Plundar Road.'' Oana Ray- Shirtay Booth. Haael tries in Riolkard Boone Show" Tueaday, who negtoote her husband bb- ■aaa nS^CIawa moed help a milkman whose Job Is Dec. 10 (NBC-TV, »-10 pjn. oauae o f Am atiaal: devotion to •;N S) Laara II Ta Ocavar tdS ( tl Hacklakarry Baaad Jeo^rdlsed by the aale ot the her relativea, on "The E3eventli < •> Baal at Oraaeka (44) Saala’a Warkakim dairy. ■8T). The plays stars (Uohard t:U ««•) ai^ OSIa Shaw t:4S (M> Advaataraa la Tlaaa lt:M ( I) The Nareaa. . „ ^ . Shiri OonwAy,- Lee Grant. A Hour” Wednesday, Dec. 11 < t) Mawa S:M (44) Nawa Boone, Harry ICorgsui, Bethel (tt^> 8ar Hkaa veteran nurM's personal eon- (NBC-TV, 10-11 pm BST). < I) Nawa aad Haalkar dlaturi)■■ ■ t h e ...... hoepitaTs LaaMe, Lioyd Boohner and Jean­ ( B> airTralb d:M (4*) Ckaakmata nicte B> Maretafc Mavla SiM ( t) Byaala. Nawa aad Waalb- ataft. ette Nolan. Temple Houston (Jeff Hunter) t> Wha Da Yas Tmatf (tt-M) Baspaasa ThenUra . S> HaaMaiabers Mavla S:M :«ws (Oalar) settlea a wacky feud and aide- (ttm ) Harr OriNta ; S{ : Bdward Oanna. James Whit­ A youiw deteobor from the tracks a pretty fortune-lumter u e s (XM i) Caacealrallaa (tLM)8*Knlla^BilBklay more. A dishonorably dta- ■oTiat Union anroIWi at Jeffer- ( 8-SS-4h The Priea la Bi| charced veteran threatens ta (guest star Kathy Browne) hi U :M ( B-M-4S> Bavaa Kara kill hia defense counsel. ooe High Sohool and bulkts a M) NeWa ( l-MM> Bid Caesar Show the first episode under the new HlMlar Uaki (Oalar) (M> Nawa Sfadt” of hie own, in "The Boy Ught format set for NBC-TVs U:SS ( l> Lava at Ufa «:H (M) Byarto Parade Featured: Otsals MacKanale, Without a Country" on NBC- (tt-M) Yaar FIrtI Imsraaalae Joey Forman. A comic hank "Tempte Houston’’ series. Id < S-SeUsi Taaaaaaa Brala 7:M ( t> Hyatt Bai helK la one of tonlsnt'a fen- TV m "Mr. Novak” Tueaday, (tt) Nawa ‘ turaa. "BYaoae at Kiowa Flats" Thios- Fats (M4S) Naara aad Haalkav Dae. 10 (7:30-8:90 p.m. HIST). day, Doc. 11 (7:30 to 8:30 p m II :M <»-M ) Tralk ar Caasrsaaaeas I I S) Lea Marvin Jaaaaa Frandsoua and Dean ( t) SfSreb far Tawavraw (M) FHaa (M) Fsnlnra BST). ( S-M-M) Fatkar Kaawa Baal T:U (tl) Haalara Haaa HIsMiskls (IS) M Sanad _ ^ Ja c Ker co eta r In the sertaa as II :U (St) Naw( (M> Searto Camtas I ( M-M-IS) News. Weather bsa«3ter John Novak and Prin- l e s < S-tS-M> Oaaeral HMaMal (4S> Nm a and Bnarta aipal Albert Vane, reapeoUvely. Pollyanna (Haley MilU) arias ( S) Baal Sallar TiM ( t) Pasaward (tt) Mr New. • Oame ahow. Allen Luddan, (M) Nawa had W aaler the friendship of the "Meanest <:------|i Al Hawa WHk BiUr boat. Guest celebritlan. Kan in TOam" and champions («S> Ba rkara BaraarS 8k aw U tU ( t> Thnrsday Blariirht Joea Jiminea (BiH Dana) ( t> As tta HarM Tarma (tt-Ml Tamyb HaaatoB "Ouadalpenaf I)''>rv.’ Lloyd a campaign to build a new or­ ( t> Gala « a m . Taft Hunter Jack Blam. aoaaea to the rescue o f house Houalon tries to toll a yratty ^)*%lavs Allaattiaw phanage, ia Part Two of a (M> Tkia b Tka Ufa awtndler. deteotive Bjmm OUok (oomedi- three-part presentation of the (••) Harvay Hfcaw (M) gpaaSa Banadnn aa Don Adams) when GHick «S> Naws ( t-MdS) Tim FHalataaaa I •> Bnarla Flew __ motion picture "Pollyanna” on (M) Barbara BaraarS (O ^ r) (II.M ) Taabthl Bkaw (Oalar) iaoas djawilasal after a wave of Fred and Barney aurrep- f t) Mavfa "'s Wonderful (IS) Ssaelal BaeaH tiously Join a club to avoid vobberiea at the Park Central, World of Color’’ Sunday, Dec. 8 Hra at Daillar ■•Raymie.’’ David lAdd. ia the "Mr. Phillips’ Watch" ( t) FaaswarS weekend chores. (IS) LOTd’a PtnimT (N B C -TV color broadcast 7:30- n sd t) Faasla WIN TaA Ses ( t> BawbMe < S) Newseapa, Mamenis af episode o f "The BUi Dana 8:30 p.m. B S T ). < •) Qoaaa Far a Dav Brie Plemlns. Clint Ibutwood. Camfart flhow " Sunday. Dee. 8 (NBC- (IS) FBw A poker same makes Mushy (M) News T V . T p.m. B S T ). («S>(iS> TkeTka Baal al#( OraMkaC the cullty owner of a pretty ( t-tS.tn D » la OaevI ManaTa's saloon. John Wayne stars as Oom- ( t> Baeae Party ( S-ISAf) Daaaa Bead Shaw Trsmpes (Doug McClure) Bob Hope w ill welcome spe- nmiuter FVank “9pig" Wead ( » M ) Tka Darlava Jeff recalves a mystariaus returning to his home town in e M guoat B ine Crott>y, Janet and Mauraan O'Hara 00-etera (tt-M) Itawa n which could solve a ( I) n a M r a at MisM SIcky (Inaactal situation. Texas, finds his old friends listgh, Peter, Paul and Mary as hia wUb in "The W kigs o f (tt-M) Laralia Ta •iM '«LM> Dr. BUdara dominated by A band of out­ and Lea Brown and Ida Band Bagtea," the life story of the ( ■) TraHaasatar Richard (3iambarialn Ray­ laws In “Siege," 8^mlmite < lf^ > taaaa far Iha Der mond Maasey. a 360-pound «f Renown bo Ida “Obryaler rugged pioneer who fought to (U> Mimae OaUaV H a ^ man attempts suicide by color feature on NHC-TVs IV eeenbs” a Bob Hope Comedy dev^op the UB. Navy’s air I t) Ta Tall Ika TnHh ovar-eatlns. "The Virginian” series Wednes­ flkMoial," Friday, Dec. IS (NBC- power, on NBC-TV’s "Monday (tt-M) Tae Daa’t Say ( S-M-4S) My Three Seas day, Dec. 11 (7:30-8 p.m. (M4S) STka Da Yae Tiea*t Fred MacMurray, Don Grady. T V . in Mack and whMe o t ^ N ight « t the M ovies" Mionday, < t) Baasav Aafy Shaw Robbie hopes na can be a EST). •:3O-t:S0 p.m. B B T). Dec. 8 in oolor (7:30-8:30 pjn. BST). Den Dailey alao atari ht Adam (Cartwright (Pemell the MOM, 1867 release, which RobeKa) heipa Leiura Dayton was dkeotad by John Ford. F R I D A Y Television PROGRAM (BQathie Browne) a newty wM- eerad young mother, face the JanMs WbMmoce and Riob- Okaaaal ( S) New Bread 1:M ( t) New a, Menienta at bridh about her marriage, in ard Orenna star in a Workl War < {> MamaaU af OamtaH (tt-M) BaaUay-Briaklay Oamfart' ( ■) Newseapa (IP) Snparmaa (M> New «*rba Waltfa« Oame." an epl- Two drama, "The Long Loat l i e (tt-M) Taday Skew S : « Maa the Maker tiM « t) Death Valley Days (tt) Wasiher Friends at Mr. Oraahav 10 pm . B S T ). (M-M) News sjM Weather T heatre” in oedor Thursday, ( t) Fram OaMaxe Oampns 7 :U (tt) Western Masaaeknsetto Dec. 11 (10-11 pm. BST). ( I) Lai's Talk AbanI HighHghta War hero Danny Kllpntriok ( I) Oaptahi Kaasarea (Ml Itatatls Oamam (Bd Nelson) foroea Ids friend (IS) Fraatteva af 8 el anas (tt) Itawn PAINTING JUet Redigo (Richard Bgan) Orindl (Xmogene Ooca) one- ( t> Hap BIrharda liM ( t> Grant Advsalara. laterlur. Exterior ates an upeoar when she bitar- Van HeGin. narrator. James bubo a barroom brawl and lands ( I) Jack ' ■ Daly. Story of a newspaper's WaBpttper Books bt the hospi tal, in "Hoetage feree hi the family problems of Tme Clawa Tweed ring. Haro H k lb V ’ on NBO-TV’a bM: empioyers, the Jordans • ;M ( t) Leave It Ta Beaver Flooro aad CeUings *Vlo(llgo" series Tueeds^, Dec. (Davkl Les^ and IXKts Dowt- ( t> Bast af Grabaha (M) Mr. McGaa’s Chriataaas FalBtadl aad Reffaiisited k ig ),'in GMndl, the Meddler" on (IS) Kias aad (Mia Shew O a ^ (Calar) M (S ;M p.m. B S T ). Animated varston of Dickens Workmaaahla Oubraateed NBC-TVa “O indr series, Bun- ( t> News "Chrlstmaa Carol." Jim ( S> (Mri Talk Backus, Moray Amsterdam. THriljr fBaared Hutnprey Bogsut, Lee J. day, Deo. 8 (8:96 pm. BST). (tt-M) 8av WhsB (IS) MamlBS Mavis (B) C M h and Gena Tierney star in M:M ( t) Banaaaaskars Mavla 1 t-M-tt) n Saasal Strip Hm " H m Left Hand of Cod." (tt-M) Merr Orima Bfrem KImbatUt Jr., Irish Ifo- Large segments fims of Oalla. Stu tries ta clear a LEO FELLETIER Buma about an American soi- ( t) Wka Da Tan Tmsir M 8-68M the Cuban Bay of Ptga invuton U :N (It-M) OaaeaalraUaa druak attending a buainess d h r o f fortune who done the which have never before been ( S-M-W) The Price Is W sM convention (or murder. seen bi this country wfll be U :M (tt-M) Mlaaiag Uafcs (Oalar) (M ) As aehaeta Maleh WUa keleoast on the "N B C W hits ( S-M-IS) Savaa Keys t:M (M) Btagmphy U iM ( t> Lava Of Lite •xM ( t) Batts M Paper" program, "CXha: Bay of ( t t ^ ) Year First Impraaalan (tt-M»Itt-tSt IBob Bopo Oomedr Pigs,” Sunday, Dec. 8, on NBO if S-M-IS) Tanaaasaa B rala Speeial TV (KX-U pm. BST). Feed G u estsJanet ■ LelBk, Petar, lt:M ( t) Search far Tamarraar Paul and Jdary, Look All- SHOP and (tt-M) Tmlh ar O a a a a- America Team, bowl queens. anancea ( t-MdS) Bnrfce’s Law SAVE ( S-M-tS) FSlfcar Kaawa Baal Gene Barry Frankie Avalon. U :K (tt) Nawa DeteoUvaa look (or murder WHERE ^MePheeters ’ suapacts la a beatnik ooffaa t:M ( 3) Beal Sellar house. OWN YOU SEE ^ ^ n e k ( t-t04S> Oeaersl HaspMal m r A M M t . (O ea« (tt-M) Al Haase With KMty •xM ( t> Twilight Zane THIS from Page Oaa) 1:M (M) Barbara Barnard Skew P ^ M ^ N e a l . Rula Lea. An ELECTRONICS aging husband of a young 1:M ( t) As The Warld Tnms wUa takes a shot of youth SIGN ter Christmas he and Aotreaa ( S) Gale Slarm Show serum LABORATORIES FYiye Traoey celebrate their (M) Faith far-Taday (M> Harvey Olsaa Biiaw (ttM ) Barry’s Girls first wedding anniveraary. Then (IS) News Larry Blyden, Claude Dau­ when shooting winds up, *T phin. Harry schemas to la- 277 BROAD 1:M (IS) Barbam Barnard grtUlala himself with an im­ liope to do a short run at least 1:M (tt) Special BapsrI portant Paris booking agent of "Bom Yesterday," for—of (M> Maa af Orsilay ( t-M-tt) The Fries is BIgkl t;M ( t) Pasaward hit* it it's Prompt ServiM ab poople—the same director tt:M ( t) AHred Hitrhcack Hoar who gave nve my firtt role oar- (tt-M) Peapla WM Talk Sadie Dfspatched ( t) Qaean Far A Day Patricia Barry Robert Chllp FU R N TTU R C rykig a penoil." (M) Film An ex-oonvlct husband allows ' (IS) The Baal af Gmacha up to threaten an actrass’a I lls MAIN STREET career. t:M ( t-MdS) Dny In OanH (tt-M) Jack Paar Program ( 1) Haase Party (Cator) OLIVA’S E880 («t-M) The DacCars *11 HARTFORD RD. t:M (tt-M) News Rev. Dr. Billy Graham, Sena­ tor. Margaret Chase Smith. S:M ( t) The Bdse af NIshI Jonathan Winters. PETS Laralia Taaas SUBWELL’S TEXACO ( I) Trallmasler ( AdSdS) Fight af the Week 1476 SUver Land, E. H artford (MAS) (laeea far. (to Day Return match — Florentinb (tt) MiUiaa DalUr Mavis Fanuuidec, Havana, vs. Juan PET FOODS (Rocky) Rivero. Buenos Airas. RUDY’S 8ERV. STATTON tiM < t) Ta TaU yha Tmlh lO-round middleweight con­ 13* E. CENTER ST. TV-Badia, Salas aad Sendee (tt-M) Yaa M a ’t Say test. Madison Square Garden, , _ ( M ^ ) Wha Da Yaw Triistr N.Y. ItM ( S) Raaser Akdy Shapr PET ATTIRE M:tt ( *-tMS) Bake That Spars WYMAN OIL CO., bto. i'- -' (tt-M) Maick Game 3* MAIN ST. ( t) Admiral 4ack Top bowlers compete (or cash ComplBt* (MdS) Tranauurter pnxea at Paramus Bowling (pordM SuppttM 4:M (tt-M) News Lanes, New Jersey. W3L PECK LUMBER, laa. ^VffTliCWffvTmrMlmrnrw l:M f S-tt) Mavla 11 tM ( t-i-M-M) News. Waalhsr 2 M A IN ST. (M) Make Beam far Daddy and Sparta . i (tt) MmUa DaBsr Mavla (tt) Big News ELEN’S TEXACO Senric* S#tck, Simibt (M) News sad Weather • :M ( I) The Biaaaaaa We attend to L o w b I M r I b im m m b U;U ( *) Amarloa’a Oraaleat 381 M A IN ST. every detail (Ml Mail Order Marfcal Marlas (M) Three Slaasaa ' NASeUFT ARMS that k e e p.s bQWN PROWwie (IS) The Admiral Bwabby "LuMy Man." Susan Hag- y o u looking R«poii«4. SIwByif d Sli#w ward; Robert Mitchum. 881 M A IN ST. your best. l i U (Ml Barty Shaw (IS) 8tova Alien Shaw “Troubla at Midnight Noah (M) Sparta Banndnp DICK’S OULT SERV. Beery Jr. „ ( •) Sparta View 478 H A R T F O R D RD . Cameo Beaufy LITTLE & t:M ( S> Becky aad Friaads («-M )T m lgh t Shaw (Oalap) (IS) Saperman ( I) Mavis GARNER ISUO CLEAN • :M ( t) News aad BTaalkis "Dream Wife." Gary OranL 8 GRISWOLD ST. Studio McKin n e y (IS) News D. Kerr. IB WOODBRIDOB ST. . •:M (tt) Laramla $ w - r m S;M ( t) Sparta. News m M Wealh- (tt) Lard’s Prayer STATE SKRV. STATION $m Male St.. MsMbeater Maaobester—«tt-808f ( I) Nawa A Weathar i 770 MAIN ST. d:M ( t) Maam ( t) Mamesi af MedUaMaa Manchester Stores Open to 9 Tonight for Christmas Shopping

A ^m gs Dafly Net P k m R u b The Weather For. 11m Week Ended Foreeset ef C. S. Weather Nevenber IB, UBS Partly cloudy, windy and eold tonight and Tneeday. Low to­ 1 3 ,8 9 1 night near SO. High IKweday Member of the AndK lEuputug Mtmlh In the SOe. BareM e f OlrenUtton M anekester^A City o f Village Charm


Studebaker Said Marylanders Claim Cutting US Plant NEW YORK (AP)— Studebaker Corp. will quit auto production in the United States but continue Lightning Hit Jet; to make cars in Canada, Dow Jones news service said today in a copyright story. Ending of opera­ tions at Studebaker's plant in South Bend. Ind., where 81 Killed in Crash the company has made cars for 80 years, will cut off employment for about 6,000 ELKTON, Md. (AP)— A persons. Including 5,000 four-engine jet airliner ex hourly- workers, the story ploded and crashed Sunday said. The business news service said all auto pro­ night, killing all 81 persons duction wilt be concentrat­ aboard. Investigators look ed at Studebaker’s Cana­ ed for a cause today, as po­ dian car plant in Hamilton, Ont. The announcement lice searched for victims in wilt be made at a news a muddy cornfield. conference Tuesday in New The Boeing 707 of Pan Ameri­ York, it said. can World Alrw^ya plunged to earth In fiery fragments from (See Page Eleven) 6,000 feet during a thunder­ storm. Witneasea aald it waa struck by lightning. “ It (lightning) could cause it,” said B. R. Allen of the Civil Busses Run Aeronautics Board, one of two 9 federal officials heading the in- vesUgatlon. Another Day,| "W e really can’t tell until we look at the wreckage." The plane, en route from Strike Reset Puerto Rico to Philadelphia with 7S passengers—two of them HARTFORD (AP) — infants—and a crew of eight, Some 60,000 Connecticut came down in a stubbled corn­ field about 16 miles southwest Co, bus commuters had at ' of Wilmington, Dei., near U.S. least a brief reprieve from i 40 and the Maryland-Delaware a threatened strike today j border. as Gov. John Demp.sey en- ' About 66 persons had left the plane during a stop in Baltimore tered the contract media­ only a few minutes earlier. tion sessions. The plane disintegrated in the The Governor, who asked for air, Sheriff Edgar Startt said and got a 24-hour postponement bits of wreckage fell over an of the walkout, was to meet Roy Darwin, left, on the way to jail. He is accompanied by State Police Maj. Samuel Rome. (Herald photo area of four square miles. The with state and federal media­ by Saternis.) ______. cornfield was a rain - soaked tors and labor and management Jumble of bits of wreckage. officials in his office this after­ As officials met to plan their noon. • investigaUon of the tragedy, The strike, originally sched­ state troopers and sailors from uled to begin early this morn­ the nearby Bainbridge, Md., ing in Hartford, New Haven naval base searched the fields and Stamford, was put off until Reed Calls Grand Jury of cornstalks. The sailors were 8:30 a.m. tomorrow. told to raise their hands wheii Dempsey telephoned negotia­ they found anything. tors last night as they were No one could taU how many meeting in the company’s New victims were being found. J t Raven office and the union, was seldom that there waa any­ agreed to keep (Je 600 members thing large enough to be iden­ on the Job another day. tified at |U1. The company's eontraet with

(flee PaBwJBHisa>^— '\8ee ^Age Twelve) A firrand jury hearing will b« ordered by State’s New Leader Atty. Joel H. Reed II in the Two Men Kidnap case of Roy F. Darwin, 46, E Fear for Captives In Thailand of Andover, arrested yes­ terday on a Superior Court bench warrant charging Frank Sinatra Jr. Backs West Debris including shatter^ airliner fragments and In Bolivia Rises him with first degree mur­ clothing of d e ^ passengers and crew members der in the Sept. 18 slaying BANGKOK, Thailand (A P)— STATELINE, Calif. (AP)—Frank Sinatra Jr., sing­ Another staunch friend of the were scattered over the ground and dangled from of Hope Rothwell, 17, of ing son of the famed crooner and film star, was kid­ west held Thailand’s govern­ tree limbs today near Elkton, Md. (AP Photofax.) LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP)—Communist-led tin miners Bolton. Holding fou{’ Americans among 21 hostages gave the Reed told Superior Court naped by two men at gunpoint Sunday night from his ment reins today after the death government 24 hours to free two arrested Communists Judge Charles S. House this motel room just before he was to go on stage at a ca­ of Premier Sarlt Tlianarat, 68. C or suffer the consequences. The ultimatum today raises morning at' Tolland Superior sino, sheriff’s deputies reported The premier, one of America’s Snow Storm .Court that he intended to im­ Several hours later police ra-^ closest friends isi Southeast Events fears for the hostages’ safety. panel a grand jury in the case. The Federation Of Mine Work-e------dlo broadcasts alerted all units Asia, died Sunday after a long He said he had not decided to look for two men for ques- Illness. The Cabinet nominated era sent their word to the gov­ soro scheduled a Cabinet meet­ Hits Prairies when he will institute the ac­ Uonlng. They were identified Gen. Thanom Kittlkachom, 62, ernment by way of radio trans- ing amid reports he will decree tion. over the radio as Joseph James deputy premier and defense In State mlssiqns from their strongholds a state of seige. Darwin, who police said con­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS _____ more than 160 miles southeast Sorce, 23, and Thomas Patrick mini.ster, to succeed him, and One of the Americans, fessed late Saturday afternoon King Bhumlbol Adulyadej ap­ The season’s most severe snow of this capital Keating, 21. Thomas Marin, 21, of New to the slaying in both o ra l and Units were also alerted to be pointed Thanom premier today. storm which swept across north The miners, led by leftist Vice York, a U.S. Information Agen­ written statements, was served on a lookout for a 1992 or 1963 central areas, dumping up to Middletown Boy President Juan Lechin, defied a With an eye on Communists cy, officer, contacted the U.S. yesterday -with a bench warnaint automobile with a California li­ nearly a foot of. snow in some government troop buildup and who have been acUve In north­ Embassy by radio-telephone charging him with flr.st degree cense beginning with the letter.s sections, tapered off today as it Is Charged in an offer from U.S. President east Thailand. Interior Minister Sunday night for the second murder. EGW. "The police broadcast moved slowly eastward. Johnson of full U.S. assistance to Praphas Chani.sathien warned time since Saturday. He said he The state’s attorney’s an­ gave no further license number. Blizzard conditions were re­ the government to win freedom the national police and protrln- Father’s Slaying and the three other Americans nouncement this morning came Officers available to newsmen ported Sunday in someiparts of for the hoetages, held since Fri­ ciat governors to be alert were well. He said he was being ah a habeas corpus proceeding, gave no reason why the men the storm belt, which covered day night. held under strong military against "subversives who could broad areas in the Dakotas, Min- MIDDLETOWN (A P ) — filed by Darwin’s attorneys, wa.s were souglft. Nor were they be active with the death of the James Robert Downey, 17, ac­ 'Die broadcast said the union guard, but did not elaborate. withdrawn in a hearing before identified further. ne.sota and parts of Wisconsin, wanted the release of the two premier.” cused of kUhng his sleeping fa­ Tension Increa.sed in this Judge House. Authorities said the FBI had Michigan, Iowa and Nebraska. Communist union heads arrest­ mountain capital. There were Acting Premier Thanom also At least five deaths were at­ ther with a shotgun blast, was been called In on the case. ' ordered the armed forces to re­ held on a murder charge today. ed Friday by the government. were fears that Bolivia’s 2(K),- (See Page Eight) Deputies immediately set up tributed to the storm. The leaders, Irineo Plmental 000 leftist-led miners might rise main at their posts, on guard Gusty winds swept the prairie Police said the youth shot roadblocks on mountain roads | Robert Jack Downey, 81, in bed and Federico Escobar, were ar­ up in a bloody revolt against In the Lake Tahoe area, al lands, causing much drifting of rested on a court order In con­ Paz and his government. (See Page Eight) snow and 'creating hazardous Sunday morning, tried to attack ready made difficult by three hta lj)-year-old sister, Karen, nection with union agitaUon Lechin heightened the crisis inches of snow. driving conditions. Snow plows against a government crack­ over the week end by stirring up and fired three blasts from the Sheriff George Byers of Doug-1 In some parts of the snow belt down on union power in the antigovemment agitation in the News Tidbits were unable to keep highways shotgun at two neighbors and las County, Nev., said, "We still I three more at police before he operation of the mines, Bolivia’s nationalized tin mines. He is think they are in the area.” on | clear. Eight persons were in­ main source of Income. from the AP Wires was captured. head of the union. the Californla- border, j jured near Little Falls, Minn., The government has said that Reports reaching La Paz said Bulletins when a Greyhound bus carrying He was pulled from beneath Sinatra Sr. flew in his two-en- ‘ a parked car some five hours under no circumstances would it he had set up a headquarters in glne plane to the area early to- Culled from AP Wires 81 passengers overturned after set die two Communists free. Police tighten security meas­ after the shooting when a po­ ures around Germany’s Chancel­ colliding with a car on a snowy President Victor Paz Estens- (See Page Twelve) highway. liceman spotted the 12-gauge lor Ludwig Erhard today after (See Page Ten) ' t FRANK SINATRA jR. 0)lder weather spread into shotgun poking out from under recedvkig a threat that the AGREEMENT NEAR (he snow-covered region and the vehicle. ohancellor would be assassinate . WASHINGTON (AP) — Ben- temperatures were near zero in Downey, a red-haired Middle- ed unless he agrees to Increase ate-HmiK«> confereew broke a sections of North Dakota. Gen­ town High School senior de­ pensions for German war ■vic­ long deadlock and reached all erally readings were in the teens scribed as a “loner,” waa pre­ Agents Claim Cuban tims . . . United Nations Health LBJ Studies Budget, but final agreement tiiday on In most of the north central re- sented in Circuit' Court today Organization reports today can­ a broad vocational education fioni with the 20s reported on a first d ^ e e murder charge. cer can be caused thi’ough ex­ bill. Their success appeared serosa most of the northern sec­ His case wes continued for two cessive smoking, eating, drink­ to open the way for fln^ pas­ tions of the country. weeks for action by a grand Said He ’c? Shoot LBJ ing or sunbathing. Military Base Cuts sage before Christniaa of two In the eastern areas, rain fell jury. Downey was ordered held Committee of space experts major education bills strong­ from eastern Virginia northward without bail. concludes It will be impossible ly backed by President John­ Police said the youth em­ NEW YORK (AP)—A Chiban to provide adequate radiation son and the late President through Now York State and WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-^icent within the next .<(ix months, 9 national who police said had southern New England. In the barked on his spree of violence shielding before 1970 for apollo John F. Kennedy. The other after his return home late Sat;- done target practice with a rifle spacecraft creAs traveling to dent Johnson's attention was fo­ even if none is eliminated. would be a $1.8-blUion col­ west, rain splashed across areas Johnson worked in his office urday night. was held today in |26,CKX) bail moon . . . Supreme <3ourt re­ cused today on the forthcoming lege said measure. His sister fought him off and after being accused by the Se­ fuses to rule on complaimt that Sunday until about 7 p.m., when (Bee Page Nine) federal budget—including a pro­ he took what has become a rou­ escaped to a n ^ h b o r 's house, cret Service of boasting he excessive bail of JIOO.OOO was TURBULENCE NOTED tine evening swim in the White poboe said, and when two neigh­ would assassinate President set for Norman Mastrian, ar­ posal to curb spending by elim­ WASMINGTON (AP) — borhood youths went to the Johnson. rested in connection with mur­ inating some defense installa­ House pool. Some of his late Civil Aeronautlc:s ^ a r d in­ Downey home at 860 Washing­ The Cuban, Omar Padilla, 19, der of Carol Thompson in St. tions. Sunday actions included: vestigators received conflict­ Primary Won ton Ave„ to see what was going of the Bronx, was arrested 20. Paul, Minn. Johnson scheduled a morning —An order that $234 million ing reports today on whether on, he fired at them, miealng on hours before Johnson arrived Vietnamese rangers clash iri meeting with Secretary of De­ of GI insurance dividends be lightning could have caused By Morrison ail three shota. Sunday to attend the funeral of two fierce battles with Com­ fense Robert S. McNamara and paid to 4.7 million policyholders the crash of a plane near Elk­ Police arrived a Miort time former New York Gov. Herbert munist guerrillas as SoiHh Viet Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, chair­ next month to help buttress the ton, Md„ killing 81 persons. later to find Downey perched on H. Lehman. Nam’s military junta steps up man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, economy. Normally, payments They also learnM that an­ Police said Padilla admitted NEW OCEANS, La. (AP)— the roof of a garage across the campaign against Viet Cong.. . to go over some aspects of the would have been strung out other plane had been in trou­ telling coworkers at a Manhat­ Tront-running doLesseps Morri­ street from his home. Nguyen Ngoc Tho, present pri­ military budget. through the year, president ble in the same general area son faced the issue of “federal He fired the shotgun three tan engraving firm that assas­ Top Budget Bureau officials, Kennedy ordered similar speed- at about the same time be­ sinated President John F. Ken­ me mlnteter of South Viet Nam, Intervention” today as -he times more, shattering the enjoys full confidence of' that including Director Kermit Gor­ ups in 1962 and 1963. cause of turbulence. This re­ lunged into a bitter runerff tor windshield of a cruiser but nedy had been "asking for it” don, were summoned to review —Johnson offered the Bolivi­ port indicated that rough because of "the lack of securi­ country’s military rulers despite £ouiaiana’s governorship. wounding no one, poli(:e said. his vice-presidency during re­ spending plans lor the Ju.stice an government any aid it may weather rather than lightning “The people have demanded Police gave chase, bait it was ty.” and State departments, the Vet­ need in order to hunt and free was a major factor. Although " I ’m going to shoot Johnson,” gime of deposed Ngo Danh Diem from the candidates their stand not until 7 a.m. Sunday that government, chairman of junta erans Administration and the four American government two witnesses told CAB In­ on federal intervention in state Downey was apprehended. poli'/e quoted him as telliqg fel­ Federal Aviation Agency. workers kidnaped by miners vestigators they saw violent low employes. declares. affairs,” nmnerup John Mc- Johnson told a news confer­ who hope to force the release of flashes that appeared to be Padilla said he made the re­ About '150 New York restau­ two union officials held on crim ­ Keithen said. j . Ryan Bulls Win rants decide to close today in ence Saturday that he and Mc­ lightning, a s^kesm an said McKelthen, 46, who had at- mark In Jest. inal charges. The offer was .said other iHTsons said they, too, flUARON (AP) — qonnectl- contract dispute with union Namara were making a study tecked the admlnlstration’a civil Saturday morning, police to include military assistance, saw flashes but these appear­ QUt btdki scored victories in the waiters . ., Dallas public school of defense installations to deter- lights program during the 10- found a makeshift target range including the loan of military ed to be from intensive fire or big league of the livestock In an elghth-flpor stockroom at OMAR PADILLA executives schedule meeting ipin# if any could be eliminated. man first Democratic primary, An aide said one of the mat­ helicopters and crews. explosions. Investigators also made it clear ho would resuq|e world lost week. the building where Padilla with Eleanor Cowan, teacher suspended after writing lett^ ters to be taken up during the The President discussed the learned that the pilot of a an anti-Washington campaign. They amblsd off with some works. There were IB holes in was found In the bedroom. Pa­ Martin 404 twin-engine pro­ dilla said he bought it, along saying Dallas was responaible as day would be the possible con­ Bolivian situation with Secre­ Such attacks halted with Pres­ of the biggest priaea in the In­ the target. The building U not peller plane had reported ex­ ternational Livestock Exposi­ anywhere near the route that with ammunition, from a Man­ anyone for aasaselnation of solidation of some military as- tary of State Dean Rusk after ident John F. Kennedy's slaying. returning from a flying visit to treme turbulence hi the nron McKelthen, state public sew - tion in C3ik»go. Sevetal of the Johnson took in his motorcade hattan firm laat Wednesday. Prertdent Kennedy, and Ameri Ustance groups overseas. Undrt a new Johnson decision New York to attend funeral around the same time, and Im ecMnmlssloner, said the ytin a erm were enteied by The- from Idlewlld Airport and back. He admitted slipping into tbs can dvll liberties Union checks Police arrested Padilla later cineumntancea t t her «ie|>en' the payrolls of these assietanee that the craft was in (flM Fafl* Nlneteett) at arasliing. |Bee Paga Two) fflM vem latnrdair at his home. A ilflc (lea Pafla Two). skm. Sroups will bs by 10 per « )

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