. ■ ■ i r FRIDAY, DECEMBER t, 1»M Average Daily Net Press Ron The Weather FAGB TWENTY-FOUR m anrliMtpr lEaftttng 1|fralb For tfae Weak Ratted roreeost o t V. 8. Weather November IS, IMS Partly cloudy tonight, low M to inieimisalon at Masons Tuesd*y Thief Abandons S8. Sunday eloudliig up bs oorljr Square Dancers at Waddell School. HM *i*d Her 13,891 naomlng wtth min In nftomooa or gm* wfU be eocchanrsd. S p e c i a l aiirh^at^r lEtimtng About Town Okib member* are remkidod Truck Unharmed Member of the AadH evening, high In 40o. To See Fashions SATUBOAY ONLY Bureau ot Olrcnlstlon Ohunmaa Court, Oixter o< Announce Engagements that the deadline for making Manckmster^A City of ViUage Charm Witt meat tontcht at reservation* for the New Tear’* Polk* today The Manchester Square Eve Buffet Supper Dance is hove recover^ a 1953 Foro t-M »t the Mwonic Temple. Dance Club will-hold on open Thta will be the e«mual meeting Dec. 7. Contact any member of pickup truck, und^aged. Assorted VOL. LXXXin, NO. 58 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION—SUBURBIA TODAY) MANCHESTER, CDNN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1963 (CIssstfted Advertising eu Pnge 8) PRICE SEVEN CENTS w«h the reedlT^ of report* and dance Saturday at 8 p.m. at the executive committee for which had been reported stolen rieotlon of offloem. Offlcere wiM Wad(Ml School. Bari Johnston tickets. Mot Monday morning. wear *treet-l«igth dre*»es. Re- Membere in charge of the ac­ -The vehicle, owned by Fran­ will call. cis Q. Steppard of 139 Olenwood freotanent* will be eerved by H. A fashion show, featuring tivities for Saturday are Mr. DONUTS Hayner Denrldhon, cheUrman, and Mr*. Mel Schmidt refreMi- St., wB* found against an en^ square dance western rtyie benkment afkmg a dde road in and the men of the court. clothing, will be presented by nvent chairmen, assisted by Mr. Meg Simpkin’s Square Dance and Mrs. Alan Scott and Mr. Wapping. B'nol B’rith wtU meet Mon­ S h ^ of Hampton, Mas*. F'ash- and Mr*. Clarence Seipel: Mr. Doz. 4 Die in State Blazes; day «t 8:80 p.m. at the home of and Mr*. James Seiler, door TO VISIT LEPF,R8 lona win be modeled by mem­ ROME (AP) — Canadian Mim. Henry David. 93 Letend bers of the Manchester Square duty. I>r. AJn women interested in Cardinal Paul Emile Leger, Dance Club. Members of a new archbishop of Montreal, left for maMm' stuffed doll* *«<• ani­ claas, now taking lessons, are AMBASSADOR ILL af afl mals for retarded chUdren at Inviti^ to attend the dance a* RANGOON, Burma (API— Africa Thursday night to spend mayron*s the MsnefleM State Training spectators and view the fash- U.S. Ambassador Henry A. By- Christmas among lepers. School ShouM cell Mr*. David. roade has flown to Bangkok for An aide said the cardinal ione modeled during the eve would visit 10 African countries bake shops Road Mishaps Claim 5 ning’s evwt. medical treatment for amoebic The PoHeh Women'* Alliance, A Christmas party for clasn dysentery, the embassy an­ where there are three leper Group 518, will hold a Christ- nounced today. 1 colonies. He did not name them. ma* party and supper for mem­ members will be held during an ber* «nd the*r children Sunday wt 3:30 pjtn. at Uthuanian Hall, Golway S t • i». ~ ■ g ■ r ■ * ■ * Children The Rev. Abram W. Sangrey, pastor of Bolton Methodist Church, wffl be in charge of ra­ Chamberlain photex^ The engagement of Miss:?' The engagement of Mis.s Just Say; "Charge It, Please" dio broadcast* sponsored by the The engagement of Miss Karolyn A. Burke of Pittsfield, Denlae Ann Oohe'J of WiUdman- Perish in Iklhncheater Mlinistorial Assocla- DoniMi Jean Davto to Laurence Ma-sa., to Richard F. Hagearty sett, Maiss., to Stephen William tkm on station WTT'TF Sunday of EJaat Hartford ha.s been an- Nagy of Coventry has been an­ at at 7.-60 pjn. and daily next Gold SmaU, both of Rockville, nour>ced by her parents. Mr. and nounced by her parents, Mr. and week a t 7:30 a-m. and 6:80 pm. has been announced by her par­ Mrs. William H. Burke Jr. of Mra. Edward Gobell of Wllli- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy P. Davis Pittsfield, formerly of Man­ mansett. Norwich •n»e OoupleB Club of Center of 15 Spruce St. chester. Her fiance ia the son of Mr. Congregational Church will Hw fiance is the son of Mr. Her fiance ia tlie son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Nagy of NEW HAVEN (AP) — ■poneoT an oW-lbshloned Christ­ and Mrs. Laurence T. Small ot and Mrs. Frank W. Hagearty of Taloott HiU Rd. Four nersons died in fres mas party Sunday from 3 to 6 32 White St. East Hartford. Muw Gobell, a 1963 gradtiate HOUSE k HALE p.m. in Woothiiff Hail at the Miss DavM M employed by M,iaB Burke, a 1963 graduate of Atma Marie College, Paxton. in Connecticut toda.-y and chuicb. Reservationa may b^ the Savings Bank of Rockville. of Regia College, Winooski, Vt.. Mass., is employed as a music Main Street—Manchester five others died in road fa­ made with Mr. and Mra. FYohk Mr. Small, a graduate of the is employed by the Travelens teacher in the elementary talities in a two-da.v neriod. Clark, 286 Cooper Hai St. American Academy of Funeral Insurance Oo, schools of Coventry, and is In Milford, three Yale stu­ Service, is associate funeral di- Mr. Hagearty attended St. working toward her master's dents were killed this morning The W W has poMponed tt* reotor of the White-Gibson Fu- Michael's College, Winooski, degree In music at the Univer­ on the Connecticut Tumnlke 7 day in Fort Worth, Tex., to clear up “discrepancies” seafood nigtit, acheduled for to­ neroi Home, Inc., Rockville. and is employed by the State sity of Connecticut. Hfis. Marguerite Oswald, mother of accused assas- when their car smashed Into a V/ night, until next Friday night. of OonneoUcut Highway De­ Mr. Nagy, a 1959 graduate of nn lite (^wald, was captured in these expressive about slain son. (AP Photofax.) bridge abutment. Three of nine The wedding 1* planned for partment. Manoheater High ScIudoJ arwi a October 1964. poses during a press conference she called yester­ children In a Norwich family The weddirvg will take place 1963 graduate of Worcester died aoday when fire destroyed April 18, 1964. at St. James' (Mass.) Polytechnic Institute t<- the century-old building In GRANDCHILD Church, Manchester. HUMPHREY. Neb. (API— working toward his master's 4th Fire Suicide which they lived. It’s Time Again To degree m physics at the Uni­ The Tale students were Iden­ The Jacob Widhalms have a versity of Connecticut while A Pretty Beginning Oswald Wife H art new grandchild—their 109th. Valler, Mont. Mra. Ghekiere is Tight NYC Safety SAIGON, Viet Nam (AP) tified by State Police as Elon She Is Julie Qheklere, bom to one of 14 children of Widhalm, teaching there under an aasls- — A youth, 20, doused his W. Peterson. 21 years old yes­ Mr. and Mrs. John Ghekiere at 86, and his wife, 83. tant fellowsliip. Is Reported clothes with gasoline and terday, pf Hopkins, Minn.; Vin­ • Skates Sharpened No date hsa been set for the burned himself to death in a cent W. Taus Jr., 21, of Salem, wedding. Saigon park Friday night. Ohio: and Gary W. Martin, 20, • Ice Creepers • I For Christmas Loyal to U.S. Ready for Johnson He was the fourth victim of of Manhasset, N. Y,, the driver. attached to rubbers self-immolation within a Victim* pf the Norwich fire RANGE week. Police said the youth, were Sherry. 3, Donald, 9, and Your Wedding Flowers DALLAS, Tex. (AP) — Some­ That Thuan. a telephone op­ Jimmy, 14, the children of Mr. — Skating Laces — where In rambling Dallas NEW YORK (AP)—Police and the Secret Service erator, explained in a note and Mrs. Malcolm Shankele. FUEL OIL From Seamprufe tb . young Russian-born wid­ have set up one of the tightest security plans in the he had committed suicide - An Lm gths city’s history for President Johnson’s visit to New York because he had been reject­ iiy^^M**acTOunted*"for* Darwin car to laboratory for examination. (Herald photos by Freeman.) ow of Lee Harvey Oswald, Pres­ ed by his father. Within the Special 5c Pair kttti HARTFORD RO^ GASOLINE ident John F. Kennedy’s ac­ Sunday. Shankele. suffered bums and cused assassin, cares for her The President will attend the Kennedy's request—on his last past week a ^ rl and two was treated at Backus Hospital men burned themselves to in Norwich. Fire officers sedd MANCHESTER, Enter her in a new world of fashion this two young children. funeral of former Gov. Herbert visit to New York Nov. 14. death. The girt committed Krause Florist But it's safe to assume her H. Lehman at Temple Emanu- Kennedy asked no police es­ the blaze was believed to have BANTLY OIL Christmas with stylish slips from Seam­ suicide to protest the war in begun in the kitohen of the SAM YULYES CONN. life is anything but normal, es­ E1 In Manhattan. cort on his two-day visit. South Viet Nam; the men Darwin Still Held, C'OMI'.WV, INC. prufe. A perfect gift for the lady that cares pecially since the chain of He will (h'ive from Idlewild On one occasion a woman Bbanksle apartment.
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