Temporal and spatial records of active arc-continent collision in : A synthesis

Chi-Yue Huang† Department of Earth Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Peter B. Yuan Institute of Marine Geology and Chemistry, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Shuh-Jung Tsao Central Geological Survey, MOEA, Taipei, Taiwan

ABSTRACT earliest Pleistocene, as marked by the west- Grady, 1981; Liu, 1982; Liu et al., 2001; Lo and ward thrusting and accretion of the Yu, 1996; Wang et al., 1998; Hill and Raza, 1999; Well-documented stratigraphy and clearly arc-forearc against the accretionary wedge Ring et al., 1999; Harris et al., 2000; Willett et defi ned geodynamics in Taiwan, where some (north, 1.5 Ma; south, 1.1 Ma) and exhuma- al., 2003). However, in many arc-continent col- of the best records on arc-continent collision tion of the underthrust Eurasian continent lision belts, multiple stages of metamorphism, have been preserved, offer a unique example rocks (north, 2.0–1.0 Ma; south, 1.0–0.5 Ma). overprinting deformation, complicated tecton- for the study of collision belts worldwide. The fi nal stage of the tectonic process, arc ics, and inadequate age markers have obliterated The oblique arc-continent collision in Tai- collapse-, began by 1 Ma off the or obscured most geologic records. wan caused a simultaneous and sequential northern Coastal Range. The is well known for its migration of four tectonic processes. Begin- The geologic records compiled and pre- active and oblique collision between the Luzon ning from 16 to 15 Ma, subduction of the sented in this study strongly support the Arc and the Eurasian continental margin (Fig. 1; South China Sea oceanic crust beneath the scenario of a continuous southward migra- Chai, 1972; Biq, 1973). The presence of an off- Philippine Sea plate resulted in volcanism tion of tectonic processes and a change in shore modern analog further allows Taiwan to in the Coastal Range and formation of an sediment source and structural style. Most offer one of the clearest overviews of arc-conti- accretionary prism in the Central Range. importantly, the model has a broad poten- nent collision (Huang et al., 1992, 2000). Beginning in the latest Miocene–earliest tial for reconstructing and predicting the Synthesizing new evidence and published Pliocene, the subduction was followed by ini- evolution of arc-continent collision through data, we present temporal and spatial records tial arc-continent collision, as supported by space and time. that support a persistent southward propagation the following: unroofi ng and erosion of the of the collision process, which in turn accounts deformed accretionary prism, and deposi- Keywords: Taiwan, arc-continent collision, for the sequential emergence and creation of tion of sediments thus derived in the adja- oblique collision, stratigraphic records, col- Taiwan. Other recent interpretations of the tec- cent accretionary forearc (5 Ma) and slope lision suture. tonic evolution of Taiwan are also compared basins (4 Ma); waning of volcanism (north, 6–5 Ma; south, 3.3 Ma); buildup of fringing INTRODUCTION reefs on the gradually quiescent volcanoes (north, 5.2 Ma; south, 2.9 Ma); arc subsid- Tectonic processes associated with arc-conti- Figure 1. Tectonic framework and the four ence by strike-slip faulting and the develop- nent collision can be recognized by the shifting geodynamic processes involved in the arc- ment of pull-apart intra-arc basins (north, of sediment provenance, deformation of arc- continent collision in the Taiwan region. 5.2–3.5 Ma; south, 2.9–1.8 Ma); thrusting forearc and accretionary wedge, abrupt change Refer to Huang et al. (2000) for details of of forearc sequences to generate a collision of sedimentation rate and depositional bathym- tectonic processes and their geological- complex starting from 3 Ma; and clockwise etry in forearc or foreland basins, and the inten- geophysical characteristics. A and B are rotation of the arc-forearc sequences (north, sity of arc volcanism (Teng, 1979; Charlton et locations for fi ssion-track studies (Fig. 9) 2.1–1.7 Ma; south, 1.4 Ma). The collision al., 1991; Abbott et al., 1994; Huang et al., 1995; along the Central and Southern Cross- propagated southward and reached southern Yang et al., 1995; Brown and Spadea, 1999). Island Highways. TT—Taitung Trough; Taiwan by 5 Ma, as evidenced by the succes- Geochemical studies, such as fi ssion-track and SLT—South Longitudinal Trough; CFS— sive deformation of the associated accretion- argon-isotope dating, and pressure-tempera- Chingshui fault scarp; arrow: magnetic dec- ary wedge en route. Afterward, the advanced ture-time path analyses on the underthrust con- lination. Compiled from Yang et al. (1983), arc-continent collision stage appeared in the tinental rocks in convergent zones, also can be Lee et al. (1991), Huang et al. (1992), Reed et used to reconstruct this exhumation history after al. (1992), Liu et al. (1998), Lallemand et al. †E-mail: [email protected]. subduction and subsequent collision (Berry and (1997, 1999), Malavieille et al. (2002).

GSA Bulletin; March/April 2006; v. 118; no. 3/4; p. 274–288; doi: 10.1130/B25527.1; 9 fi gures; 1 table; Data Repository item 2006042.

274 For permission to copy, contact [email protected] © 2006 Geological Society of America TAIWAN COLLISION

Tectonic Map of Taiwan 25 n a Ryukyu ~~~~~~~~~~~ w Ar c Tai Fold-and-thrust belt c ar Ryukyu T. 25° N

Okinawa h (Passive Asian continental margin) c

Chuchih fault zon Pleistocene-Holocene foreland Hsingchuang fault vTrough


20 Tr en Miocene-Pleistocene shallow neritics

Paleogene shallow neritics nila fault Ma Accretionary prism 125 (Deep marine slope-trench sequences) v v Luzon Ryu Miocene slate and turbidites kyu Subduction complex Arc-arcArc Arc Underthrust Eurasian continent A collapse/Collisionsubduction

Hsüehshan Range CFS Eocene Ss-Ls-Sl V FoothillsFoothills

e Pre-Tertiary metamorphic V basement Accreted Luzon arc-forearc Rang 24° N an


Forearc Hsuehshan V

Range Hoping-Nanao-Forearc

V V Collision complex Lish Central

Volcanic arc Valle lain V P al

Coastal Plain Yaeyama Basin V

V Coastal Plain Central Range V RyukyuRidg

Coastal e Longitudin V

stern V Western V Ryukyu Tren Trench

Western Foothills

We V ch

lRange Advanced



V V arc-continent collision

Lichi melange Coasta V V

TAIWAN Longtudinal 23° N







Laonung fault Lichi

TT PRISM V Pingtung g Taitung mélange Lutao Valley

V 82 km/ m

Laonun .y.

V Arc a V

Lanhsu Huatung Bas






SL 22° N


V Initial

V Kenting V

Fold-and-thrust Mélange arc-continent collision



V arc-prism bound V

Huatung V

Kaoping Ridge V


V V Slope V





V Intra-oceanic subduction 21° N

retionary V V V V







South V





V V V China V


V V V V V V North V

Sea Trench Manila 20° N 119°E 120° E 121° E 122° E

Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2006 275 HUANG et al. and discussed, thus providing a comprehensive and Malavieille et al., 2002), which traverses (Fig. 2) and consists of three extinct volca- perspective on the time, space, and processes the collisional suture basin (South Longitudinal nic islands, three associated remnant forearc involved in this unparalleled collision terrain. Trough) and may correspond to the Longitudi- basins, two intra-arc basins, and a mélange nal Valley fault on land (Figs. 1 and 2). sequence derived from the shearing of forearc TECTONIC SETTING OF TAIWAN Bounded on the west by the , sediments (Huang et al., 1995, 2000; Chang et the Hengchun Ridge and Kaoping Slope widen al., 2000, 2001). Tectonics in the Taiwan region is character- northward as more sediments on the Asian ized by two opposite subduction systems: The continental slope and South China Sea Basin DATABASE Eurasian continent–South China Sea oceanic are progressively incorporated into this accre- crust (all on the Eurasian plate) subducts east- tionary prism. Diverse interpretations of the evolution of the ward beneath the Philippine Sea plate along the arc-continent collision in the Taiwan region have N-S-trending Manila Trench, whereas the Phil- Tectonostratigraphy of Taiwan been proposed. They were established either ippine Sea plate subducts northward beneath from limited fi eld data (e.g., paleomagnetism or the Eurasian plate along the E-W-trending Two major boundary faults are found in Tai- radiometric dating; Wang, 1976; Liu, 1982; Liu Ryukyu Trench (Fig. 1). Continuous subduc- wan (Fig. 1): The Lishan-Laonung fault, sepa- et al., 2001; Teng, 1990; Lee et al., 1991; Lo and tion brought the Luzon Arc closer to the edge rating the Hsuehshan Range–Western Foothills Yu, 1996; Wang et al., 1998; Huang et al., 1995, of the Eurasian continent and resulted in their and the Central Range–Hengchun Peninsula, 1997; Chang et al., 2001) or from marine survey collision in the late Neogene (Chai, 1972; Biq, marks the subduction suture that prevailed and modeling without stratigraphic evidence 1973). Because the Asian continental margin before the arc-continent collision (8.5 Ma). To (Lallemand et al., 1999; Chemenda et al., 2001; (trending N 60°E) is oblique to the N-oriented its east the Longitudinal Valley fault between Malavieille et al., 2002). In contrast, based on Luzon Arc, and the Philippine Sea plate moves the Central Range and the Coastal Range is the the progressive change of geological and geo- toward 310°–305°, the arc-continent collision collision suture formed during the advanced physical features within the modern active col- has been diagonal; hence the point of collision stage of collision (<2 Ma). Genetically related lision zone between 20° and 25°N, Huang et migrated southward (at the rate of 84 km/m.y.; to these sutures, the Kenting Mélange (situ- al. (2000) recognized four tectonic processes Suppe, 1984). ated along the frontal accretionary prism) in the (subduction, initial and advanced arc-continent Conversely, the northward subduction of the Hengchun Peninsula, and the Lichi Mélange collision, and arc collapse-subduction) in the Philippine Sea plate has resulted in collapse of (situated along the collision suture) in the Taiwan arc-continent collision. Their defi nition the North Luzon Arc off NE Taiwan beneath the accreted Coastal Range, represent subduction of the processes is followed in this study. Ryukyu Trench (Wang and Chiang, 1998; Lalle- and collision complex, respectively (Fig. 1). To support the pattern of tectonic evolution, mand et al., 1999, 2001; Huang et al., 2000) and Also divided by major faults, four tec- in this paper we compiled four sets of published the backarc spreading of the Okinawa Trough tonostratigraphic units are recognized (Fig. 1): data: lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy (plank- behind the Ryukyu Arc. from west to east, the passive Asian continen- tic foraminifer and calcareous nannoplankton), tal margin fold-and-thrust belt, the accretionary sedimentology, and 40Ar/ 39Ar and fi ssion-track Subduction and Collision Geology off prism, the underthrust Eurasian continent, and dates of volcanic rocks. In addition, new fi ssion- Southern Taiwan the accreted Luzon Arc-forearc. track ages of metamorphic rocks in the Central The passive continental margin fold-and-thrust Range (Data Repository)1 and forearc sequences Off southern Taiwan, subduction of the belt in the Coastal Plain, Western Foothills, and in the southern Coastal Range, and sediment South China Sea oceanic crust has resulted Hsuehshan Range is composed of Tertiary-Qua- point-count data for slope-basin sediments in in the formation of an arc (North Luzon Arc), ternary neritic and foreland sediments. During the Hengchun Peninsula, are incorporated into a forearc basin (North Luzon Trough), and the arc-continent collision, these shallow-marine this study for fi ne-tuning the details on the uplift an accretionary prism (Hengchun Ridge and sediments were folded and thrust. Their modern rates and shifting of source rocks pertaining to Kaoping Slope; Fig. 1). The North Luzon analog on the submarine Kaoping Slope is pres- various stages of the collision. Trough (forearc basin) narrows northward ently undergoing the same process. (Huang and Yin, 1990; Huang et al., 1992) at The next two tectonostratigraphic units are STRATIGRAPHIC RECORDS the expense of an expanding Huatung Ridge, found in the Central Range–Hengchun Pen- which in turn has originated from multiple arc- insula (Fig. 1): the Miocene slates-turbidites Temporal and spatial events (a–m; Fig. 4) ward (eastward) back thrusting of the forearc and the pre-Miocene metamorphic rocks to the that recorded the arc-continent collision and sequence (Reed et al., 1992; Lundberg et al., east. The pre-Miocene metamorphics consist a southward consecutive migration of the four 1997; Malavieille et al., 2002). of Eocene quartzite-limestone-slate resting tectonic processes are provided in the follow- Not only the offshore Luzon Arc and North unconformably on a Paleozoic-Mesozoic met- ing sections. Luzon Trough forearc basin connect north- amorphic basement (representing underthrust ward with the Coastal Range, but the Huatung Eurasian continental rocks). On the other hand, Ridge also has its counterpart on land: the Lichi the Miocene slate-turbidites are composed of 1GSA Data Repository item 2006042, two sup- Mélange collision complex (Fig. 1; Hsu, 1956; deep-marine sediments (but later incorporated plementary fi gures showing sampling location and Huang et al., 1992; Huang, 1993; Chang et al., into the accretionary prism), which are now fi ssion-track analysis results along two transverse sec- 2000). In addition, between the Hengchun Ridge exposed in the western Central Range and in tions over the exhumed metamorphic basement (the and the North Luzon Trough, there lies a colli- the Hengchun Peninsula (Figs. 1 and 3; Huang basement represents the underthrust Eurasian conti- nent that was unroofed during the advanced arc-con- sion suture fault (i.e., the arc-prism boundary et al., 1997). tinent collision in the past 3 m.y.), is available on the fault of Byrne, 1998, or the west-vergent thrusts Lastly, the Coastal Range in eastern Taiwan Web at http://www.geosociety.org/pubs/ft2006.htm. with strike-slip components of Fuh et al., 1997, represents the accreted Luzon Arc and forearc Requests may also be sent to [email protected].

276 Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2006 TAIWAN COLLISION

Intra-Oceanic Subduction TECTONOSTRATIGRAPHIC Event a—Onset of Luzon Arc Volcanism Rifting of the Eurasian continent in the late MAP OF 24° Oligocene to middle Miocene (Taylor and THE COASTAL RANGE Hualien Hayes, 1983) gave rise to the formation of the South China Sea oceanic crust, which then was Longitudinal Valley v subducted eastward beneath the Philippine Sea Post-collision Sequence v plate along the Manila Trench, resulting in vol- v in the suture basin canism in the Luzon Arc (Fig. 1). Reliable age v v dating of volcanics in the Coastal Range showed Forearc Basin Sequence v that the northern Luzon Arc eruption began at RANGE v ca. 16–15 Ma (Fig. 2; Yang et al., 1988, 1995). Shuilien Basin v Shuilien v Thus, subduction of the South China Sea oce- L v anic crust started from middle Miocene (Table 1; Loho Basin Figs. 4A and 5A). v Taiyuan Basin v 6.0± 0.2 M a v Yuehmei v Event b—Termination of Sedimentation in Collision Complex Fongpin the Accretionary Prism Lichi Melange CENTRA During the subduction, deep-sea sediments v on the South China Sea fl oor were incorporated Luzon Volcanic Arc v ault v into an accretionary wedge. Therefore, the age v v Yuehmei F of the youngest deep-sea strata found in the Volcanic island v v Chimei + v accretionary prism specifi es the time when sub- vKLS Chimei + vv + + duction ceased. volcanic island + + 15.4 - 16.4 Ma

+ + v LLEY

North of 24°N, the exposed accretionary Chengkuangao Chimei v TLSvv A S + Chingpu v L + prism has been partially eroded, where the strata volcanic island K +

LV v v v

are dated as 16–15 Ma (N8-9; Chang, 1975), Intra-Arc v v v


indicating that the subduction terminated there- v vv

v vv

Chingpu Basin v

after (Table 1). To obtain a more precise date, the TUDINA v

v v v

distance of 216 km (between 24°30′N represent- Chengkung Basin v

v ing the northern edge of the accretionary prism, v


and 22°30′N denoting the boundary joining the v v

initial- and advanced-arc–continent collision) is v v

Loho v v

v v

divided by the southward oblique collision prop- v



v ¡

v 5.6±0.2Ma agation rate of 84 km/m.y. (Suppe, 1984), which v v


gives approximately a duration of 2.5 m.y. Thus, v 3.3 - 2.2Ma EA



v Chengkuangao in northern Taiwan the termination of subduc- v




tion began around late Miocene (8.5 Ma = 2.5 + Fig 6 v


6). Here the 6 Ma (N10-N16/17, Chang, 1975; v v Chengkung


or NN11, Chi, 1982) is the age of the youngest v

v v


continent-derived deep-marine turbidites found v on the Hengchun Peninsula (accretionary prism) v Taiyuan

in southern Taiwan (Fig. 3). The 6 Ma in turn 23°N 23° v


represents the time when subduction stopped in v Tungho


southern Taiwan (22°–22°30′N; Table 1). v





Initial Arc-Continent Collision (Events c–j) v v

IWAN Off southern Taiwan (Fig. 1), the initial N ange TA arc-continent collision (between 21°20′ and Lichi 2.0 - 0.54 Ma 22°40′ N) is characterized by closure of the 0 10 km Coastal R 1.5± 0.2 Ma Lutao forearc basin, eastward back thrusting of Lanhsu 3.5-1.4Ma forearc sediments, development of a collision Taitung 6.6-3.5Ma 0.5± 0.1 Ma suture–fault system, exposure of the accretion- 121°30’ E 0.04 - 0.02 Ma ary prism, and tapering off of volcanic activ- ity (Huang et al., 2000). Not only are these Figure 2. Tectonostratigraphic map of the Coastal Range, showing three accreted volcanic features detectable on land, but also other islands, three remnant forearc basins, two intra-arc basins, and the Lichi Mélange (modifi ed evidence of the initial arc-continent collision from Huang et al., 1995, 2000). Age data on the volcanic sequences compiled from Chen et al. is preserved. Events c–h (Figs. 4 and 5) and (1990), Yang et al. (1988), and Lo et al. (1994). Rectangle shows area covered in Figure 6.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2006 277 HUANG et al.


LEGEND lt Mt fau ou ch an M Recent

Holocene Alluvium

Taiping Fm. Szekou Fm. Ls Hengchun

Pleistocene Limestone (< 0.5 Ma) Hen Shallow - marine ~~unconformity ~~

5 West Kt gchun Ma Maanshan Fm. Accretionary - slope basin sequence ( 3.7~1 Ma) H fault engchun Pliocene unconformity s ~~ ~~ Hengchun Kenting Melange HC-1 Kt H (subduction complex) ill Chialoshui Mt Mutan Fm. Ma Mt lower fan turbidites 7 MAS-3 MAS-2 upper- middle fan conglomerates and sandstones DPS-2 DTT-2 NW-1 Loshui Fm. DPS-1 DTT-3 Middle - Late Miocene Ls middle fan sandstones

in accretionary prism

Slope and trench-fill turbidite


Figure 3. Geological map of the Hengchun Peninsula (modifi ed from Sung, 1991; Huang et al., 1997; Chang et al., 2003). Numbered points are sample locations for the Maanshan Formation.

i–j (Fig. 7), which occurred separately east Taiwan (Lo, 1989; Chen et al., 1990; Huang et cessation of volcanism, the last volcanic activity (Coastal Range) and west (Central Range– al., 1995). The top of the Tuluanshan Forma- represents the transition from subduction to col- Hengchun Peninsula) of the collision suture, tion (andesitic breccia, agglomerate, and tuff) lision (Figs. 4B and 5B). are presented in subsequent sections. of the Chimei volcanic island (Fig. 2) in the In the present collision zone, volcanism in north was dated NN11 (<8–5 Ma; Chi et al., the offshore Lutao and Lanhsu Islands ended at Event c—Sequential Waning of Luzon Arc 1981) and 6–5 Ma (40Ar/39Ar; Lo et al., 1994). 1.5 Ma and 0.5–0.04 Ma (Yang et al., 1988; Lo Volcanism in the Coastal Range In comparison, the top of the same formation in et al., 1994), respectively (Fig. 2). Thus, both Geochemical and stratigraphic data show the south (Chengkuangao volcanic island) was the microfossil and radiometric ages indicate that three volcanic islands (from north to south, dated 5.6 Ma (40Ar/39Ar) and 3.3 Ma (fi ssion that the initial arc-continent collision began at Yuehmei, Chimei, and Chengkuangao; Fig. 2) track) (Fig. 2; Yang et al., 1988; Lo et al., 1994). ca. 6–5 Ma in the north and propagated south- in the Coastal Range were accreted to eastern Because the arc-continent collision caused the ward (Table 1).

278 Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2006 TAIWAN COLLISION

Arc collapse/subduction (Event m)

Fold-and-thrust belt Accretionary prism Central Range Hsuehshan Range (Metamorphics) Western Foothills (slate ) shui Lishan-Laonung deformation Chuchih ()Event m

Ching Faul. Fault fault scarp front Collapsed/subsided Luzon arc- forearc

Coastal Plain E (foreland)

v v v Philippine Figure 4. Summary of temporal- Eurasian Continent vvvvvv v v Sea Plate spatial records of active Taiwan arc-continent collision (Events a– m except for events i and j, which Advanced arc-continent collision (Events h, k, l) are in Fig. 7) during the past 16– 15 m.y. (A) Intra-oceanic subduc- Accretionary prism Fold-and-thrust belt tion. (B, C) Initial arc-continent Central Range Coastal Range (Event k) collision. (D) Advanced arc-conti- Hsuehshan Range (Slate Belt ) (Metamorphic Belt ) nent collision. (E) Arc collapse-sub- Western Foothills (Event l ) clockwise rotation duction. See text for detailed pro- Lishan-Laonung L.V. L.M. deformation Chuchih Fault (Event h) cesses and stratigraphic records front Fault intra-arc basin of events a–m. L.V.—Longitudi- Coastal Plain nal Valley; L.M.—Lichi Mélange; v ~ v (foreland) ~ v v ~ v v v v v D ~ vv HTR—Huatung Ridge. ~ 4 Philippine Eurasian Continent vvvvv v v vvvvv v Sea Platev

Initia l arc-continent collision (Events f, g)

Accretionary prism Fold-and-thrust belt

Western Foothills - Hsuehshan Range Central Range rism (Hengchun Ridge ) p Nort h Luzon Arc (Kaoping Slope ) Lishan-Laonung deformation arc- arc subsidence ()Event f front Fault bo u n(Event d a r y g) intra-arc basin

Taiwa n SLTSL NLTNL T HTRHTR T Strai t (foreland)

C vv v vvv v v v vvv vv Eurasian Continent v v Philippinev v Sea Platevvv

Accretionary prism (Hengchun Ridge) Initial arc-continent collision (Events c, d, e) arc-pr ism bound ar y Nort h Luzon Arc Manila Trench ()Events c, d Sout h China Sea Nort h Luzon Trough B TurTurbidites bidites ()Event e vvvv Eurasian Continent vvv v vvvv vv Sout h China Sea oceanic crus t Philippine v Sea Platevvv

Accretionary prism Nort h Luzon Arc (Hengchun Ridge) ) Event b (Event a)

Intra-oceanic subduction (Events a, b) arc-pr ism bou ndar y Manila Trench Sout h China Sea A Nort h TurTurbidites bidites Luzon Trough vvvv Eurasian Continent vvv vv v v vv v v Sout h China Sea oceanic crus t Philippine vvSea Plate

Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2006 279 HUANG et al.

Event d—Development of Fringing Reefs nent collision began in the early Pliocene at ca. sion between the Luzon Arc and the underthrust atop Inactive Volcanic Islands 5 Ma—e.g., 1 m.y. after subduction of the South Eurasian continent (Fig. 4C). Off SE Taiwan in the present initial arc-con- China Sea oceanic lithosphere ceased at 6 Ma In the eastern part of the Coastal Range, tinent collision zone, modern fringing reefs (events a and b; Table 1). fringing-reef limestones (event d) are overlain have built up on the Lanhsu and Lutao volca- by deep-marine turbidites (Figs. 5E and F), nic islands since their volcanism terminated. Event f—Arc Subsidence and Formation of indicating rapid arc subsidence during the late Therefore, the age of the oldest fringing-reef Intra-Arc Basins phase of initial arc-continent collision (Fig. 5D). limestones atop volcanic islands can be used Submarine intra-arc basins were identifi ed Further, the limestone sequences lie at the bot- indirectly to infer the cessation of volcanism, on both the Lutao and Lanhsu volcanic islands tom of two reconstructed intra-arc basins (each which in turn indicates the time of transition in the present-day initial arc-continent colli- 10 km wide by 40 km long): the Chingpu intra- from subduction to initial arc-continent colli- sion zone (Huang et al., 1995; Malavieille et arc basin on the Chimei volcanic island in the sion (Figs. 4B and 5C). al., 2002). It was proposed that the basin origi- north, and the Chengkung intra-arc basin on Two reef-limestone sequences were recog- nated from strike-slip faulting within the arc, the Chengkuangao volcanic island in the south nized on the reconstructed volcanic islands in which in turn was caused by the oblique colli- (Fig. 2). Bio- and magnetostratigraphic data the Coastal Range (Huang et al., 1988; Huang and Yuan, 1994; Yuan, 1994; Huang et al., 1995): the Kangkou Limestone (5.2 Ma) on Chimei volcanic island in the north and the TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF THE SPATIAL-TEMPORAL RECORDS OF THE TAIWAN ARC-CONTINENT Tungho Limestone (2.9 Ma) on Chengkuangao COLLISION volcanic island in the south (Figs. 2, 5E and F). Intra-oceanic Initial arc- Advanced arc- Arc collapse- As expected, these limestone ages are slightly subduction continent collision continent collision subduction younger than those of the last volcanic events West of collision suture (see event c, discussed previously). (a) Stratigraphy in accretionary prism 16–15 Ma (N) The age relationships therefore indicate that 6 Ma (S) the initial collision began at ca. 5.2 Ma in the East of collision suture north, 2.9 Ma in the south, and between <0.5 Ma and the present off SE Taiwan (Table 1). (b) Onset of volcanism 16–15 Ma East of collision suture Event e—Appearance of Prism-Derived (c) Last volcanism 6–5 Ma (N) Quartzose Sediments in the Forearc Basin 3.3 Ma (S) 1.5–0.02 Ma During subduction, the bulging Hengchun (offshore) Ridge accretionary prism acted as a barrier that (d) Development of fringing reef around 5.2 Ma (N) obstructed the Asian continent–derived quartz- nonactive volcanic island 2.9 Ma (S) rich sediments from entering the forearc North <0.5 Ma– Luzon Trough. However, once the accretionary present (offshore) prism was uplifted and exposed to erosion, its (e) Deposition in forearc basin 5 Ma sediments began to appear in the forearc basin. (f) Arc subsidence and formation of intra-arc 5.2–3.5 Ma (N) Because the elevation and uncovering of the basin 2.9–1.8 Ma (S) accretionary prism is one of the major features Present (offshore) of initial arc-continent collision (Huang et al., (g) Deformation of western forearc basin 3 Ma (S) 2000), the fi rst deposition of prism-derived (formation of mélange) Present (offshore) quartzose turbidites in the forearc would denote (h) Clockwise rotation of forearc basin 2 Ma (N) 1 Ma (S) an early phase of initial arc-continent collision. Present (offshore) Fission-track dating from the forearc sequence (Fig. 6) shows a young zircon age (<6 Ma), indi- West of collision suture cating that these sediments were derived from (i) Deposition in accretionary slope basin 4 Ma the tectonized and later exposed accretionary Present (offshore) wedge (as shown by partial resetting of zircon (j) Deformation of accretionary slope basin <1 Ma–present grains) instead of directly from the Asian conti- East of collision suture nent, where the last tectonism ceased at 65 Ma (k) Westward thrusting of forearc and intra- 1.5 Ma (N) during the Yenshan movement (Chen et al., arc basins 1.1 Ma (S) 2003). This new fi ssion-track dating from the West of collision suture forearc sequences in the southern Coastal Range (l) Exhumation of underthrust continent 1.0 Ma (N) is consistent with the reported results from the 0.5 Ma (S) northern Coastal Range (Liu et al., 2000). The fi rst appearance of such nonvolcanic, East of collision suture quartz-rich turbidites in the Coastal Range (m) Collapse of accreted Luzon Arc-forearc <1 Ma– forearc basins was dated as NN13/14 (4.5– present 3.7 Ma; Chi et al., 1981). The forearc stratigra- Note: Lowercase italic letters in parentheses refer to spatial-temporal events as described in text. N—north; phy therefore suggests that the initial arc-conti- S—south.

280 Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2006 TAIWAN COLLISION

Waningof volcanism Development of fringingreef Formation of intra-arc basin A B C D rapid Subsidence V V V V > 1 km/my V V - V V V V magma V V chamber Event c Event e & Event d Event f Event b N: 6~5 Ma N:5Ma N: 5~3.5 Ma N: 16~15 Ma S: 3.3 Ma S: 2.9 Ma S: 2.9~1.8 Ma Offshore: 0.2~0.02 Ma Offshore:<0.5 Ma~Present Offshore: present Paleobathymetry


anics (km)


e Paleobathymetry F tal


E To 0.5 1.0 1.5

Volc Slat (km) Plan 1.1Ma

late Tota (M) (M) 0.5 1.0 1.5 .2

Volcanic S .2 .8

Planktons X 600 X 1.5 Ma 80 X X 400 .25 .75 X X 200 70

50 60

tion 17 X X X X 50 X X

12 X X Formation 40

n elagic flysch 11 30 X X ngkung


10 X a-arc u Forma X X X 20 X X

Chingpu Intra-arc


hemip 9 X X

Che Intr X 18 Bas 8 kangkou X X 7 Ta 16

Takangko ~~~~~~~ X X

Pelagic- X 6 X X 14 X X X X 3.5 Ma X X 1.8 Ma 5 X X X X X II III X 12 ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~X ~~~~~~~X ~~~~~~~~~~~ 5.2 Ma ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.9 Ma 4 X X X X I I I X X 10 X

stone 3 X III X I I X 8 X X 2 X Chengkuangao X Chimei 6 1 X volcanic Island I X volcanic Island I X Reef lime 0 I 4 X

Kangkou Ls.

Tungho Ls. 2 X X X X 0 TL TL


Initial arc-continent collision

G nd

c Compression

Volcanic isla from Philippine

hi Melange

~ Sea plate ~ Intra-arc basin ~

Lic collisin complex



~ ~ Longitudinal


Central Range ~ ~


~ V V

~ ~

Event k N: 1.5 Ma S: 1.1 M a Advanced arc-continent collision

Figure 5. Stratigraphic sequence recording the (A) active volcanism (event a) during intra-oceanic subduction, (B) waning of volcanism (event c), (C) sedimentation of forearc basin (event e) and development of fringing reef (event d), (D) arc subsidence (event f) and infi lling of intra-arc basin with deep-marine fl ysch overlying shallow-marine fringing limestone in (E) Chingpu intra-arc basin and (F) Chengkung intra-arc basin during initial arc-continent collision, to fi nally (G) westward-landward thrusting and accreting of the arc-forearc onto the exposed underthrust Eurasian continent (eastern Central Range) (event k) along the collision suture of Longitudinal Valley during advanced arc-continent collision. Modifi ed from Huang et al. (1995). N—north; S—south.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2006 281 HUANG et al.

1.0 N Fuli V V V 40.5 Ma TF-6 12.5 Ma V V V 0.5 64.5 Ma 01km V 2.5 Ma V Frequency ange 0.0 V V 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 lR TF-11 1.0 3.0 Ma TF-7 TF-8 TF-9 V V 23 V V 0.5 15.6 Ma Centra quency 100 Ma V 70 V Fre alley V 0.0 V V V 0 50 100 150 200 V V 250 300 1.0 V 2.08 Ma V V TF-8 V V 76 0.5 V V V Longitudinal Frequency TF-7 0.0 V V 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 2.72 Ma V 1.0 V V 5.8 Ma V V 23 V V TF-9 0.5 V 92 Ma

Frequency V V 0.0 V V 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 V 1.0 80 Ma Legend TF-6 V V Gravel and sand TF-11 (Holocene) Lichi Melange V V 0.5 6.2 Ma with ophiolite 62 Taiyuan Tungho Limestone (Late Pliocene) Frequency 0.0 Takangkou Formation (Pliocene-Pleistocene) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Tuluanshan Formation V (Miocene-Pliocene) Slate and schist V V Age (Ma) (Eocene-Miocene) Tungho Takangkou Formation

Figure 6. Fission-track ages of zircon grains from the Taiyuan remnant forearc sequences. There are two age peaks: the older peaks (>64 Ma) denote zircons derived from Mesozoic granites in SE China. Because no tectonism occurred after the Mesozoic, the younger ages (6–2.5 Ma, shown at left in each diagram) are due to the partial resetting of zircons when they were incorporated deep into the accretion- ary prism. This suggests that part of the accretionary prism was already uplifted and exposed to erosion (therefore providing the partial resetting of zircons and deposition of associated quartzose sediments into the forearc) during the arc-continent collision. Refer to Figure 2 for location of this diagram.

282 Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2006 TAIWAN COLLISION

West East Accretionary prism

D Fold-and-thrust

Present Hengchun Peninsula

Manila Kaoping Slope West Hengchun Hill

()Event j ~ ~

~ Trench ~ ~


P-P ~

~ Late Miocene ~

~ ~ Miocene ~ Initial ~ ~ sandy turbidites arc-continent Eurasian Continent collision

uplifting SCS Oceanic

Early-Middle Crus Miocene Slates t

Accretionary prism Fold-and-thrust C (0.5 Ma) Kaoping Slope accretionary slope basin Hengchun Peninsula Hengchun Ls.

Manila Trench




~ ~

~ ~



~ ~

P-P ~ ~

Mt ~

~ ~


~ ~


~ Miocene ~ Initial ~


~ KM ~ arc-continent Eurasian ContinentC ontinent uplifting Decollement collision Dec early-middle ~1.0 Ma SCS Oceanicollem CrustMiocene Slates Reworked Miocene SCS fault e Early-Middle Pleistocene foraminifera were commonly O nt ceanic Miocene Slates found in accretionary slope basin sequence fault 1.8 Ma nshan Fm. C Pliocene Pebbles derived from Late Miocene rust Maa deep-sea fan conglomerates

Fold-and-thrust Accretionary prism B (4-3 Ma) Kaoping Slope accretionary slope basin Hengchun Peninsula

Manila Trench ()Event i




~ ~ ~

P-P Mt ~




~ ~

~ ~ ~

E - M. Miocene ~





Eurasian KM ~ EurasianC ontinent ~ upliftinguplifting Initial Dec arc-continent Dec ollement early-middle collision oll Miocene Slates SCS em SC faultent SO Early-Middle Oc fault eanicceanic CrustMiocene Slates C rust A (15-5 Ma)

China Manila Trench Accretionary prism Continent South China Sea Hengchun Ridge ()Event a Continent-derived

slope sediment and trench filling ~




E - M. Miocene ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Eurasian ~ Intra-oceanic

Continent Mt Late~ Miocene early-middle Subduction S C S sandy turbidites Mioceneuplifting Figure 7. Stratigraphic evolution in the accretionary prism of Oce KM Slates anic Early-Middle Hengchun Peninsula. (A) Formation of accretionary prism (Hengchun Ridge; Miocene event b) during intra-oceanic subduction (15–6 Ma). (B) Deposition in the shallow- muddy turbidites marine accretionary slope basin (unconformably on the deformed accretionary prism; Crus event i) with its sediments derived from the exposed accretionary prism (Hengchun Peninsula) t during the initial arc-continent collision (4–3 Ma). (C) Reef-lagoon complex unconformably depos- ited on the deformed accretionary slope-basin sequences (0.5 Ma). (D) Tilting of the whole slope- basin sequences (event j) as the West Hengchun Hill in the southern Hengchun Peninsula.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2006 283 HUANG et al.

Q show that the basal Chingpu and Chengkung intra-arc basin sediments are 3.5 Ma and 1.8 Ma (Huang et al., 1995; Horng and Shea, 1996),

X respectively (Figs. 5E and F). Thus, the period Continental X Recycled Bloc k X Orogen between the reef-limestone deposition and the X X Provenances X x Provenances overlying deep-marine turbidite sedimentation X X (5.2–3.5 Ma in the north and 2.9–1.8 Ma in the X 50 50 south) indicates the interval of intra-arc basin formation and arc subsidence (Figs. 4C and Magmatic Arc 5D) during the initial arc-continent collision Provenances (Table 1).

Event g—Deformation of Forearc Basin and F 50 L Formation of a Collision Complex: The Lichi Mélange Qm As described previously for the modern ini- tial arc-continent collision zone, the forearc sequence in the North Luzon Trough was back thrust eastward, creating the Huatung Ridge (Fig. 4C). As a result, the North Luzon Trough Continental (forearc) tapers off northward and fi nally closes

Bloc k X at its northern terminus (Fig. 1). In addition, the 50 X X Recycled Provenances 50 X X X XX Orogen submarine Huatung Ridge connects northward X X Provenances with the Lichi Mélange in the southern Coastal Range (Figs. 1 and 4C and D). Magmatic Arc The Lichi Mélange lies west of the remnant Provenances forearc basin strata (Loho Basin and Taiyuan Lt Basin; Fig. 2). A comparable geographical F 50 relationship is found offshore where the Hua- tung Ridge also lies west of the Luzon Trough QP forearc basin (Figs. 1 and 2). Moreover, simi- larity of the Lichi Mélange and the submarine Huatung Ridge in their lithology, clay mineral compositions, and tectonic setting (Huang et al., 1992; Huang, 1993) prompted Huang et al.

X (2000) and Chang et al. (2000) to suggest that Collision the Huatung Ridge is the precursor of the Lichi 50 X 50 X Mélange. Therefore, the age of the youngest X Orogen X X sources deformed sediments in the Lichi Mélange and

X X X the offshore Huatung Ridge can be used to infer the inception of initial collision when the forearc Arc Orogen X sequence began to be deformed (Fig. 4C). sources The Lichi Mélange in the southern Coastal Lv 50 Ls Range gave a consistent age of 3.7–3.5 Ma (NN15; Chi et al., 1981; Chi, 1982; Barrier and Qm Müller, 1984) or late N19 (Chang, 1975), almost identical to that of the samples (3.5–2.9 Ma)


Figure 8. Comparison of sediment composi- tion in (1) the shallow-marine accretionary slope basin, Maanshan Formation (×), and (2) the various facies of deep-marine turbi- dites in the Hengchun Peninsula (■; Sung and Wang, 1985), suggesting that the former sediments were derived from the exposure and erosion of the latter during the initial P K arc-continent collision.

284 Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2006 TAIWAN COLLISION dredged from the submarine Huatung Ridge The base of the Maanshan Formation is N19 or of the underthrust Eurasian continent crops out, (Huang et al., 1992; Huang, 1993). This sug- NN15 (3.7–3.5 Ma; Cheng and Huang, 1975; almost coinciding in location with the southern gests that the initial arc-continent collision in Chi, 1982); therefore, it is suggested that the ini- tip of the Coastal Range (22°40′N; Fig. 1). the southern Coastal Range (23° N) occurred at tial arc-continent collision could have begun at Fission-track dating of zircon, apatite, and ca. 3 Ma (Table 1). 4 Ma in southern Taiwan (Table 1). sphene grains showed that the Eurasian conti- nental basement was unroofed slowly before Event h—Clockwise Rotation of the Forearc Event j—Deformation of the Slope-Basin 5 Ma but more rapidly afterward, increasing and Arc Sequence from 3 mm/yr at 3–2.5 Ma to 9–10 mm/yr in During the late phase of initial arc-continent The Maanshan Formation (3.7–1 Ma; Fig. 3), the past 1.5 m.y. (Liu, 1982). In addition, fi s- collision, not only were the arc and forearc which was deposited in the accretionary slope sion-track analyses from two traverses indicate sequences back thrust, but they were also rotated basin, was faulted and then unconformably over- that schist in the northern Central Range (Profi le (Fig. 4D). For example, in the modern initial lain by the latest Pleistocene (<0.5 Ma) barrier A in Fig. 1) was unroofed during 2.5–1.0 Ma collision zone off SE Taiwan, the Lutao volcanic reef–lagoon complex (Figs. 3 and 7C). Both (mostly between 2.0 and 1.0 Ma), followed by island has already been rotated 14° clockwise, sequences then were tilted eastward (West Heng- unroofi ng in the south (Profi le B in Fig. 1) dur- although the Lanhsu volcanic island in the south chun Hill in Fig. 3; Cheng and Huang, 1975; ing ca. 2.0–0.5 Ma (largely 1.0–0.5 Ma; Fig. 9; has held its current declination of 346° (Yang et Huang, 1988), indicating that the whole slope Tsao, 1996). These data are consistent with a al., 1983; Fig. 1). basin was deformed and uplifted since 1 Ma previous study (Liu et al., 2001), suggesting Similarly, magneto- and biostratigraphic stud- (Figs. 7C and D) during the initial arc-continent that the advanced arc-continent collision also ies enabled Lee et al. (1991) to demonstrate that collision in southernmost Taiwan (Table 1). migrated southward (Table 1). the forearc sequences in the Shuilien remnant forearc basin began to rotate clockwise at 2.1– Advanced Arc-Continent Collision Arc Collapse and Subduction 1.7 Ma in the north, and at 1.4 Ma in the south (Events k–l) (Taiyuan remnant forearc basin). These ages Event m—Collapse of Accreted Luzon Arc- registered the last phase of initial arc-continent The advanced arc-continent collision is char- Forearc collision (Table 1) before they were ultimately acterized by the westward thrusting and accre- It is proposed that arc collapse occurred when thrust westward to form the Coastal Range dur- tion of the Luzon Arc-forearc onto the Asian the northernmost Coastal Range (accreted Luzon ing the succeeding advanced collision. continent and the exhumation of metamorphic Arc) subducted northward beneath the Eurasian basement, which now crops out in the eastern continent along the Ryukyu Trench (Fig. 4E; Event i—Deposition of Slope-Basin Central Range. Lallemand et al., 1997). Extending from the Sequences on the Deformed Accretionary Longitudinal Valley fault, the Chingshui fault Wedge in the Hengchun Peninsula Event k—Westward Thrusting and Accretion scarp off NE Taiwan (CFS in Fig. 1) is believed At the intra-oceanic subduction stage, the of the Arc and Forearc to mark the collapsed trace of the Luzon Arc- accretionary prism widened and thickened As the arc-continent collision propagated forearc north of Hualien (Fig. 4E; Huang et al., owing to sediment deformation and offscrap- southward, the northern part of the arcs and 2000). Presumably, the small Yuehmei volcanic ing (Figs. 4A–C). Further, as the northern prism forearc basins were thrust westward, forming body in the northernmost Coastal Range (Fig. 2) proceeded into the initial arc-continent collision the Coastal Range in eastern Taiwan (Figs. 4D represents the relic of the collapsed Luzon Arc stage, it was uplifted and became the emergent and 5G). Thus, the age of the youngest strata in as it approached the Ryukyu Trench. Central Range–Hengchun Peninsula (Fig. 1). It the forearc and intra-arc basins marks the onset The timing of arc collapse and subduction is conceivable that sediments derived from this of the advanced arc-continent collision. can be inferred to postdate the thrusting and exposed prism were transported and deposited in Bio- and magnetostratigraphic studies (Chang, accretion of the youngest strata in the Shuilien the accretionary slope basins that developed on 1975; Chi et al., 1981; Lee et al., 1991) gave forearc basin (northern Coastal Range; 1.5 Ma; the deformed accretionary prism (Figs. 7A and an age of 1.5 Ma for the youngest strata in the event k, discussed previously), probably having B; Lundberg et al., 1997). Therefore, the forma- Shuilien forearc basin and the Chingpu intra-arc occurred within the past 1 m.y. (Table 1). tion of the accretionary slope basin is another basin in the north, and an age of 1.3–1.1 Ma for useful parameter that signifi es the inception of the youngest strata in the Taiyuan forearc basin DISCUSSION initial arc-continent collision. and the Chengkung intra-arc basin in the south On the southern Hengchun Peninsula, the (Chang, 1975; Chi et al., 1981; Horng and Shea, Collision Age Controversy Plio-Pleistocene shallow-marine slope-basin 1997). This indicates that the Coastal Range sequence (Maanshan Formation and overly- was accreted and uplifted at 1.5 Ma in the north There is a general consensus that an oblique ing reef-lagoon complex; Fig. 3) unconform- and 1.1 Ma in the south (Table 1). arc-continent collision has taken place in Tai- ably overlies the deformed deep-marine Mio- wan since the Plio-Pleistocene, which is known cene turbidites of the accretionary prism. The Event l—Exhumation of Underthrust as the Penglai orogeny. Also, a wide spectrum Maanshan Formation contains rounded gabbro Eurasian Continent in the Eastern Central of “collision” ages ranging from 12 to 2 Ma in pebbles and reworked Miocene deep-marine Range stratigraphic records has been proposed. These foraminifers (Fig. 7B). In addition, point count In the Hengchun Peninsula (southern Central various dates in the following discussion, how- results show that the Maanshan Formation is Range between 21°50′ and 22°30′N) within the ever, probably register different stages of the comparable in composition to the Miocene tur- initial arc-continent collision zone, Miocene tectonics described in this article. bidite (Fig. 8; Sung and Wang, 1985), indicating slates and turbidites of the accretionary prism are Teng (1990) suggested that the collision started that the former was derived from the exposed exposed (Fig. 3). In contrast, north of 22°30′N at 12 Ma ~160 km east of Taiwan in the southern Miocene turbidites of the accretionary wedge. the Paleozoic-Eocene metamorphic basement Okinawa Trough. However, his “ collision” refers

Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2006 285 HUANG et al.

17.5 On the other hand, Liu (1982) noticed an abrupt increase of uplift rate in the northern Cen- Central Cross-Island Highway (CXIH) 15.0 tral Range metamorphic basement since 3 Ma, Southern Cross-Island Highway (SXIH) which was thus marked as the time of collision. However, the present study points out that in the 12.5 eastern Central Range rapid uplift took place at 2.0–1.0 Ma (in the north) and 1.0–0.5 Ma (in the south) during the advanced collision stage. 10.0 Therefore, Liu’s collision age (3 Ma) could rep- resent the transition from the initial to advanced stages of arc-continent collision. 7.5 Other arguments as to collision age were based on sedimentological studies. For example, Apparent uplift rate (mm/yr) 5.0 a sharp increase in forearc sedimentation rate at 3 Ma was regarded as the result of drastic colli- sion (Teng, 1990) or incipient collision (Dorsey, 1988). But, as discussed for event d, the forearc 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 sequences were primarily derived from erosion of the accretionary prism to the west. There- Fission-track X2 ages (Ma) fore, following the defi nition and processes of arc-continent collision (Huang et al., 2000), this Figure 9. Fission-track data for inferring the exhumation age of metamorphic rocks (under- sharp increase of sedimentation rate and change thrust Eurasian continent) now exposed in the Central Range within the advanced arc- of sediment provenance at 3 Ma would register continent collision zone. See Figure 1 for location of the two studied traverses. A—Central the transition from the late phase of initial arc- Cross-Island Highway; B—Southern Cross-Island Highway. continent collision to early advanced arc-conti- nent collision, when the accretionary prism and the underthrust metamorphic basement were rapidly exhumed. to the encroachment of the Luzon Arc upon the addition, if 11 Ma is indeed the collision age, CONCLUSIONS Asian continental rise and slope while subduc- as Lo and Yu (1996) proposed, it deviates from tion was still in progress. Therefore, Teng’s onset another 40Ar/39Ar age (of biotites in a mylonite Owing to well-understood biostratigraphy of collision at 12 Ma, which postdates the earliest zone within gneiss) in the eastern Central and tectonostratigraphy, and to the presence of volcanism (16–15 Ma) and predates the waning Range. The later study showed that mylonitiza- comparatively simple offshore analogs, Taiwan of Luzon Arc volcanism (6 Ma), corresponds to tion occurred at 4.1–3.3 Ma (Wang et al., 1998) is the most precisely documented example in the the intra-oceanic subduction as defi ned in Huang when the underthrust basement underwent world of the spatial and temporal evolution of et al. (2000). intensive deformation. The mylonitization of an oblique arc-continent collision. Four tectonic A thermal event at 11 Ma, determined the gneiss agrees with the proposed initial arc- processes are involved in the active Taiwan arc- by 40Ar/39Ar methods on phengites from the continent collision tectonics (<8.5 Ma; Table 1) continent collision. Stratigraphic records are exhumed late Mesozoic glaucophane schist in that caused not only deformation in the accre- best available for both sides of the collision the eastern Central Range, was used to infer the tionary prism, but also the underthrust Eurasian suture, Longitudinal Valley, and each collision collision age for the Penglai orogeny (Lo and continent beneath the prism. process in the north predates that in the south. Yu, 1996). They pointed out that the thermal Wang (1976) proposed that a 9 Ma horizon, The Taiwan arc-continent collision (Fig. 4) overprinting temperatures (300–450 °C) of the situated between the land- (prism-) derived tur- started from eastward intra-oceanic subduction samples are near the closure temperature for bidites (with slate chips) and the underlying vol- of the South China Sea oceanic crust beneath the phengite (~400 °C). Thus this thermal event caniclastics in the Coastal Range, could represent Philippine Sea plate and formation of the Luzon could have resulted either from crystallization the time of arc-continent collision. However, Arc and the accretionary wedge in the middle- during cooling or resetting of isotopes by ther- both in the Coastal Range and the modern sub- late Miocene in the north (western Central mal overprinting. However, because this 11 Ma duction-collision region off southeast Taiwan, the Range) and the late Miocene in the south (6 Ma) thermal event occurred during the time of active prism-derived turbidites are found only uncon- in the south (Hengchun Peninsula), whereas the subduction (16–8.5 Ma) and is older than the formably overlying the volcanic basement but subduction terminated at 8.5 Ma in the north and earliest initial collision (8.5 Ma; Table 1) and nowhere atop the arc (Huang et al., 1992; Reed 6 Ma in the south. The subsequent initial arc-con- the exhumation of the underthrust Eurasian con- et al., 1992; Malavieille et al., 2002). Moreover, tinent collision began in the early Pliocene, when tinent (2 Ma) discussed previously, most likely in the Coastal Range the lowermost zone of the Eurasian continent crust entered the Manila sub- it represents heating when Mesozoic metamor- prism-derived turbidites that contain slate chips is duction zone. The initial arc-continent collision phic rocks of the Eurasian continent–South 3 Ma (Chi et al., 1981) instead of 9 Ma (an error is manifested by multiple stratigraphic records: China Sea oceanic crust subducted beneath resulting from a misunderstanding of fossil ages waning of volcanism in the North Luzon Arc the Philippine Sea plate rather than the cool- as defi ned by Chang, 1975). The revised age is (north, 6–5 Ma; south, 3.3 Ma); deposition of ing effect during exhumation of the underthrust much younger than the last volcanism (6 Ma) in forearc basin sequences (5 Ma); development continent in an advanced stage of collision. In the northern Coastal Range. of fringing reefs on nonactive volcanic islands

286 Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2006 TAIWAN COLLISION

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