Chrome Apps and Extensions for Struggling Learners

Jennifer Heim, M.A., CCC/SLP, M.Ed.

State Support Team Region 2 1885 Lake Avenue Elyria, Ohio 44035 [email protected] This document/product/soware was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Educaon, Office of Special Educaon Programs, (Award #H027A130158, CFDA 84.027A, awarded to the Ohio Department of Educaon). The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the policy or posion of the U.S. Department of Educaon, Office of Special Educaon Programs, and no official endorsement by the Department should be inferred. About me

• Ausm/Low Incidence/Assisve Technology Consultant

• State Support Team, Region 2

• Erie, Huron, and Lorain Counes The SETT Framework !Authored by Joy Zabala, Ph.D. !hp://

!Team decision-making tool

!Helps teams gather and organize informaon

!Based on the premise that before teams can select tools/strategies/devices, they first must develop a shared understanding of the student, the environment, and the required tasks. Student

Environment SETT= Tasks

Tools Student

-What are the student’s current abilies -What are the areas of concern? -What are the student’s special needs? -What are the student’s strengths? -What are the student’s weaknesses? -What does the student need to do? Environment

-What is the instruconal seng/placement? -What is the instruconal arrangement? -What are the physical arrangements of the classroom? -What built-in supports are available to the student? -What resources available to those supporng the student? -What materials and equipment are currently available in the environment? -Are there access issues? (technological, physical, instruconal) Tasks

-What specific naturally occurring acvies take place in the environment? -What specific tasks are required for acve involvement in that environment? -What is everyone else doing? -What acvies support the student’s curricular goals? -What are the crical elements of those acvies? -How might the acvies be modified to accommodate the students’ specific needs? -How might technology support the student’s acve parcipaon in those acvies? Tools

-What low, medium or high tech opons should be considered when developing a system for a student with these needs and abilies doing these tasks in these environments?

-What strategies might be used to invite increased student performance?

-How might these tools be tried out with the student in the customary environments in which they will be used? Emma When choosing AT, always consider the features a student needs to be successful and choose the tool accordingly. For today, focus on an emerging source of support for struggling learners:

Apps and Extensions

Apps & Extensions

• Google Chrome Apps are links to websites that run within the Chrome browser

• Google Chrome Extensions are toolbar add- ons that are available for use within websites you visit • Let’s explore Apps and Extensions which might support students in:

– Organizaon – Studying – Reading – Wrien Expression – Annotang Google Chrome Apps for Organizaon

• My homework • Create an account • Allows a student to create their classes and track their assignments

• Student Book • Create an account • Allows a student to create their classes and track their assignments • Share with other students Google Chrome Apps for Studying

• Quizlet • Cabra Flashcards • Study Stack Google Chrome Apps and Extensions for Reading • Text to Speech: – Chrome Speak (app) – Text to Speech (app) (Natural Reader) – Sound Gecko (extension) – Select and Speak (extension) (ispeech)

• ATbar – adds a floang toolbar with many features • Text to speech, readability, diconary, color overlays, font size, font style, Google Chrome Apps and Extensions for Reading- con’t

• Text Summarizing/Reducon: CruxLight (Extension)

• Automacally summarizes content in web-based documents to reduce cluer and ease readability • Automacally summarizes web pages by highlighng the most important informaon in an arcle • By clicking on the ‘Change Mode’ buon, a new page opens that contains only the summary, minus distracng cluer. Google Chrome Apps and Extensions for Reading- con’t

• Text Summarizing/Reducon: – TLDR (Extension) • ‘Too Long Didn’t Read’ • Provides a summary of text Google Chrome Apps and Extensions for Reading- con’t

Clearly- Extension

-opens ‘clear’ web page free of distractions Google Chrome Apps and Extensions for Reading- con’t

• Text Summarizing/Reducon: – ATbar (Extension) • Readability feature reduces text complexity Google Chrome Apps and Extensions for Wrien Expression

•Writer (App) •Word processing •Flexible font and background colors •Unlimited document storage •ATbar (Extension) •Works within to support wring •Ginger (App) •Grammar check •Runs in background when available, no need to turn on Google Chrome Apps and Extensions for Wrien Expression- con’t •AppWriter Cloud (Extension)


•30 day free trial

•Adds text to speech, word predicon to google docs

•Spell Checker for Chrome (Extension) •Opens new window Google Chrome Apps and Extensions for Wrien Expression- con’t TextHELP

•Read&Write for Google Docs

•Go to to add extension •30 day free trial, included with subscripon •Toggle to toolbar from Read&Write banner •Provides access to tools •Text-to-Speech with Dual Color Highlighng •Talking Diconary •Picture Diconary •Translator •Vocabulary List Builder •Study Skills highlighters and Collect highlights tool

Google Chrome Apps and Extensions for Wrien Expression- con’t

Google Chrome apps for free speech to text:

•DictaNote/Speech Recognizer

•VoiceNote II

•Voice Recognion Google Chrome App for Annotating


-create account -upload pdf -allows for adding text, lines, highlights, etc. How do I find more Apps or Extensions?

•Chrome Apps and Extensions are available in many categories

•Go to ‘Chrome Store App’

•Search ‘all’, ‘apps’, ‘extensions’ Have fun searching for more Apps and Extensions and enjoy the rest of the conference!

Thank you! Jennifer Heim, M.A., CCC/SLP, M.Ed.

State Support Team Region 2 1885 Lake Avenue Elyria, Ohio 44035 [email protected]