CommentaryPage 4A // The Brunswick News // Saturday, April 28, 2018

CLARENCE H. LEAVY C.H. LEAVY C.H. LEAVY III C.H. LEAVY IV MICHAEL HALL President and Editor, President and Editor, President and Editor, President Managing 1902-1941 1941-1983 1983-1999 and Editor Editor

EDITORIAL COLUMN / PAT BUCHANAN WWII Museum, Macron: The last multilateralist

Coast Guard park ogether,” President isms that deny our history.” class that sees open borders and Macron instructed Did Macron not learn at the free trade thickening and tight- “TPresident Trump, “we Lycee Henri IV in Paris or the ening the ties of dependency, and can resist the rise of aggressive Ecole Nationale d’Administration eventually creating a One Europe, coming together nationalisms that deny our history how the Americans acquired all whose destiny his crowd will and divide the world.” that land? forever control. Before Congress he denounced General Washington, at whose But if his idea of pluralism is he Old Coast Guard Sta- It includes more trees and shade “extreme nationalism,” invoked Mount Vernon home Macron multiracial, multiethnic, multicul- tion on St. Simons Island structures, more parking spaces for the U.N., NATO, WTO, and Paris dined, was a nationalist who tural nations, with a multilateral is now set for a major T visitors, a volleyball court closer climate accord, and implored fought for six years to sever EU overlord, he is describing a transformation, thanks to the dona- to the beach and a better design Trump’s America to come home America’s ties to the nation under future that tens millions of Euro- tions of local folks and the efforts to keep everything running more to the New World Order. which he was born. peans believe means the death of of the Coastal Georgia Historical smoothly than currently. “The United States is the one How does Macron think An- the nations that give meaning to Society. The plan also includes 42 spaces who invented this multilater- drew Jackson acquired Flori- their lives. The society announced this in a boat storage area that will alism,” Macron went on, “you da from Spain, Sam Houston And they will not go gentle into week that it recently met its $3.6 be rented by the St. Simons Surf are the one now who has to help acquired Texas from Mexico, that good night. million fundraising goal to com- Sailors club. That is seven more preserve and reinvent it.” In America, too, millions have pletely re-imagine the old station and Winfi eld Scott and Zachary than initially requested by offi - His visit was hailed and his Taylor acquired the Southwest? come to recognize that there is a as a WWII Homefront Museum cials, but not as many as the club By bartering? method to the seeming madness of to commemorate the Golden Isles’ views cheered, but, on refl ection, would like. But given that the vast the ideas of Emmanuel Macron Aggressive nationalism is a open borders. Name of the game: contributions to the war effort. majority of people who use the seem to be less about tomorrow good synonym for the Manifest dispossessing the deplorables of Some big hitters have been lot and the beach accesses are not than yesterday. Destiny of a republic that went the country they love. brought in to help with the project. members of the club, this seems For the world he celebrates is about relieving Spain of Cuba, With open borders and mass Gallagher & Associates, design- like a fair compromise. The space receding into history. Puerto Rico, Guam and the Phil- migration of over a million people er of the National World War II the club currently leases from the The America of 2018 is coming ippines. a year into the USA, almost all of Museum in New Orleans, has county takes up most of the prime, to see NATO as having evolved How does Macron think the them peoples of color from Third rethought the 3,000 square feet of beachfront space that will work into an endless U.S. commitment “New World” was conquered World countries who vote 70-90 exhibits that will go in the muse- better as a park and other ameni- to go to war with Russia on behalf and colonized if not by aggres- percent Democratic, the left is um and the team at 1220 Exhibits ties. This way, there is still space of a rich Europe that resolutely sive British, French and Spanish foreclosing the future. The left is from Nashville, Tenn. will build at the beach for the club and plenty refuses to provide for its own nationalists determined to impose converting the greatest country of them. of space for everyone else. defense. their rule upon weaker indigenous the West into what Teddy Roos- This museum will be a beautiful Moving forward, the materials Since the WTO was created tribes? evelt called a “polyglot boarding addition to the already robust set used to construct this plan must be in the mid-’90s, the U.S. has run Was it not nationalism that house for the world.” And in that of options available for tourists proper for the location. Pavement broke up the USSR into 15 na- boarding house the left will have a on St. Simons Island. Its location $12 trillion in trade defi cits; and and impermeable surfaces are not tions? lock on the presidency. at the most popular beach access among the biggest benefi ciaries — right for the parking area or park. the EU. With the collaboration of on the island will likely make Was not the Zionist movement Drainage must be well thought Under the Paris climate accord, that resurrected Israel in 1948, co-conspirators in the media, the museum one of its most well and the dunes between the park environmental restrictions are and, in 1967, captured the West progressives throw a cloak of visited sites. and the beach must be carefully put upon the United States from Bank, and then annexed East altruism over the cynical seizure A master plan for the park and considered so as not to damage the which China is exempt. Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, of permanent power. parking lot between the beach and sensitive areas more than humans As for the U.N., is that sinkhole a manifestation of aggressive For, as the millions of immi- the museum was also unveiled. already have. of anti-Americanism, the General nationalism? grants, here legally and illegally, Assembly, really worth the scores Macron is an echo of that register, and the vote is extended of billions we have plunged into George H.W. Bush who, in Kiev in to prison inmates, ex-cons and it? 1991, warned Ukrainians against 16-year-olds, the political com- OTHER VIEWS / JIM POWELL “Aggressive nationalism” is a the “suicidal nationalism” of plexion of America will come to term that might well fi t Napoleon declaring independence from the resemble San Francisco. Bonaparte whose Arc de Tri- Russian Federation. End goal: Ensure that what omphe sits on the Champs-Ely- “Aggressive nationalisms ... happened in 2016, when the nation sees. But does it really fi t the divide the world,” warns Macron. rose up and threw out a despised Hungarians, Poles, Brits, Scots, Well, yes, they do, which is why establishment, never happens Catalans and other indigenous we have now 194 members of the again. peoples of Europe who are now U.N., rather than the original 50. using democratic methods and Is this a problem? means to preserve a national home “Together,” said Macron, “we Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of for the unique peoples to whom will build a new, strong multilat- a new book, “Nixon’s White House they belong? eralism that defends pluralism Wars: The Battles That Made and And the United States would and democracy in the face of ill seem an odd place to go about winds.” Broke a President and Divided venting on “aggressive national- Macron belongs to a political America Forever.”


Democrats are clinging No wonder Pelosi and Schumer Lawsuit is not to Russian collusion are clinging to the “Russians are politically motivated MIKE LESTER Coming” LifeRing. The “Russians are Coming, Pete Richmond I represent Mary Helen Moses in the Russians are Coming” will be St. Simons Island her lawsuits against Jane Fraser. the Democrat’s theme for the In response to the letter from mid-term elections. Without a John Johnson, accusing my client shred of proof that the Russians Decline of TV news turning of “dirty politics,” consider the denied Hillary her moment in people against media following: the sun, our mainstream media 1. Neither Moses nor I asked has churned this farce into 24/7 During the eight decades of my reporter Taylor Cooper to publish news. Refusing to participate in life, I’ve witnessed numerous chang- last Friday’s article. Cooper asked any constructive governance of es in American society, and not all Moses for comment over two America, the Democrats have have been benefi cial, especially the weeks a er the suits were fi led. clung to the Russian narrative way news is reported. 2. Cooper did not contact me like a drowning person to a Regional newspapers were once before publishing the article. Had LifeRing. the primary source of news. Journal- he done so, he would have learned The Democrats are united on ists carefully considered the news- that I reached out to Fraser before Trump’s impeachment and any worthiness of events, verifi ed facts to fi ling suit, in an eff ort to resolve fiction will suffice. They have op- be reported and scrupulously edited this matter without making it posed every Trump agenda issue reports before publishing. There was public by way of court interven- and stonewalled every appoint- no “news fi xing” with other newspa- tion. Fraser never responded. ment. Their entire 16-month pers similar to the “price fi xing” by 3. Moses emailed Fraser and Jeff mission has been to throw sand competing commercial enterprises. Kilgore repeatedly since January ELECTION POLICY into the gears of government, You got diff erent opinions, both sides 2017 about the unpaid bills, long Letters to the editor sent to The News from candidates for public offi ce will domestic welfare and national of the story, and reports weren’t before Fraser ever decided to run not be published prior to the May 22 primary election. Letters regarding security be damned. laced with fi lthy language. for offi ce. Fraser and Kilgore never candidates will be accepted, but must be received by no later than Monday, They are against tax cuts, eco- With the advent of television, responded. May 13 so that letters may be published by Saturday, May 19. nomic growth, fair trade and the faces on TV screens with carefully Accordingly, there is no basis fight against terror. They support constructed on-camera appearances whatsoever for questioning the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Bill Clinton’s nuclear North Korea, enhanced by the networks’ make-up motives of Moses, a tireless, Send letters on topics of general interest to readers in Southeast Georgia by : ignore a developing nuclear Iran, department, reported news. Re- o en unpaid, advocate for Glynn Mail Letters to the Editor, betrayed Israel and support porters’ on-camera appearance and County land use issues — which The Brunswick News, 3011 Altama Ave., Brunswick GA 31520 their global partners in vocal mannerisms took precedence include stopping the expansion Email: [email protected] Fax: 912-280-0926 selling-out Western culture. They over the veracity of reports. As the of the downtown jail, the event Letters should be no more than 250 words in length support disarming law abiding the number of channels and report- venue on East Beach and the and may be edited for clarity. Letter writers will be limited citizens while ignoring gang-run ers multiplied the qualifi cations and proposed Dollar General store on to one letter every two weeks inner city chaos. With the teach- competence of television personali- Frederica Road. If Moses had an You must include your name, address and phone number. ers union and Pacific Education ties declined. We now have an excess ulterior motive to smear Fraser’s Group they have sabotaged inner of crass, cursing TV personalities campaign, wouldn’t it make more POSTMASTER: Send change of address to The Brunswick News, PO Box 1557, Brunswick GA 31521- city school discipline, crippling spewing identical Le ist opinions. sense to blindside Fraser with a 1557. Periodicals postage paid at Brunswick, Ga. USPS-068180. education. Television comedians are actually lawsuit without trying to resolve it Subscriptions rates in Glynn County, through the circulation department, are one year, $123.99; They have abandoned Ameri- beforehand? Or to take out a full- six months, $66.99; three months, $34.99. Prices do not include Georgia sales tax and local tax. the news source for many people, Subscription rates by mail are available on request. ca’s middle class and their own and so-called news programs are page ad bashing Fraser? The Brunswick News is a member of the Associated Press, Georgia Press Association and South- minority supporters. They preach little more that entertainment Mary Helen Moses’ motive in ern Newspaper Publishers Association. open borders as constituent shows. Self-anointed authorities like these suits is simple: to hold Jane building for future power, as de- Jimmy Kimmel and Joy Behar deliver Fraser accountable to the promis- mographics favor this tactic with superfi cial interpretations of events. es she made. It is up to the court U.S. population projected to 437 Is it any wonder that the public has — not the media or the voters — to million in 2050 and 625 million turned against the national media? decide. by 2100. They favor dependency Gail Jarvis Andrew Ruberti A publication of Brunswick News Publishing Company. voters over productive taxpayers. St. Simons Island Brunswick 1

It is important to make the effort to become knowledgeable of the issues BROKER’S CORNER and the candidates and to ask the hard questions, expecting real answers. THE ELECTIONS ARE COMING! In this issue of The Wrapper we will give you info pertinent to local political interest. Go vote. If you’re not registered for this cycle, make OR, DON’T YOU CARE? sure you are for next.

Election: When the air is full of speeches and vice VOTE! PARTICIPATE! versa (anonymous).

Election cycle. Here we are yet again heading to the polls, if it’s convenient, to cast our vote based on either lots of or little knowledge of the players and the issues. What have I learned in my 6+ decades on this planet (really, I do spend most of my time here)? Much, much more than I ever Roland Daniel, Broker thought concerning participation in our election process. Republic - Wikipedia I’m not cynical; I have been in the past. So much so that I went a couple of decades without casting a vote, one I felt would be wasted in the system. An immature A republic (Latin: res publica) is a form of government in which the idealism (as opposed to a mature idealism) had me feeling it made no difference; the country was going to bowl over me and everyone else as we rocketed towards country is considered a “public matter”, not the private concern socialism or communism or consumerism or militarism or conservatism or liberalism or property of the rulers. The primary positions of power within or some other “ism” that was the great threat to our freedom and our way of life. a republic are not inherited Back then, ‘way of life’ meant let it be easy and don’t bother me about issues that don’t touch me. Let me alone; I’ll get mine and you can get yours -- or not. It Democracy | Define Democracy at matters little to me for I’m too busy. What I hope to learn by the time I’m mature in my thinking is that every vote Democracy definition, government by the people; a form of government in matters; and that my vote only doesn’t count if I don’t participate. If I inform which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by myself about issues and policies that affect my day to day life, then I am armed with them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. the weapon I need to protect our precious freedom. There is no greater country / political experiment in the world than ours. This republican, democratic form of government, warts and all, is the envy of the world; it’s a big everyone wants to be here. It’s a big reason our dollar is respected everywhere. It’s a big OCEANFRONT • OCEANFRONT • OCEANFRONT • OCEANFRONT • OCEANFRONT • OCEANFRONT reason we’re generally welcomed anywhere we travel. I hope to learn that I have OCEANFRONT • a responsibility to respect our system, and to play a part in its continual ‘fine tuning’ each election cycle.

To date, my political learning curve equips me with a couple of thoughts important to our wellbeing. We must make sure this system is about the people. We are government of, by and for the people. We are not, and must not be, government of, by and for the corporation. My other takeaway from 67 years of living in this great country is that change must occur from the bottom up and not the top down. Your vote LOCALLY is where it all starts. We have the opportunity to determine for ourselves what’s in our community’s best interest -- protecting our freedom and quality of life so long as we don’t impinge on the freedoms of others. We have a real opportunity to meet and greet local candidates, to hold those already in office Featured Home (and seeking more of our support) accountable to promises made, to ask the hard Enjoy Oceanfront Living! questions and expect real answers. I suggest all of us visit a local forum and grade these ladies and gentlemen vying for our votes according to their thoughts and plans. 905 BEACHVIEW DRIVE, ST. SIMONS ISLAND The finest Townhome on the Beach! This 4 Bedroom, 4 Bath Me personally? I’m generally considered a Republican; I continue to NOT send in oceanfront home has all the bells & whistles! Mediterranean the surveys tied to the National Party. I like to think I vote the candidate. I believe design, heavy construction, fabulous finishes, gated and much we elect the best locally and we effect change up the ladder. I would never vote more. Lush landscaping sways in the afternoon ocean breezes a straight party ticket. Like many citizens, I’m tired of the in-power party calling as you sip your drink on the wrap around balconies watching the the other ‘traitors’ or ‘un-American’; both of the main ones act the same. National waves. A fine kitchen, two fireplaces, elevator, supreme large politics is so polarizing that there’s no reasonable ground upon which a reasonable master with a sitting area on the top floor and 3 other bedrooms person can stand. It’s sort of like beach re-nourishment; remember the 1990’s? I with private baths will wow you. This is our best at the sea; you’ll want the qualified candidate. I want the one that walks the walk, and my tendency not be disappointed as you spend many days enjoying all ocean is to vote that way. I want an opportunity to work at a good job. I want the front living has to offer. Call Roland at 912-230-4215 for more opportunity to use my smarts to get ahead. I want government to realize it’s there to assist me not oppress me. My freedom is very important. My family and friends information on this beautiful home. $1,595,000


2018 State Elections & Voter Registration Calendar

For your information this week we are giving you a Voter Registration calendar. We missed some “meet and greets” and forums that have already happened in March and April, so we are hoping you can attend the ones we have found in May. We here at Roland Daniel Properties want to be involved in the political arena by bringing you, our readers, current and accurate information, thus if you know of any meetings/forums that are not listed here, please give us a call or shoot us an email. We will announce it in next week’s wrapper. Also, check The Brunswick News! They are printing notices and articles about the candidates and their platforms regularly. We are also posting a New District Map for your convenience. KEY DATES

• April 30th - Advance (Absentee In-Person) Voting begins for the General Primary/ • May 21st - Democratic Party, District 2 meeting 6-7 p.m. St. Ignatius Episcopal Chapel Non-Partisan Special election - Democratic Party, District 5 meeting 5:30-6:30 St. Athanasius Episcopal Church • May 3rd - Meet the Candidate - David O’Quinn - 5:30 - 7 p.m. Mudcat Charlie’s • May 22nd - General Primary Election, Non-Partisan and Special Election 250 Ricefield Way • July 24th - Runoff for General Primary Election, Non-Partisan and Special Election • May 9th - Democratic Party, District 1 meeting - 6:00-7:30 at Magnolia CME Church • October 9th - Last day to register in November General Election • May 10th - Candidate Forum Sponsored by the Golden Isles Association of Realtors and • October 15th - First day of early voting in the November General Election / Non-Partisan The Golden Isles Chamber of Commerce 6-8 p.m. Brunswick High School. This is a forum for &Special Election candidates in the County election. October 27th - Earliest day to apply for an absentee ballot for November General Election • - Mandatory Saturday Voting for General Primary / Non-Partisan Special Election • May 12th - Mandatory Saturday Voting for General Primary / November 6th Non-Partisan Special Election • - General Primary Election, Non-Partisan and Special Election • May 18th - Last day for a registrar to issue absentee ballots for the General Primary/Special Election

COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT 3 BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBER, DISTRICT 2 Barbara Baisden - Democratic David Sharpe - Republican Thomas A. (Tom) Boland Sr. - Republican Eaddy Sams - Republican Wayne Neal - Republican Lance Turpin - Republican Marion Cherne - Independent COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT 4 Mike Minutelli - Republican Bill Brunson - Republican Sharon Robinson - Democratic COUNTY COMMISSIONER, AT LARGE POST 1 BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBER, AT LARGE POST 1 David O’Quinn - Republican (Trae) Ross - Republican Jane Fraser - Republican Markisha Butler - Democratic Julian “Puddy” Smith - Democratic Mike Hulsey - Republican Mark R. Strambaugh Jr. - Republican JOINT WATER AND SEWER, COMMISSION AT LARGE POST 2 BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBER, DISTRICT 4 Audrey Gibbons - Non Partisan Henry B. Yeargan (Hank) - Republican Bob Duncan - Non Partisan Regina H. Johnson - Democratic Clifford Adams - Non Partisan



Roland Daniel In 2011, only 21 percent of eligible voters in 144 U.S. 912-230-4215 cities cast a vote in local elections . In other words, less [email protected] than a fifth of the population had any say over who was leading their local government. If you and four friends went out for lunch; imagine letting one person decide what everyone gets to eat and how much, yet you all divide the bill equally. Isn’t that what we do when we don’t show up for local elections?

Here are some thoughts about why voting in local elections is important:

Turnout is often poor. There have been cases where significant issues have been decided by a handful of votes. That means your vote has even more power locally than it does at the state or federal level. You really could be the deciding factor when it comes to important issues that affect you, your friends and family, and your neighbors. Allison Van der Veer Marie Sigman Cheryl Nelson Your vote sends a message. Elected officials tend to listen to the majority 912-996-8300 912-399-0851 912-266-2875 and pay attention to voter turnout. If turnout is low, they assume people [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] don’t care about the issue, so they should do whatever they want.

Voting drives elected officials and boards to be accountable to the people whose interests they have been chosen to represent. For votes on budgets, your vote expresses your position on how your hard-earned income should be spent.

Voting is one of the strongest tools you have to influence local government. It also gives you a legitimate right to complain. (And who doesn’t love Jennifer Robinson Linda Lindsey Naomi Turner that?) 912-223-1974 912-399-8096 912-399-8315 jfi[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Think about the Golden Isles you want to live in. Imagine what kind policies that could be put in place or removed that would enhance the quality of life for yourselves and your neighbors. Chances are, you have a real shot at making all that happen if you stay plugged in to what’s going on and know about who is running for office in your city, your county, and even your state. So get out there and vote!

Mary Douthit Allison Van der Veer Cristi Kavanaugh Amy Winkler 912-996-7304 (cell) 912-248-7302 404-312-1063 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


FEATURED RENTAL: “NEW LISTING” DEMERE BEACH COTTAGE Adam Witt 912-689-7700 Welcome to the Demere Beach Cottage! Open [email protected] and spacious rooms, screened porch with a love seat and rocker overlooking the pool, and a front porch with rockers and a swing. Master Bedroom on the main level with two additional bedrooms Saturday, April 28th, 10:00 a.m.- 12 p.m. and full bath upstairs. Great main level living space with fully appointed kitchen. The pool, tiki 313 John Shaw Road, Shaw’s Bounty, St. Simons Island area and sun deck is your perfect island oasis for relaxing on your vacation. Visit to Walk out to your fabulous deck with infinity pool & forever marsh views. check other pictures and availability. 6 Bedrooms, 6.5 Baths Also, if you are interested in owning your own Being Offered at $1,250,000. vacation or long-term rental we have great opportunities for you here at Roland Daniel Beth Witt Properties. Give us a call. 912-638-6373 912-230-0220 [email protected] SALES & VACATION RENTALS ON ST. SIMONS ISLAND & THE GOLDEN ISLES

912.638.6373 | ROLANDDANIEL.COM | SSIRENTALS.COM Faith&Values Page 1C // The Brunswick News // Saturday, April 28, 2018 ALSO INSIDE: Advice 2C // Comics 12C // Classifieds 7C

What’s the Word?/ DAV I D THROUGH THE BOND OF PEACE, YARBOROUGH Becoming a OF new person Day Prayer in Christ SEEKS UNITY FOR GOD’S PEOPLE

ave you ever heard some- By LINDSEY ADKISON one say that they feel like [email protected] Ha brand new person, or they have turned over a new leaf? A small group of men and women, Often times when someone says heads bowed, sat inside the sanctu- this, they are referring to a drastic ary of First Baptist Church in Bruns- change in their thoughts, actions, wick. The space was silent except and attitudes. There is something for the soft words being spoken by powerful in life about a fresh start. the Rev. Steve Temmer. Did you know, however, that in “ ... in Jesus’ name we pray, scripture, there is a promise that amen,” he concluded, as the group you can actually become a new per- echoed amens. son? Now before your thoughts run They then moved on to the reason wild, I do not mean that you can all for the meeting — planning the of a sudden become Jennifer Annis- local National Day of Prayer. It’s ton, Scarlett Johansson, Brad Pitt, something that has been part of the Bobby Haven/The Brunswick News or Lebron James. God specifically religious community for more than a Pictured, from le , Pastor Bill Ligon, Mary Steger, Lori Nichols, Pastor Steve Temmer, Sally created you just as you are. The decade. Schiwitz, Pastor Mark Clay, and sitting is Pastor Mike Murray. promise to become a new person “It’s been going on many years,” does not mean God will change us Mary Stager, one of the event coor- Brunswick. The 2018 theme will be er, President John Adams designated on the outside, but it means He will dinators, said. “I’ve been doing it 10 inspired by Ephesians 4:3, “making a date — April 25 — as one for change us on the inside. or 12. But someone was doing every effort to keep the unity of the fasting and prayer. Abraham The Bible tells us “If anyone is it before I even got involved. spirit through the bond of peace.” Lincoln followed suit in Christ, he is a new creation; the It is time for the body of The local program will be a part decades later, during old has gone, the new has come!” Christ to come together to of the 67th annual national obser- the Civil War. In 1952, (2 Corinthians 5:17). This is the pray for local, state and vance. But the tradition, organizers President Harry Truman promise for a new lease on life. national government say, points to a much earlier origin. signed a joint The phrase “new creation” refers to officials.” They believe it honors the traditional resolution rec- a fresh work of God, the bringing The coordinat- dating back to the first Continental ognizing the forth of a whole new substance. ing group, known as Congress in 1774 where founding occasion. And This is the very heart of what it the executive team, fathers prayed for in 1988, Ronald means to be a Christian. It is much has been meeting for wisdom and Reagan set the first more than having a mental belief months to prepare. leadership Thursday in May as or acknowledgment of God and His This year it will return while laying the official National Son, Jesus Christ. True Christianity from noon to 1 p.m. the frame- Day of Prayer. Thursday at First involves a life-changing encounter work for the Please see with Jesus where we are made new Baptist Church, country. and whole. 708 Mansfield St., Lat- PRAYER, 2C This also means that God wipes out our past mistakes. When the scripture says, “the old has gone,” it is the promise of forgiveness and freedom from the past. God can so drastically change us from the inside-out that we are no longer bound by our old dreaded patterns and impulses. Becoming a new creature in Christ does not mean that we become perfect or inca- pable of wrong doing, but it does imply that we have a new nature and power given to us by God. So how do I become new on the The Brunswick New/File inside then? By what means can I A participant in last year’s National Day allow God to do this fresh work in of Prayer raises his hands in prayer. my life? If you look at the scripture again, it says that those who are “in Christ” are new creations. The phrase “in Christ” implies that one believes and receives the person of Christ. First one must believe in the Meditation course to benefi t members of all faiths person of Jesus Christ. The Bible declares that Jesus is the second By LINDSEY ADKISON IF YOU GO self,” she said. “There is so much noise and try- person of the Trinity, the divine [email protected] Son of God. He lived a sinless life “Your Ego and Meditation,” a ing to fi nd a since of stillness in all that mental multi-week course, will take place at chatter is diffi cult. The ego also pulls us away on this earth for 33 years and then In today’s fast-paced world, the mind is con- from that sense of the sacred. So we will be died on the cross as a sacrifice 6 p.m. Mondays at Temple Beth stantly bombarded by stimuli. From work or Tefi lloh, 1326 Egmont St., Brunswick. learning how to get through all of that mental for the sins of the world. Finally familial interactions to social media, as well There is a suggested donation of $20 congestion.” he rose again from the dead and as political and international confl ict, there are per session. Refreshments are pro- The program will also focus on insights from ascended to heaven where he rules very few moments of quiet tranquility in life vided. For more information, contact a book titled “I Am God and You Are Not.” and reigns. These beliefs are some today. Rabbi Rachael Bregman at 347-860- “It was actually written by my rabbi when I of the major points of Christianity. It’s something Rabbi Rachael Bregman is 3384 or rabbi@bethtefi was growing up. But you don’t have to buy the Secondly, one must not only very familiar with — both as an individual and book ... we will have hand outs and all materials believe in Jesus, which involves a spiritual leader. It was part of the reason she are provided,” she said. head knowledge; one must also decided to take up meditation back in January. itation,” the six week classes offer meditation The last class will be held on May 28, Memo- receive Jesus into their life, which “I am part of a fellowship program with the techniques appropriate for people of all back- rial Day. But before then, Bregman hopes par- involves a heart response. John Institute of Jewish Spirituality and that’s really grounds and faiths. ticipants will be able to cultivate a meditation 1:12 says “To all who received how I ended up getting started. But since I be- The fi rst class was held April 23 with fi ve practice that will serve them all their lives. Him (Jesus), to those who believed gan to practice, I can see how benefi cial it has weeks of subsequent sessions that will take “The more we are able to fi nd stillness the in his name, he gave the right to been,” she said. place at 6 p.m. Mondays at Temple Beth Te- less reactive and more thoughtful we become become children of God.” We have Since committing to practice, Bregman has fi lloh, 1326 Egmont St., Brunswick. There is ... we become bette participants in our lives and the right and privilege of becoming found an increased sense of mental stillness in a suggested donation of $20 per session but in society. We want people to come because this God’s very own children as we daily life. It was so signifi cant in fact that she Bregman is worried less about the money and is is our way of making our world a better, calmer believe and receive Jesus Christ. decided to offer a meditation program to the more focused on offering something truly help- place,” she said. To receive Jesus means to acknowl- community. ful for attendees. “It is very important especially in a world edge one’s sin and need of forgive- She teamed up with Leah Rich, a local me- “We will be learning tools of meditation and fraught with complexities, anguish and suffer- ness and to invite Jesus into one’s diation teacher, to design a six week course fo- practicing together. We will also be discussing ing. We can counteract that by fi nding a sense cused on teaching those interested how to start a the ego and how the ego interferes with getting of peace and calm, as well as connecting with Please see WORD, 2C meditation practice. Titled “Your Ego and Med- in touch with a deeper sense of the spiritual others around us.” 2C THE BRUNSWICK NEWS // SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 2018 Advice & More


MY ANSWER / Talk to doctor before trying BILLY GRAHAM a fasting-mimicking diet Dear Doctor: ground. A number of studies of the month. That is, the groups, researchers saw a God vs. the devil: On ’m reading a lot about have found that intermittent diet mimics a fast without drop in both body weight a fasting-mimick- fasting can bestow a range requiring daily depriva- and body fat, as well as Iing diet, which is of metabolic benefi ts. These tion. During those fi ve benefi cial effects to blood which side are you? supposed to help you live include a reduction in body days, calories are limited pressure, fasting blood longer. What is it? I’ve fat and overall body weight, to about 800 per day. The glucose and markers of From the writings of the (and of our lives). The Bible been planning to lose some lower blood pressure, nutrient profi le of the diet is infl ammation. Interestingly, Rev. Billy Graham says, “Be alert and of sober weight and wonder whether improved blood lipid levels typically high in fat, low in these benefi ts were more mind. Your enemy the devil this diet might be worth and improved regulation protein, with carbohydrates pronounced among indi- Dear Dr. Graham: prowls around like a roaring trying. of blood sugar. Several falling somewhere in the viduals at greatest risk for f God created every- lion looking for someone to Dear Reader: The ap- methodologies fall under middle. Some versions of disease than in those who thing, does that mean He devour. Resist him” (1 Peter proach you’re referring to the intermittent fasting this approach, which are were not at risk. And while Ialso created the devil? 5:8-9). falls into an ever-expanding umbrella, including 24-hour more extreme, allocate the authors of this study Or does the devil even exist? Although the Bible doesn’t category of dieting known fasts, alternate-day fasting, nutrients in accordance with concluded that the fi ve-day Maybe the idea of an evil su- answer all our questions about as intermittent fasting. It restricted calorie diets and the high-fat ketogenic diet. fasting-mimicking diet is pernatural being is just some- Satan, it indicates that before has its roots in research that time-restricted diets, which In this approach, 80 percent both safe and feasible for thing we dreamed up to try to the world began he was an an- has found a correlation be- allow eating only during of daily calories come from healthy adults, they also explain all the bad things that gel of highest rank, created by tween periodic fasting and certain hours of the day. fat, with the rest divided point out that larger studies go on in the world. God to serve Him. But he led increased longevity, as well The downside of this ap- equally between carbohy- are needed to see whether — Z.S. a rebellion against God and as positive health outcomes. proach to eating is that it is drates and protein. these results can be repli- Dear Z.S.: No, the devil tried to put himself in God’s We live in a culture ob- quite restrictive and can be A study published in the cated. isn’t just an idea that people place — and since that time, sessed with the notion that diffi cult to adhere to. In ad- journal Science Transla- As for whether this par- dreamed up to explain why he has been in constant con- we’re just one ingredient dition, there is concern that tional Medicine last year ticular approach is one you there is so much evil in the fl ict with God. This spiritual or rule or combination of intermittent fasting, which followed 71 individuals should try, we believe that’s world. The devil is real, and battle will continue until the foods away from a perfect entails a certain amount who either followed a fast- a discussion you should ultimately, he is behind all the end of the present age. Then diet, one that will keep us of deprivation, can lead to ing-mimicking diet for fi ve have with either a dietician sin and evil of this world. Satan will be defeated, never (no pressure) lean and fi t bingeing and other extreme days each month for three or your family physician. What is the devil? The Bible to bother us again. and healthy and happy, so eating behavior. months, or else switched While the benefi ts of says he is a very powerful and The real question, however, it’s not too surprising that When it comes to the to the fasting-mimicking this approach to diet are evil spiritual force — far more is this: Whom are you serv- the fasting-mimicking diet fasting-mimicking diet, diet after fi rst following appealing, it requires both powerful than any human ing? Are you serving the devil would have its moment. the food restrictions kick their normal diet for three discipline and consistency power or authority. The Bible (even if you don’t realize it) Let’s start with the back- in for just fi ve days out months. Among both for optimal results. points out that he is our ad- — or are you serving God? versary or opponent, and his Don’t be on the losing side, all-consuming goal is to block but turn your life over to Jesus God’s work and take over Christ and make it your goal IF YOU GO historical role of prayer as the ruler of the universe to live for Him every day. Prayer by American government Coastal Georgia’s National Day of Prayer will be held leaders.” High school stu- Continued from page 1C from noon to 1 p.m. at First Baptist Church, 708 dents can enter the contest Mansfi eld Street, Brunswick. by writing 500 words on Regardless of the year There will be a musical theme this year and the the subject and emailed or the location, the goal group is inviting members of the community to be to Sen. William Ligon at has remained the same. a part of the choir. There will be required rehearsals william@senatorligon. That is, to appeal to God for those wishing to participate. Those are at 6 p.m. com. Hard copies may BETWEEN 12 AND 20 / for guidance for those Monday and at 11:10 a.m. May 3 at First be sent or dropped off at in leadership roles. And Baptist Church. 158 Scranton Connector, ROBERT WALLACE There is also an essay contest being held for stu- Brunswick, GA 31525. while it is an annual event dents with submissions due by May 16. For more that has happened many They must be submitted information on the contest, those interested can by 5 p.m. May 16. Cash times, the team is com- call 912-242-2434. They didn’t practice mitted to bringing a new For more information on the overall event, visit prizes will be awarded for element to the tradition winners — $300 for first this year. place, $200 for second what they preached “One of the things that place and $100 for third. we want to do is allow the The winners will be an- community to come and ples to come. We want of Prayer. Singers from nounced May 23. Dr. Wallace: Should I confront my participate. In our exec- the senior adults too. In the community have been In the past, the ser- y parents are mom with this tasty bit of utive team meetings, we essence, we want to come invited to join the Nation- vice has been led by the very strict about information the next time are trying to get a good lift up our county, city, al Day of Prayer choir and Rev. Mike Murray of St. Mwhom I date and she encourages me to stay overview of what the state and worldwide gov- we just wanted to gather Simons Christian Renewal where we go on a date. I’m pure, or should I fi le it away community really needs ernments to proclaim that our local singers together Church, and Lori Nichols. 17, and sometimes I feel that to use at a later date if nec- and who should be a part Christ is lord and to pray to encourage people in They will continue this they treat me like a young essary? Don’t get me wrong. of it. It’s more than one for the protection of his music, in worship and in year but, Temmer notes, child. My mother is caught I love my parents dearly. denomination ... there are people ... to honor him in prayer,” Clay said. “It will will be supported by the up with making sure I never They have been wonderful many denominations and everything we do.” be nondenominational enhanced musical offer- get involved sexually with parents, but in this case they non-denominations. The A large component and we will have multiple ing. a guy. I always get little lec- didn’t practice what they body of Christ is a big of that this year will be church choirs. I guarantee “They have, in the past, tures about staying a virgin now preach to me. body,” Temmer said. praise through music. In you, we will have a good lead us in worship and (I am one) whenever I go out — Purity, Bible Belt, USA That also includes addition to the handbell choir.” they do a great job. They with a guy. Dear Purity: I don’t bringing in participants of performers, the event People wishing to par- blend well together ... We are a highly religious recommend fi ling away this all ages — young and old will feature a larger choir ticipate need only show really ushering us into it. family, so I, too, fi rmly “tasty bit of info” to be used — to create this patch- made up of both local up for the two rehearsals This year though we start- believe that sex should be to your advantage at a later work of the faithful. churches and individuals — at 6 p.m. Monday and ed talking about coordi- saved for marriage. Some- date. That’s playing a mean “So what we want is who would like to partic- at 11:10 a.m. Thursday at nating more of a concen- times it bugs me that I keep little game — hardly befi t- the kids to be part of it so ipate. First Baptist Church. trated effort,” Temmer getting these pep talks to ting a young woman who we have a handbell choir Mark Clay, music Another new element said. “We just thought stay pure. It’s almost like considers herself religious. made of junior high and director at First Baptist is an essay contest, it would be awesome to she thinks that, if she doesn’t What matters most, of high school kids. We will Church, says they wanted sponsored by state Sen. have many people sitting remind me to avoid sex, I’m course, is that your parents have homeschool and stu- to enhance the offering William Ligon, whose fa- together and singing. We going out to become sexual- are outstanding now in dents from the schools,” this year to promote a ther, the Rev. Bill Ligon, want the whole sanctuary ly intimate. your eyes, but I can under- he said. worship on many levels. is also on the executive full ... there dis just some- Well, guess what? Last stand being disconcerted “We want young people “Our community choir team. The theme of the thing when people sing night I was going through by the news of their date and young married cou- is new to the National Day essay is “describe the that brings us together.” some papers looking for my of marriage. Talk to them Social Security card when I about it. Bring it out in the stumbled upon my parents’ open — not angrily or judg- marriage license. They were mentally, but with honesty one’s life to Him. the inside out. I did more God made you new? And married in March 2000, and and maturity. Your parents When Jesus comes into than turn over a new leaf. that’s the Word. I was born in July 2000. This cannot effectively guide Word one’s life, however, he I literally became a “brand means my mom was already your behavior without fi rst Continued from page 1C makes all things new. I new person” on the inside The Rev. David Yarborough pregnant when she married coming clean about their will never forget when and haven’t been able to is pastor of St. Simons my dad. This was a complete own. life and heart to become Jesus stepped into my stop talking about it since. Community Church. shock to me. My parents are forgiver, leader, and Lord. heart 29 years ago. I truly What about you? Are you Contact him at david@ the most God-fearing couple Contact Dr. Wallace at To receive Christ involves became a new creation the same old person you on this planet. rwallace@thegreatestgi .com completely committing as God changed me from have always been or has or 912-634-2960. THE BRUNSWICK NEWS // SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 2018 3C Faith & Values and Lifestyles Vatican aims to keep charities, donations clean with new law

By NICOLE WINFIELD hospital president was more than 50 million euros Associated Press convicted of abuse of of- ($62 million) from Vatican fice last year for diverting real estate sales. VATICAN CITY — The nearly a half-million euros Going forward, the cur- Vatican’s financial watch- in foundation donations rent leadership has pro- dog has taken on respon- to renovate the penthouse posed changes that would sibility for evaluating apartment of a top Vatican eliminate a three-person suspicious donations to cardinal. board of auditors. AIF di- Vatican-based charities Over the years, the Vati- rector Tommaso di Ruzza and foundations, an as- can has worked to clean up said the board was fore- signment that marks a new its financial house, particu- seen in 1990, before other phase of Pope Francis’ fi- larly at the bank, which has controls were instituted, nancial reforms. long been mired in scan- and may no longer be nec- An annual report re- dal. In February, two for- essary. leased by the Financial mer bank heads were found Some observers have Information Authority on liable by the Vatican’s civil also expressed concern Friday showed a progres- tribunal for mismanage- about the future of the IOR sive consolidation of ef- ment for bad investments itself, given its limited forts to bring the Vatican and ordered them to repay services as a bank — no into compliance with inter- the institution. ATMs outside the Vatican, national norms for fighting And on May 9, another no online banking options, money laundering and ter- AP/File former bank president, An- no loans and limited in- rorist financing. Pope Francis leaves at the end of his weekly general audience, at the Vatican, Wednesday. gelo Caloia, and his law- vestment options — has For its dual job of super- yer are due to go on trial resulted in clients taking vising the Vatican bank and gious Works, but also other euros. That law was a re- but the Vatican’s tribunal on criminal embezzlement their business and money serving as the Holy See’s Holy See offices. sponse to a recommenda- recently scored its first charges related to losses of elsewhere. financial intelligence unit, In its annual report, the tion from the Council of financial crime-related the AIF, as the agency is agency noted a law that Europe’s Moneyval pro- conviction stemming from known, collects and eval- took effect in November cess, which the Vatican a suspicious transaction uates reports of suspicious requiring all Vatican-regis- joined in a bid to shed its by a Vatican-registered Lakeside United transactions. In recent tered charities and founda- image as a loosely regulat- non-profit: the fundraising years, the bulk of those re- tions to report suspicious ed offshore tax haven. foundation of the Vatican’s Methodist Church ports have come from the transactions to AIF or face There are only a few Bambino Gesu Pediat- Rev. Don Combs • 265-3162 • 5572 New Jesup Hwy. bank, the Institute for Reli- sanctions of up to 20,000 dozen such foundations, ric Hospital. The former Worship 8:45 AM Sunday School 9:45 AM Worship 11:00 AM WEDNESDAY: Faith Prayer Group & Bible Study 10:30 AM information and to register, Brunswick, will host a musi- Traditional Church, Relaxed Atmosphere MATTERS call Brian Yarbrough now at cal celebration at 5 p.m. Lakeside Pre-school spaces available 478-256-7122. Sunday at the church. The Info call Suzanna Young - 342-7482 Mount Olive Mission- program will be held in ary Baptist Church, 1926 honor of musician’s Fran- Events and special will hold six weeks of line Stonewall Street, Brunswick, ces Jones’ 55 year wedding 900 Gloucester St. Brunswick services: dancing classes. Beginners will celebrate its annual anniversary. Several groups across from the Federal Building Abysinia Baptist classes start are from spring revival at 7 p.m. night- will perform. Thursdays 11:00AM Holy Eucharist w/ Church, 2501 Albany St., 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. ly May 16 to May 18. The Rev. Agape Assembly Healing Prayer Brunswick, will celebrate Mondays and intermediate J.D. Williams of Springfi eld Ministries, 1514 Fourth Saturdays 5:00PM Holy Eucharist Women’s Day at 11 a.m. May classes are from 10:30 to Missionary Baptist Church Street, Brunswick, will host Sundays 8:00AM Holy Eucharist 9:00AM Bible Study for 6. The guest speaker will be 11:30 a.m. Mondays in the in Brunswick will deliver the an 11th pre-anniversasry adults and youth Elizabeth Attical. Christian Life Center. A new message. event featuring The Mighty 10:15AM Worship School Acro Baptist Church, round of classes begin May St. Francis Xavier Cath- Flames of Joy at 6 p.m. for Children 3629 Treville Avenue, Bruns- 7. For more information, call olic Church, 1120 Newcas- Sunday. The special guests *Nursery available 10:15AM* Holy Eucharist Day School 11:30AM* Fellowship wick, will host a special 912-264-2334. tle Street, Brunswick, hosts will be The Ambassadors of Pre-school spaces available 912/265-0600 Thrift Store service at 11 a.m. Sunday Fort Frederica Pres- its nondenominational Christ. 1414 Ellis St. 1523 Glynn Ave. featuring Sheriff Neal Jump. byterian Church, 6540 cra ers guild from 6-9 p.m. 265-1090 264-8181 He will discuss safety Frederica Road, St. Simons Tuesdays in the St. Joseph and take questions from Island, will host the Astra- Room in the church parish attendees. lis Chamber Ensemble in hall. No fees. Everyone is Christ Church Frederi- concert. They will present welcome. All types of cra s ca, 6329 Frederica Road, Baroque and Beyond at and ideas area shared. The “Love Connection” St. Simons Island, will host 7 p.m. May 13. A reception guild provides hats for pree- John 15:1-8 and Matthew Sheeth, will follow the performance. mies and cancer patients, PhD, founders of Blessed Grace United Method- along with leg warmers and Services and Sunday School Earth, for three lectures lap rugs for nursing homes. ist Church will host an old Pastor: Dr. Bill Daniel from 9 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. fashion usher’s anniversary For more information, call 3890 Altama Ave., Brunswick 8:45 am Contemporary Worship Service May 5. They will speak on program at 4 p.m. Sunday 912-265-6816. (Next to College of Coastal Georgia) Reverend Tab Miller a number of topics about at the church. The special St. James Lutheran 265-4883 • 10:00 am Sunday School for all ages stewardship and faith. It is guest will be the Canty Sing- Church, 2229 Starling Nursery provided 11:00 am Traditional Worship Service open to the public. A boxed ers of Statesboro. Ushers Street, Brunswick, will host a lunch is $10 but the sessions through the community are informational session about are free. To register, call 912- invited to be a part of the HopeWorks, a program 223-8776. program. that aids senior citizens Coastal Georgia’s Hope Ministries INC, who need help with utilities National Day of Prayer will 3503 Martin Luther King Jr. and weatherization. The be held from noon to 1 p.m. Blvd, Brunswick, will hold program starts at 11 a.m. at First Baptist Church, 708 a celebration for the Rev. May 7 followed by a light Mansfi eld Street, Brunswick. Winifred D. Herrington’s fi  h lunch. Reservations must be There will be a musical anniversary at 7 p.m. nightly made by Sunday. For more theme this year and the May 30, May 31 and June 1. information, call the church group is inviting members It will continue at 10 a.m. at 912-265-6814. of the community to be a June 3. “Your Ego and Medita- part of the choir. There will The 7th Annual Meth- tion,” a multi-week course, be required rehearsals for odist Home Golf Classic will take place at 6 p.m. those wishing to participate. will be held on Sunday at Mondays at Temple Beth Those are at 6 p.m. Monday Osprey Cove in St. Marys. Tefi lloh, 1326 Egmont St., and at 11:10 a.m. Thursday at Players will be treated to Brunswick. There is a sug- First Baptist Church. There food, refreshments and gested donation of $20 per is also an essay contest will receive gi s and prizes. session. Refreshments are being held for students. All funds raised at the golf provided. For more informa- For more information, visit tournament will go to the tion, contact Rabbi Rachael THIS SUNDAY! www.coastalgeorgiaitstime. St. Marys Campus House, Bregman at 347-860-3384 com. a home for boys to reside or rabbi@bethtefi “Why Do We Do That?” Music College Place United when it is needed. Spon- Contemporary Worship Service: 9:00 a.m. Bible Study Fellowship: 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Methodist Church, 3890 sorships and registration Holy Zion Outreach Blended Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship Service: 6:00 p.m. Altama Ave, Brunswick, is being taken. For more Ministries, 1803 G Street, Live on Comcast Channel 98 Arkansas replaces Ten Commandments at state Capitol Northside Baptist Church ASSOCIATED PRESS Last June, the original mon- mote their personal religious LOOKING FOR A NEW CHURCH HOME? ument was outside of the state agenda - and trampling on Ar- LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A Capitol less than 24 hours kansans’ fundamental rights,” WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU! Ten Commandments monu- before it was demolished. ACLU of Arkansas Executive ment returned to Arkansas’ Michael Tate Reed, the man Director Rita Sklar said in a Capitol grounds on Thursday, accused of driving his car into statement. “We will see them less than one year after a man it, apologized in 2015 for also in court.” crashed his car into the origi- destroying a Ten Command- Dozens of supporters and nal display. ments monument outside opponents of the monument Workers installed the re- Oklahoma’s Capitol. Reed appeared at a ceremony placement to the 6,000-pound, was charged with criminal Thursday morning to unveil 6-foot-tall granite display, mischief in Arkansas, but a the display. Opponents held which is now fl anked judgeby fourin November found him signs that read “Honor Thy concrete barriers intended to mentally unfi t for trial and or- First Amendment” and “No prevent its destruction. A 2015 dered Reed to be held by the No No Establishment of Re- law required the state to allow state hospital for further eval- ligion.” the privately funded monu- uation. Another group, the Satan- ment on Capitol grounds. The American Civil Lib- ic Temple, said it planned to “This is part of the moral erties Union said it would intervene in any lawsuit over and historical foundation of move forward with a lawsuit the monument and claimed our country, and that’s why it planned to fi le last year over the state has discriminated on Arkansas passed (the law re- the fi rst monument, calling religious grounds. Lawmakers quiring the display),” Repub- the display an unconstitution- last year effectively blocked lican Sen. Jason Rapert, who al endorsement of religion by the group’s proposed com- led the push for the monument the state. peting statue of Baphomet, a Communicating Christ’s Love Through the Gospel on the Capitol grounds, said “Arkansas politicians are goat-headed, angel-winged as he watched the display’s once again exploiting their creature accompanied by two 935 Chapel Crossing Rd (Next to the FLETC) | | 265.3063 installation. position of authority to pro- children smiling at it. 4C THE BRUNSWICK NEWS // SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 2018 Guide to WorshipWorship

MarbleMarbMarbl Granite in All ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD STERLING - Sterling - 265.3708 ONE MINISTRIES - 5407 Altama Ave. 571.8985 or 571.1006 Colors BroBronzenze ADVENT CHRISTIAN - 1812 Ellis St. - 265.7023 EVANGELIST CHURCH OF GOD - 905 Lee St. OPEN BIBLE CHURCH - 601 Old Jesup Rd. Cemeterymetery LetteringLettLetteeringring APOSTOLIC FAITH GOLDEN ISLES CHURCH OF GOD - I-95 at Golden Isles Parkway 265.0937 SOLID ROCK CHURCH - 225 Glyndale Dr. - 554.8299 912-427-3326912-4272-4272-427-3322-427-3326-3326 Office REVIVAL CENTER CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST 5563 New Jesup Hwy. - 267.6568 PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD - 2705 Martin Luther SPIRIT OF A DOVE MINISTRY “Good Deeds” - 4272 Norwich 912-256-3079912-2562-256-3072-256-3079-3079 Cell King Blvd. St. 242.0767 4727 Altama Ave. BAHA’I ST.SIMONS CHURCH OF GOD - 2920 Demere Rd. STERLING BAPTIST - Jesup Hwy. 341 North 267-0132 BAHA’I FAITH OF GLYNN - 108 Hidden Lakes Dr. 634.0093 261.8558 STERLING WORSHIP CENTER - 6964 New Jesup Hwy. CHURCH OF CHRIST 571.1258 BAPTIST CHURCH OF CHRIST - 1526 Johnson St. - 265.3495 ST. SIMONS COMMUNITY CHURCH - 2700 Frederica DRIFTWOOD MOBILE ABYSSINIA BAPTIST CHURCH - 2501 Albany Rd., SSI - 634.2960 264.2376 CHURCH OF CHRIST - 441 Touchstone Parkway 269.7637 SSI LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST CHURCH -126 Goodtown Dr. HOME SALES ARCO BAPTIST - Treville at 7th 261.0276 CHURCH OF CHRIST - Carteret Rd. - 265.0596 BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH - 900 Bartow St. - 265.2628 TABERNACLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH -139 Dees Drive 455 Old Jesup Rd. CHURCH OF CHRIST - Stonewall & P - 265.6748 BLYTHE ISLAND BAPTIST - Blythe Island - 265.4741 399.7190 265-7150 GRACE HARBOR CHURCH OF CHRIST - 3651 Community COASTAL BAPTIST - 114 Good Place Rd. - 269.3333 THE VINEYARD - The Cottage at Days Inn, SSI Rd. 342.7562 634.5220 CALVARY BAPTIST - 3105 Wildwood Dr. - 265.1390 or IN CHRIST CITY OF REFUGE - 1005 Albermarle St. 265.1450 THE SPIRITUAL LIGHTHOUSE OF MIRACLE DELIVERANCE 265.5352 Dock Junction, Magnolia St. - 264.5163 CORNERSTONE BAPTIST - 620 Perry Lane Rd. RESURRECTION - 800 “L” St. 261-0335 THE WAY OF THE CROSS BAPTIST CHURCH - ST. ANDREWS - North Harrington Road, SSI 215 Stafford Rd ELLA PARK BAPTIST - Rt. 1 Waverly - 265.8229 CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST UPPER ROOM CHRISTIAN OUTREACH MINISTRY EMMANUEL MISSIONARY BAPTIST - 1047 Demere Rd. SSI 6624 New Jesup Hwy. - 265.7911 638.3852 CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST - 2315 Gordon St. 265.0841 VISION OF LIFE CHANGING MINISTRIES - 600 Bay St. EVERETT BAPTIST - 47 Demere Rd. SSI - 638-3852 264.6008 CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST - 1239 George Lotson Ave. EVERETT BAPTIST CHURCH - 11519 New Jesup Hwy SSI 638.4837 JEWISH 258.4188 Get Ready for Summer! GREATER HALL TEMPLE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST TEMPLE BETH TEFILLOH - 1326 Egmont St. - 265.7575 FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST - 2718 Ellis St. - 265.1453 3226 Norwich St. - 264.0137 LUTHERAN C & J’s Small FIRST AFRICAN BAPTIST - 5800 Frederica Rd. SSI MATHIS MISSION CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 638.5539 LORD OF LIFE LUTHERAN - Frederica Rd. at Menendez Engine Repair 1210 “I” St. Ave.SSI 638.4673 FIRST AFRICAN BAPTIST - Fancy Bluff - 265.1219 Lawnmower, Weed-Eater, SAMS MEMORIAL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST - 1072 MESSIAH LUTHERN MISSOURI SYNOD - 5661 New Morning Glory Lane SE Darien, GA. - 437.3456 Chainsaw & Small FIRST AFRICAN BAPTIST - 1416 Amherst - 265.7608 Jesup Hwy (on campus of Norwich Baptist) - 264.6116 Engine Repair FIRST AFRICAN BAPTIST - Darien, Market St. EPISCOPAL ST. JAMES LUTHERAN - 2229 Starling St. - 265.6814 Drop off or call us to FIRST BAPTIST - Union and Mansfield St. - 265.4150 CHRIST EPISCOPAL - Frederica Road, SSI - 638.8683 METHODIST arrange pick-up FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SS - 729 Ocean Blvd. SSI GOOD SHEPHERD EPISCOPAL CHURCH - Pennick Rd. ARCO UNITED METHODIST - 3820 Ross Rd. - 270.3427 1808 Norwich St. 638.3337 267.9768 or 261.9698 912-437-1248 COLLEGE PLACE UNITED METHODIST - 3890 Altama Ave. FIRST BRYANT BAPTIST - 1100 F St.- 264.2585 HOLY NATIVITY - Mallory St., SSI - 638.3733 265.4883 1534 Mentionville Rod, SW - 265.0058 Darien, GA 31305 FIRST FREE WILL BAPTIST - 4231 U.S. Hwy. 17, N. ST. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL - Vernon Square, Darien EMANUEL UNITED METHODIST - 245 Ratcliffe Rd. 261.2098 437.4562 265.0948 M-F 7:30 - 5:00 FIRST JORDAN GROVE MISSIONARY BAPTIST ST. CYPRIAN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH - Ft. King George Dr. FELLOWSHIP METHODIST CHURCH - 2185 Old Jesup Rd. 2004 MLK Blvd. - 264.8855 437.4562 264.4221 FREDERICA BAPTIST CHURCH - 1700 Frederica Road SSI ST. ATHANASIUS EPISCOPAL - Monck & Albany FIRST UNITED METHODIST - Norwich & Monck St. 634.2833 342.8461 265.4313 FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST - 1008-10 Lee St. ST. IGNATIUS EPISCOPAL - Demere Rd., SSI GRACE UNITED METHODIST - 1711 Albany St - 265.9401. GALILEE BAPTIST CHURCH - Brookman - 265.1067 ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL - Gloucester St. & Norwich St. 265.0600 GREATER BETHEL A.M.E. - 3906 Whitlock St. - GETHSEMANE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 342.7532 3018 Norwich St. 399.0349 ST. RICHARD EPISCOPAL MISSION - Riverview Rd., Jekyll 635.2341 HAVEN SHEFFIELD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - GLYNDALE BAPTIST - 132 Butler Dr. - 265.5539 7640 New Jesup Hwy. 262.1124 OUR SAVIOR CHAPEL & HONEY CREEK EPISCOPAL GLYNN BAPTIST CHURCH - 981 Hwy. 32 RETREAT CENTER - 223.0023 JEKYLL ISLAND UNITED METHODIST - Riverview Rd. 635.2330 GLYNN HAVEN BAPTIST - 5502 Frederica Rd., SSI HOLINESS 638.4436 LAKESIDE UNITED METHODIST - 5572 New Jesup Hwy. AGAPE ASSEMBLY MINISTRIES - 1514 4th St., Bwk, GA 265.3162 GOLDEN ISLES BAPTIST CHURCH - 255 Harry Driggers 115 McKinna Place Blvd. 275.7406 ANTIOCH HOLINESS BAPTIST - Highway 303 MAGNOLIA C.M.E. - Hwy. 82, Brookman - 264.3338 264-5197 GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH - Altama at Granville Nix Lane CHRIST UNITED TEMPLE DELIVERANCE - 328 Norwich St. NEW HOPE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 1323 Emanuel Church Rd. - 265.3818 THE GRACE PLACE BAPTIST CHURCH - 608 Second St. CHURCH OF CHRIST WRITTEN IN HEAVEN - Lee & M 399.6586 Streets PAYNE CHAPEL A.M.E. - 2200 Albany St. - 261.9555 GREATER JERUSALEM MISSIONARY BAPTIST - 1504 M GREATER GENERATION EMPOWERMENT MOVEMENT ST. ANDREWS C.M.E. - Albany at K St. - 265.0565 St. Simons MINISTRIES 1803 “G” St. - (404) 808.7704 St. 262.9742 ST. PAUL A.M.E. - 1522 Wolfe St. - 264.2734 Island JERUSALEM MISSIONARY BAPTIST - 916 Pennick Rd. HOLY BAND OF INSPIRATION - 2401 Norwich Street 267.9087 ST. SIMONS UNITED METHODIST - 622 Ocean Blvd.SSI BOATRIGHT 262.9277 638.3317 265-8100 JEKYLL ISLAND BAPTIST CHAPEL - Jekyll Island - HOLY FAITH TEMPLE & PRAYER BAND - 3221 Norwich St. TAYLORS UNITED METHODIST - Old Jesup Rd. at Scranton 635.2355 HOUSE OF GOD CHURCH - Pillar Ground of Truth 265.2249 & ASSOCIATES NEW BRIGHT STAR BAPTIST - 273 Sweet Gum Dr., Bwk 2528 Bartow St. - 267.7122 THE CHAPEL - 114 Harris Farm Rd. - 262.1331 MACEDONIA MISSIONARY BAPTIST - Hwy. 32 Sterling HOUSE OF GOD CHURCH - Townsend, Georgia WESLEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH AT FREDERICA 265.6400 JOHNSON TEMPLE FIRST BORN CHURCH - 2120 Stonewall Across from Ft. Frederica - 634.1412 MARANATHA BAPTIST - 3706 Norwich St. - 261.8688 St. 267.9687 MORMON MARSHES OF GLYNN BAPTIST - 3780 US Hwy. 82 PHILADELPHIA OVERCOMERS CHURCH OF DELIVER- CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 3586 Darien Hwy. 261.9014 ANCE 3701 Darien Hwy - 261.1591 3631 Community Rd. - 264.1555 MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH - 1926 Stonewall - PHILADELPHIA CHURCH OF CHRIST - Dock Junction NAZARENE 264-6468 253 Magnolia St. 264.4467 GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH OF NAZARENE NEEDWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH - Hwy. 17 N., Brunswick LIVING WORD WORSHIP CENTER INTERNATIONAL INC. 90 Hardwood Forest Dr. - 265.6255 1010 Amherst St. NEWBERRY FREE WILL BAPTIST - 2108 Lee St. TRINITY CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE - Old Post Rd. ST. JOSEPH HOLINESS CHURCH - Off Hwy. 82 on 778.4637 NEW DAY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP - 6041 New Jesup Hwy. Emanuel Ch. Rd. - 262.1355 or 265.8201 NON-DENOMINATIONAL NEW ZION BAPTIST - Buckswamp Community - TABERNACLE FIRST BORN - 3217 Norwich St. 264.0669 LIFE IN CHRIST CHURCH - 1224 Chapel Crossing Rd. 261.8387 (across from FLETC) - 689.1002 NEW LIFE COMMUNITY BAPTIST - 3018 Norwich St. GREEK ORTHODOX 265.5758 PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS ST. GEORGE’S GREEK ORTHODOX CHAPEL EMMANUEL SPIRITFILLED OUTREACH MINISTRY - NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH - 935 Chapel Crossing Rd. 411 Newcastle St. - 223.8138 265.3063 2604 Newcastle St. Bwk - 269.1702 INDEPENDENT FAITH TEMPLE APOSTOLIC OUTREACH MINISTRY AUTO-HOME-LIFE-BUSINESS NORWICH BAPTIST CHURCH - 5661 New Jesup Hwy. 2121 Coast St., Bwk, GA - 571.6914 265.0494 or 264.9574 ANOINTED FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST CHURCH 3118 Johnston Circle - 279.2520 FIRST UNITED PENTECOSTAL - 5608 New Jesup Hwy. OAK GROVE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 265.7070 or 264.8229 John A. Jones Agency 3425 MLK Blvd. 265.8134 BETHEL EVANGEL COMMUNITY CHURCH - 801”I” St. 265.3800 GREATER NEW HOPE CHRIST TEMPLE - 1586 Pennick Rd. 4420Altama Ave, #52 PINE HAVEN BAPTIST - 176 Cate Rd. - 264.8487 BIBLE BAPTIST - 500 Harry Driggers Blvd. - 264.2762 THE POTTER’S WHEEL PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS - Brunswick, GA 31520 PINE RIDGE BAPTIST - 415 Old Jesup Rd. - 265.2228 810 Newcastle, St. - 267.1855 BREAD OF LIFE EVANGELISTIC MINISTRIES PROSPECT BAPTIST - 1033 Smith Rd. S.E.. - 832.6372 4109-B Altama Ave. 265.3288 WORLD MINISTRY WORSHIP CENTER - 1245 Cate Rd. 912-264-2232 SALEM ST. JOHN BAPTIST CHURCH - 3840 Old Jesup Rd. BROOKMAN COMMUNITY CHURCH - Highway 82 PRESBYTERIAN Nobody Beats a 267.1358 264.8460 ALTAMA PRESBYTERIAN - 4621 Altama Ave. - Mike Murphy SHILOH BAPTIST - 1221 Egmont St. - 265.8393 CHRIST’S CHURCH FOR THE END OF TIME - 1910 Norwich St. 264.8096 Deal! SOUTHSIDE BAPTIST - Newcastle at 1st Ave. - 265.6831 CHRIST CHURCH IS COMING - 1602 H St. - 264.2606 BWK. 2nd PRESBYTERIAN church (USA) - 264.5792 SPRINGFIELD BAPTIST - Highway 82, Myers Hill Rd. CHRIST IS ALL CHRISTIAN CENTER - 6205 Altama Ave. FIRST PRESBYTERIANGeorge & Union St. - 265.3400 264.0568 Bwk, GA FORT FREDERICA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA) SPRINGHILL BAPTIST - 526 Gailee - 265.2123 6540 Frederica Road, SSI - 634.2240 SERVING SOUTHEAST GA SINCE 1994 DIVINE CONNECTION MINISTRIES - 5971-C New Jesup Hwy. 24 Hour Service 506.5068 JEKYLL COMMUNITY - Jekyll Island - 635.2123 ST. JAMES BAPTIST CHURCH - 1505 F St. - 264.1228 Largest Selection of Safes in ST. JOHN MISSIONARY BAPTIST - 1803 G St. - EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH - 1010 Old Jesup Rd. ST. SIMONS PRESBYTERIAN - Kings Way, SSI - Southeast Georgia 6150 Altama Ave. 264.3287 or 265.2447 264.2771 638.2220 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • ST. PAUL BAPTIST CHURCH - Demere Rd. SSI FAMILY OF BELIEVERS MINISTRY - 144 Scranton PRESBYTERIAN IN AMERICA AUTO • INDUSTRIAL 342-4190 Connector, Bwk Service@YMCA - 223.6137 - 638.4460 GOLDEN ISLES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - 48 Hampton Licensed - Bonded - Insured ST. PAUL MISSIONARY BAPTIST - 1929 Albany St. FAMILY LIFE CHURCH - 5140 Blythe Island Hwy. Point Dr. SSI 638.2563 554.0045 265.5426 REDEEMER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - 803 G St. 264-3676 ST. SIMONS FIRST BAPTIST - Ocean Blvd., SSI - FELLOWSHIP WORSHIP CENTER - 1015 Commercial Dr. 466.9915 262.9171 3397-B Cypress Mill Road 638.3337 QUAKERS THESSALONICA MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST UNITED CHRISTIAN CHURCH - 1803 ‘G’ St. RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (Quakers) - SSI 1919 Glynn Ave. #88 - 554.0655 262.0273 638.6880 WAVERLY BAPTIST CHURCH - 4358 Horse Stamp Rd. FISHERS OF MEN WORLD HARVEST CHRISTIAN SALVATION ARMY CHURCH 905 “K” St. - 265.0091 262.6514 SALVATION ARMY - 1623 Union St. - 265.9381 GILEAD MINISTRY CENTER - Ritz Theater, 1530 Newcastle St. ZION ROCK BAPTIST - Corner Gordon & Pine St. - SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST COASTAL 264.6188 248.2141 BEREAN SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH - 1100 “J” St. HARDWARE & ZION BAPTIST - 1611 G St. - 264.9969 GOLDEN ISLES CHRISTIAN CHURCH - 1940 Old Jesup Rd GOLDEN ISLES CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP - 3365 Cypress BRUNSWICK SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH - BUILDING ZION PRIMITIVE BAPTIST - 2195 Old Jesup Rd. Mill Rd 264.3151 104 Parkway & Hwy 341 - 267.7288 CATHOLIC SUPPLIES, GOLDEN ISLES SPIRITUAL CHAPEL - 232 Circle Dr. TEMPLE OF TRUTH SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH NATIVITY OF OUR LADY - 1000 North Way St. Darien, GA 638.9488 Corner Wolfe & K St. - 264.6682 INC. Locally Owned and Operated 437.4750 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS by Richard & April Beck GOOD NEWS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP - 3706 Norwich St. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CATHOLIC CHURCH -1120 Newcastle St. 264.8638 UNITARIANS OF COASTAL GA. - 1710 Gloucester St. 6033 265.3249 GOSPEL LIGHT BAPTIST CHURCH - Holy Circle-Sterlilng 265.9424 Habersham 912-265-5487 ST. WILLIAM CATHOLIC CHURCH - 2300 Frederica Rd. SSI 264.9695 WESLEYAN 638.2647 264-6322 Serving Brunswick, Savannah, GREATER DIMENSIONS FELLOWSHIP - 504 “G” St. FIRST WESLEYAN - 2307 Ellis Street - 267.9878 and the surrounding areas CHARISMATIC 342.1100 N. BRUNSWICK WESLEYAN - 105 Buckingham Place BETHEL CHURCH - 2226 Glynn Ave. - 554.3878 GREATER GENERATION EMPOWERMENT MOVEMENT 267.64577 MINISTRIES -1803 G St. - 404.808.7704 CHRISTIAN RENEWAL CHURCH - 4265 Norwich St. 264.0028 JEHOVAH’S WITNESS - Altama Ave. & Spur 25 CHRISTIAN RENEWAL CHURCH - 6530 Frederica Road LIVING COVENANT WORSHIP CENTER - Intersection of SSI 638.4918 Hwys. 341& 32 WORD OF FAITH - Knights of Columbus Bldg. Hwy. 17N MIRACLE FAITH REVIVAL MINISTRIES & DELIVERANCE _66.9228 CENTER - 3928 Norwich St. (Arco) - 242.2652 CHURCH OF GOD NAZARENE ESPERANZA en CRISTO “HOPE IN CHRIST” THE ‘NAZARENE 1074 Cate Rd. - 554.3607 ABUNDANT LIFE FELLOWSHIP - Buckingham Place 1500 Prince St. 265.6634 NEW HOPE BAPTIST - Darien Hwy. - 265.9321 BAY HARBOUR CHURCH OF GOD - U.S. 82, 17 & Ga. 303 NEW LIFE INTERFAITH CHRISTIAN CHURCH - 3409 Gordon Brunswick, Georgia 262.1227 St. 267.0268 BRUNSWICK CHURCH OF GOD - 1401 Q St. NEW LIFE SANCTUARY - 940 Harry Driggers Blvd. 264.4795 912.265.2853 CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY - 370 Old Jesup Hwy. 262.6899 NORTH BRUNSWICK CHRISTIAN CHURCH 3131 Cypress Mill Rd. - 264.4057 THE BRUNSWICK NEWS // SaTURday, apRIl 28, 2018 5C Television & Entertainment

HIGHLIGHTS SATURDAY MORNING CM=Comcast AT=AT&T U-verse APRIL 28, 2018 7:00 AM - Ch. A&E: FLIPPING VE- CM AT 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 GAS (CC) Flipping a NETWORK & AREA CHANNELS flooded house in a (WJXT) The Morning Show (CC) Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Air Fryer Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Griffith In Game Funny Funny gated neighborhood. 4 4 ’ (WJCT) 5 5 Wild Biz Kid$ Nature Curious Painting Painting Burt Wolf Belton Lidia Wood Old House Antique Roadshow Great British Sara’s Cook Kitchen Cooking (60 mins.) ›› 7:30 AM - Ch. (WCWJ) 7 17 Green Try Yoga Dog Dog Dog Dog This Old Hidden Green Paid Prg. LifeLock Outages LifeLock PiYo “Delivering Milo” (2001, Comedy) “Yellow Rock” FOOD: BRUNCH AT (WJAX) 9 47 CBS This Morning: Saturday (N) (CC) Lucky Dr. Chris Innova Inspec Lucky Pet Vet Home. House Rizzoli & Isles ’ JB Show Bensin PGA Golf BOBBY’S (CC) Mex- (WJXX) 10 25 Hanna Ocean Good Morning Home Connect TV Rock- Vacation 2018 NFL Draft (N) (Live) (CC) ican corn pancakes; (WTOC) 11 WTOC THE Lucky Dr. Chris Innova Inspec Stand Up for Minute Minute Paid Prg. Credit? Medical Air Fryer To Be Announced PGA Golf breakfast potatoes (WTLV) 12 12 Today (N) ’ (CC) Good Morning/Saturday Voyager Wild-Vet Journey Naturally Health Premier League Soccer: Swans vs Blues Goal NHL Hockey with Hollandaise; (WFOX) 13 30 Action News Action News Action News LifeLock Air Fryer Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Sports Career NASCAR Racing NASCAR NASCAR Racing watermelon margar- (WTBS) 18 112 Married Married ››› “The Nutty Professor” (1996) ›› “Nutty Professor II: The Klumps” ›‡ “Norbit” (2007) Eddie Murphy. Jokers Drop/Mic Friends Friends Friends Friends ita mimosa. (WVAN) 202 Builder Mack Pink Splash Edisons Nature Painting Garden House Old BBQ Milk Kitchen Cook Cooking Martha Baking Simply Saman America 8:00 AM - Ch. 18: MOVIE ››› CABLE CHANNELS “The Nutty Profes- (A&E) 32 132 Flipping Vegas ’ Flipping Vegas ’ Flipping Vegas ’ Zombie Flip Zombie Flip Flip Wars ’ (CC) Flip Wars ’ (CC) Live PD Riding along with law enforcement. ’ (CC) sor” (CC) An obese (AMC) 48 119 Riflem’n Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Riflem’n Riflem’n Riflem’n “Heist” (2015) Jeffrey Dean Morgan. (CC) ›››‡ “The Departed” (2006) Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon. (CC) Bronx scientist drops the (DISC) 35 35 Fish Out Chasin’ MLFAn Misfit Garage ’ Misfit Garage ’ Misfit Garage ’ Misfit Garage ’ Misfit Misfit Misfit Misfit pounds and his poor (DISN) 16 302 Puppy Vampi Jessie Jessie Gravity Gravity Bunk’d Bunk’d Bunk’d Bunk’d Stuck Stuck Stuck Stuck Bizaard Bizaard Bizaard Bizaard Jessie Jessie self-image when a (E!) 56 134 Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City E! News Weekend Botched (CC) Botched (CC) Botched (CC) Botched (CC) Botched (CC) Enough secret formula turns (ESPN) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) 2018 NFL Draft (N) (Live) (CC) him into a slender 14 602 ladies man. Eddie (ESPN2) 15 606 Fishing SportsCenter Spec. SEC Storied (CC) Rookie Rookie Rookie College Softball LSU at Florida. (N) (Live) College Softball Texas at Oklahoma. (N) College Softball Murphy, Jada Pin- (FOOD) 21 452 Guy’s Brunch Giada Contessa Contessa Pioneer Pioneer Trisha’s The Kitchen (CC) The Kitchen (CC) Spring Baking Cake Masters Spring Baking Spring Baking kett. (2 hrs.) (FSSE) 71 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. LifeLock LifeLock LifeLock Paid Prg. Paid Prg. LifeLock ACC Martin 3 Wide Raceline Fight Sports: In 60 Fight Sports: In 60 Martin Future Wm. Lacrosse 8:30 AM - Ch. (FSSO) 67 MLB Baseball: Braves at Phillies ACC UEFA Shape Redfern UEFA C ACC Journey Pregame MLS Soccer Post Bundesliga Soccer DISN: JESSIE (CC) (FX) 38 129 Mother Mother Mother Mother Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike ››‡ “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” (2014) Andrew Garfield. ››‡ “Thor: The Dark World” (2013) ’ (CC) Emma enlists Jes- (HBO) 802 101Dalm “Chipmunks-Squeakquel” Sesame Sesame ›››› “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” ’ REAL Sports ››› “Deepwater Horizon” (2016) (CC) Real Time, Bill “The Italian Job” sie’s help to teach (H&G) 39 450 Flipping Virgins Flipping Virgins Flipping Virgins Flipping Virgins Flipping Virgins Flipping Virgins Flipping Virgins Cutting Hunters Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) her how to drive; (HIST) 49 256 Swamp People ’ Swamp People ’ Swamp People ’ Swamp People ’ Swamp People ’ Knife or Death Knife or Death Ancient Aliens ’ Ancient Aliens ’ Ancient Aliens ’ Luke and Ravi break (LIFE) 28 360 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. LifeLock Tai Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Little Women: LA TBA “The Good Mistress” (2014) “The Wrong House” (2016) NWSL Soccer one of Zuri’s games. ››‡ ’ ››‡ ’ ››‡ ››‡ ’ ’ (MAX) 833 (6:25) “Space Cowboys” (CC) (:40) “Light It Up” (1999) ‘R’ (:20) “Man on Fire” (2004) ‘R’ (CC) (12:50) “Underworld” (2003) ‘R’ (2:55) “Blow” (2001) ‘R’ (CC) ›› ’ ›› ››‡ 9:00 AM - Ch. (PARMT)37 145 Poop Paid Prg. LifeLock Paid Prg. Bar Rescue (CC) “The Expendables 3” (2014) Sylvester Stallone. (CC) “The Expendables” (2010) Sylvester Stallone. “The Expendables 2” A&E: FLIPPING VE- (TLC) 40 250 Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Nate & Jeremiah Nate & Jeremiah Trading Spaces ’ Trading Spaces ’ Trading Spaces ’ Trading Spaces ’ GAS (CC) Scott dis- (TNT) 17 108 Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ ››‡ “Red” (2010) Bruce Willis. (:15) ››‡ “Red 2” (2013, Action) Bruce Willis. Need covers that a recent- (TOON) 42 325 Apple Teen Teen Teen Teen Titans Go! Craig Gumball Teen Teen Ben 10 OK KO Teen Teen Teen Craig Gumball Gumball Teen Teen ly purchased house (USA) 25 124 Paid Prg. MyPillow Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ is filled with counter- feit products. ’ (60 SATURDAY EVENING CM=Comcast AT=AT&T U-verse APRIL 28, 2018 mins.) 9:30 AM - Ch. CM AT 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 FOOD: THE PIO- NEER WOMAN (CC) NETWORK & AREA CHANNELS Kung Pao chicken; (WJXT) 4 4 Broke Girl Broke Girl News4JAX Paid Prog. Entertainment Tonight Elementary ’ (CC) Big Bang Big Bang News Inside Edit. News4JAX 1st Baptist (12:05) CSI: Miami (CC) spicy sriracha pop- (WJCT) 5 5 Martha Samantha Antiques Roadshow Father Brown ’ (CC) Keep Up Keep Up As Time ... As Time ... Grantchester Austin City Limits (CC) Front and Center (CC) corn; new queso; (WCWJ) 7 17 (4:00) “Yellow Rock” First Family Box Office Mom (CC) Mike Sheriffs Sheriffs ››› “Like Crazy” (2011, Drama) Anton Yelchin. News4JAX Raw Travel Haunts Medium spicy cowgirl coffee; (WJAX) 9 47 PGA Golf News CBS News FamFeud FamFeud Ransom (N) ’ (CC) NCIS: New Orleans ’ 48 Hours ’ (CC) News Action Person of Interest (CC) spicy shrimp. (WJXX) 10 25 2018 NFL Draft (N) (Live) (CC) Paid Prog. LifeLock American Idol “114 (Top 10 Reveal)” ’ (CC) Jimmy Kimmel Live ’ News Extra (N) ’ (CC) Sing Like 10:00 AM - Ch. (WTOC) 11 PGA Golf WTOC CBS News WTOC THE Paula Ransom (N) ’ (CC) NCIS: New Orleans ’ 48 Hours ’ (CC) WTOC LifeLock Air Fryer ET 18: MOVIE ›› “Nut- (WTLV) 12 12 NHL Hockey News NBC News Wheel Jeopardy! NHL Hockey Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA. (N) ’ (Live) News (:29) Saturday Night Live ’ (CC) ty Professor II: The ’ ’ Klumps” (CC) In an (WFOX) 13 30 NASCAR Motorcycle Racing Monster Energy Supercross. (N) (Live) Boxing Premier Boxing Champions. (N) (Live) News Jax Action Showtime at the Apollo Laughs attempt to remove (WTBS) 18 112 Friends ’ Friends ’ Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld ’ Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Frontal Last O.G. Drop/Mic Jokers Love from (WVAN) 202 Old House Old House Weekend R. Steves Father (:45) Father Brown ’ As Time ... Keep Up Served? Upstart IT Crowd Hidden Killers ’ (CC) The Queen at 90 (CC) his subconscious, CABLE CHANNELS professor Klump (A&E) 32 132 Live PD “Live PD -- 04.20.18” Riding along with law enforcement. ’ (CC) (:06) Live PD: Rewind (N) Live PD “Live PD -- 04.28.18” Riding along with law enforcement. (N) (CC) Live PD ’ (CC) accidentally creates (AMC) 48 119 (4:30) ›››‡ “A Bronx Tale” (1993) (CC) ››‡ “Hang ’Em High” (1968, Western) Clint Eastwood. (CC) (:35) ›› “The Lone Ranger” (2013, Western) Johnny Depp, Armie Hammer. (CC) him as a separate (DISC) Misfit Misfit Misfit Misfit Misfit Misfit Misfit Garage ’ (CC) Misfit Garage ’ (CC) person. Eddie Mur- 35 35 phy, Janet Jackson. (DISN) 16 302 Jessie Jessie “Zapped” (2014) Zendaya. ‘NR’ (CC) (:45) “How to Build a Better Boy” (2014) ‘NR’ (CC) Bunk’d ’ Bizaardvark Stuck Bunk’d ’ Bunk’d ’ Cali Style Cali Style (2 hrs.) (E!) 56 134 (4:30) ›› “Enough” (2002) (CC) ›› “Monster-in-Law” (2005) Jennifer Lopez, Jane Fonda. (CC) ››‡ “27 Dresses” (2008) Katherine Heigl. (CC) ›‡ “Fool’s Gold” (2008) (CC) 10:30 AM - Ch. (ESPN) 14 602 2018 NFL Draft (N) (Live) (CC) Boxing Jessie Magdaleno vs. Isaac Dogboe. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) 5: KEVIN BELTON’S (ESPN2) 15 606 College Softball SportsCenter (N) (CC) Madden Ult. League Rookie Rookie Rookie Johnsonville Cornhole Championships Boxing NEW ORLEANS (FOOD) 21 452 Spring Baking Best Baker in America Best Baker in America Best Baker in America Best Baker in America Best Baker in America Best Baker in America Best Baker in America KITCHEN (CC) (FSSE) 71 Wm. Lacrosse Women’s College Lacrosse College Baseball Oklahoma at Oklahoma State. (N) (Live) Women’s College Lacrosse Crawfish pie; baked (FSSO) 67 Soccer Pre-Game MLB Baseball Braves at Philadelphia Phillies. (N) (Live) Postgame Schuerholz Pregame MLS Soccer Montreal Impact at Atlanta United FC. Postgame stuffed flounder; ba- (FX) ››› “Iron Man 3” (2013) Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow. ’ (CC) ››› “Guardians of the Galaxy” (2014) Chris Pratt. ’ (CC) Legion “Chapter 12” ’ (:31) The Americans ’ (CC) ’ 38 129 nana fritters. (HBO) (4:05) “The Italian Job” ››› “Atomic Blonde” (2017) Charlize Theron. ››‡ “The Hitman’s Bodyguard” (2017) ‘R’ (CC) Boxing Daniel Jacobs vs. Maciej Sulecki. (N) (CC) W. Cenac Sports 11:00 AM - Ch. 802 12: JOURNEY WITH (H&G) 39 450 Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Beachfront Renovation Log Cabin Log Cabin Fixer Upper (CC) DYLAN DREYER (HIST) 49 256 Ancient Aliens ’ (CC) Ancient Aliens ’ (CC) Ancient Aliens ’ (CC) Ancient Aliens: Declassified “Mysteries of the Lost and Found” Sacred entryways; interstellar travel. Ancient Aliens (CC) (DVS) The (LIFE) 28 360 NWSL Soccer “Sleepwalking in Suburbia” (2017) Lucie Guest. “Lethal Admirer” (2018) Karissa Lee Staples. (CC) (:02) “I Killed My BFF: The Preacher’s Daughter” (12:01) “Lethal Admirer” incredible abili- (MAX) 833 Rellik ’ (CC) Rellik ’ (CC) Rellik ’ (CC) ›› “Psycho” (1998) Vince Vaughn. (:45) ››‡ “Psycho II” (1983) Anthony Perkins. (:40) ›› “Psycho III” (1986) ’ ‘R’ ty of fire ants to (PARMT)37 145 “The Expendables 2” ›› “The Expendables 3” (2014, Action) Sylvester Stallone. ’ (CC) Bellator MMA Live (N) ’ (Live) (CC) American Ninja Warrior overcome nearly ev- (TLC) 40 250 Trading Spaces (CC) Trading Spaces (CC) Trading Spaces (N) ’ Trading Spaces (N) ’ Nate & Jeremiah (:07) Trading Spaces ’ (:07) Trading Spaces ’ Nate & Jeremiah ery challenge that (TNT) 17 108 (4:45) ›› “Need for Speed” (2014, Action) Aaron Paul. (CC) Pregame NBA Basketball Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) (CC) Inside the NBA (N) NBA Basketball comes their way. (N) (TOON) 42 325 Teen Titans Gumball Gumball Unikitty Teen Titans Go! (CC) Cleveland Family Guy Rick, Morty Rick, Morty Family Guy Dragon Ball Dragon FLCL Jojo Mobile Suit ’ (EI) (USA) Chicago P.D. “Justice” Chicago P.D. ’ NHL Hockey Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) Chrisley Chrisley Unsolved-BIG Ninja vs. Ninja 11:00 AM - Ch. 25 124 202: ASK THIS OLD HOUSE (CC) (N) (Live) (7 hrs.) 1:30 PM - Ch. E!: Odell Beckham Jr.; missing son hires 5:30 PM - Ch. Fonda. (2 hrs., 30 8:00 PM - Ch. Replacing a show- 12:30 PM - Ch. BOTCHED (CC) A Molly Ringwald fac- a group of rugged 202: THIS OLD mins.) A&E: LIVE PD: ROLL er valve; chainsaw 12: PREMIER man with three eye- es Jon Cryer. cowboys to take him HOUSE (CC) Hiding 7:00 PM - Ch. CALL (CC) A pre- LEAGUE SOCCER brows; a woman 3:00 PM - Ch. into territory con- pipes and mechan- AMC: MOVIE ››‡ view of the night’s safety; bucket stool. ’ ’ “Swansea City AFC wants to potentially 13: NASCAR RAC- trolled by the Black icals; HVAC equip- “Hang ’Em High” episode. (N) 11:30 AM - Ch. vs Chelsea FC” From downsize her mas- ING “Xfinity Series: Paw Indians. When ment; single hous- (CC) An innocent 8:30 PM - Ch. 12: NATURALLY, Liberty Stadium in sive money makers. Sparks Energy 300” they come upon es; pruning a crepe rancher is saved ESPN2: HEY ROOK- Swansea, Wales. (N) (60 mins.) From Talladega Su- an ancient burial myrtle; termites. (N) from the noose and IE, WELCOME TO DANNY SEO (CC) ’ ’ (DVS) Designers up- (Live) (2 hrs.) 2:00 PM - Ch. 7: perspeedway in ground, their own deputized to hunt THE NFL Following 12:30 PM - Ch. MOVIE ›› “Deliv- Talladega, Ala. (N) greed tears them 6:00 PM - Ch. down the men who the journey of soon- cycling textiles; new ’ life for obsolete CD DISN: STUCK IN ering Milo” While (Live) (2 hrs., 30 apart, as the posse DISC: MISFIT GA- tried to hang him. to-be NFL rookies and cassette cases; THE MIDDLE (CC) a woman spends mins.) turns on itself. Mi- RAGE: STRIKE Clint Eastwood, In- Saquon Barkley and exotic produce. (N) Harley and Suzy try hours in labor, an 3:00 PM - Ch. chael Biehn, James THREE (CC) With ger Stevens. (2 hrs., Bradley Chubb. ’ (EI) to get along with angel has until mid- DISC: MISFIT GA- Russo. (2 hrs.) the 1960 Sunliner 35 mins.) 9:00 PM - Ch. 7: their neighbors. ’ night to convince RAGE: STRIKE 4:30 PM - Ch. back from paint, 7:00 PM - Ch. MOVIE ››› “Like 11:30 AM - Ch. ›››‡ 202: THIS OLD 1:00 PM - Ch. 5: her unborn child THREE (CC) The AMC: MOVIE Thomas is worried DISC: MISFIT GA- Crazy” A young HOUSE (CC) Foun- ANTIQUES ROAD- to enter the world. guys buy back a “A Bronx Tale” (CC) about it’s color and RAGE: STRIKE British woman and SHOW (CC) A 1967 Bridget Fonda, Al- 1952 Willys Jeep The son of an hon- potential resale. (N) THREE (CC) Fired her American lov- dation and tree ’ work; restoring the Green Bay Pack- bert Finney. (2 hrs.) and showcase it at est bus driver looks (60 mins.) Up takes on a 1967 er struggle with a ers Ice Bowl sign; 2:00 PM - Ch. 9: “Rednecks With Pay- up to a local mob 6:00 PM - Ch. Ford Fairlane GTA, long-distance rela- mantel and win- ’ dows; connecting “Christ Before Pi- THE JAMES BROWN checks.” (N) (60 boss amid racial DISN: MOVIE while Thomas dou- tionship after she late” etching; Gold SHOW (CC) Col- mins.) tension in 1960s “Zapped” (CC) bles down on a is banned from the the old kitchen ’ ’ Rush diary. (Part lege and Pro Foot- 3:30 PM - Ch. New York. Robert While adjusting to 1973 AMC Gremlin. U.S. for overstay- house. ››‡ ’ 12:00 PM - Ch. 1 of 3) (60 mins.) ball Hall of Famer PARMT: MOVIE De Niro, Chazz Pal- her new stepfamily, (N) (60 mins.) ing her visa. An- 5: THIS OLD HOUSE 1:00 PM - Ch. 13: Mike Haynes and “The Expendables minteri. (2 hrs., 30 a girl finds a smart- 7:30 PM - Ch. ton Yelchin, Felicity (CC) Foundation NASCAR RACING best-selling author 2” (CC) Mercenary mins.) phone app that mag- 10: LIFELOCK PRO- Jones. (2 hrs.) “Monster Energy Dave Meltzer. (N) ’ Barney Ross and his 5:00 PM - Ch. FX: ically allows her to TECTION Identity 9:00 PM - Ch. and tree work; re- ››› storing the man- Cup Series: GEICO 2:30 PM - Ch. 9: team cut a swath of MOVIE “Iron control boys. Zen- theft protection: A&E: LIVE PD (CC) 500, Qualifying” IN DEPTH WITH destruction through Man 3” (CC) After daya, Spencer Bold- learn about Ameri- Police across the tel and windows; ’ connecting the old From Talladega Su- GRAHAM BENSING- opposing forces as a malevolent enemy man. (1 hr., 45 ca’s fastest growing country work the kitchen house. (N) perspeedway in ER (CC) Some of they take revenge reduces his world to mins.) crime & how Life- night shift in real ’ Talladega, Ala. (N) the biggest names for the vicious mur- rubble, Tony Stark 6:30 PM - Ch. E!: Lock can help you. time. (N) (Live) (3 ’ ›› 12:00 PM - Ch. (Live) (1 hr., 30 in sports share their der of a comrade. must rely on instinct MOVIE “Mon- 8:00 PM - Ch. 9, hrs.) 10, ESPN: 2018 mins.) greatest financial Sylvester Stallone, and ingenuity to pro- ster-in-Law” (CC) A 11: RANSOM (CC) 9:30 PM - Ch. 1:30 PM - Ch. and business les- Jason Statham. ’ tect those he loves woman fights back A former Guantana- DISN: BUNK’D (CC) NFL DRAFT (CC) ’ NFL franchises to DISN: STUCK IN sons. (N) (2 hrs., 30 mins.) as he searches for when her fiance’s mo guard is taken Lou’s hero pays a select newly eligible THE MIDDLE (CC) 2:30 PM - Ch. 4:00 PM - Ch. a way to avenge shrewish moth- hostage; Eric works visit; the boys from players. Day three Harley’s latest inven- 18: DROP THE MIC 7: MOVIE “Yel- his losses. Robert er tries to destroy with a former detain- Grizzly Cabin go on tion causes havoc in (CC) Singer Shawn low Rock” A man Downey Jr., Gwyneth their relationship. ee to save him. (N) an overnight camp- from AT&T Stadium ’ ’ ’ ’ in Arlington, Texas. science class. Mendes vs. NFL’s searching for his Paltrow. (3 hrs.) Jennifer Lopez, Jane (60 mins.) ing trip.

Bobby Brown struggles with daughter’s death in biopic taping

By JONATHAN of her and looking at my “I would quickly switch the “We’re trying to build LANDRUM JR. youngest daughter and my subject. I don’t want him to houses for battered women Associated Press other kids, knowing they’ll relive it again. Those are su- and men to have a safe ha- never get to know their old- per tough moments.” ven, so they’ll have a safe ATLANTA — Bobby est sister is a struggle. It gets Jesse Collins, executive place to go,” he said. “We are Brown often broke into tears rough sometimes. Of course, producer of Brown’s biop- very serious about this. I just as he watched scenes being I have to go through it - be ic and “The New Edition don’t want to see any father filmed involving his daugh- cause I can’t change it.” Story,” said Bobbi Kristi- or mother go through losing ter’s death for his upcoming Bobbi Kristina and his tu- na’s death in particular stilla child.” biopic. multuous marriage to Hous- haunts Brown. Brown blames his daugh- “You never really get over ton are some of the most “That was the hardest partter’s former boyfriend, Nick it,” he said about the death of difficult subjects explored in was getting him to talk aboutGordon, for her death. Gor- Bobbi Kristina Brown, who “The Bobby Brown Story,” (stuff), especially Bobbi don was found responsible was found unresponsive in airing on BET in September. Kris,” Collins said. “When- in a wrongful death lawsuit a bathtub in 2015. She died The miniseries details the ever you talk about her, heand an Atlanta judge ordered at the age of 22 after six rise of Brown, who became AP/File gets emotional. A loss of him a to pay $36 million to months in a coma. a multiplatinum sensation In this Feb. 24, 1998 file photo, singers Bobby Brown, from left, and child is something I can’tBobbi Kristina’s estate. Sporting a gold pendant as a solo artist but was also Whitney Houston appear with music producer Clive Davis at a even begin to fathom. But he Brown’s wife, Alicia-Eth- with a picture of him and defined by his highly-pub- pre-Grammy party in New York. got there and explained whateredge Brown, hopes her Bobbi Kristina, Brown said licized drug use, legal woes happened, the nature of theirhusband can find therapy in a recent interview that and tumultuous marriage to show scenes from his child- tina’s name was brought up, relationship.” through it all. he’s still having a hard time Houston. hood as well. it became a sensitive subject In memory of his daugh- “We’re just trying to figure coping with the death of Brown’s biopic is a contin- Brown was often on set for for Brown and others. ter, Brown created the Bob- out as we go along,” she said. his daughter. She is also the uation of BET’s successful the taping. His spirits were “You would see the emo- bi Kristina Brown Serenity “With life, we’re looking for daughter of the Whitney “The New Edition Story” high during a reenactment tions on his face, (him) tear- House, a not-for-profit orga- therapy and outlets. For him Houston, who died in 2012. miniseries last year. It picks of a performance of Brown’s ing up,” said Woody Mc- nization designed to assist to still be able to be creative, “I go through it every day,” up after Brown’s departure 1988 smash hit “My Prerog- Clain, who reprises his role women who have been vic- find peace and joy, that’s he said. “Just the thought from the group but does ative.” But when Bobbi Kris- as Brown in the new biopic. tims of domestic violence. what I want for him.” 6C THE BRUNSWICK NEWS // SaTURday, apRIl 28, 2018 Television & Entertainment

HIGHLIGHTS SUNDAY MORNING CM=Comcast AT=AT&T U-verse APRIL 29, 2018 7:00 AM - Ch. A&E: HOARDERS CM AT 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 (CC) Woman’s NETWORK & AREA CHANNELS hoard spirals out (WJXT) 4 4 The Morning Show (CC) This Skin Tai Church Conture Look Into Wild Biz Kid$ DIY Sci Planet Space Nature Caught Traeger CSI: Miami (CC) of control after her ’ ’ (WJCT) 5 5 Dinosaur Curious Nature Wild Odd Arthur Hometwn Crossr’d Frontiers Nature (N) (CC) NOVA “Bird Brain” NOVA Wonders The Roosevelts: An Intimate History R. cousin dies. (60 ›‡ mins.) (WCWJ) 7 17 Light Church Wayman Paxon Church Church Beets Popoff This Raw AAA Outages LifeLock Medical Green Paid Prg. Paid Prg. “Dreamcatcher” (2003) 7:30 AM - Ch. (WJAX) 9 47 Action News Jax Action News CBS News Sunday Morning Face the Nation (N) News FamFeud FamFeud Bull Riding Polo PGA Golf DISN: VAMPIRINA (WJXX) 10 25 Rescue Wildlife Good Morning In Touch Charles This Week LifeLock Paid Prg. Omega NBA NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) NBA Basketball (CC) Animated. (WTOC) 11 Lucky Pet Vet In Touch CBS News Sunday Morning Face the Nation (N) Dog Tale Credit? Outages Bull Riding Polo PGA Golf Edna accidentally (WTLV) 12 12 Jacksonville Baptist Baptist Meet the Press (N) Osteen 1st Baptist Church Cham Medical Look Paid Prg. Lumi Red Bull Air Race NHL Hockey: Penguins at Capitals plants some of Oxa- (WFOX) 13 30 Action News Action News Fox News Sunday Action RaceWk Forensic Pets.TV Live Life Origins RaceWk NASCAR NASCAR Racing Monster Energy Cup Series: GEICO 500. (N) na’s magical Transyl- (WTBS) 18 112 King King Friends Friends Friends Friends Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn “Night at the Museum-Tomb” (:15) ›› “The Change-Up” (2011) Ryan Reynolds. Single ’ vanian seeds. (WVAN) 202 Sesame Tiger Pink Splash Curious Nature Wash Principle Civilizations (CC) The Roosevelts: An Intimate History Little Father (:15) Father Brown Agatha Christie 8:00 AM - Ch. DISN: BUNK’D (CC) CABLE CHANNELS Zuri helps Xander (A&E) 32 132 Hoarders ’ (CC) Hoarders ’ (CC) Hoarders ’ (CC) Hoarders ’ (CC) Hoarders ’ (CC) ››› “Black Mass” (2015) Johnny Depp. ’ (CC) ›› “War” (2007) Jet Li. Premiere. ’ Storage create a music video (AMC) 48 119 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H (:10) ››› “Open Range” (2003) Robert Duvall. (CC) (:10) ››› “Batman” (1989, Action) Jack Nicholson. (CC) “Battle: Los Ang” for his song to turn (DISC) 35 35 Deadliest Catch ’ Local Sports Street Outlaws Final race takes place in Tulsa, Okla. (N) (CC) Last Outpost (CC) Last Outpost (CC) Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid him into a social me- (DISN) 16 302 Puppy Vampi Bunk’d ›› “Teen Beach 2” (2015) ‘NR’ (CC) Bunk’d Jessie Jessie Raven Raven Gravity Gravity Bunk’d Bunk’d Jessie Jessie Stuck Stuck ’ dia star. (E!) 56 134 Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex and the City ›‡ “What Happens in Vegas” (2008) “Fool’s Gold” (CC) 8:30 AM - Ch. (ESPN) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) E:60 (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) PBA Bowling League Quarterfinals. E:60 MLS Soccer FOOD: TRISHA’S 14 602 SOUTHERN KITCH- (ESPN2) 15 606 Madden Formula Formula 1 Racing E:60 E:60 College Softball LSU at Florida. (N) (Live) College Softball Texas at Oklahoma. (N) College Softball EN (CC) Trisha (FOOD) 21 452 Farm Southern Trisha’s Trisha’s Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Valerie’s Giada Contessa Contessa The Kitchen (CC) Worst Cooks Chopped (CC) Chopped (CC) makes a coffee-in- (FSSE) 71 Yard Easy BISSELL Yard FOX Outside Real Eat Well XTERRA Game Raceline 3 Wide Women’s College Lacrosse Future Driven College Baseball spired menu; coffee (FSSO) 67 MLB Baseball: Braves at Phillies Shape Polaris UEFA C UEFA Focused Polaris Braves HOF Braves MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Philadelphia Phillies. (N) (Live) Post cake; coffee-rubbed (FX) 38 129 Mother Mother ››‡ “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” (2014) Andrew Garfield. ››‡ “Thor: The Dark World” (2013) ’ (CC) ››› “Iron Man 3” (2013) Robert Downey Jr. ’ (CC) Guardi fish tacos; tiramisu (HBO) 802 I Am Evi (:37) ›› “Post Grad” (2009) (:05) Boxing Daniel Jacobs vs. Maciej Sulecki. ’ Andre the Giant ’ Isle, ››› “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World” ’ Real Time, Bill VICE ’ Bad II affogato. (H&G) 39 450 Carib Carib Carib Carib Carib Carib Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers 9:00 AM - Ch. (HIST) 49 256 Truck Night Truck Night Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Bombing American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers DISC: STREET OUT- (LIFE) In Touch LifeLock Amazing Jeremiah Osteen Skincare “Manny Dearest” (2016) Ashley Scott. “Nanny Cam” (2014) Laura Allen. (CC) “Nanny Seduction” (2017) Wes Brown. “Evil Nanny” (2017) LAWS (CC) 28 360 It’s time (MAX) ››› ››‡ ›› ›› ›› for the final race in 833 “Erin Brockovich” (2000) ‘R’ (CC) (:15) “War Dogs” (2016) ‘R’ (CC) (:10) “Suicide Squad” (2016) (CC) (:15) “Be Cool” (2005) ‘PG-13’ (CC) (:15) “Dangerous Minds” (1995) ‘R’ Tulsa, Okla. (N) ’ (3 (PARMT)37 145 Prostate Yoga! Credit? Total Engine Xtreme Truck Detroit Bar Rescue (CC) Bar Rescue (CC) Bar Rescue (CC) Bar Rescue (CC) Bar Rescue (CC) Bar Rescue (CC) hrs.) (TLC) 40 250 Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Trading Spaces ’ Long Lost Family Long Lost Family Long Lost Family 9:30 AM - Ch. (TNT) 17 108 Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ ››‡ “ the Great and Powerful” (2013) (:45) ››‡ “Maleficent” FOOD: THE PIO- (TOON) 42 325 Craig Craig Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen OK KO OK KO Gumball Gumball Craig Craig We Bare We Bare Power Unikitty NEER WOMAN (CC) (USA) 25 124 Credit? Jeremiah In Touch Osteen Unsolved-BIG Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Spicy baby back ribs; twice baked SUNDAY EVENING CM=Comcast AT=AT&T U-verse APRIL 29, 2018 potato casserole; ja- lapeno corn, two ver- CM AT 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 sions of dump cake. 10:00 AM - Ch. NETWORK & AREA CHANNELS FOOD: THE PIO- (WJXT) 4 4 Elementary ’ (CC) News4JAX Ready, Set Blue Bloods ’ Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang News Zone News4JAX Zone Rules Blue Blood NEER WOMAN (CC) (WJCT) 5 5 Poldark on Masterpiece ’ (CC) Father Brown ’ (CC) Call the Midwife (N) ’ Unforgotten on Masterpiece ’ Last Tango in Halifax ’ Little Globe Trekker ’ Marinated green (WCWJ) 7 17 (3:30) “Dreamcatcher” Jackson I Know Jax Mom (CC) Goldbergs American Ninja Warrior Rookie Blue ’ (CC) Scandal “Buckle Up” ’ News4JAX Outdoors Mike Anger Mgt chile chicken; spicy (WJAX) 9 47 PGA Golf CBS News News 60 Minutes (N) ’ (CC) Instinct “Flat Line” (N) NCIS: (N) Madam Secretary (N) ’ News Action Bensinger Hope taco potatoes; lay- (WJXX) 10 25 NBA Basketball ABC News News Funniest Home Videos American Idol “115 (Top 10 - Disney Night)” (N) (:01) Deception (N) ’ News First Coast Major Crimes (CC) ered Mexican salad; (WTOC) 11 PGA Golf CBS News WTOC 60 Minutes (N) ’ (CC) Instinct “Flat Line” (N) NCIS: Los Angeles (N) Madam Secretary (N) ’ News Never Fear ThisMinute Air Fryer Key lime pie. (WTLV) NHL Hockey News NBC News Dateline NBC (N) (CC) Little Big Shots (N) ’ Genius Junior (N) (CC) Timeless (N) ’ (CC) News First Coast Whacked Cars.TV (N) 10:30 AM - Ch. 12 12 HIST: COUNTING (WFOX) 13 30 NASCAR Racing Simpsons Simpsons Burgers Burgers Simpsons Brooklyn Family Guy Last Man News Jax Action Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam CARS (CC) (DVS) (WTBS) 18 112 (4:30) ›› “How to Be Single” (2016) Premiere. Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Jokers Drop/Mic Jokers Drop/Mic Final Space How Single Del Bryant has a (WVAN) 202 Agatha Christie Partners Weekend Seat-Table Durrells in Corfu Call the Midwife (N) ’ Unforgotten on Masterpiece ’ Last Tango in Halifax ’ Last Tango in Halifax ’ Midwife Blazer with which he CABLE CHANNELS wants to pay tribute (A&E) 32 132 Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage to his Tennessee (AMC) (4:15) ›› “Battle: Los Angeles” (2011) Premiere. Fear the Walking Dead Fear the Walking Dead Fear the Walking Dead (:05) Into the Badlands (:06) Talking Dead (N) Fear the Walking Dead ’ 48 119 roots. (DISC) ’ ’ ’ 11:00 AM - Ch. 35 35 Naked and Afraid (CC) Naked and Afraid (CC) Naked and Afraid: Uncensored (N) (CC) Naked and Afraid (N) Naked and Afraid XL (N) Naked and Afraid (CC) Naked and Afraid XL 18: BROOKLYN (DISN) 16 302 Bunk’d ’ Bunk’d ’ ››› “Tarzan” (1999) ’ ‘G’ (CC) (:35) ››› “Tangled” (2010) ‘PG’ (:15) Bunk’d (:40) Bunk’d Stuck Bizaardvark Bunk’d ’ Bunk’d ’ Stuck Bunk’d ’ NINE-NINE (CC) (E!) 56 134 (4:00) ›‡ “Fool’s Gold” (2008) (CC) ››‡ “27 Dresses” (2008) Katherine Heigl. (CC) The Arrangement (N) (:01) The Royals (N) (:02) The Arrangement “What Happens” (DVS) As Charles’ (ESPN) 14 602 MLS Soccer SportsCenter (N) (CC) Baseball Tonight MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Los Angeles Angels. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportCtr best man, Jake (ESPN2) 15 606 College Softball Baseball Tonight (N) Rookie Rookie SportsCenter Special (N) Formula One Racing Azerbaijan Grand Prix. Rookie must be involved (FOOD) 21 452 Vegas Restaurant Iron Chef Gauntlet Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games Worst Cooks in America Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Worst Cooks in America with important wed- (FSSE) 71 College Baseball Oklahoma at Oklahoma State. (N) Gamecock Journey Women’s College Lacrosse The First Boys of Spring College Baseball Oklahoma at Oklahoma State. ’ ding decisions. (FSSO) 67 UEFA Champions League Soccer World Poker World Poker UFC Main Event World Poker World Poker MLB Baseball 11:00 AM - Ch. (FX) 38 129 (4:30) ››› “Guardians of the Galaxy” (2014) ’ ›››‡ “The Avengers” (2012) Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans. ’ (CC) Trust A gruesome discovery is made. (:23) Trust “John, Chapter 11” (CC) A&E: HOARDERS (HBO) (4:25) ›› “Bad Boys II” (2003) Martin Lawrence. (6:55) ››‡ “The Hitman’s Bodyguard” (2017) Westworld “Reunion” Silicon (:31) Barry W. Cenac (:32) Westworld (CC) Barry ’ (CC) A neighbor 802 blows the whistle on (H&G) 39 450 Property Brothers (CC) Property Brothers (CC) Property Brothers (CC) Lakefront Lakefront Caribbean Caribbean Mexico Life Mexico Life Hunters Hunters Caribbean Caribbean a hoarder; a former (HIST) 49 256 American Pickers ’ American Pickers ’ American Pickers (CC) American Pickers (CC) American Pickers ’ (:03) American Pickers (:03) American Pickers American Pickers (CC) antiques dealer’s (LIFE) 28 360 (4:00) “Evil Nanny” (CC) “The Wrong Nanny” (2017) Lindsay Hartley. (CC) “Nanny Killer” (2018) Morgan Obenreder. (CC) (:02) “Devious Nanny” (2018) Michelle Borth. (CC) (12:01) “Nanny Killer” home becomes a (MAX) 833 (4:55) Rellik ’ (CC) (5:55) ››‡ “15 Minutes” (2001) Robert De Niro. ››› “Taken” (2008) Liam Neeson. (:35) ›› “Suicide Squad” (2016) Will Smith. (CC) (:40) ›› “The Legend of Tarzan” fire hazard. ’ (60 (PARMT)37 145 Bar Rescue ’ (CC) Bar Rescue ’ (CC) Bar Rescue ’ (CC) Bar Rescue ’ (CC) Bar Rescue ’ (CC) Bar Rescue (N) (CC) (:01) Bar Rescue (CC) Bar Rescue ’ (CC) mins.) (TLC) 40 250 Long Lost Family (CC) Long Island Medium (N) Long Island Medium (N) Long Island Medium “Living Apart” (N) ’ (:03) Long Lost Family (:06) Long Island Medium “Living Apart” ’ 11:30 AM - Ch. 18: (TNT) 17 108 Maleficent (:45) ››› “Cinderella” (2015) Cate Blanchett. (CC) (DVS) ›››‡ “Shrek” (2001) Voices of Mike Myers. ››‡ “Shrek the Third” (2007) (CC) (DVS) ›››‡ “Shrek” BROOKLYN NINE- (TOON) 42 325 Gumball Gumball Craig Craig Teen Titans Mighty King of Hill King of Hill Burgers Amer. Dad Family Guy Family Guy Rick, Morty Mike Tyson Ballmastrz Mr. Pickles NINE (CC) (DVS) (USA) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam During a weekend 25 124 off, Jake decides to tackle a cold case 12:30 PM - Ch. his losses. Robert mobsters. Jet Li, arid lakebeds of Ni- A&E: STORAGE perpetual brides- attempt to plan a FOOD: BAREFOOT Downey Jr., Gwyneth Jason Statham. Pre- caragua and their WARS (CC) The maid balks upon last-minute surprise that everyone thinks ’ ’ ’ ’ is unsolvable. ’ CONTESSA (CC) Paltrow. (3 hrs.) miere. (2 hrs.) deadly predators. bidders make their learning that her party. (N) 11:30 AM - Ch. Ina makes the per- 2:00 PM - Ch. 3:00 PM - Ch. (60 mins.) Hollywood premiere, next assignment 7:30 PM - Ch. HIST: COUNTING fect Tex Mex meal DISC: NAKED AND 9, 11: PGA TOUR 4:00 PM - Ch. with Dave assuming would be standing A&E: STORAGE with the help of her AFRAID (CC) An en- GOLF “Zurich Clas- DISN: STUCK IN the role of storage up for her sister, WARS (CC) The CARS (CC) A re- ’ turning customer re- friend Devon Freder- durance athlete and sic of New Orleans, THE MIDDLE (CC) villain. who will marry the buyers return to quires Danny’s help icks. a stay-at-home dad Final Round” From The Diaz kids use 5:30 PM - Ch. man the bridesmaid Huntington Beach, 1:00 PM - Ch. team up in a rugged TPC Lousiana in their resources to DISN: BUNK’D (CC) secretly loves. Kath- Calif.; Barry brings restoring a 1971 ’ Road Runner. ’ DISC: LAST OUT- Belize jungle. (60 Avondale, La. (N) track down a robber. The boys find that erine Heigl, James humorist Charles POST (CC) Clint mins.) (Live) (3 hrs.) ’ Gladys has been Marsden. (2 hrs., 30 Phoenix to an auc- 12:00 PM - Ch. ’ ››‡ and Todd turn a 2:00 PM - Ch. 3:00 PM - Ch. 12: 4:30 PM - Ch. 18: hiding a secret in mins.) tion. 18: MOVIE ›› ’ “Night at the Mu- lawnmower into an DISN: BUNK’D (CC) NHL HOCKEY “Pitts- MOVIE “How the woods. 7:00 PM - Ch. 12: 8:00 PM - Ch. 9, seum: Secret of off-road wheelchair; Xander and Ravi dis- burgh Penguins at to Be Single” (CC) 6:00 PM - Ch. DATELINE NBC (CC) 11: INSTINCT (CC) they make a mobile cover that Jorge is Washington Capi- Fresh out of college DISC: NAKED AND An alleged abuser Dylan and Julian the Tomb” (CC) ’ (DVS) Upon learning ice fishing shack. homesick so they re- tals” Eastern Con- and a long-term re- AFRAID (CC) One and stalker moves must catch a killer that the museum’s (60 mins.) cruit Emma, Tiffany ference semifinal, lationship, a young survivalist falls into on to worse behav- targeting patients 1:00 PM - Ch. and Zuri to help. ’ Game 2. (N) (Live) woman moves to a roaring fire af- ior with the help of who have non-life- magic is disappear- ’ ing, night watchman DISN: GRAVITY (Part 1 of 2) (3 hrs.) New York and be- ter being depleted his new girlfriend. threatening ail- FALLS (CC) (DVS) 2:30 PM - Ch. 5: 3:30 PM - Ch. friends a party- of energy due to a (N) ’ (60 mins.) ments. (N) ’ (60 Larry Daley sets out ’ on an epic quest to Animated. After Stan THE ROOSEVELTS: 4: THE TRAEGER ing co-worker who lack of food. (60 7:00 PM - Ch. 10: mins.) the British Museum is in custody, Dipper AN INTIMATE HIS- SHOW Ready to shows her how to mins.) AMERICA’S FUN- 8:00 PM - Ch. 12: and Mabel question TORY (CC) (DVS) take your BBQ game have fun. Dakota 6:00 PM - Ch. NIEST HOME VID- LITTLE BIG SHOTS in London to save ››› his friends one last how much they know Theodore Roosevelt to the next level? Johnson, Rebel Wil- DISN: MOVIE EOS (CC) (DVS) (CC) A basketball about their Grunkle and his younger Award-winning pit- son. Premiere. (2 “Tarzan” (CC) Ani- Kids drop their player; a taekwondo time. Ben Stiller, ’ ’ Robin Williams. (2 Stan. cousin, Franklin. masters, a world- hrs., 30 mins.) mated. A man raised new phones; a dad champion; a car ex- 1:30 PM - Ch. FX: (Part 1 of 7) (2 hrs.) class chef, and pro- 5:00 PM - Ch. by apes in the Afri- pranks his teenager pert; a cyclist and hrs., 15 mins.) ››› 12:00 PM - Ch. MOVIE “Iron 2:30 PM - Ch. fessional outdoors- FOOD: VEGAS RES- can jungle encoun- with a stuffed rac- sports reporter; a Man 3” (CC) After A&E: MOVIE ›› man share their TAURANT REHAB ters a professor, coon; kids make drummer. (N) ’ (60 DISC: LAST OUT- ’ POST (CC) Clint and a malevolent enemy “War” (CC) A fed- secrets to achiev- (CC) (Series Pre- his daughter and a funny faces. (N) mins.) Todd build an un- reduces his world to eral agent seeks re- ing amazing-tasting miere) A once-thriv- suspicious hunter. (60 mins.) 8:30 PM - Ch. rubble, Tony Stark venge on an elusive food using a Traeger ing sports bar be- Voices of Tony Gold- 7:30 PM - Ch. 13: A&E: STORAGE stoppable tow truck ’ for the owner of an must rely on instinct assassin after his wood-fired grill. comes a deserted wyn, Glenn Close. BOB’S BURGERS WARS (CC) A date outback search and and ingenuity to pro- partner and family 4:00 PM - Ch. watering hole with (1 hr., 35 mins.) (CC) (DVS) Ani- reignites Jarrod and ’ tect those he loves are killed, but the DISC: NAKED AND terrible, tired food. 6:30 PM - Ch. E!: mated. After forget- Brandi’s passion for rescue service. ››‡ (60 mins.) as he searches for target ignites a war AFRAID (CC) Surviv- (N) (60 mins.) MOVIE “27 ting Bob’s birthday, purchasing storage a way to avenge between rival Asian alists take on the 5:30 PM - Ch. Dresses” (CC) A Linda and the kids units. ’

HOROSCOPE demands of home and family Jan. 19) Romance might be BY FRANCIS DRAKE versus the demands of your stressed with the Full Moon J. Cole to launch music festival For Sunday, April 29, 2018 career and public reputation. today. However, discussions ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You can’t ignore your career. about sports, vacations and Financial issues might come to Practical discussions will help how to care for children will be in in Sept. a head today because of the you today. practical and productive. (Go Full Moon. Fortunately, bosses VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. figure.) Rapper hopes to honor his home state with show and people in authority will 22) Be careful, because this is AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. listen to you, because you have an accident-prone day due to 18) Despite the demands of By MESFIN FEKADU his label, Dreamville Re- “It’s something we want to practical ideas. the Full Moon energy. But it’s a others, you need to focus on Associated Press cords. “It’s just hard to build for years and years to TAURUS (April 20 to May good day to study, publish and home and family today. Efforts come into a city and get come.” 20) Today the only Full Moon explore avenues in medicine, from behind the scenes or NEW YORK — Plati- the whole city to approve it Cole, 28, is announcing opposite your sign all year is the law and the media. people from behind the scenes num-selling rapper J. Cole and (get) behind you. So it the festival a week after his taking place. Nevertheless, this LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) will help you. Listen to them. is honoring his home state was great that we took our critically acclaimed fifth is a good day to make plans for Financial discussions will be PISCES (Feb. 19 to March by launching a music fes- time ... and really connect- album, “KOD,” was re- travel or further education or delicate today because of the 20) Pay attention to everything tival in North Carolina this ed with the city (and) con- leased and broke streaming training. Full Moon. However, financial you say and do today to avoid September. nected with the mayor.” records. Billboard report- GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) discussions related to your an accident. Fortunately, dis- and Early-bird tickets, for ed the album would debut Today’s Full Moon might stress family or real estate will be solid. cussions with others, especially ScoreMore Shows an- those who sign up at www. at No. 1 on its 200 albums your relationship with co-work- SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. friends and groups, will lead to nounced Friday that the, went chart; it would give Cole ers. Fortunately, you have 21) Today the only Full Moon in practical results. Bravo! inaugural Dreamville Fes- on sale Friday. Tickets for his fifth No. 1 effort on the solid, practical ideas about your sign all year is taking place. IF TODAY IS YOUR tival will debut Sept. 15 in general public go on sale chart. how to get funding, support or This intensifies relationships BIRTHDAY You like structure Raleigh at Dorothea Dix Monday. “This album came out supplies. You also know how to with others. Fortunately, you and security in your life. You are Park. Performers will be an- with really no promotion; share something. will have a practical discussion spiritual and value wisdom and Cole, who was born on a nounced at a later date. Ha- we announced the album CANCER (June 21 to July 22) with a sibling or relative. knowledge. This year is a pow- military base in Germany, mad said fans can expect a before we even put out Romantic relationships might SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 erful year, full of big decisions was raised in Fayetteville, mixture of local perform- a single and the reaction be strained today because of to Dec. 21) Be patient with and major achievements. Think North Carolina. ers, acts from the Dream- has been incredible, prob- the Full Moon. Ditto for rela- co-workers and customers success, power and money! It’s “We’ve been trying to ville label and contempo- ably the best reaction of tionships with kids. A serious today, because people are on time to reap the benefits of the put this festival together rary stars. any of his albums because discussion with a partner or edge. Personally, you can get past decade. Expect to attain for a few years now,” said “It’s going to be a vari- he’s comfortable in who he close friend will help. a lot done because you are aspects of power and lead- Ibrahim ‘Ib’ Hamad, Cole’s ety of different acts that we is and he knows what he LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) energetic and disciplined. ership in all your relationships manager and president of love or excite us,” he said. wants to say,” Hamad said. You feel pulled between the CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to with others. Activity is key! CLASSIFIED 7


CONTRACT BRIDGE By STEVE BECKER The punishment fits the crime diamond lead with the king four, when he thoughtlessly led and shifted to the ten of hearts, the king of spades from dummy taken by West with the ace. and let it hold. Prior to that play, West then returned a heart to he had 10 ironclad tricks in the dummy’s king. form of six spades, two hearts, Declarer now cashed the king a club and a diamond ruff in of spades, playing low from his dummy. hand, and from that point on All he had to do to guarantee there was no way to make the finishing with that total was contract! If South next played to overtake the king of spades the queen of hearts, East would with the ace, ruff a diamond ruff, and South would later lose with the queen, lead the nine a club trick for down one. If of spades to the ten and draw instead declarer played clubs, trumps. (The same result can of West would win and give East a course be achieved by leading heart ruff, again down one. the nine of spades to the ten at In practice, declarer led a trick four.) spade to his hand at trick five Overtaking the first spade The game of bridge sel- and ruffed the diamond queen ensures that South will lose no dom rewards careless play. A in dummy, but there was then more than a diamond, a heart declarer or defender who makes no way to return to his hand and a club, regardless of how a mistake usually ends up suf- to draw trumps. In despera- the remaining cards are divided. fering the consequences. tion, South played the ace and Take this case where a harm- another club from dummy, but Today’s Birthdays: Former less-looking play by declarer West carefully overtook East’s Secretary of State James A. wrecked an ice-cold contract. ten with the king and returned Baker III is 88. Actress-singer South wound up in four spades a heart for the ruff that sank the Ann-Margret is 77. Former after opening with a weak contract. “Tonight Show” host Jay Leno two-bid. East won the opening Declarer’s error came at trick is 68.

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004 005 005 007 007 007 007 007 Service/Construction Debtors and Creditors Debtors and Creditors Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures Bids GERARD F. RATH, as 2011, recorded in Deed lying and being on St. nances thereto under bidder for cash, the Co-Executor of IN THE PROBATE Book 2901, Page 360, which might be dis- Simons Island in Declaration, plat and property described in The Brunswick the Estate of COURT OF GLYNN Glynn County, Georgia closed by an accurate Glynn County, Geor- plans.§ The above said Deed, to-wit: Marilyn F. Rath COUNTY Records, conveying the survey and inspection of gia, and being in that described plat and Housing Authority STATE OF GEORGIA after-described property the property, any as- certain condominium plans and the Decla- THE LAND RE- Is accepting proposals c/o J. Benedict Hartman to secure a Note in the sessments, liens, en- project known as ration of Condomini- FERRED TO IN for Vacancy cleaning Hunter, Maclean, Exley NOTICE TO original principal cumbrances, zoning or- Barnes Plantation, a um, and any recorded THIS EXHIBIT IS and painting until 2:00 & Dunn, P. C. amount of ONE HUN- dinances, restrictions, condominium, located amendments thereto LOCATED IN THE pm May 24, 2018. To DEBTORS AND 777 Gloucester Street, DRED THIRTY-ONE covenants, and matters on St. Simons Island, are incorporated COUNTY OF access a full packet and Ste. 400 CREDITORS THOUSAND TWO of record superior to the Georgia, all as more herein by reference instructions, please visit GLYNN AND THE Brunswick, GA 31520 HUNDRED FIFTY AND Security Deed first set fully shown and de- and made a part our website IN RE: ESTATE OF STATE OF GEOR- 0/100 DOLLARS out above. Wells Fargo scribed according to hereof. MR/kdh Peyton Ryan McNabb, GIA IN DEED 1266944-1 ($131,250.00), with in- Bank, N.A. is the holder the Declaration of 5/1/18 Our file no. If you have any ques- DECEASED BOOK 37C AT terest thereon as set of the Security Deed to Condominium dated 575717 - FT12 tions call John Galego PAGE 78 AND DE- forth therein, there will the property in accor- October 25, 2001, (912) 222-3657. All creditors of the Es- SCRIBED AS FOL- GEORGIA, GLYNN be sold at public outcry dance with OCGA § 44- recorded in Deed tate of Peyton Ryan Mc- STATE OF GEORGIA LOWS. COUNTY. to the highest bidder for 14-162.2. The entity that Book 849, page 133, The Brunswick Housing Nabb, deceased, late of COUNTY OF GLYNN ALL THAT CER- cash before the court- has full authority to ne- the plat of survey of Authority is an equal Glynn County, Georgia, gotiate, amend, and TAIN LOT, TRACT opportunity/affirmative NOTICE TO are hereby notified to house door of Glynn said Condominium NOTICE OF SALE OR PARCEL OF County, Georgia, or at modify all terms of the prepared by Pruitt & action employer. CREDITORS AND render their demands to mortgage with the UNDER POWER LAND SITUATED, Telecommunications the undersigned accord- such place as may be Purcell, P.C. certified LYING AND BE- DEBTORS lawfully designated as debtor is: Wells Fargo by Roger Clinton Pur- device for the ing to law, and all per- Home Mortgage a div. ING IN GLYNN an alternative, within the cell, Georgia Regis- Because of a default deaf (800) 255-0056. All creditors of the es- sons indebted to said of Wells Fargo Bank, COUNTY, GEOR- legal hours of sale on tered Land Surveyor under the terms of the tate of ELIZABETH IN- Estate are required to N.A., PO Box 10335, GIA, KNOWN AS the first Tuesday in No. 2435, dated Security Deed executed MAN JORDAN, de- make immediate pay- Des Moines, IA 50306 LOT NUMBER 5, 005 May, 2018, the following September 28, 2001, by Cherlyn King to ceased, late of Glynn ment to the under- 1-800-416-1472. To the BLOCK "C", IN described property: last revised October American General Fi- Debtors and Creditors County, Georgia, are signed. best knowledge and be- nancial Services, Inc. GLYNCO ANNEX SEE EXHIBIT "A" AT- 4, 2001, and recorded hereby notified to ren- lief of the undersigned, dated December 22, SUBDIVISION, DE- TACHED HERETO in Plat Drawer 28, as GEORGIA, GLYNN der an account of their Guy McNabb the party in possession 2006, and recorded in SCRIBED ON THE AND MADE A PART Map No. 10, and the COUNTY. demands to the under- Administrator of of the property is Bobby Deed Book 2127, Page REVISED MAP HEREOF plans for said Condo- signed according to law, Peyton Ryan McNabb, A Jones or a tenant or 242, Glynn County MADE BY J. R. The debt secured by minium prepared by and all persons indebt- deceased tenants and said prop- Records, said Security RINGELING, DAT- NOTICE TO said Security Deed has Ussery-Rule, Archi- ed to said estate are re- 208 Paradise Marsh erty is more commonly Deed having been last ED APRIL 20, CREDITORS AND been and is hereby de- tects, recorded in quired to make immedi- Circle known as 1704 Frederi- sold, assigned, trans- 1959, AND clared due because of, Condominium Plan DEBTORS ate payment to the un- Brunswick, GA 31525 ca Road 434, Saint Si- ferred and conveyed to RECORDED IN among other possible Book V, pages 1473 - dersigned. Address mons Island, Georgia U.S. Bank National As- THE CLERK'S OF- All creditors of the es- events of default, failure 31522. The sale will be 1473S, all in the Of- sociation as Indenture to pay the indebtedness fice of the Clerk of the FICE OF GLYNN tate of MARILYN F. This April 26, 2018. 007 conducted subject (1) to Trustee for CIM Trust SUPERIOR RATH, deceased, late as and when due and in confirmation that the Superior Court of 2015-3AG Mortgage Foreclosures the manner provided in Glynn County, Geor- COURT IN PLAT of Glynn County, Geor- /s/ Randall A. Jordan sale is not prohibited -Backed Notes, Series BOOK #1, PAGE gia, are hereby notified RANDALL A. JORDAN, the Note and Security under the U.S. gia, as all of Condo- 2015-3AG, securing a Deed. The debt remain- minium Unit Number #16, TO WHICH to render an account of as Executor of NOTICE OF SALE Bankruptcy Code and Note in the original prin- REFERENCE IS their demands to the ing in default, this sale Four Hundred Thirty the Estate of (2) to final confirmation cipal amount of HEREBY MADE undersigned according UNDER POWER will be made for the pur- Four (434), Building ELIZABETH INMAN and audit of the status $82,642.12, the holder FOR THE PUR- to law, and all persons JORDAN GEORGIA, pose of paying the of the loan with the Four (4), Barnes thereof pursuant to said POSE OF ESTAB- indebted to said estate GLYNN COUNTY same and all expenses holder of the security Plantation, a condo- Deed and Note thereby LISHING THE LO- are required to make c/o J. Benedict Hartman of this sale, as provided deed. Wells Fargo minium. Together with secured has declared CATION, BOUND- immediate payment to Hunter, Maclean, Exley THIS IS AN ATTEMPT in the Security Deed Bank, N.A. as Attorney an undivided percent- the entire amount of the undersigned. & Dunn, P. C. TO COLLECT A DEBT. and by law, including at- in Fact for Bobby A age interest in the said indebtedness due ARIES AND DI- 777 Gloucester Street, ANY INFORMATION torney's fees (notice of Jones McCalla Raymer Common Elements of and payable and, pur- MENSIONS OF This April 20, 2018. Ste. 400 OBTAINED WILL BE intent to collect attor- Leibert Pierce, LLC Barnes Plantation suant to the power of SAID PROPERTY. Brunswick, GA 31520 USED FOR THAT PUR- ney's fees having been 1544 Old Alabama Condominium (as sale contained in said /s/ Thomas D. Rath POSE. Under and by given). Said property Road Roswell, Georgia such Common Ele- Deed, will on the first Said property is known THOMAS D. RATH, virtue of the Power of will be sold subject to 30076 www.foreclosure- ments are defined in Tuesday, May 1, 2018, as 105 Enterprise as Co-Executor of Sale contained in a Se- any outstanding ad val- said Declaration), to- during the legal hours of Street, Brunswick, GA the Estate of Need a Paper? curity Deed given by orem taxes (including gether with all of the sale, before the Court- 31525, together with all Marilyn F. Rath Give us a call - Bobby A Jones to taxes which are a lien, EXHIBIT "A" All that right, title and interest house door in said fixtures and personal The Brunswick News Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., but not yet due and certain lot, tract or of Grantor in said Unit County, sell at public property attached to /s/ Gerard F. Rath Circulation Department dated September 6, payable), any matters parcel of land situate, and the appurte- outcry to the highest and constituting a part GERARD F. RATH, as 912-265-1104 2011, recorded in Deed which might be dis- lying and being on St. nances thereto under bidder for cash, the of said property, if any. Co-Executor of Book 2901, Page 360, closed by an accurate Simons Island in Declaration, plat and property described in 8 CLASSIFIED

8C THE BRUNSWICK NEWS // SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 2018 007 007 007 007 007 007 007 007 Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures of said property, if any. ing in default, this sale Sale contained in a Se- as shown and de- GIA 31520 according to PLAT DRAWER 7, Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 which may not be of will be made for the pur- curity Deed given by scribed on a print the present numbering FOLIO 189 (TO Piedmont Center, 3575 record, (c) the right of Said property will be pose of paying the Donnie C Smith and of a plat of survey system in Glynn County. WHICH REFER- Piedmont Road, N.E., redemption of any tax- sold subject to any out- same and all expenses Laura R Smith to Mort- prepared by M. Jer- The indebtedness se- ENCE IS HEREBY Suite 500, Atlanta, ing authority, (d) any standing ad valorem of this sale, as provided gage Electronic Regis- ry Tomberlin, Jr., cured by said Security MADE FOR ALL Georgia 30305, (404) matters which might be taxes (including taxes in the Security Deed tration Systems, Inc., as Georgia Registered Deed has been de- PURPOSES) AS 994-7637. disclosed by an accu- which are a lien, and by law, including at- nominee for Synovus Land Surveyor clared due because of ALL OF LOTS 1016-667501806A rate survey and inspec- whether or not now due torney's fees (notice of Mortgage Corp., its suc- Number 2942, dat- default under the terms EIGHT (8) AND tion of the property, and and payable), the right intent to collect attor- cessors and assigns, ed April 7, 2006, of said Security Deed NINE (9), BLOCK THIS LAW FIRM MAY (e) any assessments, of redemption of any ney's fees having been dated February 16, and being recorded and Note. The indebted- LETTERED "O", BE ACTING AS A liens, encumbrances, taxing authority, any given). Said property 2007, recorded in Deed in the Office of the ness remaining in de- BRUNSWICK VIL- DEBT COLLECTOR zoning ordinances, re- matters which might be will be sold subject to Book 2181, Page 214, Clerk of Superior fault, this sale will be LA, SECTION 2. ATTEMPTING TO COL- strictions, covenants, disclosed by an accu- any outstanding ad val- Glynn County, Georgia Court Glynn Coun- made for the purpose of TOGETHER WITH LECT A DEBT. ANY IN- and matters of record rate survey and inspec- orem taxes (including Records, as last trans- ty, Georgia, in Plat paying the same, all ex- ALL AND SINGU- FORMATION OB- superior to the Security tion of the property, any taxes which are a lien, ferred to Wilmington Cabinet C-2, Page penses of the sale, in- LAR THE RIGHTS, TAINED WILL BE Deed first set out above. assessments, liens, en- but not yet due and Trust, National Associa- Number 181, and cluding attorneys' fees MEMBERS, EASE- USED FOR THAT PUR- cumbrances, zoning or- payable), any matters tion, not in its individual being more particu- and all other payments MENTS, HEREDI- POSE. 1016- The sale will be con- dinances, restrictions, which might be dis- capacity but solely as larly described as provided for under the TAMENTS AND 667501806A ducted subject to (1) covenants, and matters closed by an accurate successor trustee to all of Lot Num- terms of the Security APPURTE- confirmation that the of record superior to the survey and inspection of Citibank, N.A. as bered Forty-Six Deed and Note. Said NANCES UNTO NOTICE OF SALE sale is not prohibited Security Deed first set the property, any as- Trustee to Lehman XS (46) of Maggie§s property will be sold THE SAME BE- UNDER POWER, under the U.S. out above. sessments, liens, en- Trust Mortgage Pass- Ridge Subdivision, subject to the following LONGING OR IN GLYNN COUNTY Bankruptcy Code; and cumbrances, zoning or- Through Certificates, Phase Two (2). items which may affect ANYWISE APPER- (2) final confirmation The proceeds of said dinances, restrictions, Series 2007-11 by as- Reference is here- the title to said property: TAINING. Pursuant to the Power and audit of the status sale will be applied to covenants, and matters signment recorded in by made to said any superior Security Pursuant to that Con- of Sale contained in a of the loan with the the payment of said in- of record superior to the Deed Book 3833, Page maps and to the Deeds of record; all sent Judgment and Fi- Security Deed given by holder of the Security debtedness and all ex- Security Deed first set 65, Glynn County, Geor- record thereof for zoning ordinances; mat- nal Order, Civil Action Larry A. Newmans to Deed. Pursuant to penses of said sale as out above. Live Well Fi- gia Records, conveying all purposes of de- ters which would be dis- File No. CE17-01204, in Mortgage Electronic O.C.G.A. Section 9-13- provided in said Deed, nancial Inc. is the holder the after-described scription and identi- closed by an accurate the Superior Court of Registration Systems, 172.1, which allows for and the balance, if any, of the Security Deed to property to secure a fication and for all survey or by an inspec- Glynn County, State of Inc. as nominee for Sil- certain procedures re- will be distributed as the property in accor- Note in the original prin- other purposes. tion of the property; any Georgia, of record in verton Mortgage Spe- garding the rescission provided by law. dance with OCGA § 44- cipal amount of ONE MR/mtj 5/1/18 Our outstanding taxes, in- Deed Book 3842, Page cialists, Inc. dated of judicial and non-judi- 14-162.2. The entity that HUNDRED THIRTY- file no. 5355917 - cluding but not limited to 19, Glynn County, Geor- 11/10/2009 and record- cial sales in the State of The sale will be con- has full authority to ne- ONE THOUSAND TWO FT2 ad valorem taxes, which gia Records, the above- ed in Deed Book 2657 Georgia, the Deed Un- ducted subject (1) to gotiate, amend, and HUNDRED AND 0/100 constitute liens upon referenced Security Page 30 Glynn Coun- der Power and other confirmation that the modify all terms of the DOLLARS NOTICE OF SALE said property; special Deed is in full force and ty, Georgia records; as foreclosure documents sale is not prohibited mortgage with the ($131,200.00), with in- UNDER POWER assessments; all out- effect against the Prop- last transferred to or ac- may not be provided un- under the U.S. debtor is: CeLink, 3900 terest thereon as set standing bills for public erty and non-judicial quired by Wells Fargo til final confirmation and Bankruptcy Code and Capital City Blvd, Lans- forth therein, there will GEORGIA, GLYNN utilities which constitute foreclosure of the same Bank, N.A., conveying audit of the status of the (2) to final confirmation ing, MI 48906 800-761- be sold at public outcry COUNTY liens upon said proper- may proceed and other the after-described loan as provided imme- and audit of the status 0073. To the best to the highest bidder for ty; all restrictive provisions as found in property to secure a diately above. of the loan with the se- knowledge and belief of cash before the court- By virtue of the Power covenants, easements, said Order. Note in the original prin- cured creditor. the undersigned, the house door of Glynn of Sale contained in that rights-of-way and any cipal amount of $ Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. party in possession of County, Georgia, or at certain Security Deed other matters of record The debt secured by 173,597.00, with inter- as agent and Attorney The property is or may the property is Christine such place as may be given from John F. superior to said Security said Security Deed has est at the rate specified in Fact for Larry A. New- be in the possession of Jackson or a tenant or lawfully designated as Murphey and Kathryn Deed. To the best of the been and is hereby de- therein, there will be mans Cherlyn King, a/k/a tenants and said prop- an alternative, within the D. Murphey to CitiFi- knowledge and belief of clared due because of, sold by the undersigned Cherilyn Avonno King erty is more commonly legal hours of sale on nancial Services, Inc., the undersigned, the among other possible at public outcry to the Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 a/k/a Cherilyn King known as 2505 Bartow the first Tuesday in dated 06/17/2008, party in possession of events of default, failure highest bidder for cash Piedmont Center, 3575 a/k/a Cherlyn Avonno St, Brunswick, Geor- May, 2018, the following recorded 06/18/2008 in the property is John F. to pay the indebtedness before the Courthouse Piedmont Road, N.E., King and Shawanda gia 31520. The sale will described property: Deed Book 2450, Page Murphey a/k/a John as and when due and in door of Glynn County, Suite 500, Atlanta, King as Representative be conducted subject SEE EXHIBIT "A" 336, Glynn County, Frank Murpheyor tenant the manner provided in Georgia (or such other Georgia 30305, (404) of the Estate of Cherlyn (1) to confirmation that ATTACHED HERETO Georgia records, and as (s). The sale will be the Note and Security area as designated by 994-7637. Avonno King, a/k/a the sale is not prohibit- AND MADE A PART last assigned to conducted subject to (1) Deed. The debt remain- Order of the Superior 1000-8522A Shawanda King as Rep- ed under the U.S. HEREOF The debt se- Bayview Loan Servic- confirmation that the ing in default, this sale Court of said county), resentative of the Estate Bankruptcy Code and cured by said Security ing, LLC by virtue of as- sale is not prohibited will be made for the pur- within the legal hours of THIS LAW FIRM MAY of Cherilyn King a/k/a (2) to final confirmation Deed has been and is signment recorded in under the U.S. pose of paying the sale on May 01, 2018 BE ACTING AS A Shawanda King as Rep- and audit of the status hereby declared due Deed Book 3700, Page Bankruptcy Code, and same and all expenses (being the first Tuesday DEBT COLLECTOR resentative of the Estate of the loan with the because of, among oth- 489, Glynn County, (2) final confirmation of this sale, as provided of said month unless ATTEMPTING TO COL- of Cherilyn Avonno holder of the security er possible events of Georgia records, said and audit of the status in the Security Deed said date falls on a Fed- LECT A DEBT. ANY IN- King, Shawanda King deed. Live Well Finan- default, failure to pay Security Deed having of the loan. The name of and by law, including at- eral Holiday, in which FORMATION OB- as Representative of cial Inc. as Attorney in the indebtedness as been given to secure a the person or entity who torney's fees (notice of case being the first TAINED WILL BE the Estate of Cherlyn Fact for Christine Jack- and when due and in Note of even date in the has the full authority to intent to collect attor- Wednesday of said USED FOR THAT PUR- King and Shawanda son McCalla Raymer the manner provided in principal amount of negotiate, amend, and ney's fees having been month), the following POSE. 1000-8522A King, successor in inter- Leibert Pierce, LLC the Note and Security FORTY-SEVEN THOU- modify all terms of the given). described property: est or tenant(s). 1544 Old Alabama Deed. The debt remain- SAND SIX HUNDRED mortgage is: Bayview NOTICE OF SALE Road Roswell, Georgia ing in default, this sale NINETY-FOUR AND Loan Servicing, LLC, Said property is com- All of that certain tract or UNDER POWER U.S. Bank National As- 30076 www.foreclosure- will be made for the pur- 81/100 DOLLARS 4425 Ponce de Leon monly known as 3661, parcel of land situate, GEORGIA, GLYNN sociation as Indenture pose of paying the ($47,694.81), with inter- Boulevard, 5th Floor, 3667 Wylly Avenue, , lying and being in the COUNTY Trustee for CIM Trust same and all expenses est thereon as provided Coral Gables, FL 33146 Brunswick, GA 31520 1356th G.M. District of 2015-3AG Mortgage- EXHIBIT "A" of this sale, as provided for therein, there will be TEL 1-800-771-0299. together with all fixtures Glynn County, Georgia THIS IS AN ATTEMPT Backed Notes, Series Tax Id Number(s): in the Security Deed sold at public outcry to THIS LAW FIRM IS AT- and personal property containing 0.362 acres, TO COLLECT A DEBT. 2015-3AG as Attorney- 01-04434 Land sit- and by law, including at- the highest bidder for TEMPTING TO COL- attached to and consti- more or less, and being ANY INFORMATION in-Fact for Cherlyn King uated in the County torney's fees (notice of cash before the court- LECT A DEBT. ANY IN- tuting a part of said more particularly shown OBTAINED WILL BE of Glynn in the intent to collect attor- house door of Glynn FORMATION OB- property, if any. To the and described as Lot USED FOR THAT PUR- File no. 17-067303 State of GA All of ney's fees having been County, Georgia, within TAINED WILL BE best knowledge and be- 75, Phase 1A, The POSE. Under and by SHAPIRO PENDER- that certain lot, given). Said property the legal hours of sale USED FOR THAT PUR- lief of the undersigned, Plantation at Golden virtue of the Power of GAST & HASTY, LLP* tract or parcel of will be sold subject to on the first Tuesday in POSE. the party (or parties) in Isles according to that Sale contained in a Se- Attorneys and Coun- land situate, lying any outstanding ad val- May 2018 by Bayview The Geheren Firm, possession of the sub- certain plat of survey curity Deed given by selors at Law and being in the orem taxes (including Loan Servicing, LLC, a P.C., ject property is (are): prepared by M. Jerry Robert Knight and 211 Perimeter Center City of Brunswick, taxes which are a lien, Delaware Limited Liabil- 4828 Ashford Dun- John C. Starr or tenant Tomberlin, Jr., Georgia Kimberly Knight to Parkway, N.E., Suite woody Road, 2nd Floor, Glynn County, but not yet due and ity Company, as Attor- or tenants. RLS Number 2942, dat- Mortgage Electronic 300 Georgia, shown payable), any matters ney in Fact for John F. Atlanta, GA 30338 ed June 29, 2008 and Registration Systems, Atlanta, GA 30346 TEL (678) 587-9500. and identified ac- which might be dis- Murphey and Kathryn Bank of America is the recorded in the Office of Inc., as nominee for 770-220-2535/MW cording to the map closed by an accurate D. Murphey, all property entity or individual des- the Clerk of Superior EquiFirst Corporation, and plat of Perry survey and inspection of described in said Secu- ignated who shall have Court, Glynn County, its successors and as- *THE LAW FIRM IS NOTICE OF SALE Park Urban Re- the property, any as- rity Deed including but full authority to negoti- Georgia, in Plat Cabinet signs, dated February ACTING AS A DEBT newal Area, Project sessments, liens, en- not limited to the follow- UNDER POWER, ate, amend and modify 30, Pages 466-468. 28, 2006, recorded in COLLECTOR. ANY IN- No. One, GAR-62, cumbrances, zoning or- ing described property: GLYNN COUNTY all terms of the mort- Parcel I.D. 03-22862 Deed Book 1891, Page FORMATION OB- prepared by Jor- dinances, restrictions, gage. 12, Glynn County, Geor- TAINED WILL BE dan, Jones and covenants, and matters THE FOLLOWING Pursuant to the Power The debt secured by gia Records, as last USED FOR THAT PUR- Goulding, Inc., of record superior to the DESCRIBED PROP- of Sale contained in a Bank of America said Security Deed has transferred to Wells Far- POSE. Registered Engi- Security Deed first set ERTY, TO-WIT: ALL Security Deed given by Home Loan Assistance been and is hereby de- go Bank, N.A., as 04/07, 04/14, 04/21, neers on file in the out above. Wilmington THAT CERTAIN LOT, John Starr to BANK OF Dept. clared due because of, Trustee for Carrington 04/28, 2018 Office of the Clerk Trust, National Associa- TRACT OR PARCEL AMERICA, NA dated 7105 Corporate Drive among other possible Mortgage Loan Trust, of the Commission- tion, not in its individual OF LAND SITUATE, 9/28/2006 and recorded Plano, TX 75024 events of default, failure Series 2006-RFC1, As- NOTICE OF SALE ers of the City of capacity but solely as LYING AND BEING in Deed Book 2086 (800) 669-6650 to pay the indebtedness set-Backed Pass- UNDER POWER Brunswick as all of successor trustee to IN GLYNN COUNTY, Page 216 Glynn as and when due and in Through Certificates by Lot No. Ninety- Citibank, N.A. as GEORGIA, AND IN County, Georgia Note, however, that the manner provided in assignment recorded in GEORGIA, GLYNN Eight (98), Block I, Trustee to Lehman XS THAT CERTAIN records; as last trans- such entity or individual the Note and Security Deed Book 3217, Page COUNTY Perry Park Subdivi- Trust Mortgage Pass- SUBDIVISION ferred to or acquired by is not required by law to Deed. The debt remain- 300, Glynn County, sion. Said property Through Certificates, KNOWN AS BANK OF AMERICA, negotiate, amend or ing in default, this sale Georgia Records, con- THIS IS AN ATTEMPT is more particularly Series 2007-11 is the GOODYEAR PARK N.A., conveying the af- modify the terms of the will be made for the pur- veying the after-de- TO COLLECT A DEBT. described as fol- holder of the Security EXTENSION, AND ter-described property loan. pose of paying the scribed property to se- ANY INFORMATION lows, to-wit: Begin- Deed to the property in BEING FULLY DE- to secure a Note in the same and all expenses cure a Note in the origi- OBTAINED WILL BE ning at a point on accordance with OCGA SCRIBED AND original principal Said property will be of this sale, as provided nal principal amount of USED FOR THAT PUR- the westerly right- § 44-14-162.2. The enti- IDENTIFIED AC- amount of $ 42,692.00, sold subject to: (a) any in the Security Deed ONE HUNDRED POSE. Under and by of-way of Bartow ty that has full authority CORDING TO THE with interest at the rate outstanding ad valorem and by law, including at- TWENTY-TWO THOU- virtue of the Power of Street (which point to negotiate, amend, MAP AND PLAN specified therein, there taxes (including taxes torney's fees (notice of SAND AND 0/100 DOL- Sale contained in a Se- is 330.0 feet and modify all terms of THEREOF, MADE will be sold by the un- which are a lien, but not intent to collect attor- LARS ($122,000.00), curity Deed given by southerly from the the mortgage with the BY ATWOOD M. dersigned at public out- yet due and payable), ney's fees having been with interest thereon as Christine Jackson to intersection of the debtor is: Nationstar FREEMEN, LI- cry to the highest bidder (b) unpaid water or given). set forth therein, there Mortgage Electronic westerly line of Mortgage, LLC d/b/a Mr. CENSED SURVEY- for cash before the sewage bills that consti- will be sold at public Registration Systems, Bartow Street if ex- Cooper, 8950 Cypress OR NUMBER 533, Courthouse door of tute a lien against the Said property is com- outcry to the highest Inc., as nominee for tended in a Waters Blvd, Coppell, DATED DECEMBER Glynn County, Georgia property whether due monly known as 235 bidder for cash before One Reverse Mortgage, northerly direction TX 75019 888-850- 5, 1955 AND (or such other area as and payable or not yet Victorian Lake Drive, the courthouse door of LLC, its successors and to the southerly line 9398x3705. To the best RECORDED IN THE designated by Order of due and payable and Brunswick, GA 31525 Glynn County, Georgia, or assigns, dated July of "P" Street) and knowledge and belief of PUBLIC RECORDS the Superior Court of which may not be of together with all fixtures or at such place as may 31, 2013, recorded in from said point of the undersigned, the OF GLYNN COUNTY said county), within the record, (c) the right of and personal property be lawfully designated Deed Book 3204, Page beginning running party in possession of GEORGIA IN PLAT legal hours of sale on redemption of any tax- attached to and consti- as an alternative, within 71, Glynn County, Geor- thence South 17 the property is Donnie C DRAWER 5, MAP May 01, 2018 (being the ing authority, (d) any tuting a part of said the legal hours of sale gia Records, as last degrees 26 min- Smith and Laura R NUMBER 131, AND first Tuesday of said matters which might be property, if any. To the on the first Tuesday in transferred to Live Well utes 50 seconds Smith or a tenant or ten- ALSO BY THAT month unless said date disclosed by an accu- best knowledge and be- May, 2018, the following Financial Inc. by assign- east for a distance ants and said property CERTAIN PRINT OF falls on a Federal Holi- rate survey and inspec- lief of the undersigned, described property: ment recorded in Deed of 62.0 feet; thence is more commonly A PLAT OF SURVEY day, in which case be- tion of the property, and the party (or parties) in SEE EXHIBIT "A" AT- Book 3359, Page 342, turning and running known as 157 Maggie's BY SHUPE SURVEY- ing the first Wednesday (e) any assessments, possession of the sub- TACHED HERETO Glynn County, Georgia South 72 degrees Ridge Road, ING COMPANY, of said month), the fol- liens, encumbrances, ject property is (are): AND MADE A PART Records, conveying the 33 minutes 10 sec- Brunswick, Georgia P.C., ROBERT N. lowing described prop- zoning ordinances, re- Larry A. Newmans Jr. or HEREOF The debt se- after-described property onds West a dis- 31525. The sale will be SHUPE, GEORGIA erty: strictions, covenants, tenant or tenants. cured by said Security to secure a Note in the tance of 100 feet; conducted subject (1) to REGISTERED LAND and matters of record Deed has been and is original principal thence turning and confirmation that the SURVEYOR NUM- THE FOLLOWING superior to the Security Wells Fargo Bank, NA is hereby declared due amount of SEVENTY- running North 17 sale is not prohibited BER 2224, DATED REAL PROPERTY Deed first set out above. the entity or individual because of, among oth- EIGHT THOUSAND degrees 26 min- under the U.S. MAY 29, 1991 ENTI- SITUATE IN designated who shall er possible events of AND 0/100 DOLLARS utes 50 seconds Bankruptcy Code and TLED "SURVEY FOR COUNTY OF The sale will be con- have full authority to ne- default, failure to pay ($78,000.00), with inter- West a distance of (2) to final confirmation ROBERT C. MUR- GLYNN AND ducted subject to (1) gotiate, amend and the indebtedness as est thereon as set forth 62.0 feet; thence and audit of the status PHEY, SR AND STATE OF GEOR- confirmation that the modify all terms of the and when due and in therein, there will be turning and running of the loan with the IRENE V. MURPHY", GIA, DESCRIBED sale is not prohibited mortgage. the manner provided in sold at public outcry to North 72 degrees holder of the security ATTACHED TO AS FOLLOWS: under the U.S. the Note and Security the highest bidder for 33 minutes 10 sec- deed. Wilmington Trust, THAT CERTAIN ALL THAT CER- Bankruptcy Code; and Wells Fargo Bank, NA Deed. The debt remain- cash before the court- onds East a dis- National Association, WARRANTY DEED TAIN LOT, TRACT (2) final confirmation Loss Mitigation ing in default, this sale house door of Glynn tance of 100 feet to not in its individual ca- RECORDED IN OR PARCEL OF and audit of the status 3476 Stateview Boule- will be made for the pur- County, Georgia, or at the point of place of pacity but solely as suc- DEED BOOK 38-R, LAND SITUATE, of the loan with the vard pose of paying the such place as may be beginning. Com- cessor trustee to PAGE 328 IN THE LYING AND BE- holder of the Security Fort Mill, SC 29715 same and all expenses lawfully designated as monly known as: Citibank, N.A. as OFFICE OF THE ING IN GLYNN Deed. Pursuant to 1-800-678-7986 of this sale, as provided an alternative, within the 2505 Bartow Trustee to Lehman XS CLERK OF SUPERI- COUNTY, GEOR- O.C.G.A. Section 9-13- in the Security Deed legal hours of sale on Street, Brunswick, Trust Mortgage Pass- OR COURT OF GIA, AND IN THAT 172.1, which allows for Note, however, that and by law, including at- the first Tuesday in GA 31520-5114 Through Certificates, GLYNN COUNTY, CERTAIN SUBDI- certain procedures re- such entity or individual torney's fees (notice of May, 2018, the following MR/kmp2 5/1/18 Series 2007-11 as At- GEORGIA, AND DE- VISION THEREIN garding the rescission is not required by law to intent to collect attor- described property: Our file no. torney in Fact for Don- SCRIBED THERE- KNOWN AS of judicial and non-judi- negotiate, amend or ney's fees having been SEE EXHIBIT "A" AT- 5648314 - FT17 nie C Smith and Laura UPON, AS ALL OF BRUNSWICK VIL- cial sales in the State of modify the terms of the given). Said property TACHED HERETO R Smith McCalla LOT EIGHT (8), LA, SECTION 2, Georgia, the Deed Un- loan. will be sold subject to AND MADE A PART NOTICE OF SALE Raymer Leibert Pierce, BLOCK FIVE (5) AND BEING FUR- der Power and other any outstanding ad val- HEREOF The debt se- UNDER POWER LLC 1544 Old Alabama GOODYEAR PARK THER DE- foreclosure documents Said property will be orem taxes (including cured by said Security Road Roswell, Georgia EXTENSION SUBDI- SCRIBED AND may not be provided un- sold subject to: (a) any taxes which are a lien, Deed has been and is GEORGIA, GLYNN 30076 www.foreclosure- VISION. PARCEL ID IDENTIFIED AC- til final confirmation and outstanding ad valorem but not yet due and hereby declared due COUNTY NUMBER: 03-07821. CORDING TO THE audit of the status of the taxes (including taxes payable), any matters because of, among oth- SUBJECT TO ANY MAP AND PLAN loan as provided imme- which are a lien, but not which might be dis- er possible events of THIS IS AN ATTEMPT EXHIBIT "A" EASEMENTS OR OF SAID SUBDIVI- diately above. yet due and payable), closed by an accurate default, failure to pay TO COLLECT A DEBT. RESTRICTIONS OF SION WHICH IS (b) unpaid water or survey and inspection of the indebtedness as ANY INFORMATION All that certain lot, RECORD. OF RECORD IN BANK OF AMERICA, sewage bills that consti- the property, any as- and when due and in OBTAINED WILL BE tract or parcel of THE OFFICE OF N.A. as agent and Attor- tute a lien against the sessments, liens, en- the manner provided in USED FOR THAT PUR- land situate, lying Said property being THE CLERK OF ney in Fact for John property whether due cumbrances, zoning or- the Note and Security POSE. Under and by and being in Glynn known as 2736 4TH ST, GLYNN SUPERI- Starr and payable or not yet dinances, restrictions, Deed. The debt remain- virtue of the Power of County, Georgia, BRUNSWICK, GEOR- OR COURT IN due and payable and covenants, and matters ing in default, this sale Sale contained in a Se- as shown and de- GIA 31520 according to PLAT DRAWER 7, Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 which may not be of of record superior to the will be made for the pur- curity Deed given by scribed on a print the present numbering FOLIO 189 (TO Piedmont Center, 3575 record, (c) the right of Security Deed first set CLASSIFIED 9

THE BRUNSWICK NEWS // SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 2018 9C 007 007 007 007 007 007 010 010 Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures Miscellaneous Miscellaneous of record superior to the ty, Georgia in Plat and Robert H. Mayton and payable); (2) the TABLISHING THE 7203; (800) 868-0043. sons shall make written Security Deed first set Drawer 23, Map No. right of redemption LOCATION, IN THE SUPERIOR request for application, out above. Wells Fargo 294, as follows: Be- By: of any taxing authority; BOUNDARIES Said property will be COURT OF GLYNN including email address, Bank, N.A., as Trustee ginning at an iron pin Andrew D. Gleason (3) any matters which AND DIMENSIONS sold subject to any out- COUNTY to the Brunswick Bar Pi- for Carrington Mortgage on the southerly line Attorney for SunTrust might be disclosed by OF THE PROPER- standing ad valorem STATE OF GEORGIA lots' Association at P.O. Loan Trust, Series of Buck Swamp Road Bank an accurate survey and TY HEREBY CON- taxes (including taxes Box 21694, SSI, 31522. 2006-RFC1, Asset- at the northeast cor- inspection of the proper- VEYED, AS LOT which are a lien, JOHN WAYNE NOE, Backed Pass-Through ner on Lot 52, Spring Lefkoff, Rubin, Gleason ty; and (4) any assess- NO. 20 IN SAID whether or not now due The following are some Certificates is the holder Hill Subdivision, and & Russo, P.C. ments, liens, encum- SUBDIVISION, and payable), the right Petitioner, of the items that may be of the Security Deed to from said point of be- 5555 Glenridge brances, zoning ordi- AND BEING of redemption of any requested in the appli- the property in accor- ginning run South 79 Connector nances, restrictions, MORE PARTICU- taxing authority, any v. cation/hiring process: dance with OCGA § 44- degrees 11 minutes Suite 900 covenants, and matters LARLY DE- matters which might be 14-162.2. The entity that 00 East along said Atlanta, Georgia 30342 of record superior to the SCRIBED AS FOL- disclosed by an accu- HAZANNA GRADY, Official college tran- has full authority to ne- line of said Road for a (404)869-6900 Security Deed first set LOWS, TO-WIT: rate survey and inspec- AND ALL PERSONS scripts gotiate, amend, and distance of 45.00 feet (404)869-6909 (fax) out above. BEGIN AT THE tion of the property, any KNOWN AND UN- Dept. of Motor vehicle modify all terms of the to an iron pin; thence Said sale will be con- POINT FORMED assessments, liens, en- KNOWN WHO driving record mortgage with the run South 10 degrees ducted subject to the BY THE INTER- cumbrances, zoning or- CLAIM OR MIGHT STATE OF GEORGIA Background Check debtor is: Carrington 49 minutes 00 sec- following: (1) confirma- SECTION OF THE dinances, restrictions, CLAIM ADVERSELY COUNTY OF Glynn Credit Check Mortgage Services, onds West for a dis- tion that the sale is not NORTH RIGHT- covenants, and matters TO PETITIONER'S TI- Drug Screening 1600 South Douglass tance of 298.61 feet prohibited under the OF-WAY BOUND- of record superior to the TLE TO Road, Suite 200-A, to an iron pin; thence NOTICE OF SALE U.S. Bankruptcy Code; ARY OF PATTON Security Deed first set A TRACT OF LAND Physical Exam/Medi- Anaheim, CA 92806 run South 16 degrees UNDER POWER and (2) final confirma- DRIVE (HAVING A out above. BEING KNOWN AS cal History 888-477-0193x2. To the 07 minutes 00 sec- tion and audit of the sta- 60 FOOT RIGHT- GLYNN COUNTY, Documented Maritime best knowledge and be- onds West for a dis- Pursuant to the power tus of the loan with the OF-WAY AT SAID The sale will be con- GEORGIA TAX experience lief of the undersigned, tance of 248.61 feet of sale contained in the holder of the Security POINT) WITH THE ducted subject (1) to PARCEL NUMBER 03- Character references the party in possession to an iron pin; thence Security Deed executed Deed. EAST RIGHT-OF- confirmation that the 07049, A/K/A $150 non-refundable of the property is Robert run North 73 degrees by TONYA L. HAMIL- The name, address, WAY BOUNDARY sale is not prohibited 8017 NEW JESUP application processing Holiday Knight or a ten- 53 minutes 00 sec- TON AND JEFFERY T. and telephone number OF MACARTHUR under the U.S. HIGHWAY, fee ant or tenants and said onds West for a dis- HAMILTON to BANK of the individual or entity TERRACE (HAV- Bankruptcy Code and BRUNSWICK, GEOR- Candidate must have property is more com- tance of 337.34 feet OF AMERICA, N.A. in who has full authority to ING A 50 FOR (2) to final confirmation GIA 31523, a valid driver's license monly known as 431 to an iron pin; thence the original principal negotiate, amend, and RIGHT-OF-WAY and audit of the status and have or be eligible Brentwood Circle, run North 16 degrees amount of $103,200.00 modify all terms of the AT SAID POINT) of the loan with the Respondents. to obtain a commercial Brunswick, Georgia 04 minutes 56 sec- dated March 15, 2006 mortgage is as follows: AND FROM SAID holder of the Security driver's license. 31523. The sale will be onds East for a dis- and recorded in Deed Nationstar Mortgage POINT AND Deed. Pursuant to Civil Action No. CE17- conducted subject (1) to tance of 215.91 feet Book 1910, Page 257, LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper PLACE OF BEGIN- O.C.G.A. Section 9-13- 01621 Successful candidate confirmation that the to an iron pin; thence Glynn County records, 8950 Cypress Waters NING THUS ES- 172.1, which allows for will undergo intensive sale is not prohibited run South 79 degrees said Security Deed be- Blvd. Coppell, TX, TABLISHED, RUN- certain procedures re- NOTICE OF training by way of Ap- under the U.S. 11 minutes 00 sec- 75019 1-888-480-2432 NING THENCE garding the rescission ing last transferred to SERVICE BY prenticeship for mini- Bankruptcy Code and onds East for a dis- Wells Fargo Bank Na- Note that pursuant to NORTH 17 DE- of judicial and nonjudi- mum of (3) years in ac- (2) to final confirmation tance of 294.05 feet tional Association, as O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, GREES 44 MIN- cial sales in the State of PUBLICATION cordance with the Com- and audit of the status to an iron pin; thence Trustee for Banc of the above individual or UTES WEST FOR Georgia, the Deed Un- missioners Regulations. of the loan with the run North 10 degrees America Alternative entity is not required by A DISTANCE OF der Power and other Pursuant to an Order for holder of the security 49 minutes 00 sec- Loan Trust 2006-7 in law to negotiate, 250 FEET ALONG foreclosure documents Service by Publication Duties entail: boat main- deed. Wells Fargo onds East for a dis- Deed Book 3360, Page amend, or modify the THE EAST RIGHT- may not be provided un- dated April 18, 2018 in tenance, boat opera- Bank, N.A., as Trustee tance of 300.00 feet 211, Glynn County terms of the mortgage. OF-WAY BOUND- til final confirmation and the above referenced tions, communications, for Carrington Mortgage to the point of begin- records, the under- THIS LAW FIRM IS ARY OF audit of the status of the case, Notice of Service dispatch, and training to Loan Trust, Series ning. Reference is signed will sell at public ACTING AS A DEBT MACARTHUR loan as provided in the by Publication, under become a harbor pilot in 2006-RFC1, Asset- hereby made to said outcry to the highest COLLECTOR AT- TERRACE TO A preceding paragraph. O.C.G.A. §§ 23-3-65 Brunswick, Georgia. Backed Pass-Through plat and the record bidder for cash, before TEMPTING TO COL- POINT; THENCE *Auction services to be and 9-11-4(e) is hereby Certificates as Attorney thereof for all purpos- the Courthouse door in LECT A DEBT. ANY IN- RUNNING NORTH provided by Auction.- made against the fol- The Successful candi- in Fact for Robert Knight es. said County, or at such FORMATION OB- 72 DEGREES 56 com ( lowing: date must possess and and Kimberly Knight other place as lawfully TAINED MAY BE USED MINUTES EAST * demonstrate the ability McCalla Raymer Leibert Parcel Id 03-13722 designated, within the FOR THAT PURPOSE. FOR A DISTANCE • All heirs of to learn from all pilots, Pierce, LLC 1544 Old legal hours of sale, on WELLS FARGO BANK, OF 173.7 FEET TO WELLS FARGO BANK, Hazanna Grady; willingness to work long Alabama Road Roswell, Property Address: May 01, 2018, the prop- NATIONAL ASSOCIA- A POINT ON THE N.A. • All heirs of Eliza hours in all types of Georgia 30076 www.- 100 Rodeo Drive erty in said Security TION, AS TRUSTEE WEST RIGHT-OF- Smith Clines; weather conditions day Deed and described as FOR BANC OF AMERI- WAY BOUNDARY As Attorney-in-Fact for • Christopher B. Fedd, and night, year round. The debt secured by follows: CA ALTERNATIVE OF FRASIER as Administrator of EXHIBIT "A" All of said Security Deed has LOAN TRUST 2006-7 STREET (HAVING VONDA K. WOMACK the Estate of that certain lot, tract been and is hereby de- ALL THOSE CER- MORTGAGE PASS- A 50 FOOT A/K/A VONDA KAYE Carolyn D. Williams, *Do not submit fee with or parcel of land situ- clared due because of, TAIN LOTS, THROUGH CERTIFI- RIGHT-OF-WAY WOMACK deceased; and written request for appli- ate, lying and being among other possible TRACTS OR CATES, SERIES 2006- AT SAID POINT) • Jeffery Mangram cation. in Glynn County, events of default, failure PARCELS OF 7, as Attorney-in-Fact THENCE RUN- Georgia, being de- to pay the indebtedness LAND SITUATE, for TONYA L. HAMIL- NING SOUTH 6 Phelan Hallinan Dia- TAKE NOTICE THAT scribed and identified as and when due and in LYING AND BE- TON AND JEFFERY T. DEGREES 28 MIN- mond & Jones, PLLC John Wayne Noe, filed, 013 according to that cer- the manner provided in HAMILTON UTES EAST FOR 11675 Great Oaks Way, on December 6, 2017, ING IN THE Public Hearings tain plat of survey the Access 3 Equity 1356TH DISTRICT, RAS Crane LLC 10700 A DISTANCE OF Suite 375 in the Superior Court of prepared by Ralph E. Line Account Agree- G.M., GLYNN Abbott's Bridge Road 254.91 FEET Alpharetta, GA 30022 Glynn County, Georgia, Lackey, Georgia ment and Disclosure Suite 170 Duluth, GA ALONG THE Telephone: 770-393- a Petition to Quiet Title, COUNTY, GEOR- ISLANDS AND Registered Land Sur- Statement and Security GIA AND IN THAT 30097 Phone: WEST RIGHT-OF- 4300 in conjunction with the veyor No. 1635, dat- Deed. The debt remain- 470.321.7112 WAY BOUNDARY Fax: 770-393-4310 above referenced prop- MAINLAND PLANNING SUBDIVISION COMMISSIONS ed August 3, 1994 ing in default, this sale KNOWN AS Firm File No. 18-146060 OF FRASIER erty; under the provi- and recorded in the will be made for the pur- NORTHWOOD ES- - AnM STREET TO A PH # 34346 sions of O.C.G.A. § 23- Office of the Clerk of pose of paying the TATES SUBDIVI- POINT FORMED 3-60, et seq. Petitioner NOTICE OF STATE OF GEORGIA Superior Court of same and all expenses SION, ACCORD- BY THE INTER- is seeking an order SPECIAL CALLED COUNTY of GLYNN Glynn County, Geor- of this sale, as provided ING TO A PLAT SECTION OF THE This law firm is acting declaring that Petitioner JOINT MEETING gia in Plat Drawer 22, in the Security Deed WEST RIGHT-OF- as a debt collector. Any MADE BY GEOR- owns the property in AND PUBLIC Map No. 360 and be- and by law, including at- GIA J. LYONS OF NOTICE OF SALE WAY BOUNDARY information obtained will FEE SIMPLE, subject ing ALL OF LOT (5), torney's fees (notice of E.W. ELLIS & AS- UNDER POWER OF PATTON be used for that pur- only to all valid liens of HEARING NOTICE BLOCK "D", intent to collect attor- SOCIATES, REG- DRIVE (HAVING A pose. record. For the specifics CAMERON PLACE ney's fees having been ISTERED ENGI- By virtue of the power of 60 FOOT RIGHT- of such pleas for relief, The Islands and Main- SUBDIVISION, given). NEER NO. 6561, sale contained in that OF-WAY AT SAID refer to the original peti- land Planning Commis- PHASE ONE, DATED JULY 18, certain Deed to Secure POINT); THENCE 009 tion and all other plead- sions will hold a Special GLYNN COUNTY, Said property will be 1969, AND Debt from VONDA K. RUNNING SOUTH Corporations ings filed with the court. Called Meeting on GEORGIA. Said plat sold subject to any out- RECORDED WOMACK A/K/A VON- 72 DEGREES 16 The above-named are Tuesday, May 15, standing ad valorem MINUTES WEST A is incorporated herein SEPTEMBER 29, DA KAYE WOMACK to hereby noticed and 2018, at 4:30 PM at the taxes (including taxes DISTANCE OF GLYNN COUNTY by this reference and 1069, IN THE OF- MORTGAGE ELEC- commanded to be and Historic Courthouse, which are a lien, but not 123.90 FEET SUPERIOR COURT made a part hereof FICE OF THE TRONIC REGISTRA- appear at the court in 2nd floor, County Com- yet due and payable), ALONG THE for all purposes of de- CLERK OF SUPE- TION SYSTEMS, INC. TRADE NAME which this action is mission Meeting Room, any matters which might NORTH RIGHT- scription and identifi- RIOR COURT, AS NOMINEE FOR REGISTRATION pending within 30 days 701 "G" Street, be disclosed by an ac- OF-WAY BOUND- cation and for all oth- GLYNN COUNTY, TAYLOR, BEAN & of the date of this Notice Brunswick, Georgia, to er purposes allowed curate survey and in- ARY OF PATTON hold a public hearing on GEORGIA, IN WHITAKER MORT- PERSONALLY AP- of Service by Publica- by law. spection of the property, DRIVE TO A the following: PLAT DRAWER GAGE CORP. dated PEARED THE UNDER- tion. Said Respondent MR/th4 5/1/18 Our file any assessments, liens, POINT FORMED #10, AS MAP NO. May 28, 2004, filed for SIGNED WHO ON is to file any response no. 5990812 - FT17 encumbrances, zoning BY THE INTER- • Proposed Amend- 376, AND IDENTI- record June 1, 2004, OATH DEPOSES AND or answer with the Clerk ordinances, restrictions, SECTION OF THE ments to Glynn Coun- FIED ACCORDING and recorded in Deed SAYS THAT: of the Superior Court of covenants, and matters NORTH RIGHT- TO SAID PLAT AS Book 1433, Page 153, the above referenced ty Zoning Ordinance, of record superior to the OF-WAY BOUND- NOTICE OF SALE LOT ELEVEN (11) GLYNN County, Geor- * Dorothy A. Bailey Court, at the following Article VII, Section Security Deed first set ARY OF PATTON UNDER POWER OF NORTHWOOD gia Records, as last (name of proprietor or address: Clerk of Supe- 727, "Beach and Dune out above including but DRIVE AND THE ESTATES SUBDI- transferred to WELLS corporate name of cor- rior Court of Glynn Protection." not limited to that cer- EAST RIGHT-OF- GEORGIA, Glynn VISION AND AS FARGO BANK, NA by poration) County, 701 H Street, For further information, tain Security Deed giv- WAY BOUNDARY COUNTY WELL AS TRIAN- assignment recorded in Brunswick, GA 31520 contact the Glynn Coun- en by Robert H. Mayton OF MACARTHUR GULAR TRACT OF Deed Book 2934, Page * 2525 Tara Lane #220, with a copy of such re- ty Planning & Zoning Di- and Ruby Ann Mayton TERRACE, SAID THIS LAW FIRM IS LAND ADJOINING 215, GLYNN County, Brunswick, GA 31520 sponse or answer to be vision at 912-554-7428 to SunTrust Mortgage POINT BEING THE ACTING AS A DEBT AND LYING IMME- Georgia Records. Said (address of proprietor or sent to the Attorney for or email planningzon- dated 03/18/2010 and POINT AND COLLECTOR AT- DIATELY SOUTH Deed to Secure Debt parent corporation) the Petitioner, whose [email protected] filed 4/5/2010, recorded PLACE OF BEGIN- TEMPTING TO COL- OF SAID LOT 11, having been given to name and address is: gov in Deed Book 2704, NING. REFER- LECT A DEBT. ANY IN- SAID TWO secure a Note dated and Britton A. Smith, 504 Pages 434, Glynn ENCE IS HEREBY FORMATION OB- TRACTS LYING May 28, 2004 in the Beachview Dr. Ste. 3-D, Publish Saturday, April County, Georgia MADE TO SAID TAINED WILL BE TOGETHER AND original principal sum of * Carolyn Tinkham St. Simons Island, GA 28, 2018 Records, conveying the MAP AND PLAN USED FOR THAT PUR- FORMING ONE ONE HUNDRED (name of second propri- 31522. above-described prop- AND THE POSE. BODY OF LAND. TWENTY SEVEN etor or corporation, if erty to secure a Note in RECORD THERE- PUBLIC HEARING THOUSAND SEVEN any) This the 20th day of the original principal OF FOR ALL FUR- Under and by virtue of REFERENCE IS AND 0/100 DOLLARS April 2018. NOTICE amount of $122,500.00. THER PURPOSES the Power of Sale con- HEREBY MADE ($127,007.00), with in- * 100 Tee Lane, OF DESCRIPTION tained in that certain TO SAID PLAT terest from date at the Brunswick, GA 31525 WITNESS the Honor- GLYNN COUNTY To the best knowledge AND IDENTIFICA- Security Deed given by AND TO THE rate stated in said Note (address) able Stephen G. Scar- BOARD OF and belief of the under- TION AND LOCA- Ruby Ann Mayton and RECORD THERE- on the unpaid balance lett, Sr., Judge, Superior COMMISSIONERS signed, the party in pos- TION OF BOUND- Robert H. Mayton to OF FOR ALL FUR- until paid, there will be IS/ARE DOING BUSI- Court Glynn County session of the property ARIES. SunTrust Bank, dated THER PURPOSES sold by the undersigned NESS IN GLYNN The Glynn County is Ruby Ann Mayton 09/07/2010 and filed OF DESCRIPTION at public outcry to the COUNTY, GEORGIA, ISLANDS AND Board of Commission- Robert H. Mayton or a To the best of the 09/21/2010, recorded in AND IDENTIFICA- highest bidder for cash UNDER THE NAME MAINLAND PLANNING ers will conduct a Public tenant or tenants and knowledge and belief of Deed Book 2769, TION OF SUB- before the Courthouse OF: COMMISSIONS Hearing on Thursday said property is more the undersigned, the Pages 128-136, Glynn JECT PROPERTY. door at GLYNN County, May 17, 2018, at 6:00 commonly known as party in possession of County, Georgia Georgia, or at such TRADE NAME: NOTICE OF PM at the Historic 100 Rodeo Rd, the property is VONDA Records, conveying the Said property being place as has or may be Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Brunswick GA 31523- K. WOMACK A/K/A SPECIAL CALLED after-described property known as: 100 NORTH- lawfully designated as * Mental Health Alert County Commission 7034. VONDA KAYE WOM- JOINT WORK to secure an Access 3 WOOD DR, an alternative location, Wristbands Meeting Room, 701 "G" ACK or a tenant or ten- Equity Line Account BRUNSWICK, GA within the legal hours of * 2525 Tara Lane #220 SESSION Street, Brunswick, In compliance with ants. Said property may Agreement and Disclo- 31525 sale on the first Tues- Brunswick, GA 31520 Georgia to consider the Georgia law, please find more commonly be sure Statement in the To the best of the un- day in May, 2018, the (trade name address in The Islands and Main- following: below the contact infor- known as: 20 PATTON original principal dersigned's knowledge, following described Glynn County) land Planning Commis- amount of Forty Thou- mation for the entity the party or parties in property: DRIVE, BRUNSWICK, sions will hold a Special • ZV3758 Popeyes who has authority to ne- GA 31520 . sand Dollars and No possession of said and that the nature of Called Joint Work Ses- Restaurant Sign Vari- gotiate, amend, and Cents ($40,000.00), property is/are TONYA ALL THAT CER- the business to be car- sion on Tuesday, May ance: Public Hearing to modify the terms of the The debt secured by with interest thereon as L. HAMILTON AND TAIN LOT, TRACT ried on at such address 8, 2018 at 6:00 PM at consider a variance to loan documents which said Deed to Secure set forth therein, there JEFFERY T. HAMIL- OR PARCEL OF is the Historic Courthouse, Glynn County Zoning may include a note, Debt has been and is will be sold at public TON or tenant(s). LAND SITUATE, * Mental Health Alert 2nd Floor, County Com- Ordinance, Article VIII, mortgage, security deed hereby declared due outcry to the highest The debt secured by LYING AND BE- Wristbands mission Meeting Room, Signs, for property lo- bidder for cash before or deed to secure debt. said Security Deed has ING IN GLYNN because of, among oth- 701 "G" Street, cated at 4933 New Je- er possible events of the courthouse door of been and is hereby de- CO., GA., AND IN * Dorothy A. Bailey Brunswick, Georgia to sup Highway (parcel SunTrust Bank default, non-payment of Glynn County, Georgia, clared due and payable THAT SUBDIVI- (print name of person review and provide number 03-04119) and Attn: Consumer Home the monthly installments within the legal hours of because of, among oth- SION KNOWN AS making declaration) comment on the draft zoned Freeway Com- sale on Tuesday May 1, Retention Group, VA- er possible events of PINE RIDGE AN- on said loan. The debt Glynn County Compre- mercial (FC). The owner Richmond-RVW 7954 remaining in default, 2018, the following de- default, failure to pay NEX, DESCRIBED * /s/ Dorothy A. Bailey hensive Plan, Envision is requesting a variance 1001 Semmes Avenue this sale will be made scribed property: the indebtedness as AND IDENTIFIED (signature of person Glynn. to the sign regulations Richmond, VA 23224 for the purpose of pay- provided for in the Note ACCORDING TO making declaration) For further information, to install a new pylon All that certain lot, 1(888) 886-0696 and said Security Deed. THE MAP OF SAID ing the same and all ex- contact the Glynn Coun- sign that exceeds the penses of this sale, in- tract or parcel of land The debt remaining in SUBDIVISION SWORN TO AND SUB- ty Planning & Zoning Di- square footage allowed The sale will be con- cluding attorney?s fees situate, lying and be- default, this sale will be MADE BY AT- SCRIBED BEFORE ME vision at 912-554-7428 in the code. Capital ducted subject (1) to (notice of intent to col- ing in the State of made for the purpose of WOOD M. FREE- THIS 18th DAY of April, or email planningzon- Signs & Awnings, LLC, confirmation that the lect attorney's fees hav- Georgia, County of paying the same and all MAN, G.R.L.S. NO. 2018 [email protected] applicant and agent for sale is not prohibited ing been given). Glynn, described and expenses of sale, in- 533, DATED AU- /s/ Catherine Elise gov VRE Brunswick, LLC, under the U.S. identified according to cluding attorney's fees GUST 8, 1961, OF Lewis owner. Bankruptcy Code and The individual or entity that certain plat of (notice of intent to col- RECORDS IN THE Notary Public or Deputy Publish Saturday, April (2) to final confirmation that has full authority to survey entitled "801 lect attorney's fees hav- CLERK'S OFFICE Clerk 28, 2018 For further information, and audit of the status negotiate, amend, and Subdivision of a Por- ing been given). OF GLYNN SUPE- NOTARY PUBLIC contact the Glynn Coun- of the loan with the modify all terms of the tion of a 40.5599 Acre Said property will be RIOR COURT IN SEAL NOTICE ty Planning & Zoning Di- Tract, a Portion of holder of the Security sold subject to the fol- PLAT DRAWER 2, loan is WELLS FARGO Apprentice vision at 912-554-7428 Laurel Grove planta- Deed. lowing: (1) any out- MAP NO. 43, TO BANK, N.A., 3476 Pilot Opening or email planningzon- tion 2.1036 Acres," of standing ad valorem WHICH REFER- STATEVIEW BLVD, Need a Paper? Port of Brunswick, [email protected] record in the Office of SunTrust Bank, as taxes (including taxes ENCE IS HEREBY MAC# X7801-013, Give us a call - Georgia gov the Clerk of Superior Attorney in Fact for which are a lien, MADE FOR THE FORT MILL, SC 29715- The Brunswick News Court of Glynn Coun- Ruby Ann Mayton whether or not yet due PURPOSE OF ES- 7203; (800) 868-0043. Circulation Department Potentially qualified per- Publish on Saturday, ty, Georgia in Plat and Robert H. Mayton and payable); (2) the TABLISHING THE 912-265-1104 sons shall make written April 28, 2018 Drawer 23, Map No. right of redemption LOCATION, request for application, 10 CLASSIFIED

10C THE BRUNSWICK NEWS // SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 2018 014 021 138 257 402 440 440 444 Probate Notices Rates Hauling / Moving Real Estate: Islands Accounting/ General Employment General Employment Hotel / Restaurant Bookeeping IN THE TRASH For Sale Full-Time Laborers Sonny's BBQ All Classified Ads can PROBATE COURT Excellent deal, Needed for Now Hiring - be seen on our web site HAULING BOOKKEEPER Office Assistant OF GLYNN COUNTY $189,000! Newly Well established Pool Construction for www.thebrunswicknews.- No trash too large or Needed for Circulation Cooks, Prep Cooks & STATE OF GEORGIA remodeled condo on Port City Pools. com small. Comm. - Res. St. Simons Dishwasher SSI, Gascoigne unit 5. Dept. Candidate duties Tile experience helpful Appliances & furniture. company is in need of Accepting applications. IN RE: ESTATE OF Awesome view of golf will be but not limited to: but not necessary. OFFICE HOURS: Trees & limbs also a full-time bookkeeper Pre-employment drug SHEILA RAE course & lake. Minutes Maintain good office Apply at Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm hauled. Free estimates. experienced in Quick screen required. SIMMONS, walk to public dock on work flow, be able to 4375 US Hwy 17N Call Alan, Patricia, Books, Sage and maintain records, APPLY IN PERSON DECEASED 996-4487 ocean. All new flooring, Brunswick, Ga or Kasey payroll. M-F, 9-5. NO phone calls please. updated wiring & process subscriber 912-267-5991 Start immediately. payments, maintain Drug-Free Workplace. ESTATE NO. 141 plumbing, new kitchen Email resume to circulation database, PRO19392 DEADLINES: Lawn / Landscaping cabinets & appliances, floordecor_accounting MACHINIST new exterior doors & have excellent customer • Before 3 p.m. the day service, process & NEEDED NOTICE new storm doors, new before you want it to run analyze various reports. Entry Level Machinist Murfree's windows, bathrooms & • Deadline for Monday 410 Excel exp required. Needed. Willing to train, IN RE: Petition to Pro- is Lawn Care fixtures. Fully furnished Construction Must multi-task, be a quick apply in person. bate Will in Solemn 4 p.m. Friday for all Tractor work, under- with new furniture. learner & self starter. 2575 Sidney Lanier Dr., Form and for Letters of classifications. brushing, lot clearing, Call Bruce Harkness Skills / Trades Jekyll Food Assistant to Brunswick Ga 31525. Administration with Will and debris hauling 706-778-9090 or Service Annexed LEGAL AD DEADLINE: 706-499-4841 Concrete Workers Circulation Director. 912-230-0926 Please email resume to: All hard copy for legal Needed. 441 Worker I AN ORDER FOR SER- advertisements must be 285 swhitten@ Camp Jekyll Food VICE WAS GRANTED received before 12:00 144 Must have Help Wanted / Service Part-Time BY THIS COURT ON p.m. 2 days prior to first Legal Services Rentals: Brunswick or come by office to Temporary Help Work involves routine April 20, 2018, RE- insertion. Legal ad can- Current D.L. fill out application: food preparation, food The Brunswick News QUIRING THE FOL- cellations must be re- BANKRUPTCY One 912-230-9897 service & cleaning food LOWING: ceived in writing prior to 3011 Altama Ave. Need Someone service & eating areas TOO MUCH DEBT? 11:00 a.m., 2 days prior Mile to Mall Utility Pipe to Sit with my elderly at Camp Jekyll. IN FORECLOSURE? TO: Shellsea Raye & to insertion. MH's starting at Now Hiring mother. Must pass Employees work under NEED A WAY OUT? $495/mo. Construction Taylor Raye Emanuel, AFFIDAVIT FEE OF Carpenters/handy men background check. direct supervision while Call The Schofield Law RV's furnished, utilities Hiring laborers $10.00 WILL BE and carpenters helpers In Woodbine area. involved in preparation, Firm for a Free inc. Starting at $150/wk and operators This is to notify you to PLACED ON EVERY At least one year exp. 912-409-8580 serving & cleaning. Em- Bankruptcy Consultation file objection, if there is LEGAL RAN UNLESS 258-9056/506-4872 912-285-8004 Drug free workplace ployee follows written [email protected] any, to the above refer- WE ARE TOLD OTH- 912-275-7018 Dogwood Construction and/or oral procedures SUMMER enced petition, in this ERWISE. Townhomes WANTED Group, Inc. & practices especially Court on or before May 1, 2 or 3 BR 115 Doctortown Road WEEKEND as related to safety & Full Time - 25, 2018. CANCELLATIONS: 150 townhomes. Jesup, GA 31545 food safety. Employee Must be submitted be- Huge bedrooms, Full Charge Bookkeeper. (912) 427-9150 SECURITY implements procedures, Medical Services Must have some knowledge BE NOTIFIED FUR- fore deadline the day walk-in closets. Neighborhood unarmed methods & activities THER: All objections to prior to ad being re- Starting at $675. of financial statements. Seamstress security position developed by others. Call for an interview. available for summer the petition must be in moved from paper. No SUBOXONE Westminster Club Wanted: Full and Hours will vary writing, setting forth the refund will be (912) 506-2059 weekends near Saint according to schedule; Affordable treatment Apartments Part time positions grounds of any such ob- given for days not Simons beach. Outdoor evenings & occasional for Opiate Addiction. 264-4832 available. Salary com- jections. All objections used. Once canceled, WANTED foot patrol. Courteous weekends required. (912) 349-6305 mensurate with experi- yet firm disposition pre- must be signed before a advertisers are expect- Full Time - ence. Opportunities Work hours vary based notary public or before a ed to confirm that the Tax Preparer. Must be ferred. $16 to 18/hour. on groups on center. for advancement. Email qualifications to: probate court clerk, and cancellation of their ad willing to learn how Conveniently located in This position reports filing fees must be ten- was implemented. The 153 to run a tax office. Patrick@ Dining Manager. Miscellaneous Services St. Mary's GA close to dered with your objec- Brunswick News can Call for an interview. Interstate 95. Respond Maximum of 19 HR tions, unless you qualify not be responsible for (912) 506-2059 to [email protected] Week/ $9.00/HR/ PT to file as an indigent more than one incorrect Mobile Nail or text or telephone Need a Paper? Apply: party. Contact probate run after stopping the Give us a call - court personnel at the Care! 420 912-439-3513 search #T00114P ad. Parker-Kaufman The Brunswick News following address/tele- Mani's, pedi's, etc. Drivers & email Rental List Circulation Department phone number for the AD ERRORS: Call or text Maintenance [email protected] required amount of filing Please check your ad- (912) 289-5632 or (912) 265-7711 Tech 912-265-1104 912-635-651 ONE BEDROOM CDL- Class A fees. If any objections vertisement on the first FB@sassynailsboutique Track record of accident F/T position for are filed, a hearing will day that it runs. The 2316 Wolfe St. apartment community TWO BEDROOM free, safe & OFFICE ASSISTANT be scheduled at a later Brunswick News ac- Straw Delivered precautionary driving. to start immediately. date. If no objections cepts responsibility for Long Leaf - $4.00/Bale 2206 Wolfe St. HVAC certification a Needed for real estate office on St Simons. Apply at: are filed, the petition only the first incorrect Slash - $3.50/Bale 3302 Treville Ave plus. Salary based on Basic office duties required. 5032 Habersham St. may be granted without insertion. Call 912-222-0031 THREE BEDROOM exp. Housing accomo- Monday thru Friday work week. (after 9 am weekdays) a hearing. Text 912-256-4336 2624 Canary Drive dations may apply. Drug Free Workplace Temporary position that could lead to GENERAL 1801 Ocean Ave. Knowledge of electric, COMMERCIAL full time employment. Need to be able to WITNESS, the Honor- INFORMATION: 190 plumbing, & carpentry. start sometime in May runs thru August 10. able Debra G. Duncan, Advertising copy is sub- 707 F Street 440 Tree Services 1611 Reynolds St. Also: Email Resume to: [email protected] Judge ject to approval by the General Employment F/T Office Assistant Publisher who reserves By: Cassandra J. the right to edit, reject or Big Boyz 286 Must apply in person at Custer, classify all advertise- Experienced Westminster Club REGISTERED NURSE Deputy Court Clerk ments under appropri- Tree Service Rentals: Mobile Homes Tree Climber Needed! Apartments CASE MANAGER 3901 Darien Hwy. PROBATE COURT OF ate headings. Licensed & Insured 912-571-7249 GLYNN COUNTY Jerome Dixon: Landon Call 912-264-4832 Hospice of the Golden Isles, a Hospice 701 G STREET Advertising language 912-222-7775 Honors recognized Hospice, is expanding BRUNSWICK, GA must comply with feder- Joe Murfree: Properties UP TO $300 its field team and has a new opportunity 31520 al, state and local laws 912-230-0926 Rentals, Pre-owned for an RN Case Manager. 912-554-7231 regarding the prohibition "We WILL call you back!" mobile homes for sale PER WEEK of discrimination in em- or rent w/ option to buy, P/T Collector Work approximately Current Georgia RN license and CPR 016 ployment, housing and STUMP Land/Home Packages. 15-20 hrs a week. 3 to 3 1/2 hours certification required; valid/current driver's public accommodations. 912-264-4277 Must have clean & valid early mornings delivering license, and current automobile liability Name Changes GRINDING DL, pass a background The Brunswick News coverage. Previous experience as RN Case All requested tear Call today for to designated dealers, sheets are $3 for each check & drug screen. Manager, skilled in nursing protocols. In The a free estimate! 299 in racks and homes, sheet Looking for someone Must possess excellent verbal, written, and Superior Court Brian Tiner's six days a week. requested. Rentals: Commercial who is outgoing, critical thinking skills. Computer skills required. of Glynn County Stump Grinding personable & can We are looking to fill Requires traveling within a five-county State of Georgia 912-580-9898 THE BRUNSWICK Office Space communicate well with routes in the Brunswick, service area; occasional weekend on-call. NEWS customers. Email SSI, Woodbine & In re: Marsha Lynette Stump Grinding Starting at $339 resume to: Camden areas. Hospice offers a competitive salary, subsidized 3011 Altama Avenue Hard-to-get-to-stumps Available also: 2000sf Brannic swhitten@ You should be health care benefits, 401k with matching, a P. O. Box 1557 My Specialty! of commercial space. Petitioner familiar with the area, PTO plan and Paid Holidays. Brunswick, GA. 31521 242-2251 or 267-6027 Palm Towers bldg or call 912-342-8215 Civil Action No. have reliable transporta- PHONE: 912-265-8320 on Cypress Mill Rd. CE18-00289 tion, a valid drivers Visit careers for more FAX: 912-264-4973 265-0470 *WOOD TO GO* PLUMBERS license, insurance, information. Download the application ******************* NOTICE OF - TREE SERVICE Career opportunities and a back-up driver. and email cover letter and resume to - Fire Wood Need a Paper? [email protected] PETITION TO for Exp. Plumbers Apply @ 110 Licensed & Insured Give us a call - Send resume to or fax to 912-289-2045. CHANGE NAME Building Services The Brunswick News The Brunswick News 230-1523 rooterexpressplumbing@ 3011 Altama Ave. EOE Circulation Department Notice is hereby given 912-265-1104 that MARSHA CERAMIC TILE Trees or call 912-265-0800 MIKE MURPHY KIA LYNETTE BRANNIC Making you nervous? is looking for a few good Salespeople filed her petition in the AND WOOD Then call Our top Salesperson made well over $100,000 in 2017 Superior Court of Glynn D&M's Tree Service! FLOORING YOU COULD BE NEXT!!! County, Georgia on the INSTALLATION 571-7249 No Experience Neccesary- We Will Train You!!! 20th day of March, UNFURNISHED RENTALS 912-269-9758 WE OFFER: 2018, praying for a 250 Weekly pay every Friday;Aggressive commission pay plan with bonuses name change in the Health and Dental Insurance, 401k name of petitioner from Real Estate: Brunswick St. Simons Island 112 Closed Sundays. Professional Training MARSHA LYNETTE Carpentry Fast opportunity for advancement for the right candidates BRANNIC TO MARSHA Publisher's Kia is JD Power and Associates #1 Car Brand 2 years in a row!!! POLITE-MASSEY. No- - 104 Palmetto Court 3BR, CANDIDATES WILL NEED TO OFFER: tice is hereby given pur- Home Repairs Notice: All real estate adver- A strong desire to make money;Professionalism; A strong work ethic; suant to law to any in- Decks, roofing, painting, tised herein is subject to 2 BA with 2 car garage Positive Attitude; Team Player; Valid Drivers License terested or affected par- concrete, cabinets, the Federal Fair Hous- Background check will be run ty to appear in said counters, etc Court and to file objec- ing Act, which makes it APPLY IN PERSON TO: tions to such name 266-2947 illegal to advertise "any Mike Murphy JR-Vice President change. Objections preference, limitation, or Sand Dollar Shores Monday through Thursday 9am-7pm or Saturday from 12pm-5pm must be filed with said 115 discrimination because Be ready for an Interview of race, color, religion, Properties Inc. Court within thirty (30) 165 Follins Lane • St. Simons Island, GA 31522 MIKE MURPHY KIA at the end of Altama next to FLETC days of the filing of said Cleaning Res. & Comm. sex, handicap, familial status, or national ori- Please Contact Renae Kirk or Ariel Lawless petition. at (912) 638-4603 or (912) 258-1152 gin, or intention to make District Manager This the 20th day of Country Visit our web site at March, 2018. any such preference, to preview our furnished short-term & vacation properties. Available for Vacationers, Relocating Personnel, FLETC Per Diem Accepted. Cleaning Service limitation, or discrimina- The Brunswick News seeks a /s/ Marsha Polite- "We do your dirty work" tion." We will not know- Massey Sweep, mop, vacuum, ingly accept any adver- The Brunswick News Full Time District Manager dust, household chores. tising for real estate Marsha Polite-Massey Is now accepting applications in for the circulation department. Petitioner, Pro Se Spring cleaning and which is in violation of organizing. Call Angela the law. All persons are the Mail Room for part time workers. 912-230-1287 hereby informed that all Night shift and Weekends Primary responsibilities include delivering down 021 dwellings advertised are 10 to 20 hours Rates available on an equal Schedule varies. routes, recruiting, managing routes to provide 135 opportunity basis. Handyman Minimum wage quality delivery service and resolving customer ******************* Job incorporates constant bending concerns quickly and accurately. YOUR CLASSIFIED and lifting. Must be able to lift 35 RATES, DEADLINES,& Position requires strong interpersonal, Aaron's pounds. INFO Rent-A-Man organizational and communication skills, the 1005 Apply in person at Carpentry, Painting, All ads must be prepaid at NEWCASTLE The Brunswick News ability to work effectively and efficiently with the time of placement, Home Repair, 30 Years refunds will not be given Experience 223-2514 STREET 3011 Altama Ave. minimal supervision in a fast-paced, deadline if customer cancels ad. Furnished one Brunswick, GA 31520 driven environment, and the availability to work D&W bedroom, one bath, varied hours including nights, All ads placed in The living room apartment. START IMMEDIATELY Brunswick News will be Handyman Utilities included. early mornings, weekends and holidays. picked up and placed in Experienced Residential Painters Needed!! No Job Too Small. $750 per month. The Golden Isles News Work Guaranteed. Call 912-266-6274 * Advancement Opportunities & Advertiser for an * Competitive Wages A reliable vehicle, good driving record, proof additional $4.00 charge 912-222-4264 * Training Program Need A New * Weekly Pay of auto insurance, a valid driver's license, ***FORMAT*** COMMUNITY Ride?...Want * Paid holidays and vacation after required service routing experience, knowledge of word, All ads will have a PAINTING * Retirement Package after required service 12-point bold header to Sell Your excel and reports are required. Carpentry repairs, * Forty Hours (weather permitting) and a 10-point bold * Top Notch Co-workers pressure washing, Old Boat? phone number. Addi- * Stable, structured, and established company for window cleaning & Buy & Sell your Vehicle, Apply in person at: tional bold charges will Boats, ATV's in the over 30 years clean gutters. apply. Classified section of * Year around work The Brunswick News We blow off roofs. The Brunswick News. * Three years minimum experience required 3011 Altama Ave. E-MAIL ALL OF YOUR No job too small. Call us Today * Wear whites to the interview Licensed & Insured. Brunswick, GA 31520 ADS AND LEGALS 912-267-5991 * Bring hand tools to the interview References furnished. TO: or email us: * No phone interviews or email resume to classifieds@ Call 912-264-8237 or classifieds@ Call 912-261-0306 for directions and to Cell 912-297-1920. schedule your interview. [email protected] CLASSIFIED 11

THE BRUNSWICK NEWS // SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 2018 11C 444 495 556 600 665 665 670 750 Hotel / Restaurant Pets Miscellaneous for Sale Auctions Garage Sales: Garage Sales: Garage Sales: Islands Boats & Motors Brunswick Brunswick Ocean Inn 10 Inch diameter Long Storage JEKYLL IS. Arm Industrial Grinder April 26, 27 & 28 - & Suites on SSI Buffer Combination on Unit Auction Estate Sale BETTER 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Cast Iron Pedestal 3 Sat. 4/28/18 at Closing out home and Hiring WEATHER 616 Old Plantation Rd. phase. Good shape. Altama Storage office. Sea Island Front Desk, Laundry, Excess household & Housekeeping $850.00. 912-265-0774 60 Scranton Conn. Bwk. furnishings, household, SALE! linens, water heater, Sat: 9--3 items -Twin beds w/ Call 912-222-9100, Auction starts at 9am. 2016 "Lowe 1440" boat stove, doors & shelving, 604--606 Island View mattresses - Dining apply in person or email AU-C2785 For info Call: with 15hp Honda , Meet Reese: Angus Beef custom draperies & Dr. (off US 17N) rm. set - sofa - Lamps [email protected] 912-614-2943 electric start & tilt . I'm loving & spunky & $4.00/lb misc. items. Household, Furniture, - various items Magic tilt trailer . Only I love playing with other 2400 Parkwood Dr. D*cor, Toys, Lawn Call 912-281-2464 used 3 times but run 458 cats! My adoption fee Sat. 8am - Until Equipment, Tools, or monthly with water is $25. 625 Building Material Mechanics hook up . $4,995.00 4765 US HWY 17 N Antiques & Collectibles MARKETPLACE 912-658-1738 Brunswick, GA For Sale GARAGE 15' x 52" Above Ground Sat., 04/28 9am-4:00 Liberty Tuesday – Saturday SALE 104 Massive Fortress/Guardian G-5 Pool 100 pound Sand Beautiful Antique oak No Admission Charge: 11am to 4pm Aluminum Boat Anchor. Roll-Offs & Filter, 1.5HP Pump, cabinet treadle Singer Yard Sale Vendors & plant sale at ASHLEY Recommended for Recycling Extra parts and Chemi- sewing machine. 800 blk of Johnston St. Cassina Garden Club's MARSH D Sat. 4/28 8am - 3pm 12-16ft Boats. Like New is hiring a deisel, heavy cals. Needs Liner. Excellent condition. Tabby Cabins on Arthur Multi family yard Gorgeous glassware, only used twice $50.00. equipment mechanic. 500 $500. Call $150.00. St. Simons J. Moore Dr. SSI. sale,baby items, baby dining table, patio furn., 912-265-0774. Pay based on Want to Buy 912-242-0405 (912) 638-7796 Pottery, local art, books, girl clothing 0 to 12 water pump, 28' ladder, experience. Liberty is olive oils, honey, organic mo., household items, new rings & jewelry, a drug free work place. Golf Balls produce, furniture, etc. 795 WANTED Singer sewing machine, books, bowling pro plants & much more! Plant sale includes cut- Apply in person after New & Like New Name Motorcycles / ATVs Model 15-88. Circa late shop equipment, tings, bulbs, succulents, 9:00 a.m. at GANDY POOL Brand Golf Balls. 1930s or early 1940s. ladies clothing, mens pots, cache pots, - 5032 Habersham St. As low as 5/doz. $25.00 Honda Motor Scooter TABLE Original accessories clothing, lamps, MOVING SALE kets. From 1-4 enjoy Call: (912)223-5581 PCX150, Black in Gandy Big G 9 foot and paperwork. costume jewrely and OAK GROVE tours of the cabins, Ask MECHANIC 912-832-5297 $165.00. 912-265-0774. much more. good condition. the Plant Doctor booth, a low mileage 2,574. NEEDED leave message KENNEDY MACHIN- ISL. plein air artist sale at 3, ISTS TOOL BOX & Bedroom Furniture, Kept in garage when Offering competitive pay among other activities. CABINET, with felt lined Vintage Lane Waterfall Garage Sale Outdoor Furniture not on the back of RV & benefits package! $25 tickets for Saturday's 535 drawers on casters. Ex- CEDAR HOPE CHEST. 405 Hidden Lakes Lane Living Room Furniture, 912-230-1957, $1,300 Apply Mon-Fri 8:30-4:30 self guided Tabby & Musical Instruments cellent Condition Inlaid veneer. Mint 31525 Tools Sat. 04/28 at Glynn Iron and Metal Tillandsia Garden Walk $425.00 912-265-0774 condition. $150 Everything must go! 8:00 am - 2:00 pm Need A New 205 B&F Rd tour of 8 SSI gardens Wurlitzer Traditional 46x20x20. St. Simons April 28, 8:00 - 1:00 242 Harbor Pointe Dr. Bwk Ga 31525 will be available. Ride?...Want 5'8" Baby Grand Piano Snapper Deals 912-638-7796 Home decor, kitchen, Brunswick 31523 912-265-4384 Polished ebony, player yard, furniture, more! to Sell Your system, library of music Snapper Riding Mower from $48/month o.a.c. Old Boat? 485 discs, duet artist bench, 650 HUGE SALE 670 factory warranty, $9500, Hogarths Mower Shop Buy & Sell your Vehicle, Want to Work Estate Sales Ongoing through May Garage Sales: Islands Multi-Family 912-399-5067 264-3725 Boats, ATV's in the New and used books, 108 Cart Dr., SSI Classified section of I Am Seeking antiques, crystal, Sat 8:00 - 12:00 The Brunswick News. Need a Paper? Need a Paper? ESTATE SALE glassware. Yard Sale Tools, hardware, Call us Today a position as a Give us a call - Give us a call - Saturday 4/28/18 201 Gloucester Street Sat April 28 furniture, housewares, 912-267-5991 caregiver/housekeeper. The Brunswick News The Brunswick News 8am - 3pm Daily 11-4, Closed 8:00 - 12:00 canoe, refrigerator, I am experienced, Circulation Department Circulation Department or email us: 703 Hamilton Landing Wednesday and 1151 Peachtree St., ping pong table & clothing classifieds@ honest and dependable. 912-265-1104 912-265-1104 Drive, SSI Sunday near Crabtrap. Cancel if raining Reasonable rates. Call me at 912-215-1575 495 Pets CASHWORD PUZZLE ATTENTION Animal Lovers By spaying or neutering Deposit or Mail Your Entry To The News (See Rules Below) your pet, you'll help control the pet home- lessness crisis, which results in millions of PUZZLE FOR 4/28/18 healthy dogs and cats being euthanized in the United States each year simply because there aren't enough homes to go around. There CLUES ACROSS CLUES DOWN are also medical and behavioral benefits to 4. Obviously, it takes time to prepare a _. 1. In article about successful people, interviewee spaying (female pets) claims that being _ as a profession means you and neutering (male pets) your animals. 5. _ are particularly adept at tacking. must always be exacting. AKC Standard 2. When delivering shipment of money, _ needs 7. Sewing instructor warns students that inferior Poodle Puppies to be well-guarded. fabrics may be quick to _. 912-230-9897 3. Lawyer states she plans to enter as evidence 9. Neighbor’s upset with destructive local kids the actual _ the accused is alleged to have who _ her flower bed to make a good surface used on the victim. for their soccer game. 6. To keep concert tour from falling apart, guitarist might not _ to confront aggressive 10. If a _ is of interest, one should pay attention to lead singer about his inappropriate conduct. Aston- its message. 5 years old 8. Even though young woman enjoys equestrian Meet Aston, the 5-year- 14. “I probably wouldn’t object to a few _ uninvited life, she doesn’t like idea of early morning _. old Fox Terrier mix who friends dropping by,” says neighbor when is looking for love that won't fade. On top of discussing upcoming New Year’s party. 11. Viewer remarks, “I love the _ that comic’s in: having the cutest beard It’s so ridiculous, it makes me laugh.” around, he is great with 15. Rookie advertising copywriter gets a big ego kids and packed with 12. During region’s economic downturn, _ in personality! Aston came boost when company president praises her for well-run company initiates a reduction in to us heartworm posi- the _ ads she’s created. tive but has completed production costs. heartworm treatment. He is ready to go home 17. Banning a particular movie from being shown as a foster-to-adopt. 13. _ of boredom from more than one listener is Curious about this has been known to create a _. probably a good indication that guest speaker awesome program? should end his speech soon. Give us a call! Humane Society of 18. When ocean waves are constantly _ against a South Coastal Georgia headland, erosion will usually be the result. 16. Earthenware cups with handles. 4627 US Highway 17 N Brunswick, Ga 31525 17. The title used for a knight. 912-264-6246

1. Any reader of The Brunswick News may enter the CASHWORD crossword puzzle, - one puzzle per envelope - and mail to The Brunswick News c/o The Brunswick except employees of The Brunswick News. News, P.O. Box 1557, Brunswick, GA 31521-1557. Entries enclosed inside envelopes 2. Solve the puzzle across and down as you would any other crossword puzzle. will be rejected. Entries may not be mailed on post cards because of post office regulations. 3. Choose from the list the word you think BEST fits the definition. 7. DEADLINE: All entries for a particular puzzle must be received BY NOON on the 4. Clearly print your answers in the blank squares provided in the puzzle until all FRIDAY immediately following the publication of the puzzle. blank squares have been filled. 8. A minimum cash prize of $50 will be awarded for the correct solution. If more than CASHWORD 5. puzzles are published in Saturday’s issue of The Brunswick News. one correct solution is received, one winner will be drawn from all correct entries. Maggie May: Mechanically produced puzzles or puzzles from any other publication, will I'm a little southern be rejected; however, you may enter hand-drawn facsimiles of the same size. 9. The correct solution and names of winners will be published in the next issue of The Brunswick News. Winners will be notified by phone. belle with impeccable Contestants are limited to three entries, and only one correct solution will be manners – house credited to a contest for only one week. Copies of each week’s current puzzle are 10. The decision of the judges is final and all contestants agree to accept that decision broken, leash trained on display at The Brunswick News. as a condition of entry. Any typographical errors or mis-publication which tends to affect the solution of a puzzle will void that puzzle. Remember, there is only one & gentle as can be. 6. When you have completed the CASHWORD puzzle, you may deliver it or mail TO DELIVER: correct solution for each puzzle and only one correct solution can win. Only one My adoption fee is $25 it in to enter. Clip out the completed puzzle and deposit it in the CASHWORD TO MAIL correct solution for each puzzle will be accepted from any one individual. For each through 5/2/18. designated box at the office of The Brunswick News. : Clip out the completed puzzle and paste it - face up - to the outside (back of an envelope) clue, only the word designated by the author will be considered correct. 4765 US HWY 17 N Brunswick, GA Tuesday – Saturday 11am to 4pm CASHWORD PUZZLE Answers From 4/21/18 - no winner ACROSS redundant with dread. the advice to “be careful what you say.” With hear, there’s no suggestion of a negative attitude toward gossiping; in fact, there are those who enjoy 5. not 17. TENSE not dense. “Say the wrong thing” implies an inappropriate HOSING hearing the latest “gossip.” hoeing. It’s the soil or tactless statement, which could cause TENSION. One associates around the “plants” denseness with the inability to absorb knowledge and give the right 7. NEW not few. Few “hits with wide, general appeal” lacks logic because that the “farmhand” answers, which could be quite different from being inappropriate in order to be considered a hit, the “music” must have “wide, general would have been or tactless. appeal.” NEW is a better fit. hoeing, not the 9. not hate. The “teen” might HAVE “to leave the party” early 20. DERIDED not decided. DERIDED is a straightforward answer. HAVE “plants.” HOSING is a Sophia- Decided is illogical since the fact that this “may possibly be” decided because of the “curfew.” But it’s the enjoyment that the teenager hates more logical answer. 12 years old “by her husband” could not be so if she has already accomplished “to leave.” Sophia is a sweet and 6. MINER not miler. those “things.” 10. DOT not lot. A lot refers to the plural; whereas, a DOT is singular. gorgeous 12 year old The clue words “the DOWN Therefore, the clue’s reference to “a mistake” links up best with a DOT senior. She is front way things are rather than a lot. declawed which means progressing for him” 1. DOUR nor sour. DOUR is more apt since sour could simply be a 15. not rift. RIOT makes a clear-cut answer. Rift is too vague since she will need to be an link up well with temporary unhappiness that the “parents” are experiencing due to RIOT indoor only kitty. Her it could be as simple as a miscommunication that would hardly warrant MINER in terms of work circumstances. For miler, the clue words should difficult financial or physical circumstances. In normal circumstances, hobbies include loung- they might be “cheerful,” like their child. an execution. ing around, sleeping, read “the way” he is “progressing” on a track or in a race. 18. SHED not seed. SHED is a good answer. It’s not the yard’s “suitability” and getting scratches 12. BRAWN not brain. “If it hadn’t been for his” brain, “prehistoric man” 2. SNIPS not snaps. “Raffia” (defined as: fiber used for making hats, under her chin. Think as much as it is the soil’s condition that must wouldn’t “have survived,” since his brain was, ultimately, the key to his baskets and mats) is not normally brittle enough for a person to snap “it you can handle that? off.” SNIPS is more appropriate. be considered before acquiring new “seed.” this issue’s You'll want to meet survival. He “might” not “have survived” without his BRAWN. Sophia! 3. not wife. LIFE is best. Many celebrities are divorced or don’t have 19. TEA not sea. “Many people” like their puzzle 13. ROUGH not tough. “Lots of” ROUGH “work” suggests tasks of a LIFE Give us a call! a wife at all. TEA “hot,” while others may prefer iced TEA. is worth Humane Society of manual nature, which fits well with ranching. There are plenty of tough However, for clarity’s sake, the clue should South Coastal Georgia jobs that are done while sitting at a desk. 4. FEAR not hear. The clue phrase you FEAR that “a certain person is a state that when the weather’s “hot,” “many 4627 US Highway 17 N gossip” reveals a negative attitude toward gossiping, which fits well with $ 14. DREAM not dread. DREAM is best. The clue word “afraid” is prefer” the sea. Brunswick, Ga 31525 1200 912-264-6246 12C THE BRUNSWICK NEWS // SaTURday, apRIl 28, 2018 Comics Crossword & games on page 7C CLASSIC

DEAR ABBY / JEANNE PHILLIPS Mom still marks anniversary DILBERT of marriage ending in divorce

Dear Abby: My parents what our plans are. How For the past few days, I were separated for most can I stop these uncom- have been fuming because of my life and divorced fortable conversations? my husband hired a man 10 years ago. Dad and I — Uncomfortable with whom we have a don’t talk much, but we in the South bad history. He dates my do get together for spe- Dear Uncomfortable: cousin and has been bla- cial occasions and visits Please stop letting your tantly rude to my family. during vacations. Mom mother make you feel He has taken advantage of and I speak frequently and guilty. You have done their kindness and turned BEETLE BAILEY see each other as often as nothing wrong. She is act- my cousin into someone possible. ing like she’s still married she was not before. (She’s My problem is, when I to your father and their doing drugs.) talk about doing things divorce is simply a “vaca- When I asked my hus- with Dad, she makes me tion” he has taken. band if he really thought feel guilty for not invit- If she asks if she can this was a smart choice, ing her — even when my come with you when you he said, “You don’t own family is going to stay visit your dad, an appro- the restaurant. It’s none of the night at Dad’s. And priate response would be your business!” I disagree. every year on the date of to suggest she ask HIM Shouldn’t I have a say their anniversary, Mom that question. And her ex- when I help that place never fails to remind me pecting to be congratulat- function week after week? BLONDIE how long they would have ed for the anniversary of a Or is he right? been married that year. It’s marriage that failed strikes — Miffed in Missoula uncomfortable, and I have me as bizarre. Because Dear Miffed: When you told her that, but every these conversations make asked your husband the year I get the call wonder- you uncomfortable, change question you did, it clearly ing why I haven’t acknowl- the subject or talk with her hit a nerve or he wouldn’t edged their anniversary. another time. have become defensive. Am I wrong in think- Dear Abby: My husband Because you have been ing it’s strange to wish owns a restaurant. It’s a putting money into the someone happy anniversa- demanding endeavor, and business to keep it going, ry when the couple is no I help him out by running you should be able to offer longer together and hasn’t weekly errands, marketing, an opinion about how it is FRANK AND ERNEST been for a decade? Am I and occasionally fronting run and have it be respect- wrong for not inviting her money for larger purchases ed. along for the few visits or unplanned expenses. with my dad? I’m at the Generally, I don’t mind. Contact Dear Abby at point where I avoid talking I have years of hospital- or P.O. about him, but I can’t lie ity experience and some Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA when I’m asked directly schooling in the field. 90069.

HOROSCOPE BORN LOSER By FRANCIS DRAKE For Saturday, April 28, 2018 Don’t waste your breath Full Moon. Life will be happier ARIES (March 21 to on arguments at work with then. April 19) Issues still are co-workers. Be confident that CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to challenging when dealing these issues can be resolved Jan. 19) You are high-viz to- with partners, bosses and much more easily on Monday. day. People notice you. They parents. Knowing this - don’t Next week is great! might be talking about you. push your luck. Be courteous, VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. Be smart and avoid argu- patient and easygoing. 22) Romance is in the toilet ments with others, especially TAURUS (April 20 to May today. It’s a bummer. Don’t be a public argument. (Ya think?) 20) You will be wise to avoid disappointed. After Sunday, AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. controversial subjects today, everything changes. And also 18) Issues are becoming because people actually want be patient with children today. more intense as we build to argue or fight. Be smart LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. up to Sunday’s Full Moon. ARLO AND JANIS and steer clear of touchy 22) You need harmony in your After Sunday, these issues issues. Enjoy some music surroundings and in your rela- are much easier to discuss. instead. (You like music.) tionships with others. That’s Therefore, avoid dicey sub- GEMINI (May 21 to June who you are. Therefore, avoid jects today. 20) Important discussions domestic arguments today. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March about how to share or divide Be good to yourself. 20) Postpone important dis- something (including in- SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. cussions about inheritances heritances) will not go well 21) It seems like wherever and how to divide or share today. Wait until after Sunday, you turn, someone wants to something for a few days. when the Full Moon peaks, argue today. (You might be Wait until Sunday’s Full Moon to address these issues. Be part of this equation as well.) is over. Next week is a lovely smart. It’s best to avoid this. After week! CANCER (June 21 to Sunday, everyone is mellow YOU BORN TODAY You are July 22) Problems tend to and friendly. reserved - even secretive - MALLARD FILLMORE intensify as any Full Moon SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to but you do like adventure. approaches. This Full Moon is Dec. 21) Money squabbles You love to explore ideas and on Sunday. Relationships with or quarrels with a friend, new places. This year is time partners and close friends perhaps a female, might to get a better understand- will be so much better by erupt today. You will be wise ing of who you are. Explore Monday! to delay these discussions meditation, yoga or other LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) until Monday, after Sunday’s disciplines.


Today is Saturday, April Austria and the archduke’s mobs in Lima, Peru, and 28, the 118th day of wife, Sophie, died in pris- Caracas, Venezuela. 2018. There are 247 days on of tuberculosis. In 1993, the first “Take left in the year. In 1945, Italian dictator Our Daughters to Work Today’s Highlight in Benito Mussolini and his Day,” promoted by the MARY WORTH History: mistress, Clara Petacci, New York-based Ms. On April 28, 1788, Mary- were executed by Italian Foundation, was held in land became the seventh partisans as they attempt- an attempt to boost the state to ratify the Constitu- ed to flee the country. self-esteem of girls by hav- tion of the United States. In 1958, the United ing them visit a parent’s On this date: States conducted the first place of work. (The event In 1758, the fifth presi- of 35 nuclear test explo- was later expanded to dent of the United States, sions in the Pacific Proving include sons.) James Monroe, was born Ground as part of Opera- Thought for Today: “If in Westmoreland County, tion Hardtack I. Vice Presi- youth only had a chance Virginia. dent Richard Nixon and his or old age any brains.” — In 1918, Gavrilo Princip, wife, Pat, began a goodwill Stephen Leacock, Cana- 23, the assassin of Arch- tour of Latin America that dian humorist-educator duke Franz Ferdinand of was marred by hostile (1869-1944).