IMPORTANT 15th July for August and NEW is 12th August for September Contributions can still be on paper to be left at Pendeen Post Office and must be received by the closing date. 500 paper copies will be printed and available in the usual outlets in Pendeen and St Just Pendeen with Morvah 2020 Page 1 Church of Pendeen with Morvah Parish Priest in Charge Rev Karsten Wedgewood Ermelo, Pendeen TR19 7SQ Tel: 788829 Email:
[email protected] Churchwardens Howard Blundy: Tel: 788107 Mob :07814 715452 Mrs Jane Colliver Tel: 787440 Deputy Churchwardens Mrs Helen Hichens: Tel: 788309 Mrs Mary Kingdon: Tel: 788588 Malcolm Earley Tel: 788636 Verger Ken Patrick: Tel: 787677 Mob: 07773340489 Church Treasurer Bryan Cuddy: Tel: 811168 PCC Secretary Mrs Marna Blundy: Tel: 788107 IMPORTANT last date Wednesday 15th July for August 2020 INFORMATION TO ALL CONTRIBUTORS: The latest time for contributions to be accepted is 4pm on the closing date whether emailed to Rachel Ewer, Fiona Flindall or Jackie Packer OR deposited at Pendeen Post Office. You MUST include a CONTACT NAME AND PHONE NUMBER (plus an address unless we already have that information) with each contribution. The Magazine Committee is very proud of Outreach and the quality is due in particular to our contributors. We are very grateful to them. If another publication wishes to reprint any item from Outreach, permission must be obtained from the Editor (Rachel Ewer). If she is not available then please contact Jackie Packer. Permission will usually be granted, but only on condition that any such item must be reprinted in its entirety and attributed.