Annual Report

Family Health Association of



Outcome : 1

Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of Programming: Advocacy/National


1- Engagement and sensitize of women and state authorities in order to work on policy change and supportive norms and policies about HCV

Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). HCV is a blood borne virus and the most common modes of infection are through exposure to small quantities of blood. This may happen through injection drug use, unsafe injection practices, unsafe health care, and the transfusion of unscreened blood and blood products.

There are about 186000 people infected with HCV in Iran. Although the prevalence of HCV in general population is about 0.31% that is not very high, but it’s considerably different from its prevalence among persons who inject drugs’ subpopulation (PWID) with 51.46%; while locating in the heart of Middle East, right beside the biggest narcotic producer in the world, and with an increasing number of injecting drug users, hepatitis C is considered as a serious risk factor in our country. The HIV/HCV coinfection in the PWID group is 10.95%. The worst part is that due to lack of information and public education, many people don’t know anything about HCV, its prevalence and ways of transmission. These horrifying facts moved us to put HCV in our domain of concerns in 2018.

For achieving synergic advantages, we’ve made connections with different CSOs working on HCV and signed a MOU with Iran Hepatitis Network which is a voting member of World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA). Through this MOU, we had a close partnership in different activities and events.

Our next step was contacting Ms. Parvaneh Salahshuri, woman parliamentarian, and holding an advocacy meeting at her office at Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran for sensitizing her about importance of HCV.


In this meeting, which held on January 20, 2018, Ms. Dr. Safieh Shahriari (FHAI’s Patron), Ms. Zahra Fathi (FHAI’s ED) and FHAI’s officers, accompanying with Prof. Moayed Alavian (Professor of Internal Medicine-Directer of Middle East Liver Disease-MELD Center), and Prof. Alijavad Mousavi (Social Deputy of Iran Medical Sciences University), have highlighted the importance and danger of HCV in Iran and the necessity of having supporting laws for this disease.

Following our previous works and negotiations with authorities from Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MOHME) and other organizations, on December 19, 2018, we held a scientific panel in 3rd international congress of minimally invasive gynecology & obstetrics about “Women health, hepatitis C and collaborating with organizations” in Razi international conference center, Iran University of Medical Education, .

The panelists were Ms. Dr. Abedini (Maternal Health office of MOHME), Mr. Dr. Alavian (head of Iran Hepatitis Network), Ms. Dr. Khodakarami (member of Tehran city council), Ms. Dr. Salahshouri (women parliamentarian), Mr. Dr. Tashakorian (State Prisons and Security and Corrective Measures Organization of Tehran province), Mr. Dr. Ramezani (Head of Hepatitis office of


MOHME), and Ms. Dr. Shahriari Afshar (patron of FHA Iran).

In this panel which had many audiences from a wide range of specialties like gynecologists, physicians, midwives, psychologists, nurses, and other healthcare providers, each of the panelists talked about importance of HCV from the perspective of their special organization, and how they can collaborate for the goal of elimination of HCV and reducing new infections by 90% and liver-related mortality by 65% till 2030.

Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of Programming: Advocacy/National

2- Holding advocacy meetings about HCV in order to change the public behavior and also stakeholders’ plans and policies

Alongside our activities for authorities and policy makers, we held many other programs for public to increase their awareness and knowledge about HCV.


We had a follow up meeting with Iran Hepatitis Alliance in Mikhak DIC, discussing possible plans and projects. They suggested to use the infrastructure we’ve already have for HIV/AIDS, and applying them for HCV’s screening, counseling, and treatment procedure.

In negotiation with a research team from Shariati hospital (Tehran university of medical sciences), they chose Mikhak DIC as their research filed on high risk women of Tehran. They provided voluntarily HCV testing and counseling for our clients and also free of charge treatment for any of them who was infected with the virus.

World Hepatitis Day (WHD) takes places every year on 28 July. In this particular day, many educational, research and medical centers and universities along with NGOs and other stakeholders all over the world, hold lots of different workshops, seminars and campaigns in order to raise awareness of the global burden of viral Hepatitis and highlighting the necessity of governmental and nongovernmental aids and supports to prevent, diagnose and treatment of Hepatitis.

This year and for the first time, FHAI participated in this global movement, and with preparing advocacy tools like posters, brochures and infographic datasheets, increased public awareness about HCV and also HBV.


Besides, in the world hepatitis day, we hold different workshops and activities for a diverse range of audiences, especially in the high risk communities, tried to raise the public awareness about HCV.


Workshop in Mazaheri community center in region 15 of Tehran

FHA Iran held a workshop in Mazaheri community center on July 25, 2018. In this workshop, Kaj DIC’s specialist trained 40 housewives about Hepatitis, its ways of transmissions, diagnosis and treatment.

Workshop in Kaj DIC

Another workshop held on July 25, 2018 in FHA Iran’s Kaj DIC for 25 of young people.

Workshop in Mikhak DIC

This workshop held on July 28, 2018 in FHA Iran’s Mikhak DIC for 20 of the clients by Ms. Dr. Alavi, Hepatitis and liver specialist from Shariati Hospital of Tehran. Also, there was free voluntarily HCV test and counseling available for all of the clients.


Workshop in Harandi community center in region 12 of Tehran

This workshop held on july 29, 2018 in Harandi community center for 40 residents of this neighborhood.

Information desk in Marzdaran community center in region 2 of Tehran

Besides workshops held in the poor neighborhood of Tehran, in collaboration with Iran Hepatitis Network, FHA Iran held an information desk in Marzdaran community center. In this program, Mr. Dr. SafiAbadi from Hepatitis Network explained about Hepatitis in a short lecture. Then at the information desk, HBV and HCV brochures were given to the audiences and their questions were answered.

Activities done by Family Health Association of Iran for advocating and providing services for people living with hepatitis, made it eligible to be a member of World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA). FHA Iran is the second Iranian Association who received membership certificate of WHA.

The 31th volume of “Hep Voice” monthly magazine announced this news and introduced FHA Iran as follow:

“The Family Health Association is a full member of International Planned Parenthood Federation and also benefits from special consultative status in the UN-ECOSOC. For the past two years they have held hepatitis screenings that are mostly aimed at high risk women in the poorest neighborhoods of Tehran. With the help of donors and medical facilities, they also assist in

8 getting people access to treatment. They undertake advocacy programs to educate local communities and engage authorities and other NGOs to tackle the problem.”

Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of Programming: Advocacy/Community/Activists

1- Holding meeting with parliamentarians, policy makers and women leaders in order to makes changes on current GBV’s law based on last year outcomes

Following up our prior activities about GBV law, it’s still under review in the especial commissions of parliament. There are serious oppositions against this law in conservative parliamentarians and also in Iran’s judiciary, but we are in close contact with Vice President of Iran for Women and Family Affairs, Ms. Dr. Ebtekar, Special Assistant to the President for Citizenship rights, Ms. Molaverdi, and members of Women's fraction in Iran parliament.

In addition to our follow ups about GBV law, in this year we succeeded to have new policy changes about women in The National Panel for Women and Family Affairs. In this session which convened with president Rouhani as the chairman, the members discussed and approved the main indices of gender equality as the criterion for judging the measures taken for improving the conditions of women and family. They also discussed national labour division in related organs with regard to before-, during-, and after-marriage training aimed at increasing the level of culture and knowledge in various legal and communication skills, and also discussed the national plan for improving vitality and health in women and girls, consisting of various parts

9 aimed at increasing health and sport activities among girls and women. All these happened with our advocacy activities through Dr. Safieh Shahriari Afshar, Patron of FHA Iran, who is a member of Health Committee of Vice Presidency for Women and Family Affairs. Following our goals on increasing gender equality in Iran, she's constantly brought these subjects in their meetings and finally the committee put them in their proposal to The National Panel for Women and Family Affairs. In this session which convened with the president Rouhani as the chairman, all three of the proposals were approved and were communicated to the government executive agencies.

Priority/Objectives: 2

Model of Programming: Advocacy/Community/Activists

2- Engagement of women and youth leaders, policy makers to promote contribution for advocating on GBV and domestic violence

Gender based violence (GBV) that mostly translated as Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today, remains largely unreported due to the impunity, silence, stigma and shame surrounding it. Although there isn’t any reliable public statistics about GBV in Iran, its prevalence and consequences are well recognized while there isn’t any supportive law for preventing it and helping the victims. That’s while a bill for GBV law is under process of passing in parliament for the last two years and it needs a push for getting the job done. With this law, new hopes will arise, and reaching further goals will be possible.

The 25th of November is designated as international day for the elimination of violence against women and a global action titled Orange Day campaign is coordinated by UN Women. Participants all over the world are encouraged to wear a touch of orange in solidarity with the

10 cause; the color symbolizes a brighter future and a world free from violence against women and girls.

For the first time in the country, aligned with the international campaign of 16 Days of Activism, FHA Iran brought in “orange the world” campaign in Iran. Our objectives were to build awareness of the causes and effects of GBV and also drawing public attention to necessity of passing GBV law in parliament.

In order to reach these objectives, we’ve done these activities:

 Creating advocacy messages about VAWG and publish them in Instagram  Advocating for GBV law in our messages  Publicizing the international slogan of the campaign “orange the world”  Making the national hashtag for the campaign and encourage people specially women and girls to use it with their own messages to make it popular  Providing orange scarf as the symbol of this campaign

Due to cultural sensitivities in the country, we’ve started our work with publishing messages in our Instagram account to introduce it to the public and make the ground ready for coming years.


Besides impressions we’ve got in our Instagram page, our initiative triggered new movements in social media. Many others publish orange messages at the same period of time and about 1500 Instagram posts with just 2 Persian hashtags which are different translations of “orange the world” message. Also other hashtags about SRHR issues were popular during this time “like stop violence against women”, “domestic violence”, and “women’s rights”.

It’s just the very first step of many steps ahead.

Holding awareness rising sessions for public was another activity we’ve done in the occasion of 16 days of activism. Topics like “violence as a mutual issue between men and women”, “elimination of gender-based violence”, and “sexual insult as a sexual violence” were covered in these sessions. We’ve also shared the videos on Instagram for spreading our messages to a way broader audience.


We also have an advocacy meeting for a group of young activists. This meeting had two parts; the first part was a lecture about GBV and its different forms and types, the second part was a discussion about what personally considered as GBV and how we could prevent it. Through this session, we’ve engaged them to our objectives and will work with them in our coming events.

Priority/Objectives: 2

Model of Programming: Advocacy/Community/Activists

3- Forming a group from youth and women in order to raise awareness about SRHR in the society

A group of activists from different backgrounds like psychology, speech- therapy, midwifery, graphic designing, legal consultation, teaching, marketing, translating, and some other expertise, gather up and formed FHA’s think tank for how to advocate for SRHR goals in Iranian society.

In our volunteer-based group, we have regular meetings, working on new ideas how to spread dialogs about SRHR issues in the country that raises the least possible negative sensitivity and social and legal resistance regarding our cultural and religious restrictions in our country.


Our first work was to prepare advocacy messages for our Instagram account about HIV/AIDS, sexual self- care for children, and GBV.

First our messages were only in Persian, but then we’ve translating them into English too.

Through our group, we had the chance to introduce FHAI in several seminars as honorary sponsor.

In one of them which held in Homa Hotel of Tehran, in the end of first part, after introducing our Association and its activities, our young origami artist friend, taught the audience how to make a heart with paper, as a symbol of love and care for our families.

We’ve also translated a SRHR terminology into Persian to publish it online for free public access.

With engaging other activists to our team, we’re going to be the pioneers in SRHR advocacy programs in Iran.


I Decide campaign:

As abortion is illegal in Iran and we only have medical abortion in the country, we’re not advocating for voluntarily abortion. But for passing the knowledge, youth volunteers of FHA Iran uses friendly gatherings as opportunities to raise this subject alongside with other SRHR concerns and talking with their peers about women’s rights on when, where and how many children do they want. It’s an ongoing activity.

Priority/Objectives: 2

Model of Programming: Advocacy/Community/Activists

4- Initiating the policy change about access to sexual education

SRHR is a highly sensitive topic in Iran and sexual education is one of the most controversial topics in our country. In this year, we’ve tried to talk publicly about it but clearly our society is not ready for it yet. So instead of working on policy changes, we should first advocating for public audience and showing them when we say “sexual self-care education for children”, what do we really mean.


We’re also negotiating with some other groups working on these issues to spread our messages to a wider group of audiences. Our next step is holding educational seminars and workshops for teachers and educators to have enough trainers for making an impact on public opinion. At the same time, we’re working with authorities to attract their supports and step by step making the ground ready for a public action demanding policy changes.


Outcome :2

Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of Programming: Empowerment and Gender- Youth CSE


1- Holding training sessions about CSE at schools for girls and boys- delivered CSE - formal in school

Family Health Association of Iran held CSE training sessions on October to November 2018 at schools for girls and boys. The main focus of workshops was about CSE components.

Generally, these workshops held in girl’s and boy’s high school in regions 6, 12 and 15 of Tehran. In this regards, 1500 students were trained (1000 girls and 500 boys).

At the beginning of the sessions, pretest questions distributed among students and then trainer started the lessons.

In this regards, some of important issues that were taught at schools are as follow:

- Difference between gender and sex - Definition of health and its dimensions - HIV, treatment and prevention - STIs, treatment and prevention - Domestic violence - Relationship between girls and boys - Different kinds of drugs


- Consequences of early marriages for girls and boys - SRHR - Self-confidence - Self-care - Life skills

Holding training sessions were along with asking questions. Also at the end of workshops, post test questions distributed among students in order to evaluate their awareness.

Generally, evaluation of questionnaire specified that awareness of participants about subjects of workshops was increased.

Holding CSE training sessions at schools will continue in 2019 in Tehran and other cities of Iran.

Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of Programming: Empowerment and Gender- Youth CSE

2- publishing CSE messages on Telegram channel and Instagram page of FHA Iran including written messages, clips and animations for raising awareness of youth- SRHR Messaging

Based on IPPF guideline, CSE has 7 different components. In this regard, we have published some CSE messages on FHA site and Instagram channel of association in 2018.


Focusing on HIV/AIDS and stigma is one of the main aspects of CSE. In this regard, we have published written message in Persian and English version as follow which was published on FHA site and Instagram channel of association.

Also, the difference between HIV and AIDS was other important published message on FHA site.

Furthermore, distinction between sex and gender was published in FHA site and Instagram channel of association in Persian and English version.


Also, we have published some messages about prevention of HIV/AIDS, Gender Based violence and prevention of drugs as follow:



Priority/Objectives: 2

Model of Programming: Empowerment and Gender- Youth integrated


1- Campaigning about CSE for adolescent- Enabled CSE - Non formal (out of school)

Holding “think healthy, live healthy” campaign in the occasion of international youth day

FHA Iran held “think healthy, live healthy” campaign in the occasion of international youth day on 12th August 2018. This program held with presence of volunteers of FHA Iran and youth.

This program had different interesting parts such as workshop, competition and introducing FHA Iran’s activities.

At the beginning of the campaign, one of the FHA Iran’s volunteers explained about structure and activities of FHA Iran and IPPF. This part was capacity building for new volunteers of FHA Iran.

After this part, two of FHA Iran’s staff taught about different components of CSE. Some of important subjects are as follow:

- The difference between sex and gender - Biological dimensions between men and women - Anatomy of men and women - Physiology of men and women - Health of puberty and physical and emotional changes in this period - STDs


- HIV/AIDS - Communications skills for youth - The importance of effective communication for youth - The role of love in everyday life - GBV (Gender Based Violence)

In this part, audiences participated in the workshop and asked questions and gave feedback about all part of subjects.

After the workshop, pantomime competition held between youth. The main subject for pantomime was based on content of workshop. At the end of pantomime competition, gifts were given to 5 youth.

Also, memorial plaque of campaign was signed by audience and memorial photos were taken.

Holding HIV/AIDS campaign in the occasion of World AIDS Day

FHA Iran held different programs in HIV/AIDS campaign in the occasion of world AIDS day 2018. The main goals of these programs were about raising awareness of public and informing them about HIV/AIDS, prevention, treatment and decreasing stigma and discrimination against HIV positive people.

In this regard, we have done varieties of activities in the campaign as follow:

A- Holding HIV campaigns at parks B- Cooperation with other cities in holding HIV campaigns C- Holding educational HIV/AIDS workshops and taking HIV rapid test at universities D- Participation in free HIV rapid test program in football match at Azadi stadium E- Training of addicts in a rehabilitation center and taking HIV rapid test


A- Holding HIV campaigns at parks

This campaign was held at parks in districts 12 and 15 of Tehran province. Distributing HIV brochures, taking HIV rapid test and giving VCT counseling were main programs of theses campaigns. Target groups were ordinary people.

HIV campaign was held at two parks in district 12 (Shoosh and Kosar parks). In Shoosh Park, we took 53 rapid tests in which the result of one test was positive. Also, in Kosar Park 71 rapid test were taken without any positive result.

HIV campaign was held at three parks in district 15 (Mabaas, Banafsheh and Razavieh parks). All these programs were run with cooperation of peer educators from Positive club of Mikhak center.

In Mabaas park 50 people received VCT counseling and 12 HIV rapid tests were taken. These numbers were 50 and 10 for Banafsheh Park and 70 and 10 for Razavieh Park.


B- Cooperation with other cities in holding HIV campaigns

FHA Iran cooperated with three NGOs in other cities of Iran in holding HIV campaigns. They were “Payam-e Roshni NGO” from , “Monadian-e Salamat” NGO from and “Heveraz NGO” from .

Representatives of the mentioned NGOs signed a contract with FHA Iran and then held HIV campaigns in their cities.

These programs were similar to Tehran’s campaign. These cities focused on giving VCT counseling, taking HIV rapid test and holding HIV workshops at schools and universities.

“Payam-e Roshni NGO” from Yazd

The NGO held the campaign in three public areas: a hospital, railway station of Yazd and a famous shopping center. Generally, 400 HIV test were taken.

Except the mentioned activities, educational workshops were held with focus on prevention of HIV, treatment and transmission ways in two high schools.


“Monadian-e Salamat” NGO from Kerman

The campaign was held in four places: a famous square in Kerman, two famous big parks and a village in Kerman.

Except the mentioned activities, educational workshops were held with focus on prevention of HIV/AIDS in two universities in Kerman.


“Heveraz NGO” from Sanandaj

The campaign was held in three public places: a park, a cinema and Nayser vulnerable area in Sanandaj.

Except the mentioned activities, educational workshops were held with focus on prevention of HIV/AIDS and treatment in four high schools for boys and girls.


C- Holding educational HIV/AIDS workshops and taking HIV rapid test at universities

We held two educational workshops with focus on HIV/AIDS at Shariati University and Faculty of Psychology of Allameh Tabatabaei University on December 2018. Educational contents of workshops considered based on student’s needs. Prevention of HIV/AIDS, treatment and different ways of transmissions taught in the workshops. Also, after workshops, HIV rapid tests were taken for students.

At Shariati University, 70 HIV rapid tests were taken and we gave VCT counseling to 100 students.


Also, at Faculty of Psychology of Allameh Tabatabaei University, 40 students took HIV rapid tests and 70 students received VCT counseling.

D- Participation in free HIV rapid test program in football match at Azadi stadium

FHA Iran participated in free HIV rapid test program in football match between “Persepolis” and “TeractorSazi” due to the Association’s projects. This program was held on November 2018 and in the occasion of world AIDS day. The main goals of program were about raising awareness of people for self-caring, prevention of HIV/AIDS and persuade people to take HIV test. Organizers of this program were “Ashianeh Mehr Janan” institute and SHAMSA (national network of HIV/AIDS NGOs). Ministry of Health supported the program. Mobile clinic and staff of FHA Iran participated in the program. Finally, we took 230 HIV rapid tests.


E- Training of addicts in a rehabilitation center and taking HIV rapid test

In the world AIDS day, we trained 30 addicts in a rehabilitation center about HIV/AIDS. Then, HIV and HCV test were taken. In this regards, we took 25 HIV rapid tests and the result of them were negative. Also, we took 7 HCV test and four of them were positive. We referred HCV positive people to health centers.

Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of Programming: Empowerment and Gender- Youth peer educator


1- Holding training workshops about CSE for youth out of school in order to train peer educator- Delivered CSE- Non formal (out of school)

In 2018, FHA Iran held CSE training workshops for prisoners at Fardis prison. These workshops included all prisoners of Fardis prison. Then, we have focused on youth prisoners who are under 18 years old for training peer educators.

In this regards, we have focused on different components of CSE based on prisoner’s needs. Some of important subjects in the workshops are as follow:

- Prevention of HIV and STIs - distinction between HIV and AIDS - people at risk of HIV


- sexual health of prisoners - prevention of drugs - self-confidence - making decisions - stress in life and the ways for dealing with - different kinds of communications - life skills - social and individual relationships Generally, FHA Iran trained 700 prisoners (470 men, 30 boys under 18 years old and 200 women) on July to September 2018. FHA Iran held 24 training workshops. Also, we distributed pretest and posttest among participants in many workshops. Evaluation of questions specified that awareness of participants about subjects of workshops was increased.


Outcome : 3

Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of programming: Static/outreach integrated


1- SRHR and harm reduction services delivery through Mikhak center for women

Mikhak center was established by the Family Health Association of Iran to implement the women's health promotion project in February 2008. This center is located in Shoush area which is one of the impoverished areas in Tehran. This project was funded by European Commission (EC) for 5 years. Then the budget of this center is provided by the Welfare Organization of Tehran.

Services are categorized to different fields:

1) Psychologist services 2) VCT 3) Outreach services 4) Referral services

Mikhak provides services in free for clients who are addicted, have high risk sexual behavior, have an addicted spouse, women with prisoner's husband and immigrants. These services includes conduct training sessions on how to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (especially HIV), holding skill training courses, taking free HIV/AIDS rapid test, group and individual counseling (domestic violence, family counseling), providing basic health services and providing meal for them.

Activities of Mikhak center in 2018 are listed below which include:

1. Attracting donors based on plan in Mikhak center 2. Communicating and extending the memorandum with the East Health Center and receiving items and vaccines for hepatitis and participating in the workshops and conferences of that organization 3. Communicating and holding dynamic meetings with the Deputy Social Welfare Services of region 12 for the sake of synergy and capacity building and the use of its capacity for the benefit of the center and the clients. 4. Communicating and holding training sessions in neighborhoods and other NGOs centers with the approach of the Mikhak Center's benefit at region 12 5. Meeting with municipal community services of region 12 to accommodate terrace capacity for clients


6. Collaboration with Shariati Hospital in diagnosis hepatitis C from screening to full drug treatments at Mikhak Center 7. Educational program on the occasion of International Day Against Drug Abuse (26 Jun) 8. Holding a board meeting on August 28 at the center 9. Collaboration and interaction for enhancement with Faculty of Psychiatry, Kashan University of Medical Sciences for the presence of a psychiatrist in the center 10. The presence of staff at the center and positive club and distribution brusher at the Conference of the Special Diseases Foundation on the occasion of Ramadan on June 13th 11. Holding training workshops to empower women at the center 12. Holding a workshop on HIV in cooperation with UNODC for technical and outreach team personnel of centers under the covered of the Welfare Organization 13. Participating in HIV/AIDS and hepatitis workshops 14. Communicate with volunteer physicians for referral 15. Holding a carpet workshop for clients at the NA Center 16. Meeting with the Unknown Addicts Association for holding educational classes 17. Providing basic health services for clients at the center


The outreach team of the center comprising of 2 people who regularly were going to the high risk regions around Mikhak center in order to provide vulnerable people, especially women living around with emergency health kits including disposable needle, plasters, condoms, brochures and safety box. They provide basic health services and introduce the center to vulnerable people.

Other services of the center in this year include:

1. The presence of M.S midwifery students of Tarbiat Modares University in Kaj center: Interview with clients at the center by students 2. Provision of services by midwifery students in parks with the outreach team 3. Educational program on the occasion of World Anti-Addiction Day with the slogan "Not to addiction” 4. Preparing a training program on the occasion of the World Hepatitis Day

The list of service center statistics in 2018 is as follows:

1. Formation of 193 new files in the center 2. 2696 clients received services in the center 3. Preparing food for 2269 clients 4. Providing clothes for 480 clients 5. Distributing 7141 condoms in the center 6. Holding counseling sessions for 982 clients 7. Holding educational classes for 757 clients


8. Taking HIV rapid test from 554 clients 9. Supporting 352 clients by social workers 10. Referral of 16 patients to the camp, dentistry, midwifery clinic and treatment centers 11. 1976 clients received services by outreach team that 718 client are new 12. Distribution 4853 condoms, 1039 syringes, 565 educational package 13. 463 clients received primary medical care

In total, this center provided 2157 clients with 71380 services in 2018.

Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of programming: Static/outreach integrated

2- SRHR and harm reduction service delivery through Kaj center for youth

Kaj center with the aim of empowering adolescents and young people by increasing their awareness, the right to access reproductive health information and appropriate health and education, harm reduction and preventing the transmission of HIV / AIDS in district 15 of Tehran was launched in 2011. This project was funded by European Commission (EC) for 5 years.

The budget of the center is provided by the Family Health Association of Iran now.

The target groups are girls and boys between the ages of 10 and 24 who have taken refuge on the street for some reason such as neglect, abuse, escape from sexual harassment or physical in- house, and are now in danger. However, these services are provided for all those vulnerable people.

Services which are prepared for clients are categorized to three types which are included:

1. Psychological services 2. Midwifery services 3. Outreach/mobile team

Psychological services

Activities which are related to psychological services are individual and group counseling and also educational classes with the topics such as parenting, self-awareness, learning disorders and psychological disorders in children, etc. Psychological activities in 2018 are listed below:

1. Self-awareness training for elementary school students in Emam school 2. Training happy life skills for mothers of the student in Emam school 3. Parenting workshop for mothers in the center


4. Holding workshop of disadvantages of cigarette in Mazaheri neighborhood house for women

In addition, individual counseling to help people to have a better life is another psychological program which has been done in this center.

Midwifery services

Midwifery clinic was launched in August 2018. Sexual and reproductive services have been provided to women in that poor area specifically adulthood with 10-24 years old. Educational classes were hold in different areas for women. The SRH activities in 2018 are listed below:

1. Screening of women's diseases in the Khavaran cultural center 2. Counseling and midwifery visitation of mothers of Amir Kabir student' primary school 3. Women's health education in Relief Foundation 4. Training on topics (women's health, family health) in Somayeh Park 5. Training in Husar park on the Occasion of women's health week 6. Screening of female breast cancer in Khavaran cultural center 7. Training and screening on the occasion of diabetes week in the Olive garden 8. The presence of volunteer physicians in the center


9. Women's disease training at the Tayeb neighborhood house 10. Holding workshop of women’s health an HIV/AIDS in the center 11. Midwifery counseling in Hashemabad neighborhood house 12. Holding HIV/AIDS Workshop and women's health at the Center


Outreach/mobile team

The outreach team of the center comprising of 2 people who regularly were going to the high risk regions around Kaj center in order to provide services for vulnerable people, especially women such as disposable needle, plasters, condoms, brochures and safety box, taking HIV rapid test and counseling. Providing health services to addicts and homeless people, distribution warm clothes and food are activities of outreach team of the center.

In total, this center provided 2157 clients with 72352 services in 2018.

Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of programming: Static/outreach integrated

3- Delivering SRHR services through mobile clinic

Despite the fact that the services are provided free of charge by centers, people who live in around of the city and poor areas, can’t reach to SRH services easily due to financial issues or fear of stigma and discrimination. Therefore, one of the best solutions is mobile clinic which helps us to reach these people by going to their living areas and providing them confidentially with free SRHR services. They go to impoverished areas and provide free services such as: midwifery care, STIs and psychological counseling and consultations, taking HIV rapid test and VCT. It led to the decreased ratio of STD and unwanted pregnancy. In 2018, mobile clinic took HIV rapid test on the occasion of the AIDS week in the University of Allameh and also in the parks of district 12 and 15. In addition Azadi stadium was the other project of mobile clinic which HIV rapid tests were taken. This project was started at the end of 2018.


In general, 270 clients received SRH services.

4- Social service center: SRHR and social harm reduction service delivery through social service center

FHA Iran established a social service center in November of 2018 which have provided SRHR and harm reduction services for marginalized people in Tehran such as planning to empower exposed and injured people in accordance with client needs and problems, providing personalized services including interviews and visits people's homes, referral of people to relevant organizations, providing group services for injured people, STD counseling, taking rapid test HIV and providing condoms, syringe, brochures, etc. The target groups of this center are addicted, homeless, street children and the other vulnerable groups.

Activities of the social service center in 2018 are listed as follows:

1. Individual counseling, interview and making file for homeless people 2. Holding workshops and group therapy in psychological and social fields 3. Holding educational workshops on issues and social damages in regional schools (Zeinab School, Somayyeh, Salimi...) 4. Counseling to female patients on contraception and sexual health 5. The referral of clients to community-identified social resources, including neighborhood charities to receive services 6. Individual and family counseling to clients 7. Meeting with social worker of the charity (House of the friend is here, Rooyeshe Nahal), officials of mosques in the region, manager of psychology center (Kosar), manager of DIC (Farahzad DIC), managers of the schools (Somayyeh, Jahromi..) 8. Holding literacy movement classes at the center 9. Celebration of the Yalda night in the area with the assistance of the Regional Social Deputy 10. Collaboration with the Shari'ati Hospital and coordinating the referral of clients to the health center.


Outreach/mobile team:

Every day, three social workers go to distance areas to provide some services for vulnerable and poor families of that region.

The description of the activities which were provided for vulnerable people are as follows:

1. Identifying homeless and at risk people 2. Distribution food and clothes to people of the region 3. Introduction of the social service center and its service description 4. Referral of homeless people to harm reduction centers and neighborhood houses 5. Identification of defenseless urban areas and making a report to the mayor of the region to examine and organize those areas 6. Individual counseling, interview and making file for homeless people 7. counseling to female patients on contraception and sexual health

During the three months of establishment, this center provided 30 clients with 550 services in 2018 totally.


Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of programming: Static clinic

1- Primary health care and SRHR service delivery through Khayyam center

Khayyam health center was established on 2016 by FHA Iran. Khayyam Health Center is under supervision of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science (East Health Center).

Khayyam center is a health center which is located in one the most impoverished area, provides its clients with different free services such as prenatal and post natal care, pregnancy care, child care from birth to 8 years, middle aged care, elderly care, education of health and nutrition, healthy pregnancy, healthy pregnancy consultation, men’s hygiene care, school hygiene, vaccination, child screening, screening for different diseases and holding different educational classes and non-SRH services like diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia control, etc.

In 2018, Khayyam center provided its clients with all of the above services, plus a large number of national projects some of which are named below:

1. Performing Pediculosis screenings in schools under protection of Khayyam Health Center 2. Conducting screenings of scabies in schools under coverage of the center 3. Carrying out audiology screenings for in schools under coverage of the center 4. Carrying out the round of Varnish Fluoride for all 3 to 6 year old children covered area 5. Screening of communicable and non-communicable diseases 6. Screening of malaria and reporting new cases to the East Tehran Health Center 7. Follow the Irapon Country Plan, and screening middle aged people for non- communicable diseases 8. Student examinations for the fourth, seventh and ninth grades of schools covered 9. Co-operation in the field of education with the municipality of district 4 of the 12th district of Tehran and the holding of training sessions and health monitoring 10. Holding training sessions at the health center for the general public weekly 11. Holding training sessions for the elderly to reduce the risk of aging, such as healthy lifestyle 12. Participating of personnel in workshops and training sessions to increase productivity and serviceability 13. Free delivery of reproductive health items and complementary to target groups 14. Attracting about 517 people as health ambassadors in the family and educating them to increase health awareness 15. Holding more than 110 health and disease training sessions in covered schools 16. Performing medical examination in public areas like subway and schools 17. Approximately 350 people were recruited as health ambassadors in the family and educated them to increase their health and health awareness


18. Holding training sessions at the center for the general public weekly (elderly people, students...) 19. Carry out street children's examinations in cooperation with the East Health Center

The Treatment Deputy of Shahid Beheshti University visited this center every three months. In addition, access officer of FHA have visited Khayyam and the other centers at least twice in a month.

Generally, this center provided 337026 services to 19805 covered clients in 2018 totally.

Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of programming: Static clinic

2- Providing free of charge service through Positive Club center to HIV positive clients

The positive club was established in 2017 with the assistance of the well-being of the province of Tehran with the aim of providing services and reducing the stigma and discrimination of people with HIV. The target group of the center is HIV positive people.

According to its goal, the services are categorized to different parts which include:

Psychological services:

1. Psychological counseling (individual and group): Divorce and it’s outcomes, sexual health, marriage


2. Holding educational workshops at the center: Acceptance and commitment, STDs, life skills, interpersonal communication skills, etc. 3. Holding educational workshops out of the center in Allameh university, Razavie park, Atabak neighborhood house, Zeinab school, Amirkabir school, etc with the topics of self- awareness, stress management, problem solving skills

Health services:

1. Taking HIV and hepatitis rapid tests with counseling 2. Providing supplementary drugs to the clients

3. Providing primary health care


Recreational services:

1. Holding a birthday party for clients monthly 2. Holding ceremonies on occasion (Yalda ceremony) 3. Recreational camp (Chitgar park)

Referral servic

1. Referrals clients to the camp 2. Referrals clients to the empowerment center (Salamat Banoo) for job creation, in accordance with the memorandum 3. Referrals clients to the midwifery clinic (Kaj center) 4. Shariati hospital (to receive treatment of hepatitis C free of charge)

Financial services:

Based on Welfare Organization guideline, the club should consider financial supports for clients which are categorized to different parts, include:

1. Transportation cost

2. Scholarship 3. Housing allowance 4. Marriage allowance

In general, positive club has 87 members and 1718 clients provided 12924 services in 2018.


Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of programming: Static clinic

3- Empowering vulnerable women through Job skill education

Salamat Banoo center was established in 2017 with the goal of empowering vulnerable women in district 15 of Tehran, one of the most vulnerable areas of the city in terms of social harm and bringing these women to a satisfactory level of ability and competence.

Empowerment center has held training sessions for female-headed households, HIV positive, addicted and women with physical disability about job creation and education for women and their children. Women's employment is pursued through three schemes of skills training centers, the provision of products in the self-employment market and home-based job training. In these sessions women learn to make jewelry, witray, scarf, etc.

This center considers reserving booths in different regions to sold women’s products. It can help them to have a salary and make money. So, in 2018, many of these products sold out in booths which are listed below:

1. Getting the booth of sales of empowerment products at the Moshirieh neighborhood house 2. Getting the booth of sales of empowerment products at the third International Congress on Iran's Low-Aggressive Methods of Obstetrics and Gynecology


At the moment, this center has 15 active members.

Priority/Objectives: 2

Model of programming: Enabled services (Associated)

1- Enabling clinic 3 and 5 of municipality, Fardis prison and also private health centers to provide SRHR services for all

In order to increasing SRH services, FHA Iran cooperated with Prison’s Organization (PO) in 2017. FHA’s staff has held training sessions about HIV for prisoners. In addition SRH services have been prepared for them instead of receiving statistics of which PO provided for their clients. In addition, clinics number 3 and 5 of Tehran municipality were FHA Iran’s associated clinics in 2017. We gave services in two clinics based on Service Statistics. In 2018, other clinics were added which are listed below:


1. Iran air travel agency 2. Islamic Republic of Iran Navy 3. Charity Foundation for Special Diseases 4. Law Enforcement Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran 5. Ladies Diplomatic group

Based on MOU which was signed between FHA and private clinics, we teach general practitioners to extent SRH and harm reduction services and also providing some commodities like condom, HIV rapid test and brochures through our colleagues which are from private health companies. By this action we encourage them to expand their SRHR services to women and men. Due to providing more services in different areas, the ratio of reproductive health complication is going to be decrease.


Outcome : 4

Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of programming: Management and general services


1- Maintenance of FHA website, data and online system supporting the internal and external server of FHA Iran (indirect)

During 2018, FHA Iran has updated its website with latest news and activities of FHA Iran and its centers.

Also, we have done below activities for online system of FHA Iran.

- Portal support ( Change management Security support Maintenance - NGOs infrastructure support Internal physical server support External physical server support (existing in Pars-Online data center) Network support Device /hardware support - Data security - Data maintenance (database back up, data retrival…) - Email server support ( - Internal cloud support Providing file/data sharing mechanism based on internal cloud Maintaining file /data sharing mechanism - Online meeting and virtual class support - IT consulting

Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of programming: Management and general services

2- external audit (indirect)


In the last year auditing process of HLB audit firm has finished , Therefore during the year 2018, FHA signed a new contract with Bayat Rayan audit firm ( KPMG) for auditing financial statements. The Auditing process has fulfilled and management letter was received in order to approve in General Assembly. Also in the year of 2018 FHA Iran tried to amend the issues which were mentioned in Audit report and management letter.

Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of programming: Management and general services

3- strengthening of administrative and financial system

During 2018 for strengthening of administrative and financial system, FHA Iran purchased ERP system from OPEN tech Co and this system is setting up right now. Also for strengthening executive guarantee in employee’s contract, their duty was inserted in the contract. Moreover for improving internal controls, finger print entry system provided and installed in all the centers of FHA Iran.

Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of programming: development/donor relation

1- preparing and publishing annual report of FHA Iran's performance

FHA Iran has prepared a written file as annual report of 2018 in English and Persian versions. This written file will be published in order to distribute among our audiences, stakeholders, other NGOs and etc.

Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of programming: development/donor relation

2- Introducing the Association and participation in international events such as meetings of Human Rights Council, events of ECOSOC,UPR

Participation of Dr. Shahriari Afshar in 37th session of Human Rights Council at Geneva and reading statements

Dr. Shahriari Afshar Patron of FHA Iran participated in 37th session of HRC meeting at Geneva from 7th March to 16th March 2018. She read statements in the meeting. Statements are as follow:


- Special Rapporteur: the Devastating Effects of Sanctions on the health of the Iranian people - Item 3 (Oral Statement): human rights violations against Rohingya Muslims - Item 4 (Oral Statement): human Rights Violations against Yemeni Women and Children

Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of programming: development/donor relation

3- submitting proposals to national and international donors

During 2018, FHA Iran prepared different proposals and submitted them to different national and international organizations and donors. These proposals are as follow:

- Holding health educational workshops for minority groups to “Welfare Organization” - Holding educational workshops at Fardis prison to “Prison’s organizations of Alborz Province” - Safe House to “Welfare Organization” - Facilitate the access of refugees to vital health services by mobile clinic to “Ministry of Health” - Establishing a center for providing comprehensive SRHR services to “deputy of women and family affair” - Establishing Service delivery and harm reduction center to “municipality” - Empowerment of vulnerable women to “municipality” - Prevention of drugs among students to “municipality” - Providing comprehensive and integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Kaj Center to “Australian Embassy”


Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of programming: development/donor relation

4- Participating in the workshops about resource mobilization in order to increase the capacity

For resource mobilization, FHA Iran participated in a workshop called: new ways of funding for NGOs and cooperation of NGOs with each other.

This workshop was held by social deputy of Iran university of Medical sciences. Some of important contents of workshops are as follow:

- How to achieve fund from different sources - strengths and weaknesses of these ways - Expanding different funds

Also, we participated in “selling products” congress in which we got familiar with innovation ways for producing and selling products, evaluation of products and etc. FHA Iran displayed its client’s products in this congress.

Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of programming: development/donor relation

5- publishing and distributing the Family Health Journal

Family Health Journal was published in four issues including spring of 2018 (special issue about activities of FHA Iran), summer of 2018 (special issue about activities of Fardis prison), fall of 2018 (Special issues about Iranian non-communicable disease alliance) and winter of 2018 (special issue about men health). Each issue was published in 1000 copies.


Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of programming: development/donor relation

6- Participation and holding panel in 15th international Obstetrics and Gynecologists congress

FHA Iran participated in holding 3rd International Congress of Minimally Invasive genecology and obstetrics on 18-20 December 2018, Tehran, Iran.

FHA Iran held “Women Health, HCV and partnership of organizations” panel on 19th December in the congress. Also, patron of FHA Iran was a panellist in other panels with focus of SRHR.

In addition, we had a booth in this congress and it supplied the products made by the Salalmat Banoo’s center clients for selling to the participants.


Priority/Objectives: 2

Model of programming: volunteer development

1- preparing volunteers data base with technical support from SARO

In 2018, FHA Iran prepared volunteers data base in which all information of volunteers are recorded. In 2018, we have set up ERP system and volunteer database is based on ERP.

Priority/Objectives: 2

Model of programming: volunteer development

2- Holding orientation meetings for the volunteers about the structure and activities of FHA Iran

In 2018, FHA Iran held 3 orientation meetings about the structure and activities of FHA Iran for new volunteers.

An orientation meeting held in the occasion of international youth day on 12thAugust 2018. This program held with presence of volunteers of FHA Iran and youth. This meeting was along with “think healthy, live healthy” campaign.

Moreover, two other orientation meetings were held with the presence of volunteers in central office of association about structure and activities of FHA Iran and IPPF.


Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of programming: building capacity, processes & procedure

1- capacity building for staff, volunteers and members of FHA Iran

Holding meeting for members and volunteers, some EXCO members and staff of FHA Iran

This meeting held on May 2018 with presence of members and volunteers, some EXCO members and staff of FHA Iran from central office and centers. It was training session in order to build capacity for staff, members and volunteers about current projects of FHA Iran based on 4 outcomes in APB.

Holding educational workshop about Alzheimer disease

Educational workshops about Alzheimer disease held for volunteers, members and staff of FHA Iran in central office of association on October 2018.

Participants got familiar with Alzheimer and Dementia, reasons of Alzheimer, disease diagnosis method, phases of disease and prevention of disease.


Holding life skills educational Workshop

Also, life skills educational workshop held for staff of FHA Iran in 3 sessions on August 2018.

Holding Brailtonic skill workshop

Other training session which was held on 2018 was about Brailtonic skill for staff of FHA Iran.


Participation in educational workshop about prevention of domestic violence for NGOs

This workshop was held by social and crime prevention directorate judiciary on March 2018. General information about domestic violence, different ways for dealing with, and the roles of NGOs in prevention of domestic violence were important subjects of this workshop.

For capacity building, two of FHA Iran’s staff participated in the workshop.

Participation in the 11th session of Iranian NGOs conference

The 11th session of NGOs conference held on 28th February and 1st March 2018 at Esfahan. The focus of conference was about social participation, social demand and sustainable development.

Two of FHA Iran’s staff participated in the conference for capacity building.

First day of conference (28th Feb 2018)

First day of conference started with opening ceremony’s speeches from Ministry of Health, Ministry of Interior, Esfahan Governor and executive staff of conference.


After opening ceremony, two panels were held: Panel of sustainable development and social participation.

Second day of conference (1st March 2018)

Three panels were held on second day of conference: panel of social demand, social responsibility and Non-Governmental organization’s laws.

At the end of second day, closing ceremony of conference was held.

Some of important points of panel discussions are as follow:

- Recording of social knowledge as a unique Iranian category is vital. Sustainable development should be connected to social networks. Also, knowing cultural identity for sustainable development is necessary. - NGOs should have real participation in the society. - Social participation is a new term beside political and religious participations. We do not have a native pattern for participation in our society. - Social demand is a continuous activity and it is not along with violence. - NGOs representatives do not know the exact demands of society. In this regard, individual demands of NGOs should change to public demands. Then, they can reach to the good result.

Participation in social resilience workshop

Staff of FHA Iran participated in social resilience workshop on December 2018 to raise their knowledge which can lead to act as trainers for other people. This workshop held by empowerment center of Tehran NGOs.


Participation in individual and organizational self-care workshop

For capacity building, two of FHA Iran’s staff participated in individual and organizational self- care workshop which was held by social and cultural deputy of Tehran University of medical sciences. The workshop held in two days on September 2018.

Participation in uniform training for HIV/AIDS NGOs

As FHA Iran is a NGO which works in different dimensions of HIV/AIDS, we participated in uniform training for HIV/AIDS NGOs in 2 days on October 2018. The main responsible for holding this workshop was SHAMSA (national network for HIV/AIDS NGOs). In this regards, the role of NGOs in networking, the role of NGOs for prevention and treatment of HIV, individual counseling, giving services by mobile clinic and social marketing for condom were some of important issues in 3 days of workshops.


Participation in educational course about UN agencies in Iran

This workshop held on August 2018 by ODVV (Organization for Defending Victims of Violence). We got familiar with activities of UN agencies in Iran. For capacity building, four of FHA Iran’s staff participated in the workshop.

Participation in gender transformative SRH programming workshop

This workshop held on 3rd to 5th December 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand. One of FHA Iran’s staff participated in this workshop.

Objectives of the workshop were as follow: - Build a common understanding on Gender Equality and Gender Transformative Programming in the context of IPPF and Member Associations - Discuss and identify best practices for gender transformative programming in the region - Develop MA specific Action Plan for Gender Transformative programming - Introduce Gender Assessment Toolkit and plans for MA wide implementation


Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of programming: building capacity, processes & procedure

2- capacity building for outreach staff of FHA Iran's DICs with holding workshops

To increase the knowledge of staff of the centers, they participated in workshops which some of them were held by FHA and the others by other organization like Health East center, Welfare Organization, etc.

Some of these workshops are listed below:

 HIV/AIDS  STD/STI  Alzheimer  Genetics  Mother’s health  Effective training  Abortion  Natural disaster

Priority/Objectives: 1

Model of programming: building capacity, processes & procedure

3- Developing guidelines and policies for the association(improving the M&E and reporting system, improving the resource mobilization policy)


In 2018, we have focused on human resource as a main activity and develop guidelines and policies for it. For example, training of staff was important at the beginning and in the middle of their work.

Preparing recreational and welfare services for staff, focusing on the new ways of M & E for staff of central office and centers and also for activities are located in this part.


Holding the EXCO meeting at least once every three months in order to monitor and evaluate the FHA Iran's activities

In 2018, FHA Iran held four EXCO meetings in FHA Iran’s central office, in each of them the board of directors discussed about activities, projects and issues happened during 2018. CEO gave the report of the projects and performance of association and centers. Also, finance report of association was considered during the meetings. Also, cooperation with different organization, challenges and strategies for dealing with problems discussed in EXCO meetings.

Holding General Assembly

The Ordinary and Extra Ordinary General Assembly were held on 27th August 2018 in central office of FHA Iran.

In ordinary General Assembly, FHA Iran’s inspector, CEO and independent auditor presented their reports.

At the end of the meeting, main and substitute inspectors were selected.

Then, Extra Ordinary General Assembly held a while after Ordinary General Assembly and continued with discussion about the changes of FHA Iran’s constitution. All the changes were approved.



Other projects

ICPD Report

The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in Cairo in 1994 was a milestone in the history of population and development. The Programme of Action (PoA), adopted by consensus among 179 countries, calls for action at global and national levels on major issues related to sexual and reproductive health and rights, population and development as well as women empowerment and gender equity. Ahead of the 25th anniversary of the ICPD and its Programme of Action in 2019, Iranian authorities collaborating with UNFPA and national and international NGOs, assessed progress and identify gaps in the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action in the country.

Family Health Association of Iran as the only Iranian NGO working in the field of SRHR with special consultative status with UN-ECOSOC, was one of the key participants in preparing Islamic Republic of Iran ICPD Review 2018. Surveying other NGOs working in this area, we gathered updated data about how NGO’s collaborating in providing SRHR services in Iran, what are the achievements and where are the gaps, and we prepared the “Activity Report of the NGOs on Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Review of the ICPD Goals”, a comprehensive report incorporated in the ICPD National Report.

Recognizing our efforts in this national collaboration, FHA Iran was mentioned in the list of stakeholder organizations, in the final version of the report submitted to UN ESCAP.


Participating in Iranian Non-Communicable Disease Alliance (INCDA)

Iranian Non-Communicable Disease Alliance (INCDA) is a network of more than 30 Iranian NGOs working on advocacy, education, and treatment of non-communicable diseases in a large spectrum of clients in Iran.

As a member of the board of INCDA, we were closely working with this alliance and through meetings and seminars, we were introducing FHA Iran and its activities to other NGOs and creating a network for providing services for clients of our association and other NGOs.

We’ve also employed this opportunity to make new partnerships with other NGOs like Iran Alzheimer’s Association, Iran's Anti-Smoking Population, Adolescent Health Club, Iranian Society of Extracorporeal Circulation Technology, Iranian Diabetes Society, and more.



On November 12, 2017, a magnitude 7.3 earthquake hit Kermanshah province, western part of Iran, killing at least 620 people and injuring more than 9,000 in numerous districts of the province.

In total, more than 400,000 people are affected in 8 districts of Kermanshah province. 30,000 residential units in rural areas and in the cities have been seriously damaged between 50 and 100 percent.

For helping the people, especially women and girls in the affected area, Family Health Association of Iran, with a fund received from IPPF South Asia Regional Humanitarian Programme started the project “Community Awareness Session in Disaster prone Kermanshah Province”.

Our main objectives were the assessment of sexual and reproductive health condition of women after 2017 earthquake in Sarpol-e Zahab County and increasing the knowledge of SRHR issues during natural disasters.

This project had 2 phases; phase 1 was assessment and in this phase, an experienced team consisted of midwife, behvarz (Iranian rural health worker) and questioners went to every village for doing the examination and completing questionnaires.


Women in reproductive age were asked to answer a questionnaire to assess their current knowledge of SRHR during natural disasters, and then got examined by our midwife for collecting clinical data. As the questionnaire was in Persian and the local language is Kurdish, for making sure that there wasn’t any misunderstanding, questioners asks every question themselves and translating it into Kurdish whenever needed.

Data acquired in phase 1 helped us to prepare the curriculum for the training sessions in phase 2; in this phase, women who participated in phase 1 and other women interested in participating in these workshops, were invited.

Main subjects discussed in the workshops were disasters and gender, reproductive health, SRH needs during a crisis, and gender-based violence. Here again our instructors who are local health providers, gave their lectures in Kurdish for preventing any misunderstanding. Some terms have more than one equivalent in Persian and Kurdish and the instructors mentioned all of them.

Also, gift packages presented to women as incentive and also for passing the information into their community. The package was contained hygiene kit and educational materials.


Hygiene kit contains: Shampoo, soap, toilet papers, tissue paper, underwear, sanitary napkin pack, hair brush, and comb.

Educational materials were brochures and leaflets we’ve received of Kermanshah Medical University.

In this project which takes about 3 months, we’ve successfully done a SRHR assessment and also performed midwifery examinations for 128 of rural women in 5 earthquake affected villages of Sarpol-e Zahab County, in Kermanshah province of Iran.