Leseding – Give Light Dnr 2009/0203 ______

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Leseding – Give Light Dnr 2009/0203 ______ FINAL REPORT: Leseding – Give Light dnr 2009/0203 _______________________________________________________________ A MUNICIPAL PARTNERSHIP PROJECT WITHIN THE FRAMES OF THE COOPERATION BETWEEN: KRONOBERGS LÄN – TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL Funded by: 2 The final report is made out accordingly to the guidelines from ICLD. Appendixes: 1 Travel report – Activity 2, Visit to Sweden September 6-15, 2010 2 Travel report – Activity 4 and 5, Visit to South Africa February 5-12, 2011 3 Financial report 4 Audit report 5 Report from the South African collaboration partner 6 The international collaboration partners approval of the final report and cost account 1. Project name Leseding – Give Light 2. Project manager and responsible for project Swedish organisation applying: Co operating partner: The Regional Council of Southern Småland Tlokwe City Council Project Manager (must be employed by Project Manager (must be employed by applying organisation): Annika Ström applying organisation): Errol E. Temanie Adress: Institutet för lokal och regional Adress: Tlokwe City Council demokrati, Videum Science Park Postal code: 351 96 Postal code: Potchefstroom 2520 City: Växjö City and Country: Potchefstroom, South Africa Telephone: +46 (0)470 – 77 85 52 Telephone: +27(0)18 299 5525 Fax: +46 (0)470 77 89 40 Fax: +27(0)18 299 5973 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 3. File number Dnr 2009/0203 Final report: Leseding – give light, AS - ID 20110316 3 4. Summary in English and Swedish Summary Summering Leseding is a one year project sprung from a Leseding är ett ettårigt projekt som sprungit previous project focusing on Adult Education ur ett tidigare projekt med fokus på in South Africa and Sweden. The two areas of vuxenutbildning i Sydafrika och Sverige. De focus have been 1) career guidance and 2) två fokusområdena har varit 1) curriculums. The South African side wished to studievägledning och 2) läroplaner. Den develop their career guidance using “the sydafrikanska sidan ville utveckla sin Växjö-model” of Centralen as a starting point studievägledning med "Växjö-modellen" för (www.centralen.vaxjo.se). Career guidance is Centralen som utgångspunkt not as accessible to everyone in South Africa (www.centralen.vaxjo.se) . Studievägledning as in Sweden. Through the project the är inte lika tillgängligt för alla i Sydafrika som i participants learned how Växjö has reasoned Sverige. Genom projektet lärde sig deltagarna when setting up Centralen as well as how it is hur Växjö har resonerat när man byggde upp managed and the methods used. This Centralen samt hur Centralen fungerar och knowledge is of great help and has become de metoder som används. Denna kunskap är the starting point for setting up something till stor hjälp och har blivit utgångspunkten similar in Potchefstroom. The view upon för att inrätta något liknande i career guidance differ between the two Potchefstroom. Synen på studievägledning countries which has been interesting to see skiljer sig åt mellan de två länderna och ett as well as learning has taken place both ways. lärande och utbyte har ägt rum åt båda håll. The Swedish side consisting of Alvesta, Den svenska sidan som består av Alvesta, Lessebo and Växjö municipalities has Lessebo och Växjö kommun har undersökt investigated how the curriculums are hur läroplanerna är sammansatta för outlined for the adult educational courses i vuxenutbildningar i Sydafrika. Syftet har varit South Africa. The aim has been to create a att skapa en ny läroplan för en new curriculum for a course within the adult vuxenutbildningskurs i de tre kommunerna, education in the three partaking med fokus på entreprenörskap, i syfte att municipalities, focusing on entrepreneurship, hitta en ny arbetsmetod för att motivera in order to find a new method of work to studenterna att fortsätta sina studier och för motivate the students to continue their att minska avhopp. Denna kurs kommer att studies and to reduce drop-outs. This course påbörjas under 2011. Båda länderna har will start during 2011. Both countries has agerat som experter och elever. Bortsett från acted as experts as well as learners and apart de förväntade målen har flera oväntade from the expected goals several unexpected resultat skett vilka huvudsakligen handlar om results has occurred mainly connected to nytt lärande och nya etablerade kontakter. new learning as well as new contacts Två besök har ägt rum, ett för varje land samt established. Two visits have taken place, one arbete på hemmaplan. to each country including home based work. Final report: Leseding – give light, AS - ID 20110316 4 5. Background and problem identification (same as in application) The first formal contacts between Kronoberg County and the municipality of Potchefstroom were taken in the beginning of 2004 when the parts signed a Letter of Intent giving priority to the starting up of cooperation on a number of fields. Since 2004, the cooperation has become more specific and during 2006, a new and more detailed Memorandum of Understanding between Tlokwe City Council, the Regional Council in southern Småland, the County Council of Kronoberg and the City of Växjö was signed. Since 2006 more than 15 projects has been implemented between the signing parties involving more than 100 unique persons. Currently four projects are running after being approved in the spring of 2009. The projects have been within many different areas such as public relations, democracy, culture work and policies, technical issues, entrepreneurship just to mention a few examples. International exchange has proven to be valuable in different ways in the above-mentioned projects. During 2008/2009 a project1 regarding Adult Education has been implemented. The topics addressed was 1) the difficulties of adjusting the education to the special conditions of adult learners in the sense of relating the education to an occupation, both at the level of basic adult education and more advanced vocational education (so called KY-utbildningar in Sweden) and 2) how to advice adult learners of the right education, an education which is suitable for their specific circumstances and needs. The project was very successful in the sense that it truly inspired the participants in their work of developing adult education in respectively country (some changes has already been made) as well as giving the participants insight in another system of education giving them perspective on their own system. It has also generated long discussions regarding methods and development. On the Swedish side three municipalities took part which, in turn, also generated better contacts between them which is very valuable. However, both sides felt that a one-year project is not enough, it gave the participants the possibility to scratch the surface but it also raised many questions regarding how things are carried out which there was not enough time to go into on a deeper level. After the two visits it was clear from both sides that they wanted to continue the cooperation and narrow it down to become more practical by really trying to implement the ideas the exchange has given. But more knowledge is needed. Therefore it was decided to apply for a two-year continuation of the exchange where both sides could learn more in order to be able to implement the good practises they had seen during the first project year. For the South African side, career guidance is seen as an area where they want to develop, using the set up from Växjö as a starting point. Career guidance is not as developed in South Africa as in Sweden. It is not always free of charge and not as accessible as in Sweden. From the Swedish point of view the area of curriculum was found very interesting and how to make the gap between basic training and vocational training smaller as well as how to motivate the students to complete the basic training by as in South Africa bring in elements of vocational training earlier. In South Africa education is the responsibility of the Province but as Tlokwe City Council regard education as very important they strongly support it being a part of the exchange within the partnership between Kronoberg and Tlokwe. The new project is named Leseding which means 1 A life-time of learning Dnr si 2008/0029 (reported to SALA IDA) Final report: Leseding – give light, AS - ID 20110316 5 “give light” and the thought is that the project will on a long term basis contribute to give people in both countries light to enable them to know what to do. *** It should be noted that the initial application for Leseding was for a two-year project, however only the first year was approved and therefore adjustments has had to be made with regards to the expected results, number of visits and meetings, participants, time schedule etc. This report will therefore differ a little from the initial application with regards to the above mentioned areas. 6. Reached target groups and participants The participants of the project was selected on the basis of that this is a continuation of a previous project aiming to a quire deeper knowledge about the areas selected after the previous project. Therefore, most of the participants are the same in order to be able to continue where the last project ended. Some new participants were also selected. On the Swedish side two more career counselors was brought in since it is one of the focus areas as well as one teacher in order to spread the knowledge acquired regarding curriculums but also in order to get input ”from the floor”. The reason for the uneven balance between men and women on the Swedish side is simply because for example there are only three career guides at Centralen in Växjö that are employed by the City of Växjö and all of them are women and since Centralen is the model for the work it is of course the persons working there that has been engaged in this.
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