CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 152, Pt. 16 21557 Navy Nominations Beginning with Lillian Nora Barry Fischer, of Pennsylvania, to Be 4

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 152, Pt. 16 21557 Navy Nominations Beginning with Lillian Nora Barry Fischer, of Pennsylvania, to Be 4 September 29, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 152, Pt. 16 21557 Navy nominations beginning with Lillian Nora Barry Fischer, of Pennsylvania, to be 4. Parents: Jean Meyer Mellitz: none. A. Abuan and ending with Kevin T. Wright, United States District Judge for the Western Charles Sidney Glazer: Deceased. which nominations were received by the Sen- District of Pennsylvania. 5. Grandparents: Deceased. ate and appeared in the Congressional Sharon Lynn Potter, of West Virginia, to 6. Brothers and Spouses: none. Record on September 7, 2006. be United States Attorney for the Northern 7. Sisters and Spouses: Patricia Glazer: Navy nominations beginning with Andreas District of West Virginia for the term of four $420, 6/01/2005, Hillary Rodham Clinton; $500, C. Alfer and ending with Alison E. Yerkey, years. 9/22/2004, DNC Services Corp; $250, 9/14/2004, which nominations were received by the Sen- Deborah Jean Johnson Rhodes, of Ala- Emily’s List; $500, 6/4/2004, John Kerry; $250, ate and appeared in the Congressional bama, to be United States Attorney for the 4/26/2004, Move Record on September 7, 2006. Southern District of Alabama for the term of Richard Mittenthal: $2,000, 8/06/2004, Kerry Navy nominations beginning with Michael four years. Victory 2004; $2,000, 8/06/2004, Kerry Victory J. Adams and ending with Heather A. Watts, (Nominations without an asterisk 2004. which nominations were received by the Sen- were reported with the recommenda- ate and appeared in the Congressional Frank Baxter, of California, to be Ambas- Record on September 7, 2006. tion that they be confirmed.) sador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Navy nominations beginning with Emily Z. f the United States of America to the Oriental Allen and ending with Joseph W. Yates, FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE Republic of Uruguay. which nominations were received by the Sen- Nominee: Frank Edward Baxter. ate and appeared in the Congressional Clyde Bishop, of Delaware, a Career Mem- Post: Ambassador to the Republic of Uru- Record on September 7, 2006. ber of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of guay. Navy nominations beginning with Karen L. Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary The following is a list of all members of Alexander and ending with John W. and Plenipotentiary of the United States of my immediate family and their spouses. I Zumwalt, which nominations were received America to the Republic of the Marshall Is- have asked each of these persons to inform by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- lands. me of the pertinent contributions made by sional Record on September 7, 2006. Nominee: Clyde Bishop. them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- Navy nominations beginning with Alex- Post: Ambassador to the Republic of the formation contained in this report is com- ander T. Abess and ending with Lauretta A. Marshall Islands. plete and accurate. Ziajko, which nominations were received by The following is a list of all members of Contributions, amount, date and donee: the Senate and appeared in the Congres- my immediate family and their spouses. I 1. Self: $2,100.00, 06/06, Santorum 2006; sional Record on September 7, 2006. have asked each of these persons to inform $1,000.00, 06/06, Talent for Senate Committee; Navy nominations beginning with Chad E. me of the pertinent contributions made by $1,000.00, 06/06, Friends of Congressman Tom Betz and ending with Tracie M. Zielinski, them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- Lantos; $(300.00), 05/06, ERIC PAC; $1,000.00, which nominations were received by the Sen- formation contained in this report is com- 05/06, Ken Calvert for Congress; $2,100.00, 05/ ate and appeared in the Congressional plete and accurate. 06, Rick Santorum for Senate 2006; $25,000.00, Record on September 7, 2006. Contributions, amount, date, and donee: 04/06, Republican National Committee; Navy nominations beginning with Wang S. 1. Self: none. $(1,000.00), 03/06, Ensign for Senate; $2,000.00, Ohm and ending with Viktoria J. Rolff, 2. Spouse: none. 03/06, Mike DeWine for U.S. Senate; $2,000.00, which nominations were received by the Sen- 3. Children and Spouses: Sean and Wilma 03/06, Ensign for Senate; $1,000.00, 03/06, ate and appeared in the Congressional Bishop: none; Jeanne Bishop and Kevin Friends of George Allen; $2,000.00, 03/06, Jon Record on September 13, 2006. Deffenbaugh: none. Kyl for U.S. Senate; $2,000.00, 03/06, Mark Navy nominations beginning with Ilin Parents: Deceased. Kennedy 2006; $1,000.00, 03/06, Mark Kennedy Chuang and ending with William P. Smith, 5. Grandparents: Deceased. 2006; $900.00, 03/06, Friends of Conrad Burns— which nominations were received by the Sen- 6. Brothers and Spouses: none. 2006; $1,100.00, 03/06, Friends of Conrad ate and appeared in the Congressional 7. Sisters and Spouses: Annette and Sam- Burns—2006; $2,100.00, 03/06, Steele for Mary- Record on September 21, 2006. uel Watson, none; Margeret Cave, none; land; $3,700.00, 03/06, National Republican * Nomination was reported with rec- Janet and Nahum Smith, none; Donald and Congressional Committee; $2,100.00, 03/06, ommendation that it be confirmed sub- Claudette Evans, none. Kevin McCarthy for Congress; $1,000.00, 02/06, ject to the nominee’s commitment to Ed Royce for Congress; $1,000.00, 12/05 Evan respond to requests to appear and tes- Charles L. Glazer, of Connecticut, to be Bayh Committee; $1,000.00, 11/05, Friends of tify before any duly constituted com- Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni- Conrad Burns—2006; $5,000.00, 10/05, National mittee of the Senate. potentiary of the United States of America Republican Senatorial Committee; $1,000.00, (Nominations without an asterisk to the Republic of El Salvador. 09/05, ERIC PAC; $2,100.00, 09/05, Hastert for Nominee: Charles L. Glazer. Congress Committee; $500.00, 08/05, Dan Bur- were reported with the recommenda- Post: Ambassador to El Salvador. ton for Congress Committee; $2,100.00, 08/05, tion that they be confirmed.) The following is a list of all members of Ensign for Senate; $500.00, 08/05, Ed Royce for f my immediate family and their spouses. I Congress; $500.00, 06/05, Buck McKeon for have asked each of these persons to inform Congress; $500.00, 06/05, Sharron Angle Your EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF me of the pertinent contributions made by Voice in Congress; $1,000.00, 06/05, Ken Cal- COMMITTEES them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- vert for Congress; $1,000.00, 05/05, Talent for The following executive reports of formation contained in this report is com- Senate Committee; $25,000.00, 04/05, Repub- nominations were submitted: plete and accurate. lican National Committee; $1,000.00, 03/05, By Mr. SPECTER for the Committee on Contributions, amount, date, and donee: Dan Burton for Congress Committee; the Judiciary. 1. Self: $2,000, 4/26/2006, Connecticut Victory $1,000.00, 03/05, Friends of George Allen; Marcia Morales Howard, of Florida, to be 2006; $1,000, 12/31/2005, Straight Talk America; $2,000.00, 03/05, Hastert for Congress Com- United States District Judge for the Middle $1,000, 10/03/2005, Republican National Com- mittee; $500.00, 03/05, Ed Royce for Congress; District of Florida. mittee; $1,000, 6/29/2005, Connecticut Repub- $2,000.00, 02/05, 21st Century PAC; $2,000.00, 10/ Leslie Southwick, of Mississippi, to be licans; $100, 10/06/2004, Martinez for Senate; 04, DeMint for Senate Committee; $1,000.00, United States District Judge for the South- $2,000, 9/17/2004, Bush-Cheney ‘04; $2,000, 8/13/ 09/04, Hastert for Congress Committee; ern District of Mississippi. 2004, Joint Candidate Committee; $2,000, 8/06/ $500.00, 09/04, Ed Royce for Congress; $1,000.00, Gregory Kent Frizzell, of Oklahoma, to be 2004, Shays for Congress; $25,000, 4/22/2004, 09/04, Tim Escobar for Congress; $500.00, 08/04, United States District Judge for the North- RNC; $1,000, 3/26/2004, Simmons for Congress; Republican National Committee; $2,000.00, 07/ ern District of Oklahoma. $1,000, 3/19/2004, Shays for Congress; $25,000, 04, Pete Coors for Senate; $(7,500.00), 07/04, Lisa Godbey Wood, of Georgia, to be 12/31/2003, RNC; $357, 11/18/2003, Bush-Cheney National Republican Senatorial Committee; United States District Judge for the South- ‘04; $1,010, 9/15/2003, Bush-Cheney ‘04; $1,000, 3/ $500.00, 07/04, Ken Calvert for Congress; ern District of Georgia. 25/2003, Arlen Spector; $1,000, 10/31/2002, Eliza- $(345.00), 07/04, Victory 2004/California Repub- Robert James Jonker, of Michigan, to be beth Dole Committee; $1,000, 9/20/2002, Sim- lican Party; $2,000.00, 06/04, Lungren for Con- United States District Judge for the Western mons for Congress; $250, 1/21/2002, Simmons gress; $2,000.00, 06/04, Bill Jones for U.S. Sen- District of Michigan. for Congress. ate; $2,000.00, 06/04, McConnell Senate Com- Paul Lewis Maloney, of Michigan, to be 2. Spouse: Janet H. Glazer: $1,000, 10/31/2002, mittee 2008; $2,000.00, 06/04, McConnell Senate United States District Judge for the Western Elizabeth Dole Committee. Committee 2008; $(5,000.00), 06/04, National District of Michigan. 3. Children and Spouses: Lindsay Hollis: Republican Congressional Committee; Janet T. Neff, of Michigan, to be United none. $500.00, 06/04, Coronado for Congress; $2,000.00, States District Judge for the Western Dis- Charles Louis, Jr.: none.
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