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BETTING OfflHNIZED SSTEVEN T E v E N AANZOVIN N z o v N HowoW many times have you looked SSeeee HoHoww They Run for that scrap of paper with the Since a personal database (DB) is realreal crucial phone number on it or ly an everyday tooltool,, yoyou'veu've got to be Hsearched in every jacket pocket comfonablecomfortable with how it presents data for an important contact's business on the screen-whatscreen—what I call the data card? !ftheIf the answer is too often, you view. Most likely,likely, you'llyou'U want to need to get organized, get and your MacMac choose a DB that corresponds to an intosh can help you do it—alongit- along with information format you're already fafa the right personal database program.program. miliar with. If you're used to looking Personal databases manage your at real estate listings in list formform,, for personal and business informationinformation— exampleexample,, you might want to choose the names,names, numbers, addresses, datesdates,, one of the DBs with a list-type data and lists that you refer to every day. to view. If you plan to use yoyourur DB pripri TheyThey're're not designed to provide the marily as an address bookbook,, choose one heavy-duty data massaging of a full-full that looks like a FiloFax FiloFax.. fledged relational database, such as Address Book Plus hashas the most 4th Dimension, but they're quick,quick, data-view flexibility,flexibility, offering listlist,, adad small,small, convenient,convenient, and much easier to dress book,book, and envelope and label use.use.
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