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Volume XLVII HARTFORD, CONN., DECEMBER 14, 1949 Number 10 "The Background of French Politics" lAir ROTC t:o Sponsor First: Military Ball Subject of Laurence Lafore Lecture Former Trin Faculty At Bond Ballroom Saturday, Pipes to Sing Member Lectures Committee to Select Debating T earn Loses Military Ball Committee To Full House To Amherst Mooters Queen in First By Gordon Clem and Pete Smi th Cadet Formal Continuing its policy of bringing Two members of the Trinity Athen­ outstanding speakers to the college, aeum Debating Society, Robert Handy The Trinity ollege Air ROT Unit the lecture committee last Thursday and Jacque Hopkins, clashed with a will spon or the first l\lilitary Ball in presented Professor Laurence Lafore delegation from the Amherst Debat­ Hilltop history on atm·day night, of Swarthmore College in a talk en­ ing in Colleges and Universities in the Decemb r 17. The dance, to be held titled "The Background of French solved, Members of the Communist at the Bond Hotel Ballroom from 9 Politic ." The speech, given before Party Should be Ban ~ d from Teach­ until 1 to the music of Pat Byrd and his lub Royale Orchestra, will be an audience of sev ral hundred in the ing Colleges and Universities in the Chemistry Auditorium, was an an­ United States" on Friday night in formal for those not appearing in uni­ form. It was decided by the Ball alysis of the history of France in the Goodwin Lounge. ommitt e that no corsages arc to be last two centuries culminating with its present political struggles. Trin egative Lo es elect Queen Dealing chiefly with the French The Trinity team upheld the nega­ Highlights of the dance will be the political changes ince the war, Mr. tive side of the question affirming that Lafore howed that the recent govern­ selection of a Queen and an intermis­ many of the members of the Trinity sion vocal r endition by the Pipes. A mental upheavals were the re ult of faculty are Communists but that their centurie of economic and political door prize will be presented to the political sympathies have not inter­ lucky ticket-holder. Patrons and pat­ development. Hi. main tenet was that fered with the competency of their the situation in France today i du e ronesses wil! be a: follows: President teaching. However, the Amherst team and Mrs. Funston, Dean and Mrs. mo. tly to the apathy of the French ov rwhelmed the Trin-men with sheer people toward central government. Hughes, Dean and !\Irs. Iarke, D an weight of logic and the decision was Holland, lajor William Taylor, Major l\luch of the confu ion in constitution­ Bottom row, left to right-Grant Mcintosh, Ray now, Don Gabree, Lou awarded to Amherst. and Mrs. John Folan, aptain and al procedure. , he . tated, wa due to Raden. Mrs. orris Hamilton, and ad t Col. the communi!it egment in the govern­ Top row, left to right--Burr Johnson, Dud Bickford, Bob kinner, and ice Weather and Mrs. Seymour Page. ment. The ba is of the new Fourth Hank Nurge. The ROTC, which find s itself oc­ Republic is till in inchoate form; and Then interviewed shortly after the cupying the peculiar position of a the countle s referenda put before the debate, the Trinity debaters remarked, William Self Presents Organ Recital school within a school 1 it conf rs its citizen have come to nothing due to "The weather has been most satis­ own degree after the completion of this complexity. factory for this time of the year." Finale of Current Series in Chapel r equired courses), hopes that an an­ Mr. Lafore gave a clear picture of The Amherst team released the fol­ By Gordon H. Clem nual Military Ball with become an in­ the three main political groups in lowing statement for publication in tegral part of Trinity tradition. With France today-the conservatist MRP, the Trii>od, "It is to be hoped that The organ recital by William Self on the sixth of December brought to a clo~:! uf I out· vrgat, i~ this in view, it stress ~ I hat tho afT air favoring democratic ~overnment and President Fun::.ton will embark upon a serie>. r >o.:itals in t ••e 'ollege ' hapel. 1r. elf is an all-college dance and not a a parliamentary republi::, the DeGaul­ a concerted effort to purge the faculty organist and choirmaster of All Saints hurch, Worcester, and organist of closed affair to ROTC cadets. lists, who desire a strong, autocratic of 'undesirable elements'." the Worcester Art Museum. Other organists in the series were Ceorge Faxon presidency, and the leftist wing, who of the Cathedral of Saint Paul, Boston, Luther Noss of Yale University, and ommittee Member favor government based on Commun­ G. Huntington Byles of Trinity Church, New Haven. o-chairmen of the Ball Committee Mr. Self's recital was a well balanced incorporation of the early French ist-Socialist ideas. The inability of are Donald Gabree and Raymond school, the works of Bach and his contemporaries, and of modern composer . these three parties to 2.gree on any Snow. Other members in charge of Rifle Club Schedules These contained a pleasant variation between full and small amounts of tone important questions is responsible, he decorations, arrangements, and pub­ and between swift and slow tempo . feels, for the present chaotic condi- I nter-Callege Matches licity include Grant Mclnto h, Bob The Finale in B Flat by Cesar (Continued on page 6.) First in Early March Pipes End Fall Season Skinner, Lou Raden, d Kulp, Dud­ F ranck reached an exciting pitch ley Bickford, and Hank urge. For the first time since its inception a t he organist made u e of the At ROTC Military Ball full organ. The Trinity ha1>el organ, a year ago, the Trinity College Rifle The Pipes of Trinity College will Brownell Initiates 33 Club has scheduled matches with other made by Aeolian Skinner Company, ha a fine volume of tone at the di s­ bring to a c~os~ their successful fall WRTC 1nstalls New college groups. The first such match season by smgmg at the Bulkel y In Woodward Lounge to be set definitely is planned for posal of its u er . The music critic of the Hartford ourant stated that the High School Auditorium on Thursday, IStudio Equipment In a simple but impressive cere­ March 11, 1950, with Dattmouth December 15, as guest of the Univer- chapel's acoustics could not accom­ mony held in Woodward Lounge on College. sity Glee lub in their annual Christ- Does your radio sta ion sound dlf­ modate such large quantitie of tone. Wednesday December 7, the following The club is now co mposed of sixteen mas Concert and by singing on Dec m- 1ferent lately? In radio as in cigar­ In this writer's opinion, the only place men were initiat d into the Brownell regular members, mo · tly off-ca mpus her 17 at the R.O.T.C. Ball. This last ettes, mod rn design makes the big where t he organ i too loud i immedi­ Club of Trinity ollege: A. Angel­ men. Meeting are held each Monday appearance will mark the eighteenth difference. WRTC has now in usc two ately in front of the organ chamber. I a tro, R. B. Barry, L. Bernabo, R. E. evening in the rifle range under Jar­ singing engagement for the Pipes in new cartridges and preamplifi er that The acoustics of Trinity's Chapel are Custer, A. Auguston, L. E. Bourgeois, vis Hall. Thi practice area has been the last eight weeks. were installed after · great deal of very fine. Many of the visiting musi­ W. Chakeropoulos, E. D. Geary, L. E. loaned to the group by the R.O.'f.C. Included in the fall . chedule were toil by one of our more faithful cian will back me up on that tate­ Grimes, M. Kaufman, M. Kelly, R. at the college. Gun are made avail­ weekends at mith and Pine Manor alumni, Sam Edsall, aud Chief Engi­ ment. It i hoped that the organ Malkin, L. J. Maradie A. Miller, . E. able to those men who do not own Junior ollege, as well a. appearance. neer By Bridge. To !he station it might eventually be moved to the ~foller, Jr., H. B. rordP.n, L. S. mith, them. at the ational Fire In urance om- means a sound investment in new west end of the Chapel. R. Stedman, M. R. Stein, J. A. Stro­ The constitution of the Rifle Club pany, the Rockledge Country lub, equipment. To the listener of Radio The Berceuse by Joseph Bonnet was ther, W. Sullivan, D. 0. Thornton . has been completed anrl will soon be the Bond IIotel, the Hartford Times, Tl'inity it means more brilliant and very popular in the estimation of the :raslett, W. L. Trousdale, A. J. submitted to the College Senate for W~sh­ audience. It incorporates a simple the Hartford lub, and the chool of colorful music. mgton, J. J. Zazzaro, A. Sheary, J. M. approval. The officer of the club, and melodious beauty. Mr. Self studied N ur ing Alumnae at the Hartford Station ote Shute, L. Ross, M. Katzman, S. Mar­ who have been instrumental in pro­ under Bonnet in France. His fond­ Hospital. The Pipes have al o made The producers of the classical music shall, J. Kilty, and J. Lehrfeld. The ducing this document are Richard Os­ ness for the man was apparent in his many appearances at college functions program announced that they will club wishes to take this opportunity borne, President, and William Thoma exacting treatment of the work The including the oph Hop, fraternity present Portions of Handel's Messiah to welcome and congratulate these who is vice-president ar.d also acting Christmas spi1·it was brought forth in parties, college dance. , and on pro- 011 Symphony Hall from g :00 to 10:00 new men. as secretary pro tempore. the oel in G by Louise Claude grams over \VRT · La t unday, Wednesday, Thursdav, and Friday Cl ub plans for the future include a d'Aquin. Its lovely melody was ac­ ew England Regional F . M. Network nights. · stag beer party to be held in the club­ centuated by the large variety of stops carried. a half-hour program by . the I \'" ' RT 1· now b roa d ca t'1ng over "'50;) roo.m on Saturday night, December 17, ATTE TION SE rroR used by the organist. Pipe over five. ew. EngGlland tatiOn . kilocycles in the morning a. well a whi ch will a! o feature movie of the T .. All proofs of individual photo­ The remainder of the' recital was The Brown mver Ity ee lub was at night. There i al. o a five-minute nnlty-'Vesleyan, Tufts and orwich on the arne program the prC\'ious graphs taken for the 1950 ~vy composed of Tocatta in A by Henry news urnmary at 9 a.m. for tho e football game . December 19 will find week. should be returned to the Lonng Purcell, a forerunner of Bach, Le Mou member of t he Current Events class lhe club members travelling out to Studio, 6 Pratt Street, this week. lin de Paris, an anonymous composi­ The Pipes have scheduled a limited who didn't do their ass ignments. Farmington to participate in a Chri t­ Seniors who have not yet had tion of the early French school, Offer­ number of engagements during Janu- Last Saturday night WRTC began lll as Ca rol sing through the courtesy their pictures taken, must have toire Surles Grands Jeux, by Francois ary but will concentrate their efforts its coverage of the season, of Ray Flebeau. I them taken before the Christmas Couperin Le Grand of the old French on rehearsing on the making of their with a play by play broadcast of the Last week's busines meeting and Holiday if they are to be included school, And ante by icholas Lc Begue, new 1950 album after mid-year exams. Williams game. "Doc" Dorman and sport night combined turne I out suc­ in the book. Please call 7- 131 for In Thee I Gladnes by the master, In February, the Pipes will engage in "Red" Thomas handled the broadcast. c~ssf ully as the club members had a an appointment. Johann Sebastian Bach, Andantino by an unprecedented number of appear- This was the first in series that will c ance once more to 1 clive parts of Seniors who did not receive an Louise Vierne, and the Finale from ances and will touch many of the consist of only two broadcasts of the football season again while view­ ~he ac ivities questionnaire at the time Third Symphony by Charles Marie major women's coil ges. games in the whole home series. The lllg the movies of the Worcester Tech their picture was taken may secure \Yidor. The present group includes Jim Istation cannot obtain perm is ion to l\Iirldlebury games. an~ one at the Public Relations Office. This series of organ recitals has St~wart, George Currie, ~irst Tenors; perform the service of covering the . he Brownell Club would like at done a great deal to augment musical Re1d Shaw, DI.ck . Garnson, Second Iother games. Concerning broadcasts th IS f These should be filled out and left f Ime to wish the members of the at the Post Office before leaving culture at Trinity. Let us hope that Tenors; Don W1ldr1ck, Doug Harvey, of out of town games, financial condi- baculty, administration and student for the vacation. we continue to get music of this high Baritones; iark Coholan, Paul ' tions will govern the number of games Rody a very merry Christmas and a j quality in the future. Thomas, Basses. that can be covered. appy New Year. ------~ December 14, 194<} Page Two THE TRINITY TRIPOD Merry Christmas, Santa Dud Bickford The Reviewer By Ray Bernie Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. My first thought on hearing of Philip Barry's recent Member tragic death was one of .wonder a~ to w~1o would now Associated Collegiate Press create those wonderful lrnes for h.atharme Hepburn• unique voice--lines uch as "For God's sake why don't they sell ticket !" (Phila?,elphi~ Story) and "Don't think I didn't think of that. (Without Love) . Satur­ Published weekly throughout the academic year by the STU­ day night, however, I realized that it hadn't been Barry DENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE. Subscription $3.00 per year. Student subscription included in tuition fee. Entered at Hartford, who had made them shine--he had only wntten them­ Conn., as second class matter February 14, 1947, under the Act of but rather Miss Hepburn her elf who gave them a cer. March 3, I 79. The columns of THE TRINITY fRIPOD are at all tain verbal enchantment. For lo and behold, the bard times open to alumni, under~rraduatea, and olhera for the di11cua· of Avon himself has fallen victim to her peculiar empha­ 1ion o{ matters of interest to Trinity men. sis and impeccable timing. In one of his happiest plays, As You Like It, Mi s Hepburn, as Rosalind, begin her pastoral pastimes by announcing, "So t hi is the Forest EXECUTIVE BOARD of Ar-den!" Editor-in-Chic! ...... Peter Van Metre Under the careful scrutiny of Theresa Helburn and Business Mnnag r ....•...... •...... •...... John McGaw Managing Editor ...... John Coote Lawrence Langner, Shakespeare's familiar comedy is Members-at-Large ...... Robert Herbert made exciting and new. It is presented in two parts F. Scott Diilyou and although a great amount of material is omitted per­ EDITORIAL STAFF force, the rich flavor of Shakespeare remains. James Brainard Rau (Associate Editor); Leone! L. Mitchell (Fe4ture Bailey has given it beautiful sets and costumes, en­ Editor ); John Stewart (News Editor); Elton Smith and Robert hancing Shakespeare's love of pageant. The pastoral Blum (Sports Editors) ; Edwin Shapiro nnd Raymond Bdrnc (As•t. element, which infuses most of the play, is particularly News Editors); Edgar Matthews (Rewrite Editor); Richard Yeo­ mans (Makeup Editor); David Edwards (Exchange); Arthur Brown well handled. and Jerry Lchrfcid (Photograr>hy); Evan Wooiiacott, Jacque Hop­ It was quite obvious that the audience was eager to kins, Ned Spears, Rory O'Connor, Dudley Bickford, Robert Haugan, John Bcl'llcth, Art Raybold, Richard Hooper, Barry Colt. Jack see Miss Hepburn in tights. She first appears, most Boyer, Gregory Knapp, Joseph Wollenberg r, James Spagnoli, and charmingly, in yards of material on a pavilion at Duke Richard Sanger. Frederick's palace. The women were smug at this BUSINESS STAFF as they knew that Rosalind would eventually be Robert Krogman (Advertlsinll.' Mannll.'er); Manning Parsons (Cir­ forced to strip down to the barest essentials when trans­ culation Monall.'er); Norman Wack, Edward Dell.'ener, and Bidwell Freshmen and Upperclassmen Join forming herself to Ganymede. However, the women Fuller. were disappointed. The men, on the other hand, were In Snowy Battle 'Neath The Elms • delighted to see that under those yards of material ex­ isted a woman indeed. A definite audience relaxation By J erry Lehrfeld Attention Pa rents . followed this transformation. The weather forecast for Friday, Jim Van Loon and for ten minutes This marks the final issue of the Tripod t.o be sent t.o December 2, was heavy snow. At held the frosh at bay wi~h the ferocity all the parents of Trinity students. The Executive . . . Iof their bombardment. 10:.30 rn the evemng 10 mches of the Suddenly the men of '53 n:assed Board has regretfully decided that it must curtail dis­ Campus Personalities white substance had blanketed the their forces and charged. The !me of tribution of the paper to those parents who have not By Dick Hooper ground. upperclassmen wavered and then contributed toward the cost of a regular subscription This is but an introduction to the broke in a helter skelter retreat to­ in order to insure solvency when we face the Student great snowball fight that was held ward Cook dormitories. Rather than Of all persons on campus, "Cap" Horan, our post­ Senate's Budget ommittee next month. that Friday night between the frosh helter skelter, let us say it was an master is perhaps the most familiar to everyone. "Cap,'' ALL PARE T WHO HAVE 0 1 TRIBUTED A Y and upperclassmen. orderly retreat in the face of superior who came to Trinity on December 31, 1946, is equipped S M TO HELP DEFRAY 0 R EXTRA EXPE SES At zero hour (10 p.m.) 75 upper- forces. Determined not to go down with a remarkable memory for names and box numbers, classmen descended upon the frosh ingloriously, t he men of '50, '51 and as well as with a good-natured attitude toward the flock WILL RE EIVE THE TRIPOD FOR THE REMAIN­ dorms and demanded that the frosh '52 rall ied once more, 'neath Bancroft of students who mob his window between classes. DER OF THE ~ IIOOL YEAR. come out. For reasons unknown the Arch this time, and once again halted Since "Cap's" arrival, Trinity's postal service has But despite the generous response of many parents men of '53 declined the invitation, the surging frosh. The freshmen brain been made far more convenient. Prior to June, 1947, we have received only enough to continue complete dis­ until finally about thirty of them came trust held a short council and immedi­ there were no facilities for registering or insuring mail. tribution to Christmas, and are therefore forced to limit out to defend the honor of their class. ately afterwards a pincer movement The later addition of one hundred boxes brought the These were quickly cornered at the was sent around to the back entrance our di tribution to those parents who have aided us. number to three hundred, and at the present time ap­ north end of the quadrangle and mer- of the arch. The upperclassmen, now proximately seven hundred people receive mail via The Executive Board wishes to thank all tho e who cilessly bombarded. Tiring of the one- being pelted from the front and rear, "Cap." These include not only dormitory residents, but have generously aided us in our attempt to keep all sided fight about two thirds of the tried to stand their ground, but the fraternity brothers, professors, and various departments Trinity parents in touch with their sons' activities, and upperclassmen returned to their odds against them were too much. as well. only wishes that it were within its power to continue to dorms leaving only 25 men on the Taking advantage of the convenient Before coming here, "Cap" was connected with the field of battle. Now the frosh made entries into Woodward and Goodwin, do so for the remainder of the year. Hartford Post Office where he had been employed for their move. The doors of every sec- they disappeared through said entries forty-five years. For twenty of those years he served As thi s i not pos ible, we will add thi last re­ tion of Jarvis opened and spewed forth and the frosh returned to their dorms as foreman of the directory section, more commonly minder: regul ar sub criptions for the remainder of the inspired freshmen, 150 strong. The in a jubilant mood. known as "Nixie" section. That department handles school year may now be purcha ed for $1.50, and, if upperclassmen, outnumbered 6-1, re- All that can be said in conclusion is general delivery letters, mail with insufficient postage, received before January 5, will insure your uninter­ treated to the mall stubbornly contest- that in the face of vastly superior and mail to be forwarded; however, its most interesting ing every inch of ground. There they forces the upperclassmen did them­ r upted receipt of the TRIPOD. service is locating the addressees of first-class mail rallied around the stalwart figure of selves proud. The Board again thanks all those parents who have bearing wrong addresses, and from that function the section acquired its name, " ixie," meaning misdirected so willingly contributed, and reiterates that they will letter. In his field "Cap" was often obliged to do con­ continue to receive the paper until June 1950. siderable detective work. For example, ten years ago, Tripod Tintypes a woman from a Boston suburb Wl'Ote asking the post By John Berseth office if it could locate a Mrs. Davis who had lived in Hartford forty years before. After searching through old records, "Cap" discovered that Mrs. Davis had died, Sing, You Guys . "What might have been a disastrou fire in ortham Towers was nipped but he was able to find the addresses of her two daugh­ in the bud by the gallant fire-laddies of a nearby chemical company Sunday ters for the interested party. Tomorrow at 5:00 p. m. the Senate, the Hartford night. The blaze--or rather the smoke, for at no time was a blaze to be s en Few people would recognize Francis P. Horan as the Times, and Mr. Walter Dawley JOtn in sponsoring an -was discovered by a group of polers, who, not being used to smoke, are name of Trinity's postmaster. He was dubbed "Cap" all-college Outdoor Christmas Sing by the Chapel. annoyed by a very slight amount of it. It was found to be issuing from under when he captained Company H of the Hartford Light the window-seats in the janitor's office. The Tripod commends the Times for its generous ac­ Company, his division during the Spanish-American "At first water was poured on the window-seat in large quantities, but War. tion in providing song sheets and procuring an electric the smoke continued to issue forth in blue clouds. The situation was critical. In 1894 and 1895, "Cap" played for Hartford's pro­ organ on a truck for the occasion. We a! o wish to A mob had formed outside the window and was shouting orde1·s and advice. fessional baseball team who e games were played on thank Mr. Dawley for his services in playing the organ Someone had a happy thought and telephoned the chemical. Trinity's field. A former center-fielder, "Cap" now for the Sing. "By the time the fire-fighters arrived, the smoke was beginning to grow roots for the Red Sox. pale and to assume a bored look. But one can never take chances with fire. We urge all Trinity students to participate in this "Cap" remarked that those incoming letters with box The gallant fire-laddies quickly ran up a ladder and climbed into the room event so fitting for the holiday sea. on. numbers written on the envelope are apt to be r eceived without a thought of the awful chances they were taking, as the room was sooner than others. Despite his keen ability to mem­ Time: Thu r day, 5:00 p.m. full of tudents. A mighty cheer rent the air at the sight of the gallant fire­ orize in a few weeks the new fre hman names with their Place: Outside the Chapel. laddie climbing up to the first floor window, especially as the door was open. box numbers, "Cap" is sometimes hindered by the fact But the danger was at least trebled by choo ing the window, and their act in Participants: The Faculty and tudent Bodies. that there are four Lee's and twelve Smith's, two of so doing de erved the applause." The Trinity Tripod, Vol. VII. No. 28. which are David Smith's, recei ving mail at Trinity.

THE BOND PRESS, INC. A LARGE SELECTI ON OF PLIMPTON'S INC. Society for Savings Printers of the Tripod CH RI STM AS GIFTS NOW AVA ILABL E 94 ALLYN STREET HARTFORD , CONN. STATIONERS Main Office: CLOTHIER-FURNISHER SCHOOL and BUSINESS 31 PRATT STREET COMPLETE ART AND ENGRAVING SERVICE HARTFORD, CONN. FOR THE ADVERTISER HE NRY MILLER SUPPLIES The Watson Cheney Photo-Engra vi ng Co. IMPORTER 74 UN ION PLACE HARTFORD 26 Trumbull St. Tel. 6-213 8 142 Trumbull Street WEST HARTFORD BRANCH Near Hotel Heublein Telephone 2-2291 994 FARMINGTON AVENUE Decem ber 14, 1949 THE TRINITY TRIPOD Page Three ------~~~~~------~~~ Junior Prom Committee Announces Plans Religious Club News

A TERBURY LUB cording to the speaker, believes that For B~~~L!eekend; Tickets $5 Per Couple At a meeting of the Canterbury an education which does not include Club at Trinity in Goodwin Lounge on religion, as is the case in the public schools, is not a true education at all. Junior Prom Committee Tue day, December 6, 1949, the Rev. When we talked to ed Kulp about Lawrence Whittemore, Curate at Trin­ The Church, therefore, has established the results of the Junior Prom Com- ity Church, Hartford, spoke on "The its own schools in order to give relig­ ittee meetings, he was enthusiastic Prote tant Heritage of the Anglican ion its proper place in the curriculum. ~out the coming Prom on Friday, Church." Father Heffernan stated that religion ~ebruary 17, because he is expecting The Rev. Mr. Whittemore stated must be a rational belief, and that it "great things." The Committee, that authority and freedom must be is made rational and given an intellec­ which was formed to p1·omote the an­ held in a workable balance for the tual foundation through Catholic edu­ nual Junior Prom, holds its meetings realization of a fully developed relig­ cation. to discuss such things as procuring the ious life. The Anglican Communion In addition, the Church wishes to band plans for decorations, a theme offers the best opportuni~y of finding accomplish three main objectives for the dance, and promotion. The this balance in that it retains the through its . chool systc,m: to teach definite data resulting from the meet­ authority of the Scripture, reeds and what the hri tian life is, to explain ings thus far is that the tickets will tradition, but recognizes and respects the doctrines of the Church, and to be five dollars per couple, and that the freedom and dignity of human teach atholics how to achieve Chris­ the dance will be held at the Hartford thought. The latter is one of our great tian ideals. Club between the hours of nine to one. Protestant Heritages. It is trying to The theme and band will be announced maintain this balance, the speaker as soon as the Committee reaches not d, we (the Anglican Communion) definite conclusions, probably after limp, but we are limping in a good Christmas vacation. The Committee way. also announces that corsages will be Perhaps even greater is the funda­ worn by the girls. The various de­ mental concept of Prole tant thought partments on the Committee are in­ which Anglicanism has inherited that ve tigating th idea of having sled­ we are all under the judgment of God ding and skating parties in the after­ The J unior Prom Co mmittee ponders a problem of the coming dance. and that our faith is not something noon before the Bowdoin basketball which is neatly preserved and hand d game that night. Letter to the Editor out in carefully ti d and labelled pack­ The Committee has planned to have To the Editor: ly personal re-action. So far as we ages. The Church is a spirit-filled an elaborate fountain-mirrored ball We wish to commend the editor of have been able to learn, the opinions body and believes in a God working with four spotlights trained on it in The Tripod for his temperate and ma­ expressed by Mr. Sprague do not rep­ in history. Each one has to appro­ the center of the dance floor. Ned ture treatment of the letter from Mr. resent the feelings of the alumni in priate the faith handed down for him- Design copyright 1949 also said that engraved bids will be James G. Sprague to the Trinity Col­ general, and certainly mi repre ent self. All of us as individuals must TRJ JTY COLLEGE sent to the girls attending the dance. lege paper. We hope that if T he Call­ the a ttitude of the Hillyer student come to grips with religion. FOOTBALL M GS The officers directing th Commit­ board is ever caught in a similar situ­ body to which his letter does a gross Mentioning the contribution of Wil- Hand P11inted in Your School Colors tee are Bill VanLanen, president, and ation, we shall have profited by this di enice. liam Temple, late Archbi. hop of an- Football player and letter "T" example of courtesy and judgment. We hope that the readers of last terbury, a Jiving example of the bal- decorated in brilliant blue and gold the representative from Alpha Delta colors baked upon white china mug. Phi; Ned Kulp, vice-president; King While Mr. Sprague may have been week's Tripod will bear these facts in ance which can be n:aintained in These sturdy mugs, made of high Howard, secretary - treasurer; Bill chagrined to read a sport article mind. Anglicanism, the Rev. Mr. Whitte- quali ly china, make an ideal remem­ Fritz, r presenting Sigma Nu; Bill vnitten in The Callboard by Mr. P eter Yours, more concluded with the hope that branc of you1· school- ju t the thing Zerio, we have been no le s hocked to this balance may be our contribution for your dan or d sk. Ideal for gifts Irons of Delta Kappa Epsilon; Jim because of their many uses. Designed observe the lengths to which Sprague Lorraine Lehan, Editor, Hollyday of Delta P i; John Friday to the great ecumenical movement, to keen cold drinks cold longer. Will The Callboard, Hillyer of Psi Upsilon; Irving Hamilton of has been willing to go with the ex­ which will, in God's time, embrace and hold 18 ounces. Also adaptable in the pression of what is apparently a pure- College. Tau Alpha; Ray Lang- of Commons bring together the broken parts of home as a whatnot or flower pot. Chri t's body. \ Immediate delivery. Club; raig Ludlow of Delta Phi; Lou EW WRTC PROGRA 1 SCHEDULE * * * Order Yours Today! Raden of Theta Xi and chairman of 550 0 T 55 0 0 1 NEWMAN CLUB Order lllank the decorations committee; Dave Blair YOUR DIAL YOUR DIAL 1 of Alpha Chi Rho; and Brian Dorman "The Catholic School System" was Sidney . Bremer Ind., Inc., 7:30 A.M. Station Sign On the subject of a talk deliv r ed bef ore Mar·ietta, Georgia. representing the neutrals and chair­ 7:30 Yawn Patrol the ewman Club on Dec. 6 by the 1. nclose herewith $ ...... for man of the music committee. 9:00 Morning News Roundup Rev. Arthur Hefferman. Superinten- whrch rush the followmg TRINITY 9:05 Variety Time . OLLEGE football mugs to me post- dent of Schools for the Hartford Dro- paid: 9:15 Transcriptions 9:30 Bob Bacon Program cese...... "Firsts" @ $2.50 ea ...... IVY PICTURES Father Heffernan began his talk by ...... "Seconds" (slightly im- Station Sign Off The follo>ving is the schedule for 10:00 pointing out a practical consideration perfect) @ $1.75 ea ...... activities' pictures for the 1950 Ivy. 7:00 P .M. Station On which always presents itself where · ·····Undecorated mugs, white glazed china without let- The pictures will be taken in Goodwin 7:00 550 Club New York Times ews, Sports News, Campus News Catholic education is di cussed. That ter @ $1.50 ea. Lounge. 8:00 MO . Moments With Miller is, why does the church maintain its Name ...... Thursday, December 15: 8:15 TUES. Tropicana own very expensive educational sys- Address ...... 4:00 Pi Gamma Mu WED. Harry James Show tern when Catholics can, if they wish, City ...... 4:15 Phi Beta Kappa THURS. Sports Preview avail themselves of free public school State ...... 4:30 Sigma Pi Sigma FRI. Hollywood Headlines education? The Catholic Church, ac- (Please print name and address) 4:45 Young Republican Club MO . Showtime 5:00 Band 8:30 TUES. Make Believe Ballroom 5:15 Fraternity Presidents WED. Strictly Swing 5:30 Who's Who in American Uni- THURS. Campus Hit Parade versities and Colleges FRI. Gems Of American Jazz 5:45 The Medusa 9:00 Symphony Hall 7:00 Glee Club 10:00 Record Room 7:30 Inter-Fraternity Council 10:00-10:15 THURS. ewsweek Views The ews 7:45 R.O.T.C. 11:00 ew York Times ews Friday, December 16: 11:05 Music For Dreaming 4:00 Engineering Club 12:00 P.M. Station Sign Off 4:15 Pre-Medical Club Saturday: 4:30 Political Science Club 9 :00 P.M. Saturday Night Dancing Party 4:45 Corinthian Yacht Club to Telephone Requests taken ABBY INN-Monch.,•e~279·R MT. EQUINOX LODGE-Mon. Deo.-1 34 5:00 ewman Club 1:00 A.M. Hartford 6-5507 BEnY·s BARN-E. Monche•••~286-R ORVIS INN--Monch.,rer--120 5:30 Canterbury Club. CHRISTMAS TREE INN-E. Do•.-264·W·2 RED DOOR$-Moncheirer Oep.-32·R COLBURN HOUSE--Moncheuer C~r . -23·R RUSSELL INN-Pe,.r-S. Lond. 83·22 COLLEGE BARBER SHOP HARVEST INN-Moncheue~4Q9.W RAY'S TAl LOR SHOP VARLEY, FRENCH HOLLOW-S. Lond.-26·21 1220 BROAD STREET HILLCREST INN-Monche•••• Deo-366·W 211 ZION STREET HOLIDAY HOUSE-Monche,re.--200 WINHALL MT. LDG.-W;nhoii-S. Land. 26-5 Near Allen Place KANDAHAR LOG -Mon. Dep.-S. Lond. 14.2 WORTHY INN-Monche,rer-92 One Below Vernon Street Pressing , Cleaning, Repairing • Specials start Jan. 6. Leave Frida,, l'c1urn Sunde,. Rcs£rvations onl.,. Satisfaction Guaranteed SKI BUSES • Phone: (llooton) COM. 6-5400; (New Yor~) CO. 5-J020 or LA. 4-5710. Conveniently loeated- ju t 2 Salesman Wanted Trinity Drug Co. blocks east of Grand Central CASE, LOCKWOOD AND BRAINARD Station. 600 mod ern, comfortable Printers to Trinity College for Many Years Old established firm dealing in 1284 BROAD ST. HARTFORD room . Tub or shower, or both. Fraternity and College Specialties Fine food and delicious drinks A Division of Connecticut Printers, Inc. at mod erate prices. wants an aggressive Student Sales- The Smart Place to Eat 85 TRUMBULL ST. HARTFORD, CONN. man to sell BEER MUGS and SINGLE UJiJI.. BATH fw- $3 other fast selling FRATERNITY DOUBLE with BATH from $5 MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU WANT ATTRACTIVE RESTAURAN T The Hartford-Connecticut Trust Company Fraternity Specialties AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE Guy P. Scelev, MaTW.fler 760 MAIN STREET Manufacturing Co. FLOWERS Adjacent to United Nations site POST OFFICE BOX 261 HARTFORD BRANCH WEST HARTFORD BRANCH PRINCETON , NEW JERSEY Call on 49 PEARL STREET 4 NORTH MAIN STREET NINE OTHER CONVENIENT BRANCHES THROUGHOUT AIR CONDITIONED KENNETH T. MACKAY SOUTHERN AND EASTERN CONNECTICUT EST. 7-1157 HON ISS 1845 HOTEL BOND QUALITY F ISH AND SEA FOOD CONNECTICUT'S OLDEST TRUST COMPANY Visit Our Famous Restaurant An Alumnus of Your Old Rival 22 State Street Hartford, Conn. Hamilton College IS understand. Further­ Holy Cross team, looking as good as more, and J> aramount, there are fraternal bonds. the first string, continued to romp. I Mr. Sprague asked if the failur to slurt a rivalry lay in "unjustified snobbery." The Tripod answer said, rightfully, it did not. believe the Fourteen Points for Novak "failure" lies in justifi d aloofness. I'll explain: Wally Novak led the Hilltoppers I I have pointed out that Trinity and We!>lcyan are bound on the fraternal level. I might as easily have said "the social level." Before, during, and with 14 points on three field goals and after athl tic contest or not in relation to them at all, a Trin man is welcome eight foul shots. ovak missed only to Wesl yan society, at any fratcJ·nity, or any party. The same holds true two foul shots in ten tries. ext in I with \Vesmen at our collt-gc. Further, I am an ordinary non-Hartford Trin­ line for scoring honors was Charlie ity student, and I have consulted several others. I know not one person at Wrinn, t_!).e six foot three inch center, Hillyer, and neilh r do tht·y. I know several people at Wesleyan, Williams, who notched nine points. Amherst, Yale, Rowdoin, Tufts, and Tiddlebury. So do they. \\ e arc socially The frosh were thoroughly out­ I bound schools. We chose Trinity because it ofT(•red us a top-notch education classed, and they .realized they were and something more ... a choice of activiti s, a sphere of intellectual action, Bob Jachens of Trinity and George Bush of Williams go up for a re­ playing out of their own cia s. In a close-knit social atmosphere, all of which I like to label the Trinity milieu. bound ofT the Trinity backboard a Walt Mor e, Bob Lar en 'of William , Ron the next game, on Friday, December Wesleyan enjoys a imilar milieu. Hill yer does not. Our athletic rela­ Watson, and Bill Pifkin of Trinity stand ready to lend their a si tance. 16, when the Frosh meet Cheshire I tions "ith Wesleyan arc the EFFE 'T, t he HE ULT of our clo ely l ound Academy at Cheshire, they expect to ocial ties, not their cause. \Y e arc proud that it is so. We arc neither attain winning ways. Coach Fred .orry nor "snooty" in relation to Hillyer. If Hillyer is desirous of changing Y arsity Basketeers Take First W in Booth's main observation at the end I their "ay of collegiate life to parallel ours, they arc welcome to do o. Hut of the Holy Cross fracas was that the it i neither our problem nor our business. team had taken approximately 40 OF Season Against Williams by 57-52 hots, when they should have taken Ba.sketbaiJ ea on Again Team Spurts to Lead howeve.r, led by the fine rebounding 0 or 90 in a 40-minute contest. This I work of big Harry Sheehy and the week the Bantams have been scrim· This (Sunday) morning's newspaper revealed a very encouraging piece Earl y in Second Ha lf all-around excell ence of diminutive maging ome of the local high school of information: Holy Cross trounced Fordham by two points more than it did teams in order to be in shape for the By Tom 1 aud George Ditmar, the Ephmen forged Trinity, with Cousy scoring considerably more. Those Trinmen who made ahead, and left the floor at the midway rest of the season's play. The lineups: I the trip to Worcester and were consequently privileged to witness a demon­ The Trinity quintet making its mark leading 21-16. stration of basketball at its collegiate finest, were able Thursday morning to home debut a ucce sful one, came Trinity 33 Holy Cross 58 do little more than stutter and gasp when it came to discussing 's back in the second half with a brilliant The econd half wa an entirely FG F TP FG FTP Teichman, g 1 0 2 Casey, f 4 3 11 phenomenal ability. The lean star proved himself an All-American to the display of shotmaking to overcome different tory. The Blue and Gold I rolled up 27 point in the third quar­ H osler 0 0 0 Dolan 0 0 0 satisfaction of onlookers two years ago when the Crusaders played u . a 5 point first half deficit and turn Lee. S .. g 0 0 0 Markey, f 4 2 10 The fencing team, now beginning its third week of practice prior to it back a highly touted Williams team ter, and s howed signs of a very prom­ DelMastro 1 0 2 Hogan 1 0 2 opening match with Amherst at Trinity on January 14th, wishe to announce 57-52. The victory was the fir t for ising winter campaign. Within three Wrinn. c 4 1 9 Kelly, c 6 1 11 Nangle 2 0 4 a fencing exhibition to begin at 4 :1 5 P. ·1. Wedne day, the date on which this the Ooosting-men who had previou ly minutes after t he econd half had Burton 0 0 0 I opened Curtin had dropped in two one­ Novak. f 3 8 14 Glovin 0 0 0 is ue appear , at the Alumni Hall, Lower Gymna ium. It will feature a eri dropped their opener to Holy Cross. Bogolofski 0 0 0 Dyson , g 2 I of bout to illustrate the s port, with a commentary to explain what is hap­ At the outset neither team was hit­ bander , Pitkin had hit with a hook Chistolini. r 2 2 6 Bogden 0 0 pening and what i what to tho e who have unfortunately never een a fenc­ ting the strings with any consistency, ·hot from the foul line, and Hutnick L ee, R. E. 0 0 0 Lonergan 0 0 0 1 13 ing competition before. All those who have the time free to see it are and Trinity, by dint of the inadequacy had thrown in along set to put Trin McGilligan, g 6 I Belnuskas 1 0 2 advised to go, for it should prove very intere ting. of the Williams men, was out in front out in front for good. TrinHy led 41- Robert l\1. Blum. 9-4 at the ten minute mark. Here, (Continued on page 6.) Totals 11 11 33 25 8 58 I






I L.

December 14, 1949 THE TRINITY TRIPOD Page Five

Crusaders Wallop Swimmers Begin Season as Squash and In tramural O rganizations Take Notice Courtmen by 77-39 Basketball Teams also Play Th is Week A nd A ppoint Tripod Correspondent Cousy Tallies 20 Points All Events to Take Place that night. They have taken a defeat Tripod Would Like to (a thing mighty hard to do) the intra­ While Watson Paces Trin This Weekend on Home Field from Holy Cross and beaten Williams mural games have not been written in their previous games of the eason. Establish New Pla n up in many of this year's Tripods. The Trinity varsity basketball team The final week of school befo1-e the The Varsity wimming team will be­ Thi week, a has been the ca e in To combat this, because we know opened its 1950 campaign against Christmas holidays will ~ee the begin­ gin a season on Friday night at several past issues, the news of the that everyone who takes part in the Holy Cross last Wednesday, Decem­ mng of some winter sports sea ons, o'clock that has been predicted by important happenings of the week on intramurals would like to see the ber 7. The game was played at

Victors Sub F reely The second half was much the same story as the rusaders continued to dazzle the Hilltoppers with a com­ bination of speed and passing. The Blue and Gold, however, began to click all through the half, bul never threa­ tened to overtake their opponents. It took five minutes more before Trin scored a basket, the score being 50-1 . At this point the Crusaders decided that the game wa as good as won and substituted freely. The Holy Cross subs, however, continued where the first stringers left off. Hitting for ba ket after basket, they never gave an inch. Experience was a telling factor in the game, a nd uch greats as Cousy, O'Shea, and Oftring were no match for the efforts of the Hill­ toppers. Watson Scores 16 Ronnie Watson was the big gun for the Blue and Go ld. Scoring six fie ld goals and four fouls for a total of 16 points, he was high scorer for Trinity. Jachens, Trin guard, was the next highest scorer for the Bantams. He scored nine points on four field goals and one foul shot. Jachens played a consistently good game all evening. Although he scored only two points, football tar Sam akaso came through with some brilliant passing which took some of the glitter from Cousy. As soon a Sam came in the team began to click. He is the play­ maker of the team and reminds one somew hat of Dick' McGuire, former St. John's star and now with the pro­ fessional ew York Knickerbocker . Also playing well were co-captain Pitkin, a good man, Larry Hutnick, and Jim Curtin. Of Cousy, there are no words which can fittingly describe the quality of his play. Ray Oo ting, Trin coach, was quoted as saying, "The greatest player I have ever seen a nywhere." Trinity's next home conte t is with Bates this Friday in the F ield House. A Frosh game with Lester Junior College precedes the main contest, with a near-capacity crowd expected. The box score:

Holy Cross I'G F Pt Trinity FG F Pt Cou,y, r 7 6 20 Curtin. r 2 0 4 O'Bnen I 1 3 Goralski 0 1 1 the beer thats both light and dry· Baird, r 2 2 6 W atson. r 6 4 16 Laska 3 2 Dudlt'Y 0 0 0 '•, Di fl'cnhack 1 2 4 Pitkm. c 1 0 2 Dilling, c 1 1 3 Smith 0 0 0 McMulian 4 0 8 Hutnick, g l 2 4 Purdy 0 0 0 Nnkaso l 0 2 McLnrnon 3 0 6 Jachens, g 4 9 Rarnrnill 0 0 0 VanLanen 0 0 O'Neill 0 0 0 Brainerd 0 1 1 McDonough 2 6 O!tring, g -' ou-R< . HAN' D ·- ·HAs . N EvE R L 0 s T ITS sKI L ·-~ 3 9 Mann 2 1 6 O'Shea ··, 0 0 0 The F. & M. Schaefer Brewmg Co., New York, r. Y. Totals 29 19 77 Totals 15 9 39 December 14, 194 Page Six THE TRINITY TRIPOD 9

their feet for Sigma" but survived ALPHA. DELTA . PHI in prepara t·ion Commons Club Notes long enough to return with a Christ­ for their Chdn~tmCahs ~arty Friday night At recent meetings of the Trinity Down Fratern ity Row mas tree. has prepare 1ts nstmas li t to send Commons Club, it ha been our pleas­ to Santa. Brother MacDonald ho STG~1A U thought it only fitting- B. B. l\IB. ST. A THONY HALL: Denizens of that Santa Clau will drop a few Pes ure to elect to full membership Mau­ to welcome old St. 'ick this year by Last weekend, TAU ALPHA went rice Martel and to pledge status Sam­ Ogilby Plaza have just completed a tra credits hi way while Brother E~~: moderately quiet fortnight. The hall throwing a beer pat-ty last Friday berserk. The u ual shmoo who write uel Gilliland, George Moore, Thomas even. It was very enjoyable as ev- thi is one of tho e warblers who er wants to give Santa hi crutch Cunningham and Richard Palmer. has been the scene recently of a steady Brother Bacon is looking for a nes. eryone will testify. "Fountain of thinks (?) he can sing, and con e­ . ew The Club is planning to have its an­ scholastic grind causing most of the Youth" Jones was very disturbed when quently, has left the task to yours clue for the crew, while Schwarz Grill nual Christmas Party in Cook Lounge brethren to combine their faces into a stranger snipped off his tie with a truly, while he took off for Smith with wants an excuse to go to the ho pita] on Friday, December 16, 1949, where varying degrees of thoughtful ( ? ) pair of scissors. One solid smash to the Glee Club. Other than that there -pretty nurses, huh John! the tradition of exchanging gifts will mien. however St. the jaw sent the joker sprawling, were few other of the clan who E. E. be continued together with all the oth­ Within this period was observed however. Luckily half a dozen broth- stayed on campus this weekend, trav­ er enjoyments of a Yuletide festivity. Agony's collective face into a semi- ers restrained "Bumper" after that. eling as far away as Kew York and ALPH~ CHI RHO thi week was This year the Club, on the suggestion occasionally to twitch a few of its Doesn't beer ta te odd from those Great Barrington. rather qUiet as the Phi Psi' seemed of Ed Kelley, the Social Service Com­ smile at the antics of trophies, Sam? Jack Bomberger was "Gwillie" Hamilton, lover boy par to be one and all taking advantage of mittee hah·man, has decided that more lovable buffoons. caught later with "7000 staples and no excellence, after watching a torrid a little lull in College ocial life to ac­ each member will buy in addition to Herr Wilhelm Schmidt of sport car stapler." Thanks to pledges O'Brien basketball game, traveled to ew coi~1plish a little "ugh'_' tudying. the gift for a member of the club, one fame is now observed to be in train­ and Hubbard for their "cleaning-up" London, where things became even Thirty of the brethren did, however for a small child. All these presents, ing for either the tah salt-flats, or jobs. Congrats to OB and Ell for more torrid; and if he doesn't stop manage to tear themselves away fro~ suitably wrapped, will be sent by the the European Grand Prix. He isn't sure which. their parts in the Williams defeat playing with fire, he will have more the books Monday night for long Club to one of the settlement houses enough time to play three volleyball for distribution. P. Y. last Saturday. The Psychological on his hands than just cinders. Corp. of N. Y. wishes to inform the THETA XI's cu tomary Christmas games overpowering Tau Alpha, AJ. A newly-acquired coat of paint has PSI UPSILO This horrible white pha Delta Phi and Jarvis orth by made the Lounge very attractive and brotherhood that Ed Roth is a firm party sponsored by the pledges for the stuff-! should point out that the supporter of Arrid deodorant. brothers is being abandoned this year sheer weight of numbers. the addition of several new pi c s of views of this correspondent are not Sigma Chapter of DELTA PHI becau e of the small pledge group. furniture and a radio, p1·ocured necessarily those of the whole house R. P. McC. M. takes pleasure in announcing the in- Instead the entire fraternity is stag­ through the efforts of Ralph Lash r, as we do have some snow-bunnies who itiation of John C. Mandery, Edward ing a party for a group of underprivil­ have made the Lounge a comfortable delight in dicing with death on pieces DELTA KAPPA EPSILO : "Sat. R. Harris, and F. Bruce Hinkel into eged children from Hartford. Mir­ and pi asing place for informal "hull­ of waxed wood. To start again. This urday night is the loneliest night in the brotherhood. The chapter takes acles of miracles: Brother Forte ing" and ntertaining. R. L. horrible snow has caused a number of the week" may have been the cry of rather dubious pleasure in announcing showed up at Helen's shindig the oth­ brothers to participate in the old pas­ many last Saturday eve, but certain­ the results of the party which fol- er night. P ledge Rigopoulos will be LECTURE time of skiing,-pronounc d . heein g ly not for the Dekes. Repercussions lowed the ceremony: a number of searching- for a live Unicorn between (Continued from page l.) by our conv ntional set- snowball of the Saturday nights of football sea­ broken glasses, a game room resemb- now and January fourth on which date tion of France. The Marshall aid to fights and a new game, snow football. son fame invaded the Deke house once Western Europe, he felt, would keep ling one of the lower levtls of Dante's he must present it (on a leash) to The players garbed in anything from again. The festivities began with a the country economically secur in Inferno, and four or five very ick Brother Shultz. Ah, for the life of a old dungarees and army boots to Ber­ cocktail party in the afternoon given spite of its lack of an effective central brothers. pledge! Swami Christako has been muda shorts and snC'akers play tackle in honor of the faculty. It was a big governm nt. Plans for the annual Christmas par- revealed as an expert at card tricks football in six inches of snow. success and really enjoyed by all. Professor Lafore has had an xcel­ ty are "in committee" and Brothers in which his confidence men don't co- Jent background from which to speak R. E. T . H. Hadley, Phillip , and Hopkins "froze operate. 0. T . P. J. S. H. on France. A graduate of warth­ more and a teacher in Trinity before the war, 1r. Lafore was employ d by the U.S. tate Depat'tm nt during the early years of the war. He !at •r be­ came a 111emb r of the American m­ bassie in London and Paris. It was during his service in France that he was able to observe first hand the workings of the French governm nt.

WTLLIA IS GAi\IE (Continued ft·om page 4.) 31 at t he t hree quarter rn a rk, and " ith a twelve !>O int urge with on ly five minutes remaining put the game on ice. At thi · time Trinity led 55-39, but every bit wa needed a t he Wil­ lia m team closed with a rush. Moon urtin took the scoring hon­ ors with fifteen points, and Bill Pit­ kin was next with thirteen. Sheehy led the Williamstown crew with eigh­ teen. The mo t significant thing­ about Pitkin's coring was that it was all done in the second half, and came at the time when his club needed a lift most. For the Costing-men it wa their fir t really concentrated effort. The Holy rogs holocau t cannot be counted as uch, since the team had only one full week of practice behind them at that time. Their pasging and ballhandling till needs a lot of work, but if the performance witne!

You are always welcome at The Hubert Drug Co. 213 ZION STREET WE FILL PRESCRIPTIONS

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