, , ft tt Volume XLVII HARTFORD, CONN., DECEMBER 14, 1949 Number 10 "The Background of French Politics" lAir ROTC t:o Sponsor First: Military Ball Subject of Laurence Lafore Lecture Former Trin Faculty At Bond Ballroom Saturday, Pipes to Sing Member Lectures Committee to Select Debating T earn Loses Military Ball Committee To Full House To Amherst Mooters Queen in First By Gordon Clem and Pete Smi th Cadet Formal Continuing its policy of bringing Two members of the Trinity Athen­ outstanding speakers to the college, aeum Debating Society, Robert Handy The Trinity ollege Air ROT Unit the lecture committee last Thursday and Jacque Hopkins, clashed with a will spon or the first l\lilitary Ball in presented Professor Laurence Lafore delegation from the Amherst Debat­ Hilltop history on atm·day night, of Swarthmore College in a talk en­ ing in Colleges and Universities in the Decemb r 17. The dance, to be held titled "The Background of French solved, Members of the Communist at the Bond Hotel Ballroom from 9 Politic ." The speech, given before Party Should be Ban ~ d from Teach­ until 1 to the music of Pat Byrd and his lub Royale Orchestra, will be an audience of sev ral hundred in the ing Colleges and Universities in the Chemistry Auditorium, was an an­ United States" on Friday night in formal for those not appearing in uni­ form. It was decided by the Ball alysis of the history of France in the Goodwin Lounge. ommitt e that no corsages arc to be last two centuries culminating with its present political struggles. Trin egative Lo es elect Queen Dealing chiefly with the French The Trinity team upheld the nega­ Highlights of the dance will be the political changes ince the war, Mr. tive side of the question affirming that Lafore howed that the recent govern­ selection of a Queen and an intermis­ many of the members of the Trinity sion vocal r endition by the Pipes. A mental upheavals were the re ult of faculty are Communists but that their centurie of economic and political door prize will be presented to the political sympathies have not inter­ lucky ticket-holder. Patrons and pat­ development. Hi. main tenet was that fered with the competency of their the situation in France today i du e ronesses wil! be a: follows: President teaching. However, the Amherst team and Mrs. Funston, Dean and Mrs. mo. tly to the apathy of the French ov rwhelmed the Trin-men with sheer people toward central government. Hughes, Dean and !\Irs. Iarke, D an weight of logic and the decision was Holland, lajor William Taylor, Major l\luch of the confu ion in constitution­ Bottom row, left to right-Grant Mcintosh, Ray now, Don Gabree, Lou awarded to Amherst. and Mrs. John Folan, aptain and al procedure. , he . tated, wa due to Raden. Mrs. orris Hamilton, and ad t Col. the communi!it egment in the govern­ Top row, left to right--Burr Johnson, Dud Bickford, Bob kinner, and ice Weather and Mrs. Seymour Page. ment. The ba is of the new Fourth Hank Nurge. The ROTC, which find s itself oc­ Republic is till in inchoate form; and Then interviewed shortly after the cupying the peculiar position of a the countle s referenda put before the debate, the Trinity debaters remarked, William Self Presents Organ Recital school within a school 1 it conf rs its citizen have come to nothing due to "The weather has been most satis­ own degree after the completion of this complexity. factory for this time of the year." Finale of Current Series in Chapel r equired courses), hopes that an an­ Mr. Lafore gave a clear picture of The Amherst team released the fol­ By Gordon H. Clem nual Military Ball with become an in­ the three main political groups in lowing statement for publication in tegral part of Trinity tradition. With France today-the conservatist MRP, the Trii>od, "It is to be hoped that The organ recital by William Self on the sixth of December brought to a clo~:! uf I out· vrgat, i~ this in view, it stress ~ I hat tho afT air favoring democratic ~overnment and President Fun::.ton will embark upon a serie>. r >o.:itals in t ••e 'ollege ' hapel. 1r. elf is an all-college dance and not a a parliamentary republi::, the DeGaul­ a concerted effort to purge the faculty organist and choirmaster of All Saints hurch, Worcester, and organist of closed affair to ROTC cadets. lists, who desire a strong, autocratic of 'undesirable elements'." the Worcester Art Museum. Other organists in the series were Ceorge Faxon presidency, and the leftist wing, who of the Cathedral of Saint Paul, Boston, Luther Noss of Yale University, and ommittee Member favor government based on Commun­ G. Huntington Byles of Trinity Church, New Haven. o-chairmen of the Ball Committee Mr. Self's recital was a well balanced incorporation of the early French ist-Socialist ideas. The inability of are Donald Gabree and Raymond school, the works of Bach and his contemporaries, and of modern composer . these three parties to 2.gree on any Snow. Other members in charge of Rifle Club Schedules These contained a pleasant variation between full and small amounts of tone important questions is responsible, he decorations, arrangements, and pub­ and between swift and slow tempo . feels, for the present chaotic condi- I nter-Callege Matches licity include Grant Mclnto h, Bob The Finale in B Flat by Cesar (Continued on page 6.) First in Early March Pipes End Fall Season Skinner, Lou Raden, d Kulp, Dud­ F ranck reached an exciting pitch ley Bickford, and Hank urge. For the first time since its inception a t he organist made u e of the At ROTC Military Ball full organ. The Trinity ha1>el organ, a year ago, the Trinity College Rifle The Pipes of Trinity College will Brownell Initiates 33 Club has scheduled matches with other made by Aeolian Skinner Company, ha a fine volume of tone at the di s­ bring to a c~os~ their successful fall WRTC 1nstalls New college groups. The first such match season by smgmg at the Bulkel y In Woodward Lounge to be set definitely is planned for posal of its u er . The music critic of the Hartford ourant stated that the High School Auditorium on Thursday, IStudio Equipment In a simple but impressive cere­ March 11, 1950, with Dattmouth December 15, as guest of the Univer- chapel's acoustics could not accom­ mony held in Woodward Lounge on College. sity Glee lub in their annual Christ- Does your radio sta ion sound dlf­ modate such large quantitie of tone. Wednesday December 7, the following The club is now co mposed of sixteen mas Concert and by singing on Dec m- 1ferent lately? In radio as in cigar­ In this writer's opinion, the only place men were initiat d into the Brownell regular members, mo · tly off-ca mpus her 17 at the R.O.T.C. Ball. This last ettes, mod rn design makes the big where t he organ i too loud i immedi­ Club of Trinity ollege: A. Angel­ men. Meeting are held each Monday appearance will mark the eighteenth difference. WRTC has now in usc two ately in front of the organ chamber. I a tro, R. B. Barry, L. Bernabo, R. E. evening in the rifle range under Jar­ singing engagement for the Pipes in new cartridges and preamplifi er that The acoustics of Trinity's Chapel are Custer, A. Auguston, L. E. Bourgeois, vis Hall. Thi practice area has been the last eight weeks. were installed after · great deal of very fine. Many of the visiting musi­ W. Chakeropoulos, E. D. Geary, L. E. loaned to the group by the R.O.'f.C. Included in the fall . chedule were toil by one of our more faithful cian will back me up on that tate­ Grimes, M. Kaufman, M. Kelly, R. at the college. Gun are made avail­ weekends at mith and Pine Manor alumni, Sam Edsall, aud Chief Engi­ ment. It i hoped that the organ Malkin, L. J. Maradie A. Miller, . E. able to those men who do not own Junior ollege, as well a. appearance. neer By Bridge. To !he station it might eventually be moved to the ~foller, Jr., H. B. rordP.n, L. S. mith, them. at the ational Fire In urance om- means a sound investment in new west end of the Chapel. R. Stedman, M. R. Stein, J. A. Stro­ The constitution of the Rifle Club pany, the Rockledge Country lub, equipment. To the listener of Radio The Berceuse by Joseph Bonnet was ther, W. Sullivan, D. 0. Thornton . has been completed anrl will soon be the Bond IIotel, the Hartford Times, Tl'inity it means more brilliant and very popular in the estimation of the :raslett, W. L. Trousdale, A. J. submitted to the College Senate for W~sh­ audience. It incorporates a simple the Hartford lub, and the chool of colorful music. mgton, J. J. Zazzaro, A. Sheary, J. M. approval. The officer of the club, and melodious beauty. Mr. Self studied N ur ing Alumnae at the Hartford Station ote Shute, L. Ross, M. Katzman, S. Mar­ who have been instrumental in pro­ under Bonnet in France. His fond­ Hospital. The Pipes have al o made The producers of the classical music shall, J. Kilty, and J. Lehrfeld. The ducing this document are Richard Os­ ness for the man was apparent in his many appearances at college functions program announced that they will club wishes to take this opportunity borne, President, and William Thoma exacting treatment of the work The including the oph Hop, fraternity present Portions of Handel's Messiah to welcome and congratulate these who is vice-president ar.d also acting Christmas spi1·it was brought forth in parties, college dance.
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