Appendix FEIR-D Evaluation of Revised Building Elevations


August 22, 2012

Armbruster Goldsmith and Delvac LLP 11611 San Vicente Boulevard, Suite 900 Los Angeles, California 90049 Attn: David A. Goldberg, Esq.

Re: IL Villaggio Toscano – Evaluation of Revised Building Elevations

Mr. Goldberg:

Per your request, Air Quality Dynamics has prepared a subsequent assessment to identify discrete heating, ventilation and (HVAC) requirements for the Project based upon consideration of revised residential building setbacks and elevations above local terrain and more refined specifications for the location of air filtration systems.

The report entitled Il Villaggio Toscano Project - Pollutant Exposure Assessment 1 prepared for the Project recommends as mitigation limiting the of into residential occupancies associated with the adjoining freeway interchange to reduce carcinogenic risk estimates to within acceptable limits and reduce particulate exposures below South Coast Air Quality Management District significance thresholds. This was accomplished by locating HVAC control systems that service residential occupancies at specified heights above local terrain and installing corresponding particulate filters that conform to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 52.2-1999. The report provided elevations and associated filter requirements for HVAC control equipment located at building heights commensurate with roof top/parapet locations.

Proposed revisions to initial building setbacks and elevations and refinements to the location of filtration systems prompted consultation with project designers as to the location of proposed HVAC control systems. It was reported that system design would now incorporate individual filtration systems whereby the location of outside air ducting would correspond with the location of individual residential units. The following figure presents a graphical representation of identified HVAC control system heights.

To determine HVAC control requirements, a dispersion analysis was performed for diesel

particulate, PM10 and PM2.5 emissions corresponding to the HVAC control system heights and

1 Air Quality Dynamics, May 2011. IL Villaggio Toscano Project – Pollutant Exposure Assessment. David Goldberg -2- August 22, 2012

HVAC Control System Heights Above Local Terrain (Feet/Meters)








locations. The dispersion modeling exercise was conducted in a manner consistent with the methodology presented in Il Villaggio Toscano Project - Pollutant Exposure Assessment. Only on-site receptor heights (i.e., flagpole) were revised to identify vertical concentration gradients above local terrain.

Results of the dispersion analysis confirmed that all residential occupancies can continue to be serviced with available HVAC control equipment to reduce pollutant exposures below significance thresholds. A copy of the dispersion model input/output files are available via electronic format and will be disseminated per your direction.

Attachment A identifies discrete HVAC control efficiencies per floor and building location. The reported minimum efficiency reporting values (MERV) can be achieved with the installation of whole-house systems utilizing either traditional media or electronic air cleaning devices. Media air cleaners capture particles as air flows through a woven filter. Electronic air cleaners utilize electricity to charge particles as they pass through the air cleaner where they are subsequently trapped on collector plates. Hybrid electronic cleaners are also available and provide exceptional performance (MERV 16 equivalent) by incorporating disposable filter media thereby eliminating the need for conventional collector plates. For reference, Attachment B provides a listing of MERV ratings and efficiencies as reported in ASHRAE Standard 52.2.

David Goldberg -3- August 22, 2012

Regardless of choice, care must be taken as to the degradation of system performance over time and ensure that air cleaning devices are serviced and maintained per manufacturers specifications.

I can be reached at (818) 703-3294 should you have any questions or require additional information.


Bill Piazza

Attachments: as stated

Attachment A

IL VILLAGGIO TOSCANO Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values (MERV) 2nd Floor (29 Feet/8.84 Meters Above Local Terrain)


MERV 15 or Equivalent MERV 16 or Equivalent

IL VILLAGGIO TOSCANO Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values (MERV) 3rd Floor (39 Feet/11.89 Meters Above Local Terrain)


MERV 15 or Equivalent MERV 16 or Equivalent

IL VILLAGGIO TOSCANO Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values (MERV) 4th Floor (49 Feet/14.94 Meters Above Local Terrain)


MERV 15 or Equivalent MERV 16 or Equivalent

IL VILLAGGIO TOSCANO Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values (MERV) 5th Floor (59 Feet/17.98 Meters Above Local Terrain)


MERV 15 or Equivalent MERV 16 or Equivalent

IL VILLAGGIO TOSCANO Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values (MERV) 6th Floor (69 Feet/21.03 Meters Above Local Terrain)


MERV 15 or Equivalent MERV 16 or Equivalent

IL VILLAGGIO TOSCANO Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values (MERV) 7th Floor (79 Feet/24.08 Meters Above Local Terrain)


MERV 15 or Equivalent MERV 16 or Equivalent

IL VILLAGGIO TOSCANO Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values (MERV) 8th Floor (89 Feet/27.13 Meters Above Local Terrain)


MERV 15 or Equivalent MERV 16 or Equivalent

Attachment B

Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values (MERV)/Average Particle Size Efficiency (PSE) ASHRAE Standard 52.2