REJUVENATION RESEARCH MEETING REPORT Volume 13, Number 6, 2010 ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/rej.2010.1125

Bioinformatics in Aging Research: A Workshop Report

Georg Fuellen,1 James Adjaye,2 Aubrey de Grey,3 Gu¨nter Lepperdinger,4 Joao Pedro de Magalha˜es,5 Ju¨rgen Su¨hnel,6 and Anil Wipat7


Evidence is accumulating that the first genuine antiaging interventions (e.g., approved pharmaceutical, nu- triceutical, and stem-cell-based therapies) will become available within the next decades. Model organism data, next-generation sequencing, and further advances call for sophisticated large-scale data analysis. To present the state-of-the art and to talk about upcoming tasks and challenges in the and of aging-related data, a workshop on Bioinformatics in Ageing Research convened leading experts from Europe on May 4–5, 2010, in Rostock/Warnemu¨ nde. This meeting report summarizes talks and gives some outlook into future developments.

Introduction even be able to trigger this starvation response by small- molecule compounds.5,6 However, pharmaceutical research

enuine antiaging interventions, and research into is fraught with setbacks, and it is certainly impossible at this Gthese, may become a significant part of the routine time to give any estimates whether and when a genuine work in a Medical Department within the next 10–20 years. slowdown of aging may become possible. In 1990, a biostatistical analysis by Olshansky et al.1 revealed The workshop ‘‘Bioinformatics in Ageing Research‘‘ was that eradicating heart disease, diabetes, and cancer would designed to discuss a wide array of mathematical and com- extend the life expectancy of a 50-year old American female putational approaches to the analysis of aging-related data, by a mere 16 years. This is a surprisingly low return on supplemented by some overview talks on the subject given investment, and there is some likelihood that this woman, by biogerontologists. Another fairly general approach to- then 96 years old, may suffer from dementia, and upon ward the extension of health span, that is, stem cell therapies eradication of dementia, that she may suffer from severe and research into these, was also discussed at the meeting, kidney disease. In 1990, there was, however, not much hope thereby focusing on the interrelationship of stem cells and to come up with genuine antiaging interventions anytime aging. soon. This prospect may be about to change dramatically. One approach centers around caloric restriction, dietary Databases, Networks, and Pathways Relevant restriction without malnutrition.2 Studies have shown that for Aging Research calorie restriction delays disease and mortality in rhesus monkeys,3 and it may rely on common molecular pathways Biomedical research, including the biology of aging, is be- that are well conserved in many metazoans,4 thus enabling coming increasingly dependent on informatics, statistics, and valid model organism research. These pathways may be mathematics, for example, with the advent of next-generation summarized as a general response to periods of starvation, sequencing.7 Aging is undisputedly a complex process during which maintenance is enhanced and aging slowed because it affects the deterioration of most (if not all) aspects of down. Finally, preliminary studies indicate that one may life. Such complex processes cannot be disentangled with

1Institute for Biostatistics and Informatics in Medicine and Ageing Research, Department of Medicine, Rostock University, Germany. 2Molecular Embryology and Ageing group, Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany. 3SENS Foundation, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 4Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Biomedical Aging Research, Innsbruck, Austria. 5Integrative of Ageing Group, Institute of Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom. 6Biocomputing Group, Leibniz-Institute for Ageing Research– Fritz-Lipmann-Institut e.V. (FLI), Jena Centre for Systems Biology of Ageing, Jena Centre for Bioinformatics, Jena, Germany. 7Centre for the Integrated Systems Biology of Ageing and Nutrition (CISBAN), School of Computing Science, Newcastle University, Newcastle, United Kingdom.

763 764 FUELLEN ET AL. pencil and paper alone, so computational strategies need to Georg Fuellen (University of Rostock, Germany) outlined be involved to enhance research work toward a better un- the benefit of the ‘‘personalized preventome,’’ which will derstanding of the basic processes, the etiology, and the po- become affordable for patients in the near future as the tential points of intervention into aging. The majority of compendium of biological information regarding their ge- workshop talks (7 out of 19) were concerned with networks of nome, organ/tissue-specific epigenomes and transcriptomes, various kinds (interaction, regulation, metabolism), with distinct metabolomes, etc., to be incorporated in medical high-throughput data such as microarray expression data, diagnostics and therapy. Integration of data sets of such with aspects of evolutionary bioinformatics and their impact complexity and subsequent meaningful comparative bioin- on aging research, as well as with semantics and ontologies as formatics analyses will obviously rely on information from a a foundation for a precise description of the data and mech- multitude of public databases and on an appropriate net- anisms. It became clear that the ultimate goal of integrative work analysis, arguing for a large-scale community project. data analysis in an all-encompassing context may yield high To begin with, specific computational tools have to be de- returns on investment, but it is still a faraway perspective. signed today, which ease the examination of merged, inter- Nevertheless, the foundations for such integrative analyses dependent, and multilayered biological data. For example, may be (and must be) laid today by adopting standards of relevant data on gene–protein interaction and regulation data interoperability and exchange. may be assembled into a network scheme. Then, differential Joao Pedro de Magalha˜es (University of Liverpool, UK) data (young vs. aged, aged vs. aged under a calorie restric- presented studies of aging-associated protein networks using tion scheme) may be analyzed in the context of the net- GenAge (, a data- work,13 revealing hypotheses for mechanisms involved in base of genes related to aging, an approach that can reveal aging or calorie restriction. Finally, in a multispecies setting, new candidate aging genes.8 A meta-analysis of age-related mechanisms may be effectively structured according to an gene expression profiles was also used to identify conserved ontological classification to identify specific evolutionary molecular signatures of aging in mammals.9 Last, de Ma- novelties and to single out those mechanisms that are ame- galhaes presented studies on genome evolution to gather nable for medical treatment. In his talk, Fuellen described new clues about species differences in aging, including re- some first analyses using a network based on the genes of the cent work on the naked mole rat, an extraordinary long-lived NetAge database (see next paragraph), and microarray data and cancer-resistant rodent. taken from the National Center for Biotechnology Informa- Bioinformatics tools are essential to support a systems tion (NCBI) Gene Expression Omnibus. approach to the study of aging. Anil Wipat (Newcastle Whereas most genetic studies on longevity focus on in- University, UK) presented an overview of the range of dividual genes and their products, Robi Tacutu (Ben-Gurion

bioinformatics tools, resources, and approaches that have University of the Negev, Israel) attempts to integrate the been developed by the Centre for the Integrated Systems accumulating data toward a more holistic perspective on Biology of Ageing and Nutrition (CISBAN) at Newcastle to ageing and longevity.14 His network-based analysis revealed facilitate a systems approach to aging. In particular, he fo- that a large number of genes from the human longevity cussed on research into data and network integration that is network are also involved in at least one age-related disease, underway at the center, presenting a functional interaction with many being essential for development and growth, thus network database (CID, the CISBAN Interactomes Database) displaying features of antagonistic pleiotropy. This suggests that spans 12 model organisms used in aging research. He the possibility of initiating longevity-promoting interven- also highlighted ongoing work in the area of semantic data tions in adult life, in particular, by using RNA interference, integration.10 as many of the common essential genes could be pro- Because a wealth of data regarding the biology of aging longevity targets.15 at the molecular, cellular, and organismic level has already Given that balancing metabolic fluxes is enhancing cellular been assembled by the scientific community, Aubrey de Grey and organismic robustness, Stefan Schuster (University of (SENS foundation, UK) proposed creation of a specialized Jena, Germany) set out to first decompose the unmanageable biogerontological and regenerative medicine knowledge biochemical network of an entire organism to its smallest base (SEPIA). This integrative system is composed in a functional entities.16 Giving special regard to the nature of way to bring forward efficient means in solving the tricky the chemical reactions with respect to reversibility and stoi- problem of extending the length of healthy life.11 Primary chiometry, metabolic networks can then be displayed and objectives of SEPIA are to: (1) Organize the current bioger- evaluated if they are represented as hypergraphs, which al- ontological literature for speed and clarity of use in regen- lows determination of elementary flux modes of specific erative medicine and ageing research, (2) model the causal metabolic pathways such as nicotine adenine dinculeotide relationships that are inherent in human aging to turn back (NAD) synthesis, and to compute the shortest elementary time by directed interventions, and (3) identify weak links in flux modes in genome-scale metabolic networks.17 Then, proposed research strategies with respect to present funding metabolic pathways containing futile cycles can be identified schemes.12 It is anticipated that translational research could on a genome-wide scale. Such pathways are potentially rel- be greatly enhanced by SEPIA by provision of detailed ad- evant to cellular aging, and they can be kinetically modeled vice about the type of therapy to be applied for the pre- and studied further. vention or cure of a given pathology. Moreover, SEPIA shall Julio Vera (University of Rostock, Germany) described also highlight a regimen of efficient cues by which the body recent experimental results suggesting that cancer progres- could be continuously overhauled at the molecular and sion and aging could be linked through signaling pathways cellular level to systematically combat the disabilities and that modulate cell cycle progression and apoptosis, including illnesses associated with ageing. p53-regulated signaling and the p16-pRB pathway. He BIOINFORMATICS IN AGING RESEARCH 765 discussed the elements of a systems biology approach to Mathematical and Animal Models investigate the fine-tuning of those signaling pathways un- and Diseases Relevant to the Study of Aging der tumor and aging progression scenarios, and illustrated this notion with some recently published results concerning Modeling human aging in model organisms is of high the mechanisms underlying 14-3-3o-mediated cell cycle relevance because it can be assumed that many of the un- control in cancer and cell senescence.18 derlying mechanisms are conserved.4,9 Computational work features prominently here because finding similarities and dissimilarities across species on a large scale require auto- In Silico Approaches Initiated mated approaches. In particular, the talks by de Magalhaes by the GerontoSys Initiative and Wipat, discussed above, described work on model or- The German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) ganism data. Three more talks concerning model organism has long recognized the importance of computational research and two talks about disease and aging in human analyses in the life sciences, supporting a wide array of were delivered. The relationship between disease and aging bioinformatics and systems biology initiatives. Recently, the is a complex one, but it is clear that many computational BMBF started to fund projects within the initiative ‘‘Systems analyses (such as cardiovascular risk prediction and inter- Biology for Health in Old Age–GerontoSys’’ (www.fz-juelich vention strategies as well as text mining research into neu- .de/ptj/gerontosys), giving Germany a prominent role in rodegeneration) can effortlessly be envisioned to be applied studies discussed here. At the workshop, all three currently directly to the study of molecular ageing processes. funded GerontoSys research groups were represented by Daniel Levitis (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Re- their project leaders (or by the bioinformatics specialist in- search, Rostock, Germany) presented a simple model sug- volved). Notably, a project proposed by a group in Rostock, gesting that the specificity of mutational action is affected not coordinated by R. Ko¨hling, O. Wolkenhauer, and G. Fuellen, only by age-specific selection pressures, but also by the age- received a ‘‘recommendation for funding’’ for the next round specific probability density of de novo mutations. Analyzing of the GerontoSys initiative. expression data from fruit flies, he suggested that most de novo Ju¨rgen Su¨hnel (Leibniz Institute for Age Research–Fritz mutations will cause increased mortality early in life and very Lipmann Institute, Jena, Germany) presented the Jena Centre few will cause mortality late in life. This may have profound for Systems Biology of Ageing–JenAge ( This implications for our understanding of the health challenges newly established center sets out to specifically investigate that can be expected at the extreme old ages. whether mild stress can promote healthy aging, adopting a Andreas Hoeflich (Leibniz-Institute of Farm Animal Biol- multispecies approach. This aim is based on previous work of ogy, Dummerstorf/Germany) discussed the negative inter- 19,20

JenAge member groups. The center’s setup is supported relationship between growth and life expectancy. He makes by a 5-year grant from the German Ministry for Education and use of unique outbred mouse models (Dummerstorfer selec- Research (BMBF). tion lines) characterized by extreme body mass and severely Niels Grabe (University of Heidelberg, Germany) intro- reduced life span. By crossbreeding strategies combining the duced the BMBF-funded consortium "GerontoSys: Stromal Dummerstorfer outbred lines with transgenic or knockout Ageing," which focuses on the role of aging fibroblasts in mouse models, he is currently performing quantitative human skin aging. The long-term age-associated changes of functional genome analysis with a particular focus on life isolated fibroblast cell strains, as well as their potentially span control for the major genes involved in growth, aging, altered capability to react to dynamic short-term pertuba- and metabolism. tions, are determined on a genome-scale level. Multiple ex- Greg Tyrelle (DNage B.V., Rotterdam, The Netherlands) perimental and computational techniques on the genomic outlined how he introduces DNA repair defects both in vitro and proteomic level are applied. The results are validated in and in vivo to study the effects of DNA damage accumula- native tissue and organotypic in vitro tissue cultures. Re- tion (originating from either endogenous or exogenous search groups from the Universities Heidelberg, Freiburg, sources) on the aging process in mouse. Such mouse models Munich, and Du¨ sseldorf are involved here. of accelerated aging may be used to find compounds that can Axel Kowald (Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany) intervene in aging-related pathology and biomarkers that started with a description of the constant worldwide increase can predict the onset and progression of aging symptoms. of human life expectancy over the last 150 years. However, He described how the numerous high-throughput datasets, the underlying biochemical mechanisms are, despite this obtained by techniques such as microarrays, , enormous success, still unclear. During aging, changes ap- , and , may be integrated by a sys- pear at the organismic, cellular, and subcellular levels, tems biology approach to elucidate the defects in the sig- leading to a network of complicated interactions and phe- naling mechanisms between DNA repair mutations and notypes. This situation makes it difficult to study the aging premature aging phenotypes. By using computational process experimentally, but also makes it a prime candidate models of key pathways that are differentially regulated due for systems biological modeling. ‘‘GerontoMitoSys’’ is a to mutations in the DNA repair pathways, he intends to find BMBF project that started in 2010 with the aim of modeling new targets and biomarkers in the fields of osteoporosis, mitochondrial pathways involved in aging and life-span neurodegeneration, and premature aging syndromes. control. Kowald’s talk gave an overview of the planned ex- Michael Greeff (German Research Center for Environ- periments and models. He also discussed the differences mental Health, Neuherberg, Germany) presented a semantic between quantitative and qualitative models and argued that text mining approach to analysis of data on neurodegener- both modeling approaches are valuable tools for the inves- ative diseases like Alzheimer disease or Parkinson disease. tigation of the aging process. These are a group of highly complex neurological disorders 766 FUELLEN ET AL. that are difficult to model partly because classical data inte- reported on a combined modeling/experimental study of gration technologies cannot account for the aberrant protein- MSCs. MSC clones from the same donor often differ in their binding behaviors. Semantic text mining technologies can in vitro properties. This kind of heterogeneity has been address both the complexity and the unique protein–protein suggested to originate from an individual decline in MSC interactions of neurodegenerative diseases by using high- function called stem cell aging. To explain these observa- quality data described in research articles,21,22 and it allows tions, an individual cell-based computer model of aging the creation of qualitative representations of the disorders. MSC populations was introduced. In this model, cells un- Using Excerbt, a semantic text mining tool developed at the dergo permanent fluctuations in their state of differentiation. MIPS (Helmholtz Zentrum Munich) that relies on natural The amplitudes of these fluctuations are set by the environ- language processing, Greeff created a general overview of ment. Aging is mimicked by assuming that each cell division Parkinson disease, filtered a set of hippocampal Alzheimer increases the amplitude of stem cell state fluctuations, de- genes, and identified their regulation by microRNAs. stabilizing these states in the daughter cells. Galle demon- Attila Altiner (University of Rostock, Germany) focused strated that the model consistently describes experimental his remarks on cardiovascular disease and its treatment. In findings on MSCs.27 primary care, cardiovascular prevention relies greatly on James Adjaye (Max Planck Institute for Molecular Ge- the principles of drug-induced blood pressure lowering and netics, Berlin/Germany) hypothesized that the metabolic the prescription of statins. These interventions, however, do stability of regulatory networks, that is, the ability of cells to not prevent cardiovascular events, they just make them less maintain stable concentrations of reactive oxygen species likely, thus setting back the age-related risk of a treated pa- (ROS) and other critical metabolites, is the prime determi- tient to that of an identical younger untreated person. A nant of life span. In a systems biology approach, the age- possible interpretation is that we are already applying ‘‘an- dependence of transcriptional changes of genes involved tiaging’’ medicine without understanding the mechanisms, in insulin signaling, glutathione metabolism, immune re- but with evidence for the effects. sponses (stabilizing networks), and oxidative phosphoryla- tion (dissipative networks) in young and aged mouse tissues and human bone marrow–derived MSCs was investigated. Stem Cells and Aging: Mechanisms, Networks, The studies delineate age- and tissue-specific patterns of and Cell State Models transcriptional changes that are consistent with the metabolic A strong connection is proposed between (insufficient) stability–longevity principle.28 It was also highlighted that maintenance of stem cell reservoirs and (acceleration of the) human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and embry- aging process.23 Antagonistic pleiotropy may partially ex- onic stem cells (ESCs), although not identical, share similar

plain such insufficient maintenance, given that early in life mitochondrial properties and, in particular, are better at (until the usual end of the reproductive phase) it is more im- modulating ROS levels in comparison to somatic cells.29 portant to minimize the risk of cancer by a very strict control of This implies that cellular reprogramming can modulate the proliferation. Three talks at the workshop focused on stem cell mitochondrial/oxidative stress pathway, thus inducing a aging from various perspectives, giving an overview on rejuvenated state capable of escaping cellular senescence. mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and some informatics aspects concerning the analysis of stem cell data in relation to aging. Conclusions and Outlook The latter encompasses analyses of transcriptomic data, but At the end of the meeting, various issues of data integration high-level simulation analyses of cell state and cell fate in were discussed. Creation of a central repository and analysis populations of stem cells were also presented. website was not considered realistic in the short or me- Gu¨nter Lepperdinger from the Austrian Institute for dium term. However, as technological advances in semantic Biomedical Ageing Research (Innsbruck/Austria) reported web technology,10 collaborative resource maintenance,30 and on aging studies with MSCs, a showcase for tissue-specific ontologies31 enable collaborative, structured, and content- (or adult) stem cells. The clinical use of MSCs is an emerging guided data integration and versioning, establishment of a field, and thus a prominent part of future regenerative central community resource is of prime importance. Links medicine is assigned to this particular cell type. Early in life, between databases, database interoperability, and sharing of most, if not all, uncommitted MSCs exhibit multipotential tools for maintenance and analysis are possible today, how- differentiation capacity, and their developmental fate is ever, and part of the German ‘‘GerontoSys’’ effort is the tightly controlled.24 An important question concerns the establishment of best practices toward this goal. general fitness of primary MSCs from individuals of different age and life history, as well as consequences of challenges such as hypoxia, which are affecting their basic stem cell Acknowledgment 25 properties. Results presented at the workshop, and un- The workshop was kindly sponsored by Pfizer and Sanofi- published at that time, further argue that the basic properties Aventis, and supported by the Department Ageing Science of MSCs become altered in vivo by an inflammatory milieu. and Humanities within the Interdisziplina¨re Fakulta¨t of the A continuous chronic stimulus appears to lead to a decline in University of Rostock. proliferation potential and dysregulation of differentiation capacity, thus being causative for the diminished regenera- 26 References tive vigor in older age. Alexandra Stolzing (Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy 1. Olshansky SJ, Carnes BA, Cassel C. In search of Methuselah: and Immunology, Leipzig/Germany) and Jo¨rg Galle (Inter- Estimating the upper limits to human longevity. Science disciplinary Centre for Bioinformatics, Leipzig/Germany) 1990;250:634–640. BIOINFORMATICS IN AGING RESEARCH 767

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