A3 + PLUS >> Ted Yoho: A man of his word and then some, Opinion/4A CHS SOCCER CHS HOOPS Girls host Boys host Oak Hall Santa Fe See Page 1B See Page 1B WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2019 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | $1.00 Lake City Reporter LAKECITYREPORTER.COM Paul Oglesby, husband of Fur Sisters coordi- nator Sandra Yoho to hang it up after Channing Oglesby, plays with Mae-Mae after getting eight years in Congress the dog from the Suwannee County Animal Honoring his pledge not to district formerly ran through he first ran for office. Shelter Monday serve more than four terms. Columbia County, has plans to “I believe in my heart that a afternoon. retire once his fourth term wraps person should come up here for a COURTESY By CARL MCKINNEY up in January 2021. period of time and then honor that
[email protected] On Tuesday, Yoho, who rep- and leave,” Yoho told the Lake City resents Florida’s 3rd Congressional Reporter on Tuesday afternoon. SHELTER SAYS: Congressman Ted Yoho, the District, announced he won’t seek a Yoho Republican representative whose fifth term, a pledge he made when YOHO continued on 2A Abused pup 30 TONS OF FUN could use a Snow Day, new home Christmas Live Oak man was jailed after video surfaced of him viciously beating her, SCSO reported. Parade are By TONY BRITT Saturday
[email protected] An animal-rescue organization out By TONY BRITT of Jacksonville is hoping that a puppy
[email protected] shown being beaten in a now-infamous Kids and adults alike who video will be soon be are dreaming of a white available for adoption.