© Idōkan Poland Association “IDO MOVEMENT FOR CULTURE. Journal of Anthropology”, Vol. 18, no. 3 (2018), pp. 28–36 DOI: 10.14589/ido.18.3.5 KINESIOLOGY & COACHING

Andriy Chernozub1(A), Georgiy Korobeynikov1(D), Bogdan Mytskan2(CFG), Lesia Korobeinikova4(B), Wojciech J. Cynarski5(E) 1 Faculty of Physical Education, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv (Ukraine) 2 Faculty of Biomechanics and Sport Metrology, National University of Physical Education and Sport, Kiev (Ukraine) 3 Faculty of Physical Education, Vasil Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine) 4 Faculty of Medico-Biological Disciplines, National University of Physical Education and Sport, Kiev (Ukraine) 5 Faculty of Physical Education, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszow (Poland) Contact: Dr Georgiy Korobeynikov, National University of Physical Education and Sport, 03680, Kiev, Ukraine e-mail: [email protected], +380971491559, +38044289-73-27

Modelling Mixed Martial Arts Power Training Needs Depending on the Predominance of the or Fighting Style

Submission: 19.01.2018; acceptance: 18.06.2018

Key words: mixed martial arts, modelling of power training, manner of fighting, adaptive-compensatory reactions

Abstract Purpose – to develop models for Mixed Martial Arts athletes power training, depending on the predominance of the strike or the wrestling style in fighting, and also to determine the impact of the proposed training loads on increasing the functional abil- ity of their bodies. Methods. We examined 30 athletes aged 20-22 who were involved in Mixed Martial Arts fights over the last 2 years. Half the fighters use the strike style in the course of combat, and the rest specialise in the wrestling style. To assess the effectiveness of the occu- pation models we developed, we used the control testing method of the level of power capabilities development. With the help of the biochemical control of cortisol concentrations in the blood serum of the fighters, we determined the manifestation of adap- tive-compensatory reactions of the body to various power loads. Results. It was established that the optimal power loads for fighters using the strike style of fighting was to use a high-intensity regime when working with an alactate or lactate energy supply system. In turn, the most effective power loads, for the maximum realisation of functional potential in athletes prioritising the wrestling style during the fight, was the use of low-intensity regimes with a large amount of work in the glycolytic power supply system. Conclusions. The analysis of the results obtained during the experiment demonstrates the need for using models of training ses- sions developed in the process of power training of MMA fighters, taking into account the particular fighting style.

Introduction according to the majority combat sports and martial arts specialists [Dudnyk et al. 2009; Korobeynikov et al. The current requirements for the training of Mixed 2011, 2016; Latyshev et al. 2017; Podrigalo et al. 2017; Martial Arts fighters requires a fairly balanced integrated Slimani et al. 2017; Sinnett et al. 2018] will not only approach to modelling the training process, taking into improve the speed of improving the technical skills of account the individual functional capabilities of ath- athletes, but will also contribute to the optimisation of letes, their level of tactical and technical training, stress the training system as a whole. At the same time, taking resistance and many other factors that allow mobilizing into account the peculiarity of the MMA fighters when all body reserves to achieve the maximum result [Del most of them (78.3%) use the most effective technical Vecchio et al. 2011; James et al. 2016; Matthews et al. elements of one or two martial arts during fights, signif- 2017; Kozina et al. 2017]. icantly limits the possibilities for tactical construction Developing new models for improving the techni- of the combat algorithm and reduces their chances of cal training of MMA fighters is one of the main, priority winning in comparison with athletes owning to a large tasks in the correction of their training sessions, which number of technical arsenals. At the same time, leading Chernozub A. et al. — Modelling Mixed Martial Arts Power Training Needs Depending… 29 experts in this field of sports [James et al. 2016; Iermakov weight – 82,4 ± 4,3 kg; shoulder circumference – 38.4 ± et al. 2016; Matthews et al. 2017] analysed the research 2.4 cm; the hip circumference – 55.3 ± 3.6 cm; and the results by indicating that effective tactics of fighting gives neck circumference – 41.3 ± 1.9 cm. Taking into account great advantages even for fighters who may be inferior the research objectives, 2 research groups were formed: in terms of technical training. These judgements cause group A consisted of 15 athletes who use predominantly great discussion among the athletes, the world’s leading strike style in fighting; group B included 15 fighters who trainers, as well as among scientists in the field of sports, have the wrestling manner of fighting. sports physiology and biochemistry. The experimental study was approved by the Eth- The question concerning the development of models ics Committees for Biomedical Research in accordance for training sessions aimed at increasing the speed- with the ethical standards of the Helsinki Declaration. strength capabilities of MMA athletes’ bodies and their Written consent to the research was given by the ath- strength endurance were extensively researched [Wiech- letes according to the recommendations of the Ethics mann et al. 2016; Ghoul et al. 2017]. At the same time, Committees for Biomedical Research. the solution to this problem was approached in the same The equipped and certified medical laboratory was way, using only the generally accepted training systems used to provide a medical examination and a compre- that are standard and take into account only the specific hensive biochemical laboratory control (16 indicators) features of a particular kind of martial arts (wrestling, of the MMA fighters taking part in experimental power , , and others) rather than the training. general system of physical training for MMA fighters [Wiechmann et al. 2016; Chernozub 2015; Ghoul et al. Measures 2017]. At the same time, the problem of optimising the training process, taking into account the correction of The initial level evaluation of maximal muscular strength loads aimed at improving the parameters of the physical development in the participants and the determination training of the sportsmen, depending on the predom- of the characteristic parameters of its dynamics during inance of strike or wrestling style in fighting, has not a long period of research were carried out using the been thoroughly studied by modern science. method of control testing [Shaneret et al. 2014]. Using the Thus, the question of finding effective ways to technique of performing the bench press exercise in the increase the MMA athletes fighting styles remains poorly Simoz-machine simulator [Chernozub 2015], common researched. In addition, there are no combined train- in power sports, after a warm-up, each athlete was given ing session models for the physical training of fighters three attempts to determine the maximum parameters of taking into account technical and tactical elements of the development of pectoral muscle strength. The result various martial arts. of the best attempt was written down into the protocol. The aim of the study is to develop models for MMA The cortisol concentration in blood serum of the exam- athletes’ power training depending on the predominance ined sportsmen was determined by the method of enzyme of the strike or wrestling style in fighting, as well as deter- immunoassay under the conditions of a certified medical mining the impact of the proposed training loads on laboratory [Honour 2017; Sallam 2017]. Blood sampling increasing the functional ability of their bodies. was performed by a medical worker from sportsmen’s The article is a fragment of the planned scientific veins before and after a training session with observance research “Development and implementation of innova- of all the norms. Blood samples were numbered, the tive technologies and the functional state correction of necessary description was made and delivered to the a person under physical stress in sports and rehabilita- clinical laboratory. Physiologically acceptable cortisol tion”, (No. State Reg. 0117U007145). concentration in the blood serum of healthy people is in the range of 150-660 nmol /l.

Methods Procedure

Participants Representatives of group B used the model of training with the parameters of power loads completely resem- We examined 30 athletes aged 21±1.2 who were involved bling the “standard” training for power fitness during in Mixed Martial Arts fights over the last 2 years and 3 months of training [Chernozub 2015]. At the same going in for one of the martial arts for more than 10 time, the members of group A used a completely differ- years. For the reliability of the studies, the fighters were ent model of muscular activity compared to the above: selected in such a way that the initial parameters of their the number of repetitions in the set decreased from 12 anthropometric body indices did not have any signif- to 4, the rest period between sets decreased from 1-1.2 icant differences. Thus, the average height indexes of minutes to 40 seconds; the speed of performing exercises participants in the studies were 175.3 ± 5.2 cm; body slowed down from 3 seconds to 9 during concentric and 30 “IDO MOVEMENT FOR CULTURE. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, Vol. 18, no. 3 (2018) eccentric phases of movement, and the total amount of Results training work was reduced by 50%. Training exercises were carried out with a barbell, dumbbells and on sim- The results of studying the peculiarities of the change ulators while observing the technique we determined. in the power capabilities of athletes based on the bench The duration of one training session was no more than press test for both groups examined during all the stages 40-50 min, regardless of the models of muscular activ- of the experiment, under the conditions of using dif- ity which the representatives of the study groups used. ferent models of training sessions, are shown in Fig. 1. Trainings were held 3 times a week. Analysis of the results showed that at the begin- All athletes who took part in the studies had under- ning of the research the initial level of the maximum gone a medical examination and a comprehensive strength development in the surveyed groups of fight- biochemical laboratory control (16 indicators), accord- ers, regardless of the technical arsenal and fighting ing to which they had no medical contraindications to style prevalence as well as presence of special training participate in the studies. in some kind of martial arts, had identical parameters. The research proceeded in several stages: This circumstance allowed us to more accurately assess ——at the first stage, we developed experimental models of the effectiveness of the models of training sessions we training sessions for both groups of athletes with the developed on the dynamics of monitored indicators. purpose of increasing the functional abilities of their Thus, the indicators of the maximum barbell weight bodies during 3 months of intensive physical training; (1PM), which can be overcome no more than once ——at the second stage, we investigated the changes in due to muscular efforts up to their full fatigue, were the power capabilities of athletes, and the degree of established among the representatives of group A at the adaptation-compensatory reactions during control level of 69.4 ± 2.3 kg, and among the athletes of group fights with the same level of preparedness; B – 70.2 ± 3.1 kg. The obtained results almost identi- ——at the third stage, in order to confirm our supposition, cal initial values of the monitored indicator allow us to group A representatives used the model of training more accurately assess the effectiveness of the proposed sessions developed individually for the fighters of models of training sessions on the dynamics of body group B. This continued during the next 3 months. power capabilities of the surveyed sportsmen during At the end of this stage, control fights were also con- a long period of research. ducted. The training fight consisted of 3 rounds, 5 In the 3-month-course of the research it was estab- minutes each and was conducted in competition-like lished that using experimental models of power training conditions. positively influenced the dynamics of the studied indi- The study of the development dynamics of the maxi- cators for participants of each of the surveyed groups. mal muscular power of the participants took place within At the same time, taking into account the fact that 6 months using well-known techniques. The control the majority of specialists dealing with power training of examination was carried out monthly. MMA athletes indicate the need of using “average” phys- Laboratory studies of blood serum of the examined ical loads that will bring maximum effect for both groups athletes as to cortisol concentration were carried out of fighters [Slimaniet al. 2017; Sinnett et al. 2018]. That before and after fights in several stages: at the beginning fact brought us to a deeper study of this issue. of the experiment; after 3 months of using individually To determine the optimal parameters of the power developed models of training sessions; after a long use of load for fighters training in the anaerobic or aerobic training strength loads (3 months), which do not corre- mode of power supply, the surveyed athletes exchanged spond to the manner of fight represented by the athletes models of trainings developed for each group. Due to of this group. The cortisol concentration in blood of the our supposition, that should determine the influence examined individuals was determined by the method of degree on the functional capabilities of athletes’ bodies. enzyme immunoassay in the conditions of a certified The results of controlling the characteristics of medical laboratory. changes in the development of the athletes maximum strength in both research groups after changing the Statistical analysis models of training sessions for the next 3 months also showed a positive trend, but with a significantly lower Statistical analysis of the study results was performed progression (Figure 1). Thus, in group A the studied using the IBM * SPSS * Statistics 20 software package indicators showed an increase of only 7.1%, while in the (StatSoftInc., USA). To calculate the mean and stand- representatives of B group, the parameters of maximum ard error of the mean, the median (Me), 25%, and 75% strength were increased by 13.9% when performing the quartiles we used discrete statistics methods. A non-par- control exercise. ametric Wilcoxon test was used to assess the validity At the same time, one of the most important but of paired differences. Freedman’s ANOVA was used to not thoroughly studied problematic issues in the phys- analyse repeated measurements. ical training of MMA fighters is the choice of optimal The results of studying the peculiarities of the change in the power capabilities of athletes based on the bench press test for both groups examined during all the stages of the experiment, Chernozub A. et al. — Modelling Mixed Martial Arts Power Training Needs Depending… under the conditions of using different models of training sessions, are shown in Fig. 1. 31

112,0 * 107,0 102,0 * *

97,0 92,0 87,0 * 82,0

Barbell weight, Barbell weight, kg 77,0 72,0 67,0 62,0 Initial data after 3 months of change of the training after 3 months of training model training Stages of research Group A Group B

Fig.1. Dynamics of indicators of developing maximum strength of both groups Fig. 1. Dynamics of indicators of developing maximum strength of both groups participants during the bench press exercise for participants during the bench press exercise for 6 months of research, n = 30 6 months of research, n = 30 Note: * p <0.05, in comparison with the previous control results. Note: * – p <0.05, in comparison with the previous control results. Analysis̶ of the results showed that at the beginning of the research the initial level of the maximum690 strength development in the surveyed groups of fighters, regardless of the technical * arsenal 640and fighting style prevalence as well as presence* of special training in some kind of martial 590arts, had identical parameters. This circumstance allowed us to more accurately assess the effectiveness of the developed models of training sessions on the dynamics of monitored

indicators.540 Thus, the indicators of the maximum barbell weight (1PM), which# can be overcome no more490 than once due to muscular efforts up to their full fatigue, were established among the representatives440 of group A at the level of 69.4 ± 2.3 kg, and among the athletes of group B – 70.2 ± 3.1 kg. The obtained almost identical initial values of the monitored indicator allow us to more 390 accurately nmol/l athletes, assess the effectiveness of the proposed# models of training sessions on the dynamics of body 340power capabilities of the surveyed sportsmen during a long period of research.* In290 the 3 months course of the research it was established that using experimental models of power training positively influenced the dynamics of the studied indicators for participants of eachCortisol concentration in blood serum of of 240the surveyed groups. Thus, controlled power indicators of the group A athletes show an At the beginning of research After 3 months of using power After 3months of using power increase of 43.2% (p <0.05) in comparisontraining with model the developedinitial data. for this Similartraining positive model developeddynamics, for an but with less pronounced indices, was revealed amongfighting representatives style of theopposite group fighting B. Thus, style their strengths in the "bench press" exercise increased by 21.6% (p <0.05) for a given period of time, Before fighting After fighting which is also an excellent result considering the fact that their physical training program was based onFig.2. work Change in the in glycolyticcortisol concentration mode of aerobic of group power A athletes supply’ blood and serumdirected during mainly all stagesto the Fig. 2. Change in cortisol concentration of group A athletes’ blood serum during all stages of the study, n = 15 ofdevelopment the study, n of= 20power endurance, which is so necessary for fighters using predominantly Note:wrestling * – p Note:<0.05, style *in -of pcomparison <0.05,fighting. in withcomparison the results with before the the results fight; before the fight; # – р <0,05,At in thecomparison same# -р <0,05,time, with ta previousinking comparison into control account indicators with the previous fact of thethat basalcontrol the levelm ajorityindicators of this of hormone. specialists of the basal dealing level with of power trainingthis hormone. of MMA. athletes indicate the need of using "average" physical loads that will bring maximum effect for both groups of fighters [Slimani et al. 2017; Sinnett et al. 2018]. That power-loadfact broughtFigure regimes us 3 to shows (occupation a deeper the resultsstudy models) of of this changes in issue. the process in the cortisoinl concentrationthe conditions ofof ain long the applicationblood serum of two completely of oftraining group toB maximizeathletes in the rest functional and after potentialfighting during of the all stagesopposite of the models study inwhile power using training. different bodymodels during of powerthe fights. training In .this regard, we checked the The analysis of the results revealed at the beginning loads adequacyThe results to the offunctional the studies, capabilities fixed before of athletes the long -termof the us agresearche of experimental indicated that power the -biochemicalload changes bymode usingls, biochemical showed a 39.3% markers. decrease This inhelped the controlledus to deter -biochemicalin the indexconcentration (p <0.05) of after this hormonethe training in the blood of the minefighting the degree versus of effectivenessthe rest state. of Thisthe influence circumstance of the indicatesrepresentatives a huge energy of the studydeficit group in fight fixed after the fight trainingconducting session conditions experimental with models a high developed intensity by andus withshow the anpredomina increase ofnt 40.1%use ofcompared wrestling to the resting state, techniques. The latter is performed primarily in the anaerobic energy supply, which facilitates on the level of athletes’ adaptive capabilities in the pro- normal adaptive reactions in their bodies in response to the activation of gluconeogenesis processes. Based on the analysis of the obtained results, it can cessbe of concluded competitive that activity. the training loads that this group representativesa stressful situation. used inThe the established preparatio factn shows that the processFig. 2 priorpresents the theresearch results are of notstudying sufficiently the peculiar adequate- to thepower functional training organismloads used capabilitiesby these athletes of in the research, itiesthe of surveyed the change athletes in the. cortisol concentration in the were absolutely adequate to their functional capabilities. blood serumHowever, of group the A athletes, analysis who of usethe predominantlyresults fixed after 3 monthsFigure personally 3 shows the developed results of pochangeswer in the cortisol striketraining fighting by techniquegroup B inathletes the course, taking of the intocompetition, account the priorityconcentration use of in wrestlingthe blood serumtechniques, of group B athletes in indicated an increase in the level of body adaptation to glycolytic work, as well as to increase of their functionality in these conditions of muscle activities. Thus, in the course of the studies, the initial level of cortisol in the blood of fighters was reduced by 30.3% (p <0.05). At the same time, the parameters of this biochemical index practically did not change after the fighting in comparison with the state of rest, which indicates an increase in the organism resistance level to the stress effect of the proposed loads. 32 “IDO MOVEMENT FOR CULTURE. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, Vol. 18, no. 3 (2018)



480 #


nmol/l # 380 * 330 *


Cortisol concentration in blood serum concentration Cortisol bloodserum in athletes, of At the beginning of research After 3 months of using power After 3months of using power training model developed for this training model developed for an fighting style opposite fighting style

Before fighting After fighting Fig. 3. Change inFig.3. the cortisol Change concentration in the cortisol in the concentration blood serum of in group the bloodB athletes serum during of groupall stages B ofathletes the study, during n = 15 all stages of the study, n = 20 Note: * – p <0.05, in comparison with the results before the fighting; Note: * p <0.05, in comparison with the results before the fighting; # – p <0,05, in comparison with previous control indicators of the basal level of this hormone. # p <0,05, in comparison with previous control indicators of the basal level of this hormone. ̶ Table 1. The values of athletes’̶ performance in the dynamics of observation Group However, despite the clear organism adaptationIndices changes in the group B athletes described above, the subsequentMax strength,long-term kg use of power programsChanges indeveloped cortisol concentration for fighter in bloods with (nmol/l), predominance of shock fighting style causes completely opposite changes.Ме Thus, (25%;75%) the initial level of theInitial studied data hormoneAfter in the3 months membersAfter of 6this months researchInitial group difference showed Afteran increase 3 months of 24.4%After (p6 months А <0.05),68,2±3,7 which indicates99,2±9,3* a decrease in 105,8±7,4**the level of body184,8 adaptation to training275 loads characteristic250 (n=15)of the proposed experimentalZ=3,4 trainingZ=3,29 model. At the same(100; 263) time, the cortisol(200;311) concentration(144;276) in the blood serum, fixed afterP<0,00066 the fighting,P<0,00098 was reduced by 24.5% (p <0.05), which indicates the Б manifestation68,1±2,3 of compensatory83,8±4,9* reactions95,0±6,4** and the 197activation of gluconeogenesis12* processes,98** (n=15)possibly caused by a lowZ=3,4 level of energyZ=3,4 supply for motor(109;269) activity or by high(2;43) energy costs.(69; 166) Discussion P<0,00065 P<0,00066 Z=3,4 Z=2,7 One of the priority factors, together with high technical and tacticalP<0,00065 training of athletes,P<0,005 * - differencesallowing in theto initialachieve values a short of the-term indicator and brightand values victory after in 3 combats months are in reliable; mixed martial arts is the level ** - differencesof development in the values of ofthe the body indicator power at 3capabilities. and 6 months Correction are reliable. of the development process of body power capabilities in athletes with different styles of fighting, based on the analysis of our experimental research results, will allow us to optimize the training system in both training and rest andcompetitive after fighting activities during [Loturcoall stages etof althe. 2018].study while adaptation to glycolytic work, as well as to increase of their using differentThe models obtained of power results training. reflecting the character functionalityin the parameters in these change conditions of the of muscle maximum activities. Thus, Theforce results (1PM) of the in studies,the athletes fixed of before the surveyed the long-term groups, dependingin the course on loadsof the intensitystudies, the and initial the features level of cortisol in use of experimentalof the training power-load sessions models,models, showed are confirmed a 39.3% by thethe data blood of experimentalof fighters was studies reduced conducted by 30.3%. in At the same decreasepower in the sports controlled [Chernozub biochemical 2015; indexSchoenfeld after theet al. 2016].time, Thethe parametersuse of high of-intensity this biochemical loads in theindex practi- traininganaerobic fighting versusregime the of rest energy state. supplyThis circumstance during the preparationcally did process,not change emphasizing after the fighting precisely in comparisonthe with indicatesslow a huge fulfillment energy deficit of eccentric in fight phases conducting of motion, con- contributesthe state of to rest, pronounced which indicates (more an than increase 40%) in the body changes in the power capacity in comparison with aerobic loads with a large amount of work ditions with a high intensity and with the predominant resistance level to the stress effect of the proposed loads. performed [Henselmans et al. 2014; Calatayud et al. 2016]. use of wrestling techniques. The latter is performed pri- The dispersion analysis was carried out to confirm The necessity to use complex informative biochemical control of the adequacy of training marily inloads the anaerobicto the body energy functional supply, capabilities which facilitates is caused bythe a effectnumber of of the rather type contradictoryof power training factors, programmes the activation of gluconeogenesis processes. Based on offered by us on the functional potential of the athletes the analysis of the obtained results, it can be concluded in the study groups. In accordance with the Levene test, that the training loads that this group representatives the variances of the analysed indicators are not the same. used in the preparation process prior the research are In addition, the indicators are not distributed accord- not sufficiently adequate to the functional body capa- ing to the normal law, which prevents us from using the bilities of the surveyed athletes. parametric ANOVA for repeated measurements. That However, the analysis of the results fixed after 3 is why we used the Friedman test, which is a non-para- months personally developed power training by group metric statistical test similar to the parametric repeated B athletes, taking into account the priority use of wres- measures ANOVA. It is used to analyse repeated meas- tling techniques, indicated an increase in the level of body urements associated with the same individual. Chernozub A. et al. — Modelling Mixed Martial Arts Power Training Needs Depending… 33

Differences in the parameters of the maximum Thus, the studied hormone demonstrated an increase in muscle strength and changes in the cortisol concentra- blood concentration by 85.4% after the fight, but does tion in blood (modulus of the difference between the not exceed the limits of the physiological norm. At the final and initial values for a given load) were assessed in same time, it was found out that the initial level of cor- the dynamics of observations. We revealed significant tisol concentration in the blood of athletes showed a changes in the indices of maximal muscle strength (χ2 decrease of 28.8% in comparison with the results fixed at = 19.54, p <0.00006) and changes in cortisol concentra- the beginning of the study. This circumstance indicates tion (χ2 = 6.2, p <0.004) in three stages of observation in existing adaptive changes in group A fighters’ bodies. group A representatives. Athletes of group B also showed The obtained results reflecting the character in significant changes in the indices of the maximum mus- the parameters change of the maximum force (1PM) cular strength (χ2 = 20.0, p <0.00005) and changes in in the athletes of the surveyed groups, depending on the cortisol concentration of (χ2 = 12.8, p <0.0016). To loads intensity and the features of the training sessions clarify the obtained results we performed pair compar- models, are confirmed by the data of experimental isons of the indices using the Wilcoxon test at different studies conducted in power sports [Chernozub 2015; observation times (Table 1). Due to the fact that the cor- Schoenfeld et al. 2016]. The use of high-intensity loads tisol concentration in blood of athletes and the rate of in the anaerobic regime of energy supply during the its change have a significant individual variability, it was preparation process, emphasising precisely the slow necessary to calculate Me and quartiles (25% and 75%). fulfilment of eccentric phases of motion, contributes to pronounced (more than 40%) changes in the power capacity in comparison with aerobic loads with a large Discussion amount of work performed [Henselmans et al. 2014; Calatayud et al. 2016]. One of the priority factors, together with high technical The necessity to use complex informative biochem- and tactical training of athletes, allowing to achieve a ical control of the adequacy of training loads to the body short-term and bright victory in combat in mixed martial functional capabilities is caused by a number of rather arts is the level of development of the body power capa- contradictory factors, when, due to increasing morpho- bilities. Correction of the development process of body functional indices, in the process of competitive activity power capabilities in athletes with different styles of fight- we get a negative result caused by disadaptation mecha- ing, based on the analysis of our experimental research nisms [James et al. 2016; Latyshev et al. 2017]. results, will allow us to optimise the training system in both Similar biochemical changes of the monitored indi- training and competitive activities [Loturco et al. 2018]. cator were revealed after 3 months of using developed Were observed, controlled power indicators of the power training model during the training activity. Thus, group A athletes show an increase of 43.2% in compar- the studied hormone demonstrated an increase in blood ison with the initial data. Similar positive dynamics, but concentration by 85.4% after the fight, but it did not with less pronounced indices, was revealed among rep- exceed the limits of the physiological norm. At the same resentatives of the group B. Thus, their strengths in the time, it was found that the initial level of cortisol con- “bench press” exercise increased by 21.6% for a given centration in the blood of athletes showed a decrease of period of time, which is also an excellent result consid- 28.8% in comparison with the results fixed at the begin- ering the fact that their physical training programme ning of the study. This circumstance indicates existing was based on work in the glycolytic mode of aerobic adaptive changes in group A fighters’ bodies. power supply and directed mainly to the development The features of the change in the concentration of of power endurance, which is so necessary for fighters steroid hormone in the blood serum of athletes with dif- using predominantly wrestling style of fighting. ferent fighting styles in the conditions of acute physical The obtained results indicated that the models of exertion and during a long period of applying various power training, developed on the basis of work precisely models of strength training, are confirmed by the results in the anaerobic mode of energy supply in the process of research in power and cyclic sports in the conditions of muscular activity, most effectively contributed to the of applying such regimes of power loads [Slimani et al. development of power capabilities to the body of athletes 2017; Philippou et al. 2017]. who use the strike technique of fight performed in MMA. In turn, the results of biochemical blood tests of At the same time, universally recognised (“standard”) for group A athletes demonstrated compensatory body the fitness programme of trainings are the most optimal reactions in response to stress during a control testing for increasing the parameters of maximum strength of (combat). The latter took place after 3 months of using the fighters, who specialise mainly in wrestling style. the power training programme for wrestling style fight- Similar biochemical changes of the monitored ers. Thus, the initial level of the studied hormone in indicator were revealed after 3 months of using devel- the blood of participants demonstrated an increase of oped power training model during the training activity. 55.2%, which indicated a decrease in the level of body 34 “IDO MOVEMENT FOR CULTURE. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, Vol. 18, no. 3 (2018) adaptation to this training process. At the same time, of MMA fighters’ power training, developed taking into the concentration of cortisol in the blood serum of the account the style of conducting the fight. Although the examinees was reduced by 40.9% after the fighting, which body’s power capabilities control testing results in the indicated a high energy expenditure in the conditions athletes from both groups, showed that the level of max- of this muscular activity. The hormone decrease also imum strength development was significantly increased, indicated inadequate loads to the functional capabili- regardless of the proposed training programme, we also ties of their bodies. observed different adaptation-compensatory reactions However, the analysis of the results fixed after 3 at different stages of the experiment. months personally developed power training by group The results reflecting the changes in cortisol con- B athletes, taking into account the priority use of wres- centrations in the blood serum of the examined athletes tling techniques, indicated an increase in the level of body throughout the entire period of the study, in different adaptation to glycolytic work, as well as to increase of conditions of motor activity, indicate that the optimal their functionality in these conditions of muscle activi- power loads for fighters using the combat style of fighting ties. Thus, in the course of the studies, the initial level of will be the use of a high-intensity regime when work- cortisol in the blood of fighters was reduced by 30.3%. ing with an alactate or lactate system power supply. In At the same time, the parameters of this biochemical turn, the most effective loads of force, for the maximum index practically did not change after the fighting in realisation of the functional potential of athletes, prior- comparison with the state of rest, which indicates an itising the wrestling style during the fight, is the use of increase in the body resistance level to the stress effect low-intensity regimes with a large amount of work in of the proposed loads. the glycolytic power supply system. However, despite the clear body adaptation changes in the group B athletes described above, the subse- quent long-term use of power programmes developed References for fighters with predominance of strike fighting style causes completely opposite changes. 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Z kolei najbardziej efektywnymi obciążeniami biorąc pod uwagę ich styl walki. siłowymi, dla maksymalnej realizacji potencjału funkcjonal-